#you know now that has me wondering if that's part of why other purebloods frown so heavily upon the idea of a pureblood/human couple
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Hi metalo! How are you? Hope your injury is getting better.
I wanted to ask if you had any scenes for Cannis Major, where V sees Sirius making an effort to support or show care to V. Like when Sirius tried to make tea for him when he was pissed off. Or took him to Black Manor and shared his childhood with him and maybe any other time where Sirius is obviously in love and showing it (whether V realises it or not)
Unfortunately, my injury got worse, but now it's slowly getting better again. I don't know what beef life has with me, but I hope it gives me some relief, eventually.
Let me look in my folder of all the deleted Canis Major scenes! I'm pretty sure I wrote something about the tea scene! Please don't mind if it's rough, I struggle to edit properly today.
There it is! Hope you enjoy it, even if it is a bit whimsy.
When he enters the house, he hears loud banging from the kitchen; he just managed to get his anger under control, but it's awakening again when he goes to investigate and see the mess- no, the destruction- Sirius managed, and in such a short time, too.
Pots, pans, plates, thrown around everywhere. Even the cutlery drawer is open and ravaged.
It puts Voldemort on edge, that part of his brain that cannot stand disorder.
"What are you doing?"
Sirius kicks a cabinet with his foot, trying to close it. It won't, because he shoved too many things inside it.
"I'm making you tea," he barks. "But your furniture refuses to cooperate."
Voldemort's dark mood vanishes, on the spot. Suddenly, the mess doesn't make him want to strangle Sirius, but amuses him, instead.
He's most amused that Sirius thought a cup of tea would calm Voldemort's anger, as if he's a moody old grandmother only appeased by tea and jam.
Bellatrix is the same; when she notices he is tired, or displeased, she offers him tea. But even she has the good sense not to think of it when Voldemort is in a rage.
Yet the fact that Sirius attempted it, nevertheless, that he wanted to lighten Voldemort's mood...
And it's not because he fears Voldemort's anger, no. This isn't motivated by fear.
"Go on, then. Make tea."
He tries. It only makes Voldemort smile wider. He doesn't know why this makes him smile, this level of incompetence was never something to amuse him, but Sirius- well, everything looks good on Sirius, even failing to boil water.
Sirius is a talented portioneer, but somehow it doesn't translate to the kitchen, even if these skills usually overlap. Perhaps this is the first time he is actually using a stove, because it seems to confuse him greatly.
"Spoiled, rich brat," Voldemort mutters, but it's with fondness, instead of his usual disdain for purebloods raised in luxury, with house elves to serve their every need.
He takes pity on Sirius- and on his kitchen- so he takes over, removing Sirius from the stove before he burns down the house.
When he serves the tea, and he's done cleaning up, Sirius frowns at his cup.
"I don't understand how you make it so good."
He remembers Sirius claiming he isn't a fan of tea, unless it's spiked with alcohol. But that was long ago, when they only just met.
These days, Sirius never refuses when Voldemort offers, even if he only adds a splash of milk to it, and not an ounce of vodka.
"It's made with love," Voldemort drawls, and Sirius rolls his eyes.
He watches Sirius enjoy the beverage. Voldemort doesn't quite taste his own. Hasn't, in a long time, but he still enjoys it because at least it's hot, and it warms him, even if there's only a hint of flavour, like it's the case with everything he eats or drinks.
He finds himself wondering, in case Sirius would have managed brewing it, if Voldemort would have tasted something, then. If he'd have found it better, if some Sirius-like essence would have transferred to the tea, and made Voldemort actually taste it.
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First of all, I wanted to wish you a belated birthday greeting and tell you that I found the drawing in the last post cute. ☺️🩷
(Lol sorry if I'm bombarding you with requests and just because I have a lot of ideas in my head that I've had for a while but I was shy about asking on Tumblr)
Again based on my MC's lore, basically when she receives the Hogwarts letter from Fig she doesn't seem openly convinced that she wants to be part of the magical world but in the end she is convinced.Some time later (again set before the Hogwarts events and when he was with Eleazar) MC opens up about the reasons why he was hostile to "re-entering" the magical world.MC was born into a pureblood family living a relatively normal life until her parents realized she would apparently never have magic and not wanting to tarnish their image with a non-magical daughter they disowned her and abandoned her somewhere in the muggle world with only herself.(This is why she is afraid of being part of the same world that she expelled there)
first of all: Thank you!! <3
and now, I'll add more to it and say Fig takes her to receive her Order of Merlin (cause of course, the Ministry has to acknowledge what she did after all of Hogwarts speaks of it) AND she comes face to face with no others than the people who disowned her in the first place.
ft Protective Fig and vengeful Ominis
MC pulled on her sleeves. She reached to pull on her corset but a hand stopped her. She huffed.
"Relax," Ominis soothed. "It'll be over before you realize it."
"I want it to be over now," MC grumbled, pulling on her sleeves. "This is suffocating."
"Well, I can't say for sure but I bet you look gorgeous," Ominis shrugged.
"That doesn't help," MC pouted. "I always look gorgeous," she added under her breath.
"Yes, you must do," Ominis snorted. "Now let's go. I'm sure Fig will help keep the attention off you, and I'll be right next to you. If Father taught me something useful is how to manage these people."
MC took a deep breath and nodded. Taking Ominis' hand in hers, she crossed the wards. The Minister was using some rich family's grounds to host her Order of Merlin award. She would pity those poor idiots if they weren't richer than dirt. They probably had an army of house-elves to do their cleaning, maybe even a human maid or two for appearance's sake.
However, she froze as soon as she saw the manor.
There was something familiar about it.
And now that she was paying attention, there was something familiar about the magic of the place. The wards.
"I can't be here," she panicked. "Ominis-
"It's ok," Ominis frowned, concerned. "We'll leave as soon as we can. But you have to receive the award. Hero or not, you can't dismiss these traditions."
"But Ominis this is-
"Mr. Gaunt, such a pleasure," a woman's velvety voice called. "Please do come in. It's warmer inside and even if our fairies are friendly I wouldn't stay out too long."
"Lady Crawford," Ominis greeted. "This is M-"
"You!" Lady Crawford's eyes turned icy and her glare stabbed MC's defeated gaze. Lady Crawford lowered her voice to a hiss, not unlike Ominis' parseltongue but ten times more poisonous and rude. "What in Merlin's name are you doing here, you filth? I thought we were clear you wouldn't put a foot back in after you turned out to be a squib!"
"Believe me," MC gritted out. "I want to be here less than you want me here. So, let's get this over with, Mother, I promise to be out of your hair once the Minister takes some pictures."
"The Minister," Lady Crawford scoffed. "Why would he want pictures with you?" She eyed Ominis' frowning face with a wicked glee. "Oh, did you drug this poor heir? I wondered why the Gaunts were so evasive about their youngest."
"Didn't you say I'm a squib?" MC growled. "How would I drug him? Amortentia needs magic to work!"
"I don't know, filth, maybe those muggles we left you with taught you something," Lady Crawford shrugged unapologetically. "They did promise us to put those... traits of yours to good use. Said you'd pay for your place yourself so we didn't have to worry about anything."
Ominis' magic flared, causing both witches to look at him. His face was as impassive as always, and only MC felt how tight his grip on her hand had turned.
"As lovely as this reunion is," he drawled. "I'm afraid MC here has to speak to the Minister now. She has an award to receive, after all, what with all that saving Hogwarts from a goblin rebellion. It was good to see you before your fall Lady Crawford. It's always nice to know how high you feel you are before I make you fall."
Ominis didn't give her an opportunity to answer, he pulled MC to the Hall and maneuvered her to the farthest corner from the entrance, where the lady of the manor was still welcoming guests.
"What was that?" he asked lowly. "Mother? You're a Crawford?"
"What do you think the 'C' stands for?" MC rolled her eyes, still feeling vexed after seeing the woman who abandoned her when she was a child. "Fig helped me and gave me the 'Carrow' cover, but that's not my real name. I don't have one, really, disowned as I am."
Ominis pursed his lips.
"Disowned or not that's your family name," he said. "I would know."
"Your parents still acknowledge you as a Gaunt," MC shook her head. "My parents pretend I never existed. Sold me to the first cathouse they found. I'm not a Crawford."
Ominis was quiet for a moment, head tilted to one side, brows furrowed in annoyance.
"Well, no matter," he sighed, clearing his expression to one of polite cordiality. "The Crawfords will be no longer important in the Wizarding World by the end of the year."
MC shuddered. She knew Ominis could be fierce when he wanted to be. She felt touched, too, that he would use his contacts to punish the people who wronged her. Ominis wasn't one to pull strings often, but when he did, it was serious.
At least Sebastian wasn't anywhere near. He'd probably plan their demise along with their fall from grace.
"Oh, there you are!" Fig grinned, walking towards them with two other men behind him. "MC, this is Lord Crawford and Minister Spavin."
Unlike his wife, Lord Crawford hid his surprise well, only frowning in contempt when he recognized the girl before him. The Minister, however, was most excited to shake her hand and ask about her life and the goblins.
"Well, it wasn't only goblins, minister," MC said. "There was a group of dark wizards as well, working with Ranrok."
"Ha, wizards working with goblins?" Pavin waved it off while Lord Crawford snorted. "Unbelievable. But tell me how did you manage to defeat Ranrok? Fig here says your magic is extraordinary but he won't go into details and I'm sure the Prophet and all its readers would like to know."
He would like to know.
"Don't worry, Minister," MC smiled sweetly. "I don't plan on taking over, I just want to finish my studies and maybe work as a researcher and professor."
"That's for the best I think," Lord Crawford drawled. "Researching is not too difficult, even a squib would be able to do it, leaving the experimentation to those who actually have magic."
"I do have magic, Lord Crawford," MC glared. "Or I wouldn't be attending Hogwarts."
"Hogwarts is not what it used to be," Lord Crawford shrugged. "Minister? Are you sure this girl is the one who stopped the goblin rebellion? I know she didn't show any signs of magic when she was younger, and I heard she only got to Hogwarts at fifteen. Maybe Professor Fig is not telling us something? Say, Fig, wasn't it you who defeated the goblin leader? It won't change your standing if that's why you're lying."
Fig frowned.
"I'm not lying," he said slowly. "MC saved my life, Hogwarts, and she was the one who faced Ranrok by herself."
"Hm. It just seems unlikely."
"Why do you say she's a squib?" Ominis demanded, standing close to the Minister to stop him from leaving. "Most purebloods nowadays show signs of magic much later, when they're older, especially when the family doesn't have any particular magic such as parseltongue or metamorphosis. While it is uncommon not to have accidental magic or for the magic to unlock after fifteen, it is not unheard of."
"He got you there, pal," Pavin snickered. "The Unspeakables are actually investigating such things. Mr. Gaunt, I didn't know you were interested in that."
"I'm not," Ominis shrugged. "My best friend is, though. He stumbled into that research while looking into curse-breaking, and I admit it's very interesting but I prefer to study charms."
MC shifted her feet. Fig was eyeing her with concern, glancing between her and her father. She wondered what he'd do if he knew.
She didn't have to wait long. Like a candle, Fig's eyes lighted up and he glanced between father and daughter one last time, as if making sure he wasn't imagining things. Then his expression turned murderous and even Minister Pavin took a cautious step back.
"You thought your daughter was a squib!"
Lord Crawford blinked taking a step back from the angry wizard.
"She was," he said.
"And what did you do!" Fig continued, ignoring the Minister's attempts to calm him down and MC's trembling figure behind Ominis' own angry form. "Sold her to the muggles! Left her to her doom with those animals!"
"What," the Minister asked, looking at Lord Crawford with disgust. "You sent her to the muggles?"
"He sold her to the muggles," Ominis spat. "The worst kind. She was just a child!"
"Now, now," Lord Crawford tried to calm them down. "She wouldn't have been happy with us. A squib surrounded by magic? No, so we sent her somewhere she would feel like she belonged."
"They used me," MC said, stepping around Ominis to glare at her father. Her voice was low and dangerous but mindful of the other people around. She knew some people were listening, but she rather avoid a bigger scene. "They used me and sold me and locked me up when no one picked me for the night!"
The Minister and some eavesdroppers gasped.
"You are not welcome here," Lord Crawford said, much like his wife before. "Magic or not."
"Good for me," MC hissed. "I'm not a Crawford. I wouldn't want to be one."
"I wouldn't want to be one either," Ominis added, smirking. "And even though we're all used to calling her 'MC', I have to say 'MG' has a nice tone as well."
"We're leaving," Fig said, "Minister, we'll reschedule this whole affair. Maybe a smaller ceremony at the Ministry. It's, after all, only a sixteen-year-old squib getting an award. We don't need all this extravagance."
MC sighed, grateful, and followed Ominis when he pulled her to the exit.
"Those- people," Fig was growling. "If the Minister wasn't there I would've cursed them."
"Oh, don't worry about it, Professor," Ominis grinned. "I did it. And I'll make sure their name is forgotten before they know it."
MC squeezed his hand. She sent Fig a grateful smile.
Maybe she didn't have parents, but she couldn't have asked for a better family.
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I Can Be With You ~Remus Lupin
RemusLupin x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Remus Lupin (young) x female reader
Genre: Fluff, bit angst/sadness in the beginning
Tw: swearing? and my awful writing ;) (If you find something you find needed to mentioned let me know)
Summary: Remus has finally let it out, he told her and to his surprise and fear she said it back. Now he is trying to avoid her at all costs, because that would hurt less than forcing her with a werewolf, right?... (this is part 2 of 'I Can't Be With You')
Good to know: Last year Hogwarts, Y/n is Hufflepuff and pureblood, Italic is mostly flashbacks, Y/n (your name), Y/n/n (your nickname), Y/n/l (your last name), June Montegmory (Y/n's bestfriend, if this is your name im so sorry) I used Kaya Scodelario as a reference for her :)
Part one - part two
Remus had done everything in his power to avoid her, Y/n Y/l/n, other wise known as the girl of his dreams.
It sounded weird and maybe mean to call her such as he had turned her down and yet before that kissed her and professed his liking, (love), for her.
He planted his lips on hers, while his hands found her waist. She melted in his arms, her hands tangling in his hair and her eyes closed. She loved how she could feel the little cut in his lip and how his hands would tighten around her waist when she tugged at his roots.
He loved how her soft lips felt, they were even softer than he imagined. He was getting addicted at her pulling his hair softly and massaging his scalp while he could freely explore her back and waist.
But then flashes from his transformation flashed before his eyes, him hurting Y/n and her screaming for him to stop. His heart sank when he realized he couldn't give her what she deserved, so he pulled back tears pooling in his eyes.
"I can't do this to you. I can't make you love me, I'm sorry."
She looked confused, "You don't have to make me love you, I alre-"
He shut her up with placing his lips on hers again, "don't say that please," he whispered against her lips. "I can't let you love me."
"Why?" she wanted to cry, but she was just so hurt it was numb, while his tears rolled over his cheek.
"I'm a monster, now even more than before. Please, just forget me, and be happy."
His hands left her waist and she already missed his body heat, he wasn't a monster and she would never think so, not even after he left her like this, because that's what you do when you love someone.
Y/n knew he was ignoring her and honestly, it broke her even more. If he didn't want to be with her, fine, but telling her he liked her then kissing her to then just shut her out; wasn't fair.
It was mean, and ruthless.
But it didn't matter, because she couldn't help it but love him, his stupid smile, his stupid fluffy hair, his stupidly cute frown, and his stup-
"Y/n?" June asked.
"Sorry? I wasn't paying enough attention, I'm sorry." Y/n hated what effect it had on her, how she would zone out in class, not hear her friends call to her, and drown herself in homework just so something was on her mind.
She couldn't think of him, yet he never leaves her mind completely.
Everybody noticed the change in her mood, how she always was happy and laid-back, she now was always stressed and looked tired.
Remus noticed this too and he didn't know if it made him guilty or not, and it sure made him rethink his decision every time. It wasn't fair of him to kiss her and then tell him they couldn't be together. He was being immature, and just a grade A asshole.
Y/n was wondering about it almost every time of every day, was it her? Was she in the end not what he wanted, did he just want to kiss her and not even once consider her feelings? What did he mean with being a monster? Nothing made sense anymore, everything was just a spiral of more questions.
"Y/n? You did nothing wrong you know that right?" June was worried about her friend, she hadn't been herself and she couldn't pin point were the problem was.
Of course she had made the connection to Remus, she could see her lingering stares on him and his on her, when she wasn't looking. She noticed how her friend was drowning herself in home work and saying 'sorry' to almost everything that wasn't even her fault.
"Yeah, I'm just gonna go," Y/n spoke softly her books clutched in her hands, "homework."
June was beyond furious now, she was hurting so much yet talking about it was something she obviously wasn't going to do. So she was going to talk to the only other person who would know what was going on, Remus fucking John Lupin himself.
"Talk," June was standing before her fellow prefect, Remus. They had rounds together, she asked to be put together, Y/n was head girl so she wasn't around at the moment.
"W-what?" he was slightly scared of June not gonna lie, she was bloody scary if she wanted to and now she sure as hell did.
"What did you do?" her blue eyes were boring into his and he didn't know how to react. He was maybe slightly frightened by her?
"What are you on about?" he asked, and if he wasn't talking to June maybe the person would've believed he honestly didn't know but she could see right through him.
"Y/n," she responded flatly, "what have you said or done."
He sighed, he knew someone was going to confront him about it, he just wasn't ready for it yet. Their little conversation was almost two weeks ago, and he hadn't bothered to talk to anyone about it.
He just couldn't, and he didn't even know why it broke him so hard.
"Nothing," his voice turned just as monotone and flat as hers.
"yes, she hasn't been doing well, she sin't herself and everybody knows it! For gods sake! All you two ever did was stare longingly at each other, and now she looks at you as if you've burned down her world while you stare at her as if you're looking at a broken china doll."
"I, I made a stupid mistake, but I can't set it right."
"That's the most bullshit reason ever."
"I just," he didn't know why was even considering telling June, he didn't know her and for all he knew she would just blab her mouth to Y/n, "I liked her, no, I- I still do. It's just, I don't know how we would work, and I came to that conclusion after."
"After what?"
"I kissed her," he looked at the dark brunette while her eyes widened, "And then I-I told her we couldn't be together, and left, I fucking left June!"
The dark haired girl stood speechless, she knew of her best friend's crush, of course, but what he did was extremely unexpected at least to her.
Her mouth hung to the floor and her eyes dropped open as if she saw light for the first time in years.
"I know," he sighed,, he already knew she would react like this, who wouldn't?
"Fix it," she said slowly and weirdly soft, gentle. "I know she still has the same feelings and by how sad you sound I'l guessing you do too."
She was right and he knew it, but how would he tell the most perfect girl in his eyes that he was what he was; a monster.
"I'll try."
The next days Remus was building up courage to talk to her, but she was slowly giving up, she lost faith that maybe he felt the same. It was probably a stupid Marauder prank, it was meaningless.
But why did he kiss her so passionately?
"You've been staring at her for weeks! Please tell me you are finally planning to talk to her again," James pleaded, he was done with his friend being a mopping wolf all the time.
Just as were their other friends, he was always sour around the full moon and they respected it, but now he was sour all the time and even worse at the full moon, that was a few days ago.
"I am, actually. June talked to me while we were doing our prefect rounds, and she told me that Y/n stilled liked me and that I should just talk to her."
"Finally!!" a very dramatic Sirius exclaimed. Which did cause them to get a few weird looks but, they didn't mind, the sour wolf maybe would be gone!
When Remus saw his girl leave the great hall he stood up immediately, he wasn't going to let this opportunity pass.
But just as he was about to follow her he sank down again.
"What just happened, wasn't there supposed to be applause or a kiss or something?" Marlene asked, "Why did he sit back down?!"
"She wouldn't want to talk to me," Remus muttered, "she should just move on, I'm bad for her anyway."
"No way Moony! We aren't letting you throw away this chance again!"
"She's perfect for you! She'd understand, you just have to tell her!!"
"Alright," he mumbled, and stood up again. He was going to talk to her, and he wouldn't let it go badly again.
He almost ran out the great hall but his nerves slowed him a bit down. He searched everywhere, their common room, the kitchens and she was nowhere to be found. So, he was going to look at the last place, the Black Lake.
And that's where he found her sitting with a book in her hand, and head hung low, if he looked closely he thought he could even see a few tears.
"Y/n?" he asked, whispered more like.
Her head shot up from her book but didn't look at him, she just stared out before her at the lake. "What are you doing here?"
He swallowed hard, he knew he had hurt her but seeing her like this, red puffy eyes, anxiety marks on her neck, black circles under her eyes, and tear stains on her cheeks, made him realize how bad he hurt her.
"I- I wanted to talk to you," he sighed, nerves taking over him. He hadn't meant to hurt he, in fact he wanted to make her avoid the pain.
"Why?" she finally looked up at him, "You didn't bother for maybe a month?"
His heart broke even more if it could. He had ignored her for so long, but was so caught up in his self-misery that he didn't notice how she was also counting the days, hours... months, they didn't speak.
"I am sorry," he looked down, he couldn't look at her this moment. "I- I shouldn't have done that and-"
"So it was a prank?" she asked, but more like stated it, as if she expected it to be, "it looked fun to you to just walk up to someone and say you like them... kissing them. Does that seem like a prank to you?"
"It wasn't a prank!" his eyes were now also brimmed with a few tears, while hers were dried, she wouldn't cry in front of him, "did you really think I would do something like that? To you?"
He asked it, but her answer surprised him, " Yes."
The look of hurt plastered on his face grew, she noticed, "How could I not? When somebody says they like you, and even kiss you!, you don't expect them to say you can't be together! So the only explanations are: 1) it was a lie and the person didn't actually love you, 2) it was a prank.
You can't blame me for believing for a moment that you would pull a prank, you're a Marauder after all, maybe even the most brilliant one of them."
She was right, and he could follow her reasoning, it was true, but ti wasn't. It was true that he was a prankster and it could've been, but it wasn't because it just wasn't a prank.
"If I told you it wasn't a prank?" he looked at her, straight in her eyes, "Would you believe me?"
"I don't know," she whispered honestly, "why wouldn't you want to be with me then?"
He sighed, and looked at the ground, Remus couldn't tell her. he thought he was ready to tell her, but now he wasn't so sure.
"Would you really think I'm capable to do such a cruel joke?"
"Remus," she was broken and he could hear it in her voice, but it still sounded amazing how she spoke his name. "i don't, didn't think you would do something like that, but I believed it.
Because everything sounded better than settling on the fact that you..." her eyes filled with tears again, why did he have such an effect on him?!
"That I, what?" he asked gently, he was fighting the urge to just wipe away her tears, he couldn't stand how her beautiful eyes were filled with the salty liquid, and he was the reason what broke him even more.
"That you, you just didn't love me."
He was speechless, he hadn't expected that, yet he was also happy about it. She didn't really expect him to be awful, which was a relief. But if it broke her so much thinking he didn't love her, it would've meant she loved him back, right?
"I- I," he wanted to tell her, to shout it out but how her eyes filled with tears looked into his, he didn't find the words anymore. So, Remus did the only thing where he could express his feelings with without having to say anything.
Kissing her.
At first, she didn't kiss him back, he would probably just pull away and run... again.
But in the end she kissed him back, she just liked the feeling of his lips too much. And if he did run away again, she would at least have this kiss, again...
She started to pull away, but he didn't like that so he reached forward and kissed her even harder and more passionate than before.
Y/n melted in the kiss right away, untill they came in an uncomfortable position, he was leaning sideways as did she. So he pulled her of the ground and placed her in his lap. Where he wanted her to stay, for as long as he could have her;
The beautiful girl, now situated in his lap, pulled away though, after realizing he still didn't really explain himself.
"Why did-"
"I love you."
Now it was her turn to be stunned, "You," she spoke pointing at him, "like me?" she asked doubtfully, while now pointing at herself.
He mimicking her actions pointed at himself, "I love," he started then turned her finger to her, "you."
"Then why did you run away?" she asked.
"Because I was scared," he started honestly, it's now or never, "I was scared you would leave me-"
"But you left me."
"And that was the most stupid thing I have ever done," he chuckled softly and very embarrassed, but it made her chuckle a bit too. "I was scared, you'd be scared of me."
"Why would I be?" Y/n still situated in his lap, asked, putting her hands on his cheeks almost forcing him to look at her, "Can you give me a reason, why I should be scared?"
"I'm a monster Y/n, you deserve way more."
She hated how he talked about himself, she may not know why he thought so, but she knew it couldn't be that bad to make her think the same.
"You are way more than I deserve," why couldn't he just see that he was all she wanted, and that that'll never change, it'll be him in a heartbeat.
"No, you don't know that. You deserve someone, who could promise you the world a-and money, a stable life, a family and not some messed up," he took a deep breath, "a messed up me."
"Tell me then.
Tell me why you are, in your eyes, a messed up someone. Because in the end, it's my decision, if I want to be with you, who you really are with your flaws and your good habits. I'll love you either way."
"Y-you love me?"
"I do, I really do," she smiled sadly, and she pointed at herself, "I love," and while pointing at him she smiled, "you."
"I'm a werewolf."
He sighed, he shouldn't have thought so stupidly! Of course she would be disappointed, his head fell and she could feel the tears on her shirt.
"No, don't. Just don't."
"Remus, listen to me!" his head shot up at her, she had raised her voice but he couldn't spot anger he was confused, now more than ever.
"I'm sorry, if that came of wrong. I didn't mean it, as if I was disgusted, I just wasn't expecting it. I don't care, really. You aren't a monster, you're Remus Lupin, and to me you'll always be."
"But, I'm a-"
But before he could say his sentence she had herself pressed against him, her lips locked with his and her hands in his hair. She couldn't stand it, how he talked so badly about himself.
"Don't say that," she murmured against his lips.
"But, I am one, and you should scream at me and run a-and-"
"Shut up."
"You are not a monster, not to me. You can try to tell me o-or convince me other wise, but it won't work. It wont work. Not on me."
"I don't deserve you, we - I, i can't be with you..."
"No, you can," she stated, "Now it's just the question if you want to be with me. Because I do, I want to be with you and I can, if you let me in. If you would just let me love you.
Remus John Lupin, just let me love you."
"i want to, i so desperately want to be. But I can't let you throw away your life like that."
"I won't," her eyes were boring into his, her face was so close to his, and she looked so kissable, so sweet. Y/n couldn't understand when or how she could make him believe he was what she wanted. She would never, ever want someone else, just him and his love; like he had hers.
"if you love me enough to give me- us a chance, let me know. Because I can't deal with the idea of you not loving me, not being this close to you as I am now. I want to show you that you are and can be loved, everybody who doesn't is daft. Let me love you, please."
His breath was short and a bit delayed, his eyes were watery but his smile was permanently pasted on his face. "I want to be with you," he finally whispered while already dipping his head a bit down to capture her lips between his.
"But, can you be with me? Because you can want to, but are you ready to let me love and care for you? To tell about your werewolf antics, because I want to be there for you.
I don't care what you are, to me you'll always be Remus Lupin, even when you are undergoing your problems.
That's what you do for the ones you love..."
"I can be with you," he stated. He had never been more sure about anything. "I want to be with you, and I'll love you till the end of the line. i just don't want you to get hurt."
"i won't," she promised with a soft peck on his kissable lips, "I won't bring me or you in danger, but I'll be waiting every morning after a full moon and i'll love you either way."
"I love you"
It had been a few weeks since then. Both couldn't have been happier.
Remus couldn't stop himself from smiling at her every time they passed or he could just see her, his girlfriend.
At first they went on a few dates but he couldn't bare it to not call her his, so he made Y/n his, and his only.
They hadn't told their friends yet, of course everyone noticed the change of mood in the both of them but if someone asked they just shrugged or gave very vague answers.
Remus went straight to his dorm after their rendez-vous, he couldn't bring the smile of his face. They loved each other and he could be open about his problems, they kissed and laughed, they kissed a bit more, and laughed even more...
"What?" the tall boy asked.
"What?" James mimicked, "Tell us!!"
"there's nothing to tell." he shrugged. Very amused at his best friends' interest.
Of course Y/n couldn't keep it from June though.
"He asked!" the hufflepuff screamed when she plopped down on her bed next to June's.
"WHo did what?"
"remus, he asked me to be his-"
Y/n didn't even respond she squealled with a dreamy smile on her face. June her response was jumping on top of her friend's bed squealling along with her.
"How did he do it?"
we were walking around Hogsmeade, and we saw a lake. I started tugging on his arm saying I wanted to ice skate. He laughed at me, but not mean, you know just his dreamy, cute little sm-"
"You're going off topic Y/n!!"
"Right," she said clearing her throat, "we transfigured our shoes to ice skates, and just skated for a while. At first I wasn't that good but he always held my hand so I wouldn't fall and such. Then he told me he had something special he wanted to do, so I skated to the edge while he started making this ridiculous moves.
But then he signed me to come closer again, and I looked down to see he had spelled 'Be mine?' on the ice!!!"
"Oh My Helga!!"
"Moony you've been awfully happy for a full moon Today," Peter said next to him.
"That's because today is special."
"How come."
When he started his sentence the door opened behind them and he turned around, making eye contact with the prettiest girl he had ever seen, his girlfriend.
"because I have my girlfriend," he sighed softly. Before walking up to Y/n who had stood still once they made eye contact.
"hi love," he whispered in her shoulder, after he pulled her in a hug.
