#you may ask ��oh he can just kill them why does he look so scared?’
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leafwateraddict · 7 months ago
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Couldn’t stop thinking about Dust being able to pass as Classic. So I had an idea where Dust replaces Classic in a timeline and steals(?) his partner.
He gets conflicted when he starts actually caring about you… But denial is an easy road to take when there’s seemingly no consequences to your actions.
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The reveal i guess. Most normal reaction to learning your partners been replaced for god knows how long and you have no clue where he is.
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Now that I think about it I might’ve gotten some inspiration from that one chapter of IJAG by @htsan (iykyk) only a lil bit tho
(Full rambling of the idea + extra sketch cuz i liked the expression) ↓↓
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I originally wanted y/n to notice the differences instantly but i think it would be angstier if they didn’t and only noticed like months later >:3
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soodoonimin · 3 months ago
Logan Howlett and animal instincts (or in other words my long winded analysis of a comic book character)
So before I start, just know that I have read a lot of comics but I don't know everything. I can take notes all day long but I have a bad memory and comics are confusing so please be nice and enjoy, this took a lot of effort to put together, it’s mostly my thoughts on the character as I read the the comic books. The movie character is a lot different and I will also probably do something like this for movie Logan as well (though it will be significantly shorter).
Also there are some pictures that have blood and body horror so beware.
What does it mean to be human? Well that's a question we as humans have been trying to answer since we could think to ask it and ever since then we've never been able to give a fully conclusive answer. Why? you may ask, well because think about it like this, the traits we most often associate with humanity (higher thinking, creativity, empathy, and love) may not and some times do not always exists solely within us when applied to fiction, we write whole stories about how robots can be human too, how aliens can be human etc etc as long as they have these traits (more or less) AND LOOK I'm not going to get into a whole philosophical discussion about the nature of humanity on Tumblr.com but I do want to take a second to talk about how those traits are applied to Logan and how he has to fight to prove his humanity.
So mutants are an oppressed people but being a mutant isn't always the same for everyone. You can be a mutant like Rouge who can kill people with a single touch or mutant like Storm who can bend the weather to your will (the most obvious example). You can be a mutant like Jean with no obvious physical signs of your mutation or you can be a mutant like Kurt, where 9/10 people think you’re a demon of some kind.
But what happens when you're a mutant like Logan Howlett? I mean you look human enough, sure you're a little more hairy than most people, you have fangs, you smell, and oh yeah the claws but those are retractable so overall....you're just a normal person right? Nothing you can’t hide, right? Yeah, for the most part, yeah. But there are a couple of other things about you that someone might not know from looking at you, you have an extraordinary healing factor, you have almost animal like senses and when you are pushed to your absolute brink you go into a monstrous like a rage and kill everything in sight.
For every gift Logan was born with theres a very real curse attached to each one.
Healing Factor: Logan still feels pain, the healing factor isn’t just limited to his body but it also messes with his memories, and more importantly he’s lived a very long life. In The End comic and Old Man Logan comic etc, when he’s out lived most of the world, he’s miserable.
Keen senses: Seems great, until they’re exploited, imagine what being able to smell and see and hear that well all the time without relief must be like. Imagine not being able to tell when someone is going to die? Or when they’re lying or when they haven’t showered etc. sure you might get used to it like you might get used to pain but that doesn’t make it pleasant.
Claws: Need to really touch on this one? Aside from the obvious please remember that Logan’s claws aren’t in his knuckles but in his fucking forearms so when using them he needs to make an effort to direct them or….
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Berserker rage: great to get you out of a pinch but you can’t control it. (We’ll talk more about this later)
Most people don’t see these very real downsides of Logan’s mutation, they just see a small, angry guy, who’s good at fighting and can take a hit better than almost anyone.
Here’s what worse, a lot of people (X-men included) don't see, they don't all the ways Logan hates himself (and those who do don’t see the depths of that hate he has for himself). They don't see the scared little boy whose father was killed in front of him. They don't see that little boy who killed his father's murderer and was abandoned by all but one person for one person (Rose). They don't see the young man who accidentally killed his first love while trying to protect her from his brother. They don't see the man who lived a relatively miserable life being plucked up by a group of people who only saw him as something to be experimented on. They don’t see the man who believes that if he loves someone he's destine to hurt them in one way or another because he has multiple times over (even if it wasn’t always his fault). They don’t see that for all the times that they call Logan an animal, he already believes them and he’s called himself worse many times over.
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(Deep down he truly believes he deserves be to alone, especially in death. That would be his “deserved” hell. Eternal loneliness.)
Which is funny because I think Logan goes back and forth in deciding on whether or not he has any humanity in him in the first place. See in the Black, White and Blood comic, the FIRST story told in this series, is an account of Logan’s time at Weapon X and we get this…interaction:
Pourquoi tu me fais ça?///Why are you doing this to me? This "monster" asks him this on the cusp of death....
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(Moments during the Weapon X program, be they real memories or not, when Logan’s humanity shone through)
And THIS almost immediately snaps him out of mind control he's under going. I don't know if he understood the words per say but I think even if he didn't, he still understood the plea on a human level. Because it wasn’t Weapon X who responded, it wasn’t the berserker, or Wolverine. It was Logan Howlett. It was a moment of humanity that broke the conditioning he’d been put through that answered that plea and stopped him. Because if you think about it, if these two memories actually are real, that means that Logan recognized this plea as the same one gave to the scientists. Now determining what did or didn't happen during the Weapon X program is difficult to parse out because they implanted false memories. BUT regardless of that there was always a part of him that held onto his humanity. But I think that just adds to the horror of it all. Imagine not being able to know what memories are yours and which ones are not? So let me ask, even if those memories are “false” does that make them any less real? Does that mean that Logan suffered any less under their stewardship? He was still kidnapped, he was still experimented on, still tortured. He still had the adimantium grafted onto his bones, he was still made into a living puppet and was still seen as nothing more than a weapon, an animal, a monster by the very people who were doing all of this to him and in some respects they are the reason he is seen as a monster by others.
At the end of that comic (where he was momentarily snapped out of his conditioning) he states that no his humanity wasn’t stolen from him but he still lives with that guilt of everything he can’t remember and the things he can remember are unreliable.
I know a lot of people haven’t read the comics so I’m not trying to do annoying about it BUT if you get the opportunity to PLEASE go read The Weapon X comic (by Berry Windsor-Smith) & Wolverine’s first limited series run (by Chris Claremont).
I specifically say that second one because I think the story that’s told is probably one of the more interesting told for Logan because of the relationship he has with Yukio and Mariko. I’m not going to get too deep into it because I really think you should read it for yourself but the basic outline of it is that where Mariko loves the man, Yukio loves the “monster”. And when he’s initially trying to court Mariko it’s his attempts to in a sense to court humanity but he fails and when he turns to Yukio. And for her part it’s not just as simple as her loving the “monster” but more than she goads it out of him, for thematic reasons and plot reasons. But needless to say, they both love Logan but they both love an incomplete version of him. (It’s a really good story and it’s literally what sold me on the idea of reading through any of the older comics.)
Anyway, (in the comics and movies especially) some people solely see him as a man with an uncontrollable side that they’d run from at the first sign of aggression and others only want that animalistic side and don’t love the man that Logan is. The thing is, he is both of those things. Think about it like this. As humans we like to think ourselves above the food chain, we like to think of ourselves as *more* than animals. And sure we’re definitely one of the most successful species of animals on Earth and we definitely don’t act on instincts in the same way most animals do, we’ve created society and rules and we do things a lot different than other animals but we are still animals.
So Logan isn’t both a man and an animal anymore than you or me. But he is a man that is more in touch with those animal instincts than the rest of us (bc of his mutation). Which I think is why when he does act on those instincts, people see him as less, because we (yes even comic book characters for this argument) only seem associate those traits with animals, with something lesser than ourselves.
The thing is, being “an animal” doesn’t need to be an insult or a condemnation of any kind. Humans are still animals but humans are still kind, and caring, humans have still created beautiful art and music and food and architecture and have got to the stars will probably go beyond the stars all while still being an “animal”.
So I think where most people get hung up on word “animal” is because it has such a negative connotation when applied to humans. And thus that negative connotation basically perpetuates itself so the only time we call other humans animals is when we mean to attack their humanity.
So back to Logan. Imo, there is no better example of this than the way people, Logan included, treat his (and subsequently him) berserker rage. Logan describes it as a monster that shares his soul, something else inside him, the real thing that makes him a monster, something that he doesn’t like, something he’s scared of, something he can’t always control but that he does everything in his power to keep away from the people he loves. Because Logan doesn’t like to kill, he doesn’t like hurting people. He might be good at it, he might be known for it but that doesn’t mean he likes it. Even when he thinks death is a deserved punishment, he isn't ever happy about having to kill. And he even says as much at one point in the comics.
And as a real quick aside, but this is almost exactly what sets him apart from Victor Creed. They're both men whose mutation gives them heightened animal like traits. The only difference is that Logan is ashamed of those parts of himself especially when they pertain to violence where Victor likes it, enjoys it; he goes out of his way for violence.
(If there is more to Victor Creed than meets the eye please tell me bc I gotta say I don’t actually know too much about him except that any time I see him in any Wolverine media I immediately laugh bc I know the two around to brawl. And I’m almost never wrong lmao)
And mind you there are times when Logan is also a hammer in the sense that he tends to punch his way through most of his problems. But he doesn't go out of his way for it in the same way Victor does despite having every reason to.
Logan has killed people but unlike Victor he isn't a killer. Even if that's what he's "the best at".
So when he goes into this specific rage that labels him a monster (an animal) it’s almost always in front of someone he loves and it’s almost always in a moment when he’s trying to prove his humanity (when it’s being used thematically and not for plot convenience). Like if you go read the comics 9 times out 10 when Logan is being called a monster or animal by some scientist or an enemy looking to humiliate him. But it’s almost always in the mitts of a life or death situation. A situation that anyone would fight light hell to get out of even with an amazing healing factor like Logan’s.
Because he still feels pain.
He still wants to survive.
He still feels.
And at the end of it all, he feels ashamed and horrified with himself and he'll always have to live with that guilt and shame. There's a point in one of the comics when he describes his heart as being slower to heal than the rest of his body and I think its interesting because although that story he's talking more from a "heart broken" sense. I also think that can apply just as equally to idea that it also harder for him to heal from not just heart break but also from shame and guilt. In certain situations, it takes longer for him to forgive himself emotionally because he suffers physically in the short term. He’ll never have a physical scar of his wrong doing and so he carries the emotional weight of it with him.
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But also because he isn't just dealing with himself. In those moments when he comes out of that rage, the people he loves are in shock and are scared because they saw the “monster” and some people do reject it and in so they reject him and although rejection is something Logan thinks he deserves, it doesn’t make that pain hurt any less. it doesn't make it any easier to heal just because you agree with them, and in a way I think that's what slows down that healing process. Logan's inability to forgive himself.
Because that's the thing, Logan, would rather be scared of himself than forgive himself, be it because of his past trauma or because of the Weapon X program (which in the Weapon X comic it’s implied if not outright stated that the scientist at Weapon X are the reason he feels the fear he does about himself). Logan is scared of no one on Earth more than the man he sees in the mirror. And that’s because in his lowest moments when he looks in the mirror he doesn't see a man, instead he sees an animal, a monster. He doesn’t need the rest of the world to tell him what he already thinks of himself, it just doesn’t help that he has a choir of voices that are sometimes louder than his own telling him his worst fear is real. He is the monster that hides under his own bed but the problem is, while the monster is 'real' is a physical sense, it does not share a soul with him anymore than the boogeyman does. He wrestles with himself. Somedays he believes he's a man like anyone else and other days he can't drown out the voices telling him he's nothing more than a monster.
And as my last touch on the beserker rage, I want to posit my own theory about it. Personally believe to some extent that it isn’t part of his natural mutation and that instead it’s something that was “given” to him by the Weapon X program. The reason I say this is because I think it would make a lot of sense that like the adimantium claws and false memories it would make sense to give you “weapon” this uncontrollable rage (that mostly comes out in times of great duress). Not just because it would be one more thing Weapon X has taken from him (control over his own emotions/body) but also because wouldn’t that just make sense on the side of the people who ran the project? That your living puppet have a fail safe of sorts in case it ran into something bigger than itself? During the Weapon X comic, the scientist are constantly surprised by how resilient he is and even though some of this surprise happens in a false memory, they really do believe they can kill him at one points so if they thought they could kill him, why not something else? Why not give their investment insurance? And what better insurance for an animal than monstrous rage. 
