#you should listen and hear black voices and understand where I'm coming from with this
districtscare · 3 months
hi! this post has been on my mind for a very long time, and with a possible hunger games resurgence underway, i want to address the not-so savoury and digestable bits about collin's writing, including her characterizations of black individuals within the trilogy.
first of all; district 11 is described as a large district, with its population mainly being black, or at least people of color. this is shown in the movie adaptations, and the several characters we meet throughout the series.
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(rue, chaff and seeder's descriptions, but thresh, too.)
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(depiction of district 11's population in the movie adaptation of catching fire.)
genuinely? the characterization of these individuals, such as chaff and thresh (both black males specifically.) the portrayal of both characters being a threat in size and combat, which is also often a microaggressive stereotype tied to black men.
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(effie's reaction to the 75th's reaping & her snide comment against chaff, catching fire + thresh killing clove/sparing katniss, the hunger games.)
of course, i won't downplay thresh's kindness in his sacrifice of sparing katniss, but the display of his brutality paired with his decent & race does not look good (considering that the hunger games is written by a white woman!) and to me, will always come across as uncomfortable. even his speech makes him seem uneducated, more brawn than any brain, and that's also a heavy misconception when it comes to black men/boys/etc. i can see where suzanne tried to balance it out, but it doesn't work well in the slightest.
furthermore, we have to talk about the state of district 11 as a whole.
agriculture/farming as the role for one of the largest districts if not THE largest, seems innocent by itself. but then you have the treatment of its citizens, the way the population is worked, and the overall uneasiness of it.
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(rue's experience in 11, the hunger games + katniss’ description of the district, catching fire.)
public whippings, senseless cruelty towards again, a WIDELY black populated district and their continual work on fields/in harvests all speak to remnants of slavery and pastimes taken place within the era of slavery. if suzanne collins was trying to make a point, or mock the treatment of this minority through a portrayal in her book as a white woman, she missed the mark POORLY. having the BLACK citizens, including women, children and men all working out in the fields? disgusting. beyond incomprehensible.
hoarding a minority in one district is crazy work too, because we barely hear about any other black characters minus paylor, beetee, and potentially cinna. and the fact that in katniss' eyes, 11 is treated perhaps the worst? says a lot.
truthfully, i'm bringing awareness to my discomfort as a black teen/general black individual because this isn't just something you should brush past. you should see the treatment of these characters and condemn it. i see next to no posts about the blatant racism towards black people/poc in the hunger games and also within the fandom. this has been swept under the rug over and over and blatantly, I'm tired.
collins perpetuates the suffering of district 11 in historical and supposedly educational ways, but that doesn't make it okay for her to do so. as a white woman, collins abuses the usage of racial stereotypes with examples of district 11 men, the culture, their work, but also a wider environment than just 11, such as district 12 too (with the perpetuation of gale.)
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sarawritestories · 4 months
Look Up at the Stars
Cassian X Fem Reader
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Summary: Your refusal to take care of yourself while Cassian is away has your friends worried that you're being too hard on yourself. And tell the General as much so he forces you to slow down and reminds you why self care is important.
Dedicated to @milswrites and @lady-of-tearshed who are always scolding me to take care of myself.
Content warning: overworking, not taking care of yourself,
Cassian landed on the balcony of your shared home where he was surprised to see your two dear friends, Milly and Eve, waiting for him. Brows furrowed as he noticed your evident absence.
"She's doing it again." Eve clipped, sipping her tea. "She won't listen." Cassian let out a sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose.
Milly rose from her chair and gripped his arm, "She's been in the library at the House of Wind for days Rhysand, even when he has given her explicit orders have not gotten her out of there." She worried her bottom lip with her teeth, and Cassian instinctively placed his hand on top of hers.
"You two are good friends, you know that, right? She is lucky to have you both."
Eve smiled, "We're lucky to have her. Now go get her, bring her home."
Before the General moved, he smiled, "Will you two do something for me before you go?" The two females smirked deviously as Cassian began to tell him his idea.
Guilt laced your whole body. You had yet to turn in those reports you promised Rhys a week ago. What good were you in his court if you couldn't even reach the deadlines you placed for yourself. Worst than that when you saw him last, he only looked worried for you. Was livid when you ignored his direct order to go home. One look into your pleading eyes had him back off and leave with an exasperated sigh and you knew Cassian would hear about it.
The gold thread tying you to your mate was still blocked on his end, meaning that he was still away maybe you would be able to still fin-
"Someone has been busy while I was away." The low timbre of Cassian's voice elicited tears from your eyes. It had been a few months since you saw him last. Turning around, his hazel eyes were bright, and a beard had grown in since he left, and the sight of him alone caused heat to grow in your belly. "Hello, Sweetheart."
You dropped everything and leaped into his arms. He held you close, opening the bond to let his love flood your system. "I missed you." You held him tighter, "I thought you were still away."
"Rhysand wrote to me. He had concerns. Milly and Eve expressed those same concerns when I got home." You pulled away to meet his loving gaze only to find worry there.
"Work comes fir-
"You come first. Always." Cassian's tone was clipped. "In my life, you are my number one priority. You should be making time for yourself, too."
Heat rose to your cheeks. You knew he was right. You two had argued over this multiple times before. "But I-
Cassian interrupted you once more, only this time he sealed his lips to your own. You hummed, not remotely bothered by the beard scratching against your skin. He pulled away, and you pressed your forehead to his own, taking in his scent or the fact he still held you in his arms. "I'm not listening to you being stubborn. We can argue over your work habits another day. I missed my mate. So we're going home. Understand?" You nodded as your eyes fluttered close. "Good." He turned and you watched the stack of papers become smaller as he walked out of the library.
You walked out of the bathroom post shower and into the shared bedroom where Cassian was out of his leathers and into a black t-shirt and lounge pants. He looked so handsome you forgot these last few months how beautiful he truly was. "Feel better?" He asked, quirking a brow as he met your gaze.
You did feel better to be clean. Cassian had set out his favorite nightgown of yours; red silk and had a bath set up with your favorite soaps and salts. "I feel like me again."
Cassian walked over and kissed your lips. "Good." His wings blocked the view of the balcony, as they were splayed wide. "I have a surprise for you." He held up a blind fold, and you raised an eyebrow. "Not that," though he got low, your noses were touches, "You and I are off for the next two weeks. That's plenty of time to make sure my mate is properly fucked." He winked and your heart sputtered.
Cassian placed the blindfold over your eyes and led you to his desired destination. Your feet hit cold concrete, and the summer breeze of the night air tickled your skin. Cassian removed the blindfold, and you gasped. Your balcony had a mountain of blankets, pillows, and your favorite snacks. Movement in the sky caught your eye as a shooting star flew across the sky. Then another. "There are supposed to be a cluster of falling stars tonight. Watch them with me?"
You turned to the male, smile wide, and your hand cupped his cheek. "Of course! I don't know what to say except." You kissed him, "I fall deeper in love with you, with every day that passes."
"Me too, Sweetheart." He kissed your forehead, "My beautiful, stubborn, hardworking mate." He kissed your nose, and you giggled and Cassian's eyes lit up at the sound.
You spent the whole evening looking up at the Stars, your head on Cassian's chest as he rubbed circles on your back. He chuckled as you kept pointing to ever fallen star you saw. His smile grew when you moved to your own pillow, your hand finding his, as you looked to the sky in awe.
Cassian could care less about the stars in the sky. Your smile was what lit up Cassian's world.