"He-" but she was cut of be him pressing their lips together again. She just melted into it, ignoring the shouts and whistles from the other students, she was his and he was hers. She didn't care if they could see that, because all that mattered anyway was him and her, them.
You're not alone Siri."
"Why didn't we know?!"
"Let them be!!"
"But Lily-Flower! They just kissed and are still staring in each other eyes while whispering and-"
"It's true love!!"
A smirk came up on James' face, "Like we are?"
She just blushed shaking her head and heading for a table.
"She is right though," Remus whispered to his love, "You are my one true love.
And you'll always be."
Okay I actually really liked this!! I was supposed to be doing homework but...
Hope you enjoyed! have a great day!!
also the last seen from Lily saying "it's true love" reminded me of this gif...
Also reminder to:
Hope you enjoy!
#remus lupin#remus lupin x reader#fem reader#part#remus#lupin#sirius being sirius#marauders#jilly#james potter#james fleamont potter#lily evans potter#lily potter#marlene mckinnon#peter pettigrew#sirius orion black#marauders era#love#relationship#fluff#kisses
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Day 125.3 Accidental Bonding (Part 3)
You can start at Part One, if you'd like.)
"Piss off, Malfoy," Jenkins snarled from across the room at the end of the training exercise, drawing Harry's attention from the conversation he was having with Ron. "You are such an arsehole. You think you're so clever, so much better than us," he shoved Malfoy's shoulders, "but you're just a slimy Dark Lord worshiper-"
"Oy!" Harry shouted, darting forward and physically putting his body between Jenkins and Malfoy, "Don't talk to him like that."
"I'll talk to that fu-"
"You need to back down," Harry growled, his body thrumming with energy, fingers tingling with the urge to punch Jenkins in the face, his magic racing hot and bright under his skin.
Malfoy put a hand on Harry's shoulder, "Don't," he said. "He's not worth it."
He glared at the other man for a moment before taking a step toward the locker room.
"Oh, I get it," Jenkins sneered, "some people are so possessive of their pets. He's letting you fuck him now, so-"
Harry spun around so fast that Jenkins didn't have a moment to see what was about to happen as Harry's fist connected with his jaw. "Watch your mouth," he growled, low in his throat. "We aren't sleeping together but even if we were that wouldn't change the fact that he is twice the auror you will ever be." He took another step closer, "He's smarter, faster, and has better instincts. And everyone knows that your pathetic attempts to belittle him are out of jealousy. So you can fuck off before you make an even bigger arse of yourself."
"Alright," Ron said, holding out his hands between them. "That's enough."
Jenkins spat blood at Harry's feet but had the good sense not to say anything more as he left and slammed the door behind him.
Harry turned to see Malfoy storming away from him. "Malfoy," he shouted but the other man threw him a two fingered salute and stalked off.
"What the hell?" Harry grumbled.
(Read more below the cut)
Ron shrugged, "Beats me, mate." He slapped him on the shoulder, "but I wouldn't want to be going home with him. He looked pissed."
Regrettably Ron was right, Malfoy was pissed. Harry couldn't understand it and the other man wouldn't say a word to him about it.
They went home and Malfoy shut himself in the bedroom without a word, leaving Harry standing completely confused in the living room. "What the hell?" he repeated.
Hands on his hips, he stared off after the other man and replayed what he'd said to Jenkins for the fiftieth time, trying to figure out what had made Malfoy so mad.
Giving up on trying to puzzle it out seemed like the only course of action so he headed into the kitchen and started dinner. In the past week and a half, Draco had cooked, they'd cooked together, or ordered take out. Harry hadn't cooked anything on his own since he's arrived and honestly, he was glad for the chance to cooking now.
He chopped up an onion, diced a carrot, chopped up a stalk of celery, and minced several cloves of garlic. Then he turned to the stove and heated a frying pan, pouring in some olive oil before tossing in the veggies and letting them cook down while he chopped up lettuce for a salad.
After about ten minutes, he added the ground beef, salt, and pepper into the frying pan and uncorked a bottle of Merlot, pouring himself a generous glass and dumping a few ounces in with the beef and veg.
He cast a simple spell to keep the spoon stirring while the beef browned and he turned to cut up tomatoes and onions for the salad and made a simple vinaigrette. When the beef was brown and fragrant, he added in tomato paste, diced tomatoes, basil, oregano, and a dash of nutmeg before stirring it all together.
With a pleased hum, he put the lid on the pot and cast a spell that would condense the simmering time to about thirty minutes instead of three hours.
While the sauce cooked down he baked brownies, tossed the salad, and prepped the water and spaghetti. Boiling the spaghetti, cutting the brownies, and plating everything was easy after that. Harry topped the bowls of bolongese with freshly grated Parmesan and basil.
Then, after a moment of debate, he decided to bring dinner to Malfoy instead of the other way around and laid out their salads, bowls of bolognese, glasses of wine, and brownies onto a tray. He levitated it down the hall and knocked on the door.
"Come in," Malfoy called, sounding bored and detached and Harry had to take a steadying breath to tamp down the irritation that tone of voice invoked before opening the door.
"Made dinner," he said casually.
Malfoy turned his head from where he was laying on the bed, idly catching a snitch and releasing it. He sat up, his blonde hair trailing behind him, "It smells good."
"You don't need to sound surprised," Harry teased.
Malfoy opened his mouth to protest but Harry continued as he set the tray in the middle of the bed.
"I'm just kidding," he assured quickly.
"Do you really think that it's wise to consume red wine and pasta on a white bed?" Malfoy asked, one eyebrow arched at him as he climbed onto the bed across the tray from Malfoy.
"It'll be fine," Harry assured as he picked up his salad bowl and speared a tomato. "We're wizards, we'll magic it away if we must."
Malfoy hummed but picked up his own salad. "Thank you."
He shrugged a shoulder, "No problem. I like to cook, actually."
"Do you?" Malfoy asked curiously.
Harry nodded, "Yeah. Once we left Hogwarts and I was living on my own, I was eating out all the time and it wasn't doing me any favors. So I learned how to make some simple things that taste good." He tilted his head, "What about you? You're not a bad cook."
His cheeks turned a light pink and he cleared his throat, "That's Granger's doing actually."
He sighed, "She made a really good case about house elves. I didn't want to be who my parents wanted me to be so when I moved out and joined the aurors, I basically shunned anything that whiffs of pureblood bullshit. It has no place here," he said gesturing to his home with his fork.
Harry blinked, "That's amazing."
"Shut up."
"No, I'm serious," Harry said. "You're amazing and I had no idea."
"Stop," Malfoy said. "Please, it's not-"
"Is that what earlier was about?"
Malfoy stilled, "Excuse me?"
"Is that why you were upset?" he asked. "You thought that I was taking the piss?"
"I thought that you have an insufferable hero complex that makes me want to vomit," he growled.
"You're a hedgehog," Harry said, finally understanding.
Malfoy froze, "Who told you that?"
"Told me what?" Harry asked.
"That my patronus is a hedgehog," he said as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Harry laughed and Malfoy flushed cherry red, his eyes narrowed. "No, sorry," Harry said holding out a hand, "I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing because I had no idea, honestly!"
"Then what made you say it?" he asked suspiciously.
"Just," he paused and took a bite of bolognese as he searched for the right words, "When you start to feel vulnerable or like someone is going to hurt you, you curl into this defensive ball that will stab at someone no matter what they say or do."
"You are genuinely one of the best aurors in our class," Harry said earnestly, steering the conversation to something more tangible that they were less like to fight over. "I was serious."
Malfoy rolled his eyes, "You're just saying that because the bond-"
He shook his head, "I've always thought that," he protested. "It's annoying as fuck because it always seems like everything comes so easily to you. I used to complain about it to Ron all the time."
"Says you," Malfoy protested. "You're always doing everything right; throwing yourself into danger to protect people." He shook his head, "By all accounts, what you do shouldn't work but it does. You're a good auror, Potter."
Harry swallowed, "Thanks, Malfoy. That means a lot coming from you."
"Yes, well," he said as he took a sip of wine, "Don't let it go to your head."
Harry chuckled and they took a few bites in companionable silence before Draco started to talk again.
"You didn't have to come to my rescue with Jenkins, you know."
He waved the thought away, "He's an arse. We've had it out before."
"I'm just saying," he argued, "I was fine. Honestly what he was saying wasn't even that bad."
"Not that bad?!" Harry yelped. "He-"
Malfoy shook his head, "It's the bond, Potter, don't you see that? Jenkins has said a lot worse, other trainees have said a lot worse, and you've never felt the need to jump in and defend my honor before."
Harry frowned.
"You're being swayed by what the bond wants you to feel about me."
"I'm not sure you're right," he said. "Because you shouldn't be treated like that at work. No one should be treated like that."
"Be that as it may-"
"I'm just saying, even if the bond brought it to my attention, I would have done that for anyone. If he'd been saying shite like that to Ron, I would have decked him, too."
Malfoy looked like he was going to argue with him, before visibly changing his mind, "You do have a wand, you know. There's no need to resort to brute force."
Harry shrugged, "But there's just something so satisfying about punching someone."
A laughed forced it's way up Malfoy's throat and Harry grinned at him. Shaking his head, Malfoy replied, "You're ridiculous. And this is good, by the way," he added, pointing to his pasta with his fork.
"Good," Harry said with a pleased little smile.
The conversation turned lighter as they bickered about the training exercises and the best approach, but the bickering held none of the animosity it had a week and a half before.
And Harry couldn't help but wonder how much of this was the bond's doing and how much was simply him.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
#100 drarry drabbles in 100 days#one year of drarry drabbles#drarry#ficlet#drarry ficlet#drarry drabbles#enemies to friends#slow burn apparently#see you in part 4 tomorrow#domestic#cooking
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magical mischief (2)
character(s): diluc ➡ mentions: kaeya, sucrose, childe, venti, baal, diona warning(s): swearing <3
notes: it was supposed to be diluc, zhongli, and thoma but diluc's unexpectedly got longer than i hoped oOPS so i made a separate one for zhongli and thoma
part 1: kaeya, childe, albedo
everyone knows of the gryffindor prefect. some people would mistake him as ravenclaw for being so studious; some people would mistake him for slytherin for being so closed off. in his first year of hogwarts, people often mistook him as hufflepuff for being friendly, overly polite, and outgoing. the hufflepuff mistake changed when he turned sixteen.
no one knows what happened to his sudden change of personality. no one but kaeya and a strange, childhood, ravenclaw friend that works with another even stranger ravenclaw.
sucrose pushes her glasses up, watching you create another explosion in her room.
you cough, wiping off the ashes from your face. the black smudges on your face don't go away. sucrose hands you a handkerchief and you gratefully accept it, finally getting the grime off.
"project sixty-two oh-eight is unsuccessful." the mint haired girl notes in a journal. "moving on to..."
you tilt your head, giving her a nod to go on but she stares at the space behind you. you turn and see kaeya, cracking open the door with a quiet knock. you frown, his uncharacteristic actions feel so weird. he usually just blasts open the door with a flick of his wand and sashays inside.
"kaeya?" you ask after apologizing to sucrose for interrupting her. "what's up?"
the slytherin clears his throat, opening the door more widely. "may i have a moment of your time? preferably not here, though."
he's so... formal. unlike himself.
you wave goodbye to sucrose and promise her to do another experiment next time then direct your attention back to the boy in front of you. "sure, outside?"
he nods. with a swish of his robes, he walks out. you note his posture is so unlike him. his strides are more rigid, less carefree. it's like a comparison from a beauty model to an uptight CEO.
he leads you right in a place where you can see the black lake. it's awfully farther than you expected. you thought he was going to lead to to the court yard, or at least the slytherin common room.
"kaeya, you're not acting like yourself." you comment.
"haha!" an airy laugh escapes from someone. you jolt, surprised from the unexpected guest. you feel two hands clamp your shoulders. "you're absolutely right, my dear."
you knit your brows, walking away from kaeya and... diluc. you slap a hand over your mouth. "wait, diluc- did you just laugh?!" did he just call you 'my dear' with a peppy tone
kaeya grumbles in displeasure. his arms cross while his brother leans on him with a carefree attitude.
you make an 'o' shape with your lips, piecing the clues together. "oh.. oh." you try to remain stoic and serious about the situation, seeing how uncomfy kaeya- no- how uncomfy diluc is.
you gasp out laughing, clutching your stomach. you crouch on the ground unable to control your laughs and look up to the brothers with tears in your eyes, "oh- please! you've switched bodies! how?!"
no wonder the slytherin had been acting all curt and polite. diluc in kaeya's body pinches the bridge of his nose. "the new first year did this," he starts to explain. "took one look at me and said, 'i will destroy the wine industry!' i don't even know how the kid knows of my family's business in the muggle world."
"placed a spell on us with weird words while having a quidditch practice match," kaeya finishes. "but really, who doesn't know of the winery? even the purest of purebloods know of it."
kaeya (still in diluc's body) looks at the red portion of his robes with a scrunched up nose. you're unable to tell if he hates how the robe feels on him. or if he hates wearing gryffindor's colours.
you hum, scratching your head. "you want me to undo the spell, right?"
"if it isn't a problem," diluc presses his lips together. with one glance at your unsure face, his shoulders droop. "you don't know how, do you..."
you smile sympathetically. "i'll try my best to undo it, but just in case, we need to find that first year, to the source itself"
kaeya raises his arms behind his now red hair, "great! it feels so weird to be seeing with both my eyes. or well, with both diluc eyes. the kid's name is diona. she's also in slytherin like me. diluc will lead you to her."
"what? why me," diluc asks.
"because you're the one who looks like me, duh! i cant go in the slytherin common room if i look like gryffindor prefect. just bring [y/n] with you. childe can also help-"
diluc glowers, "you still hang around that scum?"
"you still keep that vase?" kaeya throws sweet poison to diluc.
you chuckle nervously when you see them bring their wands out. "so, diona? let's find her."
kaeya raises a brow, and smirks. "toodles~! i dont want to spend another minute in this grump's body. that donna girl keeps trying to give me a pie- i dont want seven different pies." he wriggles his fingers to show his goodbye.
you shiver. it's so weird to see diluc- when you know diluc isn't actually diluc in his body. but his face keeps smiling and showing emotions with kaeya's soul inside. it's weird to not see only little quirks of his mouth or his typical sighs.
but really though, you could stare at kaeya's new face. it's strange seeing diluc with a scheming face: the one kaeya typically wears
"please at least try to not get into any trouble..." diluc purses his lips. "i'll try to act like you- you try to act like me."
you stare at diluc with owlish eyes. diluc? acting like kaeya?
it seems kaeya has the same reaction, because he freezes. luckily for him, he's quick witted, "oh? act like you?" he musters the grouchiest face and crosses his arms. "hello, i am diluc ragnvindr. i am a grouchy gryffindor. i hate kaeya. i hate lots of slytherins, especially the beautiful, gorgeous asshole named kaeya," he praises himself.
diluc fights the urge to throw him into the black lake. you laugh, dragging diluc away and leading him to where the slytherin common room is.
"i've only been here once, but i am acquainted with childe, so he can show us around." you bump his side playfully and stand outside the slytherin common room.
"CHILDE." you yell with your hands amplifying the noise.
"WHADDUP SHAWTY," you hear a shout from behind you.
you nod to diluc, encouraging him to somehow find a way to get the slytherin password from childe. you know he hates him, but you want to see dilucs words come true. you want to see how he acts as kaeya.
he lets out a shaky sigh and smiles so casually. the smile is so pretty, it hurts. it's a shame he doesn't do that with his own face.
childe beams seeing the two of you, "hey comrades! what are you all standing around for?" he prods around, eying diluc then snaps his fingers as if realizing something.
you wait a bit for diluc to say something, or act more, but it seems he's done his acting gig and goes straight to the point. "what's the password?"
you deadpan. childe's gonna question him now and he'd have to say he's actually dilu-
"yeah sure no problem! it's 'reckoning'"
diluc says the word to a blank wall and enters through the door. you squint your eyes and make a face at childe. "you're up to something, i know."
he shrugs and pushes you in after diluc. "tell diona i said hi."
you sit at the lounge, waiting for diluc to show up with diona. your brows crease, because diluc is right. childe knows something others don't. you don't recall telling childe you were trying to find diona.
you doubletake, seeing a hufflepuff drinking an absurd amount of butterbeer from who knows where. they hang their arms around a slender, purple haired slytherin who tries to push him off with disgust.
what is venti doing hanging out with the slytherin queen. he'll die-
"venti," you hiss, reaching out to try and let him live a bit longer.
he hiccups and waves you over. he 'whispers' to the slytherin next to him. oh he's in trouble now. "psst, baal. is that the one all the slytherins are talking about?" his whispers are shouts at this point.
the slytherins at the lounge freeze, hoping you havent caught on yet.
baal hits venti's head with a hand, "shut up. you're ruining the plan."
you snort seeing venti spill his drink on his clothes.
"but baal," venti downs what's left in his mug. "if that grumpy gryffindor wont confess to [y/n] then how on earth is the plan even going to work? he barely even talks to [y/n] these days because hee likes [y/n] too much." he says as if you're not in the room. he continues babbling even after baal kicks his shins, "kaeya's plan won't work if diona-"
oh shit so it's kaeya's plan and every slytherin is on it
baal drags venti out of the common room and throws him out and all the other slytherins hastily leave to their own rooms.
diluc coughs from behind you, now transformed to his normal self and with who you assume is diona. pink peppers his face while he tried to cover his face with his fiery hair. "um, i found diona. she swapped me back."
diona sticks her tongue out. "that ugly kaeya made a deal with me on something and i had to oblige! it's honestly so pathetic how you can't confess so deal or no deal: i had to do it, but the uglier bard ruined the whole plan so i turned you back."
diluc dusts imaginary dust off his cloak and grasps your hands. he looks down to his feet, still unsure of whether to do this or not. "well, you heard it all. it's a shame it couldn't be from me but-" he rambles. with other's he's confident, but with you he's a mess. "i hope you can accept my feelings. if not i understand, i'll go on with my day and you'll never have to see me."
he holds his breath, silently quivering with the lack of response you give. a hand lifts his chin up and he stares at your eyes, nervous.
you didn't say anything, but you smile and give his the warmest hug.
he knows the answer now.
he wraps his arms back, silently thanking kaeya for his idiotic plan. it's stupid, but it worked in the end.
kaeya swirls a gold goblet with sparkling grape juice inside. he wolfishly grins and holds his cup up with a hand. "a toast for master diluc! for finally confessing, if people can even call it that."
he lowers it, placing it on his lips but never drinking it. he grins under the cup seeing diluc's wand in his hand flaming red.
"it's not even my fault." kaeya starts to explain his bullshit to diluc, "you can blame yourself. honestly, it gets tiring seeing you pine for so long and avoiding them like you weren't childhood friends with them."
the tips of diluc's ears turn red, not wanting to agree with his brother, but it was true. he was hopeless in the romantic department by himself. he can reject thousands and millions of people. he can have who ever he wants, but you aren't "whoever." you're the most special someone to him and that made him scared.
kaeya hands his drink to diluc, "do i get a thank you?"
diluc scoffs, yet accepts the drink. "thank you," he quietly mutters.
part 3: thoma, zhongli
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Dual Summoner x Shadow Summoner pt. 1 the beginning
From the day I was three I discovered my powers, an extremely rare power that no one ever knew could happen. Sun Summoner was a myth or at least that's what people thought but I knew the truth. Sun Summoners didn't want to be found, that's why my father kept his powers from being known. Mother is a Tidemaker but she stayed out of the army to raise me and keep father safe. It was just the three of us and at that time it was enough until the day when I was practicing.
Mother had discovered I was a Tidemaker at least that's what she thought when she had me put my hands together and see what kind of Grisha I am. Coming from a Tidemaker bloodline and a Sun Summoner bloodline I had the potential to be either. I was happy and ran around excited to be like my mother but when I did it again I made a slight change with my hand positioning figuring it didn't matter as long as my hands touched. That's when I discovered the truth that I was also a sun summoner!
"Mama!" I yelled worriedly but my parents came in there to see what was wrong. I showed them while I still had it in my hands and my father was shocked as he kneeled down. "Sun Summoner but you said Amira was a tidemaker like you." My father said and your mother nodded, "I saw it, she is..but this.." Mother said. The power was too great for me and I collapsed before another word could be said about my abilities.
Mother and father picked me up before anything bad happened as they tried to make sense of this. Both parents were Grisha which made me a pureblood Grisha and so I was supposed to take after one of them. They wondered if it was because of being from a sun summoner bloodline and a Tidemaker bloodline. The two were not mixing but present in my blood so my abilities were what they had developed into the first of my kind.
"A dual-summoner, never heard of but I guess anything is possible." Father said while I was unconscious. My parents talked it over and decided they would train me to the best of their abilities before they would decide If I should be sent to the little palace to be trained. "She's just a child, she can't use both at the same time." Mother said and he nod "and she might never be able to but that power will grow within her and you know the saying. The powerful the grisha the longer the life and she will live a long life filled with suffering seeing those she knows and cares about die before she does. I fear whom her future partner in life will be, I don't know if she could handle watching them grow old while she would stay young." Father said
This was something they had to admit that I would be powerful and I would see them one day die. There was talk of a sun summoner who would tear down the fold and father had he wanted to be known as such could have done it. He could have stopped this burden on Ravka that threatened to kill people but he like other Sun Summoners didn't want to be known or rather he felt that he didn't have that kind of power to tear down the fold.
So from that day on they took turns training me on the basics they knew. Focusing on the Tidemaker abilities was easier. It was a struggle but they didn't give up on me as they took my training seriously. So for five years, this was my life learning my abilities but to what extent I wondered what would happen if they could no longer teach me what would happen? Sadly that day came when I woke up and saw them talking and preparing my things.
"Mama." I said
"Amira, we've taught you all we can. It's time we let you go to the little palace where you can be safe and train there." Mother said
"I don't want to." I said getting up and standing on my bed "What if they find out? You and papa said that if anyone finds out they will expect more of me."
Mother looked at me and I realized there was so much more going on than she was telling me as she walked over and she kissed my forehead before putting something on my wrist. I saw that it was a bracelet and I looked at her. I didn't understand why they were doing this and why they seemed to suddenly give up on me.
"this will work until you are strong enough to knock it off or Baghra takes it off of you." Mother said
"Baghra?" I asked
"She trains the Grisha in the little palace, she was my teacher when I was your age." Mother said "Amira, I want you to remember something. A grisha's life is determined by the power of the Grisha."
"What does that mean mama?" I asked
My mother kneeled down in front of me and she took my hand in hers "it means my little dual-summoner, your life will be long. Possibly Eternal it would be wise that one day when you marry you find someone with the same eternal life." Mother said
Mother and father both looked at each other with a worried look at my mothers words and I didn't understand. I heard my father start to say "You know who you speak of when you say she should be with someone who is eternal." Father said and Mother just laughed "Oh please, he would not look twice at her. Not now at least, but possibly when she's older."
"Who mama?" I asked
My parents looked at each other again and father just put a hand on my shoulder "Amira, there is one who is eternal. Changed his name to hide his identity. You should avoid him for as long as you can." Father said
"Wait but mama said I might be eternal. So who is he?" I asked as I smiled a bit knowing that maybe there was something to look forward to getting older. "No." Father said sternly "you will avoid him at all costs right now."
I frowned a bit and got down from the bed as I sighed knowing that it couldn't be helped no matter what. I was a Dual-Summoner and I had to hide part of who I am. I looked at the bracelet seeing it was on Tidemaker and not sun. I looked at them questioningly.
"Water not sun?" I asked
"Sun Summoners do not want to be found. It is Myth we exist and it is said a sun summoner can tear down the fold that was made by a shadow summoner." Father said
"We don't want that responsibility for you on your shoulders so young." Mother said
Somehow I felt this decision would come back to hurt me but I just nod knowing there was nothing I could do. I was a child but after they finished packing up my things they led me out and took me by horse to the little palace. All Grisha were welcomed at the little palace and Father had me ride with him for what reason I didn't know. As we arrived I saw that there were guards standing there waiting.
"You've come to the little palace, state your business." One of the guards said
"We've brought our daughter to be trained by Baghra, she is Grisha." Mother said
"We must inform General Kirigan." The other guard said
I looked around my dad seeing the two soldiers as one left to go get the general I believe they called him. I questioned just what this general looked like but father's demeanor changed and before I knew it he made me sit back behind him again where the general could not see me. Though I still found a way to peek out from the corner of my dad's shirt.
"You have brought a Grisha Child?" General Kirigan said
"Our Daughter, her powers are more than we can train her General Kirigan. Baghra is the best trainer I know to help with all Grisha." Mother said
Looking at him I noticed that he was tall and wore a lot of black but I didn't get it. Why all the black when it came to being a General no one else wore black. When I saw him turn to father and I hid behind father again the sun within me was responding to my dad's or so I thought but it kept me calm in my worry.
"May I see her?" General Kirigan said
"Amira." Father said
I peeked a bit revealing half my face but I was scared to be in front of such an important person "Forgive her she's shy." Mother said
"I sense great power coming from her, she could be part of the 2nd army one day. An opportunity you gave up." General Kirigan said to mother
"I have my reasons." Mother said "Now may we put her in your protection and trained under Baghra?"
"Yes, All Grisha are safe here. Best she is where all Grisha children who are orphaned come but she has you both." General Kirigan said and I saw him motion for me to come but I stayed with my father. "I'm afraid she's not used to strangers." Father said
General Kirigan nod and looked at one of the guards ''Escort the Silina family to a room for the young Grisha girl." He said as they nodded.
Once he was alone Father and Mother got down and they led me inside behind a guard. I was scared and held onto my dad's wrist knowing this place was going to be where I was staying without them. When we arrived at the room Father and Mother helped me get things in. I wanted to scream and say this was a bad idea but I had to trust them.
Father kneeled down in front of me "You did good in not letting him see you fully Amira." Father said which shocked me and I was a smart girl. I put it together. "The general is eternal?" I whispered and he nodded. "Your father and I are a little older than we look but I've known Baghra for a couple hundred years." Mother said
I was in shock to hear that and they knew the entire time, but since I was just a child he wouldn't look at me. I could hide in plain sight and not worry about a thing when it came to how things were already. My parents hugged me tight and I hugged them but the thought of being somewhere new was scary still.
"We will write to you every chance we get." Father said
"Why can't you stay here too?" I asked
"It's not safe for your father." was the only thing mom said
They spent time with me for a while before they had to leave and after that I was alone in the room. I had to hold onto a stuffed animal to be calm but someone knocked on the door. Someone who was already part of the 2nd army had been chosen to escort me around and taught me the layout of the building. I calmed down knowing that it was going to get better then they showed me the area Baghra was in.
"You will train with Baghra tomorrow little Grisha." the 2nd soldier Grisha said
"oh ok." I said
After that, I was given some dinner to eat and then headed off to bed where I fell asleep with how comfy it was.
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Long Lost Love // Part One (D.M.)
Summary: Two piles of twelve letters, hidden away in the bottom of a trunk, browning with age. Twenty-four letters in total, all addressed to him.
A/N: This is my entry into @teheharrypotter‘s two weeks of angst! I just really want to take a moment and say that I am so proud of this fic and how it has come out, like ridiculously proud of it. I would really appreciate some feedback on this - reblogs and comments are so important. There is going to be a second part where all the love letters will be compiled into one long post. However, I think not giving too much away only adds to the suspense and angst. Also, the ending... I love it and I think you’ll all hate me for it.
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: this is a lot of angst combined with hurt/comfort but there’s a lot of growth in Draco (I think?)
Word count: 5.4k
It had been fifteen years since the end of the second wizarding war; it had been fifteen years of healing and working on himself, of repenting for his family’s crimes during the war. Draco Malfoy had aged in that time; his hair had grown past his shoulders, tied back with a black leather hair tie, and there were lines on his face that had not been there when he was an eighteen year old running away from the castle he classed as his home.
He had lived a lifetime in those fifteen years. He had seen the world before training as a Healer; working his way up the ranks to become head of the emergency department of the only wizarding hospital within Britain. He had trained Healer after Healer; many of them going off to establish clinics in their own community, all of them sending cards at Christmas, regaling him of their successes.
Draco had lived a lifetime. He lost his father first. Lucius had never truly recovered from his time in Azkaban, and though Draco had tried his hardest to form some semblance of a relationship with his father, Lucius had remained cruel until the end. Truthfully, Draco doesn’t want to think about what it was that killed him in the end. Whether it was the spite that had poisoned him for years, or whether it was something else. Draco doesn’t dwell on it; instead, he leaves white roses on his father’s grave every Sunday like any loving son would.
Narcissa hadn’t lasted long after Lucius passed. She had been distraught. Whilst Lucius was not a doting father, he was a doting husband and he adored Narcissa until his very last breath on this earth. To Draco, her tears started that day and didn’t stop until she passed away in her asleep. Her heart, the coroner said. She had died of a broken heart.
A feeling Draco knew only too well.
Despite achieving so much and traveling so far, he had only ever been in love once. There had only ever been one moment in his whole life that had been filled with the kind of love read about in books, sang about in songs, and played out in films. Draco had fallen in love with you when he was sixteen years old and entering what would be the darkest period of his life. To him, you had been the light in the dark. The answer to his constantly asked question: will there ever be a happy ending?
