#you guys i had the best day yesterday and am absolutely crashing right now
heymrspatel · 2 years
Obsessed how you can just tell Ian and Mickey know it doesn’t get better than eachother in specific interactions they had on screen. Like the dock scene ???? the wedding (obviously) and many more. They know no one will ever make them feel like this. In a sexual way, in a romantic way, in that soulmate kind of way. I love that about them. It’s such a “i know it’s you why waste time on anything else anymore” vibes. My random Sunday thoughts
hi anon i love your random sunday thoughts! and i agree!
attaching myself to the dock scene right now, because i reblogged it earlier today and have been overwhelmed by the thought of them being so HUNGRY in this moment. there was a fire that absolutely came alive when they saw each other on those docks. there is zero doubt to us, as the audience, that these two are meant to be. it’s as if they were absolutely on the brink of starvation and then they saw each other. and finally!!!! yes you!!!! you have been missing even if i tried to make believe you weren’t!!!! YOU!!! and by god did they indulge. they consumed each other!
we saw how they’re IT for one another. sexually and romantically. soulmate shit. once in a lifetime shit. it’s you! you’re my best friend and my lover and my life.
anon what have you done to me?!
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Some #Only in Gotham posts because I’m stressed and this is my coping mechanism
Guys guys guys
So I was in Central City today visiting some friends earlier this morning, and then the city gets attacked by these... aliens? Weird reptillian cryptids?? Who knows, but they were not happy nor friendly. We were all at this nice cafe just vibing in the outdoor area when this bipedal, green-gray reptile thing pops out of the manhole outside the cafe and goes absolutely feral. He was super close to my group so I grab my croc repellant (for non gothamites, its’ basically pepper spray but really bad-smelling to ward off croc if he ever shows up) out in an instant and I sprayed it right in the face.
Then I grabbed the nearest thing—some poor old guy’s metal walking frame—and whacked the reptile in the back of the head and it crumpled basically instantly.
And after the JL had stepped in to deal with the rest of them (not many, from what I’ve heard, but better safe than sorry I guess), heaps of people were freaking out about it because, well, this is Central City, they don’t get this kind of crime, they’re not prepared for this, yada yada.
Then that manhole pops up and everyone freaks out again because “oh god they’re back” but it’s just Batman dragging a bunch of tied up reptiles out of the sewers using some kind of winch set-up. It was almost comical—a daisy chain of reptiles being lifted out of this manhole in Central City by our favourite Goth Cryptid.
The cops were completely floored. The civilians didn’t know whether to be more scared of Bats or the reptiles. I mean, it was literally the middle of the day, and it’s rare to see Batman in daytime in Gotham but I guess this was an extenuating circumstance, so I guess I see why they were scared.
Batman just looks down at me standing over an unconscious reptilian holding the can of croc repellant and he’s just like “I’m guessing you’re from Gotham.”
I was like “yeah. Can’t escape the damn cryptids wherever I am.”
And tHEN he LAUGHS. Like, it was a small and quiet snort but it happened and I’m still shook. I have officially joined the “I made Batman laugh” squad. I can ascend peacefully now.
He seemed super embarrassed but asked if my friends and I were okay before he turned on his heel and stalked over to Flash and Woner Woman, a daisy-chain of reptiles in tow.
#lmao #onlyingotham #Batman #IMadeBatmanLaugh #ITookDownAReptileCryptid #GothamIsWeirdOkay #WeGottaBePreparedForAnything
I just heard this Metropolis guy try and trash Bruce Wayne to his friend at this diner and like five seperate people (myself included) turned around to roast the hell outta him. Like, yeah, he’s a billionaire, which is a whole can of worms I don’t wanna open right now, but he’s basically the only reason this city’s still standing and functioning (especially after the quakes and the no-man’s-land bs). His kids—most are poc and would not have thrived in the system—are all successful and work with their communities to better other people’s lives. Bruce Wayne is basically the only reason I got through high school (and am now in college); a scholarship is the only reason most of my friends have enough money to make rent. He “accidentally” spilled wine on Lex Luthor when he made a sexist remark. Also, didn’t it come out recently that he’s basically been funding the JL o at least is a major financial backer? An icon. You can shut your mouth, Jeremy.
One girl Instagram lived the whole exchange (she was filming beforehand I think) and it was magical.
Later on, Robin (the newest one, with the swords) shows up and he’s like “thank you for defending the honour of Mr Wayne”. I was like “kid,,,, you don’t need to thank me but you’re welcome”. he just kinda looks at me for a second and says “you eat free tonight” and chucks a bunch of dollar notes at me and disappears into the wilderness (ie. an alleyway). It was so surreal.
#GiveWayneABreak #BruceWayne #LetTheManLiveHisLife #GothamitesProtectTheirOwn #EvenTheBatkidsAreProtectiveOfHim
Yeah so....... I just saw some of Two-Face’s goons about to enter a bank, weapons drawn, and I’m scared because their boss is in Arkham, and the Rogues’ most loyal people always get antsy and trigger-happy when their bosses are off the board. I’d dialed 911 when I first saw them and ducked into an alley.
But then I see one of them stop dead in their tracks—Goon A we’ll call him—and says “hey, Wayne’s in there”.
Goon B: “Oh, we’re not meant to go after Wayne. Pack it in fellas.”
Goon C: “Huh? why not?”
Goon A: “Boss-man said so. Wayne used to be his best bud. Helped him campaign to be DA and stuff. Went to college together. Nice man.”
Goon B: “Got no problem wth that. Wayne’s the only reason my boys got through school. Besides, we mess with Wayne, the boss and Harley will be on our asses.”
Goon C: “Huh. Fair enough. We’ll go to the other location then.”
And then they just,,,, left.
#EvenTheRoguesWannaProtectHim #BruceWayne #HarveyDent #TheGuysGotCaughtAfter #IToldDetectiveMontoya #AndSheJustSighedForAReallyLongTime #OnlyInGotham #GothamIsWeird
Today I was in a Zoom call with some of my coworkers on the other side of the world, sitting in the kitchen facing the living room, when Red Robin comes crashing through my window. I just kinda turned around to see if he was badly injured (he wasn’t, couldn’t even see any blood) so I just continued on with what I was saying and he sheepishly left through the same window.
My coworkers are looking at me like “Jacob are you okay??” And I’m like, “yeah man, that was just Red Robin, he has unfortunate luck with windows. Soon enough one of the other Bats will come knocking with a replacement or a cash refund. Though, I should probably just invest in plexi-glass.”
One of my coworkers went on a bit of a rant about “vigilantes causing property damage and disrupting the peace” and i’m like “Mark I’d rather Batman crashing through my door or window once a month to getting buried in my twenties in his abscence,” and he was like “yeah, fair enough” so we just continued with our call.
After my call, Blonde Batgirl shows up and apologises for the window. I ask about plexi-glass and if Red Robin is alright.
She’s like “yeah he’s fine but he’s getting Bat-Lectured for being reckless which is why I’m here. Also from what Oracle can tell you should be able to get plex-glass installed within the week.”
#OnlyInGotham #GettingBatLecturedDoesNotSoundFun #ThanksOracle #BatmanDontBeTooHardOnTheKid #Gothamite #MeanwhileInGothamCity #GothamCity #RedRobin
So, Red Hood piggy-backed me up to my apartment yesterday because my heel broke when I was fleeing from these guys trying to mug me (or worse) and I sprained my ankle. He carried me up four flights of stairs and helped me get into my apartment and wrap my foot properly.
I told him to take some of my nana’s lasagna (because our local vigilante needs to keep his strength up! Man’s gotta eat, and from what I hear he’s not swimming in cash) and he got real quiet for a while before saying “yeah, sure”.
So he ate some lasagna while I called in sick to work (who were very understanding, surprisingly).
Then after a little while he’s like “bye” and jumps outta my window.
An icon.
#RedHood #OnyInGotham #WeStanALegend #IHopeYouLikedTheLasagna #MyNanaSaysSheWillMakeMoreForYou #GrowingUpInCrimeAlley
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ficforthought · 4 years
On being SO DONE with M*sha, a rant a decade in the making!
After giving this some thought I'm going to go ahead and give my opinion on Misha and yesterday’s situation in public for the first time ever. I was going to just post on Twitter but since this has been 12 years in the making I have exceeded the number of tweets I can put in one thread! There’s A LOT in here, so my summary is also long. I'm aware that I will lose followers over this, I'm not looking to offend anyone but it will inevitably happen. I wish anyone leaving all the best as fellow human beings.
TL;DR - having kept quiet for so long I’ve finally reached my limit and it’s all come bubbling out. I’ve never been a fan of Misha, I’ve been ambivalent for the most part, but have never criticised him in any hateful way, that's not who I am, but after all these years of putting up with his bullshit, attention seeking and troublemaking I am DONE. Deleting his tweet containing the word Wincest and replacing it with an APOLOGY just to pander to his Minions and save face is the straw that broke the camel's back. He has consistently pushed his ship on not only fans but on other actors (despite Jensen's discomfort, and him having repeatedly made his feelings known on it), he has stood by while his Minions/Hellers have harassed, victimised, doxxed and sent death threats to people based on their FICTIONAL ships. He has pandered to their gatekeeping, constantly demanded attention in obvious and not so obvious ways, and to the best of my knowledge never criticised their actions even though he's aware of it in a very real way. Some of his Minions have now taken their shit into The Boys fandom and created negativity for Jensen before the guy has even got a foot through the set door, and how is that supporting one half of your ship?
Misha has claimed to be a victim of targeted harassment from Wincest/brother fans (not only shippers) yet his fans have said and done the most despicable things on his watch, all in the name of what he must think is entertainment, or even his idea of a ‘joke’.
Any respect I had for the man based on his humanitarian work has gone because I can only take so much hypocrisy. He and his pandering because of a desperate attempt to be woke and wholly inclusive (which is actually impossible, no matter how good intentions are) are beyond pathetic. Whilst I have never seen why people think he’s so great I have friends IRL and online who genuinely adore the man, yet they have been shocked and upset by his contempt for half of the fandom that made him somewhat famous. It's disgusting and I'm not scrolling by any more. Misha, I hope to never see you on anything J2 related in future because none of us need that kind of negativity, *especially* not J2. Be gone, foul fiend!
OK, so to the too long part. Please be aware that these are my opinions as a fan of the show, of Sam and Dean, and J2, not only as a shipper. I can separate canon and fanon, and can view canon from a gen or shippy PoV. Whether you agree or disagree with my opinion let me be clear that I do not condone constant bashing and hate of a person or character so this isn’t the start of a regular thing for me. It's possible to have an opinion and not show the same vitriol that has been following this man around for years, and that’s what I’m doing. I've not posted this to prompt more negativity, it's simply to get it off my chest and make it clear how I feel. I stand by my philosophy of ship who you want to ship, enjoy it, but don't force it on other people and don't be a dick about it…hmm, that kinda sounds like familiar behaviour, though, does it not?!
I have ABSOLUTELY NO ISSUE with other people liking Misha, Cas or Destiel when it’s for the love of the characters and the ship. What I *do* have an issue with is people who are the true definition of a Heller. I don’t see that as a generic term, don't be ignorant and think I do because I know the difference between actual ship fans and the crazies, both ships have ‘em and I want no part of either of their venom. If you are reading this and class yourself as a Heller then you are part of the problem so run along and as you are all so fond of saying, 'get help' and take your bestie king with you.
I’m stating my opinion in what I feel is the most mature way I can, because unlike many people on SM, I am an adult and can act accordingly, with forethought and without resorting to temper tantrums and bullying of other people to get my point across. I am able to tell the difference between reality and fiction, I don't tar everyone with the same shipper brush and I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinion, but as we know opinions are like arseholes, we all have them and sometimes they stink. Unlike some, for the most part in life (online and offline) I *do* stand by what I say and don’t backtrack or delete things to appease the masses. I have spent a lot of time writing this out to be as clear as possible without being intentionally hateful. Bear with me jumping between actor and character where relevant, at this point they're conjoined. I will say this before I go any further, it doesn’t end well for Misha, I don’t mince my words and if you don’t like seeing facts and opinions laid out, this isn't the post for you.
I’ll say right off the bat what most of you have surmised - I’ve never held Misha (or Cas) in high esteem but I have never *hated* on him. I have shared mild criticism of his actions and opinions on Cas over the years but never, I feel, in any way that has made me feel I have something to apologise for. I have said several times I've been unhappy about Misha crashing con panels, taking attention away from J2 when at those cons *most* people paid their hard earned money to see the STARS of the show they love, first and foremost, and anyone else is a very nice bonus. The odd appearance here and there crashing a panel is fine (and Misha isn’t the first or last person to do it), maybe take up a few minutes then leave, but when someone commandeers an entire panel, that's just not on. It's not only selfish, rude and attention seeking but also disrespectful to other actors, fans and to the organisers who work hard to make sure everything ties in to give us the best con experience we can have. Everyone gets their turn on stage, there's no need to try and hog any more of the limelight, Veruca Salt style. Oh, and if you’re reading this and not getting that reference, (a) you shouldn’t be on my blog because you’re far too young, (b) look it up, and if you still don’t get what I’m saying… well then please refer to point (a). Thank you, kindly!
There was a time in Kripke's era where Cas was - I feel - intentionally used as a pawn by the writers to divert *canon* from the ‘questionable’ relationship between Sam and Dean, i.e. Wincest focus. Prior to that people (other fans) lightened up and just accepted the fact that Wincest had been there since day one in terms of the writing of the show and the fandom. All the cast and crew knew - J2, Kripke and JDM in particular - and made light of it, never judging, never shaming and often encouraging it because they understand it’s a fun part of fandom. Wincest was present enough to be part of the not so subtle subtext, as I said people just accepted it. Kink tomato was alive and well, so was ‘don’t like, don’t read’ and we all just scrolled over things we didn’t like without turning everything into a personal vendetta and excuse for bullying others who didn’t share our views. When the angels came into the plot I think most of us Wincest fans gave the Dean/Cas innuendos the small laugh they deserved and then turned back to the focus of the show which was the brothers, as it had always been intended. Misha, however, milked those moments as much as possible which was amusing at the start but got old *very* quickly, not just for fans (shippers and non shippers alike), but for other actors, in particular Jensen who is on record MULTIPLE times showing his dislike for Destiel. He told people outright that's not how he was playing the relationship between the two characters and CATEGORICALLY said "Destiel doesn't exist" but did it end there? No, it did not because neither fans or Misha let it go, in fact Misha only pushed more, goaded fans into flogging the same dead horse as much as possible. He’s never stopped, not even when there was so much discord in the fandom, a huge wedge was driven into it because of ships, which IMO he heavily contributed to.
Fast forward to over a decade later (a decade, seriously man, let it fucking go!) he didn’t even stop when Destiel did partially go canon. I have never doubted that Cas loved Dean (Sam, too) because in SPN lore angels are made to love, even rebellious ones. I, along with many others, liked that about Cas because who doesn't love a rebel, especially one rebelling for very good reasons, and because of those two wonderful men? Sam and Dean allowed him to see beyond what he'd been brainwashed to believe his entire existence. The fact is that although the nature of that love changed for Cas, it never did for Dean and was CANONICALLY UNREQUITED because Dean was incapable of loving anyone else as much as he loved Sam. All that mattered to Dean, even when he saw other characters as "family" was still Sam…ALWAYS Sam, every step of the way. Again for those who have too much Misha shaped wax in their ears, that’s canon. Whether people choose to see that love platonically or romantically is up to them, soulmates don't always have to be romantic, either way, brotherly love won out above all else on the show. No amount of Misha screaming ‘hey look, Destiel!’ changed that, but it sure didn’t stop him trying, did it?
So now that the obvious has been stated, here's something else we all know - never once in all of the years on the show did Misha drop rallying of the troops to his precious, ego stroking ship. Never once (that I am aware of) has he called out his Minions and Hellers on their continued harassment of everyone involved in the show and other fans despite the fact that they have bullied, victimised and wished bodily harm, rape and death on people who don't see their ship and because didn't get the ending to the story that they wanted. Not once has Misha shown any remorse for the trauma his "fans" have caused, and I’m taking REAL trauma, here, not the kind Twitter stans see as ‘triggering’ - people have been driven to close SM accounts, attempted, and in some cases succeeded in taking their own lives. These Minions have openly mocked Jared’s struggles with depression and anxiety, and Misha - who claims to be friends with J2 and be supportive of them in every way  - has stood by and let it all play out, knowing full well some of the goings on, if not the full extent of how toxic these people are. We know he sees things being said online, and I have absolutely no doubt he spends time online searching his name for things that are relevant in some way to him in an effort to insert himself into a current conversation, or even start one so that attention is on him. Gotta stay relevant, somehow, right, Mish?
He has actively encouraged bullying by his actions of enabling the behaviours above, both by the flogging of the aforementioned dead horse, AND by not objecting to unacceptable behaviours. Remember when Minions and Hellers were slating J2, particularly Jared, for not posting on SM about BLM and other topics? Yeah, he didn’t ask them to stop doing that, either, even when he was tagged in things along the lines of ‘If Misha can post why can’t J2?’ etc. There have been some token protests, con vids I've seen have show his 'objections' which IMO have been done in a very tongue in cheek way, meaning that those people who needed to be pulled aside and told to change their ways just carried on, because their evil overlord didn’t explicitly explain it in terms a three year old could understand that bullying and forcing your opinion on others is WRONG. Not all of his cult are young and impressionable, not by a long shot, but many of the more vocal and vitriolic ones are.
As a father himself I wonder what Misha would do if he found out that his kids were behaving in ways his Minions are? I’m aware they’re young, but kids are cruel and bullying doesn’t just happen online. Even at whatever age they are, would he laugh it off the way he appears to have done with all of this fandom toxicity? Not bloody likely! I wonder if he’s as desperate to gain the approval of his family, friends and colleagues as he appears to be for that of his Minions/Hellers? I would certainly hope so, but that question can only be answered by Misha, himself, and I can and will not presume to speak on someone else's behalf on things in their personal life. For the record I would never presume I know what J2's answers would be on anything, however I do feel that after 15 years I have an accurate gauge on what kind of people they are so would be confident that any opinion I had on a matter aligns with their morals and ethics. As much as J2 have shared of themselves with us - willingly and under no pressure to do so, I might add - we don't *know* them, but we know enough to have an informed opinion. I can’t say the same for Misha because based on the behaviour he’s repeatedly displayed, things I've heard about from other fans as well as people I know IRL who have had direct dealings with him through cons or GISH (including some very actively in the early days when it was GISHWHES) he just hasn’t seemed like a person I wanted to follow on SM. I’ve never watched any of his solo panels, though I have watched ones with both or one of the J's, mostly being left irritated because of his behaviour. Watching the J’s put up with that shit is painful, and it’s a testament to how good they are as actors that they managed to hide at least some of their disdain for as long as they did. Microexpressions give them away, particularly Jensen, and they certainly have faces I have spent many years watching closely. Beautiful faces to go with beautiful souls, both of them! <3
I have precisely ZERO interest in Destiel as a ship, very little interest in Cas as a character anymore (though I did like him in the early days,and his relationship with Jack in late seasons) so I have absolutely no reason or desire to follow anything Misha does. That said, I've obviously been peripherally aware of some things he's been involved in because of friends, from things I’ve seen on SM and general fandom stuff. Despite the things I've already mentioned about his behaviour, up until now I have been able to maintain a level of respect for him as a person because of the humanitarian and charity work he's done. He seems like someone who really does want to change the world for the better and I am in full support of that fact, so much so that I have supported TWO campaigns relating to him. I bought one of the Super Good t-shirts for the campaign he did with Michael Sheen (a true angel!), the SPN/Good Omens x-over to help homeless charities, and I chose the design with text only and not artwork of Michael and Misha on, basically because I didn’t want to be wearing something with Misha’s face on it and I make absolutely no apology for that, whatsoever. I also bought Alex's #TheEndHasNoEnd shirt, which some of the profits went to Random Acts who do great work, so again, despite not liking Misha I still willingly contributed for a cause bigger than me, and to support Alex, who I absolutely ADORE. I'm aware that Stands aren't popular with some of the fandom, however since most of the cast of SPN are happily affiliated with them then I don't feel it's my place to either judge, or to discuss topics I know next to nothing about. But I digress, as a decent human being I have shown support tangentially to a man who I don't care for out of respect for the work he does outside the fandom. Telling you this isn’t to paint myself in a good light - I don’t need your approval, I’m a big girl, unlike some I don’t need constant validation! - only to provide background on how I’ve actively *not* hated on Misha.
Now though, any respect I had for him has come to an abrupt end, the events of the past 24 hours has seen to that. Whilst I have been annoyed at his behaviour in regards to shipping, I don't feel it's ever gone this far, or at least not that I've seen first hand. This man has, IMO, contributed to so much toxicity in the fandom by way of things I've mentioned before, he's claimed - without actually saying the words - that Wincest fans weren't interested in him as a character when he came onto the show, and hasn’t felt included because of the fans’ love of the brothers. Um, hate to break it to you, love, but when you come onto an established show that is about two people, and you’re a *guest star* you can’t expect everyone to love you. Some characters we as individuals do fall in love with straight away (Bobby, Charlie, Crowley and Rowena are good examples for me), it takes time to establish a dynamic, so if that’s how he felt then it was incredibly naive of him as an actor to expect instant acceptance from anyone. Also, why wait until after the show finished to bring it up AGAIN … oh wait, yeah, that would be to step back into the limelight in a way intended to garner sympathy from Minions and INTENTIONALLY piss off bro fans and Wincest shippers alike? How fucking self centred, desperate and disrespectful do you have to be to shit all over the finale of a show that for the most part accepted you and kept you in paid work for 12 years? Well, Misha Collins levels of all of those things, obviously.  
