#you must be this tall to ride ; queue
nicestgirlonline · 1 year
Something Sweet
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Pairing: Sugar Daddy! Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader
Warnings: 18+ smut ahead!!! Thigh riding, public stuff, dirty talk, sugar relationships, power dynamics, dom/sub undertones
Word Count: 4.9K
Summary : A chance run in with a handsome stranger turns out to be the opportunity of a lifetime
a/n: for @the-slumberparty September Bingo Challenge! No bingo for me this round, I got it in JUST UNDER THE WIRE! Takes me waaaaayyy to long to write lol. Thanks for reading, I’d love your feedback! Reblogs and comments are love <3
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You placed the candy bar on the counter in front of the very bored cashier. You dug through your purse and pulled out your debit card and handed it over. A queue had started to form behind you as you tapped your hand in anticipation. 
“Declined.” The cashier said, holding out the card for you. Your stomach dropped. You were afraid this was going to happen. You were so sure that you had enough in your account for at least a candy bar. You had paid the overdraft fees from last month, so you should have been set. Your stomach gurgled a bit. You were so hungry. 
“Um, can you try it again?” You asked, hoping it was some sort of mistake, that the bank was just a little slow to catch up with your account. She let out a sigh and placed it in the machine again.  
You could feel the stares behind you. You looked back at the line; directly behind you was a tall man dressed in a suit, checking his watch. He looked like he must be very important. He had dark brown hair that was neatly styled and just a touch of a five o’clock shadow. It was incredibly handsome. His icy blue eyes flicked from his Rolex to you, making you quickly turn back to the cashier. 
“Declined. Again.” The cashier handed it back this time with a look insisting you take the card from her. Humiliated, your cheeks began to turn red. 
“Sorry.” You mumbled as you shoved your card back into your purse so you could clear the shop as quickly as possible. In your haste, you accidentally ran into Mr. BusinessMan. You collided with his body like a brick wall. “Sorry! I’m so sorry! Fuck I’m a mess.” You cried out as you ran past him this time. 
You ran directly out onto the street, the cool air filling your lungs. You dropped down onto the curb to spend a minute catching your breath. You could feel your heart still racing, your body going into fight or flight mode. 
Money, money, money. It all always came back to money. If you didn't have the money for a god damn candy, how were you going to make rent in less than two weeks? Tears threatened to escape your eyes and you squeezed them shut. 
Here you were, no food in your stomach and soon to be no roof over your head. You looked at your phone, a flip phone from 2013 that miraculously still worked. The last text you had gotten was from your mom “Fridge broken. Send more this month.” 
God fucking damn it. 
“Hey! I think you forgot this.” A deep voice called out behind you. You turned to see the business man from the shop! Confused, you grabbed your purse and checked to make sure you hadn’t left your keys or something. The man held the bar you had left at the counter. He held it out to you. You didn’t go to grab it, you just stared.
“Oh. Um, you didn’t have to…” You began but he squatted down next to you and placed the candy on your lap. 
“We all have bad days. Doesn’t cost me nothing to be nice. You look like you deserve something sweet.” He had a very kind smile on his face. It did cost him something though, it cost him more than what was currently in your bank account. “You ok?”
“I’m…I’m ok. I’m going to be ok. Thank you, really.” You could feel the tears spilling over and you started to wipe your face so he wouldn’t see.
“You must really like candy to be crying over it.” He lightly joked, which only made you want to cry more. You let out a little laugh that sounded more like a strangled gasp. It was so overwhelming, the simple act of charity.
“It’s just…really really nice of you.” You gasped, the tears finally flowing freely. “I don’t remember the last time anyone has ever given me something…I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, hey, hey, you’ve got nothing to apologize for.” He reached out and placed a hand on your shoulder to comfort you. “I’m James.”
You gave him your name, finally ceasing your tears. You took a deep breath, you couldn’t just fall apart in front of this kind stranger, he was probably running late to some sort of business meeting anyway.
“You have a way to get home?” he asked, he pulled out his phone and began to tap on it. You nodded your head. 
“Yes, yes I do. I have money left on a bus card, really thank you so much James.” He smiled at you when you said his name. He placed his phone back into his suit jacket. He took your hand and helped you up.  With your spiral into darkness slightly stalled, you took in your savior. He was so classically handsome. When you looked into his blue, blue eyes you felt like you were drowning in them. He tucked a piece of your hair behind your ear, your heart raced. 
“Get home safe, alright doll?” You nodded, clutching the candy bar to your chest. You took off down the street after giving a soft goodbye. The kindness of strangers had given you more hope than you had in a long time. 
You idly wondered about James as you ate on the bus. Your money problems were still lingering in the back of your mind but your thoughts were clear. 
You tore open the candy bar, taking a bite of the delicious treat. The chocolate melting on your tongue, the sugary sweetness coated your mouth. You got a rush from the sugar and let out a sigh. 
Maybe things were going to be ok, it was a sign that the universe was on your side. 
You put on your waitress face and did your best to keep up the highest energy tonight. You were all bubbles and giggles throughout the shift. You would smile and laugh at every lame joke a customer would tell you.
Half way through your shift the place was packed. You should be grateful it was busy, you were getting good tips but hadn’t had a moment to breathe since you walked out onto the floor. You carefully balanced a tray of shots and an order of bacon-wrapped dates to drop off before you made it to the party that just sat down in your section. The hostess had put them back in the booth that was partially tucked away with velvet curtains. Big spenders for sure. You smoothed down your dress and tossed your hair over your shoulders as you made your way over. 
“Hiii how are we doing tonight Gentle--” You began your usually bubbly opener, voice high pitched and energetic but as you took in who was sitting in front of you, you stumbled. 
James. Your candy savior. The bodega hero. Him and three other men were waiting to be served. He was wearing a new suit, this one with no tie and a few buttons undone from his shirt. Damn he could really rock a suit, he filled this one out perfectly too. FUCK.  
“Ahem, excuse me gentlemen. So what can I start you off with?” You quickly recovered, grabbing your pad and pen and focusing your eyes on the paper. You prayed that with your heavy makeup and fluffed up hair that maybe he wouldn’t recognize you, or maybe just wouldn’t even remember. 
“Hey there sweetheart, hope my good looks didn’t startle you.” His charming grin grew as you bashfully waved your hand at him.
“Oh I'm used to handsome, it's just a little busy in here tonight. Are we just starting out the night? Maybe with some shots?” You offered with a grin of your own. He seemed pretty pleased with your flattery. James was silent as the other two ordered a round of shots, his gaze was fixed on you. You went to turn to put the order in but as you went James’s hand shot out and he grabbed your wrist. 
You froze and stayed.
“Hold on a minute Doll, you didn’t take my order yet.” His voice was low and easy. You lightly moved your hand out of his grasp to put pen to paper. You nodded to him hoping to get his order. “I want a whiskey. Neat. And bring the whole bottle out.”
“Whoa, we’re getting bottles tonight?”
“Sounds like you guys are going to have some fun!” You said quickly writing down the order with a flourish. This time you managed to escape to put the orders in. As you waited by the bar for the orders you felt your heart racing. It wasn’t just the adrenaline of the fast paced night. Seeing James again had put you completely off kilter. It was humiliating, the last time he saw you, you were crying in the street. He must find you so pathetic. If he even recognized you?
James and his party stayed practically til closing, ordering more and more. The bill they were racking up was so notable that Jeremy himself came out to thank them for their patronage. The other girls were all playfully jealous, it wasn’t you who could normally hook in the big spenders like that. 
“Sadly, it seems we’ve got to end it here. Little guy can’t hold his liquor.” James said motioning to the one you learned was named Sam.
“M’fine.” He slurred. The blonde man who was called Steve laughed and threw an arm around him as he swayed. The two made their way to the exit leaving you alone at the table with James. He smiled at you expectantly. You just wanted the night to be done with. 
“Whenever you’re ready!” you placed down the bill on the table. 
“Hold on Doll, I’m ready now.”  He pulled out a shiny black card from his wallet, and quickly scribbled down on the receipt. You took the card with a smile, ready to go charge it. You glanced down on the tip and your eyes nearly fell out of your head. 
He had given you a 100% tip.
“Problem?” He asked, innocently cocking his head to the side. You glanced at the bill again, rereading it as slowly as you could to try to make sure you weren’t mistaken.
“I think you might have mixed up the tip and the total-” 
“No mistake. I’m tipping for the fantastic service.” 
“I really don’t know how comfortable I am with that James. Is this because of this morning?” Your voice was pathetically small. 
“Oh so you do remember me?” He asked flatly. You looked up at him. His sudden tone made your stomach clench. 
“I mean…of course I do but that’s not very professional of me. I’m sorry-” You immediately tried to amend the situation. This was somehow your fault, you could tell. 
“You apologize a lot. You don’t have to be sorry for getting something you want.” James’s tone was no longer angry. 
“I don’t need pity.”
“It's not pity, Doll. You gave me a service and now I’m paying you what I think is fair. I know you probably aren’t used to people giving you what you’re worth. You probably don’t even know what your worth is, do you?” When his icy blue eyes met yours it was like you were really being seen for the first time. You loved it as much as you hated it. 
“I’m not…I’m not worth anything much. Here’s your card sir, have a good night.” 
You ran off, your face hot with humiliation. 
You had hoped that would be the end of it. Even with the insane tip from James you were still on the outs with your money. Now that rent could be made there was the electricity, gas, and water. Then the money you would send back to your family, oh and food for yourself. You couldn’t forget that. You kept all ten shifts that you had managed to beg Jeremy for. The big night with James made him much more amenable to your requests. 
It was only for a split second but you saw him at the hostess table. With two different men at his side, there stood James for the second night in a row. You whipped your head around and scurried to the back. 
“Wanda, he’s here again. Again!” You squealed to your co-worker who was just preparing to start her shift. 
“Who, Mr. Moneybags? Well aren’t you lucky.” She said, giving you a playful glare. 
“I don’t want to deal with him again. Please take my table?” you pleaded. 
“Don’t need to ask me twice, I’ll be getting that nice tip tonight.”  She tossed her coppery hair over her shoulder and smoothed down her dress one final time before strutting out onto the floor. 
He wasn’t here for you, you told yourself. You were just being paranoid. Wanda was going to have all of them eating out of her hands by the end of the night, you told yourself as you started out towards your first table. You pushed it from your mind. 
But you couldn’t help but glance over to his table, and the glance was more than enough to see that James was not happy. Wanda and her incredible curves didn’t seem to distract him at all. You could see her laughing and chatting but James was a dark cloud.  
Fine, who cares, he was going to give Wanda a ludicrous tip because he was a generous tipper. He wasn’t pitying you, he wasn’t trying to give you charity, that's just who he is. You scamper towards the kitchen to put in your orders and hopefully hide out a while. 
Wanda came back towards the kitchen, placing her orders and grabbing the food that was ready. Her beautiful smile fading into a line when she made eye contact with you. 
“They were really really insistent that it has to be you tonight. Even just to go over and say hi. ” She said, her tone was dry. Nervous butterflies erupted in your stomach. You bit your lip. What could this possibly mean? 
You were normally pretty steady in your heels, but the floor was suddenly uneven as you approached James’s table.
“Well hi there, gentlemen. I-I can take your drink orders tonight. Give Wanda a hand.” You babbled, trying not to flub over any words. 
James smirks at you victoriously. He doesn’t need to say anything, his eyes say it all. He had gotten his way.  
The party once again racked up a ridiculous tab.  Nothing was stopping him. The rest of the table had cleared out quickly, leaving just you and James. 
He opened his wallet and laid out the tip, bill by bill. He pushed the fat stack to you, not breaking eye contact once. 
It was multiple hundred dollar bills, but you were too stunned to count. The anxiety that had been building since you first caught a glimpse of James again finally came bursting out of you in a tidal wave. You tossed the cash back on to the table. 
“Please stop. I can’t…I can’t keep doing this, I don’t know what you expect from me.”  You gasped, allowing your facade to crack as you stared up at him with tears wetting your eyes. 
You weren’t scared. But you were confused. This sort of attention must have meant he wanted something from you and…you were fairly certain of what that was. 
“This is how this business works, you did something for me, and I paid for your services.”
“I -- I--” Your breath was caught in your throat as he leaned closer to you to tuck a lock of hair behind your ear. 
“Poor thing, you’ve never been treated well in your whole life, have you? I know why you’re so nervous. You’re not stupid, you're really smart. I don’t expect anything from you tonight.”
He took a breath and it was like he was stealing the air right from your lungs. “But. I would like to make an offer, if you’d be interested. I just want one hour of your time.” 
“I’m not a whore.” 
He caught your chin in his hand and made you look back at him, his eyes dark and humorless.
“What an ugly word. Nobody’s calling you that doll. Have dinner with me.” His thumb traced over the apple of your cheek.  
One hour of your time. You kept thinking about it over and over again. It was just one hour. This ostentatiously wealthy man was paying you to have dinner with him. It’s not a crime. But it felt so dangerous. Sneaky and dirty. Part of it was terrifying but it was also…exciting. 
This restaurant was leaps and bounds above your place of work. It was all very classy. You tugged on your skirt just a bit, hoping you weren’t going to stick out. You were brought through the restaurant, up some stairs to a private party room. It was a huge table, with only two places set,  a glow with dozens of candle’s soft light. The walls were all windows, looking over the restaurant the other a breathtaking view of the city. 
James was waiting for you when you arrived. He looked you up and down appreciatively, his eyes lingering. He stood up like a gentleman when you got to the table. He pulled the chair out for you. 
“Oh um, thank you.” You said as he pushed you into your spot once you were seated. 
“No thanks necessary, Doll.” He placed the napkin from the plate on your lap before returning to the seat across from you. The waiter who brought you up took your drink orders before leaving you alone. 
The door clicked closed and suddenly there was a tense silence between you two. What was next? Were you supposed to say something? Or should you wait for him? 
“I trust the ride over was pleasant?”
“Yeah, um, no issues at all. I’ve never been here before, any recommendations?” Why were you so awkward? Should you be seductive? Should you be professional? Was this a business transaction or a date? Every time your eyes met his he looked hungry. For you. It made you flush. 
“You can get anything your heart desires. Pick out whatever has the most zeros next to the name.” He grinned. “The seabass is pretty good too.”
You wrinkled your nose a bit. “It's not too…fishy is it?” 
“Well it is fish.”
“But is it fishy fish?” James laughed at that. 
“It's a fishy fish. The steak is good too, but it's a steaky steak. So you know.” He joked. It made you laugh a bit too. It was like a spell was cast over you, the tension was released and your nerves vanished. The conversation flowed between the two of you easily.  
Your food came, he didn’t bring up anything. He had asked for an hour of your time, because he was going to propose something to you. You had friends who had “boyfriends” who weren’t really their boyfriends. Men who would pay for the fun that night, but they got paid back in other ways. 
You never had thought of yourself as that girl. But here you were. The anticipation made you nervous but you couldn’t deny the excitement.
He ordered dessert for the two of you, champagne and strawberries with cream and chocolate. 
You glanced at your phone, there was about ten minutes left of “your time” that he had purchased. 
“I hope I’m not so boring that you’re counting down the minutes.” James commented as you put your phone back in your purse. You shake your head.
“No I just…we have some things to discuss right? And an hour is what you asked for…”
“I am willing to pay overtime, if you’re still enjoying yourself. But if we’re down to the minute here, we should talk.” He folded his hands on the table. 
“I like you, I think that we can make something together. You seem like you need some help and call me old fashioned but I just can't resist a damsel in distress. I’m a busy man, with a lot of work and a full schedule, not really much time for dating. Not a fan of the apps either. What I am looking for is an arrangement. I want a companion and can keep you very well compensated for it.”
“So you’ve had…arrangements like this before.” You asked slowly. It didn’t make much sense to you. He was so unbelievably handsome. How could he have trouble finding anyone to be with?. He filled out his clothes so well, his strong square jaw made you want to swoon. How could it be you that he wanted? 
“Yes. Does that bother you?” 
“I-I’ve never done anything like this before.” You admitted. You cleared your throat. “What sort of things are you looking for from your…companion.” Your eyes were suddenly very focused on the bowl of strawberries in front of you. You hadn’t had a boyfriend before, but you’d been with men. Your idea of a sugar daddy was always a creepy old man, desperate for a young thing to fuck. But he didn’t seem desperate at all. The way he pinned you with his gaze was making you feel desperate for him. 
James reached out and placed his hand over yours.
“I am looking for everything. I want someone who’ll keep me company at home, someone I can buy gifts for, someone I can take out on dates.” He squeezed your hand, rubbing his thumb in circles over your wrist. “I’d like someone who’s going to stay the night too.”
Your stomach flipped. You knew what he meant. 
“Ah, like, sleepovers?” You giggled nervously. “I was never allowed to have those, as a kid. I always had to watch over my siblings.” 
“I didn’t have any either. Romanian immigrant parents. They didn’t really…get it?” James smiled, it was different from the grin that had been on his lips all night. It almost seemed shy.  “So maybe we should make up for lost time, hm?”
“But what would it be like? Being your…companion?” You were testing the waters. He was being a bit too vague for your liking. The word sugar baby had never been said but that’s what this was going to be wasn’t it? He wasn’t asking you to be his girlfriend. But he wanted you. And you wanted him. 