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But of course none of this is even to talk about the kind of person Logan really is. The thing that I think most people (in the comics) tend to ignore about Logan, in favor of focusing on his rough exterior (and some of his more questionable characteristics) is that he really does have a heart of gold. Now do not get me wrong, he can do some pretty fucked up shit (I will not talk about the Jean and Scott love triangle bc it gives me a migraine) but he does regularly do things that show how much empathy he has. That show that despite what he (or the rest of the world) might think, he isn’t a monster. The best examples of this are his relationships and more specifically the relationships where he’s a father/mentor. Like his relationship with Kitty Pryde and Jubilee, two kids that he basically adopts/takes under his wing and constantly goes out of his way for. Some of you might remember this post and the reason Logan does eventually fuck Wade’s shit up is because Wade literally punches the ever living shit out of Kitty in front of Logan. In another comic issue (after this), Logan beats the shit out of Wade again for punching Kitty, it’s funny but it also just goes to show that he does take protection of his family seriously. And mind you he doesn’t hunt Deadpool down, he find him by sheer plot coincidence when he’s getting a book signed for Kitty and the author just so happened to be Deadpool’s mark.
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And mind you, Logan does have love for his own kids (Laura and Daken) despite the troubled nature of both this relationships but again those are a little more complicated. That’s partially for plot reasons but also because they play into just how much Logan hates himself that he struggles active show the same love for his adopted family to his “blood” family (again with Daken it’s a lot more complicated) but I also think that not only are his relationships with them fraught because of how much he hates himself but because both Laura and Daken were experimented on just and manipulated like he was (and in Daken’s case by a major player of Weapon X) so while he does love them past his own self hatred, they are also a reminder of his deepest traumas. It’s not their fault and it’s not necessarily Logan’s fault either, it’s just the cards their characters were dealt. (I haven’t read any comics with them yet so once I do I will most likely write my thoughts on his relationship with them each individually)
Regardless, Logan, depsite what he’d like you to think, is a deeply loving, empathetic and loyal person and this doesn’t just extend to people who considers family:
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(Logan says this a man who not only a few issues ago was trying to kill him and his partner/friends. He saved Roughouse (the character he went berserk on a few pictures ago) because he was being experimented on in a way not too dissimilar to the way he had been by Weapon X. And if I remember correctly this is before he even knows how he got the adimantium in his bones)
He is James 'Logan' Howlett. He is a man whose life was stolen from him so many times over. He is a man who believes that the worse parts of him are all that matter and fails (or refuses) to see the good he has done in the lives of the people he cares about and believes that only death will truly bring him peace. He is someone who despite his flaws can’t help but to be kind. He is someone who fights like hell for what he believes is right. And even if he believes he’s a monster, even if the world believes he’s a monster, he will try to do the right thing because although he knows his soul is damned that doesn’t mean that exempts him from doing what good he can. He is someone who gives and good as he gets and then some. He’s the best at what he does but for him, that isn’t alway what he thinks it is.
And I think that’s the beauty of Logan as a character. Someone whose life is so wrought with tragedy and yet he is someone who can’t help but to be kind, someone who can’t help but love and care and find the humanity in the world despite the world seeming to be hellbent on taking his humanity away. Even though he (and many people in universe) might disagree with me, he is not only a one of the best humanity has to offer but he is also a shining example of the tenacity of the human spirit.
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i cannot express how much i adore the dinner scene in 1x01. i think about it constantly. theres so much covert queercoding for mike that it literally drives me crazy.
the fact that just a bit before this we have the scene with joyce and hop where they imply that they are scared that will has been a victim of a gay hate crime. and throughout the season its implied over and over and no one really seems to give a shit. not even lucas and dustin. they care about will DEEPLY ofc but the fact that most ppl are expecting him to be dead and killed bc hes gay doesnt seem to bother them? the scene where troy is bullshitting about will in the gym they both just stand there, they dont make any move to stop him or call him out. no one does (this isnt me calling lucas and dustin bad ppl or not allys or wtv but u get the point).
mike however does give a shit. he gives QUITE A FEW shits.
in the dinner scene mike is clearly distressed about his friend. which is a perfectly heterosexual thing to do. in general. however hes not straight so its gay when he does it. ANYWAYS. he is clearly distressed about it but his entire family is completely unconcerned. nancy is preoccupied and doesnt give a shit. hollys a baby. ted is well ted. and karen. i need to talk about karen for a sec.
karen ADRESSES that she thinks something bad happened to will by telling nancy she cant go to barbs house until will is found. however she acts very dismissive of wills situation in general. im sure she was worried for him but she does it (or at least expresses it) is a very passive way. she is not focused on will being missing or what may have happened to him, just the fact that something bad happened in general to a person in hawkins.
the fact is, besides mike, karen is the only one worried at all. and shes not even close to matching mikes energy in the slightest.
when mike mentions steve, the conversation is totally derailed from will. as if it wasnt an important conversation in the first place.
nancy storms off. and ted. oh ted you son of a bitch. ted says the classic
"you see what happens"
line. and what a line it is. due to all of the references prior to this and the fact that most ppl believe that somehting bad happened to will. its not hard to see that ted is once again referring to will being hate crimed.
you see what happens when youre gay? bad things happen to you. and then everyone you care about is just inconvenienced. theyre lives are disrupted.
karen glances at ted, clearly understanding what he means. and mike does too.
"what happens when what"
hes not asking. hes angry. and you can just see the exasperation on mikes face the whole scene
why is it not weird for will to go missing. why is no one surprised that something mad happened to him. why is no one else frantic to get him back. why is no one else worried about will. why is it considered normal for this to happen. why arent ppl upset like he is. just bc ppl think will is gay? that makes it all make sense? bullshit.
mike storms downstairs and calls lucas. when trying to convince him to come look for will his argument is the fact that will took a risk to help the party when he could have protected himself. but he didnt.
mike knows what ppl think happened to will. if he just thought will was lost or something looking for him wouldnt be a risk. it would just be an opportunity to find him. but he calls it a risk. will sacrificed something to protect the party (mike) when he could have saved himself from all that suffering. but he didnt. and now mike will do the same for him.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 1 year ago
Still wanting requests? I have a couple…
Can I get a idiots in love with Carmy x reader where he suddenly get jealous and possessive when you are working out front and a customer keeps touching you leg or back when you’re taking their order. (I was a server & bartender for 11 years and the audacity of the men who thought that this was okay, but we couldn’t tell them to stop because we were afraid of getting in trouble!!!)
How would Carmy react when he sees it, and after when he is kind of heated talking to you in the office and you tell him that’s that is something all women have to deal with on a daily bases. Everywhere. How would he react to this info?
Not under my watch
It's pretty late. Dinner service is almost over. Everyone's already had more than a couple of glasses of wine. Your feet are killing you. You just want to sit down but still, you keep that plastered smile on your face because the last thing you need is for the customers to notice your tired face.
And there's this one table that you tried to visit as rarely as possible. A couple of duchy-looking bikers. From the moment they stepped in, you knew they were up to something. Just the way their gazes followed every female in the restaurant said it all. A cold shiver ran down your back as you reached for the menus, walking towards them. In a perfect scenario, you would have gotten Richie to cover this but he had slipped out to drive Eva to her ballet class so it was just you.
"Hello, welcome to the Bear. Is there something I could get you two straight away?", you say in a chirpy voice. The two of them look at you like hawks. As if they were checking what part to bite into first. "How about we start with your name, baby girl", you already want to gag but keep up that same smile, "I don't think that's necessary, sir", "Oh, but how will we get your sweet cheeks here when we're in need for you?", the other says, leaning back to check your ass. "I'll let you look through the menu and will be back shortly to take your order", you say, turning to walk away. Stopping to pick up empty plates from the other tables. Saying goodbye to some of the customers. Thanking them for coming and wishing them a lovely evening. Yet all that time you could feel eyes watching you. Following your every move. And suddenly you get hyper-aware of how your shirt feels a bit too low cut and your breasts feel too outlined by the tight material. How the skirt feels too low cut. And you suddenly wonder if you lean across the table, does it show too much? But it's all the things you've never thought about. Nothing that bothered you before those two came along. The uniform is professional and the whole staff wears it. You try to shake it off. Glancing towards the clock. Richie should be back any minute now. He'll take over. You'll be fine. A thought about telling something to Carmen crosses your mind but you quickly chase that thought away. He's busy. And those two aren't worth his time.
A whistle catches your attention and you see one of them waving you over. You grit your teeth. Feeling like a dog called by an owner. "Ready to order?", you get your pen ready. Trying not to meet any of their eyes. "I'd like some with these tender-looking thighs", You feel his fingers reaching for the back of your leg and you quickly step back. Panic rises in your stomach. "Sir, I would ask you to...", you start, "You'll be begging by the time I'm done, doll. Not asking", he states. "Bend over why don't you", You feel another pair of hands on your back and you want to move away but you're so scared. Your whole body freezes. You grip the pan in your arms as you stare ahead.
And may all the holy spurts be with them. Because Carmen decided to look through the little window that leads to the front. A habit of his now that you've been working here. It's his way of calming himself in a way. Watching you smiling and chatting with the people always makes him feel at ease. He loves nothing more than watching you in your element. But it's also his way of making sure that you are well. This is Chicago after all. Too many dodgy people sneaking around. And his blood stopped pumping when he catches those two men groping you.
And, holy hell, is Carmen ready to raise hell. I don't even think there would be a question as to what he would do. Carmen's dropping the spoon into the pot and storming through the kitchen door. Because this is not acceptable. He snatches a couple of utensils as he goes. Ripping the hands away from your body. Slamming the rough stranger's palms to the table before two sets of forks make contact with their skin. "You fuckers will be lucky to walk out of here in one piece", he barks out. The room fills with cries of pain and swearing.
You feel someone else's hand on you once more, jumping slightly, only to be met with Richie. It's all a blur after that. Richie says something to Carmen. You feel him touching your face but you're kind of looking past him. It's all just a series of events. And then you end up in Carmen's office with him kneeling in front of you. "My love", he breathes out, carefully pushing a strand of your loose hair away. It killed him seeing you like this. His little sunshine. Absolute ray of sunshine now nothing more but a grey sky. Oh, how much Carmen wanted to go there and just beat the daylight out of these creeps.
"I'm okay", you mutter, reaching to squeeze his hand that has been lying on your thigh. "You should have come to grab me, love", he growls lightly you know that he's not mad at you. He's mad at the whole situation. It's frustrating to him that this shit is happening right under his nose. "Carm, it's fine. It's not the first time and...", but his wild eyes cut you off, "What do you... What do you mean not the first time?". His breaths are shallow now. You lean forward to cup his face, "It happened all the time in my last job. Hand on the back. Hand on the leg". Carmen is shaking his head, "I'll fucking find them all and", "And nothing, love, no one cares". But Carmen huffs, "I care. I care and this will never happen again. You come and tell me any time someone is looking suspicious to you", he's pulling you closer to him. Wrapping you up in his arms, "No one will touch you like that again. Not under my fucking watch".
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lostgirl677 · 1 year ago
Negan's wife
Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
Established relationship
TW: language, sexual comments, near assault, violence, blood
A/N: this is the first time I write for Daryl Dixon and I'm a bit nervous. I hope I did okay
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Since that fateful night, I’ve been locked up here, sitting alone on the bed, the only furniture of this weird room. I didn't even know how much time had passed. And no matter how many times I tried to force that damn door open, it wouldn’t move. I just let out an exasperated sigh as I sat on the floor. I didn’t know what Negan had in mind when he took both Daryl and I with him, but it sure meant trouble. But the worst part was that I didn't know where Daryl was and if he was okay. I haven't seen him since they unloaded us from that truck. So here I was, alone and scared. Not scared for myself but for Daryl, for our people. I still had the images of the bloodied corpses of our friends, laying there. But instead of letting myself go insane, I tried to focus on what I could do to get Daryl back and to run away from this place. And I would have to be creative since they took all my weapons.
As I was lost in my thoughts, I suddenly perceived the noise of footsteps coming near my cell. My heartbeat quickens, ready for a fight if needed. I promptly jumped on the bed to get as far as I could from whoever entered the room. I heard a key unlocking the door and as the handle turned, I could feel my heart beating in my throat. When the door opened, The first people I saw were some of his goons. After each four of them entered and placed themselves on each side of the door, Negan entered. How I wish I could erase the smirk on his face with my crowbar. He snapped his gloved fingers and one of his goons, Dwight,came next to me and put a black dress next to me. I threw a look at the dress and then at Negan. His smile grew bigger. 
Anger filled my veins when I noticed that Dwight wore Daryl’s clothes. I jumped on my feet and asked “What do you want? Where’s Daryl? Why does this fucker wear his clothes?” “Damn! This guy may never shower but he sure as hell has a fine taste in women.”Negan said, practically undressing me with his eyes as I stood up. He smiled at me and said “Calm down sweetheart. No need to get your panties in a twist. We are civilized people, we can talk calmly.” I scoffed at ‘civilized’, which made him smile even more. He then said “To answer your first question, I’m here to make you one of my wives, hence the black dress.” I grabbed the dress and threw it at him “You can shove it in your ass!” I screamed as he caught the dress mid-air. “Language, sweetheart. Damn! I like you.” I just gave the middle finger with a forced smile. He smiled and then continued “To answer your second question, Daryl is taken care of and..” “If you lay as much of a hand on him, I'll kill you all.”, I said, getting dangerously close to him. “Eh! Don't worry sweetie, I never do the dirty job. But you might like to talk to Dwighty-boy here. He's the one in charge of your lover’s captivity.” I turned my head to my left to throw the blond guy the dirtiest look I could. Dwight seemed to gulp as I kept looking at him.
