#you gonna tell me that the girl who attacked Wonder Woman over wanting to take Cassie back by force and killed Adeline…
It’s actually a crime we didn’t get a single real scene with Kory and Rose together tbh
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thehauntedetheral · 2 months
Yandere Boyfriend Jealous of Reader's Nephew
Requests are open !
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• You and your yan boyfriend have been in a relationship for quite some time that you are now the ✨unofficial married couple ✨ (Yan bf has proposed many times but you have rejected it because you were to focused on career and pushed wedding ideas for later)
• Your elder sister and her husband has gone to a 2 days weekend trip leaving your 2 years old nephew to you and yan for babysitting.
• You love kids and were having blast with your nephew. After all you are his favourite aunt but your Yan bf is sulking in the corner due to lack of attention you are giving to him. Sometimes you wonder who is a toddler, your nephew or your boyfriend?
• your nephew was sitting in your lap and you both were watching The lion King when your bf sat beside you on couch and took the toddler from your lap to his thinking " I am jealous. This dude is spending too much time with my girl". You looked at him with a confused look while he just gave you a sheepish smile saying "just bonding with my future nephew". Hehe.
• You were saying things like "you are so cute my cutie pie, my sunshine and attacking your nephew with kisses while the toddler just laughs joyously. Meanwhile your boyfriend watching this sighs thinking "I am more cute and good looking than him and yet she is attacking him with kisses instead of me? Such a shame to my handsome face. ( This man is more delusional than all the teenage girls)
• You excused yourself to the bathroom while telling your boyfriend to keep a eye on the toddler. Next thing you know Yan bf has begun a Serious talk with your nephew.
"Listen man, I know she is beautiful and the best. But she is MY WOMAN!! And no. She loves me more!!! Even more than you. I came in her life before. You came later. You can't just take all her time. Just wait a little kiddo because one day I will become your uncle. And you will be the ring bearer in our wedding."
• Desperately waits for this weekend to get over and waiting for your sister to take him back.
• Finally your sister and her husband comes back and take their child while Yan bf finally feels happy you on the other hand are a bit sad.
"Don't worry darling, we will visit him soon" your boyfriend says trying to cheer you up when no way in hell he wants to meet him again atleast for a few months.
"Don't act all innocent. I know you have been sulking and jealous all the weekend. I can't believe you were jealous of a 2 year old that too my own nephew" you said smiling a bit thinking how funny is this.
"Well what can I say I just get jealous of whatever or whoever caughts your attention" he said feeling a bit embarassed that he got caught. He thought he hid his jealousy well. But seems like he can't hide anything from you.
"Hey (y/bf/n). Let's get married and have a baby of our own" you said smiling.
"Is that finally a yes, y/n?" He said while his heart skipping beats and his palms getting covered with sweat for your answer after so many rejections from you.
"Yes. I am damn serious. Spending time with you two as a family has made me realise how badly I want a family of my own. I was too focused on my career neglecting you and our future life. I am sorry." You said with all seriousness.
Yan bf only smiles like a crazy and kisses you passionately. He holds your waist spinning you doing a princess twirl making you giggle. He is the happiest man on earth today! Maybe his nephew is not that bad after all he thought. And yes it's official now your nephew is definitely gonna be the ring bearer in your wedding.
Want part 2 for wedding with nephew as ring bearer and yan boyfriend stressing out about thinking you might back out of wedding last minute? If yes please Let me know through comments.
Requests are open!!
For more yandere Reading:
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arc-misadventures · 11 months
While on a patrol with Jessica (green lantern), Diana (wonder woman) and Karen Starr (power girl), Jaune is asked by Diana what FMK (or SMB) means
Jaune: MFK VII
Whilst on patrol about the city of, Vale, a quartet of Hunter’s a really, really bored. So in the hope to alleviate their collective boredom one among them decides to ask a rather leading question.
Diana: Bored…
Jaune: So bored…
Kara: He board, she board, they all board.
Jessica: All aboard…
Jaune: I was gonna say that!
DJK: Hehehe!
Kara: But, seriously this is so boring!
Diana: I know! I kinda want to have a, Grimm attack me just to elevate this boredom…
Jessica: I haven’t seen a single, Grimm all day.
Jaune: Consider that a good thing, means there’s no, Grimm around, and people are less likely going to be attacked by them.
Kara: But, it’s so boring!
Diana: The best battle there is, is the battle you do not need to fight.
Jaune: Agreed. People will be at ease if we told them there are no, Grimm around, then that there are, Grimm about.
Jessica: Well can we at least find something to do! We’ve been walking around this forest for hours! I’m sooo bored!
Jaune: Well, maybe one of you can think of something to do then.
Kara: Okay… Oh, here’s an idea! Hey, Jaune~?
Jaune: I just felt a chill…
Kara: Oh don’t be so paranoid, Jaune. I just want to know something.
Jaune: That being?
Kara: Between the three of us; Me, Jessica, and Diana, who would you, MFK?
Jaune: What?! I’m not answering that!
Kara: Oh yes you are~!
Jaune: No I’m not! W-Why do you want me to answer that?
Kara: I’m curious; I mean you’re quite a handsome guy…
Jaune: You think I’m handsome?
Kara: And, we’re a duo of smoking hot babes, and one absolutely adorable little girl…
Jessica: Hey!
Kara: One can’t help, but wonder if you could, MFK one of us who would be what, and why?
Jaune: Do you guy’s serious want to know that?
Diana: I have to admit, I’ve always been a little curious on who you would date among the three of us.
Jaune: Seriously?
Diana: Seriously. I’ve heard plenty of couples have been made between team members. So that being said, who would you like to date among the three of us?
Jaune: What? That’s … I…?! Jessica! Please tell me you’re not thinking the same thing as well.
Jessica: W-Well… I-I’m a little curious myself really…
Jaune: Oh… Well, I’m not going to tell you anything!
Diana: Oh really~?
Diana pulls out her her golden lasso, The Lasso of Truth before snapping it between her hands as she smiled smugly at him.
Jaune: …
Jaune: You have serious trust issues…
Diana: I have no idea what you’re talking about.
Jaune: She’s used that lasso on some cheating ex hasn’t she?
Kara: I’ve seen her do it. Man that was something… That lady was…
Jaune: Crazy?
Kara: I would say, psychotic.
Jaune: Yeash… Okay fine I’ll do it… But, I’m afraid I’ll have to kill you, Kara.
Kara: What?! Why are you going to kill me, a smoking hot blonde babe?!
Jessica: You said that with such ease. Do you hate, Karen, or something?
Diana: Are you gonna tell us why, or do I have to hogtie you?
Jaune: Don’t even think about it princess. Here, take a look at this.
Jaune pulled out his scroll before handing it over to, Kara who’s eyes shot out wide in shock, before showing the others.
Jessica: Is this your family?
Jaune: Yep.
Diana: You have seven sisters?
Jaune: Technically eight, one of them is married so, eight sisters.
Kara: And, I look like seven of them?
Jaune: Yeah, pretty much.
Kara: Yeah, I can see why you would, ‘kill’ me. But, Jaune think of all the fun we could have if you didn’t~!
Jaune: If I had a bucket of ice water I’d douce you in it.
Kara: Spoil sport.
Jaune: Okay, I would then fuck you, Diana.
Diana: Oh really?
Jaune: The growing sexual tension between us is eventually going to boil over, and we’re just gonna go at it one day.
Diana: Bet it will be fun if it does~!
Kara: Sexual tension; What sexual tension?
Jaune: Oh we’ve been butting heads ever since we were partnered together, it’s only gotten worse since I was made team leader, and she wasn’t. Because she’s always trying to be the leader, when she isn’t. And, she wouldn’t do a good job at that.
Diana: Like you are a good leader; You can barely stand in a fight against me, how do you think you do against an actual, Grimm?
Jaune: Okay, you’re a superhuman, with super strength, invulnerability, and you can fly, these are things that, Kara also has. And, Jessica also has her magical green ring thingy that makes it so she can also fly, and make what ever she wants. And, I’m just a guy with a sword, and shield. And, I’m the leader of this band of misfits, says a lot about why I was made team leader.
Diana: Such as?
Jaune: That they wanted brain not brawn to lead the team you muscle head.
Diana: Another word out of you, and I’ll put you in your place…!
Kara: Ya, on top of, Diana!
Diana: Are you saying I’m a bottom?!
KJ: Yes.
Diana: That’s bullshit! I am totally a bottom!
JKJ: …
Diana: D-Did I say, ‘bottom?’
Jessica: Yes…
Diana: Well that’s not true, what I meant to say is that I would totally bottom for, Jaune!
Diana: …
Diana: I did not mean to say that! I’d meant to say, I’d bottom for, Jaune! Zeus ass?! Why did I say that?!
Jessica: Uhh… Diana… y-you’re holding the lasso in your hand.
Diana looked down, and saw the glowing golden light of the, ‘Lasso of Truth’ indicating that she was indeed, telling the truth.
Diana: …
Diana: Hera give me strength…
Kara: Does this happen often?
Diana: It happens…
Jaune: So… are we going to talk about this, or…?
Diana: No, no we will not.
Jaune: Okay then. So, after a great deal of deliberation, I shall marry, Jessica.
Jessica: YES!
Jaune: Yes, what?
Jessica: Yes, I will marry you!
Kara: Uhh… Jessy… You’re not actually getting married, you know that right?
Jessica: W-We’re not…?
Kara: No, no you’re not.
Jessica: Nawww man… But, I wanna marry the sexy blonde adonis…
Jaune: …
Jaune: Okay, this has been a fascinating endeavour that I shall immediately start mentally repressing, let’s move on!
Diana: Yes, let’s move on!
Jessica: Yes, lets!
Kara: But, Jaune, if I didn’t remind you of your sisters, would you do me!
Jaune: Oh, I’d totally bang you against a tree right now if they weren’t here.
Jessica: WHAT?!
Kara: Oh, really~?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Diana…
Diana: Yes~?
Jaune: You ever wrap your lasso around me again, I’ll show you what I learned in the boy scouts. Okay?
Diana: Noted.
Jaune: Okay, lets go. There’s, Grimm to kill, and if I can’t find one, I’ll kill, Kara first.
Kara: Excuse me, what?!
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goatcheesecak3 · 9 months
Bus stop
Adam stanheight x f!reader
Click here for the m!reader version!
Includes: fluff, implied romance between Adam and reader, brief mentions of violence
Summary: Adam is a social pariah after escaping the jigsaw killer, but while waiting for the bus, he makes a new friend, and things seem hopeful for once.
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Adam sat at the bus stop, staring at nothing in particular. He never used to wear hoodies, but since the whole jigsaw thing, he didn't really have a choice. He hated when people would recognise him from the news as a jigsaw survivor, taking pictures of him or asking him questions about it. The worst part by far was when he heard murmurs about how he was technically a murderer. It was true, he had bludgeoned a man to death with a ceramic toilet lid, hit him over the head so ferociously and with so much vigour that his head might as well have been a bag of marbles. However, it was immediately clear to police that this was an act of self defence, if you're chained up in an abandoned bathroom and some lunatic comes running in there with a gun, what else can you do? Adam had tried to tell himself this many times, but it did little to soothe him. He had killed someone, at the end of the day. He knew it, and everyone else knew it. He just wanted to fade into the background and not be seen, and so, the hood stayed up.
Rain hammered into the streets, and Adam shuddered as he held himself tight under the little shelter that the bus stop provided. It was a freezing cold afternoon in mid December, and he couldn't have felt less festive if he tried. Turns out technically being a murderer makes you kind of a social pariah, so he had pretty much no chance of making friends to spend the holidays with. His own company wasn't exactly the nicest either, since any and every little thing seemed to trigger some sort of panic attack or flashback. He would try to simply sleep through the rest of his life away if it weren't for the nightmares, so that wasn't really an option either. The lack of sleep, isolation and constant feelings of anxiety had turned Adam into a somewhat bitter person, he'd never exactly been a ray of sunshine, but at the very least he could dish out witty little quips and sardonic comments (even if they were for the sole purpose of being defiant and sarcastic). Nowadays he didn't have the energy or the patience to be funny, he was just short tempered, angry,  and trying not to cry all the time.
He blinked slowly, waiting for his bus and feeling quite sorry for himself, when suddenly a voice broke the trance like state he was in.
"Excuse me?" He snapped, turning to look at the speaker, sounding more pissed off than he thought he was going to
"Sorry to be a bother, but could you tell me if this bus is gonna go to the south end of town?" Asked the young woman who the voice belonged to.
Adam was taken aback by this, the woman in front of him was his age, fresh faced and quite pretty. She seemed friendly and had a welcoming demeanour, which was strange. Ever since his situation hit the news a few months ago, the reception he got was normally aloof or wary, but not from her. She wasn't here to pry, either, she simply wanted to enquire about the bus timetable. She was talking to him like he was any other person in the city.
"Oh.. uh yeah it is" mumbled Adam, stumbling over his words slightly.
"Thanks so much," the woman beamed, "I've asked about five people about the buses and you're the first one to actually talk to me" she chuckled, taking a seat next to him.
Adam gave the girl a perplexed look, as he wondered who would be nuts enough to give someone like her the cold shoulder. Sure, he wasn't exactly the friendliest of people, but even he could give her the time of day, what was everyone else's excuse?
"Y/n, by the way," she smiled, holding out her hand to him.
"Adam," he replied, doing his best impression of a smile, hoping it would add a little bit of cheer into his inflection so as not to scare this pretty girl away, as he took her hand and shook it gently.
"Adam, that's a nice name" she smiled at him.
She still hadn't put two and two together that he was the same Adam from the news... unless she somehow hadn't seen the news. But that would be impossible... unless
"Are you new around here by any chance?" Adam asked, looking for answers.
"Yeah, I am, Only moved to this city a few weeks ago. You been here long?" She replied
"My whole life, one day I'll get out of here though" he replied, staring straight ahead. He thought to himself how many times he'd said that exact same thing; "one day I'll get out of here". It was just wishful thinking at this point, but it was a comforting thought, so he chose not to dig into it any deeper so as not to destroy the illusion of a hopeful future.
"I can't say I blame you for wanting to get out of here. Everyone seems so... cold" y/n said, a tinge of sadness in her voice,  "I thought I'd make friends out here I mean, that's what you're supposed to do when you're young, right? Go to the big city and meet lots of new people? I gotta say, I don't know what I was thinking. I'm much more at home in the countryside far away from everyone else. Sorry, I'm rambling" she trailed off.
Adam hadn't quite realised how much he missed just having a normal conversation with someone up until this moment. He knew he'd been lonely, he had been most of his life, but this just hammered it home. Having a small taste of normalcy when he was so used to isolation made him crave it. A destructive part of him felt weak for enjoying talking to this stranger at the bus stop, but a stronger part of him felt compelled to carry on.
"No, it's okay, " he said with a weak smile, "it's actually nice to rambled at a bit. I uh.. don't have many friends either. It gets pretty lonely."
He felt foolish saying this. He was a grown man, and here he was talking about friendship like some little schoolgirl. Christ, if his dad saw him acting like this he'd probably smack him into next week for being so feeble. There was that destructive part of him again, trying to ruin something nice.
"Well, maybe we could be eachother's friend?" Y/n suggested with a warm smile.
She was radiant, so effortlessly kind and warm. Everything about her made Adam want to let his guard down, she just had one of those faces you could trust. If he had to describe her essence in one word, it would have been "lovely".
Hesitantly, and slightly nervously, Adam nodded.
"That would be nice, yeah" he grinned. He grinned. He hadn't grinned in months. It was as though every single wall he'd put up simply melted away in that moment, and the feeling was like a natural high.
"Here," y/n said, handing Adam her phone, "put your number in and I'll text you sometime"
Adam did so, without hesitation this time. When the bus pulled up, Adam graciously offered for y/n to get on first, which she accepted.
"A single to the south end please, and whatever he's getting" she said to the driver, pulling her wallet out and smiling over her shoulder at Adam
"Uh, the same" he said, trying to hide just how flattered he was that she'd offered to pay for his journey, "heh, thanks" he smiled awkwardly.
The pair rode the bus together, talking and laughing about music and films until they reached their stops and went their separate ways home.
For the first time in who knows how long, Adam had a spring in his step. There was something about y/n that made him feel safe enough to come out of his shell. He felt his heart almost melt when he got home, to find he'd recieved a text:
This is y/n from the bus stop :) was so lovely to meet you! You doing anything tomorrow? x
A/n hello! Let me know if you want a part 2 to this!
Replies and reblogs are very much appreciated! I thrive on your validation lmao
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for details and masterlist! <3
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vivalarevolution · 2 years
𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓛𝓮𝓯𝓽 𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓻𝓽
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Daemon Targaryen x Velaryon Oc
Summary: A king needs a queen, but she doesn't want to be queen. Not when her heart belongs to another man, the king's brother.
(Velaryons, are presented as in books)
A/N: Hello everyone. This is my first story posted here. I hope you all gonna like it.
Also english is not my native language, so I am sorry for any mistakes.
Part 2
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Rhaella was the oldest child of Lord Corlys Velaryon and princess Rhaenys Targaryen.
She inherited her mother's beauty. However, her character was a combination of both her parents, and it was an explosive mixture indeed.
A woman like her was a rarity and a thorn in the sides of lords who could not accepted a stubborn creature like her.
She was more a dragon than a human.
If she could, she would probably have spent her entire life on the back of a large beast. Flying between the clouds, listening to the sounds of birds and feeling of the sea breeze on her face as white as snow.
But she had to tread on hard ground that was not as lighthearted as heaven, but brutal and full of lurking dangers.
When Queen Aemma died, the entire kingdom held its breath, only to explode with a sea of a thousand voices demanding that the king would find a new queen in her place.
And then the first dangers emergeed from the shadows, attacking the white-haired girl.
For the first time in her life, the violet-eyed woman felt threatened. She felt neither safe nor at peace.
She hated that in the eyes of the kingdom, being high-born made you only a broodmare to sell.
It was a harsh reality but how realistic.
-My lady , the water is to hot. You will burn yourself- said one of her servants but Rhaella didn't listen , going into steaming water.
-I'll be fine Rosalie. You can go now- she said, dismissing the maid.
The old woman gave her one last look before she disappeared behind the door of the chamber, leaving the girl alone with her rushing thoughts.
Rhaella felt the water surrounding her body, embracing her in a warm and soothing manner, like an embrace of a mother or a lover.
At the thought of her lover, her eyes opened slightly.
Even now, Daemon haunted her mind like a plague. Her heart pounded with every second that the violet-eyed face appeared in front of her, and her skin stung at the thought of his rough hands and soft lips giving her pleasure for long hours.
Her hands involuntarily went to the necklace, which was a gift from a man and a symbol of a promise. A promise of love for a fair-haired woman.
Lavender eyes wandered to the door, then shifted their interest to the balcony in front of it.
She wondered if she had focused hard enough, Targaryen would have appeared on the threshold of her terrace, taking her far away, somewhere where they could finally indulge in their embrace without fear or apprehension.
 But no one came.
