#you tend to not associate it as a positive experience lol
witchothewest · 1 year
I truly don’t understand how people are just…normal about driving. Like. You are in control of a metal death machine, responsible for its movement as if it is an extension of yourself, but you just have to like know how far out from your own body it extends. You’re going 60 mph along with everyone else, they can’t be trusted to be any good at what they’re doing so you have to monitor and be aware of their movements. You’re having to pay attention to 360 degrees around you at all times via multiple mirrors while navigating other drivers, pedestrians, fucking BIKES, the road, know where you’re going and how to get there and turn at the right time and change lanes all while following a complex set of rules and not killing anyone or dying. Just…excuse me? You all just…do this? Every day ??? I feel like you’re all lying to me honestly. Like cool invention you got there but what the FUCK
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libraincarnate · 2 years
astrology notes: 2 🌱
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quick note: i'm absolutely not an astrologer. these are just a culmination of some observations, thoughts, theories, and personal experience. with that being said, i'm still learning along the way & i may come back to edit this post to make corrections. above all this is just for fun. lastly, keep in mind that i’m not reading your birth chart and i know nothing about you. these are just some possibilities that may or may not apply to you. enjoy!
🕊 gemini in the 1st house:
curious about yourself and wanting to understand yourself. you like learning about yourself and may enjoy self-improvement. wanting to know why you like/do this and that. quick to notice something new about yourself like a new interest, hobby, desire, style, physical change, habit, and personality trait.
scorpio in the 1st house:
there is no point in hiding from yourself. the pain, traumas, things of the past, your dark side, fears, all these things are brought to the surface so that you can see and deal with them. this is needed to bring about the transformation. to shed the old skin.
capricorn in the 1st house:
confronting yourself. your flaws, your bad traits, the choices you made, what areas you lack discipline, being hard on yourself, being aware of your strengths and weaknesses. it causes you to be honest with yourself. to reflect on yourself, to be and do better. 
^ having one of the 3 placements above can make someone very self aware and introspection can one of their strengths.
🕊 positive aspects between asteroid kiss (8267) and venus: being a good kisser, you love kissing, probably kiss your lover a lot, and you’ve been told you’re a good kisser.
🕊 2nd or 8th house stellium: money being a prominent factor in your life whether it be due to inheritance, marrying someone wealthy, having a job involving finance or managing money, or people giving you money just because.
🕊 capricorn in the 5th house: may initially feel like you aren’t creative but later you start to see that you actually are. someone who takes their talents seriously. might struggle with finding a balance between work & play. you can feel guilty and lazy for having too much fun, guilty when you’re not working which makes it hard to relax and enjoy your hobbies.
🕊 mars/pluto in 6th house: you’re light headed and about to throw up why are you still forcing yourself to work? you might need to pay attention/listen to your body more. learn to balance the energy you put into your work and health. if you work too hard you can get sick, and if you’re sick it’s hard to be productive which leaves you miserable. you are human, respect your limits. learn how to take a break.
🕊 aries moon men have the prettiest eyes.
🕊 having a lot of opposite aspects: can make you feel split, half & half, or like a walking paradox. you’re this but you’re also that, you are the synonym and the antonym, you’re both night and day, gray because you're both black and white. this can mean you have an interesting personality yet some confusion when it comes to understanding yourself and others understanding you.
🕊 lilith/venus in the 11th: your friends tend to have a crush on you or flirt with you. but lilith here might make your friends more hesitant to flirt or pursue you romantically. you could have a beloved/alluring/powerful presence on social media, easily attracting followers and building some kind of a presence because there is “something” about you.
🕊 taurus: when it comes to taurus & food (hear me out lol), the emphasis is usually on gluttony. this can be true but wait, there’s more!
food brings comfort (might be emotional eaters), cooking might make them feel beautiful and sensual, cooking for themselves is a form of self care and self love and cooking for others can be a love language. sharing a meal can create a bond and connection with others. their creativity may be used & seen in the recipes they create.
taurus is also associated with the mouth/throat and venus (taurus’ ruling planet) & venus is associated with pleasure so it makes sense why they like to eat.
furthermore, they could be farmers, gardeners, or be interested/knowledgeable in gastronomy, agriculture, or herbs/plants.
🕊 uranus-moon aspects: struggling with emotional stability which may lead to rebellion or acting out of order. may not be able to rely on your mom, and instead could find comfort in your friends. philanthropic deeds or making a contribution to society can be cathartic and liberating.
if you read this until the end I hope you enjoyed it & thank you so much for reading. ♥︎♥︎♥︎, those hearts are for you. 
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dballzposting · 7 months
It's just that well simply put Gohan didnt have any time to himself ever. There was always bullshit happening. Then Goku died and Goten was born and Gohan had to keep his mother from falling apart and his baby brother healthy and happy. And it's rewarding work. But yknow
When he wasn't tending to the baby or helping with other domestic chores, he was in his room studying. It's nice to learn about the world he fought so hard to save. It's also nice to not have to have a relationship with his body (as with fighting) so that it's easier to dissociate from all the bullshit. Academia was a lifeline out. It was also a definitive "good" thing to be doing. It was also an escape. And also a source of the stress that he's so accustomed to. And yknow. Maybe the letters started to dance on the page after a while. A life unlived will find life in other places. Maybe the historical figures were his friends. Maybe he memorized chemicals like one would memorize constellations. Maybe different mathematical functions began to represent and facilitate different experiences of emotion. You know how it is
I mean maybe not. Maybe he got out enough and was present enough to not dip into that. If his time alone was really that needed, then I imagine that he would get angry if interrupted; but I don't imagine that he snapped often when his mother called him to attention or when his brother needed something from him. I think that he finds fulfillment and peace in his family and he wants to be there with them. But I think that he also finds habits of repression or self-denial.
I'm not saying that he represses all of his anger, because he doesn't. What he does repress is infinite amounts of survival rage. What he doesn't repress - and what seems like he's not even aware of when he expresses it - is sharp annoyance. A mild example would be when he snapped at Goten for bothering him during his training, which was super funny. A more poignant example is Every Time Somebody Insults his Great Saiyaman Persona somehow. First he was interjecting into his classmates' (strangers!) conversation to correct their misnaming of the new hero, and he didn't seem to notice how rude his tone was or how surprised his classmates were. Then later he stopped two reckless drivers, and they made fun of his goofy persona, and Gohan (without resistance) just threw a petulant fit - and he did not seem to notice how he was Destroying The Road by stamping his foot.
My favorite example was when Krillin told him he looked dumb. I should probably get screenshots. Gohan's Eyebrows Twitched and Reared like Rattlesnakes. And his passive aggression was enough to constituent manslaughter. Masked behind saccharine positivity. It was a vile display. What do YOU know about Fashion, Quiverin..! (<- What we sometimes call Krillin in my house becasue he's always cringing and quivering and being fearful lol.)
OK I didn't get screenshots but I have this timestamped video from the youtube.
And it makes sense that Gohan is super defensive about The Great Saiyaman. It's the first thing that he's gotten to do/be that was up to him.
I understand that Bulma designed the original get-up, but it was still collaborative; it's not like when Chichi dresses him in what she can afford to buy or make, or when Piccolo dresses him in what he himself likes to wear. And Gohan picked the name. He picked the poses. He picked the voice. He picked the personality. He picked the role.
You know that Oscar Wilde quote that goes something like "give a man a mask and he will tell you the truth"? Yeah. There's madness behind that mask.
It's also a very significant time for him because he's for the first time having the opportunity to associate with peers in a consistent way. And he wants so bad to be "normal" and that's also why the mask is so integral and alluring. And he wants to be a normal bloke and make normal friends, but at the same time, he's out of practice without really realizing it; he hasn't come to terms with how in order to make friends, you have to put yourself out there. He thinks that he can simply make friends while hiding himself and lying about everything. And when Videl starts trying to figure out who he is and pry the mask off, it's a horrifying inconvenience. And Gohan just isn't in the habit of receiving well others' companionship, having lived isolated for so long; when Videl makes him teach her how to fly, he's nice to her, but you can tell that he just wants her to leave.
