#gotta wait til the next part to find out lol
yikesharringrove · 4 years
Toy Box
Part 14
Read on ao3
Billy woke up when Steve’s elbow dug deeply into his side.
It knocked all the wind out of him, and he wheezed.
Steve was staring at him with wide eyes.
“Sorry, I was trying to climb over you out of bed, and I slipped, sorry.”
“It’s fine.” Billy’s voice was still hoarse, Steve was biting his lip. “What you gettin’ outta bed for?”
“Uh, ‘cause it’s your bed?”
Steve just stared at him.
“You do realize, if you open the cuddle gate, you’re never getting a break from me, right? I’m clingy.” Steve made his voice go up on the clingy, waving one hand like it illustrated it.
“I’m fine with that.”
Billy was fine with that. He was so fucking fine with that. To the point where it was less fine with that and more actively wanting that.
Steve just watched him, and then crashed down on top of Billy.
Billy was still laying on his side, Steve’s upper body flopped over his torso.
“You’ve resigned yourself to a life of this now,” He said it like it was a warning.
“Yeah, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with this.” Billy just extracted his arm, rolling onto his back so Steve was laying more comfortably on his chest.
He held him close.
“You’re warm,” he said into Steve’s hair.
“Just a lil furnace for ya.”
“It gets too cold here.” Steve’s head shifted, turning to look at Billy.
“I just realized I don’t know where you’re from. I know shit all about you.”
“You know how big my dick is.” Steve squawked, his cheeks going pink. Billy laughed softly at him. “I’m from California.”
“Makes sense. You look like California.”
“How does someone look like a state?”
Steve huffed.
“i just mean, you got the whole beachy surfer thing. With the hair and the tan and the freckles.”
“I fucking miss surfing.”
“And I called it.”
Billy pinched his side, getting a little yelp from Steve. He hid his face back in Billy’s chest. Billy could feel his breaths puffing out softly against his skin.
“Why’d you come here? California to Indiana is kind of a jump.”
“This school gave me a full ride. And my dad wasn’t gonna help me pay. So, here I am.”
“Good job. A full ride that’s-” Steve’s dad was paying the full brunt of in-state tuition. Because what fucking school would give Steve an academic scholarship?
He still remembers senior year, his final basketball season. Scouts coming to games to watch for players in the stands.
Even Tommy H. had gotten a basketball scholarship.
Granted, it was some Christian school in Texas, but Steve would kill to be any where but Indiana State.
But if he wasn’t here he never would’ve met Billy.
“Hey, where’d you go?”
“Down the shitty rabbit hole that is my shitty life.”
“Oh, come on. You’re life’s not shitty. You’ve got like, the best roommate in the world, you’ve got a mildly terrifying collection of anal toys-”
“Is this supposed to be helping me?
“Yes, now hush. As I was saying, you’ve got just the best roommate ever. This guy is cool, he’s hot, he’s caring-”
“He’s humble.”
“Shut up.” But there was a laugh in Billy’s voice. “You never said where you’re from.”
“Fucking here. Well, a few hours north of here.”
“Nice. Close to home.”
Steve groaned.
“Yeah, wanted to be far from home but this is all I could swing. I pretend it’s further, though. That’s why I don’t go home on weekends or anything like Robin does sometimes.”
“I get that.”
“I’ve never even left the state, Dude. My parents used to travel all the time and I’d just be home alone for weeks. Something about not appreciating culture or some shit.”
“That’s kinda fucked.”
“I think it was code for we don’t really like Steve.”
“My parents don’t like me either.”
“It’s a fun vibe.” Billy hummed.
“Makes you feel real unlovable.”
“Ugh, yes. Billifer, you get me.”
Billy barked a laugh, making Steve bounce a little on his chest.
“I just get shitty parents.”
It made sense. Steve’s severe lack of eye contact, the way his brain goes from zero to panic in the blink of an eye.
Robin said he can’t make eye contact with most men and authority figures.
Fuck, Billy gets it.
“I especially get shitty dads.”
“What? Are my daddy issues written across my forehead, or something?”
“Well, you did call me dad-”
“Billy, I swear to God, if you ever bring that up again I’m gonna jump in front of a bus.” Billy laughed again.
“No, I just, game recognizing game, I guess.”
“You really just said game recognizing game for daddy issues. I hate you.”
“If you hated me you wouldn’t be on top of me right now.”
“You’d be surprised.”
“Is this a good story? Robin said you used to be a slut.” Steve’s head flew back up to look at Billy.
“When did you talk to Robin about me?” Fuck.
“The day before yesterday. When I, uh, gave you that alone time, she was eating with Heather.”
Steve’s mouth went into a perfect little o. Billy tried not to think about shoving his cock in that little o.
“So, Heather, is Heather Heather. Robin’s totally hot for her.”
“Heather’s pretty non-discriminatory about dating, so I’d say she has a shot.”
“Nice.” And then he reached down to dig through the big pocket on the front of his hoodie, and his hand was moving too much, and he was jostling around, and practically pawing at Billy’s dick through the pocket.
And Billy’s only human.
Steve stopped moving suddenly.
“Sorry, you were just kinda, touching it and-”
“No, that’s my fault, I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine, I mean, sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable-”
“No, I’m fine, I’ll just, uh, give you some space, to, uh, deal-”
And then Steve was trying to get out of bed again, and he swung one leg over Billy.
And those boxers were thin, and Steve was, for intents and purposes, straddling Billy.
And he was hard too.
They both went still, staring each other down.
And then Billy slid his hands up Steve’s thighs, pushed them up his sweatshirt to settle on his waist, and Steve’s breath hitched.
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omgreally · 3 years
I’ve been reading mandos intergalactic taxi service and UGH✨💕 the pining and fluff with the intimacy smut is just chefs kiss your writing style is amazing🤌🏽✨ I’ve been in such a Din mood lately, could your write like a confession drabble where the reader and din are pining for each other and din is dropping hints but the reader is like really not a hint taker lol pretty please with a cherry on top 😭💕 smut or fluff your choice I know you’d write it so well!!
BLESS YOUR HEART @liltangerineart and thank you! Next chapter of Taxi Service should be up tomorrow I hope!
In the meantime I hope you like this? Not a confession as such and more, uh, top!Mando than I intended, but he is bad at dropping hints. I like to think he would be very...straightforward 😎
Din Djarin/F!Reader - E - 1624 words - Oblivious!Reader, Infatuated!Din, frustrated yearning, angst and, of course, smut.
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It's getting ridiculous.
He is a Mandalorian, one of the most fabled, the most feared warriors in the galaxy. Rumour and danger follow him as he charts a path through the galaxy that blazes bright, leaving behind myth and legend - people whispering things like 'I heard he killed a whole troop with his hands tied' and 'I heard he was eight feet tall, made of steel'.
He is a Mandalorian, who has never had to rely on anybody but himself - and yet here he is, sweating beneath his cowl whenever you brush too close, trying too hard to inhale the scent of you through his helmet's filters, memorizing the sound of your laugh.
It's like he's a foundling again - uncertain, insecure, nervous. And they’re not butterflies in the pit of his stomach - they’re bullets from an ancient slugthrower weapon, and he can taste metal at the back of his tongue whenever he tries to talk to you.
“Do you have someone, back home?” A clumsy overture, as obvious as it is stupid; Din winces beneath the helm but you don’t seem to notice - you just shake your head and shrug.
“No. Just me. I wouldn’t have left otherwise.” Loyal, he thinks, and the bullets in his stomach sting just that little bit harder.
He tries asking you more about yourself. How you became a bounty hunter. How many weapons you’ve handled. The different kinds of ships you’ve flown. Places you’ve been. But you never give up anything truly personal about yourself - you’re a cypher.
Maybe that’s why the Mandalorian finds himself strangely drawn to you.
He doesn’t know how to navigate this - not really. He has no experience with this kind of thing. It’s always been about the next quarry, the next job, and then it was about the kid, and now…
And now he’s stuck.
He wants to hit something, break something, feel the impact of his fists against flesh and bone. He settles for balling them up whenever you’re around, biting his tongue, and waiting til later to jerk himself off in pathetic, clench-jawed silence in the refresher.
“You slept late,” you point out the next morning as he emerges, stiff in more than one way, from his bunk.
“Couldn’t sleep last night,” he says, and he’s so tired, so frustrated that he adds, gruffly: “Bed was too empty.”
“Probably need more pillows,” you muse as you wander off to the kitchenette. “Cup of caf?”
“Extra strong,” he grunts as he leans a shoulder to the wall, and you’re oblivious to his glower.
“Coming right up.” A minute later, you press a mug into his hand. “I’ll leave you to it. No need to go hide, I’ll go find a bulkhead to look at while you take your helmet off.”
You grin at him, and he stares at you. You’re just about to turn away when he reaches up, and you go still, your smile slackening in shock as he thumbs the release latch under his chin.
The helm’s pneumatic seal hisses as it lifts, just enough so he can get the rim of his mug up and to his lips. He takes a long, slow pull, and while his vision is eclipsed by the rim of the helmet at the moment, he knows you haven’t left.
As he expects, you’re still there - staring at him as he lowers his helm back into place. Your mouth is even slightly open - lips parted - and he watches the dart of your tongue as you wet them before swallowing hard.
“I’m just...I’m just gonna,” you say, abortingly, and start to back away. You jump as your shoulder hits the hatchway. Din watches as you turn, hesitate, then hurry away, your shoulders squared defensively as if you can feel the force of his gaze on your back.
Alone, the taste of caf hot and bitter on his tongue, Din Djarin grins.
After that, he starts to notice. He starts to notice how tense you are when he’s close.
At first he’s not sure - but then, once, he deliberately brushes your waist as he moves past you in the cockpit to take the pilot’s seat, and you’re still standing there, frozen, when he glances back at you. You brush it off, but it happens again when you bump into him coming out of the fresher. When he reaches over your head in the kitchenette to fetch a ration bar from a compartment. When you lean over his shoulder to point out the coordinates to a refueling station. When he catches you yawning, falling asleep in the passenger’s seat.
“I’m going to hit my bunk,” you say, rising to your feet, your arms stretched above your head. Din turns slowly, and he catches the glimpse of a sliver of flesh as your shirt rides up. The words escape him before he’s even conscious of their existence.
“Want some company?”
Dank farrik, he’s been dropping hints and touches for ages - and he knows you’re affected by his presence, he’s sure of it now. They might be closer to butterflies for you, but his bullets are bouncing around in his gut right now.
“What?” you ask, half-laughing - as if it’s all some grand joke. “You gotta stop with the innuendo, Mando. I might get the wrong idea.”
“And if it’s not innuendo?” He’s flicked the ship to auto-pilot - on his feet - looming towards you. You’re caught in the hatchway, unable to step backwards to fall down the ladder, unwilling to turn your back. "If you've got the right idea?"
“What?” you repeat - licking your lips again. Your eyes are flicking back and forth from his visor to his hands. It’s almost like you're expecting a fight.
“I want to fuck you.”
The words are matter-of-fact but delivered in a low baritone, a gravelly rasp that lifts the hairs on the back of your neck. You stop breathing for a second - he can see it - and your leg twitches, just half a step backward - but then you swing it forward again, swaying towards him. Like he has you in his gravitational pull.
It’s all Din needs. He closes the distance between you, his gloved hands closing around your biceps, the leather worn and warm through your shirt.
He says your name, once, in a digital growl that curls your toes in your boots. And then it’s like an explosion - it all happens so quickly; there are hands and clothes everywhere and then on the deck, and in the aftermath you are in the Mandalorian’s arms, naked, your legs around his waist as he presses you up against the bulkhead.
His chestplate hits the deck - his flak jacket lifted above his head when you let him stop touching you long enough. You barely have time to appreciate the feel of his naked hands on your skin, cupping your breasts in his broad, smooth palms, thumbing your nipples all-too-briefly before he’s sliding down the zipper of his flight suit and baring a V of muscled flesh all the way to his groin.
“Mando,” you gasp as he frees his cock, as he maneuvers the throbbing, purpled head to drag through your slit. He finds you open and wet, lips parted for him, and he groans as he nudges against your fluttering hole. He doesn't hesitate.
He pushes in slow, for he’s a lot to take, thick and hard and the stretch is almost too much. You whine, your voice high and tight in your throat, and he soothes you with soft little noises and praise that makes you feel light-headed.
“Shhh, that’s it,” “You’re so fucking tight-” “Made to take my cock, mesh’la" and other words you don’t recognize. Eventually, he’s all the way inside you, his pelvis flush to yours, the scratch of hair at his pubic bone pressing into your mound.
You pant in his arms, eyes squeezed shut, a thin resin of sweat risen on your brow. “Move,” you order through clenched teeth, and finally you open your eyes to meet his visor and demand, “Fuck me, Mando.”
And he does - withdrawing his hips from the welcoming cradle of yours, his cock dragging back through you, and you can feel every ridge and vein before he’s spearing back in, jarring your back against the bulkhead. It’s a shock right through your system, and you can feel adrenaline flooding your veins, your blood pumping faster like you’re fighting for your life. You might as well be, for he does it again, and again, and soon he’s setting a punishing pace that hits against something soft and devastating deep inside you.
Your orgasm hits you like a blow you fail to dodge - winding you, knocking the air from your lungs - and for a moment all that matters is the blinding flash of pleasure through your nerves, the rolling wave that makes your cunt flutter in rippling spasms around the pulsing rod of his cock. He pins your hips with another vicious rut of his hips and then he’s coming, too, releasing into the impossible grip of your body, groaning with every spurt of spend he fills you with.
“Fuck,” Din summarizes, once you both can catch your breath - once your legs start to loosen, jelly-weak as he pulls out gently, lowering your feet back to the ground. He’s suddenly nervous - worried he’s fucked this up, done the wrong thing, lost patience and paid for it with your scorn.
But your smile is brilliant as you beam up at him - your face radiant - flushed and sweaty. You are beautiful.
“Next time, don't waste time dropping hints,” you tell him, and then you reassure him with a laugh, and the wonderful feeling of your arms around his neck.
For a while, he just holds you close. And for a while, the bullets in his stomach are gone.
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
What if another person tried to kidnap the yanderes darlings👀
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All their reactions will of course be to get you back so I only did the ones that would have the strongest reactions
Also im gonna start pairing hikaru with a y/n who doesn't give a shit about his degrading..cause it's wayyy funnier
Warning this contains: death, talk of torture, cannibalism, yandere behavior, kidnapping
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Definitely wasn't expecting it
Theo is normally prepared but he doesnt have any idea what to do
He of course has to find out who would touch you and how to get rid of them
He is usually so calm and collected but when he gets you back he is merciless with your captor, cold and unnerving downright sadistic
He wants them to suffer for worrying him and stealing his little wife/husband
"so this is where you've been hiding" Theo spoke softly to you with a smile as he gazed at your restraints before setting you free and kissing your wrists which were lightly bruised from the restraints but he heard footsteps his eyes growing cold.
"angel, close your eyes and cover your ears okay? Don't stop til I say..please" he spoke softly before turning his back to you before walking away. Soon screams of pure agony filled the air a constant screaming before utter silence, Theo soon returning to you covered in blood now wiping his glasses clean with a gentle humming
"how about we go home and take a shower, okay angel?"
He gets his brother to help
He is unstable without you
Like he can't think straight and all his senses seem to not work properly he is utterly hopeless
The person who took you will feel his wrath
Axis always shows his his cute side but when he gets you he gets dark as hell
Aka he lets salem devour them
"sweetie! Oh thank goodness I found you!" Axis chirped out pressing a kiss against your lips before he set you free from the cage you were in. "Let's go home okay? I missed you so much!" He huffs out.
"you can't take them" axis shuddered at the voice of your captor and something feral come out of him, they took you..took you away and did god knows what. With a whistle it seems he got salem's attention who was sitting outside the room. Axis turned to you smiling sweetly while salem pounced the sounds of screaming and bones cracking filling the room as axis helped you out the cage and covered your eyes from behind guiding you out the room.
"don't mind the noise okay? I know it's loud." He whispers in your ear before pressing a kiss on the back of your neck.
It's cute that people think they can take you from him
Is very prepared
It takes three hours before he's coming to you to get you
He doesn't seem angry but he is
He's downright cold just cruel
You sobbed softly as your captor tortured you using a knife to cover your body with small but deep cuts, you soon heard a faint sound and looked to the window seeing Yuki open it softly when the two of you locked eyes he pressed a finger to his lips signalling silence.
You tried your best to avoid staring at him as he hopped down from the window into the room the soft sounds of his footsteps alerting your captor who turned around.
"whose the-"
Yuki shoved a gun barrel into the stranger's mouth his eyes cold and dull as he locked eyes with them. "Die." Yuki whispers out shooting the pistol watching them drop before he aimed at them firing again..and again..and again. He didn't stop until the gun clicked so he checked the ammo and was about to even put a new magazine in bloodlust swirling in his eyes.
"y-yuki!" You snapped out your body shaking at the sight of the clearly dead body filled with holes. Yuki glanced down and tilted his head to the side giving a sleepy little oh before putting the gun away and untying you noticing your cuts and shoved his sweater onto you before scooping you into his arms.
"I'm teaching you how to fight."
His mumbled out as he took you home.
Sweetheart he is the leader of a whole gang of clown thugs
It takes him like thirty minutes to find you and the entire time he's smiling
Like "oh well what are you gonna do I guess haha time to get my y/n lol"
In actuality he's PISSED
When he gets you he doesn't show it though
He actually encourages the captor for a little bit before utterly slaughtering them.
"one step closer and I'll kill them!" You whimpered as you were held at knife point staring at rin with fear in your eyes but rin... simply pulls up a chair and plopped a seat his smile never leaving his face. "Go ahead" he stated out now gazing at his purple painted nails.
"boss, are you sure?" One of his goons asked out and rin chuckled before getting up. "They won't do it, that's the funny part. They are just a dumb coward too scared to do it" he explained skipping over to you watching how your captor shook in nervousness pressing the blade closer to your neck blood starting to spill.
"do it motherfucker, I'm fucking waiting" rin whispers out leaning in close his eyes widening almost looking like they were glowing. "Y-you're a monster" your captor cried now shoving you but rin wasn't done tormenting them. "I'll give you two choices, slit your throat...or suffer as my gang force you down and touch you in ways that makes you wish you were dead, over and over til you're a broken bitch, I mean either way they are gonna violate you but wouldn't it be better for them to do it when you're dead and you can't feel their groping hands?" Rin cheers out
Your captor backed up til their back hit a wall as rin hummed sweetly walking closer and closer to them before grabbing them by the shirt yanking them close.
" stop being a fucking pussy and choose or I'll be the one doing the violatinf and trust me you don't want that" rin whispers darkly in their ear before shoving them down and turning to you and his group.
"have fun boys try not to make too much a mess, I'm going home!" he cheers out now walking towards you and holding his hand out towards you with a grin helping you up. "Aweee are you crying?! You're so cute! Cutie cutie cutie!" He cooed now squishing your cheeks together completely ignoring the violence happening behind him.
"let's go home and eat dino nuggets!" He said happily before glancing behind him with an annoyed hiss "fucking coward slit his throat..." He mumbled under his breath but shook it off now taking your hand and skipping with a happy him guiding you away.
He doesn't realize you're gone at first
It takes him a day
He thought you were being a brat and hiding again so he decided to be pretty and ignore you..but he missed you and realizes you're kidnapped
He is pissed at you for being a dumbass and getting taken but also pissed at himself for letting it happen
When he goes there he doesn't even save you at first first he has to bitch about it
You two legit argue while you're tied up
Your captor is like "should i go orrrr..."
Of course they meet death but he has to complain first
Hikaru huffs as he stomped into the warehouse without a single care in the world his eyes glaring at you as you looked at him with relief finally he came for you
"bitch do you know how much of a waste of time this is? Like damn y/n you love wasting my time and money so much you get snatched up" you felt all your relief get replaced with annoyance as your eyes drooped into a glare.
"oh yes hikaru cause I got kidnapped on purpose. If I wanted to waste your money I would steal your credit card" you hissed back and hikaru scoffs lightly.
"well I'm here, what's all the fuss about?"
"I'm fucking kidnapped hikaru! How about you stop being a dick and help they could kill or even violate me!"
Hikaru gave you a sassy expression clearly already fed up with you at this point. "Sweetie, they won't violate you. Gotta be worth violating for that" he sneers out
Your captor gazed at the two of you nervously as to two shouted at each other for the next ten minutes. "Excuse m-" hikaru took out a gun and shot them in the knee as quickly as they spoke before getting back to his argument.
"...all I'm saying is a thank you daddy would be nice! Like I came all the way over here I had a hair appointment but nooo I had to save you. You're so damn selfish"
"oh my fucking god...thank you daddy for coming to save me even though you're my damn BOYFRIEND! I'll get someone else to save me next time" you snapped out and hikaru pouted "your sass is not needed" he grumbled out before untying you.
Your captor who was in very much pain tried to speak and hikaru gave them a disgusted expression, was this plebian speaking to him? "Shut the hell up, it's your fault too you could have taken anyone but no you had to take my pet" he snapped shooting them in the head before grabbing you by your arm dragging you out while grumbling under his breath.
"I better get my dick sucked" he hissed out now shooting you an annoyed look.
He is so worried
Like so worried
He's a himbo so it takes him a bit to realize that you aren't at the store getting him more hamburger steaks
One he figured it out he quickly went to find you
He was such a mess
Once he found you he was crying and hugging you so tight
Snapped your captor's neck
Uses his strength in scary ways.
"y/n! Oh darling! Are you okay sunshine? Are ya hurt?" Rocket squeaked out as he started to untie you his breathing shaky and tears in his eyes. Rocket heard footsteps come closer, in a panic he was shoving you in a closet to hide before meeting the eyes of your captor.
Wasn't long til he was breaking every bone in their body,starting with their arm snapping it like a twig before moving to their leg then to neck making it more and more painful. "I usually hate violence, but my sweetheart..is my everything" he whispers out before turning to you with a gentle smile
"darling, let's go home"
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idk if u care but crispin gray recently had an interview about his entire career and it kind of changed my perspective of queenadreena…idk if for better or for worse lol. it was weird to see him so dismissive of a lot of his catalogue w katie except for ‘love your money’ just because that was the only remotely chart successful song. i get you want to be able to sustain yourself but jeez him and katie really had a weird back and forth relationship
Sorry i'm replying late, i've seen the interview pop up on Youtube but honestly i was too invested in university shit recently & generally not in the good mood for that but i'm planning to watch. How did it change your view on Queen Adreena, did he say something mean specifically on QA or Katie? I mean i gotta watch it but honestly? Not surprised in the slightest. A few years ago he was asked to describe fave songs he recorded throughout the years and he listed more of Daisy Chainsaw ones than anything else, with Love Your Money as number 1. The differences in their points of view are real something, Katie Jane absolutely HATED Love Your Money, same as Daisy Chainsaw. Kinda apparent he wanted bigger fame but DC dropped fast and QA failed to live up to their predictions.
i had a time when i liked to dig up old Queen Adreena interviews that are lost in the old internet & generally not available for years (which i planned to post on is-she-suffering but my investment in that site is... varied in its intensity). Also that was back in the days when i wrote Queen Adreena book during manic phase and tried to sell it but lost motivation Well since i don't do anything with that knowledge anyway i'll put what i know here as i love fan discussions
So they sure had/have odd back and forth love-hate relationship & that's the reason why their career went how it went. There's been a huge tension between them at some point. I'm sure you know she had a major mental breakdown (probably schizophrenic episode) after Daisy Chainsaw, or even beginning before her leaving, and then she went into isolation and lived with an old woman in Lake District for awhile. She left Daisy Chainsaw cause Crispin didn't want her to come up with her own songs (all of DC was by Crispin except for Lovely ugly brutal world by KJ).
