#you hate him cause hes queer i hate him cause hes a groomer. we are not going to be friends
lulladae · 10 months
"the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is such a bullshit quote. im capable of hating everyone involved in this situation
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demodraws0606 · 9 months
All i'll say is
Believing that Dr*am is a groomer does not mean you have any moral high ground to judge people who don't think he is.
This situation is complex and both side have pretty damning evidence on the other. You can't blame either side for believing what they believe.
You are ALLOWED to hate Dream, you are allowed to not feel comfortable around people who are fans of him. You are allowed to think he is a groomer without being attacked for it.
You are NOT allowed to tell people to end their own life or that they're a "pedo defender". Holding moral judgement about people you dont even fucking know personally in a situation like this is not helping anyone.
I'm not gonna say what I personally believe because no one's fucking buiseness. All I want to say is that the trend of judging people's morality in situation like this is just purely a way to make yourself feel better.
We live in the real world, sometimes situations aren't black and white.
Idc make assumptions about this if you want, internet genuinely has been fucking vile recently and my hope in people's critical thinking skills have sunk to an all time low.
This isn't even about Dream I'm gonna be honest although the issue is especially worse with him. You could replace him with a piece of fucking cheese and I would say the same thing.
It's not just Twitter, the internet from the beginning has instilled into people such a chronic fear of being a bad person, it's rotted people's brains.
Leading to shit like policing queer identities and supporting people's horrid behavior for the sake of feeling superior, of feeling like you're the one in the right.
I'm so sick of people constantly fighting eachother, it's disheartening to see the internet has just become like this now. I've had panic attacks thinking of how people would perceive me for opinions I DIDNT EVEN SHARE on the internet back in the day. For fucking enjoying content people saw as problematic.
People act like they're doing this to help people or a cause but let's be honest what good are you fucking doing beefing with random people on social media ? What are you acheiving ? You can't tell me people don't find personal satisfaction in feeling morally superior to someone.
Btw if you take anything in this post out of context or look into my other posts to try and assume shit about me, you are what this post is about. Fuck off and don't ever fucking interact with me.
Anyways, probably gonna take a break from social media outside of discord and youtube (idk if they count as social media but idc). Might change dependent on if I get hate for this post or not and if I something to brainrot about.
This rant was ruminating in my brain for a long time I'd argue even before the Green Bitch was in the picture but it definitely became the tipping point for me to realise that the majority of people on the Internet are just Awful.
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daughter-of-sapph0 · 2 years
there's a person on tiktok who people find "cringe" for some reason. he's an autistic trans man who makes content for trans people, give them advice, support, love, and all around just very wholesome videos. literally the worst thing about them is that he's a bit excitable. he's literally just a guy making fun little videos.
and for some reason, people fucking hate him. they've received so many death threats and hate comments that they had to turn off comments on their videos. what was supposed to be a safe space for trans people turned into a fucking transphobic hellscape, so they had to get rid of all comments entirely.
it's not just homophobic and transphobic idiots doing this. other gay people are making stitches of them taking down their pride flags or saying "I get why people are homophobic now" and basically saying "homophobia and transphobia is okay when it's directed at people I think are cringe"
and those videos are filled with the most disgusting vile putrid horrific comments I've ever seen they're calling the original guy a pedophile and groomer and threatening to kill them. and the people who make the stitches just let those comments stay up? so you're gay, but you're letting violent homophobic shits stay in your comments and spread their idiot fungus all over your profile... just because you find one queer person mildly annoying?
what happened to the sense of community? what happened to "you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us"? why is the queer community so divided these days? I know why. it's homophobes who lie to you and say that "homophobia isn't caused by homophobic people, it's caused by the 'bad' LGBT people" and you fucking believe them. they are literally pinning the LGBTQ+ community against itself. and you're stupid enough to fall for it.
what do you think will happen after they kill all the "cringe" queer people? do you think they'll stop? do you think all the homophobia will leave after they've gotten rid of all the people you find mildly annoying online? no! you fucking idiot! they'll go after you. they'll keep killing queer people until all of use are dead. you're fucking braindead if you think they'll go "omg thanks for making that video on tiktok where you took down your pride flag when a trans man made a video about his haircut. as a reward, you'll be one of 6 queer people we won't kill in the queer genocide". no. they don't fucking care. be as homophobic and transphobic to other queer people as much as you want, they don't care. you're just doing their job for them. and your reward will be the same thing they want for all other queer people. they don't care. bigots do not care about you, and never will. no matter how nice you are to them. no matter how much you suck their boots. no matter how many hate comments you let fester on your page. no matter how many trans people you say are "cringe". in the end, you and the 'cringe trans guy' are the same to them. they see you both as a subhuman.
what side are you on? the side of community, fighting back against your oppressors, dismantling hate and bigotry, and letting future generations live in peace without fear of being killed for who they are? or are you on the side of people who want to kill you?
think about that next time you make a stupid fucking tiktok video about a guy literally just being happy and sharing his happiness with the world. I don't care how much you think he's "cringe". the hate you post online about him is no different from the hate people post online about you. why would you subject a member of your community, a member of your family, to even more hate and threats and violence?
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