#you get that it's weird to act like we're the weird ones for responding to provocation. you have to get that that is a weird way to think.
thatswhatsushesaid · 24 days
i think fandom spaces would become much more enjoyable across the board if people stopped flipping their pancakes over other fans enjoying characters that they don't like. or, god forbid, like them but in 'the wrong way.'
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voiceless-people · 5 months
What is it with ppl who I've vaguely interacted with once deciding to msg me??
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kikohao · 6 months
ᅠᅠᅠᅠ ⠀⠀⠀⋆˙. operation: one bed
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★ ㅤㅤpairing ; agent!jeonghan x agent!reader ★ ㅤㅤsummary ; you and jeonghan were assigned a case together, you both played the roles of an engaged couple. why is it that you had to share a bed to sell the act? ★ ㅤㅤthemes ; spy au, one bed trope. fluff, mentions of seungcheol, soonyoung, and joshua ★ ㅤㅤwarnings ; cursing, kissing, slight jealousy, use of nicknames ("babe") ★ ㅤㅤword count ; 2k ★ ㅤㅤtaglist ; @nonononranghaee @abodyhasbeenfound ★ ㅤㅤa/n ; one bed trope with jeonghan has been rotting my mind for almost a week omg im really happy i was able to finish it on time! i've never really wrote a "kissing" scene before so im really sorry if its weird bye 😭 requests are always open! (texts, ot13 scenarios, drabbles, fics, mtls, etc) send an ask to be added to my taglist! likes and reblogs appreciated! <3
"Agent Kim, do you hear me?" You try to maintain a formal persona, as you talk into your built-in earphones as you make your way to the grand venue.
"Loud and clear. Make sure your earpiece is switched on at all times." A tuneless voice followed.
Upon entering the hotel, you and Jeonghan were greeted by the expansive lobby that screamed elegance and sophistication.
"They must be bloody rich," Jeonghan muttered quietly, but loud enough for me to hear. He was right though, there were multiple marble chandeliers, casting a warm, golden glow upon all the guests. 
It was extraordinarily exquisite.
"Pass the details," Jeonghan spoke into his earpiece as we moved to a certain corner of the corridors, hoping to maintain a low profile throughout the whole party. 
After a few shufflings of his notes, he responded.
"Agent Yoon, you're Jacob Choi, son of the most prestigious Grand Celestial Palace. I'm pretty sure no one would go into more detail about you, but make sure they buy the act. We can't risk anything. Agent Y/N, you're Ana Wang, Jacob's fiancee, I'll get back to both of you with more details on the individuals. For now, you both are an engaged couple, seemingly having an Alliance with Mr. Lin."
"Got it."
You and Jeonghan made your way towards the reception to mark you both in now that you've got your "personal" details. By doing so, you both were accompanied by a middle-aged man, possibly someone who worked there. He wore a black suit and bow, around 5'8?
"Keep an eye on everyone you see tonight," Agent Kim spoke from the earpiece.
"Why are you so tense?" Jeonghan muttered, "I'm not." You replied swiftly with a scoff earning nothing but a soft chuckle from him that kept on making my ears ring.
Why did your stomach suddenly start to churn? You disregarded it, possibly assuming it was hunger or thirst. Your train of thought was interrupted by a man who made his way towards us. He looked old, although, his rosy cheeks and flawless demeanor said otherwise. Guess he was the well-known, Mr. Lin.
"Oh, Mr. Choi!" He exclaimed out loud for everyone to hear, grabbing Jeonghan's hand and shaking it vigorously.
You tried extremely hard to keep in the giggles that were trying to escape your mouth as you looked at Jeonghan's reaction to the sudden interaction from the man. You forcibly had to look away because you knew you'd fuck things up the second you made eye contact with him.
"It's been so long! How're you and your fiancee? Ms. Wang ain't it?" He questioned, looking towards you. Maybe it was just you and your overthinking capabilities, but you swore something was off about how he looked at you compared to how he looked at Jeonghan, but you decided to brush it off.
"We're doing quite well, thank you." Jeonghan put out, maintaining a calm composure that very well contrasted with his normal personality.
"How's your mom doing? I'm so sorry that happened to her," continued the man. You and Jeonghan shared a quick glance at each other, one that said -- "Oh we're so fucked if we mess this up."
"Mom is doing quite well, thanks for asking. She's doing much better." You replied, noticing the intense tension that followed. Seems like staying here for too long may be risky.
"Babe, why don't we get something to eat? I'm starving." You shared teasingly, looking at Jeonghan, enjoying the flushed expression that lay on his face as you managed to throw in a pout to make it seem more genuine. You both needed to instantly get away for a while to ask Agent Kim about the next plan, and this was the only resort.
Jeonghan excused himself as walked towards one of the empty tables, hand in hand. As soon as we took our seats, Jeonghan voiced through his earpiece, "What do we do next?"
"So far, we haven't found anything. And, I'm guessing neither have the two of you. I checked with Agent Kwon regarding the party details. Seems like everyone attending is encouraged to stay the night, I'm pretty sure it's just for them to make more affiliates, either that or just to show off how rich they are. Either way, I and the crew think it would be beneficial if you did so, in order to uncover more details on Mr. Lin, it would also help in selling your facade since I'm pretty sure he's catching up with suspicions of his."
"Are you sure about that?" You spoke softly into the earpiece, observing the surrounding area, "It sounds quite risky,"
"It is, indeed, but it's your call on whether you want to."
You look at Jeonghan, he seems to have similar thoughts as you do -- he doesn't seem too fond of the idea.
"What do you 'reckon?" you ask him, simultaneously taking a sip of the non-alcoholic wine they'd provided all the attendees.
"Well, it is pretty risky. But, we'd better do as per Mr. Kim and Mr. Kwon since we'd have to put up with these titles until we get the requirements. It'd help sell the act." He finally spoke.
It was unusual. It was unusual how he seemed calm and collected amidst something like this. You'd imagined him to be some kind of reckless person like the persona he usually played so you weren't quite fond of going with him.
You nodded -- he had a point. The faster Mr. Lin believed us, possibly the quicker we could get this case over with.
And, this was it.
Jeonghan hurried towards the hotel management before it was too late to get a room while you sat at your spot, gazing at everyone who attended such a social gathering.
Guess you realized you zoned out when a young man, maybe in his 20s, sat next to you and started up a conversation like good old friends.
"No way, Ana? Is that you?" He put up a question, his face in awe.
"Oh, yes, hello." you manage to spit out, giving off a small smile as you gaze at Jeonghan, his back facing towards you as he converses with the management team.
Guess I'm fucked.
"You were never the one for these kinda parties, you always mentioned that they were too crowded. Guess you grew out of your phase?" He smiled cheekily avoiding the fact that he most possibly just insulted you, or at least the role you're currently playing.
Is this gaslighting?
A phase? How is not wanting to go out and talk with people a phase? You didn't know who Ana was nor did you ever meet her, but you most certainly didn't like someone like him straight up insulting someone.
"What is that supposed to mean?" You questioned, maintaining a small smile. The last thing you wanted was your cover to get blown.
"Oh, Nothing. How's Jacob? He be treating you well?" He continued as he took a small sip from his cocktail drink.
You nodded, glancing every now and then at your so-called "companion" who's left you to talk to some guy who supposedly knows you. It made you laugh how he thinks he's all that -- you could easily spot how the guy was wearing a worn-out suit and tie, most probably already used, and how he just seemed sketchy. 
"Keep an eye on everyone you see tonight," 
He did seem quite sketchy.
You spotted Jeonghan making his way back, guess God did hear your prayers after all. As soon as the guy spotted "Jacob" making his way towards us, he excused himself and left. Possibly to get another drink.
"Guess who managed to get us a room with my good looks," he winked at you, holding the keys high up. You couldn't help but chuckle.
Cute, you thought. Instantly regretting it when Jeonghan pointed out who flushed your face looked.
"Oh shut it, Yoon. Look, now you've ruined the mood." You shot back before he got a chance to say something sly.
His smile didn't last long though. "Oh and, who was that?" He asked, most likely mentioning the guy who'd been talking with you while he went to get the keys.
"Some guy who knows Ana. No clue, but he seemed sketchy." You replied, taking the keys from him.
A few hours passed with nothing but talking with the other participants, drinking, eating, talking again, drinking, talking...
"Huge thanks to everyone who was able to attend today. I wish all those returning back home a safe ride. Everyone who's staying for the night, you may make your way towards your rooms. Have a wonderful night!" Mr. Lin spoke out after clinking his wine glass, attaining attention from everyone present in the hall.
You followed Jeonghan as you made your way toward your room, slightly gazing in awe at all the picturesque art on the walls.
As soon as we entered our rooms, we both noticed the same exact thing.
There was only one bed.
One bed.
Anyone would expect Jeonghan to take up the sofa that was present in the room. Well, guess what? You were wrong.
There was a minute of silence before Jeonghan spoke out loud. "I'm taking the bed. You can take the bed if you want, but I'm not taking the sofa if that's what you're thinking." He smirked as he took off his shoes and placed them on the shoe rack before heading towards the bed.
Well, what did you expect?
That Jeonghan would give up the bed?
No chance and not at all surprising.
"You're such a gentleman aren't you?" You placed your shoes alongside him, making your way to the bed, not ready to give it up either. "They should've sent Joshua with me," You sighed out loud for him to hear.
"Well, anyone taking a good look at us would know that we're meant to be," You reasoned, followed by a breathy scoff from Jeonghan. You cooed at his reaction, "Aw, babe, didn't know you were the jealous type," you added, teasingly. You hated to admit it but playing Ana was fun.
"Yeah, right." 
We both had got into bed by the time it was 11. You switched the lamp that was present in your dimly lit room.
4 AM.
He stared right at me, with his dusk-brown eyes. But, it wasn't a normal stare. But a stare that held desire within. You both faced towards each other, the middle barrier made of pillows long gone.
"What?" You slurred slightly, still half-asleep, heart, leaping in your chest.
It was now that you realized that you failed to realize how ethereal he looked. His tired eyes bore into yours, as his bangs lay lazily on his face.
He leaned in slightly, reducing the gap between us. 
"Your eyes are really pretty," He muttered. It always amazed you how he didn't have much of a deep voice like other men, but still seemed dominant without it.
That was a stab to the heart. Not in a bad way though. In a way that made you want to kiss him. You wanted to hold him.
Maybe it was an exaggeration, but you swore you couldn't breathe as soon as he gently placed his lips, carefully molded into a heart, onto yours, locking it in place for a swift second before pulling away.
It lasted like a second or two, but your face looked as if you'd just run a marathon.
"Yoon, are you drunk?" you finally spoke out, not believing what just happened. You thoroughly enjoyed it, but how could he kiss you just like that?
"Yoon doesn't sit right with me, 'Babe' sounds much better."
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woso-dreamzzz · 5 months
Injured (Jenni's Version)
Jenni Hermoso x Child!Reader
Summary: You go home
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You don't understand what's going on.
Well, you do but you don't know why everyone is acting so weird.
Last night, Mami came to visit. She took one look at you and burst into tears. She held you close and cried. She cried and cried and cried and you didn't know how to make her feel better. She just kept crying and holding you.
At first, it was nice. To be held by Mami, you mean, but suddenly her arms felt like shackles around your body, like bricks tried to your legs as you try to fight against the pool you've been thrown into. Everything about her was too hot and too restrictive and you could do little but go limp as she held you.
You're much too tiny to fight against Mami. She is big and strong and you are small and weak.
She released you a little while later and said goodbye.
There was something in the way she said it that seemed very final. You don't know why you called out to her but you did.
She turned, a glimmer of something in her eyes but you just gave her back the train you desperately wanted all those months ago. The one that you had hoped to get for your birthday but didn't. The one you had hoped to get for Christmas but didn't.
You gave it back to her.
"I'm sorry that I don't want to play with it, Mami," You'd told her before retreating back to Mama.
But that was last night and today is different.
Today, you got up early and got dressed and brushed your teeth until they were squeaky clean.
Tia Alba drives you and Mama to the airport. You don't really go to airports a lot.
Mami never liked it bringing you to camps with her so you didn't travel nearly as much as she did, only for very special occasions like the Champion's League final.
Tia Alba comes with you both through check in and she holds you while Mama goes through the scary scanning machine and waits for you on the other side.
It's big and scary and you don't like going through it but Mama is on the other side and she scoops you up into a hug as soon as you make it through.
Airports are big too but you're holding Mama's hand so you feel safe as she leads you through.
It's early and you're hungry and you get a small snack to hold you over.
"Private plane, huh?" Tia Alba teases as she sips a coffee.