So, on the topics of self centred, desperate to stay relevant, attention seeking and being oh so needy, the tweet yesterday from Amazon mentioned Castiel. He wasn’t tagged in it, so I refer to my earlier comment about searching online, because how else would he have possibly seen that? It’s possible someone sent it to him, I appreciate that, but if we go off past behaviour it’s not any stretch at all to believe that didn’t happen. So, once again, having seen the tweet he took it upon himself to - oh so predictably - turn it into something relating to Destiel. When I saw it I immediately rolled my eyes and thought ‘here we go again’, but then also had a little smile because I really liked the fact that he explicitly mentioned Wincest, therefore seeming to accept that his poor old dead horse wasn’t the only one in the race. I actually mentally tipped my hat to him then because it appeared that he’s matured enough to acknowledge by name the ship that predates his inclusion on the show. Great, I thought, this is a positive thing in a sea of negativity surrounding the man and his sunken ship, because what followed was Wincest trending in the US (it may also have been other countries as well but I had to sleep!) … largely due to the fact that Hellers were responding to it, calling him out on mentioning the dreaded ‘W’ word. I’ll repeat that because it’s been a rare occurrence up to that point… the Minions were actually disappointed with their overlord for mentioning another ship. We all know what they think of it and I for one, don’t give a flying fuck about their opionion. Ship and let ship, it’s all fun (or meant to be) so we have different tastes, that’s life kiddiwinks, deal with it. I mean, you really don’t have much of an example set for you when your king has proven several times over to be one of the biggest obnoxious brats out there, but just give it a try for your own sakes, yeah? Awesome, good on you, besties!
An unexpected development - to my joy and that of other Wincest shippers - them doing that got the topic trending, only *kept* trending by the fact that were all coming online asking why it was trending. Wincest shippers barely lifted a finger, we just flooded each other’s timelines with lovely content and basked in the Hellers - and Misha - shooting themselves in the foot, which was awesome. But did the vitriol stop? No. Did he get the attention he so clearly craves? Yes. Was it in the way he wanted? Fuck no, so poor, emotionally wounded baby backtracked after seeing that his name was trending alongside Wincest because that’s *so* not what someone narcissistic to do it in the first place, wanted.
Now here’s where I could easily have just moved on with an unusually fond chuckle, giving him an ironic pat on the back and a ‘thanks, Misha’ for being the one to instigate hours of fun, but once again his despicable behaviour made that impossible. It’s been more than obvious for many years that he cares more about what his fans think than anything else to do with the show and the fandom in a larger sense, but to delete the tweet and APOLOGISE for daring to be so insensitive to the snowflakes’ delicate sensibilities for mentioning Wincest in the first place was absolutely disgusting. Stating , “I used a term that I had never really given any thought to other than, "that's a thing?! Yuck." is not only complete and utter bullshit, it’s pandering of the highest order.  
We all know he has referred to Wincest on multiple occasions, so to say he hadn’t thought about is a flat out lie, which IMO is an insult to everyone, not just Wincest shippers. Does the man have no self respect at all, why would you contradict yourself in the face of such overwhelming evidence? Instead of either ignoring all the people calling him out, or addressing it with another tweet saying ‘yeah, that happened’ or something similar he chose, I repeat, CHOSE the route of claiming he didn’t realise he was being offensive to people who felt ‘triggered’ by him using the word Wincest. He basically shat all over an entire ship and large sector of the fandom in an attempt to appease his own fan base which consists of a lot of children (or those that act like children) who have no idea what RL is like.
Once again, he’s reinforced the idea that if you shout loud enough at someone just because you don’t like something they said, they will back down and apologise for something even when there’s nothing to apologise for. If he wants to be such a role model then he could easily have pointed out that a fictional ship doesn’t condone RL incest, any ACTUAL trauma people have suffered because of RL situations, and made an effort to make sure people understand that. He COULD have used it as an opportunity to do some good in the fandom by encouraging people to build bridges, to accept that people are entitled to their beliefs and that sometimes we see things differently but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t treat others with BASIC HUMAN DECENCY because of it. Instead he YET AGAIN chose to show that he cares more about what Minions think of him, keeping them onside to constantly stroke his unbelievably fragile ego in everything he does.
It is my understanding that Misha is big on (or claims to be big on) putting positive energy out into the world, treating people with respect, helping others and accepting people for who they are, not who you want them to be… all this after YEARS of consistently practising what he preaches only when it suits him. He sends out a message that it’s perfectly OK to bully, to spread hate, to draw attention to yourself at the cost of others, to throw colleagues and friends under the bus and at the same time use them to further your own agenda and get hits for your YouTube channel. Is this really the legacy he wants to leave? Is this an environment he wants his own kids to grow up in as well as future generations? Is this what he thinks is a valuable contribution as a human being? JFC, the arrogance, hypocrisy and the need for constant validation this man exhibits is nothing short of cringeworthy… actually it’s beyond that. It’s deplorable behaviour, it’s not new, and he will continue to act like this for as long as he’s being enabled and this harmful cycle needs to end.
I have friends IRL and online who are (now, possibly, were) big Misha fans, who have supported him from either the beginning of his run on the show, or since they started watching, and this is how he repays this behaviour? He’s willfully alienating decent people (including multishippers) all to make himself look good by being seen to do everything he can not to offend people. Spoiler alert, you DID offend people, you continue to do so time and again and we’ve had enough. I can’t imagine how exhausting it must be to be such a perpetual people pleaser, but let me say it’s not doing you any favours in any way, shape or form.
Misha, you are *not* a role model, you’re *not* someone to look up to when you can't live up to the ideals you preach. You’re spitting in the face of people who have supported you even after some questionable things in the past, who gave you the benefit of the doubt because we’re all human and we all make mistakes. The key to growing as a person is not to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over, understanding *why* what you said and/or did was a mistake and making a concerted effort to make changes. I don’t ever see you doing that, you will continue down this path of only caring about Minions under the guise of caring for people in general. You are transparent, you are sad and despite the fact I’ve never particularly liked you, I didn’t speak up because I didn’t want to get involved in the drama. Well now I have spoken up and I’m saying you’re a disgrace, you have no respect for other people and nobody is fooled anymore. If it hadn’t been this tweet it would have been something else, but I for one am glad it happened so soon after the show ended so we can finally be rid of the limpet-like behaviour. It’s over, let it go for the sake of what dignity you might have left, for the sake of your family and friends and for the sake of anyone who isn’t capable of seeing through your ‘it’s a joke’ mentality.
You have been weighed, you have been measured and you have been found wanting. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on, Misha.
For anyone who made it to the end of my ramble, thank you. This has been a cathartic exercise and I’m drawing a line under it now, I don’t think I could possibly make my thoughts any clearer. I urge you not to get caught up in any petty squabbles with his Minions, let’s celebrate J2 and other cast and crew members who have shown us all respect and who I am proud to call part of the SPN family. There’s always one member of the family who needs to be frozen out for the good of everyone else.
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engie-ivy · 4 years
"Sure, no problem," Remus had said when James asked if his new friend could crash on their couch for a bit. His insanely smart and insanely handsome friend, who has a tendency of walking around shirtless, and the actual audacity of also being insanely kind. Sure, no problem...
Wolfstar humour (I hope) and fluff
Now Remus is convinced that, would Sirius have had the decency of being an arrogant asshole as people as good-looking as him ought to be, he would’ve gotten over his infatuation pretty quick. But no. Of bloody course, besides being insanely smart and insanely handsome, Sirius has the audacity of being insanely kind as well. He has thanked Remus for letting him sleep on their couch about a hundred times, he asks Remus how his day was and how his studies are going, and if that wasn’t infuriating enough, he bloody makes breakfast for James and Remus every morning. When Remus overhears him joke around with James and finds out he’s actually funny as well, he has just about had it with Sirius and his stupid perfection.
Stupid perfection
“I’m going to tell Sirius he needs to find another place to crash,” James informs his roommate gravely.
Remus looks up, startled. “What? Why?”
“Come on, Remus. You don’t have to pretend. I know you don’t like him.”
“Don’t like him?” Remus repeats, genuinely confused.
“Yes,” James says. “It’s quite obvious. You’ve been acting snippy towards him from the moment you met him.”
Oh, Remus had indeed been quite pissed off the moment he met Sirius. He had woken up, staggered into the living room, wearing his old pyjama bottoms filled with holes and his most hideous jumper, hair pointing up in all directions, and he wouldn’t be surprised if he still had some drool on his chin, and there he was. Tall, fit, wearing a leather jacket, long dark hair tied up in a high pony tail, bright eyes and a charming smile. Remus died a little.
James had talked about his new friend quite a lot. A guy who studied computer science with him, a brilliant student, insanely smart, who could do unbelievable things with a computer. When James had asked Remus if his friend could crash on their couch for a bit, as the situation between him and his parents had apparently gotten very bad and he needed to leave their house as soon as possible, Remus had no problem with it. This, however, was not what he had imagined.
So yes, Remus had been pissed. Pissed that James hadn’t given him a heads up that the guy who would be sleeping in his living room for the upcoming weeks looked like the actual personification of his every fantasy.
When the guy, Sirius, had come up to Remus with a greeting smile, hand outstretched, looking handsome in a way real-life people have absolutely no business of looking, Remus had done the only thing he could think of. He turned around, walked back into his room and slammed the door behind him.
“You’re one of the most friendly persons I know. You chat with everyone,” James continues. “But to Sirius you barely say a word! And when he talks to you, you hardly say anything back. You retreat to your room all the time, you avoid being alone with him at all costs...”
Its true.
Remus’ brain just stops functioning when he’s around Sirius. It gets stuck in a loop of ‘arms, chest, muscles, hot, smile, eyes, pretty’, and his best way to prevent himself from making a fool of himself, is by avoiding Sirius as much as possible.
Now Remus is convinced that, would Sirius have had the decency of being an arrogant asshole as people as good-looking as him ought to be, he would’ve gotten over his infatuation pretty quick. But no. Of bloody course, besides being insanely smart and insanely handsome, Sirius has the audacity of being insanely kind as well. He has thanked Remus for letting him sleep on their couch about a hundred times, he asks Remus how his day was and how his studies are going, and if that wasn’t infuriating enough, he bloody makes breakfast for James and Remus every morning. When Remus overhears him joke around with James and finds out he’s actually funny as well, he has just about had it with Sirius and his stupid perfection.
But he supposes Sirius isn’t torturing him with his presence on purpose, and he doesn’t deserve to be kicked out by James.
“James,” Remus begins. “You really don’t have to-”
“No,” James holds up his hand. “This is your house too, and you were right when you said that me forcing you to live with Sirius isn’t fair.”
Remus frowns. “When did I say that?”
“Yesterday,” James replies. “You were trying to write a paper at the kitchen table, remember? And Sirius was doing his stretching exercises in the living room. You couldn’t focus and you were glaring at Sirius with your jaw clenched. Then you growled ‘Why are you doing this to me? This isn’t fair’, before storming off to your bedroom.”
Remus clearly remembers how he had quickly given up on his paper on the pros and cons of using nuclear energy to reduce carbon dioxide emission when Sirius, wearing tight gym pants and a loose T-shirt, started sprawling his body out on the floor in all kinds of positions right in front of him.
Remus pinches the bridge of his nose. “No, James, I didn’t mean...”
“You don’t have to apologise, Remus,” James says. “You’re not obligated to like Sirius. I admit, I was hoping you two would get along, but I guess he’s just not your kind of person, and that’s fine.” James sighs. “Maybe I should have known that you two living together would be a bad idea.”
Remus arches an eyebrow feeling a bit insulted. “How so?”
“Well, you’re... set in your ways,” James says. “You like to have things neat and organized, and Sirius, he’s all over the place. So I guess I can understand how his behaviour annoys you.”
“What behaviour has annoyed me?” Remus asks, having no clue what James is referring to.
“When he comes home from his daily run, for instance,” James says. “And he’s all flushed and sweaty, and he just takes off his soaked shirt in the middle of the living room. You always glare at him when he does that! Last time you even murmured ‘You’ve got to be kidding me. What did I do to deserve this?’, so it obviously rouses you.”
Remus’ cheeks heat up. Well, he guesses he can’t deny that being faced with a dishevelled Sirius taking his shirt of in front of him every day does... rouse him.
“Or how he forgets to take a towel out of the linen closet when he goes to take a shower all the time,” James continues. “And then he has to cross the room dripping wet, leaving water drops everywhere. I saw the frustration on your face last time.”
Yes, Remus had been frustrated. Very, very frustrated. Probably in a different way than James thinks, though.
“Or that time Sirius didn’t know what to wear, and he-”
“James!” Remus stops him. “Please. I don’t dislike Sirius. I really don’t.”
“But you-”
“I’m attracted to him, okay?”
“You... what?”
Remus sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. “When you asked me if your computer science friend could stay with us for a bit, I was not prepared to have an are-you-even-real kind of handsome man to suddenly be living on my couch!”
“I...” James stammers. “I guess he’s a fit bloke?”
“Are you kidding me?” Remus just throws it all out there now. “If I had to describe my dream guy it would be him. No, it would be less than him, because my imagination isn’t good enough to come up with him!”
James blinks. “You really got it bad, don’t you?”
Remus groans, and let his head fall back against the couch. “James, how am I supposed to function with the hottest guy I’ve ever seen padding around my apartment half naked?”
“So, what you’re saying is,” James says, gathering his thoughts. “The reason why you barely say a word to him, run away to your room all the time, hardly eat anything when he makes us breakfast, is because you’re totally into him?”
“I’m a simple man and I was living a simple life,” Remus says. “Each morning I’d get out of bed, throw on a jumper, stagger into the kitchen and eat a bowl of stale cornflakes. And now, all of the sudden, there’s a gorgeous man in my kitchen baking me pancakes every morning, shirtless. How am I supposed to cope with that, James? How?”
James chuckles, and Remus groans again. “Why does he have to be shirtless all the bloody time?”
Now James bursts out laughing, and Remus glares at him. “My life is a joke to you.”
James wipes tears out of his eyes. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! So, do you want him to move out then?”
“No!” Remus says. “We’re keeping him.”
James gives him an evil grin. “Do you want me to ask him to wear a shirt at breakfast from now on?”
Remus throws a pillow at his head. “Don’t you dare!”
Remus is laying on his bed reading a book when there’s a soft knock on the door. He looks up to see Sirius standing in the doorway, hands in his pockets and a hesitant smile on his face.
Remus wants to say hi back, but then Sirius runs a hand through his hair, and his brain malfunctions.
Eventually, Sirius just continues. “So I talked to James...”
Remus sits up. “What did he say?”
“Not much to be honest. He only said that you were okay with me staying, but I really wanted to check with you myself?” Sirius sits down on the edge of Remus’ bed.
“Yeah,” Remus says. “It’s fine, really.”
“Are you sure?” Sirius asks earnestly. “It’s your home, and I honestly won’t blame you if you want me out. I can be a bit much. I’ve been told plenty of times that I can be a bit much. I’d understand if you don’t want that around you. I’m honestly surprised James still wants me around.” Sirius lets out a little laugh, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“No,” Remus quickly says. “I mean, yes. I mean, I want you around.” Remus runs a hand over his face. “Look, Sirius, I know I’ve been acting like an arse to you, but I promise I don’t dislike you. I really don’t.”
Sirius looks at him for a moment with his bright eyes, then he nods. “Alright then. Okay.”
Remus sighs. “You must think I’m a horrible person.”
“I think you’re brilliant!” Sirius says, and Remus looks at him with surprise.
Sirius is staring at him intently. “James told me you work two jobs to pay for your studies, but still manage to find time to plant trees, clean up litter from the woods, or protest against the use of fossil fuels. And I overheard you discuss the government’s environmental policy with Lily, and you’re so passionate! I love hearing your enthusiasm when you’re standing up for what you believe in! The way you loose yourself in an argument, the way your eyes lit up when you’re talking... The same way they do when you’re reading a good book, curled up in a chair in one of those adorable jumpers-”
Sirius stops himself talking. Remus stares at him with wide eyes.
Sirius flushes bright red and scrambles off the bed. “I, eh, I should go.” He turns to leave the room.
“Sirius!” Remus calls before giving himself time to think. Sirius turns around in the doorway.
“Would... Would you maybe like to have dinner some time? Together?” Remus’ voice sounds shaky.
Sirius smiles again, and this one definitely reaches his eyes. “Yes, I’d really like that.”
As soon as Sirius has left his room, Remus lets himself fall back onto his bed. He’s in so much trouble. Sirius Black is going to be the death of him. But what a way to go.
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Day 10: Used Tea Bags - Javier Pena
Day 10: Used Tea Bags - Javier Pena 
This takes place during season 3 of Narcos. Honestly I love season 3 Javier when he’s the boss and even more stressed and I just want to rub his shoulders and tell him it’s all going to be okay. 
Pairing: Javier Pena x reader 
Rating: 18+ language and implied sexual situations. 
November Writing Challenge Masterlist (Holy crap I am 1/3 of the way done!) 
Day 9: No, you don’t - Maxwell Lord 
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It was late, the sounds of cumbia played through the open window from the bar down the street. The well worn kitchen table is covered in maps, half drunken cups of coffee, a chipped plate is covered in cigarette butts, some still smoldering, and on another is several used tea bags bleeding onto the plate. The world should be sleeping but not here, here there were plans to be made. 
Javier Pena kneeled next to the coffee table flanked by Trujillo, and Colonel Hugo Martinez on his left and Chris Feistl and Daniel Van Ness on his right. A map of Cali with different routes to the airport are highlighted. The Cali police force are crooked as hell so they needed a way around them, if they got in there and actually found Gilberto Rodriquez they needed to figure a way to get him out of Cali and back to Bogota without any corruption. The only way to do that was to plan everything in secret. 
You had been assigned to work with Javier upon his return to Columbia as his assistant. Everyone had warned you before he got there about Agent Pena, saying he was an asshole, womanizer, and should have gone to jail for his involvement with Los Pepes. But, you tried to go into it with an open mind. 
When you first introduced yourself the only thing that stuck out to you was how exhausted he looked and not just physically. His eyes held a weariness that couldn’t fade from only a good night's rest. He was reluctant at first to accept any help whether it be in the form of a cup of coffee, an ashtray, or a file he had left on your desk the night before. 
But you never gave up, always thinking one step ahead of him. You handed him a file before he even asked for it, you brought him lunch before he starved to death in his office, and you always knew when he was low on cigarettes because a new pack would appear on his desk. He tried to tell you he was quitting but you both knew that was bull shit. 
When Feistl and Van Ness made their connection to ‘Natalia’ the informant inside the Cali cartel things began to move quickly. It became apparent that they needed to work under the radar on this one. They needed to find somewhere they could meet but would also be discreet and before Javier could even asked you offered your apartment as ground zero for taking down Gilberto Rodriquez. The small government provided apartment wasn’t meant to hold more than maybe two people but over the past few nights it held at least ten at all times. Not only the Colonel, and Trujillo but Pena, the DEA guys, and several loyal members of Search Bloc. 
At this point you're sure your neighbors believe you’ve become a prostitute from the revolving door of men who come through your door during the night. Especially Senora Rivera who yesterday morning gave you a rosary before telling you she is praying that you don’t get any diseases from the men you keep company. What a charming neighbor she is. You're tempted to bake her some chocolate chip cookies and ask a few Search Bloc guys to deliver them but you know that will only make it worse. 
Javi is going over the plan for the twelfth time that night and you're in the kitchen making another pot of coffee. You yawn silently to yourself before pouring the steaming magic into the cups and putting them on the tray to bring them to the men in the living room. They nod there thanks and you return the gesture taking the remaining two cups over to the window and tapping lightly. On the fire escape are two armed Search Bloc members keeping their eyes open onto the street below. They take the cups gratefully before thanking you. 
“Estrella, can you come over here?” Javier calls you. 
You turn raising one eyebrow at the nickname but you don’t correct him, “Si, what’s up?” 
“I want you to sit down and listen to the plan, if there is anything you think we missed or does not add up I need you to tell me. People’s lives could be at stake if we make any mistakes.” 
Feistl sighs loudly running his hands over his face, “Pena why the hell are you going to explain this to her? She’s not going to understand any of this!” 
You have to bite your tongue before you say something you regret. Luckily the looks the other men give him are enough to shut him up. “Because idiot it’s good to get a fresh set of eyes on these things, and she can always see things before I even think them so sit down, shut up, and let her listen. I’m sorry Estrella, can you sit please?” he gestures to the seat across from him. 
You sit down and nod your head. Javier proceeds to go through the entire plan again. Describing the whole thing from beginning to end, it was truly brilliant to use a poultry truck to transport Rodriquez to the airport, no one would be looking for a poultry truck….Except for any of the crooked Cali cops that see him being arrested. 
You interrupt Javier, “What about two trucks?” 
“What do you mean Estrella?” 
You try to prevent the blush that is slowly creeping up your neck from the new nickname, “I mean using the poultry truck is brilliant but why not have two trucks a decoy to mislead them. Someone else can drive the other truck and lead the cops on a wild goose chase while the truck containing Rodriquez goes to the airport.” 
The Colonel grabs a new cigarette before lighting it, “that's’ damn genius, they will see the truck when we arrest Gilberto but they won’t know there are two. We get them to follow the wrong truck and we are in the clear,” he smiles at you, the first smile you had seen on his face. 
Javier is just about beaming at you from across the table and you listen for several more hours as they rework the plan to include your idea. When they finish each man feels like the best plan has been laid forward and they break up the group to go home. Tomorrow would be a big day for them all and they would need to be on the road to Cali by ten AM if they wanted their plan to work. 
You walk everyone to the door, and as they leave one by one they thank you for the use of your apartment until they are all gone except for Javier and Fiestl. “Hey boss, are you leaving soon? I want to have a private talk with our hostess,” Fiestl asks gesturing with his thumb toward you.  
You frantically shake your head no begging Javier not to leave you alone with the DEA agent, “Actually I have some more things to finalize before we leave tomorrow, just ignore me it will be like I’m not even here,” he smirks at you and you are half tempted to walk across the room and slap the smirk off his face. 
Chris turns to you, “So uhm listen, I know that this is all really scary for you, but I want to let you know that we are all going to be ok. And I was kind of wondering when we get back if you’d like to go out and get a drink?” 
You try not to let the cringe show on your face, “Oh uhm Chris, thank you but I don’t really drink and uhm…” you're trying to think of some other excuse when you lock eyes with Javier across the room. Gone is the smirk and instead you see something dark in his eyes, unwavering, and you know what to say, “I’m actually already with someone else, it’s not really a public thing but I’m really serious about him.” 
Chris’s right arm comes up to scratch the back of his head, and he lets out an awkward chuckle. “It’s ok, you don’t have to lie to me. I understand.” 
“I’m not lying. This guy he...he drives me crazy, he’s better than any drug on the market I...I’m already taken, I’m his.” You can feel the burning gaze of the man on the couch and it takes all your strength not to look at him, 
Chris lowers his head nodding before turning towards the door turning at the last moment to say, “he’s a lucky man then, goodnight,” before he leaves shutting the door behind him. 
