#you guys have no idea of how obsessed I am with this au lmao expect more
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chromotps · 1 year ago
*immediately pounces on you to talk about CoraLaw bc no one else does anymore (at least, not on Tumblr and not English speakers)* I wanna know so bad how adult Law and Cora would interact bc that'd seem so interesting. Especially on a Cora Lives AU. Imagine coming back to life to find out the boy you saved turned out to be a pirate and a(n) (ex)warlord but also a doctor slash (advanced, bc of his devil-fruit lmao) surgeon. It was probably what most would expect what Law would occupy when he was given the devil-fruit (minus the whole pirate and warlord thing I guess) but at that time all Cora expected and hoped what law would be was free. And thinking of that, Cora would realise just how much Law had grown and how he's far from the kid he was then and how little he knows about the man (not that he knew much about Law even when he was a kid anyway, both their pasts were a touchy subject for them but they did get to know each other a little bit and got close, and at that time that was enough for both of them. They didn't need to know about each other's past or something to love and care for each other. I'm not saying your past defines you but sometimes it kinda does. Not fully, no, but it does help shape you into what you are now). And Cora realises that he missed out on so many things. They both wanted to live together, fully and freely. But Law spent 13(?? Or so) years without him but also, Law hadn't been exactly free, not when Doflamingo was alive and Cora-san's death was a wound that will never be healed. Yk what I'm spitting nonsense at this point and I'm probably projecting but yuh... I just badly wanna know how adult Law and Cora would interact when Cora steps into the light again (AKA brought back to life lmao).
Argh I wanna talk about them but I don't know what to say!!!! These idiots make me cry and sob and scream and smile and laugh and I cannot get them out of my head.
But oh! Regarding of their relationship dynamics, I do love the idea of Law being so openly devoted to Cora (and also possessive and obsessed but the latter is almost a fact that he doesn't even need to so anything or say anything for anybody to notice. I mean, look at this guy. He has tattoos dedicated to his lover. The Jolly Roger on his ship is dedicated to his lover. One of his techniques is dedicated to his lover. He steals hearts because his lover's name is Corazon which means heart in Spanish. Yes the last is a HC of mine but idc he'll still be obsessed even when my HC is removed lol). Idk if Cora would leave a kiss mark on anywhere on his skin he'd leave it there until it gets accidentally (and only accidentally, if anybody tries to wipe it off he'd replace their heads with a mop) wiped off. Cora would also be open about their relationship and would proudly gush about his lover who grins when he's kissed on the nose and could cuddle whenever Cora wants to (then he'd introduce said lover to the people and they're a bit shocked to see a 6 foot tall emo looking mf—). They'd fr be the Mom and Dad of the Heart Pirates. But that doesn't make them any less troublesome lmao.
...I had another thought pop up in my head and I— sigh... thinking about Strawhats meeting Cora and him and Sanji bonding over make-up (implied Zosan. Yes I did just imply Zosan without saying anything that could imply Zosan. I'm brilliant. Also implied Genderfluid Sanji. I love my HCs). And also— what. What does that have to do with– sorry, I was talking to my brain bc it suddenly brought Cross Guild Polycule (+ Shanks) in too. I remembered a fanart where Crocodile, Buggy and Cora were talking about jewellery and make-up while their significant others (Mihawk, Shanks and Law) are staring intensely at them xD not sure if that was a ship fanart tho! Also, I made it into Cross Guild (+ Shanks) polycule bc I can *blinks cutely*. So yeah. Just Bottoms bonding over treasure, jewellery, cosmetics and maybe their lovers (Pls we don't get enough Bottom Cora fics I am begging on my knees for them—).
I am making zero sense and I'm yapping at this point but *breathes heavily* I love talking about CoraLaw. I need more fanart. I need more fics. I need more content, posts about them. I– *dissolves into thin air*
hello!! wowza that's a lot of headcanons ahaha. I need to organize my answer lmaoooo
My brain caught on one of the points you made about adult Law and Cora—like, how surprised Cora would be at Law being a pirate. Maybe, after only really having Doflamingo as an idea of what pirates are like, Cora is a little... not disappointed, but like, worried when he finds out. Part of that worry goes away when he sees that Law isn't cruel. But he does slowly understand that, like you said, Law wasn't totally free after living with all that anger and guilt. I think I saw a post a while ago that talked about how Law never claims that he wants to be the King of the Pirates or anything—his "dream" was really just to avenge Cora, and might not have expected he'd survive after that. SOOOOOOO. I think once Cora totally catches up on who Law is as an adult (and realizes he still loves him :3c), he forces Law to sit down and have a conversation about what his new dream should be—it isn't about what he'd die for anymore, but what does he want to live for? Then, I guess the headcanons could be anything... maybe they decide they want to focus on bringing medical help to people who need it, and Law becomes some kind of renegade pirate doctor who goes into places the world government has quarantined... i don't know!! the world is their oyster!!
Ah... the two of them being lovey-dovey around the Heart Pirates........;w; I do also like the idea of them being a little secretive about it, at least maybe at first—like, Law is such a private person, and he doesn't want to "share" Cora after just getting him back... even if it's his own crew just seeing Cora blush or something, haha. And I love cute, open-with-his-feelings Cora, but also liked that rough side of him that would curse out useless doctors and stand up to Doflamingo—I could see him actually being more flustered than Law telling others about their relationship... Like, Cora is talking to Sengoku over transponder snail, and saying stuff like "yeah... I'm... kind of getting dinner with Law tonight. Yes, that Law—don't laugh, damn it, Dad!" and struggling to get his words out. Then Law comes up and takes the receiver from Cora to say, "Then we're gonna make out afterward. Have a nice evening," and hangs up.
my brain is unfortunately too obsessed full with ace/lu and lawcora to come up with anything fun for those other characters, but I'm sure someone out in the world could add on! I'd also love more fics for themmm. I know sometimes you have to "make your own food", but I'm still too deep in my Ace Era to do anything about it yet haha
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sarah-sandwich-writes · 1 year ago
20 Questions - Fanfic Writer Edition
I was tagged by both @writer-or-whatever and @jmrothwell so I suppose I better do it 😅 Thanks guys!
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 42 (*gasp* am I Miles Morales?)
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 1,265,660 lol
3. What fandoms do you write for? currently just Spider-Man but I used to write for Supernatural and before that Harry Potter. I'm a one obsession at a time kinda girl.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Paradise (spread out with a butter knife) - 72k spideypool soulmates au
Don't Freak Out - 136k parkner rivals to lovers speedrun
A Peach Like You - 73k parkner featuring autistic!peter, loveatfirstsight!harley, and a cringe self insert as the villain of the week lmao
The Distance Between (You and Me) - 29k parkner bodyguard au
You're Freaking Out - 166k sequel to DFO featuring plot (wow!) and Miles (yay!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
My dudes I try. I know I'm not very consistent and I have a tendency to disappear for months at a time, but I read and cherish each one.
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I don't really do angsty endings lol I think the closest I've gotten is Lay Me Down - 8k destiel major character death--lowest kudosed fic out of all 42 lmao
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is an impossible question. I am like the queen of happy endings? You want me to rank them??? Fine, it's You're Freaking Out. Best 10k epilogue in the land. Oh hey also I just noticed it has 997 kudos. May I humbly request 3 more pretty please?
8. Do you get hate on fics?
No. Closest was when someone complained on one of my destiel fics about the grocery store not having plastic bags and needing a quarter in order to obtain a cart. I specifically remember they said, "I hate when writers do this," and went on to complain about us making up obviously fake stuff that pulls them out of the story. Like, first of all you're complaining about storytellers making stuff up ??? okay. And second, it was an Aldi. A real grocery store. That I didn't make up.
I had to take a day to cool off before I responded and then they were like oh yeah, my roommate told me when I complained to them, you responded to this really nicely though! WHICH folks LET ME TELL YOU made me angrier lol Like you found out you were wrong and didn't even come back to edit/delete/apologize for your comment???
Anyway after that I internalized that you don't know what kind of lived experience your commenters have so some comments should be taken with a grain of salt. Which is a double-edged sword bc sometimes I get really nice enthusiastic comments and read it like, okay but what if this person is 12 and read it at 2am in a fit of delirium and this is their first fic ever and it's actually not as good as they think haha
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I doooo. I haven't published any since I wrote for spn but I have a parkner pwp ready to go as soon as I muster up the nerve.
I have no idea how to interpret the question "what kind" lol uhhh the hot kind? pffft
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have but I never published them. Again, these were for spn which is hella fun to play with merging into other canon. I started but never finished spn crossovers with Firefly, The 100, The Hunger Games, Criminal Minds, Agents of Shield, and Teen Wolf. I think that's all of them. I've been thinking about putting all of my abandoned wips on AO3 for archive purposes, but idk still noodling on it. I wish there way a way I could elect to post without notifying my subscribers :/ Or at least send them a message warning them that I'm about to be incredibly annoying
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 🙃
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!! A few now! The ultimate kudo in my opinion, and one I never expected <3
The wonderful @bluettspetal has translated An Insignificant Problem, Undercover? I thought you said under covers..., and Completely and utterly devoid of sex appeal into Russian with plans to translate more.
And Faaayeee42 on AO3 translated Paradise (spread out with a butter knife) to Mandarin Chinese.
I'm forever blown away by this.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Done some brainstorming a few times but nothing that has evolved into actually writing out a shared thing. Not sure I'd be any good at it tbh. I'd probably be a very frustrating writing partner.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Peter Parker/Harley Keener. They're good boys.
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
My Infinity War time travel fix it (make it worse) fic 😔 It's got so much potential but it is perpetually at the bottom of the to-do list.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and developing relationships
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
mother fucking action sequences and like, coming up with The Plan (the evil kind and the ones to take down the evil kind)
This silly little graphic I made for You're Freaking Out where Harley mocks The Plan made by the spider dumplin gang was initially one half of my brain negging the other half about being shit at making Plans and I decided that it might as well manifest as the characters lmao
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18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Eh. It's fanfiction, you know? Do what you want. Experiment. Try your best to do it justice. Accept that some people are going to let their eyes blur and skim over it while others will pick it apart but most will exist somewhere in the middle. Just write what you want to write, how you want to write it.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
*sigh* Harry Potter. Looking forward to my own post getting gobbled up by my block list lmao
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Goodness gracious how do I even decide? I think Peaches Ain't Pretty is my favorite. It's the fic that showed me beyond a shadow of a doubt that I can step outside of fanfiction and write whatever I want and be just as satisfied, if not more.
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ash-and-starlight · 4 years ago
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There’s a new recruit at the Shatterdome (and Zuko’s not too happy about it)
Zukka pacrim au babyyy
Image id under the cut
[ID: two colored digital drawings of Sokka and Zuko from Avatar: the last airbender. Based on the scene from Pacific Rim where Raleigh and Mako first meet. In the first drawing Zuko is depicted from the shoulders up, frowning slightly and looking in front of him. It’s raining, and he’s holding a big black umbella and wearing a black coat. At the bottom a yellow text says “I imagined him differently.” In the second drawing Sokka is depicted from the shoulders up, looking at Zuko with an annoyed expression. He’s also holding a black umbrella, and wearing a gray coat with a white fur collar. The yellow caption at the bottom says “Hey, better or worse?” END ID]
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pain-suffering-even · 3 years ago
y'all. y'all its been. SO LONG.
i pinky promise i'm working on things behind the scenes... still just as in love with solo leveling as i was.
what EXACTLY am i working on? well, i wish i could say it was fics, but...
head canons! and also fic plots!
i'm working on head canons for:
the entire draw sword guild (don't ask why. i've been obsessed with them for some reason. really really mad that they didn't get more characterization in the manhwa. just know that all of 'em are my blorbos at the moment)
the american S rankers (thomas andre and christopher reed, as well as laura, even though she's a human, i think)
that one german S ranker (lennart niermann... god i love him)
the korean S rankers (jongin and yoonho specifically, but jinwoo, haein, byungyu, taegyu, and jinchul, even though he's technically A rank)
and liu zhigang (been having trouble with thinking of things for him, though... so no promises)
if your blorbo from solo leveling isn't on this list, honestly feel free to drop your own head canons into my ask box or just straight up DM me. there's sooo many characters in solo leveling that deserve to be thought out, and i like the idea of some of y'all helping me flesh out these characters (even if its ooc!!! if it makes you feel better... all of the head canons i've created are very ooc :') so don't feel bad about it!)
i've redone the way i format headcanons to be a little... easier to read. especially because i write these on a google doc before posting, and it was getting too chunky to filter through. so hopefully they will look nice as well!