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goodnightmemes · 19 days
episodes: s01e05 - s01e07
❛ I'm trying to think of something more fucked up than this. ❜
❛ Stay out of my head. ❜
❛ I care for him more than he cares for himself. ❜
❛ A whole lot of concern's been wasted on you these past months. ❜
❛ Where are the bodies? ❜
❛ Well, then, I guess you better hope and pray you taught me how to clean up good. ❜
❛ You gonna let him do this to me? ❜
❛I'm never gonna forget what happened here. I hate you both. ❜
❛ Sounds like there's a maniac on the loose. ❜
❛ So much wine in his blood. And beer and whisky. ❜
❛ Happy? We were not happy. ❜
❛ Who am I supposed to love? ❜
❛ Why can't I make one? No matter how much blood I give them, they just lie there gaspin'. ❜
❛ What is this? Look at me. What have you done? ❜
❛ If you could find them, which you won't, they would shred you to strips, because you are built like a bird - because you are a mistake. ❜
❛ He treats us like shit and you take it! Why is that? ❜
❛ Been following you. You ain't been your careful self. ❜
❛ Don't... Don't run off. ❜
❛ Poor dear. She wasn't held enough in between ritualistic murders. ❜
❛ Once you put it out there, they decide what it is. It can get away from you. ❜
❛ Assume we are under suspicion. ❜
❛ We should leave the city, start anew. ❜
❛ Should I do like you instead? Read the first pages of every book, pass myself off as cultured? ❜
❛ You draw me into your gloom. ❜
❛ So, quick stop home to do laundry before you fuck off for good. ❜
❛ If what I've read is lies, then tell me what's true. ❜
❛ The vampires out there are vicious. Oh...but you've learned that already. ❜
❛ Come with me!  I thought I could live without you, but I was wrong. ❜
❛ His love is a small box he keeps you in. Don't stay in it. ❜
❛ I fought myself a million times, fought my nature, controlled my temper. I never once harmed you. ❜
❛ Let him go. It's me you want. ❜
❛ Listen to me, and listen very carefully, my infant death. It was never you. ❜
❛ I have patiently waited in vain for you to love me... as I love you. ❜
❛ Just say it. Say, "I am never going to love you". It would help me a great deal to hear that from your lips...your quivering...hateful lips. ❜
❛ Excruciating pain was the proof I was still alive. ❜
❛ You know he's a vampire, right? ❜
❛ NDAs signed by any and all who cross the threshold, eh? ❜
❛ Are you still dreaming about our first meeting? ❜
❛ Are we the sum of our worst moments? Can we be forgiven if we do not forgive others ourselves? ❜
❛ You gonna be my knight in vengeful black? ❜
❛ Save your charity for the needful. ❜
❛ I was someone I don't want to be anymore. I've changed. Let me prove it to you. I'm nothing without you. ❜
❛ If you want me to go away, just say so. I'll obey you. I'll leave your life forever. ❜
❛ This silence is cruel. And you were never cruel. ❜
❛ Write me a song and put your lover's voice on it? What the fuck is wrong with your head? ❜
❛ Put some clothes on and get the fuck out. ❜
❛ The vampire bond. There is no human equivalent. Lover, murderer, maker. ❜
❛ It's a bond that can never fully be severed. A bond like that makes you believe there are only two of you on the planet. ❜
❛ I cried. I called to God. I didn't want this. But I have a capacity for enduring. ❜
❛ We leave the damage so we never forget the damage. ❜
❛ She's grown very protective of me. ❜
❛ I ask these questions because I'm trying to understand you better. ❜
❛ I'm sorry for your losses. ❜
❛ I admire your steadfast pursuit of a game you clearly have no acumen for. ❜
❛ You're ugly when you act like that. ❜
❛ They don't appreciate you like I do. ❜
❛ You're like me. You like to laugh. ❜
❛ Well, now that I'm dead, I can be whoever I want. ❜
❛ I seek refuge from complaints when I visit you, dear. ❜
❛ He's the father of lies. ❜
❛ This life, it does a number on the head, on the soul... if we even have a soul. ❜
❛ When he hurts you again, and he will, come find me. ❜
❛ You don't need me. You think you do, but you don't. You're smarter now. You see trouble coming a mile away. ❜
❛ You left without saying goodbye. Again. ❜
❛ Back in your cage, sweetheart. ❜
❛ We endure each other for [name]’s happiness. ❜
❛ I love you. I don't say it often enough anymore. ❜
❛ You threaten a life which will endure till the end of the world. ❜
❛ Are you a narc? ❜
❛ I want to interview you. ❜
❛ So...question. Can an immortal meet mortality? ❜
❛ We would spend our hours enduring, with little pretense of getting along, locked together in hatred. ❜
❛ Knowledge is the ocean's edge. ❜
❛ They say that Satan lives in this house. ❜
❛ Well, send Saint Peter our regards. ❜
❛ We have to leave this place. ❜
❛ Maybe start by telling me the plan? ❜
❛ You spend an hour alone with him and you're breathing in sync together. ❜
❛ I'll lose myself in him. ❜
❛ You irritate me. Your very presence irritates me. ❜
❛ I came to make peace with you. ❜
❛ No one's comin' to a party thrown by freaks. ❜
❛ You're gonna try to kill him at this party? ❜
❛ I mean, this is all good and... sufficiently creepy. What do you want? ❜
❛ Would you like to know the secret of immortality? ❜
❛ I wanted him dead. I wanted him all to myself. ❜
❛ I'm going to miss this place. ❜
❛ I was his, and he was mine. ❜
❛ Always the petty slights with you. ❜
❛ We are joined by a cord, by a cord that you cannot see, but it is real. It is real. ❜
❛ I have loved you...with all myself. ❜
❛ I'm happy it was you...here with me…at the end. ❜
❛ This horror that had been [name]...I stared helplessly at it. The thing lay still. ❜
❛ Murder? What murder? It was an act of mercy. ❜
❛ You didn't kill him. You spared him, out of some fucked-up idea you had about love. ❜
❛ We have to burn him. It's the only way we'll know! ❜
❛ You don't need a memoir. You need a hundred sessions of EMDR. ❜
❛ You've only heard half the story. ❜
❛ This time, I won't save your life. ❜
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ohburgee · 2 months
Your Father's debt
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tw: attempt threat, cursing, stalking (he is stalking you, you just didn't know)
You were replacing some cereal boxes on the shelving and also some bottles of noncold juice, you are hard-working right now since the time when a visitor came to your house and your father was the one looking for and you listened to their talking and you were shocked to hear that your father had debt from those people.
What makes you even more shocked is that your father owns them, 2 million and you realize that the payment for your uncle's operation and his room were paid too.
So that's where the money was from...
And you feel bad since your father doesn't have a better job his boss didn't pay him enough salary and you are also still in college you asked him to let you work but he disagreed because he doesn't want you to get involved and focus on your school.
But you try to tell and understand your father and after pleasing him he finally says yes but tells you to not let too much work on yourself and you promised him.
And now you're here working as you are done putting the products you stay at your counter waiting for some kind of customer that's what you want, you don't like those who just barge in and are rude to you when you say good day and are they just roll their eyes or even just get their product and left.
After an hour the bell rang and you looked up and saw a man, he was tall wearing a long black coat and dark grey shirt and pants and his buzz cut and a well-cut beard also he was wearing black lens shades he is quite handsome though looks like a man who owns everything.
He walks towards the drink center and you look back to your phone scrolling not minding the customer, after a minute you hear footsteps coming closer and you look up to see him carrying a bottle of energy drink and a chocolate bar, what a combination I thought he brought a beer.
You took the energy bottle and punched it with the price scanner and then the chocolate bar, when you were about to say the overall price suddenly a bell rang and a man went in, he looked tired no. He is drunk, in the morning for real!?
Then he approached the cashier counter "Hey can I have one bottle of beer" he said and you immediately looked at him "Sir you need to leave you are drunk" "No I'm not" you said with a tsk, "No sir you need to leave" you said loud and he groans and trying to balance himself "I said no!" he said fighting back at you "Sir yo-" he cut you off "I said I'M NOT DRUNK!" he shout and immediately trying to grabbed you.
Before he could do that a tall man stopped him grabbed his shirt and brought his face closer to him, "The lady said you need to leave" he said in a deep voice that sounded like threatened you to death, "Before I make this place a mess" he added and the drunk man just stare at him with fear and he immediately let go of his shirt and he ran out the convenience store.
"Thanks for that," you said and he smiled "It's $5.35," you told him the overall price and he took out a wallet and stopped and looked at you "Do you accept cards?" he asked and you looked at him puzzled "No we don't accept card only cash," you said made a small laugh and you saw him pulling back a black card inside, jeez this person is rich...
"Sorry," he said and pulled 6 dollars "I was kinda used to cards actually," he said chuckling about it "I see" You accepted the money and gave him the exchange. "No need to pack it up," he said and you nodded and gave him the bottle and the bar.
"You should be careful" he said and you looked at him "Thanks for your worries I know and I will," you said and smiled, he chuckled "Might someone point a gun at you," he said jokingly and I laughed at it.
"I will and I won't be stupid if that happens Mr rich," you said joking with him and he put his wallet in his pocket before he got out of the store, "See ya around Miss Lady," he said and got out and you made small wave.
What a nice person, you said in your mind and he also worries about your position after an hour of serving, scanning, and being kind to every customer you encountered it was going to be night and your shift was going to end this day and you saw your co-worker went in and you both exchange and now you are out the store.
You blow a breath and hug yourself in the wintered snow of Chicago well it's time to head home might your father waiting for you. As you walk through the street you feel your stomach getting empty and you don't mind you don't want to spend money you just work hard, you need this for your father's debt.
As you walk you get bumped into a person and he looked irritated "Watch your step bitch" he said and you look at him "What did you just call me!?" you said "I said watch where you're going. Bitch" he said that curse word made you boiled and he saw that you try to fight and he immediately pull something on his pocket but someone stopped him a hand grabbed on his arm.
You look up seeing the man in the store, Mr rich. The guy looked at him and immediately pulled out his hand from his pocket apologizing and walked away, dang who is this rich person why those everyone scared of him?
"Thanks again for that," you said exhaling yourself from anger, you have anger issues so. "I told you to be careful" "I am!" you said crossing your both arms "That guy almost pointed a gun at you," he said, and you shrugged "I know and I know how to defend myself," you told him "I need to get home my father is waiting for me," you said before you could walk away he grabbed your arm and you turn to look at him.
"Where's my payback for that?" he asked "Uh..." You think something yes he has saved you twice now and that think of him too much of saving you, "How about a discount in the store" "No, not interested" "I know you're rich but how about dollars," you said not your work's money for your father, your own money.
"I don't need money dear," he said and you heard your stomach make a small sound really right now, "You didn't eat?" he asked "No but I'll just eat at home," you told him "Where is your address I can take you there safety" "At West Town but thanks for the ride I'll just call taxi," you said "That's too far from here in River North since your hungry I'll buy you food my treat" he said and you look annoyed a bit "No need to-" "I insist"
You both now eating inside a restaurant in River West, you didn't get to fight back and he brought you here, "Why are you working in River North when your home is far from there" he asked sipping his wine well he brought you to an expensive luxury restaurant "I studied in Columbia College with a Audio Arts degree".
"You do music?" you nodded your head and looked at his face he was impressed "I'll always encounter people with art, medicine, and engineer degrees and that's too common, and hearing yours is quite rare," he said and you nodded your head continue eating your food.
After a minute of eating and talking about your life and his small topic about his too. You both got out of the restaurant and you looked at him "Well thanks for the treat I appreciate it" you said and he chuckled and smiled "No worries" "How can I repay you for that?" before he opened his mouth a car went in front of you both and he walks towards and a man got out and opened a door for him. He is really rich.
You turn to look at him when he gets in "I forgot to introduce I just brought you there in a weird way" he said more like asking your name yeah it's weird since you both started to talk about both of your lives without knowing both of your names, you told him your name and he smiled. "Keiran," he said before he rolled up his window.
"Hey about my repay?"
"You can pay me next time dear"
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So this story has 'Part Two' Don't worry I won't just leave the ending without knowing how You gonna repay my oc Keiran. Spoiler alert. He is Yandere in part two just you know why my tag is Yandere and the story is not.
Well, a long one again i don't like doing short stories (sometimes) I want my readers to read a lot haha jk, but it's entertaining to read a long short story with a bit of detail. :)
credits to the dividers: https://www.tumblr.com/cafekitsune
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insomniakisses · 1 year
Reader comforting aegon cuz he's just so broken after the treatment he's been through 🤠
A Lovers Comfort
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Character: Aegon Targaryen (HOTD)
Warnings/Notes: mentions of parental neglect/abuse, Viserys slander, mild Alicent slander (i love her tho), soft hubby Aegon, your Rhaenyra's daughter (you can chose adopted or not), war doesnt happen, aemond still looses his eye.
