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collabwithmyself · 5 years ago
Because my head is full of Shrek AU and numbers... demon!Miles seems to have about six inches on phoenix!Phoenix, who has about the same on human!Miles, based roughly on the height comparison sketch you made of these. Based on the fact that human!Phoenix (in canon) is an inch shorter than human!Miles in canon... that puts human!Phoenix from that one part of the Shrek AU at least a foot shorter than demon!Miles, and it's way too cute to picture them interacting like that!
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humming-fly · 6 years ago
In the tags of your Perfect Recreation Of What Happened To Greed At The End Of The Story, you mentioned that you were thinking that Ling and Greed were actually going to split into dopplegangers at the end. Could we see/hear about some of your ideas for that, please? Because it sounds high-key amazing!
well here’s one post-canon dopplegangers idea I’ve been sitting on for about 6 months but never had the excuse to draw out until now
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They had a running bet on who could trick lan fan into thinking they were the other for like 3 years before they managed to pull it off and even then the results of that bet are still hotly debated
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blackkatmagic · 7 years ago
I've seen Sakura/Ino mentioned or used in a few of your fics, and now I can't stop picturing little Ino dragging little Naruto aside and going, "Just freaking back off, I loved her first, and once she gets over obsessing over stupid Sasuke she's going to remember it!!!" Cut ahead to Gaiden era and now Naruto's going "Huh, you know, Sakura might've been onto something, Sasuke's kinda hot," while Ino is having a crisis because now Sakura's cute AND buff and Ino Cannot Handle It, she really cannot.
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kirbychan234 · 7 years ago
Sometimes I remember your Interpol Agent Guzma AU, and I go and reread the posts for it, and it brings me joy!
awwww, thanks friend! i am still very fond of it myself
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flaggermousseart · 7 years ago
I always laugh at your “… don’t worry about it captain, you’re still very intimidating.” comic, especially because, if anything, a guy wandering around doin' what Law does, WHILE CARRYING A SMALL CHILD, is probably even more terrifying than usual, because it generally either gives the indication that said man is so dangerously psychotic he isn't even aware he's psychotic anymore, or that the child is Not What It Seems, You Should Run.
I hadn’tthought of it that way,  I’m glad youenjoy it. ^^
[the comic in question]
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phantoms-lair · 8 years ago
1) Concept: Danny takes a couple years off after high school to earn college money/take some online courses to improve his GPA, and protecting the town from ghosts, and also to give Jazz time to get her psych degree at least mostly done (possibly starts college online). Once Jazz has her degree, Danny leaves Amity to pursue his interests in Astronomy, and Jazz returns, permanently, and
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(Post Series, no Phantom Planet. Fenton Parents know by now, and Valerie figured it out based on what she learned about Dani)
“Jazz, are you sure about this?” Danny looked at the sky concerned.
“Little brother, you have given so much to this place and it’s people, now it’s your turn to follow your dream. Just relax and let me help you.”
“I think ‘Let me help you�� is as much your catchphrase as ‘Going Ghost’ is mine.” Danny gave her a wry smile. “But a lot of my enemies are dangerous. I don’ want you getting hurt doing something I should have been.”
“I’ve got this Danny. Don’t worry, I’ve been working out a plan with Valerie. We’ve got this covered.” 
At this Danny relaxed slightly. Valerie may have gotten past the ‘All ghosts are evil’ thing, but she was still one of the most viscous hunters her knew. She could keep Jazz safe.
~ (More under cut)
“Got your first patients,” The Red Huntress flew into the small clinic, Johnny 13 and Kitty is a glowing net.
“Thanks Val.” The two ghosts were unceremoniously dumped on the floor, The Red Huntress saluted before flying out again.
“Hey Jazz, long time no see,” Johnny said a little nervously.
Kitty whirled on him “And how do you know her?”
“I’m the girl Johnny chose to pretend to like so he could sacrifice me to get you back when you lost your form.” Jazz explained as calmly as if she was discussing weather. “He’s very nervous right now because obviously he knows I’m working with the Huntress and is wondering what revenge I have in store for him, and if you’re being dragged into it.”
Johnny gulped.
“I’m not going to lie, Johnny 13. Having my first romance end that way was, let’s just say unpleasant and leave it at that. But that’s not why we’re here. You two have been having another spat, and dragging the town into it, again. So we’re going to talk about what’s bothering you both.”