Mama rolls her eyes. "They're just happy to have me back. We're lucky they didn't send over an escort to make sure we got home safe."
You don't know a lot, you're only little but you know you're travelling somewhere today. You know this because Mama has two documents that say you're both travelling. She's got your new passport too.
It's got your new name on it and that's how you know it's new.
It's tucked into her coat pocket nice and safe.
You're travelling with your Mama, you know that for certain.
A lot has changed though and you're not too sure what it is exactly. You have a new name and you don't know why. You like your new name though. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
Putellas-Hermoso is in your passport now.
You've always thought that the Putellas part of your name looked lonely. You like that it has a friend now.
Tia Alba looks at you and smiles. "Are you happy to be going to Mexico, Bambi?"
"That's where you live!" You tell Mama and she laughs, fondly brushing your hair from your face.
"It's where you live now too."
You frown. "But ballet-"
"There's a ballet studio right down the street from our house," Mama tells you," You've got lessons on Wednesday for two hours and then nine until lunch on Saturdays."
You don't know how to respond to that, perplexed that Mama already knows your new dance schedule.
"That sounds fun," Tia Alba says," I'll have to come visit soon."
Your brows furrow. "You're not coming, Tia?"
She shakes her head. "My life is here, bambi," She says.
"So's mine," Your voice isn't even above a whisper and no one hears you. You've never thought about leaving Spain before, not permanently anyway.
Mami told you that it's because you're like her. You're a homebody. You're just like Mami.
You don't know if you want to be like Mami anymore.
The Putellas in your old passport always looked lonely. It has Hermoso now so it's not lonely anymore. But you don't think Hermoso would be lonely if it was by itself.
A fancy man in a suit comes up to Mama, whispering in her ear and she nods, picking you up on her hips easily.
She and Tia Alba wheel the suitcases after him.
You wander through the back halls of the airport until you're on the tarmac where a plane is waiting.
Tia Alba called it a private plane. You know Mami's been on those lots but you haven't been once. When you've travelled, it's been with Tia Alba or Abuela in one of the normal people's planes.
This is new and a little strange but not unwelcome, you think.
There are stairs leading up to it and Tia Alba stops at the bottom of them. She kneels in front of you and cups your face.
"I love you, bambi," She says to you, looking deep into your eyes," And I will come visit you very soon." She gives you a big hug that you somehow feel in your very soul.
"I love you too, Tia Alba," You say and Mama takes your hand to lead you inside.
You don't remember much of the flight.
You know a few things though.
It is long, very long. You sleep a lot and eat when Mama says that you should. She holds you as you sleep. You are not coming back to Spain for a long while.
You don't know that last one for sure but you still think it's true.
Deep down, you know it is true.
You think Tia Alba knew that too which is why she came with you all the way to the plane steps.
But still, you sleep for most of the flight, wrapped up protectively in Mama's strong arms.
You float between sleep and awake but Mama never disappears. Her arms hold you close and her perfume wraps around you like a blanket.
You are still tired when the plane lands. You remain tired in the trip from the airport to where Mama lives.
It is dark out now, night time and you should really be asleep.
You're sleepy but you can't sleep. Mami once said you got that from her too.
You don't want that from her though.
You only got the bad bits from Mami, you think. You can't sleep because she can't sleep. You don't go out because she doesn't go out.
You wish you got the good parts of Mami like her ability to kick a ball. You think Mami could have loved you if you could kick a ball. You think Mami would have let you stay if you could kick a ball.
Or, maybe, you could have gotten her confidence. Mami knows how to speak to people. She knows how to tell people how she's feeling. You can't do that. Maybe, if you had told Mami at the beginning, when she still loved you enough to care, she wouldn't have sent you away.
Maybe, if you had tried to be the good parts of Mami instead of the bad then you could have lived with her and Olga and Jaume.
You are with Mama now though. That is good. You like that. You know you're going to like living with Mama but some awful part of you still yearns for the Mami from Before.
You think that Mami from Before would have come to you when you fell off the slide.
You'd like to think the Mami from Before would do that but you wonder if the Mami from Before even cared about you. You wonder if you were her little guinea pig so she could be a good Mami to Jaume.
You hope you aren't.
The car shuts off and Mama picks you out of your car seat. She drags in the bags but sets you on the floor so she can pick out her house keys from her pocket.
Mama has a doorknocker on her door. She doesn't have a doorbell like Mami does. Her doorknocker is pristine. It is clean and not stiff at all. You can tell it is old though but it's definitely looked after.
Mama ushers you inside, flicking on the lights as soon as she gets the lights on.
"Do you want to look around by yourself or do you want me to go around with you?"
You don't answer Mama.
She's got a mantelpiece above a fireplace that you wonder ever gets used.
But it's neither the mantel nor the fire that actually has your attention.
There's a picture that you're focussed on.
Mama is smiling at the camera. She's holding you when you were a baby, wrapped in the soft pink baby blanket she bought for you when you were very little.
She's beaming as she looks at the camera and you look perfectly happy and content in her arms.
"That's you," Mama says," When you were still a baby. I visited you and Alexia in hospital. After her and the doctors, I was the next person to hold you."
"Really." Mama's hand rests on your shoulder and you lean into her legs. "How about we get ready for bed? It's late."
You let her lead you away, up the stairs into what you assume is your new bedroom.
It is different from your bedroom back home. There is a mirror and a barre like at your ballet studio and rows of ballet pumps lined up next to it.
"I had someone do it up while I came to get you," Mama explains as she rummages through a few boxes for pyjamas.
They're train-themed and Mama has to puppeteer your arms because you're so exhausted.
You're so tired and you feel so strange and Mama is so warm and safe that you burst into tears.
They bubble up from some secret part of you and tear from your throat. They're full-on sobs as well, your body shaking from exertion as each of them comes out.
Mama's hands flutter uncertainly around you before you're lying against her on your new bed.
Your tears drip-drop onto her shirt and one of her big hands cup the back of your head, pushing it further into her like you're a little baby like Jaume.
You wonder if Mami is going to give your train to Jaume. You wonder if she did it last night after she visited you. You wonder if Mami is happy you are gone now.
You wonder if she's going to turn your room into Jaume's new playroom. You wonder if she's going to be happier now that she doesn't have to fit your ballet into her schedule anymore.
You have Mama now but that doesn't mean you don't think of Mami while you cry. You have Mama and she is strong and brave and you think she can take care of your feelings for you while you're still weak and scared.
You have Mama but she is not Mami like how Mami is not Mama.
Mama could never be Mami and you don't want her to be.
Mami never wanted you. You think you know that now. You think you know you were the biggest mistake of Mami's life. You think you are lucky that she loved you enough to look after you until someone else could.
You think Mami is special. She wins lots of awards for her football. People admire your Mami. They chant her name and scream their praise. Mami wins medals and trophies. She's one of the best football players in the world.
You think she'll be the best Mami in the world to Jaume too.
No, you know she'll be the best Mami in the world to Jaume.
Mami has always been a good Mami to Jaume. Jaume who is named after Abuelo. Jaume who is Olga's baby. Jaume who is wanted and loved and planned.
Everyone loves Jaume.
You love him too though you wish that you didn't. You think you would be happier if you could hate Jaume, if you could dislike him at all but he's only little and he's still your brother so you love him.
Your family shares love equally between you and him, you think, or they try to. They try to have the same amount of love for you as they have for him. You don't think that's easy to do.
You think that's why you've gone away with Mama.
It is hard and it is mean but it is what has happened.
Jaume is littler than you. He needs more help to grow up. He needs more love than you because he's a little boy and you're a big girl. You think he's going to be a footballer like Mami so he has to stay close to her so he can learn.
If one of you had to leave, of course it would be you.
In a secret part of you, hidden deep down, you think it is nice that you're left with Mama. She will never love Jaume as much as she loves you. It is bad to think about that but you like it.
You like that you don't have to share Mama's love.
You like that you will be the only child she will hold like this. You will be the only child she will tuck into bed or help at bath time. You will be the only child who will live in this house with her.
You will be the only one who she loves like this.
You do not feel bad that Jaume will never experience your Mama. He has Mami and Olga and the rest of the family.
He has a Putellas. He has always been a Putellas. He will always be a Putellas. He is Mami's son.
You have Mama. You are a Hermoso. You haven't always been a Hermoso. You will be a Hermoso forever though.
You are Mama's daughter.
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undying-love · 15 days
Paul's grief over time: A Compilation
“During the session [in 1981] Paul fell into a lugubrious mood. He said, ‘I’ve just realized that John is gone. John’s gone. He’s dead and he is not coming back.’ And he looked completely dismayed, like shocked at something that had just hit him. ‘Well, it’s been a few weeks now.’ He said, ‘I know, Eric, but I’ve just realized." (Eric Stewart)
“It’s still weird even to say, ‘before he died’. I still can’t come to terms with that. I still don’t believe it. It’s like, you know, those dreams you have, where he’s alive; then you wake up and… 'Oh’.” (Paul, 1986)
"Occasionally, it wells up. Y'know, and I'm at home on the weekend suddenly and I start thinking about him or talking to the kids about him and I can't handle it." (Paul, 1987)
"Is there a record you like to put on just to hear John’s voice?" I ask Paul the next day. Paul looks startled. He fumbles. “Oh, uh. There’s so much of it. I hear it on the car radio when I’m driving.” No, that’s not what I mean", I persist. "Isn’t there a time when you just wish you could talk to John, when you’d like to hear his voice again?" For some reason, he instead responds to the original question.“Oh sure,” he says and looks a little taken aback. ‘Beautiful Boy". (1990)
"Also not obvious is that McCartney [for the Liverpool Oratorio] has penned a gorgeous black-spiritual-like piece for mezzo-soprano that intones the last words spoken to John Lennon as he lay dying of gunshot wounds in the back of a New York police car -- "Do you know who you are?" McCartney gets a bit choked up at one point when he reveals, "Not a day goes by when I don't think of John.” (1991)
"Delicious boy, delicious broth of a boy. He was a lovely guy, you know. And it gets sadder and sadder to be saying “was”. Nearer to when he died I couldn’t believe I was saying “was”, but now I do believe I’m saying “was”. I’ve resisted it. I’ve tried to pretend he didn’t get killed." (Paul, 1995)
"Paul talked about John a a lot, but the strange thing was that it was in the present tense, “John says this" or "John thinks that. Very weird." (Peter Cox, 2006)
“John Lennon was shot dead in 1980. That totally knocked dad for six. I haven’t really spoken to him a lot about it because it is such a touchy subject." (James McCartney, 2013)
"It's very difficult for me and I, occasionally, will have thoughts and sort of say: "I don't know why I don't just break down crying every day? […] You know, I don't know how I would have dealt with it because I don't think I've dealt with it very well. In a way… I wouldn't be surprised if a psychiatrist would sort of find out that I'm slightly in denial, because it's too much." (Paul, 2020)
"Like any bereavement, the only way out is to remember how good it was with John. Because I can't get over the senseless act. I can't think about it. I'm sure it's some form of denial. But denial is the only way that I can deal with it." (Paul, 2020)
"When I talked to Paul about John and when he missed John most, he couldn't answer me for a long time and his eyes teared up. And I asked him where he thinks about John and when John comes into his mind and he just … he lost it, he completely lost it." (Bob Spitz, 2021)
The following two are from the gossip website Datalounge, so they may or may not be true. Still interesting though:
"The one time I was ever actually in a room with Paul, zillion people between me and him (and no way I'm gonna bother him, all of us who travel in celeb circles have people we're fans of and all of us inexplicably try to hide it to seem "cooler"), he started talking loudly about himself and John, and how hard it was not to have him there. I remember him saying something along the lines of not a day passing that John's not still in it with him, but it's not like he can pick up a phone and say, "Hey, just needed to hear your voice today," and even when he got craggy responses, he still missed them. He misses it all, and it's bothering to him that he misses him more as time goes on -- it doesn't heal, he just learns new ways to bandage the wound."
“Since everyone is anonymous here, I guess I can give a bit of info I got from a female friend of mine who at one time worked as one of Paul’s assistants. [...] She does not know for certain if John and Paul were involved but she suspects it since to this day whenever John’s name is brought up he acts in her words ��like a widow’ and he also addresses John in present tense. He would say things like, ‘John thinks that the music should be like this,’ and during his bitter divorce from Heather he was saying, ‘John says that this is getting nasty.’ Kind of creepy." (this one actually seems very intriguing because it sounds very similar to what Peter Cox said, about Paul often talking about John in the present tense, saying "John says.." or "John thinks...")
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
task: answer the following question. do you believe in curses? respond as completely with relevant information as possible.