It seemed to amuse Negan as he looked at the both of us. “Oh, I see you already met. Good, then you’re already familiar with some people here.To answer your last question, D. got promoted. He was allowed to take your dirty biker’s stuff.” My blood was boiling at this point. I was already preparing my fist to punch Negan square in the face when he suddenly closed the distance between us and whispered in ear “You don’t want Daryl to become chow for the dead, right? Believe me, you want to be a good wife.” He was too close for my comfort. But I stayed stone faced, not dismissing the threat underlying his sweet talk. He then looked at me and added “I’ll come back to see you tomorrow. I’m sure you’ll look sexy as hell in the black dress.” He approached his hand to caress my hair but I smacked it as I kept looking at him straight in the eyes.”Don’t touch me!” I hissed through my gritted teeth. He laughed loudly, earning the laughs of the guys behind him “And she's feisty too. I made the right choice choosing you, sweetheart.” We kept eye contact until he broke it to call his goons. “See you tomorrow, darling.” He said one last time, winking at me as he closed the door and locked it.
Instead of sleeping, I spent the night trying to find a way to negotiate with him. Or even a plan to find Daryl and escape with him. But the only way was to bluff or just blatantly lie to get what I want. And after hours of racking my brain for a solution, I decided something.I just hoped it worked the way I wanted to. All I could do was to hope that Daryl was still alive.
In the morning, I heard someone unlocking my door. I readied myself to attack just in case, my breathing getting louder as my heartbeat was going crazy. Then Dwight appeared, with a huge grin on his half-burned face and a tray of food in  hands. “Hello, Y/N. You slept well?” I threw him a look and replied “Go to Hell.” He chuckled and said “Guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” I didn’t reply, just threw him a dirty look. Then I noticed. All I could see was fresh blood on Daryl’s clothes. Seeing red suddenly, I jumped on him, grabbing Daryl’s shirt and screamed “What did you do to him?! What did you do?!” He had let go of the tray in a noise of broken dishes and seemed panicked. He tried to get free from my grip but I was too angry to let go that easily. “Answer me! What did you do to Daryl?!” 
“Y/N, calm down!” It made me even more angry, so angry that I kicked him in the balls. He fell to the floor with a less than virile scream. As he clutched his privates with one hand, he used the other to reach a pocket in Daryl’s shirt and got a small box out of it that he threw at my feet. He then said through laboured breathes ”The fucker apparently wanted to pop the question. Too bad he’ll never get to.” I grabbed the box and kicked him harder in the ribcage. And I kept hitting him, adding blood on Daryl’s clothes. I would have killed him if some other guys hadn’t heard his screams. I was blinded by a devastating anger, I couldn’t stop myself. Until one of these guys grabbed me by the shoulders to get me away from Dwight. The goons threw me violently on the bed and helped Dwight up. With that, they locked the door again.
As the anger slowly passed, I suddenly realized how reckless I’ve been. I was sure that Dwight would torture Daryl even more. I curled on the bed, clutching the tiny box in my hand. Daryl wanted to propose to me. He really loved me this much. This statement was a shock to me. In another world, we would have a real wedding with all our friends alive and well. This brought tears in my eyes that I quickly wiped as I heard the door opening again. I didn’t know how much time had passed, again. But it sounded like trouble. Just like the last time, Negan appeared with his goons, including a bloodied Dwight. It was the moment to take action.
“Well, well, well. Hello Y/N. Heard you had one hell of a morning.” he said in his insufferable sing-along tone. Instead of replying, I got closer to him, stood straight and looked him in the eyes when I said “If i become one of your wives, you let Daryl go” His smile didn’t falter but grew bigger. “Very straightforward I see. I like that. But, well sweetheart, it’s not a question to ask.” I stayed with an emotionless face when I declared with determination “I wasn't asking. I'm telling you  how it's gonna be.” Much to my irritation, Negan laughed loudly.”Aren’t you a confident one, darling?” He said as he booped my nose. I immediately slapped his hand out of my face.He wasn’t even upset by my gesture and said “Bold of you sweetheart. I don’t know how it works with Rick. But I’m afraid that it's not how it works here.”
Instead of getting angry, I tried to hold my wrath inside and said “If you don't want me to raise hell, you better accept”. He giggled and leaned his hands to his knees to look at me. “.What are you gonna do, huh? You are alone here sweetie. And loverboy won’t help you.” he cooed as if he was talking to a pretty stupid little girl. How much I wanted to punch him. But I had to remain calm, somehow. Dwight suddenly said “Uh, Negan? She’s really violent”. He was instinctively protecting his junk just in case. It made me smirk “See ? Listen to Freddy Krueger over here. He knows what I'm talking about” I said, pointing at him. Negan threw Dwight a condescending glance before turning his attention back at me, smiling brightly.``Well, you really have fire inside. I’m definitely keeping you”. He said with a laugh.”Well, it was good to have a laugh. Now, put your dress on and get ready. Someone will come to get you in ten minutes.” He said as he got out of the room rapidly.
As I zipped the dress, I tried to ponder whether I should put Daryl’s ring on my finger or not. I didn’t want Negan to take it from me. But I decided to keep it hidden on my necklace.He already took the man I love away from me. I had to act carefully, now. I didn’t know what they were doing to Daryl, but it sure fueled my nightmares. We’ve been through everything since Atlanta and it took one asshole with a barbeled bat to separate us. When I’d get the opportunity, I’d definitely gut Negan. I swore it to myself and to Daryl. I heard the door getting unlocked again and a giant guy came to get me.
The walk to my mysterious destination was quite chilling. The corridors had a cold atmosphere to them. It wasn’t welcoming. Hell, even the prison seemed more cozy than this. As we walked in the maze-like building, something suddenly caught my attention out of the corner of my eyes. Brown long hair and blue eyes. I swiftly snapped my head to see Dwight pushing  someone violently in a small room. It was Daryl, I knew it. Thus, I tried to sneak away from the giant guy to run in the direction of the room but he caught me by the arm. “Where do you think you’re going, doll?” he said as he dragged me away. I could hear an irritating song blasting from here. That’s where they were keeping him. I then swore to myself to note the path we took to find his cell next time.
When giant guy pushed the door in front of us, I caught a glimpse of the room. There were sofas everywhere as well as bottles of alcohol. And there were at least ten very attractive women dressed in the same kind of dress as me. He left me here and got back to whatever was his job. I quickly felt uneasy when all the women snapped their heads to look at me. I felt really awkward to be the center of attention so I tried to find a quiet place in the room. They didn’t even try to come to talk to me, which was fine by me. All I had in mind was the glimpse of Daryl I had in the corridor. His back was almost arched. I never saw him like that, even at his worst. They were breaking him, destroying him completely. I couldn’t stand it. Tears were brought to my eyes again as the images kept replaying in my mind. I just closed them to keep me from crying. “Hey! You okay?” asked a woman’s voice next to me. 
Surprised, I opened my eyes and wiped them with the back of my hand. And I looked at the mysterious woman. She was a brunette with brown eyes. “Uh, yeah, yeah. It’s okay. I’m okay.” She looked at me emphatically and said “I’m Sherry. Aren’t you Daryl’s girlfriend?” I almost gasped. “What? You know him?” She looked at me a bit embarrassed. “Well, let’s say we met in the woods.” “You’re the one who stole his crossbow and his bike!” I exclaimed, suddenly understanding. She seemed even more embarrassed. “Well, you mugged my husband earlier today. Let’s say we’re even.” I almost choked. “You’re married to that scumbag?! The very one torturing Daryl, right now?!” I said angrily even though it wasn’t her fault. “Yeah, I was. Now I’m Negan’s wife. Just like you.” I felt like I could trust her, somehow. But I couldn’t risk anything here.I was sure there were snitches waiting for some intel to give to Negan. So I just nodded my head and kept to myself.
I spent some time in silence, lost in my mind when I noticed that the sofa I was on dipped under someone's weight. “Hey! New girl.” I tried to focus again on the real world to see a beautiful woman next to me. “Yeah?” She smiled at me and said “Tonight’s your special night. You should get ready.” “What do you mean?” Confusion was probably written all over my face because she added “ Negan’s gonna mark you as officially his. We’re here to prepare you, he’s quite rough the first time. He gotta show you who’s in charge I guess” I felt the blood draining from my face. “You mean, he’s gonna…” I couldn’t finish my sentence. “ Yeah. But don’t worry. It’ll hurt for a few days then you’ll get used to it. Just be prepared psychologically.” I wanted to run away, as far as I could. But I had to pull through. For Daryl. He must never know about it.
The fateful moment was here. I was escorted to Negan’s room and was waiting for him to come. It was the moment to find a weapon quickly. I ran to his drawers and tried to rummage through his stuff. After fruitless effort, I finally pricked my finger to some kind of tiny knife.Relief washed over me as my fingers curled around it. It was tiny enough to hide it. But I didn’t have much time to think about it when I heard the doors. “Eager I see.” He said in a smug tone as he saw me next to his bed. I turned to face him. His smile was the most horrendous thing I saw in my life. This predatory look in his eyes, full of lust, disgusted me. He swiftly approached me and began to unzip my dress. I couldn’t help but try to get out of his reach. He paused and asked, surprised “What ? Don’t tell me Tough guy never touched you?” I turned my head to not see him. “ It's a sin, really.” And as he kept unzipping my dress he added “Well his loss.” And he let his hands wander on my body. I had to hold down my urge to throw up. Daryl would never do something like this without my consent. He would never treat me like this. But I had to play the game to get where I wanted. 
Negan made me face him. I was just waiting for him to get closer. My heartbeat quickened, it would be my moment soon. He was so focused on my breast that he didn’t see anything else. I wanted to punch him so hard but what was waiting for him was better. Swiftly, before he could react I got the knife out of the pocket of my dress to press it on his neck, next to the carotid. His eyes widened and he took his hands off me. But instead of panic, he seemed amused. What the hell was wrong with him? A trickle of blood was running down his neck.'' Why do you have to kill the vibe, uh missy? I thought we were getting cozy, here.” he said casually, as if I wasn’t threatening him at all.” As I was stucking the knife deeper in his skin, he swifty grabbed my hand to get the knife and added “Unless it’s some kind of kink?” He slowly  licked  the knife. HIs eyes were full of lust. Out of anger, I spat in his face. He wiped his face with an even bigger smile but there wasn’t any joy in it. “Well, you can’t tell I didn’t warn you last night.” 
The next thing I knew, he was dragging me half undressed and my hair in a mess through the cold corridors. He then stopped. “You only want the dirty redneck? Well, knock yourself out! I’ll come back later and I'll be less charming, believe me.” I locked eyes with him one last time and spat in his face again. WIthout any other word, he threw me in a cell. The first thing I noticed was the terrible smell. But the worst was him. Daryl was here. My heart broke when I saw him all curled up in a ball on the floor. “Daryl.” I called softly. But he didn’t react nor acknowledged my presence. “Daryl. Hey! It’s me, Y/N”. Carefully, I got closer to him and caressed his hair.I felt him stiffen at my contact.That’s when the tears finally escaped from my eyes.”What did they do to you?” I asked as I kept crying. Then I heard his broken voice ask quietly“Y/N? Ya real?”. I saw him slowly getting in a sitting position. “Yeah, it’s me.” Relief seemed to wash over him until he noticed my poor state. He tried to wipe my tears away. His rough hand never felt so soft on my skin. “What happened? What did he do to you?!” he asked anxiously, probably expecting the worst. “He didn’t…? Please tell me he didn’t. They kept tellin’ me horrendous things he did to ya. I’m gonna kill him.” I put my hand soothingly on his when I assured him. “No, he didn’t. Didn’t have the time.” Daryl sighed in relief.
He then approached his hand to my shoulder to get the fabric of the dress to hide my bra.Clumsily, his hand got untangled in my necklace and found the ring. His head dropped and he said “Was supposed to pop the question. But I don’t think..” “Yes, Daryl. I want to marry you.” I slowly got closer to him and kissed him as I was supposed to after all this time. “I don’t know how or when. But I’ll get us out of here. I promise."
A/N : feedback is welcome. I think I need advices to write Daryl correctly 😅
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cod-sins · 2 years ago
could you write cod hcs for a female reader who's 5"9 and a bit chubby? thank you <33333
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.ೃ࿐ Format: Hcs
.ೃ࿐ Paring: König. Ghost.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Female. Chubby.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. A bit too fluffy on Simon's part.
