#you know i used to think i was better than dsmp fans. that is still true <3 but honestly seeing some of your faves i get why you like them
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cosmossystem · 1 month ago
seeing all that shit go down from the sidelines, i've never been so grateful to be a hermitcraft fan. my faves are in their 30s and 40s and do not have time to be beefing online or calling people slurs. one of their server members is a piece of shit? ok. kicked to the curb. anyway welcome back to another wonderful day on hermitcraft, today we're building an entire goddamn mountain
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raspberryberyl · 9 months ago
not to like vague post, i just don't really feel like reblogging, adding my comment, and disrupting the og post. let people feel how they want to feel, and not start any arguments sorta.
but i just saw this post that was like "if you're thinking about getting into dsmp, don't" and lots of people always talking about how they're embarrassed, or regret it, or want to forget that part of their life. and i just can't help but think about how thats the farthest from the truth for me. i don't think I'll ever regret it :-)
and i know that we all have different experiences, people were going through different things and might want to move on and forget, and that's all valid.
the dsmp fandom is just such an experience. and yeah its become soured by cc turning out to be bad people, by bad writing, and by disappointing endings.
yeah it would be hard to get into now, lots of vods and its just not the same experience as watching and experiencing it all live. what made the fandom was the fans, but you can still find fics, go listen to songs, dig up analysis, find art and animatics.
I just feel like there's nowhere where i discovered more about myself, felt heard, found connection, and felt at home more than the dsmp fandom. It's my chosen home. It's my safe place. and when you feel that way about something, why would you not recommend it? share it with others :-)
so because of my bias and own personal experiences, if you were thinking about getting into the dsmp fandom I'd say go for it, I'd totally recommend it! its not the same as it used to be, it'll be a different experience, and we are a small few left but we are mighty.
just be aware of the problems within the source and within the fandom, and you should be good. know that it does have a disappointing end, but you can make up your own ending, or search, find, and connect with others through the ending they came up with.
being in the fandom doesn't mean you're supporting anyone. don't feel bad or embarrassed about liking the dsmp.
to the people who have and do feel like they've been hurt by it, and to the people that feel like they wasted their childhood, time, snd energy on it, I'm sorry, and you're valid to feel how you feel. I hope you've been able to move on to better and happier things.
I love the dsmp, and I don't see that changing, or me regretting it. If i could share my love of it with you i would. So don't be afraid to give it a chance, hey, you can always change your mind.
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comradeboyhalo · 2 years ago
(not maintagging this because it comes out more aggressive than it means to be. this is just an unserious rant.)
first of all, i do think qsmp as a whole has been kinder to cc!bad. the qsmp’s more dnd-like format is more inclusive in general, there’s net 0 creators who constantly swear at him, and the fandom does treat him better (the bar is low though). i’m more than grateful for that. 
that being said. i dislike how everyone acts like cc!bad was bullied into a corner on the dsmp. yes, a chunk of creators and fans only saw him as a “language” joke, thats an unfortunate fact. but i see a lot of people ignore the fact that cc!bad saw this, and in response created a whole fucking storyline that was designed to allow everyone to join in on it. 
bad, ant, and sam created the egg arc because they disliked the current political storylines and wanted to experiment with scifi-horror. this was after the badlands were formed, and after they realized that they were locked out of a lot of l’manberg conflicts. they didn’t sit around waiting for lore to be handed to them, they created it themselves. to act as though bad didn’t have the chance to create a complex character on the dsmp, or that every cc didnt take him seriously, is devaluing his work. the ccs involved in the egg arc did see c!bad as a threat. they respected his work, they participated in his lore. and there were a lot of them! you just maybe just didn't watch them.
if YOUR streamer only saw bad as a “language” joke, whatever. if YOUR side of the damp fandom never paid attention to egg lore, thats fine. but dont act like every cc did, or that the egg arc didn’t have a following. its true that it was very underrated, but cc!bad is also not this helpless baby who needs his hand held to create an engaging character. he saw he was the largest streamer among the egg arc ccs, and used that platform to bring everyone else up. he put in the fucking work, and it’s not his fault that people still refuse to acknowledge it.  
i see ex-dsmp fans praise the qsmp fandom for respecting bad, and then turn around and beg him to not reference egg lore. the same people who love karmaland, ordem paranormal, and 2b2t references are telling bad that he can’t reference his story, that he put work in. why? for dislike of streamers who weren’t even involved in it? you cant be happy bad is seen as his own person, then turn around and boil his dsmp work down to bigger streamers you dislike.
again, i don’t blame people for not watching the egg arc. i don’t think anyone should be forced to watch every storyline, or keep up with every cc. i don’t know. it’s just frustrating i guess? me and other egg arc fans were creating content, character analyses, and lore masterposts all to hype up c!bad and it’s not our fault yall ignored it and are just now seeing bad’s a good roleplayer! idk! i know everyone’s trying to be nice, i love everyone who’s new to bad’s content, i dont want to gatekeep at all. but your dsmp experiences are not universal. the way your streamers treated bad was not the way everyone treated bad. 
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generalpalacefishgoop · 1 year ago
You know the posts recently about bbh neg on twter, the timing of it with that going on, makes me want to hurl, they don't give a shit about "victims" or the real issues. They just want to dunk on the next cc they hate using the current "momentum".
You know what, I say let them go ahead and try to "cancel" Bad, really, go ahead. They're just regurgitating shit DSMP fans has said over the years again and again about Bad. Its fcking funny actually. Oh not forgetting they had to invent new ones or ones THAT THEIR FAVES HAVE DONE TOO BTW, to "cancel" Bad. To think I was looking forward to QSMP fans being "healthier" or "better" than DSMP ones, oh boy am I sorely disappointed.