She reached over and took Kitty’s hand in one of hers and Johnny’s in the other. “Your love was so strong it survived your deaths. It’s strong enough to survive what you’re going through now and we’re going to make sure of it.”
“Thanks so much Dr. Fenton.” Sydney Pointdexter rose from his seat.
“No, thank you.” Jazz insisted. “You’re the first person from the Zone who started come here willingly. It’s helped a lot.”
“Well after how you helped the Lunch Lady and the Box Ghost, I definitely figured it was worth a try.” Rather than flat out dismissed the two obsessive ghosts, Jazz had found a way to redirect them. Upon finding out Lunch Lady could conjour food that was perfectly safe and edible to humans, she’d had her set up with various homeless shelters and relief efforts. She was now praised as a hero in her own right.
Box Ghost ended up working with relief efforts too, in his case in making sure the supply shipments got where they were going. Any shipments that would normally be lost were brought in. (The hard part had been getting him to let go of them. The simple solution was to actually pay him in his preferred cardboard boxes and bubble wrap. He easily lost interest in metal and wooden cases over those.)
“I’m glad. I feel better about myself then I think I have since long before my death. But when your brother comes back in town, could you find a way to let me know. I really need to apologize.”
“Sydney, you know Danny doesn’t hold it against you.” Jazz reminded him.
“No, but I do. I swore to myself that I wouldn’t let anyone else get bullied like I did. And not only did I not notice years of it, but I jumped to a conclusion and protected a bully and stopped the victim from standing up against him. Danny basically let Dash go after him for the next three years and I can’t help but think I’m at least part of the cause. I know there are other reason, keeping his secret identity and just how much the bullying became institutionalized at Casper High. But I still have to apologize for the part I played. I really feel like it’s something I need to do.”
“I’ll let him know when he’s back on break.” Jazz promised. “He knows where to find you, right?”
“Yeah, I’m staying with Klemper now.” It would be a while before Sydney went back to his own ‘lair’. He’d created his own living Hell, rebuilding the place and people who’d tormented him over and over. It had temporarily gotten better after his encounter with Danny, but had soon reverted.
Thanks to Dr. Fenton he realized how much damage it was still doing to him in terms of his anger issues and his self worth. Sure most ghosts found Klemper annoying, but Sydney found a kindred Spirit in the lonely soul who just wanted a friend. Not to mention how much it warmed his heart that no mattered how often he was around, Klemper’s face lit up whenever he saw him. The chilly ghost treasured his first real friend, and knowing that someone truly cared and wanted his company did as much for healing Sydney’s hurts and these sessions with Dr, Fenton. If he ever managed to turn the School into something less toxic, he’d certainly be bringing Klemper back with him.
Sydney left and Jazz began to pack up. She had plans for tonight. 
Plans that were interrupted by a dour ghost wearing a spiked crown.
“Prince Aragon,” Jazz greeted cautiously. She recognized him from Danny’s files.
““Miss Fenton,” The ghost greeted with a hint of contempt.
“Doctor Fenton, if you don’t mind.”  Jazz held herself firm. Somehow she doubted the exiled Prince was here to enlist her services.
“I do mind. I’ve been hearing of you ‘fixing’ ghosts, letting them fit into human society. So I’ve come to ask you woman, if you think you can fix me.”
He was obviously trying to be intimidating, but Jazz just met his gaze evenly. “No.”
“So you admit-”
“In order to help anyone, I need one thing. That the individual I’m helping wants to improves, wants things to be better. You don’t care about bettering yourself. You don’t care about adjusting to have an easier time in the world. You want the world- both worlds- to bend to your whim, or to break them if they don’t. So know, I can’t fix you. The only thing I can do is help put you down like the overstuffed peacock you are.”
Prince Aragon snarled at the insult, his teeth sharpening as he began to change into his dragon form. The change had barely started when Jazz moved suddenly and there was immense pain for where his heart would be. “What…have you done…”
Jazz opened the chamber on the gun she had pulled out. “Ecto-Electrical bullets. Fenton works latest. Doesn’t do lasting harm, but can disrupt almost any ghost powers.” She loaded another round in the Chamber. “This one is a weaker version of Dad’s Ecto-Dejecto. The working version. It won’t wither you away to nothing, but it will sap your powers until your weaker than Spectre in Nirvana.”