They almost split up as Queen Adreena after Drink Me. The material for The Butcher and The Butterfly was written at different times, originally it was meant to be called Atom Bomb at Bikini but it was constantly delaying and they eventually recorded everything they've got live. So that's obvious right? But i was surprised to find out they were writing songs separately. Some of them (i forgot which though) were written by Katie Jane and Pete Howard's sons band (they're even credited) + some with Melanie Garside, Richard Adams + some other musician. Katie Jane didn't like it. They intended it to be their last album at the time. She also hated live at ICA show but they released it cause they were broke
But that's a digression. I just wanna say that at this point they were done with each other but kept pushing it. Katie had her own art projects and stuff, Crispin started Dogbones with Nomi and i just remember how vaguely pissed at Katie he waas in the interviews. Like he stressed that Dogbones is his number one priority and if Katie wants to do something with Queenadreena, she must wait til Dogbones have a break first or something, and it sounded oddly bitter.
RaCH and Djinn era are just so weird, they had opportunities but let them go in a way. I don't think many people know but they were huge demand in Japan. They entered album charts and were interviewed by 11 magazines and 6 (!)TV stations there (wtf happened to that material i want to know???). But they only played 5 times or less.
Katie said she considers the band dead but they decided they can try to play for a couple more months. But aside from that she 100% lost the interest in the band around Djinn. There's an interview where she says "the overall image is Crispin but the shape will change again at rehearsals". And you can hear it, it’s more blues rock than anything. IMO it's their worst production wise. Instruments are fine but Katie's voice is so badly produced that sometimes i find some songs fucking irritating, cause they didn’t cut out her breaths and the vocals are TOO LOUD, to the point of distorting. As if she stands too close to the mic. The album is fine but it feels unfinished.
And here we come back to Crispin... here's what he said after the QA split:
Why the Dogbones started? “I needed to work more than the previous band I was in was working, the previous band who shall remain nameless, haha… um… Queenadreena. I wanted to work more than the singer of Queenadreena wanted to work… so that’s why it started. Fine by me… but I really like to be in a band, I’m not a solo project kind of guy. The last album (‘Djin’) did come out in the UK, but it was so low key because Katie kind of disappeared so there was little point in promoting it. Personally it’s my favourite by far so it was a shame but there you go… So here are Dogbones, it’s not been an easy ride but we are trying very hard.
Ok so the bitterness is kinda apparent isn't it. I think there were two reasons why they argued so much, first musical differences. Katie at some point lost interest in loud rock music for some years and went the folk way in Ruby Throat. I have a theory that Taxidermy and Drink Me are more influenced by Katie Jane and Butcher and Djinn are more Crispin. During first albums i think Katie more actively took part in music composition and choosing arrangements. She wrote lyrics, melodies but also composed a lot of songs on some little electronic keyboard thing and 4 track (Heavenly Surrender, Pray for me, My Silent Undoing, all Lalleshwari +more). Plus she wanted more peaceful/dreamy sound on Taxidermy than full on rock, Crispin complained about it in some 00's interview, that he'd like it to be more rock. Then there are 2 versions of Drink Me, the original has rough and alt versions of songs (it was sold by Katie and it's leaked on FB and probably YT). Crispin Gray apparently really hated the final Drink Me. Now next album is The Butcher & The Butterfly and it's more standard blues rock, no more crazy dreamy things of previous albums etc., Djinn is even more blues rock but darker. Djinn was his favourite at some point while KJ hated Butcher, not sure about Djinn. So i think they had different views on where they should go, Katie made her weird simplistic creepy tunes (like Lalleshwari) and folk melodies adding that strange things to noise rock. Crispin probably wanted blues & rock.
Other than that, i’m convinced they are bitter exes, lol. There’s been rumours about them dating during Daisy Chainsaw for years, plus Katie had a history of dating band members. Crispin wrote X-ing off the days about her. I don’t know if they dated again in Queen Adreena. Then there’s this interview, timeline is unclear, either The butcher & the butterfly or later:
„Katie writes all the songs herself and often looks for melodies and structure with the drummer. With Crispin - her husband or ex-husband, which is not entirely clear to me - for almost three years she has no longer been in a room. "Sometimes we send him a letter with a new song and that's all we can do. All we have are our lungs and our musical talent and we have to do with it. It is repugnant difficult life, I know most of the time how I should deal with it." But Queenadreena will still remain even exist? "I think so, we are now pretty busy and I see where the ship aground.”
I always wondered what exactly happened after Djinn, i’ve seen Katie Jane say „i think they gave up on me” while others said she disappeared. Other times CG said there’s no bad blood between them but at the same time there’s been some weird tension.  As of recent i thought they reconnected somehow through the internet and had a good relation but who really knows.s
I get why Crispin gets irritated when people compare everything he does to „stealing from KJ” but honestly, he gave them good reasons, at least in the 90’s. I can believe Starsha Lee singer isn’t copying Katie cause she’s from Brazil or something and she didn’t know Queen Adreena before. But everything else… Crispin’s problem is that he doesn’t know what he wants. He spent 90’s chasing something, tried singing himself, had girl singer replacements and even one KJ copy. Dogbones was ironically his most original non-Katie band, even with all their grunge influences. In a way he wants to be a frontman and at the same time doesn’t. Idk if he’s very controlling, but Daisy Chainsaw shows he valued his songs/lyrics first & in Queen Adreena he had to step back a lot, cause Katie’s condition was she would be in charge of the lyrics. I don’t think he realizes how strongly Daisy Chainsaw issues affected Katie, i mean from her own words you can read that aside from media attention/hate, her being unable to write lyrics had a role in her breakdown. I think she now let go but for years she hated remembering Daisy Chainsaw and she felt kind of worthless cause she was only somebody else’s mouthpiece. I’m not trying to say he’s cruel or anything, but i firmly believe rock lyrics writers should sing their own songs or else there are problems.
They both were writers-composers with different vision and i have impression they struggled a lot while shaping their songs, cause they both stuck to their ideas. Hence 2 versions of Princess Carwash maybe. Katie once said that he „gets terribly upset with her” cause she writes her songs on a simple wind organ and uses a few chord buttons only. Clash of writer ways/personalities/egos and at some point they had to let go.
Maybe he prefers music/bands where he was 100% in control including lyrics (note he wrote/sang some lyrics in Dogbones too). Daisy Chainsaw achieved bigger success US and UK wise as they were offered to play Top of The Pops, and they’re more well liked/remembered by „general alt public”. Queen Adreena however is way more valued as a cult band, with cult following and admiration in UK & France. Most people think Pretty Like Drugs and other QA songs are his best work and he probably finds it irritating cause truth is, he never managed to be more successful than Daisy Chainsaw/Queenadreena. Love Your Money is ironically the least Crispin Gray/DC/QA sounding song in my opinion. I kinda find it irritating that he downplays Queen Adreena cause it was probably his best work in this band but whatever
So yeah sorry for the word spill, that’s what i can think of it right now but as i said, i haven’t watched the interview yet, it’s just this kind of treatment is in a way consistent for him
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retphienix · 3 years
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There are so many fucking games I want to play for the blog and I hypothetically have the time, but the energy, the attention span, the drive?
In more positive terms here are some various titles I plan to give a shot for the blog.
Let's do a 5am state of the blog kind of thing to clear some thoughts, eh?
Morrowind (Current Game ramble)
For the moment the blog is more or less on break with me playing Morrowind ""For the blog"" but mostly for me, because that's just a game I've wanted to explore. Not that every other game on the blog isn't that, just that I looked at Morrowind and said "That'll be a terrible game to present naturally. That's a stream game, or a condensed video, not a liveblog" and then did it anyway.
I'm loving Morrowind! Honestly the sense of mystery, fantasy, and adventure is just chef kiss levels of perfect to me.
But it's terrible in a photoset, I'm not particularly interested in doing another format for the game, and it's a game with less 'intense narrative themes!' and more 'Incredibly different game design compared to modern Bethesda' in terms of discussion material and let's all be real here:
We're all fucking tired of that conversation lol.
So there ain't much to talk on in depth, it's more of a "Here's a newbie seeing new things!" playthrough with nothing to talk about after the fact, which ain't a strong point for the blog- again- that's a stream/video kind of thing.
ANYWHO- Morrowind fun, about the only news I can offer on that series is that it might abruptly end and become a 'for me' series because I'm not particularly interested in beating the game nearly as much as I'm interested in exploring aimlessly and seeing what happens.
I'm not playing Morrowind for the end goal of beating the main quest, or beating the DLCs. I'm playing it to wander into caves and find new pants, so if I reach a point where I'm satisfied with what I've shared and my motivation has not borne a new end goal then I'll end the live blog and move on to a new game :P
The short statement I'll make is that this blog is a hell for my backlog.
Even without infinite money on hand I've ended up with so many physical and digital games just sitting here waiting to be played either because they caught my eye or because of recommendations by various people over the years.
I keep sitting down, cataloguing my backlog, realizing it's pointless to catalog, deleting it all, and then starting over yet again.
The fact is, if anyone recommended it it's probably still sitting in a text document somewhere, or physically on my shelf, and I don't remotely know when I'll get to it.
I've yet to hit the point where I decide to turn this blog into work, so I have never sat down and gone "Well, Retphienix NEEDS to post! Sit down, 8-12 hours minimum, let's play the next game!"
And part of me wishes I'd do that, but the fact is this isn't a job. There's no money here, there's the opposite even! I don't remotely see it that way, but if you squint and tilt your head I've spent a lot of money on this blog over the years.
Capture devices (a lot of them!), consoles specifically bought for the blog, controllers out the wazoo, I've gone through multiple computers for this thing, and the games, my lord the games- so many games.
And that's fiscally, what about manpower? So many hours have gone into this blog, so many hours poured into the background of making all this work, researching shit, putting my all into formulating my opinions clearly for posts, writing, hell video shit even though it's mostly clips as my one step into edited content became an impromptu awkward hiatus from doing more lol.
What was I on about.
Despite all that nonsense, Retphienix is a passion project. Not a job.
If I lack the passion in some sense then the work doesn't get done "just for the sake of the work". And I don't mean lost passion as much as "No motivation on x day; tired on y day; interested in doing something else on z day" etc.
If things aren't clickin' I don't force it, so the blog has all this backlog and isn't put together in a way that facilitates burning through it quickly.
I do sometimes wish things were different though, I know I'd still enjoy such a playstyle, but I can't justify "faking it til you make it" in a format that literally isn't built to pay and was never intended to.
I can't work myself for nothin'.
Hypothetical "Next" games
While the backlog is a wild wasteland of titles, there are some that just kinda guarantee their spots sooner rather than later.
Yakuza 6 and 7 along with Judgment, obviously. The series is one of my all time favorites and I generally have some of my absolute most fun on the blog side of things with those games, so it's a winner on two fronts. It's just fun to react to, post out of context things for, and talk with other fans about and for whatever reason tumblr has a healthy enough fanbase for the series that my meager blog gets some attention there.
Dragon Quest has a strangely weighted chance all things considered. DQ has many of the same advantages as Yakuza- it's a series I adore, it's fun to talk about in this format, and the fandom is big enough to occasionally spill my way making the blogging experience a bit more fun. It's also a series where I don't know what'd come next to be fair. Probably DQ4? I mean, might as well continue on from that point since I have 1-3 done. I can't exactly justify replaying the entirety of DQ11 no matter how much I want to! Turning on the games above gave me DQ goosebumps which kinda settled how likely it is to show up sooner rather than later, lol.
Jeez. I looked at one of my surviving lists and that's like all that's popping out at me.
Other series feel like giant leaps with no gas in the tank, like do I want to start playing Kingdom Hearts? Not really, not right now. Do I finally play Lisa? Eeeeeeh. Persona? Hmmmm.
I haven't the fuzziest. There are so many one off interesting titles, but if the drive ain't there they might as well be textbooks.
Perhaps instead of any major next game I'll just do some afternoons exploring random titles for a bit here and there with no intention of beating em.
The idea is enticing as hell, but the feeling of not giving the game's a "real shake" feels bad.
We'll see. The only certainties seem to be Yakuza and DQ, as much as I'd prefer far more.
Side project hypotheticals
Outside of the basic live blog stuff I'm still interested in exploring scripted stuff. Mostly to prove to myself that I can overcome some anxieties and break from the meandering pace the last effort gave- I can write! That much I know! So just gotta trick myself into writing for a video and then make the video after the fact lol.
Current thoughts are on a video exploring the monster taming sub-genre. It's a genre near and dear to my heart, and one I know some weird things about as is- but mostly it's a genre I KNOW I know very little about despite that, so I'd like to give it an overall look, or perhaps just explore some random entries, I haven't a clue lol. I'd mostly like an opportunity to talk about some interesting entries in the genre, things like explaining my adoration for DWM while explaining how the flaws make it really rough today, or the interesting mash of genres that is Lost Magic, or the more modern take that mashes idle-like mechanics with Siralim Ultimate.
Won't lie, playing the demo for Monster Hunter Stories 2 threw a wrench in that plan because it made me want to talk about it and how the genre might have a new breath of life after really grinding to a halt as pokemon became what it is today, but all to be seen or not lol.
As far as other things like streams? Not really.
The concept of writing a bit more on games is tickling the back of my head lately, but that mostly just means "more posts that aren't live-blogging" as I haven't the fuzziest where I'd share such nonsense.
Really it's all up in the air as far as retphienix content is concerned, beyond the live blogging obviously.
5am closing
It's fun to explore what games have to offer, both on the individual level, the personal level, and as a whole- as a medium.
So I like Retphienix.
And I like all I've made here.
I hope to continue for a long, long time- no matter what future formats might look like.
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Rose Coloured Glasses - Part 4
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The next morning i was up and ready to go by 6:30am after only a few hours sleep! Frank was insatiable last night and now I was exhausted! Maybe id be able to sleep in the car on the way to Vermont.
"Okay i'm gonna go" Frank said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind and kissing my neck as i started to pull out a couple of travel mugs to make some coffee.
"Mmm okay" i mumbled leaning back against him.
"Can i call you or are you off limits til you get back?"
"You can call, text. I'll answer when i can"
"You'll probably forget all about me while im gone" i chuckled. His arms tightened around me and i felt him shake his head.
"Not gonna happen sweetheart"
"We'll see" i turned in his arms and kissed him properly before playfully pushing him towards the door.
"Okay i'm going" he laughed catching my lips one more time "i'll call you later, have a safe journey".
"Bye Frank".
Once Frank had left i double checked i had everything and carried on making the two cups of coffee to go.
Andy: Im outside :)
Y/N: on my way.
As i approached Andy's car he got out and greeted me with a smile taking my bag and putting it in the trunk next to his. I couldn't help but notice he was dressed more casual today, wearing black jeans and black Henley.... he looked good! Andy ALWAYS looked good but there was something about seeing this more relaxed side to him that made me smile.
"I made you some coffee for the journey" i held out the cup to him shaking my head slightly to clear it of thinking about how good my boss looked!
"Oh my god you must have read my mind" he smiled and accepted the cup before we both got in the car.
I spent the first half hour of the journey covering my mouth as i yawned, Andy had caught it a few times but didn't say anything which i was grateful for! When we finally arrived at the hotel he grabbed both our bags from the car insisting that he carry mine.
"Do you wanna sit down and wait with the bags and i'll go check in and grab the room keys?" He turned to me and asked pointing to the sofa's in the corner.
"Yeah sure" i nodded quickly with a smile. Once i was alone i took the chance to check my phone, i had felt it vibrating a while ago but didnt want to check it in-front of Andy.
Frank: Hows the journey?
Having fun?
Y/N: Journey was fine, i spent most of it trying to stay awake because SOMEONE kept me up all night lol
Frank: Didnt hear u complaining last night babe 😈
Y/N: im not stupid thats why! 😂
Y/N: i gotta go, just checking in. I'll text when im in the room x
Andy walked towards me looking a bit sheepish and scratching his beard.
"All sorted?" I asked as i stood up.
"Kinda, there's been a mix up with the bookings and they only have my room. I tried to book another one but their fully booked because of some event"
"They can bring a cot up to my room though, you can have the bed"
"Okay, i guess theres not much more we can do" i shrugged, i could hardly insist on going home just because we had to share a room! We were both adults for christ sake. Taking both bags again Andy led the way to the elevators and hit the button for the 8th floor.
"Im so sorry about this Y/N they must have double booked us somehow. I feel awful" he sighed before dropping his head down and slowly shaking it.
"Its fine Andy, i mean we wont even be at the room much. Its just somewhere to get a few hours sleep"
"Yeah i guess your right, i'll buy you dinner tonight to apologise"
"Hate to break it to you boss but you were already paying for dinner" i chuckled as the doors opened and i stepped out the elevator "what room is it?"
I took the keycard from Andy and quickly located the room.
"You in a rush?" He laughed from behind me.
"Sorry i really need to pee" i replied stepping into the room with a quiet "wow!" the room was huge and obviously very expensive....It was more like a suite!
Of course he'd have one of the fancier rooms.
After i was finished in the bathroom i pulled my cell from my pocket and pulled up my messages with Frank.
Y/N: Hey, you'll never believe what happened??!
Frank: Hey sweetheart. What happened?
Y/N: The hotel double booked us so there's only one room!
Now i have to stay with Andy!
Frank: ur right, i dont believe it! He so obviously planned this to happen!
Y/N: Its a bit odd i have to admit, but their fully booked for an event in town. Its fine though their bringing a cot up to the room, Andy said he'll sleep there and i can have the bedroom
Frank: Make sure u lock ur door!
Y/N: Very funny! Lol
Frank: Im serious! Lol
U need me to come rescue u??
Y/N:  No i'm good lol i gotta work.
"You okay in there?" Andy suddenly called from outside and then i realised how long id been in the bathroom!
"Yeah!" I called back tucking my phone back in my pocket and opening the door, Andy looked over at me smiling.
"I thought maybe you fell in or something"
I shook my head laughing "No, i was just texting a friend and got distracted".
Andy nodded with a tight lipped smile on his face as if he wanted to say something but thought better of it.
"I eh, i left your bag in the bedroom" he said pointing towards the bedroom.
"Im just gonna call my friend and find out where to meet then we can get on with what needs doing"
"Okay, i'll check the emails while you do that make sure nothing urgent has come up back home"
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We had been waiting down in the hotel bar for Andy's friend Paul to arrive for over an hour now and there was no sign of him. Andy was getting more and more agitated as the time passed. He finally grabbed his phone and excused himself, i watched as he stormed outside and made a call, pacing up and down past the window shaking his head....10 minutes later he came strutting back in and sat on the barstool next to me.
"everything okay?"
"His not coming" Andy shook his head "he said he got called to an important meeting and now cant meet me until tomorrow morning!"
"Such a bullshitter! His probably with some woman" he moaned "put all that away Y/N" Andy nodded to my laptop and notebook that i had out.
"We done for the day?"
"Yeah fuck it, how about we go back to the room and get changed into some comfier clothes then dinner and a few drinks?"
"Sure, sounds good boss, lets go" i smiled as i quickly tucked the laptop and notebook away in my bag....I couldn't wait to get into my comfy clothes and get something to eat.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit
Rose Coloured Glasses taglist: @readermia @princess-evans-addict @jennmurawski13 @matsumama
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Waittt can I just say how happy I am about our friendship! It has blossomed so much. Remember when we were talking about skating at the start ?!
I’m sorry about your shoulder, hip and knee problems. I totally understand! I have hip and ankle problems😓 . The life of athletes.
Hahaha stripper girl! My thoughts too lol . School is annoying but I gotta keep up hehe.
Haha Jamie is happy I’m not drowning him anymore, but you know what it’s a fitness challenge for him heheh! . I honestly don’t really believe that you would go easy lol , I feel like once you get into that competitive zone you are unstoppable!. You guys are dominate- imma go create t shirts !!
I’m not gonna lie, I can kinda see either me or Ryan falling off the jet ski hehe. We’re a chaotic duo. Our director also agrees w our partnership. I’m thinking a 2 person jet ski for you and Dylan. Ahhhh him holding you 🥺🥺 and putting his chin on your shoulder omg.
Go ponytail twins!! Are u good at doing ur hair? Cuz I can help you !! Haha me too! Shorts are more of my go to. Haha I had to skate away so that she wouldn’t see me losing it hehe. Also lol! That’s pretty funny. I can barely scare my parents.
Is it weird that I can totally see you laughing at us?! Me, Dylan and quinner would probably swear the most hehe.
Yess you and dylan🥺🥺 the photo would be great! Both of you smiling and me and the boys looking like shit lol. I’m not sure who matches me more. Who do see hugging me ?
Yess please send me a regional hoodie😍😍 kk I’ll go get you one ;) or do you want a red wings one? I think that’s the team you like ?
Honestly I just like being comfy at school so i get you . I like to dress up more during the weekend. Do u have any cool necklaces?
Haha yesss me and Ryan would probably start like picking each other up lol. Or just doing super crazy moves. Yess ofc I’ll teach quinner to dance. Gotta get him *tipsy* first tho. Yass you with Jamie, I can see you do more of an upbeat dance and then a slow one w Dylan 🥺 awwww I see that !! Just admiring each other 😍
Yaaa my guy best friend lives like 20 mins away from me if I walk lol. I get it soon wbu ? . Black cherry is great 🤌 have you ever had champagne?