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Rhaella spent the rest of the afternoon staring out to sea. The distant sound of the waves crashing against the rocks soothed her heart, as did the gentle movement of the water.
More and more she found herself thinking, hating herself for it, hating how her mind worked, but no matter how much she tried to change it, nothing helped.
-You could not be forced to sit in the castle even for a few minutes - a male voice said behind her - You preferred to ride Jaehaeron and fly over the Driftmark. Now you cannot be forced to leave the chamber. What has changed?
The white-haired girl looked back.
Seeing her father, she smiled imperceptibly before returning to admire the view outside the window.
-People change - she said.
-Rhaella, I'm your father. If there's anything or anyone that's keeping you awake, tell me - he said confidently, standing next to her.
-You are also a Lord - she remarked listlessly. - Advisor to King Viserys -she added, and alabaster hands gripped the stone balustrade tightly.
 -Has that ever stopped me from parenting?- He asked, looking at her grim face.
 -No -she replied. -But through it you can become the cause of my downfall.
 -What do you mean? - He asked, patiently waiting for her answers.
 The young woman looked down, stroking her white hands with her fingertips, thinking about the sequence of words that had been pressed on her lips for so long.
 -I don't want to be his queen -she whispered after long minutes of silence, and even though she wanted to say so much, only this sentence came out of her mouth.
 Corlysy's eyes softened at the eldest daughter's words. Throughout her age, expectations for her were great, often overloading her small shoulders on which she had held a lot anyway.
 The man hugged her body, pulling the girl's head closer as she sobbed softly. Stroking her silver curls, he tried to soothe her.
 After weeks of agony, Rhaella felt everything leaving her body. Sorrow, fear, anger and longing came out of her body, finally giving her a moment of respite.
 Her breathing grew shallower and calmer, allowing her to hear her heart racing.
 -I would like to assure you that your wish will be granted. But if the king himself wants to have you as a wife, there will be nothing that can be done - he informed her in a calm tone of voice, combing the white waves on her head - You are the oldest candidate, besides joining our houses will give us a strong and lasting alliance.
 -I would prefer to fall off Jaehaeron's back, breaking all the bones in my body- she announced angry- Than marry a man who is not close to me.
 -So tell me who you are close to?- He asked unexpectedly.
 -What do you mean?- She asked in surprise, pushing herself off her father's torso to meet his eyes.
 -You are my daughter, my firstborn. All your life you were stubbornly persuaded that you would never marry, and your mother supported this because she loved you too much to ruin your happiness. There is someone close now, so tell me Rhaella, who is close to you? - The head of the Velaryon family asked her.
 -Is it important? - she answered the question - My happiness does not matter anyway.
 -It matters - the older man said firmly -Me and your mother, we care about your happiness -he assured.
Violet-eyed girl looked into her father's eyes, then looked down after a while, biting her lip with nervousness. She was silent until the white-haired man lifted her head up in the act of silent command.
-I fell in love with the wrong man- she confessed quietly- I can't marry him, because he is already married- she admitted honestly- But I love him and he loves me. He's the only one holding my heart in an iron grip.
 -His name -the girl's father said seriously.
 The daughter of Rhaenys looked confidently into the man's eyes. Her hard and controlled eyesight did not bode well.
-Daemon Targaryen - she announced unscrupulously, pressing the name through her teeth as if it were burning her tongue.
 Corlys sighed heavily.
 Frowning, he released the woman from his embrace and walked away from her a few steps, leaning heavily against the stone balustrade of the balcony.
The young woman looked at Lord of Driftmark unimpressed, expecting any response that did not come as quickly as she might have expected.
-Does anyone know? Anyone? -Rhaell's father asked suddenly.
-No - she replied immediately - I knew the consequences of my decision.
-And despite that, you decided to take the risk? - he asked, glancing out of the corner of his eye at his eldest child.
-If I were a man, you wouldn't be half as disappointed - she said, avoiding answering the question -But you have to understand that living in a cage wore me out. I couldn't sit back and watch the people doing what I wanted so badly.
- You wanted to prostitute yourself on the side? -he asked in a hard and cold tone.
-I wanted freedom! - she almost shouted -I wanted to try life. And I don't regret the moment or the decisions I made.
-This conversation stays between us. Not a single word has the right to leave this chamber - said the white-haired man after a while - I will discuss it with your mother. Then we'll decide what to do next.
 The girl looked annoyed at the man leaving, and her lavender eyes glazed again, but this time she did not let the tears flow out, hiding the bitterness inside her.
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What the silver-haired girl was going to do from miles away seemed stupid, not fully thought out and impetuous plan that had no right to succeed.
However, her person decided to try anyway, too stubborn to stop now.
Sneaking out of the castle was one thing, but sneaking into the dragon's pit on the pretext of an evening ride was something else entirely.
Avoiding through large groups of guardians, she hid in the shadows, trying to reach her beloved dragon.
When the black beast's head caught her eyes, a broad smile appeared on her face.
-Jaehaeron - she said softly so as not to scare the animal.
The dragon opened it’s amber eyes and heavily raised his huge head. When he saw his rider, he approached a little, nudging the woman.
His strength nearly knocked her to the ground, but at the last moment Rhaella clutched at his muzzle with her tiny hands.
-Hello, my dear - she said gently, stroking the hot scales of the reptile- We have to go- she added, staring at Jaehaeron's pupil, and he, as if understanding her words exactly, bent his head and part of his big wing so that she could easily climb on his back, sitting down in a handmade saddle.
Rhaenys' daughter gripped the reins tightly as she started forward.
The moment she got off the ground, nothing else mattered. Her dragon's wings were five houses wide, and the head was the size of a small carriage. The animal was hard to miss, but after a few flaps of its wings, King's Landing moved away a considerable distance, looking only as a blurry outline in the eyes of the fair-haired girl.
Her eyes followed the city view for a moment longer before turning to the one in front of her. As new structures began to appear in the distance, Rhaella held her breath. 
Jaehaeron knew exactly where to go, as if his mind and hers had become one.
The Dragonstone grew clearer minute by minute, making the woman's heart beat like mad again.
As her dragon's shadow enveloped the first parts of the castle, the guards were quick to notify the rogue prince who, sitting in his chamber, stared at the tongues of fire emerging from the fireplace.
-My lord, a new dragon has appeared on the island - announced one of the soldiers.
The white-haired man turned his head and looked at the man unfazedly.
-What does it look like?- He asked.
-Black, with white ends. Large -the guard said shortly, not knowing much about these kind of reptiles.
Daemon got up from his chair and left the room without a word. His steady and quick steps led him towards the exit where the white-haired beauty with her dragon waited.
Rhaella, seeing the silhouette of the prince, slowly walked away from Jaehaeron, facing the man. When she was close enough, Targaryen opened his arms for her to let her fall freely into them. Her body pressed against him instantly, like a lost piece of a puzzle.
Violet-eyed prince hugged her tightly, hiding his face in the crease of her slender neck, inhaling her addictive scent of lilac and gooseberry.
-Daemon - she whispered longingly, as he raised his head to look into her eyes.
-My little dragon- he replied, stroking her reddened cheek- What are you doing here?
-Six months ago you promised me you'd come back for me. I couldn't wait any longer -she confessed, snuggling into his large white hand.- Not when the vultures stopped feeding, looking for another prey.
-What happened? - he asked seriously, carefully studying the woman's face.
 -King is looking for a new wife - she whispered, as if the information was to be a secret.- I couldn't bear the fear that I might be one of the options. I was afraid that I would never see you again, Daemon.
-I would never allow it - he assured, and there was something dark, menacing in his voice. -I would kill anyone who stood in my way to you.You belong to me, only to me.
 -As you belong to me - she said equally possessively, brushing his lips. -And I want it to stay that way- added Rhaella, running her hand over the white-haired man's neck.
 -It will stay this way -he assured, pulling her body back against him, covering her tiny body with his.
The silver-haired girl closed her lavender irises, praying in the depths of her soul that Daemon would actually protect her from the cruel world on the ground, so that she could once again taste the carefree life in the clouds.
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bookoftheironfist · 25 days
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Danny: "Give it up, Colleen. Before you get yourself hurt." Colleen: "Over your dead body, chum!" Danny: "Colleen, you wanted this duel and now you've had it. I hope you're satisfied. Now you're going to surrender or I'm going to break your arm. D'you hear me, girl? I really will break it!" Colleen: "You and how many other-- Oww!! Alright, already, I surrender! Hey, Danny, what's with the grumps? We had a pretty good workout and you won the duel to boot..." Marvel Premiere #24 by Chris Claremont, Pat Broderick, Phil Rache, Vinnie Colletta, and Karen Mantlo
I've talked a bit about this scene before in regards to the Danny side of things-- K'un-Lun's societal sexism and Danny's relationships with women who fight, and the way that each bit of culture shock in this early period fed into his frustration and homesickness for K'un-Lun-- but this time I want to focus on Colleen, and how compellingly this scene establishes her character and reflects her pivotal role in the Iron Fist world at this time.
This scene opens the issue, flinging us into a different type of action than we've grown used to in these stories-- not a desperate battle against an enemy, but a casual sparring match between two friends. Or at least, that's how Colleen sees it; as the fight goes on, we come to realize how the perspectives of the two combatants profoundly differ. Danny is uncomfortable and upset; he doesn't want to fight her, he's been raised with the philosophy that attacking a woman, under any circumstances, is forbidden. But Colleen doesn't care. In fact, as his protestations become more adamant, she begins to mess with him. To tease him. To see if she can push him past that mental block so that they can just, you know, have some fun.
Colleen Wing in this early period existed as a bit of an anchor within the world of Iron Fist. With both Danny and her father, Professor Wing, ensconced in far-flung things-- mystic realms, magical powers, epic revenge quests, ninja death cults-- Colleen is grounded. Down-to-Earth. While we don't actually see the Nightwing Restorations duo in action for quite a while, its existence is established early-on, cementing Colleen's career as an experienced professional butt-kicker. She is very likely older than Danny (at least, Misty certainly is). And when this strange, angry, damaged boy arrives from another dimension, wielding unearthly kung fu skills and the powers of a dragon, she takes him under her wing (pun maybe intended) and does something that probably not many people would do in that situation: She hangs out with him. She treats him like a regular person. She likes him and thinks his skills are neat, but she isn't in awe of him the way her father is. This is the same Colleen who refused to cater to Misty's self-pity after losing her arm, who treated her beloved friend as a tough and resilient surviver until Misty finally began to see herself that way too. With Danny, she goes, "So, you're this amazing fighter, huh? Cool, let's fight."
And that's exactly what we see here. Colleen is not afraid of Danny's legendary abilities. She's not intimidated by him at all (she calls him "chum", and earlier in the scene tells him to "quit futzing around"...<3). If he's gonna go easy on her because of some twisted-up moral quandary, fine, then she'll go right ahead and kick his ass. All she is asking for here is his friendship and respect. She has no time for his sexist hand-wringing. She wants him to fight her like an equal. To fight her like a friend. And Colleen Wing is stubborn enough and confident enough to risk a broken arm-or-two to make that happen.
P.S. The facial expressions here by penciller Pat Broderick are wonderful. The realism and attention to detail in this fight (a staple of these early Iron Fist issues) make it all the more fun and impactful.
P.P.S. "I am a woman. Not a girl." Chris Claremont, I am giving you the biggest of high fives.
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star-girl69 · 1 year
Natalie Scatorccio x Fem!Reader
a/n: i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: swearing, mentions of fire, mentions of death, mentions of a panic attack, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Five - Give Me a Reason To Love You
Chapter Five - Give Me a Reason To Love You
It was haphazard, but after ripping a bunch of little strips of random t-shirts, Misty had managed to create a secure bandage for the gash on your face. There was a loop running over your eyebrows, one in between your mouth and nose, and another around your chin. It was awkward, and you felt a little claustrophobic- which made you think back to when Nat had placed her arm around you on the plane- but it was better than leaving an open wound to the elements.
I’m so tired, of playing, playing with this bow and arrow,
Gonna give my heart away,
Leave it to the other girls… to play
The music in your ears was a welcome distraction, and you were glad that you had decided to bring it, your small walkman and black headphones, since you always wrote best when something was playing softly in the background.
Night had fallen, and with it came darkness, and cold. A sudden burst of light, and Natalie had used her lighter to spark the fire the girls had made. You leaned forward, greedy, rubbing your hands together and placing them palms out towards the growing flame.
You could hear Nat laugh slightly over your music.
For I’ve been a temptress too long,
After everything that happened today, it was nice to stick with facts, and not make believe. The worst thing imaginable had just happened to you. Everyone thinks “it won’t be me” until it is them. They say, “it won’t happen to me, it couldn’t” until it does.
And you weren’t a fool. You saw how Tai and Van gravitated towards each other, your saw the looks, the care and concern, the touches. They were in love, and you weren’t a fool.
You knew what having a crush felt like.
But you had never expected to have a crush on a girl. Much less the enigma that was Natalie Scatorccio.
Just give me a reason,
To love you
Give me a reason,
To be… A woman
Natalie sat next to you after a moment, staring at the fire that was rising strong, flaring into a bright red and orange inferno.
You let your mind wander back to the cold, the cold of the wilderness, that not even a fire could assuage. The fire was warm, but not warm enough, so you wrapped your arms around yourself- thinking of insulated houses.
I just want to be a woman
Natalie was like fire, in a way. She was unpredictable. One day she could be burning houses down, the next she was keeping a group of teenagers warm in the wilderness. But like fire, she could be used- fire doesn’t just start all by itself. It needs a match. A catalyst. And the world had given Natalie plenty of sparks.
You wondered if she got to close- would she burn you? You always thought of yourself like a deadly nightshade, but plants could catch on fire easily.
Are you willing to take that risk?
“Give me a reason to love you,” you think.
“I’m sure the plane has an emergency transmitter sending out a distress signal,” Shauna says suddenly. Everyone glances up at her from the fire, and you can still faintly see the image of the flame burned into your eyes, flickering across her face, dancing in the warm glow the actual fire casts.
“They’ll be here to rescue us by morning.”
But Shauna doesn’t know the future.
You were distracted by the sound of loud chewing, nuts cracking between someone’s teeth. Your stomach twisted at the thought of food, and you looked up at Van, at her apathetic face staring into the flames.
“Still…” Jackie started, “Maybe we should conserve some food? In case they don’t get here till later in the day?”
Van nods, her face twisting into a disgusted sort of scowl.
“You want to save the CornNuts?”
They stare at each for a moment, before Jackie looks down, and no one else at the fire speaks for a while.
“You okay, Laura Lee?”
Tai taps Laura Lee’s arm, who’s still clutching that poor bear, and you notice the tears in her eyes.
She stares at the ground a second longer before replying, shaking slightly.
“This is all my fault,” she whispers.
Everyone sits up taller and looks at her. What could somebody like Laura Lee do to make our plane crash, you wonder? She’s sweet and kind, and prays more than anyone else you know.
“I did something really bad,” she whispers. Tai looks to Van, who simply shakes her head. Tears start falling down Laura Lee’s face, and her voice grows thick with sadness. “I kept screwing up in my piano lesson last week. Mrs. Brophy kept yelling at me. ‘Sharp. F sharp. F Sharp.’ I just… I couldn’t take it anymore. So I called her a bad word.”
She sniffles, and you can’t help but look around the fire, seeing everyone’s shocked and confused faces glow in the orange light.
“Just in my head, but… God heard me. Now we’re all be punished.” She says it so mournfully, and even though you’re sure God has bigger things to deal with- you can’t help but feel for her. She truly believes she caused this- but she didn’t. It was a freak thing. No one is to blame for that.
“What did you call her?” Tai whispers.
Laura Lee looks up with her big eyes filled with tears, true regret on her face.
“Cunt,” she says, so softly.
Van is the first one to laugh.
At first, everyone tries to hide it, looking down at the ground, keeping their lips pressed together tight, but eventually- the stress of their day’s events are wearing on everybody, and maybe this release is what you need.
Soon, the wilderness is filled with the sound of girls listing hysterically, gathered around the fire.
You see Laura Lee even let out a small giggle, which only makes you laugh more, until Lottie speaks.
“I steal shitty clothes from T.J. Maxx,” she rushes out, staring at the flames. The laughter dies to down. “I return them, and I get credit that I never use, and I have thousands of dollars in T.J. bucks.”
More laughing, even as Misty touches up the fire.
“I, uh, used to sneak downstairs after everybody had gone to bed,” Jackie starts with a wistful smile on her face, “and watch Color of Night so I could pause it on Bruce Willis’s wang.”
“Definitely why we crashed!” Tai chimes in, earning more laughter.
“I mean, Jeff’s not bad, but damn.”
More laughter, even as Shauna looks away, no laughter pouring from her mouth.
And, maybe it’s the adrenaline still in your veins from earlier in the day- but you confess next.
“Um, sometimes I leave these really stupid, really mean notes on Gordon River’s desk before school paper meetings.” Everyone waits for a second, for some grand reveal of how he wronged you. “He’s just so fucking bitter towards me ‘cause I’m a better writer than him.”
More laughter. A part of you wants it to stay like this forever- this peace. But, you can hear the wilderness all around you- the rustle of a few branches, the soft scurrying of a squirrel or a chipmunk through the leaves, the sounds of an owl.
The wilderness is only just sinking it’s claws into you.
The scar on your face had gotten better with age. Once you had gotten out of the wilderness and some moisture had returned to your face, the scar healed much better. Countless doctors appointments, antibiotics to make sure there wasn’t anything brewing under the now-closed skin.
For months after the crash, when reporters followed you at every turn, they would always ask about your scar.
Did it come from the crash? Did it come after? Did one of the other girls hurt you?
The sudden vision of a hazy, humanoid figure. A crown rested upon her head- but it wasn’t like the one in movies or books. It was a crown of bone, of antlers, like a deers. The Antler Queen-
You rubbed your eyes, looking into the mirror, tracing the faint scar on your face. You had gotten really lucky with it. It was only on your face, not your head, so you didn’t have a concussion or a brain bleed. And besides for the fact that there was a huge gash in the middle of your face, it was superficial. Deep, but it didn’t hinder your ability to move your face or talk in anyway.
You thought about Natalie.
You didn’t think about her a lot these days, but she used to always smell like cigarettes and alcohol- especially those first few days after the crash. And with an apartment soaked in the stench of nicotine, it was hard not to think about her.
She tasted like cigarettes and alcohol too, even after the wilderness, in those few months you spent motel hopping around the south- shutting the blinds each night, turning the TV on loud and getting drunk and high and whatever else to pretend like you weren’t utterly dying inside.
Not only was the wilderness inside you, but it was wrenched itself into your soul in such a way that you would never be the same again. It had forced your organs aside, made a place in you where it wasn’t supposed to be. Something inside of you was broken. Displaced.
You doubted you could ever fix it.
The last time you saw Natalie was about a year ago, another stay in a motel, upstate New York, fucking around in some random city- far away from the forest.
That was when she overdosed. That night is hazy, but you remember pleading for her to stay with you, stay alive, and she did. You stayed just long enough to make sure she was alive, then you came back to the city. Moved into your cigarette-soaked apartment, got your job at Whole Foods.