Should you get a contract? Or was that only something that happened in trashy romance novels?
He picked the bottle of champagne, his veins bulged in his strong grip. He easily flicked the cork off, popped the champagne with a loud bang that made you jolt. He smirked at your reaction. He poured himself a glass effortlessly then stood, walking to your side of the table. He was completely relaxed, in total control the whole time. 
He towered above you as he poured the bubbling liquor into the champagne flute in front of you. You could smell the rich musk of his cologne. He picked it up to offer it to you.
“If you agree to be mine, I would take you out to nice places like this, buy you whatever you like and then we would keep having fun all night.” His eyes sparkled. Your heart began to flutter, his eyes making you feel like you were the only person on earth. And you could get anything you wanted. 
You took the flute from him. You took a sip of the dry sparkling wine. It tasted expensive. 
“Do you want me to quit my job?” You said plainly. 
“Being CEO means I don't exactly have a 9-5 schedule and neither does a cocktail waitress. I don’t want to have to deal with scheduling around each other. Part of this is about you being available to me. You can take a leave of absence?” He was still standing, but had leaned against the table facing you. The CEO drop gave you a slight pause. You knew he was rich but…you were nervous to ask just how rich. Did it matter? You wondered to yourself. He was so handsome, you didn’t need specifics. You needed him.
“I don’t think that's an option for me.” You said trying not to roll your eyes. 
“Trying not to seem too pushy Doll, but…I want you to quit your job. I’ll be your job from now on. I can cover any of the expenses you’d need a job for. Being mine means spending late nights at my apartment, weekend trips to Europe, I don’t want you to worry about anything but me. If you agree, of course.”
He held out his hand to you. “Or is my time up?” 
You grabbed his hand. Your fingers interlocked. You nodded your head. James smiled and pulled you out of your seat. You quickly stood, eyes looking up into the icy blue pools that captivated you. His lips lightly pressed against yours. It was so soft and romantic, you surrendered to him easily. Your lips moved against him, assuring him, assuring yourself, you could do this. 
“You know why I got the strawberries right?” He asked as he pulled away motioning to the nearly forgotten dessert. 
“Yes…I’ve seen Pretty Woman. They bring out the sweetness of the champagne” You replied smartly. He laughed again. You made him laugh a lot, and every time you did your heart would race.
“I got them because I’m pretty sure you have a sweet tooth. And I thought it could be fun.” He scooped a dollop of cream onto a berry and brought it up to your lips. You obediently opened your mouth, taking a bite of the fruit. The bright, sharpness of the berry was contrasted by the fluffy sweetness of the cream. It was so decadent you needed a minute before you could take another bite. 
He pressed his hands against the small of your back and guided you slowly towards him.
He eased down onto the chair, planting his feet on the floor. 
He gripped your hips and pulled you to straddle his thigh. He guided you down and you followed his lead. You slowly lowered onto him.Your crotch rubbed against his thigh, you grabbed onto his shoulders to try and steady yourself. His fingers went to your dress and hiked it up to your waist.
You let out a gasp, your eyes quickly darting to the door. He grabbed your chin and pulled your focus back to him. 
“You don’t have to worry about anything tonight. You just have to be mine.”  He murmured, his breath fanning over your face. Your face was burning with embarrassment, you’d never been so intimate in public before.
He began to tap his heel making you bounce up and down. His hands went to your ass. The delicious friction made you bite down hard on your lip as your arousal started to mount. 
“James ahh--” You tried to ask but pleasure started to rocket up your core. Your eyes rolled back as he continued to rock you on his thighs. He shushed you, burying his face in your neck. His hands finally left your hips and grasped your breasts.  You moaned at the sensation. You wrapped your arms around his neck, arching your back bringing his face to your cleavage. 
Your hips moved of their own volition now, faster as the sweet ache between your legs grew. 
They glided over and over his thick thighs, building in speed as you chased after your high. Bouncing up and down, no longer concerned with anyone who might see. 
“What do you want?” he gasped. Suddenly stopping you mid thrust, his grip on your ass held you still. 
“Huh?” you whined, wiggling your hips a bit, but he held you firm. 
“Tell me sweetheart, how do I close this deal, what do you want?” James whispered in your ear, letting his breath tickle you. 
“I--” You took a moment. Your panties were soaked through, you could feel your slickness on his pants. You felt so wanton, but this was what you wanted. “I want my rent paid.”
“And I want a new phone.” He just nodded as his lips connected with your neck. You moaned as he lightly bit down on your neck alternating between pain and sweet kisses. You suddenly felt powerful, more powerful than you ever had in your life. “I also have student loans and money for savings a-and my sister’s starting high school this year and she’s going to need a laptop, so--” 
His lips had finally worked your neck enough and collided with your lips. He kissed you so fiercely, so overwhelmingly hot that you completely lost your train of thought and surrendered to it. 
“Deal.” he panted as he pulled away from your lips, his forehead resting against yours. You started to ride his thigh again, desperate for a release as the coils inside you wind together tighter and tighter.
“Fuck Doll that’s right, use me, ride my thigh, you’re mine now. Show you how good it is to be mine.” James grunted as you chased your high.
Waves of pleasure came crashing over you. You writhed on his thigh, your panties sticking to the sides of your walls as you collapsed forward. Pressing your head to his shoulder, you could feel him chuckling.
You liked being his. You felt small in his lap as he smoothed down your dress. He wiped some of the sweat off your brows. 
You take another sip of the champagne. It wasn’t sweet, but you could get used to it.
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seenoversundown · 18 days
For Death Or Glory: Chapter Seventeen
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: 18+ Smut (I’ll sneak the sexy warnings in at the end so you can look away if you want) Mild Anxiety if you squint, drinking/alcohol, discussion including sex references, gentle brotherly bullying, a lot of pointing and laughing at Jake (lovingly), Pirates Of The Caribbean references, Tall Tales from our Short King, Fluff, wholesome family time, silly banter amongst the boys.
*smut warnings*: sexual language, praise kink insinuation 😏, fingering, use of captain/daddy (it’s mild) thigh riding, Jake is sexy as hell, everyone.
Word Count: 5.1k 🤭
Summary: It’s Trivia Night! Charlotte decides to hang out with everyone for the night and gets to hear plenty about our favorite little pirate man.
Author's Note: ITS A FAMILY EPISODE 🥰 This was honestly way too fun to write 😂 I hope you enjoy getting to hang out with everyone because it was fun finding ways for them to interact with my main girl, Charlotte. 💕
(I listened to Bed Chem and Juno by Sabrina a lot also while writing parts of this chapter so do with that what you will! 🤭😘)
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Nonsense - Sabrina Carpenter "I'll be honest, Lookin' at you got me thinkin' nonsense, Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in."
It took some mild convincing from Quinn and Jacob, but I’ve decided to participate in Trivia Night with everyone. Not going to act like I'm not a little nervous to hang out with everybody again since the only time I saw them all together was at Halloween, and I was drowning my nerves with whatever drink ended up in my hand.  
“You’re already friends with Quinn, and I’m sure the ladies love you,” Jake quietly tried to pep talk me as I sat in my usual seat at the bar. 
“No, I know,” I sigh. “It’s more the boys that make me nervous.” 
“They’re just louder than me,” he laughs. “They’ll be nice to you though, don’t even worry about them.” 
I take a deep breath as I look at him. 
“I’ll spit in their drinks if they’re mean to you; how’s that sound?” His eyebrow raised as he said it, and I couldn’t help the laugh that fell out of me. 
“You’re ridiculous.”
“And you’re not clocked in, so,” he says with a dumb little smile on his lips. 
“Oooo Lottie, you’re hereeee!” Quinn yells as they step foot into the bar. The rest of them slowly trickled in behind them.  
They wrap their arms around me, practically swaying the barstool with them. “Come sit with us?” Okay, okay, okay. I nod and follow behind them. 
Once the booth has been claimed, the boys apparently wander off to grab drinks and queue up songs on the jukebox. 
“Since the boys aren’t here for a minute— have you two.. y’know?” Quinn asks with a dramatic wink, and I can feel the blood rushing to my face. They already know you’ve kissed him; what’s the harm?
My hand covers my mouth, trying to hide the smile growing while I nod. I practically received a standing ovation at the confirmation. 
“You have to tell us how it went because we’ve never really even seen any girl that he’s even been on a date with! Let alone actually sleep with,” Willa says, leaning into her hand with a shit-eating grin plastered on her face. 
“Oh, um, well,” I hesitate, not really knowing what to say. This was easier with Cass because we just didn’t have a filter with each other, and I’m still not sure what is too much with them. 
Quinn can definitely sense the panic so they cave and ask, “Does he know what he’s doing?” 
“YEAH,” my eyes go wide. “He’s probably more deceiving than you’d think.” My eyebrows practically touch my hairline at the thought. 
A collective giggle from the table made me laugh. 
Mel whispers, “Did he make you–”
“Three times in one night.” 
“JAKE, YOU DOG,” she whisper-screams back to me. 
Willa and Quinn just look at each other before Willa finally lets out, “.. must run in the family.”
“What runs in the family?” Sam asks, handing Willa her drink. Danny is next to him, handing Mel’s drink over to her, and then takes off to get trivia night going. 
Mel’s eyebrows shoot up as she lets a quiet “Being a little bitch,” slip out before she sips on her drink; the smirk on her face is undeniable.
“Oh, fuck off,” Sam laughs, sitting in the booth next to Willa. 
Josh isn’t far behind him, holding three drinks. Setting them down, but quickly handing Quinn’s over to them and then sliding one over to me.
He leans down to me, whispering, “I was given the task of bringing your beverage from a secret admirer of sorts.” My stomach filled with butterflies at his comment. 
“Hey! This is the family table, no secrets!” Sam pipes up. 
Josh whips his head over, “I was just politely asking if I may squeeze in next to my little lovebug over there; otherwise, I will take the shortcut!” He steps his foot onto the edge of the table, making everyone panic for a moment. I quickly slide out of the booth while Mel and Quinn trade spots to make it easier. 
Danny starts explaining the basics of trivia night to everyone; hearing his voice like that was so odd because he’s been so quiet around me; it’s almost like I hadn’t heard him speak before. 
“Tonight’s theme is Pirates of the Caribbean! “ His enthusiasm is rapidly met with a collective groan from everyone. I glance over at Jake, who is just beaming over the theme—of course, he’s excited. 
A few patrons, including Linda, hollered, ‘Not fair!’ 
“Hey now,” Danny chimes back in, “Before everyone gets too mad, Jake will be bartending as his handicap for tonight’s trivia!”
Everyone I’m sitting with is pointing and laughing at Jake as he dramatically pouts behind the bar. I can’t take my eyes off him as he finally breaks the sad face, laughing with someone sitting in front of him at the bar. It’s adorable how much he loves his job. His eyes meet mine, making my heart stop for a second, as he smiles and shoots me a little wink before turning to grab another drink for someone. 
“We’ll start with an easy one- a warm-up, if you will. Which movie was the infamous mermaid scene in?”
The fourth one.
“Charlotte, has Jake told you about the first time he got drunk?” Sam asks, already laughing at the question. 
My eyebrows raise, and I glance over at him behind the bar. “He has not, and I’m fully ready to hear it.”
“Oh, it’s a treat– TRUST,” Willa chimes in. 
Sam and Josh whisper between themselves before turning back to me, “Okay, so Daniel was actually at the house with me because it was a weekend, obviously.” 
Oh, he’s locked in, I’m ready.
“We were what, like thirteen or fourteen at the time, right Daniel?” 
“Something like that,” Danny quickly answers. 
“Anyway- so we’re just playing video games, as teenage boys do, and then Josh knocks on the door.” Sam looks to Josh, who is always ready to take over a story. 
He leaned forward, looking over at Jake and then back at me. “This guy over here decided that he would just drink anything that was handed to him at this party. Lo and behold, he ended up walking like  a baby deer by the time we got home.” He barks out a laugh, “He ended up eating shit in the front yard because he swore he didn’t need my help.” 
It was my turn to laugh, looking over to Jake, who was bright red at this point; he must have had to sit through this story often because he was taking it like a champ.
“Oh, and it gets worse,” Danny chimes in. 
“Yes! So, I ran inside quietly and grabbed these two,” Josh points at Sam and Dan, “To try and help me get the drunk out of the yard before our parents woke up.”
“But even with all three of us, we couldn’t get him stable enough to walk into the house carefully.” 
“You guys don’t have to tell everybody this story, you know?” Jake shouts from behind the bar. 
“Oh, but we do!” Josh rebuttals.
“After a few minutes of trying to get him up, we realized it was a lost cause and went and got our dad for help.” 
“Oh my god, no,” slips out of me before I can stop it. 
Making them all laugh because they know what’s coming next. 
“Well, our dad surprisingly didn’t get that mad,” Sam starts, “But he did insist on taking pictures before carrying him inside.” 
“Mom added them to a scrapbook!” Josh adds. 
My hand flies up to cover my mouth as I laugh at the thought of drunk teenage Jake passing out in the yard. My self-control ran low when I finally let out, “Please tell me she would send you the picture right now; I need to see it.” 
“Oh dear, I thought you’d never ask!” Josh laughs, pulling out his phone. “While we wait for the glorious photo, may I offer you another silly Jake story?” 
“You really don’t have to,” Jake says, setting down a tray of new drinks for the table. “Feels a little unfair; you’re airing out my dirty laundry, and I can’t even defend myself.”
“But, Lottie needs to be caught up on the Jake Lore!” Quinn pipes up, making the whole table laugh. His head drops back when everybody laughs, but his smile creeps through as he tries to scowl at them. 
“Can you at least throw in one redeeming one?” 
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll see, kid.” 
‘What is Will Turner wearing when he’s rescued?’ 
Oh.. the pirate medallion that Elizabeth takes. 
“Look who came to say ‘Hi’ for a few minutes!” Mel announces as she approaches the table with her daughter. I’ve never seen a group of people get so excited over a child. I watch as everybody takes turns hugging her. Josh definitely took the most time, spending time talking with her. They are the most precious little buddies.
She’s sitting on Quinn’s lap when I see her eyes light up as Jake comes over to the table. She quickly stands up in the booth, pointing to him with a big cheesy smile. Jake reaches out, stealing her away from Quinn, and despite the fact she probably couldn’t hear him, he lets out a, “Come here, sweetheart.” 
Why is that sexy? My hands start to sweat a little as I watch him hold her; he has her propped up with one of his arms. He brushes the hair away from her face as she just beams at him. Oh my god? 
“I’ll get you,” he mouths to her before tickling her little neck and then her belly. I can’t stop myself from noticing how big his hands look right now, as his palm seemingly takes up half of her tiny body. Her laughter fills the air as he plays with her for a minute. I don’t think I’ll be able to get this out of my head now. Why.. How is he so good with kids? 
She wraps her arms around his neck in a hug, his hand rubbing her back as Mel walks back up. 
“Oh, how sweet,” she says, “She was asking if you would be here tonight, Jake.” 
“She hasn’t figured out I live here yet, huh?” he jokes, looking at her and smiling so big at her. I’m not even in a relationship with this man; why is this so–
His voice pulls me out of my head, “Char, do you want another drink?” Hearing him call me by a nickname catches me off guard. He hands Iris over to Danny as I’m nodding at him, and he steals my glass from me. 
“Oh, perfect timing!” Josh boasts, sliding his phone across the table. “The requested photo.” The way I picked it up could have been at record speed. 
And what a feast for the eyes it was; there lies a baby version of Jacob, absolutely obliterated in the grass. 
“You can swipe for another good one,” Josh pipes up, his cackle quickly following.
Hesitantly swiping to the next one, it’s of him thrown over his dad’s shoulder with Sam cheesing next to him. Jake’s eyes are shut, and his hair is all over the place, but the way you can tell in the photo alone that he has just given up is hilarious. It’s cute that his family didn’t yell at him for it, and if this was the worst punishment he got, he was pretty lucky. 
“Oh god,” Jake’s voice suddenly next to me again. “Not my best moment, clearly.” I laugh quietly as I look up at him, his face softening a bit when he looks back at me. 
“Didn’t pin you as a sloppy kind of drunk, Jacob,” I tease. 
His smile grows quickly, “He’s a different breed– I don’t like to let him out very often.” Oh, I need to see him a little drunk at some point. 
‘What is Jack’s last line in Dead Man’s Chest?’
Jake leans down, his mouth hovering over my ear before saying, “Hello, beastie,” in his finest Jack Sparrow accent. The sound of his laugh graced my ears as he stood back up. Not entirely proud of how the English accent affects me, but he doesn’t need to know that.  
“Oh!” Josh pipes up, “Jacob, remember when you planned that one date in high school?” 
“Haha, oh boy, I have a bar to tend to, unfortunately,” his eyes wide as he walks off to escape this story. 
“So what about this date?” I lean into my hand, looking over at Josh. 
“It was really very cute,” he starts. “He asked this girl out, and she actually said yes. So, he spent like a week and a half planning out this date-” 
A collective ‘awww’ coming from the rest of us. 
“Well, she never showed up. He was devastated. Our poor Jake has been getting ghosted since the beginning of time.” 
How does he have such bad luck with girls? 
“He did get stood up— what was it like three months ago?” Willa asks, looking at Sam. He nods mid-sip of his beer. “Poor guy moped around for a week.” 
