#you should be happy with that 😁
letmeliveinelfhame · 12 days
Being so delulu, you get multiple copies of the same book because they're different editions >>
Warning: kinda long tags
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bobosbillionsknives · 2 months
(not shipping content)
It's one of my biggest headcanons ever that Vash does NOOOT like his birthday dude I just can't believe it...Knives however. Biggest birthday enjoyer ever. He is the special birthday boy. 🤗🤗🤗
Knives usually leaves Vash alone but Vash KNOWS Knives is going to make an effort to show up on their birthday and it stresses him out so bad. Especially if the July incident was on their birthday...that would leave horrible memories for him. 😭 Not to mention how painful remembering his first birthday with Rem would be. Plus Knives would act so bitchy about it like wooow dont even want to see your own brother on your birthday wow. I get it I'm just the worst ever ..🥀 Vash would be so over it.
I feel so strongly that Vash is the introvert while Knives is the extrovert. Knives self isolates out of fear and disgust of humans but he secretly thrives while talking to others. Especially if they have strong opinions he can argue against (definitely a debate bro). If Knives had a normal childhood he would've loved big crowds, he has absolutely no social awareness or shame . Or filter. He'd talk to anyone who'd listen. Knives drives himself absolutely insane with his own isolation. All he really wants is social connection, something he's convinced himself is impossible with humans. That's why he's so fixated on getting Vash to stay, he feels Vash is the only person he can actually talk to. Vash on the other hand, would do anything for 5 minutes alone. He is constantly pushing away Milly, Meryl, and even Wolfwood. He cannot let anyone know him beyond his silly guy persona. He especially doesn't like being celebrated (doesn't think he deserves it. 😂😂😂) He is constantly trying to skip out on the parties towns people throw for him, leaving without saying goodbye. (He does like getting drunk tho...makes talking easier) He'd never EVER share his birthday with anyone. Especially not Wolfwood or the girls. Knives however, would tell EVERYONE !!! (like how the entire Gung Ho Gun knew Knives had a brother, but Meryl had no idea Vash did. I think Knives loves talking about himself and his tragic past, painting himself as the forever victim to absolutely anyone who'd listen. To Vashes absolute horror 😭.) Vash is constantly drained from forcing himself to perform socially. He loves people and talking to them but he just needs like. 8 hours of alone time to properly function. That's why he gets so bitchy with everyone sometimes lol. She just needs a naaaaap omg 🤦‍♂️. But he feels guilty for being snippy and tired so he'll force himself to be social anyway. Which makes it worse. Love hiiim !!!! 😍 Either way they're both hurting themselves when they behave like this.
Knives is definitely the yapper while Vash just listens. I feel like Vash would appreciate not having that pressure to constantly respond. Even if Knives can be overbearing, I do think they enjoy each other's company. When they aren't... trying to murder each other. Nobody knows him like Knives does, it would almost be relieving not having to pretend to be happy all the time. He can perfectly morally justify being as mean to Knives as he wants to be !! And he wouldn't admit it, but he does enjoy listening to Knives complain about nothing. He thinks it's funny. Knives is just happy to be with someone he's deemed worthy of his time. He views Vash as his equal, someone he actually trusts to confide in. They are the opposite and also the same in every way life is so beautiful I love these guys.
It would also just be such a cute subversion of audience expectation if Knives, the self proclaimed people hater, was a people person. I think that's sooo interesting and makes so much sense with the context of his desperation for the approval of humans when he was a child. I think kid Knives would've tried to argue that celebrating something everyone goes through is pointless, but would love all the attention anyway. Even be a bit resentful that it was Vashes birthday too if he didn't seem to appreciate the attention as much. As he got older hed mellow out and warm up to the idea of having a birthday and sharing it. Mostly as an excuse to talk to Vash and make everything about himself again. Lol. Plus I think he likes organizing parties. His dream is to have that sweet 16 fantasy the humans in the old world used to have. He actually wants to be normal is the thing. They both do.
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grogumaximus · 10 months
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vomiting-rainbows · 3 months
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its his wriggling day everybody !!
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circus-clownn · 2 months
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they have fun together
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dontloseyour--head · 4 months
a short test for writing my au.
Warning ;; technically written: blood/gore, animal death, horror.
Plus i don't usually write
Layla is a rich, young lady. freshly 19 years old. Living with her mother, and visiting her father occasionally. Shes very interested in cryptids and the paranormal. Her father, Larry, is a hunter and taxidermist. Dead animals are a usual thing for his house, it's nothing to question. Layla is staying with him for a few nights. When he brings home a dead...deer...? its head already cut off and bloody. The poor thing had a gunshot wound also by its eye. Leaving more blood on its dark, thin, Black fur. It really was an interesting looking animal. Other than it's fur, it had long and sharp teeth, sticking out in multiple directions. And a glossy..what looked like pure white, eyeball. Anyone would know something is off about this animal, though Larry just saw it as another thing for his job. But Layla could tell she had heard of this before. Descriptions and blurry photos were shared across the town. It was known as the "Towns Cryptid." You'd think Larry would know about this, being he lives right next to the same forest it's been known to haunt. But this man knew nothing of it. He just knew there was a mysterious man asking to buy its taxidermied head. Later in the night as Larry is working on it, Layla can't seem to sleep. There's this eldritch being in the same house as these two, and they're not doing anything about it? Nothing?? Maybe she was hallucinating it being that way? That's entirely possible, she has always been known for it. She's not gonna take the easy way out and not believe it's real, though. After all this could be the coolest thing ever! (or the worst.) Wanting to investigate this, she leaves her room. Walking over to where it was originally located..and, it's gone. Maybe Larry took the body too? More than likely. She started heading for his shed. Stepping outside into the night. Being stopped by a very...tall..and...thin, figure. dark skin with a grayish tint to it. staring up she saw it's headless appearance. blood still dripping out of the wound. Its legs looked as if bending backwards in an inhuman manner, almost like deer limbs. Mentally freaking out..this is amazing!! and horrifying. It doesn't seem dangerous, at least without a head.
