#you think my characters are cool?!2?2 unbelievable..
thwackk · 2 years
For no reason whatsoever tell me about your favorite oc in case SOMEONE... wanted to draw one of them because SOMEONE. Thinks they're all really cool and maybe can't choose
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offers him to you …
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antiquarianfics · 18 days
Don’t Think About It
Maybe admitting how you feel isn’t the worst thing?
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a/n: this is so unproofed, but who cares? daddy made you some content; it’s your favorite. open wide. (i’m sorry for calling myself ‘daddy’)
warnings: none?
note: I do not own the character Bucky Barnes or any other Marvel affiliated characters.
You do not have permission to copy, repost, or translate my work; however, feel free to like, comment, and/or reblog.
Bucky groans and clicks the TV off, throwing the remote on the coffee table unceremoniously as he leans back into the loveseat. You raise an eyebrow at his dramatics, an amused smile pulling at your lips.
“You alright there?” You tease, poking him in the shoulder.
Bucky gives you a pointed look, but his lips tick up in a tiny smile when he looks at you.
“I’m just sick of watching your ‘news.’” He does air quotes with his hands around “news.”
“Why’s that?”
“Uh,” he starts, looking around the room as he gestures widely. “It’s dumb, doll.”
“It is,” he says curtly. “It doesn’t matter if two random celebrities are being seen together, or if one famous person unfollowed another famous person, or if that one offhand comment a singer made was actually a secret easter egg for a new music video.” He rolls his eyes. You scoff dramatically in mock offense.
“How dare you! It’s not stupid! It’s entertaining.” You nod your head and try to put on an expression of the utmost sincerity.
Bucky laughs. “Yeah, how so?”
“Sometimes they talk about us.”
This gets his attention—his interest.
“Us? Us, us?” His eyes lock in yours.
“No, the Avengers,” you shrug. “It’s kind of funny the things they think about our lives. Either way, though, I kind of like hearing about what celebrity is mad at who, which celebrity is crushing on who.” You sigh. “It’s fun.”
“Crushes are dumb,” Bucky says. It’s abrupt and matter of fact. It takes you off guard, but you find yourself going along with it without thinking much about it. Truth is, though, you will go along with a lot Bucky says without really thinking your words over first; it’s as if your desire to impress him and attract his attention takes over.
“Oh, yeah,” you scoff, “for sure. Crushes are so dumb. They make me act so stupid in front of people I like.” You laugh.
“You always act stupid, though,” Bucky teases, shoving your arm a little with his hand. The cool of his metal arm feels nice in its brief contact against your skin.
“Yeah,” you chuckle nervously, rubbing your arm where he pushed you. “I wouldn’t think too much about that.”
Bucky gives you a look, blue eyes piercing your person; you feel your cheeks heat up as you attempt to keep your attention on anything but him.
“Why not?” Bucky asks, breaking a long silence.
You make eye contact with him, shrugging nonchalantly.
“No, no. Doll, don’t backtrack now. Why not?” Bucky pushes, shifting in his seat so that he’s properly facing you.
“Let’s just say I don’t act so stupid in front of Sam and leave it at that, okay?”
Bucky fights a smirk off his face. “You act stolid in front of Sam, though.”
“If you saw me act stupid in front of Sam, then I wasn’t alone with Sam, now was I?”
“So I make you act stupid?”
“I’m responsible for my own actions.”
“And you act stupid in front of people you have a crush on.”
“I admitted to that.”
“So that must mean…”
“2 plus 2 is 4, yes.”
Bucky grins. “Sorry, Doll. I’m not great at numbers. Mind putting that into words for me?”
You glare at the man in front of you, your face feeling unbelievably hot.
“I act stupid in front of my crushes, and I act stupid in front of you.”
“Go on.”
“Because I have a crush on you.” You swallow and look anywhere but him.
“There’s my girl,” he says softly, his hand cupping to it cheek and turning you to face him.
You say nothing, just stare at him, butterflies fluttering around in your stomach. He smiles before leaning in and kissing you softly, the coarseness of his stubble tickling your face. His lips are soft, and is lips move expertly against yours. He doesn’t pull away until you’re both out of breath.
“Still think my ‘news’ is stupid?” You tease. He shakes his head, chuckling, and leans back in for another kiss.
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mazosstuff · 11 months
Drunk thoughts are sincere thoughts
pairing: Dan Heng × fem!reader
Cw!: none (maybe being drunk? Idk, nothing major happens to the reader or to anyone)
Words: < 800
A tiny bit suggestive but nothing happens!!
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Sitting in the data bank, there are 2 young adults that are merely hanging out with a bottle or two of wine.
That night, she gulped down way too many glasses for how much alcohol she could tolerate.
"You've had one to many drinks, [name]" the black haired boy said.
"Y-you know... I was t-thinking about your other name..." She said between hiccups and a few pauses.
"My... other name? Please, tell me more. What were you thinking?" He wasn't even sure about what other name could she be possibly referring to.
"Imbibitor Lunae" She said while looking at the stars outside the window of the data bank.
"That... is more of a title, I guess... why were you thinking about it...?"
"Because people on the Xianzhou ships talk chinese... but... your name is in latin"
"Latin? I've never heard of this language"
"It comes from my homeland, Earth. It's more of a dead language, b-but I don't know how it got to you..."
"Still... that is a title that be-"
"Belongs to D-Dan Feng... I got it... you're making me tired of hearing the same thing over and over again"
"Think of how tired I am for telling everyone the same thing"
"Good though. Why would you ever want to d-drink the moon?"
Was the alcohol starting to get in her system? "Drink the moon?"
"Imbibitor Lunae means drinker of the moon..." She got up and sat right in front of him "Why would y-you ever want to d-drink the moon? I-it's so pretty!" She almost sounded whiny now, but not in an annoying way.
In her eyes, she was making him understand a very important thing for her: She loved the moon, and she loved him, but having her boyfriend's title be 'moon drinker'? Blasfemy!
In his eyes, however, he saw the love of his life getting in a position that was hard to describe: she was sat in between his legs, she grabbed him gently by his hips and started shaking him a little bit.
A faint blush transformed into him becoming even redder than Himeko's hair.
"Could you stop moving me like that?"
"Why do you wanna drink the moon? It's so pretty! It's so pretty that I'd marry it if it were a real person"
Something snapped inside of him with the last sentence. Surely he wasn't jealous of the moon... was he?
"Didn't you tell me you wanted to marry me?"
"That's another thing! I bet you'd leave me too for the moon"
Oh, silly [name]. He could never.
With what little courage there was left inside of him, he cupped her face into his hands and kissed her.
It was almost as if it had a hidden meaning.