“It’s honestly baffling; he really is such a sweetheart,” Quinn adds, with Josh nodding along with them. 
“How come Quinn can say that and it’s okay, but I tell him he’s handsome ONE TIME—,” Willa starts, her face back towards Sam. 
“Wrong– you’ve said it twice,” he corrects her with a smug look on his face. 
She rolls her eyes, “Sam, be so serious right now,”
“YEAH, that’s right, I’m keeping track!” his voice raises for a second but immediately drops when he says, “Plus, you’re MY very beautiful and hot girlfriend, we don’t need to give him any ideas.” He side-eyes Jake while he wraps his arms around her shoulders tightly.
“He’s not going to try and steal Willa from you, Samantha,” Quinn giggles, watching him hold her hostage.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
After finally being able to get away from the storytime table, I hustle to the bathroom: two drinks plus  Josh’s storytelling skills, a recipe for disaster. 
“Oh, excuse me,” I back away from the bathroom door as an older lady walks out. 
She stops in front of me for a second, her eyes lighting up, “Well, it’s about time I run into you.” 
“Um..” I hesitate. 
“I’m Eleanor,” she grabs my hand gently, “Or El, whichever the boys feel like that day.” The realization of who she is hits me; this is the one Willa said Jake was going to marry. 
“Oh! Hi, I’m Charlotte,” I shake her hand lightly, “I’ve heard about you, nice to officially meet you.” 
Her smile is contagious, “What a pretty name for such a beautiful girl.” 
“Oh, you’re too sweet.” 
“It’s nice seeing him so happy, you know?” She starts, “I’m not trying to tell all his secrets, but the poor boy has just had no luck the last few years. Constantly being let down by all these girls— which is such a shame because he’s such a charming young man.” 
My heart hurts hearing her say that. Why would girls not like him? 
“Oh really? I didn’t realize it had been that bad.” 
“Yeah, the poor thing had basically given up on dating. He really just invested himself into being here, which is admirable of him, but between you and me,” she leans in, “Linda and I are so glad that you’re getting him out of here a little. He needs it.” 
“He really is something special,” I admit to her, “It’s a loss for all the girls who didn’t give him enough of a chance.” 
“You said it!” she giggles; it seems her voice is just quiet by nature. “If I were younger, I’d be trying to take him home with me.” Her little wink made me laugh. 
“I’m not one to kiss and tell,” I whisper, leaning closer to her, “But you’d be making the right choice.” She giggles with me this time. 
“Well, let me not hold you up any longer! I’ll see you out there,” she squeezes my forearm gently as she turns to walk away.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯���⎯
As I’m walking out of the bathroom, I catch him coming from the back room and promptly make myself in his way. 
“Hey you,” he whispers. 
“Hi,” I say quietly back, “What are the odds I can steal you away?” Letting my hand run down his forearm, he subtly grabs it while he listens.  
“For work or..” his voice trails off, and that damn eyebrow of his popping up. 
Shaking my head, “Mmm.. definitely not work.” I pull my bottom lip in with my teeth as I look at him. 
“Ohhh, I see,” his shitty little smirk coming out. 
“So, is that a yes?” 
He looks down the hall past me, “I don’t know about that, Red.”
“We could just sneak upstairs real quick,” I don’t even care how desperate I sound at this point because I am a little desperate. 
“The bar’s kinda busy, I don’t–” 
I quickly cut him off, “What about your office?”
“Someone’s eager?” His eyebrows pull together for a second as he looks me up and down. 
Hooking my finger into his belt loop, tugging him toward me, “Baby, please,” batting my eyelashes at him.
“What’s gotten into you?” his laugh lacing the question.
“Just seeing you with Iris, I don't know..” trailing off, I lean forward into him, my hand holding the side of his face, “I just think you’d make a cute daddy.”
 Pink creeps into his cheeks rapidly before he spits out, “I’ll meet you in my office in five minutes.” ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
He backs me into his desk, slotting his leg between mine. He leans against me, letting his weight press into me. 
“Jake, please,” I moan as he leans even further into me, making my hips grind against his thigh. 
“Needy little thing,” he whispers as I moan into his mouth, still trying to resist riding his thigh. He glances down for a second as my hips betray me, “Does that feel good?” 
My face warms up, and a small “mhm” escapes me. The smirk on his face makes my stomach turn, nervous about whatever is going on inside his head. He leans in, the kiss feels more heated than before. His teeth lightly grabbed my lip, which sent a little shiver through my body and caused my hips to start moving a bit more forcefully. 
“Keep going,” he whispers against my lips, “use me, honey.” 
“Fuck me,” falls out of me, the friction making my head spin. 
He quietly laughs, “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” 
God, he needs to never stop talking. 
His lips leave kisses down my neck, finding every sensitive spot he can get to. I’m doing everything in my power to refrain from moaning too loudly, but he’s making it increasingly more difficult. The waves of pleasure shooting through me every time I roll my hips are only made worse by the feeling of his smile against my throat. 
“Jake–,” I whine. “Touch me.” I slide my hand down the back of his arm, trying to pull it from behind me. 
“Oh, you need my hands?” He teases me, whispering a breath away from my ear. “Is that what you want?”  He unbuttons my pants but hesitates to do anything else. The amount that I want, need rather, him to just touch me, is bordering painful.
“Baby, please,” I moan into his ear, “You’re just so good at it.” His hand immediately slid into my pants at the praise, running his fingers across my panties that are practically drenched at this point. 
“All that for me?” He coos into my ear, sliding the soaked fabric to the side; his fingers gently rubbing against my throbbing clit, causing a louder moan to slip out. “Gotta stay quiet for me, honey. Unless you want everyone to know how good I make you feel.” 
His voice was killing me as he added pressure with his fingers; the build of my orgasm was quick once he got involved. His hand slides down as he hooks his middle finger into me. Letting his palm rest against my clit as his finger pumps into me, the friction was just enough to keep inching me closer. 
“I’m so close,” I quietly whimper. 
He leans in closer to my face, hovering just above my lips, “Let me have it, honey.” He slid his ring finger into me as he said it and then leaned in to kiss me as his hand moved faster. I can feel the orgasm about to snap inside me when he lets his tongue gently dance across my lip. My jaw falls open as my release finally hits; I can feel the wetness against his hand as he works me through it. As I come down from it, his hand slows with me. 
He carefully pulled his hand back, grabbed my jaw with the other, and pressed one slow kiss into me. He lingers close to me for a second and, with his cheeky little smirk, asks, “Feel better?”
I giggle against his lips, kissing him a few more times before deciding to add fuel to the fire, “For now.”
“For now?” 
“Oh, Jacob,” I tease, sliding my arms around his neck. “I’ll be ready to actually ride you later.”
His eyes light up at my comment, “You may be the greatest friend I’ve ever had; I hope you know that.” 
I managed to slide back into the booth with minimal questioning, though I think Josh knew what had happened with the way his eyes were burning a hole into the side of my head for a moment. 
“Oh, I did think of something wholesome for Charlotte,” Sam announces to the table. 
“He’s not here,” Josh reminds him, “You don’t have to suck up to him.” 
Sam’s laugh makes me laugh when he comes out with, “No, I know, but don’t we want them to get toge—“ 
“What were you going to say, babes?” Willa, wide-eyed, cuts him off before he finishes his sentence. Wait- do the boys want us to..? 
“I was just thinking that- he’s always been the one we go to,” he says, his tone feels different. “Like, with anything. He’s typically the first one I’ll think to call if I need actual help with something.” 
“No, that’s so true, actually,” Quinn chimes in. “He will do so much for the people he cares about. The amount of times he’s texted me to let me know that he left the door unlocked for me or that he bought more of the coffee creamer I like since I was at their place all the time anyway.”
Danny was lingering near us while they all talked about the exuberant amount of nice things Jake had done for them. 
“He got me the job at the shipyard and then basically created a job for me here; I feel like that speaks volumes about who he is as a person,” Danny says quietly. 
I look over as he’s at the opposite end of the bar; his smile is so wide. He must be talking to Linda and Eleanor– always taking time to talk to everyone while they sit there, but for those two specifically, he really makes sure to dote on them a little extra. 
The table falls quiet, well- quiet is subjective, and I take my chance to ask the question that I’ve definitely been sitting on. 
“Is there a reason for the Bob Seger cut out?” I ask. “Actually- there’s just a lot of Bob Seger that happens here? Because I’ve been here near closing time, and Night Moves, I think..has been on every time.” 
Everyone looked at each other; it was almost comical the way they all paused when I asked. 
“Jake!” Josh hollers, “Your presence is needed!” I watch him move through the room, slowly moving through people to get to us. “Someone is asking questions that..you should be here for.”
“Okay, shoot.” 
I look up at him, “What’s with all the Bob Seger?”
“Oh!” His eyes darted over to Josh. “Haha, well–.”
Willa chimes in, “Oh, this should be good.” 
“It started with Night Moves and, uh,” He pauses, looking down at the table for a second. 
Josh quickly chimes in, “Mind’s slipping away from you?” 
His head whipped up to look at Josh, “No no, just want to make sure I recall it correctly!” 
“Well,” Sam pipes up, “we got ALL night.”
Danny bumps into him, whispering something in his ear. 
“Ah! Yes, thank you, Dan,” he says, patting Danny’s arm as he walks off. “Have you heard the lore of the Old Port Pirate?”
“Obviously not,” I giggle. 
Sam pipes up quickly, “Really!?” 
“Oh! Charlotte, you’re in for a treat,” Mel says, leaning into her hand, ready to hear this story. 
“Josh, do you mind watching the bar for a minute while I explain this?” 
“Oh, but of course!” He quips back.  “I do love this story, so I’ll be lingering over here!”
I let Josh out of the booth, with Jake sliding in next to me as I sat back down. He turns to face me a little with a smirk on his face. 
“So, there’s this man who wanders around the Old Port, typically found sitting in front of one of the stores nearby. We’ve been told that he thinks he’s a pirate, so..that’s where the name comes from,” he chuckles at himself.  “Well, he wandered in here the day we opened, and obviously, from one pirate to another, I wasn’t about to send him on his way.” And a precious little pirate you are, Jacob. 
“Of course not! Pirates are always welcome in a tavern!” Quinn chimes in. 
“Exactly– I’m glad you understand,” he says. “While he was here, he barely spoke. Just kept to himself the entire night until Night Moves started playing.”
I glance around the table; Sam, Willa, and Mel are all fully invested in this. Wait..
He excitedly continues his story time, “He waved me down and proceeded to tell me about how Night Moves was his favorite song. Said that he actually knew Bob at one point– which I’m not going to tell him that I don’t buy it because.. well, if you saw the guy, you’d understand.”
“So you just…play it every day?” Why do I kind of believe him?
“Well, we never know when he’s going to come back or if he will,” he tells me. “But I want to make sure he feels welcome!” 
Willa asks, “Didn’t he pay with a doubloon?” 
“He did! That’s why it’s framed over there!” Josh hollers from behind the bar. 
“Oh,” I try to collect my thoughts. “Well, um—”
“I know it’s a pretty exhilarating story- take your time to process it,” he says, double-tapping the table. “I do need to go take the bar back from Josh, so if you have any more questions, you know where to find me.” His hand gently squeezes my arm before he scurries back to the bar. 
“Alright, be honest,” I say as he walks over to me. “Is this pirate man real?” 
“Of course, he is,” he says, no hesitation in his voice. “Do you want more to drink?” I nod as I’m trying to figure out if he’s lying. 
I let out a small, “Mmmm..” folding my arms over my chest as I watched him make a fresh drink for me. 
He slides it over to me, “Have I lied to you before, honey?” 
The way I want to kiss- I mean, smack the smirk off his face. My arms drop, and I can’t fight the smile on my face any longer, “Alright, I’ll believe you.” 
He leans forward onto the bar, resting his head in his hand, “While you’re here.. you should stay with me tonight.”
“Mmm.. I don’t know if I should,” I tease him.
He blinks slowly at me, a little smirk on his lips, “What if I promise to make you breakfast?” 
“Well.. that does sound nice but..” trying to sound dramatic, but let’s be honest- there’s no way he wouldn’t win this battle. 
“Josh is going to Quinn’s,” he pauses and lowers his voice “.. we can have sex.” His eyebrows shoot up, making me giggle. 
“Now we’re talking, Captain.” I lean forward into my hand now; we probably look ridiculous right now. 
“What was the other name you called me?” He winks at me, pulling his bottom lip in with his teeth. 
“Oh, you liked that, huh?” 
“Might need to try it out later and see,” he says, giggling to himself. It’s cute how excited he gets over little things like that. I wave him closer, and he leans a little further. I stand on the little supports of the barstool to meet him in the middle. 
I whisper into his ear, “Whatever you want, daddy.” 
His jaw goes slack, as he stares at me, slowly shaking his head while that devious little smile of his grows on his face. I just raise one of my eyebrows at him, waiting for the truth to come out. 
“If you keep talking like that,” his voice trails off. 
I can’t stop myself from asking, “What about it?”
“I’ll be making sure you let the neighbors know.” 
I gasp before I can even think, “Jacob!” 
“Yeah, it’ll sound kinda like that,” he says; the smug look on his face as he backs away is killing me. 
I know my face has to be red at this rate; I let out a fairly loud “Um!” Glancing around at the people near us, including his brothers. 
“They didn’t hear, don’t worry,” he laughs; I hate how sexy he is sometimes. “I only want you to hear me anyway.”
Oh, this man is on one tonight. 
“Charlotte!” Willa yells from across the room, distracting me from him. Thank god.  ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Spending the rest of the night laughing and hanging out with everyone. Jacob still managed to school everyone on his Pirates of the Caribbean knowledge, not that anybody was shocked. It was nice getting to just spend time with people, even if it was a lot of them having to fill me in on the backstories of most conversations. They were so welcoming to me. 
And amid another Josh story, I hear the sweetest sound faintly over the chatter in the bar and even cutting through Josh’s voice; the opening chords of Night Moves started to play. I glance over to Jacob, whose eyes are locked on me, and something about his stare makes my heart flutter. 
‘Workin’ on our night moves—“
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Eighteen
FDOG Master Post | Masterlist | Playlist
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blindingliqhts · 4 months
i'm going to thorpe park on friday so (naturally) here are my hcs for the foxes at a theme park:
they absolutely go to a theme park together sometime shortly before the girls graduate. wymack and abby were invited to join them, but they decided to stay behind for a much-needed day of peace.
HCs for each character:
allison treats everyone to fast-track passes to skip the long queues. what do you mean they aren't essential??? she's never been to a theme park without them. she also is number one hater of those couples in the queue who are doing WAY too much PDA. she refuses to go on any rides with water involved because she doesn't like getting her hair wet. she also ends up being 'in charge' as such- she's the one who always decides what ride they're going on next.
neil is such an adrenaline junkie: there isn't a single ride he won't go on, and he loves every single minute of their day, from the overpriced food to the queues (albeit short ones- thanks allison). guy after my own heart fr <33
andrew will go on most things, but anything too high is obviously a no (for example stealth at thorpe park which is 62m high). ofc only neil knows that andrew is afraid of heights, but the others don't comment when he stays behind to smoke rather than getting on the next ride.
kevin also refuses to go on any water rides. he gets stopped by a few people who recognise him but it doesn't really bother him. if they didn't have fast-track passes he would be the WORST complainer about the wait times
dan and matt are lowkey that couple in theme park queues, and they both will get on anything
aaron gets teased by the others for screaming like a girl. multiple times throughout the day, he gets his height measured by staff in the queue to check he's tall enough for the ride (damn kevin and matt for making him look even shorter by comparison). he also hates the PDA couples but if he went with katelyn they would totally be one of them
nicky is incapable of going through the exit of a ride without finding their photo on the screen first. and yes he absolutely does buy at least one of them to go on the photo wall in the lounge back at the court. fuck their ridiculous prices, he also has to get a couple of souvenirs because if you don't want one of those shitty little ride-themed water bottles then you must just hate fun (according to him anyway)
renee is calm and collected as always, but she screams a lot on all the rides because that makes it more fun
extra stuff
none of the boys thought to bring a bag, so they end up constantly asking renee to let them put stuff in her bag. renee does and says she doesn't mind, but allison tells her not to let them because how else are they going to learn to bring one next time???
nicky brings way too much stuff (which then also goes in renee's bag). someone tell him you do NOT need to bring a big bottle of sun cream and two pairs of sunglasses your ass is not going to use them
neil sometimes hesitates when he sees andrew hang back when he doesn't want to go on a ride. once or twice, he chooses to stay back and wait with andrew for the others to be done, but all it takes is a look andrew's way to understand that andrew doesn't mind waiting on his own at all (but he loves neil's quiet company those times neil stays behind with him)
PLS tell me any of your own headcanons about this and if you agree/disagree with any of this 🫶🫶
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kimberrysunwoo · 2 years
Carnivals & Lollipops
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pairing: boyfriend!yuhno x reader
genre: fluff
summary: you and yunho spend the day together at the amusement park
note: happy yunho day!! i was also listening to still with you by lee gong hi and yoo seung on repeat while writing this. hope you enjoy!
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walking into the fair, immediately being pulled by your tall boyfriend, yunho, and straight into the gift shop. buying yourselves matching headbands and a giant lollipop.