Grian: Well, that's a lie. This isn't a task. I know it's not a task, I set the things up! Not sure why we're getting a question as pointless as this one, but sure, mysterious scroll, I'll answer. There's no such thing as curses, unless you're Timmy, in which case it's funny, yeah? Besides, I didn't actually kill Etho. Even if that did count, self-fulfilling prophecies aren't the same thing as curses, and I know which one I fall under.
Joel: Do I believe in bloody curses what kind of question is that? Do I really get hearts just for answering this? This feels like a prank or something... well, whatever. There are no such thing as curses, except the Boogeyman curse, which I sort of had today, but it wasn't actually the same at all. A lot of the bloodlust, sure, but a lot more... Etho had to be the one to do it, huh? And it's not the same. Not comforting. That's a stupid thing to say actually. Take it out of wherever you're putting this. Cut it out of the recording. Comforting. Please. As if it were ever... Yeah, I'm done actually. Don't have a good answer. Go away.
Scott: What, other than Jimmy? Bless that man, he may not have died first, but he sure tried his best. Sure, I'll believe Jimmy is cursed. I mean, mostly he's just kind of stupid. Lovingly so. I mean, despite him being stupid, I put up with him, right? That seems like a complete answer to this question. Jimmy's an omen but we put up with him anyway. That's all.
Pearl: Oh, I mean, I'm probably cursed. That's what everyone liked to say at one point. I think... I mean, I think this time I have good friends, which is nice. They don't think I'm cursed. And it's not like I--I mean, it's surprisingly fun, acting cursed! And I am just acting. Acting scary, blowing up dance floors, all of that. And I don't really have to this time, so... Maybe I'm not cursed? And since it's acting, it's not real? This is a weird question.
Etho: Oh, man, that's a question. Um, do I have to answer? Because I feel like if I say no, that's really just asking for it, but if I say yes, I have to explain myself. Uh, I think I'm abstaining, unless the zombie thing from earlier counts. That was scary and I hated it. Curses are scary and I hate them in general, but apparently I'm good at them, if you ask everyone else. Um, it's not the only thing I find scary that apparently I'm good at.
Scar: Why, of course I believe in curses! Look at poor, poor... Timbert? Timmy? Jim? Gosh, sorry, I'm very tired right now. That's more proof of curses, by the way! That I'm tired. I've been tired straight since the desert, let me tell you what. And that, my friends, is a curse like no other. What a terrible beast, loneliness is. Wish me luck breaking it, because it's not happening this season!
Cleo: Oh, you mean the thing people like to blame instead of their own actions? Nah. My soulbond was kind of a curse, I guess, but even that's at least half just... bad people. Bad relationships. Good ones, too. We're all just doing what you can, you know? No script, no curses, no characters, just... Oh, I hope everything turns out tomorrow. Sorry, that's unrelated. It's just nicer to hope than to preemptively blame things on curses that don't exist.
Impulse: Well, I mean, I didn't until you just asked me that, but now I feel like I should. Wouldn't that be nice? Being cursed instead of just sort of unlovable? Sorry, no, that's mean to Gem. I shouldn't say that about Gem, she's been good this season. Super, super cursed, mind you, in the like, game mechanic sense? But she's been good, no backstabbing or inability to get love involved. Um, and I guess that's not fair to Bdubs, kind of, except it also totally is and I haven't forgiven him. So I guess if they ask I said I believed in curses, and that's why my life keeps circling clocks? Don't put any of that other stuff down, I'm trying to work on that.
Gem: I was just cursed for a task, but that probably isn't what you're asking about, right? I'm new, so I don't know! A task is a concrete thing to believe in, like bloodshed or victory or fun and games. You don't have to believe in those to know they're real, either! They just are, whether you like it or not. I understand that much!
Tango: Gah, don't talk to me about... Deep breaths. Look, I don't care if it's a curse, or if it's just me being really bad, or what, I'm not going out pointlessly this time. Jimmy managed not to die first, I can manage to not go out to a stray arrow or my own bomb or a misstep this time, right? Is that so much to ask?
Skizz: Huh? Curses? I mean, I don't think so, and to be totally honest I think it's kind of mean the way people sometimes rag on people about them. Everyone's got so many good things about them! Why do people like to focus on the unfortunate luck, huh?
Bdubs: Hah! Curses! Let me tell you about curses. When I see curses, I eat them for breakfast. I don't got curses, I've got better things to do! I've got my buddies with the Mounders, and I've got-well, I'd say keeping Etho safe, but he's being weird at me again this season. Not that it matters. It never matters. Etho and I, we're... The point is, that doesn't matter anyway, because I have the Mounders, and they're the ones who matter here. And because I'm a strong, independent Bdubs, who doesn't need anyone but my bow and my perfect, flawless fighting prowess! Sorry, what was the question? I've been thinking so much lately that it's just sort of made everything else pop out of my head, so it's hard to keep track. I'm sure I answered it flawlessly, though.
Martyn: Of course there are curses. That's half the fun for you lot, isn't it? Putting your little curses on us and watching us rail against them. Bet you think it's real cute to ask us what we think of the things, too. "Oh, what do you think of curses," like we have any control over them. Please. If I had any control over curses, Jimmy--or, well, no, I guess that one was technically broken, wasn't it? Sure doesn't feel like it. Point is, curses are bad, and they're definitely real, and I hate you for them, got it?
BigB: Look, man, if you're trying to get me to write my character out for you, just say so! I won't tell anyone. We can come up with a hole thing about holes and red tasks and the Backrooms together! It'll be fun! After all, you probably don't know what kind of curse to say I have, right? Haha, just kidding. I have no idea what I'm talking about. Luckily, neither does anyone else, so I think that evens out between the lot of us.
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iid-smile · 5 days
handsy , itadori yuji
x gn!reader ! cuddling in the cold, itadori touches your buttocks, he calls you hot, that's it really...
author's note: um i had this idea in my head but i didnt know who to write for also kinda rushed because i cba
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"baby..." itadori's voice is severely muffled from his lips being pressed against your neck. "it's cold."
you're both facing each other in bed, his arms securely wrapped around your waist and yours just resting on his chest. though it's september, it's not usual for the temperature to drop in such a sudden way.
it's a weird contrast, the way it's so cold outside while it's so warm under the blanket. it makes you want to shrink further into it, but your boyfriend's presence just makes you a tad more reluctant to even move at all.
with only a small hum coming from you, your fingers fiddle with his hoodie strings. it only takes a short time for him to get sulky when you don't respond with words, so you mumble back. "i know, that's why we're cuddling."
he wiggles his legs a bit, which are already tangled with yours. you were half bracing yourself for him to be cold to the touch, but he's just warm. he's always so warm.. how? "it's colddd..." he complains again.
his arms around you tighten a bit, making it slightly harder to breathe, but you know that he just does it subconsciously. "i want hot chocolate.." he murmurs.
by chance, you manage to pick up on his words, your arms moving to wrap around his neck. "you already had some, yuji." shifting closer, you rest your head close to his. not to close that your cheeks are touching, not too far that you can see each other.
itadori remains silent, a small huff coming from him, like he knows better than to argue with you. he's so clingy. and a baby, sometimes. he's acting like you didn't feed him the most filling dinner ever. his favourite too! and hot chocolate on top of that? he should know that's enough. but that pouting expression gets to your weak heart, so you shift around a bit.
you could hear him softly groan, likely from the way your legs move to intertwine with his more, and the way your body heat is now pushed directly up against his. with ease, he nuzzles his face further into your shoulder, hiding it completely. "mhm..." he hums, and you can feel the vibrations of it against your skin.
your fingers curl around his messy locks, and you admire the seemingly natural pink colour as best you can with the minimal light. "mhm what?" you inquire, confused since you didn't ask him a question.
"nevermind the hot chocolate..." his voice is barely comprehensible. "i got something hot right here."
"...you need to specify."
"i mean it both ways. you're hot, and you're hot."
you can only sigh, rolling your eyes. if you didn't find his stupid comments so adorable, and charming, you would've thrown a pillow at him. but unfortunately since you're cuddling, you just allow the cheesy comments to slip by. like usual.
"i hate you." you mutter.
he only responds with a chuckle. "no, you love me."
"i do..." you sigh again. his arms around you loosen up slightly, and one of his hands starts roaming a little.
it's quiet for a while, after itadori's giddy chuckles of course. despite how dark it is, you struggle to keep your eyes closed, feeling your eyelids shake whenever you try, as if you're tense. the only view you really have is his hair shoved in your face, but either way, you don't mind.
being the handsy guy he is, there's not a single spot where he hasn't touched you. shoulder, back, hips, waist, thighs, everywhere. a little thought in your head was telling you they were destined to end up elsewhere, and you're surprised it hasn't happened yet.
or maybe you spoke too soon.
you can feel both of his hands move down to your behind, holding them there like he would if he was carrying you. in feigned annoyance, your lips purse a bit, not that he'd be able to see it anyway. "that's my butt."
itadori giggles, almost sounding snarky in nature. "mhm. your butt." he gives it a light squeeze in emphasis, before starting to rub it with his thumbs. the action is so simple, yet to you it feels so... intimate, loving. in a way that sends a little heat to your cheeks with a red hue that would definitely be visible.
but of course, you let it slide.
there's a few moments of silence that pass, and you're left almost thinking he fell asleep. but his gentle words soon break it, and his one of his hands finds yours, gripping lightly. "i love you... a lot..." he mumbles again, but the words are a lot more clearer this time, and a lot more sincere. a common practice of his that he does right before he drifts off to sleep.
"i love you too. a lot." you whisper back, shuffling as close as you can get to him.
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symp4nat · 8 months
"I'm not yours!"
clarisse la rue x fem!reader
authors note mainly for me: being fwb w/clarisse and her getting jealous.
warnings - slightly suggestive (but doesnt go in detail, its just like... idk... there), kissing, jealous!clarisse, arguing
You left her bed, panting. You sat up and wiped the sweat off your face and then got up to get dressed. "Hey, can I have this jacket," you asked Clarisse. She rolled her eyes. "Sure, I guess, it's pretty cold outside," she responded. You nodded and slipped on her jacket. As you began to leave, she said, "Stay safe, you."
You gave her a small smile. "Thank you, you too, see you later," you asked curiously. Clarisse slowly shook her head. "Maybe at night... but we're strangers in the morning, understand," she asked.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you mumbled, "Oh.." With a gulp, you nodded and walked out. "Night," you said gently and closed the door. Gentle footsteps filled the night and you quietly hummed to yourself. You silently slipped into your cabin and then your own bed without any of your siblings noticing. Or so you thought.
In the wake of daybreak, you woke up to your siblings all stealing glances at you. You shrugged it off. Your birthday was coming up soon and you had suspected that they were trying to plan a surprise. This behaviour quickly became worse, as they could barely meet your eye.
The one person who looked into your eyes, Izzie. She was from another cabin, and you were aware that she had a crush on you. Honestly, you only had eyes for Clarisse, but Izzie wasn't the worst, she was sweet, kind, caring.... Clarisse was dangerous, explosive. But just like a moth drawn to a flame, you couldn't keep your hands off her. She was... extraordinary. And you admired her.
Then it went downhill. Clarisse never batted an eye at you, but today, during dinner, she did. She couldn't keep her eyes off you. In any other situation, you would have been delighted, but she had an angry, passive look on her beautiful face. She tried to stay calm, but as Izzie approached you, it was almost as if a fire was ignited in her eyes.
She wanted you, she couldn't deny it, but she didn't want to admit it, what would people think?
Yet she did nothing. She sat there and ripped her eyes off of you and tried to think of anything or everything but you.
It was impossible though. Clarisse got up from her table and grabbed your arm. She began to drag you behind one of the cabins and she pinned you against it. "What was that, hm? Whatcha think you were doin' back there, princess?"
You squirmed against her grasp. "Why would you care?! It doesn't concern you."
Clarisse clenched her jaw and grit out through her teeth, "Because you're mine."
Your eyes faltered and you sighed, "But I'm not yours!"
"Leave, then. If you're not mine, then leave," Clarisse taunted as she let go of your shirt that was bunched up in her hands. You turned to walk away and she mumbled, "Don't lie like that," and pulled you into a kiss. One that you could sense her emotion in. As your arms wrapped around her neck and her hands tangled into your hair, you knew it was gentle, despite the previous context of it.
A few of your siblings peeked out from the corner of the cabin and laughed. "I knew it, she and Clarisse aren't just friends," they teased. You gently pulled away from the brunette's soft lips, realizing why everyone was acting so weird this morning. You reached for Clarisse's hand and squeezed it with a confident voice, "She's my girlfriend."