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foxgloveinspace · 9 months
hiiiii!!!! i hope you’ve been well! 🩶🩶🩶
i finished my research paper on sleep token and their whole religious thing a couple weeks ago…
i got the mark back and i got 82%!!! thats the best grade i’ve ever gotten on an essay before!
i am so so so happy because writing papers is the biggest school struggle for me and to get my highest grade for writing about something i love so much is so rewarding.
anyways, yeah. just really happy tonight :)
That’s amazing!!! I’m so happy for you!!
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exoexid · 9 months
a new album and new solo music, sm not giving a fuck about them, two members "leaving", some lawsuits, exceeded the annual wedding attending quota, their christmas music charting again..... just a typical year for exo :)
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 10 months
Hi all one of bookies friends here.
Everyone needs to calm down
Look at the facts.
Video- showed her without ANY ring a lot
Video-could he be anymore obvious with his left
Everytime he does or has something come out she does something. This time she shot herself in the hand twice.
And no I no longer find Chris attractive. If your team real i dont care. I just dont like seeing my friends on here who are team or get all worked up bwcause its nothing. It is for nothing we've, proven its fake.
How many holes can you put into a hot air balloon before it can't fly anymore?
To the GP (genaral public) they are married so right after all it was exposed the rings are fake. teams are gunna have to do or try and do clean up for a while. We knew this was going to happen. I expect to see shit about one flying here or the other flying there or they both fly to meet each other. I mean how many roumers in 2 days can start about who is where? It just
makes it look worse and more comical. A real couple wouldnt do damage control at all. Just because a website publishes an article doesn't mean it's a website that reports news or the truth. Remember People mag, US weekly etc is are still mags they use click bait. Don't freak out everytime you hear a rumor that she flew here or did this or that . The fact is its been de bunked disproven if they choose to continue on with the PR BS thats on them a lot of fans are not playing along any more. Im.not playjng along anymore im done with it. I saw a post in instagram that sums everything us well it said
"I am on team PR. But if he wants people
to believe he's with her, then we should
just leave him to it. It's true he owes
us nothing but we also don't owe him
our support anymore."
What point is there to get upset or nervous or anxious over something just because there a rumor about a plane ride. If you wanna believe theres a plane ride maybe its to sign a new contract that this shit is over.
You know its fake i know its fake. And you know what they showed they were gifts from cartier. Maybe her team would shse poney up the money to get cz versions. Frankly it would be even funnier.
We dont owe chris anything.
If you feel silly or stupid or being duped by thibking he was a better man than he is dont be, everyone was. It only goes to show the man could've had awards by now if he picked better scripts
Clean up is gunna happen. WE HAVE SEEN IT. the less you play into it the faster itll be over with.
But dont let this distract you or upset you from a joyus holiday season or take away any happiness you're experiencing or could be experiencing. Focus on something positive and happy. At the very least i saw a blog with a debate about who qas hotter Sam or Castiel. Now THAT is some shit worth arguing about. Not an airheaded Nazi
Thank you, my dear An🫶n.
Honestly, this is a serious wakeup call to a lot. That ring debacle/exposure is something to note, and it could be the sign to many of being done.
And if they aren't, well, I'm happy to partially become the blog that becomes a nostalgic stop for old Chris, Chris Evans before he was a shit person in a shit relationship with a shit person, and Chris Evans Characters Appreciation and absolute SIMPING!!! Oh, and the occasional Albitch hate post, because I still hate her 😆
I'm even thinking it's time to add more Fandoms to my roster. Marvel characters are high on that list. So are book discussions, because I am enjoying that as well 😁
We'll see. The world is my oyster now, especially with that big bomb that fell into our laps, as well as the fact I'm on break and about to undergo the busiest month of my life!!!