Let them run their mouths about Bad. Cuz I'm 100% sure the CCs , QSMP admins, and Quackity give 0 shit about them. Etoiles knows and has already expressed how he knows that Bad is overly hated by the fandom and how he receives neg on the daily. Despite knowing that, he's still cordial with Bad. And he even expressed how he tries to not be "angry" or "frustrated" at Bad or else the parasocial fucks will come running to "defend" him from "evil" BBH when he has said a million times over that its not a fcking big deal, and hes just expressing himself NOT IN A NEG WAY. but noooo parasocial fucks be like "oh no my skunkrly wrunkly his feelings got hurt oh no" same shit with foolish fans. Fcking blind af. Esp the new ones who hasnt experienced the prank wars in dsmp. Fcking joyless fucks who cant handle a fcking block game that theyre not even playing. But thankfully, Etoiles stopped being so concerned, and well, yk with Foolish lmao same old same old.
(Disclaimer: SOME FANS NOT ALL, IM TALKING ABOUT THE TOXIC PARASOCIAL FUCKS, YES EVEN THE BIG ACCOUNTS ON TWITTER WITH THOUSANDS OF FOLLOWERS. You know who. Big numbers doesn't mean they're more RIGHT. A parasocial fuck is a parasocial fuck. Also, when I say parasocial, I mean the ones who are toxic and project themselves onto the CC. Being parasocial is fine, if it's the healthy kind, if you know what I mean)
I digress, there's no fcking unfollows or subtweets from CCs to Bad, unlike with D or F. In fact, some CCs and CLOSE FRIENDS of Bad's have always praised Bad and defended him TO THIS DAY. If that is not enough of an indication of how unproblematic he is, Idk what else to say. Just fuck off and live a life in constant misery and hatred ig. That's why don't respond to fucks like that. Just mute em. They can yap all they want but it means SHIT ALL if you don't see it. BBH's community is WAY WAY smaller than the whole fandom (and theres wayyy more toxic fucks) so bbhs community saying shit back to the toxic shits will also mean SHIT ALL. They CLEARLY don't watch Bad anyways so what's the point. Better way to deal with this shit is fight the misinformation, that's all. Spread more positivity and give ppl FULL context and CORRECT information. If you see some shit against Bad, report it and send it to whatever ban list qsmp uses. Send it to mods or something. Ik that Bagi's discord has something like that.
Oh but ppl be like /rp or /lh or "it's just my opinion", who gives a shit. Still report them. We're not dumb. The mods or whoever admins are not dumb. That negative toxic fuck smell on it, is fcking obvious enough.
STOP GIVING THEM ENGAGEMENTS. We can happily stay in each others bubbles without ever talking to each other, AND THAT IS FINE. Don't let the negative fucks in. Mute and report them, and I guarantee you, that fcking stranger on the Internet, you'll forget within DAYS. those fuckers won't even exist to you, vice versa.
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adayladoorwalt · 8 months ago
This is a bit of a rant. Something that feels so wrong to me on twitter is the fact that people genuinely think that the end of the dsmp meant the end of anything related to the series, when the dsmp ended people left because of their own personal issues and feelings. The fans moved on and then the stories that could have happened were lost. Think about the stories that because of the fandom’s response to even seeing dsmp, were lost. I think back to how when Ponk expressed interest in doing projects on the dsmp, her fans fucking freaked, thusly they stopped any mention of a new dsmp project.
The DSMP isn’t lost media because of lost streams or lack of content, it’s lost media because the streamers never came back to something that they enjoyed doing.
I think of the creators who actually credit their time in the dsmp as a way to grow their audience and now don’t mention it because it’s not a project that is still happening. I think of Eret just occasionally talking about the fun they had on the server, what their plans for their story and them actually acknowledge the existence of their time on the dsmp. Fundy had an interview a few months back and he fully acknowledged that he used clickbait to make it in the mcyt bubble. There are former dsmp creators who acknowledge, express admiration for being on the project and then leave it be. They are few and far between.
More and more I see creators who were in the space are stupidly trying to get the high of 2020-2022. Trying to get to those extreme heights and now they figure that dissing the dsmp as it’s no longer ‘cool’ and ‘popular’ to have any positive thoughts on it. Philza in particular is the one that comes to mind with the ‘i’d rather gauge my eyes out then ever go back the dsmp’ comment which he later went back on like ‘oh I actually had a good time’. I never have appreciated any of the comments considering my favorite person from the dsmp often talked about how much he enjoyed playing on it. How he died not thinking he wouldn’t be able to finish his storyline but he did. The storyline he started became buried in the sands of the dsmp.
Techno’s legacy as a member of the dsmp is one that had a great impact on so many people who now don’t even have that. The creators who decided clout was worth more than being able to be able to communicate with each other.
Complain all you want about Dream’s ‘lack of communication’ but it seems now knowing about the fuck show that has been about any fucking drama that has happened in the past year, everyone of these fuckers can’t fucking communicate.
Now creator want come back pretending to have enjoyed the project and now their fans are being annoying about how much they thought it ‘could have been so much better if x,y,z’ and really it’s their creator’s fault. It’s their own fault for not just realizing that they may have not actually enjoyed the dsmp. The fans are the reason the dsmp was dead. Because to dteam+munchymc fans we desperately miss the dsmp. Techno fans do too. The fans of the dsmp are not the ones that are coming back, it’s the ones that stayed.
I just am having so many issues with the current ‘dsmp discourse’ and it stems from idiots being idiots.