Okkk another cute vacay idea I have is all of us sitting around a bonfire w blankets and a bunch of food! Since Dylan knows how to play the guitar everybody can sing- other than me since I have a terrible voice lol. Aww the cuddling that would go on!! Or some of the boys just falling asleep on you! I see u and dyl. He can serenade you hehe.
ok yesss i love our friendship sm! i always look forward to responding to your asks 💖 haha yes at the very beginning we were mostly only talking about skating. i’m pretty sure the first thing you sent was after i did really bad on a test and said to send in soft thoughts
oof yeah knee and hip problems are tough. my mom just recently found out about my joint problems, which i thought she knew about but ig not, and now she’s vv concerned for me lol
ok so i’m pretty sure i’ve already shared this story, but one time i accidentally said i was gonna drop out to become a stripper in front of my gym teacher at my very catholic school and she just goes “you’d probably make more money than me” 💀 but yeah you just gotta keep up with school ig
hehe yes you gotta keep jamie in shape for hockey season. also that is vv true i do get competitive once i get into it so i probably wouldn’t go easy on you sorry lol. aww t-shirts for us tyyy 🥰
haha yes i could see one of you falling off the jet ski. tbh i probably would too bc i can be kinda clumsy sometimes. falling in gang lol. omg him with his chin on my shoulder 🥺🥺 that’s some soft shit and i’m here for it
i’m good at most hair, but i would definitely need your help bc i can not get a ponytail without bumps lol. but also imagine one of the guys sees one of us putting braids in our hair and decides he wants to try and then they all decide to have a competition to see who can do it best (inspired by events that have actually occurred to me). haha yes i would do the same just skate away. and i was dying when i scared my dad bc i can never scare him and i wasn’t even trying to lol
omg yes, sorry but i would be laughing at all of you. hehe we would probably all be smiling but still look like shit in the picture but that’s ok. and i could probably see jamie hugging you more, idk he just seems like a bit more of a cuddly person than quinner
hehe let me find a regional hoodie i can part with. ooh a red wings hoodie. yes i love them even tho they’re awful rn. oh you’re lucky you can be comfy at school i have to wear a uniform, and then i usually have a lot of swim practice/meets on weekends so i’m just in hoodies all the time lol. the only necklace i really wear is my saint brigid’s cross, but i probably have others somewhere
omgggg i can picture it you and ryan together would be so funny but so cute. yes we would definitely have to get quinner tipsy and loosen him up lol. then you could get him to dance. yes just vibing with jamie during one of the songs and doing a slow song with dyl 😍
oooh that’s fun that he lives close. i turn 16 on memorial day, so i have to wait til the next weekend to get my license bc the dmv will be closed. no i haven’t had champagne bc my parents don’t like it and my friends and i have just never gotten any
omg yes i love bonfires and food, so perfect! haha i will join you in the non-singing group bc i also have an awful voice lol. and then the cuddling that would happen in the dark when they think none of the other guys can see them cuddling us 🥺 or if they fall asleep on us 🥺🥺 omg getting serenaded would be so cute
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trensu · 5 years
Episode 11: The One where We Learn the Value of Patience (and Hate It)
Hey guys, hey guys, remember how i was complaining last episode bc we didn’t get a significant wangxian scene until a half an hour into the episode??
Turns out i spoke too soon
Bc we don’t get a wangxian scene this time until 40min into a 43min episode
But I persevered for you all
And grasped at breadcrumbs along the way
Okay, here we go!
We’re at the Unclean Realm hashing out some last minute relevant Plot Stuff
Then we’re at Lotus Pier
I insist that this is the most beautiful of all the places we see in this show
The Yunmeng Sibs have a reunion that just, ugh, pulls at the heartstrings
Don’t think about how they end up, don’t think about how they end up doN’T THINK ABOUT HOW THEY END UP *SOBSOB*
Plot discussion
Plot plot
Hey look it’s lunch time and MADAM YU COMES IN
M-Yu: i have arrived to verbally abuse my children and you can’t stop me
Jiang Fengmian: you’re absolutely right, i cannot stop you at all
Gotta love those awkward family dinners, guys
Okay more jiang family dysfunction happens and it’s awkward as hell but then we cut to
I promise this next part is a little bit wangxian!
Remember what i said about breadcrumbs? This is one of them
Lwj senses a trap and does a SUPER DRAMATIC TWIRL to avoid the Return of the Evil Chains (i’m starting to think the wens are kinky bastards)
A pause to mention that lwj looks really pretty
Lwj and Wen Zhulio have a super cringey but thankfully brief showdown and then Wen Chao shows up to be a bastard again
Okay, this is the Wangxian Breadcrumb (1 of 3) here:
Lwj is surrounded by evil Wens and Wen Chao wants him to kneel and hand over the Plot Device
Instead!! LWJ sends a talisman flying at them (w/o the Dramatic Twirl, probs bc his Dramatic Twirls are so amazing it would be overkilll to use them on fucking Wen Chao)
The talisman bursts into like, a hundred little firefly sparks that swarm the Wens and he makes his escape
Wen Chao informs us that the talisman is called the Devil Scatter Spell and it was invented by WWX
We’re back to boring and Emotionally Traumatic Plot Stuff but this time at the Cloud Recesses, just to mix things up a bit!!
And then we switch back to Lotus Pier for equally boring Plot Stuff
Okay i must confess i got stuck here a bit bc the timeline’s kind of funky?
The chain of events seemed off and i started trying to pick it apart
But the show was like how about no, so i had to watch more plot
Oh, but we do get Breadcrumb 2 of 3 here
Wwx: i’ve been sending lwj letters since we left qinghe and he hasn’t responded!!
And any letter wwx writes to lwj is a LOVE LETTER because he writes to lwj out of LOVE even if the letter happens to be, like, a grocery list or smth
Emotionally Traumatic yet Significant Plot Things Occur
(bye bye cloud recesses, we hardly knew ye)
We do get a scene with bamf!LWJ and his guqin, so that made it slightly less painful
His leg gets broken here by a Wen Flunkie bc they’re all secretly scared of him at full power and he’s taken away by The Enemy
I swear these last two bullet points are somewhat significant bc they eventually lead to a couple of choice wangxian moments later on in the show
We’re back at Lotus Pier for some Yunmeng Bro time
And now we see wwx and jc be sent off to qishan where they’re gonna be hostages i mean visiting disciples
(We’re almost there guys, just wait a little more)
And we’re at Qishan with jc and wwx and this is Wangxian Breadcrumb 3 of 3
Wwx looks around and sees that jzx and nhs are both there with some of their own disciples but right away notices that there’s no GusuLan people to be seen
Wwx: where are the GusuLan disciples? Do you think something is wrong?
Jc doesn’t even bother to pretend wwx is worried about GusuLan when he’s obvs worried about lwj
Jc: wc probs failed to find lwj and lwj is now hiding with the Plot Device
Wwx: but i feel like something’s wrong!!!
Wwx’s ~soulmate sense~ is tingling
That's the end of Breadcrumb 3 of 3
I’m gonna include one more non-Wangxian thing bc it made me LOL a lot
Some wen flunkie announces wen chao who proceeds to walk down the 20 bajillion steps on that ridiculous staircase as Dramatic Music plays in the background
Oh man
Here we go guys
We made it
Wen Chao tells his flunkies “Bring him over.”
Guess who “him” is
LWJ!!! it’s lwj
We see wwx turn around in slo-mo to watch his soulmate come down the aisle
Wwx whispers “lan zhan” as lwj takes his place beside him (WHERE HE BELONGS BC THEY’RE SOULMATES)
But lwj doesn’t acknowledge wwx (further proof that his self-control is at INHUMAN levels bc how?? My eyes are glued to wwx the minute he appears and stay on him til he’s gone. How does lwj do it??)
So ofc wwx whispers his name again, turning to face him and taking a step towards him, even as lwj stays face-forward and continues to ignore him
Jc has to physically pull him back and tell him to back off
Jc: you’ve seen him, you know he’s safe, how about you question him later when we’re, you know, NOT DIRECTLY UNDER WEN CHAO’S EYES??
Wwx: yeah, i know i know
Wwx: *proceeds to completely ignore jc’s sensible advice and turns back to lwj*
Wwx; lan zhan, lan zhan
The only reason he stops saying his name is bc some Wen Flunkie orders the whole lot of them to shut up so wc can monologue
Okay not wangxian (i know, i know, i’m sorry) BUT
Wc orders everyone to hand over their swords
And, wonder of wonders, we see lwj do his Death Grip on Bichen for something NOT pertaining to wwx-induced Gay Panic
I’m pointing this out bc it’s a rarity. I’m like, 95% sure we never see this again
And the episode ends on the Death Grip on Bichen scene
The next few episodes will have more wangxian, i promise!
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Survey #277
“i think we could reach heaven if we go through hell”
What are you currently listening to? "Heaven" by Solence. Has your father met the boy you currently love? I don’t love a guy, just his memory. I don’t think it’s accurate to say “yeah I love him” when I haven’t spoken to/associated with him since one talk in 2017. Are you closer with your siblings or cousins? My sisters. I barely ever see/talk to my cousins at all. How many people have you really fallen for? Two. Next event you’ll wear a dress to: Probably not ‘til my sister’s wedding next year. Why did you last cry? Oh god it’s so cheesy but it was during the Unus Annus video where Mark, Ethan, and Amy were out in the desert watching Neowise and just talking about life and shit. I legit sat in silence just thinking for a while after I finished it. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning? Shit, not even 10 minutes. Sometimes not even five. I don’t do anything special at all, just get dressed, brush teeth, and comb my hair. Would you ever take back someone after they cheated? Nnnnope. How many arguments have you had with the last person you dated? Well considering we jumped back and forth from hating each other to being friends like five times as kids,,,, lmao. But on a serious note, it’s rare now. I don’t exactly count arguments tho. Do you want to see somebody right now? I wanna hang with Sara so bad mayn. Do you get distracted easily? YEAH. Do you think that someone has feelings for you? Yeah. Do you still talk to the person that you last kissed? On the daily. Are you easy to get along with? I think so. I’m chill with such a variety of people that you know you can be free of judgment. The only thing you’d have to understand is how quiet I am and that it does not equate to me being disinterested in you or anything, as people have apparently thought. Have you ever had a pet goldfish? As a kid. Has anyone ever told you that you have pretty eyes? Yeah. Are you short? I’m of an average height for someone my gender, age, and nationality or whatever it’s called. Is there anything stressing you out currently? bruuuuuhhhhh I am ALWAYS stressed about something. What’s something that you cannot wait for? This fucking pandemic to end. Just wear your goddamn masks and stay in your fucking houses ‘n shit and maybe we’ll move forward. What was your favorite grade? So it’s super ironic: 7th. Which is when my depression manifested. I just have a lot of good memories with excellent teachers and friends. Are you afraid of shots? “Fear” is the wrong word for it, but there’s certainly a tense feeling before you get one. It’s not the needle that really hurts, it’s whatever medicine is being injected. Always stings. Were you an adorable baby? I was tbh, but I had nothing on my little sister. Nicole was so fucking cute. Are you happy with who you’re becoming? No. Do you want children? No. Do you change your phone background a lot? Not “a lot,” no. Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast? Definitely really slow. Really fast is nooot my style. I mean, neither is very slow, but I’d definitely prefer it and feel more secure in it. When applying eyeliner, which eye do you do first? Uhhh I think left? I do this so rarely that I don’t really know lol. How many exes have you talked to today? One. Are you tan? lol hell no. I never have been. Do you use any acne medication? I use a facial scrub to exfoliate and prevent acne, does that count? Is anybody in your family schizophrenic? If so, what is their life like? My half-sister I’ve never met. I know almost nothing about her so can’t answer the second question. Are you likely to crack under peer pressure? Not really, no. Are you emotional or very stoic? I’m emotional as hell. How many states have you lived in? North Carolina has kept me hostage my whole life. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Yeah. Who did you last say “I love you” to? Me mum. How do you want to die? Eek, idk man. Part of me says fast as to avoid pain or a gradual, torturous decline in health, but at the same time I want my life to conclude after like… accepting it and not taking my last days for granted. I also don’t want the sudden surprise on my loved ones. Are you scared of spiders? Okay, so this is very situational. If a spider surprises me, I’m most likely going to gasp/scream/curse and try to get away. However, I find them very, very fascinating to watch and are beautiful and some even cute in their own right. I respect their existence and position in the ecosystem. I’ve held a tarantula before and even want two (… or ten) as a pet, so I can’t be THAT scared of them. Oh, and I’m much more likely to be spooked by ones with long legs and particularly small bodies. Idk, it’s weird. Do you have trust issues? fuck YES I do. Who/what was your last dream about? I know Jason was in it, but that’s no surprise. I remember someone randomly trying to kill me again lmao. Who was the last person you cried in front of? I’m sure it was Mom. Who was your last text from? Sara. Do you usually sleep with your closet door open or closed? The fuck is wrong with you if you sleep with it open?????????????? Have you ever "done it" in a hotel room? No. I don’t think we were ever in a hotel together, and besides, it’s p gross imho. I can’t say for sure I wouldn’t lmao but I hope I wouldn’t. Have you ever stolen a street sign before? No, that’s never made sense to me? My sister stole a traffic cone once tho lmao. She legit just wanted to do something sketchy. Highkey badass, amirite. Are you reading any books right now? I’m very slowly reading Wings of Fire: The Dark Secret by Tui T. Sutherland. I’m going through one of my junctures of little reading again, even though I’m enjoying the book as I do with the series. Who was the last person to send you a friend request on Facebook? Some dude I had no mutual friends with or anything. How recently did you wash your hands? Last time I went to the bathroom. Did the last person you kissed have facial hair? No. Who is the most intelligent person you know? Girt. Do you have younger siblings? If you do, are you protective of them? I have one sister younger by two years, and I’d kill for her even if we’re not all that close. What are the other members of your household doing at this moment? I’ve actually been home alone for around two weeks now and am MIRACULOUSLY doing totally fine. My mom had to take an urgent flight to NY because her mom is dying. Sadly much slower than they expected. She’s not in pain due to medicine, but nevertheless, it’s torture for her. She can't do anything. Do you have any neighbors that you don't get along with? Not really, but there is someone to our right that constantly has music playing outside, and sometimes it’s annoying. In the past week, have you slept past midday? No. I can’t remember the last time I did that. Name the last song that made you cry. “Lovely” by Billie Eilish, I think. It reminded me of Jason. Do you use Twitter? Not really, no. I only ever check it to look at Mark’s lmao what a shocker. The last time something scared you, what was it? One of my nightmares last night. A huge spider was hurrying towards my face from the wall and I actually scrambled out of bed irl, therefore nearly passing out bc I can't get up fast w/o getting extremely dizzy, oof. Who was your first best friend? Brianna. Are you still friends anymore? On Facebook, anyway. We haven’t talk-talked in many years. Who is your best friend right now? Sara. How old were you when you found out what sex was? I was in the 4th or 5th grade, whatever age you are then. I definitely learned later than most, it seems. Had no idea until sex ed in school. Name one quirk you have that drives people crazy? I pace badly, and I’ve been told by numerous people it makes them anxious. Who is your favorite Disney villain? Probably Scar. You gotta admit his scheme was pretty clever, and he had a BUMPIN song. Would you have children if a surrogate could carry it for you? No, I still wouldn’t. Do you have an account for any social platform that you rarely/never use? Yeah, like Twitter. What do you most frequently take photos of? Nature. Do you ever wear hats? What does your favorite hat look like? No. Have you tried any foods or drinks for the first time today? Which? No. Does anyone close to you smoke cigarettes? My dad. What was the last song you heard, that made you feel nostalgic? Motionless In White recently covered "Somebody Told Me" by The Killers. Is it awkward when you run into your ex? I don’t run into any of them. Do you prefer pasta, salad, or coleslaw? Oh, totally pasta. Coleslaw is fucking disgusting. Do you think any of your exes will eventually want to be with you again? I hope. Would you rather pierce your tongue or lip? I have a vertical labret and did have snake eyes, and I adore(d) both; however, I prefer my lip ring. It’s like, a part of my identity by now lmao. Last time you were attacked by an animal? I don’t think an animal has ever seriously hurt me, instead only through playing too rough. I get scratches from Roman every now and again from it. How many times have you been engaged (if any at all)? Never. Have you ever been called something and you didn’t know what it meant? So one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever done is accidentally agree to being a martyr, because at the time, I thought it only meant like, you’d die for what you stand for, which in most serious cases, I would. I didn’t know that wasn’t the kind he meant; he meant I was trying to make shit all about me and throw a pity party about the breakup. I didn’t learn that was the “common day” definition until a long time after when I was no longer in contact with this person. Are your eyes sensitive to sunlight? VERY VERY VERY. Have you ever been busted for underage drinking? No. Do you have a picture of you and your lover kissing? I don’t have a “lover.” Have you witnessed a fight at school? So shortly after returning to class in the 10th grade, a girl deadass got stabbed in the neck during a fight nearby my classroom. I (nor my classmates) actually saw it, just heard. Safe to say the assailant was expelled, and the other girl was lucky to have her throat missed, though that was apparently what the other girl was aiming for. She went to the hospital of course, and that’s all I know. Who did you last get into a big argument with? Probably Mom. Do you drink lots of water? Sigh, no. What was the worst feeling you last felt? Before my last period I had a day of such bad cramping that I decided to go back on birth control. I originally started it for that but stopped to see how it would affect my mood, and now I absolutely need it back. Interested in anyone at the moment? Yeah. Do you know people with your last name that you aren't related to? Besides historical people, no. Are you guilty of texting while driving? ”I don’t drive, but I am so against doing that. Please don’t. It only takes a second of distraction for something to go wrong. Keep your eyes on the damn road.” <<<< This right fuckin here. Have you ever caused a lot of noise in a library? No. What was the last thing that completely took your breath away? I don’t know. When playing rock, paper, scissors which do you usually pick? Uhhh I think scissors? Have you ever tried to write a book? Yes, but they’re all projects I abandoned. Have you ever been hit by a chunk of hail? Not that I recall, no. Do you have high standards? Honestly yes when it comes to relationships (which is what I assume you’re talking about). Have you ever changed your clothes while in a vehicle? Yeah. Do you know how to snap your fingers? Uh, yeah. Do you plan your outfits for the next day or just randomly choose? I choose on the spot, usually. Are you a bossy person? Definitely not. Is it true that if you don’t love yourself, you can’t love another? I fucking hate that statement. It’s absolute bullshit.
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sunlightdances · 6 years
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SPN Angst Bingo ‘18 Masterlist Dean Headcanons/Bullet point Fics
Newest on top; updated 2/2/2021
Untitled (literally couldn’t think of a title for this lol): PG-13 for swearing She came out of nowhere, knocked him on his ass, and then asked him to apologize. How hard did he hit his head?
Body Language: PG-13 Low blood sugar sucks. Dean’s POV.
Everybody Knows I’m Torn Apart: PG-13 You manage to call Dean a few miles away from the bunker. Despite your injuries, you tell him the basics: you lost too much blood, you need a ride, you’re pretty sure you’re going to pass out soon. His gruff voice over the phone is the last thing you hear before you physically can’t keep your eyes open anymore.
Two Hearts on Fire: PG-13 3 times Dean is there for you and one time you’re able to return the favor.
Stay a Little Longer: PG You let yourself be vulnerable and Dean does too.
You’re an Ocean: PG The never ending push and pull between you and Dean finally comes to an end.
Take My Hand (When You Can’t See the Light): PG-13 (a few swears) Dean plays the knight in shining armor when you meet him by chance. Turns out you’ll meet him several more times. Everything happens for a reason, right?
Winter Air: PG Contrary to popular belief, Dean is a big softy who loves winter.
Slow Days: PG Dean meets you on a slow, lazy day in Lebanon at Christmas.
Come Home: PG Dean comes to your door in the middle of the night. it’s a good thing, too, because you’re gearing up for a fight.
Don’t Go Changing: PG-13 It was never supposed to end up like this. You find out the truth about Dean Winchester.
Dog Days: PG-13 (for violence) Dean rescues a dog and ends up being the one rescued.
Helping Hand: PG After recovering from an injury, you’re having a hard time getting back into fighting form. Dean helps you through it.
Sun Warmed: PG He sits on the edge of the table, watching you as you flit about the room, grabbing a mug, some coffee creamer, and sugar. You wait for him to make a comment about how sweet you like your coffee, but it never comes. Another sign that he’s not entirely himself today.
Untitled drabble: PG Someone is carrying you. Your head jostles until it finds purchase against a broad shoulder, and in your daze you can make out a conversation - though you’re not able to make sense of anything being said.Someone is urging you to open your eyes, You want to do what they ask, you want to ask questions, but you’re so tired.
I’ll Be Your Lifeline Tonight: PG Dean shoulders his own burdens. He always has. And truth be told, it comforted you to think he had it under control. Dean’s always been the one with the plan, the one who knew what to do next. Now that he doesn’t… you can’t lie, it freaks you out. But you have to help him right now. If the tables were turned, he’d do the same for you.
Untitled: PG You stop mid-sentence as you come around the corner into the rec room, seeing him fast asleep on the sofa. There’s a magazine on his lap and a few other books strewn around him, and while this isn’t really that out of the ordinary for him, it’s the glasses tucked into his collar that draw your attention.
It Echoes a Spark: PG-13 “I was on my way home. Traveling. Saw I was driving through town and thought… well, it’s almost our anniversary.” He winks, and it’s amazing how you’re not a puddle of goo right there on the floor.
Wrapped Up in Your Love: Rated PG @sixtysevenandwhiskey asked for: “i did that annoying thing where i put loads of smaller boxes inside one big box and you’re getting really mad but you don’t know that the ring is in the smallest box and i can’t wait to see your face”
Snow & Scarves: Rated PG @lipstickandwhiskey said “I gotta see you do “PULLING YOU IN FOR A KISS WITH A SCARF” because SWOON” and I mean, same, tbh.
Stay Here Til Sunrise: Rated T “You’re making a mental checklist of everything you need to do when you finally stop somewhere - the first thing being calling Sam to let him know his brother got his arm broken trying to be a goddamn hero again, followed closely by getting to a bathroom where Dean can’t see you as you try to calm the fuck down.”
Bruised Hearts: Rated T She sort of, kind of, probably hates him. He tells himself it’s for the best.  
Just Let Me Try: Rated T You get in a car accident not far from Dean’s shop and go to him for help. Mechanic!AU. Dean’s POV.
On Your Mark, Get Set, Bake: PG Dean discovers your guilty pleasure TV show.
I Remember Loving You: PG-13 When you think you’re in trouble, you go to Sam and Dean for help, despite the fact that you and Dean haven’t spoken or seen each other face to face in months.
Bright Lights Won’t Leave Me Alone: PG-13 Prompt: “We got involved in a fight at a bar and had to share the night in the same jail cell”
If It Keeps You By My Side: PG-13 The reader reveals something to Dean that turns his world upside down. Written for Annie’s 300 Follower Grand Budapest Motel Challenge!
One More Hour: PG Dean’s tired and can’t hide it from you no matter how hard he tries.
Danger Always Was a Friend of Mine: PG-13 You get stuck driving through a huge storm on your way to the bunker. Dean reacts in a way you don’t expect.
Run, Run, Run Away: PG-13 Dean calls you to go on a hunt he’d otherwise have to take solo. It takes quite a turn.
Lost Hope, Can’t Cope: PG-13 Dean helps you when your anxiety, stress, and everything else jumbled up in your head becomes too much. Alternates between the reader and Dean’s POV.
One Way to Shut You Up: PG A good, old-fashioned post-hunt celebration gives you the courage you finally need.
Now Close Your Eyes: PG You have a hard time letting other people take care of you.
Something About You, I Just Can’t Fight: Rated M You’re pretty sure Dean’s figured out your big, stupid crush on him, and you’re sure it’s only a matter of time before you spontaneously combust.
