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notsofunsenpai · 7 months ago
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chaotic-cheshire · 1 year ago
Still thinking of and cackling about these from Kindred's stream a couple days ago
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and one that one of his mods did during all this chaos
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cl0ver007 · 9 months ago
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New profile alert lol
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ladybeemer · 11 months ago
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I love Kenji a lot !! 🩷
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rivengrym · 1 year ago
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Fanart of the Vtuber Sun Kenji on twitch
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fukuzaineb · 2 months ago
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SunkenjiVT fanart wip!
Drew Kenji because my friend and I watch his videos on facecall and consider him the only vtuber we watch. (+he's cool)
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mylittlesecrethaven · 10 months ago
Bro Wtf. Kenji Did Not Deserve That Shit
I'm gonna start this out by saying I was a big fan of the Mofongo boys and Kage and Andy and Phoenix. I am still a fan of Riikami, and that will probably not change.
I had not paid too much attention to Kenji in the past, and I only saw this blow up when I was looking up Kage's YouTube channel, and all I found was results about Kenji being doxed.
I am still a little behind on everything going on with the situation, so all I know is that Dove and Kage were talking in gcs about doxing Kenji, and that Riikami had no idea it was going on.
I've heard a little about Andy and Phoenix being involved, but not to what extent. If someone could enlighten me on that, I would be grateful. I've been busy recently, so I've had barely any time to look into full videos over what happened or Kenji's video about what happened.
I've seen Riikami's video about leaving the Mofongo boys, and I've seen some shorts of Kenji talking about the situation. I've seen part of Kage and Andy's apology streams, and I've heard talk about Phoenix maybe doing one.
That's all I know on the subject. Again, if somebody could fill me in a little more, I'd appreciate it. (I might have done more research by the time this comes out, but any extra information is welcome.)
And if you have absolutely no idee what I'm talking about, I'm going to put some videos below the cut for you to watch, from shorts to full videos, in case you're curious.
Pnumbral's overview for Vtubing, also includes a short segment about Kenji's doxing situation. (Short)
Pnumbral's full video over Vtubing that week, Kenji's doxing situation starting at 5:00 until 1:18:00. (Live video) (I myself have not watched the entire stream)
Kenji's full stream talking about the situation. (Video) (I also have not fully watched this yet.)
The last few minutes of Kage's stream, where I think he apologizes. (Video) (Yet again, I've only watched a little bit. There are plenty of comments for me to learn from though, and I've just noticed one of them saying that Dove was the instigator and Andy and Phoenix had very little to no interactions with the gcs involving Kage and Dove.)
Riikami announcing him leaving Mofongo boys and saying he had no idea what was going on. (Video) (This was actually how I found out about everything going on)
I wasn't able to find the video of Andy talking about the situation, but I know there is/was one. There's also plenty of videos and shorts on Kenji's YouTube channels, Kenji + and Kenji Clips.
There's also a ton of other deep dives into the situation, and they also explain more on what happened with Dove. If I have time, I will look into them, but I will not be updating this post.
I am extremely sad that Mofongo boys is disbanding, especially since now it seems that it may have just been Kage and Dove, but I can understand why. I can tell that Dove and Kage's vtubing careers are probably done and over with, but I'm hopeful that Andy, Phoenix, and Riikami can do well on their own. If I can find out more about how involved Andy and Phoenix were, that would be great, but for now I'm happy just knowing Riikami wasn't knowingly involved.
Kenji didn't deserve this shit, and I wish it never happened.
(Also, it's weird to me that Kage's YouTube channel, where he deleted all of his videos, shorts, and lives, still has more subscribers than Riikami. (As of April 27th))
(edit - Nevermind. Riikami now has more followers)
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heaven-digital-lineart · 11 months ago
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I just watched the @SunKenjiVT get doxxed full stream, I was animating my next meme. But I wanted to make some simple #fanart. I might make some detailed fanart later. I am so sad, whom the fuck would do that. Kenji keeps it so real in his videos, and brings so much joy! #art
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lunettedigital · 6 months ago
Module 5 - Info-flood
Misinformation: https://theonion.com/couple-denied-marriage-license-after-failing-to-prove-love-beyond-reasonable-doubt/
This article corresponds to the concept of misinformation as it presents misleading content towards users of the website. The contents featured on the website are make believe articles about situations that could be real and also could lead users into thinking they are real. Misinformation can be identified by users by being attentive to the wording used to see if any specific wording leads to changing your perception about the topic. Another way to identify misinformation is to check if there are any other sources linked within the media or if any other source talks about the same situation.
Disinformation: https://youtu.be/F_WfIzYGlg4
This video corresponds to the concept of disinformation as it presents AI generated content as real footage. The content features an advertisement for Toys”R”Us where all visuals are generated by AI. Users can identify this disinformation content by paying close attention to the visuals and how the boy in this video changes how he looks several times and the items on shelves look generic and are not a specific brand of toy. Another feature that AI generated videos struggle with is text, be sure to look out for any text featured within a video or photo as it tends to get writing wrong and will produce nonsensical words.