He wanted to tell her he wasn't going anywhere. The moon may be pretty, but she was prettier. The moon could never beat her in a contest because it would have lost even before the beginning. But he couldn't find the words to say it.
"I will always choose you" He broke the kiss and hugged her.
She remained dumbfounded, frozen like a statue and unable to process everything that happened.
"By the way, how many drinks did you have? I can taste the alcohol on your lips"
"Uhhh... i don't know, I never counted...I'm not really a math gal"
"[Name]..." He sounded serious now
"Okay... maybe 5... or 6...?"
"My Aeons, you're unbelievably irresponsible with alcohol. It makes me wonder how you survived until now"
"Oops..." She said as she suddenly fell on him. From being on her knees, in between his legs, she just let herself fall on him.
Thinking about the various mentions of his past reincarnation, she felt like it was appropriate to remind him of who she loved.
"I love you... Dan Heng" She made sure to highlight the character 'Heng' in his name.
"And I love you not because of who you once were, b-but because of who you are now. Yeah... your vidyadhara appearance may be so cool and it's nice to tease you while you're in that form, but I fell in love with you, not Dan Feng, and if i had to choose between you and him, i would choose you every single time somebody asked me that"
He could feel his eyes tingling and ready to burst out in tears.
"If you ever get tired of reminding people who you are, t-tell me... because I w-will not let anyone disrespect you like that"
And with that she fell asleep on him.
He looked at her with a smile on his face
"How could I have been so lucky to have met you, my dear?"
People say that drunk thoughts are sincere thoughts.
A/n: hope you liked this little one shot. I swear, inspiration comes when you don't find the things you're looking for.
Another character that I love to the moon and back is Dan Heng. I have his E1 in his 5 star version and E2 in his normal one and I swear I'm tryna build him, but the drops of the calyx are awful.
As always, if you have a request for a one-shot, don't hesitate to send it to me!
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its-no-biggie · 1 year
okay i just finished rewatching fma brotherhood and can we please talk about how fuckin 15 ed is. like lots of anime protagonists are 15 but ed is *so* 15.
like- he needs to disguise the car so he makes it into a 15 year olds idea of a really cool car, and its so cringe the adults force him to change it. he makes ling a sword and puts a little skull on the handle (for literally no reason except that he presumably thought it would be cool, even though they were in the middle of getting their asses kicked by envy) and then gets defensive when ling calls it lame. he gets riled up unbelievably easily over NOTHING. his fighting style is scrappy- hes experienced but not disciplined, and he'll use whatevers on hand to get the job done. he'll mess around in the middle of a fight, use unnecessarily flashy moves/weapons, and hes just generally a nuisance in combat. he gets really flustered when people insinuate that winry is his girlfriend, and then when he DOES confess to her 2 years later he uses a fucking alchemy metaphor because hes a NERD.
im saying all of this with affection by the way- hes a cringe 15 year old because 15 year olds are cringe! i feel like most of the time these high school age protagonists are basically just adult characters with more naive ideals, or theyre a bit more emotional, or they have "childish" interests. ESPECIALLY with these high stakes action-adventure stories, where the fate of the world is in their hands. but a kid can have the weight of the world on their shoulders and still handle their emotions poorly, act recklessly, goof off at inappropriate times, and generally think and act in a way that adults wouldnt. and still be mature and competent characters! i mean, ed is a GREAT protagonist. he has a full understanding of the stakes and he knows how and when to get serious. but he also does shit like breaking into a secret government laboratory, alone, in the middle of the night, with no plan, and nearly gets himself killed in the process. because hes a reckless kid! and if he HADNT done that, they never would have found out the enemys plan in time!
and its just so perfectly executed- instead of childish traits being sprinkled on top of adult problem solving and emotional regulation, him being 15 informs how he acts all the time! sometimes this is a good thing because he solves problems in a unique way, and sometimes it causes even MORE problems. its a fundamental aspect of his character that contributes to both his strong and weak points.
and my absolute favourite part is that hes still treated like a person worthy of his title and reputation- not only by the adult characters, but by the narrative itself. but he isnt treated like an adult either! the adults around him dont talk down to him, but they also dont have adult expectations of him. theres a whole bit about how the adults shouldnt stand by while the children are on the battlefield- insinuating that while the children are worthy of standing on the battlefield alongside them, they also feel some responsibility to lead them since theyre the adults. which is super reasonable! its probably the best take on adult mentor figures for child main characters ive ever seen.
and yeah theres an argument to be made that it was pretty fucked up of mustang to recruit ed to the military at 12 years old. but he was super upfront with him about what it would entail and didnt force him into it. so watching it as an adult, yeah, its fucked up. but the target audience is kids and thats how kids want to be treated! yeah its a lot of responsibility, but ed knew that going in AND he has a huge support network of trustworthy adults who are looking out for him. hes fine. and hes DEFINITELY better off than most high school age protagonists, who are just sort of thrust into high stakes, life-threatening situations with little guidance. the dynamic is less "you are The Chosen One who will singlehandedly save the world" and more "i mean you certainly have the skills and we really appreciate you working with us but what the fuck is a child doing in the military. who authorized this?? youre going to get yourself killed PLEASE be more careful!" and like. if youre gonna have a show about a 15 year old saving the world, then thats definitely the way to do it.
and what really seals the deal is how pissed ed gets when people treat him like a kid. thats the most 15 year old thing ever! he FEELS like hes being talked down to and disrespected just because hes not given the same expectations and responsibilities as the adults. watching it as a 20 year old im super impressed by the way the adults treat ed, but i can also understand why ed gets so frustrated. its the nature of being a teenager and thinking you can handle more than you can. which really just solidifies how fuckin 15 he is
btw im not saying ed is the only well written teenager in the show. hes just the clearest example- hes so LOUD about who he is and it makes it really easy to talk about his character traits. also hes like my favourite character ever and i just have to talk about him. so like al and the rest are also really convincing kids, and a lot of this stuff kind of applies to all of them! im just talking about ed because i want to lmfao
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witchinatree · 7 days
making a list of my favorite quote/ones that stuck with me from each season 1 episode because i feel like it
(i'm starting this after episode 4 but it will be a WHILE before i post it)
episode 1: "bones are a lie peddled by Big Milk" - alice
i love this one because it's a great introduction to alice i think. also it radiates spiral so i hope we get avatar alice not dead alice (isnt there a podcast called alice isnt dead?)
