#you guys think pewdiepie fans are bad. anime fans are even worse
catgirlcrisis · 4 years
all the hetalia anime discourse is gonna follow the path of the homestuck discourse where everyone points out the weird problematic shit in the series and then nobody does anything
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magic-can · 6 years
Okay I tried to pick just some questions but they are all so good so like,, can you answer all of them?? (Unless you don't want to answer some jsjdksldk)
(I’m not gonna answer ones I don’t have an answer to if that’s okay dndjdjjd)1. If you got the chance to hang out with any famous person for a day, who would it be?Tbh? Probably Sean McCloughin (or jacksepticeye for anyone that doesn’t know also I hope I spelled his last name right hhhh) because he just seems so,,,down to earth??? Like I’m not saying other ppl I’m a fan of are egotistical or anything it’s just that?? He’s always interacting with fans, he knows he’s not a perfect person, and he’s super non-judgmental and optimistic and accepting and he just seems so approachable. (I’m gonna make a post about why I have a lotta respect and appreciation for this dude actually, bc I’ve been binge watching his videos and I’m being reminded of why he’s my favorite YouTuber, such an awesome dude.) Not only that but he has a lotta the same interests as me and stuff and he actually has a really thoughtful mind when it comes to a lot of things and I’d feel a lot less nervous around him than any other famous person.2. If there were 4 things you could get rid of, what would they be?* Mistranslated religious scriptures bc hooh boy they’ve created a lot of misunderstanding and controversy * pedophiles* TERFS* nazis 3. If you could uncancel any cancelled video game, what would it be?Silent Hills,,,so much potential, Thrown out the window by a greedy company. It’s such a shame the game got cancelled, I was super pumped for it.4. Is there any celebrity you used to be a fan of but now aren’t?Pewdiepie, he gives me a really bad feeling now.6. Time travel: cool or a horrible idea?HORRIBLE IDEA 7. Are you a creationist or evolutionist?Definitely creationist, but I do believe there are quite a few animals that have common ancestors and stuff like that.8. Worst song(s) you’ve ever heard?Can’t think of the absolute worst one I’ve ever heard in my life, but recently? Despacito and Shape Of You hhhh.9. Have you ever astral projected?Nope. I can’t even imagine what that would be like.10. Have you ever had any experiences with the paranormal?I think maybe...I’m not sure though. Even though I 100% believe in the paranormal I don’t assume something odd is automatically of the nature, evidence is important.11. What’s the last song you listened to?Papua New Guinea- The Future Sound Of London 12. Would you rather take 3 pills that would each make you forget an embarrassing memory, or take 3 pills that would each get rid of a bad habit?3 pills that get rid of a bad habit, yeah I’ve done a lot of cringey stuff but I think those would help me more in the long run.13. What is the worst fandom in your opinion?I used to think it was the Skeleton Clique, but nah, the KPop fandom looks like hell on earth (and I’m going nowhere near it, especially after hearing about the abuse and torment the KPop stars face. I will NEVER support KPop even if there was a gun to my head. Those people don’t deserve this hell.) 14. Do you still have stuffed animals?Buddy I’ll still have stuffed animals when I’m 50.15. Do you have any fears that other people might find weird? Is fear of time weird? 16. Which of your parents are you closer to?Probably my dad.18. Thoughts on roleplaying?There’s nothing wrong with it if it ain’t hurting anyone!19. Does the world scare you?Yeah, but it doesn’t discourage me, we CAN make it less scary.20. Any good advice you have?A priest that used to work at my church (he moved tho and I miss him bc he was the sweetest guy) once told me that people tend to view the world in black and white, when in reality it’s multiple shades of gray (not 50 shades of gray this is a church goodness.) That’s something that’s always stuck with me. I think that’s a mindset more people should have.21. Thoughts on this site? What’s good about it? What’s bad about it? What can be fixed?The good things about this site is that it can give people opportunities to share their art, interests, views, and build communities. It’s a shame that instead people use it for hate speech, hypocrisy, this gross hive mind, extremism, etc. Oh, and a staff that ignores all the crap.22. Ever gotten