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When you where first told you where to marry Aegon you were worried to say the least. Having heard many stories from your brothers and mother, not to mention the not so fond memories of him when you were all kids. But it had been years now, surely he had matured into a man? Perhaps he hadn't with the outrage you could see of your mother's face, your whole family's faces.
Yes, your mother had long ago proposed Jace marry Helaena, to solidify the bonds between the greens and blacks. But to her this? This was different. You were her baby, her only girl and she couldn't let them take you from her. Make you bare his children. No she had to stop this.
Which led to now, all of you on dragon back heading to kingslanding. Your mother and Daemon leading on Syrax and Caraxes, while you and your brothers followed. Being greeted by the king and queen upon landing you remained silent as you were all led inside.
There you watched as your mother and Daemon enter the council meetings room along with the king and Alicent, Your brothers being sent to the training grounds and Aemond accompanying his wife, Helaena back to their chambers with a soft nod to you. Leaving you alone with a half drunken Aegon.
"You don't want me." he laughs, deeply amused at the scrunch of you face when he slumps in the seat next to you. "You've never liked me, no one does"
Rolling your eyes you take the wine from his hand, pushing him back in his seat. "Your family likes you Aegon, your mother, surely" your voice is short, seemingly bored of his presence already. Not something he's unused to.
"No.. They don't like me" It comes out soft, and barely audible but you hear him. It makes you turn slightly, staring at him unsure of how to proceed. Your heart aches and you find yourself reaching for his hands, the action makes him look up unshed tears filling his eyes.
"Father does not care for me, us. he spent so long wanting sons and dreamers yet now he finds himself with two songs and a dreamer in my sister and he still views your mother as his only child." You wince at that, sure you had seen it growing up you weren't blind to the kings dismissal of his children or fondness of your mother. you had no idea just how little he cared.
"Your mother must love you though, i've seen her with Aemond she seems rather loving?" Your carful with your words not wanting to offend your prince its his laugh that startles you. "I am no son of hers, she made that clear after aemond lost his eye. He and Helaena are all that she cares for. I'm just her drunken, ungrateful son."
You understand him now, understand his anger, his drinking. He's hurt and lost and crying out for help when no ones bothered to listen. You feel yourself move towards him, unsure why, you pull him into a hug.
He nuzzles his head into your neck and releases a breath he didn't know he was holding, letting his eyes close and his body relax in your hold. "I'll marry you." his head shoots up at your words, confused as to why you would give your life to him. "But, reduce the drinking. You don't have to stop, just drink less okay?"
"Okay." He smiles then, a true genuine smile and you lean down to press a soft kiss to his nose laughing when he scrunches up his face in protest. "Good. I'll hold you to that."
Feeling him hum against you, you move to run your hands through his hair. "Ser Christen, please in form my mother and the rest of the council that the meeting need not proceed as Aegon and I are accepting the terms of our betrothal."
"Of course Princess."
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Should this be a series?
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arioloyal · 10 months
[[Sepandarmazgan]](King baldwin iv x reader)])
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[Jerusalem- 1182]
Sibylla's pov:
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I wasn't there the day that the young traveler appeared on my brother's path with her long hair and strange black clothes. I had gone outside Jerusalem with some of my companions to meet balian. When I came back, I realized that the story of my younger brother's acquaintance with that stranger has become a new topic for any conversation.
All the people were asking one thing: who is this girl who is not known where she came from?, what is her origin?, how come the king of the holy land took her seriously and almost bowed to her?...
Since I have been used to seeing everyone bow to my brother since childhood, I never thought that one day he would bow to someone as a sign of respect. He only bowed in supplication before the statue of Jesus during worship, not before lesser and ordinary persons. That's why I didn't believe what I heard. But when I returned, Raymond confirmed the matter, and as I've never heard such a loyal person tell a lie till this day, I was forced to believe that Baldwin had kissed the stranger's hand at court, in front of everyone.
Besides, as Tiberias said, this uninvited guest who seems to be y/n of Persia, is destined to stay with us from now on.
Who is this stranger who suddenly came down from the heaven with a basket and just appeared in front of him? I wanted to look for her and see her with my own eyes. As soon as I saw Tiberias, I asked him: "Then why can't this girl be found?"
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Tiberias silenced me by whispering: "Shh...his majesty and Lady y/n have gone to that bedchamber and closed all the doors."
From a distance, their voices sounded like whispers, but it was impossible to understand what they were saying. I was going that way when Tiberias stopped me again.
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:"You better wait Sibylla, they don't want to be disturbed."
Guy de lusignan's pov:
...the long days in Jerusalem are not easily over. But they did not come out, the next day was the same, the next day again...how many words did they already have to talk to each other? What could the king of Jerusalem have in common with an ordinary person?
...One week passed, another week was the same... The servants and physicians lined up behind together every day and left the that leper's medicine , fresh bandages and food behind it and left. Although every day more delicious food was cooked than the day before, baldwin and y/n seemed to eat nothing but a piece of wheat bread and a bowl of milk and left the rest behind the door.
The order of the court was messed up. Every day that passed, I became more nervous and curious; I'm always calm, but this time it was different. At different hours of the day, I would stick my eyes to the door and look inside the room. I eavesdropped tirelessly every day. What if this girl knows about the caravan that Reynald and I robbed? as that orange-colored traitor said: "You should be afraid of famous people"...
But in any case, I did not see anything special. The curtains were drawn halfway. Except for the few words I stole in the air, the only thing I could hear was endless whispers. When there is nothing to see or hear, a person starts to fantasize in his mind. Maybe something has happened to the girl...
Once, Sibylla surprised me while I was listening to the door. she was angry and surprised. I think she also came here out of curiosity and wanted to know what kind of long story this is. Honestly, women are naturally curious. they can't help it.
My princess's eyes became like wild cats and she whispered her words in my face angrily.
:"You have no right to eavesdrop here. Since when did you worry about your king? You are not even allowed to enter this corridor."
Thank God I always keep my excuses in my pockets already: "Your lover now has the support of your brother. I have thousands of Knights and Templars at my disposal, and I have the power to do anything without his permission, but before that, I must remind the king that I am asking for your hand in marriage, otherwise your son's rule will be nothing but destruction... I came to talk to him, but it seems he has a beloved guest who never gets tired of being with her almost a month everyday..." I don't know why, but suddenly I laughed at the thought of it. wondering what just happened there...
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(To be continued...)
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notsofunsenpai · 6 months
Tw: Overdose mentioned,unconscious/unresponsive reader mentioned.
Kenji curses to himself,pacing back and forth while running his black painted fingernails that you painted for him through his hair,"Why?" His voice breaks,trying not to cry as he's outside your hospital room.  He was left in the dark,no clue what was going on the only thing he knew was you guys were smoking and ran out of snacks and he went to go get some,when he arrived you were unresponsive and here he was right now,worried sick. That was all he knew,it's been more than an hour,maybe an hour thirty, but the doctor's hadn't given him permission to come in yet. His mind begins to wonder,what if you dont make it or what if you're in a coma or braindead? "Stop it, Kenji.." he mutters to himself,thinking like this isn't gonna ease his mind. Maybe he should get a drink or something,he didnt always pray, but he could pray for you since the hospital has a chapel build inside. He didn't know what he wanted to do,his mind was not thinking,he wasn't thinking.  All he could think about was you. After all that thinking, he just decided to get some overpriced water from the vending machine and some chzpuffs, then stay in the waiting room,they has his number, and he hasn't eaten anything since earlier and the cafeteria was closed. He watches the tv that was showing some dumb sitcom that wasn't even funny,something about science he wasnt sure,he was kinda dozing off. Then his phone went off,he practically jumped out of his seat,he answered it and told him he could see you. He says, "Okay," hanging up immediately,going straight to your room,leaving his chips and water behind.
He arrived in your room in a flash. The doctor gave him a quick run down of what happened, but all he heard was that you tried to overdose because depression. He was really trying  to listen, but it was too much to swallow down. He wanted to tell the doctor to hurry up and let him see you. When the doctor finally stepped to the side for him to go in,Kenji booked it inside as the doctor left the two of you to talk if you were up to it. He was right near your side,your hand in his while his thumb gently carsses your hand,"What happened?" He knew what happened, but he wanted to hear it from you. You were pale,some sweat dripping down your face as you look like you might puke some more. There was a moment of silence,Kenji kissed your hand sweetly,"Baby,i.. I dont even know where to begin. My mind is everywhere. im scared if i say the wrong thing.."he holds your hand tighter,"There's different ways to deal with your depression,I'd fucking missed you if you left me like this! Don't you understand how much it'll hurt me to see you go like this?",tears fall down his face,he hated seeing you like this it aches his heart. He sniffs some so you won't see the snot running down his nose,"There's other ways i promise..dont ever do that or this again!"he cries out.
You smiled tiredly yet softly at him,"Sorry.." you managed to get out.
"Don't apologize,don't ever apologize to me. It's fine. You didn't do anything wrong. I should be apologizing. I shouldn't have left you alone. Then none of this would of happened,im sorry."
You tried to listen him but you were going in and out of your sleep,his voice would sometimes fade off or you would catch the end of his sentence but you kinda ended up falling asleep with his hand in yours.
"We'll talk more about this when you're fully awake. I love you so much." Kenji said, finally noticing that you were trying to rest. He pulls a chair next to you,holding your hand as he sits down next to you,"I'll be right here,I'm not gonna leave you. I'm here for you forever,I'll always be here for you."
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simpforrooster · 2 years
Hey I’ve been feeling bummed out recently and was wondering if u could write a fic where reader is feeling really down and low and rooster comforts them? Plsss
you're valid.
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader
summary: reader is feeling down, and rooster offers some much needed comfort.
a/n: here you go anon! I hope you start to feel better :3
Things have been rough to say the least.
You've refused to get out of bed for the past week, much preferring to snuggle up with your cat than face the existential crisis plaguing your mind.
It's so hard to see those around you seemingly achieve the things you suppose you should be too.
