#you don't know hank anderson very well
pupmkincake2000 · 9 months
So, I never thought that I'd play Baldur's Gate 3, since turn-based RPGs are not my thing. But I was literally persuaded to play this game and I just have to share my impressions.
I did watch shorts and videos on YouTube, so I was aware of the world and characters before playing. That's why I decided to start Gale's origin
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and I think if I decide to replay the game, I will choose him again, since he is the best. Yes, I think he is. I love good characters, kind, sympathetic, a little ambitious, gentle and loyal. And Gale fits my taste standards perfectly. He kind of reminds me of a sweet Hank Anderson from Detroit: Become Human. Noble, kind, gentle and faithful.
And, the funniest thing is that I decided to romance Astarion. Playing as Gale.
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But not because I like Astarion.
On the contrary (and now hear me out), the more I played, the more he annoyed me, and I didn’t understand why people were so crazy about him. I mean, if you want him to like you, you need to do morally questionable things. Not to mention he is absolutely not my type, I never liked characters like him. That is, Astarion is the embodiment of everything that disappoints me in characters.
And you can talk as much as you like about his life being difficult. Because this does not justify many of his actions.
However, the ship itself works surprisingly well. I mean, I really like Gale and I don't like Astarion, but their ship surprisingly works. And now in a ship Astarion seems much... likable?
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Basically, they are a perfect complement to each other, which is exactly the type of relationship I love. They help each other, they do not “fix” each other, but complement each other. They heal each other. Their relationship is not abusive if both work on this relationship, and the love between them is that type of love that happens probably once in a century. And to be honest, I don't want to make Astarion an ascended vampire (I haven't finished the game yet), I'm sure Gale will find a way for him to walk in the sun without the ritual.
Well, now to the other characters. Karlach and Wyll
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are just two incredible sunshines. I tried to build friendly relations with them, I didn’t choose flirt while answering their lines, but for some reason they still ended up offering me sex, and it was really awkward and painful to turn them down.
So I just started shipping them together because it's another type of relationship I enjoy. It’s a pity that their couple is not popular (is there such a pairing at all?). This is the perfect “enemies to lovers” ship and it’s a shame that they can’t, like in some games, flirt with each other if they don’t have any affair with the main character .
I have almost nothing to say about Shadowheart, I’m not particularly interested in her (my party consists mainly of Astarion, Karlach and Lae'zel), but I think she has enough fans.
Halsin… oh, he is a magnificent man, and I would have romanced him if not the reasons. But I want you to know that he is also an incredible sunshine too, kind soft teddy bear who I wanted to hug and never let go.
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And finally, HIM. Mysterious Guest. I knew this was an emperor, but I really liked the look I've created for him! I made him look like Hank Anderson, of course he didn’t look exactly like him, but nevertheless… I think he turned out very beautiful.
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Let me scream about this beaty for a while!
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In general, apart from problems with the gameplay (it took me a long time to get used to it), the game is really nice. The only thing that, it seems to me, would be worth changing is the permissiveness of choices when you go through the origin of any of the main characters, as was done with the Dark Urge. I mean, Wyll, Karlach and Gail are sunshines, so I absolutely can't believe that they are capable of doing bad things. If you can't avoid bad deeds when playing as the Urge, why can't you make it so that good characters are unable to do bad deeds? Would you really believe that Gale, Wyll or Karlach would be capable of slaughtering the whole village of children? For example, I believe that Astarion most likely would not have saved Shadowheart in the first act; he behaves selfishly throughout the entire first act. But I don’t believe that Karlach, Wyll and Gale would be capable of leaving her caged.
So, yeah, that's it.
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codename-adler · 3 months
Can't blame Danielle when it's wymack we talk about.
Au vise do you think David ever was in situation where he had to explain someone why relationship with him is not in realm of possibility ? Do you think he would see a need for such conversation as his failure of setting boundaries in the first place ? Would he ask bee or Abby for advice if he needed one ?
Would Dan be happy when those feelings are addressed in therapy and she can apreciate platonic relationship with coach for what it is
I like digging into concepts
now that it seems the heat has died on that subject matter... i'll gladly and gratefully answer u my friend <3 thank you for getting it.
AU wise, i DEFINITELY 100% think Wymack has had to establish boundaries in his career as PSU Coach. oh how i would looooove to write the first time it happened. add it to the pile of wips.
i think... the overall sentiment of surprise he's slapped with when he has to face such a situation for the first time, is divided into many levels.
a) at some point, when you're collecting kids with parental issues coming out of their noses and asses, you gotta be ready for when some misplaced attachments occur. Wymack is def not ready, which is very very dumb of him. Abby saw it coming. Bee saw it coming. how did he not? big big oversight of him. now he's gotta deal with things wayyyy above his paygrade for that mistake. surprise mf! the care and tough love you provided your team has been misinterpreted by an unadjusted athlete! what did you expect david. really.
b) not to borrow too much from dbh's Hank Anderson, but i like to believe Wymack is partly surprised that one of his athletes is infatuated with him, because it's him we're talking about. he is not the same man who won over Kayleigh Day, is not as in shape and confident in his body, and despite the scarce hook-ups here and there over the years since her, Kayleigh herself was not much more than a fwb situationship herself. Wymack can't see past his family history and all his scars (mental and physical) when it comes to romantic relationships. so for a young thing to confess to him? good ol' Coach? gotta be a joke. he's not flattered at all, he's baffled. he is also very much concerned about his athlete beyond this unprofessional and inappropriate infatuation. like, wtf are your standards? let's address that. if it'd been, like, Abby, of course he'd get it. but him? yikes, man. (Bee screams into her pillow about this self-deprecating bs Wymack refuses to consult about. somebody worship this man, please! not you Greenberg tho. you get therapy for your daddy issues. it's never gonna happen.)
c) it worries Wymack very much that he did not see this developing, and it plants doubt in his ability to manage his team, his players, and provide them with what they need. it's not about setting boundaries and closing that door, because he didn't even know there was a door to close to begin with. it's about knowing that door exists and noticing it open. it really destabilizes him, to the point he's not sure he even knows his players anymore, if he's even capable of seeing through their bs, to the point where he doubts if he even should be Coach of such a complex and precarious team. surely someone out there is more qualified. surely someone out there is more well-adjusted and observant. i don't know which OG Foxes gets through to him, but i know it takes one of them, or more, to tell him that it's not about being qualified and parrying every issue before they even arise, but about wanting to be there, for them, wanting the best for them, and wanting to give them chances. surely you can give yourself that chance too, Coach? talks w/ Bee and Abby are def had, but ultimately it's the Palmetto Nines that get him though it.
about Dan now. bc i based myself on my own issues for her misplaced infatuation with Wymack, i'll once again base myself on lil 'ole me for how she copes with it: she is taking that one to the grave. she's able to fly under the radar of Bee's built-in bs detector. she's just glad she's not the only one to get those yucky feelings, that yes she does have issues but it's also normal, and well, by the time a newer Fox infatuates themself with Wymack, she is well over it and the case is closed. she even teases Wymack about the number of recruits who thirst over him over the years (once Wymack is able to treat as a joke too, like, years down the line and he hears other coaches having the same problem and the Foxes having a betting pool on who the next poor fool is. once Nicky overtly makes his objective appreciation known, and there are polls online. etc.)