anon hate?Not directly.23. What’s the weirdest dream you’ve ever had?All of my dreams are freakin bizarre, I can’t choose the weirdest of them all. Like last night I had a dream that a rat turned into a worm and that’s one of the more “tame” dreams.24. What do you think heaven and hell look like/would look like?I don’t believe in the fiery hell a lot of people believe in. I believe in Sheol tho, you know, the depths, a v v cold lonely sucky place. Heaven...idk exactly what heaven would look like, but I know it’s beautiful and otherworldly in the bed way possible.25. If you had to have an encounter with any famous horror movie character (examples: Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Mike Myers, a Xenomorph, etc.) who would it be?Okay I haven’t seen any of these kinds of movies, but wasn’t there a movie where this girl ended up kinda-befriending Xenomorphs?? Bc in that case I’d go with a Xenomorph.26. Do you think science is flawed?To an extent. I’m gonna make an entire post about this subject, because I my views are different based on different situations.27. The age old question: what came first, the chicken or the egg?I mean,,,chickens are the closest relatives to dinosaurs, and dinosaurs laid eggs, so obviously the egg.28. Any book recommendations?The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams (the same man that wrote Watership Down!) It’s my favorite book, I will warn that it has gore, both human and animal death, animal abuse, and even mental illness?? (There’s a character that experiences delusions and hallucinations and stuff like that but he’s not demonized at all. There are outdated terms to describe him at times though, the book was written in the 1970s so there’s another warning.)29. Ever go through an “embarrassing” fandom phase? (You know the ones.)Anime and Vocaloid (even though I will always low-key love Vocaloid with my entire being.)30. Favorite superhero?Used to be Batman, but now it’s Black Panther. One movie was more powerful than years of attachment and nostalgia regarding another character. I really hope I get buy a lot of the comics soon, I need money.31. If there was any outdated meme you could bring back, what would it be?Any memes from the past that were focused on just having good fun. Stuff like the “Just Do It” and John Cena prank call, you know those kinda memes. Less “cringe compilations” and more of those please. 32. If there was one holiday you could get rid of, what would it be?Columbus Day, I don’t even have to think twice about that. Replace it with Indigenous People’s Day. Genocide should never be celebrated, I can’t believe we live in a world where that’s a controversial statement.33. Thoughts on the education system where you live?It’s a flaming heap of garbage.34. What would you do for a Klondike bar?Buy one at the store or something if I want one, duh.35. What’s a question you hate being asked?“How can you be ____ if you’re Christian?” Ugh.36. What’s the worst nightmare you’ve ever had?I don’t feel comfortable talking about it openly, because a lot of them are REALLY bad ones and I only feel comfortable talking about a few with friends though personal messaging.37. Worst villain you can think of? They can be from anything.Scourge from Warrior Cats HOLY FRICK HHH38. A reverse of the last question, the worst hero you can think of?There’s definitely a worse hero that’s not coming to mind but the worst one I can think of is Beck from Mighty No. 9.39. Look left to you. The first thing you see is what you use to fight the devil. What is it?A gigantic blanket. Welp.40. Does rainy weather make you happy or sad?Happy, probably bc rain is fairly common where I live and I associate it with home.Whew! That took a while but it was fun. Thank you so much love 💜💙💜💙💜💙 I hope you’re doing well!
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bluedino15 · 7 years
One last thing on the issue of using the word Retard
Okay, sorry I’ve made so many comments, put down so many questions, and already made a post less than an hour ago, but I’m getting tired of this and want to get my last point out before I stop bothering with this.
I am a fan of the series Glitchtale and @camilaart. The effort she puts in is super impressive, from drawing and time, to thought and detail. Nothing I am about to say is intended to devalue anything Camila has made or continued to make, (heck, why would I still be subscribed to her on twitch (as BlueYoshi15) and give her money if I hated her?) and I will continue to be a fan of her unless she did something actually evil like murder.