Getting engaged, getting married, having kids. Or getting promotions at work.
It just felt like you were on a different timeline.
You phone buzzes beneath your blankets, causing your cat to jump into the air. Freeing the phone from its confines, you take in the name.
Rooster 19
Letting out a sigh at the number of texts you've ignored, you shove the phone back into its comfy prison.
It's not that you don't want to talk this out with him, Rooster is the best listener. You just don't want to worry him with this trivial problem. Not when he's a legit fighter pilot living his dream.
He just wouldn't understand.
You allow yourself to fall into a deep nap, pulling your cat close to your chest, letting her purrs calm you.
You awake with a start at the sound of something coming from your kitchen.
"Fuck," you hear a deep voice curse. You'd know that voice from anywhere. Peering around the corner, Rooster clumsily moves around your kitchen. He pulls out a sheet pan from the cabinet and starts placing cookie dough on it.
Then he moves toward the stove, stirring whatever was in the pot before sliding the tray of cookies into the over.
Your heart grows thirteen sizes at your boyfriend's ministrations. You giggle as you take in your huge fighter pilot wearing a corgi covered apron, attempting to keep his plain black t-shirt clean.
His head whips in your direction at the sound of your laughter. He fixes you with a smirk and saunters over. Your heart picks up it's pace as he stalks toward you. Craning your face up toward him, you allow him to place a sweet kiss on your lips.
Rooster's hands slowly slide around your waist and he pulls you toward him. "Talk to me, baby," he murmurs in your ear, causing you to melt on the spot.
"It's nothing, Roos," you say.
Rooster pulls you toward the stove, picking you up and placing you on the counter so he can watch what looks like taco soup simmering.
"It's not nothing. Not when I can't get a text back from you." He sets his spoon down and looks at you with a fist in his hip. As he stares you down, everything falls out.
You tell him of your fears. Of your insecurities. Tears stain your cheeks as you finish, chocking on a sob. The soup forgotten, Rooster pulls you back into his arms, leaving you on the counter so he can look into your eyes.
"Baby, why haven't you brought this up? You don't need to suffer on your own. I'm your boyfriend."
You shrug. "It just seemed so trivial when you are living your best life."
Frustration crosses his eyes. "Nothing about you or what you go through is trivial. You are valid, baby. Your feelings are valid. Promise me you'll tell me next time you are hurting."
Tears fall harder at the man in front of you. How could you think he wouldn't care about any of this? This man loves you.
"I promise, Bradley," you murmur. His lip quirks up at the mention of his name.
"I love you, y/n," he says before placing a kiss onto your forehead. The simple gesture fills you with enough gusto that you push him out of the way from the cooking and take over.
Rooster lets out a sigh of relief, allowing you to fix everything he messed up food wise.
"I don't know what I would do with out you, babygirl."
"Likewise, Roos," you answer with a kiss on his cheek.
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teeth-cable · 1 year
You everr realize that Vivziepop is completely bullshitting when it comes to ethnic casting because of Millie?
Like we are definitely getting imp human disguises for merch reasons so its definitely going to come up.
But like if Millie is black then her family should be played by black VAs but all of them are white VAs. Like I don't think Millie is adopted since she looks like a younger version of her mother.
The best course would then be making Millie white and no we can't use Erica being the original VA as evidence because that was always meant to be a temp casting.
But then this creates an issue in Helluva Boss having no fucking diversity like Vivziepop doesn't have to answer to corporate demands to make the ENTIRE CAST white. She can choose to add diversity.
If she makes Millie black that's also showcasing a huge issue in Helluva's lack of diversity in its main group of characters and Millie could come off as a token. Then you have the fact Morgana and Ed would come under fire for taking POC roles as well as Spindle allowing it unless Vivziepop retcons Millie as adopted or half siblings with Sallie.
Like Into The Spiderverse had half its human cast be POC and it answered to corporate demands. Then Across The Spiderverse without spoiling anything has a MAJORITY of the cast be POC.
Now you can argue Spiderverse is based off existing material unlike Helluva but those existing materials had put effort into adding POC in the first place. And guess what Spiderverse had consulted actual minorities when it came to development of the project.
Vivziepop is latina but she's white passing so she needs to consult people who don't pass to get a better understanding overall on things. Like I'm disconnected from my own culture but just because I'm part of it doesn't mean I have a full picture of it.
Vivziepop also isn't black, asian or indigenous so if she's telling stories that features them she needs to do research and consult people.
She actually consulted Morgana about Sallie May being trans thankfully but... I never hear any talk about other people she talks to which shows poor ass attempts. Like Morgana's insight is valid but she does not speak for all trans people and yes you aren't going to please everybody with representation but just consulting a SINGLE PERSON is insane. We also know Viv according to leaked screenshots has or had some form of transphobia so she absolutely needs to consult more people if she's trying to change and do better especially if she's writing about a trans character.
Like Morgana being a white transwoman will not have the same experience as a black transwoman for example. Like I know that from actively trying to learn about trans people.
Like there's a youtuber UnicornofWar who made a video about how the show RWBY is terrible at handling its racism allegory. Now Unicorn is white but actively went out of their way to consult multiple POC for the video and did a shit ton of research. Now I will say Unicorn in the past has said ignorant things about stuff like white washing (thinking its ok because of art style color pallets back then) in earlier videos but currently denounces that viewpoint (note: Unicorn as far as Im aware has never said anything with vile. I have to clarify so I don't misrepresent their person and people don't assume Unicorn like said a slur) and actually apologizes for their ignorance.
Has Vivziepop ever denounced her old views or behavior? Has she apologized for being ignorant in certain things? Is making a serious effort to change? Has Vivziepop researched throughly and listened to POC insights or concerns?
As far as I'm aware she hasn't.
I have noticed Viv's weird choices for Millie as a black character. I hate to say this but Millie is supposed to be token rep which to me is weird because nobody was pressuring Viv to add rep to her shows. I will say this even in a universe where Viv hired black VAs to voice Millie's family and did do properly research and consulted black people, Millie would still be considered token rep because she is the only the only main character in the show to not have an self-centered EP and has the least amount of screentime.
It makes me wonder if the reason why the IMPs don't have a canon human form yet is because Viv doesn't want to draw POC characters. She has shown she knows the importance of these disguises and they sell well on merch but the only characters who have canon human forms are Stolas and Loona, two white characters who arguably don't even need them. Blitzo is voiced by Brandon Roger who is a mixed Filipino (It's also canon Blitzo looks like Brandon Roger and Blitzo and Brandon Roger are intertwined together so it doesn't make sense for Blitzo to be white), Millie being a black woman, and Moxxie, despite what you might believe is a mixed Latino.
The POC rep we already have isn't good either. In Spring Broken, Verosika and her gang, who the majority are POCs, gets arrested and Verosika makes a joke about sucking police dicks to get out of jail. Having a POC character make a rape joke about police corruption unironically is not funny. Moxxie's mom is obviously supposed to be Latina, falls into the trope of nice POC women who get brutally abused and killed by their white husbands. This actually could have work and wouldn't be as tokenizing if 1. we got to learn about Moxxie's mom as a person and 2. her death wasn't solely use to be angst bait for a male character.
The Spiderverse crew actively puts effort and consulted with POC about characters from their culture. During the early stage of writing for Pavitr Prabhakar, the writing team struggled writing his character and called his VA, Karan Soni to help them write and consult on the character. Thanks to Karan Soni's contribution for Pavitr Prabhakar, he is beloved by desi people alike. Viv doesn't do that and probably will never. She has shown time and time again, she doesn't respect religions, using their symbols as an aesthetic and for monetary gain. Viv's designs for black and other POC characters are terrible, them alway never having POC features and looking racial ambiguous as hell and she ignored the criticism from black and POC people for these POC characters.
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kathryn-writes · 18 days
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Photo by Vincent M.A. Janssen from Pexels
What am I doing here? I remember barring the door, like I always do when the sun blinks below the horizon and says goodnight. I don't go into the forest at night, always pulling the blankets up over my head to stifle the whispers and rasps of the creatures outside. The creatures that dance and sing in the inky black.
Why am I among them? I look down and see my threadbare nightclothes and my bare feet. At least the moon is waxing gibbous. There is enough light. I can hear the trickle of water nearby, that too is fortuitous. In daylight, this forest is my domain. I have tracked the spring that is its mother to the lake that is its end. I will be able to make it home.
I must be quick, and I must be silent. Only once was I out this late. I'd had a nightmare, a great bear chasing me from my home and even in sleep my feet had carried me away. Mama found me before I had gotten far, scooping me up and scolding me for my foolishness.
But Mama is gone now. Off to town to sell herbs and mushrooms. I'm old enough to be alone. I know how to keep the worst of the forest away.
Except I have not kept away from the forest.
Help me.
I turn back from whence I came, praying that I have not crashed through the undergrowth on my sleeping steps.
Please help me.
The forest tries to trick you at night. To whisper in your ears a sweet siren song, to lure you further away from what is safe.
Listening to the lies of the forest get the unwary killed. I should not even be out right now. I am vulnerable. The voice, the pleading, it is not real.
I will die.
I refuse to believe the voice! It is as solid as smoke. All I need to do is close my ears and return to my bed. I will bolt the door and tie my ankles to the bed, so that dreams cannot compel me outside again. I take my first step back toward Mama and my little cottage, my eyes now adjusted to the dark.
I am afraid to die.
That gives me pause. Because I understand. I am afraid too. Not only of tonight, but of the growls and rasps that stalk my home at night, and of the hoots and howls of the village men too. I don't like being afraid. I don't like being afraid to die.
I turn toward the sound. I still cannot find its source. But it's coming from deeper in, away from my home. Should I call out to it? Is it even me that the voice is calling to? Somehow I know that it is.
But I'm afraid too. Because if I speak, the creatures of the night will know where I am. They might find me.
They may have already found the source of the voice.
"Hello?" I whisper. I don't trust my voice to be any louder. "I am here."
Please help me.
It's louder, only a little. But it gives me a sense of the direction I must walk. This is my last chance to turn toward home, last chance to abandon the voice.
It would be smart to abandon the voice.
I turn toward the voice.