episode 2: "If I wanted to clear the canvas, I would have used turpentine." - statement
this one was just fucking powerful and caught me so off guard like 😶
episode 3: "What would I do without her?" - statement
the norris statement <3 it feels like martin asking what he would do without jon which makes mag200 a lot sadder and i love them
episode 4: "Perhaps you shall prove a stronger will than I, and will yet find it within yourself to destroy this hungry thing of wood and cat-gut." - statement
augustus sighting #1 and we immediately get jonah magnus expressing that it may be possible for gwen bouchard unknown family member to overcome the eye's hunger spooky violin
episode 5: "Voyeur needs to be seen to be believed." - statement
i feel like this one is pretty reflective of how the seasons gonna go? like if you explain the events of tma (mag200 specifically) no one's gonna believe you, it must be seen to be believed!! and also seen!! like the eye!!!
episode 6: "Not sca- This isn’t some poxy blood test, some little pinprick, this is hundreds, thousands of razor sharp points pushing into your flesh." - needles
i love needles so much and i thought this was really funny because it was like "you dont find me scary!! what the fuck!!!" just kind of toddler michael energy
episode 7: "It’s not like we’re wrestling with tape recorders and manila folders." - celia
STOP IT. celia you can't say that you just cannot!!!!!! you Know™ too much maam i cant with you
episode 8: "Pleasure to meet you both. I’m Gerry!"
RAGHHHHH OH MY GOD GERRY!!!! i love him so much and idk how to handle him being alive in the tmagp universe!! gertrude too but idk we got so much of her in tma and not nearly enough of gerry
episode 9: "And honestly, it’s kind of compelling by this point." - sam
they got him 😔😔 the horrors got sam 😔😔 also i found this to be an interesting contrast to jon's heavy resistance in season 1 like he was being compelled but he wasn't going to let anyone know that vs sam "its kinda compelling to trauma dump on this paperwork :]" how is he somehow even more victim material
episode 10: "Gosh you’re sexy, here’s a twenty for your trouble.” - alice
does this count as a quote if shes also quoting what she thinks sam should say? idk anyway i love her i would say that to her if given the chance and it was very silly. i will not be addressing bonzo i am scared.
episode 11: "...Thank you, Alice" - gwen
dyhard dyhard dyhard dyhard dyhard. okay also, the way she CRUMBLED at the idea of anyone doing anything nice for her please someone give her a hug and let it be ME. this series is tossing me back and forth between sam & alice (what is their ship name) and dyhard but this put me back to dyhard
episode 12: "You know it's rude to have absolutely no game?" - alice
she's so fucking funny i need her to be okay so badly!!!! i don't think even tim made me laugh as much as she makes me chuckle and this one really got me. it's hard to write such a comedic character in a podcast since you only have the voice but they really nailed it i adore her
episode 13: "Is it my fault?" - gwen
each of these episodes just reveal a little bit more about how loving and soft gwen is and idk i love her so unbelievably much so seeing that she felt guilt about the bonzo stuff just made her so much more real :(
episode 14: "Christ, they’re in the walls…" - statement
theyre in the walls!!! theyre in the goddamn walls!!!!! anyway that got me because i realized the hole before the statement said it. made more sad than scared tbh
episode 15: "Babies are cool!" - alice this entire interaction between her and sam & celia was so awkward, she is so obvious and i love her anyway
episode 16: "It’s not like I was holding doors open for Mr Bonzo or anything." - gwen my wife is so so so stupid but i adore her AND this gives room for character development. i wish she did not do that though. i love when characters are flawed and have depth but i struggled to get past THIS flaw of hers
episode 17: "Thanks, I guess. Not exactly the same, though, is it?" - celia shes talking TO JON IN THE COMPUTER. SHE KNOWS. i lost my damn mind i love her i love her. get the gay people out of the puter please queen
episode 18: "Why would I need to talk to you? Your work is satisfactory. Unless you have a work-related issue I could assist you with?" - lena solidified my opinion that lena is the best boss to ever have, i adore her and i would want to work for her if she wasn't the boss of Creepy Establishment #1
episode 19: "You’re going to throw it in the fishtank, aren’t you?" - alice colin's behavior is like really worrying BUT i'm glad he's back. i was not convinced he was still alive
episode 20: "I suppose it’s too late for remorse, isn’t it? And why should I be sorry? This is what I deserve!" - ink5oul/statement they reminded me of jon a lot, like especially his season 3/4 transformation when he doesn't quite know everything but he knows he isn't who he was in season 1 anymore, i hope we see more of their life and they can be helped :(
episode 21: [Tape Recorder Bites Ink5oul] - audio description i know it's not technically a quote but this is just so fucking funny. why does it have teeth. what does this mean for the lore. holy shit.
episode 22: "Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood" - celia. knawing at the walls of my enclosure i am so not okay. i'm not okay. wtf. wtf. wtf. they're real. wtf.
episode 23: "I had a favorite mug. It said “love you, bitch” and had a picture of a drunk dog on it." - alice. okay i just love this entire interaction because gwen got to open up a little bit and my dyhard heart is so full
episode 24: "I am told that children like me, and I’ve always held the opinion that the world would be a better place if everyone just thought more." - basira. once again this whole interaction was so fun but like idk i loved hearing basira somewhat happy and in a safe place :] my wife <3
episode 25: " I am trying to help, to save us from this goddamned fucking nightmare machine!" - colin. MAN I REALLY WAS ROOTING FOR YOU!!! I WAS SO CONFIDENT YOU WEREN'T GONNA DIE!!!! it's over
episode 26: "I was worrying for a moment that you were Magnussing." - alice. MAGNUSSING BEING CANON MADE ME SAY IT EVEN MORE I'VE SAID IT LIKE TWICE ALREADY
episode 27: "You didn’t tell me the room was labelled, “Archivist.”" - celia. oooooh somebody's got TRAUMAAAAA LMAO
episode 28: "So you’re telling me you know nothing about an OIAR external contract being found with the bodies of two tattooed thugs who met rather grisly ends?" - TREVOR HERBERT???? anyway. ink5oul mention!!!!! i hope they stop killing people it's really rude
episode 29: "Alice, er… we’ve got to talk. It’s important." - teddy. i knew it was over for him but i didn't think it was gonna be THIS bad??? bye babe i guess??? 😭
episode 30: how do i even pick. the whole fucking episode. i can't. i am in a state of shock. i need to lay down for 30 years.
