#you don't need to be so defensive or agressive
kazzykatt · 10 months
kinda following this (spoilers)
In the Ruin version of Arts n Crafts Sun is distant, kinda scared, saying that we shouldn't be there, is not safe.
But still, he shreds the art, says "Bad! Bad! Bad!" when we mess up. He's been alone and hurting for who knows how long and still, he wants us to leave.
"You can make crafts, but then you need to go." He repeats over and over with the same tone.
Its a big contrast with the normal game. "gOod FrieeeENd, you're back..." "Whyyyy are you taking so looooonnnng?!" "Areyoudoneyet?" "UUh googly eyes *giggles*" his voice has feelings! He gets happy and impatient and sassy! In some lines you can feel how he talks with a forced smile (bless u Kellen Goff) (this is my favorite line its great)
But then he loses all life. He's scared and sad and still wants us to leave!
And in all this, Moon's just laughing. Hiding here and there, going up and down giggling and clicking around the room.
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Look at him. Hands on the desk and spinning his head. He doesn't kill us immediately like Sun does when the time runs out or like how Moon does in Ruin. Look at him. He's just... Does he wants to make Arts n Crafts too?
How long has it been since the ending of Security Breach? Sun is not begging for help, Moon is not instakilling...
But now that I think about it, there's no more "its past your bed time" or "Naughty naughty", just laughs and agony screams. On the other hand, Sun still, still, has the guts to call you out if you do the art wrong.
This is fascinating to analyze. Theres so many new behaviors, so much new knowledge about them. Sun is sassy af and is not afraid to turn the lights off if the situation calls for it ("I should turn off the lights myself"). And Moon! Moon goes places! He's in the carousel and in Bonnie Bowl and Foxy's water ride. They get so much life and it gets taken away it in the same game I'm gonna scream!
This is not Ruin. Sun still has a defiant tone in his voice. Moon is laughing and curious and not attacking as his first move.
In Ruin they fight. In Ruin both are more desperate for light/no light.
What changed between this and Ruin? What happened between them? How much time did it pass?? For Sun to lose the confidence, for Moon to become so agressive and defensive of its time out.
I had a little headcanon back then about how FazCo sold the animatronics the idea of reopening. Is this around that time? before losing all hope? Why keep the Arts n Craft station? With all the materials and in their room no less. To pass time? To keep the Daycare clean? Why are they acting like this? What do they know? What do they don't know? Why are they so broken? Have they been like this this whole time? If so, and with Sun's "I can do it myself" attitude, why hasn't he done something? He's there, there's light! He's out!
He's out...
Out and switching with Moon. Letting it play and be spooky while he judges the art. There's no fear between them, there's no hate, no keeping one in an eternal nap. Changing and playing with the little light they have in their little fort in their room...
They have gone through so much. Its painful now that we know more of them. From going to a sassy "I'm gonna put you in a nap!" to a terrified "I'm trapped in a nap!". From laughing and having fun around the place to being in so much pain he slashes a kid's face off.
And the worse part? They have no control over it. "If I was programmed to I would" but he's not. They're not. They can't be more than they are, they can't learn to be more. Not programmed to. Just do with what we allow you to. Can't can't can't and its so, so unfair
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oconist · 4 months
I posted a note saying how bad I feel for Esteban but how glad I am he's leaving Alpine (meaning to say that I hope he goes to a good team) and a good friend of mine replied with "yeah I don't like him, bad driver, agreed" and I have no idea how to respond to that... I'm a new F1 fan so no stats ready but I DO know he's not a bad driver but all I can talk about is his background growing up but IDK I need help responding pls?
hi!! same sentiment here, hope he has a contract but glad he left that toxic team.
he's not a bad driver, despite what people say. if u check his stats in feeder series like f3 n gp3 he was a consistent driver that was usually in the podium. if you check his early f1 stats, he had good first full year in force india (points in every race except a retirement and a p12) and was usually close to checo in the standings (if he wasn't being disqualified or had retirements) or his other teammates (last year with 6 retirements vs gasly's 2 and like a 4? 6? point difference)
the year with the biggest position difference is 2020, covid year, in which esteban had not raced in an f1 car for a year against dric who had already a year on the team.
most people think he's a bad driver because of the collisions he has been in, specially with his teammates, but only two of them have been fully his fault (a collision with perez and now in monaco with gasly). the problem is the people he gets in collisions with, and the reason why most people are quick to blame him. drivers that, as usual, blame the other before checking the on-board after the race (which is normal behaviour btw and totally expected, it's weirder if a driver doesn't defend themselves) but ocon never really defends himself, and his biggest/most memorable crashes are with drivers like checo, alonso and verstappen that have big diehard fanbases.
it's true that his style is agressive, but he has also proven he is a team player when needed (defended gasly in australia 2023 after the crash, does follow team orders on the radio, not to mention that he has never talked badly about any team nor teammate he has had and is always cheering the team up on the radio [radio this year after alpine sucked, he was the first to open the radio and cheer the team up, while gasly said the car sucked (true)]). people forget that your teammate is your first rival, but ocon doesn't and unless he is told otherwise, he races them as if they were any other driver. and he normally is on par with his teammate, so of course there are going to be fights between them.
most of the time he does deliver with his overtakes and defense. he is good at managing tyres (record for longest stint in c3 tyres in baku, turkey 2021 where he didn't change tyres, alpine relying on him to manage tyres for all their one pit stop strategies all these years) and good at qualifying.
also, he has never been in a good car, either backmarkers (now and his first half year in f1) or midfield cars and yet he has a win, a 2nd place and a 3rd place. he is consistently in the points if the car allows it, has been praised by prost and is a good test driver and at giving feedback.
i hope the reason why he left alpine is because of the disrespect he has been put through and i really hope that he has a contract for next year. i have never seen a driver been more attacked by his own team (rossi, bruno, otmar) than ocon in the recent years.
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heavenlymorals · 5 months
In Defense of Bill Williamson: A Curious Case Of Hear Me OUT-
Warning: this post contains mentions of rape, homophobia, and period typical attitudes.
The first time I played RDR2, I was very curious and went into Sonny's cabin. If you know, you know.
I was horrified over learning what happened to Arthur and the shock of it all was impalpable. The fact that Rockstar put in such an encounter was diabolical, but either way, it happened, and I was pissed and heartbroken for Arthur. Out of all the encounters that happened in this game, all the awful encounters, this is the only one that did not get a journal entry- mostly likely due to the trauma of getting raped and the shame of it as well- let us not forget that Arthur is a man, a very tough and burly man, living in 1899 America. The likelihood that there would be any support for him is nigh on none.
I fed Sonny to the alligators (obviously) later and more or less forgot about it because I avenged my Arthur.
Then Bill came along.
"I met a guy at the swamp who seemed to know a lot about you. I mean A LOT about you…"
I was pissed and it was the first time in the game that I heard pure, unadulterated hatred in Arthur's voice as he more or less growled at Bill to go away. From then on, I always antagonized Bill for seemingly mocking Arthur like that for getting raped.
But then I played again and again and played Red Dead 1 too and learned that Bill is gay. Even though it isn't said outright, it is implied so heavily that it would be laughable to suggest that he liked women.
So after a while, my reaction to Bill's words changed. I pity him now.
Now I know what you are thinking- Heytham, how the hell can you pity a man who mocked a fucking rape victim?
Because I don't think Bill thought Arthur was raped.
Here is how I came to this conclusion (feel free to disagree with me, but here is how I came to this conclusion):
Being a homosexual in the 1800s was a very isolating and daunting experience, with the threat of jail time and even death. Society was super judgemental and cruel to people who did not fit into what was expected of them, so being a homosexual would feel like hell on Earth because there wasn't a real way to express this attraction beyond longing and secrecy, which would make finding other gay people hard to do.
