#you mean those cheap paper bags filled with sawdust?
ask-alf-oddworld · 1 year
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A Sixpence Song
Chapter 1: Dictionary Definitions
@klangst-week  Let’s do this
Sequel to The Notebook On the Bed. Prompt 1: Unrequited love/pining
Keith writes poems in a notebook, a hobby that he rarely partakes in. It’s strange imagining a brooding, dark-haired teen writing poems about flowers and feelings, but then again...
“I thought you could’ve been something great, but I guess you’re just a dropout.”
“It’s such a shame to see a young man throw his life away like that, without rational thought.”
“Oh what do you know, dropout?”
“You threw away your chance to be something good in this world, you know that? Threw it away on the hope for a dead man.”
“We can’t let him stay, he’s Galran! Who knows what he’ll do!”
“My family is gone because of his kind, my entire planet! All my people! I will not let one of them on my ship, as a Paladin!”
“We were supposed to be fighting Galrans. Isn’t that what we’ve been doing? What do we do now?”
Maybe it’s not difficult to imagine him doing that after all.
It started in a place where you’d expect demons to rise out of, not love.
(Then again, isn’t love a demon in itself?)
“Nope, no what the fuck.” Keith scribbles out the words, black graphite covering the scratched letters on the yellowing paper. “Stupid, edgy emo chunk of-” He crumbles up the page and chucks it at the wastebasket on the other end of the porch, missing by a mile. An impressive mountain of similarly crumpled sheets lay scattered on that side of the wooden floor, and if Keith kept this up much longer, he’d get fined for littering.
No, no I wouldn’t. Not anymore. He reminds himself. It’d been nearly a year since he’d gotten kicked out, a year since Shiro disappeared. A year since he’d lost his best friend, mentor, brother into space without so much as an explanation from those-those fuckers from the Garrison. Three-hundred-sixty-five days since that utter and complete piece of trash, Iverson, called him to his office to bust a vein at him, and then told him that he could either ‘shape up or ship out’. In response, Keith had silently pulled off his Cadet Identification Tag, bearing a small golden star in the corner marking him as an excelled student, and placed in on the desk, before walking stiffly from the room.
Hard to imagine that it was hardly a year since he, a straight-A honor student with promises of becoming one of the world’s best Fighter Pilots, had walked out of school with his bags and back turned towards the entrance. He knew he’d caused a stir, among students and public, but he didn’t care. Not his problem anymore, the Garrison could deal with the confusion he’d left behind.
He would’ve cared even less if it hadn’t been for something else he was leaving behind.
The skinny kid from Cuba was called Lance. He showed up one day with a goofy smile and a friendly demeanor, the kind that others would tear apart like sharks. Except he was strong, he brushed off the comments and insults with a grin and joke, and became the class clown instead. The one that you laughed with and were exasperated at, but you couldn’t hate him. It was so hard to hate him.
If only Keith could hate him. It’d make liking him so much easier.
But what does it mean? His pen is moving again, scratching drily across the paper. He’d need to get a new one soon, but until then he’d push this one to the limit. What does it mean to like, or even love? What does it mean to be able to feel warm with someone, have someone to take the cold away?
Love (v.) - an intense feeling of deep affection
Like (v.) - find agreeable, enjoyable, satisfactory
Just words in a dictionary, so easy to read and make sense of in the head.
But my heart still has questions, what does it feel to love? How do I know when I love? ‘Like’ is too simple, ‘Love’ is too strong…is it even love at all?
His next words are invisible, small curling grooves in the paper. His pen is out, and he sighs and aims it at the bin. It’s a solid shot, clattering around in the near-empty plastic interior for a bit, as Keith closes his notebook and tucks it back into one of his side packs. With a deep groan, he gets up, stretches, and sets to work picking up the balls of failed ideas and poems and tossing them where they belonged.
Why was he thinking about him, now, of all times? He didn’t care about Keith then, he certainly wasn’t caring about Keith now. He had friends, a life, and guaranteed place in the world. He didn’t even know Keith back at the Garrison, probably didn’t care about his existence at all. So why does Keith think about him so much?
Just a silly crush. Just a distraction. He’s gone now, and it’s for the best. That kid doesn’t care about him, why does he care so much?