[A/N: FIRST FEMALE READER REQUEST LET'S GOOO! Also I'm 6'0-6'1 so to me anything under that is short LOL.]
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Oh my god he's so in love with you.
König may be a 6'10 killing machine who wouldn't hesitate to end a person's life but he's absolute putty in your hands. He treats you like goddess always spoiling you with whatever items you want.
He isn't all that into PDA, he'll hold your hand or maybe put an arm around you if he's feeling particularly antsy/jealous but at home he's a completely different person.
He loves to lay in bed with you, on his side while you just talk about your day. His eyelids would be low and there would be a soft smile on his face while you were talking. If you asked him if he was paying attention he would repeat back every single word you said—not missing a beat.
Thinks your chubbyness is cute. Thinks your whole body is cute to be honest.
König can sometimes get really cheesy and mushy over you but he refrains from taking action because he's scared he'll come off as overbearing.
He loves to softly tease you. Thanks to the hot weather he'll walk around the house shirtless flaunting his body and calling you out whenever you stare.
"And that's how Horangi and I were able to defeat an entire squadron without taking a single hit!" He says proudly while looking at you for a reaction. You however were to busy staring at his abs to notice.
"Maus." "Huh?" "My eyes are up here." He says with a dumb smirk on his face. He watches as you as shift positions—to flustered to look at him.
König closes the jar lids way too tight, he doesn't do it to be annoying he's just adamant on keeping his food fresh and preserved. It wouldn't be a problem until he's deployed and you can't open a jar of jelly to make a sandwich.
He also does this with things in the pantry/cabinet. König is still not use to living with a person who's shorter than him so you'll have to remind him to not put things on the tallest shelf.
He loves to pick you up and twirl you around.
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Ghost loves to loom over you. Even if you're doing mundane tasks such as washing the dishes or folding laundry, he'll lean on the wall or just stand right behind you watching. He notices every little detail in what you do.
He thinks the height difference between you two is cute. He loves when you wear his clothes because they're always too big and they manage to swallow you whole. He never comments on it he'll just stare at you admiring you.
His favorite dates with you are quiet ones. Like picnic dates on a sunny afternoon away from other people or driving to a diner that he really likes [they have those in the UK right?].
If you guys are watching TV together he'll nitpick everything the characters do. "He didn't even turn the safety off." "His gun still had bullets left why did he toss it away?" "If they were on the field they would be dead." Remind him that it's fake and he'll temporarily shut up.
One of his favorite memories of you was on a short weekend. It was right before he was deployed and he spent it with you, laying in bed, drinking and eating a bunch of takeout that you two ordered. You spent that night just holding him and playing with his hair, softly rocking back and forth while he had his head on your chest listening to your heartbeat.
Ghost fondly remembers every word you said to him even if you don't he still thinks about it when he's on the field or when it's early in the morning and you're still asleep.
Ghost loves the way his body engulfs you whenever you hug him. Sometimes he'll squeeze you just a little bit too tight to make sure you're real and not some beautiful illusion his mind made up.
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Requests are closed, but you may still send them in.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!
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illya-roma · 2 years ago
DP X DC PROMPT- (Fic that I'd totally probably might write)
Jason had learned from being a Robin to being Red Hood to expect a lot of things, from fighting the deranged to expecting the unexpected like daina (WONDER WOMAN!) being mind controlled.
But he never expected this.
He usually doesn't come here to begin, not after- after it happened, but he does each time whenever the pits wants to remind hims of what he could have lost. (What he lost, how it hurt hurt hurt. How HE hurt them. He knows that even if they forgive him, they'll never trust him again. The pit laughs from behind)
But tonight, in front of him sat someone?something? what appears to be a teenager from 14 to 16, with red hair that flickers similar to a flame and skin too pale and ears too pointy.
But it?she? sat on one of the headstone with her eyes glazed, too deep in her own thoughts.
A series of bubbles cut her off. She proceeded to put the baby (that seemed completely human) on her shoulder and allowed him to burb. Then cocooned him in blankets and hummed him to sleep.
Right now, he isn't red hood (or Robin). And his gun may not affect her, that is if the child belongs to someone else. (Did the parents give them to her? Or is she related? Have any alarms of a breakout occur that a meta? experiments? escape?).
(He sounds like Bruce.)
"A penny for your thoughts?"
The girl had her eyes on the child, with a small sad smile and flickers of flaming hair. "Just..."
"Just wondering what my grave would have looked like."
He sucked a breath.
"That ones yours...right?"
The girl (child ghost holy fuck!) nodded her head to his own grave. "Y-yeah...it's mine."
"It's beautiful... And well cleaned...They must've cared a lot, mister Jason."
He never thought about that. A well taken grave describes a caring family wouldn't it? (They do care! How is it still clean though?)
"Yeah...but uh...um...What's up with the..the baby?" Is the baby alive?
"Oh...Noone will take care of my baby boy... So.. I had to come back..."
She pushed back a few strands of black hair with tender eyes and the lightest touch. As if he where the most fragile crystle.
Jason could see himself in the child. All loved to the point his own mother would give up everything just for him. Except it was Bruce, it was Bruce that took him in and loved him. Standing beside his bed during nightmares when he cried and taking away the monsters. Sitting with Alfred, cooking together and exchanging stories.
(His family loved him. His family loves him.)
"Would you like to fly with me?"
Robin made me magic
He keeps wiping his face while she put the baby in a safer position. "We can have a brawl for fun after I put little Danny in his bed a-" she stopped mid scentence when looking at him
He sputtered. " Is something wrong?"
With fear in her eyes she floated, creating distance between both of them. She shaked her head in disbelief.
"You...you died..."
He took a step farther, not wanting to scare them away.
"But..b-but your... nononono why do you look like that?!"
He wanted to ask like what, but she disappeared before his eyes. (Did she know he wasn't safe? That he hurt his family?)
"Hey Jaylad, is the pit be-
"Jason, what's wrong? Are yo- what happend?"
"I'm sorry, I'm s-so sorry, I'm sorry! Dad I'm sor-"
"I'm coming, hang in there."
"Little Wing what's wrong?"
"Todd, who hurt you? Who should I kill?"
"Jason, back ups close. Breath with me, alright!"
(His family loves him)
(The pits were silenced)
In an alternative universe the Fenton are still driving around and setting up traps, unfortunately Jazz is the one who removes them and got caught.
Since jazz is the one that doesn't wear hazmats and dany is still a baby (she makes sure is far from their experiments with ectoplasm), she becomes a ghost who decides that she doesn't want Danny to get hurt and takes him somewhere near a lot of ectoplasm.
Gotham: sweet baby girl, little baby harley.
Let the drama begin.
Chapter 2
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bilehwit · 3 months ago
Hi, another ask kinda indirectly related to the Bilehwit AU
But what are some of your personal headcannons about the bishops, that may or may not be in this au but as a personal interpretation of their character?
+ Who's your fav Bishop(excluding Narinder for now) ?
Favourite has to be Kallamar - gay coward??? Me coded fr fr.
That being said, I somehow always write more about Shamura???
But headcanons!
🐙My man has a skin tone for gold, and he lets it be known by wearing enough to be heard janglin' a mile away.
🐙He has never once in his life done that! (He has done it 1 billion times, but he must appear better than thou.)
🐙Scared of Shamura when they're not lucid.
🐙Once drunk Leshy under the table only to then get decimated by Heket.
🐙Many spouses, does not like sexual activity. In my eyes he's asexual but a hopeless romantic.
🐙Will stop whole processions to look at bacterial growths on the floor.
🐙East Asian - South Korean, modern day would be a K-Pop beauty influencer.
🌱 Is Chaotic, but not in a fun way, more in a "Oh my God 3 people are dead" way.
🌱Used to biting to show affection.
🌱Cries when he's angry.
🌱Wants Shamura to be proud (they are.)
🌱Turns spouses into Witnesses. Also doesnt know what a spouse is/is for.
🌱Is the most physically violent.
🌱Ate scraps of metal on a dare (digested with no problems.)
🐸Hates mushrooms (shockingly).
🐸Bought a cowboy hat.
🐸Likes to garden and cook but hates washing up.
🐸Says shit like "four score and twelve moons ago" to piss off Kallamar.
🐸Likes writing on Papyrus.
🐸Egyptian and will complain about heat.
🐸Lesbiab. Lesbaen. WOMAN LIKER.
🐸Tells you to go fuck yourself if you compliment her looks.
🕷When lucid, talks about the good old days.
🕷Most crimes committed as a mortal.
🕷Writes nursery rhymes for their followers.
🕷Used to have dancing rituals to gather sin - now can barely twitch their legs to a beat.
🕷"Oh, thank you Leshy- sorry, Narinder." "I'm Kallamar." "That's what I said." - common occurrence even before.
🕷Wants a pet so so bad. Do not give them one.
🕷Attracted to people with long hair and excellent grammar.
🕷Once did a kickflip so bad they had to kill the elderly congregation watching them.
🕷Tanzanian and speaks swahili when angry.
🪦Likes to bite Kallamar ("I can't help it, cats love fish." "I AM NOT EVEN CLASSIFIED AS A FISH." "You could be.")
🪦Indian, but spent so long in Purgatory he can no longer handle flavourful foods. At least at the start.
🪦Didn't realise Bilehwit had an ACTUAL CRUSH on him and thought they were like. Just that devoted. Pious. That's why they never took a lover.
🪦Cat baths when no one looks - gotta look constantly refined.
🪦Uses his third eye to scare people, namely children.
🪦I Would Never pt, except he definitely is still doing it while you watch.
🪦Finds children hilarious (to torment).
🪦Best dancer, worst singer of the Bishops. Can play music very well though.
🪦First time in Bilehwit's tent, he paid no attention because they were arguing. Then snuck in later to actually see the place.
And that's all my headcanons!
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ladylooch · 2 years ago
Your requests may be closed, and I most definitely respect that, but this is me begging for just a crumb of protective Nico because I need it more than I need oxygen. 🥺
A/N: I almost died eating a cheesy roll up from Taco Bell while writing this… And I came back from near death because I had to finish this for you 😘 No I am not dramatic at all, why do you ask?
You had gone to bed before Nico. He was out in the living room, watching a late west coast game between the Rangers and Kings. He had slept in late and took two naps, so sleep wasn’t coming for him anytime soon. Fine with you. You didn’t mind an empty bed when you knew he was in the other room. 
You fall asleep quickly, taking a bit of cold medicine to help you sleep after having a sinus infection earlier in the week. The medicine helps you slumber deep, but it also brings a very vivid dream that takes place in your bedroom, seemingly tonight. A man is in the corner. He’s lurking, waiting for you to shut the door so he can grab you. You try to yell to Nico, but the hand over your mouth muffles any attempt. 
“Make a sound and your boyfriend dies.” The man says as he throws you down on the bed and pulls out a knife. 
You jolt awake, sitting up and sucking in a gasping breath. You clutch your chest, trying to get your bearings straight. Everything still feels so real. You look around the room, cringing at all the shadows that cast out in oblong shapes to you. You close your eyes, trying to talk yourself down from your panic. When you open them, you swear there is movement to your left. You look fast, seeing the curtains blowing in the breeze from the ceiling fan. Everything in your body is screaming fight or flight.
The weak light from the TV barely reaches the end of the hall as you open the door. You tip toe down, wondering if maybe Nico had fallen asleep on the couch. When you round the corner, his brown eyes immediately find you. He lays on his back, feet crossed at the ankles, with his hands behind his head. You cling to the wall nervously.
“I’m scared.” You admit to him. He perks up to a sitting position, opening his arms to you.
“What’s up, sweets?”
“I had a bad dream.” You mutter into his neck, attaching to him like a baby sloth.
“Oh no.” He rubs his hands up and down your back to comfort you. “Wanna talk about it?”
“There was a guy here.” Your voice shakes. Nico pulls you tighter at the observance. 
“No one is here. Just me and you, baby.” He soothes immediately. 
“He was in the bedroom and he grabbed me. He said he was going to kill you if I made any noise.” You squeeze your eyes shut, fingerprints pressing deeper into his body. Nico sighs, bringing his face close to your hair to press kisses along your head.
“You’re okay.” He reminds you. “You’re safe here in my arms. Nothing is going to get to you through me.” His words are perfect. Nico always knows what to say. You pause right where you are for a moment, not speaking, only feeling the solidness of him beneath and around you. Nico notices your grip on him slacken a bit and pulls away so he can see your face. “Better?”
“Yeah.” You nod, taking a measured breath. “How much longer are you going to be up?”
“I can come to bed now if you want.”
“Yes, please.” He nods, clicking the TV off and helping you to your feet. You let him walk first into the bedroom. He immediately flips the light on and does his due diligence to look around the room, even behind the curtains that scared you when you first woke up. “Just me and you.” He reiterates. “Get under the covers.” He waits for you to do so, then turns the light off.
