#you see mickey has lots of dirts and bruises
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romidoes ¡ 7 months ago
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marvelling-at-marvel-blog ¡ 1 year ago
Today I have done a lot of thinking about fictional charachters because...well my day has beeen horrible and its been better than thinking about that.
I saw a clip of shameless S1 where Mickey is dirty and unclean and I remember how a lot of people have said maybe he didn't really care until Ian came along or started to try for Ian. And sure, that may be part of it, but in my experience, there are so many other reasons people are unclean for, and I think a few would apply to Mickey.
1. I think part of the reasons he is reguarly covered in dirt is that being dirty tends to hide or blend in bruises. It is not going to work completely but enough to make people wonder if that is dirt or a bruise, or if they are seeing it properly. I imagine Terry wasn't light handed in beatings, and the kids were expected to cover for it. While teenage Mickey could say he was in a fight younger Mickey would have easily used that just some days old dirt excuse.
2. Lack of hot water or just water in his house. I don't think paying the bills on time was high on Terry's list either, and we know the house was basically a dump. It wouldnt surprise me if they reguarly had no hot water or if they did it run out quickly with the old water heater and you did not want to be the one causing Terry to have a cold shower. Or he saved the hot water for Mandy because he knows she actually really cares about her appearance and being clean
3. As a reason not to have to be with girls. In his first episode, Karen mentions that maybe Mickey is coming to find her to ask her out again and then says basically says along the lines of "I wouldn't because he smells like shit.' Being unclean and dirty means girls are less likely to want to go out with him, so he can ask the girls who he knows will say no then have it be that they are a b***ch who said no, or she don't know what she missing. He comes out of looking like her really doesn't care he got turned down but still leaves the impression his into girls. It is like a protective layer
4. I think caring about your appearance and the way you're dressed is something Mickey's dad would find pansy. Which Ugh, Terry is the worst.
5. I don't think some people really understand how vulnerable being naked in a place you dont feel safe in is. I feel like if Terry is mad, drunk, or just desires it, he would be more than happy to come for you. Being naked and unprepared is not a fun thought. So Mickey saves his showers for when he is sure his alone becauze like hell he is trusting that flimsy lock on the door (if there even is one cause Svetlana just walks in with a hammer on Ian)
Sure maybe once Ian comes along that is more incentive to be clean and presentable but I think he really starts to be clean is season 4 onwards where he knows and admits how much Ian means to him and that he loves him, no longer has go pretend to be into girls (his out or he has the excuse of his married) but also when his dad is in jail and maybe the bills are getting paid, maybe he feels safer in the house.
I just hate the common thinking of, that person is unclean because they don't care. That is rarely the real reason in my experience.
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its-a-queer-thing ¡ 7 years ago
In Case You Missed It--Pt. 10
Now in Mickey’s absence let’s go over some of the things that we learn through the rest of season 2 and the first episode of season 3.
In 2x09– Ian talks to Mandy about Monica coming back and asks how Mickey is. Mandy says he’s doing fine and when she asks if he’ll visit he reveals he thinks Mickey is mad at him for hiding Frank. In the same conversation, Ian remarks that she’s lucky her mother is dead, to which Mandy agrees. This is a really hard thing to pass off as a throwaway comment, but this detail was just tossed out like it was nothing. This I think reflects just how little regard the Milkovich siblings may have held for their own mother. Or shows that they, too, build that infamous Gallagher wall to things that don’t work out. I can’t be sure because Mickey did seem to speak of her affectionately in his premiere episode. But we also never see her or hear of her again until this very moment. Also in this episode Ian shares that Mickey is in Juvie because of him. The way he says it makes it seem like Ian is feeling pretty guilty about it. This guilt discourages Ian from visiting (there is no indication that Ian visited but there is also no indication that he didn’t so we aren’t entirely sure if Ian knew by Mickey’s return that Mickey wasn’t actually mad at him. Based on Ian’s sleeping around, however, it signaled to me that Ian thought they were over since it seemed as though he was faithful to Mickey while he was in juvie the first time.
2x10–At the end of the previous episode, Terry Milkovich breaks into the Gallagher house and attacks Ian for presumably impregnating Mandy. Obviously we know this is impossible, but of course try explaining that to a Milkovich defending Mandy. We see a pretty strong parallel between Mickey and Terry when Terry replicates Mickey’s hunt for Ian. (Which strengthens my argument that Terry tried to mold Mickey into a mini him and for the most part it worked to a certain extent). It’s remarkable that I was able to forget this part, but it took until this watch through to realize the numerous similarities between these events. 