You don’t turn away from the door scared to death of what you will see behind you. You are so focused on keeping your breathing level you don’t notice Javier has gotten up and is now behind you. You let out a small yelp when he spins you around to face him. “Did you mean it?” His voice is raspy and deep from years of smoking and his cologne is deep and strong in your lungs. 
You're worried your voice will betray you but you need to get this out, “Yes...you do drive me absolutely insane, but we both know what’s been going on here, I’m yours...I’ve always been yours,” you whisper. 
The hands on your waist slide against your lower back pulling you even closer to him. You can smell the smoke, and coffee on his breath and you try to calm down your heartbeat but it’s useless when he looks you in the eyes and says, “mine.” 
You crash together, his mouth is fused to your own and every single one of your senses is screaming Javier. His taste, his touch, his smell it’s all overwhelming and you cry out when you feel him grope your breast through your shirt. His lips move towards your neck and begin nipping as his tongue tracing along the same path to the curve of your ear, “bedroom?” The raspy question breaks you from the haze and you pull him towards the small bedroom. 
The whole way your lips never break from his skin even though you both aren’t the most graceful and when you both land in the bed with a small grunt that’s the last discomfort you felt for the night, from then on it was all pleasure. 
When the sunlight streams through the sheer curtains the next morning, illuminating the bed in the warm glow of the morning. Rough calloused fingers trace patterns over the top of your exposed back and you smile before nuzzling yourself further in the warmth of Javier’s chest. He smells like smoke, leather, and cologne; an intoxicating combination. 
“I have to leave soon,” his voice is raspy and heavy from sleep. 
“I know...but I really wish you didn’t have too,” you tell him, pulling back to look into his eyes, “but when you come back you will be the man who took down Gilberto Rodriguez.”
“This better work,” he sighs, “or else I will probably be sent back stateside, I messed up once already, they aren’t going to let me do it again.” 
“You're going to succeed! Don’t be so defeatist, your amazing at what you do your-” 
“Would you come with me?” he asks so quietly you almost don’t hear him. 
“What?” you whisper. 
He takes a few minutes to collect himself before he asks again, “if I get sent home, would you come with me back to Texas? I...I am not the same person I was when I first came here. Yes, I drink too much, I smoke too much, and I can be a real asshole but I’ve never been shy about what I want. I want you Estrella.” 
You have to remind yourself to breathe before you close your eyes letting out a small sigh, “Yes, yes I would go with you Javi. Remember what I said last night? I’m yours.” 
He pulls you back towards his chest, putting a finger underneath your chin and fusing your lips together he only pulls back once to repeat the same thing he told you the night before, “mine.” 
Day 11: Walking the dog- William Miller 
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lettrespromises · 4 years
@luveranime wrote : ❝Hey Nikki its me again lmao 😂. Could you do one where they actually completely forget your birthday? With Akaashi, daichi, kuroo, and atsumu? Make it angst please🥺❞
A.N: ❝dear reader,
thank you so much for trusting me once more with your request! i always love writing the requests even more so than my own prompts. i sincerely hope you’ll like these hc’s, i tried to make these as angsty as i could but atsumu has two braincells and i could NOT resist the temptation of doing something more lighthearted, i hope you won’t be mad at me! mwah! enjoy your promised letter!
sincerely yours, nikki❞
Genre: Kinda angsty, kinda fluffy. Warnings: Cursing, crying.
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Now, Akaashi is not one to forget about dates and birthdays. I’m pretty sure he has a notebook filled with everyone’s birthdays written in a chronological order. Needless to say, he’s someone who is extremely organized. 
He is the kind of boyfriend to remember all the slightest details you mention when you guys have a conversation. We’re talking about small details, pieces of informations that others wouldn’t necessarily pick up on except if your name is Akaashi Keiji. (I.E: he knows that Bokuto-san classifies his underwear according to each day of the week.)
The week leading up to your birthday, he makes sure to leave several notes stuck on your notebooks, laptop, mug, even your jacket to let you know how loved you are and how exceptional of a human being you are.
Unfortunately for you, your birthday has the misfortune of being set right during the revision week leading to the final exams. The latter are extremely important to Akaashi because missing his exams would result in him not being able to go to inter-school volleyball training held during the weekend. 
Even though he’s in a relationship, he can be quite distant when something is bothering him because he refuses categorically to drown you with his problems, revisions being one of them. He’s so driven to study hard (although he’s already an excellent student), that everything else appears as a blur to him- he breathes revisions, eats revisions, lives for revisions.
The latter causes him to inevitably forget about your birthday. At first, you just think he’s playing along with you and he has this huge and sweet surprise in store for you which might explain why he hasn’t left you any love notes or sent you any texts, or even avoid you at school.
The evening of your birthday, you crash down at his place, a bit perplexed at his antics. But, unconsciously, you were still in denial, you knew or at least hoped that he was just purposefully acting as such because he wanted to surprise you for your birthday.
When he opens the door and sees you, he has a quizzical look on his face “Um, hello, Y/N? May I ask what you’re doing here, dove?”
Now, it was your turn to have a quizzical look on your face, “So you really don’t know? Isn’t it, you know, a special day?” 
His mind is so coated by his obsession to study hard that nothing comes to his mind, nothing to answer to your interrogation and eventually, nothing to leave his mouth as a response. He could swear there’s something he has forgotten, it’s somehow on the tip of his tongue but no sound is echoed on his part. 
“You know what, Akaashi, just don’t make promises you can’t keep. I hope these notes you left me will help you.” 
First of all, you called him Akaashi instead of Keiji, meaning that there was something terribly wrong with him or his deeds.
Second of all, he looked carefully enough, there were pearls of tears on the corner of your eyes.
Third of all, he was so taken aback, as if all his memory had resurfaced in the blink of an eye that he still couldn’t find the strength to say something. Instead, his eyes wandered on your figure, his back facing you, already on your way home. The sole reflex he had was to raise his hand in your direction, as if he could catch your silhouette already long gone, hopelessly.
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Daichi is already the (unofficial) dad of troublesome children (thank the heavens for mama Sugawara and uncle Asahi), which means not only he has to juggle between his duty as a captain and as a student, but he also must make sure of the stability of your relationship.
It’s really taking a toll on him. Seeing him come home late after late night practice is not even surprising anymore, he just comes to your place and crashes down for the night at unbelievable hours- sometimes ten, sometimes eleven.
His role of captain is so dear to his heart and he’s kind of an all or nothing kind of guy. But when it comes to the volleyball team, he pours every once of passion, patience and energy he has to offer. He knows that the first years have literally gifts when it comes to playing and he wants to exploit their potential at the fullest.
Nonetheless, when it comes to remembering dates, Daichi (being an unofficial dad) has the tendency to remember rather quickly common dates like birthdays, if not, he can always count on Suga to remind him in case he gets too hotheaded into what he’s doing.
On the day of your birthday, he sent you a myriad of texts, mini-novels if you will. All of them were the testimonies of the love he held in your regard, he was so thoughtful, each one of his word was carefully chosen to make you feel like the most loved person on the planet.
Starting the day off with a series of loving texts from your boyfriend is indeed the best way to wake up.
However, after close inspection, the last text he had sent you mentioned a date tonight at your favorite restaurant in town because, and I quote, “you deserve to be treated like the royalty you are.”
Focusing in class was almost impossible, the only thing occupying your mind was tonight’s date with Daichi, just the two of you on your birthday. And truth be told, there was no other way you’d rather spend this ever so special day.
Right after the bell rang, you made a beeline to your place to get ready as Daichi told you he would pick you up at 7, right after practice. Your heart was bursting with joy and impatience, a sweet mix of emotions which made you feel overwhelmed by love.
It was 7 already and your eyes were stuck on the alley of your house, waiting to see Daichi’s car arrive and admire the beautiful, lovestruck grin plastered upon his face. 
Then it was 8, and suspicions started to arise in your mind. Your head was clouded by interrogations : “Does he not love me anymore?”, “Is this is way of telling me we should break up?”
Then 9, then 10 and eventually 11.
You waited four hours to hear a sign from Daichi, and you couldn’t keep up with the countless texts you had sent him, wondering where he was. But, you still had hope. Heart-crushing hope that is, or maybe you were just stuck in pure denial.
You were sitting on a chair, several stains of tears on your cheeks already, facing the window which offered a view outside your house because “You never know, he might show up...”
At 11, your phone rang and Daichi’s number highlighted the screen. You were so quick to pick up the phone, your quickness was almost inhuman. 
“Baby? Hi, it’s me. Are you still awake?” You hummed in response, scared of the way your voice would break if you were to talk. “Listen, practice-...”, you cut him off : “Practice ran late again, I know, Daichi.”
There was a moment of silence on his end of the line, a moment of guilt.
“Baby, you have no idea how sorry I am. It’s just the team and the firs-...” - “I know, the gifted first years.” your voice was barely above a whisper.
“We can reschedule tomorrow if you want, I’ll ask Ennoshita to take care of the training for me.” He sounded desperate, eaten alive by the guilt consuming him and the fragile tone of your voice, you sounded like a broken record.
“Tomorrow won’t be my birthday anymore, Daichi, you know that.” You knew that if you were to hear the sound of his voice again, you were bound to break in tears, and as much as he hurt you, you knew it wasn’t his fault and you didn’t want to make him feel even more guilty than he already was feeling.
Instead, you hung up while he was still rambling about confused apologies and you headed straight to your room, head low, fresh tears crashing on the stains left by the dried tears. Like an eternal circle, if you will.
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Kuroo is someone who is extremely observant by nature, just look at the way he behaves around Kenma- he doesn’t need for you to talk to know how you’re feeling and can directly dissect what’s wrong with you.
So when he finds himself having a one-sided discussion with you, (or a double-sided conversation if you deem silence as a worthy response), his brain automatically goes on retrospection mode and he’s trying to reminisce absolutely everything that happened during the last 48 hours.
The science-related puns don’t work, the teasing is a crushing defeat, all his best aces fail to put a smile on your face or make you crack a laugh. You’re still silent, or if he’s lucky enough, he can hear the faint sound of hum leaving your lips.
His last option is to ask Kenma because Kenma appears as an omniscient point of view in your relationship. And although he’s not directly involved in your couple, he always seems to find the responses to the riddles left by the cons of being in a relationship.
Kuroo and Kenma are having lunch outside, as expected of the blonde individual, his eyes are solely focused on the device held between his hands, but Kuroo is used to it. 
“Man, I just don’t get why Y/N is giving me the cold shoulder, it’s really weighing on my mind.”
“Are you sure you don’t know, or do you act as if you don’t know?”
“Ha? What do you mean?”
“Yesterday was Y/N’s birthday, just in case you hadn’t noticed.”
Oh... Oh! It’s time to panic, it’s time to leave his brain on overdrive and find a solution to make up for what he judged an inexcusable behavior. 
What broke his heart even more is when he imagined to put himself into your shoes, how heartbroken you must have felt, how alone you must have felt, he even wondered if you wanted to break up with him.
Sure, Kuroo was observant, but sometimes being a airhead got the best of him. Or perhaps in this case, the worse of him.
He froze, his mouth was set agape and kind of like Akaashi, in moments of panic, he didn’t know what to do. He felt defeatist, he knew that forgetting your birthday was a dealbreaker. He already thought of all the consequences of his actions, and he knew that none of these consequences would turn out good in any way.
He ran through the hallways like a madman, yelling to the other students to step aside as he did so. He knew where you were, and he felt so stupid for knowing your timetable off by heart but not being able to remember such a simple date as your birthday.
You were having lunch in class with your friends, and when a hint of a roster’s head peaked through the door, making hand gestures to silently tell you to come see him, you excused yourself and left the class under the puzzling looks of your friends.
To say that Kuroo was sweating was an understatement, he was absolutely shaking to death and he exuded guilt by every pore of his body. Your gaze landed on his face, and your expression seemed lifeless- where did the usual gleam in your eyes go? The shine in your eyes he loved so much?
“You’re free to insult me for the rest of my days on this planet. I know I messed up, I messed up so bad and I don’t even know how to-... Hey? Oi, Y/N, please, please don’t cry.”
If he needed yet another reason to feel guilty, that was his cue. The tears falling in cascade on your face, the scarlet tones of your eyes, everything about you screamed pure sadness.
Both of your hearts broke in unison, and the motion of his hands to capture you and hold him close to his chest was so experimental, as if he’d never held you in his arms in his entire life. 
“Why did you forget, Tetsu?”
“I swear on my life that it was unintentional. I know you won’t forgive me anytime soon and, kitten, you have every right to do so. I know it’s not an excuse but just believe me when I say that it was unintentional. I’m so sorry, you have no idea.”
“Just wish me a happy birthday instead of rambling.”
“Happy birthday, kitten, I swear I’ll make it up to you.”
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As the manager of the volleyball team, you were Inarizaki’s pride and joy. You were a literal ray of sunshine, the embodiment of a gem and you were always cherished by the entire team for helping them so much.
You always made sure they drank enough, prepped several towels in case they sweated too much (they always did), listened to their problems, eased their doubts- you were undeniably perfect to them.
So perfect that Osamu, as well as the rest of the team, always wondered  how and why you ended up with his airhead of a twin, or rather, and I quote, “The useless piss-haired twin.”
To be frank, if it wasn’t for you, Atsumu would probably be dead by now. The cause of his death? Osamu himself? The whole team? His stupidity? We shall never know.
You cannot expect Atsumu to remember any specific dates, he even struggles to remember his own birthday which results in him asking when was his brother born and Osamu letting out a desperate sigh, wondering what on Earth did he do in his previous life to deserve such a twin.
Nonetheless, Osamu’s cooking skills came in handy. The whole team had agreed on celebrating your birthday, a kind of surprise birthday after practice if you will, because you were so good to them.
The divine smell of the cake didn’t go unsmelled (please help is that even a word?? no it’s not but i couldn’t say ‘go unseen’ because a smell can’t be seen like???) by none other than Atsumu himself. “Whatcha’ baking this for?” Osamu didn’t even bother to throw a glance in his twin brother’s direction “You should know, idiot.”
Safe to say that Atsumu got absolutely z e r o information from his brother whatsoever and was thus left in general incomprehension. He then figured that maybe it was someone’s birthday given how well looking the cake was, but whose birthday was it? Once again, z e r o idea.
After practice, the whole team gathered to show you the surprise they had in store for you- Kita had stuck some ‘happy birthday’ posters on the wall, Osamu had brought the cake and Aran had the gift from the whole team in his hands. The preparation was quick and efficient, all while you were changing in your more regular outfit in the locker room. 
Needless to say, Atsumu still had z e r o clue to whose birthday they were going to celebrate but the grin on his face still testified of how happy he was. 
When you exited the locker room to say goodbye to the rest of the team, you were absolutely overwhelmed by joy when you saw them gathered together, a radiant smile plastered upon their face, they were so proud of themselves and most of all, they were proud to be the reason of your happiness. 
Reflex kicked, both of your hands covered your mouth and your vision quickly became blurry from the pearls of tears gathering at the brim of your eyes. To say that you were happy was an understatement, you felt so moved, so touched that this whole surprise was for your birthd-
“Hold up, I thought it was mom’s birthday? Who’s the cake for?”
The look on Osamu’s face screamed “Someone hold me back before I kill this idiot with my bare hands.”
Kita threw a volleyball at the back of Atsumu’s head.
Suna was crying on the inside out of desperation.
Hitoshi was holding Osamu back.
The rest of the team eventually ganged up on Atsumu for even daring to forget their sweet angel’s birthday while you were standing there, dumbfounded to say the least, torn between crying and laughing.
You didn’t even need to make Atsumu pay for his mistake, the team had made sure to make him pay for the next ten years (if I’m being generous.)
So... Happy birthday... I guess?
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terrm9 · 4 years
Count Me In (Ethan X MC)
Words count: 3 800 Warnings: none. this is just pure fluff and I like to believe that there are also funny parts. 
Author’s note: I had an idea about the gang roasting Ethan for a long time and Chapter 17 made me write this (set some days after the chapter). It was supposed to be just the gang making fun of Ethan, but in the end I got a little bit carried away and it’s basically Bryce Lahela appreciation post oops
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Getting dressed for their roommates Sunday brunch has been filled with a newfound nervousness this Sunday. Yesterday evening, as Sienna and Aurora were discussing whether they would make waffles or pancakes and Jackie added that Bryce and Kyra would be joining them, so they need to make more of anything that would be served, Elijah subtly nodded towards the girls and then turned to Chiara with a wide grin on his lips.
“We were actually thinking about inviting Dr. Ramsey too, now that you guys are official and everything. We know that Sundays are his days off too.”
Chiara’s eyes widened at the offer, not sure if they were joking or not.
They were not.
And so now she was sitting in her room, ready to eat and drink while also comforting her… boyfriend? Partner? What was he?
Whatever he was, she was comforting Ethan through the phone, secretly smiling at his nervous rambling about the wine he was planning to bring and sweater he was wearing (‘Is it too formal? Or should I wear something more formal? My white Oxford?’)
“Deep breaths, Ethan. Jackie is probably going to stay in her pajamas the whole day, so there really isn’t a dresscode. Just wear whatever you feel comfortable with.”
“Okay. Yes, of course, whatever I am comfortable in,” he muttered, and Chiara could hear Jenner’s barking in the background and then a soft thud, muting the dog’s calling. “I am leaving the apartment now, so I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
As Chiara hung up, she heard new voices coming from the living room, indicating that Kyra and Bryce were already there. She decided to take the chance and talk to her friends before Ethan comes.
After hugging both Kyra and Bryce and helping Sienna set the table, Chiara took a deep breath and said: “Ethan will be here any minute now. Please, please, please guys, be nice to him, okay? He is so nervous, and I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable.”
Bryce smiled sweetly and nodded, while Sienna replied: “Don’t worry Chiara, we will be nice, stuffing his mouth with the best pancakes he’s ever eaten and smiling politely. No worries.”
“Exactly,” Kyra nodded in agreement. “We would never do anything to embarrass you.”
“Or him,” Jackie added, smiling all too innocently for Chiara to believe a word of what they were saying.
Before she could inquire any further, the soft knock on the front door disturbed them and all she could do was to shoot everyone a deadly glare before opening a door.
“Hey, handsome,” she whispered with a smile as she spotted Ethan standing in the hall. He was wearing a knitted cream-color sweater and dark jeans, a bottle of wine in his hand.
He kissed her softly before stepping into the apartment, trying his best to maintain his usual attitude of composed, distant Dr. Ramsey they all knew.
I am still their boss. I shouldn’t be nervous about having an early lunch with them.
“Dr. Ramsey!” Sienna jumped out of living room before Chiara could even try to calm him down. “We are all so happy you decided to join us. Come in, everything is ready.”
Glancing at Chiara one more time, Ethan moved to the living room, where all of Chiara’s friends have already been seated around large dining table.
The room was filled with sweet aroma of freshly-made pancakes, maple syrup and raspberry jam, whipped cream and coffee. He handed the bottle of wine to Sienna.
“Thank you for the invitation,” he finally said as he sat down on the chair next to Chiara. “The pancakes look delicious. Which one of you is such a good cook? I know for sure it’s not Chiara,” he couldn’t help but tease.
She smacked his arm lightly but didn’t say anything, knowing rather well that Ethan was right.
“Sienna is the best cook and baker of all of us,” Elijah smiled just as Sienna made her way to the table, the bottle of wine already open. “This is hers and Aurora’s work.”
“Yeah, I was even more terrible cook than Chiara when I moved in and ever since Sienna discovered the fact, she’s been giving me private lessons. Today, I’ve learned to make pancakes,” Aurora chuckled.
With everyone seated, they started to fill their plates with pancakes and fruit and chocolate chips, the room filled with sounds of cutlery meeting plates and occasional sipping of wine.
“This wine is really good, Dr. Ramsey,” Jackie nodded in approval. “I never took you for an expert on wine.”
He chuckled softly at that and after swallowing his bite, he answered: “I am not, but I thought you aren’t such big fans of whiskey as I am. Few years ago, it was the last year of my residency I think, I saved the man who owns vineyards in Tuscany and he sends me few bottles of the wine every year, no matter how many times I tell him there is no need to do so. I brought some more, it’s in the trunk of my car. I’ll go grab it.”
Chiara beamed at his words, thankful to her friends for actually sticking to their words and acting nice. Ethan’s hand found Chiara’s knee under the table and he gave it a light squeeze, their own way of communicating without attracting the attention of others.
Another silence followed, however not an awkward one, rather simply comfortable silence between people enjoying the good food and company of each other.
Thank God they are not embarrassing us-
Before she could finish her thankful thought, Bryce cleared his throat and spoke.
“Surely you understand, Dr. Ramsey, that now that you and Chiara are officially together, we need to ask you some questions to make sure that your intentions with Chiara are absolutely pure.”
Ethan swallowed the pancake a little bit harder than he normally would, but he knew how important these people were to Chiara and also how important Chiara was to him, and so he simply nodded.
Meanwhile, Chiara put her fork down loudly and exclaimed: “What the fuck, Bryce?”
She looked around the table only to see all of her friends smiling mischievously and it all clicked.
They invited Ethan for the brunch so that they could roast him. That was also the reason why Bryce and Kyra made sure to come too.
“What? Your mum asked as to do so,” Bryce shrugged.
“No she didn’t,” Chiara shook her head, throwing murderous glances at her so called best friend Bryce Lahela.
“Okay, no, she didn’t, I made that up,” he admitted, grinning. “But I am sure she will be happy to know that your boyfriend passed the test.”
“Just shut up, Lahela. We are leaving,” she gritted her teeth. She could feel her cheeks flushing and hot at the word ‘boyfriend’ that Bryce used so easily. Even she didn’t dare to call Ethan her boyfriend yet!
She turned her head to look at Ethan and to her surprise, he was leaning against the chair, amused smile on his lips.
As he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, he said: “It’s okay, Chiara. I can answer the questions. I am an open book.”
At that, Chiara snorted loudly and murmured: “No you are not.”
“Bring the questions on then, Dr. Lahela,” Ethan nodded in the young surgeon’s direction. “As long as they are not too private, I am pretty sure I can pass your test.”
He wasn’t sure, of course. He was even more nervous than before and all the terrible scenarios ran through his head faster than Jenner ran while hounding squirrel in the park.
But to fake a confidence was his only weapon right now and he made sure to use it.