#honorable mentions:#“canaries should stay above ground” because holy shit (1)#“i don’t scare so easy these days” because oh my god its our celia (7)#“i like them”/“of course you do” because weeping weeping weeping (8)#“oh no not again! oh the horrors! nooooo” that one was just really funny and not exactly part of the episode (9)#“can he read?” (10) bc it enforces the gwen/jon parallels (“you dont sound?? russian??”)#“the deep will care for his bones” (11) it creeped me out and i loved it#“the cover had this awful comic sans title 'mr. bonzo's on his way'” (12) comic sans font was so funny it almost made it not horrific#“I have a baby. Jack. He’s just over a year old now.” (13) like BARNABAS. i know him.#“The only drama is the dilemma of how I could possibly get by without you all to myself!” (14) alice.... alice....#“Oh no! Who keeps taking Georgie’s face?!” (18) SHE'S BACKKKKKKK#''I swear if I hear one more word about Trevor-bloody-Herbert MP I am going to blow up Parliament.'' (27) because WHAT LMAO??? WHATTT#''when I first awoke I knew nothing nothing but the dream of things that sliced my who from me with claws like scalpels'' (30) i cried#''They’re gone Alice. They’re gone.'' (30) tweaking#''What happens now? You push me? Stab me? Or do I need to jump in myself? Come on what’s stopping you?'' (30)#can i just put the whole episode in honorable mentions too atp.#''We are the hilltop. It is me and I am it and we are. We are…'' (30)#''Yeah sure. Sorry to bother you. Goodbye Alice.'' (30)#okay i'm done#i can't i .. i ..#the magnus protocol#tmagp#magnus protocol#tmagp spoilers#tmagp season 1#the magnus pod
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s-i-n-i-s-i-n · 1 year
Carmen Sandiego
Outfit Ranking. Season 1
Here is Part 2
Here is my very own ranking for Carmen Sandiego outfits in season 1.
I feel it is necessary to mention that she is so fucking hot and wicked-awesome that she looks amazing in everything. She would look beautiful in a potato sack.
Warning: this is a long post that may contain my bad resolution images and poorly made gifs.
13. Gray Vile Uniform.
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It is weird that having Countess Cleo on the very faculty, the students' uniforms are so ugly. 0/10 Ugly crap. Even the cleaners look better.
12. Dark Vile Uniform.
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It is an upgrade. Still not very stylish. Kinda neutral, but at least black and green get along fine enough. But it is a uniform... her personality doesn't shine through this one.
11. Overalls.
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She still hasn't grown into her own style but at least I believe it is a personal choice. And green is so not her color.
10. Lab Coat.
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She looks so sexy with glasses. She looks classy and smart. But at the end of the day, it is just a lab coat. We know she can rock anything she puts on, but there is no much effort in this, since it is a disguise, a quite simple one at that. Still, baby you look great!
9. The jammies!
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So cozy. We get a glimpse at her everyday life. Still very practical and very red. She seems to wear her make up to bed and leave her clothes on the floor.
We are not only seeing a superthief here, but a beautiful woman that just woke up... literally.
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8. Diver suit.
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Red, red all over. Completely in character. It is obvious the effort in making this piece useful efficient and stylish all in one. Probably one of Ivy's best works.
7. Duchess disguise.
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How did Devineaux didn't recognize that beautiful gray eye! Black suits her just fine. Mysterious and fancy. Shows her figure well and the pantsuit compliments her nice strong legs. Looks good with straight hair (that's the only straight thing that suits her).
You can see here she likes chokers. They are part of most of her outfits.
6. Denim shorts.
Wow talking about nice strong legs! Girl you're just showing off. Don't blame you, keep it up. Sporty look here appropriate for the weather. How can she make a short and a t-shirt look so good is beyond me.
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With a matching hoodie when it gets cold.
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5. Bikini.
Sadly we could not get a good look at this piece. She was on a bad mood at that particular time and didn't want to get off the chair. Too much sun, she said I've had enough tropical beach to last me a lifetime, she said.
Despite how awesome she probably looks in this swimsuit, I think it does not deserve to be in the top 3.
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We know she likes wide hats :)
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4. Auction Dress.
Hot hot hot hot! Oh boy it's burning baby! No words for this. My brain just melted when I saw her in this dress for the first time. Red and gold combine so well.
The gloves! so elegant!!!
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Did you see her back?! asdjkwashgdfhf!!!! Also I told you she likes chokers.
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Bonus! We get a closer look at her shoes! And so does Devineaux :)
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Now the next is the Top 3. I believe the next ones really look good on her. Not only because she looks pretty but also because it shows her personality. She feels so confident and comfortable wearing them that she puts them on regularly. Therefore it may not be a surprise they are the top 3.
But before that, the 3 honorable mentions.
Honorable mention # 1.
A cute dress for a cute girl.
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Honorable mention #2.
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Honorable mention #3.
Black sheep.
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3. Mumbai outfit.
She wears this the first time in Mumbai. Where she meets Jules. Perfect for hot weather. Nice and casual. Little red belt and unavoidable chocker. Love it. I don't know what else to tell you. Simply fabulous.
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She is just so unbelievably cool.
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2. The RED COAT.
This is the most recognizable of all. The signature. The trademark. This one is what earns her the nick names. La femme rouge! The crimson ghost! Fedora the explorah!
The agility, the sneakiness, the skillfulness!
This coat represents the path she chose. This is the person she has become. Where the world is in danger of loosing its history she's made her mission to preserve it.
Iconic. Just iconic.
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So resourceful! She makes me weak in the knees.
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Red Hoodie.
Where the Red Coat dresses the thief, the Red Hoodie warms up the woman. This is Carmen, the girl in her comfy everyday clothes. If she had had a normal life, this is what she would wear.
You know that shirt that you barely take off? The one pair of pants that you wear so often it gets holes at the knees? This is it for Carmen.
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This is what she feels most comfortable wearing on a daily basis. It is my opinion that this is the more genuine expression of Carmen Sandiego when it comes to clothes. And for that I give this outfit the first place.
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Thank you for coming!
Here is Part 2
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lieutenant-teach · 2 months
Young Jedi Adventures – opinions, impressions
Such a lovely cartoon series! At last I see smth that is really pro-Jedi, Jedi-positive – and it’s a fucking cartoon for pre-schoolers! But it’s so much better than ‘The Acolyte’ or ‘Ahsoka’, no comparison – the creators actually follow the established lore! Don’t twist the narrative to serve personal political goals! Likeable characters! Following SW themes! Jedi are actually shown as canonically compassionate people believing in the best of those around them! And they draw lightsabers when defending themselves with no qualms! Take that, ‘Acolyte’!
The general feeling of the series is very Star Wars – both in atmosphere and Star Wars-y music. It was pleasant to hear the Force Suite every time Jedi use the Force – nice touch that somehow doesn’t feel excessive like in ‘Rebels’ s1. Also I had fun counting how many times the same extras appeared in different locations in roles of different persons – the same Nautolan, the same old Ithorian or a Mirilian boy who simultaneously is a citizen and a Jedi youngling. Although I think there should be more non-Human younglings.