Her insistence on drilling into him is why they become friends and eventually marry, though.
He seems like an optimistic fellow, and his appreciate for life must be sincere, as his history necessitates it - if life sucked, all of that would have been for nought. But remember, for a good seven years it was just him, his mother, and the new baby. No drama or adventure to bring him out into the world. No friends his age that he could connect and evolve with. Just him up there on Mt Paozu stagnating.
There was definitely a lot of goodness and happiness and stargazing and lovely dinners and hanging out with dinosaurs. But there was also a lot of boredom and avoidance and why-is-the-baby-crying and mom-please-put-the-wooden-spoon-down and mom-please-stop-crying and can-i-have-the-time-to-study-unbothered-please and an undercurrent of feeling bogged down that really isn't apparent until you get out and get moving.
Gohan never says this outloud or thinks this definitively, but it's a natural truth, like the wood that a house is made of - he is going to do everything he can to be a good brother and to protect his baby brother. And it's a given, too, that he'll do everything it takes to keep his mother sane and happy, because everybody else shies away from her, and it's SORT OF Gohan's fault that Goku had died, and he very much wants to give back for all of the nurturing that his mother has given him.
And when you want to be a force of Good that badly, it completely turns you away from the parts of you that may be Bad, and encourages you to be afraid of certain feelings or needs.
When Gohan snaps at people out of irritability or defensiveness, it really seems like he doesn't know that he's doing it, and it comes out in the way that a hurt child may just act out. Everything else that is ugly about him just gets buried deep. And that makes him a weirdo. That's what it seems like anyway
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elkkiel · 2 months
Same anon again, glad to see we agree! I get easily annoyed/tend to be very wary of people because of Discourse TM ive been in/seen go down and honestly i see a lot of it the st fandom that concerns me and annoys me to no end. So im glad to see we seem to be on roughly the same page here especially with how nasty (in the being an asshole to people who disagree way) people have gotten in discourse ive observed. Let people be horny as long as theres no real life sexual harassment/abuse and let people have fun with interpretations of art (as long as theyre not being weird about real life events that inspired the Perceived As Horny art) yknow? I brought in some other discourse here with this ask in particular but i have been very bitter about people lately lol
With how generally sex-positive the fandom is (like in terms of acceptance of sexuality, esp kink and paraphilia), it's a little surprising that people would actually get that up in arms over something like this.
Personally, from my own observations, I'd mostly attribute it to how booktok's kind of adopted ST + Vess as some shallow, sexy spooky anthem/daddy dom character. If booktok is already perceived as 1) low-quality lit, 2) romanticizing heteronormative abuse fantasies, and 3) kinda "cringe", I could see people being extra negative when their fave's starting to be associated with the community.
Which, I understand both sides. I would like to lick the body paint off of Vessel as much as anyone else here. But, the appreciation goes far beyond sexuality, and it's not a factor in my overall love for the band. It can be annoying to see people fawn over "baby-making metal" and our beloved, shirt-avoidant Best Boy at a horny surface-level appreciation. Especially since a lot of the tiktok fandom that might overlap with booktok are sometimes the ones that take thirsting into actual objectifying territory. The music is far deeper than its sex appeal and the community is more than just folks who scream daddy at the barricade during Atlantic lol (idk if that's happened but like you know what I mean hopefully)
So yeah, I get why people would be upset over it. If it were up to me, I wouldn't want Sleep Token to be associated with people's generalized (and sometimes legitimate) negative opinions about booktok. I love them and I wish people got to form their own views unclouded by horny digital shrieking lol. However, this is real life, and I am a mature(?) adult person who can move the fuck on with my life and let the booktok horndogs straight up jork it to whatever they want. It doesn't affect me. And again, if they're not translating their potentially misinformed, hard dom daddy Vess fantasies into harmful irl practice, then who gives a fuck.
People need to chill and realize that there's always going to be aspects of a fandom that you can't control (I'm a veteran Dream stan, miss me with that fandom policing bullshit lol trust me it doesn't work). Just like there's going to be interaction/overlap with other communities that you personally don't agree with. Have your own opinions, share concerns for legitimate worries that don't demonize the individuals themselves, and curate your own online experience to avoid things you don't vibe with.
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Ask games! Loves these things.
Anyway, 4, 34, 35, and/or 64! Take your pick on how many lol
sorry that this sat for, like, two days...but thank you for the asks!
4. what is the plot bunny you've been carrying around the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven't written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
I have many. many. many ideas. and not just for ATLA. but I think these are my favorites:
for ATLA
a. book 2, Iroh and Zuko are in Ba Sing Se. I say "screw you" to canon a bit and extend their time there. during that time, Zuko and Jin start actually dating, they become friends with the Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot. with that friendship, they slowly relax into being teens and having fun (in part because they're committing Blue and Green Spirit shenanigans together). Zuko kinda forgets he was Zuko and really starts to embrace Lee. and then, Jet sees a poster about Appa and drags Lee with them, he sees the Gaang, and Zuko come crashing back to reality. they retrieve Ty Lee and Mai from the Palace (by accident, cause they think Suki is there), and then it's a trek of a dozen teens across the Earth Kingdom to take down Ozai. oh, and also, Jin is a secret (but very bad) earthbender.
I've written about half of it. maybe I'll finish and post it one day. there's also a GREAT scene where Zuko (as Lee) goes to Jin's for dinner and to meet her parents and younger sister (that I added for funsies). it's so awkward and fun and I love it so much.
b. I got permission to write a story based on @gemgirl28's idea. I have yet to write it yet, but it is outlined. that delay just makes me feel bad, because I want to do the story justice.
Spy X Family
a. like many others, I have been sucked into the Spy X Family world. it's three years ahead of where the story is now, and it starts with Donovan Desmond dying in a plane crash. and then it's just sort of how the cold war grows from there, Loid has to fake his death, Yuri evacuates Yor and Anya, it's a whole thing. a whole, very messy, very chaotic...thing. :)
I've already started writing it. I'm maybe a chapter into it.
34. how do you name characters and places?
characters: baby name lists. so many baby name lists. the targeted ads I get make my mother-in-law VERY curious and happy.
places: I tend to come up with a connecting theme for a place. so like, for the Earth Kingdom: a lot of actual real-life Chinese towns/cities are named sort-of based on their location (Bei Jing: Northern Capital). so, in Eight Years Later, the few smaller EK towns I created are named after the location they're at. however, for the Fire Nation in EYL, because I kind of view the cultural side of the Fire Nation as a pan-Asian country made up of a whole collection of cultures, each island I've "named" is just a "firebender associated" word from different Southeast Asian languages. so like, in EYL, Araw Island is "Day" in Filipino/Tagalog (don't remember exactly which one, sorry!), Moesashi Island is "Embers" in Japanese, and so on.
(fun fact: Mosu actually has MANY meanings...such as "ember" and "humble"...he's kinda the only character in EYL, at least, that I didn't find from a baby name list and instead went the language route - but it is an actual name, also, I think...I'm pretty sure I found it somewhere...it's been years at this point, apologies)
35. tell us about a character who's very different than you who you love a whole lot.
Ty Lee. I am not that bubbly and positive. I wish I could be. I know she's hiding mountains of hurt, which honestly, aren't we all? but she's able to put on a very compelling facade to get through her day, and I'm not sure if that's admirable or even more depressing. but I like to think that post-canon Ty Lee is very happy and doesn't have to fake it.