“Great, I’ll start then,” Bryce smiled even wider and Chiara clenched her hands into fists to not to wipe that smirk off his face. No matter how hard Bryce tried to explain that what they were about to do was for her own good, she knew that her friends stupidly enjoyed the position they were in right now.
Because right now, Ethan Ramsey wasn’t their boss. Right now, he was Chiara’s boyfriend and an intruder in their group and they could tease him and roast him and use all those sarcastic comments he’s been using their whole intern year on them, on him.
She crossed her arms on her chest and waited for Bryce’s question.
“I’ll start lightly, we don’t want to scare you in the beginning after all. We all know you are an outstanding diagnostician – I mean, even I have read parts of the textbook you wrote – and that’s pretty cool, sure. But what are the other things you are good at? Can you dance? Sing? Swim? Can you offer more than just your abilities to diagnose everyone?”
“There’s no ‘just’ in his abilities to diagnose,” Chiara barked at him, the need to protect Ethan stronger than anything else. She couldn’t let them scare him. She knew better then them about his habit of running away when things get too hard or too uncomfortable and right now, the amount of ‘uncomfortable’ in the room was enough even for her to run away.
“Unfortunately, I don’t have too much time to do anything big other than being doctor, the free time is precious commodity for me. Answering your suggestions, I can dance, yes. Singing? Probably not, but I have never had a chance to hear anyone’s opinion as I don’t sing in front people. And yes, I can swim too. Other than that, I like to think that I am rather good cook-“
“Oh, you cook?” Elijah interrupted him. “For how many people do you usually cook?”
“Just myself, usually,” Ethan shrugged, confusion clear on his face. On the other hand, Chiara knew very well where Elijah was heading and despite being terribly angry at them, she had to grin. “Sometimes for two people, when someone comes over for dinner.”
“Do you think you would could cook for, let’s say, eight people?”
“I think I would be capable of doing that, yes.”
“Great! You are welcome to crash in anytime you want and cook anything you would like to for us. I am so tired of living on ramen and plain pasta,” Elijah sighed and at that, everyone let out a short laugh. “However, sorry to disturb you. What else besides cooking?”
“I don’t know. I am good at learning languages, I guess. I speak German, Italian, French, Spanish and at the moment am learning Swedish.”
“Holy crap, that’s a lot of languages,” Kyra whistled under her breath.
“I choose wisely on what I spend my free time on and what occupies my mind. But when I choose something – learning a language, learning a new recipe, dating someone – I make it my priority and I am trying to give my everything into it. I once said to Chiara that I make it my mission to be good at everything I try and so I can assure you that I am willing to try my hardest to be a boyfriend Chiara deserves,” he answered nonchalantly, looking right into Bryce’s eyes at the word boyfriend.
He smiled at Chiara and kissed her temple, while Sienna whispered something like ‘that was so beautiful’ at the same time Jackie muttered ‘that was so sweet I might get cavities’.
“You are doing better than we expected, Dr. Ramsey,” Kyra smiled with devilish spark in her eyes. “But now it’s my turn to ask questions. You made sure to let us know that you, indeed, are capable of bunch of things but there also must be something you cannot do. Something you are seriously absolutely terrible at.”
Chiara couldn’t help it – she was beginning to enjoy this little show. It has probably everything to do with the fact that Ethan was handling the situation so well and wasn’t showing any signs of an escape.
“There is one thing that comes to my mind but Chiara already knows about it.”
“Oooh, so it’s a matter of an… intimate nature? You don’t have to share that, of course.”
Ethan choked on the sip of a wine he was just having and his eyes widened at the obvious misinterpretation of his words. The tips of his ears turned bright red and Chiara – more and more relaxed every minute – had to add her friends that have been viciously laughing at the sight.
“No! Jesus Christ that’s absolutely not what I was saying. I just thought it wouldn’t be important to share as Chiara already knows about it and still decided to give me a chance. But if you must know, I am seriously absolutely terrible at making… pancakes. I never get them right. That’s why I am so impressed by whomever made these,” he gestured at the table, where the rest of pancakes laid.
“I can teach you!” Sienna squealed. “It’s seriously so easy once you get it.”
“I am afraid it will not work, Dr. Trinh. My father tried to teach me, Youtube tutorial tried to teach me and still, my every attempt fails.”
“Please,” Aurora stepped into the conversation. “If she could teach me, she can definitely teach you. Next brunch, you are learning with her and I will be watching,” she grinned.
Aurora was nervous about this brunch. She was excited for Chiara and she was even more excited to enjoy a little bit of fun by teasing Ramsey, but even more she was terrified of what it would feel like to talk to him about anything else but work, knowing that he dated her aunt for six years.
Harper has made it clear, several times, that her time with Ethan has been more about physical attraction and supporting each other’s careers than affection, just as she admitted to Aurora that she knows Ethan Ramsey and she has known that his relationship with Chiara wasn’t simply professional for a long time. When Aurora asked her about her opinion on the new couple, Harper simply smirked and said that she was happy Ethan found someone who could tame his stubbornness.
Knowing that neither Harper nor Ethan felt any kind of hatred, jealousy or anger towards each other, she felt more relaxed about him coming as her friend’s partner. Yet, until this moment, when she teased him herself, about something as mundane as pancakes, she couldn’t get rid of a certain tension in her body.
But now, laughing at his expression as she suggested that he should learn to make pancakes with Sienna, she knew – even without any further investigation – that Ethan was a good man for Chiara.
“Okay, so you can’t make pancakes. Bruh,” Kyra rolled her eyes. “What else? You can’t be good at everything.”
“I am also rather terrible at drawing. Every time I am with a child patient with a broken leg or arm, I just hope they don’t ask me to draw something on their cast. For so many years I refused to draw anything and when they insisted, I tried to draw what they asked me to draw and they were so disappointed. Some of them even cried, that’s how ugly those drawing were,” he chuckled to himself, deep in his own thoughts and memories. “I decided to step it up a little bit a few years ago and after many, many Youtube tutorials, I can now draw a decent cat, dog, princess, car and dragon. So now, there are five different pens in the pocket of my coat and every time a child asks me to draw something on their cast, I pull the pens out and say ‘Okay little buddy, I have a red pen that can draw a nice car. I have a pink one that can draw a princess. I have a blue one for a dog and an orange one, which can draw a cat. And at last I have a green one and that one can draw an impressive dragon. You have to choose one of the pens’. Usually, that does the trick and for the last three years, nobody cried after I finished the drawing.”
He finished with a small laugh and looked around the table, only to find Bryce, Jackie and Elijah grinning, Aurora smiling softly, Sienna wiping her tears with a napkin and Chiara staring right back at him, her eyes filled with so much affection it warmed his heart.
“I wanted to hear something embarrassing and you proved that you are even better man than we expected. That’s not fair, Dr. Ramsey.”
“I think it’s okay for all of you to call me Ethan at this point,” he replied, ignoring Kyra’s compliment. He didn’t want to blush. “I probably won’t even be your attending much longer.”
There was a slight shift in the mood as the weight of his word settled down on them. Edenbrook was doomed and they all knew that the damage was beyond repair at this point, but right now, they didn’t want to talk about that.
Therefore Jackie decided to step in and turned to Ethan: “Okay, Ethan. I know you said you don’t have spare free time, but when you do and you decide not to learn anything, when you just want to relax, if you know what that word means, what do you do? How do you relax?”
“I have a dog which needs to be walked twice a day. I take him with me when I go for my morning run and then I walk with him through the park every evening I can. It makes an hour in my day, but it’s a relaxing hour. When I decide to relax at home, I usually read a book. Historical novels and poetry, mostly.”
Jackie wanted so badly to find something in his answer that she could tease him about, but really, there was nothing. This man was both, pretty impressing and pretty boring.
“You are a successful, famous, rich doctor,” Sienna smiled at him. “So, cards on the table now. What is your weakness? You know, those vices that successful, rich people have? What is it that you can’t resist? Beautiful women? Fast cars? Yachts? Golfing? Watches that cost more than my kidney? Tell us.”
Chiara shook her head in amusement, not expecting that kind of question from Sienna, of all people. However, she was curious too. She knew it wouldn’t be yachts nor golfing, but what are his vices? And so she didn’t even try to salvage him from answering.
“Well, I think it’s pretty obvious that I have a weakness for one particular beautiful woman,” he answered without missing a beat, pulling Chiara closer to him. “Other than that, I don’t think something will come to my mind. Yachts and golf, Christ no. I despise those activities. Fast cars? There might be something about that. I have a dream car, Mercedes C 300. I almost bought it, but it’s sedan and it’s too small for me. There was no space for my legs and getting in and out would be a torture. As my father like to say, I am too tall for my dream car. But I like the one I have now, it’s a reliable car,” he shrugged, not knowing what else to say. Yes, his car was incredibly expensive and probably luxurious, but he bought it because it was elegant and reliable and didn’t attract too much attention.
“If I would have to choose a vice of mine, it would probably be whiskey in the end. Sometimes I surprise myself with how much money I am willing to pay for a good bottle of whiskey.”
“Okay, you are a decent guy with a brain of Tesla and almost as little bad attributes as me,” Bryce sighed dramatically. “Do you at least snore?”
“Okay Bryce, now you are just nosy,” Aurora laughed. “You don’t need to know that.”
“I don’t, but Chiara does! She is going to spend nights with him!”
“I already know that, Bryce,” Chiara rolled her eyes. “He doesn’t.”
Ethan lowered himself so that nobody else but Chiara could hear him and whispered: “But you do.”
She turned to him with her eyebrows raised, the silent question visible on her face.
Are you serious, Ramsey?
“Okay, I guess we should let you go for now. Next time, I’ll be asking about your teenage years, med school parties you attended, if you ever got arrested and the sex positions you prefer,” Bryce grinned, putting his hands behind his head as he leaned into the chair.
“I am not going to discuss the last one with you.”
“So you just agreed to discuss the other topics!”
Bryce pouted at him and disappointed, added: “Okay, I won’t bring a marriage and kids up, either. I will probably leave those for Diana.”
“Diana?!” Chiara sang out. “Since when are you on first name terms with my mother, Lahela?”
“It just happened,” Bryce shrugged carelessly, finishing his glass of wine. “I told you the women can’t resist my charm. She is no exception.”
Chiara wanted to make a remark about not needing to know about the charm Bryce used on her mother, but stopped herself when she noticed how Bryce’s face was slightly pink and he still held the empty glass near his lips to hide the fact.
She knew what it was all about. Bryce Lahela was her best friend and knew all about her secrets and problems and also everything about her past. And she knew about his.
When she decided to spend her two free weeks in the summer after her intern year back home, in San Francisco, she invited Bryce to go with her. He agreed gladly and while their fourteen days in Chiara’s house, he became incredibly close with both, her mother and her younger sister Alicia.
For Bryce, Diana Ray was a mother he never had. They called each other at least once a week, he would send her postcards from all of his trips and she would send him presents for Christmas and birthday in return.
For Diana, Bryce Lahela was a son she lost six years ago. Chiara’s brother Liam, along with her father died in a car crash and being with Bryce felt like being with her brother again. And she knew that her mum felt the same way. After all those years, she had a ‘young handsome man’ to call, to care for, to be proud of again.
A pang of guilt found its way into Chiara’s chest as she realized that this whole brunch idea was Bryce’s idea and that it might have been an opportunity to roast Ethan for others, but for Bryce, it was exactly what he said it was. It was making sure that his little sister would be taken care of with the man she chose.
It was making sure that this time, Ramsey wouldn’t break her heart and leave.
‘We need to make sure that your intentions with Chiara are absolutely pure.’
He meant it.
taglist: @takemyopenheart @maurine07 @senseofduties @mercury84choices @flightlessbirdiee @udishaman @honeyandsunfl0wers​ @ohchoices​ @adrex04
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insanehotgirl · 4 years
Tokoyami x Reader - "Stress"
Pairing: Tokoyami x Gender Neutral! Reader
Requested?: No
Warnings: Angst to fluff, death of parents, like one curse word, hurt/comfort.
Word Count: 1600+
Your dad was your idol until he wasn't. When everything comes crashing down, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow are there to comfort you.
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Being a hero-in-training had it's ups and it's downs. Although it was an amazing opportunity not many had the chance of taking, it became that of a burden to those who took said opportunity.
A burden that was overlooked by the media, overlooked by civilians, and overlooked by kids who wanted what the hero's who were so often romanticized in media had.
Today you felt like one of those kids.
When you were younger, before you had come to UA, you always looked up to your father. He was a pro hero. He was your hero for the longest time too. You're certain it wasn't the same for your mother.
She was one of the smartest women you had ever known, and although you had always looked up to her greatly, your father had more of an impact on you. Everyone loved him and you desperately wanted to be like him. Although your childhood wasn't particularly extraordinary, it wasn't necessarily bad either. Not to you.
You overlooked so many signs. You don't know how but everything went straight over your head. Maybe it was because you were a kid. Maybe it's because you couldn't deal with the fact. Maybe it's because it was hidden under exhausted smiles and sweet treats, both from your mother.
The only thing your dad ever gave you was encouragement to lead a successful life. "Become popular!" he said, so you did. "Become a hero!" he said, so you did. "Become like me" he said, and you're glad that you didn't.
You didn't blame him.
The stress of constantly helping others whilst putting your own health and safety on the back burner got to him like it had many others and you just couldn't blame him for that. Not after being brought up by a false image of him.
He was a good man. He really was at the beginning.
But then everything just fell apart. You knew that partly was because of the stress. But maybe he just had it in him all along and you didn't know?
You didn't.
You don't.
Your mom did.
And now she's gone.
Now they're both gone.
You don't know what to do.
You're back at UA after a short break which means you're back to living in a dorm without your parents. It feels different now that they're both really gone.
You sigh, unpacking the rest of the clothes you took with you. You had arrived late last night and are only just now finishing putting your things away. You have your regular classes today and you don't know how you're going to do it. You were the most extraverted kid in class, always talking up a storm with everyone, and offering your help with work when it was needed. You don't know how to go back to that.
But you do know that you'll have to try your best.
You arrived early to Mr. Aizawa's class in an attempt to get used to your surroundings again after being gone. Sitting down, you looked around the room and noticed the only other people there were Tenya and Tokoyami, who were talking with each other in the back.
Though the sight was odd since you don't remember them being close before your leave, you offered a small wave to the duo and directed your attention to your textbook.
A look of concern flashed across Tenya's face as he gazed at you. He hadn't expected you to come back so quickly, let alone act so okay.
He turned to Tokoyami,
"Tokoyami, you're quite close with Y/N, do you know if they're alright?"
He paused,
"Or what even caused them to leave in the first place?"
Tokoyami glanced at you before speaking,
"I don't know. Y/N just left without telling anyone, and the only people who would know are her and Mr. Aizawa."
Tenya hummed and sat at his desk as more classmates came in. If it was something important then you would have surely told Tokoyami.
The first half of your classes went by pretty fast, and your day had brightened because of the fact that your friends had missed you. You avoided any and all questions regarding your leave though.
Now it's lunch, and after grabbing your food you head over to where Tokoyami was reading. Although you were friends with everyone in your classes, Tokoyami was different. You felt as though you could show your true feelings with him, and vice versa.
He paused mid-page-turn as you sat across from him.
"Hello Y/N."
You smiled,
"Hi Tokoyami-kun!"
"How are you, Y/N?"
"I'm good, how are you?"
He let out a soft huff and closed his book, sitting up straight.
"I'm fine. Though I can't help but wonder why you've been gone for nearly two weeks."
That certainly caught you off guard.
You swallowed and tried not to break down right there and then whilst you spoke,
"A-ah, I just had some family stuff to attend to. It's all over now though, haha."
He raised a non-existent eyebrow but didn't push on the matter, seeming as though he didn't see your mental struggle.
You two continued to catch up and talk about random topics until the end of lunch.
By the end of the week you were exhausted and ready to give up. How could you continue to power through like this every week as if nothing was wrong? You've barely even gotten a full night's sleep this entire week.
You sigh dejectedly as you stumble towards your dorm door and reach for the handle, only pausing when you hear some shuffling behind you.
You let out a soft laugh as you turn around and realize that it's only Dark Shadow.
He looks worried–as worried as a literal demonic shadow could possibly appear to be. You approach him slowly in an attempt to not spook him even more.
"Hey buddy,"
You coo as if he were a child,
"What's gotten you so worked up?"
You place your hand against the side of his beak and begin to stroke it softly, which is something you've come to learn is calming for both him and Tokoyami. You find this detail absolutely adorable but you choose to keep that information from the both of them.
He leans into your hand and crouches down so he's at your level while he speaks,
"We're worried about you–you've never left like that. Why did you leave us?"
Though his tone seemed pouty, you knew otherwise. Dark Shadow and Tokoyami shared a connection, both emotional and physical due to Tokoyami's quirk. Had he really been so upset because you left? Your head was spinning at this point, causing you to retract your arm from Dark Shadow's beak and stumble back.
Everything comes crashing down–everything you've built up.
Your dad killed your mom.
Your childhood idol is a piece of fucking garbage and there's nothing to fix it.
Your mom is gone, and there is nothing you can do.
The world is such a fucked place and–oh, god, you can't breathe.
He reached his claws out, catching you before you could fall and cradling you in his arms as he walked to Tokoyami's dorm.
Scowling, he spoke,
"We knew something was wrong. He's just too stubborn to ask you."
All you could do was mumble a quiet "I'm fine" as you were too tired to even comprehend your emotions at this point.
You shot up, suddenly out of breath. What the fuck just happened? You look around the room you're in and realize that it's Tokoyami's dorm room.
All of yesterday's memories come flooding back and you realize just how bad this situation truly is.
You kept secrets from your best friend and crush.
You freaked out Dark Shadow.
And now you've passed out in their room.
Great job, Y/N.
Sighing, you begin to get out of bed but are stopped by a hand.
"I don't think that's a good idea considering the fact that it's both 2am and a Friday night, meaning Mr. Aizawa will notice if you leave my room. You also seemed pretty tired when Dark Shadow brought you here."
You let out a quiet groan and rubbed between your eyes in frustration.
"God, Tokoyami, I am so sorry. I swear I didn't mea-"
He cut you off,
"It's fine. Just tell me why you're so stressed that you passed out. All I know is that it's related to your leave."
Your eyes widen as you began frantically searching your overstimulated brain for an excuse.
There's nothing you can say to get yourself out of this and you know it.
Just tell the truth for once in your life, goddamnit.
You've given up. What's even the point in lying to him? It's horrible and you know it. You're tired of always trying to be the perfect person, just let him in.
You admit defeat and tell him everything.
And he's perfect.
He's quiet the whole time you're speaking, only saying words of comfort when you break down in between sentences. Once you've finished your long overdue explanation, he's saddened that you didn't tell him right away but he understands.
You spend the rest of the night in his arms. Your heart is unshielded from his light as it envelopes you; his heart unforgivably loud as he comforts you.
It doesn't take long for Dark Shadow to come out and wrap himself around you as well, providing extra comfort.
You fall asleep eventually, and you know that everything will be okay.
Even if it isn't right now.
Okay y'all that was my first MHA fic!
Let me know what you guys think down in the comments!
Stay safe & hydrated!
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albertasunrise · 4 years
Chance - Chapter 7
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Summary: Working as an ER doctor, you don’t get much of a chance to meet new men and you’d never imagined that you’d meet your soulmate at work.
Warnings: Fluff, Smut 18+
Pairings: Frankie Morales/ Reader
Frankie had never been so nervous in his life. The boys had decided to throw a barbecue to celebrate you and him being together a year and someone was coming that you had yet to meet. It was all part of an elaborate plan that Frankie had started working on a month or so back but now that it was happening he was terrified. Things had been so good lately. You had moved in with him and even received a promotion at work. Things were great and the two of you were unbelievably happy so he really didn't want that to end. The party was starting to heat up as you walked through the front door, Sophie and her girlfriend in tow and as you make your way outside you're greeted with your usual bear hug from Benny before Sophia hobbles into your arms.
‘Hello baby girl, I missed you today.’ You say softly, grinning as she gives you a sloppy kiss on the lips.
‘So this is the famous Doc.’ Comes a voice you’ve never heard and you turn to look at its owner.
There, in the flesh, was a man you’d only ever seen pictures of and heard stories about. He was darker than Frankie, sporting salt and pepper hair that suited him well and a smile that was genuine and warm.
‘And that must make you Pope.’ You reply, allowing him to pull you into a hug ‘I’ve heard a lot about you.’ You finish as you wink at the boys behind him ‘Guys you know Sophie, this is her girlfriend Diana. Diana this is Benny, Will, Frankie, Pope and lastly, this little princess is Sophia.’ You finish as you bounce her in your arms.
‘It’s lovely to meet you all.’ She says shyly, giving them all a wave.
‘Right well food its almost ready. Beer and Wine's in the cooler. Make yourselves at home.’ States Will as he claps his hands and heads back to the grill.
‘How was your day?’ Asks Frankie sweetly as he gives you a kiss, giggling at his daughters protest at him not giving her one too.
‘Yeah wasn’t too bad today.’ You answer ‘Better now I’m here.’
It didn’t take long for everyone to start laughing and joking as conversation flowed. Even Diana relaxed and got involved, getting on particularly well with Benny. As everyone enjoyed themselves it allowed your mind to wander. Ben noticed that you were lost in your thoughts, and he knew what those thoughts were about. You and he had become practically inseparable over the last year, gossiping about anything from work to the girls he picks up at his fights. You’d come to him with something yesterday that you didn’t know what to do about, something that after a few tears and a mild anxiety attack he had talked some sense into you. Everything would be okay. Food was eaten and then everyone settled around the fire pit in the garden, the sun painting the sky in an array of colours as it started to fall.
‘So did you crazy kids get each other presents?’ Asks Benny, wiggling his eyebrows at you both.
‘We said we wouldn’t.’ You reply with a shrug ‘Got you a card though.’ You finish as you look at Frankie.
‘I got you a card too.’ He replies, handing a large envelope to you.
You hand him his and go about opening yours, noting out the corner of your eye that he’s watching you.
‘You going to open yours?’
‘I will in a sec.’ He says excitedly ‘I want to see your face.’
You roll your eyes at him before pulling out the card, giggling at the image on the front. It was a rough sketch of Leiah and Han Solo holding hands, she’s telling him that she loves him and he is saying that famous like ‘I know.’ You open it and a folded sheet of paper falls out which you grab and hold to one side as you read what he wrote, smiling at the soppy words that he tried to hard to make neat. Placing the card down you open the paper and your face scrunches in confusion when you see that it’s a form. You glance at him and he nods at you so you look down at the form again, eyes widening when you realise what it is.