As it’s a kids show, characters are nice to each other, even in enemy relations you won’t find any hard material. The main heroes almost never criticize each other, or do it very gently it’s unbelievable. But nice. If anyone fucks up, they apologize, friends support and immediately help. Ahh, too sweet for my adult cynic heart. It’s very relaxing to watch – you don’t expect heavy content of betrayal or hurt.
It has unfairly low rating on IMDb – thanks to adult idiots who blamed a pre-school / primary school kid cartoon for being too simplistic, too naïve – both with ‘twists’ and lessons laid out plainly in simple words every episode. Also these viewers bitched about adults endangering kids by letting them on missions alone. This cartoon is not for adults, it was never meant to be for adults! It’s not ‘TCW’ or ‘Rebels’ with serious themes for wider audience. And of course, the main characters are kids doing cool stuff – it’s as simple as that.
I was quite glad to get more interesting lore about the High Republic timeline. I don’t care if it’s ‘canon’ or not, I like it – I use it. Waiting for season 2. I hope Kai and Co will uncover the ‘mystery’ of Prince Cyrus / Taborr.
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kindlespark · 5 months
hi!! (Crown of Candy spoilers in ask)
1. Your art is so cool :000
2. If ACOC had gone differently, who's death would've hit the hardest had there been two deaths that weren't Lapin or Jet?
hello!! thank you so so much!!
this is so fun.... i think ruby dying would've been deeply fucked up for jet but i also think jet would've handled it slightly better than ruby handled jet's death. but im also saying this because a world where siobhan came back as her revenant rococoa back-up would've been CRAZY. like i've theorised about this on twitter before but there's no way she'd tell amethar it was her until she absolutely had to; he's already lost her once he can't lose her again and she's a ghost of her former self. she's not rococoa anymore, not really.
ALSO im imagining ruby dies in place of jet, but i've also rotated a scenario in my head where ruby dies and siobhan comes back as rococoa before calroy's betrayal is revealed..... im imagininga juicy scenario about how she would immediately go to kill calroy, but amethar defends him, his sister's murderer, to his sister, without realising. oh it's so fucked up and fun to me
i also think liam should've died in the cathedral SORRY WHO SAID THAT and this IS because it'd be tragic to have lost the oldest and the youngest in that fight but also because ally playing amanda maillard would've been so fucking incredible. like to have someone else on caramelinda's side at the end there..... oh it would've been so juicy. caramelinda is my favourite character in almost all of d20 i literally would've given anything to see her softer side with amanda. oh my god i need that time quangle episode out NOWWWWWW
i dont think amethar should die ever.... and you'd think i'm being nice for once but in reality i love the twisted double meaning of "the unfallen" title. if the finale had been a PvP at the end, amethar is the last one standing for sure. a world where he's the only one left amongst his loved ones would be so unbelievably fucked up. amethar wants to die; he wanted to in the cathedral; he thinks death is atonement for his mistakes. and i don't think we should let him!!! sorry for loving pain and misery
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oinkinpigprince · 3 months
Grim and Gnarly with a reader who's really into musical theater/part of a theater troupe?
OMG!! I’m such a theater kid!!(not rlly) I loved doing highschool theater, I’ve always wanted to be in a musical but I was a techie for one at least :33
Theater reader
He’s kinda jealous, deep down he’s always wanted to do theater but was always too scared, he says he didn’t want to be gay, but he’s it’s rlly because he had low self esteem
Although grim is still very proud of you he still has some insecurities to get over. He’s working on himself though, and loves hearing about your plays!
Talks shit about the rest of your cast, doesn’t matter if you don’t bring them up he’s such a mean girl wanna be. “Didn’t you notice how that one guy missed his cue, again? Unbelievable!”
Also nitpicks other people’s performances and compares them to yours cause you’re just SOO much better!! Which is sweet if you squint but he also shouldn’t be shit talking the rest of your cast
Helps you with your lines, and is pretty okay at it. He’s very expressive and extremely dramatic to the point of it being comedic, it’s good for practicing staying in character as you try not to laugh at his over the top dramatic rendition of Julius.
Grim really goes think any performance you do is gold, even if you get tree 3 or chorus member 2 he’s still in awe of your absolute talent
He thinks it’s cringe at first, ngl. Gnarly isn’t gonna say it but he thinks it’s kinda lame. Doesn’t really care to listen and hear about stuff
Gives his full attention to any drama though, so if you have stuff, please say it. Loves to shit talk ppl and just bring others down, you two are the only cool ppl in his mind anyways
Don’t bother asking him to help you with your lines. You’ll have better luck with a wall than him. Even if he says yes, he reads in the most monotone flat voice. At a slow pace, while you’re giving him a performance!!
He doesn’t mind going to musicals and plays with you, he kinda likes Jersey boys but that’s it. He kinda just sits there and observes the story. It’s all Disney shit to him ngl
Gnarly didn’t get the point until you begged him to come to your performance of All My Sons and he was completely in awe at the end. He thought it was just some girly Disney musical, and he was completely enthralled by the story at the end.
Thinks about becoming a techie after that, he doesn’t wanna act but he thinks it might be cool to be the sound of light person. Although he wouldn’t want to come to EVERY rehearsal so, it was a nice thought
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stripa · 6 months
Daan and Karin Romance Mod Alpha 1 (daarin_mod v0.1)
uh, yeah. apparently.
This is pretty bare bones, but I was proud enough to release it, in case some of you guys want to go through all the dialogue I made. Took me a while, there are many different options to chat with Daan :)
I feel like I am pretty satisfied with PRHVL Bop. I may add some touch-ups here and there, but It's pretty much done.
Beware, you can still compliment Daan's hair as any character, but only Karin will be able to start a conversation with him, almost as If he's only interested in her! :O
I spiced it up by including some lore about her! I plan to expand the lore of both characters since like with Marina, Levi and O'saa, I feel they are the characters that have most depth, and It would be awesome to add even more to them. Source for the lore is the "Trivia" section in the wiki: https://fearandhunger.wiki.gg/wiki/Karin
(I'll probably change this dialogue to include the fact it's oversized, could get some cool dialogue out of that.)
So yeah, enjoy Daarin gang, as I deploy this Holy Friday's gift upon you. Next week school starts again, so expect mod development to reaaaally slow down. I need to focus on my studies. Sorry. At least you have this.
They are both the same file. Just decided It would be wise to have two links in case one goes down. Media preservation!
Installation is explained on the readme text file. Just drag and drop onto the root folder of Funger 2 basically.
I recommend 7zip to unzip the file, but I think WinRAR should work as well.