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lizthewriter · 10 months
i know you are a stargirl / billy loomis
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PAIRING  billy loomis x fem!reader
SUMMARY  billy spends the entire next day teasing you, watching you with those kind of eyes. he finds a way to apologize to you, by giving you exactly what you need: pleasure and relief. part 1.
TAGS  billy loomis x fem!reader, smut, dom!billy, sub!reader, dacryphilia, cunniligus, cum eating, billy likes to order you around, body worship, slight angst, if you squint, billy becomes soft!dom billy halfway through, originally planning on making some kinky shit but suddenly this transforms into soft smut???, whatever we ball
QUOTE  "i shouldn't cry, but i love it, starboy," - stargirl interlude by the weeknd, feat. lana del rey
WRITTEN  11.24.2023
A/N  i'm gone 😵🥴 anyways, first REAL smut, hope you like it anon 🤭🤭 17+
You knew he was teasing you - you knew. All he had done the entire fucking day was stare at you with those hungry, brown eyes as though he were devouring you with them. It was hard not to steal glances his way and it was hard to pretend as though you weren't. Even when he picked you up before school, he just had to massage your thigh the entire car ride.
After your last class of the day, he met you by your locker. Of course, he acted all gentleman-like and pretended as though he hadn't been eye-fucking you all day. He carried your bag for you as you both made your way towards his car. He opened and closed the door for you, gently placing the book bag near your feet.
"How was your day?" He asked as he started the car, backing out of the parking space. His hand was thrown around the front seat, his fingers tickling your neck. You hated the sound of his voice - so smooth and sultry, so captivating. You had to press your legs together and look out the window to keep yourself distracted.
"It was good," you responded without any elaboration. He put the car back into drive and soon enough, you were out of the school parking lot and on the high road. It takes you a minute to realize that he was going in the wrong direction - he had to take a left out of the parking lot to get back to your place, not a right. "Billy, you're going the wrong way. My house is back there." You pointed back where you came from.
"We're not going to your place," he responded, twisting the dial on his sound system. Rock blared through the speakers, but he quickly turned it down to a much more tolerable level. "Sorry, Stu's station . . . no, we're going to my place."
His place? Your obvious shock could be seen on your face, judging by the way Billy laughed. "Yeah, Dad's out of town. We've got the whole place to ourselves." A blush painted your face a sweet cherry red. Billy had never brought you round his place, for good reason. He and his father had a rather complicated relationship . . . a difficult home life. You would say he had never taken you over out of embarrassment, shame, or some sort of protectiveness but you always couldn't help but feel as though he didn't trust you to come over. No one but you and Stu knew even the smallest inklings of Billy's personal life. He had always been rather reserved and again, he had a reputation to uphold.
But now? Knowing that he trusted you enough to bring you round? That he was finally putting in some godamned effort into your relationship? You felt more turned on then before.
It took you a moment to realize that he had called your name quite a few times. "What do you think?" He asked. His demeanor seemed nonchalant, but there was that undertone of nervousness in his voice.
You finally turned back towards him - his eyes turned away from the road, just for a moment, to look at you. You bit your bottom lip, a smile growing on your face. It was infectious, spreading to Billy as well. "Sounds good," you responded with a nod.
The rest of the car ride was silent. It wasn't awkward, it wasn't weird. Often, you two found yourselves in a comfortable sort of quiet, one where you appreciate the other's prescene. You watched great big houses and fields of grass fly past your window - Billy still had his arm swung around you from before. You leaned your cheek into his hand, smiling.
When you had gotten to his house, you had to do a double take. You weren't sure what you were expecting, but it was a house just like Stu's. Great and big and beautiful, with a blossoming garden and a freshly mown lawn. He opened the door to his house for you and you entered, slipping off your shoes and placing your bag on a stool by the coat hanger.
"Home sweet home," Billy said, in a tone half-sarcastic. He placed his shoes neatly next to yours and encouraged you to let loose, follow him inside. "Do you want a drink? Something to eat?"
You walked together down a hall and into a spacious, rustic kitchen. "No, I'm not very hungry . . ." You weren't sure what else to say - Billy hadn't opted to fill the silence either. And here was the other side of the flip coin. The tense silence. A quiet that haunts you during the day, one where you both know exactly what you want, except . . . he does nothing.
Billy leans against the marble countertop of the island and you stop in front of him, unsure of what to do or say. He watches you intently, waiting for you to speak.
"Your house is, uh . . . really beautiful," you said, in an attempt to make conversation. He stands there and says nothing. "I'm glad you invited me over." The silence finally gets to you. "Are you gonna say something?"
He pushes himself off the counter and placed his hands on your waist. "I'm glad I invited you over too, sweetheart." The way he talks, the way he moves, it's like he knows exactly what he's doing to you. It's like he's trying to get you antsy and desperate. All right, well if that's the game he wants to play then two can tango.
You smile innocently at him, leaning forward to press a not-so-chaste kiss to his cheek. When you pull away, your lips linger not a centimeter from his skin. Your breath is hot and heavy and your eyes flicker towards his. "I think I'm starting to get hungry now," you whisper softly, pulling away from him. You slip easily out of his loosened grip on your waist and make your way over to the fridge. "Anything good in here?" You ask, leaning in as though scanning the inventory.
"Unless you want a ketchup, mustard, and pickle sandwich, I'm afraid we're just going to have to order in." You tried to keep your breathing steady as he hovers close behind you, too close. Slowly, you close the door and turn around to face him. He bows your head to look down at you, and you feel much more like the prey to his predator rather than the key to his heart.
You want control of the situation. "So, what should we do? Watch a movie or-"
You don't have enough time to finish before he plants a hand on the refrigerator door beside you. Internally, you smirk - he had been trying to get you worked up, yet now you've done exactly that to him. "I didn't invite you over to watch a movie," he whispered. The air of tension grew so thick, it was like a snake that wrapped around your throat and kept you in a chokehold. "And I think you know that."
A smirk grew on his face as your innocent expression fell - well shit. He brings up his hand and trails his index finger down your cheek, along the vein of your neck, and down your side. You shiver with anticipation and squeeze your thighs together, none of which escapes his notice. "Don't think I don't see you, pretty girl, I see you."
"Billy . . ."
"Remember what I told you last night?" You felt a rush of heat in your cheeks. "Say it."
You felt embarrassed and cornered. His hand finally stopped moving, resting on your hip. It felt like it was meant to be there, like there was a Billy-sized hole in your heart that needed to be filled by his touches, by his kisses . . . He leaned in close, pressing his lips to the edge of your hairline by your ear. "Say it," he said, something that sounded much more like a command than a request.
"Billy," you started, your breath becoming shallow. Meeting his eyes only sent that pang to your lower abdomen - you practically moaned where you stood. He was so close and you could feel the want spilling off of his skin, a poisonous gas intoxicating you. "I want you to fuck me."
That was all he needed. Soon enough, he was clawing at your skin while his lips smashed into yours with desperation. He needed to feel every inch of your skin, he needed to show you that you were his, and more importantly, he was yours. His tounge slipped past your lips, causing you to gasp and lean into him. He swirled his tounge around your own and wrapped the arm that had been planted above you around your waist. He pulled you into him so that your breasts were pressed against his chest and your head was tilted all the way back to meet his lips.
"Mm, missed the sweet taste of your lips sweetheart," he murmured into your mouth, his other hand coming up to grope your breast. He gave it a gentle squeeze and then swiped his finger over your nipple, causing it to grow erect under his hand. You let out a desperate whimper, kissing him with more hunger, applying so much force that you can feel your teeth clash. When he pulls away, a laugh rumbles through his chest. "Seems you feel the same way." He pauses, his eyes following the length of your body so leisurely that you were beginning to grow impatient. "Get on the counter."
You grin and eagerly jump onto the kitchen island, facing Billy, who currently stands between your legs. "I missed you," you told him, with some honesty. You did, you really did, even if he was being a jerkface. A knowing expression replaced your sentimental one, your fingers beginning to toy with the waistband of his jeans. "I missed this."
He presses another kiss to your lips, that devilish smirk still haunting his face. "Lie down, slowly."
He places his hand behind your head, helping you lay back on the cool counter. You hiss softly as the chill touches your bare arms - Billy simply shushes you and plants wet kisses along your neck. One of your hands tangles in his hair while the other grips the countertop as you lean your head away from him, presenting him with more of your neck. "I'm sorry for being such a dick . . . for being so fucking stupid."
"It's okay -"
"It's not," he responds sharply, pulling away from your neck to meet your eyes with a glare as firm as iron. "I was an asshole. What I did wasn't 'okay.' You don't have to forgive me. But I want to show you that I do care for you, that I do . . ." He glanced down at the ground. "I do - love you." The way he said it was tense and hesitant, but not because he was trying to force it, but because it was so hard for him to say.
Your expression softens and you gently tilt his chin up so that you could see him. The lust in his eyes was momentarily gone, replaced by something much more loving. You press your lips gently to his, clutching his face with need. "I know you do baby, I love you too." You knew it was hard for him to be soft and affectionate, but there were times like these - very rare times, you might add - where he opened up to you. Just a little. It made you feel infinitely special. You wanted him to know you felt the same way. "I'm so proud of you. I love you so much."
He leaned towards your hand as you brushed your fingers through his hair with a lovingness that only you could provide him. He his chest tighten - I'm so proud of you. Even though Stu had always stuck by his side through thick and thin, you were the one who showed you love. The only person who ever had, anyways. He wanted to show you his appreciation, he wanted to make you feel good.
He slowly pulled himself away from you - you looked confused for a moment, but not for long. Billy gently lifted your skirt with his fingers peeking beneath. You felt heat rush to where you wanted him to touch you oh-so-badly, a reminder of the sinful activities you were up to only a moment ago. "Pretty," he mumbled. It wasn't long before he was gently pulling your legs up and over his shoulders, peeling off your panties by lifting each leg. He placed them on the counter next to you and lowered himself to your bare heat.
"Billy," you said breathlessly, silent as you had watched him.
"It's okay," he assured you, not removing his eyes from where they had strayed. "Just gonna make you feel good." He dove down, pressing kisses up your inner thighs as preparation. Not that you needed any, you were already wet and ready for him.
You let out a gasp, your chest rising off the counter at his first lick. He savored the way you reacted to him, so sensitive, so delicate, so beautiful. He wanted to hear more, to taste more.
He started to lap at your cunt, nose brushing against your clip with every motion. In an instant, you were a moaning mess - your hands tugging on his hair, your back arching off the counter, your head lolling to the sides. He was unrelenting, giving you exactly what you wanted, where you wanted it. His name stumbled out of your mouth, repeating it like a prayer to a higher power.
Your scent, your taste, had his mind going hazy. He could feel the tightness in his pants but he was doing his best to ignore it. Today was going to be all about you. His tounge explored every inch of your clit, the way his mouth moved along your heat growing more and more messy. Until his cheeks were covered in your slick and his pupils were so dilated, his eyes were almost black. You whined, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes and clouding your vision. When he got a good look at you all undone, just for him, it only encouraged him more.
"My pretty girl," he mumbled in a daze, slowly inserting a finger and shutting his eyes as he felt you clench around him.
"Billy . . . hngh! Billy, please . . . more."
"You sound beautiful." Slowly, he began to pump his finger, in and out, in and out. He watched as your daze grew, until your eyes were blown out and drool was leaking from the corner of your lips. "So beautiful." He adds another finger, much to your pleasure. A sheen of sweat gathers on your forehead, making you shine like a goddess.
He finally pulls away from your cunt pressing forward so that your thighs are now pressed against your chest and the two of you are face to face. You look at him through half-hooded eyes and you look lost, yet like you're exactly where you should be. "I love you. I promise I'll be better. I promise. You're - you're the only good thing in my life. You keep me in check. You care for me. You show me what love really means. I need you."
You let out a whimper as he begins to increase his pace. "Baby," you whine, your head rocking back and forth but your eyes never straying from his. Billy's words, the position your in, the way he's moving inside of you - you can feel the tension build up in your lower abdomen. "I love you too, so so - oh God - so much!"
He can feel himself twitch at the way your voice jumps an octave, your head flying back with tightly closed eyes. Gasps and curses flew out of your mouth, so vulgar, yet mixed with his name and loving, but broken sentences, so sweet. "You're close," he mumbled.
"Mhm, please, baby! Pleasepleaseplease."
He finally adds a third finger, upping his pace as much as he can to give you the most pleasure. He pressed kisses to as much of your exposed skin as he can, drinking in the way you meal and squirm. "Come for me, sweetheart, it's okay."
You let out a moan and your body twitches as relief floods through your system, your orgasm flowing through your veins. "I know, I know," he says softly, brushing your hair from your face. "You okay?"