Loving Everything You Do: Rated T The washer broke. It’s not your fault that the only thing near you at the time was some of Dean’s clothes, okay.
Heavy Heart and a Heavy Mind: Rated T A badly-timed wish on your part and a curse from a witch has you and Dean reconsidering the nature of your relationship. Written for SPN Angst Bingo.
Let the Lonely In: Rated T After a bad day and a sleepless night, the reader and her insecurities are her own worst enemy.
Someone Throw a Lifeline: Rated T While wrapping up a case, Sam and Dean get a weird phone call that has Dean assuming the worst.
Everything You Are:  PG Dean’s POV.  Dean discovers the pretty librarian he met on a case is a little more “in the know” than he realized.
You’ve Had Me All Along: Rated M You’re so pissed that you’re even in this situation, your hands are shaking from adrenaline and anger. Huffing to yourself, you grab your phone out of your back pocket and dial one of two numbers you know by heart.
More Heart and Less Attack: Rated T The reader shows up at the bunker after being attacked, hurt and on the verge of a panic attack.
One More Time Before I Fall: Rated T This weird tension between you and Dean had to come to a head sometime, and what better time than when you’re trapped in the Impala with him for a long trip?
Untitled drabble: Rated T Dean has to bail you out of jail during a hunt, and isn’t happy about it when he sees you again.
Untitled drabble: Rated T One ghost down, five to go. You’re on your way to rescue the Winchesters.
Untitled oneshot: Rated PG Prompt: “I have been driving for the last 5 hours and all I want is some god damn beef jerky, so GET YOUR HAND OFF THE LAST PACKAGE ON THE SHELF YOU MAY BE HANDSOME STRANGER, BUT NO ONE IS STANDING IN BETWEEN ME AND THAT SALTY SNACK”
Breaks Your Heart Like Lovers Do: Rated PG Anon asked for a angsty fic based on “Happier” by Ed Sheeran. Don’t worry - there’s a happy ending!
Untitled Angst Day drabble: Rated T You’ve been hiding your feelings towards Dean for months, and when you guys have the biggest fight you can ever remember having, you reach a breaking point.
Seeing Eye to Eye and Heart to Heart: Rated T You get hurt on a hunt, and afterwards, Dean starts acting real weird.
Can’t Get You Close Enough: Rated M Dean tears into you after a hunt goes bad, causing you to have a panic attack. He makes a confession to your after, about why seeing you hurt makes him react that way.
I’ll Be Back, Give It Time: Rated M While you’re struggling with your feelings for Dean, you have your first fight.
Untitled drabble: Rated PG. You and Dean have this thing going on. You tease him, he teases you. You don’t expect it to lead to hurt feelings until it does.
Glasses: Rated M. Dean wears those glasses. You have feels.
Lately: Rated M (Dean POV, third person) Dean reflects on his feelings for the reader.
Now And Then I Get A Little Lost: Rated M (mild smut) Established relationship with Dean x Reader. The two of you run into Cassie on a hunt, and seeing Dean’s ex brings up some insecurities.
Got The Flu: Rated M Dean takes care of you when you’re sick, and confessions come in dramatic fashion. You know the drill.
Enough For Now: Rated M (mild smut, language) You haven’t seen Dean in over a year, and the scruff he’s sporting now is doing things to you.
Valentine’s Day oneshot: Rated M. Pure smut. Dean wears that coat. You know the one.
Don’t You Forget About Me: Rated M. Post 12x11. You help Sam figure out how to get rid of Dean’s curse. He doesn’t remember you, but he remembers something.
Untitled oneshot: Rated M (barely any smut, rated for language + dirty talk) The gang have a hunt at the zoo. What could go wrong?
Best Friends?: Rated M Prompt: “We’re best friends and I’ve been in love with you forever and I’m 30000% sure you only see me as a friend, except why is there all this tension rn?
Family Ties: Rated M (mild smut) You didn’t know your stepmom was a witch, okay. It’s not your fault you’ve got a coven on your tail. It’s also not your fault that Dean Winchester hates witches so much.
Untitled drabble: Rated M. Prompt was “comfort” - Dean comforts the reader after a hunt goes wrong and causes her to have nightmares.
Sooner Or Later: Rated M. Prompt was “touch”. Tension relief.
It’s So Clear Now: Rated M. You run into the Winchesters after a few months hunting alone, and when you get hurt, Dean takes care of you. This is a long one - 5K.
You Look Good in My Shirt: Rated M. You borrow Dean’s sweater and it causes him to finally make a move.
You’re A Sight For Sore Eyes: Rated PG. Based on a prompt. Dean helps you sleep when you’re dealing with some anxiety.
The More I’m Gone, The More Things Change: Rated T. You go with the Winchesters to LA to hopefully help them ice Lucifer.
They Call It The Season Of Giving (I’m Here, Yours For The Taking): Rated PG You get a little emotional exchanging Christmas gifts with Dean.
It’s The Same For Me: Rated T. You mess up on a hunt and Dean calls you out for it. Resentful of being treated like a kid, you lash out.
Missing You: Rated T. You and Dean are alone in the bunker for a night when you surprise him with a visit. He’s missed you.
Untitled drabble: Rated T. Dean is so protective of you, it makes you crazy. You fight, and then make out.
Don’t Look Back: Rated T, sequel to “Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts”. Dean shows up unannounced to make sure you’re safe as he and Sam investigate some demon signs near your home.
Rescue Drabble: Rated T Sam and Dean rescue you after a close call while hunting, and afterwards, Dean’s guilt leads to a confession.  
Happy To See Me?: Rated M (light smut in this one). Imagine seeing Dean for the first time in months, and him not being able to hide how happy he is to see you.
Ain’t Afraid Of No Ghosts: Rated M.  You’re not happy when the Winchester brothers show up to steal your hunt, no matter how cute you think the older one is.
Dean + “dance with me” / “I’ve always loved you”
Dean + “Can you walk?”
Platonic Dean + Lisa being jealous
Dean + “I’d sooner die than deny my feelings for you”
Dean + “You look terrible”
Dean + “No, wait, please. Can’t we talk?”
Dean + “I belong with you”
Dean + chocolate
Dean + fear
Dean + nicknames
Dean + morning routine
Dean + playing with hair
Dean+ fireplace
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gwen-writes-stuff · 6 years
Damn Shirt | Tom Holland imagine
Imagine : You and Tom coincidentally wear the same clothes.
Word count : 3280
I was digging in my closet to try and find an appropriate attire for a walk around the city. I've been away for months, Filming for Spider-Man: Homecoming so I figured that for my first day off work I'd take a lovely stroll around Los Angeles.
It's not really exciting or eventful but the aim is to relax after the many days I was working non-stop.
After what felt like an hour, I spotted a black graphic t-shirt and I don't remember having it, I grabbed it by the hanger and held it up to scan.
Satisfied I threw it on the bed to fish for my favorite pair of jeans.
In the end, I had the small section on the middle part of the shirt tucked in my favorite white jeans while the rest perform like a normal shirt should and got lazy so I topped it all off with a high-cut converse.
As boring as my fashion taste sounds like right now, I clean up nicely during premieres and formal events.
I texted my sister where I'll be meeting her and I grabbed a random sunglasses running out my house to wave my cat goodbye.
I decided against driving because I actually wanted to walk, My sister_____ wanted to shop and I gladly accepted the invite. The Starbucks I asked her to meet is just a few blocks away anyway.
While crossing the street I didn't fail to notice a number of Paparazzis lurking, I sighed, They could at least try bring subtle about it.
As much as I love the fans, fame and love for acting I didn't appreciate the invasion of privacy. I can't do anything about it because I had this coming.
A few more streets crossed and I'm inside the Starbucks where my sister greeted me with a hug, I chuckled hugging her back.
"Missed me much?" She rolled her eyes but shortly nodded. I raised a brow at her when she brought the straw of her drink to her lips. "You know what I always get."
She giggled and handed me my drink she hid god-knows-where. "So how was it?" We sat inside for a while to try and catch up. I jusst get back last night.
"Eventful. I knew taking the role of Spider-Gwen was gonna be a pain but the stunts I pulled off..." I trailed off to groan indicating I had a hard time and she smiled at that.
"Knowing you, You slayed that!" I mockingly posed like a superhero and I got a few looks from the people around.
"Well I didn't get fired." I shrugged and took a sip of my (Fave Starbucks drink) and almost choked from the following words that left my dear sister's mouth.
"So how is it working with Tom Holland then?" I blushed and I could tell just by how my cheeks instantly heat up and _____ wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Ever since I saw him as Peter in Civil War my crush on him wasn't a secret to _____ and it was sheer luck that I got the part of his love interest.
"He was sweet. Very professional." I gave her the bullshit I'll probably give the interviewers and she obviously wanted more than such a plain answer when she rolled her eyes.
"Any kissing scene?" I snorted and almost had my drink coming out of my nose and I instinctively slapped her hand that rested on the table and she was a laughing mess.
"____!" I picked up my sunglasses and wore it, "Let's just go shopping." That was what we planned afterall and she gave me a suspicious look.
I didn't answer her question and I bet she already know that there is. I did afterall play his love interest.
We went to different shops just chatting about the most random of things and Tom didn't come up anymore.
I thought I was over that part of shooting but ____ had to go and remind me, I wasn't able to sleep for a week after shooting that scene.
We had about twelve takes because he was doing the iconic hanging upside down and we were a laughing mess. Five times, He almost fell off and I was the one to steady him.
I unknowingly shook my head to try and rid myself of the memory, reminding myself that I'm professional and was snapped out of thoughts when ____ poked my side.
"Damn Paparazzis." She whispered and I glanced down at our shopping bags and I barely have space on my hand.
"Isn't this enough?" She shook her head to point out that we also had to do a back to school shopping and I complained about how far it is.
But that didn't stop her from dragging me into three more stores and I ended up going back home with sore hands but I was happy. I was told to rest by my manager but I missed ____ and shopping was our way to bond.
When I reached the comfort of my home I flopped myself on the bed and let my cat walk all over me til she settled on sleeping on my back.
I rolled my eyes at the inconvenience she just put me through, Sleeping on my back, She's lucky I love her.
My phone that I left on my nightstand to have no distractions for the day just buzzed and I groaned. Reaching for it without interrupting my Cat who very annoyingly got comfortable on my back.
I opened it to see that I got fifty missed calls from my manager and immediately shot up, My cat landed on the floor with a very nasty meow and I sent an apologetic smile her way.
Rascal just hissed at me and I turned back to my phone, What is it this time?
It must be this important if I have fifty missed calls from my freaking manager so I called her back instantly hoping for the best but getting myself ready for the worst.
I haven't had a scandal. Ever. Since the beginning of my career I have actively avoided drama in the industry so I'm beyond terrified.
"Y/N? Where have you been? You haven't been answering my calls!" My very angry manager yelled through the phone and I had to pull the phone away from my ears for a moment.
"I went shopping with ____ and I know, I just got home and I left my phone. Sorry?" I replied quietly that I doubt it even reached the other end of the call.
I heard a very loud sigh and I braced myself for the news, "Are you dating Tom?" I was frozen from kneeling down on my bed.
I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Laugh because that is ridiculous and how much would I be paying Tom to be my boyfriend? Cry because it's a slap to the face that I would laugh at how impossible it is to be with my crush.
"Y/N are you there?" I was pulled back to reality, I coughed to get rid of the forming lump in my throat and shook my head but I realised that I'm on the phone.
"No, Why would you ask that?" Fifty missed calls? What could I have possibly done to be linked to Tom when I was yet to do interviews with him?
I have a week to myself before interviews start and I already have this question from my manager?
"I'm sending you the links." With that she ended the call and I shakily scrolled to see my feed on twitter.
I didn't need to check the links (Manager's name) sent when I already know what the issue is.
Y/N L/N and Tom Holland dating?!
Actors starring in the upcoming Marvel film Spider-Man : Homecoming, L/N and Holland, Dating?
Those are just two of the many article title that have blurred my vision, I haven't seen Tom since the last shooting so why would people assume this?
I clicked one link and I could feel my cat snuggle into my lap as I read the article with shaking vision, I was too nervous.
Y/N L/N was spotted shopping with her sister _____ wearing a very familiar Black T-shirt that fans pointed out to be exactly like the actor Tom Holland's just this morning (Random date).
Pictures of her walking out of Starbucks were all over the internet when one fan pointed out that Tom Holland wore the same shirt months ago (Random date again lol) and alot more agreed.
This lead to fans believing that the shirt was originally Tom's and he had given Y/N the shirt when they started dating, Their relationship is not confirmed to be official but fans are expecting to hear the truth from the two young actors.
At the very end is a picture of me walking out of Starbucks and next to it is a picture of Tom crossing the road. I squint my eyes to see that our shirts did look exactly alike and how unfortunate it is that I just pulled that very shirt out my closet out of boredom this afternoon.
This is utterly ridiculous.
Before I could sleep the stress off I saw a highlighted notification, Tom tweeted me.
One of the many articles is attached and I braced myself for embarassment and cringe.
@ TomHolland1996 tweeted :
@Y/Nofficial Now you gotta give me my shirt back 😉😂
With that tweet he's not making any of this any better! I groaned in frustration and dropped on the bed face first, Glad my cat left knowing she was being ignored and I drifted into sleep thinking about the drama waiting.
It's been a week and interviews with Tom are coming up, We had a few with other cast members like Zendaya but the first one I'll be having is with Tom and questions about the shirt will surely come up.
My stupid ass forgot that shirt is actually Tom's.
I don't really remember the events following how the shirt ended up in my closet but it was really his.
How'd I know? I called him the next morning asking about that tweet.
The week went smooth, I went to the beach and a road trip with _____ to Vegas. The rumours about Tom and I dating still hasn't died down.
I suggested we go apart to lessen the assumption but he insisted we shouldn't let the issue affect our friendship which lead me to think.
Are Tom and I friends? Because Homecoming was the first time we worked together and I doubt he even knew of my existence before then.
We worked together, Got acquainted fast and got along...sort of but I wouldn't really call us friends. He was always closer to Zendaya who he always hang out with in between breaks and he was best friends with Jacob who he always talked to and we only ever made small talks.
He seemed to be so uninterested in me that I found it awkward to kiss him on camera when I felt like he didn't want me around but it was as if something changed and we were fooling around and teasing like good friends that after twelve takes, We got the job done.
As of now I'm in a dressing room watching Carla, my stylist fix my hair. I didn't want my make-up to be too much since I wasn't feeling too extra so I did it myself.
When it was finally time for the interview I was greeted by Tom who said an inaudible 'Hi' which I replied with a small smile.
“Y/N, Tom, It's nice to have you here.” The female interviewer chirped as we took our seats and I laid back with legs crossed, My hand rested on my thighs.
“Thank you.” I replied with a polite smile, “Pleasure's ours.” Tom added as she shook hands with us.
“Well you can call me Maddie. So let's start?” Maddie asked and we nodded, I turned to look at Tom who also turned to look at me with an innocent smile.
“So Y/N, We know that Tom has a background in Dance and Gymnastics but you don't?” I shook my head stealing a glance at Tom because I can feel the weight of his stare and it's honestly making me uncomfortable.
Not because he makes me uncomfortable, god no, But because of my stupid crush.
“I don't, I do dance around the house and in the shower.” I joked and Maddie let out a soft chuckle. I can dance really well if I actually tried but gymnastics? Nope!
“So how was your stunts? You had no background whatsoever, How did you do it?” Despite having not learned fighting or gymnastics I still insisted on doing my own stunts which surprised many, Even myself.
I went through alot of training and hardwork to even come close to an average performance, I shifted in my seat.
“Well, I may be no gymnast but my ballet days did a huge part. That, Along with practice and just determination to learn.” Satisfied with my answer Maddie looked down at her cards.
“Tom. This one's for you.” I fought the urge to turn to Tom and kept my eyes on Maddie as she spoke while looking down at her cards because I didn't wanna look at Tom.
Why? I am a hundred percent sure that I would be way too distracted by how perfect his hair looks and how pretty his eyes are.
But thinking about being distracted, distracted me anyways that the next question is directed to me that I didn't even notice Tom already answered his.
“What was the hardest part in playing Gwen?” I silently thanked God that none of the questions directed at me so far are about my body or diet.
“I think it's the stunts. Everything else is a breeze but the stunts man!” I answered and the three of us erupted into laughter.
“Back to Tom, How was it working with Y/N?” This time I instinctively turned and instantly regretted it when our eyes met and locked.
He leaned towards his left side to get a better look at me and my insides screamed. “She's...amazing.” He said almost out of breath and I could only pray to God that I'm not blushing right now.
I saw Maddie in the corner of my eyes raise her brow suggestively, Leaning forward to not miss a potential tea-spilling as I'd like to call it.
“She makes it easy, She's very professional and a really great actress. Sometimes I don't even feel like I'm acting anymore, You know?” His cute accent trailing behind every word as I listen to my heart race. But he plays as my boyfriend?
“So what is the funniest thing that happened on set?” Maddie asked directed to the both of us and I almost jumped at my seat from excitement.
“The kissing scene.” Tom with a dropped jaw looked at me as if I spoiled something but that's his job. Must've wanted that memory kept a secret.
“Do tell.” Maddie replied with a small smirk on her features that I failed to notice because I was too busy recalling the events.
“We had to take twelve takes.” Tom spoke up stifling a laugh. He was shaking his head with a toothy grin.
“I don't even remember why we were laughing but before our lips could even meet we would burst out laughing like idiots.” I added laughing at the end of my sentence and so did Maddie imagining how ridiculous we Must've looked like.
The interview went on well and Maddie was really nice but I knew the inevitable was coming so when she said we were off to the last one, I shifted again in my seat. Nonchalantly moving an inch away from Tom and pretended to ignore the small frown he gave me when he noticed.
“So this might be a little hot of an issue but you were spotted wearing his shirt, Right?” Maddie asked me gesturing her hand to Tom and I nodded. “How did that happen?”
I raised a hand like a schoolgirl to indicate I wanted to go first. “I didn't know it was his–I mean I did but I didn't remember. I was just digging through my closet and went ‘Oh that shirt looks cool’ so I went ahead and wore it.” I turned to Tom, “How did that get in my closet, Tom?”
I asked with a slight tease and a cheeky grin but I didn't expect him to look serious, He coughed and clasped his hands together. “Funny story actually.” He began.
“We were shooting this one scene in the night and it was really cold but when we were wrapping up I found this woman sitting alone in the corner hugging herself.” I would've grabbed a jacket but I was too cold I found it hard to move and my manager and assistant were talking to the staffs.
“So I ran to search my bag for anything, A jacket but I saw the shirt and I remember it being warm and I was afraid she would've froze by the time I find a jacket so I gave it to her.” I remember now, Just how my heart skipped a beat when I looked up to see who owned the extended hand.
Tom with his pretty face illuminated by the moonlight, His damn boyish grin. If I wasn't sitting down I would've dropped on the floor because my knees turned jelly.
“So you two are not dating?” Maddie asked and I couldn't answer, It hurts to say no and I wondered if it's still just a silly crush if it's hurting me.
I figured I'd let Tom answer but even he just stared at me so I raised a brow at him. Maddie cleared her throat but our eye contact didn't break.
“Are you two dating?” Maddie repeated herself changing thd question slightly and I can hear hope lacing in her voice but I shook my head still looking at Tom.
“Unfortunately not.” Tom replied and my jaw dropped at that, What did he just say? “But if miss L/N would be kind enough to go on a date with me then there would be a big possibility.” I was lost for words.
Is he serious or just stoking the flame of this hot rumour? Tom wouldn't do that just to gain more attention but he couldn't be serious about wanting to go on a date with me?
“I — I'm sorry, What?” Maddie was making inhuman noises of joy while I look at Tom with wide eyes and he only flashed me the same boyish grin.
“Is that a yes?” I couldn't form a word so I nodded slowly while Maddie clap and Tom look away briefly, Jesus, Is he blushing?
My manager is going to kill me.
Breaking News ! Spider-Man : Homecoming actor, Tom Holland just asked co-star Y/N L/N on a date during an interview.
Watch the interview here!
well this was long as fuck. I didn't really know how to start and end this because I just have this one stupid idea of you and Tom coincidentally wearing the same shirt and people going crazy about it so forgive how shitty this is.
PS : I take requests~
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
Abort Mission (8)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: You and your boyfriend have powers, now he is dead and you are  expecting a baby. Hydra is interested in the child so they send the  Winter Soldier. What happens if Bucky unexpectedly falls for you…
This Part: Accidental confession are made and both you and Bucky get closer and closer until you finally give birth...
Warnings: mentions of pregnancy, language, angst, fluff, birth
A/N: yeah I just wanted to get over the birth lol thats why it’s so short but anyway I hope I don’t offend anyone with this cause I have no Idea about how birth is and everything included to this but I tried my best. Tell me if I did something wrong or let me know about your experience?? :D
Series Masterlist - Main Masterlist
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<< Previous Part
Today is the day. You got into early labor a few hours ago. In the beginning it wasn’t that bad, more uncomfortable but that changed rather quickly. Also you water didn’t break yet and the time in between the contraction wasn’t short enough, so you didn’t wanted to go to any doctor or hospital for now. You didn’t wanted to tell Bucky this soon but he also woke up the second you did with your first contractions and it took a long time convincing him not to drag you to a hospital. Anyone would probably send you away again anyways.
Since New Year’s and your sweet little moment you shared it was almost as always and yet different, like a relationship but unofficially or an unspoken one. Could be also possible that you got delusional through you lack of sleep and imagined it all. Who knows.
Besides all of that you got mostly every month a package or letters from Abi and George, filled with self made baby clothes or other things. Sadly they told you right at the beginning of the New Year that Hunter died. Your sweet little beagle you learned to love so much but time goes on and you learned to live with it. Right in the early mornings you awoke once again from the pain in your lower abdomen. Nothing really helped besides waiting for the end.
“Again? We should go now come one” Bucky lifted his sleepy head from his bed and started to dress himself but you stopped him by his wrist.
“No we had that conversation already Buck. Just lay down again. I’ll be fine in a minute or so” you said through gritted teeth assuring him. Bucky got into something like a protective-dad mode which you of course liked but you weren’t sure if he wanted to be a father figure or if you pushed that onto him. Both of you never talked about anything what happens after you gave birth to your son. All that was said was to get out of the country until then.
“Can we talk about something?” you asked, the pain slowly letting go again.
“Something specific?” he said cross legged next to you, holding your hand assuring.
“About what happens if it goes downhill” you said looking up to him but he simply stood up walked to the bathroom with you following because that needed to be said.
“We gotta talk about it. Maybe I am being paranoid and crazy but I want to at least talk about it.” you kept you glance on him as he sternly started brushing his teeth.
“I don’t” Bucky said in between.
“That doesn’t matter. If you don’t wanna fine but just listen: If I don’t make it you take care of this child, if we both don’t make it than I want you to go and find Steve. I know he’s important to you and if you don’t have that bagage anymore then please do me a favor and find your best friend..otherwise I’ll haunt your ass down as a ghost” you chuckled trying to keep this as simple as possible. There was just that small chance of something happening so you don’t want to say that this is your last goodbye to Bucky or something.