There’s a place on Keith’s wall where the wood is beginning to splinter, and a dent is forming there. Sawdust, wood shavings, and small sticks have gathered in a small pile beneath it. Here, Keith punches it almost daily, ranging from as many as only one in passing to enough for the house to shake and the pipes to ease themselves a little looser, right above Keith’s bed. It results in bleeding knuckles, and eventually leads to a trip to the store for some gauze and a pair of fingerless gloves, the kind baseball players wear. The cause of that dent? The persistent, gnawing reminder of that kid from school, with his stupid charming smile ( God damn that smile ) his ridiculous jokes ( Screw those jokes ) and his laugh, his chiming, loud laugh that somehow rings as clear as day in Keith’s memory when he least needs it.
The laugh is mostly what results in the punching.
The sun was setting in the distance, when he straightens up and stares towards the horizon. It’s pretty today, sky touched all colors of bright tangerine to lilac and peach, fading away into a steadily deepening blue-to-indigo. All pastels and glitter, tonight, almost enough to make him feel like it was worth coming here.
This little hut in the middle of a desert was all Keith had left. He managed to buy it back off of some old man’s hands by selling his cadet uniform, cheap, to a grateful family for their son. It was hardly enough to afford this place, with it’s leaky plumbing and shoddy electricity, but the smiles of the small curly-haired boy and his teary mother made it all worth it, somehow. It springs back fuzzy memories, filled with purple and warm arms around his shoulders.
He didn’t remember Mom, of course. She’d left years before he could start remembering, but whatever his Dad remembered, he neglected to say. There aren’t any pictures of her in the house, nor any sign of any female having residence in this old shack at all, but she definitely had existed. Old whiskey driven tales had brought mentions of her, and occasionally he’ll find Dad passed out on the couch from a hard night shift, mumbling something that sound like a different language, over and over. A name?
It didn’t matter. Stomping back inside the house, nothing mattered anymore, as he turns to the bulletin board covered in pinned-up photographs of rock formations and strange glyphs, line graphs printed from the city library ten miles away. Scrabbled handwritten notes, red string webbing it all together like a spider on crack, an occasional red marker note and circle directing attention. To a stranger’s eye, it’s chaos. To Keith, it’s a masterpiece.
He’ll find Shiro. He’ll figure out what draws him to this trashy place, what keeps him from leaving no matter how many times he tries to go. Until then, nothing is important.
Not even a boy with a stupid laugh.
Love (v.)-to experience a deep sensation of appreciation and affection for a specific topic, object, person, etc.
Ex: She loves him because of his looks. I made garlic knots, does he love them? I love him because of his laugh.
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jrhayesart · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
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Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
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kokido-kuku · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
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Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
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yuri-otabek · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
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Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
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coyotedinner · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
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Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
sarcasminho · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
Tumblr media
Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
gloriousninjapeanut · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
Tumblr media
Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
mokacahuete · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
Tumblr media
Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
Tumblr media
Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
Tumblr media
If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
robhodgson · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
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Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
starrylites · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
Tumblr media
Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
yideum · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
Tumblr media
Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
nintendopoweronline · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
Tumblr media
Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
0 notes
cha-writer · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
Tumblr media
Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
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itisnotofimport · 3 years
How to choose the right composting bin
How to choose the right composting bin for you
You know how you recycle paper, plastic and cans and take your trash to the curb, but what about your vegetables, fruit and other food waste? You can compost that instead, so you can take your green waste to a local recycling center and make money or save money. This article will teach you how.
What is composting?
Composting is a very easy way to reduce the amount of waste you create in your home. Composting is a form of recycling that you can use to reduce the amount of waste you create. You can make your own compost, and it can be used to grow plants or to fertilize your garden soil. It is a very effective way to recycle and reduce waste.
  Compost is the final product of a process called composting. Composting is similar to anaerobic digestion, which is a process used by many large scale composting operations. Composting is a process that allows you to take organic matter and turn it into a usable by-product which can be used in the garden.
Why is composting useful?
Composting is the best thing you can do with the kitchen scraps you are producing. Composting helps rid your garden of the toxins that are in the food you are eating. Composting helps to enrich the soil and it helps to feed the soil. Composting with a composting bin also helps to reduce the amount of wasted food in the landfill.
  The benefits of composting are many. Compost is a natural fertilizer that can enrich soil and remove harmful chemicals from the environment. A good composting bin helps reduce waste and landfill waste and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Composting also helps to reduce the amount of manure that needs to be hauled away and reused, which means less waste to dispose of.
Should I use a compost bin?