Mal-information: https://x.com/SunKenjiVT/status/1780612290590765506
This Twitter post corresponds to the concept of mal-information as the user here had their personal information leaked to people they were not acquainted with. The post contains the images that were given to the original user of their information being leaked in a group chat as well as their side of the story. The person who had leaked the information did this because they got into an altercation with the person whose information got leaked. Mal-information can be identified by users seeing information or content they have no right knowing. Another key to identifying mal-information can be determined by if the person has any relations with the person/people involved.
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toptaigaa · 2 years ago
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Vtuber Sunkenji X ✨Chat-Chan✨
inspired by thigh vs ass vs titty vs feet convos during streams lol! Can you tell what he likes lmfao!
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notsofunsenpai · 1 year ago
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Power outage
Kenji's arm was wrapped around your waist as you snuggled close to him. He was wearing his white tank top and his red sweats,while you were wearing his red hoodie and some black sweats as well,you guys were munching on some munchies along with some candy like Twix all while watching t.v. it was date night, and like always, both of you were poor, so you guys made up for it by having little movie nights. You guys were in the middle of your show when suddenly the power went off,hearing Kenji tsked.
"Maaan,it was getting to the best part." He said, getting up and turning on his flash from his phone,nearly blinding you.
"Oh shit sorry." Kenji quickly apologized,"You good?" He then asked.
"There's something wrong with my eyes.." you said, sounding scared, which made Kenji panic.
"Should i take you to the hos -"
"I can't take them off of you. " you said, giving him a grin.
"Mm." Kenji face heats up as his eyes widen before giving you a shy smile,"That was smooth. You're an idiot. I'll be back." He said, watching as you turn your phones flash on as well.
He goes to the breaker box,"I'd give them that one...caught me off gaurd.." he mutters to himself as he flips the switches as the lights come back on.
You smiled in delight as the power came on, and you could finally watch your show again. You didn't miss much of your show, luckily. Kenji comes back and immediately cuddles you,nuzzling against your neck and giving you gentle kisses. You return the kisses,running your fingers through his hair and giving him compliments.
"Stooop." He whines softly but doesn't move away,clearly enjoying the attention that you give him.
"My handsome man." You said smiling,watching how red his face got.
You gently hold his hand,kissing it softly,whispering soft praises to him.
He'll allow you to kiss him,touch him,whatever you want because he loves being spoiled by you,he can't help but become a blushing mess when it's with you.
He loves you so dearly.
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centuriantalevevo · 3 years ago
Hi, yes! Hello! I made my very first edit!!
It's on Instagram too
I'm quite proud of it even tho it looks like shit- an edit of
🎶❤Sun Kenji my beloved❤🎶
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cl0ver007 · 1 year ago
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Monkè :)
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centuriantalevevo · 3 years ago
And Sun Kenji-
as much as i love all the hololive and nijisanji stuff, we should start including non-company vtubers, namely a special lil boy named shxtou,,,
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notsofunsenpai · 1 year ago
You sat at the barstool in the kitchen of your house,scrolling through tik tok,watching alot of cat memes,work related stuff,AppleRadio fanart and cosplay stuff,staying safe videos just in case you were to be kidnapped,along with asmr videos. You enjoy the soap carving and breaking ones along with the glass breaking ones. You were just browsing until you saw this one tik tok that caught your eye it was basically a lady asking her boyfriend or husband to peal an orange ,in the video she explained if your partner does this act of service you're relationship is going good or if they dont you guys have issues in your relationship,something like that. As right on cue, your lover came into the kitchen wearing nothing but his sweats,looking like he just woke up ,"Kenjii," you said sweetly.
He didn't hear you the first time as he as going through the fridge for something to eat,maybe something to drink to.
"Kenji." You said again,a little louder to catch his attention.
"Hmm?" He asked, looking at you.
"Will you get me an orange and peel it for me, love? " you asked sweetly.
"We don't own any oranges."
"Oh.. will you buy me some oranges then."
"Love,you dislike oranges. You always complain about the seeds in them."
"Well, get me the ones without the seeds then!" You said back.
"That's like saying, find me a watermelon that's not green or find me a cake that doesn't have sugar in it."he rebuttles.
You groan,"I just want an orange."
"It's also raining outside, and im not gonna get cold and wet, but you know what i can give you."
"What can you give me?.." you asked.
He goes back into the fridge for a second to get a mango out,handing it to you,"It's orange. That's as close as you'll get until it stops raining." He said, giving you a kiss along with taking a bottle of water,"Also stop watching those types of Tik toks. I don't want you to thinkin' i dont love you or do anything for you. Just talk to me, love." He said before going to the shared room to watch tv or game .
"I guess you're right." You said, looking at the mango,taking a bite out of it. Truth be told, you weren't really a fruit type of person, but at least he gave you something even if it wasn't an orange.You were also glad this little experiment didn't turn out horribly either.
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notsofunsenpai · 7 months ago
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