Beyond just isolation, homosexual actions can ruin careers, which we can assume is one of the reasons that Bill got dishonorably discharged ("deviancy") alongside attempted murder. Crazy to think that "deviancy" is on the same level of attempted murder and was probably shamed more, but that is neither here nor there.
Even the gang wasn't really accepting of Bill's sexuality, which speaks a lot about the gang's supposedly "progressive politics", as they aren't really politically progressive and more so idealistic in the romantic standards of 1800s America. In terms of Bill's sexuality, it felt more like a outta sight, outta mind sort of deal. Bill is the butt of jokes and his sexuality is too ("Is he gonna kiss that guy or punch him", "Bill and Phil", "He likes to do a lot of things with men on their knees (RDR1- John says it to purposely shame Bill more to the people he works with)")).
When his sexuality seems to be a bit more upfront, there is agression and disgust. The biggest example of this is Arthur's reaction to Bill wanting hair pomade. He sounds disgusted and mean and the sneer in his "Yeah, I'll get you your hair pomade…" is very telling that Arthur thinks that Bill is asking him for pomade for gay sex because of the way he reacts to it- he already has a disposition to thinking this is why Bill wants the pomade and it disgusts him, even though he does it anyways.
To give Arthur the benefit of the doubt, I'd be pretty weirded out if someone asked me for lube, but Arthur didn't know if that is what Bill actually wants. He could very well just need it for a job that requires him to look nice, which happens in the ball mission. The point is that he had a disposition and that disposition made him react in not only a bewildered way but a disgusted way. Im serious, just listen to that interaction- I don't think I am reaching.
In any case, it is quite obvious that Bill feels isolated and that isolation makes him awkward and aggressive around men that he does like (Kieran) and overall just angry at the world because of it, amongst other things. He has no one to talk to, no one to relate to, and he is shunned and despaired over something he cannot control.
So then Bill meets Sonny and whatever the hell they did together, Sonny talks about Arthur, and let us be real, what is the likelihood that he would flat out tell Bill that he raped Arthur? Low, I'd think. Most likely, he would just say that the two of them had sex.
Now think about this- Bill has mostly likely lived his entire life hiding his sexuality and only expressing it in secret because if he does otherwise, he will be punished in some form or another. But now he learns that another man in camp, the fucking enforcer of all people, has apparently went to this man for sex.
Do you realize what this means for a gay person? Especially a gay person who lives in a society that actively discourages and punishes same-sex relations? It doesn't necessarily mean that that person would try to drum up a relationship, but there is comfort in the fact that now you know another person who is experiencing the same thing you are- the solidarity in that is priceless. I would know, I come from a culture that still kills gay people.
When Bill comes up to Athur, he genuinely sound giddy, like he found a big secret. There wasn't really any malice in his voice, other than a "haha, guess what I just found out" sort of tone.
When Arthur tells him to get out of there, he didn't seem offended. He didn't seem annoyed or aggressive, which is unusual for Bill. He just puts his hands up in surrender and goes off, almost as if he was saying "hey, I get it man," in the sense that a man during this time period, especially a man like Arthur, wouldn't want to be found out as gay. Internalized homophobia was definietly rampant.
He genuinely doesn't seem to have malice in that tone- Bill only talks like that when he is either excited or happy or acting like a human being. And at this point in the game, Bill still respected Arthur, so I doubt he would want to step on his toes, especially in a way like that.
If I am not talking out of my ass, this could be such a great moment of character development for Bill- sympathy for another man supposedly like him in the world that they lived in. Fucking Bill having sympathy and empathy- who would've thought.
Or he could be mocking Arthur for being a rape victim because Bill is genuinely a piece of shit.
But on the off chance that he does not? What an interesting microcosm of LGBTQ+ dynamics in 1899 America.
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blindmagdalena · 11 months
I’m in dire need of angst. How do you think he would react to someone who didn’t have a close relationship with their parents? I’m just imagining an awkward Christmas dinner, their family totally sucking up to Homelander. But also not-so-subtlety making passive agressive/snarky comments towards the reader.
It was definitely his idea to go to Christmas dinner in the first place. You've been dreading it. He insisted, though. You don't want to deny him this when he doesn't even have a family, and he's clearly so excited by the prospect of it.
And to be fair, it started off well enough. Your family was so excited to meet Homelander. They couldn't believe this was really happening!
It didn't last long, though. Your dad just had to make an offhanded remark about how you sure were "dating up."
That was the beginning of the end.
Through the night, Homelander grows gradually less boisterous. He's talking less, listening more. You're uncomfortable, dejected, but ultimately you knew it would end up this way. You just wish he would have listened to you.
By the time dinner rolls around, the tension in the air is palpable. Homelander has stopped preening under the praises of your family. You want nothing more than to eat and leave.
The final straw is when your mother sneaks in a snipe about how you "Really could have dressed up for the occasion."
"Well, Sheryl," Homelander begins, his tone immediately catching the attention of the entire table. "You could have tasted the mashed potatoes before you salted them into an inedible sodium fuckfest, but hey, I guess that's beyond your scope of competence."
The silence is deafening.
He isn't done. "God, y'know. You people. You had one job. All you had to do was be good. Nice. Shovel some food into your face and not be total fucking pricks at every available moment, but y'couldn't even manage that. Y'had to air out eeevery single little nitpick and grievance that sprang into your circus peanut brains."
You're stunned, jaw hanging. Your mother's expression mirrors yours. With a noise of indignation, your father begins to stand.
"Sit the fuck down, Henry," Homelander snaps with a flare of crimson to his gaze that puts a shiver down your spine. It works. Your father sits, and the light fades away. "Now that's the smartest thing you've done all night. Didn't think you had it in you."
Homelander pushes his mostly full plate away and sighs, picking up the napkin from his lap to fold. "I was the one who asked to come here, y'know. Practically begged. Thought Christmas might just be a grand ol' time. Do you know how often I'm wrong? I'll give you a hint: it's not often. But you..." He wags his finger between them, smiling more maliciously than you've ever seen him. "You folks really got me tonight."
He stands up. Your heart is pounding in pure anxious adrenaline. For a moment you have a terrible vision of him leaving you here, furious with them and you that this wasn't the experience he had been hoping for.
His hand in your face snaps you out of your thoughts. You look up sharply, and see him looking down at you, that wicked expression suddenly much softer. Kind, even with that anger still simmering under the surface. You close your mouth and take his hand, swallowing.
"Lucky for me I already got my Christmas wish, hmm?" He says, offering you a little wink. "You are... perfect," he says, leaning in to press a tender little kiss to your forehead, emphasizing it with a pointed mmmwuah. "No idea how you escaped all that unscathed," he says, nodding his head in your parents' direction. "So, how about you and I blow this popsicle stand and go find a whooole lotta mistletoe to stand under?"
You exhale a breathless little laugh, tears prickling hotly at your eyes, overwhelmed by how thoroughly he came to your defense. "I'd really, really like that."
Glancing over, Homelander offers your parents one last tight, venomous little smile. "Merry Christmas, you miserable fucks."
Which is exactly how he signs every single Christmas card he maliciously sends your parents each year from that day forward.
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tategaminu · 7 days
Some predictions for S7
It seems some people are concerned about Rayla and Callum being separated for half the season when I honestly don't think that will be the case. They have never been separated more than two episodes, you could say "well it could happen now!" but I doubt they would do that in the same season we will fully see them together for the first time.
Now some proof or my own guesses to favour this:
In this screenshot Rayla isn't with Callum, she could be out of frame but I don't think so.
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I'm guessing he went ahead since maybe Rayla's wings weren't working anymore (they said they didnt't last forever if I remember correctly)
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Look how sad he looks, he has no gf to cheer him up over Katolis' destruction.
Now, we see Rayla and Ronaldo standing up in front of the Banterlodge, why are they here? I think Callum told them to meet there since it's a place both him and Rayla know.
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Why is she in attack mode?