She placed the gun between the fallen ghost’s eyes. It was a more brutal style than she preferred, but if there was one thing Jazz Fenton understood, it was psychology.
Ghosts were physiologically very different from mortals. With the semi-exception of Halfa’s they had no such things as bones or internal organs. Even the ones that did, it was more that they expected them to be there rather than to serve a purpose. Putting a bullet between Aragon’s eyes was no more dangerous than his kneecap or even his hair. But most ghosts were once human, and Aragon was no exception. The way his eyes shrunk to pinpricks show he instinctively recognized this as a killing shot. 
Jazz refused to let her face change as she fired the energy draining bullet, then sucked him up in the thermos, and only then allowed herself to falter. Aragon would be weak for months before the dejecto wore off, he wouldn’t be a threat to anyone till then. And she’d achieved what she needed. She’d made him afraid of her.
He might avoid her afterwards. He might seek her out to conquer his fear metaphorically and literally. She didn’t know. But fearing her was acknowledging she could harm him. It was a small step first step to getting rid of his misogyny, but a step none the less.
Valerie whistled as she walked in. “Looks like one of the spooks gave you some trouble.”
“Prince Aragon.” She lifted the thermos. “He won’t be bothering anyone else for a while, at least.”
“We’ll drop him off when we pick up your Mom. If you’re still up for tonight.”
“Yeah, a night off is exactly what i need.” Jazz pulled on her jacket, slipping the thermos in. 
“That’s good, because Sam’s already waiting with Kitty and Ember. All we need is to pick up Mrs. Fenton and Dani. Girl’s Night Out is go!” Valerie cheered.
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alwaysatomicconniseur · 6 years ago
Please somebody write this. I need to see how he calms down MJ at the very least..
Okay, but what if not all mutations (a la X-Men) are actually helpful? The powers supposedly come from an evolutionary mutation, after all, and some of those hit dead ends - not everyone ends up ‘the fittest.’
And what if this is actually the explanation for Peter Parker’s extraordinarily bad luck? He actually is a mutant, but he has a terrible power that only causes him pain and grief, and the only reason he’s still alive is because he got those spider powers. And no one’s figured it out because they’re distracted by the spider powers and don’t notice that the luck is literally unnaturally bad.
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humming-fly · 6 years ago
If reincarnation is a thing in FMA, Greed's coming back as a cat. I mean, he's already basically embodying everything a cat is - wants attention and affection (but only on his terms), basically retractable claws, absolutely terrible but we still love him, purposefully bad at following orders, and of course everything is his, his people, his stuff, his house, everything, all his.
you’re 100% right - he’d also definitely be the type of cat that just "happens” to be in the same room as you all the time but definitely isn’t following you around to stay close no siree
only trick here is there would literally be no way to ever tell it was him vs. Any Other Cat because they both act Exactly the Same
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blacknovelist · 8 years ago
Lifetimes  (BNHA Ageswap AU Fic)
Anyway, @dragonfishdreams sent me an “X me” prompt forever ago asking for a thing with Ageswap!Enji being part of the Shouto Protection Squad for canon Todo and I spent what free time I had since then trying to figure out how to go about it, until I forgot about it and subsequently remembered it and the fact that I really should have asked @guardianlioness to help me figure out those ideas sooner, but, well. Better late than never. I aggressively speed-wrote it this morning and edited it at noon, lmao; I hope you like it! 
I wanted to write this kind of just as a little warmup kind of thing while I work on A Place to Be - which, by the way, is still a thing! I’m just trying to finish the whole fic before I start posting it again. This is set in canon verse, wherein Ageswap 1-A and a small miscellaneous variety of other Ageswap teachers and students end up transported to and start staying at UA until they can get the whole situation sorted out.
(Ageswap AU Tag)
[ffnet] [AO3]
If things don’t work out in this lifetime, maybe they will in the next. If not then, maybe a different lifetime altogether.
Enji is done with Endeavor’s shit.
"I expect you to return by four for training before I leave, Shouto."