“Alright” he smiled, and you hold your finger out to him. “-promise?”you asked smirking but he hesitated a bit to long.
“Oh my god Bucky..I didn’t say it will happen. I just want to you to promise me that you will take care of him and yourself. Alright?” Gladly he linked your fingers together but held onto it after you wanted to let go again. “Now you promise me something” he suggested firmly, you only nodded in response.
“If and only if something goes wrong you won’t just give up. You will fight against it and give your very very best” he said, his voice getting quieter with the last words. “Of course” you replied and got up as he wanted to go in for a hug. That isn’t a stupid rom-com where you made your last promise or something. So you won’t cry or even hug him or be sentimal
“That isn’t emotional Bucky” you said and could almost hear his eyes roll and the sigh he did.
“Can’t even get a hug anymore.” you heard him mumble. “Oh please..” you chuckled, sitting down onto the couch you laid your head onto the back. Your hands on your belly hoping to just stop it, you weren’t ready for being in labor like at all, your anxiety increased with like every second. Only a minute or so passed as you heard the sound of a camera going off. Lifting your head you looked confused to Bucky who had a instant camera in his hands, shaking the picture that just came out.
“What are you doing?” you raised your eyebrows at him.
“Don’t you want some picture for afterwards?” he replied and looked at the picture showing it in your direction. It was immense to see you from that point of view, with the huge pump you got, a messy bun and clearly the signs of the lack of sleep. “Where and when did you even brought this?” you exclaimed, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“from the market. This old guy sold it me for a few bucks” Bucky smirked and took another picture from you. “Would you stop?” you chuckled and hid your face from him.
“No you will regret this if I’ll stop. Look they are really good” He got up and showed you the pictures he had in his journal. Just totally random picture from you or outside or things in your apartment. As he looked at the pictures you took quickly the camera also taking pictures of him. “Oh yes they are” you laughed taking a few more before he snatched it out of your hand. Another contraction struck through you, it lasted a bit longer now but not long  enough and the time in between was also still way to long.
“(Y/N)?” you heard Bucky ask worried. “I’m fine, just a harder one I guess” you assured.
“We should really go see someone now” he said. But you didn’t wanna. You are not ready for this. What if you are a terrible mom or you do something out of accident.
“You don’t have much of a choice” he chuckled. “Yes I have. We wait til my water breaks ok?” you tried to argue which was totally not the best time to do. The contraction stopped now anyways.  
“I don’t think that’s a good idea”
“Calm down ok. They are still not near enough to go to a hospital” you said drinking another glass of water. You knew it’s time now, with every contraction the pain also increased.
“How many did you have til now?” Bucky asked while scribbling something down.
“I don’t know?five maybe more” you thought and looked to Bucky who closed it again.
“Are you writing them down?Why are you already a better mol than I am?” you shook your head laughing.
“Yes I am writing them down but I won’t be a better mom, you can believe me that”
he looked up to you now.
“We didn’t exactly talked about it or us but I thought if you want to of course-” you stopped thinking about it. You would feel guilty if you did it, like you are betraying Luke or something. You are certain that he’s dead and that you wanted a father figure for your son but you couldn’t bring yourself to it to even ask Bucky that because would he even want that?
“Yeeeah?” Bucky looked confused to you, bringing you out of your little daydream.
“Uhh if you wanted to stay in the room with me.” you cleared your thought and quickly changed your original idea.
“Like I would leave you alone” he said coming up to your side, right in the moment as you laid your glass into the sink you felt another one rushing in much earlier then the last ones and much stronger too. Groaning you leaned onto the sink, gripping the sides tightly, seems like you also didn’t have much control right now as the sink froze were still water was. You felt Bucky caressing your back and giving your courage. Suddenly you felt this wet warm fluid that run down your legs. It’s time now and you are still not ready for it.
“Bucky...My water just broke” you brought out with shaky voice. His hand stopped going in circles for a second.
“Ok then let’s go or no you sit down I’ll go get your bag” he stuttered and helped you away from the sink and down onto a chair. As he run around the room looking for the bag you already packed a week ago because you were so impatient.
“No we wait. There’s still time..I- I wanna wait” you sobbed quietly out from the pain increasing through the contractions.
“til the baby comes? I didn’t get to the chapter yet” he exclaimed with sarcastic undertone and as you looked up you saw the smile on his lips just as you thought he would be. Tears struck in your eyes already burning.
“You wanna meet your son? then we go to the hospital now. It will be over in no time. I know that you can do it and I won’t leave your side” he took your hand and his and squeezed it a couple of times to assure and comfort you. It helped a lot but pain like this is stronger.
“Ok” you said with a following sob and let go of him to change into a new pair of sweatpants and put on your shoes and Jacket. The elevator was thankfully empty, the ride to the hospital was not so nice, the driver didn’t really like someone almost giving birth in his car.
Coming to the hospital you leaned onto the front desk while Bucky talked to her.
“How can I help you sir?” she looked to Bucky not even noticing you.
“My Girlfriend is in labor!?” he pointed to you and also keeping a hand on your back. The nurse whistled someone over, a lady helped you into a wheelchair and rolled you away, in a different direction. Looking back towards Bucky you saw him going after you but the madam kept him on the spot. Your nurse also kept you up with questions it made you anxious to be alone with strangers, her english wasn’t the best but didn’t matter anyway now. There was a baby that wanted to come out!
“What are the names?” the front desk lady asked Bucky as he kept his stare into the hallway where you disappeared.
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N) and I am..Bucky Barnes” he told her with hesitation but he couldn’t concentrate now.
“Are you the father sir?”
“...sir?” she raised her voice again.
“uh..yes” he said and not because he really wanted to be something like that because he was scared that he weren’t allowed into the room or..in case something would happen from the things you talked about. On the way to your room she asked a bit more but left him alone as they stood before the room.
“Heeeeeeey buckyyy” you said with silly voice. Exactly the opposite from what he thought would happen.
“How are you?” he smirked at you, who sat sideways in a hospital gown there and giggled through her contractions.
“Weird. They already gave me some painkillers and the epidural and now I can’t feel my legs” you told him, your eyes fluttering every few seconds. Two nurses always kept you company checking some things and just getting ready. Contraction after contraction and you still had to wait which was unbearable to do.
“I am hungry” you muttered in between huffing and panting while holding onto Bucky’s hand tightly, you saw his knuckles already turning white.
“You can have whatever you want afterwards” He said. The nurse helping you through the next one telling you that you have to push after the next one and that she would get the doctor now.
“I liked that you called me your girlfriend” you said again with closed eyes, your forehead sweaty but he wouldn’t have it another way according to the other ways that could have happened. He brought his hand up to your face to swipe away a few hair strands that sticked to your face.
“Really?” his smiled disappeared taking that rather serious even tho he is certain that you will forget about this with whatever is in your blood right now. You hummed in response as the doctors and nurses helped you through your pushes, you didn’t much of the pain. More like somehow what really is going on. It was really weird. The nurse counted them down to help you through it. Another one hour or so of pushes you finally welcomed your son into the world. You did it you kept hearing them say as they laid him on your chest for a minute. His soft cries echoed through the room as you cried too. The pain and worries disappearing with just one look at him.
As they were done with the tests and all the stuff you laid in bed with Bucky sitting beside you, your little still unnamed son in your arms.
“You know if you have no problem with it I would uhm- I want you to have a voice in this too. In his life and everything. But if you don’t want to it’s fine too” you couldn’t even bring your eyes away from his. He has the bright green ones like his dad which was almost scary to see after all these months, like you forgot him. Bucky wanted to say no if he was being honest but Hydra is gone at least as it seemed to be and his nightmares are away too if he was with you. Your life isn’t perfect that was as clear as a day and it’s gonna be hard from now on but he couldn’t help himself as he leaned to you letting your eyes meet his before he cradled you cheek softly and kissed you.  
You took that as a yes. For now everything was perfect. Sadly nothing was forever...
Next Part>>
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xoxo Sophie <3
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Janis & Jimmy
Janis: you're such a twat Janis: 👊🖕😡 Jimmy: bit rude Janis: what's rude is I'm stuck in biology Jimmy: tell 'em there's nowt they can teach you Jimmy: I've already done it, like Janis: gross Janis: but detention would probably beat this Janis: none of the skeleton army would be in there, at least, even if it's one of the less annoying ones Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: not like getting sent out is any sort of challenge Jimmy: or owt you need me for Jimmy: but I'm here without my muse 💔🎻💔 Janis: school trips are forced fun Janis: but I ain't feeling sorry for you Jimmy: come on Jimmy: gimme a bit Janis: get me something from the gift shop and I'll consider it Janis: #peakromance that Jimmy: duh Jimmy: saved my tips for days Janis: 😍😍😍 Janis: buzzin', love keyrings, me Jimmy: funny that 'cause I've never seen you use a key to get in anywhere Janis: exactly, like serial killer trophies for all the houses I've violated Janis: 😈 Jimmy: 😍😍😍 Janis: Seriously though Janis: how wank is it Jimmy: what's the scale? Janis: Hmm, good question, boy Janis: assuming we're talking about quality, let's say best case is that weird thing you did that one time that felt so good you're scared to do it again and become a fulltimedeviantTM and worst case is like finishing in a sock you'd already ruined earlier and forgot about Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: real poet you are Jimmy: gonna steal them words for my tripadvisor review in a bit tah Jimmy: it don't matter I still want you to show your face down here for me Jimmy: 🏃 girl 🏃 Janis: always the way Janis: should be making my own art but full time occupation 'inspiring' you Janis: that said, I don't think your teach is so concerned about your art suffering she'll forget I ain't in her class, like Jimmy: you are art baby Jimmy: can't call it a gallery if you ain't hanging around Jimmy: lots of other knobheads are though, get lost in a crowd and find me, barely a challenge Janis: 🙄 you are ridiculous Janis: but I get it, gotta have me on the wall asap Janis: I am really fucking bored Jimmy: direct quote me when you tweet later 💕 Jimmy: the 1 correction being against the wall Janis: performance art Janis: how bold of you 😏 Jimmy: can't let you stay bored Jimmy: ain't #goals Janis: true Janis: move fast in this place Janis: go away for one day and your 👑 is taken like that Jimmy: good thing you're such an athlete then, babe Janis: say I'm thinking about it Janis: I reckon you'd owe me Janis: more than a keyring, like Jimmy: alright Janis: you must really miss me Jimmy: shut up, I said alright Jimmy: are you thinking about what you want or just how you're getting here? Janis: maybe I wanted you to say you miss me sooooooo much and you've really shit the bed there, mate Jimmy: do you? Janis: you're alright Janis: I'm just getting chucked out Jimmy: 🏆💪 Janis: just saying, if I SOS you now, you've got no out 'cos I'm saving you, yeah Jimmy: weren't gonna say fuck off to an SOS anyway, IOU or nah, was I? Jimmy: not very romantic that Janis: 💕 Janis: always nice to use a bit of coercion and control though, however necessary Janis: keeps it fresh, babe Jimmy: 💌 got it in writing there Jimmy: you're saving me, I'll save you right back Janis: so quotable today, you Janis: you're meant to be all visual Janis: 📷=1000 you know Jimmy: keeping it fresh like you said Jimmy: besides Jimmy: [sends her a pic of a half done done drawing of her he's working on instead of what he's meant to be doing] Jimmy: 🎨 = 1000 euros easy, mate Janis: damn Janis: I'm on my way Janis: you didn't have to be actually talented and cute about it Jimmy: 💕 Jimmy: don't run too fast I've gotta finish and stick it up on a bit of blank wall first Janis: I won't Janis: even if I'll admit I have missed seeing your face about here, like Jimmy: it's the accent really Jimmy: I get it Jimmy: paddy lingo gets a bit samey when it's not !!!!!!!!!!!! Janis: yeah, your dulcet tones really do it for me Janis: what can I say? nice not having to pretend I can understand what you're chatting Jimmy: I know but tah for putting it on record Janis: you ain't allowed to put that in any sort of review, soz Jimmy: I won't, you can do better Janis: I'd say thanks for the faith but we all know you're just being cocky Jimmy: don't sound like me that Janis: no? Janis: sorry, who am I speaking to again Jimmy: 👻 lad Jimmy: cause of 💀 that brutal bit of #bants Janis: oh right, casper well can you get someone in here who is a bit cocky Janis: no offense but you're too nice for me, like Jimmy: 💔💔 Janis: see what I mean Jimmy: so demanding you Janis: yeah and what Jimmy: not part of the deal, were it? Janis: what wasn't? Jimmy: owt #ungoals Janis: do YOU know who you're talking to rn Jimmy: hang on, I'll get it Jimmy: starts with a J? Janis: 🖕 Janis: dickhead 😏 Jimmy: I do miss you Jimmy: no need to get a big head or make it weird but just Janis: I know Jimmy: do you know now's when you say it back Janis: I said it earlier! Janis: weren't you listening Jimmy: and what you're live tweeting? that character limit'll fuck you every time, gutted Janis: just saying Janis: we're even Janis: but I'll say it again if you want me to win, like Jimmy: how's that work? if you say it again I win Jimmy: it's me that wants to hear it Janis: rude that you want me to lose then Janis: but it don't feel like losing to me so Janis: I missed you Janis: more than I should, I reckon Jimmy: 🥇 or nowt Jimmy: nowt personal Jimmy: and I reckon you miss me the decent amount considering, like Janis: it's cool, I get to be #1 best gf ever and you can read about the shit job you're doing in my subtweets, like Janis: and what was that about not getting a big head? 🤔 Jimmy: do as I say not as I do, girl Jimmy: the northern approach to dating there for yous Janis: how's that worked for you so far Janis: #toosoon? Jimmy: 💔💀💀💔 Jimmy: #savage Janis: just sayin' Janis: don't reckon you should be going to your da for that advice Jimmy: too soon for me to be lining up the next girls who might fall for the looking at 'em instead of the paintings bollocks? Janis: 'course not Janis: got your pick of the art hoes, they'll lap it up Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: I'll crack on then Janis: I'll go home then Jimmy: I'll meet you there in a bit then Janis: 😑 Jimmy: it's alright save your enthusiasm for the IRL Janis: you're so annoying Jimmy: 💕 Janis: do you want me there or what 'cos I'm out Jimmy: do you wanna be here or what? Janis: obviously Janis: sounds like a blast Jimmy: so come on Janis: don't be a twat Jimmy: join the fun Janis: awh, you think I'm not always a twat Janis: how sweet Jimmy: you might have a couple of decent mins per day Janis: 💕 Jimmy: [snap] Janis: was about to say can't say the same for you but at least you're funny Janis: 😂 Jimmy: 😘 Janis: soz to break up your suck sesh but already on the bus so Jimmy: she'll be done soon Jimmy: no energy Janis: draining yours boy Jimmy: if she ends up swallowing my soul have a word with your god for me Jimmy: weren't my fault Jimmy: 🤞 she'll spit Janis: that's exactly the kinda sentiment that's keeping you out of heaven Janis: I ain't ruining my chances, soz Jimmy: 🎻🎻 Jimmy: have to keep badgering you for that 💀 death pact, eh, Juliet Jimmy: doing yourself in still a sin, yeah? Janis: last I checked Janis: he's not doing edits still, like Janis: 'less you wanna join one of those weird ones Jimmy: 👌👍 Jimmy: #datenight is still on 🔥💕 Janis: 😂 Janis: got a whole list to get through Jimmy: [sends her a pic of that drawing of her finished and stuck to the wall cos he's a nerd] Jimmy: just wiped my to do one til you get here Janis: Impressed Janis: but only a few minutes away so don't pat yourself on the back too hard yet Jimmy: 😏 Jimmy: why would I when I've got you to do it for me Janis: not what I had in mind but alright Jimmy: gotta keep that one track mind of yours on a heavenly track, babe Jimmy: not gonna be your ruin unless you ask for it Janis: but I don't wanna talk Janis: or pray Jimmy: if you look like you're praying that might get the job done Jimmy: try it Janis: boy Jimmy: What? Janis: I'm trying to focus here Jimmy: if you ain't up for the challenge Janis: shut up Janis: 'course I am Jimmy: don't sound like it Janis: you want me to do it now Janis: I was waiting 'til I got there but alright Jimmy: alright, shut up Janis: not really feeling the randoms on this bus but you know Jimmy: hang on, I'll get the orchestra Janis: got a few stops for someone hot to get on Janis: don't cry for me yet Jimmy: but I'm so close to tears Janis: I'll get you there baby Janis: 💕💔 Jimmy: #ultimategoals Janis: you know it Janis: so 🍀 you Jimmy: [tweets something extra about how lucky he is lol] Jimmy: now they know it an' all Jimmy: so welcome you Janis: 😏 Janis: so whipped too but can keep that between us Jimmy: 👍 Janis: right, coming in, where are you lot so I can avoid Jimmy: I'll do a slow mo run to the entrance Jimmy: 1 sec Janis: if anyone asks, I don't know you Jimmy: kissing strangers is fun, don't blame you Janis: try not to let on that you're that bored already Jimmy: 🤐 Jimmy: can stay between me and you Janis: can't let the fans down, like Jimmy: [appears and kisses her really dramatically only for the fans tho obvs] Janis: [sure guys lmao] Jimmy: [take your excuse to be really extra boy cos the fans are gonna love this can't deny it] Janis: ['hey, stranger'] Jimmy: [😏 and more kisses because always] Janis: ['come on then' like lead the way so we aren't just in the entrance like hello] Jimmy: [casual hand holding moment obvs he leads her to pose with the drawing cos we can pretend that's for the fans but really he wants it off the wall cos don't think its that good, oh boy I feel you] Janis: [such a proud little nerd face] Jimmy: [lowkey can't look at it or the bae so good thing he's 📷] Janis: [looks at the pics and does a 👍 too] Jimmy: [take the pic down and run to another part of this gallery] Janis: [when you're doing your best serious art appreciation impression looking at all the paintings like 🤔] Jimmy: [just loling at her cos you're already having more fun in these few mins than you have the whole time you've been there so far] Janis: [shushing him dramatically, probably making more noise than his lol 'this is a museum, show some respect'] Jimmy: [giving her a look like make me and saying 'or what?' as standard] Janis: [you know those doublesided benches they always have in the middle, casually pushing him down on that for a lap makeout moment] Jimmy: [such a mood, not soz other visitors] Janis: just getting tuts from the random old people who loiter everywhere in the day lmao] Jimmy: [doing the most to annoy them even more when he hears the disapproval cos 100% that bitch] Janis: Same honestly Janis: like don't test 'em lmao Janis: [] Jimmy: [so well suited you two] Janis: ['can I keep it?' the pic, obvs] Jimmy: [takes it out of his pocket and puts it into hers] Janis: ['big head, like' but really you just like it 'cos he did it] Jimmy: [kisses her on the head 'you can pull it off'] Janis: ['nerd' but kisses him back and it's way more soft than before when she was going in] Jimmy: [we love a soft moment] Janis: ['it's so boring when you're not there...and shit' Jimmy: ['should've taken art' gestures around with an unimpressed face 'never boring that'] Janis: ['I can see' 😏 'well if I knew there was gonna be a hot new boy, OBVIOUSLY I'd have picked different'] Jimmy: ['I get it, even a know it all like you weren't gonna see me coming, that #special, like' but kissing her neck as he says it all cos we both know he thinks she's sooo special bye] Janis: ['Obviously, new boy' #intoit and moving his hands to around her waist] Jimmy: [pulling her closer to him 5ever as he carries on] Janis: ['Okay, okay, I really missed you'] Jimmy: [makes a happy sound because can't not] Janis: [kissing his ear so she can whisper not 'cos she gives a fuck about anyone else here, clearly, but 'cos vulnerable so gotta say it quiet if you're gonna, 'it was like before when I didn't know you, or when you weren't here and I hated it'] Jimmy: [probably can't pull her any closer but tries to and holds her really tightly because not going anywhere and just the softest kisses ever] Janis: [shaking her head like pull yourself together bitch and changing the pace] Jimmy: [going with it cos he gets it being vulnerable is shit and hard]] Jimmy: [I can just imagine some art hoe putting them on her stories like she don't even take art!] Janis: [she doesn't even go here, regardless being like 'come on' 'cos take me somewhere we can actually do this] Jimmy: [should we let them actually leave? cos better option than bathrooms and the point of her showing up has been made] Janis: [why not, live ur dreams kids] Jimmy: [getting in trouble together is their thing] Janis: [hell yeah it is, and being talk of the town #standard] Jimmy: [1000% several art hoes saw them going into the bathroom and we know it] Janis: [gossipy hoes, even if none of the actual squad take it, some of their lesser friends blates do for the fashun vibe] Jimmy: [get in the gift shop after and piss about and shade their art hoe aesthetic] Janis: [all the socials lmao] Jimmy: [he steals her a keyring cos not gonna spend money but she's gotta have one] Janis: [💕 tbh] Jimmy: [now go have some actual fun and alone time kids]
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uruhabuns · 6 years
Sensuous (part 5 - Zuho)
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A/N: THIS ONE IS FOR ALL THE ZUHOES OUT THERE~ Just so y’all know, writing this chapter made me lose it a few times bc daddy zuho is one of my kinks so afjdksjslfk IT’S ALSO LONGER THAN I PLANNED IT TO BE ORZ anyway, please give it a like or reblog if you’ve read!! I find that the members after youngbin aren’t getting as much attention ;____; and as always, ENJOY >:))
Word count: 4472
Pairing: girl reader x zuho
Warnings: MAJOR DADDY!ZUHO, swearing, hair-pulling, scratching (yes pls)
Prologue / Part 1 (Youngbin) / Part 2 (Inseong) / Part 3 (Jaeyoon) / Part 4 (Dawon) / Part 5 (Zuho) / Part 6 (Rowoon) / Part 7 (Taeyang) / Part 8 (Hwiyoung) / Epilogue
[ jiyoon ] : omg this is so intriguing…
[ _____ ] : And I thought I was nasty smh
[ jiyoon ] : EXACTLY
[ jiyoon ] : You are nasty
[ jiyoon ] : You can guess what the boys’ kinks are
[ jiyoon ] : YOU LOVE ME~
[ jiyoon ] : Anyways…NEXT!!
[ _____ ] : Ugggghhh…
[ _____ ] : Okay so for Juho…his ones are pretty easy HAHA
[ jiyoon ] : I am intrigued
Juho swallowed a gulp. He always saw you as cute with a bright and sassy personality, so it surprised him to see you discussing such scandalous things with your friend. Even so, Juho knew that you were a young adult, so of course it would be normal for you to talk about these sorts of topics every now and then.
[ _____ ] : First thing’s first
[ _____ ] : Even though he’s really soft
[ jiyoon ] : AAAAAAAH
“Oh god, why?” the male in question whined, resulting in an eruption of laughter from the rest of the boys.