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luckiestblock · 2 months ago
OKAY SO LONG YAP INCOMINNG OH MY GOD. wanna start with sorry! I'm kinda new to actually using Tumblr so Idrk where to put this OR if there was a better option but I really liked your post about cdream (and to and extent cwilbur) I really really liked how you point out that everyone made his character bc IT SO TRUE his character would be so BLAND (so fucking bland) without them bc GUESS WHAT? his ass is BLAND personality wise. I was a fan since the big 2020 bc my friend group were hot into DNF, tbh I did like dream at the time bc the Jackbox streams but I was a disappointed at his dsmp character bc I thought it would be...idk so much more? for the longest time I thought I liked him but I guess that was just part of the territory at the time, it was the DREAM smp after all, but instead throughout the years I ended up relating his character more to a malignant shadow for the server members, like he just haunts people, follows, stalks them, and is evil!!! It's an interesting prospect sure but its a disservice to him BECAUSE he needs someone to shape his villainy. I like how you put that he works as a villain because there are heros to fight against, he is fr the perfect foil!!! (tho I think that was accidental greatness) and the very little we saw of his perspective and the little of what we knew abt him really added to that spookiness and darkness of the story bc he felt like a real threat sometimes. During my time in the fandom from then (2020) into this day (possibly more??) I find it interesting how there was so little content to actually work off from his character that most artists and authors ended up painting his character like he was a blank canvas. (or shaping him like he was clay HAHA pun haha so funny) they got away with it bc there was no real and solid character traits to truly combat that things--I also think this is why his character was so beloved by those who liked him at the time ( bc he could be what you wanted) there were many times I believed that the fanfic authors were just better at writing him than the og ccs but what was there to compare to? (sidebr: The illusion really ended in 2022 when he was nothing like the collective imagination, ESPECIALLY IN PERSONALITY ESPECIALLY NOW, but I think that's a thing lots of the long time fans relate to and I guess I kinda deserved that as I was believing a dream hahaha pun haha so funny) Anyways, I really want (wanted?) to make this analysis work of him especially because the way the cc actually acts falls so much into what cdream solidly was (same with cwilbur but minus the "no-character, no shape" argument) It would cover my theories of him being the shadow for the other dsmp characters, the canvas for the fans, what is there in him really and what that meant for cdream overall minus all the rosy lens while being kinda metaaaa idk. I also wanted to do the same insane deepdive for wilbur's character and his overlap bc ITS SO INTRESTING. but now I feel doing this would be in very poor taste and kinda oddball of me (and when is it not in poor taste bc theres always drama??? its never my time fr) and that sucks because I'm still so down bad for this fandom its not fucking funny like I still want to make art for it, theorize, talk and trade ideas with ppl and do all these studies still and I don't know what's really wrong with me for still loving all the characters OH SO MUCH still while HATING majority of the ccs for these 5 years. I wasn't in it for the people after the big 2021 (as I kinda lost interest or didn't support) but the compelling lore and the AMAZING fan content. I don't know how ppl would take it and overlapping drama with the creators doesn't seem so "c! only" of me (but I think its fire so whateva) anyways sorry for the long yap just wanted to put this out there.
re: this post
firstly, welcome to tumblr! i think most people are fine with people adding discussion in inbox or when reblogging a post. i'm glad u liked my post :)
I was never a Dream fan, but i really expected more from his character as well. I WANTED more of his character. By himself, c!Dream is a walking plot device meant to Cause Conflict, which is a shame because the little that was set up was so interesting. Puffy at one point had a one-off line about being his mom (or maternal figure) if i remember correctly, which you could do SO MUCH with on that alone (though, I don't remember if that was just a joke or de-canoned. either way, it would be a VERY interesting dynamic)
The implications of him being trapped in the prison on purpose is very interesting, but that never got payed off. We know that he worked with c!Punz and c!Ranboo on some things, and with c!Dream being an Isolated Villain who is a Control Freak, that has SOOO much great potential. "Does he genuinely trust them? Does he want to trust them? Why do they agree to work with him?" are all interesting questions that... also got unanswered. but with these things (and the connections to Dream XD + Techno), you get the really great fan-interpretations of c!Dream that are really interesting and fun! that make him more of his own character with more nuanced motivations!
(this is coming from someone who wanted to put endersmile duo under a microscope. so i might a bit biased. but god. GODDDDD WHAT WAS THEIR RELATIONSHIPP)
"I really want (wanted?) to make this analysis work of him especially because the way the cc actually acts falls so much into what cdream solidly was" if you make this please send that to me 🙏
"I also wanted to do the same insane deepdive for wilbur's character and his overlap bc ITS SO INTRESTING. but now I feel doing this would be in very poor taste and kinda oddball of me" it might be because i also think there's overlap between wilbur and his character (like, besides how a person's creations reflect them in some way), but i think it WOULD be interesting, and only in bad taste if you dont think about the words you're saying. Which goes into your next point:
With what we know was going behind the scenes, i dont think you can (or Should) try to "death of the author" the dsmp. but that doesn't mean you should feel wrong for still enjoying the characters. there are still a lot of people who love the dsmp while not supporting the creators in anyway, shape or form. There's still lovely fanart (and i assume fanfic) being made of it.
honestly, i think about the lore and world very often. it's a really good example of something that can only exist in minecraft. it's a good showcase of everyone's ability to improvise and collaborate (or the opposite, in some cases). it's one of those things that make me think "gosh, if I could change this one thing..." over and over. i am eternally haunted by the potential of Limbo and how it was SO close to being the coolest thing ever.
anyways. i never get nonnys in my askbox (because i dont talk often) so i am very happy for this excuse to yap. i want to chew on the dsmp and i hope people release the lore docs and what they were planning
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barzfrommarz · 8 months ago
Why do I still love c!wilbur so much?
small essay type post to just gush about c!wilbur
One thing that always surprises me is why I stayed with c!wilbur
Before cc!wilbur even confirmed the allegations, I dropped him and lovejoy because it was becoming way too stressful and way more obvious it was him even though he had became a special interest and a huge part of my life
So why didnt I do the same with c!wilbur?
Better question, why couldn’t I?
Maybe it’s because back in March of 2022, my online friends had just stopped being friends with me a week prior. Specifically on March 17th 2022 (correct me if i’m wrong) the first stream that kick started the apology streams happened. I think that’s was what reignited my interest fully, since I had changed myself so much for my ex friends since they hated dsmp so much and it was basically my entire personality
It was also an outlet to interact with people, since these specific friends were my only friends at the time.
It was so nice to have a community of people who love the same thing I love. Making art, fanfiction, theories even songs. It was great and it was definitely one of the best times of my life (in the recent years)
The days leading up to the final were the greatest but also the most nerve wracking, esp since I wanted c!wilbur to have a good ending and basically not die
Waiting for the stream to start on Sept 3rd 2022 was so exciting, I remember sitting in offline chat just waiting for a fucking minecraft stream to start. Something I had never done
Now im not gna critique the ending in this post. I have my gripes with the apology tour in general but thats not what this post is about.