“yunho, we don’t need two, one is already big enough” you said as he tries to push another lollipop into your hands.
“fine, but if we only get one then we have to share!” yunho said jumping around at the thought of being able to share a sweet treat with his partner.
getting out of the shop, your first stop: the carousel. before the ride began, both of you taking pictures on the horses with your lollipop and headbands plus silly selfies all throughout the ride. laughter emits from your boyfriend as you stumble to get off from being dizzy.
rollercoasters are a must with yunho, so you guys end up in a forty-five minute queue for the tallest attraction there. nevertheless, those forty-five minutes are well-spent as you guys finish off your shared lollipop and dance around. since yunho can’t seem to keep still from the excitement so he ends up back hugging you while walking in line.
once seated, obviously in the first seat, your hands are clasped super tightly. hearts pounding, once the drop comes both of you scream nonsense at the top of your lungs. when the ride comes to an end, both of you laughing at what you guys said in the case of if you guys didn’t make it.
“i can’t believe you said that you would rather resurrect as a worm! what made that even get in your head?”
“that’s because i know you would still love me if i was a-“ then your very serious conversation is interrupted because you had made it to the front of the line to the food court.
sinking into the chair of the cafeteria, feet finally getting to take a break and enjoying your refreshing slushy and food.
you take a break and walk around the beautiful theme park and going on silly rides such as the teacups and the pirate ship.
going home on the last bus of the day, while sharing earbuds with yunho was unbelievably calming and a great way to end your fun time together. being one of the very few people on the bus this late at night and watching the street lights zoom past your view. starting to feel drowsy, you slightly rest your head on yunho’s arm. eyes drooping shut, and dozing off with your boyfriend’s warmth radiating off of him.
“sleep well, my love.”
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bigdog-23 · 1 year
The loin and his huntress
Chapter twelve: good news and the future
Y/n: your name
E/c: eye color
H/c: hair color
Warnings: none
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3rd pov
Cersei then pulled away from the hug and looked up at y/n “I think you need a proper introduction to the ladies of the court” she said y/n then looked at Tywin “I do not know” she said looking back at Cersei “you should go” Tywin said y/n then looked at him and nodded “ok come on” she said
Cersei then wrapped her arm around y/n’s as they started to walk “do I not need to change” she asked “oh no you’re fine” Cersei answered nodding y/n continued to walk
Once in the garden y/n saw a huge tent and heard giggling Cersei walked into the tent first pulling y/n in who has to duck to get through “my queen-“ one of the ladies said stopping herself when she saw y/n who started to stand at her full height towering over all the women
Y/n then smiled showing off her fangs making some of the women jump making Cersei and y/n roll their eyes “this is how do you say your full name” Cersei whispered “y/n txurtu te Tskaha Mo'at'ite” y/n answered loud enough for everyone “but call me y/n Lannister” she added
Nodding Cersei looked at the ladies “Queen y/n Lannister she will be having tea with us today treat her how you treat me” she said Cersei then snapped her fingers as a guard pulled up a sit for y/n who looked down at the seat before walking out
She then came back with a big rock dropping in onto the chair before sitting on it Cersei then sat next to her a maid then soon poured the two some tea y/n then looked as the small tea cup picking it up the cup looked like a child’s toy in her hand
She then poured all the tea in her mouth swallowing in with one gulp Cersei the touched her hand and showed her the right way to drink from the cup “like this” she said nodding y/n did the same smiling Cersei then looked at the ladies “so what are we talking of today” she asked as y/n sat her tea cup down
“We were talking of lord Lannister” one of the ladies whispered “oh and what of my mate” y/n asked smiling “well that he umm” the woman mumbled stumbling over her words Cersei the rolled her eyes and say her tea cup down
“Y/n do you ride horse” Cersei asked “ahh yes but mine are very big” y/n answered “good then how about we ride ladies” Cersei said standing up y/n following and turning her tail knocking some of the cups of tea over “sorry” she said as she followed Cersei
Once at the stables Cersei and the ladies all picked their horses while y/n sat down “why are you sitting” a lady asked “your biggest horse is to small I will ride firr” she said “what is a firr” the lady asked right when she did a animal ran up to y/n
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Y/n then pet the animal before connecting hers and it’s queue and jumping on “this is firr my soul sister” she said as she made the animal ride up to Cersei “race” she asked making Cersei nod “you’re on” she said
The two animals started to run with Cersei in the led that was till the tall of y/n’s animal hit the back of her head “ah” she said making the horse slow down as y/n went faster once she was ahead y/n stopped at a big oak tree Cersei then rode up being her “you cheated” she said “no I didn’t I just made the race funnier in my people races-“ y/n started only to be cut off by one of the women Cersei brought with her
“We are not your people you’ve hit the queen do you know what that means” she yelled making Cersei roll her eyes “it was a gentle tap” y/n said getting off of firr and walking to the woman “gentle or not you hit the queen you should be punished” another added
Y/n then walked up to the second woman “if I’m to be punished do tell how I would be punished” she asked “you’ll lose a hand” the woman answered Cersei stepped closer to the two only for y/n to put her hand up stopping her “a hand it is then”
She then pulled out her hunting knife throwing at the woman’s feet “those who orders the punishment must fulfill it” she said before grabbing a flat rock and sitting it in front of the woman putting her hand on it “do it” she said as the woman shakily picked up the knife
“DO IT” y/n yelled again scaring the women she then started to yell it over and over again “DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT” she said the yells were heard by Tywin and mo’at who came running to the scene Tywin tried to get closer only for mo’at to stop him “she’s fine” she said
With one last do it the woman drop the knife shaking at she did before curling up into a little ball on the ground ” if you are going to demand punishment, you must do it if you cannot, then it shall not be carried out” y/n said picking up her knife and dusting it off she then looked at Cersei
“I think your friend has wet herself” she said “also thank you for the tea” she added before bowing and walking to Tywin smiling “ma Tywin” she said before kissing him dipping down she then pulled away “wow” Tywin said she hasn’t kissed him like that before
He then looked at mo’at as to ask why y/n was acting like this she just smiled and looked away “so you have anything do” y/n asked “I have to make sure everything at casterly rock is in order but that will just take a letter why” Tywin said back “no reason you should write that letter” y/n said before kissing his cheek and walking off confused Tywin went to his office
Time skip
Tywin sat in his office when he heard a knock on the door sighing he told the person to come in he then looked up from the letter to see his sister “Genna how are you” he said staying up and hugging her
“I’m wonderful brother and you” genna said back “I’m fine do tell why are you visiting” he asked sitting back down “our dear brother sent me” she answered making Tywin sigh and roll his eyes “what does he want” Tywin asked
“He wants to know what will happen to Casterly Rock and to be fair I do as well” she answered “Casterly Rock will remain with me as it lord and my wife as it’s lady and our child will be its heir” Tywin said “but how would that work brother some little birdies told me your wife cannot breath our air and you hers what is to say your child will be able to breathe ours” Genna asked
“There are ways for me to breath hers as there are ways for her to breathe ours there is no need to question anything sweet sister I have ever thought out” Tywin said going back to the letter “well then have you thought of how your wife will feel about leaving her home to come to a whole new place” his sister asked making Tywin stop writing
“You haven’t” she stated “so brother how will you convince her to leave” she added Tywin stood up “stay here” he said only for his sister to follow “no I wish to meet my sister in law” she said making Tywin roll his eyes
Once at the door the two saw Sandor “what are you doing” Tywin asked “lady y/n asked me to stay and make sure no one enters not even you” Sandor answered “step aside this is important” he said “I can’t do that m’lord” Sandor said making Tywin sigh “just tell her it’s me” he said Sandor then went in before coming out
“She said come in” he said nodding Tywin and his sister walked in the two then looked around “where is she” Genna asked “I don’t know” Tywin sighed he then heard purring and looked to a huge pile of clothes and covers “there she is” he said
“My love” he said walking to the pile only to be jumped on “ma Tywin” y/n purred rubbing her face onto his cheek “my love we have company” he said making her look at Genna “hello” Genna said as she grinned
“Who is she”y/n asked looking back at Tywin “my sister now may you get off me my love” Tywin asked sighing y/n got off of him and walked to Genna walking around her looking at her her tail wrapping around the woman’s arm
“I’m y/n” she said “it’s nice to meet you” she added “I’m Genna I just came to meet you see if you’re as beautiful as they say” Genna said before looking at Tywin “good luck” she said before walking out
“Good luck with what?” Y/n asked Tywin then looked at the door “Sandor may you come in might need your help” he yelled once Sandor walked in y/n looked at him “Sandor get out whatever he has to say he can say it alone” she said Tywin sat down on the couch sighing as he told y/n to sit next to him
“What’s wrong” she asked “well it’s Casterly Rock” Tywin answered “what about it” she asked “well I’ve thought about it and I think we should live and raise our children there” Tywin mumbled “no” was all y/n said before getting up and burying herself back in the pile of clothes and covers
“What do you mean no” Tywin asked walking to the pile “I will not raise my children in a place where they won’t be able to make bond” she answered “what if I don’t want them to make bond with anything what if I want them here raised the same way I was” he said back
“I have people to care for” y/n yelled “maybe if my father was alive he could care for our people but he is not me and mother are all they have as leaders and you want to take and and their future from them” she added standing up “they will stay in the forest as will I and you” she said
“What if I don’t want to stay in the forest huh what if I want to leave my last days out normal” Tywin yelled “normal so me and my people aren’t normal” y/n asked “that’s not what I meant my love” he sighed “oh that’s what you meant just so you know Tywin you are not normal anymore you’re just like me this” she said grabbing his queue making him hiss in pain
“Isn’t normal for your people therefor you are not them anymore you are one of us” she added letting it go “it will do you well to realize that” she said sitting down “what am I to do with Casterly Rock” Tywin asked rubbing the back of his neck “you have token care of it from this castle long before I came along why not continue doing that” she asked
“Casterly Rock needs heirs someone to rule after me” he added “you have Jamie and Tyrion and Cersei” y/n explained “Cersei is queen Jamie is a knight and cannot be heir to anything he took a oath” he sighed “and tyrion” y/n asked
“Him being lord of Casterly Rock would bring the Lannister name down he is deformed” Tywin explained “he is your son he is smart” she stated “it does not matter if he is my son or he’s smart his size is a problem” he said rolling his eyes “I thought you said a loin doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of sheep” y/n said looking at Tywin
“He doesn’t” Tywin told her “so why do you care so much of what others think you and Jamie and Tyrion will live hundreds of years you’ll be known as the house that cannot die so why should his size matter” she said before putting her hand over her stomach “this child will live in the forest with their people they will be born where it’s mother and grandmother were born” she added tears welling up in her eyes
“You’re with child” Tywin mumbled “yes and I want them somewhere they will be accepted at your people will not do that so please let them be raised somewhere good and healthy” y/n cried Tywin then walked up to her before pulling her down and kissing her “they will be raised with your people in the forest with you and me” he said
“How long have you knew” Tywin asked “since yesterday” she answered “how are you sure” he asked “my mother checked” she answered again “it is common for the first pregnancy of a Lannister woman to end with twins” Tywin said kissing her stomach before wiping the tears from her face
“Oh eywa I hope not” she giggles rubbing his head “I’ll have the best maester gold can buy taking care of you” he added “I think mother should care for me” y/n said “how about both the best of both” Tywin asked “I’ll ask” she answered before pulling Tywin into the pile of clothes and covers on the ground
Giggling she wrapped herself around him “Ma Tywin” she said before rubbing her face onto his at this point Sandor has walked out closing and locking the door Tywin the smiled at her before kissing her neck and rubbing his hands through her light h/c hair
“You’re so beautiful” he mumbled “our daughters will come out just as beautiful” he added “daughters?” She giggled “how do you know they are a girls if they’re twins” she asked “I just know it my love” he explained before running his hand down her body to her breasts
“I can’t wait for these to fill with milk” he said kissing each one making y/n moan “and for this to get bigger oh you’ll be even more beautiful” he added his hand going to her stomach leaving it there “gods I love you” Tywin said as her tail wraps around his body
“But i cannot bed you” he said unwrapping her tail from himself “why” she whined wrapping her tail back around him “we cannot hurt the babies” he explained
“Ok one it will only to one and two us Na’vi are very strong im sure the baby will be fine” she explained making Tywin roll his eyes y/n then got on top of him “and don’t you want to test out the mating bed I made” she added
“mating bed?” He asked putting his hands on her hips “mhmm mating season is morrow for us Na’vi and we make beds that are soft and warm so one doesn’t become sore to fast” she explained Tywin then kissing her before pushing her next to him “then we will test to bed out morrow” he then kissed her head “goodnight my love” making her whine out a goodnight as they both fell asleep
the next morning
The next morning Tywin woke up to a empty bed worried he started to look around only to see y/n looking out the window sighing he walked up to her to hear her humming he then wrapped his arms around her putting his head on her shoulder blades
“What are you humming” he asked rubbing his face into her “my song-cord” she answered “why” Tywin said looking at her “I’ve never made one before so I wanted to sing mine to get a feeling of how to do it” she answered before turning around “I will sing the cord of our child and you will collect items to put on it” she added
“Can i see what your song cord looks like” Tywin said looking at her “of course” y/n smiled as she grabbed the cord and showed him “there are many clans and each clan mostly are the same other then looks and the way we act at times my clan is the spiritual artisans we weave and make art if a job was done right it shouldn’t be done again song is also every important to us as well” she explained
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“It’s beautiful” Tywin said touching it “your father made this” he asked “he made the start of it finding stones that represent the beginning of my life my first words and steps once I hit 8 I took over” she explained looking down at the cord then back at Tywin
“When one mates with another they find something that looks the same and put it on each others cord” she added making Tywin sigh “I’m sorry you won’t be able to do it” he said looking away from her “why can’t I do it” she asked grabbing his face
“I don’t have a song cord my love” he explained “yes you do I’ve made one for you just forgot to give it to you” she said going to her bag and grabbing the cord and holding it up “it’s beautiful my lioness” Tywin said grabbing it and kissing her
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Y/n then giggled before pulling away “as much as I love your kisses I’m hungry” she said grabbing the cord and wrapping it around his wrist “so you don’t lose it” she explained before grabbing his hand and pulling him to the table on the porch
“I asked a maid to make you normal human food” she said as she sat down “im still eating Na’vi food” she added “that’s no fair” he said sitting in front of her “your food is better” he continued looking down at the food
“You can have some of mine” she said grabbing some of the meat and putting it to his mouth letting him bite “I’ve been thinking” she said looking back at her food “about” he asked mouth full with food
“How you should start to train to be the clan leader once mother passes I will take her place and you will take mine” she explained Tywin then stopped chewing “how old is your mother” he asked “135 not much time left” she said looking at him
“We will start your training today ok” she added “ok” he said as the two ate their breakfast thinking of the future one wishing for it to come faster the other wishing it would take longer
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dayapandey · 3 months
7 Must-Do Activities in Singapore
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Singapore, a bustling city-state in Southeast Asia, is renowned for its rapid development, diverse culture, and breathtaking attractions. Whether you're a nature lover, a history buff, or an adrenaline junkie, Singapore offers an array of activities that cater to all interests. Here are seven must-do activities that should be on every traveler’s itinerary.
1. Explore Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the Bay
Marina Bay Sands is an iconic symbol of modern Singapore. The integrated resort features a luxury hotel, a mall, a museum, two large theaters, and an impressive casino. However, the highlight is the SkyPark Observation Deck, offering panoramic views of the city skyline. Adjacent to Marina Bay Sands is Gardens by the Bay, a futuristic park that blends nature with technology. The Supertree Grove, Flower Dome, and Cloud Forest are not to be missed, especially when they light up during the Garden Rhapsody show at night.
2. Visit Universal Studios Singapore
For a day of thrilling fun, Universal Studios Singapore is the place to be. Located on Sentosa Island, this world-class theme park features rides and attractions based on popular movies and TV shows. From the adrenaline-pumping Battlestar Galactica roller coasters to the enchanting Far Far Away Castle from Shrek, there's something for everyone. Don’t forget to purchase your Universal Studios Singapore tickets in advance to avoid long queues and ensure you get the best experience possible.
3. Wander Through Chinatown
Chinatown is a vibrant district that showcases the rich cultural heritage of Singapore's Chinese community. Walk through the narrow streets lined with traditional shophouses, temples, and markets. Visit the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple, a majestic temple with a museum that offers insight into Buddhist art and history. Chinatown is also a food lover's paradise, with its array of hawker stalls and restaurants serving delectable Chinese cuisine. Don’t miss trying the famous Hainanese chicken rice or dim sum.
4. Discover Sentosa Island
Sentosa Island is a haven for leisure and entertainment. Beyond Universal Studios Singapore, Sentosa offers numerous attractions and activities. Relax on the pristine beaches, visit the S.E.A. Aquarium to marvel at marine life, or take a stroll through the lush greenery of the Sentosa Nature Discovery. For thrill-seekers, the AJ Hackett Sentosa features a bungy jump and giant swing, while the Skyline Luge Sentosa offers a fun downhill ride with scenic views. End your day with the spectacular Wings of Time show, a mesmerizing combination of water, laser, and fireworks.