A new number. A new address. A new job.
And in a place like NYC, she had no hopes of ever finding you again.
And you were fine with that. That’s what you wanted.
You couldn’t see her hurt herself again- and maybe that was selfish, but it was for you.
But on nights like this, when it’s fall, and it’s a little cold- you think about her. On nights like this, when a bird has found it’s way too close to your window, you think about a night you spent with her.
Neither of you had dont any drugs that night, surprisingly, and only had a little to drink. So in the dingy motel, in that cold bed, Natalie had wrapped her arms around you while you kissed her neck, laughing, talking about something you can’t remember.
When the wind picked up, it didn’t bother you. But when the tree started to scratch against the window, that’s when it started.
At first, it had only spooked you. You were tired enough for one little noise not to totally terrify you. Besides, with Natalie practically surrounding you, you could barely hear the first scratch against the window.
The next few were the same.
Until the wind came again, faster and stronger, scratching, scratching, like the sound of a knife hitting bone, like the sound of someone screaming far away. The last sound prey would make, before they died.
You shot up in bed, dragging Natalie with you, while she blinked the sleep out of her eyes and tried to tug you back to her, asking if you had a nightmare, while tears streamed down your face and you covered your ears, letting out a small cry.
“What- what’s wrong?” Natalie asked, cupping your face with one hand to get a good look at you, her finger sitting perfectly over your scar.
“The tree,” you gasped, “the tree, the tree, Nat, please-”
She didn’t say anything for a moment. Just thinking, until she pressed a small kiss to your hairline, and whispered:
“We’re in Texas, baby.”
She grabbed the remote from the bedside table, turning the TV on, some random talk show about the best five kitchen appliances to make cooking easier.
And like that, with Natalie wrapping herself back around you, your face in her neck and the sound of a talk show host’s squeaky voice, you fell asleep.
@sweetdayme4427 @dreaming-for-an-escape @peachydoki
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empressofthesunwriter · 11 months
Maiden of the Moon
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What if Kokushibo had a pupil, whom he taught the original Moon Breathing before he deserted the Demon Slayer Corps?
Mochizuki Yua was born only for these reasons: To become a Hashira and make her family a respected one in the Demon Slayer Corps.
But if you only live for the expectations of others, who are YOU truly?
What will it take to find yourself?
A long, hard journey awaits.
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I want to thank you all that you didn’t give/gave a chance to my little FF!
Now I gave the Spider Family a big sister so Yua had someone to fight. I made her even with a base, so check my Deviantart!
Can some of you guys from whom I got the inspiration for Onee-Sama and the fight they both have?
Enjoy the chapter.
Chapter 7: Onee-Sama
Her lungs felt like collapsing.
The Katana in her hand weighed so much.
She shivered all over her body.
But Yua couldn’t give up.
She swiped with her Aura-Sensing again the clearing she was in.
On her left!
Total Concentration! Moon-Breathing! Second Form: Moongazing Pearl Blossom!
Yua performs three crescent-shaped slashes which deflect the incoming spider thread arrows of her opponent.
“Fu, fu, fu.”, laughed the spider demon, from his hidey-hole. “Little girl, aren’t you tired already? How long can you deflect my attacks?”
The midnight blue-haired beauty gulps but doesn’t back down.
“As long as I can!”, she spats back.
I have to give Tanjiro and Inosuke enough time to reach the demon who controls the other Demon Slayers!
A few minutes ago, Yua was racing with Tanjiro and Inosuke through the forest.
Well, she and Tanjiro had to drag Inosuke with them.
After the maks-wearing boy had pinpointed the location of the Spider Demon, who used the other Demon Slayer as puppets, they didn’t know how to reach it.
Thankful Murata and Katsumi had told them to go on and that the two would handle the controlled Demon Slayer. They now knew to cut the threads and be careful of the little spiders.
It happened that Inosuke insulate them telling them that they had pissed their pants before, to which Murata rebuked him was a stupid boar.
Inosuke was ready to kick his ass, thankful she and Tanjiro had gripped him and run forth with him.
Huffing annoyed the boar-headed boy told them: “Dammit! I’m gonna punch that guy if it’s the last thing I do!”
“Stop talking like that!”, told him Tanjiro.
“He called me “a stupid boar”, okay, Monjirou!”
“It’s “Tanjiro”!”
“How can you mess up names so much?!”, adds Yua huffing.
“What’ya mean Yue?”
“THAT right here!? Do I look like I have white hair and blue eyes?”
“Anyway!”, intervented Tanjiro. “We’re heading the right way, right?”
“My senses never lie!”
Like lighting stroke her, Yua Aura-Sensing acted up.
“GET DOWN!”, she screamed and tackled both boys to the ground.
“What’s your problem, woman!”
However, both boys were speechless when they saw three big white arrows impaled in the ground where they had stood before their Senpai had tackled them.
“W-What?!”, mubled Tanjiro.
He hadn’t even smelled them, so fast were they.
Thankful Yua must have sensed them with her ability.
“Ara, Ara, what do we have here?”, said a feminine voice mockingly. “A handsome boy, a beautiful girl and a ripped half-boar man? You are quite interesting. I wonder if you taste as good as you look.”
The three Demon Slayers stood up and sheathed their Katanas.
“Inosuke is this the Demon?”, wondered Tanjiro aloud.
It was Yua who answered him. “No, this is a different one. The other demon was so far away that my Aura-Sensing didn’t reach it. Also, the arrows have a different Aura hefting on them than the threads that control the Demon Slayers.”
An eerie giggle was heard.
“Fu, fu, fu, beautiful and smart. You will taste good girl. I won’t let you near my mother.”
So the mother of the spider demons controlled the Demon Slayers. At least this was good to know.
Again Yua Aura-Sensing acted up.
“Guys get ready!”, she took a deep breath. “Total Concentration! Moon Breathing! Seventh Form: Mirror of Fortune, Moonshine!”
The barrage of arrows, which was flying towards the three friends, gets stopped by Yua's technique. She performs a frontal crescent-shaped slash that unleashes straight and curved slashes that expand outward, hitting all arrows.
“Tzz!”, grumbles the spider demon.
Tanjiro and Inosuke are in awe.
They never saw Moon-Breathing in action.
It was really as powerful and beautiful as their Senpai told them.
“Kamada, Hashibira!”, turns Yua to them. “You two go along. I will take care of this demon. You need to get to the Spider Mother, it doesn’t make sense if we all stay here.”
“But Yua-Senpai.”, mumbles Tanjiro worried.
Yes, their Senpai and her Breathing Style were on a whole different level than theirs, but could they really leave her behind?
Yua gives them a confident smirk, which makes Tanjiro feel all the flattery in his stomach, even Inosuke feels strangely shyly seeing it.
It was...hot.
“Don’t worry about me, I’m not a Hinoto for nothing. I can take care of myself. Now go!”
Tanjiro thanks her and he and Inosuke start running.
This makes the Spider Child (?) scream in outrage: “You aren’t going to touch my mother!”
She sends arrows after the boys, but Yua is already there.
“Total Concentration! Moon-Breathing! Eighth Form: Moon Dragon’s Tail!” 
Swift Yua performs a massive long-ranged curved slash that leaves dozens of crescent moon blades along its path. The moon blades hit all arrows and Tanjiro and Inosuke are safe to go on.
“You are going on my nerves, girl!”, hisses the Spider Demon.
“And I just got started.”, sasses Yua back.
This was like a half hour ago and Yua felt how she got weaker with any attack.
It was just her luck that she couldn’t pinpoint where her adversary was hiding because she didn’t give her enough time to do a good sweep of the clearing.
She needed to try while she got attacked to sense the Demon.
This was the only way!
As the spider demon sent new arrows at her Yua performed Moon-Breathing Fifth Form: Ghost of the Moon, Advantageous Swirl! It creates multiple long and curved slashes layered over one another, essentially creating a vortex of crescent moon blades.
Hopefully, this would give her enough time to sense where the demon was hiding.
The midnight blue-haired girl reached with her Aura-Sensing to the borders of her ability and finally, she found the demon.
It was hiding up a tree, not far from her.
Determined Yua ran up to it, deflecting the arrows that were sent towards her, and with a scream she cut the tree down.
This made the Spider Demon jump out of it.
It stood now before her, pissed off.
Like Yua had guessed, it was a young woman, with white skin and red circles markings on her face. Her Kimono was white with some red accents and a green Obi. She wore normal wood sandals and her curly white hair had a green orb-like hair comb to the side.
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In her hands, the demon holds a bow and arrows.
“You are a pest!”, hissed the Spider Demon Girl. “I will feast on you!”
“Come at me then, bitch!”, Yua growled back.
With a scream, the Demon ready her bow to shoot her.
Yua quickly dodged the arrow and charged towards the Spider Demon Girl. She swung her sword with precision, but the demon was quick to dodge and counterattack.
The Mochizuki felt herself getting weaker with each hit, yet she refused to give up. She needed to end this quickly before she lost all her strength.
 The two continued to exchange blows, neither one gaining an advantage over the other.
“I have to hit her with my strongest technique or I will be spider lunch!”, thought Yua desperate.
Uncle Noritaka had taught her before he left the family their family ultimate technique. It was of his own creation and had secured him a place at becoming a Hashira, even if in the end he had refused.
However, Yua was scared to use it.
It took an enormous toll on the body.
Muscles and bones could break if you didn’t do it precisely.
She only ever used it on practice wood dolls, never on a Demon.
Could she even do it?
Does she even have a choice?
So she gathered all her strength for one final and hopeful devastating attack.
Yua closed her eyes and focused on the technique. She could feel her body trembling with anticipation and fear.
With a deep breath, she opened her eyes and charged towards the Spider Demon Girl. As she swung her sword, she shouted, "Moon-Breathing, Forbidden Techinic! Executing Moonlight Paradise!"
A loud boom echoed through the clearing as Yua's sword struck the ground in a crescent shape, sending shockwaves through the ground and air.
The Spider Demon Girl was flung screaming to the air, where Yua followed her and started to cut her over and over in crescent forms all over her body. It was so fast that it seemed that the Spider Demon Girl was cute by moonlight, thanks that Yua's sword was white.
She fell to the ground, a mess of ripped-open meat.
You couldn’t even recognize the Spider Demon Girl anymore.
Yua was covered in a white shimmering aura, making her look like moonlight herself.
With a last deep breath, she jumped high up and attacked the neck of the demon.
She cut her head, or what had remained of it, off.
The Spider Demon Girl let out a blood-curdling scream as she disintegrated into ash.
The Demon Slayer stood there for a moment, panting heavily from exhaustion.
She had done it.
She had defeated a demon all on her own using the Moon-Breathing ultimate technique.
As she walked away from the clearing, Yua couldn't help but feel proud of herself for what she had accomplished. She knew that Uncle Noritaka would be proud of her too if he were here to see it.
It was then that all forces left her and she fell face down to the forest ground.
Welcoming darkness embraced her.
Yua didn’t know how long she was out, but she awoke abruptly as someone slapped her face.
“Hello dear cousin, long time no see.”, greeted Sayako, her younger cousin, Yua.
She was dressed in her Kakushi uniform.
So that means...
“Huh, we won. Didn’t we?”, she asked Sayako.
Sayako huffed and petted her hair.
“Of course, you care more if the mission was complete than greeting me after so long.”
“Hello Sayako, you are still a pain in my ass.”
“Much better.”, hummed Sayako. Careful she picked Yua up and placed her on her back, giving her a piggyback ride. “Well, you sure made interesting friends, I must say. You and they keep holding off the Demons till the honourable Hashira’s Kocho-Sama and Tomioka-Sama could come.”
“Are the guys okay?”, Yua asked worried.
“Well, as well you can be facing a Lower Moon.”
“A Lower Moon was here?!”
“He made all this Spider Demon. Wanted to make a family if I understood right, but your friends are wounded but okay. You will join them at the Butterfly Mansion for cures.”
A little yawn escaped Yua and she snuggled herself closer to Sayako.
“That sounds good. I used Uncle Noritaka's forbidden technique, I think some of my muscles took damage.”
Impressed Sayako let out a whistel.
“Wow, YuYu, you didn’t break a bone. You are really something!”
“Yeah and now I gonna faint again.”
She only heard Sayako's amused laughter before she fainted again.
Yua was sure she earned herself some rest.
Moon-Breathing! Second Form: Moongazing Pearl Blossom! Is Second Form: Pearl Flower Moongazing.
Moon-Breathing Fifth Form: Ghost of the Moon, Advantageous Swirl! Is Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy
Moon Breathing! Seventh Form: Mirror of Fortune, Moonshine! Is Seventh Form: Mirror of Misfortune, Moonlit
Moon-Breathing! Eighth Form: Moon Dragon’s Tail! Is Eighth Form: Moon-Dragon Ringtail
Moon-Breathing, Forbidden Techinic! Executing Moonlight Paradise! Is my own invention. ^^
I know it’s a short chapter but I didn’t want to drag it on.
In the next chapter, we will stay at the Butterfly Mansion, and rehabilitation training and bonds will get deeper.
Can’t wait for it.
Until next time!
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kudosmyhero · 5 months
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (vol. 1) #16: A Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Story
Read Date: June 12, 2023 Cover Date: July 1988 ● Writer: Mark Martin ● Pencils: Mark Martin ● Inks: Mark Martin ● Letterer: Steve Lavigne ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● flying tackle glomp
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● where the fuck is this story going ● the fan letters are gonna rake this one over the coals ● 👏
Synopsis: The story begins with a little girl sitting on a box who talks to the reader. She begins by saying, "Let me tell you a story."
The girl explains that she has a time machine and that she has to thank the turtles for their help, but she must hurry as the time machine only has about 2 hours before it relocates.
The girl then enters the time machine (which is nothing more than a big white cube on the outside, but is filled with all kinds of apparatus on the inside) and engages its engines, which warp reality. "I hate this part," she says.
Cut to the streets of a city, where a drug addict has just stolen an old lady's purse. The woman's little dog is in pursuit of thief, but he meets up with the turtles before the dog can bite his ankle. The junkie throws the purse at Michelangelo and flees. Raphael admonishes Mike for blowing their cover, but Mikey states that no one will believe a word the crook says. Raph than asks Mike how he'll get the purse back to the lady without compromising their identities, and that's where the little dog comes in handy. Mikey gives the pooch the purse and the dog runs back to his master in victory.
Suddenly the time machine appears in the alley. The little girl pokes her head out and sees Leonardo, who she leaps on and hugs his neck. Leonardo warns the girl to mind his pair of katana and to be more careful who she leaps on. The girl says "You don't know who I am yet, do you?" Leo is bewildered and goes to fetch his brothers.
The little girl sends the reader off to shop for books for about an hour. Leo and the others appear in the room cautiously, wary of any further hug attacks. The girl says that she came back to thank them, just as the time machine begins to act up. The lass quickly hugs each turtle in thanks and gets back into the box, which warps reality once again. The box takes off and moments later a new box lands in the same spot, with a profound "Ouch!" resounding from within. The Turtles recognize the girl's voice and wonder what's going on.
The box opens and a head pokes out, revealing the time traveler—who no longer looks like a little girl, but a bug-eyed mutant. Everyone screams.
After brief confusion, the time traveler tells her story to the Turtles. Her father, Bobby, wanted to be in the cola business but had to give up his dreams when his wife, Manda, became pregnant. The soda business was only losing the couple money, and with a baby on the way, Bobby had to start making money to support the family. So the inventor takes a job with the Maximegamulticorp Capitalist Conglomerates Research Center (MMMCCC), and begins working on an "intelligence boosterizer" formula. While at work, Bobby worries about the use of the concoction and his proximity to dangerous chemicals, radiation and other phenomena. His co-worker reassures him and tells him that they'll be getting raises next week, which keeps Bobby going.
The time traveler then explains that while she was developing in her mother's womb, she began to assimilate her parent's thoughts and understand the world far better than her mother could. She also became aware that she was a genetic misfit, and once she was born, people would be frightened of her appearance… so when her mother finally gave birth, the traveler ran away. The mutant girl knew that her parents couldn't cope with a super-intelligent mutant baby, and she feared what the government would do to her (dissection). So the traveler escaped the hospital and set up a secret lab of her own. She had monitored her parents lives for awhile, but the guilt of having a mutant baby had wrecked Bobby and Manda's lives, so the traveler stopped keeping tabs on them as it was too depressing. Eventually the time traveler devised a plan—she built a time machine that would allow her to travel back in time and convince her father to not take the job from MMMCCC, thus allowing her to be born as a normal little girl.
The time traveler asks the turtles to help her on the mission, and the guys debate the problems with disrupting the time line. As the turtles discuss the theoretical problems, the traveler runs off. The turtles set off in pursuit and eventually arrive at a house. The boys barge in to find a shocked Bobby and Manda, who are speechless and immobile. The turtles are tongue-tied at first, but thanks to some quick thinking, they pose as employees of MMMCCC and welcome Bobby to the company. Bobby and Manda remain in shock as the turtles head out.
As the guys are descending a stairway pondering if their ruse will work, they come to the conclusion that it will, as they've already met the traveler in the form of a normal little girl. The guys get back to where the time machine is and are greeted by the traveler, who now looks like a mix of the little girl and her former mutant self (not a pretty sight). As the girl continues to mutate, she bids the turtles farewell and climbs back into the box. Reality warps once again. "I hate this part!" the turtles exclaim.
Cut to a kitchen, where we see the little girl getting some cola out of her refrigerator. She spots the reader but shows no recognition, in fact she accuses you of being a stowaway and states that you'll have to go back as soon as possible. She then remembers that she has a test tomorrow and that she has to study—which excites her because she's getting her normal memories back. Apparently all went well with the time travel scheme.
"Ring my bell!" the girl exclaims, "I'm turning into me! You just will not be-leev what I did today…"
The little girl pulls up a box, sits down and says "Let me tell you a story."
What goes around comes around.
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Fan Art: Raphael and Casey Jones by Khary Randolph by AshcanAllstars
Accompanying Podcast: ● Shellheads - episode 23
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wh3r3sth3l0ve · 8 months
Sora x Tifa
Part 17
Part 16 below
Days passed in routine Sora and Tifa have worked out. They were waking up in the morning, eating something outside and doing some training, then Tifa was heading to the bar and Sora for the hunt. Later on he was coming to 7th Heaven to join her and sit by the bar or have a talk with someone from the gang.
The other day started as usual and during breakfast Tifa said:
- Hey, today’s Avalanche’s meeting at the bar, I’d like you to be there. I think we could use some of your powers during the next mission, whatcha think?
- Why not? - Sora answered after a short thought.
She noticed that day by day his sadness was slowly going away. Everytime he smiled she felt her heart flutter and couldn’t take her eyes off of him. Anxiety attacks also seemed to disappear, at least for now. “I’m really falling for him. Is it too early to tell him about it?” she wondered, staring ahead.
In the afternoon Sora entered the bar and was surprised by how empty the place was. He walked to Tifa and gave her a short “hello” kiss.
- Everybody should be here in an hour. - she said cheerfully. - Barrett will lead the meeting.