“SHE GOT HIM!!” Taeyang yelled upon seeing Juho’s inability to respond to their teasing. “He likes being called daddy!!”
Juho only jabbed his elbow to Taeyang’s arm. “Why are you such a creep? Wait ’til we get to your—“
“Daddy, please punish me~” Jaeyoon teased, imitating your voice. Juho’s cheeks flushed slightly red as he buried his face in his hands.
“It’s because you look at the fans like you wanna seduce them,” Hwiyoung said, rolling his eyes.
“And because of your voice,” Taeyang added and nudged Juho’s side, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Girls love guys with deep voices ‘cause apparently it brings them to their knees.”
Juho’s ears turned a light shade of red at the younger boy’s inference. “W-wait a second, I don’t think she’ll—“
“You seem to know a lot about these kinds of things, Tae,” Rowoon said with a raised eyebrow.
Taeyang only rolled his eyes. “It’s common sense, isn't it? Everyone knows that.”
While the boys were discussing why you would see Juho in such a way, he was having a hard time processing the teasing.
“KEEP READING!!” Dawon exclaimed, “She’ll be finished in ten minutes, maybe!”
[ _____ ] : Not only that, HE’S PROBABLY FREAKY AF
[ _____ ] : I can see him being really into scratching, hair pulling, a bit of choking, and the girl being loud and really submissive
[ jiyoon ] : Oh my goddddd he does sound freaky…I need that in my life
[ _____ ] : He’s too soft 80% of the time lol…
Juho immediately widened his eyes in shock. “H-hang on—“
“WAIT, WHAT?!” Dawon yelled upon reading the message. “I thought Inseong’s bondage and ice kink was kinky…”
“Juho, you are the freakiest out of all of us, don’t deny it,” Rowoon said with a hint of amusement in his tone.
“Hey, we gotta read everything before deciding anything,” Youngbin suggested, “But for now, though…Juho?”
The male in question only continued to rest his chin in his hands, unwilling to face the others.
“…are you really as freaky as she thinks you are?”
The sound of sirens coming from Dawon’s phone pierced through your ears. Your best friend stirred from behind you while you whined and pulled the blanket over your face in attempt to block out the noise. Dawon reached over you to turn off the alarm, before slumping back and pulling you close to him by your waist. He then buried his face in your hair, and sandwiched you between his legs. The movement caused a sharp pain between your legs, adding to the throbbing that was already prevalent, causing a yelp to escape your lips.
What a night. You’ve just slept with another member, and it was your best friend. What happened to have you sleeping with the one of boys every night all of a sudden? Something seemed off.
“Hyukie, you have to get up,” you mumbled sleepily.
“Ugh…I don’t want to.”
“You have schedules…you don’t wanna get in trouble.”
“I’ll only get out if you come with me.”
“To where?”
“The photoshoot, of course.”
You blinked. “What? You’ll be fine. Why would you need me to come?”
“It just makes the day easier,” Dawon answered lazily. “Pleeeeeease?”
You only let out an elongated groan. “But I wanna sleep!”
“You’re always sleeping! Fine. If you don’t wanna come, I won’t shout you lunch,” Dawon compromised as he sat up.
At that moment, you found yourself already missing his warmth and touch. You didn’t feel this way since the night before he officially left to become a trainee. But now you know he won’t leave you again, so it was quite strange for you to feel that way again. Was it because you two had sex for the first time after being so close for so long?
You grabbed Dawon’s shirt, giving in. “Fine, I’ll come. But you owe me for making me wake up this early on my summer break.”
“Thanks, babe.”
“Don’t call me that.”
After getting up, washing up, and changing, you realised you still had those hickeys on your neck left by Youngbin and Inseong as you were applying your makeup. You couldn’t go to an official schedule with them showing, otherwise the managers would get suspicious.
“Shit…” you hissed. You frantically rummaged through your makeup case in search for your concealer. When you found it, you applied it thoroughly on the purple marks before covering the areas with foundation.
“______, you ready?” you heard Dawon say outside his room’s door a few minutes later as you were applying your lip tint.
“Yep, coming!”
You quickly grabbed your bag, and rushed to the front door to see Dawon waiting.
“C’mon, we’re gonna be late,” he said as you got out. The two of you then speed-walked to the elevator, and making your way outside the building to where two black vans were waiting. Dawon dragged you to the one with the open door, and practically shoved you inside.
“Woah, ______-noona is joining us today?” Hwiyoung asked in pleasant surprise as you sat on the seat in front of Juho.
“Yeah, ‘cause Hyuk wouldn’t stop whining,” you replied with a roll to your eyes as Dawon got inside and closed the door.
“I wasn’t whining!” Dawon argued.
“You had to bargain for me to get out of bed!”
“That sure sounds like him,” Taeyang snickered.
Dawon glared back at the younger boy. “At least I don’t flirt to get things my way.”
“At least I don’t lose money by flirting—“
“So what made you bring her here?” Juho asked before an argument could start.
Dawon shrugged. “Can’t I bring my best friend around? Besides, she’s probably bored to death being at home by herself.”
You blew on your fringe. “Yeah, it does get boring. But I don’t wanna distract you guys.”
“If anything, we’re the ones distracting you,” Taeyang replied with a small smirk.
You turned your head around to glare at him. “What do you mean?!”
“We are pretty noisy,” Hwiyoung answered, “And you can’t do your assignments with us around.”
“Mostly Hyuk, though.” Juho added with a slightly smug look on his face.
Dawon turned around to glare at the younger male. “Oi, you take that back!”
The rest of the car trip was filled with their usual bickering and roasting of each other, so you decided to keep yourself occupied with your phone. Little did you know that Juho took glimpses of your neck every now and then, observing the patches of concealer and foundation that seemed to be layered a bit more on your skin. He knew you tried to cover the hickeys left by the members, as he could also see hints of purple around the edges. He didn’t know why, but seeing you try to conceal love bites in order to go out in public turned him on.
When the vans arrived at the photo studio, Dawon stepped out first, holding his hand out to assist you.
“I’m fine, Hyukie,” you said as you were getting out. “I’m not a damsel in distress.”
“I know you’re not, but you can barely walk right now.”
You widened your eyes, glaring at him as if to say ‘don’t fucking say that in front of everyone, or I’ll kill you!!’
Your best friend had noticed, but he only smirked and placed his arm around your shoulder as he walked in with you.
As soon as everyone arrived in the studio, the boys were rushed into the dressing rooms to get their hair, makeup, and outfits done. You awkwardly sat outside in the reception so you wouldn’t distract the stylists or boys, and so you could avoid having hairspray filling your lungs.
While you were on your phone, you heard a pair of footsteps coming towards to you. You looked up to see Juho walking towards you as he was doing up the the middle button on his loose white dress shirt.
You couldn’t help but blink in slight shock. His hair was slicked back, showing his undercut, and allowing you to see his sharp cheekbones, while his ripped black skinny jeans, and loose white dress shirt that was tucked in only at the front emphasised his broad shoulders and toned body. He looked absolutely mouth-watering to the point where you felt your knees shaking even if you were seated. Sure, you had seen them styled like this before, but there was something with Juho today that gave him a dark, alluring aura. The man in question was not oblivious to your reaction, so he smirked quietly.
“J-Juho? What’s up?”
“The photographer needs help setting up the lights and stuff,” Juho replied nonchalantly, “Apparently the assistant is sick today, so I told him maybe you could help since you tagged along.”
“Oh, sure…”
You gulped, feeling your cheeks turn warm as you stood up. You rushed past Juho without looking at him to hide your blush, speed-walking past the change rooms, and onto the set. After greeting the photographer, you put your bag next to the table with the computer for editing. You then immediately got to work on setting up the lights, asking every now and then if the lights were in the correct position or whatnot.
After 20 more minutes of setting up, you finally got everything in position that the photographer was satisfied with.
“Great. Can you see if the group is ready?” he requested.
“Yes, sure.”
I really should get paid for this…you thought tiredly as you walked off the set and to the dressing room. When you reached it, you knocked on the door for it to be opened by Rowoon, fully styled and looking like a god.
“Oh, hey ______!”
You blinked in surprise as your cheeks turned slightly pink. “A-are you guys done? The photographer is waiting.”
Rowoon looked behind him before facing you again. “I think Juho is done, I’ll go and see.”
“Okay, thanks.”
Soon enough, the door opened to reveal Juho. You gulped once more as he walked out, and closed the door behind him.
“Alright, let’s go,” you said shyly before leading the way to the set.
Juho followed closely behind you such that you could smell the hairspray and cologne. You chewed on your lower lip from how seductive he smelt.
No, not now…you’re supposed to remain professional…you thought to yourself.
The two of you made it to the set room, where Juho greeted the photographer and went over and stood at the set, while you stood beside the desk with the computer for editing.
Throughout the whole shoot, you were completely stunned at how attractive Juho really was when he was in idol mode. His intense and sharp gazes at the camera were not like any other member. There was something that just made you want to scream ‘daddy’ out loud to him; something that made you want to drop to your knees and let him do whatever he wanted with you.
You couldn’t help but notice that he shot gazes at you every now and then. Every time, you felt like he undressed one item of clothing from you with his eyes. You chewed onto your lower lip, averting your vision at other places to avoid more eye contact with Juho. What was he trying to do to you?
“Kill me now,” you grumbled to yourself as you collapsed onto the couch.
Since the photoshoot had finished, the boys headed to the dance studio to practice while you went back to the apartment. You were basically the replacement for the photographer’s absent assistant, so you worked the whole time while they were shooting.
While you were lying down on the couch, you couldn’t get the images of Juho’s stares at you out of your mind. Sure, the rest of the members also looked handsome, but their expressions were more soft compared to Juho’s fierce, intense gazes. You remembered how weak your knees felt when he  looked at you as if you were his first proper meal after dieting.
“No…he couldn’t be,” you muttered. He doesn’t see you in that way, idiot! You’re just overthinking everything…you mentally yelled at yourself, shaking the thoughts away. You didn’t know if you were seeing things or if you were just horny because you slept with four members already.
After a few more minutes of resting on the couch, you got up to change and take off your makeup. You decided to leave the makeup on your neck to take it off before going to sleep so the hickeys wouldn’t be visible to the boys (as if they didn’t notice them before, anyway).
You had decided to make dinner tonight, since they always had takeout, so you headed out to the kitchen to salvage whatever they had left in the fridge and pantry to make kimchi stew. You also knew how much the boys loved your cooking, so you wanted to surprise them.
After an hour or so of painstakingly preparing all the ingredients, you began to throw them into the pot to cook them first before pouring the hot water in from the kettle. While you were waiting for the whole thing to boil before seasoning it, you suddenly felt a presence behind you. Before you could turn around, you felt a pair of toned arms slide around your waist, and pull you in so your back was to his chest.
You gasped at the sudden skinship, so you immediately assumed that it was your best friend. “Hyukie? Are you done with practice already?”
The man behind you chuckled softly, moving his lips to your ear. “He’s not done, but I am.”
You froze immediately.
That voice. That fucking voice. That fucking voice deeper than the Mariner’s Trench. If only it didn’t affect you so much so you wouldn’t want to succumb to whatever he wanted.
You felt his warm breath ghost from your ear, and trailing down to your neck. You found your knees growing weak as you felt his already-hard crotch pressed up against your behind. “J-Juho?”
“Why are you covering the hickeys? Even at home?” he questioned before planting soft kisses beginning from the corner of your jaw, and down to your neck.  
Your breath hitched as he found the sensitive spot just below your ear. “I-I didn’t think you would notice…”
“I can see them very clearly, baby girl…”
Your thighs clamped together, that spark of desire inside you igniting once more. It seemed like the guys knew how to turn you on like a light switch with just one word.
Juho continued to bite and suck on that area on your neck, eliciting a whiny moan to come from your lips.
“Juho…please…” you sighed, leaning into him. You then felt him grind his clothed hardened shaft against your ass, causing you to begin to feel a warm wetness coating your lower lips.
“Call me daddy, baby…” he said deeply, sending shivers down your body.
You gulped, sliding your hands across his arms around your waist. “Daddy…”
“That’s a good girl,” he praised softly in your ear.
You bit your lower lip; you never knew Juho treating you this way would turn you on so much. You reached to the stove to turn it off as one of Juho’s hands made its way underneath your shirt, and up your chest to cup one of your breasts. He squeezed his hand on it, massaging it a few times, making you let out a needy mewl. Juho then slid his other hand down your body to palm and massage your core, stimulating your nerves.
“D-daddy, please!” you moaned, grinding your core against his hand. You could feel yourself growing wetter as the tips of his fingers teased your entrance through the thin material of the shorts.
Juho smirked against the skin of your neck. “My little baby girl is so needy…and so wet…”
You whimpered at his degrading words, but you didn’t care. You just wanted him to make you cum regardless of method.
“Daddy, p-please,” you begged, grinding your hips more against his hand that was still teasing your entrance and clit.
“Nuh-uh,” he rejected, “You must wait first, then daddy will give you what you want. Can you be patient for me?”
You felt goosebumps form on your neck; it seemed like his voice could make you submit to every command. You only let out a mix of a whine and moan as he continued to torture you slowly. Juho then moved the hand that was groping your breast to slide up your chest and wrap around your neck. His fingers gently squeezed the sides to slightly reduce the airflow, but making sure you could still breathe.
You then felt one finger suddenly slip inside your slick cavern, causing a high-pitched mewl to escape your lips. “D-daddy!”
Juho curled his finger in a come-hither motion before dragging it out slowly. Your knees buckled in, making you almost lose balance, but Juho still managed to hold you up.
“Such a good girl,” he praised in your ear. He then slipped in another finger, and began thrusting them in and out of you to extract more of your wetness that was now dripping down his fingers and to your thighs.
“Please…please…!” you moaned, tightening your grip onto his arms. You could barely stand, but you did everything you could to not completely collapse to bring him down with you. “I c-can’t take it anymore—!”
Without warning, Juho began to massage your sensitive clit with his thumb, causing you to scream as a zap of electricity coursed through your arteries. You could barely breathe while he assaulted your core so skilfully, stimulating you to the maximum so you could feel nothing but raw pleasure. You then felt him give your clit one last hard pinch to finally push you over the edge. You felt your stomach clench as you unleashed throat-burning scream, releasing everything you had onto Juho’s hand like a waterfall. Juho left his hand in that position for another moment before removing it and letting you go. Your knees finally gave way as you collapsed on all fours onto the floor, heavily breathing.
Juho slid his tongue across his fingers to taste what you gave him. “My little girl tastes sweeter than I imagined,” you heard him say, “But I wonder what you actually feel like.”
Before you knew it, Juho lifted you up, causing you to let out a yelp, and pushed your body forward onto the counter with your cheek resting on the cold surface. He pulled out a condom packet from his pocket, ripped it open with his teeth, and threw the packet onto the counter. Your eyes widened when you saw the foil, so you assumed that he wanted to cum inside you.
After slipping the condom on, Juho pulled your shorts and underwear down, letting them fall down your legs, to which you kicked them off and to the side. You then felt him slide the tip of his length up and down your overly wet slit, eliciting a soft moan from your throat.
“Daddy…” you sighed as Juho took your wrists, and held them behind your back.
“Is my baby girl ready for me?” he asked, placing the tip at your slick, dripping entrance.
You nodded, closing your eyes. “Yes, daddy…please…”
At that moment, you felt Juho slide into you from behind, causing you to let out soft, elongated gasp at how well he stretched you out. He then began thrusting immediately without letting you adjust to his size, which you didn’t have to because you were already so wet and turned on. Your moans grew louder as he thrusted harder and faster into you.
“Fuck, baby girl, you feel so good wrapped around me,” Juho groaned. “So tight…so wet…”
You wished you could hold onto something for support, but Juho’s grip on your wrists was too strong for you to move them anywhere. You could only let out moans and whimpers as he continued to slam into you from behind, your slick walls pulsing and swallowing his hard length too easily. Your head began to feel cloudy and slightly dizzy as each thrust Juho gave you felt like a new shot of ecstasy through your veins. Soon enough, your stomach began to tighten as you felt your climax slowly building up.
“J-Juho…” you managed to whimper amongst the moaning.
He slammed into you once more before stopping suddenly. “What did I tell you to call me?”
Your eyes widened. Fuck! “D-daddy…I’m sorr—“
Juho grabbed a fistful of your hair, with one hand, and holding your wrists together with the other. He pulled your head back, eliciting a surprised scream from you. “I was wrong,” he said darkly, “You’re not obedient after all. Should I even let you cum at this point?”
“I’m so sorry, daddy,” you begged desperately, the stinging pain on your scalp making it hard for you to think to form proper sentences. “Please…please let me cum; I won’t do it again, I’m so sorry!”
A smirk curled on Juho’s lips. “I know you won’t do it again,” he said, leaning into your ear. “And I’ll make sure of that.”
Before you could respond, Juho leaned back up and began to thrust hard and fast into you again, making your hips hit the edge of the counter. You screamed the sudden pace he was tearing you up with. Moans, screams, pants, and grunts came from the both of you, while the lewd noises of skin hitting against skin, and sticky sounds of Juho’s cock ramming into you as your essence was leaking out of your hole, and dripping down your thighs filled the kitchen all at once.
In the midst of the thrusting and screaming, you felt your climax building up faster than before. Your stomach muscles began tightening, and your walls were clamping on Juho more regularly. Before you could even have a taste of becoming undone, Juho pulled out of you. Before you could cry out at the loss of pleasure, he flipped you around so you lay on your back. He then entered you once more, wrapping your legs around his waist so he could thrust deeper into you.
“God, you look so beautiful like this,” Juho groaned, loving how you wreathed and moaned beneath him, and how absolutely disheveled you looked. He then leaned down to your neck, and latched his lips onto the spot just behind your ear. You took the opportunity to hold onto Juho’s shoulder blades while he was biting, licking, and sucking at your skin to leave another dark red mark, all while thrusting deeply and quickly into you. Your moans filled his ears, driving him to thrust even harder. His powerful thrusts made you scream and dig your nails into his skin through his shirt, dragging them down his back. Even though his shirt was cushioning the impact of your nails, Juho also groaned as he could still feel the stinging sensation of your nails on his back combined with your walls clamping tightly onto his cock.
Soon enough, your climax began building up again, and you knew this was going to be your biggest one yet.
“D-daddy, I’m about to—“
“Hold on, baby girl, I’m almost there too,” Juho grunted. He then reached one hand down to your swollen, sensitive clit, giving it a hard massage with his thumb as he gave you one more hard thrust. You arched your back as you let out an earth-shattering scream, your climax hitting you like a wrecking ball. Black and white spots filled your vision as you exploded onto Juho’s cock. He held your hips to support himself as he stayed still inside you to spill his load. You felt a warm liquid coat the walls of the condom indicating that the both of you now had finally had your sweet release.
Juho softly collapsed on top of you as the both of you were heavily panting and sweating from what was probably the roughest sex you’ve ever had. You reached behind Juho’s head to lightly stroke his blue hair.
“Holy fuck…” you whispered, still in disbelief that Juho could fuck you so hard.
The man on top of you only laughed lightly. “So…daddy, huh?”
Returning back to your normal self, you flicked the back of his head, causing him to yelp. “Do not fucking speak of this to anyone, or I’ll kick you.”
Juho heaved himself off your body with a grunt before pulling himself out of you. You arched your back lightly as you pressed your lips together to fight back another moan.
“Trust me, I won’t say anything,” he responded in slight amusement as he slid off the condom to throw it in the bin next to the counter. “I’ll never hear the end of it either.”
As Juho was putting his pants back on, you painfully pushed up your torso with your elbows. He then quickly came over to support your back with his hand to help you.
“Easy now, baby,” he said, pulling your upper body slowly towards him so your torso pressed against his. Once you were on your feet, Juho held onto you as he looked at the area where he fucked you. “Hah…looks like we made a bit of a mess here…”
You wrinkled your nose, also looking at the drops of cum that was dripping down the counter. “Ugh…more things I have to clean...”
Juho squeezed your shoulder assuringly. “You go wash up, and I’ll clean this, okay?”
You sighed. “Alright, but you have to help me make dinner for fucking me so hard.”
“I’m cool with that.”
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yotsutama · 6 years
Do you have any favorite moments with Yamato and Nagi?
OFC I HAVE!!!!! their relationship is my favorite next to mezzo hahaha
First of all, both Yamato and Nagi has/had secrets that can danger idolish7’s popularity. Their backgrounds are not only opposite but also similar. Yamato is an illegitimate child of a big star, he felt he wasn’t loved and spent his youth seeking revenge on his father. While Nagi had everything and can do anything. He is a prince and loved by women, but almost all the men he met in Northmare, including his brother, didn’t like him because they envy him. 
The two of them found out about each other’s secrets earlier than anyone in i7, they understand each other’s pasts, feelings, and reasons. Because they’re similar, both of them are stubborn and refuse/d to reveal their pasts. But since Nagi understood Yamato’s feelings, Nagi could encourage Yamato to have a serious talk with everyone (in part 3). So I hope Yamato and Mitsuki can do the same to Nagi in part 4 :’))
I’m getting OOT so these are my fave Nagi & Yamato moments!!
First, in 2.4.2 where Yamato refused to accept a drama offer starring Yuki and him. Nagi noticed that Yamato didn’t want to accept the offer because he didn’t want to work with Yuki (who knew Yamato’s father very well). Nagi asked Yamato to take off his glasses to see Yamato’s face which is similar to his father.
Nikaidou Yamato: I’m not doing it.Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh?Nikaidou Yamato: Can you turn them down? I don’t have any intentions on appearing on the silver screen.Takanashi Tsumugi: But…. Yuki-san will be there as well, and it’s such a big chance….Nikaidou Yamato: I’m not doing it. Period.Izumi Iori: But it’s a long-awaited chance, right when everyone’s doing their best….Rokuya Nagi: Yamato…. It is a personal rule of mine to not pry into things.Nikaidou Yamato: That’s good. Keep it up ‘til the day you die.Rokuya Nagi: Take off your glasses.Nikaidou Yamato: Why are you breaking that rule all of a sudden?Rokuya Nagi: Why are you hiding it? I know. I know what Yamato’s secret is.Nikaidou Yamato: …….Rokuya Nagi: Probably.Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi does? Did you hear it from Yamato-san? And by secret, do you mean that one….Rokuya Nagi: No. However, I’d like him to stop hiding and talk about it. Not only are we your members, we are also your Best Friends….Nikaidou Yamato: Oh? I know too, Rokuya Nagi. I know what your real identity is.Rokuya Nagi: OH…. So you watched as a tail sprang out of me, shadow growing long beneath the full moon, in the dead of the night?Nikaidou Yamato: Close. …Lend me your ear for a bit.Nikaidou Yamato: How about we watch some Kokona-chan, together in your room?Rokuya Nagi: YES! YES! YES!! I agree wholeheartedly! We must head towards my theater room right this instant!Nanase Riku: W-what did you say?Izumi Mitsuki: Whatever it was, it seems like he hit the target. I mean, he did say “yes” a bunch of times.Nikaidou Yamato: Hahaha. Well, it’s naptime for Onii-san, so….Rokuya Nagi: Yamato, lend me your ear.Nikaidou Yamato: Hm?Rokuya Nagi: I’m giving you the slip this time. Be thankful. Nikaidou Yamato: You….