5. Experience the Night Safari
The Night Safari is a unique wildlife park that allows visitors to observe nocturnal animals in their natural habitat. As the world's first nocturnal zoo, it offers an immersive experience where you can see over 2,500 animals across more than 100 species. Hop on a tram ride that takes you through different geographical zones, or explore the walking trails for a closer look. The Creatures of the Night Show is a highlight, featuring amazing performances by the animals and their trainers.
6. Stroll Along Orchard Road
Orchard Road is Singapore’s premier shopping destination, known for its upscale boutiques, international brands, and vast shopping malls. Whether you're looking for high-end fashion, electronics, or local souvenirs, Orchard Road has it all. Besides shopping, the area is also home to several dining options, from gourmet restaurants to casual cafes. The vibrant atmosphere and dazzling Christmas decorations during the festive season make Orchard Road a must-visit for any traveler.
7. Take in the Views from the Singapore Flyer
The Singapore Flyer, one of the world's largest observation wheels, offers unparalleled views of the cityscape. Standing at 165 meters tall, it provides a 30-minute ride with breathtaking panoramas of landmarks like Marina Bay, the Singapore River, and even parts of Malaysia and Indonesia on clear days. Each capsule is air-conditioned and spacious, allowing for a comfortable experience. For an added touch of luxury, opt for a dining package that includes a fine meal served during your ride.
Singapore is a city that seamlessly blends modernity with tradition, offering a plethora of activities for every type of traveler. From the adrenaline rush at Universal Studios Singapore to the serene beauty of Gardens by the Bay, the Lion City promises an unforgettable experience. So, pack your bags, book your Universal Studios Singapore tickets, and get ready to explore the myriad of attractions that make Singapore a must-visit destination.
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forestraydentists · 2 years
lastminute.com London Eye
If you’ve never visited the London Eye, you’re missing out. It’s Europe’s tallest observation wheel, and is the most popular paid tourist attraction in the United Kingdom, with over 3 million visitors a year. The London Eye offers a breathtaking view of the city, and tickets to ride it cost as little as £5. It is located in Riverside Building, County Hall, London SE1 7PB. The London Eye is ideal for families and children of all ages, and there are many family packages available for a cheap price. Children under three can ride for free. Wheelchair users need to book tickets in advance. The London Eye is conveniently located near Waterloo train and underground stations. Whether you’re looking for a romantic date or a family adventure, the London Eye is sure to impress.
You’ll want to arrive early for the London Eye, as queues can be lengthy. During peak hours, queues can take up to an hour. To avoid the long waits, consider buying tickets that include Fast Track entry. These tickets let you board the London Eye at a dedicated Fast Track entrance and will save you up to 15 minutes. Fast Track tickets will also give you access to the 4D Cinema Experience, which is available before and after the ride. Fast Track tickets are highly recommended if you don’t have much time to spare, and for those who are short on time. The London Eye is a big ferris wheel in the heart of the city. At the top, you can see up to 40 kilometres. This attraction attracts 3.5 million visitors every year. It opens at 10 am in the summer and 11 am in winter. It closes at 6 pm. On Christmas day, the London Eye is closed. More information on this link.
The London Eye is one of the most popular attractions in London. It is a must-do experience for visitors to the capital city. The ride is often very crowded and can take a while to complete, but the London Eye has annual passes that allow you to skip the line. Those who have a Merlin annual pass will also be able to skip the line and enter the ride in no time. The London Eye is one of the most popular paid attractions in London, and one of the tallest observation wheels in Europe. It’s 135 metres tall and has 32 glass-lined capsules that represent the 32 boroughs of London. Originally intended as a temporary structure, it opened to the public in 2000 to celebrate the Millennium.
Guests should check the weather before making their reservation for the London Eye, as bad weather may prevent them from boarding the ride. Also, it’s best to purchase a day-night ticket, which allows you to rotate the capsules twice over the course of 30 minutes. This ticket allows you to take in the sights of the city during daytime and nighttime, and it’s available throughout the year.
Browse next article:
Originally published here: https://forestray.dentist/london/london-eye/
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dajokahhh · 3 years
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@delusionland​ sent:   PLOTS PLS. FOR DA BADMAN | send me “plots please and I’ll respond with  3  (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections I can think of for our muses!
ok ok so some or all of these i may have already told u but
vampire batman, vampire hunter joker... clowns vs vampires..... i just think this would be fun
smth along the lines of the vigilante joker in telltale batman enemy within where joker is less super villain and more morally questionable but sees himself as a vigilante like batman .... inspired by batman.... wants to be like batman......
batman goes missing and jonker is on da case babey.... without a batman to fight crime just isnt really fun anymore and hes suspicious .... gotta figure out what happened to the badman
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silkylious · 3 years
Liquor, Liquor Lips (Gojo Satoru x Reader)
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Fandom: jujutsu kaisen
Pairing: gojo x gn reader
Cw: fluff, suggestive, unedited, repost 🧍🏻‍♀️
Wordcount: 1k
Notes: this is entirely @maminari's fault 💀 i'm just hornknee for gojo's lips man 🥸 practiced building tension and focusing less on prose heavy writing its kinda ass tho 🤷🏻‍♀️
JJK Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Taglist
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“Come on, don’t tell me you’re scared of heights now.”
Of course, you’re not scared. You are a reputable and perfectly capable First Grade sorcerer, you’ve seen the jujutsu world for all its ugly and terrifying, you’ve successfully exorcised a couple Special Grade cursed spirits. So what’s a little ferris wheel ride compared to the vile beings you face off everyday? Nothing, it’s nothing. You repeat in your head as you stare up at the two-hundred-something feet tall contraption towering over you.
Satoru’s hand squeezes yours, and you’re dragged back down to reality, standing hand-in-hand with your freakishly tall boyfriend who sticks out like a sore thumb in the waiting line to the ride.
He leans down until his lips are leveled with your ear, pressing a glossy kiss to your earlobe before whispering, “You know, if you want out we can always do something else, sweetheart,”
You fight the urge to shy away from his affection, still not used to how openly and confidently he showers you in it. When you said yes to his unexpected advances towards you a little over two weeks ago, you hadn’t realized just how physically doting he would be. Not that you’re complaining, it’s only a little jarring to be flooded with unconditional warmth and fondness after so many years of lacking it.
Squeezing his hand back, you found some twisted comfort in digging your nails into his skin. He runs impossibly warm and the feeling of hot, slightly clammy skin underneath your own is grounding.
“I’m fine, just a little queasy. Must be that horrible mocktail you made me drink.”
His soap opera-esque gasp draws attention to the both of you, and you allow yourself the liberty of giving him one hard pinch to the back of his hand. Satoru could not seem any less bothered if he tired. “Blasphemous. That Cinderella was top notch,”
“You mean your three gallons of sugar in a glass?”
You quip, he returns the favour enthusiastically, and before you know it you’ve reached the front of the queue. Satoru, ever the gentleman, helps you into the pod—not so subtly letting his fingers linger on your skin—then climbs in himself. Watching him trying to get his comically long limbs comfortable in such a tight space has you holding back a short, but he eventually settles.
Your legs are awkwardly tangled together, he takes up way too much space, he looks entirely out of place, and your heart beats a little faster, too preoccupied with the man sitting across from you to notices that your carriage is ascending.
Satoru sees you staring—of course he does, he sees all—and soaks it up like the fiend he is. His pretty, glossed lips stretch into a familiar teasing smile and there’s a no-good twinkle in his eyes that leave you hoping whatever bullshit comes out of his mouth next won’t fluster you off the ride.
“Something wrong? You’re staring pretty intensely there,” he pointedly drops his gaze from your eyes to your lips, absolutely shameless as he always is.
How could you not stare? He’s been dragging this out for long enough already, reveling in your desperate little head tilts when he kisses you goodbye just one inch away from where you want him, need him, the way you can’t keep your eyes off of his mouth as he talks and talks and talks.
Satoru’s been pouting and smiling and biting his fucking lips all day, and though that’s nothing out of the ordinary, you’re at your limit. You wonder how you didn’t completely fucking lose it, when he brashly wiped away some whipped cream on your face earlier on in the day, staring his thumb down as if contemplating his next move before staring you right in the eyes over the rim of his glasses and obscenely sucking the residue off between plump, pink lips.
Satoru knows what he’s doing, his too damn pretty smile says it all.
The ferris wheel slows to a stop, the fact that you’re two-hundred feet off the ground is the farthest thing from your mind at the moment. No, the only thing you can even process is your angle-like boyfriend of two weeks egging you on with a grin so devilish it puts Lucifer to shame.
Your body is situating itself on his lap before you get the chance to comprehend what in the fuck you’re doing. The carriage rocks slightly with the sudden force of your movement, but you don’t care, not when his hands are so delightfully warm against your waist.
You see the mild surprise in his eyes as Satoru stabilizes you, only lasting a second before the devil dances on his handsome features again.
He’s a bad influence. You’re high up in the sky, vulnerable to any prying looks and you know he won’t stop you. Quite the opposite.
Satoru’s large hand clasps firmly around your nape, pulls you until you can smell the fruity mocktail in his breath, mouth brushing against yours with every spoken syllable.
“You gonna kiss me or what?”
Satoru Gojo talks way too much, is the last coherent thought on your mind before they’re all promptly wiped away.
His lips are somehow softer than they look as they pucker against yours. You can taste the cherry chapstick he religiously applies, taste the sweetness of his drink, the sweetness of him.
As is his brand, he’s anything but shy while he drags you back in again and again, greedily taking in your scent, your flavour, your feel. His hands roam up and down your sides before settling on your hips, demanding your body be even closer to his.
You know you need to stop, this is incredibly indecent, but you can’t bring yourself to pull away from him when you finally, finally got what you’ve been waiting so patiently for. And yet it’s not enough. He’s feels so addicting, sounds so addicting when he muffles a whine in your kiss like that—
“Ew! What the fuck!”
You scramble out of his lap at record speed only to be faced with the traumatized faces of your students in the carriage behind you.
Satoru, having no real sense of dignity, merely chuckles as he throws a wink your way. You’re left with the horrifying realization that he knew all along.
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Jujutsu Kaisen taglist: @belsumu @koulia @katsucookie @cinnamonnn-roll @quillvinrune @sugas-sweetheart @kaimaara @rikalium @hoshiikos @neermozhi @hirugummies @milucient @giyyu @shoberri | join my taglist here! <3
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ransprang · 3 years
Hey hey, good day/night. I saw that you have two slots open for the Valentine's Event, if not please ignore this. Can I request maybe a SFW Feitan Porter from HunterxHunter? My pronouns are she/her and 3 of my personality traits are um.. I like to read (mostly any genres and tropes) I like to bake sweet things often and I really like to go out and do adventurous activities! I'm 5'1 (154 cm) and I have black curly hair and I'm quite slender and I have bracers. If this is any help i'm an ENTP Virgo, sorry if it doesn't😅 My favourite trope is either fake relationships and they eventually fall in love or they were soulmates. My ideal date are late night activities like an amusement park or something thrilling like zip lining or something as simple as a bookstore date. My love languages are Physical touch and Giving Gifts
Valentine's Amusement Park date with Feitan
600 followers event
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soulmate au: Taste the things your soulmate is eating/drinking. 
- It was Valentine’s day and the Phantom troupe decided this was the perfect day to go to an amusement park! Feitan gets dragged along with the rest of the group.
- When he arrives he is mildly irritated by the throngs of people. But the troupe seems excited and they queue up for a rollercoaster. They take turns assassinating people to reduce the length of the queue
- When they finally reach the ride, the conductor makes Feitan stand next to a smiling cardboard cut out and declares that he is too short to ride the rollercoaster. Feitan unsheathes his sword but Chrollo is quick to intervene and tell him to go wait by the fountain.  
- Grumbling, Feitan agrees. That’s where you see him. A 5 feet tall wonder, leaning by the fountain, dressed in all black. You part from your group of friends to go over and talk to him. “Hey kid, where are your parents?” you ask him. It really wasn’t safe for such a small child to be hanging out all by himself.
- Feitan looks at you with such rage that his eyes begin to water a little. You mistake them for tears. “Aw you poor thing. You must be so scared. Here, do you want a snackie?” you ask pulling out a small container made of cookies you baked yourself
- “No,” he grits out. Feitan’s grip on his sword tightens but before he can dismember you, you pop the cookie in your mouth. “Suit yourself, then.” you reply. As soon as your tongue hits the cookie, Feitan’s mouth bursts with indescribable sweetness. He looks at you with awe in his eyes. “You- You’re my soulmate.” 
- You giggle and pat the little delusional kid’s head. “Aw, what a cute kid.” Feitan frowns and grabs a cookie shoving it into his own mouth to prove his point. When you taste the same flavor again your eyes widen in realization. 
- You look down at the small man before you, “Please tell me you’re not a kid.” Feitan smirks, “I’m 28. Probably older than you.” Your face colors in embarrassment but Feitan is happy to put the past behind. You both go on a lovely amusement park date while avoiding any rides with height restrictions :) 
your porters,
admin sar & san
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turtleduckscribbles · 2 years
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Taking a road trip to the Roller Coaster Capital of the World last summer naturally got me thinking about whether or not the Links would enjoy these modern mechanical feats of ingenuity. Enjoy these long overdue LU Links + Roller Coaster Headcanons! 🎢
~ ~ ~
Wind - learning to love them. Adopted as Wild's unofficial riding partner, which makes Wind feel like a Kewl Kid™. Secretly apprehensive of going upside down for the first time, but puts on a brave face and rides anyways. Proceeds to shout about how "totally gnarly" the ride was afterwards, where everyone in his vicinity must suffer through a play-by-play of his entire ride experience. Will invariably (and illicitly) reach into the water to give you an extra splash on water rides, so watch out.
Sky - loves them. The fast launch coasters remind him of flying, and he loves that wind-whipping-through-your-hair sensation that nothing but loftwing flight can replicate. Rides with his hands in the air the entire time, which Wind tries to copy but only with partial success. Screams to his heart’s content, so expect to get an earful if you sit next to him. He and Zelda would absolutely be one of those disgustingly cute couples that lather on the PDA while waiting in line, where Legend pulls faces in the background.
Wild - lives for them. The more inversions, the better. (Think AT's ‘The Smiler,’ or ‘X2’ at Magic Mountain.) What you would call a proper “thoosie.” Enjoys terrorizing the others in the queue before boarding. (Wild: “You know people have fallen to their deaths on this, right?” Wind: “Wait, really? Do you think we’ll be okay??😨” Twi: “No they haven’t, can it Wild.”) Complains about trim brakes and stapling every time without fail. Excessively entertained by the ride photos, esp Twilight’s faces in them. Knows where all the cameras are and poses in the most ridiculous ways you can imagine.
Warrior - likes them in moderation. Will go on the high intensity rides but starts to feel woozy after too many, so don’t ask him to marathon them. Spends ten minutes fixing his hair after each ride, in which he's often left behind. Jokes about holding a worried Legend’s hand to convince him onto the big rides, which predictably triggers threats and a shouting match. (Nobody comments when Legend still chooses to sit next to him, though.) Enjoys mocking everyone’s pics at the ride exits, including his own.
Hyrule - loves them, especially the chaotic spinning rides. Likely to get sick after repeated runs, but always forgets and rides them anyway. (Just don’t feed him right before he rides, lol.) Probably the loudest screamer next to Sky. Enjoys the big coasters but is just as enthralled by the carnival games, skyrail, and bumper cars. Enjoys a quick stop at the petting zoo as much as any roller coaster. He's the quintessential friend to take to a theme park because he's down for anything and everything.
Time - used to enjoy them more, but now prefers the mellow rides. Jokes it’s because of his changing biochemistry as he ages. Partial to classic Disney-style family rides, esp the ones where he can sit passively and observe the corny scares and funny animatronics (or, better yet, a lazy boat cruise whiling the time away with Malon). Will ride the big baddies if pressured, though he’ll make sure to groan about it. Classic wooden roller coasters give him a headache. Remains straight-faced on all the rides so he looks utterly bored in all the photos, much to Wild’s chagrin and Twilight’s disbelief.
Legend - the most wary when it comes to roller coasters. Finds it hard to place his life in the trust of something he has no control over. Plays it off as nbd to save face, but privately he’s nervous. The only one who can really convince him to ride is Hyrule, maybe Warrior if Legend feels he has something to prove. Insists on being in the middle seat whenever possible. Keeps his eyes closed the entire time. Point blank refuses drop towers or anything that’s too tall. Carnival games remind him of her and he avoids those as well, claiming they’re all a big scam.
Twilight - mostly indifferent but tolerates them. Claims that a quick ride on Epona is more liberating than any roller coaster could be, and it's all he needs in life (commence eye-rolling from Wild). Feels more concerned over securing the loose articles in his pockets than over the coasters themselves. (Wild, after the ride ends: “Uh-oh, Twi, your shadow crystal’s missing!” Twi: “What?!” Wild: “Haha sike, it’s right here.” Twi: 😑) Enjoys browsing through the western-themed shops in the ghost town section of the park. Will go on the rides to appease Wild, but regrets it almost every time after the relentless teasing at the photo booths.