‘You want me to adopt Sophia?’ You ask, eyes locking on his.
‘You’ve been an amazing mum to her the last year, even id that's not what you were trying to be.’ He starts, smiling sweetly at you ‘She calls you Mumma so why not make that official.’
‘Fran-’ You choke as you speak, a shaking hand covering your mouth as you cry tears of complete joy.
‘You don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s completely up to you.’ He states, taking your hand in his ‘No pressure baby.’
‘Of course, I will.’ You manage to say, letting out a happy sob as you smile at him ‘You going to open yours now?’
‘Impatient.’ He says with a wink, poking out his tongue as he opens his envelope.
He chuckles at the image, you being on the same wavelength as him when you’d bought his card.
‘Without me, you’d be Solo... Really?’ He chuckles, rolling his eyes at the cheese as you shrug your shoulders.
‘Open it.’
When he does his eyes grow even wider than yours had. Your heart pounds in your chest as you wait for him to speak. To say something. You note that everyone else is looking at him with intense curiosity. Everyone but Ben.
‘What is it?’ Asks Pope, chuckling at his friend's expression.
Finally, Frankie looks up at you, his expression hard to read in the low light of the evening.
‘Really?’ He asks, his tone hopeful.
‘Really what??’ Exclaims Will, his tone a little impatient.
‘I’m pregnant.’ You announce, Frankie, turning the card in his hand to reveal the sonogram stuck inside.
He’s on his feet in the blink of an eye, scooping you into his arms and kissing you deeply as he now sobs with joy. Everyone around the fire cheering as the two of you share a moment, gazing into each other’s eyes as you soak one another in.
‘You happy?’ You ask as he lowers back to your feet.
‘Ecstatic.’ He replies, kissing you again ‘Well I guess now is a really good time to do this then.’
‘Do what?’ You ask as you give him a bemused look.
You don’t see his hand reach into his pocket, all you see is him lowering himself down so that he is on one knee and the reality of what’s happening hits you.
‘You are the best thing to happen to me since Fia was born.’ He starts, holding your hand as he struggles to keep his voice from wobbling ‘We have been through hell together. You have had to endure so much, taking care of me and a baby that wasn’t yours when I came out of hospital. You have been so selfless. I knew pretty much from the first conversation we had that you were the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. So will you make me the luckiest man on the planet and marry me?’ He finishes as he reveals a beautiful ring that had been clutched in his hand the whole time.
You can’t speak, you can only nod as he stands up to put the ring on your finger and everyone cheers. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a bruising kiss, the two of you smiling against each other's lips as everyone starts to chant before you tell them to keep it down in case they wake-up Sophia. The party continues well into the early hours of the morning, everyone more or less crashing where they fall and you groan, knowing you’re going to have your hands full the next morning. After you and Frankie are confident that no one's going to choke on their own vomit you check on the baby and then head to bed, both laying on your sides so you can face each other and gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes.
‘Well, that was an eventful anniversary.’ You joke as you give Frankie a warm smile.
‘That it was.’ He chuckles in reply.
‘You sure you’re okay about the baby?’ You ask, your tone a little nervous ‘I mean we’ve only been together a year and-’
‘I am more than sure about us having a baby together.’ He interrupts, cupping your cheek with his large hand ‘How far along are you?’
‘A little over 6 weeks.’ You reply ‘I only found out the day before yesterday. I had a turn at work so they ran some tests and well, turns out you put a bun in my oven. They managed to book me in for a scan yesterday and after talking to Benny about it I thought the sonogram would be a nice way to tell you.’
‘Wait Benny already knew?’ He questions and you nod in reply ‘Should I be worried about how close you two are.’ He jokes, feigning a suspicious look.
‘Absolutely not.’ You reply as you pull him into a kiss, giggling as his hand travels up your oversized sleep shirt to cup your breast.
‘Still can’t believe you told him before me.’ He pouts and you roll your eyes at him.
‘I was kinda having a crisis when I told him.’ You chuckle ‘Was in a complete panic but he somehow knew you’d be excited.’
‘Well...’ He trails off, looking guiltily at you as he darts his tongue out to wet his lower lip ‘I’d kinda told him my plan to propose... and to ask you to adopt Sophia.’ He confessed and you raise your eyebrows as he continues his story ‘I also confessed that I wanted to try and have a baby with you pretty soon after the wedding. If you agreed and wanted to of course. I want it all with your Hermosa. Everything.’
‘Wow...’ You reply, letting out a huff in surprise ‘Well if you don’t fuck me after that speech I’m going to implode.’
He didn’t hesitate to comply, quickly settling between your legs as he kisses you hard and you moan in his mouth as his erection grinds against your bare sex. You rid him of his boxers as he drags two fingers through your folds, grinning at how ready you are for him. There was no need for foreplay, that could come later. Right now you needed him and he needed you and you moan in unison as he pushes inside of you. He starts with a pretty dizzying pace, each thrust perfectly angled and it doesn’t take you long to peak, back arching as your orgasm washes over you. Your moans are like music to his ears, spurring him on as he rests his forehead against yours so he can look deep into your eyes. You gaze back at him, mouth open in a silent scream as he edges you close again and you grab onto his strong shoulders to ground yourself as it hits you, this one dragging him along with you. You remain that way for a while, panting against each other’s lips as you try to calm yourselves, hearts racing beneath the surface of your skin as your minds start to clear.
‘One perk to being pregnant.’ You start, grinning at him as he tilts his head to one side ‘Much more sensitive.’ You finish with a wink, earning a growl from Frankie as he buries his head in the crook of your next.
‘Sophie and Diana needed to head out early.’ States Benny as he nurses his coffee ‘Asked me to say goodbye from them.’
‘How’s everyone feeling this morning?’ You ask, chuckling at the groans you receive in reply ‘Bacon sandwiches?’
‘Yes.’ Everyone says together.
Frankie emerges a few minutes later freshly showered, his eyes scanning his hungover friends and chuckling to himself as he spins you around and kisses you sweetly.
‘Morning Fiancé.’ He beams, kissing you again.
‘Good morning Papi.’ You reply, grinning at him as you take his hand and place it on your belly.
‘Oh will you two tone the cute shit down.’ Grumbles Benny as he massages his temples ‘Feeling sick as it is.’ He finishes, giving Frankie the finger when the man flips him off.
Chapter 8
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vodkaxtonic · 4 years
Forgiveness •Zuko x Reader•
Summary: Toph is coming back to you, her best friend, to crash at your place with the Gaang, who weren't strangers. Except now there was a new face, a way too familiar one.
Wordcount: 2.5K
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You were standing in your kitchen, the warmth of the sun kissing your skin as you prepared dinner. The house was quiet. Sometimes too still for your liking, the eerie quietness eating you up as you tried everything to distract your mind, which worked most of the time. However, not always. You couldn't help but miss the bickering of your parents, the waves of laughter filling up the kitchen afterward. Now it has been quiet, too quiet for ages. You weren't ready to let go of your home, not yet. Even though two years had passed, it still felt like it was yesterday when you lost them. 
Your ears perked up at the sound of something roaring as you dropped the wooden spoon in the boiling sauce, whipping around towards your door. Immediately you raised your hands, ready to defend yourself as you walked towards the door, making sure to avoid any creaking wood. "Are you sure she's still here, it looks empty." You heard a voice you couldn't quite recognize in the distance as you tip-toed towards the door, pressing your back against the wall. 
You flinched as someone knocked against the door, shallowing your breathing as you closed your eyes, adrenaline pumping through your body as your hands started to shake lightly. You thought this was over, this hunt. You had hoped and prayed that it was over. 
"Y/N?" You sucked in your breath as you heard a familiar voice, releasing the breath with a chuckle. "Toph!" You laughed as you opened the door, embracing the younger girl as she tensed up in your arms, before loosing up and wrapping her arms around you. "Don't scare me like that!" You let go of your best friend, your hands still on top of her shoulders as you looked at Aang, Sokka, and Katara with a smile, finally letting go of Toph and greeting the others. Of course, you knew them. Toph talked a lot about them when she had the time to come by, even bringing them over. However, when they stepped out of the way and revealed a surprise guest, your body tensed. Your eyes found their way to his, and as soon as your eyes met his, his breath hitched, and he wavered back, making the others look at him in confusion. However, you and he knew why he behaved like that. "Why don't you guys come inside, you look like you could use a meal." You put on a fake smile as you balled your shaking hands into fists, ignoring the anxiety that ran through your veins and blinking away the tears that were starting to blurry and disorient your vision. 
You knew Zuko recognized you the second he saw your eyes. A light gold eye and a light green one, not something you saw a lot. When you saw them, those people were outcasts, most of the time they were executed. An abomination. Nothing more. 
You sprinted into your kitchen as the others were on your heels, walking over to the boiling food on the stove, your shaking hand gripping the counter painfully until your knuckles turned white. With an exhalation, you started fishing out the wooden spoon, ignoring your friends that got seated at the table a room over. 
You didn't hate Zuko. Not in the slightest bit. Seeing his face was painful. It reminded you of times you wish you could erase from your mind. Things that scarred you for life and left you on your own. 
"You're just too nice, Y/N." Sokka smiled up to you as you placed the bowl of sauce on the table, beside it a big bowl filled with rice as you took a seat on the ground, beside you Zuko, and you felt like running. The uncomfortable silence settling over the group didn't help with that. "So..." Toph started as she looked in your direction, and for a second, you wondered how she knew you were sitting there, and then you remembered that you were the last one to sit down, which she probably noticed. "How do you and Zuko know each other?" She raised her eyebrow as she looked at you, making you gulp as your eyes found their way to your hands. "Why do you think we know each other?" Zuko asked as he started eating, his voice cold and a lot deeper, a lot more different than you remembered. "I heard you gasp and stumble. Either you were shocked by how pretty she is, or you recognized her." Toph shrugged as she started eating her food, once again, silence falls over the group as the others eyed the both of you curiously, and you wanted to disappear right now.
"We knew each other since we were children." You finally answered, and your throat felt like it was closing up as Aang dropped his chopsticks, and Sokka stopped chewing, eyes wide in shock as he eyed you both. "You never told me that you knew the Prince of the Fire nation." Toph's voice was cold as she picked at her food, betrayal layered deep within her words. "There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Toph." You answered, your heart felt like it was going to burst out of your chest any second. "I thought we were best friends." Now you bit your bottom lip as Toph's words hit you like a spear right through your heart. "We are Toph...You were the only person to treat me humane, and I didn't want that to change if I told you about me." Your voice was quiet as you eyed your best friend, your appetite long gone as you hoped this wouldn't escalate. "Can you explain this more? I am more than confused right now." Katara asked, her voice calm as she watched you, making you squirm in your seat.
"The love between my parents was forbidden, they both knew it. My father was from the Fire Nation, a pretty well-known firebender. My mother was from the Earth kingdom, an earthbender. My father managed to smuggle her into the Fire Nation, and they lived there, they wanted to have a family. Having a child as a firebender and an earthbender is dangerous. It is risky and frowned upon. They knew their child could be born with a disability, could be born dead, could be killed by the opposing forces of Earth and Fire within the child's body, and many more dangers." You took a deep breath as you watched the faces of the others who didn't say a word, just watching you with curiosity and interest. You didn't want to lie anymore, you'd tell them the whole truth about you and your past. "A few months later, I was born. When I was born, the left side of my body was burned from my torso down to my ankle. My eyes had different colorations, my left one a bright gold, and my right one bright green. They were glad that I was healthy, but they still hid me most of my childhood. My discolorated eyes were a clear sign for a bi-bender. An abomination. A monster." Your voice was shaky as you fiddled with your fingers, taking a deep breath. "My parents hid me to protect me. If anyone would've found out that I was a bi-bender, I would've been executed on the spot. As I got older, I got more rebellious, mistaking my parents' protection for strictness. I sneaked out at night, roaming the empty streets of the Fire Nation Captial. One night I ran into Zuko." Your eyes quickly glanced at the firebender that was boring holes into your body as you talked before you turned your attention back to the others. "I didn't recognize him. I never saw the Firelord or his family for that matter. I wasn't allowed to leave my home, so that makes sense. Zuko never told me who he was. Never told me he was of royal blood. We started becoming friends, meeting more often, and spent the nights roaming through the city and playing pranks on the people that were closing their shops." You couldn't help but smile at the memory. Before everything went downhill. "One night I came home and got caught by my parents, they were scared, and only after I realized not only for me but for themselves too. I told them that I had a friend and that his name was Zuko. I have never seen so much fear in someone's eyes. It was too late. Apparently, I wasn't the only one that got caught that night. Not even a minute later, the guard of the Firenation broke down our doors, and my father hurried us out the backdoor and told us to run, he'd meet us in the forest over the hills. He'd take care of it." Tears started spilling out of your eyes, but you didn't care to hold them back. "He never made it." It was quiet as you wiped your tears, a faint smile on your face. You didn't want to remember your father with tears. He was one of the strongest and kindest men you have ever met, he wouldn't want you to cry, and you knew it. "They hunted us for weeks, every day. They made sure we knew they were out there for us. After weeks we finally made it to the Earth Kingdom, to Gaoling. Where my mother was born, and we were absolutely despised by everyone. Not only because I was able to control fire and earth, making the people believe I had some kind of devil within me, but also because my mother left the Kingdom for a Firebender. I'm pretty sure the day I lost my father, I also lost my mother. She never recovered, she was never the same."
Once again, silence filled the room, the tension thick as your gaze was on the ground. Toph would hate you, the others would hate you too. You were abnormal. You were destined to be dead, but you still made it. "Where is your mother now?" Katara asked, the question coming out hesitantly. But the question also burned on Zuko's tongue, he had seen her flee with her mother. He was glad that Katara asked. "I have no idea." You shrugged as you looked at the group. "One day, she left and never came back." You answered, suppressing the frown that was about to cover your face. It still stung. Knowing that your mother left because you destroyed her life. You were the reason why your father died. "If you excuse me." You said as you shot up, ignoring the lingering eyes that bored holes into your frame as you walked outside, now breathing in the icy air of the night as you sat down on the patio. 
"You could've told me, you know that, right?" Toph's voice startled you. It wasn't as confident as usual, it was soft, showing her real emotions. "I was scared." You muttered, letting your tears run down your face onto the cold ground as she stood behind you. "I would've understood. My parents weren't better. They hid me because I was blind. The only difference is that mine did it because they were embarrassed by me, yours did it to protect you." You could basically hear the sad smile on her face as she talked. "We'll talk more tomorrow, I'll head back inside. There's someone else who wants to talk to you." 
You didn't even have to turn to know it was Zuko. He sat down beside you, quiet as he looked up to the sky, his eyes roaming over the countless stars. "I just wanted to say that I am sorry for what happened. I shouldn't have told them and just should've kept my mouth shut. Should've told them a silly lie, my mom would've probably let me off the hook... I get it if you hate me, y/n. I never meant harm upon you or your family." His voice was calm and collected as if he had recited those words for years in his head, hoping to see you again and tell you those words. "I don't hate you, Zuko. This was never your fault. You were just a child, you didn't know better." You said, your voice quivering. Of course, it hurt, but you were way past the stage of anger. Slowly but surely, you've made your way to acceptance. You knew if you let the anger consume you and let it rip you apart, set every atom within your body ablaze, you wouldn't be better than the people that hunted you. You'd give them a reason to actually fear you. This was not your solution, not fear. You merely wanted to be recognized, simply wanted to be accepted, be equal to your brothers and sisters of the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation. But apparently, that was too much to ask for. "Don't do that, y/n." Zuko's voice was not as calm anymore, anger and frustration lacing his words as he talked. Not against you, but himself. He didn't deserve redemption. He ruined your life, ripped apart your family. "What do you want me to do, Zuko? Do you want me to scream, to punch you, curse you out, fight you? Is that what you want? To hate you?" Your eyes were filled with thick tears as you turned to Zuko, his golden eyes barely illuminated by the light from inside, staring at you. "Anything but forgiveness." His words stung you. "You are not the bearer of your father's mistakes, Zuko. You deserve forgiveness, you deserve to let go of the burden you carry upon yourself for the things your father did to you and the people you love. You are not the villain in this story." Your voice was collected, despite the tears that rolled down your face. Only now you noticed how mature he looked, much different from the 12-year-old him you grew to know, befriend and love. "I destroyed your life, your family, y/n. You had to flee the land because of me." "I don't think you understand, Zuko. It was never you. You didn't send the guard out to hunt us down, and you didn't kill my father. It wasn't you." Zuko kept quiet as he let the words sink in. 
You sighed, for once enjoying the silence as you wrapped your arms around his waist, pulling yourself closer to him as you placed your head on his chest, eyes focusing on the dark forest in front of you. Hesitantly, he wrapped his arms around your figure, pulling you closer, the warmth of his body heat comforting you, making you sigh. "I missed you, Zuzu." Zuko's body tensed at the old nickname, thanking the spirits that you weren't able to see the blush creeping up your face. "I missed you too, y/n/n."
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sanchosammy · 4 years
It wasn’t a mistake.
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Description: You and Frankie have been best friends for years, which is why you’re shocked to wake up in his bed after a night of drinking together. Too scared he’ll push you away after this, you push him out first. Too bad the two of you are forced to deal with your feelings on a camping trip with the guys.
Warnings: Cursing, talks of sex, drinking, I think that’s all?
NOTE: This isn’t my best work, I am not going to lie. but it is a fun read if you’re interested. Enjoy babes!
Word Count: 5,038.
“Fuck,” You moaned out. The pain from your splitting headache made for a rude awakening from your slumber. A familiar smell of cologne surrounded you as you breathed in, and a coolness lingered over your exposed skin causing you to stir further.
Your eyes slowly lifted open as you looked around your surroundings. Frankie’s bedroom... 
Oh God, Frankie’s bedroom. You noticed his arm loosely hugging your waist as he slept. The alcohol filled memories started to flood your brain and the night came back to you.
You found out about your promotion yesterday, which was kind of a big deal to you. It was something you worked your ass off for and to be recognized with a raise was everything you wanted. The boys wanted to celebrate with you truly, but it all fell through. Everyone had something come up last minute.
It wasn’t something taken personally by you, you didn’t know about the promotion until the last minute yourself. However, that did not stop Francisco Morales from wanting to celebrate this moment with you. The two of you were the closest out of everyone, a friendship that was filled with so many stupid stories and wonderful memories.
With the pictures to prove it.
Frankie was there no matter the situation. The man simply had balance to him, he would be there when you needed some to wrap their arms around you for comfort but he would also spend his weekend helping you with house projects. He does it all. The problem was he was too good of a man. Which left you madly in love with him. It started off throughout your time in the army together. You had only grown closer as time went on. Him and you spending more time together than anyone else within the last three years. 
You thought over the night before to remember how you found yourself in Frankie’s bed. The two of you had never even kissed before, how did it escalate into sex so fast? 
You carefully sat up trying not to disturb Frankie’s sleeping figure. The side of his face was pushed against his pillow as his arm hung around you. He looked so peaceful when he slept. A small smile formed as you noticed his bedhead, you loved his shaggy hair.
You looked around the room as you once again thought over the memories. Frankie wanted to celebrate the promotion no matter how much you told him it wasn’t a big deal. He knew you wanted to acknowledge your hard work deep down so he pushed on anyway. It started off with a small cheers with a couple of beers, and that turned into full blown drinking after Frankie decided to teach you an old drinking game he played as a teenager.
Truthfully, it was a simple game. You needed a shot glass and a bottle cap. The both of you had to take turns attempting to get the bottle cap into the shot glass from a distance, and if you missed then you had to drink. And if one of you actually managed to get the cap into the glass, the other person had to chug their drink.
The both of you knew you were too old to be drinking like this, but the game became a friendly competition between the two of you. The small example round turning into a full blown game and after a while the both of you were equally fucked up.
You don’t know why the mood shifted. At some point Frankie’s touch seemed to light a fire on your skin, and he must’ve felt it too because he was the first one to lean in for the kiss. Which somehow turned into the two of you having sex in his bedroom. You could remember it and you knew Frankie would too. The both of you knew how to handle your alcohol, but the judgement of sleeping with your best friend seemed to slip away with a little help from liquid courage.
Your cheeks burned at the details flashing through your mind. You had fantasized about the idea of sleeping with Frankie countless times, seeming you’ve been in love with him so long, but the real thing was so much better than you could’ve expected. He was focused on you the entire time and dammit… Francisco was a giving lover. 
The picture of him between your legs was now burned in your mind. A shame lingered behind though. You slept with your best friend. How could you do something so stupid? You managed to not openly flirt with the man for over several years and it all came crashing down after the both of you knocked back a few drinks? 
The realization of how this changed everything creeped in. The two of you probably wouldn’t be the same after this. From the silence of the house you could hear your heart shatter if you listened hard enough. All of your time together stripped away from you within a night. 
Your eyes burned at the sudden presence of hot tears. You just wanted to leave at this point, it was overwhelming. How could something feel so right, and somehow end up being so wrong? 
You shifted from the bed removing his arm as gentle as you could. Finding your clothes scattered on the floor and you hurriedly put them on. You were for sure a little hungover, but you’d have to pick something up on the way home because you didn’t have the balls to face him and have the ‘This was a mistake’ talk. You just couldn’t, it would absolutely crush you.
You closed his door and made sure to lock it behind you. The sun was too bright today as you forced yourself into the car faster than usual. The light from the sky and your sudden sky rocket of emotion causing the headache to feel so much worse.
As you backed out of his driveway, you found tears streaming down your face silently. You weren’t one to just burst into tears but this felt like a death suddenly. A death in friendship and a passing of the best part of your life so far. You looked at his house once more before pulling off and heading home.
The phone beeped again. You looked at it across the room before turning the TV louder. At this point you simply ignored your phone at all costs. It had been a week since you last saw Frankie, and to be honest you’ve been purposefully ignoring the man. When he did finally wake up after you left, there was no hesitation on his end to call you but you didn’t answer. And then there were several texts throughout the week. 
You tried not to read them. A few you happened to catch a glimpse of because out of a sickened curiosity you wondered if he hated you after what happened. The few that you caught said ‘(Y/N), call me please.’, ‘Can we talk about what happened?’, ‘Please talk to me.’. 