He climbs into bed and pulls you into his body so you are spooning. You fit together like interconnecting parts. With Nico’s protection, you fall back to sleep relatively easy. This time, you dream of you and him on a sandy, white beach, sipping margaritas and getting interesting tan lines.
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spicysix · 2 years ago
Lui, congrats on 400 followers! 🩵
For the celebration, if I may request: 📖 + stuck in an elevator + steve and fem!reader
thank you babe!!! hope you like this! 💖
join the celebration!
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if it rises fast
“Oh, no. Not this again,” you complained as you felt that robotic hesitation as the elevator went up, as you heard its gears trying to work and not fully doing it.
It slowed down... slowed down... before stopping. Completely.
“Shit,” you mumbled as you rubbed your eyes.
“What’s going on?” The voice behind you startled you a little.
You forgot there was a guy with you, he was so quiet as the elevator rose the first few floors. You turned to face him, and got a little blown away by how beautiful he was. Like, magazine front page beautiful. Shiny hair carefully coiffed up, pretty peachy lips, a little mole or two that gave him an extra charm.
You got lost in the dude’s beauty for a little while.
His lips perked up a bit, as if he knew why you were staring at him for so long.
“Oh, uh. The elevator gets stuck sometimes. Such an old thing, y’know. Lots of complaints, and they haven’t updated it yet,” you finally answered, and his lips and eyebrows turned down into a frown.
“It’s happened before?” he questioned.
“Yeah. With me in it, two times already. I’ve heard it from five other neighbors too,” you said, remembering how much Ms. Durvall from sixth floor yelled when she complained about it. She gave you the creeps. “You’re new here? Or visiting?”
“Uh, new. Moved in with two friends, we just got to the city a week ago. We’re from a- what are you doing?” he stopped his life story when he saw you sitting down.
“I’ve pressed the help button,” you nodded to a little button pressed all the way in the control panel. “Don’t know what it does, maybe it calls the fireman? But, anyway, it’s gonna take some time. Maybe a few hours.”
“A FEW- Jesus, Robin’s gonna kill me,” he hid his face behind his hands, and you had to suppress a giggle at how adorable his whine sounded.
“Don’t worry, your girlfriend will understand when she finds out you had no choice but to stay stuck in an elevator,”
“I’m not so sure, she’s terrified of elevators, told me to get the stairs. She’ll probably be all like, ‘oh, I told you so!’. Ah, and not my girlfriend. She’s actually dating our other roommate,” he said as he sat down too, pressed against the other metallic wall, facing you.
“What floor are you guys in?”
“And she goes up the stairs every time?” You didn’t know whether to be scared or admired.
“Yeah. Got some killer calves,” he smiled. “We have a terrible history with getting stuck on elevators. I worked my ways through… well, a lot of therapy. Now I can ride them again after a few years, but she never got past it. I can understand why.”
He said it in such a way that you didn’t feel like prying. There was something else in that story, something he probably didn’t wanna talk about, so you didn’t ask.
“You guys from around here?” you asked instead. You were going to be stuck for a while there, it wouldn’t hurt to make some small talk and get to know your pretty new neighbor.
“No, actually, we’re all the way from Indiana. Small town,” he shrugged.
“Why San Francisco?” you asked, and he searched for something in your eyes, your face, before answering.
“It’s safer,” he answered only, again not giving you space to ask further. Maybe he didn’t find what he was looking for. “You’re from here?
“Born and raised, yeah.” You went quiet for a little while, trying to come up with something to talk about. Then, you noticed: “I don’t know your name yet.”
“I don’t know your name either.” He smirked. “I'm Steve.”
You introduced yourself and Steve asked more about you. You lost track of time talking to him, learning how charming he could be, but also really funny — in a bitchy way. He talked about Robin, his best friend and platonic soulmate, and their friend Nancy, who he used to date but now they’re great friends (you got the impression that Nancy was the other roommate that Robin was dating, but didn’t ask, not wanting to make him uncomfortable). He told you about two other friends of theirs who lived back in Sacramento, one who lived in LA, and a bunch of other younger friends who were scattered around the country all chasing their dreams. Talked about his work as a school counselor, how it took him some long years to figure out what he wanted to do professionally.
You told him about yourself too, answered everything he asked honestly and openly. Talked about your job, your own roommate, your other friends and family. Gave him tips on the best places to visit and shop in the city, ways for him and his roommates to contour the ‘new citizens’ weird phase. You talked about music, movies, books, food, your favorites and the ones you hated, anything you’d come up with.
He was sweet and charismatic, and always found new topics for you to talk about. He read you like a book, figuring you out in no time and swerving the conversations so easily. Flirted a lot too, which was great for your self-esteem.
He came closer at some point, sitting beside you, and then you faced each other more closely. And from that distance you could see every little detail in his pretty face, studied him with precision. You could look at him for however long, to be honest, and you wanted to memorize every tiny inch of what made him, him. The curves of his hair defying gravity, the scars on his forehead and nose, every little green spot in his hazel eyes. Count every and each one of his eyelashes, and get blinded by the way he smiled.
More than that, you could talk to him for however long, and you wanted to. Wanted to learn about all of his many friends, who he talked about with so much love in his voice, who all sounded like a big family to him. Wanted to learn the story with the elevator trauma, wanted him to trust you and open up to you, and wanted to do the same back with him.
It was weird to you, you’ve never felt this way before — so magnetically pulled to someone’s orbit. But Steve’s voice was like a Siren’s call, and there was a funny bubbling in your stomach that wanted and wanted and wanted him.
You never thought you’d be disappointed with the sounds of the elevator’s gears running again, and yet you hid a frown when the doors opened to show you a fireman, the building’s janitor and a tall, skinny girl with a strawberry blond bob pacing anxiously behind them.
“Steve! Oh, my god, Steve!” she said when she noticed you and Steve sitting on the floor, and she wasted no time getting past the other two men to throw herself at the one by your side. Robin, you figured. “You fucker, I told you to use the stairs!” you heard her saying, a little muffled from where her face was buried into Steve’s neck.
He looked at you over her shoulder and you smiled at the way he was right about her.
“I’m okay, Robs, I had good company. Didn’t even have time to get stressed,” he said, running his hand up and down her back in a soothing gesture, his eyes still on you, his smile just for you.
Robin sat up and looked at you, and you introduced yourself and she did the same. She thanked you for being there for Steve, as if it hadn’t been a total random accident, but you were also happy that you’ve met him. More happy that you could say out loud.
You all got up from the floor, left the elevator, and you offered a day to throw them a welcome diner, you’d invite your roommate and they could call their other friends. Robin seemed excited, all big gestures and loud voice. You liked her.
Goodbyes were said, you were going back to your place — through the stairs this time, thankfully you lived on the second floor — and they were going grocery shopping. Robin walked to the front door of your building, but Steve stayed planted in front of you for a while as you looked at each other and you tried not to smile too wide.
“Can I take you out on a date?” he asked after a while, fingers twitching and you wondered if he wanted to touch you. You wanted him to touch you.
“First one in the city?” you teased and he huffed a laugh while running his hand through his hair.
“One of many with you, I hope. No one else caught my eye, if I’m being honest.” The man was straight forward. You felt you cheeks burning, couldn’t hold back the wide grin anymore.
“You’ve been here just a week, Steve,” you said, warned him almost, because you wanted so much with him, and you were afraid of were this could go if it went wrong.
“Meh, it took me a while and some bumps to the head, but now I’m pretty good at knowing what I want. Don’t gotta search for so long anymore.” His eyes were staring deep into yours, and you felt his hand coming to find yours to hold.
You bit your lip and his eyes traced the movement, and there was a butterfly party in your stomach.
“Someone told me there’s a great restaurant just at the end of the street,” he said, referencing one of the tips you gave him early.
You laughed. “Yeah, okay. Take me out on a date, Steve. Next Friday?”
“I’ll be counting the days.” He took a step closer, his thumb was tracing patterns on the back of your hand and your skin was tingling. “Can’t believe I’m glad to have gotten stuck on an elevator. Well, create good memories to overlap the bad ones, I guess.”
“I’m looking forward to create other memories with you,” you almost whispered, because being that open was scary, and the way you wanted him so much was scary, but he smiled at you again and it was blinding in the best way.
“Me too, honey. See you around,” he said, before pressing a kiss on your still burning cheek, and you could smell his scent of soap and fabric softener, hairspray and fancy cologne, and you had to hold yourself back not to get buried in his skin.
God, it was pathetic how far gone you already was.
He walked away still facing you, holding your hand until the very last possible second before letting go, and you could hear Robin laughing in the background but you only had eyes for him.
Yeah, you’d also be counting the days.
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penofpenguin · 2 years ago
Here's a kinda dark and confusing request:
How would Adeuce, Leona, and Jamil react to their fem s/o revealing that she was an orphan who was used as a test subject for experiments before escaping to become an undercover assassin?
Absolutely!! I didn't know if you wanted Adeuce together or not so I wrote them separately. You can read it as a throuple tho, just seperated by banners :)
Content Warnings: Themes of death, Mentions of human testing, Ace being inconsiderate at first.
Their s/o is an orphan who was used as a test subject, then escaped to become an undercover assassin.
Ace x F!Reader, Deuce x F!Reader, Leona x F!Reader, Jamil x F! Reader
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"Ok...so Ace...I need to tell you something."
And so, you told him your crippling dark past. HE'D. ASK. SO. MANY. QUESTIONS.
"Wait wait...how did you end up in the lab?"
"What chemicals did they put in you?"
"Is this why you're so crazy in love with me?"
"How did you escape again. No, you know what, start again I lost track."
He really doesn't mean to hurt you but Ace is inconsiderate and can't read the mood.
But in the end, he'd actually understand it all. He may be a bit scared that you were an assassin but you are his s/o, and he still loves you.
Once you're done, he holds your hand and just looks away. Like hell he'll completely show you his soft side.
"You sure went through alot. Come here and maybe you'll feel better," (its his way of asking for a hug)
Once you hug him...trust me you'll feel so much better. He gives you a comforting hug and simply coddles you in his arms, letting you know you're safe.
Will he show you his almost teary and sad face in front of you? No. He won't let go of you until his tears are gone and you're feeling better.
Ace isn't the best at comfort, but he'll do his best. He'll buy you something from the canteen or do something else to make you a bit more happier.
But if it isn't comfort that you were looking for, and just wanted to let him know since you trust him enough, he'll let go of you in an instant and ask you if you're for real rn.
Here comes a bunch of butterfly kisses because he's genuinely happy you trusted him enough. (also because he thinks you're so cool) :)
he may still be a tad bit intimidated by the fact that you killed people but it's nothing compared to floyd am i right
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"Hey...you're ok right? Is something on your mind?"
Blue egg boy should be focusing on his homework but he couldn't help but look at you in worry. YOU'RE HIS S/O.
So you tell him. Good decision! He listens carefully and is actually sympathetic at sight, unlike Ace.
During the test subject part, he starts crying. HE STARTS CRYING. ITS NOT EVEN HIS PAST.
But seeing his beloved s/o go through that much hurt him. He cries. YOU need to comfort him, not the opposite way 😭
But once you tell him you're an assassin, he freezes.
More than Ace, Deuce is more intimidated. He needs to let it sink in. Ofc he doesn't hate you, but he's genuinely scared. Those lovely hands helping him with homework killed people???
However, after putting himself in your shoes, he finally continues feeling deeply sorry for you. You had to survive and it's not your fault.
He kisses you and tells you he loves you no matter what. Holds you close to let you know you're protected and nobody could ever hurt you like that.......his magic history homework on the table....forgotten
Deuce starts growing this huge rage for those people who used you as a test subject. He draws them (based off of your description) with a crayon on a piece of paper and rips it apart.
until somebody comes into that room and is confused asf.
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"Leona...I think I should tell you this."
Oh you thought he'd be listening? Shake him and tell him it's serious. It works 👍
"You're lucky you're my queen."
We all know Leona respects women. He's listening.
Once you tell him everything, Leona just quietly nods throughout your tragic backstory. However, his tail does loosely wrap itself around you, as a sign of comfort.
Leona's mature unlike the previous two walnuts. He knows it's hard for you to tell him this. It would be hard for anyone.
He doesn't bat an eye, all the way until you're done.
Once you do finish, he pulls you into his embrace and you two lay down on the matress you were sitting on.
"I'm here. I won't let anybody harm you."
Leona is surprisingly not bad at comfort. He's one to rather give advice, but what advice can he give here apart from telling you to move on and look towards the future? (with him *wink wink*)
Leona's very intrigued by the fact that you're an undercover assassin. He sees you as a confident girlboss and he really likes that. In fact, it may as well made him like you even more.
Additionally, he actually predicted a tragic backstory, simply by your actions. It's a very 'Leona' thing to do, considering the fact that he's observant.
He reassures you multiple times that you're safer and you're in better hands now (literally).