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nochuelinha · 6 months
Chapter 2: Coffe?
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I got into the car with Hank and Connor, heading to the department following the car carrying the deviant. Silence was only broken by Hank's music. It didn't take long for us to arrive. We went to an interrogation room, much to my dismay, Gavin was there.
"Hey doll, came to join the case too?" His voice deeply irritated me.
"No, Reed, I came to see if the deviant wanted to grab a beer with me," Officer Miller chuckled, and the room fell silent. The deviant was sitting on the other side of the glass, looking like a lost cat in the rain. Connor volunteered to interrogate him, and no one objected, except the hopeless Reed.
Connor initially adopted an empathetic and gentle approach with the deviant, seeking to establish a connection and understand his perspective. His compassionate attitude seemed to indicate a willingness to help and resolve the situation peacefully. However, as the conversation progressed, Connor began to pressure the deviant, presenting evidence and asking incisive questions to get clear answers.
The change in Connor's behavior was gradual but noticeable. His expression became more serious, his movements more determined as he approached the truth. He didn't back down in the face of the deviant's resistance; instead, he intensified his efforts to extract a confession.
With skill and perseverance, Connor led the conversation until the deviant finally relented, revealing all the details of his actions. As he recounted the abuses he suffered and what motivated him to do what he did, the puzzle pieces were put together. Connor stood up and went to the door; Gavin and Chris entered and tried to lift the deviant, who began to get agitated. Gavin tried his best to remove him from the spot.
"Stop it, leave him alone. He'll follow calmly if you give him space," Connor's voice raised, but Gavin didn't want to listen. I know very well what Gavin is capable of doing to irritate someone. I drew my gun from the holster and pointed it at him.
"Let go of the deviant, Reed, and get out of the way." He looked at me annoyed. I looked at him seriously, then he relented. Chris took the deviant out, without using brute force, so I put my gun away. Connor and Hank looked at me - "What?" I added with an ironic smile, trying to ease the tension with a little humor. Both looked at me for a few more seconds before Hank let out a resigned sigh, and Connor gave a slight smile, indicating they understood my position, even if they didn't completely agree with it.
The next day, Connor arrived at the department early. I, who usually arrive on time, was surprised to see him there at that hour, seemingly having already searched the place for Hank, as he stood by his desk like a puppy.
"Good morning, Connor," I smiled at him; he returned it with a slightly crooked smile, very cute.
"Good morning, Detective Last/Name, can you tell me if Lieutenant Anderson will take long to arrive?" I sat down at my desk on the right and looked at him, then at the clock, sighing amusedly.
"He usually arrives at 9:00 or 16:00, depending on where he was the night before. Why don't you take this time to look around, get to know the people and such?" I suggested to him, and he agreed, leaving my field of vision, really very cute. With a smile on my lips, I returned my attention to my desk, knowing that the day promised to be interesting with Connor's presence there. A few minutes later, I heard a commotion in the break room; Gavin's voice was unmistakable.
"Can you believe it? Look at this, a new toy," Gavin was talking about Connor to Officer Chen, who was laughing without much humor. "Get me a coffee, old tin can." Connor was accommodating and got coffee for Gavin. I closed my eyes; he really does seem like a puppy. Gavin made another stupid joke and left with Chen. I went over to Connor and grabbed the coffee.
"Since Gavin isn't going to have this, it's mine now. Thanks, Connor," I smiled at him and took a sip of the coffee; I couldn't hold back the grimace; it was decaf.
"Something wrong?" He asked, concerned. I shook my head.]
"I don't like decaf," I was about to take another sip, what we don't do for a new friendship, but he stopped me, took the cup from my hands, and made me a new one, with plenty of caffeine just the way I like it. He's a sweetheart.
Hank arrived not long after, and he didn't seem happy to see Connor there. After a few minutes, Captain Fowler called us. He explained that we would be a task force against the various cases of deviants that were happening. Hank almost exploded with joy; of course, he did. I left the room accompanied by Connor; Hank was cursing up a storm at that moment.
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crow-cards · 2 years
DBH hug headcanons
includes the main three and a bunch of side characters! did everyone I could think of/wanted to do, tags list everyone :]
if you like these, feel free to send requests!! <3
very comforting hugs, just tight enough and fully wraps his arms around your back and buries his face in your shoulder or hair, depending on your height difference
will also rest a hand on the back of your head and hold you closer that way
sways with you a little if it lingers long enough
also gives a tight squeeze before pulling away
comfortably tight hugs, wraps his arms around your upper back and buries his face in your shoulder if he can
otherwise he'll rest his cheek against the top of your head
lingers for a bit and also does a little swaying, pats your shoulder when you pull away
gentle hugs, but keeps you close. wraps one arm around your upper back and the other rests a hand on your head.