An hour later almost all chairs were taken by the Avalanche members. According to Tifa’s words, there were a couple of groups that in the past weren’t really cooperating but a few years ago they joined forces.
- Our next mission will be quite simple! We hav to get some files those assholes keep in their office. We only need 20 people so not all of you will hav somethin’ to do.
Everyone seemed to be relaxed about it. Barrett continued:
- The group from Sector 8, we need you all to distract Shinra when we go inside. You up?
- You can count on us. - the answer was given by some girl in the front.
- Good. Me, Biggs, Wedge, Tifa and Sora, we’re gonna look for them files. We’ll need 30 minutes if everything’s gonna be good.
- Sora? Who’s Sora? - the question rolled around the room.
Sora was actually sitting in the corner and no one noticed him there. Tifa stood up and invited him to the front. He came over quickly to show himself to everybody.
- Sora is our new member, you can trust him. - Tifa introduced him.
Some heads nodded.
- Questions? No? Then we go in two days. Be prepared. - Barrett ended the meeting.
Everybody stayed to have some drinks and talk.
- Can I help you? - Sora asked Tifa when she started mixing drinks.
- No, I got this. - she smiled.
- Oh, come on. I want you to join me with a drink.
- Alright, alright. You’ll be serving, okay?
Sora set off eagerly for work. As he was approaching one of the tables, one of the guys sitting there turned towards Tifa and shouted:
- Hey, Tifa, can your pup tie my shoelaces as well? - all of them at the table laughed loudly.
- Ha ha ha ha ha, you are so funny!
Sora reacted faster than Tifa, who was clearly scared and ready to jump above the bar top to intervene.
He pretended to wipe a tear of laughter from his eye theatrically, grabbed an empty chair and sat just next to this guy. The whole place went silent, watching what happened.
- Yeah, I see you’re the alpha male, huh? A tough guy trying to impress a beautiful lady! - he left no space to respond. - Well, then I'll give you a hint. Tifa is a strong, independent woman and she could beat you up in three moves that you wouldn't even be able to see. She, and others alike, is not impressed by cocking out and trying to humiliate people, especially her boyfriend. - he said the last three words a little louder. - Instead, a woman of that kind would love a man to treat her with respect and honor. Offering help when she's toiling at work is a good idea, am I right, sweetheart? - he asked Tifa loudly, still looking straight in this guy’s eyes.
- Oh, sure you are, darling. - she responded with a grin, barely holding herself from laughter.
- See? So now, stop showing off those muscles, ‘cause there won't be any reason to use them. Be a good boy and behave while enjoying your drink. - he smiled sarcastically.
There was no response from the man. He lowered his head, clearly angry but nothing more. People started talking again while Sora was returning behind the bar.
- Bonehead. - he commented to her, looking gloomily at the guy.
- I’m so proud of you. - she smiled at him.
- Why?
- Every other guy would have ended up fighting this one. And you called me your girlfriend. - she blushed.
- Oh, right, I’ve never asked. Would you like to be my girlfriend?
- I’ll think about it. - she smiled playfully and kissed him on his cheek.
Sora felt his face becoming red so he took care of dirty glasses.
The rest of the evening was uneventful. The cocky guy even nodded his head with respect to Sora when leaving.
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Threequel Film CMoF
"Once again, this whole broadcast has been brought to you by SAND! It's everywhere! Get used to it!"
At one point, the crowd of onlookers parts, and reveals Jinda dressed as Moses.
During the Misfits' raid starting with Nur trying to shove an elephant. Haman pushes the guy aside and takes it from there.
Haman: Let me be the point man! (jabs the elephant in the butt) (Cut to the wedding pavilion, shaking violently) Jinda: I thought the Earth wasn't supposed to move until the honeymoon…
Jinda confronting the Misfits during the chaos also counts as a Moment of Awesome. The look on the face of the elephant she uses as a gun is priceless.
Jinda: FREEZE, SCUMBAGS! (cocks elephant's trunk like a gun) Don't make me use the other end! (Wind comes out of the trunk, blowing Zeila, Bekbek, Raji and Nur away. The elephant's trunk deflates and Jinda puts the elephant down)
During the wedding attack, the rumbling of the stampede causes the entire ceiling to crumble, prompting Jinda to fly up and try and hold it back… With mixed results.
Jinda: I think we're gonna have a little problem with leaks. (Flies up and starts holding it back with her body) (Crumbling stops) Jinda: (Moves back from the ceiling, revealing that it's almost completely gone apart from a silhouette of where her body was holding it.) I guess there's really no point to this now.
Instead of fleeing when the Misfits break up the wedding, Giola actively defends the gifts from Morjiana, wielding a vase like a bat. Greed was probably her main motive. Also counts as a Moment of Awesome.
Giola: Back away from the goods, bi— Mamun: WHOA, GIOLA! Morjiana: Good birdy... Polly wanna little— (Giola switches to human form and moves to punch Morjiana in the face, however, Morjiana simply catches the bird girl's fist instead, delivering a neck chop that instantly renders Giola out cold.) Morjiana: I wasn't gonna say "cracker", idiot.
Later while Hadi wrestles with Morjiana over the Oracle medallion, he kicks a vase to Giola, who has just regained consciousness, shattering it against her forehead and knocking her out again.
When the Misfits are leaving the pavilion, the walls around Jinda crash.
Jinda: Oooh...! (looks around nervously) This is not my fault! (while everything else collapses behind her) This was just not built to code! Giola: (to the Sultana) Good luck gettin' back the catering deposit.
Then when Jinda offers to help rebuild the pavilion:
Jinda: Fear not, O Mother of the Bride, we can rebuild! (turns into a construction worker) Sultana: Oh yes, please, do! We can't have a wedding without a pavilion! Genie: (writing on a clipboard) Alright, a wedding pavilion it is! (turns Giola, Mamun and Horse into construction workers) Hey, I wanna see some resumés on these people. And don't let the redhead near any power tools. (Giola shoots Jinda a dirty look)
When the Oracle of Delphi is introduced and Giola wonders why the Misfits wanted the medallion, and it answers. It says she can only answer "one" question. Giola's arguing with The Oracle when the latter mentions the "grandest treasure of all" is priceless!
Yulia: What were they after, the gifts? Hadi: Not all the gifts. This is what the Queen of Misfits wanted. (Holds up the mysterious medallion he wrestled from the Queen of Misfits during the chaos) Giola: With all the other great stuff in here, why go for this thing? (Suddenly, a blinding light emerges from the medallion and it floats out of Hadi's hand. A voice rings out as a visage of a woman appears in the air) Oracle: Your question is mine to answer! The Queen of Misfits sought my sight to find the Grandest Treasure of All. Giola: (Upon hearing the words "Grandest Treasure of All") ...HOT DANG! Hadi: Jinda? Jinda: Looks like an Oracle. Oracle: Correct. I am the Oracle of Delphi. I see all that has been, and all that will be. Jinda: Oh, "The" Oracle, got it. Giola: Okay, you know all, so tell all. Where is the treasure? You know, the grandest one? Oracle: I am bound by the rule of one. One question, one answer. Giola: Well, I only want one answer. WHERE IS THE GRANDEST TREASURE OF ALL?! Oracle: You have already asked your question. Giola: Oh, you mean before? Uh, that wasn't a question! That was, uh… thinking out loud! Jinda: (as Mamun grabs Giola) VERY loud!
Giola pointing out that Hadi's plan to follow the Misfits isn't very well thought out:
Hadi: We've got 'em trapped! Giola: Whaddya mean "we"?! They are THE Misfits! We are two human guys, a horse made of metal, and me! Wait, don't count me.
Haman proclaims that, regardless of Hadi being Morjiana's brother, he is still an intruder and must be punished as such. Giola instantly tries to appeal to Morjiana's better nature.
Giola: Look, he's your brother! We're his friends! CAST A VOTE FOR MERCY HERE!
After Hadi's fight with Mujahid, we get one of the best Bait-and-Switch moments in the franchise:
Morjiana: You killed him… Well, the Code of the Misfits is very clear on this point: You're in.
Giola and Mamun's usual interactions.
Zelia: We Misfits swore to never harm the innocent. Giola: Uh, for future reference, I'm as innocent as the day I was hatched! Mamun: What about Kof— (Giola slaps a hand over his mouth)
This exchange after Hadi returns to Bajida with the Misfits.
Hadi: Looks like Jinda has everything ready. Morjiana: Who's Jinda? Mamun: Our genie. Latifa: Wait, you have a genie? Wishes and everything?! Giola: Oh please, don’t go into it. It’s just too painful…
When Morjiana introduces herself as the Queen of Misfits, Jinda's Code Red scene is hilariously over-the-top throughout, but the Funny Moment is at the end of the scene, when dozens of Jinda clones have surrounded the Misfits and are all pointing guns at them:
Jinda: Do not attempt to move, or we'll be shooting ourselves!
During the Code Red, Hadi rubs his temple with a look of utter chagrin and boredom. Clearly, by now, he's learned to "just go with it" when Jinda goes off on one of these extended bouts of randomness. Mamun and Giola feel the same way, in contrast to the Misfits, who are all staring on in confusion.
"Trying to show your sister a better life wasn't stupid, Hadi. Leaving her alone with our parrot, that was stupid."
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
— includes keaya, diluc, albedo, venti, childe, zhongli, xiao, kazuha, thoma, and itto x f!reader
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y/n? she is quite the captivating mystery, I never know what to expect from her. So far, she is the only one able to catch me off guard especially when she smiles. She accompanies me to the tavern every time, it’s honestly comforting; but enough about that, if I keep talking I may reveal some…private stuff. Would you like to meet her some time?
You met her? That’s lovely; i hope it was a good time. For me, whenever she is around somehow the world seems brighter and everything goes smoother. Perhaps that’s the effect love has on people, you seem to loose track of time; for that I really don’t know how to repay her…
She is quite the character, I could spend years trying to study her and I would still not have her fully figured out; however, of course like any good lover I do notice when her mood changes or if she wants or is disturbed by something. I do not like when she is down, it puts me in a foul mood.
Oh my happy heart! Her name alone is a beautiful melody to my ear! Y/N, a gorgeous face that blooms under the moonlight; I can not put into words how much I love— I mean I can because I am a bard, but they are never enough to express how I really love her! We should go drink wine together, it will be a blast! Hehe!
Do you see that lovely lady over there? That’s my stunning lover, y/n! She is an absolute sight for sore eyes, don’t you think? But seriously she is so lovable, it’s never a dull day with her and she is pretty good at sparing too! Just my kind of woman.
Ah, I take it that you’ve finally met her. It was but a matter of time, how was your encounter? I would like to assume it was a rather sweet one. Why? Well, y/n is a wonderful lady, the type to make your worries go away in a glance when she smiles ever so brightly. She makes me loose sense of time and not worry about the…matters that concern me most of the time. But enough about that, would you like to come over? I am sure y/n would love to see you again.
Huh? Y/n? She…she is my lover. No, I am not embrassed, I merely still don’t believe it, somehow. I can see her by my side smiling crystal clear, but I can’t help but think that it’s just a fever dream. After all, my karma is still ongoing for the rest of my life; though it has become lighter when she appeared.
You would like to know who was that person I was speaking to? That was y/n, she is my lover and one of my biggest inspirations to my poems. Till this day, I am convinced that she is a blessing from the Archons; I am content with my life yes, but with her around, I can’t help but feel like the happiest person alive.
Ah Y/N! You wouldn’t believe how we met, she was carrying some boxes and clumsily slipped; thankfully though I was there to help her and since then we got closer! Oh you want to know who she is to me now? She is my one and only lover! And my primary taste-tester!
THAT’S MY GIRL! Oh hey traveler! You mean the absolutely badass woman fighting in the arena? That’s my girlfriend and she is pretty strong let me tell you! When I first started dating her, there was a Rifthound that was gonna attack her but I was too far away and feared that she might get hurt, but guess what? SHE DEMOLISHED THAT THING AND SENT IT BACK RUNNING WITH ITS TAIL BETWEEN ITS LEGS!
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taglist: @magenta-cat-drawingss @pompompurin1028 @scul-pted @dazaisdeathwish @requiem626k @nameless-shrimp @shinys-bsd-world-1 @sonder-paradise @ravenina14 @jessbeinme15 @todorokichills @ginneko @missrown
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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jessikahathaway · 3 years
Baby Talk - Part I
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I've had this in my WIPs for a while and I wanted to get some of it out so that you all could enjoy it! Let me know what you think and if you want more??? Tag lists are open for all of my ongoing fics so if you want to be added just let me know!
Please enjoy!
Pairing: Jikook X Reader (Jimin X Reader X Jungkook)
Genre: Surrogacy!AU, Polyamorous!AU, Romance. (Future Smut)
Warnings: Medical Procedures, Assault (not descriptive), Profanity. If I forgot anything please let me know!
Words: 11.3k (Phew chill Jess~)
This wasn’t a big deal, you thought to yourself as you signed the paperwork in the clinic.
Just, you know, getting artificially inseminated for money. Nothing weird about that right?
Becoming a surrogate wasn’t something you’d planned on in your life, mainly sticking to your job and working towards a better tomorrow or whatever they say.
You were young, healthy and full of life.
The only thing you lacked, was a full bank account.
The realization hit a little harder than you thought it would. Being a receptionist wasn’t exactly what you’d had planned for your life but, it was simple work and it made you happy.
Going to college wasn’t really ever an option for you anyways. Your parents had died in an accident when you were little, forcing you to go live with your Great Aunt until you turned eighteen. She hadn’t forced you out, but you did leave. Wanting the adventures that life had to offer.
However, you quickly realized that it wasn’t easy pickings out in the world. That’s when the notice came to the door of your apartment that you either paid your late rent in full by the date or you could get your ass out.
Fear trickled down your spine at the thought of being homeless. You briefly thought of going back to your Aunts but, she lived out in the country and the city is where you’d made your home. As much as you cared about her, it just wasn’t going to happen.
That’s when your friend Namjoon and his husband Jim invited you over for dinner.
You were beyond excited, because these two had just had their baby girl Annie.
They had used the local fertility clinic to get a surrogate and had their baby just a month prior. You had been dying to meet the little bundle ever since you heard the news they were having a baby.
God, that kid was going to be spoiled rotten.
Quickly, you had gone over and enjoyed a nice meal with the three of them. Annie still partaking in formula.
You had tried to make conversation, but your eyes kept wandering to Annie and her little hands and feet. You felt a slight clench in your chest at the sight of her round face and sweet eyes.
“Earth to Y/N? You doing alright?” Namjoon’s voice echoed through their lovely, luxe apartment.
“Y-Yeah! Fine, I’m fine,” you smiled.
“You sure?” Jin asked, getting up to take his and Namjoon’s plates to the kitchen.
“Mhmm,” you said, eyes glancing back over at the baby.
“You’re so whipped, Annie has claimed yet another victim,” Namjoon snickered, looking at the blissful gaze your eyes had taken.
“You ever want kids, Y/N?” Jin asked, coming back in with dessert for each of you.
“I guess so, I mean. Just gotta find someone to make the baby with,” you joked half heartedly.
It was no secret among your friends that you were the black sheep. Not dating, not even entertaining the notion of having a significant other. The idea was, honestly, draining.
“Don’t feel like you have to be married to have a kid, Y/N. Single parenthood is just as valid as a couple,” Jin reminded.
“I’m nowhere near financially stable enough to pop out a kid right now,” you sighed.
“No? I thought the job at the hotel was treating you well,” Namjoon said.
“Yes and no, they treat me well. But pay me next to shit... I-I gotta make some quick cash, or I’m gonna be homeless,” you whispered.
“What?!?” The two men shouted, looking at you with heartbreak in their eyes.
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell us you were struggling! We could’ve done something!” Jin says, rubbing his face with frustration.
“No-No! It’s fine, I’ll figure it out! I always do,” you encouraged, trying to keep the fear out of your eyes.
“How far behind on rent are you?” Namjoon asked.
“A little under six grand,” you sighed.
“Y/N!” Your two friends looked distraught.
“I don’t understand how a society can function like this, I hate it,” Namjoon said, looking down at his dessert he no longer wanted.
Annie started fussing, kicking her feet and wanting attention.
Jin sighed and got up, taking his beautiful daughter with him. You and Namjoon sat in cold silence for a while. Neither of you willing to talk to the other.
You were too proud for your own good. Even if it meant crashing and burning, you’d do that before you took anyone’s pity.
“How can we help?” Namjoon asked, looking at you with so much worry.
“I really don’t know Joon, there’s no where that’ll give me that kinda money with my credit and... even if they did I couldn’t pay it back anyways,” you sighed.
“Have you thought about going to school for something? Maybe you can get a degree and, I don’t know I’m pulling at straws here,” he said.
“I can’t go to school Joon, with what money? And even worse, I wouldn’t know what to go into,” you said, swallowing down some more wine.
“I wish we could’ve had you surrogate for us. We paid that woman a small fortune. Had I known you were struggling I would, maybe you could’ve done it instead,” he said quietly.
“How much did you pay her?” You asked.
“Around $80,000,” he said, shrugging.
You choked.
“Damn you filthy rich kids,” you grumbled, crossing your arms over your chest.
“That’s it!” Namjoon said.
“Huh?” You asked, looking at him in confusion and despair.
“You can’t be our surrogate, but you could be someone else’s!”
Your body ran cold at the thought.
“I-I don’t know if I could do that Joon,” you said.
“Doesn’t your family have a high chance of twins?” He said, looking at you with a smile.
“I mean, yes but-”
“Say no more. I know a couple that’s been dreaming of a baby. They actually were supposed to meet the woman who wound up being our surrogate. But she decided to go with us. Jimin and Jungkook, they’re really good people Y/N,” Namjoon said, smiling.
“Namjoon, I don’t know if I can have a stranger’s baby!”
“I mean I won’t force you to sign up or anything. But Jungkook and Jimin are really good guys who have been waiting forever to have a baby. They said they wanted twins but, most importantly they wanted a healthy child. How sweet is that!”
You worried your lower lip with your teeth. This was just ridiculous. There’s no way you’d be able to do it. No way.
“Let me show you a picture of them!” Namjoon said, pulling out his phone.
“Joon really-”
Although, before you could argue anymore, you saw their faces.
A smaller, blond man. Whose smile was brighter than any star. And a taller, lean brunette who looked at the camera with a goofy grin.
“Jimin is the blond, Jungkook is the brunette,” Namjoon explained.
“Okay?” You said, trying to calm your racing heart.
They were both handsome. Deathly so, it made your stomach clench in a weird way to look at them. You wondered what kind of babies they would make. If they had that smile Jimin was packing, no one would be safe. That child would get whatever it wanted.
“I’m just saying, it doesn't have to be them but they’ve wanted a baby for so long and... you could help them with that and get a lump sum of cash on the side. Bad a bing bad a boom! No worries!”
It wasn’t such a hard decision in the end.
You needed the money.
So walking into the clinic had this weird sense of finality to it.
The receptionist looked at you with a smile.
“Hello dear, how can I help you?” She said.
“I-uh, wanted to sign up to be a potential surrogate?” You said, wringing your hands together.