It's going to be filled with holiday cheer, family love, Christmas shopping, reconnecting with everyone, and focusing on improving the one love that came back a few months ago, after years... Writing 😊
So, my beautiful weirdos, can we PLEASE take steps towards something new? I think we could use some respite after months, maybe even years of PR Debunking Hell... 🫶
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Also, there are certain topics that I don't want to be discussed on here. Because I don't feel comfortable being in the middle of any debate whatsoever (you can ask my dearest friends on here, they know I hate politics and avoid discussing, and eventually debating it, as much as possible). Until my next post, Beloveds 🤗
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adore-gregor · 2 years
#i'm back after disapearing from tumblr (again🥲)#so uni was stressful#but i passed all my tests so far (well one i'm still waiting for the results but i did so well on it i could hardly have failed it)#i even did well 😁 got a b on the first one and a c on the 2nd one (which i'm happy with because quite a few failed and many d's)#(for the one i'm still expecting i should have at least get a C or i might even get a B or an A)#so yay#but my mental heath is always getting worse when i'm studying anyone else 🥲#like i do nothing else or feel like i can't do anything else often order food because i feel like i don't feel like i have time for cooking#and the anxiety i stress so much before the exam until the very moment i have it then i'm calm again😂#like it's whatever i can't do anything more now anyway so i might just do this#i then talk myself up i'm gonna do great on it because i studied well#but it still got better compared to when i was younger i still cooked some meals i saw my best friend during exam week#i also stay positive most of the times because generally i'm a very positive person but sometimes the nerves get to me still#also i find these study tiktoks or tumblr pages so funny the studying part with the clean desk and morning routines life together 😅#i feel like it's not realistic and putting so much pressure on you i kinda hate it#i mean you shouldn't give up on trying to be balanced and relaxed with studying but some amount if mess is normal i feel like#my desk always rather looks a mess when i study#but it's unnecessary pressure fr studying is not an aesthetic and it doesn't need to look like it#all that matters is that you pass your exam and staying in a positive headspace ig#anyway now it's over i'm happy and i have a life again after those 2 weeks#no tests until end of january#only the extra studying for the medicine entrance exam is still a lot🥲#besides i really love playing tennis so much lately this sport is everything to me :))#it helps my mental health so much it gives me so much motivation and makes me happy whenever i play#also my progress was so big this half year 🫶 more than over the course of the last years fr#i went from probably below average in my team to one of the good players#almost won a set against our best player it was close months ago i lost 2:6 i had no chance#everyone says i improved sm 🥹 and yeah this makes me proud bc i trained sm so i really earned it (also found a coach again)#and it's exciting bc i made it a challenge for myself of how far i can go and how fast i can improve#with quick improvement certainly a lot is possible and i love a good challenge 😄
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cutieln4 · 4 months
London Boy | LN4 smau
lando norris x verstappen!reader
summary: in which max unknowingly introduces his sister to her future boyfriend
fc: olivia rodrigo
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Liked by maxverstappen1, landonorris, and others
y/nverstappen i stole max’s cat, don’t tell him
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username1 aww so cute
username2 when are you coming to another race!
maxverstappen1 😑
y/nverstappen i thought i blocked you??
maxverstappen1 Give me Sassy back.
username3 lando in the likes⁉️⁉️
username4 bro chill, he’s literally friends with max
danielricciardo so the heist plan is in motion. perfect.
y/nverstappen he doesn’t suspect a thing😈
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Liked by landonorris and others
y/nverstappen i had the best time exploring england with the best guide! congrats bro on the win🥳
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landonorris it was lovely showing you around😊
maxverstappen1 no
username1 wait wdym lando showed her around england???
username2 the better verstappen fr
username3 the outfits slay
danielricciardo Nice seeing you again y/n/n!
y/nverstappen my favorite brother🫶
maxverstappen1 I’m right here?? And you’re not even related?
username4 her hair literally always looks good
lilymhe gorgeous girl
y/nverstappen ilysm babe lemme visit you
alex_albon that’s literally my gf???
y/nverstappen lily never let your boyfriend get in the way of finding your future wife
lilymhe you’re so right babe
landonorris posted a story
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username1 babe what about us??? what about the kids??
danielricciardo 🤨
username2 is this a soft launch
username4 who is that????
y/nverstappen i had a fun time hanging out today!🥰
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Liked by landonorris, danielricciardo, and others
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danielricciardo hmm, interesting
username1 what do you know??
username2 uh girl you got something to tell us?
username3 she doesn’t owe you anything, get out of her business
username4 oh i just KNOW max is fuming💀
maxverstappen1 Y/n who is that
maxverstappen1 Is that a boy
maxverstappen1 Y/n answer my texts
username5 oooh someone’s not happy
username6 that food looks good asf
username7 outfit always serves
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y/nverstappen posted a story
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Liked by y/nverstappen, danielricciardo, and others
landonorris home is wherever i’m with you
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username1 sobbing, hyperventilating, throwing up
username2 nah the caption, that is so fricking adorable
danielricciardo aww i knew you were a big softie
georgerussell63 did you pay someone to take that picture with you😂
landonorris haha very funny mate
username3 god, i’ve seen what you’ve done for others🙏
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Liked by username1 and others
f1gossip 🚨🚨Lando Norris spotted with mystery girl over summer break, sources say it could be Max Verstappen’s sister, Y/n
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username1 i literally knew it and you all doubted me😑
username2 chill out, it’s still not confirmed
username3 we can’t even see her face
username4 OMG???????
username5 oh max is DEFINITELY pushing lando off the track in zandvoort
username6 sources: my delusions
username7 y’all we lost a good one😣 (y/n not lando)
username8 you’re so real cause she’s gorgeous
username9 nah cause why is this actually so freaking cute, like omg the way he is smiling at her🤭🫠
username10 HAND PLACEMENT???