she'll rub your back very comfortingly and will stay for as long as you need, doesn't pull away until you do
will lean her head against yours, maybe pet your hair if you allow it as well
Hank Anderson
tight bear hugs, but not uncomfortably tight, pats you on the back a little too hard though
sways a little bit and gives you a tight squeeze before pulling away, then ruffles your hair or pats you on the shoulder afterwards
he's not very keen on touchy stuff though so don't expect it to be easy to get one, or that he'd be up for it often. if he's less in the mood then he'll just give a quick side hug without much care. might rub your arm a little bit though if he feels bad for being grouchy when you need/want a hug
Gavin Reed
he will never admit it but he fucking loves hugs. it'll be SO hard to get him to hug you, and if you try he'll most likely shove you away
when he comes around, though, he'll absolutely act like he doesn't care and doesn't put much effort into it
but if you hold him for a minute, he'll eventually melt into it, wrapping his arms around your back and leaning into it, burying his face in your shoulder mutters a "shut up" before you even say anything because he knows what you're thinking
if you're a lot closer to him though, he'll happily hug you and will be playful with it, hugs you really tight and squeezes the air outta you before laughing about it, ruffles your hair afterwards or rubs your arm
Nines (RK900)
not familiar with any sort of affection so he's very confused when you hug him, but he'll reciprocate, just in a very... stiff manner
rests his hands against your back but doesn't really lean in or actually hug, it's more like him just copying what he thinks a hug is
once he learns a bit more and successfully gets rid of that stiff, robotic feeling (because he just did research in his head and tried to copy it, but you can't exactly fake the feelings put into a hug), his hugs feel a lot... warmer. comfortable
he leans into it more and hold you closer, but doesn't exactly give very tight hugs. he'll also close his eyes and lean his head against yours/your shoulder
give him a minute and all the tension from his shoulders will fade, and he'll really relax into it, maybe wrapping his arms around you a little tighter
not a touchy person at all, probably wouldn't accept a hug in the first place
if you do hug her, it's probably awkward and she'll just hover her arms until you eventually get off her
she's only affectionate at all to those she feels like she's bonded super well with, so if you're very close with her, she'll be more likely to hug you
and in that situation, she gives side hugs and probably gives you a noogie. still not exactly comfortable enough for a full hug
very gentle hugs, holds you close and nuzzles against you
wraps his arms completely around your upper back and leans in a good bit, gives you a tight squeeze for a moment or a quick rub on your back
simon ily but I have absolutely nothing else, my memory of the side characters gets kinda fuzzy 😔
very careful hugs, tries his best not to squish you because he knows he's bigger and stronger, but the hugs still feel comfortably tight, very warm
crouches or kneels down if he feels like getting more onto your level, will put a hand on the back of your head and rest his on your shoulder
gets on her tippy toes even if you're crouched down and wraps her arms around your neck, resting her head against your shoulder
hugs you so tight!! does little excited hops if she's feeling especially happy/energetic
gives you a tight squeeze before pulling away
if she's more calm or tired, she'll just rest against you for a little while and sways with you a bit. makes her a little sleepy too
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
do you have any good DBH fic recommendation lists?
Oh my God YES (Mostly Reed900 and Simarkus :D)
The first fic I'll always recommend to everyone is Leading By Example by Kurana. It's hands down the best Simarkus fic I've ever read, and one of the best fics I've ever read in general. It's got fake relationship to lovers, mutual pining, sharing a bed, emotional intimacy, good North content, dad Carl, even some minor dad Hank in the background, and a cool plot with Kamski that interprets his character a bit differently than I would but is just as fascinating and intriguing. I love it so much and it makes me feel emotions I didn't know I had. I still cry everytime I read it.
White Lilac by WritingIsMyCoffee - This has LOTS of Dad Hank/Anderson Fam content, which is why I read it in the first place. It's kinda Chloe x Connor centric, which I don't ship but I didn't mind it, and it was cute for the story. There's background Simarkus and developing Reed900. Very angsty, but has a happy ending.
From now on forever by KaterinaSentByCyberLife, if you like wedding fluff (I usually don’t, but this one is so good). Reed900, background Simarkus, and Dad Hank, it’s beautiful I love it a lot
Interstellar Methods of Love and Murder by wordscavenger. It's Simarkus and Reed900, and an AU fic. idk what the AU is exactly but they're gay and in space, shit goes down, and they have to stop it. It's got a super cool plot and the pining is real. I love it. Also has funny RK bros shenanigans.
and the secret garden bloomed and bloomed by farouche. It's a beautiful modern AU Simarkus fic and also Simon works in a flower shop and Markus is an artist who's drawn to him. There's also some funny Daniel and Simon being brothers content.
Heavenly Bodies by raphae11e - Simarkus canon compliant AU, everything's the same except the revolution lasts several months rather than a week, and there's so much mutual pining.
welcome to hell by honeybvnches. It’s like a texting fic and it is hilarious, it’s Simarkus with background Chloenorth and Reed900
Turning the Tide by LupoLight and He's My Partner by LupoLight. They’re not related fics but I like them both a lot.
Nines is Nefarious by AndroidTrash800. It's a Reed900 Dexter AU (basically, serial killer with morals) and it's amazing. It's also funny and angsty but with a beautiful happy ending. Also Dad Hank <3
Time in a Tree and The Last Romance by SunshineHead. It's a two part series and it's so sad and sweet and ofc it has a happy ending bc I can't do angst without a happy ending but it def made me tear up. More Dad Hank <3 (Nines is called Conan in this series but I just downloaded it as an epub, opened it through the Calibre e-book editor, and used the find and replace feature to replace every instance of "Conan" with "Nines" bc I can't read him with a different name djfhsj)
GRIND ME DOWN by @texssins (texs_sins on ao3). I was expecting smut with casual plot and got blindsided by some excellent angst. There's also a twist that I SHOULD have seen coming but definitely didn't and it was awesome.
And of course, last but certainly not least, I have to recommend Adapt and Endure (the fic and the comic) by @aydaptic. It's a staple Reed900 fic. The second part - Liberosis - is great as well.