now for the fic plots:
um... i might drop proximity and andromeda :') i didn't want to but... i just don't know how to continue either of those stories. i've kinda backed myself into a corner in proximity by throwing too many things in at once. and andromeda... i've straight up forgotten where i wanted to take it. i will say, a long ass time ago i wrote out the ending for andromeda because it was stuck in my mind for forever and i needed to get it out... might post it, if only to give you guys some closure or idea as to where i wanted to take the story? but that also depends if i go back, read it, and its not as good as i thought so no promises.
i may or may not post... some of the one-shots/drabbles i've created, if only to feed this fandom a little bit more. i'll probably get around to that soon after making this post, honestly, because the amount of free writing i do and it accidentally leads back to solo leveling... its enough to post a sizeable drabble collection lmao.
there's other fics behind the scenes! are they being written? course not! but i might throw out some plot ideas like i've done with the flower shop/tattoo parlor AU and the arsonist AU. because i have the plot itself just not the written fic, y'know? and now that i've started school again and have a part time job... probably wont be able to put as much effort into writing as i would like.
anyway. this got rambly. long story short: don't expect any fic updates (sorry), DO expect a one-shot/drabble collection to be posted, and maaaybe expect some plot and AU ideas to be posted as well. plus the new headcanons and their formats, of course.
um... that's all, i think. hope you guys are well :) and just know that even though i post sporadically, my obsession with solo leveling is still going strong!!! too strong, maybe
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wonwooslibrary · 4 years ago
high school sweethearts
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member: joshua x female reader 
genre: fluff, comedy, high school AU, non-idol AU
word count: 1778
warnings: alcohol / drunk seungcheol 
inspiration: the audio for the hallway scene was inspired by this video
summary: you and your husband, joshua flash back to the night of your prom ten years ago. 
author’s note: idk why I decided to do this lmao but happy birthday shua! please enjoy this small piece I wrote in like ten minutes. this is so bad I am so sorry
Neither you or your husband were fancy restaurant people. Both you and Joshua spent little to no time at home besides sleeping. After years of many dates of trying to dress up and go out, you both decided that going out was not your thing. So, for your five year wedding anniversary, you decided it would be best to just stay home. 
The time spent sitting on the couch in the living room, a bag of chips and a jar of dip between you while a cliché hallmark Christmas movie was playing on the TV was more than wither of you could ask for. 
Suddenly, Joshua looked over at you and moved his hand to brush a strand of your hair out of your eyes. When you looked at him, he smiled, a look of pure love taking over his face. 
“Do you remember prom?” he asked you, his eyes glossing over a bit. 
“I remember Jeonghan spiking the punch, Seungcheol getting drunk and, uh, the rooftop.”
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When Joshua asked a seventeen year old you to go to prom with him, you were freaking out. 
“It’s Joshua Hong!” you exclaimed to your friend, “I am not going to survive this night.”
“Y/n! you’ve been best friends with him for how long? Almost what, nine years?”
“Almost seven.” you corrected. 
“Whatever! you’re insane if you can’t clearly see that he has the same feelings for you that you have for him!”
“Mhm, yeah, right.” you replied sarcastically. 
“What did you tell him when he asked?” your friend questioned you, her hands on your shoulders shaking you. 
“I said maybe.” you responded in a quiet voice. 
“Maybe? Nu-uh. No way. You’re going to call him and tell him you’re going to prom with him!” 
Three days after that phone call, your friend took you out to buy a dress and get your nails done. You didn’t see why you had to get your nails done and you definitely didn’t see why all of this was coming out of your wallet. but of course, as your friend, she spent the whole trip obsessing over the fact that you were going to prom with Joshua Hong. “You have to look perfect!” she’d exclaim. 
The night of the event wasn’t nearly as grand as everyone would expect it to be. A high school prom being held in the gym that smelled like dirty socks and disappointment. Of course, you did have one of the prettiest dresses at the event, though unless you wanted to spend another hundred dollars, it needed to be returned to the boutique by three in the afternoon the following day. You kept stumbling in the heels that were definitely too high for you to walk in, and you decided that if it wasn’t for you holding on to Joshua’s arm with dear life, you would have faceplanted into the gym floor at least ten times by now. 
By the time the event actually started, you had given up on all hope of enjoying the night. It was loud, and the teacher chaperones were being to controlling over the room of teenagers. You didn’t fail to notice that a teacher had to come up to Soonyoung and tell him that he can’t take the whole dance floor for himself almost five times throughout the night. 
Though the chaperones were being controlling, they clearly didn’t check people’s bags and IDs when entering the building. And they clearly didn’t notice the bottle of vodka Jeonghan pulled out of his bag and dumped into the punch bowl. 
Now if the room wasn’t loud enough, it was about to get a lot worse. 
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You and Joshua sat on the floor of hallway right outside the gym. The closed doors made the hallway much quieter with only muffled sound of the music able to be heard. You glanced around the empty hallway, until Joshua began talking. 
“Being in school after school hours and on weekends always seems so surreal, doesn’t it?” He questioned you, loosening the black tie that was around his neck.
“It does. Especially with us being dressed up and the teachers not.” you replied. 
The hallway became quiet once more. Though this didn’t last long until two loud voices were heard while the doors to the gym were shoved open. 
Running out the door was a very drunk Seungcheol, with three teachers running after him through the rest of the school. Also exiting the gym were two of your friends, Jimin and Taehyung, that both happened to be in your class. Though instead of running, the two males pushed the door slightly open and called out to you and Shua. 
“The teachers found Jeonghan’s empty bottle of vodka.” Taehyung started. “I don’t think Cheol is going to last for any longer before he trips and gets caught.”
You and Joshua looked at each other and began laughing. Of course your best friends would do something this stupid on prom night. Joshua stood up, brushing off his slacks before offering his hand to you in order to help you up from the floor. You took his hand and quietly thanked him. 
“We’ll be back in the gym in a little bit, guys” Joshua told Jimin and Taehyung, who both simply nodded and went back into the gym. 
Your best friend offered you his arm, and you began walking in the opposite direction that Seungcheol ran. 
“Damn it!” he exclaimed suddenly. You looked over at him curiously. 
“I owe Jeonghan twenty bucks now.”
“What did you and Han bet on this time?”
“Who would get drunk first. I bet on Soonyoung, and Han bet on Seungcheol.”
You rolled your eyes. “Soonyoung. I’m kind of surprised he didn’t get drunk first.” 
Your walk became quiet once again. Joshua brought you to the stairs of the school that led to the roof. 
“Have you ever been to the roof?” he asked, pulling a key out of his pocket and putting it into the keyhole. 
“I’ve been to the door, but I’ve never been outside. How’d you get a key?” 
“I know a few people.” you giggled at his answer. 
When you both got outside, there was two lawn chairs and a table waiting for you. 
“Sit with me?” Shua looked at you and tilted his head towards the chairs. 
You quickly agreed. Once you both sat in the chairs, Joshua started a conversation. 
“You know,” he started, “Now that prom is almost over, we only have a few weeks left before we graduate.” 
“Yeah, I know. I am going to miss it here, no matter how much I hated it some days.” 
“Do you think we’ll ever see each other after we graduate?” Joshua questioned, turning his head to face you and brushing a small strand of hair out of your eyes and putting it behind your ear. 
“I haven’t thought about it, but I hope so. I want to be able to see everyone again.”
“Me too.”
“I wonder if Soonyoung got kicked out for kicking people off the dance floor yet. and I wonder if the teachers found out the vodka was Jeonghan’s.”
“oh Jeonghan, as much as he is a brother to me, he is an idiot.” 
You laughed at Joshua’s words, when suddenly an idea came to your head. 
“Shua! we haven’t danced yet!” you said, standing up out of the chair and grabbing your phone off of the table. You began playing one of your favorite slow songs and turned the volume on your phone all the way up. “Dance with me?” you asked him, holding your hand out for him to grab. 
He took your hand and pulled you close to him. He wrapped his arms around your waist and began to move you with him. 
You placed your head on his chest, your eyes falling shut to the soft sound of the music and his heartbeat. Joshua placed his chin on your head, breathing in the sent of your vanilla shampoo. 
“Y/n-ie,” Shua started. 
“Hmm?” you softly questioned, seemingly half asleep. 
“I love you.” 
You smiled and moved to face him. 
“R-really?” you stuttered your way through your reply. 
“Why wouldn’t I?” he replied, putting a finger under your chin. He leaned forward and placed his lips on top of yours. The kiss lasted mere seconds, and then he pulled away. 
“Let’s get you home.” Shua stated as he took your hand in his and pulled you towards the door. 
You got outside (and on the ground) fairly quickly, Joshua shedding off his jacket and putting it over your shoulders, only for you to put it on. All of a sudden, he took off running out of the parking lot and down the street. 
“Shua! wait for me!” Joshua was running down the sidewalk as fast as he could, leaving you behind in the dust. 
“Ditch the shoes and start running then!” he called out to you, already at the end of the street. 
You sighed. “Fine!” you bent down to undo the buckle on your heels, right first, then left. When you glanced back up, Joshua was waiting for you, his shoulder leaning against the stop sign that was significantly taller than him. 
You looked at him, admiring his outfit, without realizing that he is doing the same to you. He was dressed nicely, the white button down he is wearing now wrinkled and the black slacks tight around his thighs. His tie is more loose than it was in the hallway. When you looked at his face, you noticed him looking at you. He smiled and waved his hand, motioning for you to run and catch up with him. 
You picked your heels up off of the ground and laced your fingers around the straps. You used your free hand (and the fingers that were not carrying your shoes) to lift up your long dress. You began jogging to catch up to him, your hair quickly falling out of the fancy up do it was in. 
When you got to the stop and stood next to Joshua, he took your hand again and began walking towards your house. 
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“Damn I kind of forgot about Jimin and Taehyung. We didn’t even meet them back in the gym like we said we would.” Joshua laughed. 
“We weren’t the smartest back then, were we?”
“We were just two stupid teenagers in love.” Joshua put his arm around you and pulled you close to him, the bag of chips quickly falling to the floor. 
You cuddled up to him and put your head on his chest.  
“I love you, Shua.” you whispered.
“I love you too, Y/n.”
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totaldramaonline · 5 years ago
Thank you for 220!!!
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As promised I am making a proper post about it. Thank you all so much for following and supporting this blog!! I never could have expected it to get this many followers this quickly, or that so many people would enjoy my little AU, its amazing!! This post might be a bit of a long one but stick around because we are gonna vote on what to do to celebrate! I'm also gonna talk a bit about me and why this blog makes me so happy if anyone cares lmao
ok so item number one: the celebration
I have a couple ideas on what we could do so here they are (im also going to do a get 2 know OP sorta thing but that comes l8r)
Season one watch party
I would set up some sort of virtual chatroom/watch party thing and we all get to hang out and binge watch season 1 (as much as we can get through)
if this is the option ill probably have to do a second poll for what program bc Netflix Party requires everyone 2 have Netflix, Kast means everyone has to have Kast, etc. 
Total Drama Commissions
So I like to think I've gotten decent at drawing in the style, I drew some of the photos in the posts as well as my own pfp so the idea is that I can draw whoever you want (yourself/OC/character) in the style for cheap. Deadass like 5 bucks idk. 
Ask box slumber party
for this one to work yall are gonna have to participate but basically, we would all hang out for the night in my ask box! ill answer questions all night as fast as i can as they come in! ill probably post a few question starters and stuff 
(personally this is my favourite option but it's up to you guys)
Voting is now closed (9/31/2020)
item number 2 on today's agenda goes under the cut bc it consists of me getting kinda sappy and rambling for a while
welcome to hell. I don't know when to stop talking to strap in.
Having this many people follow me in under 2 months is so fucking crazy. I never thought you all would be so excited about my little au, I made it for fun because I half rewatched the show with my sister and wanted them all to be friends, and I guess that's what you all wanted too! and then I realized there was sort’ve a fanbase and I was just amazed. This show is such a nostalgic show for me, it was one of the cartoons that my dad loved to watch with me and my siblings. (he's not dead I just realized how that sounds) I was probably 10 when they re-aired all three seasons on cable and we would get into it like it was a survivor and they were real people. I have 6 siblings, and all of us over the age of 10 were obsessed with this show at one point or another. 
They don't make cartoons like this anymore. (i say, sounding old as shit and actually not knowing bc I don't have cable) But this show and 6teen are my favourite shows to rewatch now that I'm not a kid because there's so much hilarious shit I missed as a kid. No wonder my dad liked the show alone with us lol. But yeah, none of this really matters to the whole 200 followers thing, but I'm just so excited to see that so many people like the show as much as I did and do now ya know? so yeah, thank you for being here? 