username11 max is gonna chop off lando’s hands
username12 i’d pay good money to see the text messages
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Liked my landonorris, maxverstappen1, and others
y/nverstappen in a world of boys, he's a gentlemen
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username2 this is so adorable! (i'm sleeping on the highway tonight)
landonorris you’re my everything💞💞
username3 y'all owe me an apology, i KNEW it
maxverstappen1 If you're happy, I'm happy
username4 you're definitely being forced to say this
username5 boyfriend lando is everything🥺
username6 they look so happy
username7 i’m balling my eyes out
kellypiquet you guys are adorable🩷
y/nverstappen thanks for talking max down😁
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Liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo, and others
landonorris got love-struck, went straight to my head
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username1 the matching captions omg
y/nverstappen i love you baby❤️
maxverstappen1 🤮🤮
danielricciardo I KNEW IT @.carlossainz55 you owe me 50 bucks
carlossainz55 damn it
landonorris YOU HAD A BET???
oscarpiastri yes
charles_leclerc yes
georgerussell63 yes
alex_albon yes
maxfewtrell she's good for you, mate🤍
maxverstappen1 remember what i told you🙂
username2 oh! this definitely isn’t threatening at all
landonorris i will😰
y/nverstappen max emilian verstappen what did you tell him?
username3 this😭is😭so😭adorable😭
username4 bro is getting pushed into the barrier next race fs
username5 the IT couple
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folkloresthings · 2 months
❛ THUNDERSTRUCK ❜ ❨ charles leclerc x dcc!reader ❩
where ferarri’s golden boy is in love with america’s sweetheart and doesn’t care what anyone has to say about it.
faceclaim: reece weaver.
… based loosely off of this request and my current obsession after binging the dcc documentary
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liked by dccheerleaders, charles_leclerc, and 837,922 others
yourusername AHH!! so so so happy to announce that i’ll be returning for another year as a dallas cowboys cheerleader 💙 it’s my favourite job in the world and i couldn’t dream of doing anything else. see you on the field!!!
view all 521,446 comments
user my fav girl after watching the doc on netflix!!!
dccheerleaders can’t wait for game day! 💙🏈📣
⤷ yourusername go cowboys!!!!
user is there going to be a season 2?
user what is mister charles leclerc doing in the likes
⤷ user america’s sweethearts/drive to survive crossover?
charles_leclerc 💙💙💙
⤷ user HELLO????
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liked by carlossainz55, franciscagomez and 890,482 others
yourusername tune in today to watch us represent texas at the annual USA formula 1 grand prix! 🏎️ what’s harder: driving cars at 120mph or the thunderstruck choreo?
view all 700,019 comments
scuderiaferrari you guys definitely win the difficulty contest
⤷ user dcc could race f1 but the drivers could never do the jump splits
user is she there w charles????
user you guys are obsessed, they’re probably not even dating
⤷ user i hope not, he suited girls like alex and charlotte so much more
landonorris me watching the pre-race performance 🤯🤯🤯
user okay i’m not a fan of her but that dancing???? holy shit she’s talented
⤷ user right??? those high kicks were fire
charles_leclerc i have, indeed, been thunderstruck
⤷ yourusername all the way to P1, i hope
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liked by landonorris, lewishamilton and 1,739,183 others
charles_leclerc bring your (beautiful, talented, badass, kind, yeehaw) girlfriend to work day and she’ll become your good luck charm
view all 801,443 comments
user NOOO 💔 one win, one loss
carlossainz55 congrats bro!!! but you should’ve done the hairography on podium
⤷ user carlos knows what hairography is 😭
user he really shut you all down lmao
yourusername MY CHAMP! love you 🩷🩷🩷
⤷ user awwww they are cute you gotta admit
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liked by rebeccadonaldson, lilymunihe and 1,309,433 others
yourusername swapped blue for red for a day ❤️
view all 707,375 comments
user they’re growing on me
redbullracing come visit us next time and you can wear blue 😉
⤷ scuderiaferrari she’s ours!!!!
⤷ dccheerleaders maybe we should change our uniforms to red?
user she’s so cute
⤷ user right 🥹 you could hear her cheering for charles at the podium
⤷ user you could hear her accent too 😁
charles_leclerc my southern belle ❤️❤️❤️
⤷ yourusername yeehaw 🤠
🗞️ this wasn’t exactly what the original anon asked for but i wanted to write a dcc reader for weeeeeks and the ask finally gave me the change so i tweaked some things 😁😁😁
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cockkette · 1 month
summer lovin’
lando norris x reader
warnings - somewhat chaotic lando and reader, mentions of pregnancy, insinuation of smut, some swearing, i think that’s it xoxo
face claims - girls on pinterest
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend and 193,982 others
y/n.l/n: patiently waiting for the summer break 🙃🌊
landonorris: i miss you baby 🧡
y/n.l/n: aww i miss you too baby
user1: they are so cute
landonorris: i miss that fat ass too 😏
liked by y/n.l/n
user1: i spoke too soon
user2: every night i pray for a normal lando and y/n interaction and everyday my prayers are denied
liked by mclaren
user3: lando is one of god's favorites y/n is so fine
user4: alexa play that should be me by justin beiber
user5: tbh i don't know who i want to be more
user6: B O A F boaf
mclaren: please bring lando back in one piece
y/n.l/n: no promises xx
user7: sending my thoughts and prayers to the mclaren pr team during the summer break
liked by mclaren
y/n.l/n: you can't blame me he has me so down bad i think i'm getting withdrawal symptoms
oscarpiastri: nurse she's out again
y/n.l/n: boo👎👎
user8: woof woof bark bark
landonorris: that's my job
user9: petition to save y/n from this loser
liked by yourbestfriend
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liked by landonorris, mclaren and 252,099 others
tagged : landonorris
y/n.l/n: date nights are the best nights 🌅
landonorris: the best way to start summer break, i couldn't think of anyone else i would rather have with me 🧡
y/n.l/n: ha you 'like' like me loser 🤣👉
landonorris: i take it back
y/n.l/n: 👎
user10: y/n is so real for that
user11: the only relationship ever
user12: they are my parents they just don't know it
user13: the fits always go hard
landonorris: you know it
oscarpiastri: please don't feed his ego
user14: oscar is so sick of his bs
mclaren: we all are
lilymhe: i miss you!