Leona may not understand your pain, but he's very willing to help you get over it, even if he may not express it.
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"Are you alright?"
Another very observant man. He noticed your expression as soon as he entered the room and it worried him.
When it comes to you, Jamil cares alot. So, once you told him to take a seat and that you trust him enough to say this, he makes sure to put every distraction away.
If Kalim getting in the middle is a concern, don't worry, he already locked Kalim in Kalim's room with a bunch of food and music.
While you're undergoing the process of telling him everything, he holds you tightly, holding you tighter at any major critical points of your past.
He listens carefully and clearly. No he doesn't care that people died because of you. You didn't choose this and you had no choice.
Once you're done, he asks you if you want to eat anything or if there's anything he can do to calm you down and cool your thoughts.
He's good at comfort, since he's done it for Kalim.
Cooks something for you, even if you insist on not troubling him. The arab urge to make sure your loved ones are fed properly 😭
Man praises you on how brave you were to deal with all that.
Jamil may seem very calm on the outside, but on the inside, he's mixed with emotions. Sadness on how you were treated, and anger in those scientists who used you as a lab rat.
Once you're out of sight, he stabs a random vegetable or the chopping board in anger.
To lighten the mood, he jokes around lightly, saying that Kalim would cry and yell "jamilll" in your situation.
Don't be so mean to Kalim, Jamil >:(
Jamil would notice some changes in your behavior towards him, seeing you two are more closer perhaps. It genuinely makes him happy that you don't see him as a shadow to Kalim.
He's glad that you told him, 1. you're his s/o and 2. he's considered more special than kalim since he knows a trusted secret kalim doesn't.
I hope this was ok!! I'm brushing up on my writing skills since it's been a while so sorry if this is weird :')
Hope you enjoyed!! Have a nice day 💖
- Madeline 🐧
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rachetmath · 1 year ago
A Schnee Outing(Pt. 1)
Ren and Nora were heading back to their dorm room after a long day of work. Once they enter however they were shocked for what they saw. Weiss was on her knees in front of Jaune. She was begging and they just had to know why.
Weiss: Please?
Jaune: No.
Weiss: Please?
Jaune: Not going to happen.
Weiss: Please, Jaune, I beg you.
Nora: Hey what's going on?
Weiss: Nothing important.
Nora: *not buying it.* Jaune.
Jaune: Weiss and Ruby want to hang out except Winter, who promised to schedule a day with her is coming with them.
Ren: Okay, so what does this have to do with Weiss on her knees begging?
Jaune: She wants me to ask her sister out on a date.
Nora and Ren jaws were dropped after hearing that and in a few seconds, they snapped out of it.
Nora: WHAT!? Is that true?
Weiss: *embarrassed and starts crying* Yes!!! It's true!!! I want to hang out with Ruby and I don't mind Winter wanting to tag along but I also don't want her to feel like a third wheel!
Ren: I don't think Winter minds that.
Weiss: Plus she'll ask a variety of questions, and wanting a very detailed answers to each one!
Jaune: Oh so she's Yang but more deadly and insane. And better.
JNPR door opens with an angry Yang barging through. Her eyes were red with fury as Jaune felt a disturbance, knowing he’ll die if he doesn’t change the subject.
Yang: What was that vomit boy!?
Jaune: *while sweating* I said, Yang, you’re beautiful and sexy, and you shine brighter than any sun in the galaxy.
Yang accepts the answer and step back. However she wants Jaune to know one thing before she leaves. Warning him of what’s to come as she slowly walks back to the door.
Yang: Okay. Don't slip. I have ears. And these hands are not scared to punch you. Got it?
Jaune: Of course.
Yang closes the door leaving Jaune relieved he can live another day.
Jaune: (Shit that was close.) Anyways no.
Weiss: *puppy dog eyes* Please!?
Nora: Come on, help the girl out. It's just one date.
Ren: Plus, it'll be good experience for you since you never been on a date before.
Jaune: Screw you, Ren. And that is true, but I prefer when it's natural not forced.
Weiss: Oh come on, Jaune, please, I'll do anything!
Jaune: The answer is still no.
The conversation was going nowhere, so Ren, wanting Jaune to go on date, decides to give some ‘encouragement’.
Ren: Hm... what if I happen to send Yang that video clip of you cutting and dying her hair back at Beacon.
Jaune: *shocked* What?
Nora: Oh, I think Yang may still be wondering how her hair got that way. If I were to recall she said if she finds the perpetrator, then she will make them wish they were never born. Last time, she suspected Cardin and she stomp the living crap out his balls.
Ren: She then proceeded to hunt down anyone she suspected, almost destroying the school. Maybe we should-
Jaune: *death stares* You wouldn't.
Ren: *death stares back* Try me. Bitch.
Jaune and Ren continued to stare each other down, until Jaune gives up and decides to help.
Jaune: *sigh* Fine.
Weiss: You'll help? Really?
Jaune: Like I have a choice. I would rather let a Beowulf kill me than Yang. Not after what happened last time.
Nora: Oh yeah.
Ren: That woman went Yandere crazy.
Jaune: So, when is this supposed to happen?
Weiss: Next Saturday.
Jaune checks his wallet and bank account and sees he might not have enough cash to pay for Winter, let alone for what he needs for going out for a casual stroll. He knew while he had time he needed to make preparations.
Jaune: Okay that gives me some time. Nora? Can you help me shop for something to wear?
Nora: Sure thing. When?
Jaune: Friday will have to do.
Ren: But that will be the day before the date arrives. Why then?
Jaune: Look I don't have a lot of money, so I need to pull extra shifts if I'm going to make this work. Anyways, Weiss-
Weiss: *happily hugs Jaune* Oh thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Jaune: No problem. Now lead me to your sister.
Weiss leads Jaune to Winter's room. While walking they discussed how to approach the situation so Winter can accept Jaune invite to go on a date. Weiss tries to tell Jaune about the things Winter like however she didn't really know Winter to well beyond just playing with her as a child and training with so he was out of luck. When they arrived Jaune was nervous and no can blame him, after all he couldn't get Weiss to go on a date with him, so how on earth will he get the Ice Queen's sister to accept his offer. Jaune then stopped and took deep breathes and was to knock only to see Winter already opened it.
Winter: Oh hello Mr. Arc.
Jaune: Um... Ms. Schnee…
Winter: What brings you and Weiss here to my room?
Weiss: Well, Jaune wanted to ask you something. Right, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah.
Winter: Okay, but can it wait, I need-
Jaune: Ms. Schnee?
Winter: …
Jaune: Will you-
Winter: Will I?
Jaune: Will you -will you- will you (Damn it, come on, Jaune, just say it. Don't be a wimp. Remember your doing this to survive and help a friend. Now, SAY IT.) Ms. Schnee, may I go on a date with you!?
Winter: A date?
Jaune: Yes.
Winter: With me?
Jaune: Yes.
Winter: ...When?
Jaune: Saturday.
Winter: Oh really? I'm sorry but Saturday I'll be with my sister and her partner Ms. Rose. Maybe-
Weiss: He can come with us.
Winter: Are you sure?
Weiss: Of course, the more the merrier. Plus, I mean he's perfect for carrying our bags.
Jaune: (Oh you ice cold bitch.)
Winter: Hm… very well. As long as Mr. Arc is comfortable, I'll gladly accept his proposal.
Jaune: (Oh brothers really?)
Winter: *up in Jaune's face* Saturday, at the entrance of the school, at 9:00 am. Don't be late.
Jaune: Yes ma'am.
Winter: And rule number one, call me by my first name.
Jaune: Yes Ms.- I mean, Winter.
Winter: Good, see you then.
Winter walks away to attend to her duties while Jaune was left speechless.
Weiss: Well that went great.
Jaune: Really? Carrying your bags.
Weiss: It worked. Now, I'll take my leave. See you Saturday.
Weiss walks away leaving Jaune to sign.
Jaune: Well I better get busy.
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nucleo-bang-tan · 11 months ago
The Uisa's Daughter | Prologue
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Pairing/s: Kim Taehyung X Reader, Jeon Jungkook X Reader, Slight Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre: Medieval Korea AU, Mystery, Strangers To Lovers, Angst, Smut
Ratings: 18+ Mature Themes
Warning/s: None for the Prologue except extreme confusion
Word Count: 450
A/n: Hanseong: Modern day Seoul; Uisa: A doctor, Please leave comments, I love to hear from you guys...
Teaser Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III Chapter IV
In the 1700s, the Jeon Dynasty spread all across the Korean peninsula.  Happiness quadrupled with the founder Emperor's presence, or so it seemed. Secrets scattered over the palace in the capital city, Hanseong* were known to none except a few.
None pretty, all better when hidden from the kingdom.
What does freedom mean? The question has been haunting her for twenty years. What she got for an answer was a good thrashing, more oppression, and no escape from the life she lived. Her only connection to reality was her addiction to him. Being with him was the only thing that kept her alive.
He was the only one who made her feel free. Oh, how couldn't he? The love was utterly pure, the lust was never-ending, may it be physical or emotional, and he couldn't help but ask for more. They were each other's restraint from going insane.
All she wanted was to run away with him and be addicted to him for the rest of her life. He was the cure.
All he wanted was for her to be with him. He wasn't the one to hesitate even a bit to kill for her. She was the cure.
Only there was another. Whose eyes were reserved only for her, many years past and many to come. Oh, but she was forbidden.
But only when Eve ate the forbidden fruit did humanity come into existence. How was he supposed to keep himself from her then?
"Who are you?" She looked at his drenched form, mirroring hers. The only thing that differed was his bare torso. A sudden realization made fear shoot through every nerve of her body. He seemed to be a commander of higher rank and she just made him save her clumsy self from the rain. What if he tells the emperor? She could be put to death for just being here.
He was scared too, but for a different reason. Being with her scared him. His love and obsession for her scared him. The last thing he wanted was to see her hurt. That is why he kept his distance all these years, but guess what? Even fate wants them to meet eventually.
"I am sorry but you need to be more aware of your surroundings." He said trying to sound nonchalant. He could see the fear in her eyes but chose to ignore it. Did he scare her?
"I-I'll keep that in mind." She bowed fervently.
"What?" She tilted her head in confusion.
"I am Jungkook, Jeon Jungkook." Prince Jungkook?
To burn with desire and keep quiet about it is the greatest punishment we can bring on ourselves. ---Federico García Lorca
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cannibalovers · 1 year ago
Hannibal song of the day : song no. 5
a bit about the song:
"Breezeblocks"(released in 2012) is song by alt-J, written by Thom Sonny Green, Gwilym Sainsbury, Gus Unger-Hamilton & Joe Newman(the whole group), most likely their most popular song. It starts off mellow and quiet guitar, interchanging between build ups and drops with synthesisers and a lot of deep bass, drums and other percussion instruments till the end of the song, which ends with an arrangement of overlapping vocals, like a choir. It fits genres like indie rock, indie pop, art rock and folktronica. The song itself tells a story of two lovers, where one of them wants to leave the relationship, feeling unsafe and unfulfilled but the other is obsessive and deranged and so in love that they don't let the other leave, the desire and love being so strong that they dare to hurt their lover and themselves just to make them stay. There can be another meaning to the song when taking the music video into the account(that the group themselves said is kind of different but managed to fit the vibe), which is filmed in reverse, presenting a narrative where a man kills a woman(maybe an ex or smth) who was most likely keeping his wife hostage. Since the chain of events is presented in reverse, it looks as if the man is the abusive lover trying to kill his wife, although by the end we find out he was actually defending his wife and killed the woman that kidnapped his wife, sending a message to not judge a book by its cover - don't assume and judge until you know the full story. It also references a book "Where the Wild Things Are" by Maurice Sendak, talking about a young boy who misbehaved badly at home and got scolded for it. His hostile and intense emotions sent him to an imaginary jungle with creatures called "The Wild Things". In this world, he feels appreciated and powerful as the wild things make him a king, but as soon as he realises the responsibilities a king has are hard, he wants to leave and go back home, to his loving mother who took care of him and coudl depend on, but the creatures don't want him to leave, threatening cannibalism (woah i wonder why I am writing this), saying "Oh, please don’t go! We’ll eat you whole! We love you so!". The band thought of it as a very powerful image and referenced these words in the song. In the end, the boy does manage to get away, unlike the lover of this song.
yeah sorry for the long intro to the song um. i've loved this song for years I swear I could listen to it forever so.
overall the song creates such a chilling mix between aggression and affection it's just so fucking insane and well. very hannigram. I think that was expected. Tbh i feel like it's prob known to fannibals, i made a post once asking ppl for song recommendations for hannibal and this song has shown up a few times and honestly? it fits them SO. WELL. especially when you think about the whole mizumono episode. The music video reminded me of mizumono a lot... so I'll be basing this on that episode a lot...