Four - doesn’t really care for them. It doesn’t help that he’s too short for the extreme rides anyways. May or may not have stuffed his shoes before to reach the height limit. More fascinated by the operating tech than the actual ride experience itself. Not above riding the kiddie attractions, where he goads Time, Twilight, or Legend to join him. Is an outright menace at go-karts and bumper cars. Loves cotton candy and insists upon getting some whenever they go.
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shirbertshitposts · 4 years
10 Shirbert Moments from Anne of Green Gables series I think about a lot
In honor of Valentines Day I thought I would post a list of some of my favorite Anne and Gilbert moments. It was hard to narrow it to just ten as I have been going through all nine books and trying to queue posts about all their iconic moments through the series; However I decided to pick the ones that I remember even when I haven’t read the books in a while. I didn’t have the heart to rank them properly so they’re just listed in chronological order.
1. His future must be worthy of its goddess
In the twilight Anne sauntered down to the Dryad’s Bubble and saw Gilbert Blythe coming down through the dusky Haunted Wood. She had a sudden realization that Gilbert was a schoolboy no longer. And how manly he looked—the tall, frank-faced fellow, with the clear, straightforward eyes and the broad shoulders. Anne thought Gilbert was a very handsome lad, even though he didn’t look at all like her ideal man. She and Diana had long ago decided what kind of a man they admired and their tastes seemed exactly similar. He must be very tall and distinguished looking, with melancholy, inscrutable eyes, and a melting, sympathetic voice. There was nothing either melancholy or inscrutable in Gilbert’s physiognomy, but of course that didn’t matter in friendship!
Gilbert stretched himself out on the ferns beside the Bubble and looked approvingly at Anne. If Gilbert had been asked to describe his ideal woman the description would have answered point for point to Anne, even to those seven tiny freckles whose obnoxious presence still continued to vex her soul. Gilbert was as yet little more than a boy; but a boy has his dreams as have others, and in Gilbert’s future there was always a girl with big, limpid gray eyes, and a face as fine and delicate as a flower. He had made up his mind, also, that his future must be worthy of its goddess. Even in quiet Avonlea there were temptations to be met and faced. White Sands youth were a rather “fast” set, and Gilbert was popular wherever he went. But he meant to keep himself worthy of Anne’s friendship and perhaps some distant day her love; and he watched over word and thought and deed as jealously as if her clear eyes were to pass in judgment on it. She held over him the unconscious influence that every girl, whose ideals are high and pure, wields over her friends; an influence which would endure as long as she was faithful to those ideals and which she would as certainly lose if she were ever false to them. In Gilbert’s eyes Anne’s greatest charm was the fact that she never stooped to the petty practices of so many of the Avonlea girls—the small jealousies, the little deceits and rivalries, the palpable bids for favor. Anne held herself apart from all this, not consciously or of design, but simply because anything of the sort was utterly foreign to her transparent, impulsive nature, crystal clear in its motives and aspirations.
-- Chapter XIX, Anne of Avonlea
2. For the first time her eyes faltered under Gilbert’s gaze
“What are you thinking of, Anne?” asked Gilbert, coming down the walk. He had left his horse and buggy out at the road.
“Of Miss Lavendar and Mr. Irving,” answered Anne dreamily. “Isn’t it beautiful to think how everything has turned out . . . how they have come together again after all the years of separation and misunderstanding?”
“Yes, it’s beautiful,” said Gilbert, looking steadily down into Anne’s uplifted face, “but wouldn’t it have been more beautiful still, Anne, if there had been NO separation or misunderstanding . . . if they had come hand in hand all the way through life, with no memories behind them but those which belonged to each other?”
For a moment Anne’s heart fluttered queerly and for the first time her eyes faltered under Gilbert’s gaze and a rosy flush stained the paleness of her face. It was as if a veil that had hung before her inner consciousness had been lifted, giving to her view a revelation of unsuspected feelings and realities. Perhaps, after all, romance did not come into one’s life with pomp and blare, like a gay knight riding down; perhaps it crept to one’s side like an old friend through quiet ways; perhaps it revealed itself in seeming prose, until some sudden shaft of illumination flung athwart its pages betrayed the rhythm and the music, perhaps . . . perhaps . . . love unfolded naturally out of a beautiful friendship, as a golden-hearted rose slipping from its green sheath.
Then the veil dropped again; but the Anne who walked up the dark lane was not quite the same Anne who had driven gaily down it the evening before. The page of girlhood had been turned, as by an unseen finger, and the page of womanhood was before her with all its charm and mystery, its pain and gladness.
Gilbert wisely said nothing more; but in his silence he read the history of the next four years in the light of Anne’s remembered blush. Four years of earnest, happy work . . . and then the guerdon of a useful knowledge gained and a sweet heart won.
-- Chapter XXX, Anne of Avonlea
3. I just want YOU
“I have a dream,” he said slowly. “I persist in dreaming it, although it has often seemed to me that it could never come true. I dream of a home with a hearth-fire in it, a cat and dog, the footsteps of friends—and YOU!”
Anne wanted to speak but she could find no words. Happiness was breaking over her like a wave. It almost frightened her.
“I asked you a question over two years ago, Anne. If I ask it again today will you give me a different answer?”
Still Anne could not speak. But she lifted her eyes, shining with all the love-rapture of countless generations, and looked into his for a moment. He wanted no other answer.
They lingered in the old garden until twilight, sweet as dusk in Eden must have been, crept over it. There was so much to talk over and recall—things said and done and heard and thought and felt and misunderstood.
“I thought you loved Christine Stuart,” Anne told him, as reproachfully as if she had not given him every reason to suppose that she loved Roy Gardner.
Gilbert laughed boyishly.
“Christine was engaged to somebody in her home town. I knew it and she knew I knew it. When her brother graduated he told me his sister was coming to Kingsport the next winter to take music, and asked me if I would look after her a bit, as she knew no one and would be very lonely. So I did. And then I liked Christine for her own sake. She is one of the nicest girls I’ve ever known. I knew college gossip credited us with being in love with each other. I didn’t care. Nothing mattered much to me for a time there, after you told me you could never love me, Anne. There was nobody else—there never could be anybody else for me but you. I’ve loved you ever since that day you broke your slate over my head in school.”
“I don’t see how you could keep on loving me when I was such a little fool,” said Anne.
“Well, I tried to stop,” said Gilbert frankly, “not because I thought you what you call yourself, but because I felt sure there was no chance for me after Gardner came on the scene. But I couldn’t—and I can’t tell you, either, what it’s meant to me these two years to believe you were going to marry him, and be told every week by some busybody that your engagement was on the point of being announced. I believed it until one blessed day when I was sitting up after the fever. I got a letter from Phil Gordon—Phil Blake, rather—in which she told me there was really nothing between you and Roy, and advised me to ‘try again.’ Well, the doctor was amazed at my rapid recovery after that.”
Anne laughed—then shivered.
“I can never forget the night I thought you were dying, Gilbert. Oh, I knew—I KNEW then—and I thought it was too late.”
“But it wasn’t, sweetheart. Oh, Anne, this makes up for everything, doesn’t it? Let’s resolve to keep this day sacred to perfect beauty all our lives for the gift it has given us.”
“It’s the birthday of our happiness,” said Anne softly. “I’ve always loved this old garden of Hester Gray’s, and now it will be dearer than ever.”
“But I’ll have to ask you to wait a long time, Anne,” said Gilbert sadly. “It will be three years before I’ll finish my medical course. And even then there will be no diamond sunbursts and marble halls.”
Anne laughed.
“I don’t want sunbursts and marble halls. I just want YOU. You see I’m quite as shameless as Phil about it. Sunbursts and marble halls may be all very well, but there is more ‘scope for imagination’ without them. And as for the waiting, that doesn’t matter. We’ll just be happy, waiting and working for each other—and dreaming. Oh, dreams will be very sweet now.”
Gilbert drew her close to him and kissed her. Then they walked home together in the dusk, crowned king and queen in the bridal realm of love, along winding paths fringed with the sweetest flowers that ever bloomed, and over haunted meadows where winds of hope and memory blew.
-- Chapter XLI, Anne of the Island
4. Gilbert, I'm afraid I'm scandalously in love with you.
"Gilbert darling, don't let's ever be afraid of things. It's such dreadful slavery. Let's be daring and adventurous and expectant. Let's dance to meet life and all it can bring to us, even if it brings scads of trouble and typhoid and twins!"
Today has been a day dropped out of June into April. The snow is all gone and the fawn meadows and golden hills just sing of spring. I know I heard Pan piping in the little green hollow in my maple bush and my Storm King was bannered with the airiest of purple hazes. We've had a great deal of rain lately and I've loved sitting in my tower in the still, wet hours of the spring twilights. But tonight is a gusty, hurrying night . . . even the clouds racing over the sky are in a hurry and the moonlight that gushes out between them is in a hurry to flood the world.
"Suppose, Gilbert, we were walking hand in hand down one of the long roads in Avonlea tonight!"
Gilbert, I'm afraid I'm scandalously in love with you. You don't think it's irreverent, do you? But then, you're not a minister."
-- Chapter 9, Anne of Windy Poplars
5. Suitable Places
"(Are you sure you kiss me in suitable places, Gilbert? I'm afraid Mrs. Gibson would think the nape of the neck, for instance, most unsuitable.)”
-- Chapter 12, Anne of Windy Poplars
6. He narrowly escaped bursting with pride
"Anne, this is Captain Boyd. Captain Boyd, my wife."
It was the first time Gilbert had said "my wife" to anybody but Anne, and he narrowly escaped bursting with the pride of it. The old captain held out a sinewy hand to Anne; they smiled at each other and were friends from that moment. Kindred spirit flashed recognition to kindred spirit.
-- Chapter 6, Anne’s House of Dreams
7. Queen of my heart and life and home
"Gilbert, would you like my hair better if it were like Leslie's?" she asked wistfully.
"I wouldn't have your hair any color but just what it is for the world," said Gilbert, with one or two convincing accompaniments.
You wouldn't be ANNE if you had golden hair—or hair of any color but"—
"Red," said Anne, with gloomy satisfaction.
"Yes, red—to give warmth to that milk-white skin and those shining gray-green eyes of yours. Golden hair wouldn't suit you at all Queen Anne—MY Queen Anne—queen of my heart and life and home."
"Then you may admire Leslie's all you like," said Anne magnanimously.”
-Chapter 12, Anne’s House of Dreams
8.  Annest of Annes
But the best of all was when Gilbert came to her, as she stood at her window, watching a fog creeping in from the sea, over the moonlit dunes and the harbour, right into the long narrow valley upon which Ingleside looked down and in which nestled the village of Glen St. Mary.
"To come back at the end of a hard day and find you! Are you happy, Annest of Annes?"
"Happy!" Anne bent to sniff a vaseful of apple blossoms Jem had set on her dressing-table. She felt surrounded and encompassed by love. "Gilbert dear, it's been lovely to be Anne of Green Gables again for a week, but it's a hundred times lovelier to come back and be Anne of Ingleside."
-- Chapter 3, Anne of Ingleside
9. I couldn’t live without you
Anne felt like a released bird . . . she was flying again. Gilbert's arms were around her . . . his eyes were looking into hers in the moonlight.
"You do love me, Gilbert? I'm not just a habit with you? You haven't said you loved me for so long."
"My dear, dear love! I didn't think you needed words to know that. I couldn't live without you. Always you give me strength. There's a verse somewhere in the Bible that is meant for you . . . 'She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.'"
Life which had seemed so grey and foolish a few moments before was golden and rose and splendidly rainbowed again. The diamond pendant slipped to the floor, unheeded for the moment. It was beautiful . . . but there were so many things lovelier . . . confidence and peace and delightful work . . . laughter and kindness . . . that old safe feeling of a sure love.
"Oh, if we could keep this moment for ever, Gilbert!"
"We're going to have some moments. It's time we had a second honeymoon. Anne, there's going to be a big medical congress in London next February. We're going to it . . . and after it we'll see a bit of the Old World. There's a holiday coming to us. We'll be nothing but lovers again . . . it will be just like being married over again. You haven't been like yourself for a long time. ("So he had noticed.") You're tired and overworked . . . you need a change. ("You too, dearest. I've been so horribly blind.") I'm not going to have it cast up to me that doctors' wives never get a pill. We'll come back rested and fresh, with our sense of humour completely restored. Well, try your pendant on and let's get to bed. I'm half dead for sleep . . . haven't had a decent night's sleep for weeks, what with twins and worry over Mrs. Garrow."
--Chapter 41, Anne of Ingleside
10. Old love light
DR. BLYTHE:- “The old, old love light that was kindled so many years ago in Avonlea ... and burns yet, Anne ... at least for me.” 
ANNE:- “And for me, too. And will burn forever, Gilbert.” 
-- Page 189, The Blythes Are Quoted
Feel free to respond to this post with any of your favorite shirbert moments that I missed!
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minusgangtime · 2 years
Oh, I can try!! ^^,
*Star scanned around for any kind of ride she would be interested in, and it didn't take long before a rollercoaster caught her eye. It wasn't very tall compared to some others, but it looked very fast and intense. Star grew excited at the sight of it, but that quickly turned to hesitation.*
Hey, uh, Blue...how do you feel about that one?
*She pointed towards the coaster and the queue line leading up to it.*
- Star
((The rollercoaster in question is like this https://youtu.be/WUpQMWGVw4g Maverick my beloved <3))
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"Oh, that's looks awesome!~"
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"I hope when we get there they don't have those "you must be this tall" signs or something..."
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theramenbandit · 3 years
A continuation of this little bit of plotless drabble 
Lena likes Wednesdays. There's a lot less taking orders and a lot more making coffee. She likes making things. The method, the motions, the measurements, they bring her a sort of calm steadiness as she rides the little tidal wave that is the midmorning rush.
With Mike at the till, skillfully keeping the queue moving, charming his regulars the whole way, and Lena behind him, keeping the rhythm, everything is chugging along efficiently. 
Until it isn't.
Now it's a large-ish town and it's a busy street, so Lena gets her fair share of weird customers, but this one… 
Who the hell orders a spiked beverage this early in the day? And why does this particular mix trigger something in the back of her mind? Something familiar, like an old song once cherished, but whose words now escaped her, floating just out of her grasp.
The feeling that something is off distracts her. It trips her up, and the rhythm is lost. Everything is so loud all of a sudden, and the machines are working too, too slow.
She announces the drink at the counter, almost slamming it down in the confusing din, then turns to go and finish making that god-awful caramel latte. But the person who ordered it doesn’t claim the cup. Instead, the person misses the cup entirely and fully grasps her hand. Alarmed, Lena spins around, her other hand discreetly moving towards the small knife at her thigh. 
“Be careful who you trust, Lena.”
Her hand is released, and the person, a tall, attractive brunette in large sunglasses, takes the drink and strides headlong into the uncaffeinated crowd. The woman almost clips Kara as she walks straight out the door.
“Who was that?” Kara asks as she approaches the counter.
Lena schools her face back into her most radiant customer service smile, something more like a barista greeting a regular and not a sophomore ambushed by the history pop quiz. “Who was what?”
“That lady who just barreled outta here,” Kara says with a jerk of her thumb towards the exit. “You looked like you'd seen a ghost.”
“Well, she did just order a six-shot carajillo,” she says with a chuckle. “I think my reaction was only appropriate.”
The blonde makes a horrified face, then checks her watch. It’s not even 10 AM yet. “Yeah, I’ll say.”
She'll probably have disappeared by now, but Lena shoots a glance towards the street anyway for good measure. She then busies herself with the next orders in a valiant effort to not entertain the thought until she could properly unpack it:
What in the damn hell is Andrea Rojas doing in National City?
The moment she comes home, Lena immediately breaks out the scotch. She plops onto her couch and tumbles the day’s events around in her head, examining them from every angle.
What should have been a normal Wednesday found her staring into the face of none other than her ex, who, instead of thanking her for cranking out six damn shots of espresso, left her with a cryptic warning about trust, of all the bloody things. The irony isn’t lost on her, but the fact that Andrea came all the way out here to tell her that herself, isn’t either.
She’s here for a reason.
About an hour of fruitless brooding passes and she concludes that it probably has nothing to do with the current op, so the connection must be somewhere in the past. 
Their past.
At that, she heaves a heavy sigh and pads into the kitchen where the Arkanian fox awaits, languidly swishing his flaming tail. She dejectedly plates Chewie’s food (though she still gives him his evening cuddles) and begins her bedtime routine, deciding that a trip down memory lane is an activity best done sober.
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Kombat Krew and Summer Headcanons: Part two.
Have some fluffy headcanons, before Smutty Saturday and Smuttier Sunday. I can hear you all, ‘But Smut Goblin, you’ve already written these’ Well, I have more ideas, and my thirst is now unrivaled. So, Summer with the Kombat Kast Part two: Electric fucking Boogaloo. Oh yeah, there’s also smut, I lied, they aren’t just fluffy.  
I know I said I’d have more characters. But this was ten pages. TEN FUCKING PAGES! So, like Part 2.5 is coming up! Enjoy. 
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, Shitposts about Kano. 18+ under the cut. I fixed Sindel and her retcon. I hope.  GIFs do not belong to me. Either found on the Tumblr Gif finder thing, or google. 
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·       What fresh fucking hell is this? Short haired Fujin is because he’s sick of this shit. His hair is sticking to his fucking back, he can’t cope with the warmth. So, he cut it. And now he looks like sin incarnate. Fuck yes Fujin.
