olemiswebs · 5 years
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Dubai is a city of the United Arab Emirates, that has become one of the main Economic centres in the World, and the leader in Middle East. This has a lot to do with the oil present in the Persian Gulf area, but also to its long tradition as traders in the region, which still is their main contributor to the GDP. The city has around 2 million inhabitants, and just 10% of them are locals. The rest…
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olemiswebs · 5 years
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After a week in the Far West, landing in Chicago was like doing zapping on TV: from a Western movie to any urban movie in black and white. USA has always that effect on me: I am living in a movie. The train that connects the airport with downtown would qualify in an amusement park: high speed and abrupt movements and breaks, all this in the middle of the night, and with that variety of passengers…
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olemiswebs · 5 years
Salt Lake City
Salt Lake City is the capital of the State of Utah, and best known for being home of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints headquarters, a.k.a. mormons. The city center hosts many Church buildings, and it is not strange to see several dozens of weddings on a given Saturday morning in their Main Church alone.
One of the main characteristics of…
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olemiswebs · 5 years
Yellowstone National Park
After two days around it, we finally entered in Yellowstone National Park on our third day, the main destination and purpose of the trip.
We drove North through Highway 20, so early we rarely saw any car in the middle of the vast wheat plantations, each at a different harvesting stage, presumably to optimize the use of harvesting resources all-year round.
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olemiswebs · 6 years
Grand Teton National Park
Grand Teton National Park
The visit to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks started a bit far from the park entrance: in Salt Lake City (Utah). It is not that we wanted to cross several states to reach Yellowstone, but it was the closest main airport to fly to/from.
We drove North through he US-89, which soon took us to Bear Lake, a popular holiday destination for locals. Garden City is its capital, and we could…
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olemiswebs · 6 years
Yellowstone, Grand Teton & Salt Lake City
Yellowstone, Grand Teton & Salt Lake City
Yellowstone is a familiar name for anyone my age in Spain, as we had those famous cartoons of Yoggi Bear and his friend Bubu, who lived there, making the life impossible to the many campers, visitors and forest guards,… and that was one of the closest National Parks near Chicago, where I had to travel for other reasons. Moreover, reading this is a volcanic area, and having missed a trip to…
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olemiswebs · 6 years
Greece (2)
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When Greece became a travel destination for me and the islands were discarded (I will eventually go back there to sail them), my fear was to start visiting too many ruins, which I might not find interesting. I seldom normally like archeological museums, and I kind of thought this might be similar… I was completely wrong. Seeing the ruins in the actual locations made a complete different…
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olemiswebs · 6 years
Greece (1)
Greece is very well known for their islands and beaches, as a sun&sand destination, but those are not my typical motivations when travelling to a new destination for the moment. Instead, our visit to Greece, which would end in a conference in Athens, would not take us to the beaches but to another less popular part of Greece nowadays, but the most vibrant part in the World centuries ago.
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olemiswebs · 6 years
Ibiza 2018
La primera travesía a Ibiza de la temporada siempre es un gran momento. Una semana navegando y bañándonos por calas maravillosas, con un grado de desconexión del día a día máximo es para esperarlo con ganas. Este año se le añadía el hecho de que era la primera vez que lo hacía con el barco “nuevo”.
Después de experiencias pasadas, la ida la hicimos escalonada; lo de embarcar y hacer una travesía…
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olemiswebs · 6 years
Pirineos fue el destino elegido para nuestras vacaciones de Semana Santa y, más que conocer, buscábamos compartir. Así que buscamos una Casa Rural con un salón grande en el que cupiéramos todos, y cuando llegamos elegimos qué hacer. Nuestra casa estaba en el Valle de Cardós, uno de los más remotos valles del Pirineo leridano, y una base perfecta para nuestro variado plan: un poco de turismo,…
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olemiswebs · 6 years
Últimamente mis viajes vienen marcados por eventos de uno u otro tipo. Mi vuelta a Cataluña después de unos años no podía ser menos: una boda en la comarca de la Garrotxa en el Pirineo de Girona.
Cuando unos amigos me propusieron que alargáramos la visita por la boda un par de días más, no pude decir que no. Así, tuvimos 2 días para hacer un poco de turismo variado por la zona, ya que Girona es…
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olemiswebs · 6 years
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Cuenca es uno de esos destinos magníficos para un fin de semana, con variedad de planes culturales, naturales y gastronómicos. Si a eso le añades el encanto que tiene la nieve, y la mejor compañía que puedes tener, tu familia, esto se convierte en un fin de semana de libro. Como lo de Cuenca era una excusa para hacer un viaje juntos, nos lo tomamos con calma: un día paseando por la ciudad (y…
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olemiswebs · 6 years
Vienna is, without any doubt, one of the most loved capitals in Europe. I had heard much about it, but had not found the moment to visit it properly, so I took advantage of a full week business trip there to start it a bit earlier and have the chance to feel what Vienna is all about.
Although it is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, it…
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olemiswebs · 7 years
Taiwan is always a shocking destination for me. It reminds me to many other countries in the region, but to none of them completely. The island has belonged to China and to Japan, and both cultures are still present as of today. The way they use technology reminds me, on the other hand, to Korea.
People look at their phones all the time, regardless of…
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olemiswebs · 7 years
Lisboa - Lisbon
Lisboa – Lisbon
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These last few months I have been lucky enough to go to Lisbon a couple of times, with some time to wander around this city at the Tagus riverside, and full of history and life. The fact of having already been a tourist in this city allowed me the opportunity to enjoy it in smaller doses (my agenda did not allow me more, either, hehe).
I am sure I will be visiting it soon again, but for the time…
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olemiswebs · 7 years
Canada Roadtrip (7): Vancouver
Canada Roadtrip (7): Vancouver
When I was at college, I was about to go to a congress in Vancouver. It did not work out in the end, and ever since, Vancouver was somehow in my to-do list. Now, another conference had brought me there, and I have the impression that I would have seen a different city if I had come 15 years ago.
Canada in general, and Vancouver in particular, are going…
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olemiswebs · 7 years
Canada Roadtrip (6): Vancouver Island
Canada Roadtrip (6): Vancouver Island
Vancouver Island is the perfect nature destination when visiting Vancouver area. It is one of the best examples for what the citizens in the British Columbia state have renamed their state to: Beautiful British Columbia, which is what the car plates in this state read. It has everything you need for holidays: beaches, good weather, nature, water activities, nice food… but not a lot of hotels. It…
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