It is a simple statement, innocuous in all honesty, and spoken by anyone else it would have been taken as a father wanting to see his son before their schedules tore them apart. Hell, it isn't even the first time he's interrupted their outings by all but ordering his son to stay by his side, if the words shared in secret while the pro's back was turned were any indication. Potential justification after justification spring to mind for Endeavor to not even let his son go out with friends for more than an hour, and all of them feel weak. There are still be people out there who believe that Endeavor really cares, Enji knows, people who believe he does this for Shouto's sake, and the thought makes his fire want to flare and buckle and snap out just like Endeavor's does. He doesn't let it.
He's seen the forced apathy on Shouto's face when Endeavor stands by his side, the tension when Endeavor's hand moves to lay on his shoulder.
So instead Enji pauses- patience frayed from a near-full two days of Mr. "Number-1-hero-by-technicality" and the past week of mixed surreal familiarity (this is home but it isn't) - and turns on his heel to march back. Behind and around him the two classes freeze, their faces a mix of confusion and anticipation. Shouto's face remains blank and he says nothing, but he does discreetly shuffles towards Toshinori. The rest of the teachers carefully place themselves between them and the duo, and usher them a bit further down the path.
Deku and his father meet his gaze as he passes, solemn and understanding, and let him go; this is about more than the news of what this man sharing his name has done, more than the ghosts that flicker over Shouto's face when he catches view of Enji from the corner of his eye, more than the bitterness that makes itself at home on this alternate man's face.
It's everything at once, and so much more. He should leave this to Shouto, really; be a pal and support him from the side, but Enji is equal parts big brother and hero-in-training, and it's a hero's duty to butt their noses into just about everything. And besides the matter, there's something he wants to know.
"Endeavor," Enji says, voice low and blank. "Before we leave, may I ask you something?"
Endeavor blinks down at himself. "Very well," he says. "Out with it. What's your question?'
"What drives you?"
A beat. "Excuse me?"
"I'm sure you heard me, sir. Your inspiration, your drive; what makes you want to be a pro hero? What goals do you have that are so important you married and had children just to see it fulfilled by your family, if not you?" Enji doesn't step forward, but there's a weight to his words that carry just as much of an impact. Their wills war against each other for just a moment, metaphorical sparks flying.
"To be number one, of course," Endeavor replies, appearance unruffled by the force in his voice. "To surpass All Might's legacy and stand as the best of the best. Shouldn't you already know this, boy?"
"If my goals were the same as yours, I'm sure, but that's not the case." Enji leans back, studies him. "Do you really think the way to send him to the top is by pushing Todoroki-kun to the point that he still hesitates to use half his quirk? By training him to the point he can't even move for hours after?"
"If there's something you need to say, child, spit it out," Endeavor says. "I don't have time for circles of questions to sate curiosity, even from myself."
"Our names are the only thing we've got in common," Enji corrects. "But if you're certain, then let me say that one less training session isn't going to impact anyone's regime. Rest days are important, but I'm sure this is hardly new information for you, sir."
Eyes narrow at the young doppelganger, the first break in the facial impasse they were locked in. "And what would you know?"
"Mostly what my father's training tells me, since we share a schedule when he isn't teaching."
Endeavor glances at the group, at the split hair and grave features of his son turned adult from another world. "I give him more than enough time to cool down between our sessions. I would never do anything to impact his performance as a future hero."
"Shit job you've done of that, already." Enji steps away, steel in his gaze, "we'll probably be gone for the rest of the afternoon, if the teachers say it's alright. There's too many of us for one of them to leave just to make sure one of us has supervision on the way back, so you'll have to wait for next time." He spins on his heel again, and not even Endeavor can fight against the stares pointed his way when he reaches to stop him.
"You act like you know so much, boy," Endeavor says, instead. "You say we are different people, but my goals and ambitions are every much a part of you as they are a part of me. Tell me: what is your drive to being a hero, if it's not to be the number one? What makes you think you and your goals are any better than mine?!"
"Being a hero and saving people is enough for me," Enji says, back still turned, and Endeavor's frown deepens. "Going the full mile to become a pro to achieve something for yourself alone is a disgrace to Pro's and their ideals everywhere, and I'm glad I grew out of it. Heroes like you are exactly why people like Stain feel the need to act."
"Are you telling me I am less of a hero than a criminal like Stain, or a child like you?"
"I'm saying you've done good things for society and it doesn't change the fact that you're a shitty dad and an ass of a person in general, and I'm taking your son with us for ice cream whether you like it or not."