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Looking at the trees it seems Ezran, Aanya and the animals seem to be around the banterlodge. Maybe Rayla sees the katolians coming or Ezran asking Corvus and Soren to arrest Raul and she gets defensive ofc, tho it doesn't seem to be an overly agressive stance.
We have confirmation that Callum and Ezran will have a conflict and Ezran is gonna be mad about Runaan, so maybe Callum defends Runaan here and confesses that he is the one who fred him, making the brothers fight. An upset Callum then leaves with Rancher and Rayla.
My guesses are, Callum and Rayla separate in episode 1 and reunite in late episode 2 or early episode 3 (they tend to "meet" in the second episode lol) maybe ep 2 ends with them meeting and the cliffhanger of Ezran finding out about Ronald.
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Callum, Rayla and Richard arrive at the Silvergroove (perhaps is on episode 3 to parallel season 3) we get the Ruthari reunion and Rayla's trial in the same episode, a confirmed to be a very emotional episode.
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The place Rayla is having her trial on seems to be the lottus pond thing, we only see her, The Keeper (I didn't know moonshadows could have beards okay dude) and the ghosts of the deceased assassins. I'm guessing she will have to be forgiven by them to be accepted back on The Silvergroove and she will need a lot of emotional support, I don't see why Callum wouldn't be there since he was there when she found out about her ghosting so he being there when she gets unghosted makes all the sense.
Callum, Stella and the other ones are out of frame probably watching this, unless this is another place where they aren't allowed.
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I wouldn't be suprised if Rayla doesn't want to go with the trial at all but we get a little callback to this with Callum saying something similar, maybe even more agressive this time.
Now onto the next clue, this oopsie leaked scene by the animation company:
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Stella jugglinga adoraburrs! look how cute!
I'm fully convinced this is a rayllum scene, it screams romance with the flowers and singing baitlings "oh it could be ruthari!" yeah? maybe? but let's look at the clues shall we:
Stella is there, Stella is always with Rayla
Callum and Rayla love adoraburrs
Sneezles is there, Sneezles is always with Callum
There are two lovebirds and Rayllum tends to attract animals (very disney princess/prince if you ask me)
The baitlings are singing, screams Rayllum corniness (kiss the girl!)
Rayla and Callum have something going on with boats
Maybe Callum and Rayla decided to take the rest of the baitlings with them to the Silvergroove (for some reason)
Maybe this scene isn't before the mid season at all and it's at the end! but for now I choose to believe it's kind of the calm before the storm scene. Maybe Rayla and Callum are celebrating her unghosting, before Aaravos starts fcking shit up and they have to leave and go back to Ezran. I don't think this will happen in the way to The Silvergroove because 1) third wheeling Runaan would be uncomfortable and I don't think Callum would prepare this at all in the way unless he wanted to annoy him hard idk 2) Rayla and Callum didn't need to cross water to arrive at TS the first time.
I'm choosing also not to believe this is at the end because them leaving The Silvergroove mid season for them to come back at the end wouldn't make much sense to me unless they are getting married right in this scene mostly because I don't think Rayla and Callum will choose to live in there, at least for now, and this will be the end of the arc not the series so yeah, they could be visiting tho and this could be a chilling ending scene.
In a summary, I don't think rayllum will be separated for a lot of episodes and Callum is totally going to The Shitlvergroove maybe they will get separated again when she gets kidnapped
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listen you can't separate them for much unless it's against their will
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in3rci4 · 7 months
Characters included in these head canons : Finney Blake , Gwendolyn Blake ( little mention of her ) , Robin Arellano , Vance Hopper , Bruce Yamada , Billy Showalter and Griffin Stagg
Author's note : If I forgot some warning or I have spelling errors please let me know , and if you feel uncomfortable with the post i recommend you wait for my short and non reader involved version of this one , thanks to @nnooahhsworld for the inspiration !
He always liked smart and good faith people ( Donna for example ) , but that changed when he met you on his way to school . His bullies saw the opportunity to jump him and started to chase after him , and distracted , he bumped into you
You pushed him away annoyed , but then , you realized that he was running away from 3 familiar assholes , and just like a light switch , you moved in front of him while he was laying on the ground and told them to fuck off
The little shits didn't believe that you could win against them , so they started to insult you , they were 3 against 1 and a half after all
But little they did know that you had a gun hided in your jacket .
They ran away almost pissing themselves , and you moved on with your life , but Finney couldn't do it that easy
He remembers that morning with a mixed feeling of fear and admiration for you , he can't stop looking at you any chance that he can , Gwen and Robin knows about his crush , but they don't say anything ( or well , maybe they do , but they back off because he gets uncomfortable )
He hated with all his soul the cigarettes and alcohol smell , but after that encounter , he started to feel more comfortable around it , not so disgusted like before . But asides his shyness , he avoids you purposely
He has the hots for you and how badass you are , but babe , you are bad , real bad news , and he knows it
Everytime Finney sees you , you are either covered in your own or someone's else blood , smoking or either laughing with a bottle of beer on the streets alone or with a group of aggressive jerks
If you ever get close to Finney to get to know him better , he won't push you away and will be all kind and polite to you , but don't expect him to go after you .
Neither expect him to go to your defense , he might reluctantly help you after a fight if he saw how bad you ended up or lift you up of the ground if you needed to , but that's it , the more you stay out of his life , the better .
He wishes he could help you , but he had enough dealing with his father's bad habits , he knows how exhausting and draining people with addictions can be and the suffering that they cause to those around them , he won't voluntarily put himself in another situation like that
His heart tells him to go after you and try to help you see other ways , try to heal you , but the same heart along with his mind tells him to keep his distance from you for his own good
So he hopes , truly , that one day you stop living that reckless life and find someone who loves you to settle down , because he can't , and won't be your savior
Maybe in the future , or in another life , you two could be together in a healthy relationship , who knows
Finney is satisfied with watching you from afar , because that's the safe thing to do
You are one of the toughest kids in school like Robin and Vance Hopper ( Moose had lost his title after loosing a fight with him ) , so he obviously knew about your existence , and with time , got the pleasure of becoming one of your friends
You were fun to hang out with , you didn't only made him laugh his ass off and go watch adult movies with him ( not porn don't be dirty minded ) , but you also taught him things that he didn't know about ( since you were more street smarter than him , and he was thankful for it )
And of course , Robin found out about your habits really quick
At first , he didn't care about them , you do you he thought , but ... It was so weird to see you impressed by something or someone , that he gave it a try , just to see your reaction ..
And that was the start of everything .
And he didn't only did it to add more things to his tough guy reputation , he did it to be seen as cool too and share another bond with you , even it was harmful
What ? There's nothing to be worried about , the cigarettes smoke is something that he's used to and he had tried alcohol before , it's not like he drinks and smokes everyday and can afford it !
The more Robin spent time with you , the more he started to lack responsibility , and he was not a responsible person before .
School didn't matter anymore , the fights increased , the smoker scent was part of him now and he would arrive late to his home drunk as fuck scolded by his uncle and poor worried mom
He tried to stop , didn't do it completely , but tried his best for his family
But then you offered him to try the next level , drugs , those that could make him stronger and stay wide awake , or be more relaxed , if that's what he wanted .
For him it was the crossing line , and for good .
He didn't want to mess with those things , and you mocked him for being such a chicken , a maricón , so you both had an argument , where it clicked him :
You were so far gone that you offered him being even more fucked up than he already was , you give 3 shits about what could possibly happen to him , he understood that in case of needing you , having an overdose or a alcoholic coma , you would minimize it , or worse , make him take more and more until his body couldn't take it anymore
He moved on from you really quick and never tried to contact you ever again , you already showed him your fangs , he isn't stupid as you thought he was to stay and die like a dog ( Even after you threatened him to tell everyone about his cowardice , wich ended in a physical fight that he won , and almost gave you a head contusion from the strength and anger of the attacks )
Robin almost stepped in into the most dangerous and addicting shits that the neighborhood could offer , because of you , and he will never forget that , he will never forget how weak and betrayed you made him feel for backing off from it , after trusting you so much with all his being
But the damage was done , he can't quit smoking even if he feels disgusting after it , drinking water or alcohol was the same for him now
A horrible party favor of you and your bad influence in his life .