64. what is your favorite title for a fic you've read?
people can be real clever with their titles, and I wish I had that skill. I really like goofy, silly titles. little jokes and what not. I don't have any immediately in mind, I tend to forget details like that, but scrolling through my Ao3 history, I found this one and it made me chuckle:
Mission Impossible: Loid teaches Yor to cook
(^ pretty much all I read at the moment are cute little domestic one-shots, so...this is cute and silly and sweet)
thanks for the asks! in true starlight fashion, I wrote WAY too much, haha
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thebreakfastgenie · 1 year
one 🔥 for mash, one 🔥 for tww
These won't be new because I post my unpopular opinions all the time lol but
There is a very obvious "king of repression" in MASH. It's Margaret. Margaret struggles to admitting she's feeling anything or experiencing negative effects from the war to anyone. If there is anyone Sidney is dying to put under a microscope, it's her, although I don't think he sees any of them that way; they're his friends and he likes being able to help them, they're not lab rats. Margaret has an entire conversation with Sidney wherein she's denying feeling anything at all, while expressing sublimated rage, and basically projecting, as she's trying to offer him advice. In fact, rage is one of the few emotions she ever feels comfortable expressing. One of the only people who can get past her walls is Hawkeye, and in Comrades in Arms she even falls back on rage with him.
Margaret's second conversation with Sidney is mostly comic relief and unfortunately dominated by early installment weirdness Charles ship tease, but it goes very similarly. She makes claims about other people while seemingly unaware of her own feelings and behavior, and she yells a lot.
Margaret says she's not a very open person. We see her struggle to form relationships, including with the other nurses, because she is so closed off. She's lonely, but she pushes people away. It's hard for her to admit she wants or needs anything. She hates to show any kind of vulnerability.
And yet we can see Margaret be compassionate! With the other characters in the later seasons, and with the patients throughout. She does acknowledge emotions, just not her own, because that would be too dangerous.
These are all traits you rarely get to see in a female character and I for one owe Loretta Swit my life.
In the spirit of the game, I'll get a little spicy:
I think the reason the fandom devotes so much time to the repressed BJ headcanon--which is just that, a headcanon-when Margaret is right there doing it in canon and gets very little attention is that people struggle to see female characters as complex. Emotional repression in particular tends to be associated with men; we see this all the time in society. This is not a problem specific to this fandom; it's a reflection of how we are taught to view women that manifests in every fandom. I do think Margaret is a prime example of it.
I don't like Donna's arc in season 6. I think it loses sight of the foundation of the character, which is my criticism of a lot of seasons 5 and 6. I hate the "shallow girlboss feminism" critique, but if the shoe fits... We're supposed to believe Donna is overqualified for her position and Josh has been unfairly holding her back. This is simply not the case. There wasn't really a ladder for Donna to move up. She was very good at her job, so Josh had every professional reason to keep her.
None of the other assistants are portrayed as being treated unfairly. Mrs. Landingham, Debbie, Bonnie, Ginger, and Carol are all career assistants. That's a real job! Donna also has no formal qualifications and no relevant experience prior to the Bartlet campaign. The whole point of Donna was that this silly, slightly flaky young college dropout is actually extremely smart and capable. Donna not wanting to remain an assistant makes sense, but she wasn't wronged. The job offer she gets in season 4 is lucrative, but it's for a start-up, where formal qualifications are less important than in, say, the White House, and they're more free to emphasize her on-the-job experience. Donna getting as high a position she as she does on the Russell campaign is frankly absurd and in my opinion a product of it being a convenient way to have two main characters handle those campaign scenes.
Once Donna does get successful, she jettisons most of her personality in favor of being Competent and occasionally the only moral one (2162 Votes; Donna is the moral compass of the show but the way that was presented bugged me). And Josh was right, if a bit dramatic, when he said he was the victim. Donna quit without giving notice! That's pretty unprofessional! Donna was so full of shit when she accused him of keeping her in grunt-level servitude, when we've seen the responsibilities she's been given. And like... knowing how he liked his food was part of her job. It's uncomfortable to admit but Josh did give her a career. That doesn't mean she's beholden to him forever, but it happened. In Impact Winter, she never told Josh what the meeting she wanted to have was about or that it was important until the last minute. She also knows better than literally anyone that his meetings get rescheduled all the time because that's the White House, and him not prioritizing her meeting over various urgent situations is not personal. Maybe if the show had done a better job of showing him dismissing her and taking her for granted as an ongoing pattern I would buy it, but they didn't.
Even in the Josh/Donna resolution in season 7, Donna has to be Cool and Right even at the expense of making sense. Josh is the first one who brings up talking (and even indicated he wanted to way back in Election Day, which she ignored), but we're supposed to believe it's a sign that he's panicking about commitment when he doesn't want to do it while badly jet-lagged? It's all the tables have turned, Josh is pining for Donna, until Donna's the one setting deadlines. All in all it made the character much less enjoyable for me and unintentionally sent the message that women can't have personality and success. Iirc, CJ gets a lot less fun material once she becomes chief of staff, too.
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got any tips for helping a skiddish Skiddo socialize more easily? He tends to try and hide or be on his own when interacting wi TH other Pokémon.
hmm...well, first, get him checked over at a vet. skiddo are herding pokemon, and if he's isolating himself, that can be an indication that something is wrong medically.
but, as with introducing any pokemon to new companions, make sure that you do it in a neutral environment and that you make it a positive experience! don't try to introduce him to new pokemon in his own territory, and give him lots of treats and praise for ANY good interaction he has, no matter how short. it might take some time, but eventually he'll start to associate meeting new pokemon with good things.
make sure that you're pretty selective about what pokemon he's meeting right now, too. ideally, a calm, well-socialized grass type would be the best pokemon to have him meet. wouldn't want to start him off with, like, a charizard lol
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ren-shonen · 1 year
Returning fire: time to Be Seen friendo
"There's A Lot Going On Actually And It Can Get Messy" is a favorite genre
Likes blue as a motif color (for various symbolic reasons but if I had to pick one, maybe a hint at the ever lingering sense of feeling "blue"/lonely that they just can't shake?)
Very inspired by music, but especially lyrics
Drawn to characters who are "fishes out of water" so to speak, whether they're in a different physical environment from where they grew up, or in a new social circle/status that they're not used to having (shoutout to Rhenbraen for ending up in BOTH types at once)
Also characters who struggle with the balance between maintaining their independence and leaning on others for help/support
Symbolic 👏 Locations 👏 and/or Landmarks 👏👏 (whether for in-game screenshots like FFXIV or fanfic settings for characters to meet up at)
(Much like you did I kinda cheated for some of these since we've talked about favorite themes and motifs before but I can point to your writing entries and go "Right there, Exhibit A")
(Hello! This lovely ask prompted an absolute ramble, but since I intend to reblog this to my FFXIV blog also, I must apologize in advance for not putting this under a readmore)
A Lot Going On: You're SO right. 😅 I do like the layers, and I like peeling them back.
blue: Yes, I sure do end up with a lot of OCs with blue theming, don't I? Also, I had it pointed out once that blue shows up more than once in my BNHA fics, specifically as the color of the sky in the early morning, before sunrise. I promptly went "y'know.... huh" because I associate that time of day with having been up all night and, yeah, with a certain deep loneliness or sometimes solitude (perhaps funnily, my motif color for myself is red!)
lyrics: very yes. Especially lyrics. Almost all of my BNHA fics and FFXIV writings have a song associated with them, and several of the fics have lyric titles (as is tradition XD)
fish out of water: You're on to something here for sure, because this is true of very many of my FFXIV characters!
I suspect this may stem primarily from my enjoyment of Putting Characters in Situations that they then have to deal with, and being far from home and the familiar is a great way to do that. FFXIV's setting also makes it easy (practically necessary) to do this with any character whose lore origins place them outside of Eorzea, since they'd have to have a reason to travel there. As a result, I often employ it as a plot device to "shake things up" — like the most minor version of the isekai trope, perhaps. So I'd say it's less "drawn to" and more "tend to deliberately engineer," lol!
It may amuse you to know that Rhenbraen actually was very firmly embedded in their home environment for a BIG initial chunk of their story, and trying to figure out how to maneuver things so they would leave it was a major undertaking. (They were so stuck. SO stuck.)
...arguably, "being forced out of one's home environment" in my writing is usually a spur toward growth and positive change, even if it comes with significant growing pains.