Nothing had ever happened; nothing could happen. You were the epitome of goodness; the very incarnate of its definition, and he… he was the opposite. In those days, his self-hatred ran so deep that he would argue he was the Hades of the story. Doomed forever to the underworld only to fall in love with the Goddess of Spring and hope for retribution that would never come.
However, in this version of their well-told myth, Hades and Persephone never fall into a relationship. In this version of events, feelings were known and reciprocated, but letters that pleaded for a chance either never arrived or were never answered.
So for fifteen years, Draco Malfoy has been working hard on repairing his family’s tattered reputation whilst coping with the depth-defying grief that comes with losing both parents within the span of a year as well as never truly dealing with the heart wrenching grief that accompanies a relationship that was never given the chance to bloom.
It was a bright, clear day in the middle of March when Draco decided to clean out the attic. He had woken with the urge to clean; with the urge to organise his life and start to work through the piles of his parent’s belongings. He hadn’t been able to touch them in the beginning; the most he had been able to do was relocate everything to the attic and then shove the very thought to the back of his mind where it began to fester like an open wound.
Bright and clear was the day when Draco chose to enter the long forgotten attic in the Manor. Bright and clear was the day when he had to hold a handkerchief to his face to stave off the inevitable sneezes from the dust floating in the air.
Looking around the old and dusty attic, Draco takes in the first of the mess. Trunks line the wall; some ancient – locks worn down with time, almost rusted from their exile to the attic; others are much newer such as his parent’s belongings. Their trunks remain almost new; their initials still painted onto the lids in bright gold paint.
The majority of the morning is spent creating two piles; one to be thrown away, one to be donated. Expensive gowns and suits were to be donated. Anything that reminded Draco of his allegiance in the Second Wizarding War was to be thrown.
As he goes through the belongings of not just his parent’s, but also his grandparents, Draco begins to feel conflicted. With each addition to the bin pile, he feels lighter, he feels one less burden. However, he cannot help the guilt that unfurls in his stomach as he thinks of his mother’s kind face and her forever painted red lip.
By the time Draco makes it to his mother’s final trunk, he feels as if he has been in battle once more. Weariness hangs heavy over in shoulders, settling in his bones. His body slumped, not just from the tiredness from lifting heavy trunks and boxes, but from the emotional weight of memories freshly unleashed upon him.
Draco’s movements are slower as he opens the lid to this final trunk. He thinks back to the day he filled it; piling his mother’s correspondence and personal effects in here – separate from the clothes he knew he would one day get rid of. He slides his hands over the emerald green lid – a Slytherin till the day she died, Draco thinks as he smiles to himself.
At some point, he lets a few tears fall. It’s the sight of Narcissa’s handwriting, he realises. He hadn’t seen it in so long – not having received a birthday card or a Christmas present this year due to her death. Seeing her strong cursive brought tears to his eyes; he remembers being a child, sitting by her desk, watching her write away and wondering who on earth she could be talking to. If Draco focuses hard enough, he swears he can still smell the fresh ink drying on the parchment and the melted wax being pressed with Narcissa’s signet ring.
At the bottom of the trunk, Draco notices a latch. Frowning, he flips it open to reveal a false bottom hidden away. Uneasiness spreads through him, turning his stomach to lead as he reaches inside to feel two distinct piles.
The uneasiness turns to heavy anguish when Draco realises just what he is holding in his hands.
Two piles of twelve letters, hidden away in the bottom of a trunk, browning with age.
Twenty-four letters in total, all addressed to him.
They now sit on his kitchen counter; the ageing paper a stark contrast to the obsidian black of his counter top. Draco leans back in his chair, huffing out a long sigh, running a hand down his face as he does so. It had been fifteen years, but he would recognise your handwriting anywhere.
It had been fifteen years and he hadn’t had any contact with you. He wondered for so long why his letters had gone unanswered to the point where he stopped writing altogether, feeling the keen sting of rejection.
Fifteen years and he now had his answer.
Hidden away in a trunk; squirreled away in the hopes that he would never find them. The hope that he would forget about you and move on. He never had; he just kept his feelings silent, caging them up in his heart along with everything else he kept from his parents.
Anger surges through him. The first emotion he has felt since he opened that damned trunk.
He lets out a choked scream; the intensity of his anger surprising him as he slams a fist onto the counter top, wincing slightly from the pain now radiating up his right arm.
How dare they, he roars. How dare they keep this from him? How dare they keep you from him? Did you not fit their ideal – a pureblood from a well off family? Did you not meet their needs visually? Your hair perfect, your face just the same.
There was no good reason he could think of. Draco pads over to the bar, tucked away in the corner of the kitchen. There, he pours himself a knuckle’s length of the amber liquid, knocking it back with a hiss. The whiskey burns as it goes down; burns just like his emotions, like his anger.
Draco’s lip curls in distaste as he hears his father’s voice: a distraction, Draco, that’s all.
Lucius Malfoy had never uttered such words in Draco’s presence, but Draco was well aware of his father’s distaste of you.
Reading over his home address once again, Draco is hit with a sense of helplessness. He doesn’t know where to go from or what to do. He reads over your home address, neatly written in the top left hand corner of the envelope.
Sighing, he runs a hand down his face, still uncertain what his next move is going to be. He runs through the options in his head once, and out loud after.
To no-one in particular, he argues:
“I could reply. I could write a letter back, apologising for the absence of replies with a brief sentence or two about meeting up after so much time has passed.”
Draco waves that option away; his tongue too tied up to even think about coherently writing a letter out now. He moves onto option two:
“I could show up. I could apparate to the address right now, knock on the door and ask to speak to them.”
He shakes his head; immediately ridding himself of the idea. For starters, what if you had moved, and he finds himself knocking on the door of an unknown family? However, what if you still live there, and you answer the door? What is Draco to say to you then after such a long time apart?
He imagines the situation; forces himself into shoes that he could possibly be wearing in the near future. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. Not a word, not a whisper, not an apology.
So he ignores option two.
Draco knows its cowardice that drives him to the third option, but to go fifteen years without a reply to a letter declaring love… it is too long of a time to expect any form of forgiveness, and he supposes that is what he is most afraid of. Draco’s terrified of not being worthy enough for your forgiveness.
So he goes with option three:
Do nothing.
Draco does the only thing that makes sense.
He takes the letters to work.
Draco slides the letters into his satchel, latching the buckle afterwards and taking a deep breath. Already, Draco feels the twenty four envelopes burning a hole through the soft, worn leather of his bag.
Their presence continues to haunt him: placing his bag in his locker and grabbing his lab coat, walking towards the admit desk where Martha – the head nurse – smiles at him before handing him a cup of coffee.
The emergency room is swamped. It is full to capacity with even more waiting in triage. They work as hard and as fast as they can, but it takes time to cure burns from potions and injuries from spells gone wrong.
It gets to the point where Draco needs to take a step back. He has to take a step back and re-evaluate. His personal life is shot; the love he had found at sixteen a dead end until this last weekend. His professional life is all that he has going for him, but on days like this, when he isn’t feeling entirely himself for the shock from the weekend, Draco does find himself being short with patients.
He escapes to the break room; the familiar bitter scent of coffee already relaxing the tense muscles in his shoulders. He settles into a chair at the rickety table, head in his hands as he takes a deep breath.
Draco represses the urge to cry. He pushes it down; deep, deep down inside him where he can deal with it another day. At this moment, all he wants is a hug from his mother and the age old promise that everything is going to be okay. It’s her fault’ it is Narcissa’s fault that he is like this.
That he is a husk of a man.
He feels like a therapist’s wet dream. Blaming his mother, his parents as the source of his problems, but he cannot help imagining how different his life would be if those letters had been delivered to his hands.
He would be with you. He would have given it all up for you.
His lineage; his inheritance; his name; the pureblood mania that infected his parents.
He would give it all up for you.
Fifteen years later and he would still give up every aspect of his life, every part of him that makes him him.
Draco would drop it all in a heartbeat for you.
“What’s gotten into you?” A feminine voice questions. Draco turns in his seat to see his closest friend and confidant, Alexandria Delphi, leaning against the door with a smile on her face.
He cannot help the smile that grows on his face at her presence. He shrugs, hoping he appears nonchalant, “What do you mean?”
Alexandria pushes herself off the door, coming to sit next to Draco at the old rickety table that has been at home in the break room since before time itself. She raises a perfectly shaped eyebrow at his obvious aversion. She gestures to his entire being, “I mean this. You’ve been off all day – not as attentive to patients, not your usual flirtatious self with the nurses which I know they are missing very much. What’s gotten into you, Draco?”
Draco sighs, knowing very well he could never hide anything from her. Alexandria and Draco had known each other since their first year of training; an unlikely friendship forming between them, but a friendship nonetheless. Thirteen years later, they had been working in the emergency department of St Mungo’s the longest – second only to Martha, the Head Nurse.
“I was cleaning out the attic over the weekend. Getting rid of some of my parent’s things.”
Alexandria frowns, reaching for Draco’s hand over the table. “You should have called me. I would have come and helped you; you shouldn’t have had to that alone.”
“I know,” Draco starts, running a hand down his face, “I know you would have but I think I needed to do it alone.”
Alexandria nods, releasing his hand at last and bringing it to the coffee mug sitting in front of her. Draco smiles at her before standing, opening his locker and grabbing the letters that call to him from his bag.
Sitting back down, he slides the two piles of letters in Alexandria’s direction, all the while saying, “I found these in my mother’s trunk. It had a false bottom, and they were sitting there.”
Her deep brown eyes widen, “How scandalous! They’re addressed to you?”
Draco nods, “When I was at Hogwarts, there was a girl.”
“Isn’t there always?” Alexandria quips, rolling her eyes at the dramatics of her colleague.
“Anyway,” Draco comments pointedly, “I was in love, or at least, I was as much in love as you can be when you’re sixteen years old. I still am, I think.
“Anyway, my parents didn’t approve of her; they never would so when war started brewing and I went home, I never imagined I would get letters. I never got letters. Turns out, she had been sending me letters all along and my parents had kept them hidden until now.”
“Bastards,” Alexandria spits; furious at people long dead.
“What do you think I should do?” Draco asks earnestly, his eyes never leaving the pile of letters.
“Have you read them?” Alexandria asks; her eyes fixed on the two sets of letters placed between them on the rickety table.
He shakes his head, refusing to meet Alexandria’s eyes, “I think I’m too scared.”
Alexandria smiles, but it doesn’t quite reach her eyes. She sighs, “You aren’t going to know what to do until you read them. Reading the letters should give you the answer you are looking for.”
“When did you get so wise?”
“When you made me Attending,” She quips, yet there is still no heart behind it – none of her usual heat that tends to come out when Draco baits her slightly. She shakes her head, standing from her seat with her coffee in her hand, “I want to see you back out there soon. I don’t care whether you’re the head of the department.”
He raise an eyebrow at her in challenge; she simply smirks. He shakes his head at her antics, already rising from his seat, “I’m on my way.”
“Good, I have plenty of patients for you to see.”
Draco doesn’t reply, he watches her leave with a fond smile on his face.
Alexandria leaves the break room. She leaves as it is the only way that Draco will not see the sorrow and the longing reflected in her eyes. Alexandria doesn’t let him see the jealousy over the letters; the very emotion gnawing away at the ever growing pit in her stomach, only making it deeper as she replays the story of Draco’s first and only love.
She remembers when she used to look forward to coming into work; to help those in need and be a source of comfort for those she couldn’t help. Now, she struggles to make it through the door with the knowledge that she has been in love with the same man for years and nothing had happened.
That’s the thing about loving someone who doesn’t love you back – it turns you into a ghost of your former self.
Draco finds himself reaching for the first letter in the pile on a Friday night in the middle of April. If he had to be honest with himself, it had taken him a whole month to work up the nerve to read them. Draco had come home after the conversation with Alexandria and dropped the letters on the side table where they have taunted him ever since.
He knows he isn’t in the right frame of mind to be reading them; a bad shift with too many deaths combined with the two half full tumblers of whiskey consumed creates the equation of self-destruction. However, Draco reminds himself, he’s had fifteen years of internal self-destruction – what’s one more night when you tear yourself down so regularly despite the accolades attached to your name?
Draco hesitates, holding the first of the twenty four letters in his hand. He hesitates; unsure as to whether he is ready to read the handwriting of someone whose notes through class not only made him happy, but hopeful.
Releasing a shuddering breath, he tears open the seal and begins to read.
The letters are not long. They aren’t pages and pages of eloquent syntax over your feelings for the blonde haired, cocky teenager he once was. The closer he gets to the end of the pile, the less is written as if you had grown tired of such an act and not getting a reply.
Draco keeps his favourite close to him. It’s tucked away in his inner coat pocket, on the left hand side close to his heart.
The letter has been with him a month now. A month of one letter being read and reread too many times a day; to the point where Draco is reciting it in his sleep. It’s creased beyond recognition, but he still takes the risk every day to take it out and read it.
He misses you. He misses you. He misses you.
Now, Draco unfolds the paper. He unfolds the paper and reads the opening line: do you remember that night in the greenhouse? Writes your neat handwriting; the letters perfectly formed on the now browning parchment.
How could he forget? Draco closes his eyes, letting himself fall into the memory perfumed with compost and night blooming evening primrose.
“Name two purposes of Valerian Root.”
“To help someone sleep as well as to ease anxiety.”
“Very good,” You laugh, moving quietly between the rows and rows of plants. You turn to him suddenly, “What is one danger of Black Henbane?”
Draco pauses, eyes already searching for papery flower with spidery black veins. He finds it nestled towards the back of the greenhouse, hidden away from sight and away from the wandering hands of children. Draco follows you closely; remaining near you as he says, “As a member of the nightshade family, the plant can be toxic if used in large quantities.”
The sight of your smile takes his breath away. You rush to him; toothy grin and loud laughter as you nod your head. “Madame Pomfrey was right,” You splutter, “You’re going to make an incredible Healer, Draco Malfoy.”
He doesn’t need to see the blush to know it’s there; he can feel the heat creeping its way up his neck to his cheeks. “I don’t think I’ll get there if I don’t have you.”
A satisfied smile replaces the happy grin that was on your face only moments ago. It was as if you were waiting for those words to fall from his lips; the reassurance within those words spreading over your worry like a balm over a wound.
How many more nights would they get like this? How many more nights would they have together?
Somewhat foolishly, Draco hopes he has forever. He hopes he has an eternity and a day with you, but he can feel the changes in the air, and he knows it isn’t good. Draco can see the tension at home; more and more people arriving, each just as secretive as the last, and Draco suddenly knows he only has a short amount of time before he’s inducted into the same fanatic group as his parents.
He’s on limited days with you so he’ll take the nights.
He’ll take all the nights.
The shoebox had remained untouched under his bed for years now. Draco had shoved it there in a fit of anger and despair and he hadn’t looked since.
Reaching for it now, Draco represses the growing anger directed at his parents. He ignores the growing resentment surrounding the fact that they hid your letters for years and never thought to whisper a word of it – not even on their death beds.
The shoebox has aged; not unlike himself, he thinks as he wipes the dust from the top. The thick layer drawing a sneeze from him before he can open the box.
It doesn’t matter how many years it has laid unwanted under his bed; it doesn’t matter how long it has remained there, untouched and not thought of – Draco, to this day, can still recount for every little thing in there.
Notes that have now turned brown with age; old photos where youthful faces glance up at him; a chocolate bar wrapper from Honeyduke’s.
They each line the bottom of the shoebox. Draco’s memories of you out there for him to finally confront, to see. He sinks down onto his childhood bed; almost blinded by the force of the wave of nostalgia washing over him, threatening to drown him with the strength of his memories.
The memories hadn’t plagued him for some time though you played on his mind constantly – even more so since the letters.
They’re silly memories, but memories, nonetheless. Ones that he adores; ones that he cherishes.
It was the letters that triggered this. The letters that have brought the ghosts back from where they had been hidden, haunting him quietly until now.
Draco runs a hand through the trinkets in the box. He smiles at them, thinking of Hogsmeade and how he had surprised you with a bar of your favourite chocolate. The grin on your face worth all the jibes from Crabbe and Goyle when he got back to the Slytherin common room that evening.
Draco falls back onto his childhood bed with a huff.
He has a decision to make, and he doesn’t know where to begin. He has a decision to make, and he doesn’t have the guidance he so desperately needs.
Draco wants to see you; he needs to see you, but what if you don’t want to see him?
“I heard you handed in your notice,” Draco states as a way of breaking the ice.
Her notice of leave had landed in his hands not even three hours ago. He had spent the time since in a panic; rushing about the hospital to find Alexandria and to question her, to find out why she would leave after so long.
Why she would leave him.
Alexandria nods, “I have. I leave in two weeks.”
“Why?” Draco all but demands, “You love this place.”
“You’re right,” Alexandria sighs, “I do.”
“Then why are you leaving?”
“Because I can’t do this anymore, Draco. I can’t sit here and listen to you talk about those letters and sigh dreamily, or date someone else. I can’t do it,” Her voice breaks, “So I won’t. I want a fresh start, so I’m going to get one.”
“I didn’t know.”
“Of course you didn’t.”
“If I had known…”
“What? You’d have loved me?” Alexandria laughs mirthlessly, “Love me, Draco! Love me.”
“I can’t,” He whispers; the words the death knell to any scrap of friendship remaining.
Tears fall down her face, “And that’s why I have to go.”
She presses a kiss to his cheek; lingering for longer than what was probably good for her. When she pulls away, she can see the wetness of her tears on Draco’s cheek. “I hope you find her, Draco. You deserve a love story.”
The cottage is small, but it is perfect. Ivy covered walls with a neat front garden; every inch showing the love and attention being paid to it. From the red roses that makes Draco think of his beloved mother to the intense scent of lavender that reminds Draco of the perfume you wore through Hogwarts. Looking up at the cottage, Draco realises that he had never seen a house look so much like a home.
He pauses at the gate; eyes focused on the bricks of the cottage and nowhere else. He doesn’t let the hope grow; he doesn’t let himself dream of what could happen. He’s thankful he has made it this far.
That he’s made it back to you.
The black gate creaks when Draco pushes it open. He winces at the noise, praying it doesn’t give him away and that you answer the door unexpectedly.
He needs this.
He needs the time.
It’s been fifteen years and since he found your letters months ago, he thought he would be ready by the time he found you.
Now Draco is thinking, perhaps he isn’t ready.
Will he ever be ready? He asks himself. Will he ever be ready to confront the very person he has been in love with since he was sixteen years old?
Draco doesn’t know; he doesn’t think he’ll ever know until he steps through the gate.
Draco’s hands shake as he rushes down the well-worn footpath to your dark brown front door. His hands continue to shake as he raises a single fist to knock on the door, three times.
He’s about to turn away; he’s about to walk away and never enter your life again. He will go away and never think of you again; of what could have been.
But then the lock clicks, and the handle moves.
“Hello?” A sweet voice calls out; your voice calls out.
“(Y/N)…” He breathes, and suddenly his nerves are gone and so is his worry. Suddenly, Draco is back at Hogwarts, the feel of your hand in his as he presses you into walls and steals kisses behind statues. He’s back to being sixteen years old and feeling the unrelenting agony of teenage love for the first time along with the merciless fear to do with the rising tensions.
“Draco,” You whisper, bringing a hand up to your mouth. Shock reflects in your eyes; your eyes that show no signs of aging other than the lines that are now forming in the corners.
Draco can’t help himself; he runs his eyes over your body, taking in the changes that becoming an adult has brought. It means nothing; he would love you regardless, but he cannot seem to help himself from drinking it all in.
From the realisation that he in fact stood in front of you.
You are there, and he is here with you.
“How have you been?” He asks; more out of politeness than anything else.
You shift awkwardly, “I’ve been good, Draco. How have you been?”
Draco nods, “I’ve been good too. I know you’re probably wondering why I’m here.”
You laugh, tucking yourself slightly behind the door, “That did cross my mind.”
He smiles; a large grin that he hasn’t felt on his face in a long, long time. Less than five minutes with you, and you’re already bringing out a side of him that Draco had long thought was extinct. He reaches into his coat, grabbing some of the letters that he keeps there. He holds them out to you, “I’ve only just found them.”
Audibly gasping, you instinctively reach for the letters. Your fingers brush Draco’s and he swears his heart skips a beat at the small touch. “I sent these years ago.”
Draco closes his eyes, “I know, and I cannot apologise enough to you for how long it has taken. I thought a reply in person would be better.”
Tears line your eyes as your fingers brush the worn paper; the crease marks more than evident from where Draco has folded and refolded the letter to read. “I always wondered what had happened…” You trail off, lifting your gaze from the letters to meet his eyes.
“My parents,” He whispers; voice pained. He takes a moment to collect himself, but you put a hand up to stop from saying anything else.
“I understand. You don’t need to explain more, Draco.”
“Thank you,” He replies, smiling softly. Then he launches into his tale, “I was cleaning out their belongings; cleaning in general really when I found a false bottom in my mother’s trunk. When I took it out, I found your letters… and I read them and reread them. I practically memorised them. I don’t think there are enough words in the English language to convey just how sorry I am.”
“No, let me say this… please,” He whispers, adding on the last word for politeness. You fall silent, your eyes begging him not to say out loud what you know he is going to confess.
“Until the last star fades and we succumb to darkness, I shall love you. I have always loved you; from being a scared teenager to being a just as scared adult. My feelings haven’t changed. I’ve thought of nothing but you for fifteen years,” He pauses, drawing in a shuddering breath, “I love you.”
Silence falls over you both. Draco’s heart pounds in his chest as he watches the emotions flicker over your face in a pace he didn’t think was humanly possible. Acceptance, happiness, relief and then finally, sadness.
He furrows his brows; surely this would be a happy event no? Draco has tracked you down after a fifteen year absence. He has found his one true love at last, and now he stands before you wondering the cause of such sadness on your face and in your eyes.
“Draco…” You trail off, holding up your left hand, “I’m married.”
General (HP) taglist: @chaotic-fae-queen @theweasleysredhair @harrypotter289 @kalimagik @heloisedaphnebrightmore @nebulablakemurphy @figlia--della--luna @idont-knowrn @lunalovegxxd @big-galaxy-chaos @black-lake-confessions @annasofiaearlobe @imboredandneedalife @levylovegood @mytreec @haphazardhufflepuff @teheharrypotter @chaoticgirl04 @accio-rogers @starlightweasley @dreaming-about-fanfictions @lestersglitterglue @msmimimerton @obx-beach @izzytheninja @slytherinprincess03 @bbeauttyybbx @acciotwinz @kashishwrites @slytherinsunrise @kylosleftbuttcheek @remmyswritings @they-write-once-in-a-blue-moon @ria-rests-here @superbturtlemakerathlete @inglourious-imagines @ithilwen-lionheart @now-its-time-for-a-breakdown @ilovejjmaybank @phuvioqhile @moatsnow @storyisnotover
Draco Malfoy taglist: @the--queen-of-hell @obxmxybxnk @obx-beach @sycathorn-slush @dracomalfoyswifey @kashishwrites @justmesadgirl @detroitobsessed @reaganwonders @aspiringsloth20 @just-a-belgian-girl @lahoete @minty-malfoy @fallinallinmendes @ravenclawbitch426 @ochrythum @beiahadid @gryffindors-weasley @dracosathenaeum
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ravenclaw , head boy, muggleborn
excels in every class he takes
when he first discovered he was magic, he flipped out
he had a matilda episode in his room one night
he was staring intently at his toy planes, wondering how it would be like to fly one someday
then suddenly it just?? levitated??
as an eight year old, he did the only thing he could do in such situations—scream bloody murder
first year : in his newly pressed robes and neatly gelled hair, sat at an empty compartment and started reading his textbooks
until the compartment door opened and a cat just walked over him
“oh sorry, leon doesn’t behave very well” says ten who he did not think would stick around but guess what? his cats liked him
being sorted into ravenclaw, he quickly became famous for being the smartest and wittiest most sensible? wizard of his year
he was especially great at charms got so surprised that there was an incantation to make things float, since all he has been doing is just think it (flitwick got a shock at his first year doing wandless magic)
as he grew older, almost everyone depended on him for help in everything
he couldn’t go a day walking in the corridors without someone asking to meet up at the library or thanking him because they aced their tests
but of course, this little ravenclaw had a limit
he didn’t mean to, but one day he just snapped at a poor gryffindor who kept bugging him to meet at the courtyard to practice spells (everyone finally left him alone, too scared to face the wrath of a wizard who knows all the spells for duelling)
OWLS year—the most memorable year for him, as he and ten spent nights in the library (and sometimes in the kitchen but if anyone asks only ten was in there) studying their bums off
that summer, ten just received a holler from him (surprise! he got all o’s)
naturally, he had been picked for prefect and head boy
the first years LOVED him
he taught them all the secrets to their tower and even handed them a parchment full of riddle answers, because let’s be real, even though you’re a ravenclaw doesn’t necessarily mean you want to use your head all the time
eats at the hufflepuff table because they have better breakfast items
adopted a whole assortment of kids with ten (winwin kinda just sticked around because yangyang was his buddy)
would be the boys’ go to— from pesky spells, ink blotts on their robes, th right grams for mandrake powder, they all depended on him for it
hendery was once asked why he wasn’t scared of him (knowing what happened before)
“he’s not dumb enough to duel someone because they’re bugging him. that’s why he’s in ravenclaw”
overall 9/10. minus one point because he still feels the need to get the last remark in everything.
hufflepuff, pureblood
loves hanging out at the common room
doesn't really care much for grades, but does his best when studying
his housemates call him a sloth
moves so slow, especially in the mornings
likes taking walks along the corridors because it's fun to see other students rush and run to their classes while he walks a leisurely pace
always has his tie loosened
sometimes, he doesn't even tie it, he just wraps it around his collar and hope no one notices everyone does
has a talent for transfiguration
will turn anything into cat snacks
he once turned his homework in kibble and his excuse was "my cat ate it"
befriends all the cats in hogwarts
sometimes he lays down at the courtyard and they all just gather around him
one legendary moment (as lucas likes to call it) was when he was walking down the corrider and a train of cats just followed behind him in a single file
sweet wizard boy, befriends humans as well
he's so likeable, everyone just feels drawn to him
has this laidback energy that feels like a breath of fresh air when things get hectic in the castle
speaking of fresh air
he likes to stroll around outside, most of the time dragging yangyang and winwin out with him
"winwin could use the fresh air and your voice doesn't echo" - ten to yangyang
his sister is friends with yangyang's sister, so growing up he kind of babysat the three whenever their families would be together
he didn't imagine that it would continue during school, but poor winwin looked like he just wanted to get his head bitten off
despite having a lot of friends, he sticks with kun most of the time because he's not as chatty when he's focused (and kun is focused all the time so)
his favourite thing to do anywhere is lay down on his back and play with his wand, sending wisps of magic swirling around in the air, creating beautiful artwork
received pencils and a notebook from kun so he could just draw because "your magic might hit someone and i do not want to be involved with any of that"
doodles all the time
he likes to draw butterflies and magic them off of the paper and makes them follow his friends around
doesn't really say much when no one's talking to him, but will keep the conversation going casually
wanted to become a prefect so he could have his own bathroom
would patrol around at night with his cats (hendery jokes how he looks like filch and now he takes his filch impersonation seriously)
when catching students, he makes obvious remarks like "oh wow good to know that there aren't any gryffindors in this corridor! it would be an awful hassle to report them. good thing everyone's in their chambers!"
very lenient on students he doesn't know, but will threaten those he does and ask for something in return
accidentally gave yangyang the idea of becoming a prefect so he needn't have to worry at night
also accidentally gives yangyang dare ideas to give to hendery
he doesn't mean it! most of the time
overall 10/10. everything is cancelled out by the fact that he goes around the castle with atleast 2 cats following him around.
slytherin, pureblood
mr frowns-a-lot, mr don’t-talk-to-me, mr i-want-to-go-back-to-my-dorm
the most stereotyped slytherin
first years believe that slytherins are scary because of him (but they immediately get debunked by hendery “you’re scared of a tall dude who gets tired from talking and likes to eat chocolate? yeah okay”)
but yes this not so little bean finds talking draining
it’s not that he doesn’t want to, but why would he have to talk about his day when as far as he knows, everyone just did the same thing he did??
you can barely get a sentence out of him
will reply with nods or shrugs and just point or look at things
only talks during class when the professors ask him questions
yangyang bugs him the most
when he got assigned to take care of this chatty, full of energy first year he almost cried
ended up just following him around and yanking the back of his robes to stop him from getting into trouble
because of this, yangyang’s friend are his friends
first got introduced to xiaojun, lucas, and hendery
ended up becoming a babysitter for four
when he met ten, he almost cried again, but now out of happiness because he got yangyang to shut up
met kun last, and immediately took a liking to him for no reason at all
no one knows how, but suddenly mr-i-dont-want-to-do-anything started getting more mischievous and talkative
the whole hall got surprised when he laughed at lucas’ lame joke
this may be an exaggeration but the boy doesn’t even smile
after this incident, lucas just kept talking to him and he just kept replying, and pretty soon the four little troublemakers would joke around with him and he’d just sit back with kun and ten when he got too tired
this made him attractive
but unlike lucas who got confessed to everyday, there was no one who confessed to him
he didn’t really talk to anyone else and just minded his own business when he was alone, so everyone was too scared to confess to him
which is a huge relief to him because the not so little bean is actually very awkward
proven when hendery accepted yangyang’s dare of going right up in winwin’s face omygod when i tell you his whole face turned red
he avoided hendery for a week until he realized it was too hard since they have most of their classes together??
speaking of classes, it’s a miracle how he just passes everything since no one actually ever sees him studying or doing homework
it’s like everything he does is magic well
overall 7/10. doesn’t really try that much and will only voluntarily hang out with kun.
hufflepuff, halfblood
was tiny, like a little bug
no one knows when he got so tall (summer of second year, he had to buy new robes for third year because they were already too short)
spends breakfast half awake, focusing on eating his meal and listening to yangyang complain about how hard his transfiguration classes yesterday were
he’s never around for dinner because he’s always at the pitch and no one has the energy to talk to yangyang in the mornings so he’s the poor guy
everyone loves him, no one can find a single thing to hate about him even if they tried
loves care for magical creatures with hagrid (he measures his height with the half-giant)
other classes? not so much
sure he tried a little bit, but why would he need to transfigure something into a pen when he could just look for one, and why would he need to concoct a drowsiness potion if he can just will himself to sleep
speaking of sleep, he does that a lot
he likes to wait for xiaojun during fourth period because they had arithmancy next, and he would lean against the corridor and sleep
learned how to sleep hunched over so it looked like he was focusing on class (begs whoever he’s sitting with to wake him up)
why does he do this?
