trashpandapagoda · 2 months
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trashpandapagoda · 2 months
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the crowd recognizes demar derozan in his 1,000th career nba game
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trashpandapagoda · 2 months
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trashpandapagoda · 2 months
forever one of my favorite bulls ❤️
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trashpandapagoda · 2 months
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woke up with tears in my eyes
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trashpandapagoda · 2 months
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trashpandapagoda · 2 months
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trashpandapagoda · 2 months
Derozan goes 360!
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trashpandapagoda · 2 months
King and Queen - DeMar DeRozan Fanfiction - Part 1
I flexed my hands nervously and adjusted my laces once more. It was my first game as a Sacramento Monarch. I was nervous as I glanced around the room at my teammates' new faces. For the first part of the season, I played for LA Sparks, but ultimately the environment there was too toxic and I wanted out. I wasn’t expecting to land at the newly reborn Monarchs.
My teammates were cool so far and I was doing my best to come out of my shell and hang with them. They were eager to prove themselves and win games. I wanted the same. I led the league in 3-point throws last year and I only wanted to keep getting better. ‘Keep your head down, work, and then rest and repeat.” The advice from my dad that I lived by. 
“You ready to pop out and show these bitches?” Loni, my teammate sat down and shoulder-bumped me. “You sitting over here looking all mean and shit.”
“Stop, I’m just thinking. I can’t help the way my face looks.” I laughed and shouldered her back playfully. 
“I didn’t get a chance to tell you this earlier, but I love the box braids. You gotta hook me up with the braider you went to. My shit be looking trash as of late.” She reached up and twisted one of her braids in her hands. “I can’t sit still for long so maybe that’s why.”
“Yeah, I’ll text you the -” “Alright ladies, let’s head out for warm-ups!” Coach called out, “Let’s go, let’s go!”
“I’ll text you it later.” I finished explaining and picked my stuff up.
We headed out of the locker room and down to the court through the tunnel. I swallowed thickly and felt another nudge against me. Loni smiled reassuringly and bumped her chest before pointing at me, a silent ‘I gotchu.’
I nodded and did the same back. I was shocked at the amount of fans that showed up for the game as I glanced around. Seats in some sections were still empty and folks were filling in seats still, yet I couldn’t help but pivot and stare around the stadium. 
What caught my eye next was the owner of the Monarch and Kings, Vivek Ranadivé, sitting next to a few players from the Kings. One of them I recognized immediately was DeMar DeRozan. 
He turned slightly from the conversation with his teammates to stare back at me. 
I felt warm and tingly as I turned quickly away and focused on putting my water bottle and towel on my seat before moving to warm up with the girls.
The feeling of being watched didn’t stop, and I knew it was more than just the stadium of fans staring and taking pictures, but from someone else.
I turned a few times back in the direction of Vivek and Kings players, each time catching DeRozan’s eyes. I would smile awkwardly and turn quickly once more, not waiting to see if he returned the gesture.
Halfway through the warm-up, I heard my name called and saw Coach Kelly gesturing at me. “Vivek wants to speak to you really quick.”
“Me?” I asked dumbly, pointing at myself.
“Yes,” She seemed exasperated. “Is there another Dana Parker on the team?” 
I winced at the embarrassed feeling that flushed over me. Coach Kelly was harsh at times, constantly frowning and giving out commands like a drill sergeant. Yet, from what I’ve seen so far and learned from my teammates, she always had her players’ backs. Her style of coaching wasn’t much different from my dad’s so I was used to the harsh style.
I tossed the ball to my teammate Chloe and followed after her.
“Dana!” Vivek grinned widely, “I’m so excited to see you out here as an official Monarch! This has been the one thing I’ve been talking about nonstop to everyone since last week. I feel that you are going to do amazing things - some of our Kings players wanted to come to see you play as well!”
He gestured to the 4 guys sitting two seats from him and one of his associates. “Let me introduce you.”
He introduced the 3 guys who stood up first, I was quick to put names to faces and smiled politely to each of them. Finally, when he got to DeRozan.. I paused. 
I was a big fan of his game and watched him play throughout my middle school and high school years. My dad was from Compton as well so Demar was often a name my dad brought up to me and my brother. To meet him in person felt surreal.
“Dana Parker,” I introduced with a nervous smile and my hand out to shake.
He smiled back and dapped me up, “DeMar DeRozan. I been watching your game for the last two years. You gotta teach me how you do those 3-pointers. Out here shooting like Steph.” He joked.
I chuckled nervously, feeling my hand becoming clammy that was still in his grip.
He realized he was still holding my hand and tried to casually let it drop, but I could tell he also felt a little embarrassed.
Looks like I wasn’t the only one here with social anxiety.
“I wish, but I’m no Steph Curry.” I rubbed my arm nervously.
“Nah, you’re Dana Parker. You don’t gotta be anybody else.” He said sincerely.
Suddenly someone cleared their throat and I turned to see Vivek still standing there along with the other Kings players. “We won’t hold you up, Dana. Good luck and get that win.” He held his hand up in a fist bump with a grin.
I returned the gesture with my grin and nodded. “Will do, mister,” and I turned back to the court to finish up warm up.
I was ready to ball out. The crowd was here for a show and I was going to give it to them. All I could think about was what DeMar had said, “Nah, you’re Dana Parker. You don’t gotta be anybody else.”
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