I really will try and keep up with this blog properly, it's just gonna be hard. As of right now, I have ELEVEN blogs, 5 of which I am actively creating content for, and I am starting a new job on Monday so that's gonna start eating my time. But that's why the queue is great! I try and fill it every few days, and ill do my best to keep that up (but bets are off when school starts back up, it'll probably have to be cut down to a few times a week)
anyways, if you have read this far, I'm sorry for all that and thank you?? you're amazing?? I'm gonna plug my other blogs for a second
@what-is-fanart-even​ is my main. Go here to see what I'm up to. I also do my art here, have my redbubble here, my main commissions, etc
@skyrim-said-that​ is the blog I'm probably most active on but unless you're into Skyrim it'll be boring lmao. I'm really only listing it so yall can see where I'm spending my time. 
This is my Kofi if you wanted to uh support me? no push lmao I'm just putting it here bc I have it
I also have blogs for Outlast, Farcry 5, Red Dead Redemption, sitcoms(Gilmore girls, friends), IT (2017), and Fallout. ill drop URLs in the comments if anyone asks lmao. 
and if you actually read this far you're the real fans, and I love you SO much. have an AMAZING rest of the month/year and i hope you're doing great!! Bye!!! ask box is open all the time if anyone wants to talk!! i love you all!!!!
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years ago
Can I get a basic run down of each of your au’s? It’s really hard to keep track and I wanna understand what people are talking about
*cracks knuckles* Alright, let’s do this. I’ll probably just link this in my sidebar at this point, because these are getting built up pretty rapidfire and if you aren’t on tumblr as much as I am you’re pretty liable to miss something.
Now with tag links, going chronologically so you can catch up if you want to! Some of them have a lot of posts, though, just as a warning.
-Time AU: The original. Twix is accidentally sent back in time- why is still a bit fuzzy but I think it involves the Voot malfunctioning when a time machine is installed. She runs into Dib when rummaging around in the basement lab in his house for parts, and lets it slip that she’s his daughter from the future. Her skin is just not-green enough to slip past his radar, and a DNA text confirms that she is in fact related to him, but her lips are sealed about who her other parent is. 
She needs to break into Zim’s base to get the necessary tools to finish fixing the Voot to go back home, and Dib assumes she wants to expose Zim like she does, so she has to keep on his good side to get what she needs. It’s weird to say the least, seeing her parents fighting and Dib as a kid- especially since Zim looks basically the same.
After she finally fixes the Voot, it starts jumping through alternate dimensions before she finally makes it home, and she meets several alternate versions of herself. 
The tag needs to be cleaned up on this one- it was the first au and has scattered posts of the others still in it but it’s going to take a while to edit down to the individual ones, fair warning.
-Tallest AU: Zim is “co-Tallest” with Tak, and Dib is a rebel fighter trying to take down the empire- sort of a bounty hunter on the side too. Twix is created during a fight when Zim tries to rip Dib’s throat out with his teeth, as you do. Zim is yanked out of public view while pregnant- can’t let the Empire know one of the Tallests has a defect that allows him to reproduce naturally. When he comes back, Twix is declared an experiment of his to create an heir with alien DNA to help her be taller, stronger, and more resilient. She’s kind of a spoiled brat in this one, and has absolutely no idea who Dib is. 
When she’s about 12, Dib as a bounty hunter was enlisted to kidnap her in an attempt to rile up Zim and get rid of his heir in one fell swoops, having no idea that she’s his daughter. Eventually, that’s discovered, and she slowly learns what life is like for everyone who isn’t her, while Dib learns to be a parent and care for her instead of having to just rely on himself all the time. Things are pretty tense at first, though.
Eventually, after Zim gets her back, she’s injured during a fight and Zim and Dib make a reluctant truce while she heals, eventually becoming sort of ‘rivals with benefits’- Zim won’t kill him if he’s captured, and Dib won’t take headshots. Dib also gets a collar so he can walk around the Massive without somebody sniping his head off, although he’s very grumpy about this.
Eventually, Dib manages to convince Zim that he’s nothing more than a mascot for the empire, there to blow shit up to show their power. (Tak is the real leader, Zim doesn’t really have the power he thinks he does, and Tak was brought in as co-Tallest to do most of the real ruling and give an air of competence, with the Control Brains doing the rest.) This takes ages, and involves Zim being so deep in denial he literally shoots Dib in the leg to get him to shut up, but it needles at him until he accepts it. Needless to say, pisses him off. They run off together, something Tak’s actually pretty happy about because she figures he’ll just die without the protection being a Tallest gives him. Twix comes with them, and start causing problems for the Empire wherever they can.
Dib gets a robot arm at one point, we haven’t 100% decided on how, and they end up having a second kid, a boy named Kit. (Kit Kat. Thank the discord for that one.)
-WLOD AU: Based on the alternate future in Dib’s Wonderful Life of Doom. Dib is the villain in this one- Twix was made when Zim attempted to escape captivity and bit Dib in the process. She’s kind of a nervous, timid wreck, and Zim is incredibly protective of her. She doesn’t see the world outside of the lab until main!Twix stumbles across this world and helps break her and Zim out, bringing them to her reality and asking Membrane to help her ‘cousins’. They end up settled somewhere else. (She ends up good friends with Moth!Twix.)
The running joke with this one is if the other Dibs meet this guy they just beat the crap out of him.
When Twix eventually dies of health complications from being experimented on, Zim pretty much snaps. He goes back to his home dimension and burns down everything even remotely related to Earth and Dib and ends up conquering the Empire, his grief giving him laser focus and allowing him to work past his defects. He goes on pretty much on a multi-decade rampage, twice as ruthless as anyone else and blowing up planets with ease. One day, though, while he’s with the ground troops he sees a scared child who was orphaned by his attacks and sort of snaps back to himself. He ends up adopting them, and several others in an attempt to atone for himself. He trains them up, fully expecting one of them to end up killing him when they find out he was the one that orphaned them, but when they find out about Twix they tend to just leave over killing him.
He ends up dying near her grave of illness/old age.
-Human AU: This one’s gotten revamped. The old one is after the line, to explain the old fanart in that tag. (I
 never really liked this one as much as the others because it didn’t feel Zim-like to me and Dib was barely a presence- and he was barely himself too.)
Honestly this one is still a bit of a joke, but Zim’s got a more mad-scientist edge to him, primarily with strange toys, furbies in particular. He makes lots of them and their house is overrun- Twix has no idea it isn’t normal. He enjoys making people squirm with his creations and ends up having a bit of a rivalry with Swap Zim.
Old version: Zim and Dib were both sort of academic rivals at school, but ended up paired together for a science pair project and became friends. They’re roommates at college and begin dating, and Twix just comes from a regular old broken condom, oops. Zim was kind of a party animal but cuts back for her sake. His water actually breaks during an important exam but he insists on finishing it, despite Dib’s blood pressure going up about 500%. Zim’s a Bio major, I haven’t really settled on Dib yet. Zim ends up working at Membrane Labs, though. 
Zim’s also a big fan of musical theater, and gets roped into subbing in as Billy Flynn on the campus production of Chicago while four months pregnant. Gir is his younger brother and currently in high school.
-Irken AU: This one’s set a bit earlier in the timeline, when Zim was still working at the labs for military research. (See the canceled episode The Trial.) He met Dib there, and at one point they ended up locked in for a whole weekend on accident. At one point they got into a fight, one thing led to another, and Zim ended up pregnant. He only found out when he started getting sick and went to the hospital. The problem? That’s a defect that hasn’t happened in a long time- he’s whisked to the Control Brains, labeled defective in both mind and body, and sent off to Foodcourtia so no one has to deal with him.
When Dib finds out, he steals a ship and goes to rescue him. Zim is completely miserable, exhausted, overworked, and all around pissed this is happening. He lashes out at Dib for doing this to him before completely collapsing since his body hasn’t gotten a chance to rest in too long, and his instincts tell him that Dib is safe because he’s the other parent. Gir is a malfunctioning food service drone that snuck aboard the ship. They have to figure out what’s going on because this kind of thing hasn’t happened in centuries.
Dib was initially only interested in studying Zim because of the rarity of natural-born smeets, but as time goes on they end up getting closer, especially because Zim gets clingy as time goes on. There are two endings to this one- either they keep wandering around space, or they end up on Earth since itïżœïżœs uncharted and no one will bug them there. Twix comes from an egg and has three siblings (possibly more) in this one!
-Pilot AU: Related to the Time AU- while jumping around, she gets stuck in the pilot universe. She very much doesn’t like it, especially since Dib starts stalking her instead. When he finds out she’s his daughter, he gets even more obsessive about how and why she came back, and she has to escape him to keep going home.
-Adoption AU: This is the angstfest one kicked off by a particular anon- Zim has a miscarriage, but at some point afterwards when Twix is jumping through the multiverse, she runs into them. After realizing what happened, she finds a version of herself that lost both of her parents and brings her to meet the ones that never had her, and they’re all happy.
-Zimvoid AU: Twix lands in the Zimvoid from the few most recent comics. Not a lot of plot to this one, it’s just fun to imagine. The Zims meeting after Twix is born is under PZA Au, and the Dibs meeting is ‘Meet me in the dibpit’ which is the best tag out of all of these lmao
-Species Swap AU: Dib is, similar to in the irken au, there to study local flora and find uses for them. Gaz is the invader, sent here for her catastrophic body count on every other mission she’s had. She finds out Earth has good games and is just ‘eh, whatever’ and basically puts the mission on hold, letting Dib start stalking the one human that truly interests him- Zim. He’s almost irken-like, and clearly incredibly intelligent- and destructive!
I made a whole plot explanation for this one here.
Dib is actually the one to have her in this au. It’s also a running joke and I’m heavily considering making it canon that this Zim is the one that actually succeeds in taking over the world.
-Mothman AU: Dib is an actual mothman, and so is his family. Variation on this one: One has irken Zim, one has human Zim. Other Dibs find this version of Dib hot. Twix is raised in the woods and her only real friends are her parents, Gir, and Tulip. (Keef’s adopted daughter.)
In the irken au, Zim is actually accepted relatively fast by Membrane who thinks he’s just a strange, stunted moth. After having Twix he ends up growing wings and neck fluff because mothmen are actually a very distant cousin of irkens that diverged millions of years ago, and carrying Dib’s kid kickstarted the process. He also dies for like two minutes because giving birth to an egg a third of your size really sucks. (He’s fine, once Dib got him to the recharging chamber he woke back up when his Pak reactivated him, he was just really low on charge after a birth lasting like two days.)
In the human au, he’s not so lucky- Dib has to keep his relationship a secret, and Membrane only finds out when he sees Zim, already pregnant. Dib gets into a big fight with him because humans killed his mom and Membrane is pissed he’d get into a relationship with one. Things do end up working out eventually, once Twix is born Membrane is fascinated by her, but tensions are still pretty high for a while. Earlier in this version, Zim actually found out he was pregnant when he gets accidentally shot by someone who was aiming at Dib and had to go to the hospital and they took a pregnancy test before doing the x-ray. (In all aus where Zim is human, including swap, he’s a trans guy, and this one is set in the 1970â€Čs/80â€Čs. He ran away to live in the woods for a reason.)
-SU AU: Steven Universe AU! This one’s covering most of the plot of Steven Universe up to this point, so it got long. Link here. (For the aesthetic, think more Gravity Falls and late over early SU: Deep woods and dark colors.)
-Capture AU: A sort of flip of the WLOD au. Zim wins and keeps Dib prisoner, although he enjoys riling him up so Dib is much more of a firecracker than WLOD Zim is. Zim gets the itching feeling he’s missing something and uses a blood sample from Dib to get himself pregnant, but he realizes he can’t raise the kid alone without killing her (and plays it off as making Dib help with something he’s made it clear he hates) so he lets Dib out but on a very tight leash. This one is definitely on the darker end.
-Scandal AU: Zim is Tallest, Dib is an irken scientist. They ‘grew up’ together but Zim shot up and forgot about Dib because- well, his memory’s canonically pretty garbage and besides he often misremembers things anyway. Dib is hauled in front of him for causing problems at the labs like letting the specimens free because he hates his coworkers, and they just kept shoving him at successively more important people because he managed to keep slipping away before being fully punished and it ends up getting all the way to the Tallest.
Dib gets pissy at Zim because he’s expecting to get thrown out the airlock or whatever, before realizing just how terrible of an idea that is and that Zim could do something a lot worse. Mostly he’s just mad that Zim left him behind, but Zim, who only has faint inklings of Dib being familiar, decides to keep him around on basically a whim.
Things evolve from there, with Zim doting over his new ‘toy’ who treats him like an equal (which he didn’t realize he wanted, because duh, he’s the Tallest, why would he want to be anything other than shallowly worshipped?) while Dib has to walk the VERY careful tightrope of staying alive by not pissing Zim off while also not rolling over completely and betraying himself. (And that might lose Zim’s interest as well.) Things get even messier when oops, there’s eggs now.
-Treasure Planet AU: What it says on the tin, an au based off the movie Treasure Planet! Plot summary here, AU mostly belongs to @64bit-trash and @yeehawimscared.