There’s probably more, but these are just the ones off the top of my head. If you have any fic recs too I’d LOVE to see them <333
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sunwarmed-ash · 10 months
🔥Sinful Sunday🔥
My love language is misery
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Chapter 1: Hurt
Fandom: Detroit Become Human Ships: one sided hankvin/established hankcon->hankconvin Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Angst,Hurt Gavin Reed, Supportive Hank Anderson, Supportive Connor, self harm, pining gavin, jealous gavin read, two part hurt/comfort fic, pre relationship TWs: Post SA aftermath, reference implied SA Chapter preview:
Gavin's hands are shaking so hard he drops his lighter three times onto the half frozen surface of the smokers patio. He phcking hates today. Hates Anderson. Hates his plastic replacement. Hates that he will never be good enough for anybody again…  Hates that he’s so ruined.   He’s three pulls into his second cigarette when his fist comes flying in contact with one of the four bricked pillars. Pain shoots through his split knuckles and radiates up his dominant arm into his shoulder. It still doesn't hurt as much as being alone does. Having nothing and no one. He’s old (37, a grandpa in queer math), he's damaged, (sexually traumatized beyond repair), no one wants him, at least not in the way he wants them (why the hell would they?) All that’s left for him is another 40 years on this endless, repetitive cycle, forever.  Something drops on the concrete behind him and it takes Gavin a moment to check back in and realize who and what it was.  The What was a cup of coffee, rapidly cooling and soaking into the bottom of his left pant leg.  The Who was Connor, Anderson’s new phcking soulmate, who is now just standing there silently dumbstruck, his stupid mouth gaping wide enough to catch flies. His eyes are staring at Gavin’s hand, which now that Gavin looks at it he can see it’s bleeding. Like a lot.  “PHCKING WHAT?” he shouts, the overwhelming feeling of being caught sends Gavin’s defenses reeling. Gavin watches as Connor stumbles back at the outburst. Shows fear for the first time in his presence, and it’s because he’s personally responsible.   Good. Leave me alone.  “I-I…” Connor says, looking at the empty styrofoam cup before bending to pick it up. He doesn't try and look at Gavin’s hand again, but he finds Gavin’s eyes and somehow that's worse. "Detective…” “The phck are you even doing out here Connor?” Because they are not talking about this. About him.  “I...I was bringing you a coffee.” Gavin scoffs. Yeah fucking right.  “Why?”  “...A peace offering.” A peace offering?! What did Connor fall and hit his head? “For what? Am I not leaving you alone enough?" The android blushes and Gavin can’t even begin to try and decipher what that means.  “Yes... Well, I suppose that's the root of the problem. I don't… want you to ignore me.” “So you’d rather I go back to messing with you?” “No. I just… a fresh start? Maybe? For the both of us? We are coworkers now and I think it-” “No thanks,” Gavin interrupts, “Not really looking to make any new friends.” Connor’s brow furrow and he looks genuinely upset by the rejection. Gavin doesn't know what the phck he expects. What the hell would they even have in common? Except for a hard-on for Hank.  “Very well. Can I get you something for your hand Detective? It's still bleeding.” Gavin’s disbelieving scoff is mean.  “Get the phck out of here Connor.”
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marcusrobertobaq · 7 months
Summary for 06X Chapters - mostly cut/unused content (ENG)
⚠️ Some stuff may be wrong, missing or just me not being 100% sure. I'M NOT A DBH GAME FILES SPECIALIST.
⚠️ Some stuff can be in >>french<< meaning ain't got an english version of the content.
⚠️ If you don't know what all this content is about see this post for examples.
[🡸Previous Chapter Set] [Next Chapter Set🡺]
➤ Time To Decide (06M)
╔Unused Thoughts:
╔Unused dialogues and choice groups:
{S}{*TC:0|840}What happened to you?
{S}{*TC:840|7520}Humans… They wanted to have fun with me… They tied me to the back of their car… I've only a few hours left to live… I don't want to burn out… I don't want to burn out…
➤ Russian Roulette (06C)
╔Unused Thoughts:
╔Chapter Impacts:
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╔Unused dialogues and choice groups:
(they're mostly from this bugged Amanda Garden dialogue section)
{S}{*1}It was working under a false identity,{*2}at a nearby urban farm.{*3}This was the first time we’ve seen deviants blending in with the human population.{*4}Who knows how many others there are like it?
{S}{*1}You came very close to capturing that deviant…{*2}How did it manage to get away?
{S}{*1}It knew the urban farm very well,{*2}it knew where to go… {*3}I did everything I could but {*4}I lost it…
{S}{*1}I see…
{S}{*1}Lieutenant Anderson was in danger.{*2}I had to choose between pursuing the deviant or saving a human life. {*3}Yes, Amanda.
{S}{*1}If we don’t stop the deviants,{*2}millions of people will be in danger.{*3}How important is the life of a single police lieutenant by comparison?.. {*4}Nothing should distract you from your mission, Connor.{*5}Nothing.
{S}{*1}Interesting…{*2}Tell me, Connor…{*3}What happened with the AX400 that escaped?
{S}{*1}I couldn’t find any evidence of it on the scene.{*2}It must have escaped before we arrived,{*3}unless it was a false lead.
{S}{*1}Why didn’t you keep chasing it onto the highway?
{S}{*1}Why didn't you keep chasing it onto the highway?
{S}{*1}Lieutenant Anderson ordered me not to go.{*2}I thought the deviant would be destroyed anyway.
{S}{*1}Lieutenant Anderson ordered me not to go. {*2}Yes, Amanda.
{S}{*1}Why are you following his orders?..{*2}You only have one responsibility, Connor: {*3}catching deviants.
{S}{*1}I knew there was a high risk of me being destroyed…{*2}I thought it was better for the investigation if I stayed safe…
{S}{*1}Fleeing across the highway was a totally irrational decision.{*2}They still haven't found it yet,{*3}but it was almost certainly destroyed.
{S}{*1}Fleeing into the highway was a totally irrational decision.{*2}I was close to apprehending it,{*3}until I was destroyed.
{S}{*1}I’ll beat the shit outta you!
{S}{*TC:373|2939}Fucking dog lets anybody in...
➤ Spare Parts (06M)
╔Unused Thoughts:
╔Chapter Impact:
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╔Unused dialogues and choice groups:
Merde, espèce d’enfoiré ! VITE, DONNE L’ALARME ! (Damn, you bastard! QUICKLY, SOUND THE ALARM!)
{S}C’est bizarre qu’ils soient tombés comme ça, non ?Ouaip… Vaudrait quand même mieux jeter un oeil vite fait…Ce que tu peux être con… ({S}It's weird that they fell like that, isn't it? Yep... It would still be better to take a quick look... What an idiot you can be...)
{S}J’en sais rien… Peut-être la pluie…Qu’est-ce que tu veux que ce soit ? Un voleur malvoyant qui s’est cogné à des bidons ?(il se marre)Ouaip, eh ben je te laisse essayer de résoudre ce passionnant mystère, moi je rentre me mettre au sec. ({S}I don't know... Maybe the rain...What do you want it to be? A visually impaired thief who bumped into some cans? (he laughs) Yep, well I'll let you try to solve this fascinating mystery, I'm going back to dry.)
{S}{*TC:0|1880}That fence over there. It leads to the outside.
{S}{*TC:0|520}Ok, let's go!
╔Unused Observation:
➤ The Eden Club (06C)
╔Unused Thoughts:
╔Chapter Impact:
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╔Unused dialogues and choice groups:
{S}{*1}Connor! The fuck are you doin'?{*2}Leave it alone.
{S}{*1}Do you know this man? Have you seen him before?