It was surprising to watch. Not what I had expected but it had its charm and I grew on it eventually. Going on twitter afterwards kinda sucked but it stopped eventually
The community was still going strong. Even if our favorite character is completely retired. The love and passion was still there, especially for me. It seemed like my love for c!wilbur just got more intense
After the dsmp ended and 2023 rolled around, thats when I noticed things kinda slowing down a bit. I know why of course. Loveshit was kicking off for William so its obvious why more people gradually moved on from the dsmp and fan content slowed down. Including me!
I wont go more into it but it was disappointing for me as someone who just couldn't move on from c!wilbur and the dsmp to see everyone on all the main platforms I used move on. Yeah tumblr was still active but I didn't use it as much back then
Then of course, the allegations came out
Im not proud of how I acted during the first night. You could say I was very very delusional and willing to make up excuses and drown out a victim all for some white guy I didn't know.
Thankfully, the next morning I came to my senses a bit and left, soon after joining everyone in just waiting for him to respond. Luckily I had some great mutuals on twitter and we were all there for eachother, even though I was the least affected since I was more mad at the fact I wasted years of my life on him than upset.
You all know how the story ends, he responded and everyone hated on him blah blah blah
but throughout all of that, I still stayed with c!wilbur. Not any other bursona. I cant engage with any of the other bursonas because they remind me too much of william, so why is c!wilbur different?
Well one obvious factor is my autism. C!Wilbur and the Dsmp is one of my biggest and longest lasting special interest so I dont think its going away for atleast 2-4 more years atp. Who knows maybe ill be 24 years old still yapping about a minecraft server that I liked when I was 11
I also think its because of the dsmp community on tumblr. Yeah the c!wilbur part has gotten understandably smarter but the people who have stayed are awesome and cool and so creative but most importantly strong
We have all been through it. From the allegations to the shit we get from outsiders for showing slight interest in c!wilbur and the dsmp in general.
I also see it as one massive fuck you to William. Taking his creation for ourselves then actively hating on him in the process. Shipping the ship he has gone on record to say its not canon is also pretty cool
So I guess I just want to say thank you. I could not have kept my interest alive if it wasn't for you guys continuing to create despite the creator being a degenerate. This stupid little character has single handedly kept my passion for creation and art going so strong. If you look through any of my recent sketchbooks most of the pages have him on it. I got into wrighting and reading fanfiction because of c!wilbur (and c!tntduo but we dont talk about the fanfictions ive read). My point is this character means alot to me so to all the remaining c!wilbur fans...
Thank you, truly
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quaranmine · 1 year ago
6, 12, and 25 for the mcytblr fic author asks?
6. Do you like using the mcyt multiverse as a concept? (all SMPS and MC content exists in the same universe)
Yes!! To the point where it will bother me if I can't make them all fit, lol. Usually I like to keep the Dream SMP, Hermitcraft, Evo and Life Series all within the same universe. I like MCC as an event where people from these servers can intersect. Empires though is a problem to me, as it often contradicts things quite heavily due to the characters' lore. So whether or not Empires (S1 or S2) is canon sort of depends on what I am writing. I also often disregard random one-off SMPs as well--I'm not going to try to figure out how Rats SMP fits into Hermitcraft fits into Empires, it's just a nice little series in its own right.
12.Funniest comment you've ever gotten in a piece of work?
I think the funniest is when I posted a Firewatch AU chapter and @ivi-prism sent me a screenshot of her fake-buying plane tickets to Texas on an actual airline website to come kill me
Also I do find it pretty amusing that I am so loudly fixated on fire lookouts that I am aware of more than one person who have started reading my fanfic without even being familiar with Hermitcraft LOL
25.What works and/or authors in the fandom do you recommend?
Well, I've got to rep some of my friends first! Ivi is the creator of this ask game, and you should definitely check out her works -- Off-world vacations is a sweeping dsmp x hermitcraft crossover that has been in the works for years, great for Fundy fans. chrysalizzm is one of the most talented writers I've ever met, and I've seen firsthand the incredible research and depth and soul he's poured into the wasteland series. another excellent writer is prismartist, who probably has something for everyone since they've written life series, hermitcraft, dream smp, qsmp, and empires.
Really though, I need to get better at actually bookmarking my favorite works. I often kudos and then lose them oops
I have to recc definitelynotshouting's hunger au, although I feel like that's quite well known in the fandom already (for good reason)
sunlight over me no matter what i do by odaigahara is a GREAT oneshot, but mind the gore and body horror (grian cuts off his own wings to get rid of watcher influence)
I'm pretty fond of a specific subset of Watcher!Grian stories where the old Grian died and a Watcher/something else just kind of uhhhh took over his body with his memories? So I must recommend tempering by sixteenthdays, as well as You Say You Feel Hollow (and you know it's 'cause you are) by writing_and_worrying. still slightly similar in concept but not quite the same is the body is an object by ruffboi. And it's probably distinctly different enough that it shouldn't even be grouped here, but I also adore Covet by Oceanbreeze7 for a good Creature-y Watcher!Grian.
I like Enderwoah's Jimmy/Bad Boys fics. The two I have in my bookmarks is i've got problems (not just the ones that are little) and i can see the pattern (but i don't know what i can do)
Finally, I don't always blog about hermitshipping but I do sometimes read it, so I'll leave you with a scarian fic that has killed me like three separate times: Baby, just let me bleed in peace by mossman_mothman
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skimmeh · 2 years ago
ack the stuff you said about dsmp and its ending and stuff—i feel that. its like this painful nostalgia of what the thing used to be and the fact that it’ll never happen again… i get nostalgic over the lmanburg anthem lmao. im still having a hard time getting over it ahaha.
i honestly hate the ending but i suppose it had to end sometime. Season 2 getting canceled… like you said, there is some comfort in that, but at the same time its so sad to think that it’s finally, officially over. two years of watching funny block men play the funny block game. it was so fun.
is feeling this way over a silly minecraft server overreacting? maybe. but nonetheless theres still that sadness. i just pretend theres a real ending where the nuke doesnt blow everyone up and these amazing characters ive grown to love just live on in their happy little lives.
anyway just wanted to say this after seeing your recent post. in all honesty, i miss dsmp. but seeing that someone i look up to feels the same way i do makes it a little bit easier to bear, i think. so thank you./gen
Hello anon!!! I'm glad I was able to make you feel comforted and better with just a silly Tumblr post (which also was a bit of a rant haha)
Yeah, it's a painful kind of nostalgia. Which is a bit bitter (due to the nature of how ...the dsmp sorta had a very, rather than ending with a big bang, it was more sorta drawn out thin and had a more than unsatisfying ending. its okay,I think as a fandom we are all making our own au endings to replace that one haha)
And despite all the hardship around this dumb lil server, I don't think I regret getting into it. And I still teasure the story and characters so dearly.