Anime Voice: Magical★Flash~!Nikaidou Yamato: Just how many times has it been already….Rokuya Nagi: Wonderful things will always be wonderful, no matter how many times you watch them.Anime Voice: Magical★Turbo~!Nikaidou Yamato: I’m so sleepy….Rokuya Nagi: Yamato is a difficult person. It is quite lonesome, that you’d glare down even your friends the instant people touch upon your secret.Nikaidou Yamato: …….Rokuya Nagi: What are you afraid of? Please trust us more.Rokuya Nagi: I pray that you will find the courage to tell all of us, one day.Nikaidou Yamato: …….
Next, in 3.1.2, when they lost Yamato at a party. I love how Yamato and Nagi are sarcastic to each other sometimes lol
Yaotome Gaku: Huh? Where’s Nikaidou? Nanase Riku: Yamato-san? He was just here a second ago…. Izumi Iori: …It’s because we’re in a place like this. Remember…? Osaka Sougo: …Ah, right……. Rokuya Nagi: Hm….. Yamato sure likes to move around in secret. Izumi Mitsuki: Come on, don’t say that. He’ll come back once he’s done with whatever he’s doing. Rokuya Nagi: You’re a very good, honest, and virtuous person, Mitsuki. Those who carry secrets with them aren’t of such noble character. They’re the same as the timid and cowardly…. Nikaidou Yamato: Who’s a coward? Rokuya Nagi: OH……. Nikaidou Yamato: I’m glad your plane made it on time, Nagi. You just got back from Northmare, right? Nikaidou Yamato: You’ve been going back to your country quite a lot lately. I wonder what’s happening over there…. Is it like a disturbance, or uproar over something? ……Is that the reason why you’ve been going back? Rokuya Nagi: ……Secrets are but a part of a gentleman’s manners. Nikaidou Yamato: OK. Hey, long time no see. What were you guys talking about? Yuki: They were just discussing how excited they are to watch us act together. Yaotome Gaku: ……We were?
In 3.2.1. Nagi tried to ask Yamato to tell them about his past
Nikaidou Yamato: ……. Nikaidou Yamato: Well, I gotta go to work too. Rokuya Nagi: –Yamato. Izumi Mitsuki: Nagi, don’t. Rokuya Nagi: Why not? Izumi Mitsuki: There’s no point in asking him if he doesn’t wanna talk about it. It’s gonna take some time, and that’s different for everyone. Rokuya Nagi: Mitsuki, it’s not because I want to know what Yamato’s secret is. Rokuya Nagi: It’s because Yamato is purposefully allowing the atmosphere to deteriorate between the three of us– and I cannot accept that.Rokuya Nagi: As for Yamato’s secret? I’ll just wash it down, much like I would a bowl of cereal. Yamato, please don’t draw borders between us. Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha. If you’re talkin’ national borders, then they’ve been there since the beginning. Rokuya Nagi: ……What do you mean? Nikaidou Yamato: Unlike you, a returnee, I have ochazuke for breakfast– not cereal. That’s the answer to all your questions. Nikaidou Yamato: You’re pouring tea on top of rice, instead of milk onto cereal. That’s what different. But that difference holds more weight than any passport could. The tragedy begins here, and ends here. Nikaidou Yamato: You’ll realize it someday. Well, I gotta go now. slam
In 3.5.3. Nagi forcefully make Yamato talk ;’))
Nikaidou Yamato: Hah……. My pulse is racing so fast my heart hurts……. Nikaidou Yamato: ……But I have to go back……. *click*Rokuya Nagi: Hello!Nikaidou Yamato: Ah……. Rokuya Nagi: ……. Nikaidou Yamato: I…. I’m home…. Rokuya Nagi: Welcome back. We’ve been waiting for you to return. Nikaidou Yamato: Yeah…. Ah…. What happened to the entryway? Is it me or did the security got a lot stricter while I was gone……? Rokuya Nagi: That’s not of great importance. Look at me, Yamato. Nikaidou Yamato: But, like…. The windows look kinda grim too……. Rokuya Nagi: Rather than talking about the windows, why don’t you talk about yourself? We’ll hear all about it tonight. Right, Yamato? Nikaidou Yamato: ……. Yeah, that’s what I was gonna do. Rokuya Nagi: OK. Do you know how I feel…. Rokuya Nagi: After urging you, over and over and over again to answer my question…. For you to find that answer at someone else’s house, someone who isn’t even a member…… Nikaidou Yamato: Huh? Rokuya Nagi: Fine. Bring it on. Nikaidou Yamato: Uh…. Are you mad……? Rokuya Nagi: No, no, no! Do you mind if I inform everyone that you’ve returned? I’m sure they’ll be very, very delighted to hear that. Nikaidou Yamato: …Sure, but…. Hm? Who are you calling? Rokuya Nagi: …….
Rokuya Nagi: Hello, President! Tonight’s going to be Round 1 of Yamato’s Confessions! If you have time, please do stop by! Nikaidou Yamato: ……Hey! Just who are you inviting!? Rokuya Nagi: OH! You have something planned? No worries. Thanks. Next– Hello,Yaotome-shi! Nikaidou Yamato: Hey! Let’s keep it to just the members! Hey, are you mad at me? If you are then just tell me, please! Rokuya Nagi: Hello! Mister Yuki. What are you plans for tonight?Nikaidou Yamato: Stop!!! That man’s already given me hell! Rokuya Nagi: Hello, Kujou-shi! Nikaidou Yamato: Are you kidding me? Come on……! *click*Nanase Riku: Welcome back, Yamato-san! I’m really glad you’re back! Osaka Sougo: –I heard from Nagi-kun, so I rushed back! Yotsuba Tamaki: Is it true you’re doing a confession session? I mean, we’ve done a lot up ‘til now, but this is the first time it’s gotten a legit name!Yotsuba Tamaki: That’s our leader! You’re so on point! Nikaidou Yamato: Noooooooo……!
Aaaannd after they listened to Yamato’s story,
Nikaidou Yamato: –I’m sorry…. Rokuya Nagi: Do not apologize. We know, even without asking. Rokuya Nagi: Yamato, you’re happy right now, aren’t you? Congratulations. Nikaidou Yamato: Nagi….
Rokuya Nagi: Precisely. When I came to this country, I learned that ‘Yamato’ was also a word that signified 'Japan.’Rokuya Nagi: That is the name Chiba Shizuo bestowed his child, born in the evening years of his life. Chiba Shizuo, the face of Japan’s acting industry. Rokuya Nagi: He loves you– you’re his pride and joy. Nikaidou Yamato: …….
In 3.8.5. last but not least :”)) Look at Yamato’s character development sobs
Rokuya Nagi: OH…. The video stopped…. Come on, come on, come on…. Signal, please…. Nikaidou Yamato: Nagi, now’s not the time to be slacking off. Rokuya Nagi: Even though you’re holding a can of beer in your right hand, Yamato? Nikaidou Yamato: Haha, I found it in the kitchen. ……Say, Nagi…. I know I can’t say shit, but… Nikaidou Yamato: If there’s anything troubling you, feel free to talk to Onii-san about it. There’s no good in hiding things. Rokuya Nagi: ……. Rokuya Nagi: Hello, Yamato. I’d like to introduce you to my friend. Let’s hop into a time machine and go visit Past Yamato, shall we? Nikaidou Yamato: Ahaha…. I figured you’d say that. Nikaidou Yamato: But, seriously. I felt a lot better after talking to you guys about it. Nikaidou Yamato: So if anything ever happens, just tell us. –Hey now, don’t film this!! Rokuya Nagi: Yes! I’ve obtained some very rare Yamato content!
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airyravenmaid · 6 years
Eye Contact
Back at it again at Krispy Kreme with more FF Versus XV bullshit. This one’s kinda wonky and really bizarre since the AU overall ties in with a KH crossover I helped make up along with personal headcanons, but can also standalone for a FFXV AU in itself. I’m just clearing that up since there is a part mentioned towards the end that nods to a world the Chocobros went to as one of their many “world detours” en route to the one they needed to go to in order to establish diplomatic relations with a potential sister kingdom also of light. ...Oh, and there are implications of another headcanon regarding a certain Immortal Marshal, but that’s a popular HC in itself, so that goes without saying. So, yeah, sorry for that; just warning y’all so you don’t get confused and want me burned at the stake.
Alright, alright, that’s enough idiotic justification rambling from me; I’m already buzzed as is and can hardly think right anyways lol. Just enjoy the crazy piece I wrote so I can try and work on the next tone. This one’s not Lightis and is more platonic bc Light’s making fray-ends with these dumb boys :3c. Maybe I can write more of her befriending the others, but we’ll see. ‘Til then, here’s this one and happy reading for those who see this! 💘
Staring back at Prompto from the caravan bathroom mirror was himself, but more clouded. He only blamed it on having just gotten up and dressed for the day not too long ago, figuring he’d taken care of everything he needed to per his morning routine. The very sight of his dull, everyday mirror reflection made him sigh a tad forlornly, but realizing the time to go was imminent only had him slap two hands to his cheeks once. Putting on his more traditional smile, Prompto gave the mirror two thumbs up as enough motivation to start the day right. No prob! He could do this, he could do this!
Upon going to exit the vicinity for the fresher outside world, Prompto rubbed whatever lingering weariness stuck by away from his eyes to clear his vision. When things still looked slightly blurry as before, he gulped. Fumbling through his smallest bag, he dug for what he thought was taken care of already. Pulling out two connected circles he knew to be his contact lenses case, Prompto opened it to find it empty, to his panic.
“Maybe I’ve still got my spares…?” Prompto hoped, rummaging through the bag to try and find more disposable lenses. He found the source box, but opening it only gave him an empty container and an expectation for a very rough day ahead. “You’ve gotta be kidding me! I’m out already?!”
“Prompto, what’s the hold up in there?” Gladio called from outside. “We gotta move!”
“Be right out! Just— making sure I didn’t forget anything is all!”
“Then do one last good check and hurry. We haven’t got all day either!”
Prompto in response called out a playfully affirmative “Aye, aye, Big Guy!” before going to search what he could of something to counteract his flawed eyesight. There was a definite solution on him, he knew, but the glasses case buried somewhere on his possession was considered a dead last resort. Otherwise, those days of having them as his sole option were over and done with. His investigation was thorough, but unfortunately, his results came up fruitless with no lenses available.
Giving up, he exited the caravan to catch up with the other four and hurry into the vacant passenger’s seat in the Regalia before it finally drove off along the world around it. His only hope now was for supplies to be low enough for warranting a pit stop at the nearest store of some sorts, or at least somewhere he can pick up some new spares. Luckily in recent days, he’d been thoroughly reminded to digitally order replacements by a certain team strategist, but there was no telling when the chance to claim them would come. A gunsman’s aim-precise eyes certainly depended on excellent vision, and in a way, so did the entire team.
“So! Ignis, where’s our next destination?” Prompto asked next to him, knowing subtlety was key in his strategy to get his lens replacements. “Anything we gotta do first?”
“Actually, our first order of business is none too far from the Disc of Cauthess,” Ignis noted. “Seems we’ve run low on a few things, and waiting to get them is out of the question.”
“I couldn’t agree more! The sooner, the better; the more supplies, the merrier! So, no need to wait on it.”
“What’s your hurry for?” Lightning inquired, suspicious. “It’s just a run-of-the-mill supply run. We’ve done them hundreds of times.”
“Oh, I know that, it’s just, umm… you never know what you’ll find there that’s useful. And I’m just curious on what’s ‘in store’ for us.”
Lightning rolled her eyes at the quip and slouched back a bit further in her seat. “I guess. Whatever floats your boat, Prompto.”
Prompto knew the excuse was flimsier than wet paper, but if it got Lightning to not interrogate him any further thanks to her lack of concern, then he wasn’t gonna complain anytime soon. His secret plot was to rightfully claim his contact lenses in the proper place, find a place to hide and put them in, and the others would remain none the wiser without being slowed down in the slightest. Until then, however, he’d be stuck in the car unable to so much as fully enjoy the moving sights around him. And what photographer could be truly happy at being unable to see the full, beautiful world that made their digital easel? So much as thinking about it made him more antsy than usual, Prompto exerting it in the form of impatiently bouncing his leg due to only so much space in the Regalia.
He was too distracted by his hasty need for his contacts that he didn’t notice the sky blue eyes of Lightning staring a hole in his skull from the seat behind him. The only feeling compelling her to stare was her good old friend skepticism. Though definitely none of her direct concern, Prompto seemed up to something. But, what was it? That answer she didn’t quite know just yet.
Ignis pulled the car up next to one of the gas tanks, his suggestion to Noctis and Gladio on filling it up for the road taken without much question from either. Lightning got up to stretch her legs and see if anything was of necessary interest in the Mini-Mart, while Prompto went a little further a distance to see if his guess was correct. To his relief, he found what he’d expected to be in the area’s vicinity. It didn’t let him stray so far from the others that the Regalia was out of sight, but it was still a bit of a walk away on its own.
Okay, en-bee-dee, Prompto kept reassuring himself. Just a little trip to the nearest little pharmacy; in and out, then nothing happened from the others’ perspective. Walking in was a lot easier when only strangers he didn’t feel as self-conscious around were also minding their own business like he was non-existent. They were oblivious to who he was as a person and everything; the perfect getaway, he could say! In and out, then he’s run about!
“Hello, Sir, how may I help you?” the optical center clerk greeted. “Are you here to pick up something?”
“Yeah. I’ve got my prescription,” Prompto told them, surrendering the proof that he was medically approved to be there. “I’m here for my spares.”
The clerk looked it over carefully, nodding once the written prescription was validated and approved. “Just give me a few minutes and I’ll be right back out with the brand. It’s the monthly ones, right?”
“Yup! I know they say ‘daily is healthy’, but… turns out it depends on the person.” Prompto let out a laugh under his breath. That was certainly not an agonizing road he wanted to go back down again. Better safe than sorry!
The clerk took about as long as they’d promised. In “Prompto Time”, however, it felt as though every second passed was a minute wasted. He nervously clung to the hope of the others not having gotten done sooner and were presently waiting on their energetic youngest member. Just when it felt like forever had almost gone by him, back came the solution to his trouble of the day. Prompto mutely sighed in relief, thanking them while taking his new supply of contact lenses and handling what he needed to in regards to officially purchasing them.
So as not to risk hitting the road blind as a bat, Prompto hurried into the nearest bathroom to put them in his eyes. In accordance with his process, Prompto removed no more than his fingerless gloves and washed the hands underneath. His studded wristbands got a bit damp from the watery suds, but he couldn’t have cared less. Under the warm gusts of the hand dryer his palms went, rubbing each other all over to eliminate every layer of water.
And now… the harder part he dreaded so much. Two tiny dome-shaped, colorless terrors waiting to torture Prompto until he was to manage in getting them over the two most sensitive organs in his head. Nonetheless, he opened the box and took out the first pair, peeling off their wrapping and concentrating on his reflection. One wrong move, and it’d be over for him and his vision. Spreading his first pair of lids apart with his thumb and pointer finger, Prompto used the other index one to use as an applicator.
“Just a little further…” Prompto gulped, shakily pressing the contact more towards the rim surrounding the stressed lavender-blue of his eye. When it got too close, he wound up giving into fear and setting his finger down to let him blink for relief. “Wait, okay, time out! I need a second…”
“You did remember to wash your hands first, right?” the sudden voice of Ignis asked from behind, startling Prompto into nearly poking his eye out with the younger’s shriek.
“Ignis! Dude, don’t do that! But, yes, I washed my hands, I promise. What— are you doing here, by the way?”
“Tracking down my AWOL friend, who I knew to be running a bit low on his own supplies. Did you find what you needed?”
“Yep! Should be good for a long while!” Prompto looked behind Ignis, even near spots most wouldn’t detect so easily. “Nobody… followed you, did they? Like say…”
“If it’s Light you’re worried about seeing you, then no, she’s waiting in the car. Even if she had followed me, I believe you’d be more than safe in the men’s bathroom.”
“Right, right! Just making sure is all! You never know, you know…?”
“I ‘know’ that there’s also no harm in her finding out about your poor eyesight. I doubt she’d care too much if she knew, anyways.”
“Well, sure, but… let’s just say some things are just better off totally left behind without the reminder. And besides, there’s no harm in not telling her, either! For now, ignorance is bliss.”
“At least, until she gets too suspicious and finds out one way or another. You aren’t exactly among the best at ‘acting natural’, Prompto. Especially when you’re nervous.”
Prompto dismissed the notion, working on getting the first lens into his eye. “I’ll be fine, Iggy. What Light will never know won’t hurt her~.”
“One way or another, something’s bound to happen. But, on the subject. These lenses? They are not meant to be worn to sleep.”
In response, Prompto first let out a mock-buzzer noise while crossing his arms into an X-shape. “Wrong, Iggy! I was sure to get the monthly ones that are a little safer. Besides, that was like one time I did that!” Seeing the raised brow on Ignis’ forehead made Prompto backtrack, knowing he’d been seen right through like glass. “...Plus— okay, maybe two others, but I know that now! Thanks… anyways, though. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
“I’ve enough faith in you to uphold that, but also give your eyes time to ‘breathe’ to be at your safest. And, do know that there’s no harm in a certain someone learning something new.”
Ignis left Prompto to finish putting his contacts in peacefully, having no need to tell him where to go afterwards. One down, the other to go. His fingers were shaky, but gripped the lens for dear life to do everything in his power not to drop it. At a snail’s pace, towards the other eye it went until its rim made a perfect contact around the iris. Winking a few times to get the plastic to stick, Prompto moved both eyes back and forth behind his lids, settling on a good enough feel for the new contacts in place.
“Ah, that’s better,” Prompto sighed, happy to see everything clearer than before. “Thank the Six for ‘boneless glasses’ to make my life just a little easier!”
Cleaning out his contact lens case with enough disinfecting solution and putting them in the Armiger’s storage system for ultimate safety, Prompto looked both ways and around on the outside of the men’s room. When the coast was clear, he shuffled out of the store uttering the appropriate “stealth music” as if a spy on a deathly mission. He ducked around some of the aisle shelves to hide himself occasionally, holding a long note once at the entrance before springing out of the building.
“Haha! Completely nailed it!” Prompto boasted, hurrying his way back to the Coernix Station - Cauthess while looking back at the pharmacy he’d escaped from. “And just in time to hit the— ROAD!”
“There you are,” Lightning said, knuckles on her hips and slightly hunched forward to show more of her disapproval at the spooked boy. “Missed you at the shop. Where’d you decide to wander off to?”
“N— Oh, nowhere, Light! The shop just didn’t have what I needed to pick up, so I found someplace else!” Prompto grew even more anxious at the well-known glare being as strong as ever thrown right at him. “I’m telling the truth! I didn’t go too far!”
“You’re up to something, Argentum.”
“Yeah, I am. I’d say about… five-foot-eight? Not as tall as Gladio or Ignis, but you’ve got a little catching up to do—”
“—You know what I mean, don’t be wise. What are you hiding?”
“Me? I’d never hide a thing, ma’am! I’m Prompto ‘Open Book’ Argentum, that’s me!”
“If you’re such an open book, then you’ve got no reason to be so scared of telling me the truth. What is it, already? Spill it.”
Just then, the savior in the form of the Regalia pulled up and honked the horn, courtesy of Noctis driving up front. “You two having fun over there? Whatever you’re talking about can be said in the car, too.”
“Can it, Prince,” Lightning hissed coldly, getting in one of the two remaining seats. “This conversation isn’t over, Prompto. I’m letting you know that now.”
Gulping, Prompto sat himself down in the car, giving Noctis wordless permission to drive onwards again. Thankfully, he was separated from Lightning in the back thanks to Gladio sitting between them. A bit of a tight fit considering how large the man was, but nothing close to “excruciatingly unbearable”. Even with a living barrier between them, Prompto got chills tingling his spine in the worst way possible whenever he was faced the brunt of Lightning’s infamous staredown. Six, if looks could kill, then he’d have been vaporized by now for gazing directly at such a goddess in woman form that had as much beauty as she did perseverance. All he had to do for the time being was work his way around her suspicion until she forgot about it enough, and he’d be home free! After all, how hard could that be to try and get away with…?
The next time they stopped for a while to camp out later on in the day, Prompto sought the opportunity to celebrate his new contact lenses. He did so in the form of, what else, taking advantage of the exquisite outdoor scenery. Letting everyone else know he’d return in due time, Prompto set off to a remote area of the woods with his camera in hand, on the hunt for whatever might catch his eye and become a future memory of the past. Such a moment would be even better with someone else there to also experience the magic with him, but— as much as he’d rather stay far away from the nastier parts of it— nature was bound to have something to tickle his fancy within it.
Prompto took in everything about his surroundings to see what he could do for his little “indie photo op”, as he’d put it before stepping away from camp. Tripod, check. Camera, obvious. Light source? “On fleek”! Angling? Top-notch! Alright, everything was in place and nothing nearby that he could see to mess it up. Selecting his first snapshot spot, Prompto positioned his beloved camera in its standing hold, setting the timer for when it’d go off. Counting down the seconds; three, two…!
“There you are,” Lightning interrupted, scaring Prompto into stumbling into his tripod and accidentally taking a blurred photo of the ground instead of the nice view.
“And there goes my shot,” Prompto sighed, filling his lungs with his breath and exhaling to calm himself enough. “Light, at least warn me first before sneaking up on me like a serial killer!”
“If you’re mad about your dinky little photo, just take it again. This place isn’t going anywhere, but neither am I until you tell me the truth.”
“Oi-vey, there’s just no dropping that, is there? Why do you wanna know so badly, anyways?”
“Because if it wasn’t something worth hiding, you wouldn’t be dodging the question so much. Now, fess up, Argentum. I’d hate to resort to ‘less pleasant’ ways of getting you to talk.”
Prompto found himself sweating in the brow and backing away, one step in reverse synchronized with Lightning’s forward. “There’s nothing to say, already! I’m not hiding a thing!”
“I don’t buy it. Either tell me and let me leave you alone, or don’t tell me and only make this harder on yourself. Make the right choice.”
He’d run out of options, and inner shame prevented him from potentially making for an awkward confession. So, between fighting it or flight, Prompto chose the impulsive option of the latter with his beloved camera in hand. He could always come back for the tripod later once he didn’t have a rosy-haired warrior out for his past. Although it was common sense to know Lightning was chasing after him, Prompto gave into looking back at her anyways and running faster before turning his head around again. When he did, all he received was a faceful of tree bark smacking him right against the face, his camera falling to the soft ground unharmed when his hands went to cover achingly where he got hit.
“Looks like you’re out of options, Argen—” Lightning started to say until she realized Prompto sank to the ground covering his face. Her irritation cooled into an odd sense of concern, now going over to inspect the man more carefully. “Wait, are you hurt?”