In your mind, all Frankie wanted to talk about was how this wouldn’t happen again. That it was a mistake, or maybe that drunken mistakes happen and he didn’t see you in that way. No matter what he had to say, it was somehow going to hurt you and you couldn’t bring yourself to face it. You were brave in the direct aim of live bullets shooting straight at you on operations, and somehow you found yourself being such a coward at the idea of emotional pain.
The phone rang out again and you found yourself annoyed at this point. Not at the fact Frankie was attempting to reach you all week, but that you were being forced to face emotional baggage of your failed love life. You pulled yourself off the couch and snatched the phone off the counter to silence it, that was until you saw the caller ID. 
You swiped to accept and put the phone to your ear. A part of you was nervous Frankie had told him, but you knew he wasn’t that kind of guy. He didn’t kiss and tell, or so you hoped so. 
“Hey Santiago!” 
“Hey, where you been cariño? You’re usually blowing up my phone more.” He teased you, but he was serious somewhat about the question.
You talked to all of the guys throughout your week, some more than others but that was kind of your thing nonetheless. All of you left the army with a brotherhood, and though they weren’t saps about it. Those boys were emotionally attached to you, and somewhat even adored you.
You sighed out a huff pulling some excuse out your ass about work and the promotion. He brushed the topic forward to what he really called for, “This isn’t going to be a problem for the trip, right?
You paused in your spot as you reviewed his words in your mind… Fuck, the camping trip. Your silence wasn’t the answer Pope wanted to hear. 
All of you planned out this camping trip so everyone could meet up somewhere that wasn’t a bar. It was some idea you had thrown out carelessly one night, and you were actually excited when everyone came around to the idea pretty fast. Even old grumpy ass Tom was willing to join in after a little persuading of drinking beers in the woods away from all his stress and worries. Needless to say, that sold him pretty easy.
However, this was before you drunkenly hooked up with your best friend. You ignored Frankie all week and the trip was in less than three days. You couldn’t possibly face him for several days in the literal woods without any escape from your embarrassment. No, absolutely not.
“I don’t think I can, Santi… I’m going to be pretty piled up with work now.” You lied. You felt awful doing so, but you lied your ass off.
“Listen, you’re not getting out of this trip unless you’re dead or kidnapped.” Yeah, that sounded like Santiago. You tried to cut in with a but before he continued, he brushed off your plea to escape this. “You’re not cancelling on us, (Y/L/N). I don’t care if I have to pull you out of bed Saturday morning, you’re coming with us.”
Fuck me. You have to be kidding me. You internally groaned.  “Alright, alright! No need to threaten me, sheesh. I’ll be ready.”
In much Santiago style, he teased you with a “Don’t pretend like you don’t like it,” which pulled a chuckle out of you in response as you rolled your eyes.
You said your goodbyes before hanging up the phone. The home screen goes back to reveal the five missed text messages and two missed calls from Frankie from this week. You guiltily put your phone back down to once again pretend you didn’t see the unopened messages from him.
You had no idea how you were going to get through this trip without wanting to throw yourself off a cliff. This was about to be torture.
You pulled into Frankie’s driveway noticing several men gathered around a van, all of them filled with laughter about something. All of you pitched in to rent a travel van instead of driving two separate cars. Unsure on who decided that bright idea because six of you in a van sounded like possibly the best and worst experience all in one.
The group turned towards you as you shut the car door behind you. “Finally, the pretty one has arrived.” You chirped in as a joke. Will replied before anyone else had a chance to, “Oh please, you know that’s Pope’s title.”
You would’ve smacked him on the arm jokingly, but Will picked you up in a bear hug before you could. You hadn’t seen him in nearly two months, and so the hug was extra special this time. You laughed in his tight hold before he released you back on your feet.  You made sure to hug the rest of the guys as you always did.
The comfort of their hugs is something money couldn’t buy.. After you hugged Tom you noticed Frankie wasn’t around. As awful as it sounded, a part of you hoped he would cancel out on the trip because of the awkwardness between the both of you.
“Catfish is inside, he’ll be out in a second.” Will commented as he noticed your wandering eyes. You just nodded before going back to your car to pull out the cooler. Benny followed behind to help without being asked. 
You purchased half of the food for the trip. Everyone had agreed to pitch money in for different parts of the trip. Food, supplies, gas, and so forth. You pulled your backpack from the backseat before locking the doors, fully ready to start your little adventure.
“Hey,” Frankie’s voice came from behind you causing you to jump. You turned to look at him before mumbling a quiet hey back. You noticed how he looked at you in a way that seemed like he was studying your face rather than simply looking at it. His brown eyes scanning over your features.
You knew he wanted to say something about your disappearance the past week. You could see it on his face. He was fully ready to confront the situation, and he would’ve if your mutual friends weren’t standing behind him.
You looked at each other silently for a moment. Frankie was looking at you like a kicked animal, and he felt like one too. The emotional and physical distance you placed confused and hurt him more than you knew.
You shifted your stare past him to break the uncomfortable eye contact only to find Santiago watching the moment unfold. You pushed past Frankie without a word before heading to the van.
Normally, in any situation, you had unspoken rights to sit beside Frankie. It was just an unofficial rule that everyone naturally followed by now, and that’s probably why Tom and Santiago stared at you suspiciously as you crammed yourself in the back seat with Will instead.
The hurt in Frankie’s face wasn’t something you were blind to. He sat down with a huff coming from his chest as he found a spot in front of you beside Ben. The whole situation was becoming ridiculous and you knew that, but you couldn’t find the strength to talk it out with him. You found it so much easier to avoid the situation completely as selfish as it was.
Will wrapped his arm around you and snickered, “Looks like I stole your girl, fish.”
You cringed in response to his words. Frankie crossed his arms as he adjusted in his seat. If someone didn’t know Frankie well, it seemed like he just ignored the statement completely. A joke that he didn’t find funny possibly. However, you could read his body language. His shoulders remained tight as they often did when he was stressed out.
You wanted to shrink under the vision of Tom who looked at you from the sun visor mirror. It was only a small moment of eye contact before he lifted the visor back up. This was going to be a long three days… 
The rest of the car ride wasn’t terrible. The conversation moved to different topics like Benny’s upcoming fight, which you promised to go to. Sunset was already in motion once you arrived at the location and so the six of you carried stuff down the trail as a team.  It kind of reminded you of the past and it was a little heart warming of a thought.
You all agreed on a spot that was far out from the other campers. It could have been the bitterness of a grumpy old man but none of you wanted to deal with people on this trip. It was meant to be total isolation with friends.
“Wait a minute, what’s this?” You asked as you picked up the box. A tent labeled for four to six people. No, he did not. “Will, you seriously expect everyone to sleep in the same tent for three days?”
All eyes shifted to Will. Tom letting out a dramatic huff with a ‘isn’t that fucking great.’ and everyone else let out some sort of complaint at the thought of being squished together for several days.
“What?” Will shrugged as he pulled the box from your hands. He walked back over to where the tent was supposed to go  soon as he snickered out. “You guys scared I’m gonna cuddle you or some shit?”
You rolled your eyes. “No, I’m more scared you’ll get the wrong idea. I don’t think you’re our type, sorry Ironhead.”
The joke earned a few chuckles from the rest of the guys. Will hardly looked over at you as he replied, his focus remained too busy on pulling out the tent materials. “Apparently nobody’s your type. I mean, seriously, when was the last time we’ve seen Ghost date somebody?”
Your face felt warm from embarrassment. He wasn’t wrong though, it had been nearly two years since you’ve been on an actual date. Tom chuckled as he looked up from the little travel grill he was setting up for dinner “He’s got you there. You batting for the other team or something, (Y/N)?”
Everyone pretended to continue their tasks but you could feel their attention on you. You handed him the supplies for dinner as you mumbled out, clearly unhappy by the question “No, I just… haven’t found someone is all.”  
A certain pair of eyes were burning in the back of your head. A pain in Frankie’s heart as he heard the words. It was not only a confirmation that you regretted the week before, but that you weren’t interested in him at all. He wanted to go home already, this was a stupid idea.
There was a weird shift in the air before Will returned to the original topic at hand. “There’s another tent over there. Walmart only had two left in the camping section,” 
And sure enough there was. The second tent was much smaller and by the time you helped finish setting them both up, you realized one of them would only fit two people inside. You fell back into the chair looking at the work you accomplished in the thirty minutes. 
“So, who is sleeping in the peasant tent?” You joked.
“You and Frankie.” Santi commented casually as he helped Tom. The both of them focused on the burger’s he attempted to cook on the small travel grill. Frankie watched you to see your reaction.
“What? Why us?” You mumbled popping the top off your beer. 
Santi continued “Why not? The two of you have already shared a bed before at the rental house. That is unless you’re trying to sneak me into your tent, (Y/N).” He winked before looking back at the food. He flirted mindlessly but it was never serious with Pope, he saw you as a sister at the end of the day.
 “Frankie it is then.” You laughed but inside you wanted to die. You had to sleep next to Frankie for three nights after the awkward tension of sleeping together. What did you do so wrong in the world, you wondered.
Time had passed by pretty quick. Everyone was full from dinner and sitting around the fire with a beer. You found yourself next to Will once again. At this point it was simply to avoid putting your chair next to Frankie to put some distance between the two of you. 
Benny was talking about some girl he was seeing for the last two months. “Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s going to work out.” He sipped his beer as he stared into the fire.
“What, why?” You asked.
“I think she’s more into the idea of hooking up more than anything.” He shrugged. 
You hummed in acknowledgment before Tom chuckled. “I can’t believe you’re complaining about having sex with someone.”
“Leave him alone, Benny is a teddy bear. He needs a little more care with his lovin’” You mumbled with a teasing smile as you pulled your jacket tighter around you. Benny let out a small ‘whatever’ while laughing, not caring to explain himself further.
“Hey Fish, whatever happened to that girl you were seeing?” Tom looked over at him and everyone followed the action to watch Frankie now.
He looked a little surprised at the sudden attention. When the conversation wasn’t on him, he liked to sit back and listen in silence for the most part. He tended to be a quiet person like that, not wanting to put forth too much.
He shook his head as he looked back down at the fire. His words coming out nonchalant and not interested in the topic, “Tina? That was over two years ago.” 
“No, not that one.” Tom said without much thought. Frankie stiffened as the realization washed over him. He never thought the situation would be brought to light. Tom continued on, “That one hookup a couple of months ago. You two didn’t have anything going on?”
Frankie found himself frozen under your sudden stare on him. His eyes caught yours, and he wanted to die in his seat.
It was a mindless one night stand… That happened twice, funny enough. It was the one thing he never mentioned to you in fear it would ruin his future chance. The whole thing happened seven months ago. Someone close to him passed suddenly and he wanted to forget it for a moment, and a woman he knew from high school happened to be in the bar two weekends in a row. 
“You never told me about that.” You tried to sound uninterested, but the look in your eyes spoke loudly. 
He cleared his throat. The ability to say anything helpful in this situation left him, and he just looked at the bottle in his hand. “It was a mistake anyway.” He said before pressing his lips to the top of the bottle and swallowing a mouthful.
You didn’t know why you were this upset. You sat miserable watching Frankie avoid your stare. 
Your jaw tight from anger building up inside. Not only were you hurt by him keeping secrets, but that wasn’t the part that hurt the most. Jealousy had washed over like some sort of fire. A painful and filled with an unstoppable burning inside. 
“Whatever, I’m going to go piss.” You muttered under your breath as you walked away from the men. You just wanted to be alone and away from him.
Santi shook his head as he stood up from his chair, “You’ve really done it now, Fish.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Frankie muttered as he crossed his arms and leaned into his chair hoping to sink into the ground.
Santiago ignored him as he followed you into the woods. He knew this was just some lame excuse to walk away from the situation. If sexual tension was ever in the air, the first person to find it would be Pope. He knew what was going on with the two of you, he figured it out after spending the day watching the both of you interact.
“So, when did you and Frankie sleep together?” 
You jumped at the sound of his voice. Santi matched with your now slowing steps as the both of you stopped completely. Far enough out of view from the boys. You recovered from the small scare before rolling your eyes, “What are you talking about Pope?” 
He chuckled with a small smirk on his face. The moon was the only reason you could see his face considering you forgot your flashlight in your hurry. “Oh, come on. You don’t think I know?”
You considered not answering because you didn’t want to admit out loud. The situation is humiliating enough already. A small sigh left your lips before you nodded in confirmation, your tone sounding defeated. “Alright, yeah. We slept together last week, but we were pretty drunk… It was a mistake.”
“I don’t think it was.” Pope commented as he found a tree to lean against. He watched you for a moment before continuing. “I know this isn’t my place to say this, but… Somebody needs to because Frankie won’t grow a pair. You know the real reason him and Tina broke up?”
You shrugged, “Something about not liking me around.”
He chuckled, “Yeah, that was a part of it.” You watched as he chewed on his lip for a moment. He wasn’t nervous by any means, but deep in thought about what he was about to reveal. “They were in some argument one night, she asked him if he loved you… And he couldn’t say no.”
“What?” You were left stunned. Your mouth felt dry as you processed the information. 
Santi walked over laying a hand on your shoulder, “I’m telling you, (Y/N). It wasn’t a mistake.” He patted your shoulder as he walked past you and continued back to the campsite.
The talk was short and sweet, but it left you more confused than before. Did Frankie actually love you? He mentioned she didn’t like you in the past, but you didn’t know that was the reason. What if Frankie really stayed single this long because he was trying to find a chance with you?
You walked back in silence to the spot you came from. Frankie focusing on you as you walked into view before sitting down again. Nobody mentioned the situation with Santi, or how long you had been gone. It wasn’t worth ruining the conversation over. 
You found yourself leaning on Will’s shoulder sleepily. The chatter of friends filling your ears as you sat there quietly. You didn’t know if it was the emotions draining you or the day of travel. The longer the night went on you found yourself more and more tired.
You closed your eyes to rest them. It was supposed to be a second, but it must’ve been much longer because you opened them again and you were safely in the tent now.  You could tell Frankie was in the tent, his body as far away from you as possible as he slept. When did you fall asleep? When did everyone call it a night? You wondered silently.
You shivered in the drop of temperature. You didn’t think it would be this cold tonight, the weather throughout the day was so warm on your skin and now you had goosebumps. 
“Are you cold?” Frankie’s quiet voice scared you. He shifted from his side onto his back as he looked over at you.
“Shit, you scared me.” You let out a quiet laugh before clearing your throat awkwardly, your voice thick with sleep. “Yeah, I’m sorry. Go back to sleep.”
He paid no attention to your comment as he moved his extra blanket on you instead. You attempted to make out his features as he moved to lay back down in his spot away from you, the darkness of the tent made it impossible though. A moment passed as you listened to the sound of his quiet breathing.
You swallowed hard trying to settle your nerves before speaking up in a whisper. “I’m sorry by the way.”
“For what?” He asked, turning his face towards yours. He wished he could see your beautiful face.
“Everything… I shouldn’t have avoided you, you know?” 
He heard you, but he didn’t reply. The soft sound of crickets outside filled your ears instead. You decided to continue even if it wasn’t the ideal location to do so. “Do you regret sleeping with me?” 
“No…” His voice croaked from whispering. He cleared his throat after a bit before asking “Do you?”
“No,” You admit and although you couldn’t see it, a small smile formed on his face. A chance of hope flashing through his eyes. 
“Can I tell you something?” You breathed out.
“Yeah, of course.” 
Frankie stiffened when he felt your hand brush against his. When he realized you were reaching out to hold it, his fingers automatically linked between yours and he squeezed your hand softly.
“Don’t laugh at me, okay?” Your voice broke with emotion before you let out a breathy chuckle. His thumb subconsciously began to stroke your hand in an attempt to soothe you. “I’m in love with you. I’ve been in love with you since the first time we went on a helicopter ride.”
He stopped to recall the memory. Both of you were still in the army together when Frankie wanted to take you on your first flight. You were so nervous in the beginning, he had spent half the flight talking to keep you distracted. “That was over five years ago.” Frankie commented, the shock was noticeable in his voice. 
“Yeah, I know.” You laughed.
Frankie moved closer to you. His movements slow and careful in case you asked him to stop. He was leaning above you now, you didn’t realize how close he was until you could feel the warmth of his breath. Your fingers moved to run through his hair similar to the way they did the night you slept together. He was hesitant to move in as if he wasn’t sure if he should kiss you, so you leaned in pressing your lips to his. 
The kiss was slow and drawn out this time as if Frankie was soaking in the moment. Unlike the night before when the two of you were nearly falling over each other. He pulled away pressing his forehead against yours “I’ve known since the time you made me a cake for my birthday.”
“Frankie, that was our first year in the Army?” 
He chuckles as he pecks your lips, repeating the same line you used, “Yeah, I know.”
“Why did we wait this long?” You asked out loud. Your arms wrapped around him before he pulled you down to lay on his chest instead. His body heat warming you up within seconds.
He shook his head. He should’ve done this so long ago. A smile settled on his face as the realization settled in he finally got his girl.
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hockeylvr59 · 4 years
Secret Love Part 10 || Cale Makar
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Requested: [ ] yes [x] no
Authors Note: This is an important and super fluffy chapter. It’s taking me a bit longer to write now that school is back so updates will be slower but I am obsessed with sharing this story with you guys and all of the feedback means the world to me. A photoset of all of the sightseeing locations will be posted immediately following this update and as always will be tagged ‘038′
Warnings: cursing
Word Count: 3,695
You started your day - for the second time - when Cale’s thumb brushed over your cheek and his lips ghosted over yours. As your eyes cracked open, you realized he was standing beside the bed already fully dressed. 
“Time to get up sunshine...we have a busy day of exploring ahead of us.” He chuckled as you groaned, stretching lazily as your brain struggled to wake up. A glance at your phone revealed that it was 5:45 in the morning, not even two hours since you fell back asleep. “Get up and get dressed and we can go get coffee and breakfast.” Cale lured, smiling so brightly that you wanted to smack it right off of his face. 
Fifteen minutes later, you were pulling on socks and a pair of hiking sneakers while Cale finished throwing things into the backpack he’d brought as a carry-on. You had already pulled on the pair of leggings, t-shirt, and fleece that Cale had laid out for you and had quickly fixed your hair adding a combo foundation/sunscreen to your face so that you didn’t look entirely dead. 
Sliding out of the hotel room, you stopped down at the continental breakfast for sustenance and coffee. Not long after that, you were sliding back into the rental vehicle as Cale tossed the bag in the backseat and loaded up an address into his phone’s GPS. 
“So can I ask where we’re going?” You inquired, yawning as you looked over at your boyfriend. 
“We’re doing the Golden Circle today...but starting with a little bit of a detour first.” Despite your look to continue, Cale didn’t add anything else to that. Instead, he handed you his phone with Spotify open so that you could pick the music for the trip. 
For the next 45 minutes, you jammed out while looking out the window as the views of Iceland passed by. It was too early to have any form of intelligent conversation but as always the silence was comfortable. Eventually, Cale pulled into a parking lot and climbed out of the car, grabbing the backpack from the backseat. 
“You ready for a hike?” He questioned, lacing his fingers through yours. 
“Let’s do it.” You agreed, hoping your body was prepared for what you were about to put it through. It was a brisk, 14 degrees Celsius/57 degrees Fahrenheit outside but with your layered clothing it was comfortable. 
The start of the hike was relatively flat and continued a good distance before you descended down the hillside and through a stone archway. Continuing your descent you reached a river, one you evidently had to cross to continue. Slipping off your shoes and socks, you rolled your pants up. With Cale behind you, you grabbed onto the guidewire and started making your way across the rocks until you reached a log halfway across. Reaching the other side of the swiftly flowing river, you threw your shoe laden hands up in the air in triumph. 
“That was...an experience.” You mused, taking a towel Cale offered to dry off your feet before sliding back into more proper footwear. 
“Now comes the hard part....up.” Cale declared, taking the towel from you to dry off his own feet. 
“I was afraid you were going to say that.” You joked, stretching to peck his lips. “Just...don’t let me fall.” You pleaded lightly. 
“You’re not going anywhere,” Cale promised. “And the view will be worth it.” 
Sharing sips from the bottle of water Cale had brought, you started the long ascent. Holding the ropes as you climbed, you made slow but steady progress. Without you saying a word about it, Cale slowed down his pace when you needed him to and he reached out a hand to help when the next step was just a little too far or too high. Climbing over some particularly high rocks, Cale had one hand in yours while his other guided you up by your waist, and you stumbled half a step, your chest pressing against his as a anxious giggle spilled from your throat. 
By the time you reached the first marker point you were in desperate need of more water and eagerly took the bottle as Cale pulled it out of the backpack. It was only after you had taken a handful of sips that you actually looked at where you were. Off in the distance was a magnificent waterfall, steep cliffs surrounding it on either side. In the other direction, you could see all the way out to the ocean, just miles and miles of the most stunning terrain. It was absolutely breathtaking and already so worth the burn in your quads you were going to be feeling for days. 
As you turned back to stare at the waterfall again, Cale’s arms slipped around your waist and he stood pressed against your back, his chin resting on top of your head. 
“What do you think?” He murmured. 
“It’s incredible.” You whispered, relaxing back against him. 
“I knew you’d like it.” Cale added, his breaths long and deep, just taking it all in. 
As you stood wrapped in Cale’s arms, in wonder of how a place like this could exist, you felt a wave of emotion crash over you, hitting you as hard as the water flowing over the falls hit the rocks below. 
You were in love with him. 
A life with him, one full of adventure and wonder. Knowing he was the one person who knew you better than yourself, knowing he would always be there to support you physically and emotionally. This was all you could ever ask for, could ever want.
You’d loved him from the moment you first held him 21 years ago. That love had changed in substance as you went from playing house with Cale as your partner in crime and Taylor as your baby to biting your nails trying to quell your nerves as you watched him skate in his first collegiate hockey game. Now, that love was different still: deeper, stronger, all-consuming, intimate. You were learning every little piece of him and he was learning the same about you. 
It was too soon to say the words aloud, but you could no longer deny it in your own mind. You didn’t just love your best friend, you were head over heels in love with him. 
Twisting in his arms, you wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him down into a soft kiss. Just because you weren’t ready to say it didn’t mean you couldn’t express it through your actions. 
You didn’t even realize that Cale had messed around with his phone to take a picture until you had pulled away, cheeks warm from both the exertion and the kiss. It was a stunning photo, one you were itching to make your home screen, but one that certainly was going in the file not to be seen by your parents. Cale took a few more pictures before the two of you continued to climb. 