Both frantic searches for Ian were based on false assumptions that Ian did something to Mandy (Mickey thought he raped her, Terry thought he impregnated her). They each followed him everywhere and did some extent of damage to the Kash and Grab. Lip got involved (first Mickey beat Lip up to influence Ian to face him, then Lip went to find Mandy and faced the barrel of a gun to try to see her). And finally Mandy was the one who had to call them off.
Let’s now establish something that I don’t feel gets talked about enough. Sure lots of people talk about Mandy’s rape and the fact that Terry is the one who raped her and people talk about her abortion, but there’s a HUGE piece of information about the Milkovich patriarch that seems to either be missed, unsaid, or ignored; that TERRY MILKOVICH is a FULL BLOWN PEDOPHILE! I feel we don’t use that word to describe Terry Milkovich and you know what? We need to. This disgusting piece of shit “person” we criticize for raising his children to be little thugs, for having his son raped at gunpoint, and raping his daughter is literally the mold lining a dumpster level disgusting. It is more than well established that this man is interested in children, specifically female children, and somehow I missed this the first time around. We’ve already established that Terry sometimes gets drunk and sometimes rapes his own daughter, and that this is a common occurrence which is why Mandy didn’t even blink when she was confronted about this by Ian. This is at first explained away by hinting that she resembles her own mother. Though it’s a piss poor excuse, it is an excuse that seems to relieve him of the true condemnation for what he EXACTLY is. Another small detail that I feel is missed, is how he looks at Debbie when she goes over to the Milkovich house to ask Mandy for makeup advice (in 2x04, I believe). We all know that Debbie was trying to grow up entirely too quick and this started pretty much from the beginning of the series with her always wanting to assume adult responsibilities and then with her trying to get into sex too soon, and this scene aptly shows this when Mandy, known for being easy in this neighborhood, remarks how quickly time passes and before you know it, you wish you hadn’t grown up so fast. At the most despicably (and brilliantly) timed moment, Terry walks up to Mandy’s open bedroom door to look in and looks longingly at Debbie, who is 11 at this moment. Despicable because it’s a detail that was included at all and gave me such a degree of the creeps that I actually blocked this moment out, and brilliant because if it hadn’t been included we wouldn’t know just how hard it is at the Milkoviches. It seems as though each time I watch this series the more evidence I find to prove how fucking hard it is to be a Milkovich. Not only did I miss this the first time watching this series, but I also missed other small details that prove that not only is Terry Milkovich a homophobic, racist, criminal piece of shit but he is also a pedophile.
2x11–We see a usual day in the life of the Milkoviches when Lip moves in with Mandy. This usual life includes getting drunk and using a “beer run” as  a euphemism for holding up a convenience store for money. And this is so common place for the Milkoviches that Mandy can’t even understand why Lip is so freaked out. We also see Ian meet Ned who is clearly an emotional distraction from Mickey while he’s away.
3x01–Then we learn that Mickey was conceived when their mother was only 12 years old. This only further establishes that Terry is a pedophile, yet no one seems to call him out for being one. So, here it is loud and clear: 
and to anyone judging the Milkovich children for being the degree of fucked up that they are, keep in mind the abusive nature of their father (Mandy has to go into hiding whenever Terry goes into a rage, almost every time we see Mickey in the early seasons he is seen covered in dirt and possibly bruises, the thug behavior everyone is so critical of is literally just considered the family business, and we see Mickey being put down in one of the ONLY times we see Terry in a domestic setting). And YET, Mickey still wants to be liked by his father. In ALL of this, we see Mickey defend Terry and try to be the type of leader and scammer his father can be proud of (but of course he never is). Now imagine growing up knowing your father “married” a 12 year old girl and knowing that your mother had you at 13… I don’t even think I have to go further.
We learn a lot in Mickey’s absence. And of course, we only keep learning more.
If I missed anything, or if any detail needs clarification, or maybe you disagree with any of my points, send me an ask or submission!