-Dibbrane AU: Dib turns out to be a much better clone of his father and doesn’t realize that Zim is an alien. Zim ends up getting attatched to him because he takes him seriously as a fellow scientist and genuinely enjoys his company, and eventually they get married- all without Dib finding out what he really is. Twix ends up more like show-Dib, determined to prove to the world that there’s a world hidden underneath their own, and Zim ends up her ‘alien rival’ in order to train her. She doesn’t realize she’s half-alien
 yet. Fuller synopsis here.
-Amnesia AU: Zim was a personal pet project of Tallest Miyuki’s, and treated him as a son, planning to raise him to succeed her, taking down the heightarchy in the process. She ends up assassinated by Red and Purple in an attempt to get enough power to laze around for the rest of their lives, and Zim is blamed for it. A lot of irkens are bitter and jealous for the attention he got, especially for someone so short, so it’s easy enough to do. 
While imprisoned, he tore up his Pak in an attempt to get rid of the grief and trauma of seeing his mother dead and ended up more defective, having mostly forgotten who he was before. The timeline ‘syncs up’ with iz show canon. He crashes OID2 and gets sent to Earth, and over the years enters a relationship with Dib and gets pregnant. When that’s discovered, he gets pulled back and his memory is wiped again, and when the baby is born, she’s taken away to see if they can shape her into a soldier.
Zim is used for more tests and Skoodge tries to help him, and ‘Brid’ is shuffled between career tracts before being sent out with the soldiers while still 11- practically a smeet. She meets Dib, who’s been looking for both Zim and his lost child. She promises to take him to Zim, but is going to try and bring him as a new species of alien to her superiors to get brownie points because she’s treated kind of like shit by the other trainees for being such a freak. (She always wears a helmet to cover her nose and hair.)
Eventually their paths cross as they get arrested and thrown into a cell near Zim’s, but Zim doesn’t realize he’s even got a daughter, much less this one, so there’s a while to figure things out.
All this time, Miyuki uploaded herself before her death into a side control brain that only Skoodge knows, and they stumble across her, and she helps fill in the gaps.
Aaaaaand I’ll go back and add more to this post if we get more, if I forgot one feel free to tell me.
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south-flying-sparrow-archive · 6 years ago
sleepover au
as @adler-obsessed suggested, a sleepover au with val, tanith, china and militsa. enjoy, also i know the ed is a bit messy but is late at night and i’m tired lmao
(setting supposed to be that they’re all in their late teens?)
 "You invited China?"
The look of horror on Tanith's face was something of comedic gold, and something Valkyrie knew she'd treasure forever; especially as it only grew worse with her spreading grin.
"Uh, yeah? Did you expect me not to?" Settling back against the cushions, Valkyrie swung her legs over the arm of the armchair. "And besides, you don't have to speak to her."
"China's a bitch. there's no way you had to say anything to her. God, Val, I hate you."
"Then leave." Valkyrie smirked. "I know you won't."
"No, because you've got the bloody Star Wars movies. That's all I'm staying for."
"Oh, really? Nerd," she shot back, smirking, and Tanith groaned.
"Shut up. I'm not a nerd."
"You're putting up with Mil and I's flirting to watch Star Wars," Valkyrie deadpanned. "You're a film nerd. I'm surprised you don't get on better with China, really."
"She's a book nerd, that's different. We're different breeds. God, I can't believe you betrayed me like this."
Valkyrie snickered at Tanith rolling over, smushing her face into the couch she laid on, but looked up when she heard the front door open. Only a few seconds past before Militsa was draping herself inelegantly over Valkyrie and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"Hey, gorgeous."
"Hey. You look comfortable," she responded with a laugh, sitting up to tug Militsa into her lap, who laughed as well.
"You're very comfortable. Hi, Tanith. Why do you look like you want to die?"
"Because I do," came the groaned answer.
Militsa paused, then cleared her throat. "Everything okay?"
"She invited China," was the dramatic, half-wailed response, and Valkyrie snorted loudly. 
"I'm allowed to invite who I want. It's my damn house."
"It's your parent's house, technically," Militsa pointed out.
Valkyrie kissed her cheek. "Hush."
"I'm going to trash it out of spite<" muttered Tanith, and Valkyrie lobbed a cushion at her head.
"Don't you dare."
"Ow. That hurt."
"You'll be hurting a lot more if you even dare. Do not trash this house."
Tanith rolled over, sending her a cheeky grin which had Valkyrie seriously doubting if it was a good idea to be here. There wasn't much she could do about it now, though - where there was Star Wars, there was Tanith. That was just how things worked.
Again, the door opened, and Valkyrie called a, "You're late!" to the newcomer, who arched a delicate eyebrow at her awkward seating as she perched herself on the arm of the couch Tanith occupied.
"I'm not late, you didn't specify a strict time. And when have you ever had grounds to complain about tardiness, Valkyrie?"
"You sound like my mother," she responded, earning her a laugh.
"Hopefully, it'll teach you something."
"Hopefully. I'm planning on-"
"Can we watch Star Wars now?" cut in Tanith, earning her an unimpressed huff from China. Valkyrie just grinned, though.
"You don't want popcorn?"
"Oh God, yeah, please. I'm starving," said Militsa, standing with a laugh. "Will I make it?"
"We're not waiting for you, then!" Tanith was already over at Valkyrie's DVD collection, making Valkyrie herself laugh. 
"I can recite most of the first bit anyway, don't worry about me!"
"Oh, are we about to have a nerd competition?" asked China, crossing one leg over the other with a smile.
"Shut up, China," Tanith shot over her shoulder. "You are absolutely a nerd."
"Yes, but not in the embarrassing way you are, Tanith."
"Ouch. Guys, can you both chill?" Valkyrie didn't move from her awkward position other than to pull a blanket over herself for her and Militsa to snuggle. "I didn't invite you both to bicker all night."
"Did you really expect anything else?" China looked sceptical, and Valkyrie just laughed.
"No. Shut up and watch the film," she said, snuggling down.
Surprisingly, China did as she was asked to, eventually moving to sit on the arm of the couch properly, and Valkyrie had to stifle a giggle at the opposite way she sat compared to Tanith - the former relaxed but upright, her legs crossed neatly at the ankles, the latter sprawled so strangely it was difficult to tell exactly how many limbs she had. Somehow, she was able to see the screen and eat the popcorn Militsa had brought in - both rather impressive feats.
They were almost halfway through the movie before Valkyrie swore. "Ah, shit. The pizza place will be closed soon."
"We're getting pizza?" Tanith may well have been shot from a cannon, she sprang up so fast, making the other occupants of the room laugh. Not a hint of shame crossed her features, though - just a wide grin.
"Er, yeah. Unless you've stuffed yourself on popcorn?" Militsa eyes the mostly-empty bowl by Tanith as she spoke, who shrugged and shoved it away unceremoniously. Popcorn ended up spilling on the ground, finally rousing Xena from her corner to go and stiff at it. Nobody seemed to mind.
"I'm still hungry," Tanith decided, giving a hopeful glance to Valkyrie, who was already pulling out her laptop.
"Cool. China, I'm assuming you'll want the most expensive one on the menu?"
"Please be quiet, Valkyrie," came the amused response, but she did wander over to look at the laptop screen, which was awkwardly perched on Militsa's lap, with Valkyrie leaning around her.
"You know what I want," chipped in Tanith, who's eyes had returned to the screen and who's mouth had returned to eating popcorn - even as she spoke, it scattered all over the floor. 
"Yes, yes," she muttered distractedly, resting her chin on her girlfriend's shoulder as she scrolled through the Domino's page. "Your god-awful pepperoni and pineapple on barbecue sauce."
Militsa made a vague gagging noise. "You what."
"It's good!" Tanith protested, but Valkyrie snorted. 
"Mil, you have fish pizza. I think that's worse."
"It's good!" Militsa instantly echoed, a scowl settling over her features. 
"Alright then, tuna-face," was Valkyrie's amused response, ordering the two their pizza, before glancing at China. "What do you usually have?"
"Home-baked pizza. I have a personal chef for a reason, Valkyrie." China didn't look thrilled with the idea of takeout, which made something occur to Valkyrie.
"Hold on. Have you ever actually... ordered a pizza?"
"Why on earth would I do that?" China asked, looking almost offended, and earning her looks from both Tanith and Militsa. "What?"
"Oh my God. Nothing. What do you want?" Valkyrie shoved the laptop towards China, who looked as if it were about to bite her as she scrolled through the web page gingerly, making Militsa giggle.
"Is something funny?" asked China sweetly, but that just intensified the giggles as Militsa nodded, hair bouncing wildly.
China sighed. 
Tanith and Valkyrie laughed too.
"Where are the options for the mozzarella?"
"Uh... You just have it. I don't know. It's cheese, China, it all tastes the same."
"It does not. There are all the different types of-"
"Shut up and just pick your bloody pizza, will you?" called Tanith. "My God."
A dramatic huff escaped China's lips, but she returned to ordering, looking less than pleased with the limited options and making Valkyrie have to stifle a laugh, pressing her face into Militsa's neck.
"Val, that tickles!" she complained, trying to shove her away, but Valkyrie held on tight, pressing a kiss there instead. 
"Does it?"
"Stop it- ow!" In her attempts to push Valkyrie off, accompanied by a lot of giggling, Militsa accidentally tipped the pair of them off of the armchair, ending up sprawled in one another and laughing her head off as Valkyrie used the opportunity to tickle her.
"Val- Val, I swear- Val, no!" Batting at Valkyrie's hands helplessly and barely able to breathe from laughter, Militsa's freckled face was already flushed red, making Valkyrie laugh as well and just tickle harder, already aware of Tanith filming the pair on her phone.
China, of course, barely gave them a glance.
Eventually, Valkyrie flopped on Militsa, who let out a huff as Valkyrie's larger weight was dropped on top of her like a sack of potatoes.
"You're a bitch," the redhead complained, kissing her cheek.
Valkyrie grinned. "Your bitch."
"Could the pair of you please get a room?" asked China, putting the laptop aside, and Valkyrie sprang up to see what she'd ordered and put it through, laughing at the way she'd managed to make even Domino's look fancy.
"Never," she said as she put the order though, sitting in Militsa's lap before she could get up again. "Aren't you used to this by now?"
China just rolled her eyes and settled back, eyes on the movie, but there was a small, amused smile n her face.
Valkyrie grinned.
When the pizza came, Valkyrie wasn't sure if she'd ever seen someone even half as excited as Tanith seemed - practically dancing as the boxes were laid out.
"It smells so good!" she exclaimed, dumping herself on the floor to grab some. Militsa and Valkyrie followed suit, but China seemed more hesitant.
"Is there no cutlery?"
Even Tanith stopped chewing, cheese and barbecue sauce somehow all over her face already. "What? It's pizza, China."
"Yes, and? You eat meals with a knife and fork, don't you?"
"Not pizza." Tanith looked shocked by the very idea.
"But...You're touching it."
A pause. 
"With your hands."
Another pause, this one longer.
China and Tanith seemed to regard each other for a long moment before Valkyrie cut in. 
"China, there's cutlery in the kitchen, if you're that fussy."
"I am not fussy," she said instantly. "I just don't appreciate being covered in grease and sauce." The latter comment was accompanied by a long, long look at Tanith.
"You won't be, promise." Valkyrie grinned. "Tanith is just a messy eater."
"Am not!" In the couple of minutes or so that they'd been eating, Tanith had already managed to cram two slices of pizza down, and her mouth was once again full. Xena was by her, gazing up at her and silently begging for scraps, but Valkyrie knew that she'd have an easier time getting blood from a stone.
With a dramatic sigh, China moved to get herself a knife and fork with a muttered comment beneath her breath, and Militsa grinned. "Typical."
"Hey, be nice. My God, that smells disgusting, by the way." The latter of Valkyrie's comments was aimed at Militsa's pizza, with unidentifiable grey... fish? smeared all over it, looking as unappetising as possible.
"You just said to be nice, Val," Militsa grumbled, taking a bite of her pizza and actually bothering to swallow before she added, "Take your own damn advice."
"I never claimed that I wasn't a hypocrite," Valkyrie said with a shrug, eating her own pizza as China came back with her cutlery, kneeling by the pizza box as if it were going to shit on her.
In fact, all eyes on the room were on her, all three girls clearly amused by the way she cut small, delicate pieces of pizza off and ate them as elegantly as one could eat pizza, not a scrap of her lip gloss even smudging. It was incredibly impressive, Valkyrie had to admit.
But eventually, the pizza was finished, much to Tanith's clear disappointment - even if it was late, she still insisted on ordering more food, which was turned down firmly until she was shut up by China lobbing a cushion at her.
"Just watch the bloody film, Tanith," Militsa said, but was grinning. "Nerd."