“i’m saving up my energy for later”
he’s a quidditch beast
part of the quidditch team, originally tried out for seeker but they realized he couldn’t go fast enough without loosing his balance on his broom
he switched to being a beater, which the team found out he was very good at aha great power comes with great biceps
everyone falls in love with him when he’s on the pitch
he looks big and scary and ultra focused
and they realized after 3 games that he focuses so much because he aims the bludger to hit the player’s upper thigh only (this prevents player from taking a fall and just bruise, not break a bone)
once he accidentally sent his bludger flying too hard and knocked the chaser off, but he was faster than the seeker and caught them (followed the poor chaser for a week saying sorry and giving them semi burnt cookies he made with xiaojun)
gets confessed to every other day and just says “thanks”
but why don’t you ever reject them?
why deny that i’m handsome?
that makes no sense
as with rejecting them!
but truly is an angel
he even got winwin to actually converse with him
he makes everyone feel comfortable, talks to everyone and just hangs around when they don’t want to, offering company
overall 10/10. his cockiness about his looks just makes him endearing since everyone knows he can’t break someone’s heart.
ravenclaw, halfblood
kun’s reincarnation
but there’s one problem
he’s still immature
you would think he’s the prime example of a ravenclaw
practices his passions all the time
likes doing brain-productive things
reads about anything he finds interesting
goes in and out of their tower because he thinks solving the riddles is fun
but ho ho ho oh oh no
he’s a little devil
makes snarky comebacks under his breath that takes a little bit for you to understand
makes things harder on purpose just for fun and because he’ll be the only one able to do it
has a joke for EVERYTHING and never repeats them so i guess he can get away with that
he’s a little menace to the society but he can get away with it because it’s all just minor inconveniences
but we all know minor inconveniences are the most annoying things
likes to annoy kun the most because he understands and reacts immediately
doesn’t like to annoy the hufflepuffs because they just smile at him in confusion
despite that, he’s also a little sweetheart
remembers everything his friends say, so he’s always there to remind them
reminds kun about a test he has to retake, ten about his changing patrolling schedule, winwin’s meeting with a professor, lucas’ need to polish his broom after dinner, hendery’s homework, and yangyang about that incoming howler from his parents
when he realized he’s such a great asset, he became a bit nosy too
likes to meddle with all of his friends’ business
so if someone wants to find any of the six, he can tell you a vague description where they are
because of course he’s not gonna tell you lucas is by the lake practicing his swinging, he’s gonna tell you he’s brushing up on his quidditch skills so you’d go running to the pitch
this way he’s not technically doing anything wrong to both parties
one day, kun asks why he likes doing this
“it makes me feel like a king maker. feeding things into their tiny brains and knowing exactly what they’ll be doing”
“that’s not exactly what a king maker does”
“yeah but does it look like i want them to be more powerful than me?”
co-parents a dog with lucas
aka lucas asked him to take care of bella while he’s in practice but he forgot to take her back with him for 2 days so now bella thinks she lives in the ravenclaw tower too
does random errands for his friends as a way of apologizing (but really just as a leverage so he can cause more trouble)
his ultimate goal was to brainwash everyone so they couldn’t live without him and he succeeded????
now they’re the receiving end of all the sermons his professors give him (you wouldn’t expect it, but he causes quite a ruckus in class)
but still, at the end of the day, they choose to sit next to him at the ravenclaw table during dinner
overall 7/10. he’s annoying, but he’s good at everything he does and helps his friends out in different ways. which makes him more annoying because why? why not
gryffindor, muggleborn
does not understand magic. like at all
the only reason he’s still managing is because he refuses to be beaten by xiaojun
he doesn’t know why he’s in gryffindor but anyone who’s ever met him can vouch for the sorting hat
he’s courageous in the way he faces learning magic (it won’t hurt me, i’m magic) he's brave to speak up to anyone and ask for help when he needs it, and most of all, he has the nerve to get right into winwin’s face
surprisingly good at harder spells than that of his year level, so he’s in a few higher level classes
the reason being he wants to save face when with upperclassmen so he actually focuses real hard and actually understands
because when he’s with his friends, his mind goes wandering and he can’t focus his magic
a very strange wizard indeed
imagine getting help from xiaojun to levitate a piece of parchment but can explain to ten how to brew an advanced potion
he’s very confident in his abilities
why would he be nervous to stay after curfew??
if filch catches you
then don’t i just have to avoid him??
but has realistic fears
will not go near a broom
yeah okay the broom can fly, but can he?? he can’t even levitate a piece of parchment, how can he levitate himself?
also very practical
lucas kept struggling since he kept spilling his ink pot so he handed him a pen
“dude i forgot these existed!” “who writes with feathers??”
the most laid back yet extra ordinary wizard ever
you can start a conversation with him and he can keep it going for hours on end
very friendly, will talk to anyone but the downside to this is that he talks to everyone like they’re his friends asdkjshjkd even mcgonagall
overall 7/10. uses magic to solve trivial muggle things and still makes bets with yangyang up to this day.
slytherin, pureblood
a force to be reckoned with
spend a day with him and your ears will bleed
why?? does?? he?? talk?? so?? much??
his friends always complain but everyone else in the castle can’t see why
in the eyes of a stranger, he’s actually cold and reserved, hard to approach
but if you actually knew him
oh boy you’d want to not
can talk for hours
he and hendery wanted to know just how long he could talk
so they timed it
talked for 9 hours straight, no one knows how they managed
good thing this talking is actually useful
he likes to recite during class, always has a lengthy explanation for his answers
people aren’t the only one he talks to
he talks to the ghosts and to the paintings, greeting them a lovely day or whatever
besides talking, he also has another passion–quidditch
he plays as chaser for his house, often times taking his time to freshen up, so he goes back at about midnight during thursdays
good thing ten patrols during thursdays
speaking of ten, he’s been a brother figure for him all his life
so when he was introduced to winwin, he got so excited because he had another brother
by the end of the night, fourth year winwin knew everything about first year yangyang
he loooves his buddy
tries to do everything with winwin but he doesn’t let him
despite being too much to handle, winwin actually likes him too (but don’t let yangyang know)
likes to do dumb dares with hendery
isn’t really into pranking and getting all up into other’s business, so they manage their mischief between the two of them
and the whole of hogwarts just enjoys and guesses which of the two would be the one running around the great hall in their pajamas
yangyang actually encourages his fellow slytherins to stop sticking among themselves
mostly because he’s tired of them bugging him to “go ask your gryffindor friend if there’s homework on-”
at the end of the day, all his slytherin friends have been adopted by ten, took a liking to kun, and watches lucas, xiaojun and hendery fool around for entertainment
that being said, he loves his friends
thankful that he has classes with at least one of them for all his classes
all his professors have learned to sit him next to them, otherwise he’ll just slack off and stare into oblivion
he’s actually more productive when he has someone to remind him to be
okay maybe sitting him next to hendery wouldn’t result to school productivity
overall 9/10. it would be an 8 but he actually does acknowledge he talks too much.
#chaislatt#wayv as#kun#kun x reader#wayv kun#wayv kun x reader#ten#ten x reader#wayv ten#wayv ten x reader#winwin#winwin x reader#wayv winwin#wayv winwin x reader#lucas#lucas x reader#wayv lucas#wayv lucas x reader#xiaojun#xiaojun x reader#wayv xiaojun#wayv xiaojun x reader#hendery#hendery x reader#wayv hendery#wayv hendery x reader#yangyang#yangyang x reader#wayv yangyang#wayv yangyang x reader
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My Cauldron’s Bubbling For You // Remus Lupin x Slytherin! Reader
「 ❁ 」PROMPT 「 ❁ 」
Y/N L/N loves pranking and she loves flirting. The two go hand in hand. When she starts flirting with Remus… he fears for his life.
「 ❁ 」AUTHOR’S NOTE 「 ❁ 」
wowowowow I'm on a role huh??? :o
Remus wasn’t sure when exactly it started.
From first year to fifth year, Y/N L/N was just a bold, self-assured Slytherin girl who barely gave him or anyone else the time of day. Remus thought she was pretty and sure, admired her confidence, but she wasn’t really part of the crowd he hung around. She had her own—a group of girls from all the houses who liked to joke around and play tricks. Several of Y/N’s friends were flirty and had a tendency to flirt with their victims right before they came in for the kill. Sirius was no exception; he foolishly let them reel him in, then he was left speechless when he charmed to make gas noises anytime he sat down.
Remus always found it funny when the girls did what they did to innocent blokes. He would have been mad not to. They made it clear what they were up to, but raging hormones surely enticed their victims enough that they didn’t pay clear attention. Boys all around him, boys in different houses, would be charmed into a false sense of safety only for it to shatter the next day. After a while he began wondering when his turn was, but he found that to be too presumptuous of a thought. He settled for watching his peers flounder and thinking nothing of it.
Then one day in sixth year, Y/N L/N came up to Remus in Potions, leaned in close to his ear, and whispered, “I think it’s sexy, watching you write your notes like that.”
Remus had blushed furiously and looked down at his parchment. His notes could have been likened to columns, the way they so neatly went across the page. His scrawl was slow, meticulous, and tiny, the best of his friend group. “O-Oh… thank you?” Remus didn’t want to fall for her charm, as much as he liked her. Maybe he wanted to be Y/N’s victim eons ago, but that was eons ago for a reason; the thought secretly terrified him.
“It’s perfect,” Y/N purred, leaning away from Remus to smile beguilingly in his face. “But that’s to be expected with Remus Lupin, isn’t it? He is perfect.”
Remus tried not to choke, hearing his heart beating loudly behind his ear drums. He didn’t know how to respond so he just stayed silent. His face was beginning to burn.
Y/N raised her brows, her smile widening at the sight of Remus’s ablaze cheeks. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep your secret safe so the girls don’t go into a frenzy,” she mock-whispered. “I want you all to myself.”
She walked to her seat without another word.
“What—” Sirius whipped around in his seat—like he hadn’t just eavesdropped on their entire conversation—and gaped at Remus. “Mate!”
“Don’t,” Remus croaked, burying his head into his parchment, feeling doomed.
Maybe that’s when it all started. Yeah, that’s when it all started.
Remus stayed alert all day, thinking her flirtations were all fun and games, but when a prank never happened….
Well, Remus couldn’t help but wonder why.
“Hi, Remus,” said Y/N, waving a hand at him and grinning wolfishly when he ducked his head in a blush. “You look good in red!”
He was wearing a red Gryffindor Quidditch jumper to show nonexistent spirit for the upcoming game with Hufflepuff.
“T-Thanks, Y/N,” Remus said, feeling Sirius and James’s equally wolfish grins behind him, Peter’s subdued excitement just as much of an annoyance. He wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole. Wouldn’t that just be great?
“I’ll see you at the game,” Y/N said, giving him a wink before she went in the opposite direction of the boys, two of her Ravenclaw friends following like ducklings. Giggling ducklings.
Remus felt feverishly warm. Maybe it was from Y/N’s advances or a fever itself; either way, the game didn’t feel like such a good idea anymore. He turned to look at his friends.
“It’s been three weeks, Remus,” Sirius said, looking over at James and Peter. They shared the same incredulous face. “Why hasn’t she pranked you? They never do this.”
“I don’t know…” Remus shrugged helplessly. It wasn’t like he talked to her any more than his friends did; he was just as clueless, if not more. “Maybe it’s her biggest and takes longer than a few weeks to plan.”
James rolled his eyes, but there was a grin tugging at his mouth. “Or… maybe she like-likes you.”
Don’t be ridiculous, Remus felt like saying. How could Y/N like someone like him? He was quiet and awkward and he wasn’t very funny. Not witty like her, or as confident. She was a beautiful thunderstorm and he was barely a raincloud.
“I know that look, mate,” Sirius said, waggling a finger. “She has to bloody like you; she never sticks this long to one victim.”
“She had this schoolgirl look on her face,” James continued.
“Yeah, Moony—she made an effort to say, ‘Hi,’ to you, too! That has to mean something,” Peter chimed in.
Remus rolled his eyes and shook his head, refusing to let his friends implant this stupid idea in his head—or else he’d start thinking and then he’d start hoping. “No,” he growled.
He walked off to a sour serenade of James and Sirius making kissy sounds.
“Remus, you’re not a Pureblood, are you?” Y/N asked him once during Potions class. She sat right behind him, always leaning into his nape and saying things that made him blush for the rest of the period. He sometimes wanted to up and move, but after he got used to her incongruous flirting, he began feeling comfortable. Soon after he began liking it.
Remus felt uneasy by the question, but he didn’t see any logic in lying. “I’m a Half-blood,” he said.
He could almost feel her smiling behind him. “Good, good… well, I wish this were science class so you could see the chemistry between you and me.”
Remus now saw why she asked him about his blood.
“I always have my eye on you,” Y/N continued, getting closer until her lips were a breath away from his ear. “Makes for a… distraction, if I’m honest. Can’t say I’m disappointed.”
Remus lurched forward, away from her, getting a strange look from the Ravenclaw girl a few seats away from him. He heard Y/N chuckling behind him.
“Cute,” she muttered to herself.
Remus didn’t stop blushing until he passed out from exhaustion later that night.
“You steal my heart every time I see you,” she said in his ear the next time she saw him.
She walked by him when he was sitting with his friends in the Great Hall and told him he had a beautiful smile the day after that.
“I didn’t believe in love at sixth year until I saw you at the Sorting,” she said randomly one day in Potions.
“Do you feel yourself falling in love or should I give you a push in that direction?”
“I bet you’d make for a great cauldron to brew Amortentia in.”
Eventually Remus started smiling at her flirtations and instead of just blushing and feeling embarrassed, he felt warm instead, like her words were hugging his insides. He wished he was like Sirius and could flirt back, but he wasn’t anything like Sirius. He was too awkward and anxious for that. He just sat and said, “Thank you,” and looked forward to what she’d say the next day.
Remus knew her pulling a prank on him was long overdue.
“You have a crush on her,” James declared.
“You look all sappy and loopy, mate,” Sirius said in agreement, twisting his head this way and that as he analyzed his friend.
Remus didn’t feel very sappy or loopy, and he was already disappointed enough in himself, so their words did nothing but irk him. He frowned and said, “I don’t fancy her.”
James smirked. “Oh, really? Looks like Alex Green is over there flirting with her now—”
“Wait, what?” Remus snapped his head over to the Slytherin table. Instead of what James painted in Remus’s head, he saw Y/N sitting with one of her friends, smiling and laughing. “Oh.”
James snickered and Sirius roughly patted Remus’s shoulder. Peter would have taken the piss out of him, too, if he were there—but he was fortunately holed up in the dorm doing Potions coursework.
Yeah, if the ground could open him and swallow him, Remus wouldn’t complain.
Professor Slughorn was sick and unable to hold class, so Remus was sat outside the classroom door, working on an essay for Transfiguration. He would have just walked up to his dorm instead of sitting in the dust, but the corridor was empty and silent. A contrast to his boisterous dormmates who didn’t know the definition of settling down.
Remus didn’t mean that. He loved his friends. They could just be too much at times.
Like the past month, for instance.
Remus had sat and been furiously scribbling out paragraph after paragraph, using his wand as a makeshift lantern in the darkness, when he felt something his leg. He jerked and fumbled for his wand, quickly flashing the light over on his other side.
He felt like booking it when it was Y/N’s embarrassed—Embarrassed? What?—face his wand came inches from prodding.
“Oh—I’m sorry!” Remus quickly jerked his arm back. “Sorry… um… Y/N.”
Y/N smiled, but it looked unusual on her face. It had a different look to it, almost embarrassed. Remus felt like taking his fingers and drawing her skin up into a grin, and he usually didn’t feel like touching another person. She just looked weird with her eyes dim like that, a weird that he didn’t like.
“It’s okay,” she said. “I just came to say something. I looked for you in the Great Hall, even asked your friends where you were, but you weren’t anywhere, so… It was this or your dorm.”
Remus felt puzzled. Why had she gone through so much trouble looking for him? Whatever she had to say was important; it had to be, all things considered.
“I fancy the pants off you,” she said, words all jumbled from how fast she spoke. “Like,really fancy—but I don’t want your pants off. I don’t know how to like someone without flirting with them and I know you’re nothing like that, I do, but I’m a twat. I realized after my mates pointed it out earlier, I’ve been entirely too forward with you. You’re just so cute and quiet and I just don’t know how else to like you—”
Remus, awkward Remus, backwards Remus, didn’t know how to say words without messing them up, and he knew he’d probably just sit there and stare at her until she got frustrated and left, so he did all he could think to do in that moment.
He closed the space between them, kissing her as clumsily as a six-year-old would his recess crush.
Merlin, what am I doing?
Merlin, what have I done?
Her lips were chapped, Remus’s were too, but that didn’t stop from Y/N’s words dying in her mouth and the two of them sharing a short-lived smooch.
Remus pulled back as fast as he lurched forward.
Why did I do that?
Y/N was staring at him with a reddened face. Remus didn’t know at all what to say.
He ended up saying, “I fancy you, too.”
Y/N had regained her bravado, it seemed, because she let out a small laugh, telling him, “That’s a relief, Remmy… I’d hate to have to play a prank on you.”
Remus flushed and smiled at her, taking longer than he felt comfortable admitting to catch on that she was teasing him.
They held hands for a while. She even stole a kiss while he was concentrating hard on his parchment.
Remus felt strangely light.
James and Sirius threw a dorm party that night for Remus’s lip virginity getting taken.
“Now you’re ready for third base!” Sirius cheered for him.
Remus tried smothering himself with a pillow, swatting at his dormmate’s hands when he tried tearing him away from his bed. “Dear Merlin, Sirius, leave me alone!” he cried.
Sirius didn’t leave Remus alone.
#remus lupin x reader#remus x reader#remus lupin#remus lupin imagine#remus lupin fanfiction#remus lupin headcanon#dating remus lupin#pranks#Slytherin reader#slytherin#gryffindor#hogwarts#harry potter#Harry Potter x reader#hufflepuff#ravenclaw#James potter#sirius black#Harry Potter imagine#Peter pettigrew#remuslupin#remus#lupin#marauders era#marauders imagine
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Sickly fake smile
This was requested by: @velvetthunder1999
Request: Hey :)) I was wondering if you could write something with George and female reader, where she is muggleborn and Umbridge makes her write something at detention like "I'm not mixing with purebloods" cause she knows she's with George. And he and fred are really angry, and she's like crying, and angst and fluff and I wish you the best if you accept to do it 😂 thank youu in advance! :))
Hope this is alright! I tried to really get into Umbridge’s mind and think how she would come forward about this!
Warnings: mentions of blood
Pairing: George Weasley x reader
Words: 1.4k
If you’d like to request something please head over to my other blog, https://www.tumblr.com/blog/ronaldandremuslover and I’ll try and fix it for you !
~ ~ ~ ~
"Sit down, dear." She said, a sickly fake smile etched on her lips.
So you did, eyeing her suspiciously. This couldn't be good. Thoughts of all kinds ran through your mind, the kittens on the decorative plates that hung on the wall seemed to be able to read every single one of them. The way that they were looking at you made you feel incredibly uncomfortable.
"May I ask why I'm here, Professor?" Your voice came out sounding more confident than you had intended.
Umbridge had her hands clasped, resting them on her desk. "Well, I have acquired some news regarding yourself."
"Yes," She straightened her back as if she was sitting on a plank, "I have been working here for - what has it been now? - four months. And even though I have had my own suspicions, I was hoping that such a good student like yourself would not condone this sort of behaviour."
Frowning, you asked her, "What do you mean? Have I done something wrong?" Your heart was starting to beat faster. What horrible thing have you done? And how have you not noticed it?
She smiled, so obviously fake it was almost humorous.
"Well, dear, As I have been working for the ministry of magic, I know a lot more about my students than you might think."
The way she was speaking was making you annoyed. It was like she was talking to a six-year-old learning shapes. But the subject was confusing. It almost seemed like a threat. Like she was warning you.
"Yes, I know you've worked for the ministry." You said, trying to sound friendly even though you wanted to turn around and leave promptly.
The pink-clad woman nodded, looking a bit smug. "Yes, yes. But that is not what I wanted to discuss." She straightened her back even more if that was even possible. "I know that you, for instance, grew up in the muggle world."
Umbridge still had that sick smile on her pink lips.
You agreed, wanting to get this over with. "Yes, Professor."
"You're a muggle-born."
She had said it so curtly it had taken you by surprise. Her voice was flat and indistinctive. You simply nodded and looked at her, confused out of your mind.
Suddenly, the woman stood up and walked over to a light brown shelf, and took a quill and a piece of paper. She put it upon a smaller desk that stood by a window. The quill, of course, was bright pink.
She then motioned for you to take a seat at the desk she was standing at, smiling.
"Come here, if you will."
You hesitated but stood up. What other choice did you have?
You sat down on the chair. It was probably one of the most uncomfortable chairs you have ever sat on.
"Now, pick up the quill for me." She said, pointing at the said item that was displayed in front of you.
Once again, you did as she said and picked it up. Nothing weird about it. It felt like any other quill. But still, something, somewhere inside of you felt wrong. This was all strange.
Umbridge who now stood in front of the desk, looking at you, started to speak. And what she said, shook you to the core.
"Write down 'I must not breed with purebloods.'"
Choking on air, you looked at her, wide-eyed. Was this a sick joke?
"Wh-what?" You spluttered out, bewildered.
"Write it down on the paper." Her smile was still striking.
Feeling completely dumbstruck, you write it down.
It was not a completely normal quill.
After you had written it down fifteen times, the pain was almost unbearable.
~ ~ ~ ~
After almost an hour of writing the same sentence over and over again, your skin on the back of your hand was cut raw. The words etched on your skin burnt like fire and you could feel your hand pulsating. And even though you had fought it so hard, tears had rolled down your cheeks and slid over your lips.
"Alright, dear." Umbridge interrupted, seated at her own desk. "Take a seat, please." She indicated the second chair at her desk.
Happy for it to be over, you dropped the quill in an instant.
As you stepped over to take a seat, blood dropped down and onto your shirt, leaving bright red stains.
"Do you understand why this is necessary, Y/L/N?" She asked when you had taken a seat.
But you didn't answer. You were heartbroken.
"Hm?" Umbridge tried again.
Shrugging, you gently laid your wounded hand atop of your thigh.
"It's very important you remember these words Y/L/N. I know of your relationship with George Weasley."
You looked up, devastated. It was horrible to hear his name come out of her foul mouth like she's tainting it.
Umbridge continued. "I just want to make it apparent that mixed breeds are - how should I put it? - corrupted. I know the Weasleys are blood traitors and have been for years. But for you, a very clever and young (your gender) like yourself, to indulge in this behaviour."
"I- why- Is - wha-"
"Shh, dear. I'm not asking you to break off your relationship. That would be cruel. Young love is incredibly powerful. But it has to be between the right people. And how I see it, you're a muggle-born interfering with pure-bloods, it is, to put it frankly, not acceptable."
You stared at her, disbelief washing over you. What was she doing? It felt like someone had taken out your tongue; no word left your mouth. It had gone dry, and tears were still rolling down your cheeks that were now warm from the pain you were in.
And to top it all of, the sick woman added, "No sexual interference with Mr Weasley from now on if that has been a proportion as of before."
"You- I don - why? Why are you - are you doing this to me?" You stammered, voice breaking.
She smiled, one so fake it almost smells of plastic. "Whenever you wonder why just look at your hand."
~ ~ ~ ~
Almost running down the hallway, tears streaming down your face and trying hard to control your breathing, you saw the stairs that led up to Gryffindor tower.
You sprinted up the stairs and quickly said the password. The fat lady was about to ask you a question but was cut off when she needed to open the door.
Not many were in the common room. Only four boys to be precise.
"I swear, Lee if you do that to Professor Flitwick I'll give you a galleon."
"Pff, I'll do it for free."
You made declared yourself by walking out of a shadow. Dean Thomas, who was sitting in an armchair that faced the entrance looked at you and smiled. A kind smile. But it quickly turned into a frown. His reaction sparked curiosity as all of the other boys turned in your direction.
"Y/N!" Fred sprinted over to you and gingerly laid his hands on your shoulders, squeezing them gently. "What's happened?"
Soon, all of the boys had created half a circle around you, eyes filled with worry over you.
"Love..." George breathed, and moved to take embrace you, but you pulled away and put your hurt hand in the air.
"Your hand..." Lee whispered. He reached for it, and you let him. He was incredibly gentle, but still, it stung.
"What the fu-"
"Oh my-"
"Y/N, what!"
George only said one word.
His voice was strained, his lips pulled into a tight, thin line. He looked as if he was trying to restrain himself from hurting someone.
You pulled your hand back, feeling calmer. Being around your friends always calmed you down.
"Dolores Umbridge." Your voice was calm, you focused on your breathing. "She had asked me to accompany into her office," at this part, your voice had gotten a little bit louder, "she didn't say why. But I followed her. She made me write this sentence down on a - a paper." Now you were really fighting to make yourself clear. "The quill I used was enchanted and - and she just - she just sat there and - and-" Your voice broke, your breathing was uneven and your head started to hurt from the restrain to cry.
George pulled you into a tight hug but was mindful to your hand. He ran his hand soothingly through your hair and shushed you melodically.
"I promise she won't hurt you ever again." He whispered. "I won't let her."
#george weasley#george weasley x reader#george weasley imagine#harry potter#george weasley x you#umbridge#dolores umbridge#hogwarts#harry potter fanfiction#request#:) <3
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hello everyone,
it has been far too long since i have posted anything on here and for that i apologize, but i have been working on some of my own writing as well as just dealing with personal stuff so please forgive me.
i also might be changing this blog up a bit and start posting more than just marauders fanfiction (such as some of my own writing perhaps). i’m still not sure about this idea because i don’t really want to change my user name or anything and i do want to contiue writing fics so we’ll see!
anyway, without further ado, here is my latest fic for yall :) hope you enjoy! (p.s. there is a second part coming!!!)
tw: internalized homophobia, implied child abuse, depictions of a panic attack
The cold December air was harsh against Marlene’s skin as she stood outside the small record shop she had been frequenting since she was fourteen. It was tucked away in the side of a building in London, offering solace to those who did not seem to fit in with the more fast-paced, business-like folk you so often saw among the sidewalks. The cigarette in her hand was offering little warmth but seemed to be calming her nerves, so she stayed outside to finish smoking it. It was winter break from Hogwarts and Marlene was relieved to be away from school for the time being as well as away from her friends. She couldn’t face them at the moment. Not after what she did.
Marlene rolled her eyes at herself for thinking of things she’d rather forget and tossed the butt of her cigarette to the ground before crushing it with the toe of her combat boot. With one last glance toward the busy street, she retreated into the record shop which greeted her immediately with the chime of a bell and rock music playing throughout the speakers of the store.
A man at the register with short, dirty blonde hair and rings through his eyebrows glanced up at her entrance, a smile appearing on his face.
“Marlene! Haven’t seen you in a while.” He commented, swinging his legs over the counter and making his way toward her. Marlene gave a non-committal shrug but returned the high-five he offered her with semi frozen fingers.
“How has business been, Curtis?” She asked, glancing around the nearly empty shop. There was no one else in there aside from the two of them and Marlene felt her heart break just a little bit. This was one of her favorite places to be, a place she and her friends would escape to during the summer to be with one another. She wondered if their absence was the reason for her melancholic mood.
“It hasn’t been bad. Just caught me on a slow day.” Curtis replied, seeming to notice Marlene’s shift in behavior. “Lily was in here the other day, actually. Got herself a few new albums.”
Marlene looked up at the mention of Lily and felt her cheeks burn slightly. She wondered if Lily had mentioned anything about the incident to Curtis. Judging by the passive look on his face, she assumed not and tried to school her own expression into a neutral one.
“Yeah? What albums?”
After Curtis introduced her to the new music Lily had gotten, Marlene picked up a few albums of her own to purchase before leaving the shop to get back home. She would have stayed to visit with Curtis longer, but she didn’t want to linger in a space that reminded her so much of her friends at the moment and she especially didn’t want to run into them anytime soon.
It was a bit of a walk to the closest floo station and the London streets were bustling with people walking home from work or coming out for the night. Marlene kept her head down, staring at the pavement in front of her and wrapping her jacket tightly around herself, blocking out the bitter cold as best she could. Suddenly, a body collided against her and she fell backwards, dropping her records in the process.