His piece said and done, Enji trots past the four teachers and starts to coax the group in the general direction of where he remembers the food is; after a moment they start to follow, conversation hesitantly rising among them. Three of the adults trail after to keep an eye out, Endeavor left behind as the shell shocked image of a man who's just been told off by his past self. The elder Todoroki Shouto lingers, and turns to him.
"Your career is the result of your dream and desire for superiority evolving into an obsession of ridiculous proportions, and your refusal to acknowledge that you've been doing this wrong is the reason you've wasted and damaged the lives of your entire family," he says. "The title of number one is yours, and you still find yourself unhappy with the fact that you've reached your goal just because of the way it came to you. If I couldn't be number one or two in my lifetime with the same quirk as your son, what makes you think he can be what you want him to be? Your efforts have been fruitless and life-destroying, and you have no one to blame but yourself."
And with that, the number one Pro Hero Endeavor is left standing in front of UA's Heights Alliance dorms, the figures of teacher and student alike disappearing across the grounds.
As soon as they've all sat down with their frozen treats, the two class 1-A's collectively burst into excessive chatter over the events from barely ten minutes ago.
"Dude, that was awesome!"
"I can't believe you actually said that to his face and just walked away."
"You totally wrecked him and I almost wish I took a video."
"His face was priceless, did you see?"
"I haven't seen you tear into someone like that since that one incident with Thirteen."
"Any particular reason for suddenly deciding you were up to here with older-other-you's shit?"
"I wanted to ask a question, I got my answer." Enji shrugs, grinning around the pink spoon in his mouth. "Make sure you kick my ass if I'm ever half the guy he is, got it?"
"Sure thing," Shouta replies, flicking Yamada's grabby fingers away from vibrant cherries lining his bowl's rim.
"And Todoroki-kun, listen." The boy in question glances up for just a moment before looking away, whipped cream on his lip, "Older me isn't somebody you've gotta learn how to get along with, like me and my dad. That’s not your bridge to rebuild. You've got your guys to back you up if he comes on your ass, too, and most of us-" Enji waves his head and spoon towards everyone else in the room - "would come running if you asked and we had the chance. So if he doesn't put the effort in, don't even bother. You don't need him."
"That's true, and... easier said than done," Shouto says. He's staring resolutely at the table, but when Enji slides the colored sprinkles his way he lets himself meet the other boy's eyes. "But I appreciate the sentiment. Thanks."
Enji turns his grin towards him. "Any time, mini-dad."
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batneko · 8 years ago
Did you see the OPM/Mob Psycho 100 sketch ONE did? If you did, no worries, but wanted to make sure you had, as it reminded me very much of your own comic of their initial meeting!
I did! And reblogged it. XD
I love it. ONE is a gift to the world.
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dakt37 · 8 years ago
Q: What do you call a jedi who is also a ninja? A: Obi-wan Shinobi.
Thank you for this delightful random pun :’D
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kirbychan234 · 8 years ago
(drapes self on chair next to your desk and heroically refrains from flinging glitter everywhere) Talk to me about Interpol Agent Guzma some more, please, I have a Need. How did HQ react when he came home with the Larvesta (first mission may now be running into the Rockets, but no reason that can't be second mission, or vice versa)? Is it friends with Golisopod?
I think the Volcarona mission happens much later into his career, at least far enough for Anabel to trust him enough to go on a mission alone with him. 
But as for HQ finding out, they were pretty shocked at Anabel’s report. And it’s not like they could stop him from keeping the Larvesta, it chose him after all :3 You shouldn’t keep a Pokemon from its trainer.
Golisopod mothers the Larvesta so much. Larvesta isn’t a very strong Pokemon, and Golisopod can understand what it’s like to be weak before evolution. But it knows that someday Larvesta will grow up to be big and strong and powerful to protect Guzma, just like it did :D
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pftones3482 · 8 years ago
1) Continuing with the Voltron crew and puns - the best bit is, puns are contagious - you literally cannot hang out with punsters and not end up making one or two yourself eventually. Meaning Keith’s going to slip up one day; possibly Shiro comments that he knows Keith likes his hair long, but it’s getting shaggy, does he want a trim? “I dunno, Shiro, I’ll need to mullet over.”