“Of course! Did you bring your medical records and things of the like?”
You nodded quickly, handing over the required paperwork. She clicked away on her keyboard and got you all signed up and ready to go. Soon, you were getting your preliminary check up to see if you were able to have children.
Although your period had some irregularities in the past, the doctor’s said it was probably due to stress and the balancing out of hormones. But it would all work out, you were healthy and fertile!
You managed to tell Namjoon that you signed up without him having a full blown heart attack.
“How long until you need to be out of the apartment?” He asked, sipping his coffee.
“I need to be out in three weeks,” you said softly.
“Well shit you’re kinda on a time crunch there sweets, but don’t worry, you can do it! I’ll let Jimin and Jungkook know that you signed up, they’ll want to meet you. I know it,” he said.
“Namjoon, it’s okay. I don’t care who I surrogate for, as long as it’s soon,” you said, trying to keep your heart rate under control.
“Okay, but Y/N, I’m telling you. They’d be the perfect fit for you!” He said.
You said your goodbyes before hanging up the phone. The days to come would be challenging no doubt.
You were rather popular at the fertility clinic it seemed, because you’d had three meetings already.
One was a couple that had been trying for years and it just wasn’t happening so they were resorting to a different method. Although for this one they wanted to do an egg implantation. You weren’t sure you wanted to do that.
Another was an older couple who looked like they were just planning on having kids but their own clocks ran out.
But finally, you got one more call from the clinic.
“Miss Y/N, you’ve got another request for a meeting,” the receptionist on the other line said.
“Oh? With whom?” You asked.
“A Mr. Park Jimin and a Mr. Jeon Jungkook, they asked for you personally,” she said, tone light.
You almost spit out your drink.
Th-They had asked for you?
The fertility clinic was big, a huge database of surrogates and people willing to conceive for the right price.
But they had asked to meet you.
“Miss Y/N? Still there?” The receptionist asked, sounding far away from you.
“Yes! Yes I’m here,” you said, coughing.
“Wonderful, they said if you were willing they’d like to treat you to a meal, of course I can’t give out your contact information without consent from you but if you’re willing to meet with them we can arrange this.”
You heard yourself agree before even thinking about it.
Soon, you were on your way to the higher end of town. Heading towards a good Korean Barbeque place that was notorious for having the best meat in town.
Walking in you looked around, noticing how luxurious the place was. It made you feel a little out of place to be honest. But, not letting that get to you the host came up and asked for your name.
“Miss Y/N, ah yes. You’re with the Jeon party, lovely. Come right this way,” he said, taking you back into the bowels of the beast it seemed.
Winding through tables and chairs you found yourself in front of a private room. You didn’t want to think about how much this cost, so you simply just let your mind wander to other fun topics.
Such as the fact that you were potentially meeting your surrogate partners.
“Mr. Jeon? Mr. Park? A Miss Y/N is here for you,” the host said, through the door.
“Let her in,” a higher pitched male voice said.
You bit your lip and waited as the door opened. You looked inside and saw a beautiful wooden table, laid out with the finest meats and other various types of noodles and food. Then, there was the other feast, one for your eyes.
Park Jimin was a smaller man, but so incredibly handsome it made your head swirl. His soft blond hair tucked under a beanie as he looked up at you with what could only be called wonder. He looked at you gently, a small smile making its way to his lips.
Jeon Jungkook was a different story. Lean but cut, tiny waist accentuated by his pants. His arms were strong looking and one was covered in tattoos. His hair was pulled away from his face in a precious man bun that made your heart stutter. His eyes were big and glassy, looking at you. As if breathing you in.
“Hi,” you said quietly. “I’m Y/N.”
“We know,” Jimin said with a gentle smile.
“Come, sit down,” Jungkook said, moving a chair out for you to sit.
“Okay,” you agreed, moving to sit down.
“Get whatever you want,” Jimin encouraged, handing you the menu politely.
“Thank you,” you blushed, trying to not faint with his eyes on you like that.
Ordering a few things for yourself the three of you sat there with awkward silence filling the space. Jungkook wouldn’t really look at you and Jimin seemed like he was too nervous to start.
“So,” you said, clearing your throat. “How long have you two been together?” You asked, trying to sound cheerful.
“Five years,” Jungkook said, placing his hand over his glass.
“Oh wow, congratulations,” you said, rubbing your hands on your thighs.
“Thank you,” Jimin breathed.
“Our friend Namjoon said you were kind of in a tight spot and needed some help financially, is this true?” Jungkook asked, finally glancing your way.
“Y-Yeah, I wish he wouldn’t just tell other people that but, no sense in denying the truth. I’m almost six grand behind on rent,” you sighed, rubbing your face.
Both of their faces fell, looking at each other in worry.
“It-It’s okay though! I’ll be okay, I always am,” you said, trying to keep your tone light.
“It’s okay to be scared, Y/N, I would be scared shitless if I were you,” Jungkook said, taking slow drinks from his glass.
“Yeah,” you sighed, trying to avoid the stinging in your eyes.
“What do you do for work?” Jimin asked, trying to keep the conversation from turning to dark.
“I’m a receptionist at the local hotel. It’s not much, but I really like it,” you said, a grin taking place on your face.
“Hey, if you like it then that means something,” Jimin encouraged.
“So, you two want to have a baby?” You said, trying to get down to the topic at hand.
“Yes, more than anything,” Jimin said, a wistful look crossing his face.
“That’s amazing, to love each other that much and want to build a family is... Super important,” you said, meaning every word.
“What does your family do, Y/N? Do they live here in the city?”
You awkwardly rubbed your hands together.
“Um, my Great Aunt lives out in the country. But, my parents and most of my other relatives have passed on,” you said, trying to hide the emotion that came up.
“Oh, so sorry for your loss,” Jungkook said, face pinching.
“It’s okay, it was a long time ago,” you whispered.
“That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt,” Jimin argued.
“You’re right, but, it’s okay,” you said.
“So, you have a high chance for twins,” Jungkook said, looking at some papers you didn’t notice were on the table.
“Yes, my mother was a twin. It runs way back in my family,” you said.
“Jimin has a good chance of having twins as well,” Jungkook said, gesturing to his loving partner.
“I do I do,” he said with a grin.
“Do you two want a set of twins?” You asked.
“It’s preferred but not necessary. As long as we get a baby, that’s all that matters,” Jungkook said.
Soon, the food was delivered and Jungkook and Jimin insisted on cooking the food for you. Something about not stressing you out too much.
After a full meal, you leaned back and let your head fall comfortably. Jimin and Jungkook exchanged a glance at each other.
‘She’s the one,’ Jimin mouthed.
Jungkook smiled and nodded back.
“Thank you for the meal, I really do appreciate it. I haven’t eaten like that in months,” you said.
“Well, if you want to have our baby, we would gladly provide you with all the food you could want,” Jimin said.
“T-That’s alright, it wouldn’t be necessary-”
“Yes it would, Y/N. If you carry our child that means we’re responsible for you, everything you need or want will be yours. We swear,” Jungkook said.
“Right,” you swallowed thickly.
“Does that make you uncomfortable?” Jimin asked.
“I-I’ve never really been one for dependence on other people. You know? I like to do things myself if I can,” you said.
“Well, we wouldn’t force you to do anything of course but, if you did want or need anything, we would be more than happy to provide you with it,” Jungkook said.
“Thank you, that’s very sweet,” you said.
“You’d be carrying our child,” Jimin said as if it were obvious.
“Of course,” you said softly.
“Hey, if you don’t want to do this then don’t feel pressured. Don’t let money be an object in what you want to do with your life. It’s not healthy,” Jimin said.
“Thank you,” you said again.
“Well, I think it’s time to get going. I know you’ve met with other couples that have no doubt tried to convince you they’re the best option but... I really hope you chose us Y/N. You’d be the perfect surrogate for us,” Jungkook said, looking at you with a softened gaze.
And you knew it too.
You knew they were the couple you wanted to surrogate for, even if it cost you everything. You knew they deserved it. Not that any of the other families you had spoken to didn’t, but, they were the ones for you.
Your fertile window and ovulation were coming up so you had to make a choice and soon.
You’d met with the doctors at the clinic and they said that they were just waiting on you. Whomever you picked would have a meeting with you before the insemination on the rules and what you would have to do in regards to taking care of yourself. And then the money would be yours in full.
Calling the clinic you told them your answer.
“I would like to surrogate for Mr. Jeon and Mr. Park,” you said.
“Alrighty, I will give them a call and set up the appointment for them to get their end of the deal all set up and then we can get you all ready to go!” The receptionist said.
“Okay, thank you so much,” you said before hanging up.
Namjoon and Jin invited you over wanting to hear the news of everything going on with you.
And you couldn’t wait to see Annie again.
“Aw, you’re getting so big!” You said as you were greeted by Annie’s face in Jin’s arms.
“Yes she is!” Jin agreed. The cooing baby leaned forward, moving to capture your hair in her little fist.
You laughed and took her from Jin easily, he didn’t fight you and let you have your time with her. Rocking and bouncing her on your hip while the pair of them talked in the dining room.
Soon, a knocking came to the door.
Confusion swept over you, but regardless, you went to answer the door anyways.
Annie still on your hip, you opened the door to reveal Park Jimin and Jeon Jungkook, your new surrogate partners.
Frozen in shock the two of them looked at you as if they were equally confused.
You wondered if the clinic had told them you picked them yet. You had just gotten off the phone with them today, so you weren’t. Jungkook’s face went to you to Annie and then back to you.
“H-Hi?” You whispered.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Jimin asked, cocking his head to the side.
“Came to have dinner with Jinnie and Joon, and Annie of course,” you smiled, raising the little one up on your hip more.
“Oh, did you know we were coming?” Jungkook asked.
“No, I had no idea,” you said.
“Ah! Are those the boys?” Jin’s voice echoed throughout the hall.
“Yes!” You yelled back.
“Let them in Y/N! We invited them over too!” Namjoon said.
“Please come in,” you said, moving out of their way as the couple greeted Jin and Namjoon fondly.
It appeared as though there were no hard feelings in regards to them getting a surrogate they wanted. But, you could see Jungkook’s longing on his face when he looked at Annie in your arms.
“She’s beautiful,” Jimin said, looking down at Annie as you rocked her to sleep.
“Mhmm, gorgeous. She’ll be stealing hearts just like her dads,” you said.
“Hey, Y/N,” Jimin said, keeping his eyes trained on the little one in your arms.
“Did you make your decision yet? It said on your profile that your ovulation window was coming up and I was just curious,” he said quietly.
“I did,” you said.
Jimin’s face fell.
“I see,” he swallowed.
“Alright you two, paws off the baby, my turn!” Namjoon said, walking in.
You handed the sleeping baby over without a fuss before you and Jimin both walked out into the living room. Jimin whispered something to Jungkook and his face dropped. But you couldn’t find the words in your mouth. You wanted to tell them you picked them. You moved to talk to them when you felt Jin’s presence behind you.
“Y/N? You alright?” Jin asked, placing his hand on your shoulder.
It was getting later, and you were feeling sleepy from all the food you’d eaten during the night.
Jimin and Jungkook looked at your sleepy form and their hearts broke all over again.
“I can’t believe she didn’t pick us,” Jungkook said, face betraying how he felt.
“Babe, you can’t force her. I-I thought we had a good chance but,” Jimin sighed.
“I don’t want to keep looking for a surrogate if this is going to happen every time,” Jungkook said, pain coming through in his voice.
“Jungkook you know how badly I want this too right? It’s not just you hurting here,” Jimin said.
“We’ve been trying for two years to find a surrogate and when we find one we want, they always pick someone else. Why? Are we that undesirable? I don’t understand,” Jungkook sighed.
“It’s not that,” Jimin whispered. “Maybe it’s just not our turn yet.”
“When is it gonna be our turn, huh?” Jungkook said. “I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
“We can’t give up,” Jimin said softly. “I don’t want to give up yet.”
“I know baby,” Jungkook said, kissing Jimin’s cheek softly.
You felt your heart pounding in your chest. These poor men were really hurting for a baby. A family to call their own.
Sitting up Jimin and Jungkook looked at you in fear.
“Y/N? Y-You were awake-oh God I’m so sorry you had to hear that-” Jimin said frantically.
“I picked you two,” you said.
Their eyes shot up to meet yours.
Jungkook’s were glossy from unshed tears and Jimin’s were widening by the second.
“You what?”
“I said I picked you two. I want to surrogate for you two,” you explained.
“But-in the nursery you said-” Jimin started.
“I said I had picked someone, I didn’t say who silly,” you smiled.
“Oh thank you Y/N!” Jungkook said, coming over to hold your hand in his.
“You don’t know what this means to us,” Jimin said.
“I know you two want this baby more than anything, I want to give it to you. Honestly, you two have waited long enough,” you said, heart stammering at the look of hope in their eyes.
“You’re perfect Y/N! Seriously!” Jimin cried, holding onto Jungkook for dear life.
“Thank you, you’re very sweet. I’m supposed to go in for the, you know, business end of it on Monday. They said they’d call you tomorrow. I just gave my answer today,” you told them.
“Okay, alright sounds good,” Jungkook said, wiping his eyes furiously.
“You gonna be okay?” You asked, looking at the two of them.
“Of course, more than okay.”
Monday creeped up on you quickly, faster than you thought.
You went to the clinic and sat down, getting signed in and everything before you saw Jungkook and Jimin waltz in looking like a million bucks.
Dressed head to toe in designer clothing, you realized you didn’t know what they did for a living. You hadn’t really looked at their profiles all that much. But you knew their baby would have everything they could ever want and more.
Smiling at them and waving, the two of them made their way over to you.
“Hey! What’s going on?” Jimin asked, sitting down in the chair next to you.
“Just waiting,” you said, looking at the pair of them together.
They looked like the traditional power couple. Strong, dependable and handsome to boot. It was kind of overwhelming.
Jungkook was wringing his hands together, biting his lip as he looked around the room.
“You alright Jungkook?”
“Yeah just-”
“Mr. Jeon, Mr. Park and Miss Y/N? The legal assistant will see you now,” a voice from the corner called.
“Let’s go,” you said, standing up and heading towards the back room.
You sat down and the rules of the road were laid out.
If you signed the contract Jimin and Jungkook were the parents of the child. You had no rights unless they said otherwise. You would be given a lump sum of money, transferred into your bank account the day they know you’re pregnant and expecting. If anything happens to the baby such as a miscarriage or something of the like that you had no control over, you would be able to keep the money. But, they would like to try again to see if the next one stuck better.
“So, if you conceive twins, which your likelihood is good, Mr. Jeon and Mr. Park have agreed to pay you double,” you almost choked on your drink.
“What?” You squeaked out.
“It’s written right here,” the legal assistant said, pointing to the document in her hands.
“Okay,” you said softly, not wanting to make either of them uncomfortable.
“The total of your payment will come to $153,000 dollars,” the legal assistant said. “If you conceive twins.”
Your head swirled.
What would you do with all that money? Jimin and Jungkook looked at you with worry.
“I-Is it not enough? We can give you more if you want-”
“No! No no, that is totally acceptable. More than,” you said.
“Okay, just making sure,” Jimin answered.
“If you would please initial here, Miss Y/N. And then a signature here at the bottom and then you two will also need to sign as well,” she said.
After all the paperwork was done your date for insemination was set.
Jimin and Jungkook looked at you as you walked out of the clinic.
“Hey! Y/N! Hold on,” Jungkook said, walking forward.
“Huh? What is it?” You asked turning around.
Jungkook’s bright eyes blinded you as he gazed into your own. But you kept your breathing steady as you could.
“Do you want a ride home? Jimin and I cleared our schedules so we could be here today, and... Well we don’t want you to get hurt or anything,” he said, pointing to the black suburban.
“Oh, it’s alright I was gonna go to the bookstore and get a few things and then head home but I’ll be fine, no worries,” you smiled.
“We insist, Y/N,” Jimin said, walking forward to take his partner’s hand.
“Um, well... It’s really not that far, I’m sure it’ll be okay,” you said.
“Well, if you’re really sure,” Jungkook said.
“Yeah, but I’ll see you two on Thursday right? That’s when I’m supposed to... Well, you know,” your said, looking down at your feet.
“Of course! If you want us to be there that is,” Jimin said.
“Yes, it’s your baby,” you said.
“Okay, we’ll see you Thursday then,” Jungkook agreed, waving at you before he and Jimin got into the suburban and left.
But you couldn’t help the feeling you had as you watched them drive away.
You walked into the clinic Thursday morning, sweat pooling in your palms. You were reaching the end of your wire at your apartment. And you weren’t going to get the money in time. You were worried and didn’t want to bother Namjoon and Jin... So you just kept it to yourself.
You felt the fear and worry eating you up inside as you sat in the waiting room.
The doctor called your name and you headed back towards the room, when someone shouted your name.
Jimin and Jungkook were there, smiling brightly at you.
Your heart eased at seeing the two men, so happy and radiant. Everything you weren’t currently. But, knowing you were giving them something so important really made you feel better. Even if it was just for the time being.
“Oh my gosh, we’re finally getting a baby!” Jimin squeaked.
“Easy, it’s probably not going to happen first try,” you reminded him of what the doctor said.
“Bet I could get you pregnant in one shot,” Jungkook smirked.
“Oh shush Kook. But if you got her pregnant you wouldn’t get those twins you want so badly now would you, butthead,” Jimin said, shoving the younger man around slightly.
You tried to keep yourself from blushing but the redness that twinged your cheeks was there regardless. You were here to get pregnant, that was the end goal of today.
“Alright, Miss Y/N, we’re going to take you back and get you all set and then Mr. Park and Mr. Jeon have said they wanted to take you home after. Is that alright with you?” The doctor asked.
“Yes, that’s fine,” you said.
“Okay, let’s head back then,” Jungkook gave you a gentle smile before Jimin came forward and gave your knuckles a quick kiss.
“Good luck, Y/N,” he said.
“Thanks,” you answered before heading back.
The whole process took around a hour and a half, most of it waiting.
The sensation wasn’t too bad, but you were a little uncomfortable. Everything was super sterile and not how you expected you’d get pregnant, but... It wasn’t your baby at the end of the day. You tried not to wiggle as you laid there, letting Jimin’s seed try to impregnate you.
Finally, the timer went off and you were allowed to leave to go home.
Jimin and Jungkook were sat in the waiting room, chatting with each other excitedly. You knew that this was it, that they were more than perfect for this baby. You were beyond happy you could give it to them.
“Y/N!” Jimin said, walking up to greet you.
“Hey,” you said easily, noticing Jungkook come up behind him.
“We’re here to take you home!” Jimin smiled.
“Thanks guys,” you said softly.
“We brought the car around already so you don’t have to walk too much. Don’t wanna spoil all our hard work,” Jimin said, looking at your tummy with affection.
“Like I said Jimin, it probably won’t happen this time. But you never know, you might have some strong swimmers,” you joked.
“You have no idea, Y/N,” he said, gazing into your eyes for a moment.
Your breath caught in your throat. He looked like an angel wrapped in sin, as if he were so good yet so bad for you. It made your head spin.