landonorris: you facetimed her 2 hours ago
lilymhe: SHUT UP
y/n.l/n: SHUT UP (affectionately)
landonorris: aww you love me 😁😁
liked by y/n.l/n
francisca.cgomes: is that portugal!
y/n.l/n: yep you convinced me!
liked by francisca.cgomes
user16: she's so fine 🤭
landonorris: yes she is and she's mine
y/n.l/n: cutie <3
user17: when will it be my turn
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liked by y/n.l/n, danielricciardo and 42 others
tagged: y/n.l/n
lando.priv: date nights are fun but so is a night in
carlossainz55: mate..
y/n.l/n: 🤭🤭
liked by lando.priv
maxverstappen1: i think it's time to put the phone away
charles_leclerc: i agree
lando.priv: haters
maxverstappen1: correct 👍
oscarpiastri: this is better than actually hearing it from the drivers room ig
y/n.l/n: soz babes xoxo
danielricciardo: goooo landooo 💪💪
lando.priv: finally some support, it's hard out here guys
carlossainz55: i bet it was
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liked by y/n.l/n, yourbestfriend and 538,299 others
tagged: y/n.l/n
landonorris: happy anniversary to the prettiest, kindest and smartest girl, i have spent 3 years loving you and i know i will spend the rest of my life loving you 💕
y/n.l/n: i'm not crying you are
landonorris: darling i can hear you from the kitchen
y/n.l/n: get over here then!!
landonorris: sprinting over right now
y/n.l/n: good x
user17: walk him like a dog
georgerussell63: mate i'm getting whiplash from the difference between this post and your private post
landonorris: i'm a man of many talents
y/n.l/n: he really is
georgerussell63: you both disgust me 🤮
user19: screaming crying throwing up i love them your honour!!
user20: same but i'm screaming without the s looking at y/n
lilymhe: real
alex_albon: LILY!?
user21: lily is one of us
liked by lilymhe and y/n.l/n
y/n.l/n: i can't wait to spend the rest of my life showing you how much i love you, how proud of you i am and how super hot you are 💕💕
landonorris: fuck sake now i'm crying
landonorris: i am super hot though
user22: i knew they couldn't be wholesome for that long
y/n.l/n: what can i say it's part of our charm 🙃
user23: i need y/n's whole wardrobe rn!
y.n/l/n posted two stories
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liked by landonorris, lilymhe and 158,890 others
y/n.l/n: great food and the best company!
landonorris: i helped make the food btw 💪
olivernorris1: no... you just watched
landonorris: it's called moral support!
user24: at least he tried...
savnorris: lovely to see you darling, the girls have been asking for auntie y/n all day 😂
y/n.l/n: lovely to see you too! i miss them so much they are adorable!
flonorris1: i already miss you
y/n.l/n: i miss you too 💕
landonorris: girlfriend stealer 😠
flonorris1: stop being jealous that someone else had her attention for more than 2 seconds 🙄
landonorris: no.
user27: he's literally a child 🤣🤣
liked by flonorris1
user28: lando arguing with half of his family in the comments is taking me out
user29: norris family dinners seem so fun
y/n.l/n: they are!
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liked by y/n.l/n, oscarpiastri and 38 others
tagged: y/n.l/n
lando.priv: your so hot have my babies please 🙏🙏🙏
georgerussell63: you're getting blocked mate
y/n.l/n: if you insist...
lando.priv: hehehehe
y/n.l/n: nevermind that made me feel ill
lando.priv: sorry i let the dawg out 💔💔
alex_albon: the thought of mini landos is stressing me out
y/n.l/n: i think they would be cute 🫣
lando.priv: will be*
charles_leclerc: my children are on this app please stop this madness
oscarpiastri: thank you for speaking out
olliebearman: i'm scared dad
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liked by yourbestfriend, landonorris and 328,912 others
tagged: landonorris
y/n.l/n: a staycation to end the summer break with my love
landonorris: who is that absolute stunner on the last slide 🫦
y/n.l/n: idk he's pretty hot though do you think i could get his number
landonorris: yeah he totally likes you 😉
user30: ahhh they are so cute it's not fair
user31: i cannot wait for the wags to be reunited
user32: fr we need more wag content
yourbestfriend: i can't wait for summer break to be over so you will spend your time with me instead of him xxx
liked by y/n.l/n
landonorris: noooo
user33: the f1 world has never seen a better rivalry than these two
user34: lando and 'yourbestfriend' are my verstappen and hamilton
maxverstappen1: understandable
lewishamilton: i can't disagree with that
mclaren: we can't wait to see you both back in the paddock 🧡
y/n.l/n: i got a new papaya coloured dress especially for the occasion
landonorris: this isn't fair you look so good in it i won't be able to concentrate on the race 🫦
y/n.l/n: shut up 🤭
user35: what is lando doing in the last picture 🤣
alex_albon: he worries me
georgerussell: he's my sleep paralysis demon
y/n.l/n: he's a cutie leave him alone!