Composting is an old-fashioned way of eliminating waste, but it is a very efficient way to recycle organic waste. Composting may seem difficult at first, but it is a pleasant process that has proven to be very rewarding. Composting is a simple process, and it is cheap as well. A good compost bin is a great investment.
  Compost bins are a great way to fertilize your garden, while also saving on space. They are compact and can be placed anywhere to help with waste removal. There are many different compost bins on the market, so how do you know which one to choose?
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Compost bins are often a source of stress for newbies. They are overwhelming at first, and seem like a hassle to get started. What tools and materials do I need? What kind of compost do I need? What size of bin? How much per day? Where do I put it? How do I get rid of all that mess? How do I keep the smell from becoming overpowering?
What is a continuous composter?
Composting is one of the most useful things you can do for your garden, and it’s also one of the most common composting mistakes. The most common type of compost bin is the traditional bin, which is like a giant plastic bucket that sits on the ground. While it’s better than nothing, a continuous composter is better, as it allows you to compost more and in more places. The key to a good continuous composter is that you must have an aeration system in place. The continuous composter is a self-powered machine that works on the simple principle that compost needs oxygen to break down efficiently.
  Composters are commonly made of either wood chips (which are broken down organically) or sawdust (which can be extremely invasive for any ecosystem). While a compost pile can be the best possible option for composting (since it provides a natural environment), there are a few drawbacks. One problem is the odor. A compost pile can produce an enormous amount of stinky odor, which can attract pests. A second problem is that the pile can’t be easily transported once it has been completed. If the pile is too large, it will be too difficult to handle. A third problem is that the pile can’t be used as a garden bed.
  A continuous composting system combines several techniques into one easy to use, effective system. The main components of a continuous composting system are: Anaerobic Digesters, composting bins, and manures used as the composting fuel. The end result of a continuous composter is compost that is ready for immediate use.
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If you have ever dabbled in creating your own compost, you probably did it by making a pile and keeping it out in the open, where it may decompose, or you may have kept it inside. If you are the latter, you might have noticed that the smell of the compost is not great. This is because the composting process contains a lot of “bad” bacteria that breaks down the food into a stable, non-smelly product.
What about batch composters?
A batch composting system is a self-contained system that efficiently produces compost for the use of the garden. It uses a process of aerobic decomposition that uses anaerobic bacteria to break down matter in a sealed container. Composting saves money, space, and reduces waste.
  Batch composting is the most sustainable way to compost. This way, you only have to deal with a single bin and a single compost pile for at least one year. Then you can move on to another one. The best part about batch composting is that it minimizes your use of resources. You don’t need a composting bin for every piece of food that you throw in a trash can.
Are indoor composters any good?
Indoor composters work similarly to outdoor compost piles in that they maintain a balance of carbon-rich brown materials such as leaves and twigs. The pile is enclosed and heated and turned on a regular basis to keep it from getting too wet and smelly. The compost then needs to undergo a process called curing, whereby it is laid to rest for one to three months.
The indoor composters are often processed aerobically because the air circulation and temperature are controlled. These are often enclosed and have a container for the compost to form. The most common ones are the worm composters, which use worms to break down the compost. They are often used in classrooms or offices to turn compost rather than using worms.
An indoor composter is essentially a small room with a vent that sucks in dirty air while filtering it before the filtered air is released in a closed loop. This type of composting is better for some plants, like those in a greenhouse, but it relies on some extra steps like rotating the bag.
  The fermentation process begins the moment that organic matter is dumped into the container. A mixture of high-carbon-nutrient materials and bedding are shaken, which exposes air to all the organic matter. The mix then starts to heat up and creates a good environment for bacterial enzymes to work. Bacteria start to break down the organic matter. Vents on the container release heat and gases, and the container starts to fill with water and some byproduct. This process can take weeks to months. The byproducts are what makes composting indoor a better option.
Lets get gardening
If you’re looking to be as waste-free as possible, it’s important to find the right gardening supplies and include composting as one of the steps in your routine. If you’re also looking to save some money, composting is the way to go! Compost bins are easy to use and don’t require any expensive equipment. You can get compost bins made from metal and plastic, and some even come with a watering system. This post should help you get started with your first step to composting.
This article first appeared on  https://livingalittlegreener.com/how-to-choose-the-right-composting-bin-for-you
This post How to choose the right composting bin first appeared on Walrus Video
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