“What the fu—?” Marlene was cut off by the commotion of being pulled off the sidewalk and dragged into a nearby alley way.
She looked up, ready to scream insults at her attacker, but stopped at the sight of Sirius Black’s face. His hair was tied up in a bun, though most of it seemed to have fallen out, and there was a wide look of panic in his eyes that matched the rapid rise and fall of his chest. He was trembling finely and looked ready to pass out as he glanced behind him in a paranoid manner. It seemed as though he was running from something. Or someone.
“Sirius?” Marlene asked, keeping her voice low. She turned to look in the direction where Sirius was peering and spotted two men seemingly searching the crowd. Her eyebrows raised. There was something off about the two men…they did not fit in with the rest of the crowd, the clothes they wore were different, not really matching and the confused, disgusted looks on their faces made them stick out like sore thumbs. Realization hit her like a ton of bricks—they were wizards trying to blend in with a muggle crowd. Purebloods, to be exact.
She whirled around to look at Sirius once more. “Sirius, who are those men?” She hissed, desperate to know what kind of danger they could possibly be in. Rumors about dark wizards had begun circulating around Hogwarts for months now. Followers of Voldemort that had begun to call themselves “Death Eaters” were threatening the lives of muggleborns, though Marlene had never actually seen any such wizard. Until now, she supposed.
“We’ve got to get out of here.” Sirius said, completely ignoring her question. He looked down towards the other end of the alley to see a chain link fence and cursed. They were trapped it seemed and Marlene felt herself begin to panic.
“Sirius,” She said, her voice urgent, though she wasn’t sure what she was pleading for.
He turned to her once more, gripping her shoulders tightly and staring at her intently. “I have an idea, but you have to promise me that you won’t breathe a word of this to anybody, do you understand?”
Marlene nodded and then watched with complete shock and awe as Sirius disappeared, a large, black dog appearing in his place. Animagus, she realized with a jolt. The dog turned away, walking back down the alley before turning and barking at Marlene, as if motioning for her to follow. She blinked a few times, still shocked at the sudden change of events, before following him back into the streets. He stopped where she had dropped her records and Marlene bent down to pick them up, a slight frown playing on her lips at the sight of the bent corners of the packaging. She was just about to scold Sirius when a rough voice behind her cleared their throat. She looked up, just as Sirius growled, to see the two men from earlier standing there.
The men did not seem to pay attention to the dog, focusing their gaze solely on Marlene instead. She tried to keep her face neutral, raising a single eyebrow in their direction. “Can I help you?”
“Have you seen a boy run through here?” The shorter of the two men asked, his lip curling in disgust. The other man eyed Marlene warily, taking in her muggle attire and turning his nose up at the mere sight. Marlene tried not to roll her eyes.
“No.” She replied, sounding calmer than she felt.
The two men shared a look, as if trying to decide whether or not she was telling the truth, before nodding their understanding and moving past her without another word. Marlene felt as Sirius curled around her legs, watching as they disappeared around the corner before letting out a victorious bark. She looked down at him, shaking her head.
“I suppose you need somewhere to hide for a while?”
Another yelp and wag of his tale gave Marlene all the answers she needed.
“Well, this is home.” Marlene said with a sigh, dropping her records onto her bed with a soft thud. Sirius—still in his canine form—sniffed around before cocking his head in her direction and allowing his tongue to roll out of his mouth. Marlene wrinkled her nose at the slobber. “I think you are safe to go back to your usual…form. Unless you’re stuck that is.”
Again, Marlene watched in amazement as Sirius came back to himself, a shiver running through his body as he grinned at her. “Nice room you’ve got, McKinnon. Am I the first boy you’ve brought home?”
“Care to explain what just happened?” She asked, not caring for the way he seemed to avoid explaining himself.
Sirius shrugged, moving toward the desk in the corner of the room and running his fingers down the various artwork Marlene had spread out there. A look of wonder shined in his eyes as he delicately examined the paintings and drawings as if they were some sort of precious treasure. He stopped at a particular piece of a woman’s face done with charcoal pencil and Marlene felt herself blush at the way he traced the strokes that molded her lips.
“These are wonderful. Who did them?”
“I did.”
Sirius turned, his eyebrows raised with surprise and admiration. “Really? I didn’t know you were an artist.”
She stood up, marching over to where he stood, and removed the drawing from his grasp, shoving it beneath the rest of the art, effectively obscuring it from his wandering eyes, before turning to face him once more.
“There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Black.”
She did not miss the way he seemed to flinch away from her before shaking it off and plastering another smirk across his face. “Touché.” He spoke quietly.
Marlene felt a jolt of guilt in her gut, feeling bad for snapping at him. He was merely admiring her work. He did not understand the context of her drawing and likely wouldn’t make the connection. Afterall, he did not live in her mind where all the confusing thoughts and doubts resided. He could not possibly know her dirty little secret.
“Just…tell me what happened back there. Do I need to be afraid that someone might follow you here?” She asked, changing the topic.
“Those were the Lestrange brothers. Rabastan and Rodolphus. Purebloods. Family friends.”
“Why were they looking for you?”
“Because I may have said something rather…deplorable at my dear cousin’s engagement party.” Sirius said it with a grin, but Marlene noticed the flicker of fear in his eyes.
Marlene vaguely knew about the Black family and the way they presented themselves. Most of her ideas about them came from the mere reactions Sirius had whenever someone brought the prestigious bloodline. He was always loud about it, shouting about how stuck up they were in the Gryffindor common room and how grateful he was that he had not followed in their footsteps and ended up in Slytherin. She also knew that they were blood purists, believing that muggles were beneath them.
From what she had gathered, she was not a fan of them.
“Is there any way they can find you here?” Marlene asked, unwilling to allow her family to become endangered for hiding a self-proclaimed fugitive. Sirius just laughed, shaking his head so that his hair flung about. Marlene would have found it amusing how much it reminded her of a dog if it were under difference circumstances.
“I doubt they would. Going into muggle London was bad enough for them, they’re not going to continue their search in a muggle neighborhood.”
Marlene did not get the chance to ask what Sirius planned to do next due to the sound of the front door opening and her family announcing their presence.
“Marls!” Her father shouted up the steps. “We’re home!”
“Come down and tell us how your trip to London was. Your brother has been pestering me all afternoon about not letting him go with you.” Her mother spoke with a laugh and Marlene heard her brother scoff indignantly.
Marlene turned to Sirius, pointing a finger at him and giving him the best glare that she could. “Be on your best behavior. Go along with everything I say, are we clear?” Sirius just nodded, unwilling to cross her and with a final nod Marlene turned to exit the room with Sirius following closely behind. As they entered the living area, Marlene watched as her brother’s eyes went wide at the sight of Sirius.
“Mum! Marlene’s brought a friend home!” He announced. The McKinnon’s turned, a look of surprise on each of their faces at the sight of the young man standing in their home. Marlene’s mother turned to her and offered a hesitant smile.
“Marlene, who’s your friend?”
“Mum, dad, this is Sirius. He goes to school with me.”
Her father instantly lit up, clasping her hands together as he plopped down on the sofa. “Another wizard! How nice to meet you, young man. I’m Grant McKinnon, but you can just call me Grant.” He offered Sirius a hand and Marlene tried her best not to smirk as Sirius suddenly stood up a bit straighter and shook her fathers’ hand as if he were meeting the Queen.
“A pleasure to meet you, sir. Lovely home you have here.”
“What a gentleman.” Her mother laughed lightly. “I’m Lottie.”
This time, Marlene had to bite her lip to keep herself from laughing as she watched Sirius gently kiss her mother’s hand. Merlin, he really was a posh bastard.
“I’m Freddie.” Her brother greeted, not wanting to be left out, and Sirius’s eyes lit up.
“Like Freddie Mercury?”
“Exactly!” Freddie exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.
Just as Marlene was about to interrupt to give an explanation as to why Sirius was there in the first place, her family initiated a game of twenty questions directed toward the poor boy.
“So, you go to Hogwarts then?” Lottie asked, an easy smile playing on her lips. She moved to sit by her husband, smoothing out her yellow sun dress as she did so. Sirius nodded, a proud smile appearing on his face.
“Yes. Sorted into Gryffindor, just like Marlene.”
Grant leaned forward; an eyebrow raised. “That’s the one with the lion, right?”
Marlene rolled her eyes good-naturedly. “Dad, you know it is.”
Her father merely laughed, raising his hands in defense as he leaned back once more. “I just want to make sure! I never went to Hogwarts now did I?”
“Oh, did you go to Beaubaxtons?” Sirius asked and Marlene cringed.
“Oxford, actually.” Her father answered easily, and Sirius glanced at Marlene with clear confusion on his face. Grant didn’t seem to mind though, catching on to what Sirius wasn’t fully understanding. “I don’t have magic, son.”
Sirius’s eyes went wide for the hundredth time that day it seemed, and he grinned wickedly. “You’re a muggle.” He stated as if he had just made a new discovery. Marlene got the impression that Sirius had never really spoken to a muggle before now.
“You’re pureblood then, Sirius?” Marlene’s mother asked, quickly connecting the dots of Sirius’s curiosity.
“Oh. Yeah. Yeah I am.” Sirius shifted a bit uncomfortably and Lottie frowned at the sudden change in behavior.
“I was the only witch in my family.” Lottie continued, changing the subject. “Was sorted into Ravenclaw at Hogwarts.”
“That’s what I’m going to be.” Freddie piped up, puffing his chest out in perfect eight-year old fashion. Marlene rolled her eyes.
“You still have three more years and there’s no guarantee you’ll follow in mum’s footsteps.”
Freddie narrowed his eyebrows and glared at Marlene. “But I want to be a Ravenclaw.”
“You can be whatever you want to be, mate.” Sirius said solemnly and Marlene found herself surprised at the sincerity in Sirius’s voice. She had never known Sirius to behave in such ways at school, often getting into trouble and shouting about loudly and animatedly. What he said had seemed to be an acceptable answer for Freddie, though, who beamed right back at Sirius.
“Sirius needs a place to stay.” Marlene blurted suddenly, and everyone’s attention turned toward her once more. Her mother gave her a dubious look, waiting patiently for an explanation while her father seemed to not even question the notion.
“For how long?” Grant asked.
“Oh. Uh, you don’t have to do that, sir. I’ll be okay on my own.”
Lottie leaned forward, reaching out for Sirius who instantly flinched in return, causing her to draw her hands back quickly, a stunned look on her face at his reaction. She cleared her throat and fixed him with a serious look. “It’s not problem if you need somewhere to sleep, Sirius. I would just like a reason and an idea of how long you would be staying.”
Sirius glanced at Marlene hesitantly. Clearly, he had not planned on staying here but he also had not planned on going home. Had he assumed that she would kick him to the streets? Perhaps that was what he had intended to do all along. Marlene frowned at the idea of Sirius wandering aimlessly about London, probably in his Animagus form, just to hide away from his family. She wondered how terrible they must be for him to resort to such a thing.
Marlene turned back to her parents, a resolute look on her face. “However long he needs.”
Grant quickly set up a cot for Sirius in Freddie’s bedroom—who was far too excited to have a roommate for the time being—and Sirius offered his thanks every five minutes with Grant dismissing it with a wave of his hand stating “it’s just what we do, son.”
Marlene was preparing for bed in her own room when a tentative knock came from the door. “Come in.”
Her mother walked in, shutting the door behind her with a soft click before making herself comfortable on Marlene’s bed. She looked at Marlene with a curious but open expression and Marlene found herself wondering if her mother could see right through her.
“Is Sirius…someone you fancy?” She asked, and Marlene realized that perhaps her mother couldn’t see her at all.
“No.” She answered honestly, and her mother nodded, accepting the answer without question. Lottie still sat there though, mulling something around in her brain it seemed before letting it out.
“Is he in trouble?”
Marlene considered her mother’s question. The truth was that Marlene really wasn’t sure if Sirius was in trouble or not. It could just be him being his usual dramatic self and getting a kick out of ruining some extravagant family function, but somehow it felt different. The look of pure fear in his eyes when they were in that alley way was burned into her mind.
“I don’t know.” She said finally, her voice sounding more childish than she cared for. Her mother sighed, standing up and opening her arms which Marlene gratefully fell into. She closed her eyes, grateful that her parents were who they were. That they were so accepting and helpful towards everyone. It made her proud to be their daughter. She wondered idly if they would be accepting of everything or if there was some unforeseen limit to which their compassion reached.
Marlene thought about the events that occurred just a few days ago. The firewhiskey her and her friends had indulged in, intent on having one last night of fun before leaving each other for the winter holiday. She thought about the tingly feeling in her stomach as she leaned forward, placing her lips against Lily’s. She thought about the shocked look on Lily’s face and the small sound of surprise that came from Alice’s mouth. She thought about how she ran away before she could even give her friends a chance to ridicule her for her actions.
It had been eating at her ever since, and now, as her mother held her in her arms, she wondered how she would react to the idea of her daughter liking girls.
“Mum?” Marlene asked, her heart rate picking up speed and hands starting to shake.
“Yes, dear?” Lottie pulled back, a look of concern on her face.
Marlene felt her throat close up, blocking off the words she wanted to confess. I can’t do this. Not now.
“Never mind.” She breathed, looking down at her feet instead of meeting her mother’s gaze. Lottie lingered there a moment, debating whether or not to push the subject. In the end, she just hugged Marlene tighter and smoothed out her hair.
“Okay. But you can always come talk to me whenever you need, okay?” Lottie kissed her daughter’s forehead and went to leave the room, turning in the doorway just before exiting. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, mum.”
As her mother left, Marlene crawled into bed, huddling deeply beneath the blankets and turning to face the wall, finally allowing her tears to fall.
Marlene awoke to a frantic knocking on her door. She shot up in bed, immediately reaching for her wand and pointing it towards the doorway. What if it was the Lestranges? What if they had followed Marlene and Sirius straight to her home? What if it were the Blacks themselves, here to take their runaway heir home and punish those who gave him sanctuary?
“Marls! Open the door, it’s Freddie!”
A feeling of relief as well as slight irritation flooded through her. Freddie was tolerable most of the time, but waking her up in the middle of the night was definitely not a way to get on Marlene’s good side.
“What do you want, Mercury?” She asked as she swung the door open. Freddie was standing there, his hands twisted together and his face painted with worry and fear that immediately caused Marlene’s sour attitude toward her brother to vanish. “What’s the matter?”
“It’s Sirius. He won’t stop shaking and, and I thought he was having a nightmare and so I went over to shake him awake and he…he freaked out! He screamed and pushed me away and now he’s huddled in the corner and he won’t stop crying and—”
Marlene pushed past her brother and moved down the hallway towards his bedroom. When she got there, the cot was flipped over and the blankets were in a tangled mess on the floor. Sirius was pressed against the wall, his knees tucked up against his chest and his hands pulling anxiously at his hair. He was muttering something Marlene couldn’t quite make out but whatever it was, he sounded utterly terrified. Marlene turned to Freddie who had followed closely behind her.
“Go get mom.”
Freddie nodded and raced away, seemingly grateful about being given a task. Marlene turned her attention back to Sirius. He hadn’t even noticed the two of them had come into the room, too lost in whatever memory he was reliving. Marlene had heard about this sort of behavior before, when her dad spoke of her grandfather and the effects the war had on him. The panicked breathing and dissociation that blinded a person to their realities were sure signs of post-traumatic stress, she was sure. She was also sure she that she was way out of her depth to properly break Sirius out of it, but she’d be dammed if she didn’t try.
“Sirius,” She spoke slowly, inching towards him before kneeling in front of him. He shook harder, his breath coming out in pants. Merlin, he was going to make himself pass out.
“Hey,” She grabbed his hand and he recoiled with a scream.
“No! No, please! Please don’t, it hurts.” He whimpered. Marlene felt sick and uncomfortable. This was not the Sirius Black she knew. This was a scared and hurt little boy that Marlene could not help.
“What is it?” Marlene turned. Her mother was standing in the doorway, her father and brother right behind her. She watched as Lottie’s eyes found Sirius and she motioned for Marlene to move away. Marlene obliged, standing, and watching her mother crouch down in her place.
“Sirius, sweetie? It’s Lottie. Marlene’s mom, remember?” He didn’t respond but Lottie didn’t seem deterred.
“Breathe with me, Sirius. I’m going to count and we are going to breathe.”
Marlene watched in awe as her mother calmly coaxed Sirius out of the horrific state he was trapped in. They breathed together, with Sirius attempting to match Lottie the more lucid he became. Eventually, Lottie took his hands in hers, rubbing small circles in his palms with the pads of her thumbs. She spoke softly to him, asking him questions about his surroundings and Sirius muttered back short responses. Slowly, he came back to himself. Marlene stood in the doorway, Freddie beside her still looking quite distressed and her father with an unreadable expression playing on his features.
“Marlene could you come sit here beside Sirius? I’m going to go whip up a potion for him to take. Freddie, Grant, why don’t you come help me? Give Sirius some space.”
Freddie nodded wordlessly and turned to head down the stairs followed by his father. As Marlene passed her mother, Lottie put a hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t make him talk about it,” She whispered, “just listen if he does.”
Marlene nodded and Lottie gave her a sad smile before leaving the two teens alone. Sirius stared down at his lap, his eyes puffy with tears and his hair a tangly mess. He seemed embarrassed and shifted slightly when Marlene took a seat next to him. She didn’t blame him. She’d be pretty embarrassed too if her whole bravado façade fell apart in front of an audience. It was quiet between them, and Marlene struggled as she thought of something to say. She wanted to ask Sirius what had happened, what kind of nightmare he’d had to cause such a reaction, but she refrained. Still, she thought she could gather a well enough idea.
“I’m thinking of cutting some fringe.” She says instead, reaching up to toy with a strand of her hair. Sirius blinks, glancing toward her and then back at his toes. “I think it’d be a nice change, you know. Eleanor Tippets has fringe and it’s quite nice looking, don’t you think?”
“I’ve never thought about Eleanor Tippets.” Sirius responds. Progress, she thinks.
“Me neither. Not really. Just noticed her hair is all.” Marlene purses her lips. “James has some wild hair, doesn’t he? Does it naturally look like that or does he do it on purpose?”
A ghost of a smile traces Sirius’ lips and Marlene feels her muscles lose a bit of the tension she was unaware she had been holding.
“It’s naturally messy, though he does run his fingers through it often.”
“When he flirts with all the girls?”
“Well, just one girl, really. He still can’t get over Evans.”
Marlene tenses a bit but forces the conversation to continue. “Lily is nice.”
“So is James. She still hasn’t given him a chance.”
Sirius was right, Marlene supposed. James Potter wasn’t exactly the poster boy for good behavior, but he was nice enough. He always helped first years with their homework and encouraged the Gryffindor Quidditch team to win the games and have fun doing it. Lily had talked about James before, to Marlene and Alice, usually to complain about how annoying he was or about what elaborate date he asked her on that week. At the time, Marlene thrilled over the fact that Lily was not into James and perhaps she imagined it was for the same reasons Marlene wasn’t into boys. Now, though, as she looked back on it, she could remember the faint blush gracing her friend’s cheeks each time James smiled at her and the way her lips would twitch upwards just before she told him to get lost.
“My parents hate me.” Sirius said suddenly. Marlene felt her heart stop. Even if she expected it, it was different to hear the words falling so painfully out of Sirius’ mouth. She looked towards him, at the hunch of his shoulders and the pain in his eyes. It was painful to see Sirius this way. He should be jumping on the bed or ranting to Marlene about David Bowie. He shouldn’t be sitting in the corner with trembling hands and a fear of his family. It wasn’t right.
“They shouldn’t hate you.” Marlene knew it was a lame response, but she didn’t know what to say. She had never prepared for a conversation like this, let alone with Sirius Black.
Sirius scoffed. “Oh, I don’t know. I sometimes hate me.”
“We’re not close enough for this conversation, McKinnon.”
“Well, you’re the one who started it.”
Before Sirius could reply, Lottie had stepped back into the room, a cup held in her hand that presumably held the potion she had concocted. Sirius accepted it gratefully, attempting to put his mask of perfect manners back on, though his hands still shook as he drank. Lottie exchanged a look with Marlene, a frown on her face and pity in her eyes. Marlene looked away. She knew Sirius would hate to have any pity directed towards him so it felt wrong to accept such a look.
“You can stay in my room for the rest the night,” Marlene said, “I don’t want you to scare my brother awake with your screams again. He might just wet the bed.”
Lottie opened her mouth to scold Marlene, but Sirius just let out that barking laugh that Marlene had come to enjoy now that she had learned about Sirius’ animagus form. Her parents set the cot up in Marlene’s room quickly and said goodnight once more before shutting the bedroom door. Sirius stood awkwardly next to the cot, his hands clasped together in front of him. Marlene crawled underneath her own blankets, scooting as close to the wall as she could before patting the space next to her. Sirius raised an eyebrow.
“Are you inviting me into your bed, McKinnon?”
Marlene rolled her eyes. “Just for sleep, you dog.”
Sirius hesitated, but slid in beside her after a moment of consideration. He was careful not to touch her, whether that was to make her more comfortable or him, Marlene wasn’t sure. She turned on her side so that she was facing him. He stared resolutely at the ceiling, his hands on his chest and eyes wide open.
“You can relax you know. I don’t bite.”
“Biting might be fun.”
“I’m kidding!”
Marlene just shook her head. What a weird day, she thought as she closed her eyes and let her thoughts wander. Spending Christmas break with Sirius Black wasn’t something she had ever planned to do and now here he was, lying in her bed. Marlene wondered what Lily and Alice would say if she told them. She frowned as she thought of her friends. Would they still be her friends when she got back to Hogwarts? Or would they shy away from her, possibly even hate her. She couldn’t bear the sick feeling that washed over her at the idea of that.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Sirius asked. Marlene opened her eyes to see him gazing at her with an uncharacteristic look of empathy on his face. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I’m thinking about how much sleep you’re costing me.”
Sirius flushed slightly, but persisted, nonetheless. “Oh, come on. Your face was all scrunched up, there’s no way you were thinking of sleep. Enlighten me, McKinnon.”
“Is it a boy?”
“Good. Then I have no competition.”
“Trust me when I say this, Sirius. You are not my type.”
Sirius hesitated and then, “I’m sorry for messing up your holiday. I can leave tomorrow. Find my way to James’ house. He’s more equipped to deal with this mess.”
Marlene wanted to reassure Sirius that he was no bother, that she was happy to help, but she couldn’t. Because she probably wasn’t as equipped to deal with all of Sirius’ stuff, not compared to James who knew Sirius better than anyone. Marlene suddenly felt a sense of guilt overcome her. She and Sirius had always been friends at school, chatting in the common room on occasion and sitting next to each other in history of magic, but they were never close. She supposed it was because Sirius didn’t let people get too close, no one except for James, Remus, and Peter. Not that she was any better.
“We can write him in the morning if that would make you more comfortable.” She mumbled. Sirius nodded.
“That would probably be best.”
“Sirius,” Marlene hesitated. “Sirius, I don’t want to pry or anything but…what happened? Why did you run away?”
A dark look settled over Sirius’ face and Marlene almost recoiled. Whatever happened had been bad, probably worse than Marlene could imagine. She almost regretted asking the question and was about to tell him he didn’t have to answer when he spoke in a breath.
“They tried to kill me.”
Marlene’s blood ran cold. She didn’t want to believe it. She wanted Sirius to crack a teasing smile and claim that he was just being his usual dramatic self and that he was exaggerating the story and that his parents just had some old-fashioned ideas that got him in trouble when he didn’t agree with them. That she could handle. But this…god, she was going to be sick.
“Why?” Her voice sounded childish, laced with curiosity, and horrified awe.
“I…disagreed with them, as usual. But this time it was because of more personal beliefs.”
“Personal beliefs?”
“I told them I was gay.”
There was a stutter in Marlene’s heart, a sudden thrill that she wasn’t alone, such an excitement that she almost screamed “me too!” back at him. But she didn’t. Because right now was about Sirius, not her. Instead, she reached out and took Sirius’ hand. He flinched at the motion but Marlene did not let go. She could not let go, not now, not when she might be the only person who Sirius might be able to relate to, that he might be the only person who could understand her. She felt the need to cling to this, to remember this moment as Sirius told her this secret with raw vulnerability and tears in his eyes because not only was the world cruel to people like them but his own parents couldn’t see past their own prejudices to just love their son. Instead, they set out to hurt and even kill. Marlene could make this moment matter. She could make this moment a happy moment for him.
“I’m so fucking proud of you.”
Sirius finally met her gaze, surprise evident on his face. She grinned back at him, her own eyes watering.
“I am so fucking proud of you, Sirius. For being strong enough and brave enough to stand up to your parents and be who you are. I really admire that and I am so happy that you shared it with me. Thank you.”
Sirius’ body seemed to lose all the tension he had been holding since bumping into Marlene earlier that day. God, had it only been a day? Marlene felt as though Sirius had been there for weeks, ready to burst at the seams at any moment. And this was that moment. He started crying in earnest, his body shaking and eyes becoming blinded with tears. Marlene inched forward, wrapping her arms around him, and holding him close. Her own face was wet with tears of joy and pain for her friend.
Eventually they fell asleep, wrapped tightly around each other. It was how Lottie found them in the morning.
#sirius black#marlene mckinnon#remus lupin#james potter#lily evans potter#wolfstar#jily#marauders#marauders era#sirius black angst#fanfiction#harry potter fanfiction#harry potter#💭 by kat#romulusnuffles
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Annalyne Sonata [IkeVamp OC]
Hey guys! I am so verry happy to finally being able to officially introduce my IkeVamp OC, Annalyne! ٩(●ᴗ●)۶
This is a very long post, but I hope you won’t be discouraged and will enjoy learning a bit more about her, and the story I imagined for her (^.^)ゞ
I also commissioned the MOST AMAZING ARTIST EVER @lemonsqueazie for drawing my baby OC! ღවꇳවღ She is my favourite artist, and also an amazing human being that I love very much. She is so attentive to what you tell her, always doing everything to meet your ideas and make the best art for you! I highly recommend to check out her blog @lemonsqueazie alongside her Instagram and her DeviantArt post about her commissions! You can also find all the infos here.
NOW, ON WITH THE OC! (๑ゝڡ◕๑)
Name: Annalyne
Last name: Sonata
Nicknames: Anna, Nana, Lyn
DOB: June, 19, 1995 (25 years old)
Origin: French
Languages: French, English, Spanish, Italian, German, Japanese, Korean
Height: 160cm (5.25ft)
Sexuality: pan
Job: freelance fashion designer, blogger, gamer
Passions: fashion, drawing, eating, baking, cooking, videogames, reading, music
Phobias: larvas and maggots, bugs (except ladybugs)
Lover: Leonardo Da Vinci
"Heh? What is this? Kinda like a storage room?"
Annalyne is a very chill woman, taking things at her own pace and working hard towards her goals and dreams. When she doesn't work, she becomes a lazy slug chilling with a good book or videogames -part of why she is also a gamer-.
Her most prominent traits are definitely: her kindness, her humour -made of bad puns and references-, her caring side, her clumsiness and her supportive behaviour. Number one fan of her family and friends.
She will always go out of her way to make her loved ones feel loved, supported or just important. She can also easily throw hands if needed. No one messes with her or her close ones without getting punished.
She has a hard time trusting people. It looks like she is close to everyone, but she hardly confides in people. It takes a hecking long time to build a relationship of trust with her -due to some childhood traumas-
She is strong-willed and -way too- a tad stubborn. But she compensates by being very sweet and cute. She can be very anxious but eating calms her, explaining her chubbiness. Also, count on her for helping everyone.
She is very good at cooking and baking, and loves making things herself. She loves dogs, but honestly, she loves almost every animal ever. She has a talent with them, understanding them beyond reason: animals love her.
"Call me the PUNisher."
She is easily triggered by disrespect, racism, homophobia, bullying and abuse. She can kick your ass off if needed, being very rude and violent when angry -she already broke the arm of a racist, and slapped Shakespeare...-
Comte is the one engaging conversation with her, asking her if she likes this painting. She is hyper excited talking about it and Comte cannot help but giggle, finding a Da Vinci's fangirl in modern days being pretty rare.
How she met Comte:
Annalyne lives near Paris and absolutely loves museums. Therefore she spends a hella lot of time in the Louvre, especially contemplating Da Vinci's works. She meets Comte in front of Da Vinci's painting Saint-Jean-Baptiste.
They spend some time debating and chatting over Leonardo Da Vinci's life, works of art and other controversies. He smiles a lot throughout the whole chat, since he wonders how his old friend would react.
How she ends up in Comte's mansion:
Comte bids her goodbye after they have finally seen Mona Lisa from up close. She thanks him for the delightful conversation, happy she has met someone as knowledgeable as him on her favourite historical figure.
She is taken aback, quite surprised, and thinks the mansion is a storage room. Maybe the man is actually an employee? She is curious though so she walks through the hall and stares at everything in awe.
When he leaves, waving his hand, his pocket watch falls and Annalyne picks it up. She chases after Comte all over the museum and sees him going through a door. She opens it and ends up in the mansion's hall.
Who she meets:
While discovering the hall, she stumbles upon Leonardo who's asleep. She doesn't want to wake him up but God, she stares for a good minute at the sleeping man. "I have never seen such a gorgeous man..."