landonorris: yeah!
landonorris: my girlfriend is so hot
y/n.l/n: my boyfriend is so hot
landonorris: 🥰
user36: he is so down bad it's getting embarrassing
landonorris posted a story
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this story has been deleted
a/n - thank you for reading i hope you enjoyed! i’m thinking of doing a part two so any feedback or suggestions would be fab <3
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thewispsings · 3 months
locked in a closet | oscar piastri
pairing: oscar piastri x landos bestfriend!reader
summary: lando norris locks his two bestfriends in a broom closet in hopes that they’ll stop hating each other.
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liked by, oscarpiastri, yourusername, and 438,626 others!
lando.jpg: how can i get my bestfriends to stop hating each other?
view comments below!
oscarpiastri: you can’t.
lando.jpg: ☹️
oscarpiastri: you can pout all you want. We will never get along.
lando.jpg: why must you break my heart 💔
user1: it’s been a whole year lando…i don’t think they’ll ever get along
user3: oscar this, lando that, can we talk about how good y/n looks?? 🙄
yourusername: THANK YOU!! nobody appreciates my beauty anymore 😒😒
oscarpiastri: what beauty?
yourusername: die?
user4: LMAOO
yourusername: maybe if, he who should not be named, wasn’t so annoying, we could actually get along!
oscarpiastri: i’m not fucking voldemort you can say my name
yourusername: o-os🤮c-ca🤮🤮🤮🤮 no i just can’t.
oscarpiastri: oh and i’m the annoying one??
yourusername: yeah! you are!
oscarpiastri: @/lando.jpg control her.
lando.jpg: guy please, can’t we all just get along 😞😞
yourusername: how would getting along with he who should not be named, benefit me??
lando.jpg: it would make me really really happy 😁😁
yourusername: i couldnt give less of a shit about your happiness lando
oscarpiastri: see? She’s a horrible friend, me on the on the hand would never be so mean to you.
yourusername: you told lando he looks like big bird two days ago?
user5: for two people who hate each other, they sure do talk a lot…
danielricciardo: why do they even hate each other so much? 🙄🙄
lando.jpg: oscar spilled his drink on y/n the first time they met. he refused to apologize. she refused to forgive him.
yourusername: you forgot to mention that my shirt was $300 😐😐
oscarpiastri: FIRST OFF who in their right mind buys a 300 HUNDRED DOLLAR SHIRT???!?!? and SECOND OFF, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!! I refuse to apologize for something that wasn’t on purpose.
yourusername: this is why your mom loves me more.
oscarpiastri: she does NOT.
nicolepiastri: …
oscarpiastri: MUM????
yourusername: i know that’s right.
user6: oscar and y/n would be so cute together if they stopped being so IMMATURE
user7: they should just #kissandmakeup
user8: me patiently waiting for the enemies to lovers 🧍‍♀️
user9: you’re going to be waiting a LONG time…
charles_leclerc: i think it’s time to give up on the idea them being friends mate 😢
lando.jpg: I SAY WHEN ITS TIME
user10: charles is just sick of getting caught in the crossfire 😭
user10: NOO I DID TOOO!! it’s like every time oscar and y/n are having a glare-off charles somehow ends up right in between them
maxverstappen1: just lock them in a room and let them fight it out 🤷
lando.jpg: wait a damn minute…
yourusername: LANDO NO.
oscarpiastri: absolutely not.
— y/n has posted new photos!
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liked by, charles_leclerc, maxverstappen1, alex_albon, and 502,528 others!
yourusername: p2, and now movie night in max’s movie theater <33
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user12: cutting oscar out of the photo is DIABOLICAL WORK 😭😭
user13: oh to be y/n l/n :((
user14: y/n is literally living the DREAM
user15: the way y/n made SURE you could see that she cut oscar out of the photo
yourusername; i have no idea what you’re talking about ?? 😓😓
oscarpiastri: get off your phone and watch the movie 🙄
yourusername: stop staring and me and watch the movie 🙄
user16: clock it y/n!!!!!
landonorris: did you really have to crop out oscar?
yourusername: yes!
user17: landos trying so hard 😞
user18: they’re all having a movie night 😞😞😞 ??
user19: I SHOULD BE THERE 💔💔💔💔💔
maxverstappen1: this movie is so funny!!
yourusername: it’s brokeback mountain?
maxverstappen1: and it’s hilarious! 😂
user21: max thinking brokeback mountain is funny is so him??
charles_leclerc: this movie is so sad 💔💔💔
yourusername: yeah charles we all see you crying :(
user22: charles crying over brokeback mountain is SO HIM!!
user23: is everyone just in there phones during the movie?? 😭😭
oscarpiastri: nope! just she who should not be named 🤷
yourusername: the unoriginality is disgusting!!
maxverstappen1: i’m going to, as the kids say, expose everyone. @/oscarpiastri has not stoped staring at y/n all night.
maxverstappen1: @/yourusername hasn’t stopped staring at a photo oscar on her phone.