You breath heavily, waiting a moment or two to come down from your high. "You were . . . amazing." A breathless laugh leaves your mouth. You tilt your head so that you can look at him properly, raising a hand to cup his cheek. "I'm so glad you came back to me."
He closes his eyes, chest fluttering as he takes in a breath. "Me too, sweetheart. Me too."
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x0x0josephinex0x0 · 11 months
POV u gave your s/o a naughty photo book
Seventeen edition
Literally nobody asked for this but the concept has been living in my head rent free so im posting it so you can all suffer with me.
Warnings: suggestive themes throughout, and some mention of orgasms and other sexual topics, this is literally about giving someone a published book of your nudes so minors pls don’t interact. There are no sex acts described.
It's Seungcheol's birthday, and all of his friends have left. With shaking hands, you had approached him to offer him "the last gift of the evening."
"I'm interested," he said, with one eyebrow raised. He got *that look* in his eyes -- the one where you knew the thoughts in his head were taking a nosedive into sin. You had given him a soft half-smile, the kind you knew made him crazy, before pulling the book out of your purse and handing it to him.
He looks...confused? Upset? It's hard to read his expression as he thumbs through the pages of the *book* you just handed him, his brow furrowed, a broad hand covering his mouth.
After awhile you just can't handle the suspense. "Do you...like it?" you ask him, trying to sound amused, but hearing how worried your voice comes out.
He looks up at you. "I've never seen this set before," he says quietly, gesturing at one of the pages.
You're a nervous wreck at this point — you think he might actually be angry with you — but you also have an inkling that Cheol is just trying to tease you, turn you on…and you have to admit it’s working. He’s got you blushing and stuttering and trying to keep him from being too angry. "It's new," you explain. "I got it for the shoot."
Cheol calmly shuts the book, standing up and walking over to you until he's standing directly in front of you. "You're gonna need to come with me," he says, and suddenly he's slinging you over your shoulder like you're Saint Nicholas's sack of toys.
He explains as he walks back to the bedroom with you. "Saying I liked the book is not quite the right word. Not strong enough. It's more like after seeing that book there was only one possible way the rest of this night was gonna go. It's that kind of book." He pauses. "And I'm appalled that this is the first time I'm seeing you in that set. How much time do you have tonight?" he asks.
"I've got all night," you giggle.
"You'd better have the set with you right now," he says as he tosses you onto the bed like a ragdoll. "We're gonna recreate every single pose in that book in person."
“What is this?” Jeonghan asks you curiously, coming out of the bedroom with a package wrapped in black paper tied with a red bow. His eyebrows shoot upward as your eyes widen.
“That’s one of your birthday presents,” you say, trying to be smooth and failing.
“Huh,” he says, still watching you carefully — one might even say suspiciously. “Can I open it?”
“Is it your birthday?” you reply.
“In a month,” he says, casually slipping the ribbon off the package. “Why’d you get it so early? And why are you acting weird?” He fidgets with the tape in a vaguely threatening manner.
You deflate. “Well…maybe you should just open it now,” you allow, blushing red. “I’m leaving the room, though.”
“Why?” he calls after you. “Are you embarrassed?”
“Yeah,” you admit, flinging yourself onto the bed in the spare room.
"Huh," he says, suspicious. There are soft ripping sounds, and then...
"Holy *shit*," he curses from the other room, softly enough that you can tell he isn't angry, but loud enough for you to hear.
You hear a page being flipped. "Holy shit," he repeats. "Are they all like this?"
"That's the point of the book," you say, dying of embarrassment and shoving your face into a pillow.
"Honey, I'm gonna need you to come here," Jeonghan finally says.
You don't respond. You can hear him coming after you, and you lay still, hoping he'll think you somehow fell asleep in the last 3 seconds.
He doesn't buy it. "Come here, my love," he nearly purrs, his voice soft and tantalizing. "Don't make me beg."
Hesitantly, you turn your body to meet his eyes. He's leaning against the doorframe, and in his gaze is a kind of cat-like, predatory hunger you're not used to seeing on his graceful features.
He beckons you to him with two fingers, and you sit up to join him. In a swift move, he pins you to the doorframe by the neck -- gently enough that you can still breathe, but your knees go weak as you stare him down.
He grins at you wickedly. "This was payback for Cheol's birthday party, wasn't it?" he asks, waving the book in your face. "Well, I've got a couple of ideas for how to even the score once again."
"This is a special gift," you say to him, "to commemorate our first Christmas together."
It is Christmas Eve, and you have just returned home from your parents' house, where you've been celebrating all day. You had told him about your family's tradition of opening one present on Christmas Eve, and he had agreed to participate. You'd picked your gift first -- it was a locket with his photo in it -- and then asked if you could pick his for him, to which he had agreed with a smile.
He makes a show of shaking the package, his eyes wide in anticipation. "It feels like a kid's picture book," he predicts. He rips the paper off the glossy, pure white cover and looks at you. "What is this?" he asks.
You smirk. "Open it," you say.
He does, and his jaw drops. "Baby," he says softly. "This is...wow." He continues to flip through the pages, looking up at you in open-mouthed awe as he does. "This one? Are you *kidding* me? You look so *good* in these photos!"
Your heart is thumping in your chest, a flush rising in your cheeks from his incessant praise of your lewd photos. "Oh, this one is art," he says, flipping the book around to show you. "Wait, let me show you which one was my favorite." He turns back a couple pages to let you look.
You beam at him. "You like it?"
"I *love* it, baby. Thank you." He pats his thighs, an invitation for you to come to him. And you can't help but listen, because his eyes are shining in those Christmas tree lights and making fireworks erupt in your stomach. You straddle his lap, facing him, as he gently places the book down and winds his arms around your waist, burying his face in your neck. "You're so beautiful. That was such a thoughtful gift, and I'm so glad we get to spend Christmas together."
He looks up at you, pushing your hair out of the way so he can see your face better. "Do you *want* one more gift from me?" he asks you carefully.
You laugh. "I want everything you've got, Joshua Hong."
“I was waiting for a special occasion to do this,” you say. “And I figured getting engaged to you probably qualifies.”
The room is lit up by a million fairy lights strung overhead. Jun is reclined on a huge bean bag, grinning up at you, the glint of his new engagement band in the dim light making you almost dizzy with joy.
A big projector screen is behind you, hooked up to a PowerPoint presentation you’ve displayed on your laptop. The title: 46 Reasons Why I Deserve Multiple Orgasms Tonight.
“Whew,” Jun laughs, looking up at you. “Do I need to hear all 46 to get your point? That’s a lot of reasons.”
“Are you saying you’ll do it?” you ask him.
“Now, hold on,” he says. “I want to see the PowerPoint.” He takes a sip of his champagne. “But you can expect that we probably won’t make it past the 20th reason.”
You shrug. “Fair enough.” You flip to slide one. There’s a QR code there for him to scan, which he promptly does, waiting patiently for it to load.
And when it does, he opens his mouth in awe. It’s a link to your boudoir gallery, and just the first image of you is enough for him to stand up and grab you by the face and start kissing you like he hasn’t seen you for months and he might never see you again, with enough passion that you’re dizzy.
“46 reasons,” he says in your ear as he lifts you up off the ground. “That first picture deserves 46 orgasms all to itself.”
You laugh. “Did you see any of the other 45 pictures?” you ask as he plants kisses all down your neck to your chest.
“Nope, but i think we’ll just have to settle for me being in debt to you for as long as we live,” he says, and fumbles with the buttons of your shirt.
You’re doing the dishes in your sweats and a sports bra when Soonyoung comes hurtling around the corner in absolutely nothing but boxers and a bathrobe. “Honey?” you say, concerned. “Are you okay?”
“What is this?!” he asks you, his voice an octave higher than it normally is.
Your eyes widen to the size of dinner plates when you see what he’s holding in his hands.
“Oh,” you say. “Um… it was supposed to be a surprise for your birthday, but then I lost it,” you admit, embarrassed in more than one way, since his birthday was six months ago. “Where did you find it?”
“Never mind that,” he says, waving you off. “We need to talk about how these pictures have made me feel.”
“Do we?” you ask nervously.
He puts the book down on the counter and scoops you into his arms, his hands finding your bare waist. “Weirdly enough, my first thought when I saw those photos is that I don’t want anyone else to ever get to see you like that but me,” he says. He leans down and pecks you on the lips.
You stand on your tiptoes to kiss his nose. “You couldn’t lose me if you tried,” you tell him, tracing a hand down his chest and over his abs before you slide your arms all the way around his waist.
“I think we should get married,” he says, and you freeze.
“Really?” you finally say after a long while. “If that’s all it took, I would have done a boudoir shoot ages ago.”
You’re standing in the doorway, hesitating. Wonwoo hasn’t spotted you yet - he’s busy playing a computer game, his mouse clicking at furious speeds. You can tell he’s engrossed, and decide to come back later, but just as you’re leaving, he calls your name. “Don’t go,” he says. “I’ll be done in a second.”
True to his word, half a minute later he removes his headset to turn and look at you with a smile. Your new relationship is still a little foreign to both of you, and the sudden fear of rejection is strong as you consider what you’re about to do.
“Hey, honey,” he says, reaching for you and pulling you into his lap, where you wordlessly bring your hands from behind you to in front of you, revealing the book. “What’s this?”
You take a deep breath. “Are you gonna laugh at me?” you ask him seriously.
“Only if you’re funny,” he replies.
You open to the first page. “I got them done a little bit ago and just got them back,” you say quietly. “I…wanted to show you.”
He looks up at you, his gaze curious. “Did you do these for me?” he asks, thumbing through the pages.
“Actually,” you say honestly, “I did them for me. We weren’t together yet. And I hadn’t been feeling very good about myself, so I did these. And it actually gave me the courage to talk to you.”
He’s silent for a minute, drinking in the sight of you on every page. Then — “they’re beautiful. *You’re* beautiful.” He gently presses a kiss to your shoulder. “Thank you.”
He throws the book onto the bed behind you and pulls you in so you’re fully facing him, straddling his lap. He reaches for you, kissing you like you’re air and he’s drowning, trying to tell you without words just what he meant when he said you were beautiful.
You’re relaxing on the couch after a long day, and Jihoon has just come over to you, wordlessly positioning himself on top of you and resting a head on your chest. You run your fingers through his fluffy hair and press a quick kiss to his forehead, using your other hand to scratch small shapes into his back.
You love that he’ll do this with you — you know he’s a bit shy about touch because of how it was when you’d first started dating, but you admire the progress five years, a marriage, and a whole child between you can make.
“Is she asleep?” you ask him now, and he nods against your chest.
“Just needed a brief daddy visit,” he says, yawning. “Oooh, I’m tired.”
“Can I wake you up?” you ask him softly.
He pushes himself up onto his forearms so he can look at you. “I’m listening,” he says casually, but his eyes are eager.
You laugh at how cute he is, and he grins. “Well,” you start, “I know we’ve both been busy lately…you know, with work and keeping a tiny human alive, and I wanted to do something special to reconnect.”
He sits up then, facing you on the couch. “Go on,” he invites.
You reach down and grab the book from under the couch. Jihoon watches you curiously, still looking at you as you hand it to him. “What is this?” he asks you.
“Open it,” you say with a mischievous look in your eyes.
He does, and he gasps. “Oh,” he says, and a blush heats his cheeks as he takes in the sight of you on the glossy pages — in the black velvet lingerie set he got you for Christmas last year.
He keeps looking from you to the book. “What are you thinking about?” you ask him, your soft voice making him shiver.
“I’m thinking about how I’ve seen you like this several times,” he says quietly as he flips through the pages, “and I’m still not sick of it.”
“That lingerie set was an investment,” you agree, and he smiles at you broadly.
He places the book down. “What are the odds you’re wearing it right now under your clothes?”
You laugh. “Why don’t you come find out?”
“Remember those photos I took that one time?” you ask him while the both of you are sitting opposite each other on the couch, a mess of limbs tangled together.
“I think I’m gonna need you to be just a little more specific,” he says.
“The ones you encouraged me to take when I wasn’t feeling very good about my body.”
“Oh, those photos,” he says. “I remember them *and* what we did after.”
You blush. “I’m sure you do,” you say. “Well, I just got them back. Wanna see them?”
“Of course I do,” he says, reaching across the couch for your phone.
You hand it to him and watch as he scrolls through the gallery, his expression growing gradually more proud and impressed.
“Baby, these are amazing. Killer editing, and a perfect model.” He shakes his head. “I don’t want to minimize your feelings, but it’s pretty incredible that someone who looks like you can think you aren’t beautiful.”
“Really?” you ask him with a smile.
“Really,” he says. “Come here, sit by me.”