"I am coming," I whisper. "Please guide me."
You will... save me?
"I will help you." I don't promise to save the voice. They sound so small and so afraid. I do not have healing herbs nor magic like Mama. All I have is myself; I hope that's enough.
Come this way.
Mama will be so angry to know what I am doing. She would shout and cry and lock me in until I promised never to be so foolish again. And she would be right to do so.
I cross over through the stream, wishing that I could muffle the splashing. The water is cold enough to bite my ankles as I move, but still I continue on. I am moving toward a part of the woods even the most seasoned huntsmen avoid: 'fae forest' they call it.
And I am walking directly into it.
Branches crack under my feet, but the ground is soft, stifling my steps to all but the closest beasts, or those with the keenest ears.
You are almost there!
The voice sounds so joyful, I quicken my pace. Is this how they lure the humans away? Sing to us while we sleep then beg us to venture deeper into the woods?
I should turn and run. But I can't.
The voice might be a lure. It might be a trap. But if it's not, it's someone who needs me. Who is afraid. Who will die.
I will not let someone die.
And then I see the owner of the voice.
It lays on its side, spindly legs splayed out from its body, head bent to hold its magnificent antlers, eyes wide with terror. Something shimmers in the moonlight, like angry teeth.
I break into a run, kneeling before the creature and taking in its ink black fur, its preternatural gaze, and the bear trap currently clamped on its leg.
It's iron. That is probably why it has hurt the great deer so, why fae magic does not work against it. It's a trap that requires human hands to open. That's why they have called me here.
I take each side of the trap in my hands and I pull with all my might. I won't be able to hold it for long, I haven't the strength, but if I can release it just a finger's width, then...
The great deer pulls its leg out of the trap. I can see blood the blood that's pooled there. Or at least, I was able to for a moment, as the jagged lines are shining like moonlight, closing. Fae magic at work.
I scrabble backward as the great deer stands and shakes its body. It turns to me.
Thank you.
I don't speak a reply. I am afraid.
Then a soft nudge comes to my cheek from its velveteen muzzle. Its eyes intelligent and... reverent.
You saved my life even though you were afraid. You came to me, and even knowing what I was still you freed me.
The deer nuzzles me again, and somehow I know that its smiling. It turns from me then and takes three great strides, before facing me again.
For this debt, you shall never have reason to fear this forest. It and all its bounty are yours. And if you should ever have need, just call out into the trees and wind and grass, and I will come.
Then the great deer is gone, and for the first time, the whispers of the forest do not make me afraid. And I know they never will again.
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nerd-bones · 1 year
im just gonna completely analyze the last about twenty minutes of the episode using quotes from the show so serious spoilers////
Crowley: "Look, I suppose, um...I've got something to say. I know we ought to be talking about...It's probably best if i start off doing all the talking, you do all the listening, 'cause if i dont start talking now, I won't ever start talking, right? Yes, so-"
Aziraphale: "What's that lovely human expression? Oh, yes! Hold that thought!"
Absolutely fucking shattering, Crowley was so visibly nervous about talking about his feelings and told him that he needs to talk to Aziraphale only to have Aziraphale completely run his speech over with a truck. You can visibly see from Crowley's face how upset that made him which just aghh hurts alot.
Aziraphale: "I have some incredibly good news to give you."
Crowley: "Really?"
You can just hear it in Crowleys voice he's just so done with it at the moment
Aziraphale: "I...um...So, um...the Metatron, you know, I don't think he's as bad a fellow-- Well, I think I might've misjudged him."
Crowleys face in this moment absolutely breaks my heart hes so pissed off. His face expression during the entire time Aziraphale talks is just incredible and portrays so many feelings of anger and hurt GOD.
Aziraphale: "You see, I--Well, he said, um, that Gabriel obviously hadn't worked out...[laughs] as Supreme Archangel and Commander of the Heavenly Host, and he asked who I though should take over in Heaven now that Gabriel was gone. And I said..."
*Flash to the metatron and Aziraphale talking about how aziraphale should be the new supreme archangel and how they can restore Crowley back to an angel*(dont feel like writing that out)
Crowley: "He said what?"
Aziraphale: "He said I could appoint you to be an angel. You could come back to Heaven and...and everything, like the old times. Only, even nicer."
Crowley: "Right. And you told him just where he could stick it, then?"
Aziraphale: "Not at all."
Crowley obviously hates Heaven because of the way they treat him there's no way he would ever wanna go back to them again. He has made a life for himself here with things he likes. He may be technically a demon but he's not actually evil, it's proven by the fact that he hid those goats and children from both Heaven and God instead of killing them like he was supposed to do. In Hell he would only have to be evil all the time and do bad things and in Heaven he'd just have to comply and not ask questions which just isn't like him at all. On Earth he can be just who he wants to be, do what he wants without no one telling him he can't do this or that. Aziraphale can't understand it, because he's still technically good with Heaven, he wasn't cast out and this is his opportunity to be "Good" again because he sees everything in black and white. Meanwhile Crowley is a complicated individual who sees the world in different shades of gray and realizes no one is only good or bad.
Aziraphale:"Not at all."
Crowley: "Oh, we're better than that, you're better than that, Angel! You don't need them. I certainly don't need them! Look, they asked me back to Hell, I said no. I'm not gonna be joining their team. Neither should you."
Aziraphale: "But...Well, obviously you said no to Hell, you're the bad guys. But...Heaven. Well, it's the side of truth, of light, of good."
Again Aziraphale only seeing Good and Evil as two opposing sides. The way that he lumps Crowley in with "the bad guys" just because he's a demon is insanely hurtful. He's known Crowley for thousands of years and he's seen him do plenty of good, yet he still sees him as Evil because he's a demon and sticking to his closeminded understanding of good and evil. (Don't get me wrong I absolutely adore Aziraphale and the way he is written this is amazing but it also just hurts my soul because I just relate to Crowley so much)
Crowley: "When Heaven ends life here on Earth, it'll be just as dead as if Hell ended it."
I feel like here Aziraphale understood for a second that what Crowley was saying was true, yet he still couldn't fully grasp it because again, the way he sees Good and Evil.
Crowley: "Tell me you said no. Tell me you said no."
Aziraphale: "If I'm in charge...I can make a difference."
I think Aziraphale truly believes that he can make a change somehow, but i feel like it leans back into the Good and Evil thing, because when they talked about killing Job's children he was against it, because he sees death as Evil, so Heaven would possibly only do things Aziraphale deems Good and Right, which in return may bring catastrophical consequences.
Crowley: "Oh. Oh, God. Right, okay. Right. I didn't get a chance to say what I was going to say, I think I'd better say it now. Right, okay, yes, so... [sighs] We've known each other a long time. We've been on his planet for a long time. I mean, you and me. I could always rely on you. You could always rely on me. We're a team, a group. Group of the two of us. And we've spent out existence pretending that we aren't. I mean, the last few years, not really. And I would like to spend...[grunts] I mean, if Gabriel and Beelzebub can do it, go off together, then we can. Just the two of us. We don't need Heaven, we don't need Hell, they're toxic. We need to get away from them, just be an us. You and me, what do you say?"
Crowley's confession. Absolutely devastating. I don't even know if I can analyze this because the speech itself is self explanatory. Crowley has always felt like it's the two of them together, he sees them as just them. He's tried before to go off with Aziraphale in the first season to Alpha Centuri, but Aziraphale refused. Crowley desperately wants Aziraphale to understand that Heaven and Hell don't matter to him and that they shouldn't matter to Aziraphale either, because Aziraphale is the only thing that matters to Crowley. And Crowley desperately wants to be the only thing that matters to Aziraphale.
Aziraphale: "Come with me...to Heaven. I'll run it, you can be my second in command. We can make a difference."
As much as Aziraphale sees Crowley as Evil, he still wants him to be by his side and he does want to be by Crowleys side. But he also wants Crowley to become Good again, which is the conflicting factor, because Crowley is already Good, Aziraphale just doesn't see it.
Crowley "You can't leave this bookshop."
In a desperate attempt, Crowley does a reach and reminds Aziraphale about how much the bookshop means to him, in an attempt to change his mind about heaven.
Aziraphale: "Oh, Crowley. Nothing lasts forever."
Crowley:"No. No, I don't suppose it does. Good luck."
Aziraphale loves his bookshop, but Aziraphale also loves Crowley. He's willing to give it up just so he and Crowley could be in Heaven together and work together. Aziraphale saying nothing lasts forever about the bookshop makes Crowley realize that they could also not last forever this way and their "us" would've had to end sooner or later. By saying good luck, Crowley definitively denies Aziraphales offer of joining him in heaven.
Aziraphale: "Good luck? Crowley! Crowley, come back, to Heaven! Work with me! We can be together! Angels...doing good! I...I need you!"
Aziraphale says it himself, he wants to be together with Crowley, but for that to happen they would need to go to heaven and Crowley would have to become an angel. Aziraphale wants Crowley to change for him, to fit in this mold of Goodness and be an Angel. But that's not who Crowley is. Crowley doesn't want to change the way he is because he's happy this way.
Aziraphale: "I dont think you understand what I'm offering you."
Crowley: "I understand. I think I understand a whole lot better than you do."
Aziraphale doesn't really realize what he's asking Crowley to do for him. To change for him. Aziraphale sees being an angel as good thing, which Crowley doesn't agree with.
Aziraphale: "Well...then there's nothing more to say."
Crowley: "Listen. Do you hear that?"
Aziraphale" I don't hear anything."
Crowley: "That's the point. No nightingales."
So I know it's like a reference but does this have deeper meaning I've missed? Let me know.
Crowley: "You idiot. We could have been...us."
DOUBLE MEANING MOMENT obviously they could have been "us" in the sense that they're together and in love. But it could also mean that they could've stayed the same if Aziraphale had agreed with Crowley, which means Crowley wouldn't have had to turn into an angel to be together with him. This hurts man.
Kiss moment. I don't even have words for this. I still cannot believe this happened even. But maybe this could be counted as Crowley's final attempt in trying to change Aziraphales mind? Which sadly, didn't work.
Aziraphale: "I...I forgive you."