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nexrp4 ¡ 7 years ago
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❝ Scared I’ll die of uncertainty, fear might be the death of me. ❞
B A S I C S –
Name: Mikhail Aiden Talbot. Birthday: March 19th, 1965. Pronouns: He/him. Gender/Sex: Cisgender/male. Occupation: Nurse at Sheffield Memorial. Works part time at Talbot Hardware. Teaches youth football.
P E R S O N A L I T Y —
+ Self-reliant and insouciant. - Zany and aimless.
B A C K G R O U N D —
MURDER & ABUSE TW // Growing up, Mickey was the closest to his mother. She was everything that he admired; bright, compassionate, unintentionally hilarious. And though the two of them were near inseparable, there were moments where Mickey was forced to stay away. His father drank. A lot. And it was those days where his son was urged into various hiding spaces. He preferred the closet, imaging the clothes hanging on the racks as a shield made out of cloth. Robert Talbot took his anger out on his wife, who accepted it. Each and every time, she never fought back. As long as her son remained safe from her husband’s abuse, she would play the part of a human punching bag.
But she could only take it for so long. And one day, she came to the conclusion that it was enough. She’d pack her bags, call her mother back in Canada, and she’d take her son out of Robert’s grasp. Though she never got to wake Mickey out of his deep slumber. And she never did see her hometown outside of Ontario again. He was nine years old when his mother left him. He entered the kitchen that morning and saw no one but his father. She’d left them. Both of them. She didn’t love them. Neither of them. That’s what he was told. And that’s what he believed. After all, why else would she leave?
It didn’t take long until Robert’s anger was directed towards Mickey. Bruises would be evident on the younger’s body– though when asked by school staff, excuses were made. His father may be an abusive drunk, but he was all that he had. All that was left of their family. And he’d be damned if he lost him, too. So, he took his mother’s role. Learning that each trait he’d admired her so much for was only the side effect of the older Talbot’s rage. A mask created to fool loved ones that everything was okay. That happiness had never been more prominent. Of course, there was one other thing his father’s abuse resulted in. And it wasn’t a personality trait, or a need to protect their abuser. It was the dirt that would suffocate you if you ever resisted; the darkness that would consume you, and the unnamed grave you’d be given.
A R R I V A L —  ( 1 9 6 8 )
His mother was born in Canada, though when she gave birth to Robert Talbot’s child– he insisted that they moved back to his hometown. At the time, she was a stranger to his blinding rage. And after a few years, three to be exact, she packed her bags and brought her only child to America.
C O N N E C T I O N S —
Nicolas Talbot – Inseparable since the day they met, the Talbot cousins have been best friends since childhood. They were partners in crime, and have continued to be just as close as they were in their younger days. Evelyn Talbot – Though he doesn’t approve of his grandmother’s hatred for his own father, Mickey is quite close with the elder Talbot. Emma Phillips – The two have had an on and off relationship for the past two years. Starting out as best friends as well as roommates, it’s quite unfortunate the turmoil their relationship had to endure. Finally breaking up earlier this year, Emma & Mickey have returned to being close friends and nothing more. Liza Scalley – Even as Liza had a crush on Mickey for quite some time, it wasn’t until his break-up with Emma that he even saw Liza in anything but a platonic light. What started out as a hook-up; something to get his mind off of an ex, ended up being something far more. Though they’ve kept it on the down-low for the majority of their relationship, they’re still quite serious.
E X T R A B I T S —
–– Mickey’s compassion & empathy is usually what gets him into most situations. He’s got a difficulty for turning people down, fearing to hurt their feelings in even the slightest. –– He was given a football scholarship his senior year of high school, but was convinced by his father to stay in Sheffield. –– Due to his father being incapable of caring for himself at his word, Mickey has developed great cooking skills. Another trait he believes is derived from his mother.
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not going to be using this for too much anymore, but eh
Not sure who is reading this, I'm trying to prevent an audience of people that do know me, or whatever. i don't really care right now. 
i feel like i have so much to say, but not enough time or energy to say it.  you see, I'm suffering from Depression. i can't get out of bed. I cant eat, and I cry all the time.  my fiancé is an alcoholic. we have a 3mo daughter. He is the sole reason I have depression. This post is going to be my closure. I will not come back to it once i OFFICIALLY leave him. Every night, he drinks and drinks, then he picks up the baby, screams for me, and tell me ‘I can't hold her. I'm too drunk’ 
this isn't the first time, and I know it won't be the last until I leave him for good. I hate him. i truly, honestly, deeply hate him. I haven't loved him since i hit the 3rd month of my pregnancy, when he beat me, and i won't ever love anybody again. 