“Mmm-mmm,” Prompto got out, something crystalline falling from his left eye and sticking to his upper cheek. When he felt it, he gasped. “Don’t come any closer, okay?”
Lightning grew more worried, especially at the sight of what seemed to be a tear. Did she go too far in pressuring him into injuring himself? That was quite a run into the tree he just did… “I have to make sure nothing’s broken. Are you bleeding?”
“No! Stay back! I’m fine!”
Lightning disobeyed and removed Prompto’s hands from his face. To her relief, he didn’t seem to be bleeding or bruised, but strangely, neither eye seemed damp with any tears. How that could be was unknown to her, but then she looked closer at what was really stuck on a freckle. Against Prompto’s further protest, Lightning picked it up and squeezed it between two gloved fingers while examining it a little better. After a few seconds, she recognized what it’d been if not a salted tear of pain like she initially believed.
“...It’s a contact lens,” Lightning pointed out, still looking at it until Prompto snatched it back from her. “Why do you have a contact lens on you?”
“N— Not important,” Prompto mumbled, trying to slip the lens back into his eye, but to no avail without the proper concentration.
“Sounds so to me. Look.” Lightning knelt down in front of Prompto, getting him to look at the new gentleness her eyes now held for him, not a trace of force to be seen on her. “If this was what everything was all about, you can tell me. Unless you really are somehow secretly conspiring against the others, then I have no reason to get that much on your case over a little contact lens.”
“You thought I was—? No! Never!” Prompto sounded almost offended that she’d think that of him, but in all fairness, he was acting a little off his loop from trying to hide his secret from her. “...I dunno if I can tell you, though. I wanted to make a good impression on— well, someone who’s never met me before this.”
“You’d have better luck by being honest. Trust me, I’ve had my share of bad news, so since you’re not putting anyone’s life in danger, whatever you have in you, I can take.”
Before he could think of any other objection, Lightning sat down next to him against the tree, picking up his camera and brushing off the dirt it’d acquired from the fall. She checked it over to see if it’d gotten cracked or anything of the sort, but was pleased to hand it back to Prompto when it looked as intact as ever. Prompto frowned; there was no way out of this, was there? And it’d be rude to leave a lady unanswered when she’d so sincerely asked, so… time to face the music, it seemed. Astrals, this was gonna suck.
“Well, as you could probably guess, my vision’s not the best in the world,” Prompto confessed, a sheepish laugh leaving his throat. “That’s why I gotta wear contact lenses to— ya know, fix that. Can’t be a photographer or gunsman that can’t see, can you?”
“Then how come you don’t just get glasses?” Lightning wondered as Prompto used his phone reflection to fight the lens back over his vision hole. “It seems harder to put those things in, doesn’t it? One wrong move, and you’d never see again.”
“It’s not so tough once you get used to it and take care of them the right way. And I am never going back to wearing glasses again when I don’t have to! They look fine on Iggy, but count me out!”
“So, you did used to wear them? Why’d you stop?”
“That’s kinda where the whole ‘I’d rather not talk about this’ part comes in. When I was a kid, I didn’t just wear glasses. Believe it or not, I also actually used to be pretty chunky and more of a turtle. Always in my shell and whatnot, you know?”
Lightning didn’t say it aloud, but the revelation did surprise her. Trying to picture a younger, slightly more plump Prompto that couldn’t so much as speak his mind sounded completely foreign to her. But, he also sounded… different in telling his tale. There wasn’t the usual buoyancy to really be heard, or too much of the wise-cracking nature she was more familiar with. No, all Lightning could hear was more of a sadder little boy wearing a sunnier mask to hide a past he wasn’t proud of. She logically kept her full judgement in line, wanting to hear more to see what else there was to it.
“You don’t say?” Lightning commented. “First, on you needing glasses back then, why was that? I’d have figured a noble from Lucis would be able to afford something ridiculous like laser eye surgery, or—”
“—Eh? ‘Noble’, who? If you’re talking about me, I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong guy there, Pink,” Prompto laughed uneasily. “I could never be able to pay for that.”
“You’re not a noble? How could that be; you’re travelling with a prince of all kinds of people!”
“I know. I’m as surprised as you are, trust me. But, alack, I am but a commoner in a group of rich men! Even so, I honest to the Six doubt Pop would have been able to afford getting eye correction surgery for me. Shit’s expensive, lady!”
“Fair enough. Then, how did you get into the Crownsguard if you’re just normal?”
Prompto’s face grew even more sullen, looking at the camera between his fingers without a hint of his usual smile. “That’s what I’d like to know. It’d be super nice to think ‘wow, all my hard work paid off, so I got to be worthy of joining’, but… I just can’t believe it’s anywhere close to the truth. Sure, I got in; lost the weight, did the work, yadda-yadda. But really, even with Pop training me to get here today, I just don’t know if I’d have done so well on my own anyways.”
“It… sounds really important to you. Then, why go through so much if you feel this way?”
“To be honest with myself? A big reason’s all because I wanted to be worth something to Noct. Oh, and that’s besides him being a prince dealing with a commoner and stuff, too. My bestie’s kinda my ‘firstie’ too, if you know what I’m saying.”
Lightning scoffed, rolling her eyes more at the mention of Noctis than Prompto’s friendship with him. “Leave it to the little snob of a prince to hold such expectations on you. He’s got two others that aren’t broken, so why rope you into it?”
“What? Oh! No, no, Pink, you’ve got it all wrong!” Prompto’s tone grew more frantic, realizing he’d planted an accidental misconception in the ex-soldier’s head. “Look, I get you and Noct would rather not wanna deal with each other, but believe me. I’ve known the guy since at least high school; he’s a total sweetheart once you see enough underneath the surface! A little crabby, sure, but he’s really not anywhere as bad as you’re making him out to be.”
“More power to you, then, because I’m not seeing it. Whatever, this is about you, not him.”
“In a way, it’s kinda both. If it weren’t for how my friendship with Noct started, then I dunno where I’d be now. Me wanting to both protect him and be a good enough friend to him is what got me started on the road to changing who I was into someone much better. I’m not sure if I’ve totally succeeded yet, but if I’ve been with him this long, maybe I’m doing something okay for once? Maybe you don’t understand what I’m saying, but to put it all simply, Noct’s done nothing but help me all these years. And all I wanna do is do it back and keep doing it for as long as possible.”
...Wow. At that moment, that was the only word Lightning could form in her mind. She may not have understood why Prompto was going to such lengths for someone like Noctis, but if there was something she did get, it was the gunsman’s process. And though Gladio and Ignis she was beyond fine with as people once she’d gotten to know enough of them, something with Prompto resonated with her in a way those two hadn’t quite achieved (at least, not yet to her knowledge). Maybe it was on the fact at not being the only common person after all Now that he’d said that to her, but whatever it was, Lightning was curious enough to know more.
“Let’s just say I wouldn’t go and say I don’t understand where you’re coming from,” Lightning admitted. “To want to change so badly to make someone you care about the most happy… you’re not as off base as you think.”
“Really, now? Anyone back home make you feel that way?” Prompto wondered. “Like a best friend you’ve got yourself?”
“Yes, and no. Just know I’d do anything to see them have a good life. I can only hope I did enough to make that happen, considering every horrible mistake I’ve made.”
“Assuming they’re still around, if they seem to be doing okay because of you, then… well, lo hiciste, you did it!”
“Sh— they’re thankfully alive and breathing, but I can’t help but worry if I ever did enough or not. And even if I did, what now? Will they still need me anymore?”
‘This would be a little easier if I knew how close she was to the person she’s talking about.’ Prompto worded what he wanted to carefully. It wasn’t every day Lightning have off such a vulnerable aura, so the last thing he wanted to do was make her more upset. “If you ask me, just being able to stand by them and know you could help them go far in life sounds like reward enough. Sure, maybe you can’t be together forever and ever, but knowing you made an impact comes just as close.”
“And how would I know if my impact even mattered? For all I can tell, they could be fine without me. Better, even.”
“One way of seeing it? They may be able to live their own life just fine, but it’s hard to forget how they got to that life in the first place. If you impact enough, they’ll be sure to never take that for granted.”
Hardly even realizing it immediately, Lightning felt her heart mellow out a tad melancholically the more she thought about her most cherished protectorate. All the foolish mistakes she’d made along the way she may not have been ready to forgive herself entirely for, but in where everyone from Cocoon and Gran Pulse now were, she’d do anything to keep it how it’d become in the end. Now, of all the people to find that appeared to understand her in that way, it’s Prompto who claims such a spot.
“Those are some wise words coming from you of anyone,” Lightning told him. “Never imagined it’d be from the same person who’s compared gloves to being ‘hand condoms’, either.”
“Light, that’s only the beginning of my endless wisdom,” Prompto said proudly before simmering back down in his tone again. “But, frankly? I’m more surprised you were so willing to listen that easily. I’ve only really said all that to Noct.”
“It’d be ‘pot calling the kettle black’ if I gave you such a rough time about this. But, if you ask me, it really looks like you’re on the right track, even if you think you aren’t.”
“Can’t stop you if you wanna think that, but all I can do is keep trying and see if I can succeed. Until then, there’s no saying for sure.”
“Well, considering you’re already pulling more weight out here than any nobody could hope to, I’d say you’re making the progress you need. Hell, you’d give Sazh a run for his money if he saw how well you work a pistol. And he uses two!”
“Right! Now, for my next question; who the heck is Sazh?” Prompto in asking it sounded closer to his more chipper side, but was just as unfamiliar with the comparison.
“A friend back home. I think you’d like him just fine.” Lightning started counting off a few fingers, fishing out the similarities. “You’re both top-notch gunsmen, wise-cracking even in the tightest of situations, have a fondness for chocobos—”
“—Wait, wait, hold up! This friend of yours also sees the true glory of Eos’ finest creatures?! Do tell, Miss Farron! Don’t keep a guy waiting!”
Lightning couldn’t help but softly laugh at Prompto’s enthusiasm for once. That certainly got his attention. “It’s more his son, Dajh, that’s crazy about them. But, if keeping a chocobo chick in his hair amounts to anything, I’d say he’s a huge fan of them, too.”
“He keeps a chocobo chick in—! Get out! I’ve— that clinches it! I gotta meet this man someday! I just gotta, Pink! I’ve gotta learn his ways! How could I have been so blind?!”
Lightning pat Prompto a few times on the head, appearing to quell his innumerable excitement levels. “Easy does it, Sunspot. I’m sure he’d forgive you for taking a while to do that. But, while we’re on it, how did you get so good at firing a gun?”
“Well, I hate to keep bringing my pop into this, but back when I was still in training, he found my aim wasn’t just top-notch in taking a few snaps. Turns out projectiles are just my calling, too.”
“And I may as well ask this, too, but who is your dad? He sounds a little more than just another commoner. Is he a veteran?”
“You could say that, but you’ve met him already! He’s the same guy who sent you to travel with us in the first place!”
“What? But that was—” Lightning stopped, eyes widening when she realized who Prompto was talking about. She looked at his sunny, almost cutesy-looking mug, then comparing it to the complete 180 of his apparent parentage. “...No way. The Marshal?! Cor Leonis is your dad of all people?!”
“Yes… and no. Obviously, we’re not blood related, but he sorta adopted me as a baby. Then, eventually, he had to give me up to my… other parents. So, I guess I grew up the rest of the way with them.”
“He had to give you up? Why?”
“Guess it had to do with him being leader of the Crownsguard and all. Someone like that can’t balance such a huge responsibility and a kid, so he didn’t have a choice on it at all.”
“Then, how come you still call him your dad if he’s technically not anymore?”
“I try not to when I need to be formal or in front of other Guard members, but honestly, I still pretty much consider him my father even though I had to go somewhere else.” Prompto’s mouth flattened into another frown, this one as wistful as the ones before it. “Hard to admit, but he’s the only older adult figure in my life there enough to earn that title. My… folks weren’t exactly home too much, so I mostly had to look after myself all the time.”
“They left their kid on his own just like that?! Some ‘parents’ ya got there. Actually, I don’t think I should use that word. If they were really your mom and dad, then they shouldn’t leave their kid behind when it’s still in their control. If it wasn’t? Different story. But, that’s not the case here, is it?”
“Well, I— look, Pink, bad mouthing them isn’t the answer. Can’t change how I was brought up, so… what, huh?”
“I don’t care in the slightest. Prompto, you don’t deserve to be practically ignored by the two people meant to be there for you the most. I’m not accepting it, and neither should you, Mister.”
“It’s not like I ‘accept’ it, exactly. It’s— I just wish… you know…”
The words faded on Prompto’s tongue, but were replaced by a quiet gasp at what happened next. Of all the things to get from Lightning for any reason, her arms wrapped around his body in a strangely maternal embrace was definitely not one he expected. But, for once, it simmered his heart into steady, rather sad thumps. He didn’t find it appropriate to hug back, but it appeared Lightning wasn’t going to let go of him just yet. Although it was his primary thought, it didn’t seem to be a hug of empty pity; even at her rare warmest, the woman to him never appeared as the type to go and show something so pointless for another person. Rather, the display felt as comforting to Prompto as it did secretly unearned.
“You’re doing just fine. You just have to not quit while you’re ahead,” Lightning reassured him. “I haven’t been here as long as you four, but I’m sure they’d have said something by now if you weren’t at least close to good enough. Real friends stick by you from start to finish, but also know when you’re falling behind on what’s really crucial.”
“That sounds true and all, but…” Prompto silenced himself, shaking his head without the desire to say too much more. “Nevermind. You’re right; I shouldn’t overreact or turn into a real ‘Debbie Downer’ here.”
“I never said you were. Feeling low’s gonna happen against your control; it’s what you do with it is what makes the difference. I’m nobody to tell anyone else how to feel, but I can at least encourage you not to throw your hopes out the window just yet. Think you’d be able to do that?”
“Hmm, dunno. I’ve already got bad eyesight, so it’s not like I’ve got better ‘future sight’, either. But, man! Would if I could, Light. Would if I could.”
Lightning could feel a delicate little smile tug at her mouth corners hearing Prompto regain the laugh in his voice. “Careful what you wish for. Being able to see into the future might not be as nice as you think.”
“What makes you say that? Having that as a superpower would rock! Unless— yeah, maybe some things are just not meant to be seen before they happen. Is that why?”
“Among… other reasons people wouldn’t like it. Bottom line, I’d rather you waited and saw, and not saw and waited. You got that?”
“I gotcha! Won’t see any ESP from me, lay-dee! But, you mind if we get going? I did say I was only gonna be gone for a little bit. Don’t want everyone thinking I almost became bear chow again.”
“It is a good time to— wait, ‘again’? What do you mean ‘again’?”
“Nothing that’s not best left in the past! It was before you came along, and we’re all fine now! Don’t you worry your pretty pink little head there.”
Having done enough of interrogating Prompto for one day, Lightning left it at that and got herself off the ground. She was about to turn the other way hoping to be followed, when Prompto let out a loud, energetic gasp after looking at his camera again. Without explaining himself, he grabbed Lightning by the wrist and ran in the direction of where she’d originally chased him from. Besides not wanting to leave his poor tripod all by its lonesome, having another person with him in such a great spot was a photo opportunity just begging on its knees for him to take it.
And just who was he to up and refuse it so rudely?
“Really, Prom, we’ve gotta go,” Lightning insisted as Prompto set her up in front of the tripod and camera like a living prop. “Can’t this wait until later?”
“Not a chance!” Prompto chirped, making sure everything on his camera was all set and in position. “Why pass up the chance of a lifetime in getting a nice snap with my favorite photogenic newcomer?”
“If you wanted a selfie, then you don’t need my help with that,” Lightning quipped, hiding her smirk behind a few fingers at the consequent stunned blush on Prompto’s face born from the comment.
“Oh, fair maiden, how you flatter a clown. But, nope! You’ve gotta be in the shot; no way out until this memory’s made!” Prompto set the timer up, running to where Lightning was and readying himself for the shoot. “Smile for the camera, Pink! It loves ya!”
Lightning never really considered herself a “camera person”, but with how little time she had to think about it before the camera went off and captured her appearance in the moment, she did what first came to her mind. Giving off the most modest of her smiles, the shutter went off and immortalized the exact moment and pose the two were in. Prompto went to go look at his new photograph, rather pleased with the almost punkish way he had his tongue stuck out and the peace sign fingers on the hand belonging to the arm he’d wrapped around Lightning’s shoulders without actually making physical contact. As for his female companion in the snapshot, hers didn’t seem like anything to write home about, but nothing of it wiped even a bit away of the smile on his face.
“Another shot gotten! And this one’s the first to be blessed full-on by such a gracious presence!” Prompto beamed, making loops around the moon from how happy he was to have gotten a photo with Lightning. “Hey, why don’t you see how it came out, too? No need to let you miss out on it.”
“Why don’t you show me while we’re heading back to camp?” Lightning suggested, hauling the tripod under her arm and allowing Prompto to follow in her steps. “Nothing against you doing what you like, but we were supposed to head back a while ago.”
“Yeah, yeah, of course! And since we’re doing it now, take a quick look!” Prompto put the camera in front of Lightning’s eyes, the screen still on its most recent picture.
“Easy with— ...oh.” Lightning saw how the photo came out, rather impressed by the expert-level accuracy and the fact that even her more mild expression didn’t lower any of the quality either. “Gotta say, for someone that needs contacts, you’ve really got an eye for the camera.”
“I’ve had two for as long as I can remember. This journey’s not gonna last forever, so I might as well make a way to capture it for as long— WHOA!”
Lightning immediately ducked and caught Prompto by hugging her arms around to his torso, pulling him back up onto his feet hiding her suppressed urge to laugh. “Maybe tell me more on the way back. While looking where you’re going, of course.”
“That can be arranged. See, it all started when…”
Ignis was in the middle of getting the last few minor touches on camp set up, at the same time Gladio and Noctis were preoccupying themselves a distance from him with a harmless sparring match. Their combat reminded him personally to take a good look at his recently acquired Mythril Knives to ensure they were ready for use next time the team was to be under attack by the forces of evil or wilderness. His ears picked up on faint chatter past the sound of swords clashing and a prince rapidly warping, further investigation informing him that the culprits were the previously absent Prompto and Lightning. The ecstatic storytelling from his blond friend was nothing new, but the interested placid smile on his pink-haired one certainly provided some questions on what happened between them in the woods.
“—Then, I got attacked by a horde of angry baboons! As if that wasn’t bad enough, this leopard comes along and tried to take a bite of me in the worst way possible!” Prompto recited to a fascinated Lightning, Ignis recalling exactly the moment in question on one of the detours taken before they’d even officially set out on their current mission. “All because I wanted to snap a pic of this cute little baby monkey I saw, too! Was that so wrong?”
“You might have just scared the thing with your camera,” Lightning guessed. “What’s harmless to people might not be so to a wild animal. It probably mistook you for a hunter.”
“Still no excuse to try and get me killed! The little…” Prompto grumbled, trailing off and ending the bitter sentence in his head. “Any jungles where you’re from, Pink?”
“Not where I’m living now, no. But, where I was born, the closest I can think of is the Sunleth Waterscape. Never been myself; my sister and a few of our friends passed through it, though.”
“Bummer. Was that awesome ‘Sazh’ guy you were talking about one of those people?”
Lightning nodded. “Him and Vanille went at the same time. Speaking of which, you act a lot like her, too. I think you almost have her beat in the ‘perky youth’ department. And… some other more personal things you’ve got in common, too.”
“I won’t make you say things you don’t wanna, but my ‘Light’s friends I just gotta meet’ list is growing!”
“Maybe when I go back home, you can find time to visit. I’m sure they’d get a kick out of you.” Lightning’s voice had a noticeable lightheartedness to it, imagining the sheer chaos of Prompto meeting her loved ones back home.
“It sounds like you two had a good time out?” Ignis inquired, finally getting the two’s attention on him. His glasses-covered eyes were particularly on Prompto asking it, who knew the reason why.
“Definitely nothing I was expecting, that’s for sure. Anything could end a lot worse, but I’m happy this didn’t.”
“That makes two of us, sister!” Prompto agreed, bringing up the new photo of him and Lightning on his camera. “And guess who also finally got the ultimate selfie today? This guy, that’s who!”
“You finally partook in one of Prompto’s photos, Light? I always thought you to be the camera-shy type,” Ignis said, scanning the camera screen with intrigue.
“I’m not much for taking them, but it came out really well,” Lightning admitted. “As long as Prom doesn’t ask me to take too many of them, I don’t mind getting another in for him.”
“Do you really mean that?!” Prompto squeaked, beyond joyous.
“I just might. I don’t have ‘future sight’ either, though. We’ll just see where things go after this.”
Lightning only left it at that after, flashing Prompto another kind glance before going over to request a sparring match of her own with Gladio after Noctis concluded his with him. It hadn’t gone past Prompto’s cleared up eyes at all, the ecstatic shutterbug still feeling his innards doing giddy flips and turns about the events that’d transpired overall. He found himself smiling with his sunny aura after Lightning, freezing when he’d caught the look on Ignis’ face, too.
“Seems you’ve made a friend in her,” Ignis pointed out. “I’d have to be halfway blind to think she isn’t starting to warm up to you.”
“You really think so?” Prompto breathed, scratching one cheek with his pointer finger.
“I’ve more than a feeling. Not as scary as you thought her finding about your contact lenses was going to be, was it?”
“Pish-pish, lucky guess. Turns out, a lot of things that’s bothered me, she’s been on the same ride just as bad.”
“And yet a lot remains a mystery about our newest comrade. However, enough has certainly come to ‘Light’ with her since she joined us.”
Prompto laughed, quickly catching onto the discreet humor. “Can’t know everything about everybody, of course. Especially since there’s some things we just don’t know the answer to.” At the same time he said that, he fixed the black bands covering his right wrist so they wouldn’t reveal anything the mystery mark underneath.
“Which is perfectly fine. Everyone has their skeletons in the closet, big or small. It’s only a matter of how people take them is what makes the difference.”
Prompto couldn’t argue with that, being unable to avoid looking at not just Noctis toying around on a favored game on his smartphone, but also Lightning performing an impressive deflecting of Gladio’s strike. He still couldn’t fully believe what happened today did, nevermind actually reaching this point in his life. And yet, somehow, here he was; still among the Crownsguard of all things, and making a new friend that turned out to be sailing in the same boat as him in a way.
Another person— Lightning, no less, was more than willing to encourage him from her own honest faith alone. She’d joined Noctis in rooting for him, so Prompto had to be a fool to do so much as consider letting her own too because he couldn’t live up to the simplest of expectations. Whether or not he was sure he’d succeed in the end aside from his personal lack of true confidence, nothing was an excuse to stop after every step taken in the first place.
Prompto tapped one closed eyelid each gingerly, making sure what stuck to his eyes behind them were both secure. He laughed once to himself. Of all the ways possible he could have shared such a deep moment in the woods with someone, it had to be over a measly pair of contact lenses. Small world, he thought. Small world, indeed.
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