For a bit I couldn't understand what he meant by that, but now i believe he said so because of the fact that Crowley refused to join him in heaven and that's what Aziraphale is forgiving Crowley for. If theres any other ideas lay them on me, id be interested to hear them.
Crowley: "Don't bother."
Crowley's last words to Aziraphale. Don't bother apologizing, because I don't care to hear it. He's heartbroken, he's angry, he's upset. The person who he has been pining for 6000 years doesn't understand him at all. It's honestly so heartbreaking. AND ALSO IF THIS IS THE WAY IT ENDS IF WE DON'T GET A SEASON THREE I WILL ABSOLUTELY RIOT BECAUSE THIS IS SUCH A PAINFUL WAY TO END THEIR RELATIONSHIP I NEED TO SEE THEM MAKE AMMENDS AND BE GOOD AGAIN.
Anyway yes those are my thoughts on the ending, let me know what you guys think.
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infernalenginesheart · 10 months
Return to Avernus
My tav Odile X Karlach (newer relationship, conflict)
Odile knows they should talk with Karlach about what is to come, but it seems there would never be a "good time". Now or never, apparently.
Content warnings: swearing - Dammon said a return to Avernus was the only way to ensure Karlach's engine wouldn't blow.-
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At least a week had passed since Karlach had been "fixed". Fixed was such an odd way to describe it, Odile had already found her rather perfect before, but the inability to touch was something to be remedied. That's better- remedied.
But Dammon's words kept rattling around their brain, not much better than an illithid tadpole, if they had any say in it. How the fuck were they supposed to bring this up to Karlach? Had the two of them not just confessed their love to each other? Had Karlach not just touched someone and had someone touch her in return-? It wasn't that easy. Nor could it ever be.
Karlach stood on the balcony of the Last Light Inn, her arms resting on the railing. The party has just returned from helping Thaniel and Oliver return to each other, but time for rest had not yet risen in the party's conversation.
Odile approached from the side, like one would a horse as if not to spook it, though Karlach surely had heard them taking their sword off their back and leaning it on a barrel. Wind seemed to curl around the edges of Karlach profile, her expression stoic.
"You're never one for such a serious expression," Odile smiled lightly, leaning on the railing. The red tiefling let out a soft sigh.
"I know what you want to talk about." Odile's hand gently trailed up their lover's arm, picking at leave stuck in her cape.
"I have half the mind to pretend I'm not sure what you mean," Odile cleared their throat, shifting their weight uncomfortably. They turned to face over the railing, shoulder to shoulder with Karlach.
The lake beyond the Inn was black, expansive, the waves breathing in the evening air. The breeze wafted back over them, Karlach's cape fluttering against Odile's. Karlach's tail sliced at the air in a short, swift motion.
Quiet hung between them for more than a moment. Odile was terrified to look over at Karlach.
"We could just... not talk about it at all," she whispered.
"We could pretend we didn't hear him say a thing, just carry on the two of us like we had been."
"Don't say my name like you pity me," Karlach's voice rose, just the slightest. Odile felt their heart jump at the burst of energy, moving from such quiet and stillness.
"I'm sorry, I would never- I don't mean-"
"I know. I'm sorry, soldier."
Karlach moved back to the railing as her outburst had carried her back, away, but her forearms came back to the railing this time. Her hunched stance was closer to Odile's relaxed height, the other tiefling hesitating before their body seemed to sway towards their lover. Their chin rested on her shoulder, their arms snaking around one of hers, so strong and sturdy.
"I can't go back, Odile," Karlach shook her head, looking down at her hands.
"I would rather die tomorrow having gotten the freedom I've had than go back. I can't- I won't- I-pfft," Karlach gave up on words, blowing air between thinned lips.
Odile's grip loosened.
It was understandable, not wanting to go back. More than understandable. They knew that, understood that. "W...H...Mm," Odile cut themself off before giving up.
"You're going to protest that? Say I should go back?" Karlach was the one to withdraw again, standing up, torso finally facing towards Odile.
"I don't want... to write it off compl-"
"Don't want to write it off? Fuck, Odile! Did you not listen to anything I told you about where I'm from before or-or-or was I not convincing enough?" Fire grew in her chest. The flames kicked up beneath her armor, her eyes wild.
"Karlach- forgive me. Forgive me for I am selfish at heart, and considering you could drop dead at any second- making that not as much of a possibility is selfish but can you blame me?"
Karlach's chest heaved with furious breath's at first, but they grew jagged. Unstable, shaking. The hot, angry tears followed easily, her fists balled up at her sides.
"You... I want to be selfish, too," Karlach was fighting hard against the tears and her breaths, trying so hard. "And I'm going to be."
But it wasn't worth it. Karlach had already grabbed her greatsword and gone back inside.
As night took the party back to camp, Odile knew they couldn't leave it alone, or they would toss and turn on their bedroll till morning arrived. It would eat them up from the inside.
Karlach lay in her tent, strange considering she was always outside of it, it seemed. Odile could see her outline from inside, the soft glow of candlelight outlining her silhouette.
They knew Karlach would hear them outside, the grass under their feet.
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Karlach, I won't be able to sleep if we don't talk about it."
"Not my problem," she tried to say with bite, but it was a weak attempt, her voice not convincing. Odile pushed aside the entrance to her tent, seeing the large woman curled up on the ground with Clive. Odile sat behind her, their legs crossed, hands in their lap, like a child in school.
They wanted so badly to reach out, to touch her.
"I think... everyone is inherently selfish. I will claim that more than most. I am selfish to keep my loved ones so close. And I am horribly, viciously selfish to want my lover to remain on this existence with me. I am selfish to ask that. But Karlach- I can take your face in my hands," their voice fell to a hush as they used the gentle pads of their fingertips to move Karlach's chin towards them, forcing her to roll over to them, "and I can watch your eyes from between my hands till sleep takes me. And forgive me for wanting to do that until the end of time."
Karlach sat up finally, facing Odile. "You are selfish."
Odile dropped their hand, looking to the floor of the tent, strewn with pillows. "But I need you to channel that selfishness into finding a way to fix me that doesn't involve me going back there. To that place."
"I can touch the ones I love for the first time in ten years, Odile. And I want to hug you until the end of time, I really do, but I can't do it if that is the price I have to pay."
"I would come wi-"
"Odile..." Karlach cut them off, their hands cupping Odile's face.
"I don't have a death wish. I want to... be with you until I can't."
"But what if that isn't much longer," Odile felt their own breath hitch.
"We will get there when we get there! But I just want to focus on you and me, and touching you, the way I've wanted to touch you now that I can. Shit, Odile, I just want to focus on that."
"I need you to promise me first."
"Yes, soldier?"
Odile took Karlach's face in their hands, now mirrors of each other. "If I cannot find another way to fix you, to keep you here, promise me you'll go with me to Avernus."
"You will find another way, you selfish asshole," Karlach chuckled, but brought her forehead to theirs.
"You will find another way."
"I need a promise, you big stubborn woman."
"Fuck off, Odile. I told you I'm not going back." Karlach straightened back up, her hands dropping. Odile's hands, surprised, now hovered near Karlach.
Odile's hands finally moved to their lap again. "You better hope I can find another way to save you, Karlach, or I'll kill you myself," they cracked a joke through watery eyes.
It seemed enough for them both, to lie to each other like that. To create a false plan. At least Odile's plan wasn't entirely false- they would try to find an alternative for Karlach, of course they would. But if going to Avernus was it, that was what they would do.
As Odile lay with their face buried in the muscular back of their lover, arms wrapped tightly around her, the sounds of the night filling their ears, they felt the urge to pray.
For Karlach's sake, for their own- for the solution to be anywhere but where Dammon had said it would be.
"I am going to fix you," they whispered, such a soft whisper it was like a ghost over their lips, lips that pressed into Karlach's warm shoulder blade.
For I cannot imagine who I will become if I cannot.
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aratlife · 3 months
The door opens violently by the fierce grip of the small moth. The Oroku entered the room. Karaï casts a bad look at Yoshi. Saki remains of marble. Shen finishes his bandage and comes out with his head down, looking with a compassionate look at the dazed Yoshi. "Good luck" whispered Shen coming out of the room.
Saki examines Yoshi from head to toe. The Tsuppari's face, devoid of any expressions, turns to his sister.
- It's okay, we take you.
-Tsss...Damn me...
-Eh!? Really? For real?!
-Huh, huh. But before that, you will have to prove your determination to me, in practice.
- O-okay... What should I do?
- First, you will go home. And repeat exactly what I'm going to tell your parents...
Three days later...
- WHAT!?
Howled Yoshi's father taken in disarray by this unlikely story but above all by the request of this mysterious young man.
- Hey, slowly, I haven't left yet.
Stirred Yoshi’s hands
- But you're not going to go anywhere, my dear! Who is this dirty kid who thinks he's a Yakuza, huh!?
- It's Oroku Saki! The leader of the Tsuppari of Shibuya!
- Never heard of it. And then you're not going to leave I don't know where for that.
The father exclaimed, turning to his wife with a shameless look.
- Honey... I think it's better to reconsider the question, don't you think? The mother slipped peacefully.
- But that's exactly what I wanted mom! The moment of truth. It's now or never.
- The time to ruin your life, do you mean? This story is nonsense! You will give me the pleasure of getting these idiocies out of your head and Kiwa, please. Don't encourage him in this nonsense, do you want?
- I don't encourage him to ruin his life but to help him make the best choice for him Yutā.
Gave a cold look. What calms him down a little.
- I know, I know but it is not this kind of life option that I would recommend to a child personally.
- A child? A child are you serious?! I'm not five years old anymore, damn it! I'm already reaching the majority now and you're talking to me as if I were still a kid! I can't take it anymore, you understand! I just want to follow the path I chose by myself. I will fully assume it. I don't care what others think! They are only the cadets of my worries.
Both parents exchange a shocked and disturbed look.
- Yoshi...
The mother grabbing her son's hand to comfort her as much as he does. His father begins to take the hundred steps before turning around himself, standing straight like an i, putting his hand on his shoulder.