Relatedly, I do have a personal theme of "you can't go home again" that shows up for almost all of my OCs, even the ones who have literally returned to their home environments.
I'm not sure if this also shows up in my BNHA stuff. I think there, it's more general sense of the world changing around the characters, and changing the characters, too? of time continuing and bringing with it new circumstances and situations, some of which are painful? Like Izuku having to confront being touch-starved for the first time when he moved into the dorms ("Distance and Weight"), which is a not-uncommon teenage/young adult experience. Now that I think about it, that's a good example of the second type you talked about (different social circumstance).
independence/support: oooh that's a fun one to ponder. (I wonder if I have any characters who lean toward the be-supported side? Maybe Renan? Zedyr?) Definitely shows up as a prominent theme in my BNHA stuff, though, at least on the "trouble asking for help" side. *cough*Izuku*cough*
landmarks: ooh interesting one. You know, this one actually is a bit personal/about me as the writer, even if I'm not totally sure it reaches beyond Rhenbraen's symbolic attachment to the Lominsan lighthouse (have to think about that one! but it feels right....) I'll message you to tell you more about the specifics. :D
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merulanoir · 2 years
So I have been climbing again and it got me thinking about hobbies. I am, objectively speaking, a really fucking bad climber. I mean this regarding how difficult shit I can climb; I'm very particular about safety, which is obviously important, and I've been told I'm a good lead belayer. But at climbing itself, I've never been very good, mostly due to my debilitating fear of heights (why I climb as a hobby is another story entirely.)
But I suddenly remembered my powerlifting hobby. I was absolute garbage at it. This is not self-deprecation-- I'm tall and I have long limbs, which means that when I for example bench press, I need to move the weights hell of a lot more than someone with shorter limbs. I lifted for a few years because it was really fun and because our club had an amazing team spirit.
And that's the point I'm getting at here: even when I was a bad lifter ("bad" as in I couldn't lift as much as others in my weight class), the people I did it with cheered me on with the same wild abandon they had when it was a super heavyweight guy competing on the European championships level. Obviously, there were still differences, but I never once got the feeling that I didn't matter as a club member. Quite the opposite.
So, coming back to climbing now. I've had a few unpleasant experiences over the years when climbing with people who tick higher grades than I probably ever will (for reference, I used to consistently lead routes in the 5a-6a ballpark, with a few ticks from 6a+ to 6b+ under my belt). Namely, these people, who warm up on grade 5 and 6 routes and regularly climb stuff at 6c and higher, sometimes have the tendency to treat "worse" climbers like their attempts and ticks are of lesser importance.
This became especially obvious at rope climbing, where you take turns being the climber and the belayer. I'm the kind of belayer who will literally shout the climber up the wall (friend's words, lol). In turn, I also like having my belayer pay attention to what I'm doing and cheering me on. In the past, I very quickly stopped climbing with people who treated me like a belay automat whom they then deign to belay in return.
Anyway. This applies to all hobbies, more or less. If the more experienced/skilled people refuse to get excited about beginners' progress, very soon those beginners will either quit (or turn equally haughty). But maybe even more importantly, when we talk about hobbies, it's also okay to not push yourself to constantly do better. A hobby can be just a thing you like doing with zero ambition.
Those people deserve to feel included too. All in all, after 20+ years of hobbies, I've noticed that associations and clubs that emphasize this kind of inclusiveness tend to be both safer places in general and also retain members for longer periods of time. My experiences in climbing have been very consistently positive, but for some reason tonight I remembered this one dude I used to climb with and got pissed off, haha.
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merlions · 1 year
Hi! It’s so cool to read about your synesthesia!
Synesthesia is something that is experienced in so many different ways. It’s probably as common for a synesthete to feel like it helps them (like your reading) as it is for it to create problems (like difficulty with basic math because the colors or personalities don’t line up.) Personally, my grapheme-colors don’t have much of an negative or positive impact on my life, they’re just kinda there.
Synesthesia can also generally be sorted into “projective” and “associative” types. For example, I’m an associator with grapheme-color, so I know the colors but don’t see them, while some people actually experience seeing the colors with words and letters! My impression is that synesthetes with projective synesthesia experience more impacts from it on their lives.
I hope this doesn’t come off as over-explaining. I don’t know how much you already know about synesthesia but I always think it’s so exciting when people figure out that they have it!
(Also I loved LOTR and could not get into Dune, I think it might also just not be as good)
You're not over-explaining at all, I love learning new info, especially from someone with lots of interest in the subject!! And it's super cool to hear from someone else with the same type of synesthesia! :) The words for associative versus projective synesthesia is super helpful to know (and very validating lol). I definitely fall on the associative side.
Even when I didnt really understand I had synesthesia, I have always felt the same way - that I always feel the colors there, but otherwise it's never really had an impact on my life in any perceivable way, which was why I thought it was normal and everyone had it hahaha. I think some part of my brain sorts "difference" and "disorder" into the same pile which is probably some internalized ableism I should address. Also I think that's why I never considered it was the problem I was having with Dune. Maybe it's just such an extreme example of all the names being the same color to me that it interfered for the first time?
Also, WOW, I had never considered it would impact math?? I have always scored really high on math CONCEPTS but really really struggled and failed when doing actual calculations. I wonder if that's related too, I'll have to think more about that! (Honestly, numbers have more muted colors to me, so maybe it's just that I find it more boring to look at and don't pay attention to details lmao)
(Sadly I tend to agree that maybe Dune just isnt something I like. Even watching the newer movie, or the 1984 one, it seems like there are like a couple of REALLY powerful moments but the rest feels very...slow and arduous and flat or empty somehow, like walking on an infinite sand dune lmao. A story whose form describes its subject matter I guess hahaha)
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shxtodxroki · 1 year
Hii there!! Im soo excited to get bnha matchup! Can i have a matchup with bnha boys please?
Im an infj, my hobbies are crafting, drawing, and workout.
I guess im a calculative person, i manage my money very strictly. I can be very sociable with my friends but it tends to drain me soo much when i get alone. I like to have a solo date by myself and im not afraid to explore alone. Im self aware with my surrounding and i have tendency to judge people before i talk with them so that i can predict which is the right way to behave with them
Thank you soo much! I wish you a happy day🥰🥰
Hi hi there anonie, thak you so much for sending in a match-up request! I know you sent this ask in a while ago so I hope you still end up seeing this somehow, I had fun writing this and I hope you enjoy it too if it reaches you! :)
I’d Match You With: 
Shoto Todoroki! 
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Shoto’s very similar to you in a lot of ways when it comes to needing a mix between alone time and time to socialize, and the two of you work well together and complement one another’s personalities and needs pretty well overall.
Headcanons About Your Relationship:
- Shoto notices how you’re always very careful and calculative when it comes to your money, so oftentimes he will buy you things so that you don’t have to stress about it. Not because he thinks you can’t pay for yourself, he knows you’re perfectly capable of managing your money how you please, but he has the means to treat you and he likes giving you gifts or buying you meals sometimes, it just makes him happy to see you happy and not have to be so careful about your decision-making :>
- Shoto absolutely loves spending time with you, but he’s also someone who needs some time alone to unwind every once in a while, so he’s more than happy to let you have your own alone time when you need it. You can go on a little adventure on your own, and he’ll rest or read a book at home until you’re both recharged and ready to spend more time together!
- Shoto likes doing cute little crafts with you! Honestly at first he wasn’t sure about the idea and wasn’t all that interested, but it was something you cared about and something you could do together, so he decided to give it a try and ended up really enjoying it! :)
- I’m not gonna lie, though, he kinda sucked at it at first lol. He had all the parts and steps correct, he just didn’t have the artistic touch to make them look as cute as you do at first, but he gets better with time :> And he loves giving you the little crafts he makes once he’s done, he’s really proud of his efforts and wants to share them with you!