She walks past him and continues looking for Comte. But then, Napoleon appears and asks her who she is, and what she does here. She tells him she wants to find the gorgeous blonde man to give him his watch.
He offers to give to him in lieu of her. But she is wary of him, a stranger. And Comte appears, the noise having caught up his attention. He recognises Annalyne and is surprised she is there. She gives him the watch.
The first dinner:
Comte gladly accepts the watch and asks her if she wants to dine with him and the residents of this mansion. Mansion? She stares at him, dumbfounded, and frowns. "Mansion? Isn't that a storage room or something?"
Comte giggles and promises to explain it all over dinner. Her trust for Comte and her love for food makes her accepting the offer. How surprised she is upon seeing all these people gather around a huge table!
She sits down and gets served by Sebastian, under all the surprised looks. Comte then proceeds on explaining it all to her: how all the residents in there are famous historical figures, and how she is the past.
How she reacts:
She is surprised, but she believes in timelapse, magic, etc. So she just stares in surprise and shock but is soon overexcited to meet all these people who changed history and inspired her throughout her whole life.
She will ask a bunch of questions to each of them, questions she has always been curious about, like the rumours and alleged controversies. Even when she hears about not being able to go back in her time, she is strangely chill about it.
"Well, there's no helping it! I will come up with a lie when I go back there!" But she will write letters and leave them -along jewels of hers- in places she thinks her friends or family could find them in the future.
Meeting her soulmate:
Sebastian shows her her room and then tells her to explore the mansion if she wants to. What she does! She then remembers the man sleeping in the hall? He must be a historical figure as well, but who can he be...?
She wants to know so she goes to find him and stumbles upon him, nearly falling on top of him. He seems awake since he is sitting on the floor. He had heard her footsteps so he smiles at her. "Well, who do we got there, Cara Mia?"
She smiles at the Italian nickname and tells him everything about her being here. He is surprised she is so chill about it but he smiles and introduces himself. "Well Cara Mia, nice to meet you. I'm Leonardo Da Vinci."
Upon hearing the name, her eyes widen and her breath catches in her throat. She stares, her heart beating faster every passing second. His smile is intoxicating and she cannot help but blush and stutter.
"W-well, nice to meet you, Leonar- huh Sir Leonardo? How, how should I call you?" He laughs."Leonardo is enough, Cara Mia." He smiles and pats her head before standing up. "Watch yourself, Cara Mia."
Her reaction upon the vampiric reveal:
After having talked with Comte and decided to stay in his mansion, she actually wonders how he could resurrect them. She decides to ask Sebastian, her new colleague, and he just shows her the Rouge and Blanc bottles.
"What's that?" She asks, pretty curious."Take a look and you will understand." She first goes for the Rouge and recognises the metallic smell of blood. She stares at Sebastian. "What is that supposed to mean?"
"They are all vampires. Except I, who is human." She widens her eyes, sueprised, and then goes "Aaaaah, that's how he did! Makes sense!" She smiles. "Is Comte the one who transformed them all or no?" "He did, yes."
"So, is he like, a pureblood vampire? A superior vampire who can turn humans into vampires?" "How do you know about this?" "Oh please, Sebastian. Cinema, animes, mangas and books are full of vampires."
Sebastian stares at her, bewildered. "And you are not afraid? They could easily feed off of you, even kill you." "Oh please Sebastian, they're more like puppies than wolves! If they were capable of this, you wouldn't be here!"
"Plus," she says while flashing a big dumb grin. "If they wanted to eat me, they would have already bitten me and emptied me of all my blood. They are not dangerous." Sebastian is shocked at how chill she is.
Her relationships with the residents:
She gets close to every resident ofthe mansion pretty fast, especially since she is not pushy, funny, kind, calm and knowledgeable on a lot of matters. They all grow a soft spot for her, even shyer and harsher residents.
Napoleon: they bond over cooking and baking. Also, since she is French, she can tell him about the impact he had on her country.
Mozart: music is common ground for them. She knows a lot about him and will sing for him, being allowed in the music room.
Arthur: writing sessions together, in his room or hers. They tease each other a lot and she is quick to react to his flirting.
Vincent: they are very close, bonding over drawing and painting. They talk a lot about art and have art sessions.
Theodorus: she doesn't let him win with his harsh replies and he likes that. She is strong and adores Vincent: he likes her a lot.
Isaac: she isn't pushy and gives him room so he likes talking with or teaching her a few things. They often meet in his room.
Jean: he likes how pure she is but she doesn't let him avoid her. She will do anything to befriend him and he gives in.
Dazai: sharing writing ideas brings them closer. They also laugh a lot because they are both airheads amd chaotic walking memes.
William: she likes his work but hates him. She will always avoid him, or shoot sharp daggers glares at him.
Comte: the father figure. She loves going to him to talk or when she needs some calm, and having tea together.
Sebastian: always laughing and teasing each other. She will flick his forehead when he assumes things for her.
Her relationship with her soulmate:
She is a Da Vinci's fangirl so of course, she is a mess around him. At first, she just blushes a lot, stutters a bit around him and she fangirls when he is not around. "Omg I can't believe I witnessed him sketching!!!"
They bond very easily since they both love arts. And Leonardo is very curious about her fashion style, her job, and basically how the world works in modern days -she spent an entire night talking about phones-
One day, he finds her sighing in her room: "what's the problem?". "Ah, nothing, I'm just, not comfortable in Comte's dresses. I'm more into trousers or skirts from my time." He is curious so she tells him about modern day fashion.
"Ah, so women wear pants and shirts. Whatever they want." She nods excitiedly."Yeah, and I hope one day men will be able to do so as well! Wear skirts and dresses and heels. But toxic masculinity is still pretty deep..."
"Wait for me, Cara Mia" and he dashes off the room, to come back later with a stack of shirts and trousers. "Here, take these. They're mine but for now, it will do. Tomorrow, we're going shopping for you."
And they do go shopping the next day, buying loads of men clothes alongside jewels and shoes. Also, they buy fabrics, needles and everything for Annalyne to sew her own clothes. He loves seeing her so happy.
She spends the next days adjusting Leonardo's clothes and the ones they bought to her chubby curves. And Leonardo surprises her by wearing a dress. They go have dinner like this: her in men's clothes, him in women's clothes.
Legend says every resident nearly choked themselves of either shock or laughter. And Leonardo and Annalyne really enjoyed it a lot and decided to do this at least once a week -Leo enjoyed the dress, actually-
The purebloodness revelation:
She catches very early on that he is a pureblood, without him even telling her. She is extra sensitive so she kinda feels auras and saw how Comte and Leonardo's eyes are similar. His genius made even more sense.
"Leonardo. Are you like Comte, a pureblood vampire?" She asked him while they were shopping for fabrics. Leonardo nearly fell out of surprise. "What are you talking about, Cara Mia?" "Well, you know..."
"Same eyes as Comte, genius who can do anything, super strong and intimidating aura. Open-minded as if you've already seen everything, and laziness that can be explained by already having done everything possible..."
He stares at her and then laughs, patting and ruffling her hair. "You're awfully clever and intuitive, Cara Mia. Yes, I am a pureblood. Does it change anything between us? "HELL NO!" she shouts. "But I've got questions!!!"
She drowns him under questions on everything he's done, seen, lived. They spend almost all of their time together, teaching each other about their lives and their knowledge. Residents are jealous of the Leonardo monopoly.
How it "ends" between them:
She is a strong woman and will go back to her time. But she promises Leonardo she will find him, right after returning to her time. He asks her what day it was, when she entered the mansion. "March, 15th, 2020."
When she leaves, while everyone is crying, Leonardo calculates. "Okay, gone for a month in her time, so she'll be in the Louvre in April, 15th, 2020. Ah. My birthday." He smiles. Almost 200 years, but it will be so worth it.
When she passes through the door, she is back in her time. Asking a guide what day it is. "April, 15th, 2020". The day they agreed upon, and Leonardo's birthday. She smiles and then proceeds to rush out of the Louvre to look for him.
But then she passes in front of Saint-Jean-Baptiste. Her favourite painting. A tall and gorgeous man is standing there, in a blue shirt and blue jeans. She feels it. She goes to the man, pats him on the shoulder, and asks: "Leonardo...?"
The man turns around, a huge grin on his face, bright golden eyes shining with love: "Was about time, Cara Mia..." she cries and throws herself at his neck; he spins her, crying as well, burrying his face in her neck.
"I missed you so much. Never do this again. 200 years was worth it but it was too long." She is a mess while crying. "I, I pwomiss Leo, I will neba leaf you again-" he laughs at her messy face. "Look at you, silly girl." He kisses her.
"I want you to see how much I love you in my eyes. They speak on my behalf."
Trivia facts:
She has a tiny water spray bottle she labelled as "Holy Water". Whenever a resident smiles or laughs, she opens it and "collects" their happiness. Thus, when one is talking shit about himself, she sprays the water on them.
"There, you have been blessed with Holy Water. Now love yourself or I agressively hug you." -the mistake on the label,on "thoughts" is intended, as it is is a mix between thots and thoughts, bitch thoughts she's gonna spray away.
She hates Shakespeare, Faust and Vlad. Whenever they pass by the mansion, she grabs the garden hose she labelled "Garden Hoes" and splashes water on them. "Oh no, you walking sin, stay away from my babies!"
She eats A LOT and puts shame on Theo when it comes to eating sweet things. They have pancake-eating competitions -and guess what, she wins-. She will be snacking 24/7 when nervous, anxious, sad and basically under negative emotions.
She listens to every type of music. She really enjoys any kind of rock music, and is also very knowledgeable on classical music. She likes to dance on Kpop and sing on Disney songs: her favourites are definitely I’ll Make A Man Out Of You and Why Should I Worry -in French-
She used to practice martial arts so she can beat the crap out of anyone being a little sh*t with her or her loved ones. She also has a very scary aura when furious, leading to most people just running away from her wrath.
She loves gossiping with Arthur. Whenever she knows about some rumours, or when she needs to talk about something that upset her, she goes to his room with coffee or tea. They both irradiate chaotic gossiping energy when together.
She is the mom friend, and becomes the mom of the mansion. She already told Jean to “get his bottoms in the living room to eat with all of them”, else she was going to kick his butt so hard he would be unable to sit or practice fencing.
All the animals LOVE her. Chérie is missing? She is cuddling with her in the patio. Lumiere is not under the bed? He is sleeping on her laps while she reads. King is nowhere to be found? She is playing with him in the garden. Snow White vibe.
She loves flowers and will put some all over the mansion. She puts one every day in front of every resident’s door, with a message written on a tiny piece of paper, something like: “You are a sweetheart and you deserve the best, keep going, dearie!”

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Pure Blood 3 (Sirius Black x Fem! Oc)
Book II
Words: 1,603
Chapter 2 / Chapter 4
"I don't think you'll find friends if you're in the library all the time, Percy," says Jo. I stop and turn to see her.
“I'm looking for books, Jo. Not friends.”
"Don't you think you've spent a lot of time there?" She crosses her arms.
"How is it that every time I mention it when I'm with you it seems like you have war flashbacks?" I scoff.
“Not because I'm Ravenclaw, it means I love to read! The library is boring and you always have to be quiet…”
"Something you should try.”
She snorts.
"You are a lost case. If someone asks, I don't know you,” She says, then lightly bumps her shoulder with mine.
I watch her walk away and smile.
“See you later, Josiepad. I love you!" I scream, drawing the attention of several students.
Josephine looks at me, from my place I can notice that her ears turn red, then she runs off to avoid everyone's stares. I laugh at her reaction.
That went well.
I continue on my way to the library and enter the corridors full of books. I caress the back of some as I pass until one catches my eye. Astronomy.
I take it and go to one of the tables near a window, sit down and open it.
I don't know how long it's been when I hear someone clear her throat near me.
The first time I ignored it, but I think if someone does it three times it’s to get attention. And unfortunately for me, that person wanted to talk to me.
I sigh and take my eyes off the book, finding a girl with thick brown hair and eyes of the same color, which are staring at me, her thin lips are pursed.
"Hello?" I said tensely.
“Shouldn't you be doing your charms homework? It's for tomorrow,” She raises an eyebrow.
“Uh….” I look at her in surprise. "Sorry, do I know you?"
"No, but I know you. You’re Perseus John Singh. We’re in the same classes and in the same house. Why do you read an astronomy book instead of charms?"
I close my book and frown.
"I don't think it's healthy to know much about a person you've never talked to,” I try not to sound too aggressive... and I also try to hide my fear. "And I don't think it's very nice to scold me either, girl-I've- never seen-before.”
Her cheeks are flushed, but her gaze remains steady.
Will she be breathing still?
"I-uh," She clears her throat again. "I'm sorry. You're right,” she stands up and when I think she's going to leave, she sits next to me. "I'm Hermione Granger.” She offers her hand, which I just stare at. She sighs and drops it. "I didn't mean to be rude, sorry.”
Her tone changes completely. I shake my head.
“I-it’s okay. Uh-it doesn't matter,” I settle into my chair and reopen my book, but my interest can't go back to it. Less with Hermione by my side.
"I've finished all my homework, I'm just reading this for fun,” I sigh and then look at her.
Now she looks at me in surprise.
"It's strange to hear that from someone else,” I shrug. "Why astronomy?"
I laugh.
“My mom and I have always liked stars and constellations. My name’s a constellation. And it’s also the name of a Greek demigod, my family has the tradition of naming their children as gods and stuff like that.”
"What is your mother's?"
She frowns.
"Wait, I thought you were a pureblood.”
She blushes again.
“Not that I have done research on you, specifically. I, uh— Well, it's no secret that your cousins Atlas, Hades, and Hercules are purebloods. Some people have become obsessed with that subject,” She says, looking away.
"Pure blood? I don’t understand.”
"Hasn't anyone explained it to you?"
“No, actually, I don't know much about the wizarding world. That's why I spend a lot of time in the library.”
It seems the girl's eyes are about to pop out.
"But you… Your cousins?"
"My mom raised me without magic.”
"It's something wrong?"
“No, it's just that… Sorry I'm being rude again,” She shakes her head. "I am Muggle-born,” She smiles proudly. "Professor McGonagall visited us to explain to my parents that I am a witch.”
“I also like being in the library. I don't understand why people think it’s boring.”
I laugh remembering Jo's words.
"I get you,” We both smile. "Uh, would you like to explain that pureblood thing to me?"
"Sure! I know a book that can help,” She says, then gets up and goes to the bookshelves.
Wait, did I just make a friend?
"Did everyone understand?" The men sitting at the same table nod. "Miss Singh?”
I clench my teeth.
“Yes, sir.”
"Well, you can go.”
I follow my colleagues until we leave to our offices.
"Singh, wait!" I roll my eyes without stopping. “Wait!”
A blond man runs to be in front of me, I sigh.
"What do you need, Edwards?”
He smiles at me trying to calm his breathing.
"You always run out of every meeting.”
"My shift is over and I have no other reason to be here,” I try to continue my way, but the blond moves to avoid it.
"You're right, I can't stand work either.”
"Then why are you still here?" I raise an eyebrow.
He opens and closes his mouth trying to speak and then smiles.
"You always know what to say," He laughs.
I frown.
That makes no sense.
"What do you want?"
“Well, I was thinking that— uh… I heard that your son finally left to Hogwarts.”
“Every time I offer you a drink, your answer was that you wanted to be with him and now he’s gone. Would you go for a drink with me now? It doesn't have to be formal, maybe just go to a bar or restaurant or…” His cheeks turn red. "Or if you want to go to my place?” He scratches the back of his neck.
I stir in my place.
"Just an hour, I promise.”
"Sorry, but no,” He looks down. "It's nothing personal, I'm not ready to go out with someone.”
That catches his attention as he returns his gaze to me, only now his eyes show no illusion. He raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, sure. And what about the man who sometimes comes for you? Uh?"
“Excuse me?"
“I bet you’ll go with him. The others were right about you,” He huffs rolling his eyes and then leaves.
I stand in the hallway in a daze. I shake my head and keep walking toward the elevator.
As I left the building, I found Remus waiting for me. I hug him tightly when I get to his side.
"You won't believe what just happened to me.”
"Let me guess,” He says amused as we walk. He puts a hand on his chin. "Did they give you more paperwork?"
"The boss's secretary sent you another hate note?”
"Another colleague asked you out?”
"I guess you turned it down…”
"He didn't take it well?”
“He has been working with us for four weeks, he doesn't even know me, I’ve rejected him almost every day, I’ve never shown interest in anyone and he still has the nerve to claim that apparently 'the others are right about me’.”
"What does that mean? What do they say about you?"
“I have no idea and I don't want to know. I hate everyone in that office. They don't deserve my attention.”
We get to the restaurant where we always go, he opens the door for me, we ask for the usual table and we sit down.
“Oh, he mentioned you too. They keep thinking that I'm going out with you.”
He laughs.
"And they still keep asking you out?"
“They don't care about anything, Wolfie. His brain does not allow him to see beyond his own needs,” I sigh leaning back on the chair.
"Do you want me to talk to someone?" He says worried.
"Not worth it.”
We ordered our dinner and continued talking.
"Has Percy sent you a letter yet?”
I nod, searching in my bag for the letter and handing it to him. His eyes move while he reads and smiles.
"Gryffindor?" He looks at me raising his eyebrows.
"No wonder,” I reply smiling and he returns to the letter.
"Apparently he is a bookworm after all,” He grimaces and then laughs. “And his hate towards Harry is still intact,” He folds the letter and passes it to me.
"Hasn't he made any friends?"
I sigh.
"No. I'm a little worried, I thought that being in the place where he belongs, he would be more sociable,” I grimace. "Neither Sirius nor I were shy…”
"Just give it time, it's always difficult to be in a new school.”
I nod.
“You know? Maybe he's more like Apollo. Quiet, in his own world with a book in hand,” I smile. "He even reminds me of Regulus sometimes…”
"It is still part of the family.”
"I guess,” I settle into the chair. I shake my head. “You're right, he will be fine. It's just that,” I shrugg, “I thought it would be something like what you, James and Sirius had. I want him to find a family there.”
“True friendship will come when you least expect it. We met by chance.”
“Cheesy," I joke making him laugh.
“Hey," He takes my hand on the table. "Everything will be fine.”
"I hope so.”
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#pure blood#Sirius Black#Sirius Black x reader#Persephone Singh-Black#Remus lupin#James potter#Regulus Black Harry Potter#harry potter fanfiction#Perseus Black-Singh#twoidiots writing
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The Honey Pot - Ch. 21 - White as Snow
The lights in the building shut off, pitching the hallway into total darkness except for a few slivers of moonlight. You hear screaming from a distance, and your mind finally processes that yes, this is happening.
Panic makes your limbs move before you can even think to question the sound, feet carrying you down the hall in record time. As you turn a corner, thick smoke fills the area and your heart sinks immediately as you can hear screams and general alarm from inside the ballroom. There’s shouting of the security once posted at the door trying to usher people out, women nearly tripping over themselves in their evening gowns and men trying to run for their lives.
But you don’t see Zenos.
“Zenos!” You call, diving straight into the room, the smoke getting worse and burning your eyes to where you have to close them if you want to keep your eyesight at all. You grunt as celebrities and employees alike shove past you as they rush for the exit, your dismay increasing as you stand there to make sure you don’t get toppled over and trampled on. “Zenos!” You call again, praying that whoever is doing this doesn’t jump out and get you.
A little later than you would like, you notice your throat feels a bit scratchy. This isn’t just some kind of smoke...it must be some kind of gas. Grunting, you shrug your blazer off, mindful of your weapons inside it as you use a sleeve to try and breathe. “Zenos!” You try again, calling out though now it is muffled. Please not again…
Most celebrities have made it out by now, your feet crunching dropped glasses and plates underfoot. The fire alarm rings, but the sprinkler system won’t activate, meaning the gas won’t clear. Your throat has gone from scratchy to burning, and your eyes are starting to burn too. “Zenos!” You call hoarsely, desperate for him to hear you.
You hear him before you could even possibly see him, his hand grabbing you by the scruff of your neck, hand fisted in the back of your shirt as he pulls you into his arms and pulls you toward the door.
“I said be quiet, unless you want to inhale more gas than you already have.” He orders, and from then on you are quiet as a mouse. He moves through the smoke and gas with startling surety, making you wonder how he could see through such low visibility. With the cover of nightfall and the lights knocked out, you can’t see a goddamn thing.
For once, you put your trust in him, letting him guide you out the building and onto the sidewalk where all the other celebrities are huddled up as the authorities begin to arrive. Zenos steadies you as he helps you descend the small flight of stairs leading to the front as he practically drags you to the closest ambulance. You hear him make some demand in rushed Gyr Abanian, and you’re sure his figure is so imposing that whatever poor medic he’s ordered is obeying without question.
The medic quickly gets an antidote to help rinse out your eyes, relief washing over you immediately as the burning feeling goes away. When you try to thank them you’re reminded your throat too is burning, and the medic quickly grabs the edible antidote to help with that. It tastes awful, but it soothes your throat like a kind of menthol, and you immediately begin to feel better.
Opening your eyes, you take a good, long look at Zenos, giving him a once over. Aside from his hair looking disheveled, he appears unharmed for which you are thankful. Relief of a different kind washes through you , able to breathe a little easier now that you know he’s safe. “How did you make it out of there without breathing in the gas? Or getting it in your eyes?” You wonder aloud, deciding you can face your feelings later.
With a single finger, he points to the small dot in the center of his forehead. “Pureblooded Garleans have a third eye that allows us to navigate our surroundings better than other races. It allows me to still have a sense of spatial recognition, even with my eyes closed.” Taking your blazer and draping it across his hand, he takes a deep sigh. “And I was one of the first to exit. I had not been exposed as much as you had.”
Nodding, you say nothing else, giving a thankful nod to the medic so they can begin treating other people. Local police are already swarming the perimeter, and you notice the majority of celebrities are safe on the sidewalk. Everyone except--
“Where’s Cid?”
You find a nearby perch to stand atop to see over the throng of people, looking for that telltale mop of white hair standing shorter than the rest. Your panic rises again as you realize you’re missing not just one snow white head, but two.
You don’t see Estinien or Cid anywhere.
They’re still inside.
Hopping down, you begin to move but Zenos snags you by the wrist. Brows furrowed, he holds fast. “Where are you going?”
“Cid is still in there.” You explain, tugging harder to try and free your hand. “Zenos let me go, I have to go back in.”
Zenos frowns, indecision evident in his features.
“I’m...I’m sorry for being a coward.” You blurt out, reaching with your other hand to place over his, clutching it tight. “I was coming to find you before the explosion-- but I can’t live knowing I didn’t do the right thing and cut things off with Estinien. If I walked away knowing I could save him, I'd never forgive myself.” You tug your hand free, giving a reassuring squeeze to his. “Stay out here, stay safe.”
Before he can get a word in edgewise, you’ve already taken off, snagging a gas mask from a nearby medic, ignoring the angry Ala Mhigan accent you hear as you run up the stairs and back into the building. You hear Zenos yell at you over the roar of the crowd, but ignore it as you bound up the stairs to head back inside. Tugging the gas mask over your face as you run through the doors, you take a steady breath as you run down the halls.
Art has fallen to the floors after being shaken by the explosion, your shoes crushing glass to dust as you book it back to the ballroom. “Estinien!” you call, shouting as loud as possible. It’s hard to hear when the alarm is still going off, and you know the bare minimum about the floor plan. “Cid!” You shout over the blaring alarm, wondering what was taking authorities so long to realize they were missing.
Estinien had to be somewhere. Surely he and Cid couldn’t have gotten separated. At least you pray that’s the case as you finally make your way back toward the ballroom, finding it as empty as it was before. More smoke has cleared, but it’s still dark, the lights still blown out and moonlight not reaching this far in. You’re scared and try as you might, fear is getting its hold on you.
“Have you really thought nothing more of your abilities? Thought you were just extremely talented?”
Why are you thinking of that now…?
Pursing your lips together, you mull the words over your head. If there was ever a time to see if Elidibus’ words held any truth, the time was now. Taking a deep breath, you tune out the blaring alarm, focusing on the space around you.
The din of the alarms become nothing but background noise, as does the sound of the crowd outside in the distance. The quiet of the night somehow reaches you, filling you with an inner peace you didn’t know you could achieve in a time such as this.
The smoke and gas still curl around you, lingering on whatever piece of skin they can touch. The air is dry, but it still moves, brushing against the back of your neck in a soft caress. There is a shift in the air, an angry energy that beckons you to follow it.
You should go straight ahead.
You know not what pulls you that way, but you make your way to the closest wall and feel your way along it until you feel part of it give way, finding a door to the back. Heading through, you find the back hallway leading to the kitchens and beyond. Whatever kitchen staff was here already seems to have evacuated, but something tells you to keep pressing forward. Trusting your instincts, you make your way down the hall, peeking through the doors as you pass by other empty ballrooms. You see nothing important, but your gut is telling you to keep moving no matter what, and that’s when you hear it.
“Come on...don’t be that way. We get a little bonus in our paycheck if you cough up some of your little secrets Mr. Garlond.”
Doing your best to be quiet, you tiptoe to the door where you think you hear the voice coming from, peeking through the round window finding it leads to a fairly empty kitchen. There are hardly any stoves or ovens within, and upon closer inspection you realize it is not a kitchen but instead a supply closet. There are multiple shelves holding large cans of food, a wall with rows of freezers.
A group of about three to five men stand in a loose circle, all wearing the same uniforms the chefs and busboys were wearing tonight. In fact, you recognize the one whose tray you got a glass of champagne from by his mop of red hair despite all of them wearing gas masks. What was going on?
“We ain’t got much time, so if ya won’t fess up, we’ll just gon’ ‘head and kill ya.” Trying to take a closer look, you hear what sounds to be a thick Gyr Abanian accent, coming from a rather burly Miqo’te. He’s flanked by two Hyurs and two Highlanders, their bronze skin giving away their heritage. Storing what you can see of their appearances in the back of your mind, you finally look to see who they’re talking to and see that it’s--
Your body moves before you can even think about sneaking in and getting the jump on them, all five men turning toward you as you burst through the door. “Shit.” The leader says, pulling a gun from his pocket.
“Don’t shoot!” Another one of them yells, shoving the gun from your direction just as you dive behind a nearby shelf. The bullet shatters the glass of the door, and you reach for your gun. Cursing, you realize you had left it outside in your blazer, and that’s probably what Zenos was yelling about. “That was her, the one we’re not allowed to kill!”
“Ah fuck, was it?” The leader curses, and you hear a shuffling of clothing.
Peeking through the shelves, you spy Cid bound and gagged on the floor, alongside Estinien who’s clearly hurt but looks ready to fight like his life depends on it. You were never any good at thinking on your feet sadly, using brute strength to solve the majority of your problems, and now you had gotten yourself in trouble for it. The goons somehow knew who you were, especially if they were supposed to leave you alive.
Five on one were some terrible odds, even for you, and what’s worse is these men look much more organized than Lambard’s men. Visibility is still low even if the room is not filled with smoke, but you keep your mask on just in case.
“Get out of here!” You hear Estinien yell, followed by a grunt as he collapses to the ground after being struck by one of the men. They all laugh in unison, and you hear the shuffling of feet as if they are making their way toward you.
“Listen to him lady...we ain’t gon’ hurt ya. Just walk out the door wit’ ‘cha hands up and pretend like ya saw nothin’.” One chuckles and he definitely sounds closer. You’re running out of time and options, and you have no plan except to do what you do best.
Screaming, you throw yourself from behind the shelf and kick the legs from underneath the closest henchman, feeling nothing as he lands hard on his face and you’re sure you hear his nose break. Adding insult to injury, you swiftly kick him in the ribs with enough force to bruise, making him wheeze in pain. Making sure he’ll stay down, you stomp hard on the back of his knee, feeling the sickening crack of bone and muscle beneath your foot.
Another man throws himself at you from the front and you just barely dodge his left hook. Just as you feared, these men are trained as he doesn’t give you an opening and tries to hit you with a right hook.
On the defense, you duck and weave as you look for an opening, finding it when he swings a little too wide and you grab said arm and use his momentum against him and twist your body to slam him into the ground. Using your newfound knowledge of joints and how they work due to your excursions with Zenos, you pop the man’s arm from his socket, ignoring his blood curdling shriek of pain.
Turning to work on the remaining three, you take one step before you realize the leader has a gun pointed at you, except it doesn't look like a standard gun. Instead, it looks similar to ones used to tranquilize animals, and you realize far too late. One of the remaining henchmen sneak up behind you and restrain you from behind, leaving you no time to dodge the needle of tranquilizer as it sticks into your thigh.
Yelping in pain, you manage to free yourself from your captor, elbowing him in the face, getting ready to follow up with a deadly punch except your muscles fail you and you collapse to the ground.
You lie there immobile, in a state of disbelief before your mind can even think to panic. No matter how hard you try, your arms will not move and neither will your legs, but you do not feel drowsy. You don’t feel paralyzed; you still can feel the cold floor beneath you, but no matter what you do, you can’t move.
“Wow...this destabilizer is the real deal huh…” The leader mumbles, taking a look at the gun before tossing it away. “Well, I suppose we’ll carry you out and drop you out back once we’re through here. Close your eyes if ya can. It won’t be pretty.” He chuckles finally pulling out his real gun and facing Cid and Estinien again.