I understand that you’ve been going through a pretty shitty Month. You have to deal with stupid asks every day, people rushing your work despite being told not to, and people who just insult you because they don’t like your series on a daily basis. In addition, you had someone upload your work without permission and in defiance of your requests, and then said person ended up getting your video taken down because YouTube doesn’t work. Your main source of revenue was practically taken away from you, which would drive anyone to a nervous wreck. People acted like the guy did nothing wrong even after you made several videos and posts explaining how terrible things were. You’ve probably gotten anxious because you have lost the motivation to animate for a while, which means no progress on episode 4 (unless it happens off stream). So I totally understand why you would not be in the mood to have someone get angry at you when you said a word that you know as being a standard insult.
The problem is that I think that anger has clouded your judgement. And I can’t exactly blame you for being angry beforehand, or for being angry or annoyed when some people go too far in their responses (such as that “lovely” fellow who responded to Jakei).
But there are some things I want to address. To counter some points I’ve seen put forth by yourself or others.
1) “other people On the internet like Markiplier or Pewdiepie say stuff like shit and fuck all the time and they get away with it”: the thing is that retard isn’t just a nasty curse word. It’s been morphed into a slur (more on that later), something which those you tubers generally stay away from (and if I recall, people lost their shit way more when PewDiePie made those anti-Semitic remarks, and have hated him for some of his older, vulgar rape jokes). If you said something like “shitfucktitscocksblowjobhellcrapinanashole” it’d definitely not be child friendly, but it would also be just be average cursing. The problem is that retard is seen as a semi-slur
2) “it’s the internet, I can say what I want”: I won’t deny that. But if you can say what you want, we at least have the right to try and request that you not, along with some reasons why. Is asking more than once too much? Maybe, but it can also sometime help clarify our point.
3) “what gives you guys the right to curse at me”: again, a slur is seen differently from a curse. Though that said, I think those guys who have no patience and act high and mighty compared to you, or the ones that just say stuff like "wow Cami, way to be a real class fucking act" are being self-righteous assholes.
4) “what’s so bad about the word “retard” if I just use it to mean someone of below average intelligence and direct it at someone specific”: as I’ll get into the next point, that word has a different connotation. Yes, the literal definition just means someone who isn’t as smart as the average person, and that kid certainly wasn’t smart. But in America, the word has an additional emotional attachment that has transformed it into a slur for people with mental disabilities. To Americans, Using it like an insult is like unironically using gay as an insult; it implies that it is “wrong” to be retarded even though that can’t be controlled. Some Americans today see it as targeting people with a mental condition instead of calling someone dumb. To make an extreme comparison, it would be like using Oriental. Technically, it means someone of Asian decent. Culturally, it’s been associated as a word meant to make Asians seem like a lower race of beings. Because of the ugly emotional attachment of the word “retard,” it can’t be taken easily be taken lightly even in your given context. I know how you meant for it to be used, but it won’t come off that way to everyone.
5) “Americans and/or SJW’s need to grow up and learn not everything needs to be how they want it.” I fully agree that The USA is terrible about imposing it’s culture on others. I also think that there are SJW’s who overreact to certain issues. But if being Chilean means the word means nothing to you and you shouldn’t be blamed for using it, then being American can mean the words means a lot to us and we can get upset. Do you have to take our view? No. But it feels rude when you give the impression that my country is stupid for having a culture that believes that word is offensive (though maybe I’m reading too deep). As for SJW’s, just be careful with that term. There’s a thin line between someone who’s overzealous and someone who has legitiment grievances with problems, such as people who might, say, try for equal race and sex representation in gaming
6) “I see people with autism who say they don’t mind at all that I used retard, so others should just grow thick skin, especially considering I wasn’t insulting them anyway”:Yes, I understand that you did not intent to insult people with mental disabilities at any point and that you hold no Ill views against them. But there are people who have been hurt by that word. I should know pretty damn well considering how kids in my troop made fun of me for having aspergers. Having a mental condition is horrible when there are people who do make fun of you for it with words like “retard.” So that word cannot be taken easily by everyone who's been bullied for it. Make a TRIGGERED joke if you like, but it really can be like that.