- Shoto honestly just isn’t a super artistic person in general, so he’s not much of a drawer/artist himself. But because he doesn’t know much about art, he finds it really fascinating to watch you while you work! He loves watching the ways you use and layer different colors, it’s such a fascinating process to him and he’ll happily watch you draw whenever you’re willing to let him
- And if you ever gift him any of your drawings, especially if it’s a drawing of him or something like that, he will literally cherish it forever :’) That drawing is absolutely getting framed and placed on his bedside table so he can see your wonderful work all the time, I have no doubt about this
- Shoto is totally down to work out with you! He knows he needs to stay in shape and well-trained in order to perform his duties as a hero course student well, but for a long time training had negative, painful associations for him because of his father, so working out and training with you turns the experience into a much more positive, productive one for him :)
- Shoto’s the type of boyfriend to tell you about every little accomplishment he has, he just wants to make you proud of him aaaa he’s literally the cutest :’) Any time he makes progress in one of his workouts or anything like that he’s telling you almost immediately, even if it’s completely mundane lol pls just tell him how amazing he did and that you’re proud of him <3
Song For Your Relationship:
Beautiful People by Ed Sheeran Feat. Khalid :)
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the-kings-of-games · 2 years
What’s your thoughts on the Aki x Yusei pairing? Or rather, their interactions in the series?
Faith—Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it?
I unfortunately don't find Akiza's and Yūsei's relationship that interesting I guess. 🤔 I never drove that deep into Akiza as a character and tend to use her in my writing in the background or support, so I never developed anything with her besides maybe being friends with Crow and Jack in her own way, lmao. But not Yūsei, who I also have the most difficulty writing out of the three boys.
I guess I have a hard time imagining Akiza and Yūsei doing things together, though that "date" episode provided great material. To me, Yūsei's mind is always wandering, code and engineering the bricks of the road to the future, and Akiza is always trailing after him from afar. Honestly, it's not a bad dynamic, but it's ultimately missing key components that I need to enjoy said dynamic, lmao.
Also, I had this one experience with a shipper that really rubbed me the wrong way, and the association persist.
What would have made you like it?
Nothing as far as I know. 030 I wasn't even shipping Faith before seeing Crow; I was shipping Kingcrab from the start, lmao. I love childhood friends who also antagonistuc and contrasting, so anything else would've dust in its wind. (EXCEPT for Kizuna, lol. It got better actually.) Even as Akiza's and Yūsei's friendship grows, Faith strings not a tune for me.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it?
It's a cute ship, and I appreciates all the art and fics people have made for them. ^^ And if it counts, I don't mind Faith (usually in the context of Kizuna)—as I said before, I crackship if it's horny or funny enough, lmao, but I can definitely see Yūsei genuinely loving Akiza in that way. (It's just that for me, it doesn't work out because they want and expect different things from a romantic relationship. I actually wrote a fic about it, lolololololol. Bittersweet ending.
Thanks for asking, @ctaylor108!
Send me a ship and I’ll answer three questions based on if I ship it or not.
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lunapwrites · 1 year
For the tarot game: 4, 14, 21, and 22!
4 - Have I ever gotten a deck as a gift?
I have! Two, as a matter of fact. As I mentioned in my previous ask, one (the Archaeon deck) was just sort of given to me after my friend realized I was a better fit for it than she was, but the other one - my first one - I received as a gift for my thirteenth birthday. I still have this deck, though I don't tend to use it often (it tends to be a bit of a yes-man, and just tells me what I want to hear.) However, the art style was super unique - all collages and quilting patterns. I also recall that the pages and knights were referred to as princesses and princes, which has always thrown me off a bit, but then I am realizing that none of my decks call pages the same thing, so. Here we are lmao.
14 - What's something that will make me nope out on a deck immediately?
Hmmm, this is tough, since I don't have a ton of experience with decks I don't already own. But I have come across a few where for whatever reason the imagery just makes my skin crawl. Not because they're horror decks (I love horror decks!) but because something just isn't sitting right with me. There doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to that. I also tend to try and stray away from exact duplicates of the Rider-Waite imagery, since I just don't connect with the symbolism there.
21 - When I'm considering getting a new deck, what do I look for? Art style, physical feel of the cards, deck theme, any particular card whose design you always check?
So, the only deck that I've purchased for myself is the Linestrider deck, so I can really only speak to my experience on that occasion. It's mostly art style - I love when cards are beautiful, and I have an easier time (in general) connecting with imagery when I enjoy looking at it lol. What drew me to the Linestrider deck, for instance, was the watercolor style. It was so much lighter and airier than my existing two decks, and as I've learned more about it, I find that the symbolism tends to be clearer, and I can differentiate between positive and negative associations better. That's an experience I'll be carrying with me into future deck acquisitions. But the next thing that I tend to look for is general theme - there's a deck that I recall seeing years and years ago that was Fairy themed, but also that the cards had different artistic styles depending on whether you were viewing them upright or reversed - Seelie and Unseelie courts. I have always loved that concept, and the clear visual cue of "here's what this represents" in a way that doesn't leave me digging for the book lol. But the Linestrider deck had a nature theme that I really felt I needed more of - lots of plants and animals. It's a very soothing deck to use.
22 - Free space
Ooooh fun haha. I suppose I can talk about how over the years I've been fascinated by the process of discovering the different "personalities" of my decks. As mentioned above, my first deck really has a tough time telling me anything I don't want to hear - it's not one I can use to read for myself, and since that's how I tend to practice... well, it's been seeing a lot of the inside of its bag. :( I may take it for a spin soon and see if we can't work on that, seeing as it's been probably about a decade lol. My Archaeon deck is rude. Not necessarily in a bad way, though... it's just very blunt, and it has ZERO qualms about telling me I'm being an idiot about something. It also tends to "throw" cards at me during shuffling, which I will set aside as additional "advice" lol. The Linestrider deck... I'm getting the sense that it's a bit more self-contained, and doesn't seem to mind as much if I get the message it's giving me right away or not. Accuracy-wise it is fairly close to the Archaeon deck, but it leaves a lot more room for interpretation, and half the time I only get the message in retrospect. I'm getting a bit better about this, though, and it's been a fantastic tool to use in terms of deepening my understanding of the cards themselves.
It's like... if all of these decks were teachers, my first deck is like a kindergarten teacher, while my other two are the two flavors of high school teachers: the straight-talking one that admits that you're probably never going to need to know wtf Avogadro's Number is past the final, and the one that challenges you to think for yourself instead of feeding you the exact answers you need. It's a nice combination.
Thank you for the ask!
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♡Astrology Notes 2...again♡
Hey hey my peooles, long time no astro post lol. Anywho, I decided to get back into the groove imma just slap some astro notes onto the blog and hope i reignite my fervor for astrology. Enjoy the notes friendo's pls feel free to correct me on things you feel are not it...cuz that's how i learn. Hugs🤗
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♡ I've noticed that Jupiter ruled IC's, Pisces and Sagittarius if using traditional rulership, have access to an abundance of knowledge in their childhood which they later channel into their Midheavens, which are Mercury ruled, due to their need to communicate what they have learnt. This would definitely make sense as Jupiter is associated with higher learning, expansion and abundance.
♡ I also have a theory, which works for both Western and Vedic astrology, that wherever Taurus in located in your chart is indicative of what things you are most likely to hoard. I have mine in the 5th (western) and 6th (vedic) and I often hoard art supplies, novels/books and skincare products.
♡ Harmonious Mercury-Chiron aspects can have a very soothing voice or way of speaking.
♡ However Mercury-Chiron aspects, positive & negative, can be easily hurt by the words of others and they tend to remember these hurtful words often, resulting in them being reserved speakers, but great listeners.
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♡ Virgo placements being known for their skill of detailed analysis, don't actually see the details at first. They first look at the greater picture before deciding whether it's worth digging into the details of it. This applies to anything from love to work to friends, they'll only start nitpicking if the overall vibe check is passed.
♡ Gemini Venus love chasing new experiences when in love. They're not afraid to try something new, experiment with their preferences or relax certain standards they have in order to gain from these experiences.