"You're a nerd too," was her only response, flopping back on the sofa again, this time with approximately six blankets and a duvet, which Valkyrie could have sworn were untouched in the corner mere seconds ago.
Not that she bothered with it; the night grew later, and soon it was midnight, then two am. They'd changed, and China had fallen asleep some time ago, not waking despite their hushed laughter at the Cards Against Humanity they whipped out, films long forgotten. Very few of the rounds ended in something appropriate, and when it eventually became a struggle for the remaining three to keep their eyes open, they retired to go to sleep as well; Valkyrie and Militsa in a tangle of duvet on the floor, and Tanith happy on the couch with Xena sprawled on her.
It had been a fun night.
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velvetchen · 7 years ago
Anonymous | pt. v
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Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 2226 Rating: T
Summary: Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never met? You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them

<< previous part x next part >>
[12:03 AM] You: hey C, you awake? [12:05 AM] C: yeah what’s up? [12:05 AM] You: oh cool [12:05 AM] You: what are you doing~~ [12:07 AM] C: you know me, always working [12:08 AM] C: new song [12:08 AM] C: it’s coming along well i don’t want to interrupt it by going to bed [12:09 AM] You: you still haven’t let me hear any of your songs :( [12:10 AM] You: we’ve been texting for a while now and i still don’t even know your name [12:11 AM] You: i mean it’s fine like this but i can’t help but wonder [12:15 AM] C: trust me, S [12:15 AM] C: there’s a reason i’m so private
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Anonymous asked: Lmao you think by blocking me you’re safe? I can do a lot, you know
Oh, you again
Anonymous asked: You don’t seem excited to see me :(
Anonymous asked: I just wanna know who my favorite author is, is that so bad?
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posts about #webtoon and #me
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oo3043j: I know who you are
oo3043j: You think just because we’re your fans, you don’t owe us anything?
oo3043j: Lol bitch
oo3043j: Let me just say I’ve done some research on you
oo3043j: And I don’t just know your name

oo3043j: I know C’s too
oo3043j: I don’t think it’s a name you want your fans to know. Given how much hate you’re already getting
oo3043j: Do I have your attention yet?
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Meditate on this empty tumblr for a while.
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[8:03 AM] C: hey how’s it going with that anon who was harassing you? :( [8:08 AM] You: oh it’s fine they backed off kinda [8:09 AM] You: well not really but i’m seeing if the cold shoulder works [8:10 AM] C: ahh i see~~ [8:10 AM] You: C just tell me one thing [8:10 AM] You: should i be worried about you? [8:12 AM] C: i get the feeling you’re not asking about my health... [8:13 AM] You: i’m serious [8:13 AM] You: who are you, really [8:16 AM] C: is that anon putting you up to this? [8:17 AM] You: what, i can’t have my doubts? [8:19 AM] C: come on, what are they saying about me [8:25 AM] You: i don’t have to tell you anything
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Posted on 29 November with 44 notes
So, webtoon developments aside (I’ll get to that in my next post, don’t worry) I’m sure all you shortcakes remember C? Yup, the guy who was flirting with S in the old days when SS was just starting to go viral. Yes, him. Well, if you’ve been keeping up with S as obsessively as I have, you probably know that they’ve been DMing ever since. Yup. And S said they’re almost best friends. Yuuuup.
So if you ship it, oh boy have I got some good news for you. It might not be from the most reliable - or ethical - source, but hey, gossip is gossip, right?
Should I post it on here or do you guys wanna shoot me a DM for the dirt?
I’m doing this for Chi @soldmyseoul 

 if I go to jail, it’s her fault okay? Lol
The deets are: someone tracked C’s IP and figured out he’s an idol. A REAL LIFE IDOL.
You better believe it.
Update on this - they actually hacked S’s phone. I don’t know how much I trust this info but yeah they used C’s phone number to verify his location and the address on file for his number is apparently the address of the SM building in Cheongdam-dong, Seoul.  
Like I said this is probably false, they could just be making this up for attention. Everything seems super unlikely.
yeah you’re wrong about it being false. they did hack S’s phone. idk who it was but they leaked some pictures on a blog and it’s since been taken down, but there are a lot of posts about how they hacked into her phone and how she’s a total no good bitch and whatever.... :/
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[1:22 PM] You: C i need you to tell me [1:22 PM] You: i’m honestly getting freaked out [1:23 PM] You: they hacked into my phone and my pictures are being uploaded and i think they might have got your number too [1:29 PM] C: S i really don’t want to tell you [1:29 PM] C: i respect your privacy, don’t i? [1:31 PM] You: privacy isn’t even a goddamn issue here, it’s a matter of my safety [1:31 PM] You: and your safety too [1:32 PM] You: honestly when you’re as famous as i am, nothing is as simple as it sounds [1:33 PM] C: oh you wanna talk to me about fame? [1:33 PM] C: you know nothing about fame, okay [1:34 PM] C: this is nothing. compared to how some people live [1:34 PM] You: oh and how would YOU know
C is typing

C is typing

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Anonymous asked: You really think because you’re famous you have a chance with an idol? Back off
I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about?
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oo3043j: Aren’t you wondering how I found your photos? Hahaha
This user has been blocked.
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[6:56 PM] C: okay fine [6:57 PM] C: you deserve to know [6:57 PM] C: meet me at midnight at this address [7:00 PM] C: sent a map location [7:01 PM] C: i’ll explain everything
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[7:12 PM] You: jia he asked me to meet him [7:12 PM] You: should i??? [7:13 PM] You: i mean things are getting absolutely crazy and i just want everything to stop [7:13 PM] You: but what if he’s....you know [7:14 PM] Jia: a serial killer?? Lol [7:15 PM] Jia: i get why you’re worried, i would be too [7:15 PM] Jia: i mean, all this hate stuff started because of him in a way [7:15 PM] Jia: honestly i think you should go [7:16 PM] Jia: it would definitely sort things out [7:16 PM] Jia: i’ll come with you, if that helps [7:17 PM] You: thanks so much jia ;-;
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It was a quarter to eleven when you finally left the house. By some stroke of luck, the location C had chosen happened to be close by. You’d been surprised, and not in a good way. What if he was a stalker? What if you were walking straight into a trap?
You let out a breath. You knew him - from what you had gathered, he was possibly the most harmless person you’d ever seen. Someone who wanted to hurt you wouldn’t have been so nice, would they?
You didn’t know.
The meeting place he’d picked was a children’s park. At night it was eerie, and the sounds of the wind through the metal structures sounded too much like whispers. Were you alone? It certainly didn’t feel like it. It felt like there were eyes on you from every direction. You shivered as you made your way over to a bench and sat down, flinching at the cold metal of it.
It was ten minutes later that you finally saw a figure coming down the pathway to the park, clad in black and making shuffling footsteps that grew louder as he approached. You held your breath. Was it him? Was it C? You wanted to stand up, but decided not to draw attention to yourself. Jia was waiting in the car within screaming distance. If he turned out to be anyone but C - or if he was, and he tried something - you were pretty sure you could make a safe getaway.
He looked right at you when he entered the park, footsteps ceasing as he stepped onto the sand. He wore a hoodie, but you could still make out his features: a round face, high cheekbones, wide eyes. “S?” He said quietly.
You stood up at last. “C? Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” He sounded exactly like you’d expected. It was definitely him. “You came.”
“I did,” you said awkwardly, crossing your arms over your stomach. “Are you going to explain?”
He reached up to run a hand through his hair and in the process knocked back his hood, exposing his bright red hair to the wind. Quickly, he yanked it back up. “I should, shouldn’t I? Sit - sit down, I’ll tell you.” You backed down onto the bench and sat again, pressing yourself to the opposite end to maximize the distance between the both of you.
“My name is Park Chanyeol,” he started, sitting down. The name was familiar - where had you heard it?
“And I’m an idol. I’m Chanyeol from EXO.” He swallowed, the bobbing of his throat visible. Almost imperceptibly, he winced, like he wished he hadn’t told you.
You froze. “You’re...an
“I’m an idol.”
“That’s why you were-” you looked away, frowning. “I get it now.”
There was a pause. Even though you knew each other well, meeting him in the flesh was a whole new monster. He felt unreachable after his confession. A million miles away. “Well. Thanks for telling me, I guess. It clears up a lot.”
You stood, making to leave. Chanyeol’s hand shot out to grab your wrist, his eyes flicking from his grip on you to your face and back. “Wait, S, don’t go.”
Unsteadily, you sat back down, not taking your eyes off him. “I...you’ll still talk to me, right? Won’t you?”
You answered truthfully. “I don’t know.”
“Please.” He moved closer to you, eyes pleading.
You wanted to say okay, but you couldn’t believe it. He was an idol, a thousand times removed from your simple life. How could you go on talking to him knowing who he actually was, having met him? Realizing he had talked to you for no other reason than him liking your work and by extension, you? It was overwhelming. “Why?”
“Well, why not?” He grinned, a quick smile that lit up his features and then faded as fast as it had come. “Oh, did I make you feel uncomfortable? I’m sorry. I, uh,” he leaned away, pushing himself to the other end of the bench like you had. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t realize what it would be like for you. I’m sorry.”
You looked down at your hands. “Do you really want to talk to me?”
That smile was back. “Yeah. Obviously. Otherwise I wouldn’t have messaged you in the first place.” Gaining some sort of courage, he leaned back toward you, his hand lightly covering yours. “I’m just a normal person, S. I swear. You have nothing to be afraid of.”
You met his eyes. “I’m not afraid.”
“Good.” He swallowed again. “So I can go home and expect you to text me back?”
A tiny laugh escaped you. “Okay. Yes. Okay.”
He got up first, holding out his hand to help you, face falling just slightly when you didn’t take it and got up on your own. You might have agreed to keep talking to him, but you weren’t ready for anything else. Despite his assurance that he was just as normal as you, you still couldn’t feel like he was a real person at all. You wished it were easy to accept it - but it wasn’t.
“Did you come by yourself?”
You shook your head. “Oh, good, then. You can make it to the car alone?”
Again speechless, you nodded.
He looked reluctant to let you go. “Okay,” he finally said. “It was nice seeing you.”
“You too,” you choked out, and without another word, turned to leave. You could feel his eyes on you all the way back to your car. When you were out of sight, you ran.
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[12:49 AM] C: did you get home safe? [12:53 AM] You: i did, thank you :) [12:55 AM] C: i should be thanking you [12:55 AM] C: again, i realize you might have been really uncomfortable [12:56 AM] C: shit, all that hate you’re getting is because of me [12:56 AM] C: i’m really sorry :( i didn’t know what i was getting you into [12:57 AM] You: it’s okay [12:57 AM] You: i just still can’t believe [12:57 AM] You: i’m glad you told me, i’m a little more at peace now [12:58 AM] You: there’s still some shit going on but this helps [12:58 AM] C: glad to hear that :)
[1:05 AM] C: by the way, did i mention you’re beautiful? [1:06 AM] C: i meant to tell you after comiccon, but i forgot [1:06 AM] You: don’t say things like that ;;;;; [1:07 AM] C: why not? it’s true [1:07 AM] C: i’ve never seen anyone more beautiful than you [1:08 AM] You: are you just saying that so that i’ll talk to you more? [1:08 AM] C: :) [1:08 AM] C: S, maybe you should know something else too [1:09 AM] You: oh god, what now, you’re a gang leader? [1:10 AM] C: come on [1:10 AM] C: i’m serious, S [1:11 AM] C: i meant to tell you at the park but stopped myself every time [1:11 AM] C: i should’ve told you then [1:12 AM] C: S, i think i’m in love with you
168 notes · View notes
cannedapricot · 7 years ago
Phantom Thief! Park Jihoon
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This is legit the whole reason I’m starting this blog sovdbiosb. Inspired by Detective Conan, Saint Tail and the Cat’s Eye because they’re nostalgic asf and I love them. Also, Jihoon in a white suit would be a pleasant sight.
rightrightight ok
phantom thief! jihoon works with phantom thief! park woojin
they go by the name “PS”
which everyone thinks means something deep af
PS actually stands for “Pink Sausage”
but no one needs to know
everyone also thinks that it’s just one person
but in this au everyone’s clueless so please let it slide
what do they steal?
they steal hearts
lol jk
the two steal “priceless” paintings, sculptures and all sorts of art resulting in the town calling them art thieves
but the only art the duo steals are the ones that don’t belong where they are
they also drop not so subtle hints at the police about the illegal item
for example, there was this one time when an owner of a museum put up a painting of the famous “Cafe Terrace at Night” by Vincent van Gogh, claiming that it was the original
he wanted more publicity for the museum
surprise, surprise
it was a fake
the citizens were clueless lmao
so off went the pink sausages
the museum and the fake painting was the headline on next morning’s newspaper
how the two know of the frauds you ask?
associate! jisung runs a coffee shop down the block and overhears everything
you would think that the police would let them be because they’re doing the right thing, bUT NO
speaking of the police
you are the daughter of a famous detective who has solved many crimes
you’ve grown up seeing your dad work and reading detective novels
you were like, “i wanna be a detective lmao how hard can it be”
its hard
especially when you use your dad’s high position and become a junior detective of some sorts
and get assigned to the PS case
ok that’s fine but,
“technically you could just let it slide and half ass your work,, i mean,,, they’re not stealing anything just for the sake of it-”
PS has been sending you calling cards on what, where and when they’ll be stealing something next
per your request of course
you kinda just screamed at one of the two one night while chasing them,
“heY, PS, YEAH YOU.”