I think you're aloud to have such strong feelings over a silly lil thing, cos I think we're past the point of thinking it is dumb to be so invested in a Minecraft server. It was so fucking cool, and not just the server, the fancontent. I would argue that was the thing that made it so loved and engaging to be a part of. The fan content was unmatched and filled with talent.
People who think it's dumb to have a generally fun time within a fandom and to mourn that when it ends, are boring. Yeah it was a Minecraft rp, but it was also the some of the funnest times I've ever had within a fandom.
The dsmp may have ended but the creativity that made it so great is still here, with the fan content and cc, who will go onto new things and continue to make great things and improve.
And besides the story and characters are still there. It's like putting one of your favourite book on a shelf. You can always revisit the story, maybe take something different from it after time.
And I'm sure there will still be fancontent created from the characters, I know I still plan on drawing and writing stuff.
I can't let go of these characters just yet haha.
It's just now there's room for more things, I don't think anything will replace what the dsmp was,I don't want that.
I guess what I'm saying is I'm excited to see what comes next!!! And I'm thankful for the experience of what the dsmp was.
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patchesjam · 2 years ago
Do people actually think genloss is going to be A Big Thing? Bc last time I checked Ranboo does not have the big audience or the big streamer network they'd need to pull that off. Also, coming from a writer, I have A Lot Of Doubt in his ability to tell a cohesive story. Like I know the DSMP isn't a great example (since it was written on the fly and all) but like... Tommy and Dream figured it out - so did Bad and Hannah and the other Eggpire peeps. Phil gave us some closure, too. But nooooo Ranboo got bored of the server so he had to jump the shark and kill off his character out of nowhere even though Wilbur still needed him for lore. So like. What happens when he inevitably gets bored of genloss? What then? Will it remain unfinished, or will he just start throwing random angst at it in an attempt to get attention? If he behaves how I think he will, then he's worse than 13 year old me writing RotBTD fanfiction. Because at least I gave them endings and stuff, even though they were written 100% without any foresight whatsoever. Basically I have no faith in them whatsoever to tell compelling stories, I hate their fanbase and their fan's extreme radical ideology and excessive bulling behavior, and I mostly hate their 'I'm morally superior to everyone else' attitude. Also I still don't know what went on between them and Tubbo - because I kind of get Mean Girls vibes from the whole situation and it makes me deeply uncomfortable. Unrelated to the rest of the ask: Thoughts on Dream copying other YouTubers and hiring a bunch of actors to localize his vids into Spanish?
oooo a long one :)
i saw a lot of boobers say that sorta thing when the dsmp was in big talks again, like 'ranboo has moved on to Bigger and Better things' and them bragging about how it will leave the fandom and that he doesnt need dream + dsmp for relevancy. i see less of it now because i block anyone who mildly pisses me off on twitter - so basically every boober.
and yeah the streamer network thing is interesting because i was thinking this the other day, all of dtkq, tubbo, foolish etc have quite a lot of good relationships and connections to actual streamer streamers (hasan, rae, sykkuno, ludwig) and ranboo + co seem to very much stick in that group, ranboo and whoever he decides are his friends for that month. i never see them in anything more widely twitch related which is interesting and imo a sign of short longevity
as for the writing.... yeah. i think he will go the way of angst. i personally think that he seems to have very little overall idea for the actual concept and storyline a year into planning so i have little faith in that. its like when authors go 'oooo i want to write a teen fantasy novel' and then try to make a random plot to fit the genre. i could be wrong though shrug.
its been said a thousand times before but one little minor slip up from ranboo will lead to a massacre. i used to feel sorry for him about this but he truly did it to himself being a spineless bastard and never calling people out on their shit. it was easy enough to say 'pwease stop being racist' and he fucked that up 3 times.
annnnd finally i dont know if he's done that already or just something your questioning but its interesting... I dont think he'd get as much out of it as other youtubers because, due to excellent concepts and editing esp for manhunts theyre completely watchable without knowing english. obviously you miss a bit but cool plays are universal. i still think it would be interesting to see though, and it wouldnt hurt at all so i could see him doing that at some point. i think he might not though because he is so protective of his work and still edits everything himself, might not want that, so not sure!
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anotherduckinthedepths · 2 years ago
Here be the den of someone who's interests always find a way back to Minecraft, one way or another
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Anyhow, hello, I'm Depths! (It might change later just warning you) I go by she/her pronouns and enjoy drawing + rambling about things I find interesting.