Oh my Lord , you're the cannon event of this guy ...
Bruce met you at a friend's party and he presented you as the " party animal " and " the life of the party " . He had to admit , you were attractive in your way and had some groove on you , dancing with you was a blast
But you were more than just that .
At some point of the night , the music and the people got louder , crazier , it was the best part in Bruce's opinion
The bottles started to go down faster and faster , normally in these parties the drinks had a small amount of alcohol , but this time , they were just regular party drinks
Bruce was drunker than usual , giggling while clumsily dancing , you asked him if he wanted to have more fun that he already had and he agreed without thinking twice
So you put the pill in your tongue , wrapped your hands in his neck and passed it into his mouth , to give him free pass to fairyland
He felt in heaven , the lights were spinning around more colorful and shinier , the music was now vibrating trough his bones , his body like feather , a new whole sensation washed all over him ...
The party was over , and he didn't saw you again the following weeks , what was on that kiss that made his head spin like a record ? He needed whatever was in your mouth a second time
The next month he had the worst games streak of his life , he couldn't stop losing again and again , and the pressure started to put a heavy weight over him
Bruce needed a miracle , a distraction , so after his extra practice session , he went to another party in the same friend's house , and " lucky " him he found you once again
It was like a deja Vu , both of you danced , laughed and yelled the lyrics of the music , but this time , with him being sober , you offered him to do what happened the last time
And that's how you dragged him to hell with you .
He came back to his old self back again , his winning streak too , taking his team to the victory like he always do , celebrating with you party after party , getting addicted , to you , every single time .
So much energy , yet so much loose of control . He would go out to get more of it outside the parties , sneak at the night when his parents were asleep , starting to believe that if he took them before the games started he would 100 % win for sure
Without warning , you disappeared , and the abstention was driving him crazy . He couldn't concentrate in class , he couldn't grab the bat without feeling a weird itch on his fingers and more times that he could count he had to apologize for feeling "nervous " and being careless with his words . So he asked a friend for some weed to smoke until you showed up your ass to school , but the two got caught and his friend spilled everything to not get suspended
His family found out about it and were so disappointed , mad , yet worried too . They agreed to not tell anyone or send him to an rehabilitation center , but from now on , he had restricted and limited permission to go out and more studying to do ( not like he could call the shots anyway )
It was terrible , but even if what it felt like a eternity for him , in a short time , he fortunately recovered , and started to have much healthier life than before , zero consuming and having innocent fun with a small group of friends
He regrets so much being so careless to the point of doing that bullshit in school with other kids around , letting himself fell so low , but he's glad that he made it out . You never showed up on the town ever again , some rumors says that you are in a juvenile correctional center , others that you were dead , or doing drugs somewhere else
Bruce , without any intention of being mean or cruel , couldn't care less , he moved on from that lifestyle , maybe it wasn't his destiny to stay by your side , maybe , the future has something bigger waiting for him
You two knew each other since you were kids , really good friends that slowly got apart from each other . It wasn't years later that you started to talk with him again on his way back home from school , inviting him to the big parties of the neighborhood or having casual conversations about the weather , exams , latest gossip , etc
You were still you , but something was off , and Billy knew it , although he couldn't tell what exactly changed specifically in you
Until one morning of his regular paper news delivering route he saw you walking bare feet in your party clothes and a black eye . He stopped immediately to ask you what happened , but you couldn't stop laughing and talking non sense
He scrunched his nose when the smell of alcohol hit him coming from your body and mouth , but he sucked it up and walked you home and made sure you got inside , meanwhile giving you a speech about how bad underage drinking is not like you could pay attention to it though
He started to worry about your safety and kept an eye on you to make sure you were ok , but you would dismiss his concern and told him that you were fine , it wasn't that bad , right ?
Billy started to slowly , but surely , parenting you , he had to stop whatever he was doing or delivering in the middle of the rush just to help when you when you were bleeding the hell out of you after a fight , laying on the street passed out drunk or with little clothes when it was cold
It was a never ending cycle , he would take you home , try to persuade you to quit that way of living , you would say yes and then go to a party to get fucked up , and repeat over and over again
Billy thought that it would be a good idea going out with you to the parties to make sure you stayed on line , but oh you made things so difficult ...
You would disappear into the crowd , vomit over someone else's clothes or shoes , drink an entire bottle by yourself and even seek fights for fun
Those times lasted short because he couldn't deal anymore with the embarrassment of apologizing for you to the people in the party for your actions , the frustration of having to argue about something that you both agreed on before , your childish attitudes and getting involved in the middle of fights that you started or someone else's wanted to with you
Then you both had an argument , can't you see ? He's genuinely sad to see his dear friend this shitty , and it angered him how you're not able to understand that it's hurting you , that he's doing everything that he can to keep you safe but it's useless because you search trouble anyway
But you told him to go and fuck off if he was so tired of you .
And exhausting all of this babysitting and chasing of someone that was falling apart uncontrollably , he stopped talking to you .
It hurts him to leave you like this , but he couldn't be your nurse , dad , friend , therapist , driver or anything that had to do with taking care of you after you searched being that way on the first place
He needs for his own mental and emotional health let you go , but it's not easy , the memory of who you used to be sticks with him , but that person doesn't exist no more , and he can't keep going just for that reason
Sometimes he watches you from afar wondering if you're clean now or still consuming bullshit , but Billy won't ask you , he doesn't have to anymore .
He doesn't remember how he met you , was at the records store ? At the Grab 'n Go ? A tree lined street ? He doesn't have a fucking clue
But since he got close to you , he didn't only found himself to have a lot in common with you , but safe as well , comfortable , finally someone that understands and treats him right !
If only he knew that you are everything but safety ....
You lit cigarettes for him even if Vance didn't told you to , buy beers or Vodka and tell him to take a " sip " , to not be such a pussy , and he will never say no , his fragile masculinity and internalized misogyny didn't let him to do so
Besides , who gives a shit ?
Exactly .... Nobody , you don't either , and that's what matters
Sitting on rooftops or in the sidewalk drinking and laughing your asses off was so great , play who could blow more smoke out of your mouths and throwing bottles as far as you could , sometimes to a moving car or bike for the giggles and adrenaline of running away from the angry owners
Who cares if it makes Vance forget how shitty his life is ? Who cares if he gets a smile from you by doing it ? It's nothing new from him , what changes if he gets more greedy with you ?
One day he found himself cornered by a decision . You wanted to spicy up things before getting ready to go to the AC / DC concert , be more crazy and sniff some angel dust , but ... He never did drugs before , what if he does it wrong and you laugh at him ? What if his body doesn't receive it well and make a mess of him ?
Since you know how to manipulate him with toxic sexism , the only thing that you have to do was say that he had to grow some balls , because even the faggots can do it
And like that , he started to move his head closer to your small living room table where the lines were at , slowly , nervous , his hand shaking except for the one that was pushing one side of his nostrils
Man ... It felt so fucking weird how fast the dust went inside his nose and dissolved like magic in him
But he felt alive ... So alive ... He felt stronger , powerful , he didn't felt like a boy , no , he felt like a man , a man that didn't fear anything or anyone at all , he can fight with his bare hands an entire army if he wanted to !
Poor kid , that searching of ecstasy would take him to a another level wrongness in his life ... You corrupted his already damaged soul and took him to the darkness as well ... Good job .
Fuck off school , fuck off family , friends , the police , the entire country can do it too , now it's you , him , the narcotics , the cigarettes , the alcohol and heavy metal , whoever tries to mess with you both , will be beaten to death
Crime commiting would soon follow the line , but In Vance head there's too much shit to let space for worries , besides , not like you would ever betray him or some shit like that ....