- Son. Listen to me and listen to me well. In life you have to know how to listen to the voice of reason and not hear it. Throughout your life, she will change her interlocutor, intonation, accent and even language. But nevertheless, she will always be there to put you back on the right track. Like this my great because I am your voice of reason.
- No. You are not my voice of reason dad. You are the one of cowardice.
He pulls himself out of his parents' hands, and leaves the house with a bag with most of these personal belongings.
- Yoshi!
- Kiwa. Leave it. If by listening he does not understand, then maybe seeing the world he has decided to penetrate will open his eyes.
- Or he will find happiness, won't he?
- That's all I wish for him Kiwa. I just hope that he will not suffer from it to achieve this happiness.
- Before the appeasement there is suffering my dear. Since time you should know it.
Yoshi barely came out, saw him. He was there. Standing on an electric pole with arms crossed. A smile drawn on the lips of a charcoal black lipstick. This long hair in battles that seemed to inhabit by insects. His skin was abnormally pale. These nails were long and hooked, black like these lips, including a thin scar from the bottom of his chin, to finish his run below his nose. To summarize, it looked like a barely sober Gothic rocker.
- G-good evening.
- Good evening Yoshi. It's been a long time.
- What do you mean? Do we know each other?
- More than you imagine... my herald.
- ... Okay... I-I... Good evening sir.
Yoshi turns around, moving away from this strange individual. He refrained from turning around until this man threw this at him:
- Let your soul not gnaw too fast, my rodent. The game is not yet played.
For a reason that is ignorant, even today, this sentence gave him goosebumps almost to snap his teeth. He turns around, no longer seeing this kind of crazy rocker at a discount. But by lowering his eyes, he saw jumping over a big rat licking his legs.
- A rat? Here? It's rare to see it.
And he left, without thinking too much more about the anomaly about what this rat was, towards the address that Saki had given him. The rat, for its part, put himself on these two hind legs, rubbing his hands with impatience. And he said to himself:
- Ah! This new herald seems very original to me. It's different from everything I've been around. It's going to be fun. I love the novelty!
End of the first part.
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months
Just found out the cat I got through the cat distribution system, is a wholeass skogkatt. I have an orange, female, skogkatt and they're VERY associated with Freyja AND there is a Norse myth where Jormungandr beat Thor in a strength contest DISGUISED AS A SKOGKATT. There was a moment recently in the previous winter this year, where a bird flew at my face and my left eye and I managed to dodge as it hit my house behind me and looked at me VERY intentionally before it flew off entirely. It was a black bird of some kind, not one I've ever seen before, and got the distinct feeling that Odin was trying to tell me something. Like I was missing something super obvious and he was upset about it. Well I looked up myths and found that the fae in Welsh mythology will attack a person's eye in the shape of a bird when they're upset with someone AND that in Norse mythology a Skogkatt is literally known as a forest fairy cat. It just circled back to my baby, who literally I can talk to and I KNOW she understands me like I understand her. She's scared people by her intelligence, and the fact she's more of a sentinel guardian when people are around me because she doesn't trust people not to hurt me. I never trained her to do that, but she follows me like a dog and is as smart and trainable as one. I can make her wait, follow, play fetch, open cabinets and get me small things she can carry in her mouth, and she even watches over and warns me when a seizure is coming and will not let me move until it's over. She has the coat pattern of a fox, so I was already calling her a little fairy because of the fact she looks like a fox, but a cat, and the nature that means alone. But the associations are just.. a lot for something I'm trying to ignore. But I can't, and I shouldn't. I am a descendant of Zeus, and my father, is finally at peace, his ashes guiding me forward. I've been seen by people close to me, that when I get upset, the weather gets as harsh as I feel, but the EXACT moment I catch myself getting too upset and calm down for a moment, the weather will instantly clear up to bright blue skies. My father hid me, knowing, but even though he's not here anymore, I still listen for and hear his voice. I am lucky, and I am thankful to the beautiful Freyja for that, who has always watched over me like a mother should. I'm not ignoring who I am, anymore, father and godfather. I've seen your signs. I just need to control my anger, I don't want to expose what should stay hidden. You taught me to be human, for a reason, and I know what secrets to keep about and from humanity, now, and I thank you for the wisdom and opportunities to have grown like that.
- Atreus (God of War) fictive
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chadillacboseman · 2 years
day 21 of smutember with lion or doc please?
Smutember Day 21 - Balcony Scene
Warnings: Unprotected sex, jealously, semi-public, some risk of getting caught.
Kept promising myself the Smutember requests would be short, but this one got away from me.
For best effect, listen to something like this while reading :)
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You hate fancy parties.
Sure, the free drinks and food on golden plates are a nice touch, but you can't help but feel that you don't belong here. Not here among these French upper-class and politicians, all clinking their glasses and laughing at jokes you will never understand.
The dress you're wearing is unbearably "not you", a black lace number you had picked from the store Gustave had taken you to. Beside you, he's wearing a a three piece suit in jet black to compliment your outfit; his hair is pushed back, tucked behind his ears, a stark contrast to the usual fringe that hangs across his forehead.
Gustave rests a reassuring hand on the small of your back and leans in close to your ear, "You look miserable, ma cherie, what's wrong?" he asks and you sigh.
"Just a little overwhelmed, I'm sorry."
He hums and runs a thumb along your spine, "Do not be sorry, just stay close to me."
Gustave leads you through the throng of people in the ballroom, pushing past people who don't even offer you a second glance. Toward the front of the decadent room, a string quartet plays a song that's vaguely familiar and your heart races in time with the violinists fervent playing.
The event is honoring Médecins Sans Frontière, a group Gustave volunteered with during his time with the French Army. Whenever donations ran low, the politicians would throw an extravagant ball and plead for money to "continue the greater good" where it was needed.
Gustave feels compelled to attend every one, as his face is that of a true success story, an altruist who had saved hundreds of lives with the MSF before joining Rainbow.
"Oh Gustave!" a shrill voice calls across the ballroom and he sighs in exasperation. You recognize the voice's owner as one of the obnoxious daughter's of a French millionaire. She trots over to him, her pearl-colored silken dress hiked high above her knees.
"Oh, how good it is to see you!" she kisses his cheeks and you feel your already short temper flare just below the surface, "How have you been?"
"I've been fine, Celeste. You remember my-" his attempt to introduce you is lost as she grabs his hand and drags him to her group.
Gustave catches your eye and offers a silent apology as you stand, defeated, in the center of the ballroom.
"More champagne, miss?" a man in a pinstriped suit with coattails offers you a tray filled with glass flutes as you seethe silently against the far wall.
"Yes," you snatch a glass from the tray and the server nods curtly before offering you a pitying look and departing.
Gustave is still in the center of the group of fawning women, all cooing over his suit and his physique, giggling and running their hands over him until you feel as if you're going to crush the glass you clutch in your hand.
Why did he bring you here?
You tear your eyes away from the spectacle and make your way to a set of french doors that lead to a balcony overlooking the garden. The cool air hits you like a freight train as you lean over the railing at watch the water in the fountain below dance, reflecting the light of the moon.
This was a stupid idea. You should have told him to him come alone.
Tears threaten to well up into your eyes as you finish the champagne and toss the flute into the bushes below. You couldn't care less if anyone sees you do it.
You hear the set of doors swing open behind you and you quickly straighten, wiping the tears on the back of your hand before turning to find Gustave standing, framed by the bright golden lights of the ballroom behind him.
Your attempts to hide the tears are futile- he knows when even the smallest thing is wrong with you.
He also knows when he's fucked up.
Gustave closes the small distance between the two of you and you move to turn back to the railing, white-knuckled fingers grasping at the fine marble accents until they ache.
"Had enough of being fawned over?" you snap.
"You think I liked that?" he sounds hurt, and for a moment the fire in your chest subsides.
"You didn't exactly make an attempt to stop them," you turn to face him and he cocks his head, his finely-coiffed hair has finally come loose, the fringe taking its rightful place in a splash across his forehead.
He looks strikingly handsome standing there in the moonlight.
"You think I want one of them?" Gustave closes the remaining gap and cups your face with his hand, forcing your eyes to his.
"I...maybe," you're still angry. Still hurt. Still willing to go scorched earth in your wounded state.
"You really think that?" Gustave's voice is husky as he tilts your face up to his, "When I have you?"
His dark eyes are intense as he stares down at you, gaze boring into yours; "Every one of those rich connards is worthless compared to you."
"That's not really an apology...." you trail off with a smirk that he returns.
"Would you prefer something like this instead?" Gustave cups your cheek and brings his mouth to yours, swallowing up your protests in a kiss full of heat and apologies.
"Gustave!" you push him away playfully and he grins.
"What? Don't you want my apology?"
He grabs you around the waist and pulls you roughly against him, his smirk growing wider and more sinister.
"Gustave..." you lean back over the railing and he follows, kissing along your exposed neck until you're giggling like a schoolgirl, "We might get caught!"
"So, I don't want that!" You swat at him and he catches your hand, bringing it to his mouth and kissing down your wrist.
Gustave abandons his efforts at your wrist and moves his hands to your hips, roughly turning you so you're bent over the railing, staring down into the garden where other party-goers mingle obliviously.
The fiery protests welling in your throat are extinguished when he hikes your dress up to your waist and takes in the sight before him with a lustful groan.
It's not like him to act like this, not when the two of you could so easily be caught by anyone wandering outside at the wrong moment.
You hear him fumble for a moment behind you, fabric rustling as he works to free himself.
"Suits," he mutters in frustration.
A small "ha!" of triumph falls from his lips when he's successful, and you feel him grasp your hips roughly, lining you up with him and shoving your panties down your legs in one swift motion.
"Were you jealous, ma cherie?" he whispers as he drags himself lazily up and down your slit, sending a ripple of shivers up your spine, "When you do this to me?" he exhales shakily, hot breath fanning over you as he tries to hold himself back.
Gustave grips your hips and pushes inside you slowly, agonizingly, hissing as he restrains himself from thrusting wildly.
You can't even answer, too overwhelmed by the way he fills you so well, stretches you to almost unbearable limits, shoving you forward against the railing.
You let out a small moan and he chuckles, "Quiet now, wouldn't want someone to look up," he punctuates the last word with a hard thrust and you bite your lip to hold back a moan.