By the way, I have a YouTube channel, yesterday I uploaded a video of me killing Centaur with only Karin and Daan! Check it out here:
Take care, and thanks for the support! If you notice corny/unbelievable dialogue, let me know here so I may make it more appropriate.
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fic rec friday 20
welcome to the twentieth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics. 
1. for we are the beautiful thieves by @caimani-ao3
Keith and Lance go undercover (sort of) at General Iverson's gala to steal back an Altean artifact the general stole while treasure-hunting. Keith's job? Sneaking away in the middle of the party to find the artifact. Lance's job? Looking pretty in a dress.
love love LOVE adventure fics this shit ROCKS. voltron?? thief archeologists whose main goal is to steal artefacts from rich asshole collectors and return them to where they came from?? iconique!! klance playing the pretty distrction?? iconique moreso!! 
2. ring my bell by @dumdum692 [EXPLICIT]
And granted, Keith has always been a sore spot for him in this way; Lance has always felt at odds with his domesticated temperament, and Keith holds absolutely none of that. Keith doesn't give two whopping shits about getting pimples, or if Stacy in English class thinks he has bad breath. Keith isn't standing zombie-eyed in the purple lights of a party, plotting woe-is-me narratives of his own melancholia and loneliness, gazing detachedly into a red Solo cup full of jungle juice - he just is, and that's always made Lance, in equal parts, devastatingly embarrassed and devastatingly horny.
Sadly, this scale weights significantly more towards the horny end as of late, because Keith is developing quite a few, very distinctly Galra characteristics, and it's driving Lance absolutely buck fucking nuts.
Keith goes through puberty. Devastation ensues.
this fic is a proud truther of two important things: a) lance’s type is literally anyone who can kick his ass and look good doing it, and b) lance has a big vocabulary entirely so he can be as melodramatic as possible whenever he so pleases. and i for one am thankful for its service.
3. Cross My Path by @wittyy-name [EXPLICIT]
Lance owns a witch themed cat cafe that rescues black cats. Each one has a unique collar and color coded name to help tell them apart. He's not supposed to play favorites, but he's already adopted his favorite, Red, as his own. Cold and distant to everyone, Red is extremely affectionate to Lance. Needy. Clingy. Protective. But Lance doesn't mind. He makes Lance's home a little less lonely. He's a little weird, but aren't all cats? He loves his baby boy, and he's eternally grateful for the day that little black fluff ball crossed his path.
Lance doesn't think twice about Red's odd quirks. That is, until he wakes up with a naked stranger in his bed.
And hey! Turns out Red is actually a witch named Keith who's been cursed to be a cat for twenty years. A really hot witch who's still very affectionate towards Lance.
any fic that’s tagged with catboy keith is a winner in my book tbh. and this fic is AMAZING the entire concept is unbelievably cool and the storyline is adorable!! also healthy relationship boundaries and expectations for the win!! plus rough sex also!!
4. know by petalloso
Keith couldn’t feel his legs. Upon further realization, he couldn’t feel his arms either, or his hands. He could, however, feel Lance’s hands, and they were all over him, running up and down his chest in inspection, tilting his chin this way and that, pulling him up from the floor where he figured he’d landed probably because his knees had just given out on him.
“Stupid,” he heard Lance say. “You blew out your legs.”
those 2016 fics man!! they never miss they just dont!! insane to me that this author apologises for being ooc as if their portrayal of keith is not the most in character portrayal possibly ever lol. AND this fic has oldest child lance my beloved
5. stud by petalloso
Keith stops in his tracks, listening. The voice comes again, louder and more elongated this time, muffled behind the door.
“Ouch,” it says, and then, “shit shit shit.”
lance IS the type of impulsive dumbass to pierce is own ears, and i thank this writer greatly for pointing that out. this fic is cute and sweet and silly which are my three for three basically
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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p1cklemybrown1es · 12 days
How do you feel about the new ii episode!!
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Ok so I'm gonna Answer this Rn bc I'm actually Tweaking and need 2 yell abt my thoughts I'm Not gonna Make it🤝🤝 (IM GONNA ANSWER THE REST OF MY ASKS 2 EVENTUALLY OK GUYS)
Ok so Good question cause i have a lot of feelings abt this episode !
Ok so the things I liked abt this episode! I LOVEDDD getting to see more of the earlier MePhones and Prime Shimmers, especially during their Egg Mission ... and MePhone3gs getting screentime with Suitcase and Knife was a total treat I love 2 see it!! The scene with 3gs when he was saying "please... don't" when Knife + Suitcase left referencing his earlier "Please Cobs don't.." oughhh that was gold I'm glad they added that/ didn't pretend like it never happened.
ALSOOOO MORE STEVE COBS and his SONGGG!!! LOVED IT!! and he felt pretty in character too like he's still a little silly and comedic which is such a relief especially since I fully believed they were just gonna make his character Entirely Evil with no qualities of his actual personality 🤷 
Contestant wise I loved getting 2 see them all (mostly) get along at the Hotel OJ party (Microphone is unbelievably gay for Soap Omg. AND ALMOST EVERYONE GOT A SPEAKING LINE!!! POINTING FRANTICALLY AT CHERRIES AND BOMB.)
Also I. LOVE. Love. Love love LOOOOVE MePad not taking Any Shit from morphine4 anymore (and focusing on helping the contestants)Do u Kmow how Long I've waited 4 tjis. 
And MePhoneX was actually Scary??? And what hes DONE 2 THE CONTESTANTS??WOW?? like I will not lie I low-key jumped in fear a little during the OJ MPX scene Ok✋✋Like ooook!! AnimationEpic crew are starting 2 make things a little scary and I honestly think that's so cool that they aren't dumbing this down
However ... despite all those things I felt mostly disappointed and Empty after watching this episode 😅? I'm not trying 2 be mean hateful or a party pooper when I say all this These r just my own personal opinions and how I felt abt this But! I don't really like where the lore is going ....like at all😞
I don't know... maybe it's cause the whole "the contestants/show aren't actually real and were created by MePhone4 ☝️☝️" Feels a little too close to those "*childrens cartoon character* entire life was JUST A DREAM/COMA/IMAGINATION etc etc" 2 me and Honestly i expected something More?
It's totally unexpected, (especially for something that was planned) I'll give them that!! And maybe that's what they were going for- but I just feel like there's so many other ways they could've gone with the lore but they went this route, it's just not my cup of tea And that's just a me thing😅! (Again I'm not trying 2 be mean and No hate to the crew they've done so much for this show!!)