7) “that kid make my life hell and I need to apologize for using a word?”: no. That kid deserves jack-shit for what he tried to pull. It’s not that we’re worried about how he feels about being called a retard. It’s the casual use of the word that’s the issue for most. And also the fact that you defend using that word casually and seemingly haven’t shown any consideration for the points people who take issue make. But if you deserve maybe some explanatory words, he deserves a kick to the balls.
8) “If you knew the context, you would understand”: yes, you used the word to call a single kid dumb. But, as I detailed above, there are people who are uncomfortable that you used the word outside of it the manner it is considered acceptable (someone who clinically is proven to have a mental problem). I admit that I suspect that guy had a problem, but to call him retarded without knowing if he truly is clinically retarded or not seems wrong.
9) “apparently I need to be some bastion of perfection or else I suck.”: no, that’s not it. I don’t think any sensible person expects you to be perfect. But if they are uncomfortable with you using a word, they do have the right to ask you stop using that word because they don't like anyone, either a star or a random joe using the word like that. Whether or not you listen is up to you, but I don’t think it’s too high of an expectation
10) “You guys get angry at me for using a slur when there’s so much worse in the world? You have crappy priorities”: Pardon, but i don’t see how being offended by word use means I don’t worry about anything else. Heck, I’m a liberal American. I have a contractual obligation to get pissed at my government and country every day. But taking some time to write a post or response does not mean ignoring the rest of the world’s problems (though I personally have probably spent way more time on this then I should).
That’s my lengthy post. I probably assumed a lot of wrong stuff here, accused you of saying things you didn’t and gave some people who disagreed with you more credit than they deserved. I know that there are dicks who didn’t bother to try being tactful or diplomatic. And I also Don’t blame you for initially using the term, as you would have no idea of what it meant when you never heard of it’s reputation before. In addition, it was wrong of people to jump down your throats as if you intentionally wanted to insult others. I get that you wouldn’t be in a good mood to listen to them when some of them acted like assholes. I guess I just felt slightly bothered that you acted like people who disagreed with you had no reason to do so.
Also, while I don’t think you would need to scrub the word retard from you vocabulary, I do have to ask why being asked to use a different word in the future (such as dumbass) would be that bad. But I also understand that it would be annoying to have to subconsciously think of that every time you speak/type.
Look, I really don’t want to be rude or cause stress. it’s just that I see people who are acting as if you’re 100% right, and I can’t help but argue if I disagree.
TL;DR I feel like Cami acted as if there was absolutely no reason to even be a bit miffed, which I disagree with. That doesn’t mean she’s entirely wrong, but I want to try illustrating that there are reasons to not agree with her on this issue.
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Fan Fiction Review - Dan Howell x Reader ~ It Doesn’t Have A Title What  A Great Way To Start This Off ~
Before I start this off I’d like to issue a disclaimer:
If you wrote this fanfiction, or you know who did or whatever, I don’t hate you, and this isn’t made to bully people who write fanfiction, I’m just having some fun, you know? Don’t get butt hurt, essentially. Also, I’m no grammar-Stephan Hawking, so don’t be surprised if I make a few mistakes myself, I am human after all, but as I say - this is just for fun.
This fanfiction can be found here.
Right then, let’s get started. *Purposely avoids making a Keemstar joke.*
I walk around he cold streets of London. I am wearing my leather jacket a llama shirt and skinny jeans. I walk down the streets listening to alphabet boy.
So we’re four words in and we can already see that this author evidently doesn’t proof-read their work. Also, just in case you didn’t pick it up, they’re walking down the streets, alright?