Pardon me for the pain i'm gonna provide today<3
Verse 1
"She may contain the urge to run away But hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks"
The girl doesn't want to be in the relationship with the man anymore, maybe recognizing that he is not in a good state of mind or she just believes they're not fit for each other anymore, whichever it is, she is contemplating getting out of the relationship, which she feels trapped in, or the man feels like he's scaring her away, hence her "running away"; He doesn't like this, being way too attached for her, he can't just let her run away after the comfort she brought him and the strong emotions he developed towards her, so he decided to weigh her down (literally) by drowning her with breezeblocks. Metaphorically, Breezeblocks are blocks used for building houses and are supposed to represent foundation here, so perhaps he has been making her stay by guilt tripping her about everything that they have built together and the fact that she can't just "leave behind" the trust, support, stability and safety that they have gained from each other - the foundation of their relationship. After she wasn't giving her idea of leaving up, he decided to actually weight her down with their foundation in forms of breezeblocks. In my eyes, the soggy clothes could also have a little bit of meaning, soggy clothes being quite uncomfortable and probably clinging to her(just like he does) - perhaps they're soggy from the times he was guilt tripping her, perhaps tears were shed and her clothes getting soggy just represent the manipulation and fakeness of them, or the severity of the situation and how long it has been going on and how this has affected her (made her feel heavy at heart and uncomfortable)
I think these lyrics summarise THE monologue in Mizumono and hannigram's plans quite perfectly. Will wanting to run away (from hannibal unfortunately...) and as Hannibal realised his plan of betrayal, reacted very aggressively by literally gutting him (sogging his clothes with blood ig) and breaking down the foundation they have built, more or so with words, but also the knife he uses. At this point I have no idea if its a linoleum knife (knife used for building, houses, rugs and FOUNDATIONS OF A BUILDING.) or a kerambit or smth else but I'll stick to the linoleum here(also check out this post about his choice for the knife, it drives me fucking insane) and say that this is how Hannibal tears down the foundation they have built together. Not only does he gut him, he talks to Will about how betrayed he feels that he was planning to leave him, after letting Will see him, after building this foundation of trust and support for each other. Hannibal was there, understanding Will and offering support and stability and he saw that Will could provide it for him back, which he chose to do only to get closer to him to betray him and take away his happiness (Will...) and stable, carefully crafted life he had. Will was something very important to Hannibal, a person that changed him and made him feel love for once, and then he lied about accepting him. He can't handle losing Will so he would make him stay and tear him down, hurt him, if that's what it would take.
"Cetirizine, your fever’s gripped me again Never kisses, all you ever send are fullstops (La la la la)"
Citrizine is a medicine used for fevers, suggesting the man is so obsessed with her that she makes him ill and stressed (overheated and overwhelmed and overthinking, hence the fever) and he needs medicine. She is constantly rejecting him, rejecting his affections and never giving any to him but instead stopping him, although it can also allude to texts, her not ending them with "xx" (kisses) but with full stops, being quite cold and distant with him.
well first, for the show it can allude to how Hannibal literally gave Will a fever and the amount of aspirin Will took cuz of that if we take this literally, but that mean the roles would have to switch so, instead in my eyes I think of how bothered and overwhelmed Will probably made Hannibal feel the more interested and obsessive he got over Will. I can't imagine how many times this man probably thought of him everyday and overthought stuff (jesus seriously hes obsessed) and how ill and diseased (although alive) Hannibal probably felt (maybe diseased and ill after he knew Will's plan...); the affections the girl is rejecting from her lover could represent how distant Will was with Hannibal at first.
"Do you know where the wild things go? They go along to take your honey (La la la la)"
This is a reference from the book "Where the Wild Things Are". The band suggested that the lyrics are about jealousy, the protagonist being jealous of other people who are catching his lovers attention instead of him, maybe this is a conversation between them about this concern, telling his lover that those people are bad and will use her and leave her(take away her honey); Maybe he's trying to convince her that he would never do that - although he technically is, eating away at whatever support and love(the honey) she has to offer for him.
I feel like this presents why Hannibal decided to isolate Will in the first place, taking away everything from him (or at least how he wants Will to see it, as we know that he was just trying to make his plan come true and return some of the things Will cared about so much). He saw everything that Will had interest in (Alana, Abigail, although he kept her for Will, Margot's child etc) as a threat to his plan of having Will all to himself and so he took them away - because he believed that they were both bad for Will but also because they were not in Hannibal's best interest. Also doesn't he like kill Will's wife in season 3 idk yet dont tell me
"Break down, now weep, build up breakfast Now let’s eat, my love, my love, love, love (La la la la)"
This probably references the many fights the couple had and protagonist's method of trying to make it up to her by trying to get back into a loving, normal routine, forgetting the fights, doing things such as letting her sleep it off and making a breakfast, starting the day over - The breakfast being his love for her. This is most likely to say that acts of service for her would be his love language and he would feel loved if she accepted his services, as well as offerings(his love) he makes for her.
for Hannibal:
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do i like. have to explain this one
first of all lets be real cooking and making ppl commit accidental cannibalism is his love language (even better when they are aware of it and accept it knowingly so u dont have to make them commit accidental cannibalism to feel like u're normal for enjoying it and ure not a monster and God didn't punish u by making u eat ur own sister and enjoy it and that they accept and understand u for this and are def not doing it as a manipulation tactic to get u closer to them... that's not smth Will would do to Hannibal wdym)
"Muscle to muscle and toe to toe The fear has gripped me, but here I go My heart sinks as I jump up Your hand grips hand as my eyes shut And I, ah-ah-ah-ah"
The chorus seems to depict the the physical fight going between the two lovers. The protagonist doesn't seem to be in his right mind as he says that even though the fear tried to stop him, he has lost control and is now hurting his loved one (or himself) - His fear of rejection making him not handle this situation well and taking the last leap of faith to "save" the relationship by physically forcing her into it. The harm can either be to himself or her, maybe threatenening suicide and her gripping his hand to stop him, or him hitting her and her trying to deflect his hand with her own.
For Hannibal, it's literally,,gutting Will. Or any physical fight or holding each other at gun point or any murder attempt they had. In mizumono, Hannibal is visibly heartbroken by Will's decisions, maybe regretting the choices hes about to take. Maybe for once he felt some fear hurting another person, the person being Will, but he pushes through it, knowing it had to be done, to show Will how he made him feel. The physical contact in this chorus could represent the hug that they shared (the most heartbreaking hug in tv history). His feelings seem to contrast with the violence in that scene so much it makes me so fucking depressed
Verse 2
"[...}She bruises, coughs, she splutters pistol shots Hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks"
The words have a violent imagery to them, maybe to show the lover fighting back and still not agreeing to stay, maybe even trying to hurt him, her words feeling like pistol shots to him, or it could represent her drowning, trying to catch a breath. If that's what is happening, then he tries to remind himself of his point and to not help her, because she will run away - it's better to hold her down and make her stay.
Will's most common weapons is a gun or his hands and words, so i guess it fits his image quite well(not to mention the amounts of time he held Hannibal at gun point lol). These clearly never seemed to have affected Hannibal (until the last supper) and he continues through with his plan of taking everything away from Will, showing what he has lost by not staying by Hannibal's side.
"She’s morphine, queen of my vaccine My love, my love, love, love (La la la la)"
The protagonist compares her to morphine, a drug used to help with pain - clearly he is very dependent on her and uses her for emotional stability and support, losing that would make him insecure and breakdown, he can't lose her after the vulnerability he shared with her. This also fits with the expression "Love is a drug", which to him, her love is clearly like a drug, he has become obsessed, needing her love all the time, addicted to her, suggesting the intensity of emotions she makes him feel and just how obsessed he is - that's why he can't let her go.
The contrast between the dark, violent and destructive comparisons he makes of her, ignoring those destructive feelings and calling her his "love" really deepens the juxtaposition between aggression and affection the song potrays and shows just how blind the protagonist is.
I feel like this fits Hannibal's feelings about Will quite well, considering how obsessed he is with him, to the point of destruction and isolating him to have him all to himself (and also the fact that my man was CRYING after putting Will in prison, missing their therapy sessions. LIKE BITCH). He really puts Will high up on a pedestal, suggesting just how important and addictive Will is to him and how dependent he has become on Will after opening up to him, maybe even feeling like Will numbs his pain and loneliness of never being accepted for who he actually was.
Verse 3
"[...]Germolene, disinfect the scene, my love, my love, love, love But please don't go, I love you so, my lovely"
This is the aftermath of the protagonist killing his lover. He realises that he killed her, getting an anticeptic(clearly unprepared for this and panicking, using some at-home antiseptic instead of something proper) to disinfect the scene off of his DNA. The realisation quickly hits him of what he has done, making him spiral into a breakdown as he realises that his actions didn't make her stay, they made her dead forever.
Hannibal clearly doesn't disinfect the scene in mizumono, he doesn't even wear his plastic suit or use the cloth that he always uses to not leave finger prints, there was no point in hiding anything anymore, Will helped FBI see through him, although we do see him "cleansing" himself off of the events by walking in the rain and trying to "comfort" Will, telling him to "wade into the quiet of the stream". I don't think these specific lyric apply to the situation much disinfection-wise, although it can represent Hannibal's state of mind, especially after realising everything he has done and the regret that came with it(does he feel guilty tho? i have no idea but the begging and love confessions in this line def represent his obsession and love for Will which left him very heartbroken after everything that was done)
also could represent Will........ him wanting to turn back, if he could only reverse time, undo the events so Abigail lives and everyone else lives..............ouch
"Please don't go, please don't go I love you so, I love you so Please don't go, please don't go I love you so, I love you so Please break my heart (Hey!) Please don't go, please don't go I love you so, I love you so Please don't go, please don't go I love you so, I love you so Please break my heart[...]"
the most beautiful part of the song in my opinion tbh. The layers, the build up, the overlapping vocals, it's all just so overwhelming and emotional and vulnerable.
the protagonist spirals, realising what he has done but not wanting it to be true, he's not ready yet to let go of his lover, slowly, he's losing self control and giving into his violent desires, he threatens cannibalism if she goes away(she can't really do anything my dude...) as he frantically confessse to her that he loves her. He just loves her so much and needs her so much, the desire is so strong that he will consume her if it means that she stays right beside him(or inside him), craving that impossible closeness, it's a way to forever remain with a loved one. This whole refrain is just so incredibly contradicting and depressing and desparate its insane
now, it's no secret that Hannibal doesn't want to let Will go and even consume him. He wants him to live but at the same time he wants to taste him, devour him. To love is to consume, but to consume is to devour and transform in reusable energy. He wants him as close as possible and for Will to accept his desires and give himself up, let him be his - but clearly that's not what Will wanted (yet).
...This one is so straightfoward especially considering Hannibal that I don't even know what to say really. The song itself just says it all perfectly.
in conclusion they are fucking insane for this and breezeblocks is the ultimate hannigram (specifically mizumono) song. 11/10
additional notes:
was so excited for this one but i actually wrote less than i thought wow but maybe thats also cuz most of the song repeats. or im tired
idk if its cuz i literally dont know how to explain cannibalism as a metaphor of love or why but. at the same time the song just describes pretty well on its own
my playlist
hope you enjoyed and thanks for reading<3
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freckledjoes · 1 year ago
So just watched the last episode of Fargo and I am so sad for gator 😭 and Roy is a piece of shit for leaving him there. God I hate him so much. Also this is the season for women and I am loving it!!
Oh anon I went so off track here but I hadn't put my thoughts down about this all completely just yet so... bear with me? 😭 Just know that I agree with you if it's too long lmao. It was very sad to watch indeed. They set up his character to be one easy to dislike/hate and it's been interesting to watch how the strongest haters went from "How can you like Gator, you can pick any character of his to find hot why do you pick him." to "Fuck Gator but hello to Joe saying daddy." As if that's not the most performative fucking thing I've ever heard. Make up your mind or something. I think Gator has said shit that should make your blood boil, but the charm of characters like these is that they can also show that it's not all there's to them. Does that excuse their actions? No. But are they completely doomed and irredeemable? Also no, if you ask me. I find it kind of off-putting how people are so happy to see him get hurt. Like, if you really dwell on that for a bit. Roy is a scumbag and has done and continues to do terrible things, has some twisted belief that he has the right to do them. Gator grew up watching that man treat the women in his life horribly and has probably received abuse himself as well. Every safe haven he might have had, left him. His mom first, then Dot. The only 'reliable', 'stable' person was his dad. The only ways he got to see were his. He lacked a person in his life who could show him differently. When you look at the show, you wouldn't guess he's 27 due to his behavior. He's stuck at a point where he wants to be seen as worthy by the one person in his life that stuck around, as toxic as their relationship is. Throughout the show we see how he puts up this scumbag persona, but with the conversation between him and Dot you can quickly see how fragile he really is. He went out of his way to prove himself worthy by going after Munch, which, as stupid as it was, made a lot of sense from his perspective. And then, he fails, and he gets punished in a way that he, in my opinion, doesn't deserve. I don't think Munch would have treated him differently if he knew it was an accident either. He was doomed from the start being the son of Roy, who is really the one deserving of every punishment he's got coming to him. The fact that he literally just walked away from his blinded son, who is scared for good reason, who needs support now more than ever, is unsurprising but incredibly cruel. I think he may have a hand in (accidentally) killing Roy. Not by his own hands, but maybe simply by being 'in the way'. So yeah, long story short, I'm sad for him too and I despise Roy :) OFF TO THE POSITIVE: THE WOMEN. Love them all. Dot, Indira, Lorraine. Love them working together, it's about time. It's been so nice to watch them all stand up against men one way or another honestly <3
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bear-remn · 9 months ago
— ⋆✮ Deadly Eyes ✮⋆
n/t: finally!! i hae delivered this fic so much better and with a (what i think it is) good narrative, i hope you enjoy and support this fic, i appreciatte every interaction with my page. and btw, i'm chaging the tone of my fic to make it a little more serious and deep, but im keeping the storyline.
tw: this chapter is mention and use of drugs.
sinopsis: second day od school at the academy of kirari and mako, dealing with the sakamakis.