PS stopped to look at you in amusement
he left without answering you
you were dejected
but then a note came for you!!
not like it help a whole lot but,,,
back to the present,
so, you’re in your last year of high school
park jihoon and park woojin happen to go to the same school as you but you, for some reason, have never ran into either of them in your whole high school career
 you have but you’re oblivious af
 the two know you of course
they fucking notify you every fortnight about their heists how could they not know you
heck, everyone knows you
you’re that one detective who’s never solved a case
but because fate loves a good show, jihoon transfers to your chemistry class in the middle of year
you’re like
in the dab smack middle of the year??? what- how-
apparently, he somehow screwed up a experiment in physics and the teacher had enough lmao
wow what a great thief amirite
your class bursts into whispers as soon as he steps in the lab
you just,,,, sent an uninterested glace his way then buried your head in your arms and went back to sleep
“ok guys, this is park jihoon, he’s a new addition to the class.”
“ohmygod he’s adorable”
“bless the heavens for some eye candy at last”
“look y/n it’s a cute dude why aren’t you reacting”
“fuck off, daehwi”
“alrighty jihoon you can sit next to bae jinyoung at the back over there. raise your hand jinyoung”
jihoon heads over to jinyoung and brushes past you on his way
you glance up as he does and you thought you saw him smirk? ?? ? ?
“how tired am i tf”
it’s not your imagination, jihoon recognizes you
after the class, jihoon rushes up to you and asks for your chemistry notes
“hi! y/n is it? could i borrow your notes?”
“?? you couldn’t borrow baejin’s?? why me?”
“uh,,,, i couldn’t read his handwriting,,,,, yeah! that’s why!!”
sounds fake but ok
you end up surrendering your chemistry notes to him
“thanks y/n!! you’re a life saver!!”
runs off like the cutie he is
daehwi slides up to you with jinyoung in tow while wiggling his eyebrows
“jinyoung has really neat handwriting if you ask me”
“yeah well, you’re practically in love with him so you think everything about him is neat”
“i- you’re not wrong”
jihoon returns your book to you the next lesson and everything goes as per usual for the next two weeks
until the next calling card arrives with a bang
you opened your book, expecting nothing to happen
but a fucking balloon went off above you or something the moment you opened it
and the calling card falls down with colored confetti onto your head
“i’ll be taking the sculpture from Jung’s house tonight -PS”
normally, calling cards would arrive without much,,, pow
like in the mailbox
all the students around you were shook
as were you
jihoon was just,,,,,, hiding his grin
daehwi and jinyoung walk into the class, takes one look at you and goes,
“what happened to you”
“it looks like a unicorn pooped on you”
jihoon’s new hobby unlocked!
teasing y/n!
so from then on out, all the calling cards would arrive with a huge noise
you hated the attention you were getting along with it
people actually thought you worked with PS!!
ok but jihoon would have the time of his life planning
“should i just write jeojang on the school notice board and the details underneath?”
“.... jihoon, your dumb aegyo has nothing to do with our heist”
“fine,,, i’ll bake y/n a cake instead”
woojin just sighs
jihoon has actually gotten quite close with you recently
daehwi and jinyoung readily accepted him and woojin in your little squad and you guys would frequent jisung’s cafe after school iaubfisbfvis thATS ACTUALLY SO CUTE IM CRYING
jihoon’s favorite pastime was still teasing you though
you did worse that jihoon on that chemistry quiz?
you’re never gonna hear the end of it
you fell face first into mud?
jihoon still has video he recorded to this day
the five of you were really close and y’all thought you knew everything about each other
you still had no idea that woojin and jihoon were PS
ffs y/n
the people you’re basically obsessed with are right in front of you
actually, jihoon’s just as obsessed with you tbh
daehwi, jinyoung and woojin has caught him staring at you on multiple occasions
he likes you
all the teasing basically lead to this
it’s not that jihoon hasn’t realized
he knows
but he ain’t about to admit that
a thief liking a detective??? psssh how absurd
but in jihoon’s eyes, all you ever cared about was PS
was he jealous of himself? yes
you,,, kinda,,, sorta felt things towards jihoon as well
but you ain’t about to admit that either
so you two just stay in a relationship full of teasing
the whole school lowkey thinks you’re together tho
one night, you were standing in front of another “priceless” art
courtesy of jihoon’s card earlier in the day
“i’ll be taking the min’s painting tonight hehe~~<3 -PS”
oh how the cards have changed over time
remember when i said that everyone thinks that PS is one person
well, everyone included you up til tonight
you were just strolling around the painting by yourself
the cops were situated around the building
complete with two standing in front of the door to the room with the painting
the plan was for you to stay in front of the painting all night and if PS came, you would tackle that bitch and call for backup
then PS actually came and all hell broke loose
the cops were running around trying to catch him, forgetting what the initial plan was
but for some dumb reason, they forgot to notify you
resulting in you having no idea what was happening outside the room lol
until finally, some cop remembered notified you via handheld radio
swearing under your breath, you decide to just sit and wait for PS to come into the room you were currently in
why run around if he was after the painting that you were right in front of
he’d have to come sooner or later
you then saw a shadow outside the window
white suite, white gloves and that familiar badge on his chest
no mistake, it had to be PS
and you rush to hide behind a corner
PS makes his way in and stands in front of the painting, seemingly admiring it
“it’s quite beautiful, such a shame that it was stolen”
nonetheless, you act according to plan and lunge for him
but in a swift motion, he clutches the painting and avoids you
“whoops, watch your step” he says, chuckling
you let out a noise that resembled a growl at him and lunge yet again
but he was already out the door
you ran after him
picking up your handheld radio, you were about to call for backup when suddenly you meet with another person dressed in a white suit
but he didn’t have a painting in his hands
you stopped running, trying to figure out a sensible reason
the figure brushed past you and jumped out a window
then you receive exasperated message from cop! daniel stating that PS has gotten his hands on the painting and is now running away
not forgetting to question your whereabouts
you were now confused
you were 100% sure you saw PS run out with the painting
but then you ran into him without the painting the same time as daniel saw him with the painting
the thief got away that night but you called up your dad and told him that the painting was a fake
your dad whooshed over in record time
after doing his research your dad had found out that the painting had originally belonged to a woman in her 60s
the person you had met tonight before the case was a man in his 40s
your dad arrested him on the spot
you hardly slept that night
wondering about if PS was just one person, how could he be at two places in the same time
you concluded that PS was two people
spoiler, woojin was the distraction and jihoon was the person you saw take the painting
you tried to convince your coworkers the next day but they wouldn’t believe you
in fact, they had gotten more suspicious of you
you were the only person who wasn’t there during the chase
frustrated, you complained to jinyoung (who i forgot to mention, was a cop in training oops)
jinyoung believed you
he knew how hard you worked just to find out who this guy was
but he couldn’t do much to help
so he just comforted you
you were thankful for him (I’M SO SOFT IDBFUVIS)
with no one able to help you out, you decided to take matters inyour own hands
you were drained the next school day
jihoon felt bad for making you chase after him to no avail
so he did aegyo for you
it worked
woojin and jinyoung ended up dragging him out of class because of the second hand embarrassment though
daehwi just,,,,
really hard
you received another card three weeks later
“i’ll be after the “gem of the sea” necklace tonight. sorry for making you run all the time :c -PS”
???? is this thief apologizing???
anyways, this time, you were ready to find out who he was
it was a fool-proof plan
you see, you were familiar with this museum and knew it like the back of your hand
you were already starting to feel sad about ending the three year chase
that night, you were situated in front of the necklace
with a dozen cops because they didn’t trust you lmao
the necklace was a beautiful royal blue and you could understand why people loved it
it shone even in the moonlight
when the clock hit ten, all lights were cut off in the room and turned back on in a matter of seconds
but the necklace was gone in the mere seconds the light turned off
cops started to stream out the door of the display room, running everywhere trying to catch the thief
you were about to do the same
but daniel stopped you
“nuh uh kiddo, let me check your pockets first”
so you were held back for a minute
you didn’t even give daniel time to apologize for suspecting you before you were out the door
cop! seongwoo announced that he saw PS in the left wing
but you head towards the right wing, knowing that there were two of them and the one seongwoo saw was likely a distraction
your suspicions were confirmed when you catch a glimpse of white
it was jihoon with the necklace
he was casually strolling towards the storage room where he would make his escape
jihoon had no idea you were after his ass
but as soon as he neared the window of the storage room, you appeared in the doorway
huffing because wow that was the quickest you had ever been
jihoon turned to you, the full moon shining through the full-length window behind him
it was a breathtaking sight
“oh, it seems as though i’m cornered”
“PS, obviously”
he chuckled, pulling the necklace out of his pocket
“after this? it’s quite pretty isn’t it? almost as pretty as you are”
holy shit
is this thief
f l i r t i n g with you????
you blushed
but blamed it on the exercise lmao
“it’s a shame that i can’t just steal you away”
but jihoon then notices that he’s taking way too long and woojin would beat his ass if he took longer
looking down, he finds a couple of cops below, waiting to see of anyone tries make an escape
jihoon sighs, opting to escape another way
aka jumping across trees until he reaches jisungs mini van lmao
so as you jump for nth time at time
he brushes past you whispering in that deep ass voice,
“i’ll save you in my heart instead”
leaving you shook af
“why did that remind me of that stupid jeojang thing jihoon does?”
you think you have a little crush on PS (with his low pitch voice lmao)
but your heart also goes crazy around park jihoon (and his high pitched voice obvfisbv)
you’re just like,
“do i really like two guys at once”
it’s one dude
but you didn’t need to know that
this was long and kinda crappy but here’s my first au!! sorry there wasn’t much jihoon here aaaa
please give me some feedback on how it was,,,, 2.7k words is a lo t, should i try make my next one shorter?
please ignore any mistakes haha,,,, i’m really tired and don’t wanna proof read fsovbuiqoebvo
thank you all for reading my shit though <3333
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kang-euigeoni · 8 years ago
Overtime pt. 1
Genre: Office!Au Daniel x Reader romance Summary: Daniel is newly transferred into the sales department, and is assigned to your team. You used to be the ace before he showed up, but he’s quickly become the team’s ace due to his drive and personality, which makes you jealous.
lmao hello first wanna one fic to mark the day i got obsessed with them just 2 weeks ago!!!!!!!
“Hey everyone! I brought coffee for the team!” A deep, yet bright voice rang out in the dreary office full of barely-awake employees. It was only 8:30am, which was way too early to be so cheerful, or so you thought to yourself. When a large hand placed a steaming styrofoam cup of black liquid on the desk in front of you, you could barely lift your head and look up through half-lidded eyes at the owner of the voice, Kang Daniel, the only person insane enough to be this noisy so early in the morning. In a crisp white long-sleeved shirt with his sleeves rolled up to his elbow and not a hair out of place, it seemed that as a newbie, he wasn’t yet affected by the stressful environment that the sales department seemed to harbor. Unlike you, his eyes were barely visible not from lack of sleep, but from his huge smile. You muttered a “thanks” before curtly reaching under your desk to plug in the charger for your work laptop.
“Oh! Let me,” Daniel said, and quickly knelt down at the same time to put his arm under the desk. You were about to argue that you were perfectly capable of doing it yourself, and quickly tried to beat him to it, when suddenly a sharp pain shot through your head. The two of you had accidentally bumped heads--and Daniel had a pretty thick skull. He immediately jumped up and apologized profusely, gently holding the top of your head with his hand. “Ohmygosh, I’m so sorry Y/N!! It was an accident! Are you okay?” he fussed. You pushed his hands away and rubbed the sore spot on your forehead. “I’m fine, don’t worry,” you said, annoyed that all this happened before your morning coffee, “Go back to work.” Secretly, you were flustered at being in such close contact with him; when he bent down, you noticed (not for the first time) his broad shoulders that were dangerously close to your legs, exposed because of the skirt you had decided to wear today. When he brought his face closer to yours to check your head, you didn’t want him to see the bright red flush in your cheeks. But you can’t let that get to you--you have work to do.