This blog is for those drawings and ramblings, specifically those tied to the QSMP, DSMP, Sbi, mcyt in general, and maybe some ranboo content if Im feeling like it, I'm generally open for interactions with others! (Granted I'm not the best at initiating interactions) I only ask that you both respect the DNI list below DNI: - TERFs, Racists, Homophobes, just be nice to people please (I hope this is unnecessary but better safe than sorry) - Those who support death threats/doxxing towards ANY content creators ("but you don't like (Insert cc here)", doesn't matter, no death threat/doxxing for ANY of them, full stop, you can dislike people or heck even deeply hate them without threatening their lives or the lives of those around them) And please do not harass me or anyone else who might pop up here just on the stance that we happen to enjoy a game and a story that is unfortunately connected to some well-known but divisive people online. Important addition, do not feel afraid to interact if you happen to like the characters played by ccs I dont like/support ! I'm not gonna shoo you away, I see them as seperate entities, like a character in a movie and the actor that plays them who exists outside of that, to do otherwise would be hypocritical of me. I want to try and make this blog as welcoming as I can to fellow fans regardless of how I view things, I do not seek to change anyone's mind and make them agree with me, I just wanna provide silly content to whoever enjoys it. Important tags #Depth's Art or #Depth's AU Art - Drawings I have done on this blog, from sketches to fully-fleshed out art pieces (if I ever do that), the latter is used for drawings regarding AUs I have. #Depth rambles - Random silly thoughts. #Serious Depth mode - Mainly got this up in the event of more serious posts, likely focusing on issues/discourse in the fandom and/or just how it affects me. I dont imagine I'll use this often but I feel like I'll end up having to use it at least once to explain my view of things. If you'd rather avoid seeing discussion around this I would suggest blocking this tag. #Depth's OCs - The tag for my OCs, more than likely minecraft related. #Depth's Brainrot About Jubilant - A specific tag for a very specific character that's on the border between AU character and OC (if you don't feel comfortable seeing posts about them due to the character they're an AU version of (hint- 🟩 :) ) I completely understand and you're more than welcome to block this tag)
_______ I have had some AUs cooking up in my brain and may post about them on this blog, when this happens I will list them down here and provide the tag it's assigned if you want to see my posts for it. Unnamed Superhero Warlock AU (Features c!dream and XD as main antagonists for the most part) (Important Note - This AU is right now kinda in-between being an AU and an original work, it's definetely still in AU territory rn, but I'm thinking of trying to make it it's own thing) The superpowered world all knows and looks up to Pantheon, a long-lasting group of individuals granted with two powers instead of one, what the public mostly doesn't know is that this comes at the cost of becoming a servant to an entity beyond comprehension, and becoming nothing more than a puppet to serve it's desires to invade and control the material plane. Kristin is one of these members of the current Pantheon, tied to a entity of the afterlife, she's long been resigned to her destiny as Lady Death, she is doomed to hunt criminals (or just those who know too much) and those she's sent after are doomed to never escape, none she has been sent after even managing to escape one encounter with her. ... until a man soon to be named Sisyphus manages to get away. Tag - #Unnamed Superhero Warlock AU QSMP Pokemon Mystery Dungeon AU Exactly what it says on the tin, an AU where the players are humans turned into Pokemon and are now stranded in a large remote island in the Pokemon world. Littered with Mystery Dungeons and various other dangers that threaten both them and the pokemon they've been given to care for. Tag - #qsmp pmd au
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beauty-and-passion · 2 years ago
Hi! I just wanted to thank you for answering that ask. As someone who was an avid enjoyer of Sanders Sides for years and kept themselves sustained through fanfiction, Thomas's behavior recently has been genuinely irritating. After a while, even the fanfiction wasn't enough and it felt like I knew the fanon characters better than the canon ones. The long hiatuses didn't help. I switched fandoms back in early 2021 after the animation controversy never seemed to get fully resolved. I hope everyone still waiting on Sanders Sides gets closure that feels satisfying and narratively fulfilling.
Signed, A DSMP fan who definitely did not get that and wishes better for others.
Hi dear, thanks for your contribution!
You know, waiting has actually never been a problem for me: I am used to wait for stuff and I can wait for years and years, that's not a problem. Also, when I enter a fandom I tend to stick to it for a veeery long time, so I don't care if stuff takes long.
What bothers me is the behavior. If you are taking time to do something, just say it. If you want to focus on other stuff, say it. I can't ready your mind. I can't know what you are planning, if you don't tell me.
In the past fandoms I was in, there were hiatuses. In the recent ones I'm following there are also hiatuses. One of them was last updated in March, then the author said there was going to be a very long hiatus and that they would've resumed writing in December. No date, just a month.
Did anyone complain? No, because there was a period of time. And when December came, we just waited. There was a small update and now there's another hiatus. There's not a regular schedule anymore and yet, no one is complaining: on the contrary, people are very understanding. Why? Because the author said there was going to be a hiatus and that the next updates would've taken longer, due to working reasons.
That's it. No need to update every day or to reveal everything about your work or to tell me your life story or whatever. Just a few lines to explain your plans. I don't think I am asking too much.
So no, the problem isn't waiting. The problem is waiting without updates and when people ask "hey, can I have an update?" being greeted by passive-aggressiveness, as if they did something wrong.
And if Mr. Sanders didn't want to be passive-aggressive... well, he should've chosen his words better. He wasn't replying in private to one of his close friends: his reply was public and thousands of people read it. If your public is so large, you should be very VERY careful about what to write, so people won't get the wrong idea.
And if he's not able to control himself, then I suggest him to hire a manager as soon as possible, before he ends up writing something worse.
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parfaitpuppymogai · 2 years ago
ₓ˚. ୭ ○◦˚. .˚ₓ☆ soft fuzzy mogai 。・:*:,。・゚☆
♡ intro & tagz, boundariez, byi, dni ♡
reqs: 0/0 - inbox closed (⁠´⁠∩⁠。⁠•⁠ ⁠ᵕ⁠ ⁠•⁠。⁠∩⁠`⁠)
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(art by aimkidblast, i dont support her beliefs regarding endos though.)
hello there!! my namez r everett, modify & fuzzy, n thiz iz my mogai blog!! i primarily uze neoz + they/them primary, and my secondary priority iz he/it!!
im nonbinary (demiboy/genderfaun/paraboy/idk + many many xxenoz)!!
sexuality wize, im vincian/gay (nwlnw), and aspec & arospec!! :3c
(yes i use the green and blue flag, and i will never not use it. if you dont like it block me.)
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ i will do 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ coining (💕 a trick of the light to love you tonight)
♡ coining reqs (💝 although i have no arms to hold you in)
♡ themed gender liztz (💖 im not like other guys who have a surface)
♡ moodboardz/ztimboardz (💓 a shimmering puff of indistinct love)
♡ iconz (💞 whats better than the vague embrace of a soft fuzzy man?)
♡ pronoun/name suggeztionz & checkz (💌 i know it sounds crazy)
♡ chatting/misc poztz (💗 so please baby please baby step into the mist!)