I mumble the song. “My alphabet boy..Alphabet boy..” I then walk into a anime store where I see a tall man looking at the death note things.
Aside from the speech, every sentence has started with ‘I’. How captivating. We can also see that the author doesn’t like to capitalize names, apart from one occasion, but that was almost definitely due to the two full-stops placed directly before the letter A. That’s another thing. An ellipsis has three full stops in it, like this:
No more, no less. Three. So when you use two, it just looks like you had a second long stroke when you were pressing the period key and only managed two full stops before passing out.
~~~~ This means I skipped a paragraph or two by the way. 
I saw him on a book. The Amazing book is not on fire. I looked at one page of the book. (And only one.) His name is Daniel. He likes the color black and also llamas are his animal of choice.
Back at it again with the lack of capitalization! Is that a stale meme yet? Anyway, on this occasion, we got the first word of the sentence AND the next word capitalized in ‘The Amazing book is not on fire’. This is, truly, random capitalization. Author, do you know what sentence variation is? Please use it, because, correct me if I'm wrong but, I haven’t seen one comma so far.
“Yeah me and my best friend are sorta like the people who made ‘PROTIP’ and ‘don’t cry.. Craft’ I’m the comments on every YouTube video..” He laughed.
 So they’re ‘sorta like’ the people who made ‘PROTIP’ and ‘don’t cry... Craft.’ Some say that Pyrocynical is ‘sorta like’ leafyishere. See what I mean?
It seems to be a reoccurring theme in Dan Howell fanfictions to often refer to Phil as his ‘best friend’ and not just Phil and vice versa... Why? And I’m pretty sure Dan isn’t the comments on every YouTube video, as he probably would have killed himself by now.
“So that’s why ok pewdiepies beard video people commented PROTIP.. Thank god you told me! I was worried a tip was taking over the world!” (Woah you’re so funny.) I say in a sarcastic voice. “to be honest it sorta has” he puts down something he picked up.
Guys, today we don’t even get capital letters at the beginning of a sentence. 
Thanks for more evidence to support the fact that you don’t proof-read your work.
You know, the rule ‘new speaker, new line’ is a very useful one, as it allows the reader to distinguish which character is talking without having to read the passage seventeen times, but it is also a rule that many fanfiction writers don’t use. Shame. 
“Want to go get some coffee or something?” He asked. “If not I can give-” I cut him off. “Sure we can get some coffee. Do you want to buy anything first?” I asked him. He nodded and grabbed a L plush. I went with him when he got it and we walked out together.
I don’t know Dan aside from watching a few of his videos, but I’m pretty sure if he just met a fan, he wouldn’t ask them on a date straight away. Have you ever seen Evan Edinger’s video on dating a YouTuber with Ash Hardell? Watch it. 
Grammar lesson time! When addressing an object that begins with a vowel, (in this case, the name ‘L’.)  you would USUALLY use ‘an’ instead of ‘a’, if you don’t it just kind of sounds bad.
As we walked down the side walk we talked about movies, songs, bands.. At coffee we honestly most likely won’t have anything to talk about.
I had to include this because, guys, WE GOT OUR FIRST FUCKING COMMA. Hell yeah, it’s not like we’re halfway through the narrative or anything! They don’t even use the commas in a correct way to form a list, like you’re meant to have ‘and’ before the last item in the list.
Who refers to a coffee shop/cafe as just ‘coffee’? Actually, that whole sentence sounds like a seven-year-old wrote it - I think it’s descriptive enough to use one adverb. Look:
‘we honestly most likely won’t have anything to talk about.’
‘we honestly won’t have anything to talk about.’
Which sounds better? I think the only time you would use more than one adverb in this particular context would be to add emphasis, but there is no evidence in this passage to suggest that that’s what the author was trying to do.