As if taking his cue, your teammate in the desk beside yours, Ong Seungwoo, turned in his desk chair and called, “Yo, new kid, where’s my coffee?” Daniel’s smile returned as he said, “coming right up!” and he headed over to the other desk, where he and Seungwoo would probably continue their loud banter for the next half hour or so, as they did every morning. But today, Seungwoo must have been feeling mischievous.
“Hey, Kang, what do you think of Y/N?” Seungwoo whispered, loud enough that I could hear but not too loud, so that if I complained, he would say I was eavesdropping. Damn that guy, this is what you get for being friends with him. Still, you pretended not to hear but waited for Daniel’s reply. “Oh, Y/N? Uh, she’s pretty cool, I guess! She always does well and I look up to her?” It was the generic answer you expected, as you never really had a decent conversation with Daniel. Because you used to be the best salesperson on the team before Daniel showed up, you considered him your rival. Ever since he showed up, he had been consistently doing better than you in your monthly performance evaluations, and it was getting on your nerves. After all, you were aiming for a promotion in the next three months. You just didn’t feel the need to get friendly with him, though you honestly found him attractive. Still, you couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed in his reply. 
Seungwoo then whispered, “You don’t think she’s cute at all?” You only heard Daniel chuckle, which made you blush, and you were glad that you were facing away from Seungwoo’s desk at the moment. Your manager called Daniel at that moment, sparing you from any more details, and you turned around and glared at your deskmate. He just flashed a smile and made a finger heart, and you gave him the finger. He made a comically shocked face, shaping his mouth in an elongated “o” and clutching his chest, and you laughed at that before turning around and getting started on your sales reports.
It was the end of the work day and you were finally getting somewhere, as your deskmate left you alone in peace for most of the day. According to your reports, your sales value in units had gone up by 30% in the last month, one of the highest for the year. You were proud that all your hard work paid off. More importantly, your report had taken two whole days to finish up, but you had thankfully finished before tomorrow’s deadline.
Suddenly, your laptop crashed for no reason. You immediately panicked--two days’ worth of work was gone. The laptop wouldn’t turn on when you pressed the power button, and you were helpless--technology was not your strong suit. You looked desperately around for someone who could help, but everyone seemingly packed up and left, even your manager. With no choice left, you despairingly booted up a spare laptop and pulled up the files you had fortunately saved online--but you had to redo a months’s worth of reports by tomorrow. It looked like you weren’t going to be able to go home tonight. You were tired and on the verge of tears, even as you typed unhaltingly.
All of a sudden, you heard the office door open. You look up to see Daniel’s head poking inside with a look of concern. “Hey Y/N, uh, I saw the light on, I thought no one was here so I was gonna turn them off. You working overtime again? You sure are hardworking,” he scratched the back of his neck. Then, he took a closer look at your puffy eyes and runny nose. Concerned, he came inside and closed the door behind him. “Y/N, what’s wrong? Is this about hitting your head? I’m sorry about that--”
“It’s not you, Daniel,” you sigh, frustrated. “My laptop crashed and my reports--they were there and I didn’t get to save them and tomorrow’s the deadline.” you were nearly sobbing at this point, gasping after ever other word, trying not to cry. Your job wasn’t easy, and the pressure of constantly overworking yourself had reached a boiling point with this meltdown.
“Calm down, I can help.” Daniel came and stood beside you, grabbing a nearby tissue box and handing it to you. “Show me your computer.”
You reached beside you to open your non-functioning laptop. He pulled up a chair beside you and you once again noticed his wide shoulders. You could feel a comforting warmth where his upper arm brushed yours, and he was so close you could smell the faint scent of shampoo. You were getting distracted, you reminded yourself.
Amazingly, he pressed a series of buttons and the laptop whirred to life, displaying a blue screen and miscellaneous text you couldn’t understand. “How did you do that?” you asked. He smiled again so that his eyes were barely visible, “did you forget? I transferred into this department from the IT department.” He began typing away at the blue screen, his face now serious, and you couldn’t help but stare at his features from up close. His pink lips were slightly parted as he was deep in thought, his smooth skin glowed from the bright blue light of the laptop, and with his eyes open, he looked thoughtful and determined. His long fingers typed gracefully yet rapidly on the keys as if they were a piano. Unconsciously, you were leaning closer to him.
So close, in fact, that when he turned to you, your faces were inches away from each other. You reflexively jumped back, acting as if you were leaning closer to the screen and not to him; you couldn’t even bear to look at his face. Unbeknownst to you, he chuckled giddily at the closeness. “All done! Your files should have autosaved, you can check,” he said, pushing the laptop towards you. You quickly looked through your recent files, found that your reports were safe and sound, and gave a sigh of relief. “Thank you so much, Daniel. You have no idea how grateful I am,” you exclaimed, glad that you wouldn’t have to stay up for hours rewriting, “if there’s anything I can do to pay you back, let me know.”
With his elbow on the desk, he propped his chin on his hand and said, “How about having dinner with me? Since I guess you were planning to stay up late anyway.”
pt. 2 here!
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sorcieresque · 7 years ago
12, 13, 14, 18, 19
What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)?
oh god i commiserate with casper on this one cause daisy is supposed to be super witty and super sharp, which i never feel like i live up to. smart and witty characters are really only as smart as witty as the person writing them and i know this is the wrong question to say this but like her i push myself really hard and rarely give myself enough credit so no matter how i write daisy’s dialogue i always feel like it could have been better, funnier, more concise, more poetic, and just more of it, cause she, like nick, never fucking shuts up. 
most of the time though, when i go back and read old stuff i realize that it actually was pretty good (if i do say so myself) so i know a lot of the time my impression of her dialogue being lackluster has more to do with her/my impossible expectations for my own abilities
 daisy’s only as hard on herself as i am hard on myself writing her. its an oroburos of perfectionism 
re: drawing her, the fact that i choose a real life face-claim so i can never quite get her face right without references. her eyes are so far apart you guys 
s o    f a r     a p a r t 
 How far past the canon events that take place in their world have you extended their story, if at all?
in ye olde h*rry p*tter au, she became somewhat of a (non racist lol) second coming of voldemort in the pursuit of power, glory and recognition, because i’ve come to terms with her being a bit of a mary sue and also because it was the logical conclusion of her character in that au, a relentless pursuit of something that was never quite enough for her own personal standards which made her aimless and wrathful. there was a lot less genocide lol for obvious reasons, but she did murder a bunch of people who challenged her and lighted the match that eventually led to the human world knowing about the wizarding world. what a way to go down in history. through this all she let go of nick because she saw her emotional attachment to him as a weakness, but when it came between proving herself and killing him she ended up saving his life instead at the cost of all of her power and took out her following in the processes. i know technically you can’t bring people back to life in the HP universe but again 1) mary sue, and 2) it really showed the size and scope of her power and the magnitude of her sacrifice, and i really loved the idea of adding onto the h*rry p*tter themes of love and that love is the most powerful force, but also that love washes away sins, that even when you’ve done horrible things you’re still worthy of love and love can save you. 
after she saves nick though she goes to azkaban for 15 years and then she’s in house arrest i think for another 10, because the magic jury goes soft on her given that she no longer has any power, the magical media was an absolute sucker for that kind of love story, and also because the magical word is stupid and i didnt want her to spend the rest of her life in jail. she spends most of those 25 years trying to make amends with nick, who eventually forgives her. she also never quite adapts properly to living without magic
after that she just travels the world with nick and writes and writes and writes, including thousands of stories but most importantly an incredibly popular autobiography
i have a vague idea of what i want her to do in WSC but like, daisy is greater than life, she’s a historical figure, a religious icon, a myth and a messiah, the pursuit of worldwide recognition and power is SUCH a huge part of her that it’s going to feel so weird and
 incomplete, if she doesn’t at least attempt some kind of massive, universal-stakes type of feat in this universe
i actually don’t want to give too many details because of spoilers, but my number one priority right now is giving her a purpose so she’s not so aimless, and that purpose is figuring out where she’s from and who she really is. disney pixar much? more likely than you think. and also hopefully pushing her towards chaotic neutral, or even, gasp, good? (unlikely). 
If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be?
i’m having a hard time with this one for some reason but i’m going to forego speech patterns and say that 
1) up until WSC daisy’s life had been an exercise in how much it would actually suck to be OP in a world where no one quite lives up to your level (she sees nick as an equal in terms of wits and depth and humanity, but it had always been an understanding between them that she had power and he didn’t. not in a threatening way, of course, just as something that is), so she is always bored and that boredom makes her difficult and petty and annoying and cruel and dissatisfied and self-destructive. therefore, coming to WSC has done wonders for her personality (lmao) because she’s finally among people who could rise up to her level, because everyone’s as weird as she’s always been and she isn’t alone, and most importantly because now she’s rarely bored. it’s actually quite hard to make her hate your kid because her fascination is always gonna triumph over her momentary dislike or annoyance, and she’s always a tiny bit in a manic state when she interacts with your kids (see: aud, reagan, moire, gabe) because they’re just so fucking interesting
2) layers. like an onion. there’s so many layers. she’s so fucking convoluted. i’ve talked about this before here and this is already so long so i don’t wanna get into it, but the crux of the idea is that there’s always more daisy the deeper you dig, and most of the time she’s trying to make herself as mythical and tortuously complex as she can make herself be because she’s both trying to protect the soft parts of her where people can hurt her, and because she’s begging people to see through her bullshit and reach those parts, anyway.
What is the most recent thing you’ve discovered about your OC? 
i actually haven’t been writing her a lot lately cause my spoons are low, but the most recent thing that comes to mind is how much more into clea (shout out!) she is than i originally thought/intended lmao. it’s a weird combo of being desperate for friendship and connections, and also never having been around girl-aligned people she isn’t related to and therefore having this idealized version of hanging out with her ~girlfriends~ which involves a lot of lesbianism like scantily clad sleepovers and kissing each other to practice for “””boys.”” 
and of course there’s a more sincere layer of just being constantly fascinated and confused by how different clea is from her and trying to parse that out. clea and daisy balance each other our so well and i think they allow each other to be more like the way they want to be but are too embarrassed to say out loud. clea definitely lets daisy be more of the teenager that daisy is too proud to let herself be, so even when she acts prim and prissy and greater-than-life around clea, they still do a wonderful job of keeping her grounded. also daisy is hopelessly attracted to the whole 4d thing because she’s always been the only person around who’s not quite right, and there’s a lot of intimacy in that recognition, a weird convoluted self-love in seeing and celebrating in someone else what you’ve always struggled with yourself
What is your favorite fact about your OC?
just like w/ misha, don’t quote me on this because i love her! so much! so it’s impossible to pick just one but i just love
 all her imperfections, not to be a massive sap (girl ur amazing
 just the way you are
) but i love the things that make her weird and random and vulnerable and human, i like that she craves connections but has no fucking clue how to make friends, i love her weird obsession with unicorns, i love how convoluted her vent is because she thinks too fast to write things down coherently, i love writing her when her magic fucks up or when she’s so upset she cries or being awkward because there’s cute people around her or being comfortable enough to make silly jokes and just in general i love when she’s uncool and clumsy and a teenager. i’m gay!
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blacknovelist · 8 years ago
Lifetimes  (BNHA Ageswap AU Fic)
Anyway, @dragonfishdreams sent me an “X me” prompt forever ago asking for a thing with Ageswap!Enji being part of the Shouto Protection Squad for canon Todo and I spent what free time I had since then trying to figure out how to go about it, until I forgot about it and subsequently remembered it and the fact that I really should have asked @guardianlioness to help me figure out those ideas sooner, but, well. Better late than never. I aggressively speed-wrote it this morning and edited it at noon, lmao; I hope you like it! 
I wanted to write this kind of just as a little warmup kind of thing while I work on A Place to Be - which, by the way, is still a thing! I’m just trying to finish the whole fic before I start posting it again. This is set in canon verse, wherein Ageswap 1-A and a small miscellaneous variety of other Ageswap teachers and students end up transported to and start staying at UA until they can get the whole situation sorted out.
(Ageswap AU Tag)
[ffnet] [AO3]
If things don’t work out in this lifetime, maybe they will in the next. If not then, maybe a different lifetime altogether.
Enji is done with Endeavor’s shit.
"I expect you to return by four for training before I leave, Shouto."
It is a simple statement, innocuous in all honesty, and spoken by anyone else it would have been taken as a father wanting to see his son before their schedules tore them apart. Hell, it isn't even the first time he's interrupted their outings by all but ordering his son to stay by his side, if the words shared in secret while the pro's back was turned were any indication. Potential justification after justification spring to mind for Endeavor to not even let his son go out with friends for more than an hour, and all of them feel weak. There are still be people out there who believe that Endeavor really cares, Enji knows, people who believe he does this for Shouto's sake, and the thought makes his fire want to flare and buckle and snap out just like Endeavor's does. He doesn't let it.