·       He’s an actual sweetheart when you both go for walks. If it’s too warm and he sees kids trying to fly their kites, he may, just may, summon a breeze. Because he’s actually a giant softie. When you ask him if that was him, he’ll tilt his head and look shocked. Him? Use his powers like that?! He wouldn’t dream… don’t tell Raiden.
·       He loves discovering new mortal customs and culture. Day drinking still confuses him. Why is everyone drinking at 2 in the afternoon? He jokes Bo Rai Cho is having an effect on everyone. He’s not opposed to have a sneaky drink with you as the suns setting though. He does like to have a good time, as we’ve all heard in his intros. You’ve never seen him drunk, you’re pretty sure he can’t get drunk. But he has joked that the Elder Gods must never know, that you’re both drinking wine at 2pm.
·       He’d love visiting winebars on an evening for nice relaxed drinks. Any bar with an outside area, bonus points if it’s got a balcony and a good view… he’d suggest Sky Temple, but relaxed drinks, turn into a bender with Bo Rai Cho. With Bo often suggesting skinny dipping. Raiden has consulted the Elder Gods, ‘Relaxed drinks’ are banned.
·       Long walks. This man has stamina for days. He loves getting out into the middle of bum fuck nowhere and walking. Nature seems to love him and flocks to him. Every. Fucking. Time. You. Sit. Down. You look away, and when you look back, there’s just a fucking rabbit sat near you both. Fujin is feeding it grass. He looks so happy and content.
·        If there’s any music/art/food festivals on, then you’re going, he wants to know more about mortals and their customs. So, any opportunities he’s going to want to take up. Nothing better than him playfully wrapping an arm around you and chuckling when you blush. He’s not that against PDA whilst you’re amongst mortals. He’s sure his brother wouldn’t tease. But Kung Lao would. And he doesn’t fancy a lecture from his brother. It’s not a lecture, but, it’s a lecture.
·       As much as he loves exploring. He’ll also love those lazy warm days. Either sat comfortably close, talking about anything and everything. Or lounging out in the garden or your balcony with him.
·       He’ll always make sure you’re hydrated. Like ‘Y/N, do you need some water? You look dehydrated. Please don’t get dehydrated.’ He’s a bit of a worried mother hen sometimes.
·       He’ll also love watching the sunset, whilst you’re both comfortably laid together. You’re always unsure if the cool evenings breeze is from him or not. You like to think it is.
·       Lots of cute photos. You take loads. He’s so photogenic. He’s always got such a happy genuine smile on his face. He’s got super long arms too, so he can always get the best angle.
·       He secretly loves you both walking together, and you holding onto/your arm linked with his. He loves the way you kind of fall forward when you laugh, placing a hand on his as you do so. He’ll always flash you a half smile.
·       The first time you had sex in the shower was when you were taking a cold shower the try and cool yourself down. He naturally wanted to join you, because this fucking heat can fuck off. Long story short, a bit of teasing, led to him fucking you against the wall of your shower. The shower didn’t cool you down at all. In fact, you were warmer in the shower than out of it.
·       Lazy sex on the sofa too. He loves watching you ride his cock. He loves running his hands up your side, as you slowly ride his cock and savour every moment.
·       Is the weather making everyone uncomfortable? He had no idea. He fucking did, because he’s living for the chaos. He’s also used to this weather. Chaosrealm is either baking hot or extremely cold. So, he’s literally chilled with this. Why is everyone panicking? He’s sat there in sunglasses and drinking a Pina Colada. Such a little shit.
·       He’s a hot mess all the time. But summer makes him an even hotter mess. You’ve never seen someone give less of a fuck till you met him. Great thing about Havik, he doesn’t give two fucks about anything. He’s so laidback. You don’t want to go out because it’s too warm? That’s fine. You want to go out and get wine drunk? He’s got two hands to carry two bottles. Whatever you want to do.
·       Relaxed drinks in your garden, he’s burning the food on the grill, your neighbours are telling him to put a shirt on, because you don’t have a fence. Everyone is having a great time.
·       He lives for terrible BBQs. He loves the disappointment more than the food. Your parents aren’t who this fucking behemoth in the most chaotic Hawaiian shirt is. No one is going to tell him his shirt is gawdy, because he’s so fucking tall.
·       He knows all the lyrics to ‘We didn’t start the fire’ which is a skill and slightly concerning.
·       Extremely good at limbo… too good. You’re watching as people’s faces switch from whimsical whimsy to fucking shocked. You’re sure someone was sick. Lives for the chaos.
·       He hates going outside for long periods of time. His face itches and it’s too warm to wear everything normally. Badly. Loves Halloween though, because people always compliment how great his ‘Costume’ and makeup is.
·       You’ve had a few comments on how handsome he is and laid back he is. He doesn’t get the ‘handsome’ thing, he prefers his face, when half of it’s you know, missing.
·       He loves Summer and how warm it is. When you ask why, he admits ‘It’s because Hotaru will be miserable’ And then he’ll smile. Summer is his Christmas. Because Hotaru is miserable.
·       When you can’t sleep, he’s awake, you’re not sure he needs to sleep. But he’s awake. You’ll have long chats, and, you both end up sat on your Livingroom floor, playing trivial pursuit. You’re sort of surprised by how much random knowledge he knows.
·       He’ll go on walks with you. This is where he met his first goose. He fucking loves them. What are these hate filled, angry creatures? Why does he want an army of them? When one hisses at him and falls in the river, he’s so happy. The circle of Chaos goes on.
·       Loves the beach. Because there’s loads of water. He fucking loves it. Ready to jump in as soon as he sees you. Pulls you in and you both swim for ages. He loves watching the waves crash against the shore with you, your head on his shoulder, whilst he draws circles… or squiggles on your leg.
·       Summer sex with him is so easy going. You’re sure you always end up fucking him in your car more than usual. You’re down to fuck on the way back from a day out? Fucking pull over, he’s good to go.
·       Don’t let him drive. He can’t drive.
·       Havik fucks hard and he once broke your headboard with his grip… and two fingers. But that’s fine, he just put them back together all good.
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Tomas Vrbada Smoke:
·       He’s not a fan of this shit. He’s not overly bothered about the heat, it’s his hair. It’s sticking to his back and he doesn’t like it. Has asked Bi-Han for a hug. He just wants to feel cold.
·       Queue the manbun. He’s not cutting his hair. He loves it too much. So, hair is up and tied back. Which only elevates his hipster status… and makes him look that little bit hotter. Burns hotter than the weather.
·       He’ll always put on sunscreen. He burns very easily. Way too easily. No tan. Just burns. He does get a slight dusting of freckles over the bridge of his nose. He’s not overly keen on them… but you think their cute. He starts to like them a little bit more when you remark how cute they are… and when you run your finger over them.
·       He’ll love doing something a little adventurous in summer. Which surprises you. He’s normally pretty introverted and wanting to relax and lounge. He’ll love doing something like hiking in the hills or taking long walks along a river. He just lives strolling, hand in hand, if it’s not too warm, and chatting genuine shit.
·       Imagine: Smoke, grey short-sleeved t-shirts, some cropped jeans, a good pair of hiking boots (Probably timberlands, the hipster) and a grey flannel jacket wrapped around his waist. Fucking hell. I need a fan!
·       Cute dates to cafes, where you both either talk about what you’re reading, or you both go to read. Said café dates can also be in the park with a takeaway ice coffee. Smoke is a hipster, fight me on this. You’re both looking up at the sky, laid arm on arm, head to head, whilst watching the clouds go by. You love moments like this and you both feel so content.
·       If you can ride a bike and are into that shit. He wouldn’t be opposed to having a bike ride, either along a canal or river. Somewhere that’s got a nice even off-road trail, with shade, nice scenery and is easy going. He’ll always make sure to pack lots of snacks, water and also sunscreen. Lots of sunscreen. He’ll plan a huge day out for you both, with lots of stops to see sights along the way. It’s all going great until he gets a bug in his mouth. Then he remembers why he hates the outdoors.
·       If gets too warm, you’re both going to the Lin Kuei temple. Smoke doesn’t care. You can live his room. He’s got a kettle and plenty of cup of noodles. Kuai thinks it’s nice that Smokes found someone. Bi-Han teases, because what kind of older brother would he be? Bi-Han totally views Smoke as a younger brother. He comes up with a cute ship name and he makes sure everyone refers to you both by it.
·       Loves the beach. Loves drinking iced tea at the beach. He’s under a big umbrella though. Sat in the shade, sipping his tea, reading his book, looking absolutely fine as fuck. People fall into ditches watching him lounge around. Bi-Han wanted to come with you both. Suns out guns out. He totally throws a bucket of water on him, saying he needs to cool the fuck down. And throws the bucket at him. Only to proceed to fall flat on his face.
·       Relaxed afternoon drinks at some hipster bar. He’s drinking an IPA. He doesn’t give a shit what you think… he really does. But it’s too warm for a hot chocolate.
·       He’s not overly fond of sex if it’s really warm. But saying that, on those cooler evenings, he’ll love just having you ride his cock. It’s soft, gentle, with a lot of touches and caresses. He loves you and loves spending time with you. He’ll also love the sight of your body in the moonlight. That slight summer breeze cooling you both down. The sound of the city below you, drowning out the moans.
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·       Pre-Burn Kabal is so hyped for summer. The moment that barometer or the weather says it’s slightly warm. That’s it. He’s wearing cropped shorts, showing off those finely tuned calves, and wearing a vest that may as well not be a vest, because side-boob.
·       He totally as a duck barometer on his desk, that turns yellow when it’s supposed to be warm. ‘Sorry Kano, can’t work, Mr Quack says it’s going to be sunny. You know what that means’ Queue everyone sighing, because they know their in for a month of awful outfits.  
·       You notice he slows down a lot in the summer. ‘Babe, papa is out of shape’ is the most uttered phrase for him. He’s used to the heat, but that doesn’t mean he wants to be speedy. He wants to savour every moment of his favourite season, with his favourite person.
·       He’s a mix of lazy and energised. He’ll want to go for long walks in the park, the woods, the river, the beach. But he’ll also want to lounge around in his underwear, AC on, whilst you both watch shit TV and binge watch bad films.
·       Drives at 2 am in the morning, because he wants a really cold drink, and he knows this place that does really good slurpees. Queue, some very bad summer music. If you have to listen to ‘Steal My Sunshine’ One more fucking time, you’re going to scream. The slurpee is pretty good.
·       He’ll also tease your thighs on the way back home. Which leads to you giving him a blowjob whilst he drives. Which leads to him having to pullover and fuck you in the backseat. Lord have mercy he can’t cope.
·        He’s really good at BBQ you’re so surprised. You both have two people BBQs, you’re both sipping on cocktails, having fun, listening to terrible music. Annoying your neighbours who don’t want to hear his shit music. He’ll love spinning you around and picking you up over his shoulder and carrying you back inside. Just so you can make out on the couch.
·       Prank calling Kano at 2 in the morning. With very unfunny jokes. But it’s funny, because it’s Kano and it’s winding him up.
·       Nothing better than walking into the living room and seeing a near fully naked Kabal on the sofa. Sprawled out, glistening skin, playing on his Playstation. Glasses on and a lazy smile. God.
·       If you wear shorts, he’s going to be very distracted. Loves your ass in them. And will always give it a discreet and cheeky squeeze. He’ll always lean in to whisper and tease you, about what he’s going to do when you both get back.
·       Going to the beach or swimming is always fun. He’ll totally drag you into the pool and splash you.
·       He’s so glad his hair is fairly short. Because who’s got the time in this heat.
·       Cute dates to diners and relaxed drinks on the kitchen floor. Because it’s cool, and you can both eat ice cream from the tub.
·       Post burns everything is different.
·       I still headcanon he’s not a massive fan of his body and his skin is hypersensitive to the heat.
·       He’ll love you rubbing sunscreen affectionately onto his skin, or maybe rubbing a balm to try and ease it. If you’re whispering sweet nothings, or how much you love his body, whilst doing this, it’ll make him so fucking happy. He wants to feel loved.
·       Sometimes, the gentle rubs, turn into teasing rubs, and then into needful grabs. Which leads to some pretty intimate and passionate sex. Lots of body worship and lots of caresses.
·       He will want to stay in more in Summer. His skin will feels like it’s on fire and it won’t be comfortable. He will not dress casually in the summer when out in public. But when that confidence returns, he’ll be back to wearing next to nothing on the sofa.
·        He can handle this better than Kuai. Or so he says. He hates it really. He fucking hates this warmth and this weather. He wants to be cold. You’ve caught him threatening to climb into the fridge or the chest freezer.
·        Endearing whines from him. He loves the excuse however, that gets to lounge around in next to nothing. Queue you coming back from work to see him on your couch, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts. Complaining that he’s melting. He knew he was hot, but he didn’t think he was this hot! You hate and love that joke.
·        He’s eaten all your ice cubes, ice cream and ice lollies. He’s trying to cool down, but nothing is working. When you suggest maybe going to back to Arctika, he’s not down for that. He wants to stay here with you… that and going back, would confirm to Kuai that he was right and Bi-Han was wrong. He ain’t having that shit!
·        He’s constantly taking ice cold baths and showers. But nothing is helping. But on the bright side, you’ve got an unlimited supply of ice cubes. He sees yours are melting, boom, have some more.
·        He does manage to lower the temperature of your house, but he really has to focus, and he hates his concentration face. Kuai makes him look really majestic, Bi-Hans looks confused, sad and angry all rolled into one. He ain’t a fan of it.
·        He does love spending time with you though. He’ll love wrapping his arms around you out in public. Barely anyone knows he’s the Grandmaster of The Lin Kuei so why the fuck does it matter?
·        He’ll love going on cute bar dates, he looks pretty fucking FINE in a suit. All dressed up, looking like a whole three course meal. He’ll love sitting on a balcony, with some good food and a few glasses of wine.
·        Ultimate tease. His hands are cooler than any drink, and he’s an obsession with your legs in summer. He’ll love running a hand up and down your thighs, cheekily squeezing your ass in shorts. He’s very discreet, which makes you call him a Ninja, he’ll wrinkle his nose at that. He’s no ninja, he’s just good at been discreet.
·        He’s also a fan of sitting on the kitchen floor because it’s cool. You’re both listening to music in your kitchen, sat on the floor, eating ice cream and drinking frozen drinks.
·        Summer sex for Bi-Han involves a lot of him surprising you with some sweet kisses. Which get heated. Very heated. He’ll end up picking you up, placing you on your kitchen counter and helping you get rid of some layers. The counters cool against your skin, and he’s still pretty cool, so it’s all round refreshing.
·        He loves the beach. Not only because he loves showing off his physique, but you look cute and he likes the thought of the water been cool.
·        Water is saltier than he is. But he doesn’t give a shit. He can swim pretty well, and he’s soon out pretty far. It’s so good to finally be cold.
·        Low-key drags Smoke and Kuai with you both to the beach. Smoke is chilling, vibing with his book and the little sandcastle version of the temple he built. Kuai is fucking miserable.
·        Bi-Han will chuck you into the sea if you ask. If you want to be Yeeted, he will yeet you as far as you want to go. He’ll also playfully push you off the pier and jump in after you.
·        Small kisses in the water, his arms around your waist.
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Kuai Liang (Sub Zero):
·        He still hates this. Nothing has changed. Summer can go fuck itself. He handles the complaints better than Bi-Han but he doesn’t handle the heat better. The only upside, he gets to spend some quality time with you. With no Bi-Han interrupting. Because he’s the worst.
·        He still doesn’t let on how bad he’s feeling it. He’s there, stoic, teeth gritted, whilst you’re having lunch. You decide to surprise him with a cold bath, the AC on the lowest setting, and ice in the bath. You leave him a note saying ‘Surprise and enjoy’ he fucking loves you. His heart actually may do a backflip.
·        When you get back, he’s less teeth gritted and more relaxed. He’ll take your hands in his and bring you in for a very soft kiss. You’re in your apartment so no one can see. It’s all cool!
·        He still tries to dress in his Grandmaster gear. He’s trying to remain stoic and trying his hardest to be his usual self. You remind him, that no one but you can see him in your apartment.
·        He will bite the bullet eventually and will shed his upper half of clothes. He’s currently sat in the comfy pair of short joggers you bought him. He’s a Grandmaster but he’s going to melt unless he changes. This is no different than when he’s in his relaxing gear back at the temple.
·        Your neighbours are in for a treat. When he wakes up, does his morning meditation in front of the window… only to realise the curtains and door are open, your neighbours are watering their flowers, and they are just stood there. Staring. Wondering how one man can be so chiselled and fine looking. Que him, leaning over to close the curtains. ‘Y/N. Did you open the curtains whilst I was meditating?’ ‘Yeah, why?’ ‘I don’t think your neighbours appreciate seeing me’ Oh, if only he fucking knew.
·        His bonus for living through his own personal living hell, you’re dressed in your cute summer clothes, and you constantly want to be close to him in your apartment. He does love how close you are to him. He loves when you’re relaxing on the sofa, and your head is on his shoulder. He will watch you from the corner of his eye, a small smile tugging on his lips. Just as his arm snakes around you more.