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⋆༺ chapter two ༻⋆
mako was taking notes in her room, from the past day when she skiped classes to discover that ayato was a vampire, she barely sleep since, too scared one of them came into her bedroom and suck her blood while she's asleep, thats why she locks every door she past, her bedroom and bathroom too. she´s lucky one of her classmates let her borrow their notes, she was´nt the best when it comes to grades and really wants to be a good student, kinda hard when you live with six vampires that can kill you anytime.
a knock on her door interrup her hand writing "yes? who is it?" mako ask, but panic invade her instantly, the idea of ayato coming again and suck her blood, play with her like she was nothing, it make's her sick "its me, reiji" mako get up and walked to the door, her hand doubt a little before open it, wondering why did reiji, a vampire, would come to her room at this hour, but she didnt wanted to belive they were all like ayato.
"hey, whats going on?" she ask when she opened the door, looking at the dark haired man, thinking of his elegant way of dressing is, so different from ayato´s, why did she even think of him? reiji looked her up and down and then give her a cold glanze "may i come in? i have an important item to give you" even if he asked for permission, it sounded like an order. mako didnt move but somehow, her body moved aside, but she didnt do it, it was like the air moved her. reiji come into her room and the door closed by itself, mako felt chills.
"i am well inform of the scene ayato made in school, and the reason why you skipped class so no need to treat me like an equal anymore, you should know your position by now" mako was silent for his words, there was something so inhuman about his way of speaking, the way he treated her... so cruel.
"a good master take care of his food, but you´re not just food, you´re a bride so your blood is whorty of keeping it" reiji leave on mako´s desk a juice box of berries "since we all will be drinking from you, i have to assure your blood does not lose its quality, and dont get sick, it´ll be a problem, do you undertand?".
mako was speechless by his words, a bittersweet moment.
"dont make that face, doesnt look good on you" mako wasnt sure what ace reiji was talking about, she was just standing in silence "do you understand? i ask".
"yes... i understand" mako said, remembering that they, as vampires, can kill her at any time.
"dont stay up so late, sleep well miss mako" on a blink, reiji dissapear from mako´s view.
she walked towards her desk and take the box juice, opening it and drinking it, the flavor was sweet and cold, refreshing, but the situation made her nauseous.
she just cotinued taking notes while drinking the box juice.
the next day mako show up at kirari´s room early, she was already dress with the school uniform, her backpack on one shoulder. she knock two times before but she didnt have any replies so she knock again but stronger while asking "kirari-chan? are you up?" no answer until she heard footsteps approaching the door, where finally kirari opens up still in pijamas.
"oh, hey..." kirari looked confused while she rub her eye, like if she just got up "sorry... what time is it?" mako thought kirari was cute, confused all the time "there's still an hour left before classes start so... just wanted to come and hang out a little" kirari smiled instantly and step a side to let mako come in "come here... you" the door close behind mako.
"why you're up so early? we still can nap you know.." kirari ask and sit on the edge of the bed "i dont like sleeping too much" mako responded as she sits on kirari´s desk chair.
"why not? its better sleeping than being with those weirdo´s is innit?" kirari put her hair on a bun and start making her bed and closing some drawers she left opend yesterday.
"you right on that" mako wasnt sure i kirari knew about the sakamaki's being vampires, but she did'nt wanted to tell her yet, at least, she wanted her to discover it by herself.
"anyway..." kirari trow herself on the bed and smiled at mako "you smoke?".
the question surprise mako.
"no..?" mako hesitated wrinkling her nose "i have never tried before, but im not interested".
"damn.. respect" kirari take out some cigarettes under her pillow and take one "do you mind if i smoke here?"
"no, its ok"
while kirari smoke, mako wonder i that was the thing that gave her that unusual smell that reiji always talk about.
"since when you smoke?"
"i dont really remember... probably at the beginning of my adolescence"
as kirari smoked, she was thinkign of some topic to talk about to not get mako bored, kirari is an akward person, she knew it but mako was her only option to have a friend in this house.
"in school, wanna hang out too? people there doesnt talk to me for some reason and... they like... avoid me for some reason?" kirari give mako a weird look, for her, mako looked like a little lamb, lost and cute, she didnt have a bitch resting face, instead she have a nice expression all the time, just as her personality.
"really? i think your company is very pleasant" mako smiled at her comment.
"yeah.. were you able to talk to someone tho?"
"i think so..?" she tried to remember someone, but she didnt talk to them, they talk to her but not on a way people wanted to be friends with her "actually, something really weird happend to me, some girl stop me in the hallway and said some things.."
"what kind of things..?"
"something about me and reiji being together, even when i said that we werent in a relationship she insisted"
"what?" mako was intriged.
"yeah... and some boy wanted to snitch on me for smoking in school"
"did you smoke in school? you could get in trouble"
"oh, dont worry, im very careful" kirari appreciate her concern "but the boy was pretty"
"the one who wanted to snitch on you?"
"if you saw him, you would get it" mako felt curious of kirari´s taste when it comes to a romance.
"what did he look like?".
kirari got up and walked towards the window, smoking there while trying to remember him, but her memory wasnt good when it comes to people.
"he was like... tall and with brown hair" mako make a face to kirari in sign for her to continue talking "i dont remember much, but his voice was good"
"your taste is awfully simple" kirari left out a little laugh.
"ouch, what about you? whats your taste?" mako think about it before answer that question.
"i´d say i like... pretty men"
"what ya mean pretty man? whats pretty for you?" kirari put out the cigarette and throw it out the window to walk towards her wardrobe.
"um.." she tried to find an example of her taste, but the only person that come to her mind was "kanato perhaps" kirari turns to her with the uniform in her hands.
"you know, kanato"
they both looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.
"again, who?"
"kanato sakamaki"
"what?! you like one of these weirdo's? even worst, one of the weirdo's we live with?" kirari mouth was wide open for the surprise.
"nononono i dont like him" she responded fast while turning around so kirari could get dress "i just think he is very pretty physically but i have never talked to him yet"
"damn girl, you like them femenine"
kirari dressed fully and put on a brown sweeter, the weather was geting a little too cold for her.
"im done" she announced to mako so she can turn around again and keep talking.
"dont you think one of these boys we live with are... idk.. cute or something?" kirari keep silent while she put some stuff in her bag.
kirari doesnt really have a type, she only liked one perosn before and it wasnt a boy... so she could'nt tell if the sakamkis were her taste or not, she just liked people for other reason more than just a physical appeal.
"idk, i mean-" a knock on the door interrumped her sentence and follow by it the door opened showing reiji, well dressed and impecable as always.
"good evening, we'll be waiting for you both in the entrance" reiji looked at them up and down, analizing every part of their uniforms, looking for something to fix "your hair looks better up, keep it like that" he said to kirari who just give him a thump up "we be leaving in five minutes, hurry" and with that said he dissapear from their sight.
they just looked at each other, shrugging their shoulders.
already on their way to school, kirari and mako sat together, chatting and making some jokes about a serie both liked.
"i hate ross, he is the actual villain if you pay close atention to it"
"i dont like him either, he is just... so egothistical, rachel deserved better"
"rachel deserved joey, no one can change my mind and its a universal feeling bc i say so" mako put her hand together in front of her, like if she was praying.
"amen" kirari laugh at this but she got shushed instantly.
"shup up, i can't sleep with this much noise" the girls looked at shu, who was with his earphones on and some music can be heard if your're silent for a moment, which made them confused, how can he hear them if he was listening to music?
"we all can hear your stupid conversation over here, talking as if you both were fucking alone" subaru's voice sounded angry, really pissed, his eyes were closed and his arms and legs crossed.
"ok...sorry we'll keep it down" mako apologized no wanting to make any kind of argument, after all, they were the ones in charge and could, literally, kill them out of anger o just because they wanted. kirari just rolled her eyes, she was so done with them.
they are brothers but they dont talk to each other like normal brothers do, they keep silent and just mind their bussiness ignoring the rest, it was so off putting for kirari and mako.
"before we arrive, drink these now" reiji give stawberry juice boxes to mako and kirari. they both took it, mako directly begin to drink it while kirari just put it on her pocket, reiji notice this and glare at her in disbelief "i asked you to drink it before we arrive the academy"
kirari glare back at him.
"why tho?" reiji's glare became dark and scary, he hated being challenged in any kind of way, and worst, if he was challenged by a human.
"everybody like that juice, even your kind" kirari wasnt sure what he meant by that but she didnt like his tone. so dismissive and unfriendly, she felt like a little girl being ordered around.
"what ya mean my kind?"
"just drink it like i said, it'll keep your mind focus on class" mako was quiet, she knew why he gave them the juices.
"its really good actually" she said to kirari, wanting to evade a posible argument between them. reiji appreciated the support.
"I'm not thirsty"
"i know you dont eat before coming to school and I haven't seen you eat at the academy, so I know you won't eat anything until you get home. drink the juice so you don't pass out in the middle of a class, that would be a problem for you and me, and even worst it may affect you academy record" kirari felt a little intimidated, not only because of his words, she felt a strange sensation because of the way he looked at her, his eyes were deep and a little hypnotizing, as if just with his look he convinced her to do what he asked.
"ok.. dont make a big deal about it" she start drinking her juice box in silence until they arrive school.
the classes were calm for both girls, they met each break and explored some areas of the academy they didn't know and studied together in the library to kill time during a long break. when they separated for their last class, kirari went to the bathroom to take opioids so she can relaz for the rest time in the academy.
but she freaked out a little to see nothing on her little silver box, she was pretty sure she left some for today but maybe she was wrong, or someone took it, it was probably the first explanation. quickly she take her phone of her bag and called her dear dealer so they can meet right after classes.
"hello? who is it?" her dealer anwser her call.
"hey, its me kirari" she could perfectly hear him get excited, she knew he had a crush on her for some reason.
"heeey watcha doing gorgeous?" kirari smiled for his change in his tone, even if she wasnt interested, it was nice to have someone that treat her like that in a respectfull way, he didnt crossed the line and make their relation unconfrotable, she appreciated that "just wanted to say hi" kirari heard a loud laugh, making her laugh as well "you are terrible at lying sweetheart, c'mon, tell papa what you need and i'll make it happen for you" kirari smile wide.
"i need some opioides, or something new it would really help me"
"everything for you, tell me when and i'll go" she tought for a moment, she didnt wanted the sakamaki's to see her buying drugs, so maybe the enter of the school or the mansion wasnt her best option.
"what about the south exit of the city? I leave school in two hours and I think I can get there in 30 minutes if I get a car"
"i can send you a car, you know i'll do anything to give you some good shit"
"thaks buddy, you are the best"
"i know baby, see ya later then"
"yeah, see ya"
kirari sigh and headed to her last class, anxious for the class to end.
and when it came the moment, kirari had many excuses to say if reiji asked why she wasnt going with them to the house, even if he didnt belive her, she didnt wanted him or them to know. and while all of the brothers including mako got into the car, she stayed out, waithin for them to go without noticing her. but no.
"c'mon, dont make us wait for you" reiji spoke, making her nervous.
"i'll stay, i have some stuff to do, im waiting for a classmate" reiji looked at her, as if he was reading her mind or her soul, either way she was creep out.
"i can tell when you're lying, why would you?" she tensed up for his comment, why he was so good making people nervous? or was he just hot?
"ok sorry... im waiting for an old friend, i'll go to the house later so dont wait for me" reiji remaind silent, thinking his next words, kirari hated this kind of silence, so tense and so weird.
"alright, go, but shu will acompany you, he is in the academy and didnt listen to me when i told him we were goin home, make him go with you, i'll expect you two at the manor" kirari was spechless, why that guy of all of them? she couldnt remember his face. "take care" she didnt have the opportunity of saying something and the car just go.
"fuck, which one is shu?"
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