You obey, relaxing your head onto his chest. He kisses your forehead before continuing. “You know I have an eye for beautiful things. I love art, and I love to look at things that have the power to move your emotions. I mean, I’ve seen statues of the goddess Aphrodite in person. And yet the best thing I’ve ever seen is still your naked body. So it’s pretty crazy that you’re better than every piece of art I’ve ever seen and you sometimes still can’t see that.”
You prop yourself up on your elbow to look at him, and he kisses your nose, sending your heart into flips. “Well, I’m not saying that repeating the post-photoshoot activities would help me feel validated, but…” you say, trailing off.
Minghao gets the hint instantly, climbing on top of you and pressing his lips to yours. “Don’t have to tell me twice,” he says between kisses.
“Uhhh…Gyu?” you say, poking his arm. “You haven’t moved a muscle in like…fifteen minutes. Are you okay?”
He doesn’t respond, so you come around to his side of the bed. His eyes are fixated on the book in his hand. You know what’s happening now, and you kneel down in front of him, prying the book from his fingers. “Gyu, baby, look at me,” you say gently.
He meets your eyes with awe. “How?” is the only thing he says.
“How what, honey?” you ask him.
He clears his throat, shaking himself. He cups your face in his hands. “How did you take those photos without me noticing?” he asks in a strangled voice.
“It was literally so hard,” you admit. “Thank goodness for remotes so I could do them myself. It was a couple weeks ago while you were gone.”
“They’re edited in my style, too,” he says breathlessly. “The things you do to me.” He leans back, letting his eyes roam over your body, in a tight black dress you had planned on wearing out to your anniversary dinner. You stand up and lean toward him.
“Would you like dinner or dessert first?” you murmur to him.
He grins, a slow grin that lets you know he’s debating. “Hmm…let’s still go to dinner. It’ll give you time for me to let you imagine what I’m going to do to you when we get back.”
You are both already undressed down to your underwear and kissing ferociously when the doorbell rings. The two of you look at each other in a panic before standing up and throwing on bathrobes, giggling. Your heartbeat is in your throat as you look out the peephole and see a package on the porch.
“It was just the delivery guy,” you whisper back to Seokmin, who’s in the hallway looking dazed in his silky robe.
“Then come back here,” he begs you. “You’re driving me insane.”
But something is telling you to grab the package first. You slip your hand out the door and slide it inside, inspecting the address on the front.
Your eyes light up with recognition and you run to hand the package to Seokmin. He gives you a questioning glance. “Why?” He simply asks.
“Trust me, you’re gonna want to see that before we go any further.”
His eyebrows shoot up as he rips the package open. They widen as he opens the first page of the book. And with every photo he sees, you can feel the tension in the room boiling hotter. He’s grinning. “Oh, *honey*,” he says.
“Just for you,” you say, lightly dragging your nails over his shoulder blades.
His eyes roll back, and he shudders, smiling blissfully. “Cancel your meetings for today. You won’t be coming to work.”
You laugh. “Why not?”
“You won’t be able to walk after I’m done with you,” he says, pulling you into his arms and picking right back up where you left off.
“Gosh, seriously…” he mutters under his breath, over the phone with you. You’re just a city away while he’s filming, but it is your birthday, and he feels terrible for missing it.
“It’s okay, love,” you reassure him. “We can celebrate tomorrow.”
“But you got *me* a gift?” He asks you incredulously. “For your birthday? Who does that?”
“I do!” You reply with a giggle, and he nearly curses at his phone again.
“I miss you too much,” he says.
“You won’t have to for much longer,” you say, and just then someone hands him the package you sent him on set.
“Do *not* open it around anyone,” you warn him.
“Okay,” he agrees, shutting himself in the bathroom. You can hear the sounds of him unwrapping the book.
And then he moans.
And then you hear what sounds like…clapping?
And then his voice is in your ear again. “Baby,” he groans.
“Umm…hello?” you ask, one part amused, one part worried.
“I’m here,” he says in a choked voice. “But I’m about to come home.”
“No, wait, you have to stay!!” you say, panicking.
“Like hell I do,” he retorts. You hear him leave the bathroom, hear him shout to the room, “I’ve just come down with a terrible bout of IBS, and I’m leaving!”
“You still there?” he says, and it sounds like he’s running.
“Yes?” you ask, torn between laughing and scolding him.
“I’ll be there before you know it, and you’d better be prepared for a long talk.”
The way he says “talk” makes it clear that very little will need to be said.
He’s so mild-mannered that you’re hoping the photo book will do it for him. You’re hoping he won’t just say, “that’s nice, love,” as he peers with a clinical gaze at your lewd photos.
And you aren’t disappointed. Because while Vernon isn’t loud, his facial expressions certainly are. His jaw drops comically when he opens the book to a full page, practically nude photo of you. And he just keeps on getting more and more flustered, blushing harder and harder, and saying “damn, baby! These are *gorgeous*.”
He takes his time working his way through the book - stopping to trace the outline of your body on the page, in a way that makes you blush as though he’s doing it for real. “I love this color on you,” he exclaims, holding up a photo of you in an electric purple bra.
“Thank you,” you say, holding your hands up to your red cheeks.
He laughs. “Are you embarrassed?”
You giggle a bit. “Yeah, a little,” you admit. “The shoot, the book… it was all kind of a bold move.”
He nods, looking proudly down at the photo book. “Yeah, it was, baby. Don’t be embarrassed. I love it.”
He stands up and pulls you into a huge hug, resting his head on top of yours. When he pulls away, he grabs your chin between his thumb and forefinger. “While we’re making bold moves,” he says softly, bringing your mouth up to his for a kiss. And then, completely uncharacteristically of him, he lifts you off your feet into his arms to continue kissing.
You come home to see Chan pawing through a book laying stomach down on the couch. Every turn of the page, he erupts into quiet laughter and kicks his feet.
“What on earth are you reading?” you ask him, putting your keys in the dish and moving toward him to get a peek.
And then you gasp. “What are you doing with that?” you ask him, your face a mask of horror as you try to snatch it from him.
“This is for me, right?” he says, fending you off easily with one arm. “What’s the occasion?”
“It was supposed to be a surprise,” you grumble, giving up on the snatching as Chan pins you to his side. “No occasion, I just…thought you’d like it.”
“You thought right,” he says. “This is great.” He kisses you on your cheek. “I have a question, though.”
“Ask away,” you say.
“Did you feel like you had to do this, or did you want to?” He sounds genuinely concerned. This is one of the things you love so much about him — he asks you all of your thoughts and doesn’t seem to mind any of the answers you give, so you know you can always tell him exactly what’s on your mind.
“I wanted to,” you assure him. “It’s just, you’re gone so often, and I wanted you to feel like you didn’t have to miss seeing me…well. Seeing me like this, I guess.”
He slowly leans backward until he’s holding you on top of him. “I am gone a lot,” he agrees thoughtfully.
“You are.”
“But I’m here now,” he finishes.
Your gaze drops to his lips and then back up to his eyes. “You are here now,” you repeat.
“So,” he says, a question trailing at the end of his thought, one he won’t ask out loud.
You kiss him before he knows what’s coming.
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envy-of-the-apple · 4 months
So how did Satoru’s feelings for ms gem develop? For Suguru, was it love-at-first-sight? I don’t know how in-sync the minds of stsg are here but what kind of dynamic would the three of them have in the long run?
ty! i dont rlly like explaining how the yandere fell cuz i never feel as though my explanations are believable, but since u left such a sweet comment ill give a short prequel
Over the weeks, Satoru grew increasingly accustomed to Suguru talking about his new worker bee.
Their nightly talks were the one thing Satoru looked forward to during every trip overseas. Listening to his man drone on and on about one thing or another.
However, Suguru's newest hyperfixation was something else.
"—just the cutest thing." Suguru let out another dreamy sigh. "I think the two of you will hit it off quite nicely."
"Think so?" Satoru grins, amused. "Things were starting to get boring anyway. It'd be nice to come home and have something new to play with."
Suguru gives a disapproving grunt. "Not this time, Satoru. We're keeping this one."
Satoru sits up from the bed. "Keeping? You're acting like you took an animal off the street."
"Hm, I guess this could be comparable to finding a cute stray kitten," Suguru says.
Satoru frowns. He's not jealous, but Suguru's starting to get a little weird about the newbie. Sure, they'd dabbled in sharing before, but he's never heard Suguru gush about anyone like this. Not even him.
Fuck, okay, he might be a little jealous.
"This stray is very timid, however." Suguru continues. "So be nice."
Satoru scoffs. "I'm always nice."
"Ijichi and the rest of our employees say otherwise," Suguru responds. "Don't scare the poor thing off. And you'll see what I see soon enough."
Wow, he was serious about this. This new worker-bee really has him whipped.
"Yeah, yeah. I got it."
After he gets off the phone, Satoru flops on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. The hotel bed feels so empty without Suguru's warmth.
Fine, he'll go back home and see what his man is so obsessed with. And if he doesn't like what he sees, he'll just kill the stray.
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deathbysnakes · 1 year
You're sick but you don't want to bother Dottore
Dottore x reader (Romantic)
Warnings:Swearing/Pet names/You and Dottore are married/Omega being weird
Pronouns:He/Him (Dottore and his clones), You/Your (Reader)
1% agnst/ fluff/ crack
Explanation:You're sick but you don't want to bother your beloved husband Dottore, but with Dottores clones swarming around you it gets harder and harder to hide your sickness
You're walking down one of the hall ways in your house, you're going to the kitchen to get a snack but there's one problem, to get to the kitchen you need to go through the living room, that's where Dottores clones and occasionally Dottore like to hang out when there on break or there's no experiments to experiment on. Dottores clones like to cling onto you and beg for your attention wich will be a problem. You pry that your foot steps will be masked from all the loudness in the living room, your prayers we're ignored. "[Name]!" You could feel a arm wrap around your arm, the clone that was holding onto you was Phi, Phi is...Weird...In a good way, well actually he experiments on people so I suppose he's weird in a bad way. "[Name] do you have any free time?? Will you spend some time with me??" You refrain yourself from talking, if you do your voice would sound stuffy amd it would give away the fact that you're sick. "[Name]? Are you alright?" You have to hold back a sneeze, you've already sneezed a lot today and some of the older clones are catching onto you. "[Name] are you ignoring me???" You desperately think of a way to avoid this situation without acting weird. "Did I do something to upset you...?" You could feel the other clones eyes on you, you can't hold this sneeze in for much longer. "[Name] please tell me what I did to upset you!" You can hear a door opening but you don't bother to see who it is. "[Name] please! I'm sorry for whatever I did!" You can't hold it in anymore. "[Insert sneeze noise]" The whole room goes silent. "Are you alright [Name]? That's the 14th time I've heard you sneeze today." You turn to see who was talking, it was the Original, Dottore. "Ha ha I'm fine..." You dash to the kitchen before Dottore could respond.
You're sitting on a couch in your room reading a book when suddenly, you hear the door to your bedroom open. "[Name]...?" You turn your head to see who it is, it's Dottore. "My love are you sick...?" You sigh and close the book you're reading and place it on the coffee table infront of you. Dottore walks over to you and sits down next to you. "Why didn't you tell me?" You try to avoid eye contact with your husband. "I didn't want to bother you..." Dottore places a hand on your shoulder. "You wouldn't be bothering me." You slightly look at Dottore. "But...Your work is important to you...Right...?" Dottore scoots closer to you. "It is, but is not more important than you. Next time this happens, please tell me." Before you could answer, Dottore scoops you up into his arms and he carries you to your shared bed. "Rest, my dear." Dottore whispers to you as he places you down on the bed. "Now, wait here, I'll be right back." He kisses you on your forehead before leaving the bedroom.
A few seconds pass, and you hear the door opening again, you turn to the sound. "Well, that was fas-" You stop your sentence once you see the man infront of you, it wasn't Dottore, it was Omega. "My dear, I've come to comfort you while you're sick!" Omega walks up to the bed and lays down on it, smiling at you. "Thank you Omega." You respond, you smile softly at Omegas adorable actions. Omega scoots closer to you but then the door opens once again. "Omega what the hell are you doing here?" Omega looks annoyed as he turns to face the person talking to him, of course, it's Dottore. "Get your ass out of here." Even though half of Dottores face is covered, he still looks intimidating when he's angry. Omega wraps his arms around you while still maintaining eye contact with his original. "No." Dottore looks more angry at his response. "I'll deal with you later..." Dottore mumbles under his breath. He walks to the other side of the bed and places down a glass of water on the small table next to the bed. "I need you to sit up for me love." Dottore speaks to you in a sweet tone. You sit up on the bed but Omega still clings onto you. Dottore opens a bottle of pills and takes one out and hands it to you, but as soon as you reach out your hand to take the pill from his hand, Omega snatches it. "What the hell do you think you're doing Omega?!" Dottore yells but Omega still looks unfazed, Omega ignores Dottore and turns to you. "Can you open your mouth so I can put this pill in?" (He thinks he's being romantic, he's not, he's being weird.) Though you're a little confused you oblige and open your mouth. Omega places the pill in your mouth and looks back at Dottore, expecting him to hand him the water, Dottore bears his teeth more but hands Omega the water, Omega hands you the water and you take it and drink it, Omega takes the glass out of your hands and he hands it back to Dottore, Dottore places the glass back on the small table while maintaining eye contact with Omega. Dottore lays down on the bed with you and Omega and also wraps his arms around you, Omega looks pissed off at this but doesn't do anything, these two are staring daggers into eachother and you just want to sleep. You sigh and lean back into the bed and close your eyes, Dottore and Omega will start arguing at some point and you just want to get shut eye before that happens.