♡ Virgo Midheaven careers are often restricted to being just the "intellectual or service" careers, but as Virgo is a known analytic dedicating time to learn and understand a specific concept, this means that Virgo MC's are also masters of their craft and these are people who spend years dedicating themself to perfecting a specific craft. Therfore, fields involving crafting, music or manufacturing are also in the cards for these natives.
♡ I get the feeling Leo Mercuries are type to be the teacher's pal, not teacher's pet. They just walk in and vibe out with the teacher, but aren't the type to be like "oh we had this homework" or "this person didn't do their assignment". Also, they have class comedian energy lol.
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Anywho, this is all I got for ya. Hope you enjoyed the notes and once again, constructive criticism is highly appreciated. Until next time friendos, stay safe and take care🌻💛
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asstrolo · 3 years
Hii! I've been doing this post for two weeks now guys lol, it's all i thought about and now that it's over I have nothing to live for 💀💀 anyways, I will be focusing on intuitively (with tarot and cartomancy ofc I'm not God) channeling the darkest, hidden parts of your personality. I have been reading Lilith astrology observations and it has inspired me to do this pick a card reading as a way to connect with your own Lilith sign, so instead of making my own personal observations on this asteroid I'll just be doing readings, make it make sense. I also did a little playlist to inspire me to do these SEVEN READINGS (oof),
and if you want to listen to it, it's full of bad bitch bops: 𝕷𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖙𝖍 playlist ⚸
DISCLAIMER: Some of these readings have strong or triggering topics, they might bring up past experiences you won't be comfortable with (s--ual assault, physical disability, depression, bipolar disorder, adhd, etc..) or overall things you are not comfortable with. Take everything with a grain of salt, at the end of the day these readings are purely FOR ENTERTAINMENT and they're NOT MEANT TO BE TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
LASTLY; you'll get to chose between these SEVEN PILES 🤪🤪🤪 in honour of my 7H in Lilith, luv her, she's the best. You can obviously choose more than one, but make sure you're focused, not stressed or distracted when you do it. Otherwise the reading might not resonate.
(I am no longer a person, I'm a pick a card reading)
𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟏. 𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟐.
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𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟑. 𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟒.
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𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟓. 𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟔. 𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟕.
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art of the 7th pile made by the amazing morgana0anagrom, i love this piece of art more than anything in the world, anyways let's continue!
keep reading to see your reading!
𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟏.
For the people that chose this pile, your darkest parts are jealousy, envy, wanting what others have, thinking the world is against you at all times. You guys do not like your life as it is right now, maybe you never did but you conform to what you were given, what for? You complain, you say passive aggressive comments to your friends when they tell you about something that makes them happy because deep down, you want that to happen to you, maybe you want to be them. You see white or black, extremist, trying to stay positive when nothing positive happens ever, you are tired of feeling behind in life. More of your darkest parts: comparing to others too, not showing gratitude for things you already have, jealously, jealously, jealously. There is a big wond where your heart is, both metaphorically and literally, health/heart issues. Now let me tell you a little bit about yourself: You are popular, you didn't knew this? You are super liked by others, nobody knows that you have the darkest thoughts, you appear a sweetheart on the outside, always thinking awful things in silence, you think everybody hates you or are embarrassed to be associated with you, that isn't true, you are a delight to be around, "Why?" You ask yourself, you are attentive, you leave no one behind because you know what it is like to be left behind or feel alone in a group of friends, people feel loved when they talk to you. You are easy to talk to, you tend to change your personality according to the situation/person around you, why do you feel the need to do that? Let me tell you why: You have a complicated relationship with your paternal figure or men in general, you could be a woman but nothing is set in stone, you have a feminine energy, men have hurt you by using you to their own advantage, men try to control you or tell you how to act when you're around them/him. Feeds you insecurities and negativity, that is why you are the way you are, love or home or work environment is not good for your mental health, you have a problem with saying no to men specifically, you feel sorry for him, you are scared of him or you just want to please him. These male figures make you doubt your worth and your sense of individuality, as if you didn't have any needs besides from being a crystal that shined for them, a mirror that only shows their faces, you got this jealousy from them, they taught you to think like this, sexuality or sexual desires are hidden because you feel ashamed of what you like and/or your body. Don't fight them, they are trying to get a reaction from you, be smarter, ignore them, walk away, break free. This is a cycle, generational trauma that has been passed to all the women in your family. If you are not a woman and you are more feminine in nature, they want what you have, they're full of masculine energy. Could be both parents, they are trying to control you.
A few things you could have in your chart: Lilith in 4H, Saturn in 8H and 4H, 8H in Mercury and/or Moon, Libra 8H, Aries ASC with a Libra 8H, Scorpio 4H, your parent/s have a lot of Saturnian energy (Capricorn and Aquarius) Air signs in 8H too, Sun-Saturn, Sun-Pluto. You could be an air sign yourself.
𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟐.
People who chose this pile, your darkest parts are your issues with control, specially in romantic relationships, you want to control everything your partner does, you tend to be very possessive and have high standards that your partner must meet at all costs, bit are you meeting theirs? You lose yourself in your relationships while also demanding things, a very alluring and charismatic person until people realize how much of a control freak you are. All your relationships are super transformative for both parties involved, you probably decided to be celibate until you find someone whom you'd have a deep and intense connection, or you fall in love with your friends with benefits, sex is very important for you in a relationship.  More of your darkest parts: You have abandonment issues, won't take no for an answer when you really want something, prone to victimization when things don't go your way, avoid hard lessons in life, childish because of this, you are not evolving and you think life is all fun and games. The pretties person in the party/friend group, always being babied by their relatives, innocent looking, beautiful face and enormous charisma. Now let me tell you a little bit about yourself: You get into relationships rather quickly and you break them off just as quickly, for you is all about the spark and the intensity and the first months of a relationship that are exciting, once you start feeling bored, you feel caged, you are childish when it comes to love and treat it like a toy, once it's old it's not entertaining anymore, you live for the deep emotions and for the fun bits of life, you are a very pretty and good-looking person, you know this and you take advantage of it. You pass the blame to somebody else when you can't handle it, why? Don't you realize you're only hurting yourself? Hard lessons are a part of life and evolving is necessary for the human being. Why life has to be so intense or interesting all the time for you? Let me tell you why: You are looking in others what you can't find in yourself, you have a complicated relationship with people of your same gender, could it be? Your best friend wanted to date all your partners, they wanted to be you, they betrayed you and nowadays it's very difficult for you to trust people, very few friends, you have a very small and exclusive circle due to these experiences you went through, and, if you're a woman other women might want to take your partners because they want what you have, if you're a man, other men constantly compete against you even when they're being friendly, in general, people have this weird need to want you to adore them and hating how you make them feel less, regardless of gender. You were/are surrounded by bad experiences in relationships of all kinds and now you are trying to be positive, but your controlling side and your abandonment issues and your fear of betrayal come out sooner than you'd expect when you're first meeting people. You could come from a wealthy family or attract wealthy partners. Art is important for you, any kind of art is cathartic for you to express yourself, that's what you should be focused on; your craft, the art you want to create, instead of putting all that intensity in one person,put it in your art. You refuse change, you don't like change, but it's time to be more individualistic and see the self without others input.
A few things you could have in your chart: Taurus Sun and/or Venus, Lilith in Taurus and/or Gemini, Lilith in 1H/5H/3H, Venus-Pluto, Venus-Mars, Venus-NN, 7H/8H in Taurus, Scorpio Venus, 5H in Pluto, 5H in Scorpio, 5H Stellium.
𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟑.