When you reached the top of the falls, you took even more pictures, sitting down by the side of the river to munch on one of the protein bars Cale had packed. After a few more minutes rest, Cale pulled you back to your feet and the two of you turned around to retrace your steps all the way back down, across the river once more, and then up to the car. 
Your hike had taken you the entire morning, but had been so worth it. Your epiphany aside, spending time with Cale like this was something you had always treasured but that had been in short supply as the two of you got older. So between the bonding time and getting to take in all of the incredible views you’d just witnessed, you were certainly feeling blessed even if you were already sore.
 Climbing back in the car, you insisted Cale find somewhere with a bathroom before your next stop of the day. It hadn’t bothered you while you were moving but with draining an entire bottle of water while hiking and the constant sound of water in your ears all day...you really needed to pee. Cale had laughed at you, but complied willingly, pulling up his phone to find someplace for the two of you to stop. 
After emptying your bladder and downing another protein bar, you settled in for the short drive to Þingvellir National Park. Having pulled out Cale’s map with the Golden Circle route, you now had some idea of at least the general locations you were going to see. 
As Cale pulled the car into a parking lot, you got a glimpse of what made this place so special. But it wasn’t until you had gotten out and actually started walking around that you realized how truly impressive it was. This was one of the few locations globally where you could actually see the tectonic plates. Jagged rocks thrust out of the landscape appearing on either side of you as you tugged Cale along the path. It was sights like this that made you realize how big and powerful nature was and just how small you were as humans in comparison. 
Having already seen one incredible waterfall today, you decided to forgo the walk to see the one here in the park and instead just took a couple of photos before heading back to the car to continue on to the next stop of your journey. 
Back in the car, you once again took over Cale’s phone for music, his spotify blasting as you drove through Iceland with the windows down, enjoying the beautiful afternoon. Singing along to the music, you kicked your feet up and leaned against your door, partly watching your surroundings and partly watching your boyfriend. He’d relaxed considerably behind the wheel since yesterday and you’d never noticed how sexy he looked while driving before. It wasn’t something you could explain, it was just something that hit you straight in the gut. 
Your next stop was to see Geysir, the Icelandic version of Old Faithful. The strong smell of sulfur filled the air and steam rose from the vents and pools of bubbling water in the ground. 
“We don’t have to stick around here long.” Cale insisted, his hand rubbing over your lower back as you headed toward the largest geyser in the park. Like clockwork, the geyser erupts every six minutes, so it wasn’t too much of a wait to see it before heading back to the car. 
Reaching for the passenger door, you were stopped when Cale grabbed your wrist and tugged your body closer to his. 
“Are you okay?” He questioned, palm cupping your cheek. 
“Yeah Cale I’m good.” You assured him. “It’s just not the most pleasant scent.” Kissing him softly, you brushed your nose against his for a moment before settling back onto your heels. “Now let’s get out of here.” It didn’t escape your notice, that once again Cale was checking on you, making sure that you were always okay. The way he cared for those around him was one of the things you loved most about him. 
It was a really short, ten-minute car ride to the next stop of the day. Though you had skipped the small waterfall at Þingvellir National Park, Gullfoss Falls had made Cale’s list of things to see. Unlike Glymur falls which had been tall and narrow, Gullfoss was a fairly shallow set of falls, that stretched over a much wider area. With the sun shining the way it was, rainbows appeared wherever there was mist from the falls. Everything in Iceland was absolutely beautiful; just being here made you feel more grounded, centered. It was absolutely the perfect trip so far to really spend time with Cale as a couple rather than just friends. This time, the photos you took were silly ones to show your families. But like your last few stops, you didn’t linger long before climbing into the car to head to the final stop of the Circle. 
You must have dozed off during that leg of the drive because when you opened your eyes, you were once again parked in a new location. Cale was looking at his phone, but when he realized you were awake, his eyes turned soft as he glanced over at you. 
“What?” You inquired, your back popping as you stretched. Cale didn’t respond, simply shaking his head as he turned the car off and moved to climb out of the car. 
“You coming?” He eventually called, turning back to face you about ten feet in front of the car. Rolling your eyes, you quickly moved to catch up with him and after paying a small conservation fee, you stepped off the paved lot onto a path. In front of you was a crater lake, its deep blue water surrounded by red rock and green vegetation. 
“Okay...don’t get me wrong...everything we’ve seen today has been gorgeous...but I think this is my favorite.” You breathed. 
“Yeah?” Cale murmured. You nodded in response, tucking yourself into his side as the two of you just admired the sight in front of you. Waterfalls were great, geysers and faults were cool, but this...this was on another level. 
Eventually you’d made your way back to Reykjavik after lingering for awhile at the Crater.
It had been a long day, and you were ready to get some dinner and just relax before maybe going to bed early. Sinking into one of the chairs in your hotel room, you sighed in relief and toed off your shoes. Cale had disappeared into the bathroom and when you looked up he was leaning against the wall, a pensive look on his face. 
“So...are you gonna hate me if I tell you we have one more thing on the agenda for today?” He asked. When your shoulders sunk, he chuckled and moved across the room to kiss you. “I promise it’s something relaxing.” He murmured against your lips. 
“What is it?” You groaned. 
“Dinner followed by a little dip…” You had to admit you were intrigued and you were dying to show off the new suits you’d bought for the trip. 
“You kill me Cale.” You sighed, though the smile pulling at the corners of your mouth gave away your compliance. Cale pulled you to your feet and his hands landed on your hips as he looked down at you, content smile traveling all the way up to his eyes. “You’re lucky I really really like you.” You teased. 
“Hmm is that right?” Cale murmured back as his mouth dropped to yours for a kiss that lingered, his tongue exploring your mouth. Sighing into the kiss, for a moment you let yourself get lost in the feeling of it all. When the kiss broke, you stood in Cale’s arms, your fingers playing with the hairs at the back of his neck. The way he was looking at you made you shiver and knowing you’d never leave this hotel room if you didn’t start moving, you pulled away. 
“Do I need to stay dressed like this or can I change into something a little nicer?” You questioned.
“You can change if you want.” Cale declared, fingers running through his hair. Digging through your suitcase, you grabbed your swimsuit and one of the nice but still fairly casual dresses you’d packed before slipping into the bathroom. Sliding the suit on, you pulled the dress on over it before stepping back into the main room. 
“Will this work?” You asked as you slid your dirty clothes into a laundry bag. Cale still hadn’t responded by the time you’d found your sandals and slipped them on and when you looked over at him, his cheeks were flushed and his jaw was halfway to the ground. “Cale…” You prompted, eyebrows raised. 
“Shit...fuck...holy crap you’re beautiful.” Cale declared after snapping out of the daze he’d been in. If this simple dress had that much of an effect on him, you couldn’t wait to see how he responded to some of the other things you’d brought, suit included. 
“So it’ll work?” You repeated your question, giggling softly. 
“Yeah...I think that’ll work.” He agreed, shaking his head before moving to change as well. 
You’d lost count of how many times you’d been in and out of your rental car today, but as you climbed into the passenger seat again, you acknowledged that this time felt different. Once Cale had reached the open highway, his hand reached down to lace with yours. Anxious butterflies filled your stomach and it took some time before you realized why. 
This was your first real date. 
Sure you’d had lunch together, done dinner at your place, watched movies, this whole trip was kind of an extended date...but this was the first time you’d gone out together that truly felt like a date. 
It was silly to feel nervous, you’d been together for a month already and things were really good. Still, you couldnt’t shake that little bit of nervous energy. 
A few nerves were good though, and you decided to just make the most of them. About an hour after you’d left your hotel, Cale pulled into a parking lot again and the two of you made your way through a winding path surrounded by volcanic rock until you reached the doors for the Blue Lagoon. 
Dinner was the first part of this date which you were thankful for because you were starving. With views of the lagoon, high ceilings and a wall made of the same volcanic rock as outside, you settled into a table at the Lava Restaurant. 
Once glasses of wine were poured and main dishes were ordered, you smiled across the table at Cale. 
“I don’t know if I’ve…”
“You really are…” You both started speaking at the same time, and laughter spread between you as you each stopped to let the other speak. 
“Go ahead.” Cale insisted, his thumb brushing against your joined hands. 
“Thank you for all of this.” You breathed. “This trip is really special and I know you put a lot of thought and effort into planning it.” 
“You’re worth it.” Cale said blushing slightly. “This trip wouldn’t be nearly as fun with anyone else.” Reaching for your wine glass you held it up in a toast, waiting for Cale to mirror your action. 
“To us.” You murmured. “To adventures, laughter, and a little romance.” 
“To my beautiful girlfriend. My best friend. I’m so lucky you’re mine even though it took us awhile to figure it out.” Your heart pounded at Cale’s words but thankfully your food arrived before he had the chance to make you cry. 
Sharing your lamb fillet and Cale’s beef tenderloin, you both got to taste multiple examples of the rich Icelandic cuisine. Your main dishes were followed by a shared dessert of icelandic berries and chocolate. As Cale fed you a bite, you felt some of the caramel sauce hit the corner of your mouth. Before you could reach up to wipe it away, Cale had done it for you and your stomach twisted pleasantly at the feeling of his thumb against your skin. 
When your food was finished, you relaxed finishing off your glasses of wine while Cale told you a story from his time at UMass that you hadn’t heard before. Eventually though, you got up from the table and moved to head out to the lagoon itself. 
Since you both had suits on under your clothes already, it didn’t take long to put your things into a locker in the women’s changing area before meeting up with Cale. The moment he saw you, you watched him swallow hard, his eyes visibly darkening. 
“This. is. not. fair.” Cale choked out. Dragging him outside, your eyes went wide as you took in the sight in front of you. Pale blue water, dark rocks, it was absolutely stunning and you couldn’t wait to get in. 
Stepping down into the warm water you waited for Cale to join you, laughing to yourself as he stood on the cement looking completely awestruck. The water was perfect, it felt like you had stepped into a massive jacuzzi and the heat felt wonderful on your sore muscles. 
“You’re trying to give me a heart attack aren’t you?” Cale whispered, his voice dangerously low as he appeared behind you. 
“And just how would I do that?” You smirked, enjoying the ego stroking you were getting from Cale’s reactions. 
“You know how.” Cale mumbled. “You’re absolutely killing me right now.” 
You’d hoped to get some reaction out of Cale when you picked out this suit, but you hadn’t expected for him to lose his mind like this. Admittedly, the blue and white of the suit was even more fitting for this location than you had expected and you felt sexy and confident as Cale’s eyes lingered on you. 
Trailing your nails down Cale’s chest you pulled your bottom lip between your teeth as you smiled up at him. 
“If you like this...wait until you see what else I packed…” You suggested, slipping away from Cale to head over to the in-water bar for a drink, his growl resounding in your ears. 
Cale seemed to recover from his shock a little but not fully and the two of you spent close to two hours enjoying yourselves. You even convinced Cale to not only let you give him a silica mask, but to take a couple pictures with it on even though he was sure to be chirped if his teammates or even his brother ever saw them. 
Relaxed and happy, you left the lagoon to drive back to the hotel. That had been by far your favorite first date ever. And it was the best way to cap off a day that had been even better than yesterday. As you crawled into bed, your head resting on Cale’s chest, the exhaustion of such an eventful day caught up with you and it wasn’t long until you had fallen fast asleep. 
End of Chapter Outfit:
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yikesharringrove · 4 years
Toy Box
Part 14
Read on ao3
Billy woke up when Steve’s elbow dug deeply into his side.
It knocked all the wind out of him, and he wheezed.
Steve was staring at him with wide eyes.
“Sorry, I was trying to climb over you out of bed, and I slipped, sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Billy’s voice was still hoarse, Steve was biting his lip. “What you gettin’ outta bed for?”
“Uh, ‘cause it’s your bed?”
Steve just stared at him.
“You do realize, if you open the cuddle gate, you’re never getting a break from me, right? I’m clingy.” Steve made his voice go up on the clingy, waving one hand like it illustrated it.
“I’m fine with that.”
Billy was fine with that. He was so fucking fine with that. To the point where it was less fine with that and more actively wanting that.
Steve just watched him, and then crashed down on top of Billy.
Billy was still laying on his side, Steve’s upper body flopped over his torso.
“You’ve resigned yourself to a life of this now,” He said it like it was a warning.
“Yeah, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this.” Billy just extracted his arm, rolling onto his back so Steve was laying more comfortably on his chest.
He held him close.
“You’re warm,” he said into Steve’s hair.
“Just a lil furnace for ya.”
“It gets too cold here.” Steve’s head shifted, turning to look at Billy.
“I just realized I don’t know where you’re from. I know shit all about you.”
“You know how big my dick is.” Steve squawked, his cheeks going pink. Billy laughed softly at him. “I’m from California.”
“Makes sense. You look like California.”
“How does someone look like a state?”
Steve huffed.
“i just mean, you got the whole beachy surfer thing. With the hair and the tan and the freckles.”
“I fucking miss surfing.”
“And I called it.”
Billy pinched his side, getting a little yelp from Steve. He hid his face back in Billy’s chest. Billy could feel his breaths puffing out softly against his skin.
“Why’d you come here? California to Indiana is kind of a jump.”
“This school gave me a full ride. And my dad wasn’t gonna help me pay. So, here I am.”
“Good job. A full ride that’s-” Steve’s dad was paying the full brunt of in-state tuition. Because what fucking school would give Steve an academic scholarship?
He still remembers senior year, his final basketball season. Scouts coming to games to watch for players in the stands.
Even Tommy H. had gotten a basketball scholarship.
Granted, it was some Christian school in Texas, but Steve would kill to be any where but Indiana State.
But if he wasn’t here he never would’ve met Billy.
“Hey, where’d you go?”
“Down the shitty rabbit hole that is my shitty life.”
“Oh, come on. You’re life’s not shitty. You’ve got like, the best roommate in the world, you’ve got a mildly terrifying collection of anal toys-”
“Is this supposed to be helping me?
“Yes, now hush. As I was saying, you’ve got just the best roommate ever. This guy is cool, he’s hot, he’s caring-”
“He’s humble.”
“Shut up.” But there was a laugh in Billy’s voice. “You never said where you’re from.”
“Fucking here. Well, a few hours north of here.”
“Nice. Close to home.”
Steve groaned.
“Yeah, wanted to be far from home but this is all I could swing. I pretend it’s further, though. That’s why I don’t go home on weekends or anything like Robin does sometimes.”
“I get that.”
“I’ve never even left the state, Dude. My parents used to travel all the time and I’d just be home alone for weeks. Something about not appreciating culture or some shit.”
“That’s kinda fucked.”
“I think it was code for we don’t really like Steve.”
“My parents don’t like me either.”
“It’s a fun vibe.” Billy hummed.
“Makes you feel real unlovable.”
“Ugh, yes. Billifer, you get me.”
Billy barked a laugh, making Steve bounce a little on his chest.
“I just get shitty parents.”
It made sense. Steve’s severe lack of eye contact, the way his brain goes from zero to panic in the blink of an eye.
Robin said he can’t make eye contact with most men and authority figures.
Fuck, Billy gets it.
“I especially get shitty dads.”
“What? Are my daddy issues written across my forehead, or something?”
“Well, you did call me dad-”
“Billy, I swear to God, if you ever bring that up again I’m gonna jump in front of a bus.” Billy laughed again.
“No, I just, game recognizing game, I guess.”
“You really just said game recognizing game for daddy issues. I hate you.”
“If you hated me you wouldn’t be on top of me right now.”
“You’d be surprised.”
“Is this a good story? Robin said you used to be a slut.” Steve’s head flew back up to look at Billy.
“When did you talk to Robin about me?” Fuck.
“The day before yesterday. When I, uh, gave you that alone time, she was eating with Heather.”
Steve’s mouth went into a perfect little o. Billy tried not to think about shoving his cock in that little o.
“So, Heather, is Heather Heather. Robin’s totally hot for her.”
“Heather’s pretty non-discriminatory about dating, so I’d say she has a shot.”
“Nice.” And then he reached down to dig through the big pocket on the front of his hoodie, and his hand was moving too much, and he was jostling around, and practically pawing at Billy’s dick through the pocket.
And Billy’s only human.
Steve stopped moving suddenly.
“Sorry, you were just kinda, touching it and-”
“No, that’s my fault, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I mean, sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable-”
“No, I’m fine, I’ll just, uh, give you some space, to, uh, deal-”
And then Steve was trying to get out of bed again, and he swung one leg over Billy.
And those boxers were thin, and Steve was, for intents and purposes, straddling Billy.
And he was hard too.
They both went still, staring each other down.
And then Billy slid his hands up Steve’s thighs, pushed them up his sweatshirt to settle on his waist, and Steve’s breath hitched.
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densi-mber · 4 years
Frozen, Part 3
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A/N: Here is the third and final part of Frozen.
When we were last with Densi, they were facing impending hypothermia and Deeks had just suggested naked cuddling.
“Deeks, this is not a time for jokes,” Kensi sighed, or she tried to. It came out as more of a croak, her throat dry and hoarse from the cold. Each word made her throat ache, like it was being tore from her.
“Who’s joking? I am completely serious,” he insisted. “Skin-to-skin is proven to be one of the best defenses against the cold.”
Kensi rolled her eyes, not really sure why she was protesting, but not feeling like giving in. Maybe it was because she didn’t want to admit the situation was as dire as it seemed.
“We have the fire.”
“And it’s barely providing any heat.” He stepped closer and tipped her chin up. His fingers were red, but still made Kensi’s skin burn with the difference in heat. “Face it, Kens. Our clothes are soaked, we’re quickly heading towards stage three frostbite and impending hypothermia and if we don’t do something soon, we’re going to start loosing appendages. And I happen to like my fingers and toes. As well as a couple of other essential parts.”
Pulling in a small breath that burned her throat, Kensi glanced at the fire. Damn it but Deeks was right. She could barely feel it even from half a foot away and she was freezing.
“Fine,” she said, finally relented. “But we need to stoke up the fire and have things set up so we don’t have to get up a bunch.”
“Sweet. I’ve always wanted to spoon for survival.” Deeks ignored her glare in favor of moving the cot closer to the fire. She watched him for a moment, worried that he was straining himself too much. Even with the liquid stitches, he could reopen the cut which would put him at risk of more bleeding and possible infection.
Worry wasn’t going to save them though so she pushed those thoughts away, and added several more pieces of wood to the fire, moving the rest in easy reaching distance of the cot.
Kensi had a roll of string in backpack and together they ran it across the room to hand their wet clothes on and then tucked the three, depressingly thin, blankets around the thin mattress on the cot. By the time they were finished, her fingers were barely moving, and she felt increasingly lethargic.
She fumbled with the zipper on her coat, grabbing at the pull several times without any success. Deeks already had his boots and coat off.
“Oh baby, come here,” he said, noticing her struggle. Kensi was cold enough to let him lead her to the cot and not resist when he began tugging off her boots. She gasped when the cold air hit her now less protected feet. “Sorry.”
Deeks grimaced as he removed her coat, jeans and t-shirt, revealing more reddened skin. He stripped off his own thermal shirt, which was partially dry near the shoulders and used it to dry some of the moisture from her damp hair, which was frozen in icy tangles around her face.
At any other time, she would be distracted by the sight of him half naked and kneeling in front of her while he slowly undressed her. Now she just wanted to get them both under the covers as quickly as possible.
Wordlessly, Deeks left her to finish undressing and to hang up their clothes then dried his hair with one sleeve of his shirt. Kensi slid under the covers as he ran over in just his underwear and crawled in beside her. He tossed his boxer briefs over the side of the cot a second later, making a face.
“Never liked those anyway,” he commented, drawing the layers of blankets over their heads.
“Get over here,” Kensi croaked out, drawing him closer. She hissed at the initial contact, feeling like her skin was burning, but knew it was a good sign that she wasn’t completely numb. Deeks wrapped his arm tightly around her, his hands resting on her lower back, and intertwined their legs, creating a barrier all around her.
Cradled in his arms, she felt marginally warmer, but there was a fine tremor running through her now. Deeks held her even tighter, like he could somehow will away her hypothermia induced tremors.
“God, this would be so much more fun in Malibu,” he sighed a few minutes later. “You could wear that blue bikini of yours, the one that almost got us kicked out of Mammoth last year. I’d even break out my short shorts. Just laying out in the sun, surfing, and eating fish tacos.”
“I think you’d turn into a fish taco if I let you.” Her skin still ached a little but the combination of their bodies pressed together and a tiny of heat coming from the fire was starting to thaw her bit by bit.
Deeks contorted his head to look down at her, his expression skeptical.
“Uh, I seem to remember you were the one who ate six tacos all on your own last time.”
“I didn’t have any lunch that day,” she explained reasonably. Drips of cool water were beginning to trickle down her back from her thawing hair. She shivered again and burrowed a little further into Deeks’ arms, tucking her head between his shoulder and head.
“Mm, we probably should have eaten something before we got naked,” he said, his voice sounding slow and deeper than normal. It made her think of the sun, laying on the beach like he’d described.
“I’m not hungry.” She let out a giant yawn, wanting nothing more than to close her eyes.
“We can’t fall asleep,” Deeks muttered right before her eyes slipped shut.
“We should come here more often,” Kensi said, her voice light and dreamy as she trailed her fingers up Deeks’ chest. The sun beat down on his head while waves gently crashed against the shore. He swung both legs up onto their lawn chair so Kensi straddled his thighs. He fiddled with the blue string of her bikini and she smiled mischievously, leaning to whisper in his ear.
“Go ahead, no one’s around.”
Just as he was loosening the knot, a figure bent over them, blocking out the sun.
“You got a pulse?”
“I think they’re just asleep.” A hand shook Deeks’ shoulder and he turned away from it, wincing as a blast of cold hair hit his face. “Deeks, wake up.” He popped one eye open, trying to figure out what Callen was doing at the beach with him and Kensi. And why it was suddenly freezing.
“Callen?” he mumbled, rubbing at his eyes. He tried to sit up, inadvertently flipping the covers off Kensi. She yelped and sat up suddenly, looking around with a wild expression.
“Callen, Sam, what are you doing here?” she said, her words a little slurred as she tried to pull the blanket up around her shoulders.
“We tracked you using the GPS in your phones,” Callen answered. “Nell got worried when you didn’t check in yesterday.”
“Thank god for Nell.”
“Unbelievable,” Sam said, coming to stand beside Callen. “In the middle of a blizzard and you still can’t keep your clothes on.”