And on another personal note ...I'm so upset over Toilet still not being shown in an episode💔 I suppose I'm biased over this since he is and has been my Absolute favorite for Years (and I've waited years excitedly hoping 2 finally see him revealed in an episode just for it to Not happen Ever lol), but the AE crew have been avoiding him Like the Plague for forever atp... like I get that they don't necessarily Gaf abt him but I DO😢😢
And I felt like it has been heavily implied that he was going 2 be important 2 the plot but maybe that was wishful thinking/theories getting 2 my head? I don't know maybe he's been hidden 4 so long bc he's gonna have an awesome important role in the last part of the movie Or he's just never going 2 return🤷🤦 (REAL TEARS BTW.😢😢😭)
(Or maybe he's just Tipped over on the beach Somewhere. But I highly doubt Memphis4 created him. Also I'm so sad no one has thought 2 look 4 him or be worried abt him but I guess everyone believes he got fired and went on with his life they don't know he was in danger) OK ANYWAYS I'VE RAMBLED 4 TOO LONG IM GOING OFF TOPIC
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Swordswoman Showdown Round 2 Part 1
Malenia (Elden Ring) vs Olivier Mira Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist)
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(Better here in a "preferred character" sense, not "who would win in a fight")
Propaganda below cut
She is arguably the hardest boss in any Fromsoft game.; She is the favorited boss of Animal from the Muppets.
"Arguably" the hardest boss in any fromsoft game? You don't even know. She is OBJECTIVELY the hardest boss in any fromsoft game. On march 1st 2023, a bit more than a full year since the game's release, From Software released the stats on the amount of attempts each boss took for the players collectively. As of march 1st 2023 Malenia has killed the players 329.000.000 times. That's 10 Tarnished every second. That's almost the entire population of the United States. Malenia is also an optional boss in a secluded area hidden away from everyone. According to PlayStation trophy statistics, only 37.9% of people who ever bought the game managed to even REACH Malenia in the first place. Which means among those 329.000.000 people she has obliterated were only the most dedicated of Fromsoft fans. Only 33.3% of people even managed to beat her. That number also includes everyone who beat her with summons, which makes her significantly easier. This means out of all people who bought the game on PlayStation 4 or 5 and reached Malenia which is about 3 million people, 377.000 just fucking dropped her, they didn't even do it with summons. Difficulty aside. Malenia is also extremely pretty and has the softest lips, her Goddess form looks like a painting. She fights with elegance and style unrivalled by any boss in the game, dancing through the battlefield with deadly, fluid motions. Malenia is also 256cm or 8'4" tall. Huge woman.
post let me solo her
#malenia is 8'4“ flat chested and broad shouldered#she kills you with incredible grace and poise#trans icon#id let her Waterfowl Dance on me and Infect Me with her Scarlet Rot...
#malenia is so dedicated to the sword it mends her failing body. she lives by fighting#her strongest attack is a technique that halts the progress of her terminal illness#i can never stop thinking about that. by all means she couldve rotted into a mile of mush before the game started#but she persists!! she persists!!!
Olivier Mira Armstrong
Her sword is a family heirloom and she can hold up against or defeat very formidable opponents; She is so unbelievably cool
Extremely cool and intimidating military general with a signature heirloom sword.
She has a really fancy family heirloom sword. Stabs a man and throws him into liquid cement to suffocate alive after he tries to get her to abandon her men to be part of a nation-wide conspiracy, challenges a subordinate to a duel of life and death (with the sword), nervous tic is tapping on the hilt of the sword. She demanded that her father retire and make her the head of the family instead of her brother, and then fought against said brother (including with the sword)(won the fight), among other things stabbed a homunculus into the head; I loved this character because her personality was so refreshing. Really blunt and rational, but will show her love for her subordinates and family through actions rather than words. When the main characters first ask her for help, her motivations are entirely selfish (gaining knowledge to use for power). It is established several times that she really is scary, and isn't afraid to immediatly fight someone on the spot to prove a point. Literally pulls a "I'm getting so old, I'm afraid a women like me will never find a husband," to manipulate a superior. All in all, she could stab me and it would be the greatest accomplishment I had made in my life so far.
Her sword has been passed down the Armstrong line for generations. She is an expert in sword fighting and military strategy. She always holding it when commanding her troops.
She wields a saber passed down as a family heirloom; while she also sometimes uses guns and tanks, this is her primary weapon, which she used to kill the super-strong Homunculus Sloth the Indolent several times (she did, however, need help from others to kill him permanently, due to Sloth's ability to regenerate from death); As a Major General, Olivier is the highest-ranking woman in her country's military; she is also the moral highest-ranked military officer in her country, as she joins in a rebellion once she has confirmation as to how corrupt the military leaders are.
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goldberrg · 1 year
your face
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summery : When you tell your best friend Eddie that you haven't been kissed since seventh grade, he offers to kiss you. There's only one catch : you don't know when he'll do it.
part one, 2 , 3 , 4
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Eddie couldn't help but notice your expression as you watched Andy unknowingly pull little Mikey into the cave. You looked too melancholic for someone who was actively watching "Stooges". Bella sighed as the characters shared a sweet, childish kiss, resting their heads on their shoulders.
— Does Brant wear braces?
Eddie kicked you. — Can you stop thinking so loudly? I'm trying to watch a movie.
You snorted, teasing him. — Not all of us have blissfully empty brains, Munson.
— Not all of us look longingly at the TV when they watch children's films.
You rolled your eyes, blushing. — you interrupted a memory, asshole.
— Ah. — he nodded as if that was a perfectly reasonable explanation.
— I see. Have you often kissed your unsuspecting peers in caves? — this time he deserved a kick, an evil giggle escaped from his hands.
—I just… — you trailed off, watching Andy rush to his girlfriend, his eyes flashing in the light of the lantern.
"Steph, that was great."
You pulled your knees up to your chest, looking at Eddie. — I have to tell you something awkward.
His dark eyebrows arched in interest, and he tossed his sneakers onto the coffee table. — Please tell me, my lady.
The movie was moving in the background as you looked into those big brown eyes. — You'll laugh at me.
He shrugged his shoulders. — Probably. — he grinned when you hit him on the shoulder — What if I promise not to do it?.
— You studied his expression suspiciously. — I don't believe you, but I'll tell you anyway, because you have the privilege of a best friend.
— Damn it. He shook his fist triumphantly. — Come on, splash it out! I have a privilege.
You hesitated, cheeks flushed as Eddie stared at you. You are prepared for the coming ridicule. — I haven't been kissed since seventh grade.
He frowned, pausing to count on his fingers. — Oh, my God. — his voice wasn't teasing. It was half sad, which is even worse. You'd rather take a good-natured poke than be pitied.
— Are you serious? It's like seven years.
— Trust me, I know. — you muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.