Jungkook held the car door open for you and you got in carefully. Jimin sat in the back with you while Jungkook sat up front.
Of course these two had a driver...
Jimin was looking out the window and noticed that they were getting into the sketchier part of town. His worry was eating him alive. He didn’t want the mother of his child staying here! That simply wouldn’t do.
You got out of the car, heading towards your apartment when the landlord approached you. Jungkook and Jimin were still getting out of the car when he exploded at you.
“There’s the little bitch now!” He growled, grabbing your wrist and twisting it painfully.
You yelped, trying not to move so much. It only made it hurt more.
“Let me go!” You said.
“You filthy cunt, you owe me almost six thousand dollars! And you dare to come back here without anything? Huh? Nothing? Where have you been huh? Selling your body to make some cash I bet, that’s what little whore’s like you do right? Fucking pathetic,” he spits at you.
“I-I just need a little more time-” a resounding smack is heard through the parking lot.
Jimin and Jungkook look up to see your head turned sharply to the side and a man gripping your wrist.
Both of the men flew off the handle.
“Let go of her you fucker!” Jungkook yelled, walking forward with purpose.
“Don’t you dare touch her!” Jimin growled, pulling you away from the man.
“Did you fucking hit her?” Jungkook said, looking at your reddened cheek.
“Bitch owes me money, she knows that-”
“Fucker!” Jungkook snarled, grabbing the man by his shirt and lifting him.
“Y/N? Sweetie can you hear me?” Jimin whispered. Your head was swimming with pain and discomfort. Your cheek was screaming at you. But what hurt worse was the embarrassment. They saw it all, that you couldn’t take care of yourself. How on earth were you going to take care of a baby if you got pregnant for nine months? Huh?
“I’m sorry,” you whispered.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, he hurt you. Jungkook put him down and call the cops,” Jimin said.
“I owe him money, I just-”
“You can’t arrest me! You fuckheads, do you know who I am?” He asked.
“Do you know who we are? Hi I’m Jeon Jungkook, heir to the Jeon Law Firm here in the city. You might have heard of us, and she is the mother of my future child and you won’t be putting your hands on her ever again,” Jungkook said.
“I just wanna leave, I don’t... I don’t wanna be here,” you whimpered.
“But Y/N,” Jimin said.
“Can we leave? Please?” You begged, looking up at him with a swollen cheek and glossy eyes. Jimin’s heart broke five times over, seeing you so upset.
“Jungkook, come on. Let’s go,” Jimin said.
“And leave her with this fucking piece of shit? I think not, no we’re going to-Y/N? Are you alright?” Jungkook asked, coming forward and looking at your face with a tenderness you didn’t know was there.
“We’ll take her home with us,” Jimin said easily.
“Okay, yeah. But we’re calling the cops on that dickbag when we get back. I want him arrested for hurting her,” Jungkook said with finality.
“Of course baby,” Jimin said, soothing the younger male.
“Can we just go?” You asked, looking up at them for a moment.
“Yes, of course we can, let’s get you in the car and go back to our place,” Jungkook said, coming forward and getting into the back seat this time. Jimin encouraged you to get inside, so you did, him following shortly thereafter.
“Take us home please,” Jungkook said, shutting the little window between the front of the car and the back.
You sat between the two men, each of them looking out the window and appearing to be deep in thought. You were as well. You hoped this didn’t affect your chances of getting pregnant. You don’t know what you’d do if you couldn’t get this baby. The prospect of so much money on the line, you very future.
Also, you worried for Jungkook and Jimin. You really wanted this to work for their sake too.
They’d been waiting so long.
You were swallowed into the dreamscape of your thoughts. Nothing really getting in or out of your mind. You were just reeling at everything that had happened in less than four hours. You had your first attempt at insemination, went home and got assaulted and now you were heading to the upper end of the city with the two men who wanted you to have a baby for them.
This was all so much to handle.
Finally, the car stopped moving and Jimin quickly ushered you out of the vehicle. You stood there and looked up at the stunning building with a weird sense of fear. It loomed over you, almost intimidatingly so.
Jimin told the driver to go park the car and take the rest of the day off while Jungkook gathered their things from the back. You looked around and noticed that people were staring at you.
No doubt you looked like a sore pink thumb right now. Tear stained and swollen cheeks making you look even more outlandish in the area. But, Jungkook quickly moved everyone inside.
The door man asked who you were and Jimin and Jungkook simply told the truth.
“She’s our surrogate, we’re having her stay with us for a while. If she needs anything, make sure she gets it!” Jimin said.
“Absolutely Mr. Park,” the doorman said.
“Come on Y/N,” Jungkook said, heading towards the elevator.
You followed behind them quickly, getting in the mirrored elevator. Looking at yourself you felt all the anxiety and fear come back. You didn’t belong here, you were wearing a pair of fucked up jeans, a flannel and t-shirt. They were dressed in beautiful clothing, dipped in the finest silks and satins.
You looked like a charity case no doubt.
It made your stomach churn in discomfort. But you kept your mouth shut. You were providing them with a service. And in turn they were paying you. It was a give and take situation. But you couldn’t help but feel as though you were taking more than you were giving.
Jungkook held the door while you and Jimin entered the house. You looked around and the apartment was massive. Bigger than your Aunt’s tiny house in the country. You wondered just how much money these two had.
Soon, Jimin was sitting you down on the couch and tending to your cheek. His heart crumpled when you flinched at his touch. He tried not to take it personally, you were literally just assaulted. But he hoped you weren’t scared of him, or Jungkook.
“Should I call the doctor?” Jungkook asked, coming in and sitting next to Jimin.
“No, she’s just a little swollen, she’ll be alright,” Jimin said, handing you the painkillers and some ice.
“Can she have that?” Jungkook asked, referring to the pain medicine.
“It’s acetaminophen she can have it,” Jimin confirmed.
“Okay,” he said, standing up and heading towards the kitchen.
“Are you hungry?” Jimin asked, looking at you for any signs of discomfort.
“Not particularly, but I should eat. Especially today,” you said, a weak smile on your face. Jimin nodded, but headed towards the kitchen regardless.
Soon after, a wonderful aroma filled the apartment. But you hadn’t moved from the couch, keeping your eyes trained on the TV Jimin turned on for you. You didn’t particularly want to watch the news, but you weren’t sure on how to work this TV. It made your brain hurt. But, whatever, you kept your eyes on the screen, not looking anywhere in particular.
Jimin soon came out, wearing a smile that must be a signature for him or something. He told you dinner was ready and to follow him. Turning off the TV with a swipe of his finger on the screen you marveled at the technology.
He patted your cheek and brought you into the dining room.
Jungkook was finishing putting the food out when you sat down. He and Jimin were deep in conversation. You picked at your food, eating a few pieces if Jimin put them on your plate. But other than that, you sat unmoving in the corner.
You supposed you were still in shock of what had happened today.
Soon, you felt the distinct cramping in your lower stomach, something you were told is to be expected. Especially if the pregnancy took. Letting out a puff of air, you held your stomach. It wasn’t terrible, but the discomfort had you adjusting in your seat.
Jungkook’s head snapped in your direction, carefully observing you.
“Everything alright? Y/N?” He asked, cocking his head to the side in a cute way.
Forcing a smile you nodded.
“Yeah, just cramping a little bit,” you said, keeping your hands together underneath the table.
“Is it bad?” Jungkook asked, leaning towards you.
“No-ah!” You said, clutching your stomach. It didn’t hurt as much as it caught you off guard. But the two men were beside you in seconds.
“Y/N? Do you want us to call the doctor?”
“Is there something we can get for you? Do you want more pain medicine?”
“N-No, honestly, I’m okay,” you said, giving them each a squeeze to their wrist.
Jimin nodded, standing up and moved to start cleaning up the meal. Jungkook placed a couple more pieces of meat on your plate, asking you to eat them. He thought it could help your cramping, but he mainly just wanted to see you eat something.
Soon, the pair of them had cleaned up the meal and had gathered some clothes for you to wear to bed.
“We’ll pick up some stuff for you to wear tomorrow,” Jungkook said smiling.
“N-No that’s alright I can go back and get my stuff,” you said.
“You’re not going anywhere near that building,” Jimin warned, voice low.
“What? I have to get my stuff-”
“We’ll have someone go collect your things and bring them back here,” Jimin said, careful.
“I can go it’s not a big deal-”
“Y/N, please, just let us take care of this,” Jungkook said, quietly coming over to your side.
You were far too tired to argue. But you already felt like a cat in a cage. So you waved off the disagreement and decided to just head to bed.
The cramping was still there, but not nearly as bad as it had been when you were at the table. Laying down helped, but you felt something in your underwear.
Quickly, you went to the bathroom and noticed some blood in your underwear. Biting your lip, you tried to keep yourself from panicking. Putting them back on you went to living room and found Jimin sitting on the couch, looking tired.
“J-Jimin,” you said quietly.
His head snapped up and he gave you a little smile.
“Yes, Y/N?” He asked, coming towards you. You sighed and ran your hands through your hair.
“I-I was bleeding,” you said, voice straining slightly.
“You were? Where?” He asked, brows furrowing.
“M-My, uh, I found it in my underwear,” you said, breathing in deeply.
“Was it a lot?” He asked, keeping a cool exterior.
“N-No, not a lot but it worried me,” you said, trying to keep yourself from freaking out on him.
“It’s normal to spot a little after the IUI, don’t worry. But tell me if anymore happens. They did just shove a tube up your business,” he said, laughing lightly.
Immediately you were put at ease. Sensing your relief, Jimin patted your shoulder.
“It’s okay to be nervous, we are,” Jimin said, nodding towards the closed door you assumed was to their bedroom.
“Yeah, I’m-I just really want this to work,” you confessed, feeling yourself relax a bit.
“We do too, more than anything,” Jimin answered, giving you a genuine grin.
“I’m glad that the baby will have you two as parents, makes me feel good knowing that they’ll be taken care of,” you smiled back.
Jimin’s face seemed to morph into a look of joy and agony at the same time.
“You’re too sweet, Y/N, honestly. Jungkook and I are beyond excited,” he explained.
“Have you always wanted to be a father?” You asked him, out of the blue. Jimin blushed and looked down at his feet.
“Y-Yeah, ever since I was little I always wanted a family to call my own. And when I met Jungkook I knew it was just meant to be you know? Like, everything just made sense,” he said, a sheepish look taking over his features.
“That’s so sweet,” you gushed.
“It’s the truth,” he shrugged.
“I want someone to look at me the way you look at Jungkook, like I’m their whole world and more. I’ve never been one for dating though,” you said, looking down at the floor, embarrassed.
“No? How many boyfriends or girlfriends have you had?” Jimin asked, not thinking. When the shocked look took over your face he back peddled. “I-I shouldn’t have asked, that doesn’t deem your worth or anything like that-”
“None,” you said, blushing bright red.
Jimin’s face changed.
“Tell me if I’m out of line here, but have you ever, uh... You know, um,” he said, rubbing his hands together.
“Oh? Sex? Yeah, I’ve done it before, but it wasn’t really anything special. I don’t even think I-um... Nevermind,” you said, biting your lip hard.
“You don’t think you what? You didn’t cum?” Jimin said, as if he were shocked.
“No! Now keep your voice down!” You yelped.
Jimin frowned.
“That’s horrible, you deserve better,” Jimin said matter of factly.
“It happens, but, this conversation has gotten away from us,” you said, trying to steer it away from your pathetic sex life and more towards the fact that you both need to go to bed. “I’m tired, had a long day.” You said, rubbing your arms.
“Of course, absolutely! If you need anything or something happens, our room is right here just come get us,” Jimin said.
“Okay, thanks,” you said, turning, but not before you wished him a good night.
Jimin gave you a small smile. “Good night, Y/N, sleep well.”
Soon your stuff was all moved into the boys apartment. You questioned when you would be leaving, but the boys said that you didn’t have to worry about departing for the foreseeable future.
They had originally wanted you to live with them if and when they found out you were pregnant, that way they could be there through it all. But, these stages after the insemination could be hard on you and they decided to keep you with them.
You felt like a little kid half the time, but you had to call in to work often because of these appointments. And quickly, they tired of it.
“Y/N, we love you and we want you to pick here to work, but honestly your attendance is a severe issue right now,” your supervisor said over the phone. You called in that day because you just were feeling super exhausted.
You hadn’t told them you’d signed up for a surrogacy. You weren’t sure how that would go over, but, maybe you had to if you wanted to save your job.
“I-I’m calling in all the time because I’m trying to get pregnant,” you said softly.
Laughter came from the other side of the phone.
You were being laughed at.
“Oh my God, Y/N, that’s hilarious! But seriously, I have to put you on a two week suspension without pay because-”
“Dawn, I'm serious. I signed up with the fertility clinic and I’m currently trying to become a surrogate for a lovely couple,” you said, honestly.
“Y/N, why did you sign up for that? As far as any of us knew, you weren’t that into kids,” Dawn said over the phone.
“I-I like kids, but the baby won’t be mine to keep. The couple gets to keep them once they are born. I lose all rights as a parent,” you explained.
“That’s kinda cruel... Let you carry the baby for nine months then force you to leave them. I don’t know if I could do that,” she said.
“I-It’s the way it is,” you said. “But I need to have the day off, I have an appointment at the clinic.”
“Y/N, would it be easier if we just let you quit?” Dawn said.
“What?!” You shrieked into the phone.
“Well, it’s a delicate time and we'd have you working on your feet for long hours. I don’t want anything to happen to you or your baby,” she said, sounding sad.
“But I don’t wanna leave you guys,” you whimpered.
“Well, once the little tike is born come back. We’ll hire you back, I promise. If you want to come back,” she offered.
“Y-You’ll really let me come back?” You said, biting your lip.
It would be nice to just focus on the pregnancy and helping Jungkook and Jimin. If you had the option, maybe it would be better to take her advice and go back when you were ready. Hopefully they don’t screw you over.
“Of course we will! We love you! But, right now isn’t the best time for you to be working. Focus on you and your little bundle okay? We’ll be waiting,” she said.
“Oh thank you Dawn! I love you guys too!”
After a little tears ‘see you later’, you hung up.
Soon, a soft knock came to your door. Looking up you saw Jungkook there, dressed to the nines looking at you. Raising a brow you assessed the situation.
“What’s up?” You said, setting your phone down to give him your undivided attention.
“I was wondering if you needed a ride to work, you’re already an hour late,” he said, pointing to the clock on your wall.
“Oh, about that,” you said, rubbing your hands together.
“Did something happen? Did they fire you for being our surrogate? Oh just let me make one phone call, that’s illegal! I’m a lawyer, let me talk some sense into them!” Jungkook said, turning to walk out.
“No, Jungkook! It’s fine, they told me to take the time off. To spend time focusing on myself and to take care of the baby,” you explained. “My job will be there when I’m ready to return.”
Jungkook stopped and looked at you. His features softened before nodding.
“Okay, but if they try to tell you you can’t go back when you’re ready, you just tell me. I won’t let anyone disrespect or lie to you,” he said, a stern look on his face.
“Thanks Jungkook, that means a lot,” you said, giving a smile.
“There’s food in the fridge, all you have to do is heat it up. You have the house to yourself so, do whatever you want,” Jungkook said, waving before walking out of your room.
You sat there for a minute, really mulling over what you wanted to do. Honestly, you were so sore and tired you just wanted to fall back asleep. But you decided that it was better to get up and do some activity. Hopefully that would be okay.
It had been about ten days since your IUI appointment and you were mainly just tired. Although fatigue was a symptom of an attachment. But that was the only symptom you were having, you were meant to test in a couple days to see if you were pregnant, but something had you worried.
If you weren’t pregnant, you’d have to wait a whole other month. They did tell you that sometimes it took multiple tries to successfully impregnate someone. But you really wanted this to work, you just wanted to get this going.
That way Jimin and Jungkook could have their baby already.
You knew they’d be amazing fathers, already with their dutiful actions towards you. So willing to do whatever you asked, but you tried your best not to pester them too much. You tried to make it as though you weren’t even there. But they insisted you join them for dinner so they could make sure you were eating well.
For your day you mainly just puttered around the house, picking up and doing little things that wouldn’t aggravate you. So, you settled down with a book in your hands and soft music playing in the background.
That’s how Jimin and Jungkook found you when they came home. Curled up on the couch with a novel between your fingers. Jimin smiled softly, looking at the picturesque scene.
“Do you think she’s pregnant?” Jungkook asked, looking at his boyfriend with apprehension.
“I hope so,” Jimin answered.
“She’s really tired lately, sleeping late and going to bed early. That’s a sign, right?” Jungkook said.
“It is, but that’s also a sign of a woman’s period coming up,” Jimin warned.
“Damn...” Jungkook said, rubbing his face.
“But I don’t know, she’s due to test soon so, we might have our baby,” Jimin soothed.
You looked up from your book, noticing the pair in the entryway. Giving them a shy smile, you waved, nose getting buried back in the book. Jimin laughed lightly, heading towards the kitchen.
The two cooked dinner, making something easy to digest. Your stomach was on the fritz yesterday so they want to make sure they don’t upset your sensitive tummy. But, as Jimin looked out at you reading on the couch, a blanket draped along your lap. He couldn’t help but love the domesticity of it all. You looked at peace, in your element and comfortable.
Jimin hoped it would stay that way. With you, comfy and cared for.
Jungkook rushed past with the boiling soup in his hands, moving quick like a little kid to set the table for you all. Jimin just laughed, smacking his butt when he came back.
“Hey! Paws off,” Jungkook pouted.
“Hmm? That’s not what you were saying the other night,” Jimin laughed at the scandalized look on Jungkook’s face. “I’m kidding, come on go get Y/N so we can eat.”
Jungkook went to gather you from the living room and was met with an unusual sight. You passed out, wrapped in the blanket with your book on the floor.
He smiled, moving towards you slowly. He placed a soft hand on your head, patting your hair gently. Your eyes opened slowly, looking up at him with sleepy eyes. Jungkook helped you up, leading you to the dining room.
The meal was quiet, Jungkook and Jimin making small talk with you, but mostly you were just eating peacefully.
You ate well and leaned back, as you tended to do when you were full and let out a huff. Jimin repressed the smile on his face with the back of his hand. Jungkook smiled openly, looking at your sleepy form.
Sitting back up you took a few more swallows of water before you stood up and thanked them for the meal and headed towards your room.
Jungkook and Jimin watched you go, each having a weird tightening in their chest at the sight of your swaying hips.
You had finally reached the two week mark.
Time to test.
Jimin and Jungkook went with you, driving you to the clinic for your appointment at the ass crack of dawn it felt like.
Jimin was chatting excitedly in the front seat with Jungkook. You could see the looks of love on their faces as they talked about their future with their child. It made butterflies rise in your stomach.
Quickly smacking your cheeks, you tried to forget the sensation of hope building in your belly.
Soon you were all at the clinic, Jimin helping you out of the car. The two men walked on either side of you, making sure everyone knew who you were here with. It made you feel protected, watched over.