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maxverstappen1: @/landonorris has eaten 2 whole pizzas.
maxverstappen1: @/charles_leclerc is crying like a baby.
maxverstappen1: @/danielricciardo keeps awkwardly laughing at the worst moments.
maxverstappen1: @/georgerussell63 keeps taking photos of his abs
maxverstappen1: @/lewishamiliton is secretly wiping away his tears
maxverstappen1: @/alex_albon has been whining about missing ‘his lily’ all night
maxverstappen1: @/carlossainz has gotten up to pee 10 times in the past HOUR
maxverstappen1: and @/logansargent has been hugging a teddy bear for the past 2 hours.
maxverstappen1: that’s what you ALL GET for not having MOVIE THEATER ETIQUETTE AND BEING ON YOUR PHONES.
yourusername: damn okay….
alex_albon: can you go get me my jacket in the closet? i’m kinda cold 🥶🥶
yourusername: yeah sure? 😭
user24: something’s brewing..i can feel it.
landonorris: @/oscarpiastri can you go get me my beanie in the closet? my ears are cold
oscarpiastri: yeah sure
— 3 minutes later!
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— 7 minutes later!
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— 2 hours later!
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— y/n has posted new pictures!
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liked by, oscarpiastri, landonorris, maxverstappen1, georgerussell63, and 629,628 others!
yn.jpg: max’s door didn’t stand a chance against MY muscles 💪(ft, jimmy the cat♡♡)
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user25: oscar in the likes?????
user26: wait a minute…
maxverstappen1: don’t worry i won’t make you pay for it 😚
yourusername: you locked me in a room with oscar. i wasn’t paying either way.
maxverstappen1: FINE. 😒😒😒
user27: did she just…say oscar name?
user28: in the whole YEAR oscar and y/n have known each other, y/n has NEVER said his name WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON
user29: something happened in that closet
landonorris: hello, i am lando norris, and i would like to publicly apologize for locking my dear friends (especially yn) in a closet. it was stupid and inappropriate of me. i hope to gain back their forgiveness.
user30: did y/n make you do this?
landonorris: no… (yes pls help she’s locked me in my room and won’t let me out)
yourusername; i’ll let you out once you’ve learned your lesson.
oscarpiastri: nice kitty.
yourusername: thanks!
georgerussell63: um, what the fuck is this?
charles_leclerc: maybe management took over oscar’s account?
oscarpiatari: no? it’s me?
charles_leclerc: oh! then what the fuck is this?
user31: something DEFINITELY happened in that closet. why are oscar and y/n actually being civil????
landonorris: i don’t know but it’s scary.
yourusername: do i have to confiscate your phone too?
landonorris: no! Sorry i’m learning my lesson 😞
carlossainz: hahaha 😂lando is such a loser
yourusername: do i have to take your phone to carlos? 🤨
carlossainz: NO, no i’m sorry 😔
user32: is it finally happening?…the enemies to lovers we all wanted 💔💔
user33: your telling me landos plan actually worked and y/n and oscar are being civil now ??
user34: dare i say…oscar and y/n would be a cute couple
danielricciardo: why are you and piastri being cool with each other?
yourusername: isn’t this what you all wanted??
danielricciardo: yeah…i guess we did…didn’t we?
landonorris: I KNEW IT WOULD WORK!!
yourusername: you’re still in trouble, come give me your phone.
landonorris: okay 😞
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— oscarpiastri has posted new photos!
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liked by yourusername, landonorris, maxverstappen1, and 727,918 others!
oscarpiastri: second date, kinda nervous. (she taught me that)
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landonorris: second date and already making it instagram official? You’re so whipped 😒
oscarpiastri: didn’t you want us to get along better?
landonorris: yeah, GET ALONG, not GET TOGETHER 😒😒
user37: did i just step into a parallel universe where y/n and oscar are dating? because what the actual fuck is going on
maxverstappen1: 😨.
user39; the period after the emoji is KILLING ME 😭😭
georgerussell63: Is that Y/n????? @/charles_leclerc
charles_leclerc: no? it can’t be?
yourusername: it is
charles_leclerc: AHHHHHHH
georgerussell63: AHHHHHHHH
user39: we did it ladies and gentlemen…after one whole year, the enimies to lovers has finally happened 🥲🥲🥲
landonorris: WE??? NAH BABY ME!! ALL ME!!
yourusername: heart heart
maxverstappen1: 🤨
lewishamilton: 🤨
georgerussell63: 🤨
landonorris: 🤨
logansargent: 🤨
charles_leclerc: 🤨
schecoperez: 🤨
danielricciardo: 🤨
carlossainz: 🤨
yukitsunoda0511: 🤨
fernadoalonso: 🤨
totowolff: 🤨
mclaren: 🤨
user40: only the seconds date and he’s already posting her?? oh he’s obsessed.
oscarpiastri: well, yes!
user41: 3 days ago they hated each other so much??? what happened???
yourusername: i’m a really good kisser
user43: maybe we do have lando to thank…
. . .
notes: one of the longest smau’s i’ve done! reminder that comments and reblogs are so greatly appreciated <33
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Sigh…just a little longer until I can be back at my place
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landososcar · 5 months
so american ; CL16
pairing(s) ; charles leclerc x american!reader
summary ; in which a trip to monaco turns permenant because of one ferrari racing driver
warnings ; fast paced relationship, smau, google translated french (pls correct anything that’s wrong) & FLUFFF
note ; lol sorry i lowkey disappeared. anyways. here’s charles and leo (aka everyone’s fav duo)
instagram !