{S}{*1}No, this was the first time…
{S}{*1}Listen, I appreciate you not shutting my place down, but, um… {*2}how long's this gonna take? {*3}You’re scaring my customers…
{S}{*TC:0|16000}There were two of us with him… He seemed normal at first… then he started to beat us… and beat us, again and again… It seemed to amuse him…When he broke the other android, I knew that I was going to be next… So I put my hands around his throat… and I squeezed until he stopped moving… I didn't mean to kill him… I just wanted to defend myself… I just wanted to live… to get back to the girl I love…{*TC:16000|20480}I wanted her to hold me in her arms and make me forget about humans… their smell of sweat and their dirty words…
{S}{*TC:20480|21200}Come on, let's go.
{S}{*TC:0|20720}C’est vrai, j’ai tué cet homme… Il nous a frappées… encore et encore… On aurait dit que ça l’amusait… Quand il a cassé l’autre androïde, je savais que ça allait être mon tour… Alors j’ai mis mes mains autour de son cou… et j’ai serré jusqu’à ce qu’il ne bouge plus… Je ne voulais pas le tuer… Je voulais juste me défendre… Je voulais juste vivre… retrouver celle que j’aime… (elle prend la main de l’autre Traci) qu’elle me prenne dans ses bras et me fasse oublier les humains… leur odeur de sueur et leurs mots sales… ({S}{*TC:0|20720}That's right, I killed that man... He hit us... again and again... It seemed like he was enjoying it... When he broke the other android, I knew it was going to be my turn... So I put my hands around his neck... and I squeezed until he didn't move... I didn't want to kill him... I just wanted to defend myself... I just wanted to live... to find the one I love... (she takes the other Traci's hand) for her to take me in her arms and make me forget about humans... their smell of sweat and their dirty words...)
╔Unused Observation:
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MENU_OBSERVATION_06C_MP_BLUEBLOOD_2_SUBLINE02 Serial number #354 411 057
➤ UNKNOWN KARA CHAPTER (06K Zlatko - Old Ver.)
(For some reason some cut Zlatko dialogues are tagged as part of the 06K chapters. Kara ain't got no 06K, maybe this Zlatko version - where Alice was still a human - was supposed to happen after a cut chapter/section from Kara?)
{S}{*TC:0|4240}I know where you're hiding… The game is over, I'm gonna make you pay real dear for this little number …
{S}{*TC:0|13720}Come on, show yourself… I'm not gonna hurt ya… All I want is to talk to you… I know I've been a bad boy, I shouldn't have reinitialized you. I regret that now… Come on out and I'll tell you how to catch the Midnight Special… Think of that poor kid, she must be scared to death… Be reasonable, show yourself and everything will be all right…
{S}{*TC:0|1160}Whatcha doin'? Go get 'em!
[🡸Previous Chapter Set] [Next Chapter Set🡺]
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twoheartswrites · 2 years
Hank Anderson Halloween HCs
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Male Reader (FTM Friendly) x Hank Anderson Fluff/SFW/Short Halloween HCs
Note: I know I'm late to the whole halloween thing, but bare with me
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Hank has a love-hate relationship with Halloween
He hates the sad feeling of wanting to be with his son on holidays like this
He also hates the constant ringing of his door bell and needing to get up to feed some sugar-hungry children
But he loves to see how the little kids outside are enjoying themselves
And you're there to make sure he gets through the holiday as happily as possible
You guys just got in a relationship with each other so it's all just a mess of emotions between you two
Innocent kisses on the cheek, hands close to holding each other...
it's really domestic between you two
but back to the point
Of course, Hank is quick to grab the bottles of alcohol
but you're even quicker to stop him "We're going to enjoy tonight" "We will" Hank huffed, rolling his eyes while trying to grab the bottle from my hand "Sober, I mean" I added, watching Hank deflate a little as he realized he wasn't getting a drop of his drink just yet
Hank will settle down with you to watch horror movies
bake stupid little ghost-shaped cookies
wear matching halloween outfits
halloween coloring books
It doesn't even matter to him
You're bringing him so much joy, but he's too stubborn to show it
Now, onto costumes:
If you're wearing something scary, then Hank will tease and poke some fun at it, but it's nothing too mean.
If you're wearing something a little more revealing of sorts, he'll eye you down. Not one spot unlooked. He wants to compliment you so badly but what of his manliness? What then?
You also convinced him to put a silly headband on Sumo just for shits and giggles
And it's adorable
Hank also loves it
and you but we don't talk about that
Trick or treating? Of course.
Hank will call it childish, but if you insist enough, he'll budge.
20 minutes into dragging the big lug around and he'll finally start to let loose
It's a little awkward being adults and knocking on your neighbor's doors to ask for candy, but you both make do.
By the end of the night, you're both very hyped to be back home and trading candies.
If all went well, he might even ask for you to sleep over.
It'd be sweet.
A halloween sleepover? Romantic <3
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goddamnitconnor-a · 5 years
"I swear to all the gods, if Reed leaves the coffee pot empty one more time we are going to have a murder scene in the bullpen and you are going to have to cuff me." Vanessa grumbled shoving fresh grounds back into the machine.
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“Can’t we just hide the body and file a missing person’s report?” It somehow sounds like less work.
0 notes
nothing-but-dreamy · 3 years
Characters: Gavin Reed x fem!Reader; Connor; Hank Anderson;
Warnings: cursing
Words: 2.204
Sweat was running down Gavin's muscled body. He was groaning and moaning breathlessly while he enjoyed the sweet pain shooting through his lower abdomen. He was shuddering and shaking. The rhythmically moves were what he needed now. The physical interactions were what he craved for.
It was three in the morning as Gavin trained on his boxing bag until he almost collapsed. Gasping for air, he hugged the bag and slumped down on his knees. He closed his eyes violently as burning sweat was running into them. The past evening was running endlessly through his mind like a broken record or … a rollercoaster. Once again, he was tormenting himself.
…the kiss … I love you … he's nice… why him … I wish you two just all the best … Gavin, wait! …
"Fuck, damn it…", Gavin whispered. He was exhausted and not just because of the training and the lack of sleep. But rather emotionally. Like he had feared, the situation was a mess. It was a disaster. He had waited too long with admitting his feelings and now, he had lost yn to an android. Nothing was as worst as the thought that he had lost the fight about her because of Connor.
Gavin knew he would go crazy if any of this would last longer. Slowly, he opened his eyes, determined that he had to change something. He couldn't force yn to love him back. Mostly not if she had chosen someone else instead of him. But he could force himself to store away the feelings he had for her. It would need some time and it wouldn't be easy but Gavin had to do something or otherwise it would end him.
Yn wasn't able to find sleep during the last night. Everything that had happened was a bit too much and a bit too confusing. Connor. Gavin. Two guys kissing her at the same evening. Was that a prank and she just couldn’t understand the payoff of the joke? And not just that Gavin had kissed her, he also had confessed his feelings for her? Feelings she never expected him to have for her. Of course, they were working together and they had grown together as very good friends but … Gavin Reed was loving her? Her idiotic douchebag partner was loving her and she had no idea?