People who chose this pile, your darkest parts are your coldness, your need to detach from any and all emotions that surrounds you, vulnerability scares you, makes you anxious, you see emotions as a nuance, why? You are a smart person, yet you lack the ability to look within you and figure out why you act a certain way, you cannot take anything seriously, everything is a joke to you and your friends are getting tired of it, it's making you look immature. More of your darkest parts: You are extremely judgemental to who you let in your inner circle of friends, seriously, you don't like any bullshit but you fail to see your own bullshit and be self-aware to your own childish actions, or the opposite, be too self-aware that your emotions feel like being monitored by a scientist, you can be too cruel in the name of honesty and hurt other people's feelings, you use humour to cover up any emotions, you can also be prone to toxic positivity, at least with yourself, you can't aknowledge any bad thoughts or emotions, you know it is okay to cry, right? Now let me tell you a little about yourself: You are everybody's friends and you have neither, you get along with most people but you don't let almost anyone in, you must think they need to be a kind of special to get in, right? You're wrong, a person can get passed all your nonsensical critics and they still won't gain your trust, you are a very lonely person both by choice and by circumstances. You like being alone, and your past made you feel like you were never gonna fit in anywhere, well if you can't fit in with a group of people then they can't fit in with you. Defensive to the roof, you are hilarious and the life of the party, but when nobody sees you? With your closest friends? You are different, avoiding your emotions won't stop them from showing themselves thought your mean comments or long face or mean jokes. Your own logical thinking is the reason you can't evolve past the traumas and/or fears you have since a very, very young age, it even affects your friends emotions, they don't like coming to you for advice sometimes because you are too critical and a know-it-all or just joke around and won't take matter of the heart seriously, you have to! Why do you think you're overwhelmed and can't focus? Let me tell you why: You hate strong, intense emotions, you dislike the parts of yourself that work on feelings and moods, all of this comes from a very unbalanced family, your parents were always in their feelings or they were so over dramatic that somebody had to think with the head, and that role sadly ended being yours, often than not you had to be the adult, take care of your own parents and calm them down, attend to their emotions, while ignoring yours. You come from a family that is or was in a bad place economically because the adults had a spending/gambling problem, think a parent that was a shop addict and used to spend all the money in clothes to make themselves feel better and the next day you had nothing to eat. You maybe want to be a writer, writing is your own personal form of venting, do it, the stomach ache or pain you always feel is of emotional turmoil and anxiety, let it all out, anyways, this situation made your growing process go in reverse, now that you are away from your family you are starting to act like the child you were supposed to be back then. But, at some time, you're gonna have to cater to your emotions and take care of them like your parents should've taken care of you.
A few things you could have in your chart: Gemini Sun, Virgo Sun, Pisces Lilith, 6H Lilith, Mercury Rx, Sun-Jupiter,  Mercury dominant, Sun-Mercury, Sun-Uranus, Gemini Rising, Sagittarius Stellium, Lilith in 11H/9H/Sagittarius, Sun or Mercury in 9H, Virgo Rising, Virgo Stellium, Air moon, Saturnian Rising, 9H/6H Stellium
𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟒.
People who chose this pile, your darkest parts are your emotional reactions about mindless things, defensiveness and over complicating things for nothing, you have a problem calming down, you do and say things in the moment you don't actually mean, you have a hard time dealing with unexpected or inconvenient things in your life, you are a burst of emotions all the way. More of your darkest parts: You have a problem regulating your feelings and lash out on what's closest to you, venting to people out of nowhere, you have problems with boundaries. The worst parts of an empath, you think you know exactly how people feel and why they act the way they act. You are absorbe other people's emotions and you feel entitled to help them out. You have a saviour complex, you get into other people's business without being called, why so you feel like you have to save everybody you see that can't save themselves? Now let me tell you a little bit about yourself: Your romantic relationships are always chaotic, you go after people who need to be saved, you think you can help them and change then, you are like this with everybody. Your friends, your family, you go out of your way to make others feel happy and safe but when it comes to your needs they are hardly being met, you have high expectations on people but never tell them, you just expect them to so better, and when they don't, you get disappointed and the relationship crumbles. You could have ADHD, bipolar disorder or depression. You think your partners should know what is that you're feeling without having to tell them, but they're not like you, they don't have that kind of vulnerability, and you can't expect people do things you never told them to do in the first place, they're not mind readers! Why is it that you want the vulnerability, the commitment and understanding, but lack the communication? Why do you go after the same people that offer none of those things to you? Let me tell you why: You were around cold people all your life, people that didn't like to show their emotions, you have a parent, or both, that never told you they loved you? Are all your relationships with detached people that won't move a finger for you meanwhile you will die for them? You are looking for someone to save, to change, to fix, so that you won't have to really think about your own traumas and emotions. You project your own pain into other people, you take care of yourself by taking care of others. You also expect things to just fall into place, you have a tendency to be lazy or take too long to start something, it's true, usually you are lucky and things fall into place, but it can't be like this forever! Start taking care of yourself more, do what you do for others, for yourself. You need to be proactive instead of passive, or life will pass you by.
A few things you could have in your chart: Lilith in Cancer or Libra, Moon or Sun in 4H/8H/12H, 4H in Libra, Moon-Uranus, Moon-Neptune, Venus-Neptune, Neptune Rx, Moon-Pluto, Sun in Scorpio/Pisces or Cancer, Libra Rising, Cancer Rising, Water signs in the 8H, Venus dominant.
𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟓.
People who chose this pile, your darkest parts are that you're emotionally immature, and I don't mean in a cold, detached way, but a very childish one, you were the spoiled kid in your family, probably only child. You are used to getting your way and can turn very manipulative to do so, you lack emotional intelligence/responsibility and dismiss other people emotions, or you are too focus on self to see what everyone else is doing. More of your darkest parts: You act like the peacekeeper of your social circle, but you love chaos, gossip and drama once in a while, you might create it just for the fun of it. You also are a very materialistic person or you have expensive commodities that you like to mantain, money is a constant struggle for you or it's something you're always very focused on. Now let me tell you a bit about yourself: You have trouble getting places in time, prioritizing your responsibilites and your hobbies/free time, you spend too much time engaging on things that bring you pleasure but not in work. You can be quite cruel or too direct when talking that can hurt your friends feelings, yes, you are the most eye-catching person in the room but they won't tolerate you being mean. Most of the time you don't even realize that you're talking about yourself or interrupting people, to you, being able to share your thoughts and opinions with your friends is super important, to be super honest too, but you don't know how to be both honest and nice. People can feel attacked by the things you do or say, going around like it's your own world. Why is so important to be the main focus all the time? Why do you feel like you have to perform around people to be seen? Let me tell you why: You probably grew up being an only child or being neglected emotionally, or your hobbies/ideas/passions were never taken seriously, even now, that you're much older, your family mocks you and your taste, your eccentricity and the things you so passionately talk about. People see you as fun the first few times they see you, you are good at making friends, really bad at keeping them. They feel neglected by you, even your partners, and then eventually, when they feel you're not being vulnerable or true with them, they'll leave. You don't like to get too vulnerable, ignoring your emotions is what you do, even if you feel a lot, you don't know how to let out your feelings in a way that makes sense so you just don't do it all. Overall, you are a very high maintenance person and others can feel threatened by that, it's really hard to manipulate you or to influence you, most people will run away from you. You are the embodiment of royalty, born to lead, you are a very talented, unique and special person that doesn't settle for less, very competent. Art is your calling, try to be more flexible or you'll get yourself in trouble!
A few things you could have in your chart: Aries Sun, Libra Sun, Moon opposite Sun, two planets opposite each other somewhere in your chart, Venus/Mars in 8H, Lilith in Taurus, Lilith in 2H/1H/1H, Aquarius Sun, Lilith in Aquarius, Mars dominant, Venus Rx, 5H in Mars/Venus and/or Jupiter, Aquarius stellium, Fire Signs/House stellium, Uranus in 8H/5H/4H, 1H Stellium.
𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟔.