·        He doesn’t drink a lot. He isn’t against it. But then you introduce him to a Long Island Iced Tea. He can’t taste the tea but it’s pretty nice. He’ll love lounging with you on your balcony, watching as the evenings sky bleeds into the nights sky.
·        He’ll tell you about the constellations as a refreshing breeze washes over you.
·        He’ll love going for walks with you. He loves been out and exploring more of Earth in a more relaxed way. He’s been to many places, but they’ve always been mission related.
·        He may not be able to last long with the heat, but he does love wandering around the Forests and woods. He’ll spout random facts about the wildlife and fauna you pass.
·        Sex with Kuai when it’s warm is often difficult. He’s feeling flustered by the warmth and struggling. You do offer to run him a cold shower. He’ll sit there, asking if you wish to join him. You’re not going to pass that up. It’ll start innocent, with him just holding your body. Musing how he’s missed your touch.
·        A few kisses later and you’ve got him all flustered again. He’s not entirely sure what’s going on, when you slowly sink to your knees and take his cock into your mouth. At first, he’s like ‘Y/N, we can’t do this in the shower’ But, even all of that stoic training can’t help him here. His moans betray him, hands hovering over your hair, before you tangle them for him. This leads to him showing you some of that strength of his and fucking you against the wall of the shower.
·        After, you’re both panting messes, and you hear him chuckle. He comments on how he guesses the weather has bonuses. That’s as horny of a comment you’ll ever get from him.
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Kung Lao:
·        He’s actually fine in this heat, why do you ask? Kung Lao can handle heat, who said he couldn’t? Their lying. Okay, they’re not lying. He hates it. He fucking hates it. He’s confused at how Raiden can be stood there, completely unphased, and Fujin can be there with long fucking hair. They are winding him, and he knows it.
·        Liu Kang is fine. But he’s fucking not. Of course, he’s fucking fine with the heat.
·        He does love spending the time with you though. I mean, you look pretty cute in those shorts, and he loves how you smile and your so giddy about going out places.
·        His arrogance will be the death of him. Death will be caused by melting. He won’t admit how much he’s not overly fond of the heat. But when you see him staring into the fridge, you know he’s too warm. You suggest going for a swim and going to the beach.
·        Best idea in the fucking world. He can swim pretty well, so he’s dragging you into the water, before you can even pull off your clothes. He’s like ‘Lets go Y/N. Lets go.’ He’ll splash you, like the dick he is, he can give but can’t take when you splash him back.
·        Will feign falling over, only to have you rush over to him. He’ll then pick you up and spin you around and launch you into the water. You both piss about far too much. Lord Fujin is smiling down, so happy and proud, Lord Raiden is face palming so hard. The Elder Gods couldn’t give a fuck, their too warm as well.
·        He’ll always insist you take photos, bonus if it’s a polaroid so he can take the photos back. He will continuously show Liu Kang, Raiden and Fujin. He acts like the heat wasn’t that bad… Fujin knows the truth but he’s not going to say shit.
·        He’ll love going for small evening walks with you, just as the suns starting to set, you’re both strolling beside a rive. A small breeze is blowing past you. When you’re not looking, he’s thanking Fujin for been a bro and having his back. ‘Thank you…’ ‘What was that Kung Lao?’ ‘Nothing Y/N. You look very pretty. How’s that breeze?’
·        He loves the sunshine though and will want to make the most of going out in it. Que you both spending as much time as possible outside. Whether you’re just lounging, walking or exploring.
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Sindel: (The Smut Goblin will do you right, since 11 just retconned you.)
·        Outworld is naturally warmer than Earthrealm. She knows this and understands that it may be hard to cope. She’s there, looking ethereal, not a single hair out of place, barely breaking a sweat. Whilst you’re boiling. She thinks it’s cute.
·        She’ll always shake her head when you deny how warm you are. She’ll make sure you’ve always got fresh water and are kept cool. If it’s warmer than usual, she’ll make sure you’ve got baggy clothes to keep you cool and make sure you’re okay.
·        She’s not mean by any standard, but she will tease you ever so slightly about it. If you’re slightly red from the heat, she will tease you about it. ‘Y/N, blushing to see me already.’ Will tease you discreetly. And she will always remark about how she didn’t know she had this effect on you.
·        She’s discreet. She can’t be embarrassing Kitana like that. She ain’t about that life. Kitana fully supports your relationship. She thinks it’s nice her mother has found someone to spend her life with. Shao Kahn who? Who’s that dick? Never heard of Shags Cars.
·        She’ll personally request you join her when she goes to try and cool down at the warmest part of the day. The pool is surrounded by blooms and lush scenery, scenery you didn’t know existed in Outworld. Because, it does look barren.
·        You’re not arguing that it’s a mirage, until she strips down and asks you to join her. Everything is pleasant and cool. She asks you all about Earthrealm whilst you’re chilling in the cool water.
·        She wants to know more about you and yourself. And what better place than whilst taking a leisurely dip.
·        She’ll love lounging around on one of the balconies in the evening. Wine in hand, whilst you’re leant against her. She’ll plant a gentle kiss on your head, before asking if you’re comfortable. Very caring, because you know, she’s actually a caring person. NetherRealm seemingly forgot this shit. Let me remind them.
·        Sex with Sindel is fucking WILD. She can go from a pillow princess (Queen?) to a fucking dom in seconds. One minute she’s sat on your face, trying to stifle a moan, less anyone hear. The next, she’s got you flipped over, pinned down, whilst she attacks your cunt with her very skilled tongue.
·        You forget about the heat of the day and focus on the heat that’s pooling in your stomach for a few moments. Once you’re spent and wasted, she’ll always remark ‘I told you I could make you forget the heat my dear’
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·        For a man that has lived an eternal life and has lived through the heats of many summers. He’s never got to experience them because of ‘Can I see the manager’ Kronika. Fuck her.
·        He can cope with the heat of the day and is pleasantly surprised when there is a refreshing breeze. He’s so happy to be able to enjoy the summer and the sunshine, without the Titan of complaints, bossing him about.
·        He’s blissfully unaware of how mortals struggle with heat.
·        When you go on nice walks, to show him more of Earthrealm, and so you can both take cute photos. He’s walking miles head, happy and curious about everything. ‘Isn’t this nice Y/N. What a refreshing breeze… Y/N?’ Turns around to see you in a puddle on the ground. Que him turning back and picking you back up.
·        He loves experiencing different cultures and will love you exploring different parts of your city and trying new things. Kronika was a bitch and didn’t give him any downtime.
·        He’s loving this new lease on life, the fact he doesn’t have to go on bullshit missions for the Elder God of bullshit and family problems.
·        He’ll love cuddling up with you, whilst you both chat, and he tells you all the stories of his life. You name a time period, and he has lived through and experienced it. Bonus if you’re doing a history degree.
·        ‘Actually, my boyfriend was there and that’s not what happened. Give me my 100% on my test’
·        He’ll be a little confused why you always take photos of him at first. Until you explain you’re creating memories. Then he’ll be constantly posing for your photos with you. He takes the cutest selfies. He’s got such a warm smile and some gorgeous eyes. You’re the envy of all of your friends.
·        When you suggest going to the beach, he’s all for it, he loves the sound of the waves and finds it soothing.
·        He makes the most impressive sandcastles. It puts everyone else’s to shame on the beach. He’s not even trying which is the best part.
·        Geras is a tall guy. So, when he wades out into the ocean, you’re stuck behind in a bit of a shallower end. He wants you to come with him, so you’re getting picked up, and he’s got you on his shoulders. Your toes skimming the waters edge. He loves hearing your laugh, and you swear you hear him chuckle when you fall in.
·        He often remarks how he’s no longer eternally alone. And it makes your heart skip a beat.
·        He loves life in the slow lane, time is no object to him, so why not take things slow?
·        He’ll prefer slow and passionate sex during the warmer months. He knows you’re warm and he wants to make sure you’re okay. So slower and softer sex is on the cards. But if you want him to fuck you rough, then he is down for that, and the man has skill.
·        Geras needs a hug and I think we need to give him one.
586 notes · View notes
startanewdream · 4 years
Single rider
So there was this post on Tumblr and the idea was just to fun to not write it, so...
Here it is the Muggle Jily Amusement Park  AU just for the fun of it: 
James can't believe he was betrayed by Peter Pettigrew.
They have known each other since they were eleven. They have a group together. They have shared secrets.
And still, Peter has left him alone with Sirius and Remus.
It's not that James is bothered by them. He is happy his two friends have finally decided to stop being idiots and realized they have feelings for each other. He just wishes he isn't feeling like a third wheel in the event he is most excited to since forever - oh, well, in the least ten months at least.
Ever since it was announced the reopening of Hogwarts Amusement Park of  Witchcraft and Wizardry, James is dreaming of going there. His father always spoke of how he loved the Park before it was closed forty years ago.
James had collected all news about the renovation and the new rides and he had memorized the map of the Park, just by studying the information available at their website.
He knows exactly which rides are featured in the Park and he already loves, even before going there, the Gryffindor Zone, where the most radical rides are located. James has studied the map enough to trace the exact perfect route to the Lion Roar Thrill Ride, the Park's greatest and most exciting roller coaster. 
Pure steel. Ten inversions. Drop length of 450 feet. Reaches 130 miles per hour.
Just the thought of it gives goosebumps to James. It is everything James could wish for in a roller coaster.
He had planned carefully, had bought the tickets in advance and had calculated how early they had to leave home for there, to guarantee they would be one of the first in the line for the Lion Roar.
What he hadn't planned was that Peter would have a panic attack at the idea of going on a thrill ride and that Sirius and Remus would be much more interested in the Amortentia Tunnel than going in what is already one of the world's best roller coasters.
But since James can never be accused of being a bad friend, he uses all his knowledge of the Park to take them to Slytherin Zone, where the water rides are, before running to Gryffindor Zone.
He lets out a cry when he sees the already huge queue for the attraction, but there is nothing he can do now except getting in line with everyone else. The expectation time is fifty minutes in the line. That’s fine; he already waited for months. 
It’s hot and there isn’t much shadow in the line, but James doesn’t let this damper his mood. He hears the delighted cries of the people who are in the ride and lets this encourage him. Just thirty minutes more. Then fifteen. He already sees the end of the line - the portraits where people enter to board the cars.
Then, finally, it’s his turn. The attendant calls for the next two persons and James confidently takes a step to pass through the portrait.
‘Hey, hey’, the attendant - a Prefect according to the terms used in the park - stops him, looking at him with a frown. ‘Where is your pair?’
James blinks.
‘Your pair. This is a ride for couples’, the Prefect notes tediously and points to a board right next to them.
All cars must have two people. 
James stares, dumbfounded, because there was never any warning on their website, in any of the reviews he read, on anywhere.
The Prefect calls two friends in the line behind James, closing that turn, and that wakes him.
‘So - I can’t go?’
The Prefect raises his eyebrows and points to the next line of the board.
Singles will be paired.
‘Just wait here, in one or two minutes we will find you a match’.
That seems a little bit offensive, but he won’t complain.
‘Can I go in the first car?’ he asks instead, and the Prefect nods distractedly.
It shouldn’t be too difficult, James thinks. There are many groups with an odd number of members. Parents with a single kid. Someone else who was also left by his friends. It takes more than three minutes, however, and James is already considering an app for matching people with similar interests in thrill rides - maybe he can convince Remus to help him with the codes -
‘Stay here, you will go in a moment with him’.
James blinks and he returns to the Earth just in time to see a girl smiling nervously as she walks to his side. He glances at her, for the first time forgetting about the ride. It’s a gorgeous girl, the same age as him, with dark red hair that she keeps in a braid, though he sees strands of hair escaping and flying with the light breeze; James feels a strange urge to take the hair out of her face. Then he sees her eyes.
Bright green eyes.
 ‘Hi’, the girl is saying to him, her voice distracted, not really looking at him.
He resists the urge to sigh.
‘Hi’, he answers, late, but he thinks she didn’t hear him because the Prefect calls them at the same time.
‘Through the Fat Lady portrait’, he says, pointing to the first portrait.
Oh, yes, that’s why he is there. For the Lion Roar.
Not to fall in love at first sight with a girl that he will share a ride for two minutes and eleven seconds.
The girl is glancing at him, expecting, and James grins.
'You first', he says, trying to sound nice, but the girl just sighs. James sees her hands are shaking.
That makes him frown. He remembers Peter's pale face that morning, when he refused to go to the amusement park with them, and James recognizes the fear in that girl's eyes.
But she walks with her head high through the portrait and he follows her, still stealing glances in her direction. She shudders before entering the car and she flinches when the safety bar is lowered, but she doesn't say anything, doesn't look like she will give up.
He feels admiration growing inside him. James never feared any ride, enjoying every radical sport he could try just for the adrenaline rush; but the redhead by his side - his partner for the ride - has a determined expression on her face, despite the fact her knuckles are white, her hands gripping tightly the bars.
'It is safe', he hears himself saying before he can control herself. The girl turns her head to him as much as the bars allow her.
'This ride. It’s safe. There is no danger'.
'I know', she replies, looking confused. 'There was never an accident at Hogwarts Amusement Park before'.
'Oh. Sorry, I just thought -'
The girl gives him a sly smile.
'I look that nervous?'
'Well -', he begins, unsure of what to say, but she flinches once more when the car starts to move. Then she blushes despite her white face.
'I am a bit afraid of heights', she admits, looking rather nervously at the long tracks ahead, rising in the direction of the blue sky.
'And you came to one of the world's tallest roller coasters?'
'But - why?'
She chuckles slightly.
'Because I can. When I was younger my sister laughed that I wasn't tall enough for the rides. So here I am. In every ride there is'.
James decides he will have to propose to that girl someday.
'I am James!', he cries, as the wind grows stronger around them.
'Lily!', she screams back, and she sees her looking rather worriedly at how high they are now.
'It will be fine', he promises, and she looks at him, their eyes locking. After a second, she gives a tiny nod, a smile lifting up her face and she looks calm for the first time since he met her.
He smiles back, wondering if somehow he can grab her hand - just for a little more encouragement, of course -
When they drop.
Two minutes and eleven seconds later, the roller coaster is coming to a stop, and the safety bars are lifted.
'That was amazing!', Lily says, and though her legs are still shaking, there is a wild excited grin in her face.
'Fantastic!', James agrees, beaming too, still feeling the lingering effects of the thrill of the ride - that rush of adrenaline pumping through his vein, his muscles still tightened and his heart beating faster than normal.
Then he looks at his partner ride, her face flushed and vivid, and he thinks his heart won't slow down any time soon.
'So', he begins, as they start to descend the stairs, and hopes he sounds nonchalant. 'You are here alone?'
'Yeah, I got the ticket for today on a contest, and none of my friends could buy it. Tickets sold out one month in advance!'.
'I stayed until two in the morning to buy them', James admits. She seems amused.
'Adrenaline junkie, are you?', teases Lily and James flushes.
'I like the thrill'.
'You are in the right place then', she notes, glancing around to the other rides around them in Gryffindor Zone.
'And you?'
'I enjoy facing challenges', she shrugs like it's nothing. 'Trying to look brave'.
'You are brave', he notes, not minding to show his appreciation.
She laughs.
'Did you see me trembling there? I bit all my nails in the line'.
'But you went. That's what Gryffindor Zone is about'. He picks his park map to show her the slogan. 'Gryffindor, where dwells the brave at heart'.
Lily gives him a radiant smile and James thinks her smile makes him feel more exhilarated than any roller coaster could ever make.
They enter together in the store at the end of the ride and, as James glances around the red and gold merchandising, Lily goes straight to the photo booth.
'Number 394, please', she asks the attendant. Then she turns to James with a teasing smile on her lips. 'Want a copy of our moment, partner?'
Their moment.
James nods.
'So, why are you single?', she asks, and for a moment James wonders how she knows his relationship status before realizing what she means.
'My friends ditched me for a love ride'.
'Love tunnels? They are so dull’, she says, in a mocking voice that makes him chuckle.
'There is not a single fall in them', James agrees as if that is scandalous.
'Maybe that's why couples snog there. Pure boredom'.
He nods, even as it comes to him that maybe love rides don't sound so boring with the right partner.
The attendant returns with their photos and James opens the folder to see a picture of him and Lily, right after the first fall - they are both looking exhilarated and dizzy, but his eyes concentrate on Lily. She is beaming, her green eyes sparkling even in the photograph, her face flushed from the thrill.
And he sees that, at some point during that fall, their hands were really close, almost touching.
'I guess I will see you around?', he hears Lily asking him, and there is a curious expression in her face.
Looking at her, James feels like he is back at the top of the roller coaster, right before the 450 feet drop and the whooping feeling it causes.
And he always welcomed that feeling.
'We could go together if you like', he says, his heart beating fast and he knows it’s the adrenaline.
She bits her lips for a tiny second before smiling.
'Partner ride?'
'Maybe lunch partner too? I know where all the best food trucks are, I promise you'.
'I may grab your hand', she warns, playfully. 'You know, just for support'.
'I would very much enjoy it. Being your support, I mean'.
He doesn't think he fooled her. Her eyes are shining.
'Then let's go. I heard the Firebolt Free Fall is the best drop ride in the country'.
And she offers him her hand.
The next photo they buy, James hopes, they can be holding hands.
And the Amortentia Tunnel doesn't sound so boring anymore.
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