After all the paperwork was done for the visit, Jungkook and Jimin sat down next to you. They interlocked their hands, smiling brightly at each other. You locked your hands together and looked down at them.
“Miss Y/N? Mr. Park and Mr. Jeon? Are you all ready?” A nurse called and you all headed back to a secluded room, a few chairs and the like ready. You saw the needles and everything set up and you swallowed hard.
You hated needles, with a passion.
But you’d done it before, so you’d do it again.
“Y/N? You okay?” Jungkook asked, looking at your paling face.
“Y-yeah, nervous around needles,” you confessed.
“Oh, do you want some water or something?”
“No I’m okay,” you encouraged.
“If you’re sure,” Jungkook said, looking like he wanted to do more...
“Alright! We’re gonna take some blood and a urine sample, so if you two would just wait outside for a moment while we get her changed, then you can come back in if you want,” the nurse explained.
You got changed and hopped up on the table.
They asked a bunch of questions, all fairly standard. Then they brought out the needles. Jimin saw you flinch when the packaging came off and you saw the syringe come closer.
“Hang on,” Jimin said, standing up.
The nurse stopped and looked up in confusion, that’s when Jimin took your hand in his and squeezed.
“You can hold my hand while they take your blood okay? Just squeeze if you need to,” he said, looking at your face for any signs of resistance.
You bit your lip and nodded.
The nurse took your blood quickly, getting a few vials full. Jungkook watched as his boyfriend held your hand the whole time, keeping you calm and at ease.
He hoped with everything he was that this had worked.
God, he wanted it to work so bad.
Soon, the two men were being ushered out of the room so you could do your urine sample.
After everything was done and over with, you got dressed and went to the waiting room. Jimin and Jungkook stood up when they saw you, waving you over to sit with them.
All three of you waited with baited breath as they ran the tests. They kept asking if you wanted anything, water, juice or something to eat. But you politely declined. Knowing if you put anything in your body right now you’d puke it up immediately with how nervous you were for the results.
They said it shouldn’t take too long.
It had been about an hour when a nurse popped her head out, signaling for all three of you to come back.
“Dr. Heinz will see you now,” she said, giving you all a small smile before leading you down the hallway towards the offices.
Shortly, you were sat on a comfortable sofa with Jungkook and Jimin in front of you. Jungkook and Jimin were holding onto each other so tight you feared for their circulation. But, Dr. Heinz was quick to get to the point.
“Well, I want to say, congratulations, Mr. Jeon and Mr. Park... Y/N is pregnant,” he said, talking like you weren’t in the room.
“Oh my God!” Jungkook shouted, standing up and hugging Jimin to him tightly. They kissed several times, tears falling freely down the new father’s faces. Dr. Heinz let them have their moment, smiling at the happy couple. You looked down at your stomach and bit your lip.
So this was really happening...
“Jungkook, I love you,” Jimin said, holding onto his boyfriend tightly.
“I love you too babe, I love you too,” Jungkook affirmed.
“Okay we do have to discuss her health however,” Dr. Heinz said, having the men sit down quickly.
“Is she alright?” Jimin said, looking at you with worry written all over his features.
“She’s at a very fragile point in the pregnancy. IUI can be tricky so we need to be very careful with what happens next. I don’t want her doing anything strenuous. Especially with the lower body until we can get her in for an ultrasound. Her uterus looked good on her preliminary but getting pregnant can really affect a woman’s body, so we need to take all the precautions,” Dr. Heinz explained.
“But is she going to be okay?” Jungkook asked, placing a gentle hand on yours.
You looked at his big hand covering yours, blinking slowly.
“I’m worried about her low white blood cell count. That makes her more susceptible to colds and infections, so you need to be very careful. Her red blood cell count was also low, showing early signs of anemia. So lots of red meat and protein to help keep her levels up. Although the anemia will be aggravated by the pregnancy, so make sure she doesn’t stand up too fast or tax herself too much,” he said.
“I am right here,” you said, glaring at the doctor.
“Sorry Miss Y/N, they’re the parents in this situation. I want them to be informed of your situation,” Dr. Heinz said bluntly.
“There are four of us in this room, I’ll remind you of that. Don’t talk like I’m not here please,” you said, folding your hands and crossing your legs.
Jimin almost burst out laughing.
Damn you were feisty!
He really liked that...
“I-I apologize, Miss Y/N,” he said, swallowing quickly before continuing on. “Also, you’re going to start having more symptoms than the fatigue you mentioned. Morning sickness is extremely common and expected, although every woman is different. Headaches, dizziness and blurred vision are also to be noted. Even some spotting can happen, but please do tell us if you’re spotting or bleeding. Now, do any of you have questions?” The doctor asked, looking at the boys and you.
“Is there any way to know if we are expecting, more than one?” Jimin asked, looking down at your stomach with pure adoration on his face.
“We won’t really know until she’s further along. Quite a bit further actually. But for now, enjoy this. Enjoy the early stages, it’ll be tough but you can pull through. I wish you all the best of luck,” Dr. Heinz said, handing some paperwork over to Jungkook before the three of you stood up and headed out.
Jimin and Jungkook were so excited, chatting with each other about if they were having twins. If the baby was a boy or girl. You were in the car, hands folded in your lap while you looked out the window.
Honestly, you were scared out of your mind.
The doctor had mentioned this was a really fragile part of the pregnancy. That you’d have to be careful, not to mention it was important for your own health as well. If something happened to the baby, something could happen to you and vice versa.
Jungkook insisted on taking everyone out for dinner.
This was a big occasion after all.
Sitting down in the very resturant you all had your first meal in, felt kinda surreal.
Now, you were pregnant with their baby. It felt kinda full circle.
Jimin and Jungkook insisted on getting whatever you wanted. But you weren’t terribly hungry yet, maybe it was the nerves of the whole day catching up. But you ordered a few things, making sure to eat. You knew it made them happy when you did, because it showed you cared about your body and the life growing inside of you.
Jungkook was drinking, a lot if you were being honest. Jimin just watched him as his cheeks flushed red as he continued to talk animatedly at the two of you. Smiling, you filled up Jungkook’s water before urging him to drink some.
“Thanks youuu,” he said, beaming at you.
“You’re welcome, but drink up okay?” You said, gesturing towards the glass.
He did as you asked, drinking all the water. You sighed in relief, knowing at least he’d be hydrated when he went to bed.
“Well, guess you aren’t driving you big lug,” Jimin laughed as he hauled Jungkook out of the restaurant a while later.
“Mmm, we’re having a baby baby!” Jungkook cooed at Jimin, holding his cheeks in between his hands.
“Mhmm, yes we are. Now get in the back with Y/N, okay?” Jimin said, opening the back and helping his very tipsy boyfriend inside. You were about to climb in when Jimin placed his hands on your hips, causing you to jolt so hard you smacked your head on the roof of the car.
“Ow, fuck,” you said, holding your head tightly.
“Y/N!” Jimin yelped. Jungkook’s head popped up.
“What happened?” He asked, looking at you with bleary eyes.
“I just smacked my head, I’m alright,” you said, rubbing your head gingerly.
“Can I take a look?” Jimin asked, biting his plump lips harshly.
“Y-yeah,” you said, leaning towards him.
Jimin’s gentle hands on your scalp proved to be dangerous. Because now, you wanted him to touch you here all the time. Combing his fingers through your hair. Massaging the tender flesh there.
“Well, you aren’t bleeding, but you’ll have a massive bump for a few days no doubt,” he reasoned.
“She’s gonna have a massive bump here soon too!” Jungkook cheered happily, pointing at your stomach.
“Jungkook, enough,” Jimin warned.
Grumbling to himself, Jungkook backed off.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jimin asked. You nodded, already feeling the throbbing in the base of your skull starting.
“I’ll take a few pain killers when we get back,” you said.
“Okay,” Jimin said, running his hand from your head down to cradle your cheek in his palm. You’re cheeks heated up at the feeling of his skin on yours, but shortly he was retreating to the front of the car.
Soon, you were underway.
Jimin turned on the radio quietly, driving carefully around town.
Jungkook had managed to fall asleep against the window. When suddenly, the car was jerking to the side. Jimin laid on the horn, yelling a couple explicit words out the window. But, Jungkook’s body had already fallen into your lap.
His head rested comfortably against your thighs, arms draping across your legs. Jungkook continued to sleep peacefully while you inspected him. He had a beautiful nose, button like and slotting perfectly along with his already perfect features. His plush lips pouting as he slept. Your eyes widened at him, heart hammering in your chest as you gazed down at him.
He was incredibly handsome.
But, you knew his personality too. He was kind, but strong and sure of himself. He had an air of confidence that was almost infectious. But he also had a childish nature about him. Not immature, but there was something about the wonder in his eyes when he tried something new. Or the nostalgia that ran through him when he ate his favorite food or, just the sparkle in his eyes when Jimin came home.
You, as if possessed, took your hand and ran your fingers through his soft black hair. He groaned in his sleep, gripping your legs tighter. You continued to run your fingers through his hair, watching his face for any signs of discomfort.
Jimin looked in the rearview mirror and saw you stroking Jungkook’s head with a gentle hand. His heart thudded dangerously in his chest. You were so caring and tender, everything you did had purpose behind it.
Jimin felt relief flood him at the idea of you being the mother of he and Jungkook’s child. Technically just Jimin’s but Jungkook was also the father but he didn’t get any genetics in this one.
This one...
Did Jimin want to have more children?
You just got the announcement today and he was already giddy at the prospect of you growing large with his child. But confusion swept through him. Was this just because he was grateful to you? Or was it something more?
Looking at you and Jungkook in the back, he thinks he might already know the answer.
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skarsgard-daydreams · 3 years
For the Eric Northman ask:
I liked the idea of Eric getting ready to defend [reader] from some asshat, but then just watching her tear into the guy herself.
Like, he's watching over you as you work around the bar and some guy tries to creep. Eric's got his fangs bared, ready to attack, but you've already got the guy's arm pinned and your throwing him out of the bar.
I can just imagine Eric thinking "Oh damn 😲 oh DAMN 🥵🤩" and just going feral when he gets his hands on you. Because Eric would do anything to protect the people he cares about, but it's hot as hell when he sees what you're capable of.
Take whatever liberties you like, I just love protective Eric 😍
Protective Eric is *chef's kiss*. But "that's my girl" Eric? That's another level.
As the nights grow darker and Halloween approaches, malcontents and mischief-makers flock to Fangtasia. Eric keeps a watchful eye on you whenever you're tending bar even though Pam tells you most of the vampire clientele would never lay a finger on you.
"He's marked you," she explains, reapplying her blood red lipstick in the mirror. "Anyone who touches you would have to be stupid or suicidal."
"Marked me how?" you ask.
Pam closes the gold cap of the lipstick with a soft click. "You reek."
The conversation still lingers in the back of your mind when a pack of rednecks you knew in high school roll into the bar later that night hoping to find the lawless pit of lust and murder that their mothers warned them about. One of them, a tall guy with broad shoulders and a face that makes you want to slap him comes up to the bar.
"You gotta be shittin' me," he says. "You're vamp bait now?"
"What are you drinking, Junior?" you ask, doing your best imitation of Pam's flat, bored tone.
"Busch Light."
You start to pour the beer and grin spreads across his face as if he thinks you're serving him because he's so irresistible and not because it's your job. His gaze drifts down to the neckline of your top, which you picked out that evening to tease Eric. Not the white trash guys whose greatest accomplishment in life was not getting kicked off the high school football team when they were caught huffing duster under the bleachers before practice.
"You wanna close out your tab?" you ask, sliding the glass across the bar.
"Naw," he says, still smirking. "Keep it open."
You can't be bothered to think about Junior or his posse of idiots for several hours because the bar is packed. Several elegant vampires arrive and Eric takes them to his office with a grim expression. You swallow your fear and try to focus on work, grabbing bottles of TruBlood three at a time and emptying bottles of Jack Daniels like it's the last whisky in existence.
Suddenly, Pam's lips are at your ear. "I told you to take a break two hours ago." She pries a cocktail shaker out of your hand and gives you a sharp look. "Eric already thinks I overwork you. Get lost."
You take off your apron and grab yourself a bottle of coke from the fridge. "I'm just gonna go get some air," you tell her. "I'll be back in ten minutes."
The night air is heavy and smells of cigarette smoke when you step out into the alleyway behind the bar, but it's blissfully quiet. You pop the top off the coke bottle and take a sip as Junior appears from the shadows, the tip of his cigarette glowing orange in the dark.
"I've been wondering all night why they got you behind that bar instead of out there dancing in that get up," he says, moving in close to you and exhaling a cloud of smoke in your face.
"You're drunk." You roll your eyes and try to push him aside, but you feel his hand slither across your bare midriff and start to slip under your shirt. The silver switchblade in your pocket is at his throat in an instant. Junior raises his hands in surrender and takes a step back into the brick wall behind him as he stammers and swears.
"Jesus Christ, woman!"
You shove him against the wall and lower the blade toward his belt buckle, white hot anger blotting out your fear. "Touch me again, Billy Ray Junior," you hiss, "And I'll cut off your little pecker and mail it to your momma."
A door creaks open to your right and the long shadow of a familiar tall figure appears at your side.
"I suggest you listen to her, William," Eric says in a low voice. "I think she's serious."
Junior looks between the two of you, searching for a way out. "She came on to me!" he sputters.
"Oh, did she now? That changes everything," Eric muses coolly. You can almost sense his lips curling into a dark smile as he steps in closer, speaking in your ear loudly enough for Junior to hear. "Go on, then. Cut his 'little pecker' off," Eric says, the phrase sounding ridiculous on his tongue. "I don't think he has much use for it."
Junior's eyes widen in horror. "You fuckers are crazy!"
As satisfying as it might be to carry out your threat, you have no great desire to see Junior drop his pants, so you gesture with the knife instead. "Get the fuck out of here, Junior," you shout as he flinches away from the blade. "And don't ever show your face in Shreveport again. If you do, we'll know."
"She's right," Eric quips. "She has spies everywhere, and the vampire sheriff wrapped around her finger."
Junior is trembling against the wall, trapped between you both. But you can't help looking over at your lover, who is trying to hide his amusement behind a stormy facade.
"I'll be sure to tell him you said that," you say with a grin.
Eric shrugs. "He would not deny it."
At that moment, Junior tries to slip under Eric's arm and make a run for it, but the vampire seizes him by the shirt collar and slams him against the wall. "Get your friends and leave this place at once," Eric growls. "Before the lady changes her mind vis-à-vis your 'pecker.'"
"Y-yes, sir," Junior whimpers. "And ma'am."
Eric shoves him away from you both, sending the former high school quarterback crashing into the dumpster. "Run, you pathetic louse."
You fold the switchblade shut and tuck it back in your pocket, watching Junior stagger from the alley. Eric's cool lips brush your temple.
"Well done, pet," he murmurs.
You turn toward him and rest your head against his chest as his strong arms surround you. "That was a pretty lie."
"What was?"
"That I have you wrapped around my finger." You lift your head to look at your lover, who arches a blonde brow.
"Don't you?" he asks. "I left two members of the Authority to come to you."
"I didn't need any help," you say, kissing his cheek.
Eric grins. "I see that."
"If I have you wrapped around my finger, I want a raise," you say with a mischievous smile.
"And a paid vacation," you add, trailing your hand down the black shirt stretched over his muscled chest.
Eric slides his hands down over your ass and picks you up, carrying you in through the back door. "Done."
You drape your arms over his shoulders and nip at his neck. "With you."
"Name a destination," he says, his voice a low growl as he throws open his office door.
"Tuscany." You give his short hair a small tug and he suddenly throws you down across his desk, inhaling your scent at the crook of your neck.
"And a house," you add, grinning as he tears impatiently through the fabric of your shirt. "And a shirt."
"I already bought your house," Eric murmurs, nipping at the soft flesh of your breasts.
You gasp softly. "I want a second one."
"Done," he says. He plants his hands on either side of your head and shifts to look you in the eye, his unruly hair falling into his face and his irises dark with passion. "Anything else?"
You open your mouth, searching for something else to add, but he grinds his hips teasingly against yours, and a needful whine escapes your throat instead.
A smirk spreads across Eric's lips as he tangles one hand in your hair and slides the other down toward your center.
"Say no more."
@stevesharrlngtons @grandpa-sweaters @dreamtherapy @grimeundglow @lihikainanea @loliwrites @scxrsgxrd @skrsgardspam @hausofobsession
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hecatemoon87 · 3 years
Hard to Get - A Reggie Kray Story
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Chapter Six - All Tied Up
Reggie was in relatively good spirits after he and Isla destroyed his office during an intense fit of sexual release. He had wanted her for so long and he thought having her would have finally gotten her out of his system. However, he only succeeded in making him desire her more. It wasn’t just sex he wanted either. Having her by his side always gave him a sense of security. He wasn’t certain why, but now after having sex with her, all he could do was wonder where she was and what she was doing.
But he couldn’t let himself become distracted as he had some important matters still pending. Although he had nipped the Torture Gang threat in the bud, forcing them out of East End in droves. He knew they would try a counter attack in some form. Furthermore, one of the gangs in East End that the Kray’s had a truce with was asking for a meeting. Greg Johnson, leader of the East Landers, said he had some important matters to discuss with the twins.
Not looking forward to the meeting with the East Landers, the Kray twins headed out with eight of their men to a neutral pub on the westside of their headquarters. Arriving at the pub, Reggie and Ronnie ordered a couple of Guinness and stood at the bar. The men ordered as well waited in the booths on the south side of the pub. After about ten minutes, Greg Johnson and about six or seven East Landers filtered into the pub.
“Afternoon, Reg, Ron,” Greg said, nodding at each twin respectively.
“Greg,” Reggie said in acknowledgement.
Ronnie just glared.
“So, what are these “important” matters that you need to discuss?” Reggie asked, taking a sip of his Guinness.
“Right, well…I got a problem with that Scottish bird. Rumor has it, she’s been running things instead of you.”
That comment irritated Reggie. He felt his blood pressure rise, but managed to keep his cool on the outside.
“That so?”
“Yeah. That ain’t true now, is it?”
“What the fuck do you think, Greg? Is she fucking here? Is she gonna have your head knocked in for disrespecting me?”
“Alright, Reg. I just wanted to hear it from you, okay?”
“Yeah, well, dragging me down here, asking me if some woman is controlling my fucking business? Fucking disrespectful is what that is.” Reggie growled.
Greg held up his hands. “Okay, Reg. I meant no disrespect. I get it, I’m good.”
Reggie gave Greg a very intense stare, making damn sure he understood that he wouldn’t hesitate to kick his ass if needed. The tension rose for a few more minutes before Reggie broke eye contact and returned to his Guinness.
“No harm, no foul, Greg. I like keeping a girl like her around, ain’t bad to have a quick shag every now and then, you understand?”
Reggie purposefully added that last comment. He wanted to make it appear that he didn’t care about Isla. He did that because if there was any sign that he cared for Isla, it could have put her in danger. Keeping her distant meant no one would get it in their heads to hurt her in order to get at him.