“D-D-Don’t--” You ground out, hardly having control of your tongue. What did he shoot you with, what’s happening to your body? It as if your very being is being suppressed, but you’re still somehow conscious. “Don’t k-kill t-them,” You beg, trying to will movement into your limbs.
It couldn’t end like this. Whatever they hit you with, they had to have done the same to Estinien. There’s no way he would’ve looked as beat up as he did otherwise.
Tears bead in your eyes as the leader aims his gun for Cid, finger on the trigger. “Well then, Mr. Garlond. Ya got anything to say? Last words n’ all?” The leader asks, rolling his neck around. Crouching, he yanks the gag off of Cid’s mouth. “We gotta make sure we get outta here before the cops make it, so now’s the time.”
Cid gives a shaky sigh but glares at the man before him, eyes showing no fear. “I have lived with few regrets. But all of my life’s work will die with me.”
No. No he couldn’t say that, he couldn’t die--
He had so much work to be done, he was still so young--
You couldn’t let him die here--
“Right, right. See ya in hell.”
The leader pulls the trigger, your horror growing as you watch Estinien push himself up just in time to take the bullet instead of Cid.
“No!” you scream, adrenaline flooding your veins as Estinien collapses to the floor, blood pooling beneath him. Scrambling to your feet, you tackle the leader before he can fire another round, gun misfiring into the shelf near Cid’s head. Growling, you smack the gun from his hand, sending it skating across the floor. Fangs bared, you take his head between your hands and twist his neck, snapping it and killing him without mercy.
Before you can pull yourself off him, one of the other henchmen has grabbed you, yelling at the other to grab the gun. You thrash like a rabid animal, rage further inflamed as if you are a bull as Estinien’s crimson blood stains the floor. Tears leak from your eyes as you do your best to break free, but your body still feels sapped of strength. “Estinien!” You shriek, uncaring who hears your grief. “Estinien!”
He’s not moving.
The henchman holding you throws you to the floor harshly, kicking you roughly in the ribs, making you cry out in pain. “Dumb bitch’s more trouble than she’s worth! Finish the fuckin’ job!”
Before the henchman can find the gun in the dark, someone comes bursting through the door and you swear you see eyes glowing red. The hulking figure heads straight for the man who kicked you and stabs him in the throat with a knife, blood gushing from the wound in a sickening spray. Wasting no time he grabs the remaining man from behind, using nothing but their forearm to choke them from behind. You watch helplessly from the floor as the henchman struggles to pry the forearm off but eventually goes unconscious before your savior drops them to the floor in a heap.
They stand there for a moment before turning to face you, familiar blue eyes coming into focus, staring down at you in a mix of fury and concern. “Honey.”
Your eyes widen as you begin to make out the edges of Zenos’ face, tears beginning anew. “Z-Zenos,” you gurgle, turning to Estinien. “H-He,”
Zenos turns slightly to see Estinien behind him, cursing under his breath. “I’ll go get a medicus,”
“D-Don’t,” a hacking cough, “bother.”
“Estinien?” You push yourself up to as best as you can by your arms, strength returning to you in small increments. Dragging yourself over to him, you care not as his blood stains your suit, making your way to his limp body. “Estinien, you’re alive,”
“Not for much longer, honey.”
Reaching his face, you give him a once over, finding the bullet had missed his heart, but he had been slowly losing blood from his chest. His pool of blood has only grown larger, and in your heart of hearts, you know there’s no saving him. “Don’t say that,”
“Nah...I’m not making it out of here.” He wheezes. “Pretty sure that bullet punctured a lung. Surprised I didn’t die instantly.” He turns his head slowly toward you, cracking a cheeky smile. “I think Halone wanted to make sure I said goodbye.”
“Z-Zenos, please get a medic,” you tremble, brushing Estinien’s hair from his face.
“Let me die, Honey.”
You can tell he’s serious just by the look on his face. “B-But,”
“I wasn’t in any rush to die, if that’s what you were thinking.” He coughs, staring at nothing. “But I’ve done my duty. I’m happy to join my family in the afterlife.”
“You can join them later! When you’re old!” You insist, grasping at his clothes in desperation.
He shakes his head weakly, turning slightly to face Cid. “Old man. When you go out on the market looking for another bodyguard...make sure they give you hell just like I did.” He turns back to you, not waiting for a response. “And Honey…”
He gives one last smile and closes his eyes peacefully. “I loved you. But you know that.” His body relaxes more beneath you and you can feel his heart steadily slow down. “I knew you were stuck on Zenos. Wasn’t gonna let it stop me though.” He takes one last, shaky breath.
“Take care of her Zenos.”
You feel his heart stop beneath your hand. His chest no longer rises as he stops breathing.
He’s gone.
You cry out to anyone who will listen.
When the authorities arrive, Zenos is nearly peeling you off of Estinien’s lifeless body, silent the entire time even as you scream and wail in his ear.
He carries you in his arms all the way out of the venue, the two of you covered in Estinien’s blood.
You’re inconsolable, crying and sobbing into his chest and sniffling when you run out of tears. With obvious reluctance Zenos hands you over to the medics, a silent guardian as they board you onto the ambulance to treat you for any wounds you may have and get you to the hospital.
Overcome with too much trauma than your mind could handle, you lose consciousness just as you get there.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
You give Ardbert a smile that doesn’t reach your eyes. “I’m fine.” You lie, though it is pointless. You cannot lie to Ardbert.
“Honey. You need to get help.” He insists, placing a gentle hand on your own. You look at it numbly, winter’s chill matching your mood entirely. The Galvus estate looks truly beautiful surrounded by the dormant grass and evergreen bushes. Snow has yet to fall yet, and you wonder if it’s because Estinien took it all with him.
“You’ve not been eating or sleeping well. I’ve heard the maids gossip that you scream and cry in your sleep, most likely from nightmares. You are not coping, you are falling apart at the seams. You need to speak to a therapist.” Ardbert presses, his expression so earnest that it has you consider it for a moment.
“Really, Ardbert, what therapist would listen to me? Who could I turn to that wouldn’t be burned alive as soon as I told them I worked for one of the world’s most powerful men and kill for him after dark? Huh?” You grow more aggressive with each word, Ardbert shrinking back at each one. Regret fills you immediately and you snatch your hand away from him. No one deserved your vitriol, Ardbert most of all.
“Look...I appreciate your concern. But I’ll be fine.” You breathe, moving to walk away from him, but he grabs your wrist just before you can get out of arm’s reach. “Ardbert--”
“Honey, please.” He begs, voice quaking as if he’s the one on the verge of tears. “You are not made for this life, Honey. You watched the one man who treated you right be killed in front of you. You are not fine. You need help.”
You remain silent as a chilly breeze sweeps underneath the awning. Pulling from him once more, you stroll back into the house. “You should go before Zenos sees you.”
It has been a week or two. Maybe three since Estinien’s death. Perhaps more. Who knew.
The only things you remembered were waking up in a hospital in Ala Mhigo, gauze wrapped around your side where you had your own bruised rib. Any small cuts are lacerations from glass cleaned and bandaged, and Zenos stood by your side from start to finish. He was like a sentry almost, allowing only nurses and doctors in to see to you. You watched in mild amusement as Zenos nearly made a reporter who snuck into your room while he went to grab a snack pee his pants.
Zenos said nothing nor asked for nothing, he merely stayed by your side in silence. In a way it was unnerving, and you had found yourself wanting to ask why he hadn’t just gone home. Just as you were about to let the question fly past your lips, he fixed you with a silencing glare as if he knew something stupid was about to come out your mouth.
Before you could fly back to Kugane, you had to be questioned by Ala Mhigan police. Zenos had vehemently refused, even with the threat of having to deal with the government itself and the consequences that came with it.
“Can you not talk to Garlond? He was there the entire time and watched her do whatever she did to save him. Have him tell you.”
You had at least met the government halfway and wrote your statement, unable to keep yourself from throwing up any time the images of Estinien’s lifeless body lying in his own blood played itself in your mind. They deemed it good enough to release you to go home.
Upon returning, Ardbert was the first to call you, sounding rife with worry. Once again your face was plastered all over the news, the heroic bodyguard that not only put her life on the line to save her employer, but to save a close friend. You received flowers and more fruit baskets than you knew what to with, consigning it to the estate staff instead.
Zenos was distant but present, as if he was giving you space, but there when you needed him. If there was ever a time you needed him and wanted him close, it would be now, but that was a facet of your relationship you hadn’t had time to flesh out.
Just thinking about how ready you were to finally resolve things and had it all taken away in a matter of moments never failed to send you into tears.
You had never gotten to tell Estinien your real name.
He died thinking you were someone you were not, and now you had to live with that for your entire life. Was it not enough that you could hardly remember your own childhood? Was it not enough that Minfilia was gone?
What else was left to take from you?
Locking yourself away in your room, the blinds are closed and the lights off, surrounding yourself in complete darkness. Curled up on your bed, you drown yourself in a dark sea of nothingness, leaving your thoughts an empty void so you don’t have to deal with the pain.
It made no sense. Who would try to kill Cid? Who would’ve requested you needed to live? Was it to make you watch Cid die before your very eyes? Could there be a rival gang who knew you were close to them?
There were pieces to the puzzle you were missing. The entire ordeal had seemed incredibly organized, from the henchmen being dressed as unassuming employees of the venue, to the sprinkler system never going off allowing the smoke to linger as long as possible. The fact they have gas masks that let them breathe through their whole operation. It was perfectly executed, if not for your interference.
What’s worse, is that whoever had hired those men meant business. You had seen Zenos purposefully choke the last man instead of killing him outright, making sure he had spared a culprit to be questioned by police. It was during your stay in the hospital you had overheard Zenos talking outside that that same man had died of unknown causes barely a day after being apprehended.
You’re jolted from your thoughts as light pours in from the hall as the door slides open, Zenos’ frame taking up the doorway. He stands there with an almost annoyed look on his face before stepping in and closing the door shut behind him. Though it is still dark, your eyes have adjusted to it enough to still make out his face and how pissed he looks. “How long will you sit here and wallow in your depression?”
Zenos clearly doesn’t understand the concept of pulling one’s punches, that, or he doesn’t care. “As long as I fucking need to.” You bite back, looking around for something to throw at him. You’re starting to run out of alarm clocks.
He crosses over to your bed, grabbing you roughly by the hair, yanking you up. You’re forced to rise with him to alleviate the pain on your scalp, or risk having a strange series of bald spots. “Let go of me before I rip your dick off and feed it to you!”
You watch as he studies your face, the darkness casting his features in sharp relief, and suddenly it's not blue eyes you see, but red.
Those red eyes...that was just you seeing things at the time wasn’t it?
“How do I help you?” He asks, the question is jarring in and of itself.
He sits there waiting for an answer as you process the fact he came to ask how he could help you.
Clearly frustrated, he continues onward. “This is the second time you have entered such a deep depression. I already acknowledged that you are not made to kill and have taken steps to prevent that when necessary.” He releases your hair and quickly pulls you to him, cradling you in his arms. “I will not lose you to despair. Tell me how I must help you.”
That alone is enough to start you crying again, bawling into his silken shirt. He doesn’t stroke your hair or pat your back, but somehow his arms haphazardly draped around you is enough. His presence suddenly becomes an island in a hurricane after spending days drifting at sea. He doesn’t grow impatient or fuss at you to stop, merely holds you as long as you need. You cry the hardest you had since you had left Gyr Abanian soil, making a snotty mess of his clothes, but he doesn’t seem to mind.
Having cried all your tears, you hesitantly crawl into his lap as he sits on your bed, feeling the smallest you had ever felt before him. How this monster -- no -- man had seen the most disgusting parts of you and still wanted to be by your side boggled the mind.
“I really...I really was going to come back you know. I was going to tell Estinien that even under Varis’ orders, I wasn’t going to sleep with him anymore.” You bury your face into his neck, breathing his scent, letting it calm you. “I was going to apologize to you for being a coward.”
Zenos sighs, his whole torso moving with the action as his fingers tap against your thigh in thought. “He seemed to know that even if you were going to resolve things, that part of you still cared for him.” Zenos murmurs quietly, as if he spoke any louder, it would disturb the peace.
“Why did you come after me?” You ask, already having an inkling as to why, but needing to hear it anyway.
“Because, like a fool, you ran off and left your gun behind.” He says in monotone, shifting you to be a bit more comfortable in his lap. “And I knew in your rage, you would not think clearly and end up getting yourself hurt.”
Sniffling a bit at the thought, you find you agree. “I just wish I knew why. Who would want Cid dead?”
You feel Zenos stiffen beneath you at that, enough to grab your attention. Pulling away from him, you find he cannot meet your eyes, instead staring into nothing. “Zenos?”
Frowning, he meets your gaze head on. “I am...not sure myself.” He admits hesitantly, as if the very feeling of being unsure is new to him. “I have my suspicions but,”
“Who?” you demand, grabbing at his shirt, staring at him fiercely.
Zenos is silent, as if mulling things over still before he gives another sigh and runs a hand through your hair. Bringing his finger to his lips in a shushing motion, you watch as he mouths “Father.”
Just like that all the pieces click into place.
“But wouldn’t...why? Doesn’t he need the competition?” You ask in a hushed tone, knowing that the walls have ears.
“I cannot say more. Not here.” Zenos whispers, and that is the end of that.
It makes sense now.
Why you were left alive, why Cid was targeted. Why Varis remained behind in Kugane instead of attending--
Varis tried to have Cid nan Garlond murdered in cold blood. And ended up having his bodyguard killed instead.
A rage like none other burns bright in your heart. The time for distractions was over. If Varis was able to stoop as low as sending a hit out on Cid, a high profile figure, then there was no telling what else he had up his sleeve. His pushing you away was to keep you from knowing his plans, and if he could hide that, then what else was he working on?
You were standing before the face of something greater. And even if you felt like the worst person for the job, right now you were the only person for the job.
You had to expose Varis zos Galvus for the monster he was.
Reinvigorated but for the wrong reasons, you head to the kitchens for breakfast after your usual morning workout with Zenos. You are still coping terribly, but you at least have too much pent up fury to even think about wallowing in your sorrow. You need to take Varis down, and you cannot do so by throwing a pity party in your room.
“Ah, Honey, good morning.”
Elidibus’ smooth voice reaches your ears as you nearly make it to the kitchens, giving you a sly smile as he descends the grand stairs.
“Good morning.” You greet, preparing to continue your walk.
“Ah, wait but a moment. I had wanted to speak with you again.” Elidibus calls, and you groan inwardly, stopping your march and allowing him to catch up to you.
“I’m in a bit of a hurry.” You state as politely as possible, resisting the urge to tap your foot.
“Just a moment, I promise.” He grins, coming to stand by you. “I had heard about the terrible accident in Ala Mhigo and merely wanted to ask about your wellbeing. It is not often that any normal person goes through such a traumatic event, even someone in your field.”
You find it strange that he would be so concerned about it, but you’re especially more wary now that you know he’s all buddy buddy with Varis. “I’m fine, thank you for asking. If you’ll excuse me,”
“Ah, but there was something else I wanted to ask…”
Stopping, you slowly turn around, plastering on the most polite face you can muster. “Yes?” You respond, sickeningly sweet.
Elidibus maintains his grin, ruby eyes beginning to glow. “Tell me...have you heard of the Echo?”
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Unique First Impressions Part 2
When one turns 17, a young pureblood of a noble house will be eased into society through a party held by the Head. Rebecca Lord is no exception.... but perhaps, she has something up her sleeve.
MC Featured: Aleksia Aries @aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery, Aisling Baskerville @elefseija, Garrett Avery @thecursedvaultchild
The first of the guests trickled in and already Rebecca buzzed with unrestrained energy.
Standing still for so long without something to fidget with has always been an issue. All she’s been able to do is curtsey to any purebloods who came through, shake their hands, maybe let the young men and Heads kiss her hand, and wave at them as they come in. It’s been the most physical contact she had with strangers in one night and it’s far more than what she’s comfortable with.
Her hands twitched as she nodded another guest in, but one look at her uncle’s glare had her gritting her teeth and curling her hands into fists to try to still them. This is revenge for that warning, she told herself, taking deep breaths so she won’t lash out at him. He's a petty bastard and I’m not apologizing.
But by god, that is hard.
A sharp tap prodded the back of her head. She sent a quick scowl at her uncle, before realizing it wasn’t her uncle who called out her name, and looked to see who it is, because if someone’s calling out her first name explicitly, then it must be a friend.
Two friends actually. Aleksia Aries and Aisling Baskerville strolled eagerly up, warm smiles on their faces as they waved, their parents trailing behind them.
Aleksia was dressed in blue, a deep royal blue that suited her perfectly. It’s made out of floral lace from the texture, creating an interesting layer. It has a V-neck with spaghetti straps. The back of the skirt skims her ankles, while the front merely covers her knees, and is cut in an A-line style. She had smokey eye makeup, with gold and silver mixed in, and her hair was loose, with several smaller parts sectioned off to twist into braids.
Aisling’s dress is one of red and reaches down to her ankles, and the top is of floral lace as well, with butterfly sleeves and a sweetheart neckline. The lower half had black lace layered over it, matching her heels, with vines and flowers covering the dress. At a closer look, the flowers were glittering roses, with little leaves sticking out. It was laced up at the sides with a wide black waistband. Her hair was braided into a side mermaid braid and tossed over her shoulder, two smaller braids tugged into the main tail, and red highlighted her eyes and lips.
Rebecca barely caught glimpses of their parents’ elegant attire before rushing to greet them — it was one thing to hear that they’re coming, it’s another to actually see them — but a soft cough stopped her in her tracks, and reminded her exactly who she was standing next to.
She quickly smothered her grin with a stiff smile, dipping down into a curtsey as they approached. “Hello to you both as well.”
Aleksia gave a wary glance at her Uncle, no doubt seeing the tension between her and her uncle and connecting it to her own father, before settling on Rebecca and she smiled brightly. "It's so good to see you, my friend. It's been too long!" she grasped her hands and gave a gentle but reassuring squeeze. Her eyes shone with an unnoticed promise of support, something that reassured her greatly.
Rebecca couldn’t help it. Her smile softens and she squeezes back. “It has only been a month since we've seen each other, Aleksia.”
“Oh, but a month nonetheless!”
Nicknames are fragile here. Her uncle must not know how close she is to Aleksia and Aisling. It is enough he knows she cares deeply for Summer and Garrett. Aleksia knows enough about this to understand why.
She turns her attention to her other friend. Aisling scans Giddeon with the same amount of caution, something she’s not too surprised about, but once her eyes land on Rebecca, she smiles too. Then she does something odd.
She flicks her eyes to her parents then to Giddeon. They glance at her, then at each other, then smile.
Her father murmurs something into Aleksia’s mother’s, Leanna, ear, while Aisling’s own steps forward. Immediately Rebecca sees the resemblance. Both seem soft, but just like Aisling, Brighid Baskerville can be fierce.
“A good evening, Giddeon.”
Giddeon raises an eyebrow. “I’m surprised you came. When my niece persuaded me to send an invite, I didn’t think you’d exactly come.”
The corner of Brighid’s lip twitches into a smile. “We Irish are full of surprises.”
She pulls him into a deep conversation, the other two adults joining in. With Giddeon’s eyes away from her, Rebecca blinks, and realizes just what Aisling was planning.
That sneaky girl.
She lets out a laugh, then pulls the other into a hug. “You know you didn’t have to do that.”
Aisling smiles and hugs back, Aleksia quickly joining the hug. “Oh, but I wanted to.” She says as they pull away. “You were so tense until now.”
“Well, that’s what happens when you’ve spent the last hour greeting arrogant purebloods.”
They laugh, quietly so they won’t catch her uncle’s attention, and she smiles too, her shoulders easing up.
“I didn’t think you both would come. I know I convinced my uncle to invite your family, but I thought Irish purebloods don’t trust purebloods from Great Britain.” She glances at Aleksia. “And you don’t go to these parties either.”
Aisling shrugged. “We saw it was about you, so of course we’ll come. Why wouldn’t we?”
“And well,” Aleksia folds her arms and takes a look inside the ballroom, “my father and cousin aren’t here, right?”
Rebecca laughed. “No, we’re a lesser family. Maybe some families come to see who they’ll be working with but with the kind of people your father and cousin are, there’s no way they’re going to a party belonging to us.”
Aleksia beamed. “Then I’m safe here and we’re coming to support a friend. It’s a win win.”
Gods, she really does have wonderful friends, huh. Her smile widens. “Thank you both.”
She takes a few moments to converse with them for a while, before complimenting their attire.
“You both look wonderful by the way.”
“You too!” Aleksia beamed. “Is that Andre’s work?’
Rebecca nodded. “It is. I wanted to pay him but he refused. Said it was an honor to do my dress.”
“Well, he did a wonderful job.” AIsling smiled. “I’ll give kudos once we’re back in school.” She glanced toward the adults. “We better get going. Our parents can’t distract him forever.” She squeezes her hand. “See you inside?”
“Of course.”
They gave her one last hug, then grabbed their parents and disappeared into the ballroom. She watched them go, then sighed and let herself get a breather for a moment. Her hands itched to do something…
“Heads up,” Giddeon said simply, not looking at her. Her smile falls. She’s not so lucky now. She was only allowed one chance to relax and she won’t get it again. She shot him a glare and straightened, eyes flickering to the persons approaching and forcing a smile on her face despite how much she wanted to throw hands with her uncle and scream at him to get her out of here, but she knew how that would go.
So instead, she watched as two ladies, one older and one her age, approached the archway, both dressed in black. She went to blend down to greet them… until she saw the orange patch in one of the ladies’ hair.
You have got to be shitting me.
Merula stood in front of her, lavender eyes glowering. Her hair hung over her face, uncombed and wild as always although this time it seemed like someone took the liberty of styling it so it looked more natural. Her lips were painted a ruby red and they were pressed into a firm line, likely in disdain at the sight of her. She wore a black dress with specks of green that admittedly looked very beautiful, and she sported black heels at her feet. As the light flickered on her, the black fabric shimmered with delicate embroidery.
If Ethren was here, Rebecca is sure he’ll be struck by her beauty, but to Rebecca, Merula is decidedly not a welcomed sight.
Rebecca folded her arms, a deep frown replacing her fake fake fake smile. “Snyde,” she said, a layer of ice coating her voice.
“Lord,” Merula said through gritted teeth.
“Girls,” Giddeon said sharply as he greeted the woman with Merula (who Rebecca suspected was her very absent aunt). “Behave.”
The last sentence was directed at her, which annoyed her, considering she’s not the only one involved.
“Yes Merula,” Merula’s aunt said airily. “Behave. This is the young Caldwell’s introduction party after all. We came here for a reason.”
As Rebecca turned to look at her, she finally took her in. Dark hair fell in curls and framed her face, which held elegant features and dark eyes. Pearls decorated her dark attire and looped around her neck, and crystals decorated her ears and hair. Several rings were set on her fingers.
She was the very description of beauty and Rebecca would have mistaken her for someone close to Merula due to her rich background if it weren’t for the emotional distance between the two.
Merula shot her a glare, but pulled herself together and dipped into a curtsey. Not too deep, but not too short either. A show of respect, something that surprised her coming from the Slytherin. Rebecca followed suit, jerking her chin up proudly as she straightened. Her eyes flickered to the adults, who went back to conversing, before flickering back to her enemy.
“I’m surprised you bothered to come. We are known for our… mutual dislike,” Rebecca said lowly, eyes narrowed in suspicion, wary of any sabotage. Maybe she wasn’t as bad as their first few years but she’ll still keep an eye out.
Just in case.
Merula let out a soft ‘hmph’ and folded her arms over her chest. “Of course I came. Your uncle invited us. It’d be a great offence if I didn’t come.”
“In other words, your aunt forced you to come.”
Merula glared at her. “Watch your mouth, Lord,” she warned her. “The only reason I’m not bad mouthing you right now is because my aunt told me to behave.”
“As if you don’t find an excuse to insult me anyway.” Rebecca gave her a sweet but sharp smile, just for appearances. “Be thankful Ethren likes you.”
“Be thankful Caplan likes you.”
“Come along Merula,” Merula’s aunt said suddenly before Rebecca can say something she will surely regret (in the face of her uncle). “I must see who came to this party.”
In other words, flirt with them. Giddeon tilted his head, giving the woman a firm smile.
“It was a pleasure to meet you both.”
Merula eyed him, an odd look flashing over her face, as if she didn’t know what to think of him, but she turned her face away and followed her aunt inside the ballroom.
Giddeon folded his arms behind his back. “You weren’t joking when you say you and Miss Snyde don’t get along.”
Rebecca let the smile fall off her face and rolled her eyes. “Like cats and dogs, sir. And what use would I have to lie about that?”
“Point taken. Ah, Lord Avery. A pleasure to see you here. I am surprised you came.”
If it was possible, her heart lifted and shrunk at the same time. Quickly snapping a polite smile in place, she straightened her shoulders and glanced at the direction of the men approaching.
The first of them was of medium stature but carried himself as if he was the tallest in the room. His hazel eyes were dark and intimidating, neatly framed by gelled dark hair. The rings on his fingers indicated he was one of high standing and large wealth. Black robes flowed around him, making his sons behind him seem smaller.
Immediately behind him was a man slightly taller than the first. His dark hair was long and pulled back in a neat ponytail. His identical hazel gaze swept critically over Rebecca and Giddeon, a faint sneer as he observed the party.
And trailing behind was Garrett, taller than his father and brother by a few inches, and nicely dressed in dark blue. His dark hair was swept to the side, handsome as ever. His green eyes were tired but quickly brightened as he met Rebecca’s gaze. Her own smile widened as well.
And noticeably absent was Lady Avery, having been dead for some years now.
"Thank you, Caldwell. Yes, well, you can thank Garrett for that. He said he'd come without me but that simply wouldn't do. After all, this is certainly a party to evaluate Miss Lord's entrance to society." He took her hand and kissed it, barely grazing it, just enough to be polite. She fought the urge to pull away. This is the man who hired us to kill his own son after his graduation. And you can’t do anything about it.
Garrett's roll of the eyes did not go unnoticed. His brother, Gerald, elbowed him. She fought back a smile, then, as she gazed at her friend, she got an idea.
"It is much appreciated to have you all to witness her entrance," Giddeon said, a half smile on his face as he took a half bow. Making sure he wasn’t looking, she flicked her eyes to the ballroom, then to Garrett, the corner of her mouth twitching, and hoping he'll get the message.
He did.
Once Lord Avery pulled away, she took the corner of her dress and dipped into a curtsey.
"Thank you for coming nonetheless."
Lord Avery nodded and swept away, Gerald following close behind. Garrett lingered longer, more subtly winking then slowly walked after his family.
Rebecca glanced at her uncle, who was keeping an eye on who's coming next and was thankfully distracted, then murmured through the corner of her mouth, low enough that only Garrett can hear.
"Mind dancing with me for the first dance?" Her words were normal, but her eyes shone with excitement.
Translation: Sum and I got a surprise. Mind helping me out?
His eyes gleamed and his mouth curled mischievously. "I'd be honored to."
She kept her reaction neutral, but her lip twitched into the faintest of smirks as she turned her face away. "I'll see you then."
He looked as though he was suppressing a growing smirk, but he nodded. "Catch you around." He swept into the ballroom, looking around, most likely for Summer.
With nobody as a witness, she allowed herself a smile, the smile she usually wears when she’s planning something.
Step one complete.
#hogwarts mystery#hphm#hphm mc#jacob's sibling#rebecca lord#giddeon caldwell#aleksia aries#aisling baskerville#merula snyde#garrett avery#hphm fanfic#hphm fanfiction#hphm fic#lunar writes
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To Be So Lonely [Draco Malfoy] 17
Rating: PG-13 Pairings: Draco Malfoy/OC Chapter warnings: Violence! Blood!
Massive crowds where gathered in the campgrounds. Tents of all sizes, large and small, some several stories high others not, some with flagpoles bearing banners and flags of either Irish green or Bulgarian red. Lively music was being played and brooms whizzed above the heads of the Lestranges and the only Saintday as they walked by aweing at the sights.
The Quidditch World Cup was, alike most of the magical world, absolutely unbelievable. Drunks cheered in the streets with painted faces showing their team pride. Nel had wanted to paint her face Irish Green but Cloelia had slapped her hands away at the simple mentioning of it. Instead she had been cohered into wearing a clean face with dark gray formal dress that resembled a coat and seemed to reach right above her knees matched with a pair of pointy witch boots. Her guardian insisted proper attire would be essential if they were to be in the presence of the Minister of Magic himself Cornelius Fudge.
Elowen’s dark eyes scanned the crowd as she sought out any familiar trace of her friends. Tracey had said they would be by the Press tent. It took her some time to spot them not far from the entrance to the stadium.
“I’m going to go say hi to my friends,” she said to the Lestranges. Both shot her a disapproving look. “Want to come?” She asked Ellar with hopeful eyes and a broad smile.
“No,” he shot down coldly before walking into the stadium disinterested. She frowned a little at his cold response.
“Don’t be long,” Cloelia said before turning and following after her son.
Nel crossed a maze of people dodging drunks and loud cheering individuals until she reached the trio standing just outside of the tent. She tapped Theo’s shoulder and he turned around giving her a confused look.
It took him a moment to realize it was his friend tapping his shoulder and not a stranger. “Nel?” He asked eyes going wide at the realization.
The long shaggy bangs and choppy hair were gone. So were the oversized worn clothes she would wear. Before the group stood someone, who seemed to look like what polished young lady in sophisticated Pureblood Society would look like.