2) Cue dead silence and Keith’s eyes sloooooowly widening as he realizes what he just did. “I meant mull it over, mull it over!!!” It’s too late. Shiro’s making his ‘I’m trying so hard not to laugh’ face and Lance, Hunk, and Pidge are all in the background screaming ‘ONE OF US, ONE OF US.’ Keith continues to hate everyone
Yessssss this is glorious. He would so fuck up and do this. Hunk, Pidge, and Lance just peeking out from behind the couch, their chanting growing louder and louder, Shiro slowly losing the battle against laughter, Coran and Allura just chuckling quietly in the background and Keith, hands clamped over his mouth and eyes wide. 
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providentially-demonic · 8 years ago
Arthur can wear a shirt by cutting two long slits in the back, pulling it over his head, getting his arms in the sleeves and the middle 'panel' the cuts formed situated between his wings, and then either pinning or tying (with attached strips of cloth or something) the bottom hem of the shirt together so that it's not flapping around loose. It would take a little time to figure out the exact locations the slits need to be, a few shirts and a touch of practice, but it would be completely do-able.
You had to go and say something, didn’t you?
Arthur looked dubiously at the bundle of fabric Lewis was holding out. “Um, big guy, I appreciate the thought, but, um...” One wing flexed, sunlight shining emerald through the thin membrane. “Kinda can’t wear shirts any more.”
“Trust me.” Lewis grinned.
Arthur shrugged, the motion rippling through the muscles of his wings and making a soft sound as the thin skin shifted. “Okay, but I’m not placing any bets.”
“Just hold still,” Lewis chided, moving towards him. “I think I’ve got this figured out.”
He obediently held up his arms for the sleeves and closed his eyes, trusting in Lewis despite his own doubts. Arthur shivered at the soft touch of fabric and Lewis’s warm fingers as the ghost carefully fitted the neck hole over his horns and into place.  He felt the fabric being settled carefully around his wings and craned his neck to see what Lewis was doing, but his own wings were in the way. There was a ticklish sensation near his lower back and he squirmed.
“I said hold still.” Lewis reprimanded softly. “One more, and there we go.” He straightened back up and took hold of Arthur’s shoulders, turning him toward the mirror.
Arthur still didn’t like to look in the mirror and see what he’d become, but Lewis resolutely tipped his chin up until he couldn’t help but look. And somehow the baggy white shirt made him feel better about the green-skinned image in the glass.
“How?” he asked, twisting this way and that to see how on earth it left room for his wings. But the appendages in question were almost always in the way.
“Slits in the back from the shoulder blades to the bottom of the shirt, so it’s like three panels and then there are buttons just below where the skin of the wing reaches your back. Button it up and voila, one neatly clothed Art-icle.”
Arthur stared at him and then started laughing so hard he had to grab onto Lewis to stay upright. “Trust you to dress it up that way,” he snorted between rolling laughs. “You really fashioned a winner here.”
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aoimikans · 8 years ago
It occurs to me, if Toshi's more designed to run on all fours now, that would mean he's probably had some structural alteration in his wrists and the first knuckles of his hands, as the indication is he's running flat-palmed and apes generally walk on their knuckles when quadrupedal - our wrists aren't designed to go back farther than 90 degrees for extended or repetitive periods, and if his fingers don't bend back like toes now, he could easily break one.
Yup! We made a nod to some of the structural changes when Toshinori noticed his arms were longer. (Poor dear smacks his arm into walls and corners more often because of that) :p
It’s kind of tough because Toshinori still has to accept the changes, so he doesn’t necessarily notice what happens while he runs. But only time will tell.
He still has to go through quite the bit of physical therapy, and retrain his muscles, but ideally he would be able to switch back and forth between running positions with ease. (Though it’s easier to switch from bi-pedal to quadrupedal than the reverse, but that’s also gravity at play lol)
@swiftwidget care to add more?? :3c
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ectoimp · 8 years ago
For the demon!Arthur AU, is Arthur's hair still yellow or is it orange now? In your (fantastic) art for it, his hair, wing spots, and claws look orange, but they're also the same colour as his pants in those pictures, and I know those are supposed to be yellow. Just so I can picture it in my head properly. Thanks!
they are yellow. unless i accidentally grabbed the wrong color, it should be his normal yellow. it might just look oranger cause its next to the green?
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