Unfortunately for Reggie, the barmaid who was cleaning mugs overheard what he had said. The barmaid, Erica, knew Isla. They weren’t exactly friends, but they spoke on occasion and were on good terms. What Reggie said quickly made its way back to Isla.
Isla was angry and hurt. He thought she was around just for a shag? How dare he! She was even beginning to care for him. When she heard this information she shrugged her shoulders and pretended she didn’t care. But when she got home she sat on her sofa and cried. She hadn’t cried in months as she didn’t cry easily.
Taking a deep breath, she dried her tears and made a decision. She was going to leave England once and for all. If the Krays decided to tell the police that she was on the run, so be it. But first thing first, Reggie would receive a going away present and mark Isla’s words, he wasn’t going to like it.
Finding her way over to the Kray’s headquarters, she pulled open the giant oak door and sauntered inside. Ronnie was seated at the bar, legs crossed and reading the newspaper. He glanced up when Isla walked in.
“Issy,” he said in greeting.
“Hey Ronnie, is Reggie in his office?”
“Yep,” Ron said and returned his focus to the newspaper.
She approached Reggie’s office and paused. Her heart rate sped up due to her anger, but she steadied herself. She needed to stay calm in order to accomplish the task at hand. Opening the door she found Reggie on the phone. Walking over to the couch she sat down and waited. After a few more minutes Reggie hung up the phone.
“What are you doing here? I thought I gave you the day off?”
“I wanted to see you,” she said, standing up and removing her blouse.
Reggie’s eyes widened and he stood up from his chair and walked over. Isla lifted her hands and slid her fingers through Reggie’s hair, kissing him softly. Reggie happily took in her kiss, his hands going to her waist, pulling her close to him. Isla then strategically maneuvered Reggie over to the couch. Holding his tie and treating it like a leash, she guided him over. Helping him remove his shirt, shoes and trousers, she pushed him onto the couch with only his boxers on.
Isla removed a pair of handcuffs from her skirt pocket and showed them to him.
“What are those for?” He asked.
“I think it’s kinky, can I cuff you, baby?” she said, seductively.
In order to convince him, she unhooked her bra, letting it fall to the floor before she climbed up on his lap, straddling him.
“Alright,” he said, breathlessly.
Before she cuffed him though, Reggie gently applied his hands to either side of her breasts and kissed each nipple. Isla moaned, even though she was angry, his kiss and his touch felt so right that she hated him even more for running something so good. She took his right arm and cuffed it, then she brought his arm up, needling the cuffs behind a pipe that stood behind the couch. She then took his left wrists and clicked it into the cuffs.
“How does that feel?” she asked.
“Fine,” he said, his eyes drinking in her breasts, he was now completely erect.
Once he confirmed, she climbed off him, picked up her bra and put it back on. As she buttoned up her blouse Reggie watched her confused.
“What are you doing?”
“Since I’m just a convenient shag, not really part of your gang, not really anything to you, I’m leaving.”
“Isla,” Reggie said, he moved his wrists forward, the metal of the cuffs rattling against the pipe. “What are you talking about?”
She turned to him, crossing her arms and glaring at him.
“You bloody well know what I’m referring to! You told Greg Johnson you like having me around so you can get a quick shag in.”
Reggie’s eyes widened. “Wait, no. That…you don’t understand, that’s taken out of context!”
“Oh really? It seems pretty fucking clear to me, Reggie!” Isla shouted.
“Yes, really. Isla, uncuff me. We can talk about this,” Reggie said, now panicking a little.
He did not want to be left on the couch almost naked and chained to this pipe. Suddenly, a shrill ring came from Reggie’s phone. Isla walked over to it and picked up the receiver.
“Hello? This is Reggie Kray’s office, how may I help you?” she said, sweetly.
Isla paused to listen, then replied. “Oh, I’m very sorry. Mr. Kray is a bit tied up right now, can I take a message?”
Before the person on the other end of the line began their message, Isla hung up the phone. She knelt down and picked up her purse. Taking out the key to his cuffs, she placed it on the end table.
“Have a great life, Reggie Kray,” she said, angrily before she left his office.
She could hear him yelling after her as she walked down the hallway and back out to the main entrance. Ronnie saw her emerge and he folded his newspaper.
“You off again?” Ronnie asked.
She walked over to Ron and gave him a big hug. Pulling away, she rested her hands on his shoulders.
“Thank you, Ronnie. You were always kind to me, I appreciated that,” she said, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek.
Ronnie looked at her confused, but she didn’t want to elaborate any further. She gave him a kind smile once more then turned around and left the building. It took him a moment to realize that Reggie had not followed Isla out. Curious as to why Isla was saying such things, he headed back to the office and opened the door.
Reggie wasn’t at his desk, so Ronnie looked at the couch. There he found his brother handcuffed to the pipe behind the couch, sitting in his boxers.
“Bloody hell, did Isla do that?” Ronnie said.
“No, I did it to my bloody self, of course she did this!” Reggie said, angrily. “The key is on the end table, get these things off me!”
Ronnie picked up the key, walked over and unlocked the cuffs. Reggie immediately got up and hurriedly dressed. Jumping into his trousers, buttoning up his shirt, shrugging on his suit jacket, he stumbled when he realized he wasn’t wearing any shoes. Grabbing both shoes, he sat on the couch, laced them up and bolted from the room. Ronnie joined him in stride.
“Where you goin’?” Ronnie asked.
“I gotta stop her, she doesn’t understand god damn it!” Reggie growled.
As Reggie was leaving, Albert was walking in. Reggie pushed him out of the way and hurried down the street.
Albert came inside and looked at Ronnie.
“What’s going on?”
Ronnie shook his head. “I’m very pleased that I’m attracted to men. Dealing with the opposite sex looks exhaustin’.”
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ptergwen · 3 years
written in the stars
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w/c: 2.7k
warnings: jus (lots of) making out
summary: using your newly acquired knowledge of astrology, you test your compatibility with tom
a/n: i was planning on making this a little blurb for y’all but then i got really into it and here we are lmfhfksjks i promise you don’t have to know anything about astrology or birth charts to enjoy cuz i broke it all down + it’s not the main focus of the fic anyways! this is mostly a day in the life with tommy boy and i hope you like it as much as i do :,) also some of this might be wrong.. i’m not an expert so yeah
“right, so how does this work again?” tom watches your laptop screen with curious eyes.
you’ve been getting into astrology lately, and whatever you care about, so does he. that’s why you’re currently laid across your bed in sweats while you teach him everything you know. but first, you’ll need to do his birth chart. it’s the pinnacle of everything.
“you just have to tell me what time you were born, then it does the rest for me,” you grin, typing in the name of the website. you’d had to do some research to find a reliable one. “that’s it? you don’t need, like, my birthday or something?” tom quirks an eyebrow at the chart generator.
“i already know your birthday, babes.” you laugh softly and let your head fall onto his shoulder. “you crazy gemini.” “‘m not crazy.” he smiles despite himself, leaning his head on yours. “just got a big personality, innit? charming, clever, lots of energy,” he lists off the characteristics of his sign, which you just taught him. that lights up your whole face.
“definitely not cocky,” you deadpan, tom scrunching his nose in response. “look at you, remembering all that. you really are clever.” “well, it’s interesting.” he drapes an arm around you, fingers running up and down your side. “i quite like the idea of the universe knowing me so well.”
tapping your fingers on the keys, you hum. “you’ll love your birth chart, then. tell me when you were born.” tom grimaces and squeezes at your waist. “i don’t actually know.” “how do you not know?” you flick his back playfully, making him flinch. he pokes you so you’re even. “i’ve never thought to ask. guess i’m not that clever after all.”
those are teasing words, but you press a reassuring kiss to his cheek. he gladly accepts it and gives you one on the side of your neck.
“no, your head’s gigantic. there’s gotta be something up there.” you knock on his skull for emphasis, your hand tangling in his hair. tom lets out a breathy chuckle. “hot air,” he explains as your fingers run through the messy locks. “you’re so...” you don’t even have the words. tom does. “hilarious? witty? amusing?” he tries to finish, tilting his head back to look at you.
“yeah, all of the above,” you confer and bring your hand back down to the keyboard. your lips curve into a smirk when tom whines. he’s the biggest baby, and he makes no attempt to hide it. “why don’t you text your mom and ask for your time of birth?” you suggest, tom pursing his lips in agreement. “sure, i’ll give mum a ring. i bet she loves this stuff, too.”
you roll over to lay on your back, tom still on his stomach. he pulls his phone from his pocket and opens imessage. “ah, nikki’s an astrogirl?” you wonder. tom makes a funny face at the term. “is that what you call yourselves?” “not really. well, not officially.” giggling, you loop your fingers around his wrist. “you can be an astroboy, if you want. or girl.”
tom sighs and leans over so his face hovers above yours. “god, you’re adorable. how are you so cute?” he gently pecks your lips. you’re about to kiss back, then he moves off to your cheek. after that is your forehead, chin, and finally down the bridge of your nose. it leaves you out of breath from laughter and with warm skin.
“i can’t answer that if you’re gonna launch a kiss attack on me-“
tom’s lips capture yours in a proper kiss, which you now get the chance to reciprocate. you hold him in place with your hands on his cheeks. his eyes instantly flutter closed and lashes tickle your face. the feeling draws another giggle out of you, and right into his mouth.
“absolutely gorgeous,” tom mutters against your lips. “anyone ever tell you that?” “you do, tommy. all the time.” your voice comes out gravelly, breathless, a grin painting your face. it transfers to tom. “mm, that’s right. my pretty baby.” he’s beaming down at you. he moves on top of you swiftly, his weight held up by his elbows on your sides.
you pull apart so you can go back in harder, hands situating in his curls again. tom grabs at your hips while the kiss deepens. your legs wrap around his waist clad in joggers and allow your bodies to be even closer together. the less space between you two, the needier you both get. “love,” tom parts his lips for you. “can i get a little more?” “course you can, tommy.” your fingers tug at his curls, mouth opening slightly.
his tongue skims its way across your lower lip, asking for access. you give his hair another pull to grant it. tom lets his tongue slip into your mouth, searching for your own as his hands continue to roam your body. he’s gone from gently peppering you in kisses to fully eating your face. no complaints, though. a quiet whimper escapes you when your tongues clash.
tom starts to push up your t-shirt, eyes opening to meet yours for approval. they’re completely darkened. you nod because you can’t answer with words. your tongue is preoccupied, intertwined with his. he sets his hands on your bare stomach, your nails scratching at tom’s scalp in a way that elicits a low groan.
“feels good?” your words come out muffled, barely audible. tom still understands them. “so good,” he rasps, calloused fingers dragging along your skin. they start to move up your body as you brush your lips against his. the kiss is light, and tom’s lips feel swollen as they move. his hands are nearing your chest, your legs tightening around his waist.
it earns another sinful noise from him. you want to see just how much he’s enjoying himself, so you peek up at him. what a sight that is. his faced twisted up as he focuses on kissing you, strands of hair stuck to his forehead from your playing with it. he’s so beautiful, and deserves to know. before you can tell him, you see his phone light up from the corner of your eye.
“tom,” you mumble his name. he’s too distracted by searching for your bra hook to hear. “tommy?” you’re louder this time, his mouth moving off of yours. “what is it, love?” tom exhales, hot breath hitting your face. “i think your mom texted back.” you offer a smile and run your thumb over his plumped lips. he only squints at you.
“about your time of birth,” you clarify. “for your birth chart.” “oh, that.” he kisses your thumb, nodding to himself. “forgot we were doing that.” tom tends to get a bit carried away with anything you related. making out can go on for hours and down many different paths, but it’s not the only thing. he’s a man in love, and the woman he shares that with gets all his attention at any given time. you’re so lucky to receive it.
you nod back and feel his racing heart as it beats against yours. “if you still want to, yeah.” “i definitely do. wanna hear you say more nice things about me,” tom jokes, a smug grin pulling at his lips. your eyes narrow. “who says they’ll be nice?” you challenge and earn a snicker from him.
“alright, missy. can you hand me my phone please?” he drops his head onto your chest, big brown eyes gazing up at you. “yes, sir.” you pat his cheek and grab his phone from next to you. tom’s contact name for nikki is set as ‘Ma x’, which brings a toothy smile to your face. “here you go.” you dangle his phone above his head. tom takes it from you promptly. “thanks.”
after leaving a couple of kisses on your clothed chest, he rolls to lay next to you. “let’s see, let’s see,” he murmurs, reading his mom’s messages. you scoot closer so you can look. “ooh, lots of crying emojis,” tom remarks. “i think you made her kinda nostalgic.” you pout at the screen. copying your face, he clicks on a picture nikki attached.
“she even pulled out the birth certificate.” he shows you his phone, and you zoom in to see when he was born. “big stuff here,” you say while you read. tom takes the time to get comfortable, resting his chin on your shoulder. “looks like you popped out in the middle of the night,” you conclude, giving him his phone back. he clicks his tongue at you.
“don’t say popped out.” feigning innocence, you glance over at him. “too late.” tom types out a reply thanking his mom before tossing his phone aside. “middle of the night makes sense, though.” he bites the inside of his cheek. “i’ve always been a party animal, haven’t i?” you turn onto your side and put a hand on his chest.
“it’s in your gemini nature. or really, your tom nature.” tom does an over exaggerated wink. “i like the sound of that.” he chuckles when you hit at his chest. “bring the laptop. let’s get this thing going.” you huff as you reach over him to grab it. you’ve switched positions so you’re laying horizontally on your stomach and over his legs, your laptop in front of you.
“if we find out there’s any scorpio in you...” you shutter. “hm? what’s wrong with scorpios?” tom wonders, watching you plug his birth time into the generator. “they’re literally insane, tom. like, serial killer insane. there’s statistics.” your eyes go wide as you hit enter. he leans his head back on his arms with a wince. “never mind, then.”
a small gasp leaves your lips, you squeezing tom’s knee. “it’s done.” “what does it say? share with the audience,” tom requests so you do your thing. you’re eager to get to it, turning the laptop to show him his birth chart. “ok, so.” you point at a box a few places down. “this is your rising sign, which is basically how other people see you.”
tom reads the chart, moving his own finger along the screen. “it says i’m a... taurus. what are those like?” “in one word? boring,” you summarize, tom only frowning. “kidding, kidding.” his frown fades into a small smile at that. “they’re known for being super nice and chill... also stubborn,” you tell him and prop your head in your hand.
“so, that makes no sense. those are complete opposites,” tom comments, slipping out from under you. he settles by your side. “i don’t get how i can be a gemini and a taurus, either.” “weird, right?” you sigh in content as his hand comes to stay on the small of your back. “very strange. do you think it could be wrong?”
“are you questioning the universe’s plan?” you tease, tom drumming his fingers on you. “yes, i am.” “see, you’re stubborn! taurus things.” you scroll down to his moon sign before he can protest. tom sticks out his tongue and tries to lick your cheek, which you stop by putting your hand in his face. “next is your moon sign,” you laugh out, ignoring his boyish behavior.
“that controls your emotions and private thoughts,” you elaborate and look presently surprised when you see what tom’s is. “yours is sagittarius. that’s a cool one.” “is it? how come?” tom sneaks a few kisses down the shell of your ear. “you guys are really open-minded and into things that challenge you.” he nods, signaling for you to go on. you turn onto your back so you’re looking up at him.
“you’re all about your freedom, though. it’s hard to hold you down for too long.” grinning, tom brings his face into your line of vision. “that must mean you’re a real force because i’m not going anywhere.” he nudges your nose with his, lips ghosting over yours. you return the smile and meet him halfway for your lips to connect. “anytime soon,” tom adds on in a whisper, kissing back easily.
this one doesn’t last long, but it doesn’t need to. it’s just one of those kisses that makes you feel each other’s love, no matter how you go about it. they’re essentially your own made up love language.
you’re still smiling when your lips detach, fingers combing through tom’s tussled locks. “now that we’ve done the big three...” you preface. “androids, aliens, and wizards?” tom jokes, you breathing out a laugh. you’d thought he had a soft spot for sam and bucky. your suspicions were correct.
“cute, but no. your sun sign, moon sign, and rising sign,” you explain to him. “sure, sure. what about them?” tom toys with the hem of your shirt while you think. a mischievous glint in your eyes, you suddenly sit up. “since you know yours, and i know mine, how about we test our compatibility?”
tom is well aware of what that means, and he isn’t so sure he’d like to do it. he’s someone who believes in cliches like soulmates and fate, so he’ll take your results seriously. after the lessons on astrology you gave him, especially.
his heart will always hold a special place for you and you only. nothing will change that. but, what if the universe says you can’t be together? where do you go from there?
“um,” tom presses his lips into an uncertain line. you’re already getting your laptop. “i mean, do we want to know? what if we’re not...” you come back over to him with both eyebrows furrowed. “compatible?” “yeah” he hesitates before answering, which tells you he’s nervous.
“it’s just for fun, tommy,” you assure him and press a quick kiss to his lips. “besides, if anyone could defy the odds, it would be us.” tom perks up a bit, sitting up next to you. “you think we’re that strong, huh?” “absolutely. do you?” you’re already sure what he’s going to say. he pulls you into his lap, kissing at your hair and letting it linger. “one hundred percent. i’ll do it.”
you put your laptop in your own lap with a grin. tom’s arms hold you by your middle. “ok, here we go,” you mutter, searching for a good compatibility calculator. it doesn’t take long to find one. “remember, this all a bunch of theories. our love goes beyond what a stupid website tells us, okay?” you remind him, his arms tightening around you.
“okay. i love you,” tom speaks into your hair. “you’re so good at saying exactly what i need to hear. how do you do it?” “i love you too, and that’s a secret i’ll never tell.” you take one of his hands and bring it to your lips. tom’s leg bounces while you plug your three signs and his into the calculator. before hitting the calculate option, you look at him over your shoulder.
“ready?” your finger hovers over the cursor. you know how much these things mean to him, so you want to be positive that he is. “can we do it together?” tom asks shyly, which is highly uncharacteristic of him. “sure, baby. on the count of three.” you wait for him to place his hand over yours. he grips it tight, then you start to count. “one... two... three.”
the two of you click calculate at the same time, your results taking a few seconds to load. “love, i’m so nervous. i can’t look.” tom dips his head down so yours is blocking his view. you lightheartedly roll your eyes. “it’s fine, tom. i’m sure we’ll-“ the screen changes to display your compatibility rating, you cutting yourself off. he slowly creeps out from behind you.
“oh, god. are they in? what’s it say?” tom grabs onto your waist, feeling vibrations from you giggling. you shake your head at the website. “it’s really good... almost a perfect match. told you we’re meant to be.” he joins in your laughter, an endless amount of kisses going down the side of your head. “now, it’s written in the stars. we’re untouchable!”
he’s flipping you over so he lays above you, lips colliding messily with yours for the millionth time today. you don’t mind, though. you could do this a million more. “a power couple,” you continue for him between another peck of his lips. “always have been,” tom corrects and shuts you up again with his mouth on yours.
your hand reaches up for him, but doesn’t make it as the passionate kiss he’s giving you takes your breath away. he locks your fingers together instead, whispering one last thing.
“always will be.”
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