We walk into scooter (no Starbucks) and get our drinks. (Damn you’re so original and unique, yeah, Starbucks is for trashy white girls and basic bitches.) Once we sit down Dan puts his phone on the table. “Wanna like.. Swap numbers?” He asked in a shy tone. “Yeah! Sure.” I handed him my phone and he handed me his. I went to the contacts and added a new one. I put my number and the name as ‘weird anime girl’ (weeaboo) and handed it back in him.
What, you just put his phone in his mouth or something? At least I hope that’s what you meant by ‘in him’. God, I’ve got no one to blame but myself for that one.
The fact that you felt the need to clarify that you’re not going to Starbucks made me laugh and cringe at the same time. Thanks.
This would be the perfect moment for a crazy-stalker-fangirl to steal Dan’s phone and make a run for it, so I think the chances of this happening in real life is slim to none. Sorry guys.
A bunch of basic white girls look at us like we are crazy. (Most likely cause we are) and we but out lip trying not to laugh.
I’m full on fucking cringing now.
Damn, those pesky basic white girls we so much better than them because we’re crazy!
I guess the basic white girls found your even-more-hipster coffee shop, better go to the strange man in the dark alleyway who sells ‘human poop’ coffee beans, I’m sure they won’t find you there.
What the hell does ‘but out lip’ mean? I honestly don’t know what they were trying to say either. I have no fucking idea.
~~~~ Dan invites Reader to go to Dan’s flat. Reader accepts the invite.
I looked at Dan again. (Why did we just switch tenses?) His eyes where (ugh) on phils computer. Looking at what Phil was scrolling though. I bit my lip. Not on purpose I just.. Did it.
I was thinking about what I could compliment about this fanfiction, and I thought that I should mention the author’s ability to stay in the same tense. But no, you blew it. Sorry.
This is where Reader gets really dreamy about Dan, by the way.
Dans perfect his hair.. (Makes perfect sense.) His eyes. His eyes are not even blue they are just so beautiful. His everything. Then his personality. It’s perfect. It’s a mix of so many wonderful things. He is just so..
I can relate to him too.
I feel in love at first site.
Oh, fuck, just that last line with the janky English and the wrong use of ‘site.’ That’s it, this can’t get any worse from now on. 
No, it can. It definitely can.
When I read this, all I can hear is James Veitch reading it to me, like he does with the scam emails and the broken English. If you have no idea what I am talking about, click here.
There’s a three years time skip into the future from now on by the way.
Mentally prepare yourself for this next part. 
I think. That’s how I met my boyfriend. “You know.. I feel in love with you at first sight.” I turned over to him. “I did too. And that’s why” he got down on a knee and took something out.
“Will you merry me?” He asked opening the box up to showed a wonderful ring. “Y-yes!” I managed to say and he stood up and kissed me. I kissed him back.
I can’t believe it.
WILL YOU MERRY ME? FUCK. The ‘a’ key isn’t really near the ‘e’ key on a keyboard so I have no idea how you fucked that one up. 
The sentence ‘I feel in love with you at first sight.’ makes you sound like English isn’t your mother tongue. And to be honest, it’s fucking hilarious.
That’s the end of it by the way.
That was painful.
I'll give credit when it’s due, at least this isn’t the Hat Fic. Who the fuck actually wrote that anyway?  
I suppose it wasn’t the worst, but it was also nowhere near the best. Author, you still need to make some improvements. I give this one shot three Casey Neistat Okay-Hand-Signals out of ten.
On a serious note, I think it’s definitely worth proof-reading, as when you make grammar mistakes it just makes your work look half-arsed.
Try not to use scenarios that wouldn’t happen in real life, otherwise, you might just become the early Review Movie World of fanfiction. (Can you tell I watch Pyro?) I suppose this includes writing about dating and sex if you’ve never dated or had sex before because that can definitely lead to some inaccurate scenes. Not all sex is like porn, horny fourteen-year-olds.
Thanks for reading guys, do feel free to leave me some constructive criticism. (That’s not gonna fucking happen, is it?) 
One like = One kid who identifies as an attack helicopter, sent straight to your door.
And yeah, I’ll see you in the next review!
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