♡ reblogging thingz from my old acc that im ztill proud ov (🍥 ghost town)
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ i will KNOT do 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ anything 2 do with groupz im not apart ov
♡ coining 4 harmvul/hatevul identities (exx. dream minecraft sexual, clovergender, etc)
♡ anything on the blacklizt
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ boundariez 。・:*:・゚☆,。・:*:・゚☆
♡ due 2 my anxxiety involving death threatz n hate mezzagez n the like, i do not allow anon azkz, srry ómò (thdr@m@s amirite...) iv u want to req something anonymouzly plz dm me it!!
♡ i haz a topic blacklizt which basically has everything i revuse 2 make terms based on, plz do not suggest anything on the topic blacklizt!!
♡ le dni appliez 2 anyone who fits it, idc iv ur public abt it or not
♡ iv ur on my dni plz do not uze my termz, and do not recoin/"reclaim"/baztardize them!! (n plz do not complain abt it to me iv u r pro-endo. u already haz tonz ov alternative labelz 2 use az most ov the mogai community iz unvortunately pro-endo.)
♡ u can repozt my termz p much anywhere, EXCEPT 4 fandom wikiz. but PLZ credit me and specify that i do not want endoz uzing my termz!! (exx. "coined by softfuzzyaemogai on tumblr. the coiner is uncomfy with nontraumagenic systems using their terms.")
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ b4 u interact 。・:*:・゚☆*:・,。・:゚☆
♡ i do not tag/cw swearing/provanity, however i do tag/cw reclaimed slurz.
♡ i am a furry, iv ur uncomvy w that plz just fucking block me.
♡ iv u bring up anything on the topic blacklizt towardz me plz censor it!! /srs
♡ plz uze tone tagz when interacting
♡ iv ur gonna dm me abt anything, plz put an underztandable intro (like your virzt mezzage, or the mezzage zubject, etc). i wanna know what the mezzage iz abt,, zeeing "(no zubject)" or "we need to talk" makez me rlly anxiouz
ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○ do not interact iv u... 。・:*☆:・,。・:゚☆
♡ know me irl
♡ are already on bad termz w me
♡ vall under bazic dni criteria
♡ are friends w anyone on my people blacklizt. i literally CANNOT trust u iv u r :(
♡ arent gay but still engage in gay flag discourse or have "x flag users dni"
♡ you go by the namez mentioned in my topic blacklizt
♡ dream/dsmp fans
♡ dhmis avatars (regular fanz r ok, but those w avatars vrom the show make me super uncomvy)
♡ uze wrath neopronounz, such as wra/wrath/wraths. someone with those neoz haz traumatized me & it's like one ov my biggest triggerz.
♡ are tolerant/a fan ov 4ch*n, l*lc*w, kiwif*rms, etc. im zurprized thiz iznt under bazic criteria
♡ headcanon lgbt characterz as thingz they arent. for example, headcanoning a canonically gay man as a nonbinary lesbian
♡ are a lgbt f*tsihiz*r (straight ppl who read yaoi, cis ppl who like "traps/f*mb*ys", etc)
♡ are a lgbt exclus ov any kind (ex. dont think asexxualz belong in the community, think xxenogenderz r "the reason cishetz think actual trans ppl r faking", etc)
♡ heavily r*lig*ous
♡ find thingz about me obnoxiouz to the point where you feel the need to talk about it
♡ my zpecial intereztz are a trigger/dizcomvort vor you
♡ into g*recore/h*tecore
♡ fans ov fucked up media (ex. fnf vs /v/-tan mod, alfr*ds pl*yhouse)
♡ fans ov my triggerz (i wont list them publicly 4 my own savety, but i will block u myselv iv i vind out)
♡ you think cisphobia, heterophobia, racism against whites, etc. iz an actual problem
♡ you think women can be vincian/vincians can like women, or that men can be lesbians/lesbians can like men (this includes demiboy lesbians/demiboy gays)
♡ you make jokez abt traumatic things (ex. "this song slaps harder than my dad") (those who have that trauma n use humor to cope r ok)
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here iz my dni banner, it doeznt have my vull dni but doez have thingz that i believe r the mozt important. the "ae" in my name literally meanz "anti endo" so itz not my vault iv an endo reblogz it.
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420technoblazeit · 3 years ago
I lost both of my maternal grandparents and a step grandparent to cancer and it never gets easier. Even if you know it's coming and are simply waiting for the day it finally ends their suffering.
It still hits you and it hits harder because you know that the next person you love who has their body betray them will have to go through treatment, then hope it works and the suffering is worth it to live. Or they have to accept death is coming for them and luck just wasn't on their side.
Technoblade is someone who I never spoke to and he did not know hardly any of his fans by name but still, we all mourn for him. Because we all knew him without truly knowing, he shared what he could and what he wanted. Just like a grandparent who you rarely see.
To me, it feels like when my grandmother died, it was sudden and no one thought it would be that soon. She told us stories about her childhood as her cancer metastasized and I had no idea that in one short month she would be gone and the rest of her stories would be gone forever.
I was 12 when she died and I miss her everyday. But I remember her and her stories. That is what we all should do for Technoblade, remember him so that he never truly dies. Everyone on Ao3 is considering discontinuing or deleting their works. Don't dishonor him by removing what was worked hard on. He may be gone, but he loved putting out videos that could entertain anyone that happened across them. And he loved seeing fanart put up on the subreddit.
I can't think of a better way to honor him than to continue being creative by drawing and writing down his stories.
Sorry for the word vomit, I am having a hard time at the moment. Too many memories and worries about my only remaining grandparent.
first off i'm really sorry for your loss. techno's death hits a lot of us especially hard in the context of cancer, i think. i lost a relative to it too and shit sucks man. it's devestating to see its effects on someone. but i think he'd be glad that people are still creating art for his character. given that he was on the dsmp for his last ever stream i think it's pretty clear that the server meant a lot to him. he wouldnt want something like this to stop people from making more art and sharing it with each other
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vpofcookies · 2 years ago
I've been thinking about Technoblade a lot lately. I miss him.
I have a few things I've been thinking about written below
One of the things that hit me after the news was how hard it was to explain the impact he had. My parent's reaction was basically "a youtuber died? Oh, wait you're crying, I'm sorry it's making you so sad." When I heard the news, I was working on a piece of art that I planned on being the first thing I posted where he would see it. I haven't finished it still. I never got to share the impact he had on me, or the fact that he was the reason I'm making art again in the first place.