He is definitely the root of my problems, and i know how bad that sounds, but its true. He has thrown my cell phone and my wallet off of our 8th floor balcony because I did not have weed for him, nor would he wake up for work on time. I will post photos as well.  When I went to retrieve my items (what was left of them anyway); my phone was completely gone. and with it, the evidence that would have saved me and bring me to a safer life. I don't want him. i can't have him in my life.  He has repeatedly thrown me around. His mother would take his side, stating ‘you're crazy.’ meanwhile, she forced me to live in an apartment that i cannot afford, and to have me on the lease (Im listed as occupant, so I legally have no rights over her, i just can't get in shit with the landlord or whatever. source: http://ontariolandlordandtenantlaw.blogspot.ca/2013/04/my-roommate-abandoned-me.html?m=1) I remember one day; i think it was july or august, i don't know right now. I came home from my job at a collections office, to him dead asleep and an empty vodka bottle on the living room table, and in the bathroom on the sink. (i don't know what a mickey is, but he had one 750ml bottle, and one 250mL.) He works at 700PM and i know he has to leave for 630. so I wake him up at 5:45 to 6. I get home on fridays at 5pm, so i don't exactly have much time to do anything for myself, and we were also well aware of the pregnancy and how far along i was (8 weeks or so. I know it wasn't 12 yet because I did not want to tell anybody besides him yet)  So, here I am. 93lbs of me trying to wake him up. he keeps shoving me away and telling me to fuck off. no, wake up and go to work. he wouldn't. so whatever. i tried, he can go in late like he usually does.  at 620, his phone rings. I dont know who it is, and I don't care. I was in the living room having my tea and reading articles on my phone when he rips the bedroom door apart, screams at me for not waking him up, and demanding I give him weed. right. now.  i DID NOT have any on me, nor was I supposed to. I was pregnant and I was trying to kick the habit. he started screaming, yelling, throwing everything around the room and apartment screaming that ‘I need my fix. you hid some. where is it?’ keep in mind, this was well past 630 i TOLD HIM repeatedly, i DO NOT have any. and i started to record evidence on my phone in the form of a voice recording (incase it goes to court.) He notices that it made a sound, ran to the corner I was in, picked up my phone (which had my ID and my debit card in the case.) threatened to throw it out the balcony if i was recording. i said no. its mine give it back.  So he proceeds to run to the balcony, and chuck it over. (my girlfriend happened to be downstairs at the time and picked it up for me. She recognized my case and gave it back when i ran to grab it. i HAVE included photos of the phone on the next post. it wouldn't let me here for some reason) Before I am able to run downstairs, he proceeds to lift me up, throw me on the ground, and sit on my neck until I promise to ‘stop being a stupid little bitch causing unnecessary drama.’ this whole time i was pinned, I was screaming for help. anybody. just somebody to hear me rasping my voice and losing consciousness from a 288lb male sitting on my neck. Knowing time was going to run out, I had to warn him. ‘if you do not get off of me i will bite you until you let go, and I will not stop until you do.’ he, did not take the chance to believe me, and proceeded to scream as i bit down. He did not let go of my head. He decided to place a call to my parents to let them know what i did. the conversation followed: (from what i could hear, remember, i have no phone anymore.) Crazy Male I reside with: your daughter bit me, and you need to pick her up and take her to a mental hospital. My father: Can you tell me why she bit you? I can't punish my daughter if I don't know why she would randomly bite you. she's not an animal.  CM: She bit me and I'm bleeding. come pick her up. Dad: Why did she bite you? Answer me. CM: She bit me! you need to come get her! anyway so my parents never found out, and still don't know what happened. I will probably show them this post one day when I’m comfortable with accepting this. I am writing this so I could finally have some closure from this relationship. he has thrown and broken countless things of mine, from makeup being whipped at a wall for it to explode, to my handbag being thrown out a window and the front door in the wind. not once, has he ever owned up to these, nor apologized. 