“We were huddling for warmth,” Deeks said, trying to sound dignified while he started shivering again. “I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but it’s like 10 degrees out there.”
“And you just had to get completely naked.”
“Our clothes were wet,” Kensi said, brushing a handful of hair back. It was completely disheveled, sticking out in several places, and he had to resist the urge to lean over and kiss her.
“Speaking of clothes, you wouldn’t happen to have a some, by chance.” He leaned over and plucked at his shirt which was torn and still damp. “And maybe a parka or two?”
“We got you covered,” Callen said with an amused smirk. “Sam, you want to call Nell and let her know we found them?”
“I’ll get her to send a medivac too since we’re never getting an ambulance all the way out here anytime soon,” Sam added, eyeing the wads of discarded gauze and bandages. “Which one of you knuckleheads got hurt?”
Kensi immediately pointed to Deeks, having no problem selling him out.
“He’s got a 2 1/2 inch cut, not too deep, but it was pretty bloody,” she reported. “I did my best with the medical glue. He still might need some stitches though.”
“Traitor,” Deeks said and Kensi shrugged, patting his shoulder with mock sympathy. Sam walked off to call Nell while Callen pulled sweatshirts and pants from his backpack and tossed them on the cot.
“I’ll give you guys a couple minutes.” He turned go, but then turned back, gesturing between them. “If I hear anything even remotely suspicious going on in here, I’m tasing both of you.”
Kensi made a scandalized sound as Deeks shivered beside her, his hands tucked in his armpits.
“Believe me, this is one of the few times where sex sounds absolutely unappealing,” he assured Callen.
They dressed quickly, moving out of the relative warmth of the blankets as little as possible. Once they were clothed again, Deeks tugged Kensi against him, kissing her firmly.
“I’m really glad we didn’t freeze to death,” Kensi said as he held her tightly. “Or lose any...appendages,” she added with a smirk. He picked Kensi up, intending to carry her from the cabin, and then abruptly sank back down with a grimace.
“Ok, maybe we should go to the hospital,” he decided, clutching at his stomach as something twinged and possibly tore. Kensi helped him back down to the bed with a sigh.
“Well, I guess we’re not going to Malibu this weekend.” Deeks groaned again, his dreams of sun and bikinis quickly evaporating.
“I hate snow,” he said vehemently.
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werezmastarbucks · 4 years
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honeymoon masterlist
word count: 2631
music: air catcher by twenty one pilots
The tiniest part of you wanted to go to Columbus, because you loved that place. But the bigger part, the one that connected your brain to your hands clutching the wheel, told you if you fail, you’ll have all the time in the world to go back to Columbus. To wherever the fuck you want. Kai said he can operate practically any type of transport, but doesn’t like ships. Flying was fine with you as long as he really knew not to crash a plane. You had to constantly remind yourself that he had many years to learn everything.
As you drove, you were revising the CDs Kai found in the car. He was putting the disk in and pressing play, or sometimes he just read the names of the bands. He opened the window and threw away all the CDs that were named trash. Now that you two were misplacing them, they were supposed to stay there on the road after Kai sent them out of the window, you were asking. Right? But, crashing on the ground, they were damaged, so did it fall under the order part of the spell? Were they to return into the car after you deliberately got rid of them? 
“You’ll know tomorrow”, Kai replied playfully. Surely he knew how that works, but it seemed he was unwilling to just tell you everything about this prison, and wanted you to discover things for yourself. 
Dayton was empty, too. Just like Roanoke and Huntington on the way through. You found this stillness somewhat soothing. You didn’t like gatherings and crowds, didn’t like noise and people. You decided to dive back into the three foot world, and just enjoy the empty roads for once, and start worrying when the realization of utter loneliness settles in.
You looked on your right, where Parker was sitting, staring at the cover of “East of the Sun, West of the Moon” by a-ha (do not throw them away under any circumstances!) in his hands, with one brow raised, belt across his chest. You still felt like you were alone here although he was next to you. He still didn’t feel like a human person - more like a part of this world. As inanimate. He was remarkably quiet, and you knew it wasn’t for good. 
On the Germantown Street, you stopped the car, feeling tired. The sun was about to set down completely, the May angle leading it onto your left. You got out and stretched, and Kai stepped out of the car a minute later.
“Where will we sleep? Any good hotels?”
He shrugged.
“I haven’t been in Dayton”.
“You haven’t been to Dayton?” you repeated.
“That’s what I said”.
He looked around and stared at the sky again. Parker has been glitching like that since last night, when he stared up as if trying to cope. You looked at his upturned nose and his youthful face, thinking, he is in his forties. This dude is going to be fifty years old soon, and he is a nut case, and I have him on my hands.
He looked back at you.
“Adventure begins here”, his tone was half-questioning, and he smiled. The way it curled his capricious mouth, his eyes glowing, told you he didn’t really believe in getting out. You’ve only spent here a day, but he gave up already. He knew there was no getting out, and he just took it as a long journey, to keep his girlfriend sane. You had no idea where he thought he was going. 
You walked back to the car and took your bag and the phone. Kai’s eyes wouldn’t leave you.
“You’re changing the car again?”
“Uh-huh. Why not? It’s not like someone’s going to report them all?”
He smiled again. 
You walked down the street, ghostly and quiet. No stray dogs, no garbage being thrown around by the wind - but that’s likely due to Dayton being very clean. Kai wouldn’t bother taking the bag out of your hands, walking with his head turning right and left. You felt like in a museum, observing the 90s’ fashionable displays and stores. The eerie sight of clothes you had a habit of associating with your mother’s youth, and the lighthearted, distant, happy past years, the square thick screens and simpler times, were now a reality for you. You could reach and touch that sky-blue blouse on a slim mannequin, wearing posh plastic necklace, a picture from an aesthetic lookbook for inspiration. Aesthetic and nostalgia, that’s what the nineties were to you, but now they were here, brought right upon you, by magic, and they were very real. 
You slowed down in front of one of the windows of the Dayton Mall, a low, nice-looking white and green store, and looked at the leather jacket displayed.
The bag dropped on the ground as the understanding slowly creeped into your mind. Kai was standing few steps away from you, with his head cocked, watching you yet again. He seemed like a tour guide, a museum security guy who was more concerned about whether you enjoy this experience rather than keeping it all intact.
“I can do whatever I want”, you said slowly. 
“Absolutely everything. There’s nobody to stop me”.
“Don’t headbutt the glass”, Parker warned you, and there was this note in his voice that told you he’s talking from personal experience.
You took off your hoodie, the evening air a bit cool for only a tank top. You wrapped your hoodie around your hand and swung it, breaking the display.
The glass shattered loudly, pieces of it falling to your feet with ringing. Interesting, you thought, you get here, into this world of opportunity which poses as prison, and the first thing you do is vandalize.
The jacket wasn’t even that cool, so you didn’t aim for it. You looked down the street full of windows, and you could feel your blood boil. There was something inside of you, trying to get out, like the fuse that suddenly got lit. Everybody has it. Anybody would do it. You turned back to look at him - no need to mention his name, there is nobody else but this guy - and he grinned half-invisibly. It was a grin of indulgence, a hidden smile that lit his face when he did something bad: you recognized it from last week, when he said he’d kidnapped Elena on the first week after he got out of prison. It was the smirk that bloomed on his face as he spoke about how he gutted his own mother, and god save you, it was the same smile he had after you opened your eyes and still had a taste of his mouth in yours. 
You ran along the Germantown Street with the red pipe wrench you fished out of a car you found in the street. It was heavy in your hands as you swung it, crashing it into the glass, bothering the headless and armless mannequins, startled and falling down, creating the mess on their places. The glass was cutting your hands, flying in all directions, spitting sharp shrapnel like rain. With each broken window, your shoulder ached more and your head ached less, and you felt less like crying. Maybe there was a wake among that act of desctruction, but you missed it amongst the wild excitement of complete permissiveness. Parker walked after you, smiling quietly, as you raged around him, carrying the bag, and looked around. Finally, when you got tired, he sat on the asphalt next to you and looked at your hands.
“You’ve tapped one percent of what you can do here”. 
His sly hand took your palm, and your skin stung a little. It wasn’t as bad as that burn yesterday. You watched your own hands not believing pain could live longer than physical manifestation of it. Kai’s fingers wrapped around the cuts tightly, making you sigh sharply. He was so full of magic now, fresh prince of everything, that it radiated out of him. You could swear you felt it coming from his hand to yours. The cuts started sucking on themselves, and the ache stayed deep inside slender bones, phantom. 
“You shouldn’t waste your magic. Who knows how long we’re going to stay here”.
Kai gave you a meaningful look.
“Well, we decided we’d find a way, right? So, I’m doing it soon”.
“You know you’re lying. You’re only going to Oregon because I asked you”.
“See how nice I am?”
Your palm snaked out of his hand as soon as he healed you. 
“That’s what I don’t like about it”.
Parker eyed you down.
“You’re really hard to please, aren’t you?”
“I’m a bit grumpy cause I’m stuck here with you”.
“I have told you before, I never asked you to”.
You didn’t really have the energy to fight now. You wondered how you’re going to cope with his breakdowns in the future - and they’re bound to happen from time to time. Maybe become just like him, emotionally volatile. Seems easy enough. So far, everything here has been too easy, and you were waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
Darkness fell on Dayton, and there was intense white glow somewhere beyond a row of buildings in Madden Hill.
“There it goes. I think it’s a cool hotel. You should go to sleep, you have a long drive tomorrow”.
He got up and offered you a hand.
“It’s weird you’re not driving”, you noticed.
“I don’t like driving”.
You stood up without his help and he frowned again, like he was noticing every little thing crossing your mind. 
“How is that? I thought you liked being in control”.
“I am. I’m making you drive me everywhere”.
You sniffed.
“I do it because I like driving”.
“Then it’s a win-win, right?”
He patted you on the back and removed his hand as if afraid you’d bite. 
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You walked on towards the glow, crossing lit and dark streets. Here the lightning is automatic, and here is not, Kai was commenting. He was commenting on everything which indicated he was in a good mood. 
“That’s the best ‘94 can do?” you inquired, looking at the tall rectangle building. 
“It’s a Hilton”, he noticed.
“It’s an ugly ass hotel”, you grumbled. Kai snickered and followed you inside.
“Are you hungry? I’m hungry”.
Parker knew his way around everything. He knew where the kitchen was, and, while you were coming up choosing a room, he went on raiding the huge space filled with food.
He was devilishly good with it, too. 
That evening, after you’ve eaten, you went strolling around the place and found out one more thing: you didn’t like being without him while you knew he was around. 
Empty space that was supposed to be filled with people creeped out your unprepared mind. The stairs sounded hollow, and you expected somebody to jump out of the long, empty corridors. In the windows of the hotel, there shone an empty city, lit for nobody. Shadows and silhouettes were floating around in the dark sky. You decided not to butcher every thing that came into your way and fought the desire to break the window to look outside. What will become of you if you use the foot and fist method for everything just because there’s no one to stop you? Kai wouldn’t mentor you. He’s more of a devil on the left shoulder than the voice of reason. He will definitely be willing to spoil you until you’re flexible material he can use.
You now had a great opportunity to reflect on all that, Parker included, and decide on your course of action, separate yourself from your cell mate. But instead of staying away to think you found yourself drawn to the place where he was, because the empty ugly Hilton was scary. 
You returned into the room and found him, sitting on the floor of the big top floor suite, with the little bedside light next to him, crouched over something. Walking closer, you found it was the charger from your phone, and something remotely resembling a part of a boombox. One of the loud speakers from it was torn out, and laid at his hand, and you couldn’t understand a single thing he was doing.
“What is it?”
“I’m making you a portable speaker, like one of those bluetooth things kids have”, he said shortly. 
You looked down on him, a little surprised, because he’s never acknowledged his own age or the era he’s lived in before. Preoccupied, he looked very smart, and completely normal. He even rolled up the sleeves of his hoodie.
“See this thing? It’s from that player”, he motioned his hand towards a player lying afar on the floor. Looked like he’d kicked it away with force.
“I’ll adjust the wire so that it can see your iPhone, and voila”.
“But I need the charger”.
“It’s gonna work”, he nodded.
“Are you sure? Kai, I can’t lose my phone!”
He sighed, and looked up at you.
“Did I mentioned I studied at MIT?”
“No. You know there’s been a shooting?”
You didn’t know why you mentioned it immediately.
“Wasn’t me”.
“Clever motherfucker”.
Kai shifted as if you touched him. He looked at you as you walked away. Coming close to the bed, you felt you were almost collapsing with exhaustion even though you didn’t do much.
Just before you fell asleep, you looked at the time on an electronic clock next to bed. It was almost midnight.
You woke up as if someone hit you. The silence was pressing on your ears, pressing your head, and moreover you didn’t know where you were. Without opening your eyes, you tried to remember the place and what happened. The darkness was blue and black, and it was so warm you tried to pull the covers off of yourself, and failed.
Kai moaned, displeased, right behind your ear, and you realized his arm was wrapped around you, and that’s why you felt like you were lying in a cacoon. 
You rolled halfway, not without a struggle, and saw his face very close.
“Kai, what about personal space?”
His body was so close you could feel the heat coming off of him. Of course, he’s one of those boys who turn into stoves when they sleep. Somehow his body just did that, so that you didn’t really know what he was unhappy about. You were scared of how well your shape adjusted to his, and you were lying comfortably in such a position that you usually get when you wake up in the morning. Even if bed seemed uncomfortable last night, in the morning you don’t want to move an inch, and the pillow seems perfectly soft. 
Still, you could feel his invasive mass, almost pushing you off that king sized bed, cornering you to the edge, like he was trying to scope you and win over the bed at the same time. You felt for his hand against your ribs and found he formed a fist, clutching the fabric of your shirt, like you were about to roll away.
“What personal space?” he murmured. 
Fair enough. In this world, that was all yours and nobody else’s, this crowdless, lifeless planet, thounsands and thousands of miles of nobody’s land, in this spacious cursed desert, there was not space enough for the two of you to move separately. You had felt it while wandering around the hotel, when you decided to run back to where he was just to see another human next to you, to make sure you’re not alone. This prison was as claustrophobia igniting as it was hollow. There was no personal space here.
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come-on-shitty-boys · 4 years
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//just criss-cross things. bokuto koutarou//
Request: Because of you- Im getting hella forced to rank Bo higher up in my list so can I ask for any fluff of him too?- all writing reign is up to you bby- asdfghjkl
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 1.8K
Notes:  i hate that i wrote an almost 2K word fic about BRAIDING HIS HAIR
There was a routine in the Bokuto household.  The alarm went off promptly at 8:30 every morning and was snoozed with a tired groan until at least 8:45.  Your boyfriend would roll over, slowly opening his eyes to give you a sleep smile.  He’d plant his lips to yours, his upper half hovering slightly over your body, letting you run his fingers through his bedhead, knowing just how much you loved it when it sat softly against his forehead rather than styled into its normal spikes.  He would whisper a gentle, “Good morning,” voice still heavy from sleep, nuzzling his nose with yours.  Those five minutes of soft morning affection were always his favorite part of the day.
But, he’d roll out of bed, remembering what time it was and that he only had an hour before he needed to get going.  You would go make a pot of morning tea while he was in the bathroom, showering and going through his regular morning routine.  It was rare when things were thrown out of balance, but no matter what, it always felt like your little world was crashing down around you.  Sure, it sounded dramatic, but mornings tended to be rushed already.  There was little room for error in the tightly knit schedule.  
But when you heard Bokuto’s heavy groan of frustration bubbling from his chest as you were pouring the steaming tea into two mugs, you weren’t sure what was wrong, but you knew that it couldn’t be good.  You were already on your way to the bathroom to see what happened when he called out a loud, “Babe!”
Pushing the door open, you didn’t know what you were expecting.  But, Bokuto with half of his hair spiked up?  That was not it.  He just turned to look at you, puppy eyes filled with sadness.  “I’m out of hair gel,” he mutters, lips contorting into a pout as he shows you his empty container.
“I thought you went and got some yesterday, Kou?”
He see him shift awkwardly in his place, hand going to rub the back of his neck.  “Well, you see, I was going to but then, you know that pet shop on the way to the store?”
“Oh, don’t tell me you-”
“I wanted to play with bunnies and then, I just forgot!”  He whines, voice filled with exasperation, throwing his hands up in frustration with his one-track mind.  “But, now what am I supposed to do? I can’t go out like this,” he points to his hair disaster, “and if I leave it down, it gets in my eyes and I won’t be able to concentrate on practice, because I keep having to push it back!”
You place a hand on his back and push him towards the shower.  “Why don’t you wash the gel out and we’ll see what we can do, okay?”
“But, I already showered!  I don’t have time for another!”
“It’s just your hair, baby.  It’ll take you five minutes.”
Your boyfriend nods, not having any other solution to his current predicament.  And you were right, in a matter of minutes, he was out of the shower, hair plastered down against his forehead as if it had never been gelled in the first place.  Back in his clothes for practice, he sat up on the counter, furiously rubbing a towel against his hair while you rummaged through the cabinets, trying to find anything that could keep his hair out of his face.  You could use hair spray, but it probably wouldn’t be a strong enough hold.  You had a thin elastic headband, but as much as he moved around, it would just fall off his head more than it would stay.   Bobby pins? No, Bokuto would probably fidget with them like he always did when they were in your hair. 
It’s while he’s watching you contemplate a solution that he has one of the best ideas he’s ever had.  He tugs on a strand of your hair to get your attention.  “You know that criss-cross thing you do?”
“Criss-cross thing?  What are you talking about, Kou?”  You ask, looking up at him.
“You know, the thing with your hair.  The criss-cross thing!” He shouts, hopping down from the counter in excitement, rummaging through a drawer.  He knew that you kept them in here somewhere . . . 
Bokuto is beaming as bright as the early morning sun as he holds up your little container of elastics.  “You can do that to my hair!”
Your mouth opens in a little “Oh” as you finally figure out what the hell he was babbling about.  “You want me to braid your hair?”
“I don’t know, baby,” you sigh, running your fingers through his hair, examining it’s length.  It was longer than it usually was, sure, but it was still pretty short.  But, Bokuto was looking at you with expectant golden eyes, a look that he knew you could never refuse.  “I’ll try my best.”
He gives a hoot of excitement, wrapping his strong arms around you.  “You’re the best!  Okay, so what do I do!?”  The man is practically bouncing as he stares down at you, ready to do whatever he must to let this to be executed as well as possible.
“I just need you to sit,” you say, placing a hand on his shoulder to try to get him to sit, but he refuses to budge.
“Wait.  Can I make a bowl of cereal first?”
You can’t suppress your little giggles and just nod your head.  “Yeah.  Go get yourself some breakfast, baby.”
You don’t even have to say another word before he’s bounding towards the kitchen.  In a matter of seconds, he’s sitting on the floor of the living room in front of you, a bowl of Lucky Charms in his hands.  He had the television on, reruns of your favorite sitcom playing on the screen.  You would’ve taken a picture of him right then and there if you weren’t pressed for time.
You part his hair down the center where he normally separates his spikes.  You take three sections from the front, pausing before you start the ‘criss-cross thing.’  “Kou, if I pull your hair too much or it feels too tight, just let me know, okay?”
He just turns his head so he can smile up at you.  “Oh, come on, babe!  The criss-cross thing can’t be that bad!  I’m a tough guy.  I’ll be fine.”
And he was, but you on the other hand?  You were not.  Your fingers were cramping from tightly holding his hair before you were even done with the first braid.  It was way harder than you had initially thought.  The short strands of grey hair kept slipping from between your fingers, frustrating you further.
But, Bokuto didn’t notice in the slightest.  He was so lost in the gentle tugs of his hair and the feeling of your fingernails gently raking his scalp as you collected another section.  You should’ve seen his content grin, happily munching on his cereal, wiggling happily in his spot, cute little hoots and hums escaping him every few moments.  He looked like a happy toddler, watching Saturday morning cartoons.  
He’s shaken from his bliss by a firm hand on his shoulder, “Baby, I need you to sit still,” you say, tying off the end of the first braid.  It only spanned down to the crown of his head and the hairs at the nape of his neck were left out, but the braid accomplished what it needed to. 
Bokuto takes your words into accounts and stops moving. You can hear him give a little “Hmph” as he settles down, sitting firmly into his spot to finish off his cereal while you get to work on the remaining section of hair.  
Fingers near exhaustion and hand muscles tensing with each passing criss-cross motion, you manage to pull your boyfriend’s hair into two little braids.  “Kou, can you turn to look at me?” you ask, wrapping the last elastic around his hair. 
He twists in his spot so he can stare cutely up at you.  He looked absolutely adorable, two dutch braids running down his head, the tiny fluffs of remaining hair sitting cutely at his neck.  There’s a soft hum of approval as you tug some of his baby hairs down to frame his face.  “What do you think, baby?  Will it hold for practice?” You ask, stepping back and taking your phone out.  There was no way that you were letting this moment go undocumented. 
You snap a quick photo before Bokuto gets up, shaking his head vigorously, jumping around all to see if the braids will break their hold.  When he’s convinced that they're not going anywhere, he hovers over your shoulder, staring down at your phone screen.  “Aw, come on, babe!  I look terrible in that!  Delete it!”  He whines, making a grab for your phone.
You pull your phone closer to your body in an attempt to shield it from him.  “What are you talking about?  You look very cute, baby,” you say, looking up at him with sweet eyes.  
“Can we at least take a better one before I go?”
You can’t even give an answer before he’s snatching your phone, the front-facing camera pointed towards the two of you.  Your boyfriend slings his arm around your shoulders tugging you closer to his body as you both give goofy smiles for the camera.  He places a soft kiss to your lips, leaning his forehead against yours as he pulls back.  “Thank you, Y/N.  You’re the best, baby girl,” he whispers, pecking your lips one more time.
You’re completely prepared for him to hand you back your phone and get his things to leave, but rather, he holds your phone out of your reach, tapping away at the screen.  “Kou, what are you doing?”
“Sending them to myself.  I have to post my pretty girl to Instagram later,” he claims, beaming down at you as he hands you your phone.  He presses another kiss to your lips before heading to the front door to slip on a pair of sneakers and grab his practice bag.  “I’ll see you later!”
You say your good-byes, checking your phone as it vibrates.  There’s a smile that takes over your face as you see your new lock screen.  Bo’s smiling face is filling the screen, slightly obscured by:
                                      1 New Message: Kou :)
                                      I have the other half ;P
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