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jareaul0ver · 2 months
So High School
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Pt. 3
wc: 1.2k warnings: none really, a teeny tiny more buildup [i promise it gets good soon] pairings: nika muhl x fem!reader
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It had practically been radio silence from Nika since the talk you had with her in your dorm. For the past two weeks you waited and waited for her to reach out, make those plans that she promised she would, but there was nothing.
You tried not to think about her, busying yourself with studying, fully immersing yourself in any activity that could pull your attention away from her.
It didn't help that Katie still didn't know that you two talked, so when you started acting weird, it really tripped her off.
You were sitting at your desk, flipping through papers and books, reviewing for an assessment you had coming up for one of your classes.
Katie walked into the dorm, coming back a date she had with Matt. "The date was perfect," she swooned, throwing her keys and phone onto her bed.
You responded with a hum, not pulling your eyes away from the materials in front of you. She narrowed her eyes at you before walking over, covering part of your desk with her hands. "Dude, I'm trying to study."
"You're done studying, we're talking. You've been weird as fuck this week," she forced you away from your desk, pulling you over to your bed to talk.
"No I haven't, what're you even talking about?" You scoffed, switching into a defensive mode.
She gave you a pointed look. "Ever since the day after the party you've been weird. I went out for brunch with Matt, and when I came back, I heard voices in the dorm so I figured you were hooking up with someone. So spill," she plopped onto your bed.
You groaned softly, "I wasn't hooking up with anyone."
"Then what the hell were you doing?"
"Nika came over," you said with a small sigh. "We talked, caught up, nothing more than that."
Katie tilted her head and scoffed. "You sure about that? I might've been drunk but I remember the way you were ogling her at the party. Plus, what you told me about what you guys had back in Croatia? Don't deny it."
You fell back on the bed and huffed. "She has a boyfriend. We didn't do anything."
"Oh," she said.
"And she had to leave early, because her stupid boyfriend had an emergency, apparently, and needed her. She promised she'd make it up to me, but nope, radio silence since then," you said in one long breath before inhaling deeply.
Katie sighed and sat up. "I have an idea."
You shot her a look. Katie's ideas were never good ideas.
Her idea lead to you, her, and Matt watching a UConn women's basketball game, of course. It was the start of the season, and Katie figured it would be the perfect way for you to see Nika again, and for her to spend some time with Matt.
It wasn't a very important game. They were playing a pretty irrelevant team, leaving barely anyone in the stands. The game was successful, UConn coming out on top with a whopping 97 points.
"Time to go get your girl," Katie said, smacking you lightly on the ass.
"She's not my girl," you rolled your eyes before sighing. The three of you started to make your way down the stands. The girls on the court were wrapping everything up, talking to the lingering fans and taking pictures.
You spotted Nika talking with Paige, who you met at the party. She looked in her element, like the court was where she belonged. You couldn't help the small smile that twitched at your lips at the sight.
Katie nudged you again. "Dude, go."
"Fine, fine," you mumbled before walking further onto the court, slowly getting closer to the team.
Before Nika could spot you, or you could say anything, Paige's eyes landed on you. She said something to Nika and her head whipped around, her soft brown eyes landing on you.
Her expression was unreadable at first, but as you got closer you could see the fleck of guilt buried within her. "Y/N, hey."
You gave her a tight lipped smile before looking at Paige. "Can I steal her?"
The blonde gave you a nod before patting Nika on the shoulder and walking away, finding the rest of the team. You directed your gaze at her, noticing how she was already staring. "You never texted."
She sighed. "I know, I'm sorry, I-"
"If I remember correctly you promised a rain check," you said, admittedly sounding disappointed.
"I did, I just-" She shook her head and took a step towards you. "I'll make it up to you. I mean it this time."
"I don't know that I necessarily believe you," you started, tilting your head as you looked up at her. "But I guess I'll give you the benefit of the doubt."
She let out a breath and smiled a little at you. "Really? Okay, uh, tomorrow then. Could I come over again?"
Your stomach flipped an and you smiled a little, your voice coming out softer than you meant it, "yeah, that sounds nice." You made a mental note to tell Katie to be out of the dorm tomorrow. "I'm free after 2, if that works?"
"Yeah," she said instantly. "Yeah, that's perfect."
The two of you stood there for a moment, basking in a comfortable silence. That was until a figure came up behind her, wrapping their arms around her waist and pressing a kiss to her cheek.
You instinctively took a step back, your eyes darting up at the figure, who was even taller than her.
There was no doubt who this was, no. It was her boyfriend, no ifs, ands, or buts.
Nika's cheeks dusted a light pink, making your stomach clench. "Who's this, babe?" His voice rung out in the air, breaking that comfortable silence you had started getting used to again.
"Oh, um, this is Y/N. My friend from Croatia that I told you about," she said, sending you a glance that you couldn't quite read. "Y/N, this is Nahiem. My boyfriend."
You bit the inside of your cheek, forcing a polite smile at him. "It's nice to meet you."
"You too, heard some great things about you," he said, his voice a little smug.
Nika had talked about you to him, clearly. It sent a strange feeling through your veins, knowing that she had talked to her boyfriend about you. You wondered what she could have possibly said to him.
She cleared her throat and smiled a little down at you. "I should probably go get changed and stuff, thanks for coming, Y/N."
"Yeah, of course. You played great, Niks," you said, your smile turning a little more genuine as you looked at her. "I'll see you tomorrow."
She nodded at you, smiling a little before watching you walk back to Katie and Matt.
"Sooo," she drawled out, slinging her arm over your shoulder, "how'd it go? Assuming that guy was the boyfriend?"
"Yep. He's tall, seems sweet, not hard on the eyes, no wonder she likes him," you said to her, a small frown on your face as the three of you started to make your way out of the stadium.
Matt snickered. "I'm taller, I could kick his ass for you."
You groaned. "God, please keep your hands to yourself."
"Just putting the offer out there."
You rolled your eyes before looking at Katie again who was now leaning into Matt's side as you walked down the sidewalk. "She's coming over tomorrow, though. So be out of the dorm by two."
"I can make sure that happens," Matt said, squeezing her waist.
"Ew, get a room, please."
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strniohoeee · 2 months
i missed youuuuu
i was thinking mattxreader spending the evening watching a movie with n and c, and reader decides to bake cookies and they all enjoy them and then they go to sleep and they just cuddle till they fall asleep
Rainy Nights
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: After the evening plans were cancelled due to rain, Y/N and the triplets stay home to watch a movie instead☁️
Warnings⚠️: None, boring and short is all. My creativity is at a standstill. I missed you too^^ 😩🖤
Song for imagine: While We’re Young- Jhene Aiko
I'm telling everybody you're mine and I like it
And I really hope you don't mind
I can't fight it
I had been surfing every streaming app for a movie to watch. We had actual plans for the evening, but after we got dinner it started to pour. At that point we all looked at each other and silently agreed to just go home. A perfect excuse for home bodies like Matt and I.
“You’ve never seen Ghost?” I asked as my neck snapped over and my jaw dropped
“None of us have ever seen that shit before” Nick said laughing as he took a sip of his drink
“Ohhh yeah we’re watching it” I replied as I scrolled back up and clicked on the movie
“I don’t like romance movies” Chris whined as he locked his phone and threw it beside him
“Please for me, I swear you will love it” I exclaimed as I pouted
Rolling his eyes he gestured with his hand for me to go on.
Getting excited I cracked a toothy grin as I pressed play and shut the light off. Snuggling up next to Matt. His arm over my shoulder as Chris sat with his feet propped up on their coffee table, and Nick sitting on one foot.
Looking over at Matt, I gazed at his right side of his face. The tv creates a blue cast over his skin. He looked so beautiful honestly. His eyes seemed white with how icy they got. My God was he fine.. Shyly I smiled to myself.
He looked over at me before furrowing his brows.
“You okay?” he asks in a whisper
“Yes, just admiring you” I replied looking away shyly for a split second
Getting nervous he nods his head and turns back to the movie. I leaned over and planted a kiss on his cheek. His smile grew wider as he winked at me.
Standing up I cracked my back before turning to them
“I’m making cookies” I said
“Oh my gosh you're the best! Please do” Chris said begging as he slapped his hands together in a praying motion
Laughing I walked over to the kitchen and turned the light under the microwave on. Grabbing the cookie dough out the fridge I preheat the oven before setting the cookies up on the tray.
“His coworkers a fucking weirdo I dont know about him” Nick stated suspiciously
“Yeah like why is he acting like that?” Chris states adjusting his seating position.
“10 bucks says the guy will try and do some weird ass shit” Matt states
Smirking to myself I put the cookies in the oven and set a timer. Heading back over to the couch I sit down and lean into Matt. Our gaze locked in on the tv
It gets to the part where Patrick Swayze’s character gets shot. Their mouths dropping as they watch the next events unfold. Pissed by whats happening Nick sucks his teeth
“Thats fucking bullshit” Chris states as he scoffs
“It gets better just wait” I respond as the oven beeps
Swiftly getting up I make my way over to the stove to remove the cookies. Listening to the rain hit the glass window in the kitchen I place the cookies on a plate to cool down
Bringing the plate back over to the living room I sit back down. Eventually we each began to eat away at the cookies.
Somewhere in the middle of the movie Matt brings me in closer. Snuggling our bodies even more than before.
His arm draping over me I began to play with his fingers. Fiddling with the rings that lingered on some fingers.
Interlocking our fingers as I leaned over and kissed his cheek.
“I love you baby” I said to him
“I love you too” he said back kissing me
Holding hands the rest of the movie. His grip tightening subconsciously as the movie got juicier. Releasing the death grip every time a crazy scene died down.
The movie finished and I looked over. Matt and Chris' mouths wide open as Nick and I had tears in our eyes.
“No fucking way that ended like that….” Chris said standing up and bringing the plate to the kitchen
Turning the living room light on I stretched my neck
“Such a sad yet gratifying ending” I replied back
“I’m sick….this is so unfair” Nick said groaning as he wiped his eyes
“Exactly how I felt the first time I watched it” I said giggling
“I need to watch inside out to feel better….” He replied standing up and slouching over
“So was that a win? Did we like it?” I asked them
“Oh I loved it, it was great” They basically all responded
Smiling to myself I helped them tidy up the living room and kitchen.
“I think we should call it a night” Nick said as he looked at the clock reading 2:30am
Agreeing we all parted ways, following behind Matt as they shut all the lights out
Turning his light on he slid his shirt off and I slid my pants off. Brushing our teeth and then heading back into his room.
I laid in his bed as I followed behind turning his lights off and shutting his door.
Snuggling into me and pulling me closer.
“I love you so much” he replied sliding his hands up my thighs and up my arms into my hair to rub my scalp
Loosening into his touch I sighed.
“I love you too” I replied, turning over I planted a kiss to his lips
His fingers running from my scalp to my mid back. His tooth basically put me to sleep. And sooner than later we were both fast asleep embraced in each other's arms.
The End
This was trashhhhh, but what else can I say. My writing juices are GONE. This is sad LMAOOO. Thank you all for the support and I can’t believe I’m at 2507 followers. That’s amazing. I love you all.🥹🖤🖤🖤
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reareaotaku · 9 months
I Don't Wanna Be Your Friend, I Wanna Kiss Your Lips
Summary: Ever since the incident where Mike patched you up, things have been different. You didn't know how to feel or what to say, but everyone around you can see that you two have changed Pairings: Yandere! [Aged Up!] Mike Wheeler x Fem! Reader Tw: Enemies to Lovers, Nicknames Pt 1: I Loathe You
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Things were different now; You know, between you and Mike. You didn't know how to describe it, but it wasn't a bad feeling- but it wasn't a good feeling either. It was just... Well, weird, because you two had never gotten along. It was nice to not always be fighting though, especially at work.