The next day, he was bruised in the spot where i bit him, and demanded that everybody knew ‘I was a crazy psychotic bitch.’ even my parents didn't believe him. They knew something was up. Anyway, I stayed in the apartment, actually, I'm writing this in the apartment with my daughter in her swing, and him smoking his life away. 
anyway, after that episode, he kicked me in the abdomen twice, he threw his phone at me, and told me ‘When I come back, i don't ever want to see you again.’ okay, great. same page. bonus.  So the mall closes at 9, its almost 8now. I had to sprint to the mall phone kiosk and ask them to charge me for another one. I was in tears and covered in dirt and whatever was on the floor. the man was quick to help me get set up and sent me on my way with ‘good luck’. I think he was sincere. he smiles when he sees me at the mall., but I'm sure anybody would if they showed up crying hysterically with shards of glass instead of a phone.  so that was it. for that story. I had a new iPhone and was able to contact my ‘seven cups of tea’ lady. She recommended I do what you readers are saying, leave him and call the police. but i just couldn't do it. I know how that sounds, but I couldn't. do it. 
my girlfriend, Lauren, (she plays a HUGE role in my safety and mental health, ill explain her too as this goes on) was always willing to get here and force me out. her boyfriend, Brian, just got a new SUV and they could handle me and my items in one trip. I just couldn't. leave. as bad as i wanted to. i couldn't.  So I always ended up lying to her, to make her not feel like she's bothering me. but i knew she cared. she never. ever stopped caring about me and my baby. To her, my daughter was the child she could not have yet, but she did everything she possibly could, organized people to talk to me, and help. i still said no. The next day at work, I showed up with a bruised face, and lied through my teeth. to my manager, my supervisor, HR, and my best friend. They didn't know until after anyway, the week after the episode, it started again. this time, I happened to still be in the office at work, as it was my late night, I finished at 730 and got home at 8 as my dad gave me a ride home twice a week. at around 6pm, he started calling my cell phone. I know he won't call my work unless is an emergency, so i ignored it. then he texted me. he asked me where the weed was. I told him I did not have any, again.  He asked me again, stating I have it hidden somewhere. I told him, no. (the truth) and not to bother me at work. I turned my phone off. I didn't need to be distracted at work. when i finished, and turned my phone on, i had texts from him that were extremely verbally abusive. and sent me a text saying ‘clean the mess up.’ I had no idea what he meant, and he would not answer my texts or my call.  I get home, and theres nothing out of the ordinary. theres a plate in the sink and his liquor bottles on the table, but nothing that I'm not used to.  So I go to the hallway, and on the bedroom door, it says ‘fuck you, idiot loser.’ so I cry and can't hold myself up, so I fall to the ground. i had NO idea what to expect. I opened the bedroom door, and all my clothes, all my makeup, even my metal laundry hamper, was warped. my clothes were ripped (my favourite articles,anyway), my laundry bin (it was three bag things that are held up by a metal pole frame) was completely taken apart and warped. metal everywhere,and all over the apartment.  he broke the only laundry basket we had, tore it into hard plastic shreds, and the bed was flipped over. I cleaned up what I could, turned my phone off,and just bawled my eyes out in the baby room. Im not sure when I fell asleep, but I was teary when I woke up for work the next day. 
on many other occasions, when I've tried to protect myself from his rage and anger, i would run to the nursery and lock the door behind me. We have rips in the wood from him trying to break it in and hurt me.  He has raped me numerous times, forcing me to take it ‘in the ass’ as I'm screaming for no and to get off of me.  Lauren passed away on October 10th, 2016. She was in a car accident with her boyfriend and sister.  I know she would not be proud of me still being here with him, but i now she's happy that I am raising my daughter to be a strong little girl. May she rest in complete peace, I love you. 
I have to get off this computer now, he's demanding i get off. I have a lot more to tell,I promise, I need to get this out of my mind and on paper so i can move on. 
I'm still with him, but these are my last days. His mother is threatening to evict me by not paying rent (i don't have any money, and i never made enough to pay half plus my bus passes and groceries and hydro. I've had to change phone companies 6+ times because they (his mother and him) take all my money and then cry that they don't have enough and want more. did i mention, he has been a no-show at work for the past 3 shifts? did i mention that while I was throwing up from the pregnancy, he screamed and told me to ‘shut the fuck up.’ when i was diagnosed with hyperemesis gavidarum? please help me. because i can't help myself.  and i really really want the help. 
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