"You feel so good," Gustave is babbling now, barely able to string together words anymore, punchdrunk as he fucks you on the balcony, "So tight."
The fear of being caught dissipates from your mind, shoved aside by the feeling of him hammering away at the white hot core of you, building tension like a rubber band that threatens to snap at any moment.
You are so painfully close, gripping the marble of the railing as you bite back the curses that threaten to tumble out of your mouth, careful to keep your eyes on the garden below in case one of them looks up.
You wonder for a moment what they might think if they do.
The thought is pushed from your mind as the tension snaps and you feel your legs grow weak; Gustave follows, grunting as he digs his fingers into the meat of your hips.
"Don't want to ruin your pretty dress, hm?" Gustave's words come between pants as he bucks into you erratically until he is sated and your legs feel as if they are made of a wobbling gelatin.
"Does that make it better, mon amour?" He purrs the words in your ear as he pulls out slowly and lets the length of your dress fall back to your ankles as he adjusts his own clothing.
"A little," you admit with a smile.
"Let's go home," Gustave grabs your hand and you cock your head.
"Don't you have to stay for the event?"
He waves a dismissive hand at the ballroom and turns to you with bright eyes, "I'd much rather spend my night with you."
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mimisempai · 2 years
You are my favorite serendipity
Hob asked Dream to come early when he would pick him up at the end of his class, because he was going to taught something that might interest Dream. Dream did not expect to hear Hob tell the story of their first meeting.
Flufftober Day 27 - Serendipity
On AO3
Rating G - 1946 words
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Dream entered the classroom and sat down discreetly in the back row. Hob had mysteriously told him the night before that he should come a half hour early because he might be interested in what Hob would tell at the end of his class.
"Today I'm going to end the class with the history of the word Serendipity."
Hob sat on the edge of his desk and began his explanation.
"Serendipity is the gift of making, by chance and sagacity, an unexpected and worthwhile discovery, especially in the sciences. It is a polysemic notion whose meaning varies according to the period, the context and the language used. The word, initially English, was created in 1754 by the writer Horace Walpole from the Persian tale The Three Princes of Serendip.  This is what he himself said, ' I once read a silly fairy tale, called “The Three Princes of Serendip”: as their Highnesses traveled, they were always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of: for instance, on the them discovered that a mule blinds of the right eye had traveled the same road lately, because the grass was eaten only on the left side, where it was worse than on the right—now do you understand Serendipity?'"
Dream amusedly saw Hob pretend to yawn at the end of his explanation, then the teacher asked his students, "I ask you the question asked by Walpole, now do you understand what Serendipity means?"
Obviously expecting their negative response, Hob continued, "Then let me tell you a story. It begins one summer evening in the year of our Lord 1389 in a tavern, the White Horse Tavern. An ordinary man, let's call him Robert. So Robert was drinking, a little too much, with his companions. And when you drink a little too much, you tend to talk a little louder. So our Robert was proclaiming loudly that he wouldn't die, because death was stupid."
Dream found it hard not to hold back a laugh at the way Hob was talking about himself. 
Even though what he was saying had happened centuries ago, the memory was vivid in Dream's mind.
"I just think maybe it would be good for you to see them on their terms, instead of yours."
Death had insisted on dragging him into this tavern and now he was forced to endure the inane chatter of all these humans when suddenly a voice sounded louder than the others.
"Look, I've seen death."
He and his sister turned together to the person who had just said these words and listened with curiosity as he continued, "I lost half my village to the Black Death. I fought under Buckingham in Burgundy. It's not like I don't know what death is. Death is... stupid."
Dream and Death looked at each other, and as his friends laughed at him, the man continued in his insolently confident manner, "Nobody has to die. The only reason people die is... is 'cause everyone does it. You all just go along with it. But not me. I've made up my mind."
Dream and Death looked at him again as the man paused before adding firmly, "I'm not going to die."
Dream and Death looked at each other again as the man replied to his companions who continued to mock him.
"You don't know that. I might get lucky. There's always a first time. There's so much to do, so many things to see. Women to swive. Ale to drink. People to drink with."
Dream, annoyed by this human who had such low aspirations, asked his sister, "Why would any sensible creature crave an eternity of this?"
Death replied with that little smile of his, "You could find out."
Dream inquired, "How?"
His older sister replied, "I could grant him his wish."
Dream couldn't help but respond with a mocking tone, "Do that, and he will be begging for death within a century, I assure you."
Death did not lose her smile and replied, "This will prove very interesting."
They turned their gaze back to the man who continued to debate with his companions and Death asked, "Are you gonna tell him, or should I?"
Oh no, Dream wanted to tell him himself, to see if his confidence would persist in the face of him. He replied, "I shall." and walked over to the merry band.  Once facing Hob, he stared at him for a few seconds until the man turned his gaze to him and Dream asked in a composed manner, "Did I hear you say you have no intention of ever dying?"
The man chuckled slightly and after a brief hesitation replied, "Uh, yeah. Yeah, that's right."
Dream continued, "Then you must tell me what it's like."
As he chuckled again, Dream added, knowing full well the effect his words would have on the man, "Let us meet here again, Robert Gadling, in this tavern of the White Horse in a hundred years."
While his friends laughed outright, the man looked at him with a serious expression on his face and a slight shock in his eyes at the call of his name. 
Dream looked at his sister who nodded and then, looked back at the man who continued to stare at him before smiling and answering, "Don't mind them. A hundred years' time, on this day?" 
Dream could see that the man still believed it was a joke, but that the shadow of a slight doubt remained. This didn't stop him from answering seriously, "I will see you in the year of our Lord 1489, then." finishing with a cheeky smile and a challenging glance that Dream held until he turned to leave.
When Dream came out of his reverie, he realized that Hob had come to the same part of his story.
"Robert watched the man leave, a strange feeling in his mind, a question in his head, what if it were true? Well, he knew it when a hundred years later he met the stranger who would meet him again a hundred years later and so on, creating a special bond with this person he didn't know from Adam. So can anyone tell me how this story illustrates the word serendipity?"
A student raised his hand and Hob nodded, "I'm listening."
"Well the man, Robert, in 1389, was drinking and joking with his friends and probably didn't expect a stranger to come along and give him the gift of immortality, so to speak, so that's his serendipity."
Hob agreed and replied, "Quite so. But let's take it a step further, don't you think that his serendipity is also the bond he creates with this stranger by meeting him every hundred years?"
A young girl on the other side of the classroom raised her hand.
"Yes Alice?"
"Professor, does your story have a happy ending? Do Robert and his friend still meet every hundred years?"
Hob smiled softly and replied, "Well, imagine a mysterious stranger coming to you and daring you to see him again in a hundred years to tell him what it's like not to die. Imagine this stranger coming back to you day for day a hundred years later to listen to your life story and then listen carefully before making an appointment to meet you a hundred years later. Imagine that he is there again a hundred years later and you are proud to tell him about your achievements and, even if he doesn't seem to care, you know that you will be there in a hundred years to meet him again. Because that serendipity, that serendipity has become a drug. So even if, a hundred years later, you are at the lowest point of your life, the most miserable, you will be there, if only to see the emotion and surprise, even if fleeting, in that look. Hoping to see that you have touched his life as he has touched yours.  Then nothing can stop you from seeing him again a century later, not even exterior scheming or your own mistakes, if only to see the spark in that gaze."
As Hob went through their encounters, Dream saw in flashes those moments unfold in front of his eyes.
Hob continued, "You will still be there, a hundred years later, to finally read the approval and even affection in those eyes. Even if you will be the one to jeopardize your bond because sometimes you have to tell your friends the truth. Because you want to meet him as an equal and not be the object of an experiment anymore. Risking a lifetime of endless loneliness for the sake of the one you consider your friend. And you would be willing to wait another hundred years of solitude just to finally see the hurt and loneliness you read in that gaze disappear. Just to welcome him back with a smile. Just to see him smile back at you."
Seeing that he had gotten a little carried away, Hob paused for a moment before resuming, his students hanging on his every word, "To answer your question Alice, I think they are still meeting and more importantly I am certain that now they are not waiting a hundred years to see each other."
Just in time, the bell announcing the end of class rang and Hob announced, "Don't forget to turn in your homework for the next class, I won't wait a hundred years to grade them."
The students giggled and exited the classroom one after the other. Dream approached Hob who was finishing putting his things in his bag.
He asked softly, "So I'm your serendipity?"
Hob looked up and smiled, "You doubt it?"
Dream, checking first that the door was closed, took Hob's hand in his and brought it to his lips before answering, "Well I think you're my serendipity too."
Hob replied with a mischievous little smile, "Explain this to me, Professor Morpheus."
Dream chuckled softly then tying his arms around Hob's waist he said softly, "Imagine, you walk into an inn, urged by your big sister to socialize and you're dying of boredom listening to the uninteresting talk around you when all of a sudden there's this guy who talks louder than the others and says he doesn't want to die. Then you challenge this guy to meet you in a hundred years and he takes the challenge with an irresistible smile. Wouldn't you give anything to be there every hundred years? No matter the smile, no matter the circumstances? Just to see this? Even if he annoys you sometimes? Even if the smile is wavering... Even if it smells like danger... Just to see that sweet smile that is only for you... And while you can't be there because of outside forces, once you're free, in full possession of your faculties, wouldn't that be the first thing you'd want to see? To finally be able to smile back at him?"
He smiled gently at Hob as he finished his tale. His lover raised his hand and stroked Dream's smile with his thumb as he whispered, "It seems I need to add a paragraph to my story then."
Dream kissed the thumb on his lips and said softly, "It's an endless story anyway. A story that has a happy ending with no ending. All that's left is the happiness."
Hob laughed softly and, grasping Dream's hand, he said in a cheerful tone, "Come on my sappy lord, let's hurry back so I can show you how happy I am."
"Who is the sappy one now?" retorted Dream as he followed him.
They were still laughing as they left the classroom.
Still not beta'd
Still not my native language
Still hoping you'll enjoy this story  🥰
Still thanking you for bearing with me 😝
Dreamling Flufftober here
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