He was eating his lunch alone on the last table of the cafeteria when you sat next to him and started to talk with him like you were all time buddies
Griffin responded cautiously all your questions , did his old bullies remembered he existed and want to pull a prank on him ? Do you want to seal him something or convince him to join one of the school shitty clubs ?
Day after day you would do the same thing . He wasn't sure of your intentions , you had what people called " the crazy eyes " , clothes were near crossing the line of school dress code or falling apart , strange laugh , funny smell ... And you space out a little too much while talking ( a little bit creepy on his opinion )
But you are always nice to him , and you had a really good sense of humor , so he eventually warmed up to you , may or may developing a small crush ...
A cold morning you grabbed his hand to follow you to the bathroom , you were coughing a lot lately , but he thought you catched a cold .... Again
You opened your backpack excited and showed him all the varieties of joints and cigarettes , and since he was your friend , he could had any for free !
Griffin started to panic near having an attack , what if you get caught ? Who is sealing you these things ? Are you a dealer ? Do you want him to buy your stuff ? Or do you want him to give it to other kids !?
You only laughed , like always , and told him to calm down , that you smoke all the time and you're still alive
He couldn't handle it , he ran away out of the school confused about what he'd just saw , is this the reason why you're always coughing ? Is this the reason why your lungs are so screwed up ? Do you hang around with dangerous people ?
Scared , decided to avoid you at all costs .
But you found him after 2 weeks since the last encounter , and told you him that you were sorry , that you didn't meant to scare him away , that he's your best friend and other sweet things that made Griffin feel bad for ignoring you
Did you promised him to stop and change ? Yes
How many times since then ? Enough for a normal person to give up counting
Unluckily for this little guy , time will not never change who you are . He's so , so attached to you that he keeps forgiving you , always believing in your words and fake promises , always following you like a lost puppy worried about your well being
Please stop it , Griffin is tired of looking out for you , he can't guess when or where you're gonna end up the next time to find your vice
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im-an-anthusiast · 4 months
Rant about your favorite insects and why you like them
Tag someone so I can invade their ask box
@strwbrryluvsick might like an ask!
I typed out. Paragraphs unto paragraphs unto paragraps. And it got deleted. Hsisbsjdbs so much pain
For the sake of my mental health I'll keep to a handful of bullet points, if that's fine!!
Dracula ants
- often nearly or completely blind
- endemic to Madagascar
- fastest recorded movement in the animal kingdom!! At 90 meters per second/200mph, which they reach in just 0.00015 seconds!
- they don't eat any food! They hunt and feed their larvae and pupae, whose blood (haemolymph) they then drink
Trapjaw ants (my absolute favs)
- they look like they have a beartrap on their face!! :3
- this jaw, when triggered by a super sensitive hair on their face, snaps shut at 63 meters per second, 170-ish mph - second fastest movement in the animal kingdom
- they can use their jaw against heavier objects/surfaces as to launch themselves!! Leap large distances and such!!
- in the same way, their jaws also act as catapults! They can shoot intruders out of their nests!!
- their larvae are spiked, stick to walls, and are very active and agressive
Mud dauber
- they're very pretty! Look at em!! So dainty
- build their nests out of mud and dirt
- and since they are parasitic wasps... they paralyse their prey and drag it into their nest. Where they then lay their eggs inside of the nest or inside of the paralysed but still alive prey, and then sealing the nest closed
- reported/speculated to have caused mutliple deadly airplane accidents
Tarantula hawks
- look at that colour scheme! Beautiful!!
- also a parasitic wasp. But their prey are tarantulas.
- in Fallout New Vegas. One of the multiple reasons I got into insects. They're traumatising in that game, though.
- one of the most painful stings of any insect, descibed as "Blinding, fierce and shockingly electric"
Velvet ant (aka cowkiller)
- doesn't have the venom to kill a cow. Obviously. (venom less toxic than that of honeybees.) But the sting is so painful that people thought that it was. Which is super cool and funny
- also dubbed 'the indestructible insect' due to their plethora of defense mechanisms (venomous sting, aposematic colouring (<- warning bright colours), stridulatory organ (<-making sounds (squeaks)), alarm secretion, tough and durable exoskeleton)
- most of simulated conflicts with natural predators resulted in survival of the ant and avoidance by predator (while some are stated to allegedly have killed their natural predator)
- mate in the air. Aren't winged. The males just kinda... taxi them up there
Angel insects
- even just the name???
- translucent, cute, small little things
- usually completely blind and flightless, when faced with an unfavourable environment or situation, they produce offspring with fully functioning eyes and wings as to disperse and produce new colonies, where future generations will be also wingless
- (similar to ants a little) (in that point above) (but the spontaneity of if is so cool and unique)
- so cute
- they spin the finest/thinnest silk of any animal! At around 65 nanometers in diameter, if is also waterproof! And, while insects have only 1 silk gland (,if they even have one), they have 300 of em!!
- their nests are called Galleries. Need I say more?
- also their males can't consume food can fly and die quickly. Kinda cool
Ice crawlers
- extremophile.
- like. Extremely.
- preferred temperature of 1 to 4 degrees celsius. More than 5 degrees higher? Death. Too much lower? Death (by ice forming inside their bodies)
- they live on glaciers and stuff!!!
I had an honourable mentions section typed out but it got deleted (again) so much pain. At least the rest of the answer stayed tho
Anyway! Thanks for the ask!!!
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head---ache · 7 months
hello im going to talk about my non fankid oc's because i feel like i talk too much about my children (sorry) and too little about my other characters and i know probably no one cares but fuck you/lh im going to force you to care/j
Tools the Chinchilla (she/they) is the oldest character in the group! (Ironically age wise they're the youngest, being 14). They're an anti hero, of sorts?? But I think a better way to describe her is just a silly chinchilla doing her own thing, not caring about anyone else. They really just care about what they have going on and are going to do whatever they need to get things done. She does not care about relationships at all, and only tries to get closer to someone if it benefits her. They're a investigator/scientist, mostly studying about chaos, so you can guess how that leads her to follow the main cast around, trying to act all friendly to get info out of them (but everyone knows she doesn't actually like them because she's really bad at acting). She also has a very big ego, and constantly compares herself to characters like Tails of Eggman, pushing them both down although she's not really an inventor, unless she needs something specific.
Prince the Peacock (he/him) is my boy!!! I love his concept. He has hypnotic powers thanks to his feathers, and he also cares a lot about his looks. He's very sophisticated, but also very high energy and friendly (he can be a little too much, in fact). He's also a bit naive, but that's mostly because he usually sees the best in people, and believes anyone can be good if he's just nice enough. He sees himself and Tools as best friends, even though she can't stand him, he just thinks they're shy. He's a little bit too scared of everything, but after being saved by the Resistance during the war he feels like he needs to do his part, so he's actually quite brave and very usually pushes himself out of his comfort zone.
Ferocity the Spider (she/her) seems to be somewhat of a fan favorite, and I think that might be thanks to her goth lolita fashion and the fact that she's a spider, definitely not something seen in the Sonic franchise. She's a full on villain, and is que agressive. She has all of the abilities spiders commonly have, but I can't get more specific than that. I'm way too scared of spiders and could only use drawings as reference for her design, so I didn't actually take the time to decide what kind of spider she is bskdbskfnskx She has every move calculated, and takes everything into account, she's very careful and methodic, but, like I said, when she needs to, she can get very agressive and scary. She's also very closed off and untrustful, so while she does have someone she works with (more on that later), she usually prefers to do things herself, just to make sure.
Joy the Horse (she/her) is a total sweetie. She's very shy and quiet, but has the biggest heart ever. She's a baker!!! And has her own bakery:) she sometimes brings some of her baked goods to Restoration HQ because some of her friends are there. She's softspoken and kind, but don't look down on her! She can kick you over the next city if she needs to>:) usually in defense, not in offense. She doesn't fight often, but if her or someone she cares about is involved she goes all out trying to help. Also Joy is the only one Tools tries to be friends with, but that's because they want free food. Joy knows this, and yet she still pretends she doesn't see when the chinchilla sneaks a cookie into their pocket.