What is hard to explain to others is that it wasn't the youtube part that made it sad. I wasn't grieving for a youtube channel, I was/am grieving for the person behind it.
Technoblade had a skill and dedication that I had never seen before in minecraft youtube and doubt I ever will again. There's something mesmerizing about watching his videos and seeing movements in his character that seem natural and expressive, and a skill that makes the most talented player run. Like technodad said, sometimes you would question if the other players could even see him. But most people who watch his videos know there's so much more than that.
Technoblade is probably one of the best people I will ever know, even if I only knew him from videos. Some of the stories we only learned after. Like Techno checking in on friends who were struggling, or calling sick friends every day, or creating lore for a dying server. But there's so much more that we knew already.
For a man with a reputation of selling out and asking for money, I have never seen a man give more. His siblings can go to college, if they want. I cry every time I think about it. He raised so much for the sarcoma foundation, but even before then he was giving so much. His fans were over a third of the UHC donations, that's over a third of the donations from one person's fans in a 200-person international event that he wasn't even planning on joining. In MCC pride they added a bell because he asked, so that they would get more donations.
Even not considering charitable donations, we know he was helping so many of his friends. From encouraging Tommy to use his character in thumbnails or video titles, to making sure that Nihachu wasn't spoken over in DSMP events, to calling out his friend's channels if they were with him when his sellout timer ran out. I remember hearing from mcc channels about his intro videos for his teammates. I remember mccs of him sending raids to smaller channels. I remember animators thanking him for being the only one to respond when they asked for audio files to use.
He always encourages his fans to be a good community and it showed. I remember the potato wars, and him calling out fans for being rude and encouraging respect and support for squidkid, and supporting him instead of dragging him down. I remember mcc games where fans were angry, and Techno was telling his team that they did well and reminding the chat to thank the crew for their time and effort organizing. I remember him emphasizing that no one should be pressured to be perfect, and that the tournament should be fun. I remember his dsmp character changing to be more accurate to what he said instead of sensationalizing, and a story line that changed to include more people. I remember a dry humor that made the dark plot of the dsmp accessible to the people that wouldn't have been able to watch otherwise. I remember chat requests for callouts to lgbt groups that were always instantly answered with acceptance. I remember skywars videos titled just so that they sounded better for colleges, but techno teaching us anyways. I remember fans responding to hate by making a charity raffle for coral conservation, responding to sadness by donating to cancer research. I remember a man who told us his odds were better than they truly were so that he didn't make us sad, who made jokes about his surgeries, and made merch about his death, giving us something to laugh at even as we cried.
I remember chats filled with thousands of people asking Technoblade for a story and listening for hours as he shared his stories with us.
I miss him. I miss the good and acceptance and joy he brought to a community of millions. But the community is still here, and I will forever be glad for that.
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riacte · 4 years ago
Why people think mcyt means dsmp only— a crack theory
It’s simple. There are no short (and widespread) ways to call DSMP members.
Think about it. SMPs ending with -craft are great (branding-wise) because people will instinctively add -er after the craft to form -crafter. A good example is Hermitcraft and they’re often called Hermitcrafters (especially by people who don’t really watch them but know them). It’s instinctive to use the term “Hermitcrafter” and it works even though “hermit” is more commonly used in the community. This works for most SMPs ending with -craft. Even if they don’t have a specific name/ you don’t know the specific name like Hermits for Hermitcraft, using Mindcracker, SciCrafter etc works. 
But what if you don’t end in -craft? Easy, try to add -er. X Lifers. 3rd Lifers. People know what you mean easily. Sure, it may be a little clunky, but it’s better than “X Life members”. Some names are also really easy. What do you call members of the Vault Hunters SMP? Vault Hunters. It is that easy. 
But how about those you can’t add -er? Like Legacy SMP and Evo SMP? Well, considering they are founded by Minecraft Professionals who know how Branding Works, they just make up a name for the members that is vaguely related to the name of the SMP but still sounds natural. Legates. Evolutionists. 
For SMPs that have specific names for their members (like Hermits and Legates), this creates a sense of inclusivity and community. For those who just add -er, there’s slightly less of a “community feel” because it’s just the name of the SMP plus er, but hey! It works well! It’s concise and widespread and intuitive! 
But for Dream SMP? Doesn’t have a craft. Can’t add -er because Dreamer is such a broad and general term (unlike stuff like X Lifers). No specific names either (not counting factions and groups). Just “DSMP members” or “DSMPers” (I don’t think I’ve really seen the latter though).
So what do the fans call Dream SMP members? They’re Minecraft YouTubers, right? So they’re MCYT! This works! 
(Except it doesn’t.)
Unfortunately MCYT covers Literally Every Single Person who uploaded a Minecraft YouTube video and is suuuuper broad and general. 
It doesn’t add that DSMP fanbase is so big that soon the use of the term “MCYT” suddenly means DSMP people only.
... Fun fact: Hermitcraft used to be the most popular SMP for... quite a long time, to be honest. And guess what? Due to their Branding, they’re called Hermits or Hermitcrafters by the community, and no one complained that MCYT referred to hermits only (ofc this has to do with a less large and less annoying fanbase). (The problem of tagging MCYT stuff with “Minecraft” on tumblr still existed, which was quite annoying but not as annoying as it is now). Sure, the hermits are MCYT, but... no one calls them that when talking about Hermitcraft specific stuff. Why use such a broad and nonspecific term when the term “hermit” or “Hermitcrafter” literally exists? Plus, hermits refer to themselves and each other as hermits, it’s their brand, and now the ENTIRE community uses that term. Even if the term “hermit” is general (not as general as “dreamer” though), there’s still Hermitcrafters. 
In conclusion, I feel like a lot of this would’ve been solved if DSMP thought a bit more carefully about their branding, or made up a Special Name and constantly used it in streams so it sticks with the community. I bet if any other SMP with Specific Names or can use the -er trick becomes as popular as DSMP, the whole “MCYT doesn’t refer to people from a specific SMP!!1!1″ thing won’t be as serious. 
Branding is important. I rest my case.
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