He's seen the forced apathy on Shouto's face when Endeavor stands by his side, the tension when Endeavor's hand moves to lay on his shoulder.
So instead Enji pauses- patience frayed from a near-full two days of Mr. "Number-1-hero-by-technicality" and the past week of mixed surreal familiarity (this is home but it isn't) - and turns on his heel to march back. Behind and around him the two classes freeze, their faces a mix of confusion and anticipation. Shouto's face remains blank and he says nothing, but he does discreetly shuffles towards Toshinori. The rest of the teachers carefully place themselves between them and the duo, and usher them a bit further down the path.
Deku and his father meet his gaze as he passes, solemn and understanding, and let him go; this is about more than the news of what this man sharing his name has done, more than the ghosts that flicker over Shouto's face when he catches view of Enji from the corner of his eye, more than the bitterness that makes itself at home on this alternate man's face.
It's everything at once, and so much more. He should leave this to Shouto, really; be a pal and support him from the side, but Enji is equal parts big brother and hero-in-training, and it's a hero's duty to butt their noses into just about everything. And besides the matter, there's something he wants to know.
"Endeavor," Enji says, voice low and blank. "Before we leave, may I ask you something?"
Endeavor blinks down at himself. "Very well," he says. "Out with it. What's your question?'
"What drives you?"
A beat. "Excuse me?"
"I'm sure you heard me, sir. Your inspiration, your drive; what makes you want to be a pro hero? What goals do you have that are so important you married and had children just to see it fulfilled by your family, if not you?" Enji doesn't step forward, but there's a weight to his words that carry just as much of an impact. Their wills war against each other for just a moment, metaphorical sparks flying.
"To be number one, of course," Endeavor replies, appearance unruffled by the force in his voice. "To surpass All Might's legacy and stand as the best of the best. Shouldn't you already know this, boy?"
"If my goals were the same as yours, I'm sure, but that's not the case." Enji leans back, studies him. "Do you really think the way to send him to the top is by pushing Todoroki-kun to the point that he still hesitates to use half his quirk? By training him to the point he can't even move for hours after?"
"If there's something you need to say, child, spit it out," Endeavor says. "I don't have time for circles of questions to sate curiosity, even from myself."
"Our names are the only thing we've got in common," Enji corrects. "But if you're certain, then let me say that one less training session isn't going to impact anyone's regime. Rest days are important, but I'm sure this is hardly new information for you, sir."
Eyes narrow at the young doppelganger, the first break in the facial impasse they were locked in. "And what would you know?"
"Mostly what my father's training tells me, since we share a schedule when he isn't teaching."
Endeavor glances at the group, at the split hair and grave features of his son turned adult from another world. "I give him more than enough time to cool down between our sessions. I would never do anything to impact his performance as a future hero."
"Shit job you've done of that, already." Enji steps away, steel in his gaze, "we'll probably be gone for the rest of the afternoon, if the teachers say it's alright. There's too many of us for one of them to leave just to make sure one of us has supervision on the way back, so you'll have to wait for next time." He spins on his heel again, and not even Endeavor can fight against the stares pointed his way when he reaches to stop him.
"You act like you know so much, boy," Endeavor says, instead. "You say we are different people, but my goals and ambitions are every much a part of you as they are a part of me. Tell me: what is your drive to being a hero, if it's not to be the number one? What makes you think you and your goals are any better than mine?!"
"Being a hero and saving people is enough for me," Enji says, back still turned, and Endeavor's frown deepens. "Going the full mile to become a pro to achieve something for yourself alone is a disgrace to Pro's and their ideals everywhere, and I'm glad I grew out of it. Heroes like you are exactly why people like Stain feel the need to act."
"Are you telling me I am less of a hero than a criminal like Stain, or a child like you?"
"I'm saying you've done good things for society and it doesn't change the fact that you're a shitty dad and an ass of a person in general, and I'm taking your son with us for ice cream whether you like it or not."
His piece said and done, Enji trots past the four teachers and starts to coax the group in the general direction of where he remembers the food is; after a moment they start to follow, conversation hesitantly rising among them. Three of the adults trail after to keep an eye out, Endeavor left behind as the shell shocked image of a man who's just been told off by his past self. The elder Todoroki Shouto lingers, and turns to him.
"Your career is the result of your dream and desire for superiority evolving into an obsession of ridiculous proportions, and your refusal to acknowledge that you've been doing this wrong is the reason you've wasted and damaged the lives of your entire family," he says. "The title of number one is yours, and you still find yourself unhappy with the fact that you've reached your goal just because of the way it came to you. If I couldn't be number one or two in my lifetime with the same quirk as your son, what makes you think he can be what you want him to be? Your efforts have been fruitless and life-destroying, and you have no one to blame but yourself."
And with that, the number one Pro Hero Endeavor is left standing in front of UA's Heights Alliance dorms, the figures of teacher and student alike disappearing across the grounds.
As soon as they've all sat down with their frozen treats, the two class 1-A's collectively burst into excessive chatter over the events from barely ten minutes ago.
"Dude, that was awesome!"
"I can't believe you actually said that to his face and just walked away."
"You totally wrecked him and I almost wish I took a video."
"His face was priceless, did you see?"
"I haven't seen you tear into someone like that since that one incident with Thirteen."
"Any particular reason for suddenly deciding you were up to here with older-other-you's shit?"
"I wanted to ask a question, I got my answer." Enji shrugs, grinning around the pink spoon in his mouth. "Make sure you kick my ass if I'm ever half the guy he is, got it?"
"Sure thing," Shouta replies, flicking Yamada's grabby fingers away from vibrant cherries lining his bowl's rim.
"And Todoroki-kun, listen." The boy in question glances up for just a moment before looking away, whipped cream on his lip, "Older me isn't somebody you've gotta learn how to get along with, like me and my dad. That’s not your bridge to rebuild. You've got your guys to back you up if he comes on your ass, too, and most of us-" Enji waves his head and spoon towards everyone else in the room - "would come running if you asked and we had the chance. So if he doesn't put the effort in, don't even bother. You don't need him."
"That's true, and... easier said than done," Shouto says. He's staring resolutely at the table, but when Enji slides the colored sprinkles his way he lets himself meet the other boy's eyes. "But I appreciate the sentiment. Thanks."
Enji turns his grin towards him. "Any time, mini-dad."
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alo-piss-trancy · 5 years ago
Are there any sdr2 characters that you don’t like or just aren’t very interested in?
It's actually neat getting this question because I can see where some characters I used to dislike/find annoying in the beginning have worked their way up. For example, I initially despised Te/ruTeru, but after his backstory reveal I ended up feeling some sympathy for him and realized despite some traits, he wasn't entirely a bad guy (and I'm assuming his social link will endear him to me a little once I get around to it in island mode).
In fact, I can only really think of two I actively dislike/hate now: Nag/ito and Hiy/oko.
Real quick: Obviously these are all solely my opinions! I have no problem with my followers viewing characters differently, so even if you're the biggest fan of these chars I hope y'all know you're always welcome on my blog! 💛 Feel free to ramble in my inbox about them or chatter about omo, I genuinely enjoy discussing things or seeing different hcs even if I don't share them and I love seeing people be passionate about whatever makes them happy! Heck, sometimes fan ideas even end up changing my mind or at least make fun aus!
Now back to the question:
Hiy/oko's behavior in many instances was just appalling, and the way she cared about Mah/iru, while sad/sweet, still couldn't make up for all of her other bullshit. I can't stand little snots and I don't like 'loli' characters, so she's basically a 2-for-1 special on tropes I find irritating. Also high pitched voices are grating on my ears. After finishing the game I still stand by my original sentiment: Good Riddance Bitch. She will not be missed. As a note, I haven't done her FTEs yet so maybe it'll change, but I think it's pretty unlikely.
Na/gito is just. Idk where to start with him tbh. He definitely serves his role in the plot well, has great interactions with the rest of the cast, and really made me feel like I was struggling and he was so smugly one step ahead. I appreciate him as part of the story and it wouldn't be the same without him (Some of the memes about him are also really funny lmao). That being said, as far as his character and my personal tastes go, I fucking hate him lmao. Not 'villain I love to hate'. I just can't stand him and am lowkey annoyed at how popular/'woobified' he is in some parts of the fandom. My feelings on him are pretty similar to Ak/echi from p/5, except at least Ake/chi was understandable, whereas every time Nag/ito goes on a long spiel I'm just braindead and confused lmao. That or annoyed because he repeats himself like 30 times. I really thought doing his FTE's would endear him to me a little but it actually just made me dislike him more. He's just... he goes 120% ALL THE TIME and he's all over the place, it was overwhelming and gave me whiplash. Also while I do feel bad for him and the clear issues he had, the CONSTANT 'I'm worthless trash please kill me haha I don't deserve your kindness' talk really got on my nerves. Maybe it wouldn't have bothered me so much if I played the game back in the year it came out? But in this day and age all it reminded me of was certain 'Crabs in a Bucket' people I've known or witnessed who formed their entire identity around self-hatred and desperately tried to drag others down with them. (Note: I'm not talking about the general struggles with depression, etc. here. But I don't want to go into a lecture on exactly what I mean so I'll just leave it at that.) Nag/ito's not entirely the same thing and I get that, but it just rubbed me the wrong way because of that association.
Overall I just find him obnoxious and tend to avoid stuff that focuses on him. I might try writing a short omo thing about him being tied up because, like, how could I not? But besides that don't expect much from me. All of that said, I don't mind other people talking about him and y'all are free to send me asks with your own opinions or hcs, I might give my own occasionally. And I do like seeing art sometimes.
Also though, I ship him hard with Ju/nko (and in a poly with her and Mik/an). I'm also interested in him x Chi/aki since they're yin/yang parallels and have some similarities in design and the art of them together is neat. Not sure how much I ship them as far as actual canon or writing goes, but aesthetically it's pretty neat.
I think it's also worth mentioning that Ka/zuichi So/da toes a real weird line for me. Not in the sense that I actually hate him (his design is neat and he can be likeable at times), but that I hate what the game did with him. Which was not doing ANYTHING with him. His character had a lot of potential to be interesting, but they never let him break past the two running gags: Being confused about EVERYTHING, and obsessing over So/nia (to the point about making multiple sex jokes/getting flustered over her during the middle of the most serious trial in the game (Na/gito's death), which makes no sense even for him and completely ruined the mood). Every other survivor had important spotlight moments in the plot, developed their character as they went, and formed meaningful relationships with at least one other character to drive them forwards/give them angst. Kaz/uichi had none of that and I can't think of a single instance where he ACTUALLY had bearing on the plot, positively or negatively. He's basically the Fortune Teller Guy of this game: completely useless and ignored unless he needs to question something for exposition or drag the protag somewhere, scraping by only because he isn't hated or liked enough by anyone to get murdered and is too scared to kill. He didn't survive because he was genuinely fighting/had the ability to, but because everyone just forgot about him and left him alone.
A lot of his issues could have been fixed by just having a point in the game where he learns to treat So/nia as a person instead of being so obnoxious about following her around (he dislikes Ter/uTeru but then pretty much is just as annoying, only difference is he's a little less immoral and more just unable to take hints). Haj/ime even pointed this out in the last chapter with his thoughts of 'Dude just take a hint already'. If the game put them on more equal footing and he like, actually got to know her, it would've been way easier to believe he was fighting FOR So/nia in the same way all the others were fighting for someone they loved, and he might have actually done more throughout the game. He might have had some actual development and maturity, but instead he's pretty much the exact same person he was at the start of the game (I don't remember them even really touching on how he felt about the final chapter's Big Reveal). Because his obsession and cluelessness was one of his defining traits, they never let him do anything besides that. I spent most of the game convinced he was going to get a case in a trial or big moment eventually since they kept giving him so much screentime and let him make it so far, but there was just nothing. He's just a giant mass of wasted potential and for that reason I struggle to enjoy him without getting irritated.
Quick note to clarify: I'm not hating on him because of the ship with So/nia or because he 'gets in the way' of Gun/dham. I honestly don't mind that, the problem is just the lack of development I mentioned above. I could def enjoy the ship or a love triangle if they gave him smth. (And I realize part of that was the point, that G/undham 'gets the girl' bc he actually respected and talked to her, but still. The chapters after that point would have been the perfect time to let So/da have some viewpoint shifts and make efforts to change but they didn't).
Actually tbh even if they wanted to keep his obsession, I would've been fine with that, IF they had given him some other plot/character besides that. Like if he had some important tasks to do and was pretty good at them, but they also turned it into a flaw where he would prioritize helping/following her sometimes over what he was supposed to do and caused problems as a result, that could have been interesting. Creating tension within the surviving group or having her get mad at him over it, just SOMETHING.
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