Torch the Angler Fish (they/them) is Ferocity's right hand!!! Mostly just the dumb henchman in cartoons. They're way too energetic and impulsive, which is why Ferocity usually has to hold them down. They normally do the dirty work; if they need to fight, Torch will do it while Ferocity watches from the shadows and only interferes if needed. Torch, of course, has a little light that can lure people closer to them, and they often hide in the shadows, to then attack by surprise. They enjoy scaring people, they're a bit of an asshole lol. I said Ferocity is agressive, and yet, Torch is the most agressive of the two, which makes them a bit more scary.
Index the Secretary Bird (she/her) is a cute girly who works for the Restoration as, you guessed it, a secretary. I imagine she was friends with Jewel, and when she saw how much work the beetle had, she decided to step in and help. She's also very methodic, and strict. She actually was a librarian before she joined the Restoration, so you can be sure she has outstanding organization skills. She's a bit unexpressive, and distant, but definitely not mean, and if you manage to get close to her you'll have a friend who will give you the best advice and will listen to you with all of her attention!! She also has some knowledge in first aids, so when needed she also helps in that area.
And yeah that's that the fankids get too much attention so these guys also needed a post dedicated to talking about them tehee
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pigeonstab · 11 days
Do you have a favorite au sans? or like a top 5?
Honestly I couldn't choose just one.
I think like, Fell, Horror, Error, Killer and Cross. Are my top five
If I had to pick only one though? Maybe I'd have to go with Error honestly. I just like him a lot
More detailed ramble (that you can skip over) vvv
I don't like Cross as much as I think people might believe? I think maybe it's cause my Cross drawings always seem to be the ones getting the best attention lol. He's cool don't get me wrong but he's bottom of my top five
Horror I think I like mostly because of Horrortale as a whole. The Premise feels very close to 'what might happen' and the comic actually made me feel a bit sick to my stomach at times, I'm a sucker for any media that can pull intense feelings from me like that, even if the feeling is deep discomfort.
Fell, well I would like to give a reasonable answer like for Horror but I justtttt... I just like him. Lol. I have a lot of affection for his character, he's gruff and kind of a tsundere, he's also kinda anxious sometimes which I can relate to, he's got that 'I avoid telling anyone what's going on in my mind' swag. (That Cross also has but different) And I think he's just very cool. I think he uses violence/agression as a defense and I like that kind of character. I like the misunderstandings it can bring, how he pushes people away, I'm sucker for characters who suffer in silence lol.
Maybe Fell's my favorite actually....
For Error it's... Well a lot of it is his design and gimmicks, the string is super cool, I love how he looks, but I rlly do like him as a character too, I like that he's obviously insane and not really morally grey... Cause his morals are just all over the place, I like how he acts with Blue and his backstory with Toriel, how hurt he is. He's a hurt character. He's just... Not alright at all. I think he's in so much turmoil that it's... Impossible for him to deal with. He's hurting so bad. Blue sees this. And tries to help him. But Error is still a danger. He doesn't want to see these AU characters as people. I'm not very good at characterisation and Error especially is a challenge for me to... Write and draw interactions for. Since he's so contradictory and enigmatic. But... I like seeing him in the hands of CrayonQueen lol. She handles his character well (she created him but you get what I mean)
Killer I'm not gonna lie I like mostly for his design. I think it's edgy and just enough. It's a very nice design. I like his wry smile and his attitude. I could go on about his behavior but I think what draws me to the character is actually maybe just drawing his expressions? It's funny cause that's not what I draw at all. Which... Well now I'm sad. I need to draw Killer looking bat shit crazy more. I mostly just pair him with Cross but I think I get more enjoyment with the Character alone. I might have to rethink my dynamics lol
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sonicasura · 4 months
During the three months before the exams
Kafka in his Kaiju form is currently losing his mind after he ended up getting seperated from Rider and Mizutsune after a brawl with some Ant type Kaiju.
Kafka: I lost them, I can't believe I lost my welp ( doesn't realize he called Rider his welp) oh no oh no oh no. What would Reno say?!
Imaginary Reno: Your the worst parent I ever seen, how do you lose a someone in Samurai armor and there giant soap serpent!
Kafka: GAAAHAAA I need to find them NOW!!!!
Rider: Well we did good Mizutsune that's all of those ants, now let's head on back I'm sure Kafka finished off those other Kaiju.
Getting on top of Mizutsune ready to head back when a voice stops them
???: Hold on now, leaving already I just got here kid
Turning to face the voice there met with a Defense Force agent standing at about 5 ft and 5 or 8 inches, along with dark violet hair in a bowl cut, and eyes that seemed like they were closed.
Rider: Ohhh that's not good * clears throat and starts taking in a deep voice* Who you callin' kid I will have you know that I'm a - * Voice Crack* grown up
???: HAHAHA...HAHahaHa...ooohhh man your a riot, anyway I suppose it's rude if I don't introduce myself Vice-Captain Soshiro Hoshina of the Third Divison and I'm gonna hafta ask that you and your Kaiju friend come with us kiddo.
Rider: And if I refuse to go with you?
Hoshina: * Eyes sharpen a bit* Well as much as I would hate it, I'd have to use a more agressive method.
Rider: * Thoughts* What do I do, he primed to launch himself at us, I could get away if I can just get a couple seconds on him, but how...! Wait there is one way.
Rider: * Lets out a small whisper that only Mizustune picks up* Hmmph it seems I'm out of options, well then it's time for my secret technique.
Hoshina: Oh pray tell what is this secret technique you speak of.
Rider: One that only the most renowned warriors use, only the strongest and most cunning can use this technique.
Hoshina: Please I can't take the suspence won't you tell me * Slightly on guard*
Rider: Hmmph hmmhmm.... * Immediately gives Mizutsune the signal* RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
Needless to say that Hoshina was not expecting that and had the added bonus of turning his sense of humor aganist him as he was in stiches laughing.
Rider and Mizutsune made their escape around a half hour chase though neither Rider or Hoshina had a good couple hours ahead of them. For Rider it was a never ending lecture about wandering off without Kafka knowing where to find him. For Hoshina it was trying to do anything and not fall over or drop something as the bubblefoam took hours to get rid off, seriously he couldn't even hold a cup
A little scenario for our favorite Vice-Captain's first meeting with the problem child
Kafka just panicking so badly cause he lost his kids that he didn't realized he called them 'his whelp' sounds like something he would do. Also Hoshina's weakness: his strange sense of humor. He definitely regretted falling for that little trick as Mizutsune only needs a few seconds to set up the Bubblefoam antics.
At least he got a sample of the stuff but I just imagine crashing into walls in an attempt to keep his balance. Dude doesn't know how to handle Bubbleblight at all and it's a real nightmare for speed demons like him. Hoshina is gonna adapt his strategy whenever pursuing Rider though.
The two got a few more chases left.
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soberpluto · 1 year
Scribble: Sun in Cancer
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Brainstorm on what it feels like to have Sun in Cancer!