Eddie looked confused. He bit his thumbnail. — What, you haven't found anyone you'd like to kiss? Not a single "worthy soul" has appeared since you turned thirteen?
— No, it's not even that. — your ears are warm with embarrassment. — I was interested in a lot of people. I think I'm just.. impossible to kiss.
There was a long silence. Eddie frowned. — Kissing isn't that good anyway, you know? Saliva, teeth and too much tongue… It's disgusting.
— Don't make me laugh. — you narrowed your eyes, and he sighed.
— Yes, you're right. It's unbelievable. — he should have known better than to try to deny the pleasure of one of his most favorite activities.— But you can't be kissed! You can really be kissed! Look at you!
His heart ached. He couldn't let that happen. His best friend, the girl he'd been fixating on for as long as he could remember, thinking it was impossible to kiss her? It's just ridiculous.
— I'll kiss you. — he said it before he even realized it. Your eyes widened, but he kept his cool. — What?
— You heard me. — he kept his voice even. — I'll kiss you.
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antiv3nom · 5 months
asuka ask game? pick your favorite one
ok so i do enjoy asuka guiltygear but i have been thinking REALLY hard about asuka tekken as of late so we're talking about her today
also this took me WAY too long to post i apologize but it Is out here so yaaaay
favorite thing about them:
ok so legally i have to mention asuka's tekken 8 design because motherfucker WHAT were they thinking with that one. what the fuck was the inspiration. but i love it so much i cannot lie
other than that, i really enjoy her rivalry with lili and how moderately insane that bit has gotten, and i like how they've kept her a character who is a) defensively focused in her gameplay even among the generally aggressive play of t8, and b) has a generally down-to-earth feel to her despite. Everything. happening in tekken
least favorite thing about them:
so i was actually talking to a friend about this recently and she explained my feelings really well, its like. asuka feels like the protagonist of another story that isnt being told.
it feels like she has so much stuff that COULD be a really interesting plot focus for her but it just. hasnt been? like everything between her and feng COULD be so neat but its just been sort of...by the wayside for the past few games in favor of keeping up with the mishimas (new sitcom there btw)
favorite line:
asuka's quotes are fun but most arent super noteworthy unfortunately? its mostly pretty standard fare for fighting game open and win quotes unforch :( i will say though, i do really enjoy this win line in t8 from her:
It's not good to fight all the time. Well, see ya!
bc like. girl. what do you think youre out here doing rn. girl please
(note: i dont speak japanese so i couldnt say anything towards this, but i wonder if asuka speaks with a kansai accent/dialect in game? her being from osaka and all, itd be a cool little addition)
omg actually ive seen stuff between leo and asuka that's been fun before i really enjoy that, iirc theyre not super close in the main canon but i wanna say in the non-canon webcomic theyre friends? i think thats right? either way its a fun concept
fellas is it gay to buy your rival's dojo and fill it entirely with roses to get their attention? certainly not. certainly.
i do wish we saw some amount more narrative tension between them since most of it has sort of dissolved by t8 but i do think theyre really cute and as mentioned before i really do enjoy their whole bit its awesome
i do not think i have been around long enough to see another pairing for asuka, let alone one i dislike, so i cannot answer this question LMAO
random headcanon:
spun my mental wheel of headcanon topics and it wouldnt stop spinning for like half an hour unfortunately so im just telling you that i think asuka would play baiken or may in strive
unpopular opinion:
i still havent been here long enough to know whats unpopular regarding her :,) although i think in terms of gameplay i think she's cooler than most people believe, though i do agree that her current iteraiton in t8 isnt very strong within the meta unforch :(
song i associate with them:
i can nigh on guarantee that it's because ive been listening to this song while thinking about her really hard recently but absolute zero by natori (banger btw go watch the music video it goes unbelievably hard), i think the lyrics arent entirely unfitting though!!!
favorite picture of them:
i really like this profile art option for her, the posing is fun and the textures on the clothing are really impressive
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and then also i have to mention her preset 3 outfit which i LOVE SO SO MUCH
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(apologies as i cant find a better example pic and do not feel like opening t8 at 2 in the morning on this day)
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ricky-tiki-tah · 8 months
Your au makes me happy. Do you have any little tidbits of information that are unlikely to be used for anything, but remain in the back of your mind regardless? Kinda like the TV preferences thing. I'd love to hear anything you're willing to share.
I’m glad you like it, this au and it’s versions of the characters are my children I love them so much!
- FazMike is able to hack into just about anything due to Freddy being connected to the internet.
- Jeremy was kicked out for being trans and was in the process of looking for a place while working at the fnaf 2 location. Freddy did a background check and then Mike invited him to live with them and Evan.
- Mike hates talking to people because he twitches and stutters due to being fused with Freddy. Freddy usually takes over and it’s very disconcerting to the person they’re talking with because they go from Mike’s strange mix of American-English accent, to Freddy’s more “customer service” way of speaking.
- It’s pretty easy to tell the two apart if you know them. Freddy still talks close to his animatronic form and is kind of a mother hen, while Mike is looser with his speech and basically a gremlin like Greg.
- Michael’s mother, Carmen, called him Miguel as a fuck you to William before she left.
- Evan’s special interest is true crime and he quickly gained the title of Gregory’s cool uncle after infodumping to the 9 year old.
- Freddy is very weirded out seeing his animatronic self when FazMike takes a job at the Pizzaplex.
- Evan’s Fredbear plush sits on his desk at his fnaf 1 job, the rest of the time it sits on his bed.
- Evan used the name Mike Schmidt for his job and Mike isn’t sure wether he should feel honored or insulted to be used as an alias.
- Jeremy will tell increasingly strange and unbelievable stories about the scar he got from Mangle. The kids at the beach believe he wrestled a crocodile and lost.
- Mike treats Freddy like an Alexa after learning he’s connected to the internet. (this one my gal thought of)
- Freddy is the actual dad while Mike is the fun dad and lets Greg get away with arson and other crimes.
- Gregory has like 4 dads. Animatronic Freddy, FazMike, and Jeremy.
- Jeremy is the only one with an actually stable job, staying away from Fazbear Entertainment. He’s Mike’s getaway driver whenever his boyfriend commits arson.
- I don’t have much on Helpy yet, but he’s definitely there, kinda like a parrot who knows advanced physics.
- Freddy made Evan a snack every night when he worked night shift.
- Mike is missing most of his internal organs after the scoop, but Ennard never used him as a meat suit because Freddy being fused with Mike confused them. Mike is not purple, but he’s got a gaping hole in his stomach for over a year while it heals up. No one actually knows how he’s alive, but they assume it’s something to do with Freddy being there.
That’s all I can think of so far but I’m sure there will be more in the future. I love these asks!
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