Tracey turned around and was less discrete about her shock.
“Holy smokes! What happened to you?” She asked in awe, still tackling her friend into a hug.
“What are you talking about?” The orphan responded cluelessly in the embrace. “I told you, I got adopted,” she simply shrugged.
“Seems like manners aren’t the only things the Lestrange have instilled in you,” Daphne butted eyeing the girl’s new fashion from head to toe. She herself was wearing something similar. Of course she knew about her adoption, it seemed like most individuals belonging to the same social circle as the Lestranges were well aware.
Nel still found it odd that Greengrass had been invited in her spot when she wrote to her friends saying she’d simply meet them at the game.
“Manners, schmanners. Who cares if your finger is up or down when you’re having a drink?” she said reaching from some green paint from Tracey’s face and smearing it on her cheek.
Theodore was about to say something when someone bumped into him from behind purposely making him briskly stumble forward.
“Oi!” Nel shouted loudly before shoving back the individual foully. “Watch it!” She threatened.
Blaise Zabini who was towering above them gaped at the girl who had just threatened him. “Saintday?” He asked in awe. The mark on her exposed face- impossible to confuse. It was her, but at the same time it wasn’t. She looked like the type of girl he would see at a Yule dinner with his family or in the company of Daphne Greengrass, which might make sense to him as to why the young witch was there.
“Move it along Zabini!” She snapped turning away from him.
The teen left.
“Classic Saintday,” Theodore said with a slight smirk. Like Zabini he seemed to have also grown a couple of inches over the summer. His curly hair longer, features sharper.
“Well,” Daphne added. “I think you look very nice Elowen,” she complimented brushing her perfect hair back over her shoulder. “We should go find out seats,” Tracey said almost gushing to walk into the massive arena. “Your seat shouldn’t be far from ours.”
The group nodded before making their way inside.
“Meet here afterwards?” Nel said to the group signaling to the spot in front of the Press tent. “Uh, perhaps not,” Daphne said in an uneasy voice. “My father wants me home right after the game.”
“Yeah, same here,” Theo added in the same quiet tone.
She flashed them both a confused look. Home? Why would they go home when the party was about to get started? She turned to look at Tracey with hopeful eyes.
“I’m going to take some pictures with my dad afterwards,” She explained. “Maybe next time?”
Nel soon reached the private viewing box where she would be sitting. She had to pass several security checks but was allowed through. She spotted her guardians across the large viewing box conversing with whom she assumed to be the Minister of Magic.
Ellar was standing by the rail his eyes lazily following some of the whizzing fireworks that were shot from one side of the pitch to the other. He looked so cool. Distracted by starring at the older teen she almost crashed into Lucius Malfoy. Maybe it wasn’t a surprise that he was here. Standing next to him was a woman with pointy face features whom Nel could only assume was his wife. Her appearance was eerily similar to his. Even strands of her dark hair (which at this point was mostly blonde) were colored in that same tone of platinum blonde. She couldn’t distinct if it was natural or not.
“Mr. Malfoy,” She nodded towards the man civilly.
Lucius was intimidatingly polite as he usually was to her. His grey eyes instantly starred at the moles that dotted her face. Something the man never seemed to miss. It was unnerving really the way he blatantly starred in such a rude manner. His grey eyes made her want to flinch under his stare. “Elowen Saintday,” He greeted. “Or should I address you as Lestrange now?” He looked down at her with much disdain. She had a feeling he knew of her unclaimed status and of course about her impromptu adoption over the summer holiday.
“Saintday will do,” She responded curtly.
The woman was staring at her just like Lucius was. Nel couldn’t help but feel self-conscious as her eyes raked from the headband on top of her head all the way down to the pointy tip of her boots. Even her fingertips and black nail polish weren’t exempt from her judgement. She was looking at Nel as if she was an insect. She couldn’t distinct if she was an insect to be squashed or ogled at.
“This is my wife Narcissa,” he introduced placing a hand on his wife’s lower back.
Narcissa wore a curious smile, one that edged higher at one corner of her mouth just like her sons usually did.
Nel instinctively extended a hand forward one which was left unshaken leaving her to awkwardly close it and lower it. “Charmed,” she simply responded. The teen nodded politely biting her tongue to prevent her from making a snarky comment. She wanted to seem cool and sophisticated, especially in front of Ellar.
“Pleasure is all mine,” She responded poshly, like she had been instructed to do countless of times by Cloelia.
“I understand you’re in my son Draco’s year. He has mentioned you once or twice.”
‘When I turned his head into a balloon? Or when I set him on fire at Hogsmeade?’ She wondered which of the two it could’ve been. No wonder the woman didn’t like her. The slightest of smug smirks tugging at the edges of Nel’s mouth.
From the other side of the sitting box a pair of ears caught his name. Draco Malfoy turned and saw Nel Saintday out of all people conversing with his parents. He swaggered towards them hoping his parents hadn’t taken the luxury of embarrassing him yet. She looked at him and seemed a little surprised by his massive growth spur, he was now almost as tall as is father, easily a head taller than her. Neat blond hair parted to the side and wearing a crisply ironed black suit. He hadn’t held back on the cologne either.
He didn’t comment on her appearance unlike the other Slytherins.
“Just once or twice,” He interrupted cooly composing himself at his mother’s slip. The edge of his mouth turning up just like his mother’s did.
“Draco,” She simply acknowledged him by name. Which was weird. She had never called him that before but if she called him Malfoy, she was afraid all three would turn to face her. Without another word she raised her brows at him, like he usually did to her, and brushed past him excusing herself. “So, that’s her,” Narcissa hummed more to herself, her eyes still glued to the back of the teen’s head.
Of course, she had heard her husband speak about Elowen Saintday more than more or twice. Draco had also written home about her more than once. Usually complaining about the unbearable witch that was so bloody good at charms and constantly made his head swell up like a balloon. Judging from the daggers he was shooting at the back of her head as she greeted Ellar Lestrange, she presumed she still had the ability to crawl under her son’s skin.
“The Girl Who Died?” She whispered to Lucius who in return gave her a silencing glare. Still with a sly smirk Narcissa turned to her son. “You never mentioned she was quite pretty Draco.”
That’s because she wasn’t. Draco didn’t know why he couldn’t tear his eyes away. That person was not Nel Saintday. That person shaking Cornelius Fudge’s hand nodding in agreement, slightly laughing at a bad joke the man said.
“What do you intend to do with your future Ms. Saintday?” “I’m keeping my options open,” She admitted. “I have been considering Curse Breaking as a career.”
Draco mused to himself as he eavesdropped. He would’ve never guessed that. His best guess would’ve been Dueling Master like Professor Flitwick.
She was now standing next to Ellar. Both leaning over the railing leaning forward to look at the Quidditch pitch. Smiling at each other and pointing at different fireworks and lights on the sky.
Well mannered. Posh. Well behaved. Hair neatly groomed for what appeared to be the first time in her life. His parents might have missed it, but Draco didn’t miss the smudged green paint on her face. He felt himself cringe when he saw that Lestrange wanker lick his thumb and wipe the paint away making her face turn red.
He wanted to push him off the balcony rail.
The French git left for a moment.
Nel was too busy gawking at the dancing leprechauns that were making it rain Irish gold over the people in the stands that she didn’t notice the youngest Malfoy creeping up on her side.
“You know I speak French too,” he said hands deep in his pockets. She turned to give him a funny look. “Fluently,” he added proudly.
“So?” She arched an eyebrow and couldn’t help but eye him oddly. So, he was bilingual and knew how to play the violin. Big deal. So what?
“It’s not impressive. That’s all I’m saying,” he sneered in the direction of the dark-haired boy, glaring daggers at his back as he helped himself to some beer.
“You sound jealous,” She smirked at him and he couldn’t help but scowl at her accusation. “Almost as if you want to be him,” she poked a second time.
“Why-,” He laughed mockingly. “Would I ever want to be that French git?”
She brought a hand to her chin and loudly hummed as if in deep in thought. “Let’s see,” she began. “He’s refined, actually polite, fun – and doesn’t need to be a pompous arse to be liked!” She slapped his chest with a paper pamphlet she was holding.
He grabbed the Quidditch pamphlet and threw it over his shoulder without any care. “Ever considering a career in stand-up comedy Saintday?” He laughed dryly. “At least I haven’t gotten expelled from Hogwarts.”
She finally turned to look at him. A surprised look on her face. He floundered in the moment knowing this would strike a nerve. “Expelled?” She asked for some clarification blinking twice.
“Oh?” He grinned pleased. This was always the best way to get her attention. Nel Saintday was like a dog with a bone when it came to unanswered questions and other mysteries; He knew she wouldn’t let go of until she had an answer. “He never mentioned he attended Hogwarts?” He pressed. Had he? She scanned her few thoughts and memories of Ellar. He had never mentioned he had attended Hogwarts, but why wouldn’t he? He had nothing to hide, right?
“You’re lying,” She narrowed her eyes in mistrust.
Ellar approached from behind sipping on a pint of beer despite being both underage and in the presence of the Ministry of Magic himself.
“Am I?” Draco leaned forward and spoke in a low tone. She looked at him with wariness. “Also,” He raised both of his brows innocently at her before leaning in closer to her ear. “Bulgaria is going to conquer. Krum’s got it in the bag,” he whispered before returning to his family.
She seethed glaring at the back of his blond head strongly fighting the urge to make it swell like a giant air balloon.
“What’d he want?” Ellar asked curiously as he sipped on his beer.
She let out a sharp snort and turned her attention to the starting game. “Nothing important,” she grumbled.
The crowd cheered loudly as five green and white figures flew through the air on brooms leaving behind a trail of emerald and white. A large glittering leprechaun appeared in the sky and. Began Irish dancing. Excitement was in the air. “Good evening!” The announced began. “It gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422nd Quidditch World Cup. Let the match begin!”
The game was exhilarating. Nel who had never particularly enjoyed Quidditch had a blast. Being in the pitch was a completely different experience.
Everybody in the Ministry of Magic’s box was completely composed and boringly clapped whenever a point was scored. Nel on the other hand behaved as if she was in a chicken coop loudly cheering and passionately jumping with every point Ireland scored.
At some point she heard Draco cheer, but he cleared his throat and composed himself pretending to be disinterested in the game.
She wished she had watched the game with Tracey and Theodore but overall Nel had a good time. By the end of it she was being aggressive over the Irish victory over Bulgaria.
Ellar seemed upset by Bulgaria’s loss. He almost spilled most of his drink on the poor people below the viewing box.
“That was really something!” She cheered matching the step of the older teen as they made their way out of the stadium. “Did you see how Krum and Lynch both dived for the snitch? For a moment there I really thought Lynch was going to beat him to it!”
“1990 World Cup was better,” he griped with an irritated look on his striking features. She couldn’t tell if he was more annoyed or slightly buzzed from all the beers he’d had. There were a pair of Irish fans descending down the stairs above loudly cheering and chanting Ireland. They looked down at the snobbish people in the Minister’s box. “Irish pride!” They cheered loudly.
Carried away by the spirit Elowen cheered back just as enthusiastically
“Stop acting so ridiculous,” He shot her a silencing glare.
Ellar was… odd. One moment he was completely charming kissing her hand, making her laugh, wiping paint off from her face, slipping her some wine when his mother wasn’t looking. But other times he had emotional shifts like this in which he would completely shut down and shut her out. Nel piped down and grew silent. She wanted Ellar to fancy her. She wanted to make him laugh and wanted him to hold her hand and kiss it and bring her flowers for no reason like she had seen in some movies back at Wool’s.
“You got lucky Saintday,” She didn’t even turn to acknowledge Malfoy who was walking at her side ready to press all of her buttons. “What a game,” He said again sinking his hands into his pockets.
“I should’ve bet with you. Would’ve made a pretty galleon or two.” He let out a humorous huff, “Pocket change,” He answered pretentiously.
She rolled her eyes at his response. Classic Malfoy. “Who says we still can’t bet?” He challenged. “Oh yeah?” This piquet her interest. Nel was extremely cautious with her limited spending. The uncertainty of the future didn’t allow her to misspend even a single Sickle. But if she could swindle Malfoy out of some “pocket change” that would be ideal. “What do you want to bet on?” “How far that frog’s stick is up his arse?” He nudged in Ellar’s direction. She chortled slightly and hit his arm lightly laughing. He wasn’t wrong. “He’s just… bitter,” She excused his behavior shaking her head with a slight frown on her brow.
“Rumor is that Viktor Krum and the Durmstrang Institute will be on Hogwarts’ grounds this year because of the Triwizard Tournament. I bet you I can get him to sit with me in the Slytherin table.”
It was true. She had been hearing Cloelia and Ellar talk about the Triwizard Tournament which Hogwarts would be hosting this year. From what she had heard Durmstrang and Beauxbaton being the two other largest Magic Schools in Europe would also be participating in it. “Bet,” She agreed.
“Two galleons,” he stated the amount they would be gambling on. “Two galleons?” She coughed back incredulously at the amount. That was about the equivalent of ten pounds or ten dollars. “I thought this was pocket change for you Malfoy.”
“I don’t want to swindle you too bad when I win,” he added arrogantly. Already acting as if he had it in the bag. “Fine,” She muttered in agreement before lightly hitting his arm once again. He simpered faintly at the gesture.
They were about to reach the exit when Lucius Malfoy turned back and gave his son a commanding look to keep up. His black cane being raised as he led the way. “Unlike you, I have been invited to the Bulgarian Team’s tent. Personal invitation from Headmaster Igor Karkaroff himself,” he bragged self-importantly. Of course, he already had a head start on their bet. The sly bastard would be rubbing shoulders with Krum himself all evening. Nel wasn’t impressed by his invitation. Having sat through a painful viewing of the most exciting event of the year with a load of bores she figured the Bulgarians probably weren’t that fun either.
“You’re the worst.” She stated dully.
“See you at school,” He said dismissingly with a typical eyebrow raise before going after his family.
Outside of the stadium Ellar was still upset. He hadn’t said another word since he had snapped at Nel to stop acting childishly or ridiculously, she couldn’t remember what adjective he had used. Cloelia walked with her back straight, head held up high. She almost seemed like she was in a rush to get out of here.
The outside was even livelier and more than it had been earlier in the day. The Irish really had their spirit on cheering, toasting and drinking to their team. Vibrant green fireworks and light whizzes flew up into the night sky.
“Can we stay?” Nel asked excitedly still looking at her surroundings in awe almost like a child in a fair.
“Let’s get out of here,” Her guardian simply dismissed her request.
She frowned slightly and was about to beg Cloelia to stay for a little bit longer. “I’m going to take care of some stuff mother,” Ellar said ominously he was already walking away when Nel stepped in his way. “Can I go with you?” She asked excitedly twirling a strand of her brown hair in between her fingers. Knowing him he was probably going to party or find some of his Beauxbaton classmates and continue drinking.
He looked at her hard and seemed irritated. He sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders. “No,” he said without any hint emotion before moving her body back to where his mother was standing. Again, she frowned at this.
“Can I go with him? Please?” she asked his mother begging for any excuse to stay behind and party. After all, how often was one at the World Quidditch Cup? Even then it only happened every four years.
“Come on Elowen,” Cloelia said imperatively and turned away.
She had to go home but Ellar got to stay and party? It wasn’t fair. He looked so upset, he probably wouldn’t even enjoy it! She would!
With a sharp exhale and no choice, she followed after her guardian. Nel only gave a couple of steps when she heard two familiar voices. “Could it be?” “Is it really?”
She felt a tug on both of her shoulders and was spun only to see the Weasley twins looking at her excitedly. Both were wearing green Leprechaun hats and wore their clothes and faces painted in green and white in full Irish Team spirit.
“We almost didn’t recognize you!” George said. At least who she thought was George she sometimes had a hard time telling them apart.
“We said who’s that girl? Could it be?” Fred said walking around her. “No, Nel Saintday wouldn’t be caught dead wearing a dress in public,” He teased tugging at the fabric of her clothes. “Who are you here with?” The younger twin asked. “Any other snakes hiding in the tallgrass?” George joked.
She discretely glanced over her shoulder and saw that Cloelia had realized she wasn’t following and was looking around the crowd looking for her.
“No one,” She lied swiftly.
She had often heard Cloelia mocking the “Blood Traitor” Weasleys and laughing at how weak the Prewet family was. She certainly wouldn’t approve of their company and the Weasley’s probably wouldn’t get along with her new guardians.
“We’re about to head back to the tent and celebrate! Want to come?”
Without looking back she locked elbows with them and pulled them away before Cloelia could spot them. Both of them cheered loudly as they dived into the crowd. Vanishing just in time before her guardian could find her.
School started in a week what would be the worst punishment she could do to her during that time? The consequences would be worth it. She couldn’t help but laugh as she followed them back to the rest of their group.
Harry, Hermione, Ron, a man whom Nel presumed to be Weasley Sr. judging by his red hair and age and Ginny, their younger sister, were all waiting for the twins. Another man was with them and Hufflepuff’s gem, Cedric Diggory. There wasn’t a Hogwarts student that didn’t know his name or who he was. Hufflepuff’s Quidditch Team Captain, Seeker, Prefect and dashingly handsome also known as Prettyboy Diggory. The boy was practically perfect. He was the type of Prefect most girls prayed to run into in the school’s corridor’s at night.
“Nel?” She snapped out of her daydream when Harry caught her attention. “What are you doing here?” He asked his friend.
She greeted everyone cheerily. More cheerily and excited than anyone had probably ever seen her, almost giddy. “Why go home? Party is barely getting started right?” She said excitedly rambling over her words and ignoring Harry’s question.
Really – what was the worst thing that Cloelia could do to her? Part of her was also hoping to run into Ellar tonight. Maybe he’d be in better spirits then. Maybe the two could share a pint?
“You must be the Slytherin girl,” Mr. Weasley greeted her politely stretching his hand out. A stark contrast to the Malfoys she had met earlier in the day. “Pleasure is all mine Mr. Weasley,” She spoke to him with the same respect she had shown the Ministry of Magic himself. “Nel will do.”
Ron’s sister Ginny was actually really cool. Nel had never had a conversation with her before. Then again, most students tended to avoid her like the plague, seeing as she had been branded as Slytherin’s heir due to being possessed by Voldemort only two years ago. Even Granger was more bearable or maybe Elowen was just in an elated mood. Less hostile. More open to others.
The group was all celebrating inside of the Weasley’s small tent. The tent might have been small but inside it was warm and comforting decorated with used furniture and warm tones of red and orange. It was what Nel had always imagined being in the Gryffindor Common Room would be like.
They had all been so welcoming to her. She had never really felt quite at home like in this moment. She was jealous of the Weasley’s they had a caring father, and each other, more than a handful of brothers and sisters to rely and love. They were a real family.
Laughing and cheering could probably be heard from the outside as the twins mocked Ron over his obsession for the Bulgarian Seeker.
There were no tables that kicked you inside here, nobody that minded your manners, nobody watching your mouth or what went inside of it, how you sat, how you stood, how you fucking lived.
“There’s no one like Krum! He’s like a bird the way he rides the wind. He’s more than an athlete. He’s an artist!” Ron was standing on top of a chair literally preaching to the crowd about his devotion to the Seeker.
The twins were bumbling around him comically singing “KRUMMMM” Loudly. “Think you’re in love Ron?” Ginny teased tugging at her brother’s scarf. “Viktor I love you! Viktor I do!” George and Fred sang. Harry eventually joined. “Nel you’re crying,” Hermione pointed out. The Slytherin snapped out of her thoughts and looked down at her mug which held some warm apple cider only to see a stray tear land on it. “Oh, I didn’t realize,” She touched her wet face wiping away the few tears. “I just feel so at home,” She admitted sheepishly.
Hermione couldn’t help but smile a little. “I never did apologize for stunning you last year, did I?”
“When we’re apart my heart beats only for youuu!” The three males sang around a flustered Ron. Everybody in the tent laughed loudly, but not loud enough to lull over the sound of shouts from the outside.
“Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on,” Fred commented as he ceased to sing. “Stop! Stop it!” Mr. Weasley interrupted carefully listening. “It’s not the Irish. We’ve gotta get out of here. Now.”
The room growing silent as they listened to the outside screaming, but it wasn’t joyful it sounded more harrowing.
Jumping to their feet everybody crammed to get out of the tent only to enter a whirlwind of chaos.
Panicked people were running everywhere, left and or right with no sense of direction, stumbling over each other like savages. Horrifying, frightful screams echoed the fields. The air smelled like cinder and burning fire. As several tents were consumed by the flames. “Get back to the portkey everybody and stick together.” He instructed.
Dark figures in pointed hoods all wearing grim masks all holding flaming torches marches across the campsite chanting loud ominous noises. Destroying everything on sight with fire. Some had wands which levitated some individuals which were humiliatingly paraded across the camp.
Instantly the group took off running in one direction. Who were those people? Why wasn’t anybody doing anything about this?
Running away from the tent into safety Nel kept her eyes fixed on the back of Ron’s tall frame. Turning back, she realized that someone pushed into Harry.
“Harry!” She shouted stopping dead in her tracks. Heart caught in her throat. She looked around hoping and catch sight of the Gryffindor’s shaggy hair or red clothes.
Blurs of red and green flickered in her vision as she was violently pushed and eventually elbowed to the ground. Instinctively she covered her head with her hands and tucked in her knees into her body assuming a fetal position as she was trampled and stomped on.
She was alone. This was her fault. If she had only listened for once in her damned life. She highly doubted anybody was looking for her.
She should have listened to Cloelia. For the first time in her life she regretted not having listened to an adult. Painful tears slipped down her face as she was once again kicked in the stomach.
She was alone, laying on the ground, breathing heavily. Praying that the rush would be over. Her eyes were shut tightly. A whimper caught in her throat.
Elowen didn’t even realize when a hand reached for the front of her dress. Pulling her back up to her feet. Her eyes snapped open and she found herself paralyzed with fear as she came face to face with a mask of death. It was one of those wizards wearing a dark hood. The person was holding her up high so that her tiptoes barely grazed the muddy ground. Her breath strained as she looked down into the void eyes of the mask. Without another word the masked individual dropped her making her stumble back and once again fall on her behind. She couldn’t help but stare for a moment. Wonder in horrifying astonishment at the black hood that was standing before her.
No words were exchanged. If the person wanted to hurt, her it would’ve happened by now.
Not wanting to linger and find out if she was right or wrong, she ungracefully staggered on her feet and feeling sore and beaten she scampered the opposite way.
Her breathing was harsh, adrenaline pumping through her system as she kept on dodging people and continuously looking over her shoulder making sure that hood wasn’t following after her. Looking behind her she turned only to crash into something rigid and solid. She winced and held her head slightly dazed putting another hand on the flagpole she had just run into. Bringing a hand down she saw it was stained with blood.
Elowen was pressed up against the flagpole as masses of people ran by dodging her and the poll as they still escaped the campgrounds. Her eyes were wide with fear, mind turning over a proper spell that could save her.
“You? Merlin’s beard Saintday. Come on now!” Her head whipped back as she was pulled forward and back into the crowd with a strong momentum. A deathly tight grip on her wrist.
It could’ve been the devil himself and she would’ve followed him out of this hell.
“What are you doing here?” She shouted over the loud screaming again crashing into his back when he came to a sudden halt. He ignored her question and dodging desperate individuals led her out of the maze of burning tents.
The two Slytherins stumbled into another one of those dark hoods. Shrinking fearfully, she hid behind him holding on to his arm tightly.
The hood froze and looked past them.
“They won’t hurt us,” He said to her over his shoulder.
Malfoy was right. The hood seemed to move past them leaving them both unharmed. Taking an awry turn finally there seemed to be an open field in sight. Rushing towards it the two seemed to have made it out of the camp and into the plains.
Both were catching their breaths. Nel leaning her weight on her standing knees, a hand pressed against her bleeding brow.
Draco stood tall kept his eyes peeled for any sight of someone or something emerging from the crowds.
“You’re hurt,” he noted the bloody side of her face.
“What did you mean when you said they wouldn’t hurt us?”
How could he possibly know what those things were and the fact they would be spared from whatever evil intent they had planned.
“Let me see,” He stepped towards her, she stepped back almost tripping over her own feet. He caught her lower arm stabilizing her. “Let me see,” he commanded in a harsher tone, the grip on her lower arm tightening.
She said nothing and whimpered as she lowered her hand. She could feel a cut of skin which had split right in the start of her eyebrow.
“There you are,” A third voice interrupted in a relieved tone.
Narcissa looked relieved as she apparated between the two teenagers. She didn’t give them a moment to explain herself before latching a hand into each of their shoulders and once again apparating away from the violent scene.
The next thing Nel knew was that everything went black; It was like when she apparated for the first time with Cloelia. She was pressed very hard from all directions as if being squeezed through a tube. The constricting feeling lasted for a moment before they appeared in the heart of a massive parlor room.
Narcissa let go of her and instantly turned grabbing her son’s face in her hands inspecting it for the slightest scratch or bruise. Feeling light-headed Nel leaned her weight on the arm of a sofa chair.
She took a minute to take in her surroundings. Polished dark wood floors, a massive and intricately carved fireplace made out of white marble, matching pillars holding up the high ceiling and a massive crystal chandelier hovering above them.
“Did they hurt you?” She was taken aback when she felt Narcissa’s hands on her face, brushing back her hair to better inspect her wound. Surprised by the gesture she took a solid moment to answer the witch. She figured she meant the dark hoods if anyone. “No,” She responded softly. “I ran into a flagpole.”
Nel saw the witch pull out her wand and point it at her.
“Scourgify,” She casted the charm which made the blood, mud and other grime vanish completely from the girl’s person. Again, pointing the wand, she raised it higher to her face. Nel winced slightly when it was inches away from her nose bracing herself for what may come. “Episkey.”
Her brow felt very hot and then very cold. Raising her hand to touch her forehead, the wound seemed to have magically closed.
The girl couldn’t help but wonder if this was what it was like to have a mother. To have somebody undevoted care and watch over you like that.
“I’ll send for Clo. She’s probably mortified,” Narcissa straightened up. Not a speck of dust was on her, her appearance composed despite the havoc they had just escaped. “Sit,” She commanded before exiting the room. Nel did without a question dropping on the dark colored sofa that was next to her.
“What were you doing out there by yourself?” Malfoy stood before her hands in pockets as he began his interrogation. Like his mother he looked completely unharmed.
“What were you doing out there by yourself? I thought you were supposed to be rubbing shoulders with Krum,” She said holding on to her healed brow which still stung.
Draco had in fact been in the Bulgarian Quidditch Team’s tent. He had even gotten a Quidditch jersey signed by Krum and all of the other players. Of course, he had known about the attack that was coming. Both him and his mother had seen his father preparing for it earlier in the week. Lucius never spoke directly to the family about his affairs as a Death Eater. It was dangerous considering the consequences if somebody pried into his son’s untrained mind. Draco assumed that his father felt having an alibi would be beneficial for the family in case anybody came pointing fingers. Losing his mother on the way out, however, had not been part of the plan. Neither had been seeing Nel Saintday bleeding from the head pressed up against a flagpole in the middle of a stampede.
“I was,” he answered sharply. “Got lost.” He explained casually.
Both were silent for a moment. She looked away from him avoiding his perturbing gaze.
“Merlin, you can be so daft Saintday,” he ran a hand through his hair combing it back. “What were you thinking? Who knows what would’ve happened if I hadn’t found you.”
She would’ve probably stayed attached to that flagpole with an open wound and would’ve waited for the stampede to be over. Overall, she would’ve been fine. There was no need to act upon his savior complex. Or at least that’s what she thought. Who knows maybe one of those hoods wouldn’t have been as merciful to her.
“What did you mean…” She pondered more out loud to herself. “When you said they wouldn’t hurt us?”
Draco swallowed thickly and turned away pretending to be suddenly invested in the fire that was cracking only a couple of feet away from them.
He was relieved when his mother reentered the room with Cloelia who was frantically walking towards here. Face pale, eyes wide with panic. “There you are!” She scolded angrily reaching for the girl’s arm digging her nails into the fabric of her sleeve. Nel winced bracing herself for whatever would come when she returned home.
“T-Thank you,” She stammered weakly thanking the Malfoys who probably didn’t even hear her. Clo spoke rapidly about who knows what. Everything happened in a blur. The goodbye, the apparition back in the house of Lestrange and the slap to the face. “I specifically told you not to stray, yet you deliberately disobeyed me! Because of that I will make sure you don’t move anymore. Salazar’s Beard, you don’t know what would happen to me- to my family if anything happened to you.”
Nel quaked fearfully when she looked down and saw a thorny vine begin to snake around her ankle and up her leg.
“You will not move.”
Back at Malfoy Manor, Draco still stood before the fire. His mother behind him waving her wand at some muddy spots of the ground that needed to be cleaned.
“Mother,” Draco broke the silence the two had shared since Cloelia Lestrange and Elowen Saintday had apparated away. “Yes dear?” Narcissa turned her attention to her only son. His eyes were focused on a particular spot on the ground.
He couldn’t help but think about the special attentions the Lestrange’s had with Nel Saintday. They wouldn’t have taken just anyone in. Much less someone speculated to be a half-blood or lesser than them, and if they did it certainly wouldn’t be out of the kindness of their hearts. The strange behavior his father always displayed when the girl was around never sat well with him. The fact his mother had actually bothered to heal her wounds and acknowledge her.
“Who is Elowen Saintday?”
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