Flooded by emotions. You change without being aware of it. Your soul is intertwined with the unseen realms. You read others so naturally. You have a psychic antena. Your sixth sense is unmistaken. You pretend to be rock hard, but deep inside you are a tender creature. You understand others without effort. You make others feel seen and acknowledged. Your energy is healing. Your closeness feels ethereal. Excessive acceptance of others may turn into self-abuse. You can forgive, but you never forget. You stand for your loved ones much fiercely than for yourself. You are the Divine Feminine. You are very attracted to masculine energies because you complement them so well. Understanding yourself is essential. You are relentless when you love something or someone. To quit, love has to die. Is it even possible? Do you know when loving is hurting? You are sacrificial and caring by nature. You create family systems. Your friends and lovers become soul units. Women in your family are healing, either by helping you or by being a terrible example you don't ever want to follow. Children make you happy. A partner that takes a paternal role. Your father has a lot of feminine energy. You honor compassion over stern justice. You are excellent at protecting others' assets. You have a beautiful ability to nourish whatever you are affectionate of. You are a good provider. Skilled at organizing and ordering. Tidy and cozy homes. Great at saving money. Your moods are subject to the Moon. Beware of the Full Moon! Temperamental and often misunderstood. You mean no harm, but the tides inside sometimes feel overwhelming. Usually, others cannot imagine how tender you are before you let them in. Naturally creative and expressive, especially in private. Music or art are cherished. You need intimacy to feel safe. You are good at making others feel at home. You are others' support system but may find it hard to find one of your own. Your emotional intensity is brutal, for the good and the bad. It's hard for you to let go. You live in the past. The past makes you feel at home. You want to root when you love something or someone. Antiques, archeology and heritage are of special interest. You are averse to arrogant and abusive types. However, you may be manipulative when you want to get something. Good at instigating guilt trips. Good at lying or bending the truth for your own advantage. Humorous and funny when relaxed. Others may be surprised by your bubbly and cozy personality once you trust them. You defend love with tooth and nail. You can die protecting others. Hero/heroin complex. Passive-agressive tendencies. More often than not you get what you want because of your keen ability to influence emotions. When offended, you retreat and give the cold shoulder better than anyone. Silence and distance are your preferred defense mechanism. When choosing, you cannot ignore your intuition. The nurse. The counsellor. The family therapist. The psychologist. The tutor. The womb. The Chariot. The Oracle. The ocean. You are mysterious like the sea. Still waters run deep. A rich imagination. An adorable soul. Proactive care and emotional growth inspire you. Whatever you initiate has soul and depth. In sync with nature. Animal lover. You need to feel needed. Indifference hurts like nothing else! You love when others ask your advice or help. Very sensitive to criticism. Intensely stubborn, it's hard for others to change your mind. Excellent listeners. You are skilled at observing your surroundings. You solve problems through intuition. Can attract emotionally unavailable partners quite easily. You can be too idealistic and see the good in everyone, a detrimental thing at times. An enormous devotion capacity. You teach others how to feel and open up. Inspiration comes in waves. Productivity depends on the ebb and flow of your emotions. Powerful gut reactions. Amazing storyteller. "Look at the Moon" mood. Your tenderness is like the love of a mother. You are giver of life. You lead with the heart. How will your love heal the world now?🦀
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eyewatcher9 · 24 days
It sucks to see "anas/mias" being agressive to you, you seem like a sincere person, but I can also see where they're coming from. Whenever I eat the amount of food I should, I feel hungry (still), sick and look bloated, when I eat under that, I feel hungry and weak.
I can only assume I have a currently undiagnosed medical condition that makes it psychically and mentally difficult to eat, which leads to binge restrict cycles. I don't know a healthy relationship with food, I have never had one. I don't mean to trauma dump. But it's so frustrating to have people tell me "Don't starve! Just eat protein and do exercises, you'll be happy!" I've tried that before, it didn't work! This comes from a very personal place, I hope you understand that the things you write makes my (and others) issues seem black and white though.
i know it's a grey world, nothing really fades into the things you want, Also, yes, that is right; the methods i recommended could fail, not everyone is the same, but it was so for the fact that they didn't even try it the first place, rather just attacking me and treating me like this enemy to them, as if i wanted to suffer. Anorexia is one of the worst conditions a human being can have in manners of mental health, not just because how it isn't seriously due to the overall social media view of "skinny is better" that started in the 1920s, but also because of the way it works, affecting the metabolism and behavioral patterns of an individual. The reason why most of these people come with attacks towards me, it's mainly due to me touching a personal subject, although hypocritical due to their need to post about it on the internet but sure, personal. It does resonate, having the semblence of an unfed dog, not inferior but miserable, too hungry to fight yet too anxious due to lack of self nutrition to be calm and rational. Eds on the other hand, are the psychological response to food and the brain chemical out-come of such, since most individuals enjoy most meals of their desired taste without any problem, they feel left out and somewhat ignored with this particular issue, as it makes them feel that their need for something that they considered "sweet" or "greasy" can't be met due to selfdeprication of their body image (this is actually the reason why i originally shared recipes, like low sugar peach melba and low oil tray pizza for them). In quick mention, the combination of these 2 conditions create an emotionally hurt individual that can cause acts of damage to their own bodies in response of realese, and often find themselves in the defensive of their own view, to egotistical to take advice or critic, only their own and their own reflection double crosses them and backstabs them each time.
I give up, to the ed and ana tumblr, you won. Hope you enjoy the bowl of ice and rocks, everyone <3
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wetbloodworm · 3 months
ez got me thinking about temerity in gta au so now i gotta work shit out lol
in regular lore, temerity picks his name as all the tieflings in his family do so once they're old enough. i'm thinking he might still go by temerity in a human au, more because he just hates the name his parents picked for him and tbh. a nontraditional name like temerity would bother them more than just going by a nickname in general. still want to work out his legal name - it's not like a deadname to him so im fine sharing it - and i gotta pick out something appropriately stuffy-sounding.
i googled stuffy names and it's all stuffed animal recommendations. my bad. rephrasing lmao
oh kingsley auclair III is an incredible name. adding the third because if it's not tradition to name yourself then absolutely he'd have a family name.
actually the more i think about it, i think he WOULD legally change his name to temerity, mostly because the law is what his parents respect. not that he cares what they think, but this way he can mail them his name change documentation and correct them that according to the law he's temerity when they use his birth name.
rather than being pressured into taking paladin oaths, he'd be pressured into law school. family of lawyers. prosecutors specifically. so he's a law student. i'm thinking he quietly switched his focus to be a defense attorney instead because he COULD just drop out, but it’s more satisfying to him to use his parents' money to learn how to defend people instead, which they'd hate. temerity is hugely motivated by spite after all lmao. shout out to ez for this idea
his rates are flexible depending on what his client can afford and he's willing to work pro bono. again spite is a motivator here, moreso than altruism. like he can be a decent guy and that's part of it but he mostly just wants to help the kinds of people he's been told aren't deserving of help, because fuck you.
the only reason temerity doesn't go no contact with his family is because he wants to continue being passive agressive towards them tbh
is he gonna stick with being an attorney once he graduates? maybe. at least for a bit. he can do other stuff on the side.
or maybe he's already graduated. how old is temerity. how long does law school take. these are things i'll have to figure out.
does he do crime or just defend criminals/people accused of crimes? i haven't decided yet.
i tried drawing him as a human yesterday and he looks WRONG. not like bad but different enough that i don't fully recognize him as temerity. no horns, no szuldar, no tail, round ears, white sclera. that's too many things. that's a stranger. which is weird because i don't remember having this problem with human!syrus, at least not to this degree. i think it doesn't help that i struggle with tem's face in general so he rarely looks Right anyway, so that on top of all the changes and he IS unrecognizable to me lmao
do like the idea of him in some business outfit with his black trenchcoat thrown over top. same basic aesthetic.
i think ez and i decided that elek and temerity can meet in law school here. tem might also know his dad if taras is a local judge.
oh i COULD make his future chaotic god ilidris a criminal contact. which means i need to figure out what she's doing in this au
the family god erolith could be another judge, i'd say the head of a law firm but his god title is literally The Honorable for the judge connection.
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"you aret not a goodly Christian woman"?!?! Ugh gross.
Of course puritans would be in purgatory.
Lol when you're all so hot you will seduce people in purgatory.
"a very soft squishy bottom" title of your sex tape! Booooom.
John trying to sound indignant while jumping for his phone. Amazing.
Oof when you're best defense is you're doing what you think is best, you're on unstable ground.
Then again I am biased against bad parents, so what do I know.
The fucking cop again???? He's mind controlled now probably.