Then, there was what had happened during the kiss with Connor. Sure, she liked the android. He was nice, friendly, handsome but after all, he was an android. Since they got invented, she was a supporter of them. She couldn’t see them as ‘things’ like others did. She would never get one on her own but she also couldn’t imagine being with one of them. She knew herself good enough to know that she would miss something. And as Connor had kissed her, surprisingly skilled how she had to admit, something got triggered inside her. Connor kissed her but it wasn't the lips she wanted to feel on hers, she realized. As he brought her closer, it wasn't the hands she wanted to feel on her body. As yn stopped the kiss, it wasn’t the pair of eyes she wished to look into…
It was three in the morning and yn accepted the fact that sleep was something she wouldn’t find, therefore, she just stood up, took a shower and filled herself up with as much coffee as she could to get through the next few hours. She was thankful as it was time to go to work.
As she entered the DPD, she was glad to see Connor already sitting at his desk AND she was happy to see that Gavin hadn’t arrived yet. Therefore, she could talk with Connor first before she could speak with Gavin.
Connor shot up from his desk as he noticed yn coming over to him, “Good morning.”, he said with a broad smile but he also noticed that she looked tired, “Is everything okay?”, he asked concerned.
“No, if I should be honest-”
“Is it because of the kiss? Like I said, I’m sorry. It was a thoughtless reaction-”
“I know and I’m not- look, Gavin had seen us yesterday. He told me that as we met in the bar… Gavin, he wasn’t really … pleased about it-”
“Not please? What does that mean?”, Connor asked confused.
Yn felt how her brain was just goo and she had no idea how she should go through this day with all this useless, emotional crap during the preparation time for this important case. But she had to deal with it. She pinched the bridge of her nose before she looked up at Connor, “You know how he is. I will talk with him. Trying to remember him to focus on the case first.”, she said calmly. She already felt bad for rejecting Connor how she had done it the previous night. Now, the android didn’t also need to get treated badly by Gavin who felt rejected as well. She feared he would try to take out his anger on the android. Yn wanted to talk with Gavin, to tell him the truth, telling him what she had found out about her feelings but this morning wasn’t the right time. She hoped he would understand that.
Never in her whole life, Yn was so wrong.
As she saw Gavin entering the DPD, she hurried over to intercept him, brave enough to speak with him, “Gavin, hey, about yesterday-”, she tried but his dead glance stopped her.
“Not now, yn. We have work to do.”, Gavin said ice cold. He saw her shocked expression about his distanced behavior. It hurted him to see her like this because of his reaction but if he wanted to get over her, he had to be strong. The last thing he needed was to hear anything about her developing relationship with Connor.
He was about to leave but yn grabbed his arm, “No, please. Don’t run away. We really have to talk, okay?”
Gavin looked into her eyes and he was about to give in but his will was stronger, “No. I don’t wanna talk. Just let us focus on the case.”, he pulled his arm out of her grip and went to his desk.
Yn stared after him speechless. No matter how bad their fights had been before, he never had been this ice cold towards her. Even as they got partnered up he had been an asshole to her at first but never like this. A thick lump was building in her throat and suddenly, yn feared to not just have lost her partner rather even her friend.
As Captain Fowler got the newest results of the case of Yn and the team, he called Captain Allen to secure him and his SWAT unit as support. Captain Allen joined the team as well, and all together they planned the whole mission. Allen didn’t notice anything but Hank saw that there was something going on in the team. Yn and Gavin barely spoke to each other. Whenever she tried to get closer to Gavin he stepped back a bit and focused on some file. Avoiding her at all costs. With Connor was it the same. The android watched Gavin and yn with an unreadable expression. Hank was sure that there was something going on he didn’t know and the way all three acted, he was sure, it was not case related.
To escape the tense air, yn went to Fowler, she got coffee or she talked with Captain Allen about a detail of the case. The whole thing wasn’t that complicated but she was glad to have Allen on their side. Captain Allen and his team would be the backup around the warehouse while Gavin, Hank and Connor would make the raid. As yn and Allen discussed a few more details, a sudden turmoil coming from her desk caught the attention of everyone.
Connor’s unusual behaviour caused yn to run to the android and Gavin as she saw how Connor tried to attack her partner. With a swift move, she brought herself between Connor and Gavin, stopping the android with her hands on his chest. From behind her back, Gavin was yelling at Connor, “You stupid tin can!”
“Yeah? I will show you how stupid I am!”, Connor yelled back and yn had difficulties holding Connor at bay.
Slowly, she pushed Connor back before she looked alternate from Connor at Gavin and vice versa, not understand what had happened, “Both of you calm the fuck down! What is going on here?”, she asked serious. Sure, she knew what the topic could be but how that could escalate this quickly was a miracle.
Connor, still with a raging glance in his eyes, answered the question first, “The whole day, he makes some remarks.”
Gavin stepped forward, “Yes, because you stupid plastic toy are getting on my nerves!”, he yelled back.
“Gavin! Calm down!”, yn tried to sooth her partner but Gavin was in his raging mode, staring at the android with dark eyes.
“What is your problem, huh? Can't you accept that you will never have a chance with her?”, Connor asked teasingly. Yn was shocked that Connor was able to be nasty like this. He was provoking Gavin even more but on the other hand she had no idea what Gavin had done the whole time. A movement on her side caught her attention.
“You mother fucking prick!”, Gavin cursed, ready to jump at Connor.
Yn held Gavin back, her hands were barely able to push the man back who was so angry, “Gavin, no!”, she said seriously. As she noticed that Connor wanted to react as well, she looked at him warningly, “Connor, no!”
“What the hell is going on here?”, Fowler yelled from the opened door of his office. Connor and Gavin were still staring at each other, ready to explode any second.
“Nothing, Captain. Just their typical bickering. I will take care of it.”, yn tried to reassure her boss.
Angry about both of them, she pushed Gavin and Connor out of the open office, “Get into the kitchen! Both! Now!”, she demanded angrily. Her nerves were raw. The day was almost over. The operation had been planned completely. Everyone knew what they had to do and yet, these two couldn’t be as calm as she had hoped for.
Hank followed them and stayed near the entrance as help if needed and to prevent someone from walking in.
“What the hell is going on?”, yn asked angrily and annoyed. Gavin had walked to one wall, leaning against it with crossed arms and looked at a point on the ground while Connor just stood there in the middle of the kitchen.