"Hey, are you okay?"
You snapped out of it, looking up at Mike, who was looming over you, looking at you concerned. "Uh-Yeah- Yeah, I-uh yeah, I'm fine."
"Are you sure? You seem a little out of it."
"Yeah," You crossed your arms, avoiding eye contact with him, "Everything's fine."
"Your arm looks better." He reaches for your arm, lightly caressing the bandaged area. You pull back from him, which causes him to frown. He sighs, looking around the empty restaurant, before looking back at you. "Come on, let's close up and I'll drive you."
The drive was quiet... To quiet. You wanted to speak up, say something- anything, but the words couldn't leave your mouth. Everything you wanted to say stuck in your throat, practically burning your tongue, but it wouldn't come out. You looked over at him, but his eyes were focused on the dark road and that's when you realized he was heading in the wrong direction.
"Um, Mike, I'd hate to be a backseat driver, but I think you missed the turn to my house."
"We're not going to your house."
You frowned, looking around the car, before grabbing the door handle and looking at him a little confused, "What?"
He pulls to the side of the road and parks the car, before finally looking at you, "I just wanted to talk to you. You're acting weird."
"Weird? I'm not acting weird."
He frowns, turning in his seat, "I made fun of you when you dropped a person's drink and you just said 'Yeah, I should be more careful,' in a monotone voice."
"Monotone? That's a big word, huh?"
"See, like that. You said it in that voice. Did I do something wrong?"
"What?" You shake your head, "No- I mean, uh I don't know... This is weird, you know?"
"What's weird?"
Was he playing stupid? He completely took a 180 from how you used to act together in less than 24 hours. It was giving you whiplash. Maybe you were thinking about it too much? I mean why can't you two be friends? It just felt kind of rushed... You felt a stinging sensation on your arm and looked at the now bloody bandages. You grimaced, reaching for it smearing the blood on your fingers.
"Have you been changing your bandages?"
You look at Mike like he's grown a second head. He probably didn't seriously mean the question and it came out when seeing the blood. You tilt your head, before frowning, "No, Mike, I'm not. Why would I do that?"
"Sorry, it was a dumb question," He sighs while rolling his eyes. "Why is there blood though. Here, give me your arm." He doesn't give you a chance to even think about what he said as he pulls you towards him and slowly removes the bandages.
"Why are you taking the bandages off? You don't have new ones-"
"Actually-" He lets go of your arm, opening the glove box, and there was a wrapped bandage much to your surprise. "I do. Here," He grabs your arm back and finishes unraveling the bandage.
"Wow, I never expected you to be prepared."
"Well, when you're always getting attacked by monsters, you kind of have to become prepared for everything."
You were going to tell him he's changed, that he was different, but before the words could leave your mouth, there was a sharp pain in your arm.
"Your wound reopened."
"Oh, is that what happened?"
He glares up at you, before unraveling the new bandages. "It might have happened at work or something... You're lucky I had bandages."
"The luckiest." You sarcastically respond, which just causes him to groan.
He grips your hand and pulls you towards him. "I don't know why you're acting like this. I'm trying, like really trying. I want us to be friends and I don't want to fight with you anymore. Believe it or not, I do care about you... I just... uh, I guess I never realized it until recently. I wish you would stop trying to push me away."
"Well, it's going to take time to be friends. We've fought for so long."
He rubs his thumb against where he had gripped you, before looking towards his steering wheel, "Yeah.. Time. How can we be friends over time if you just push me away though?"
"I don't push you away." You try and justify, but you knew it was true. There was a part of you that was scared that he was just pretending to be nice, so that you'd let your guard down and he could make you into a big joke. "I just... How am I supposed to know you're not going to make me into some big joke."
"Oh yeah," He rolls his eyes, before pointing at himself, "I, the guy part of possible the biggest loser club in the world with a shirt that tells the world that, am going to embarrass YOU," He points to you, "A girl who has more friends than I've ever had. Even if I was, who would I embarrass you infront of? Everyone hates me-"
"Everyone doesn't hate you. They just think you're weird."
"Well," He turns in his seat, facing the wheel again, "Maybe I like being weird."
"Yeah, I've always liked that about you. You are unapologetically yourself."
You could see the small smile rise on his face and it made you smile to yourself.
He clicks his tongue, his eyes wandering the car, "You know... I've always liked your hair- and eyes." He quickly says, messing with his hands.
You tsk, chuckling under your breath, "I like your hair too, even if most people don't like mullets," You then reach around and grab his hand, "And your hands. God I love your hands, they're so pretty. And your legs. I like how long they are."
He laughs and you blush feeling slightly embarrassed.
"Man, take me home-"
"What, you don't want to tell me more about how much you like my body?"
"Not necessarily your body." You quickly back track and Mike makes a sound of offense. "I didn't mean it like that."
"Yeah? How did you mean it?"
"I don't know..." You laugh. "Now take me home, seriously. My dad's probably worried."
"Okay, Princess, whatever you want."
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iwhyzumiihajimee · 9 months
pairing: miya atsumu x fem.reader
content: recovering from a break up, your friendship with Atsumu has gotten closer in the past year. there are some moments you two get little too intimately close, but it was completely ignored because you two are just "friends.”
genre: high school au, friends to lovers
warnings !! 18+ // explicit smut, making out, licking, grinding, non-protected sex
word count: 1.5k
credit towards original artist (manga panel below)
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We really do seem... A little too close than friends...
Well, we're best friends, as we agreed, and I still consider you one, but... Why do I see you as more than just a friend?
Atsumu stares and recalls some moments with you.
You then notice him daydream and he seemed to blush and hid his face away.
"Heey! What's on your mind?" You toss the ball to him, helping him get back to his weekend practice.
"Oh... You caught me there..." He responds shyly scratching the back of his head. "Hmm... Nothing really. Just got caught up in... My… Thoughts!" He says biting the insides of his cheek.
"And what are these thoughts?~ You've been acting weird lately" You face him with your hands on your hips.
He looks at you suddenly and gets startled again.
"U-Uh, it's really nothing to worry about. I wasn't thinking about something important…" He defends and start to mess with his hair again.
His face turns bright red again, really trying to hide his blush
"N-No, actually..." He pauses, "It's nothing important. Don't worry about that, alright?" He smiles at you.
"If you constantly think about it. It must be important. Spill". You sigh and walked closer to him.
Atsumu heart beats fast as you got closer and looked into his eyes. "I... I was... I was thinking about you." He pauses trying to calm his racing heart.
"That thing on my mind is you... I have feelings... for you." He confesses.
Your hands drop from your hips, as your face remains expressionless, however you heart skipped a beat knowing his feelings for a while. You've been also holding back your own, and just right now at this moment you're bound to give in.
"I like you... I-I really do... In a romantic way." He continues. "That's what I've been thinking about during these last few months."
Your eyes softened and you smiled, "Tsumu... Soo~ with your confession just now... what are you gonna do about it?" You come closer reaching your arms out to him, wrapping around his torso, and pulling him closer.
His breath hitches and his heart wanting to burst from the unexpected embrace.
"I-I don't really know..." He glances your eyes then down to your lips and thinks again.
"Well... There's just one thing I think I wanna do right now..." His ears start to burn red as he leans towards your face as his body is touching yours.
"And... that is~" You start to lean in as well getting the idea he's going for.
His eyes only focuses on your lips. "I wanna kiss you~" He whispers hovering over.
"Then do it~" You whisper back.
Atsumu closes his eyes slowly going in for the kiss, heart beating so fast. This is all he's ever wanted, was to kiss you.
You melt into the kiss and wrap your arms around him which automatically made him deepen the kiss. Both of you felt a tingling sensation all over your bodies and all you can hear was your own heartbeat in your ears.
After a few seconds, you both pulled away for some air.
"H-Wow, we... we really..." He stutters and you hum in content, smiling. "T-That was... u-uhm... c-crazy... A-Alright... I think we might've taken things too far..."
"How so? Isn't it obvious I like you too?" You say softly, tilting your head ever so slightly to the side.
His face drops and immediately looks at you, "Really..? Do you... Do you like me in... The same way, I... I like you?
Pulling him closer, "I like you a lot Miya Atsumu. More than a friend..." You smile and kiss his lips again. "Soo be mine?"
explicit smut below
Atsumu can't hold it a few seconds more. His eyes looks away and thinks to himself why do I get so nervous around her? And you notice this.
"Are you nervous around me? Whatever happened to this smooth talker guy i know? Your such a natural flirt... Please don't be nervous."
Atsumu chuckles and shakes his head.
"Y-You're right... I don't know how to be... Casual around you sometimes... Like I do with everyone else.
You look softly into his eyes, "I'm flattered by your genuineness, but please treat me normally... Promise no more being nervous or stuttering?"
He looks at you and nods.
"Y-You can kiss me now..." He tries to play it off cool, but his voice is still shaking, and face is completely in red.
You chuckle, and lean in kisses him slowly, deeply, then slipping a tongue.
Atsumu face gets brighter, feeling your lips on his, and his heart beats rapidly, that he can hear them pound loudly in his ears.
"I'm... I'm gonna get so addicted to this..." He mumbles between your lips, also slipping in his tongue and caresses your cheek.
Both of you continue to make out, heartedly, until you broke off to catch a breath.
"Atsumu we can't do this here..."
His eyes start to roam around to find a secluded area, which he then hurriedly pulled you over into the changing rooms. As you both entered the room, Atsumu locks the door and pushes you against the wall gently and continues to sloppily kiss you from your plump lips, down to your neck, and then make his way to nibble your ear.
Your body shivers from his affectionate kisses which made you let out a moan.
He continues to entertain you by nibbling your skin as he slides his hands down your thighs to bring them up to his waist, wrapping them around which made you both fluster and hot.
Wrapping your arms around him as he held you up, he then starts grinding against you which slightly turned you on, feeling his erection forming.
"Tsumu... I... I need you... now~" You begged as your try to savor the feeling of him continuously grinding against your lower region.
He then puts you down, lowering his shorts down as you do the same. Both being impatient, he then rubs his nub at your entrance, feeling your wetness.
"How's this? Are you okay to go on further?" He asks.
You nod, and breathed out, "Yeah~"
Atsumu then enters feeling your tight walls hug him before he moves.
You breath in trying to get use to the feeling of him inside you. "Okay~ You can move." You signal him.
He then moves in and out slowly feeling every sensation. Continuing the movements he gets faster and faster as you can hear his breath get heavy.
"Feels good, right?" You ask.
"Y-Yes..." He says in a whisper, moaning louder against your neck.
All that was in Atsumu's mind was how everything was moving in slow motion, his breath gets harder to control, his body shivers, and he blushes even more as you nibble his neck. He moans louder and moves to kiss your ever so addicting lips.
"Yes, that's it~" You acknowledge him.
"Y-You're... You're making me feel crazy..." He whispers.
Continuing to pleasure each other, he prompts your left leg up to get a better angle which hit your spot just right.
You moan and drop you head to his shoulder.
"God~ right there~ Please... Please don't stop..." You moan feeling yourself come closer.
you continue to rub his sides as he holds you close, breathing against each other, and reaching each others climax.
"Ahhh~ keep going~" You whisper, catching your breath.
Atsumu starts to feel dizzy, because he can't catch his breath.
"Please not yet... Almost there~" You try to edge yourself by tightening your walls which made atsumu moan out in pleasure.
"Ahhh mhm~" He whines and lets out a moan
You figured from his whine, he's just on edge as you are or even more.
Continues a little more faster, moving his body closer to yours, panting quickens and he closes his distance from you with his tongue coming in between your lips.
"Hummph" You moan in the kiss and pull away to control your breathing.
"Fuck~ I'm coming! I'm coming!~" You moaned
"Ahhh~" You finally squeezed and released.
Atsumu holds on to your shaking body as you came.
He eyes your reactions and watches his continuous movements as he thrusts, getting himself to come sooner. He moves faster and faster, now closing his eyes feeling the amazing sensation on his dick rubbing in you and you the sounds of your pants.
Finally Atsumu comes, letting out a huff, moaning against your ear as he last second pulls out making sure not to come in you.
"God~ that was good..." He says in between his breaths as he has both arms on each side of your head, leaning against the wall.
"Your good at this~" You praise him and chuckle.
Still in the moment, he looks into your eyes with lust hesitating to lean into for another kiss, which he did.
"Atsumu~ seriously... We should head out..." You release from the kiss.
He then steps back, but ends up tripping over his own feet leaning forward against you once again, never missing to rub your sides tenderly.
You melt into his touch as you caught him. "Fine~ quickly..."
He stays on top of you nodding, leaning in to kiss you passionately, and moaned between kisses as another session starts.
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