Please let Gary not be one of them. 🙏
Noooooo not the silver bullets. 😭 Where is Jessie?? His brother needs him!!
Noooooooooo not Gary. 😭😭😭😭 Also. Even when he is evil the worst thing he can say is I hope you die. Lmao
Aww giving Rebecca some extra bonuses is such a nice way to apologise for missing her in the turn order. I really like that.
Aviva is just such a badass.
Every unkind thought he has ever had about Aviva!?! Why is this evil monster so juicy???
He is too sweet to say something really hateful. Bless 😭😭😭
Noooooo not Aviva being unconscious. 😭
Noooooo not Gary!!!! Please😭😭😭😭 oh my God! Biting him in half???? What the fuck!!!!
I sometimes forget how deadly these werewolves are.
Yaaaaay Aviva is not unconscious! Also hooray for Tim!!
Okay I'm sorry, but magic is fucking hot!! John just sundering that thing, holy fuck!
John and Aviva beating this thing together. 😭
"you don't have to apologise for that. I'm sorry I was right!" with anyone else that would be passive agressive, but not with Aviva 😂.
Wait after all this is John just naked now?
Jessie coming back to them after all this and all the gore, and his brother almost dead!!!
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meganuzlockediary · 1 year
Pokemon Black! Watchogg this!
June 24th
Okay! first gym down but I have heard the next one is always a run killer. So after beating up some grunts, having a dream (genuinely a cool sequence wish there was more of this in pokemon) and talking to the cute but ultimately useless Dr. Fennel I am free to leave striaton city!
Now I can catch some pokemon! Now I don't want to overload my team in case of a wipe but I still want a good chance to win. To help I catch 2 pokemon. First I beat up Cheren. I am overlevelled for him and pansage nicely counters his oshawott for now. Then he joins me in taking down some other grunts inwellspring cave. This is the location of the most important encounter for Lenora and there's 50% of catching it!
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I get lucky! Here is Jim Geode the Roggenrola. A pokemon I have never used but resisting normal types is going to be invaluable. Especially with Iron defence and a not terrible attack.
With roggenrola on board the training begins. I slowly work my way down route 3 make it to Nacrene and deftly avoid N to get to pinwheel forest. I am using the pinwheel forest clause but tbh I probably won't need it. I go into the grass hoping again for the encounter I want. A tympole is a 40 ish percent encounter rate. But if I get tympole out the way then I can catch a fighting type in the next run!
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I get lucky again and catch the tympole. This will be my planned water type for this run! Again I have never used them but a solid ground water type will be fun to use.
I train up more around challenge rock. Levelling up Speed and attack EVs where I can before I am ready for the gym.
N after training is no problem. Pignite has evolved and is a little beasty now with his arm thrust and flame charge combo it is a pretty comfy team at the moment.
With that I race to Lenora.
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Yeah she left before I could get a picture...
Still. Her nasty gimick is some powerful attacks, along with intimidate, watchog's hypnosis and most dangerous the move retaliate which doubles when you defeat her Pokemon. So, Planning ahead I start with Pansage. Pansage here has one job set up leech seed on Herdier fast and get out. Lucily he gets it first turn then takes a LOT of damage from take down. I switch into roggenrola and begin the set up. 3 iron defenses maxes out my defence meaning I can tank anything they can dish out. Leechseed keeps me topped up so now I can just whittle away at herdier while he does practically nothing even with a critical hit. By the time Herdier is defeated I am only a slither away from full. Watchog comes in and knowing retaliate will do nothing goes for leer putting me down a singular defence stage. I have to laugh. Crunch is scary with its ability to defence drop even further and I do fall asleep once. But it only takes a few headbutts to seal the victory!
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This went very well! I will have to be much more agressive in the next game but I am glad I am past this little bottleneck that some struggle with. Next up Burgh and his Bugs but with Pignite I doubt it will be much issue.
Badges won: 66
Pokemon used: 45
Pokemon defeated 31
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llycaons · 4 months
later is now. so I love herla and I'll get to her, but aethel strikes me as a horribly careless and self-centered leader fixated on her own victimization and whining about how hard HER job is to murder unarmed prisoners for what they MIGHT do. like!!! you couldn't have offered clemency to these impoverished men you ADMITTED were pressed into service for your enemy!! what the fuck!
and it IS unfair she's criticized disproportionately by misogynistic men for her strategic decisions but she also seems unable to admit when she's made a mistake and she's also like, a war leader who slaughters people in battle at the head of an army and her goals seem to be crushing rebellion (okay) but no grander principles beyond that so she just looks like a bloodthirsty mass murderer idk. what does SHE want for the people of her land? herla and boudica were fighting against roman invasion and conquest, fighting for the political liberation of their land and people. this political situation is much more complicated. I don't really care if ein is the king, and aethel's fixation on holding onto her and her husband's power doesn't inspire much enthusiasm for her or her cause.
and in fact her erratic behavior IS extremely concerning for a HEAD OF STATE like she claims to be. not to echo the sexist old men here but being a political leader means you have to be aware of your image to a certain extent. she's willing to kill a bunch of people and murder prisoners in cold blood but apparently can't control her behavior in public? THAT'S too much of a toll? like, get over yourself lady! maybe this is bc I just came from reading about a pirate commander in a similar position...sk had a horrific past, she lost so much and came from extreme poverty and literal sex slavery, she had to claw her way to power and hold it, and she takes her professional responsibility to her men and crew extremely seriously, as well as her personal relationships to the people around her. and she has zero legal legitimacy, she's done terrible things that she recognizes and that haunt her, and she acts from a place of desperation to keep control but NOT constant angry defensiveness like aethel does. it's only been one chapter so maybe this is unfair but aethel comes off as if she IS the unreasonable and brutal leader she's being accused of. it's like she's insecure. 'if they they want a she-wolf, let them see one' and then kill a guy???? 1. they DIDN'T want to see a she-wolf! and 2. you don't meed to kill a man to prove a point so pettily! wtf!
like honestly? I think the author is a fan of them ('power couple'? 🙄) but ein seems far more reasonable and humane. aethel doesn't come off well as a warrior when she's the one who holds all the political power, she seems like a spoiled and overly agressive brute. sk personally beheading a crew member as punishment for assaulting a woman after making the consequences for such a crime clear, and aethel having a prisoner of war killed without question for the mere RISK that he'd defect again, are completely different in my head.
ALSO. what is going ON with the heir. this is a serious fucking mistake on the author's part, because whatever personal hangups the king has, he HAS to have an heir. he's clearly not stupid. adopt a kid if it's so impossible for him to fuck his wife or something idk. clearly he's the one with the issue! but it was so dumb when his brother was like 'you need an heir' and ein made it about disliking aethel, and maybe his brother does dislike her, but it's an extremely important political concern! for the entire court! if aethel and ein want to be stable rulers, they NEED an heir! go and adopt someone! I'm losing my mind here. the author has GOT to know better than this right. the foreward was so interesting and she clearly did so much research. she knows what she's doing!
but that's the complaints. the other half of this story, about herla, is just spellbinding. I do wish the author knew a different word than 'tawny' when it came to hair, but the mythological style and the lyrical prose of the prologue was absolutely stunning. I WISH we'd stayed in the past with herla and boudica. I bet I would have liked boudica far more for the righteousness of her cause 😭 I like herla a lot as it is tho. her voice is very strong and I loved hearing about her intimacy with her queen. and the descriptions are ao vivid! in every chapter I'm like oohh. the scene where aethel and herla see each other was SO good
and the mythological aspect itself, the worldbuilding, is so delicious. I'm definitely going to keep reading and I feel bad I dislike one of the leads so immediately and I really hope that changes because this story is so cool in every other way. I don't want her to 'soften' or stop being a warrior I just want to see some maturity and humility and a sense of justice. something that makes me think she'd be worthy to be an spiritual succesor to boudica. she doesnt even need to stop acting insane like stop murdering prisoners in cold blood and then complaining about it. please.
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