For people who chose this pile, your darkest parts are your pessimistic nature, you have trouble seeing the bright side of things, you are a loner while also complaining about how lonely you feel, paranoid, misjudge or trust people too much, love complaining about things you brought yourself into thanks to your own negative and sometimes passive personality, and people can get sick of it. More of your darkest parts: You hide from social people because you are ashamed of your appearance but never do anything nice for yourself, you think you are a selective person when it comes of who you let in your space, but that isn't true, you let people invade your space and take all your energy, you love helping people even if you know those people probably wouldn't do the same for you, a have problem saying no. Now let me tell you a little bit about yourself: You probably grew up in a very suffocating household that shamed you or your way of expressing, they were always bringing you down, weirdly competitive with you or they'd do anything they wanted with you because of your passive personality, they took advantage of you, (TW: s--ual assault) you don't like conflict of any kind so you'd just say yes or stay quiet, the most traumatic experiences you've went through all have to do with the family, for a number of reasons. You have a complicated relationship with religion, probably your relatives were very religious and it brought you bad memories, or you were punished for being who you are with the excuse of religion and faith. You are most likely an hypochondriac or have some sort of physical/mental illness that prevented you from having a good relationship with your family. Let me tell you why: Your family's probably people from a small town that used to have very little, worked their way up with a lot of hard work, and they push you to do the same, but they fail to see you're not like them. You learn slower or have chronic fatigue, ADHD, depression or some sort of physical issue that won't allow you to do things like everybody else does. They don't get that, and you don't want to disappoint them, you always try your hardest, and, although you are a very intelligent person and get the best results, the road to getting those results leave you anxious and crying, you have to try harder than most people. Let me tell you something, you, regardless of your opinion on religion, are so protected by your guides or your God or your ancestors, somebody is taking care of you and they want to tell you that excuses won't do anymore, that they know those negative thoughts are an excuse so you won't have to risk or change anything in your life. But nothing bad will happen to you as long as you have them. You are very special, the most special person in this pick a card reading, yes, yes 😌
A few things you could have in your chart: Virgo sun, Virgo Lilith, Sun and/or Moon in 6H/12H, Venus-Asc, Lilith in 12H, Lilith in Libra, Neptune-Asc, Capricorn Moon, 12H Stellium, Virgo/Pisces moon, Virgo-Pisces axis in your chart, 10H Stellium, Sun-Chiron, Asc-Chiron.
𓆙 𝔓𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝟕.
For people who chose this pile, your darkest parts are codependency when it comes to relationships, specially romantic relationships, you become your partners other half and get so lost on them, you can't recognize what is your and what is theirs, you feel like life is only or more enjoyable if you are in love with somebody else, if you have somebody to obsess over, you get really sad when you don't like somebody and you might lose friends because of your devotion to your partner can make them feel unworthy of your time or like you don't care for their opinions. More of your darkest parts: You get over emotional when it comes to your person, but you have a hard time communicating these things to them, mostly because you don't want to fight or seem mean, although you are so devoted to your partner, you still don't trust them. Deep down you know that the people you tend to date don't fulfill your emotional needs, you have huge unresolved trust issues with everybody and never tell people how you feel or why you feel the way you do because they could use it against you. Now let me tell you a little bit about yourself: Yes, you have a lot of trust issues, weirdly enough, you have a tendency to play dumb when you know the person you are with is untrustworthy, you will rather live in delusions, feeding the thought that this is the right person, probably because you don't like fighting, like, at all, because most of the times those fights or arguments turn into breakups. But real relationships can have arguments and they will still be there for each other next morning, you actively go after people that won't put work into the relationship, that are built in a weak foundation so they'd crumble with any minor inconvenience, then you're here wondering what happened and why it did not work out, come on. Don't play dumb, please don't. You know exactly the type of people you look for, maybe is because you don't want to be alone or because you really have faith in them, or because of boredom, who knows? But you do this on purpose, you are self-sabotaging yourself. You have what they call fearful avoidant attachment style, you want it but at the same time you don't, you crave it, but you don't know if you'll trust somebody enough, so you go for people you know wouldn't trust, Weirdly enough, you have a deep understanding of emotions and how they work, you always try to study your own feelings and try to be reasonable, yet you're too impulsive at times and just jump right into things, then wonder, why did this relationship not work? Let me tell you why: Right now, or maybe your entire life has been a lesson in romantic relationships, you are not meant to find the one just yet, i know, sounds depressing, but the truth is that you are a person unaware of many things, and you are unaware that something in your life needs to change, these relationships are put in your life to teach you and transform you, to lead the way. You are not like the other piles, your love life is your spiritual path, your true calling comes from the wounds of your ex-lovers, makes sense? The romantic relationships you have are no coincidence, they are all “divinely” put in your way to shape you into the person you are supposed to become, if you believe in any of that, there's a reason your love life is very unusual and strange, it is not meant to be a normal one. You are in desperate need to learn independency from these relationships, to defend yourself and not depend on anybody, romantic or not, you could have issues with your parent and this has contributed greatly in your partners. Most of these relationships are there so you can accept the transformation that comes with it - fail to recognize this and change your ways, and the relationships will keep failing. You HAVE to be more self-reliant, you're the smartest in your friend group, weird flex but ok.
A few things you could have in your chart: 7H Stellium, 7H Moon/Lilith and/or Neptune, Libra/Taurus Chiron, Venus-Vertex, Scorpio Sun, Lilith in a water sign, Air Venus, Pisces Venus, 7H Venus, Scorpio Rising, Venus-Lilith, Lilith-Moon/Vertex, 7H Chiron.
Hope you liked it guys!
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sokosmic · 2 years
Astro Observations for
Gemini Rising...
(Will add notes as I think of more and have time)
House placements based on Whole Signs
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🧚🏽‍♀️ Such cute & clever little pixies who seem to never age or maintains a very youthful appearance 😍 You can often spot them as they talk with their hands or are very animated with their arms.
🧚🏽‍♀️ Social creatures who have a way with words. Very knowledgeable in all types of subjects. Can easily reel others in with their words through the use of wit, sarcasm, and playful banter (Gemini 1H).
🧚🏽‍♀️ While they may initially come across as flighty or superficial, in partnerships they often are quite philosophical (Sagittarius 7H) and carry a great deal of spiritual wisdom that they have worked really hard to obtain (Pisces 10H + Taurus 12H). While they may prefer partners that are wise and can teach them knew things, they also desire someone who they can go on adventures with and share a fun, optimistic outlook on life (Sagittarius 7H).
🧚🏽‍♀️ These individuals tend to have a very unique worldview and outlook on their place in the collective (Aquarius 9H). Openminded and accepting of the differences among others. Often enjoy unique travel experiences that allow them to delve into other cultures, religions, and philosophies.
🧚🏽‍♀️ Can be quite expressive in the way they communicate (Leo 3H), with a tendency to have an extensive and impressive lexicon of big, lengthy words that they flex effortlessly in conversation. Sometimes this is just because they are just that learned, other times it's the Leo showing off lol 😉
🧚🏽‍♀️ Often pegged as flirts, and they very well can be, but these people are gifted with an undeniable charm (Libra 5H). Artistic and creative abilities are painted with an air of grace and beauty. All things pretty and playful rules their 5th house of pleasure. May be indecisive in matters of dating and love.
🧚🏽‍♀️ While they prefer to avoid confrontation, they certainly won't back down from it. There's definitely a fiesty side of them that often shows up in their friend groups and associations (Aries 11H). Although bossy at times, these are the friends that will have your back and ride for you.
🧚🏽‍♀️ Often end up having to work very hard for money (Capricorn 8H) and other possessions, but tend to have an intuitive ability to acquire it (Cancer 2H). There is a deep rooted (subconscious level) need to establish security through monetary means (Cancer 2H + Capricorn 8H +Taurus 12H).
🧚🏽‍♀️ While their co-workers usually know very little about them, these individuals often know quite a bit about the people they work with. They have an uncanny ability to gather pertinent information about others and situations, while remaining a mystery themselves (Scorpio 6H). Will go through a number of stressful roles/positions on the job, but will always emerge much stronger and transformed.
🧚🏽‍♀️ May have had a very critical and judgemental upbringing by one or both parents (Virgo 4H). Mother (or prominent parental figure) likely has ocd-ish tendencies...keeping a very organized and clean home. Even expecting perfection from the child.
🧚🏽‍♀️ As they age, this often translates into these individuals being more accepting and open-minded to others. Also adopting more of a don't give af attitude about being or appearing perfect. This often shows up in their lives as organized messes (Pisces 10H).
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