“He was getting on my nerves all day.”, the android said as a defence.
“Yes, because you’re a stupid plastic-”, Gavin called out.
But yn stopped him as she stepped forward, “You! Don't act innocent! We have to work together! All of us! This case is important! So, we have to sort things out, now!”, she said serious.
Gavin stepped forward. Even Hank was alarmed but Gavin just stared down at yn angrily, “No! You have to sort out things with him. I didn't start the fight. He attacked me!”
Now, Connor stepped forward as well, anger rising in his system, “Because you couldn't stop bothering me the whole day!”, and because Connor wasn’t used to such emotions, he started to attack Gavin once again.
Yn stopped the android and even Hank stepped forward to hold his partner back.
Gavin saw yn touching Connor and something broke inside of him. The whole day he tried his best to keep his temper down. He had picked on Connor because otherwise, he would have let out his anger on yn and that was the last thing he wanted. But now, to see them together, in such an intimate way, was too much and Gavin did the only thing he could do to prevent something worse, “I don't need this. I'm outta here!”, he called out and passed the three to rush out of the DPD.
“Gavin, wait!,” yn called out but once again, he was running away from her. The same move he had done the last few days over and over again, “Fuck damnit!”, she cursed, kicking against a bin and walked up and down.
Hank noticed quickly what was going on. To him, everything made sense. Now, yn just needed a push into the right direction, “Kiddo, follow Gavin. He needs you now.”
Yn looked up into the friendly expression of Hank before she nodded. She looked apologetically at Connor before she left the DPD as well to follow her stubborn and idiotic partner.
Confused, Connor watched after yn and looked at Hank, “Why have you sent her after him? Reed acted like an idiot.”
“Look, these two are... They have to find out what they are by themselves. But, obviously, you were the trigger.”
“What do you mean?”
“I guess they're more than just partners. They have to talk about what they are. I will explain it to you.”, Hank said as he saw Connor's confused expression.
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danceworshipper · 3 years
So I used this website to find which characters/people I have the same personality type as. Some of them are... confusing, to say the least
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Me talking about them all under the cut!
Harry Potter: BILL and CHARLIE??? There's gotta be some mistake here, I'm not that cool. Blaise though - I can see that. And I'm happy about it. Harry Potter characters are also all a hit.
Undertale/Deltarune: How... do you assign a personality to a heart? Bob, sure, he's hilarious, Doggo, yep, love him, SUSIE MY BELOVED, I don't really remember who Seam is whoops, but... Yellow Soul. Okay. Overall, this is a hit. Still confused though.
Undertale/Deltarune: How... do you assign a personality to a heart? Bob, sure, he's hilarious, Doggo, yep, love him, SUSIE MY BELOVED, I don't really remember who Seam is whoops, but... Yellow Soul. Okay. Overall, this is a hit. Still confused though.
Favorite Shows: SPIKE???????????? This one made me the happiest. He's one of my favorite characters in that show - I'm so not as cool as him though. Chris Kratt just made me happy because I loved that show. Hunter fits me actually super well, wow. And Sir Percival - I haven't actually gotten to where he's introduced in the show, but from what I have seen he's great. So yay, all of these are good!
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Hogwarts Mystery: ERIKA! She almost makes up for them sticking me with Jacob (derogatory). I'd much rather be a badass Quidditch bitch than that useless fuck. 1/2 good.
Video Games I Love: HANK FUCKING ANDERSON I LOVE YOU. Okay, now... how do you get a personality from two animatronics that kill you just like the other ones?? Don't get me wrong, Foxy makes me happy and Withered Bonnie is cool too, but huh??? All good though, even if those two don't make sense!
Real People: Jensen Ackles, eh? And Kristen Stewart, damn, the website must think I'm hot as hell. Also how am I half of Fall Out Boy, my favorite band ever?? Can't complain. Sam Golbach - I feel like we're very different, but the more I think about it the more I can see it. I haven't watched anything from him in a long time - guess I know what I'll be doing later! And yeah, Rosemarie, cool. I like that. Real people are all a hit.
Misc Games: I wasn't aware that Diogenes had a name, or a personality, but okay. Protagonist is cool, love him. I haven't kept up with Yandere Simulator, but Nemesis does look really cool so I'm going to be happy about her. Robert... buddy, I wish your ending was better. I was so mad when I immediately went for you and looked up a walkthrough and everything to get stuck with that bullshit. Ellie, sure, she's cool I suppose, and 47 is here because he made me crack up laughing. All in all, these guys are a hit as well!
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Shows/Movie I Liked: Beck Oliver, eh, he's kind of an ass, but he is actually really similar to me. Mittens I love, no complaints there! Perry and Vanessa... why does this website think I'm cool? I'm not. 4/4
Shows/Movies I Haven't Watched: I've heard good things about both Bobby and Claire. It also gave me Ruby the demon, don't know why I didn't screenshot her. Nice, we love demons. My dad says Jasper fits me, and my mom says that Salem does, so I guess these all work. (technically I've watched spn but only the first season and years ago so it doesn't count shut up)
Misc Others: Edith is fun. I like her. Max? Eh, I could never be that quiet. It also gave me Charlie from Charlie and Lola, but I don't think it fits so I didn't put him here. Eddie yeah, I'd get super pissed off by Roger too and have my head up my ass, I can see him. Artemis I feel like is a direct attack against my hatred of men and chronic virginity, but she's also a badass so I'll allow it. Mulan - again, I'm not that cool. And Jessica Rabbit - I'm not that hot, but thanks for the ego boost.