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liked by friend1, charlesleclerc, and others
youruser leo & i might never leave 🥰🇲🇨
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friend1 monaco is so so beautiful
yourbff you can’t leave me here alone in the us
youruser but…
charles_leclerc im stealing her
yourbff you’ve know her for 3 weeks
charles_leclerc whats your point ??
friend2 the states miss you come home
friend3 leo has a new lap to sit in????
yourbff i feel cheated on
charles_leclerc i’ll make sure you don’t leave ☺️❤️
youruser having the best time of my life with you🫶
yourbff saying you’re not gonna let her leave is kinda creepy not gonna lie…
charles_leclerc you’re just jealous coz she doesn’t wanna go back to the us and wants to stay with me
friend4 you look so happy😁
instagram !
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liked by fan1, fan2, and others
cl16updating recent pictures of charles with a puppy, fans who asked him about the dog say his name is leo and he is not charles dog but he is staying with him for a while!! we are also unsure who the girl in his car in the last picture is, if anyone has any idea please share her instagram @ with us!!!!!!!!
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fan1 omg he’s not his dog??? i’m devastated now i wanted leo paddock appearances
fan2 idk maybe if you guys find her instagram @ don’t share it,, if charles wanted us to know about her he’d share with us
fan3 if she doesn’t want us to know about her maybe she shouldn’t hang out with the prince of monaco
fan4 she should be able to hang with whoever she wants. some of y’all are so weird
fan5 imma steal that dog
fan6 that means we probs won’t get leo in the paddock😭
fan7 maybe leo is the girls’ dog and she’s a friend of charles visiting him or something idk
imessages !
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translation 1: ‘i’ll miss you so much’
translation 2: ‘we can be crazy together, my love’
twitter !
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instsgram !
youruser added to the story!
charles_leclerc added to his close friends story!
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charles_leclerc replied to your story
↳ you always do baby
↳ god you’re so cheesy
↳ i hate you
↳ can we go back home i miss leo
↳ charlie babe leo will be fine by himself for 3 hours
↳ i know i know
↳ i just love him so much
you replied to charles_leclerc’s story
↳ LEO GOT OUT??????????????? WHERE IS HE ??? IS HE SAFE??? DID SOMEONE FIND HIM??:??;??/??
↳ omg baby no leo’s fine i’m sorry for worrying you
↳ why would you joke about that
↳ i think i nearly had a heart attack
↳ you’re more obsessed with leo than me
instagram !
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liked by user1, user2, and others
f1wagupdates charles and his girlfriend (leo’s mum — we don’t know her name) this saturday. the owner of the first pic said that they were out for dinner with pascale, arthur, lorenzo, and their girlfriends.
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user1 she so beautiful oh my god
user2 where’s leo
user3 girl she doesn’t have to take him everywhere
user4 i think her name is y/n… my cousin in america said that she looks like someone she used to go to school with
user5 i looked through charles’ following and he follows a private account with that name @youruser
user6 ooo that could be her fs
user7 did she really leave leo alone.. she’s a bad owner wtf
user8 leo is a dog he’ll be ok by himself for a few hours omg you just want a reason to hate her go touch grass
twitter !
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twitter !
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instagram !
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liked by carlossainz55, lorenzotl, and others
charles_leclerc happy gorgeous amazing month ☺️❤️
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user1 CHARLES who is THAT
user2 Y/N CONTENT ON THE MAIN ‼️‼️‼️
carlossainz55 whipped
user3 omg is she playing his piano
user4 yes with her feet
youruser love love love you
charles_leclerc chérie💓💓
user4 anyone else think they’re moving REALLY quickly…. like i heard they’re living together already
user6 it’s none of our business
yourbff you’re all she talks about oh my GOD
charles_leclerc are you jealous
instagram !
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liked by leclerc_pascale, yourbff, and others
youruser “too much, too soon” i’m living with him lol
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yourbff remember when we had conversations that weren’t about him
youruser wdym
yourbff i hate him
yourbff you’re OBSESSED with him
yourbff you guys are DISGUSTING
youruser you sound jealous
yourbff i AM. that little french driving man STOLE my best friend
charles_leclerc FRENCH????????
friend1 miss you 🫶🫶
joris__trouche ❤️
friend2 come visit soon we miss youuuu
friend3 you’re so so so gorgeous
charles_leclerc MON AMOURRR
yourbff can you get me a ticket to the miami gp so i can see my wife pls
charles_leclerc no you’re gonna try steal her back
yourbff @youruser ur boyfriend is being mean to me
youruser charlie i lost my miami paddock pass can you get me another one pls but like could you put it under the name y/bff/n y/bff/ln please, for no reason☺️
charles_leclerc okay baby💓💓
youruser stop it i love you so so much you’re so adorable😭
leclerc_pascale Leo ❤️
youruser he misses you 🥰
imessages !
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my other works !
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