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loveablefangirl29 · 3 years
Hey :) [I saw some people doing this, so I thought I would as well xD It's also so that you all know some stuff about me ♡]
You may call me Kenzie, I'm 24, my zodiac sign is Gemini ♊ [I'm a dragon in the Chinese zodiac], I'm bisexual [& a demisexual], also I'm female. I want to be an author and publish a few books eventually, hoping in two years or so [I'm finishing other stuff before I continue with writing a book xD], being a writer is my passion in life and it's something I truly love to do 💜 🖋️📖
Fandoms that I'm into [only gonna mention ones I post about on here, I'm into many others like Devil May Cry 5 & Twdg (mostly the final season game), I'm just listing some but if you want to know all of them, then check out my AO3 profile] ♡ -
Grand Theft Auto 5 [Gta V]
Life Is Strange 2 [LIS2]
Rising of the Shield Hero [Rotsh]
Baldur's Gate 3 [BG3]
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Detroit Become Human [dbh]
Ships/Pairings that I love with all of my heart & I really like to write about and read ♡ [I'm just naming a few, you'll find others I love in my AO3 works] -
Franklin Clinton x Lamar Davis (Framar) [Gta V] 💚 🏙️
Trevor Philips x Lamar Davis (Tramar) [Gta V] 🧡🌇
Sean Diaz x Finn (Sinn) [Life Is Strange 2] 💙🌲
Astarion x Tav [Baldur's Gate 3] (I really love his storyline) 🕯️🖤❤️
Iruma x Asmodeus (IruAzz) [Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun] ❤️💜💙
Kalego x Opera [Welcome to Demon School Iruma-kun] 😈🖤♥️
Black Hat x Dr. Flug (Paperhat) [Villainous] 🎩
Angel Dust x Husk (AngelHusk/HuskerDust) [Hazbin Hotel] 💗
Alastor x Angel Dust (RadioDust) [Hazbin Hotel] 🔪
Legosi x Louis [Beastars] 🐺🦌
Barnaby 'Bunny' Brooks Jr. x Kaburagi T. Kotetsu [Tiger & Bunny] 🐇🐅
Connor x Hank Anderson (Conhank/Hankcon, Hannor) [Detroit Become Human] 🌆 🥃
Danny Parker x Karl [Black Mirror] 🌃
Chiron x Kevin [Moonlight] 🌌 🌙
Louis x Clementine (Clouis) [Twdg] 💜
James x Louis [Twdg] ♥️
V x Nero [Devil May Cry 5] ⚰️🖤
Other stuff I love -
Reading/writing fanfiction 📃🖋️
Listening to music 🎧 [I'm into a lot of different bands/singers xD Like Falling In Reverse, Yungblud, Halsey, Rain Paris, lil Nas X, Hollywood Undead, Skillet, Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, t.A.T.u, Avril Lavigne, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Imagine Dragons, Twenty One Pilots, Panic! At The Disco, NF, Nico Collins, Sum 41, Papa Roach, Billie Eilish [& a few others that I can't think of at the moment xD So etc]
Taking pictures/I'm very much into photography 📷
Painting & some drawing (but I'm not really good at it xD) 🎨
Making aesthetics 🌈
I love the winter season ❄️ Because I can just put on a blanket and have some hot chocolate ☕
Teddy bears 🐻 & Candy (like chocolate) 🍫 Also soda, like Coke Zero and Dr. Pepper, even Pepsi sometimes (if I feel like it) 🥤
I also love foxes, wolves & cats 🦊🐺🐈
Watching my favorite tv series and movies 💻 I'm into zombie apocalypse stuff & disaster kind of movies, some horrors/thrillers as well (but I also love dramas and romances, a few comedies too [though it depends, especially if I like it or not])
I love to watch anime as well, I really enjoy it and have a few personal favorites :) Like 'Vampire Knight' (which is actually the first anime I ever watched), 'Sword Art Online' (I'm talking about the first season), & there's a lot more that I still love 💙💜
Talking to my close friends or anyone else who loves the same things as me/are into that kind of fandom and really love a pairing [& ship] like me ♡
My AO3 account [I post everything, all my fanfics/one-shots on there] - LoveFandoms828
Wattpad(s) [though I don't really post on there anymore, just so you all know] - ThatDemon828, InsanityLover828
Fanfiction.net [some of my fanfics are on there, but I don't post often on that website] - YandereGirl828
Instagram - loveablefangirl29 [Just like on Tumblr]
My Other Tumblr - crystalroses27
Well that's mostly it, some things to know about me, if I think of anything else then I'II add it later on ♡ Until the next post/fanfic 💕❤️
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Duality of Light - Chapter 4 Deleted Scene
I guess for those that followed me for the sake of my fic (and for myself for the sake of posterity), here's another snippet from a previous chapter I had cut lol. It's super rough and missing bits and pieces, like interior monologues and character actions and other stuff for plot development. But here it is, since I haven't updated my fic in a while (though I'm still very much working on it), and wanted to kinda at least make it look like I'm making progress, of sorts lol.
If you'd like to read the fic that this was removed from, you can read it here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/37467820 Please heed the tags and warnings before each chapter.
Spoilers under the cut.
"Anderson, how the—"
"How did you get my address?"
"Personnel file. Anyway, I'm here to talk about what happened yesterday."
"Get the fuck out of my apartment."
"Not until I sort this out."
"And why would you want to do that?"
Anderson crossed his arms. "Because it's my job and unfortunately it looks like the commissioner wants to take away yours."
"The commissioner?"
"They want you taken in for identity fraud."
"Why the fuck would they do that? I thought it was just going to be a personnel reclassification."
"Yeah, it started out that way until there were things that weren't making any sense. And unless you want to keep your job, you better tell me everything since I'm the only thing in the DPD that's between you keeping your job or you being led away in handcuffs."
Gavin stepped away from the lieutenant, combing his fingers through his hair. "What do you want me to say?"
"The truth."
"Well, what part of it?"
"Did you know you were an android?"
"Fuck no. I'm just as upset about this whole thing as you are."
"I'm not buying it. You've got the resources to do such a thing like the goddamn dirty cop you are."
"I'm telling you the fucking truth, Anderson."
"Then you better start explaining, because honestly, I think this is just karma biting you back in the ass for all the shit you've done."
"So why the fuck are you here?"
"Connor. Bastard gave me a compelling enough reason to put up with the bullshit I knew was going to happen when confronting you."
"You want the truth? Well, you better find someplace to sit, because it's even worse than you could imagine."
"Just spill it, Reed. I don't got all day."
Gavin sighed. "I'm a fucking dead man. You know my accident? Yeah, apparently when everyone, including me, thought I miraculously survived that wreck, turned out that I… that Officer Reed died with Officer Stevens."
"So why the hell do you have his identity?"
Gavin paused. Should he tell Anderson about Elijah? Would that make his story even more unbelievable than it already was?
"I'm waiting, Reed," Anderson said. "If that's even your real name."
"What, people can't share names with other people now? I doubt you're the only Hank Anderson in the entire world." Gavin huffed a breath as he took out his phone, pulling up the files that Elijah sent him the other day. He handed his phone to the lieutenant. "Here, read it and weep."
xxx [I use these as a marker for me to go back and add/edit stuff for the sake of me just trying to get words out]
"Shit, Reed."
"Yup. My thoughts exactly."
"Kamski? Gavin Reed, a Kamski?"
"Seriously? All that of that stuff, and that's what disturbs you about this mess?"
"No, I'm more shocked that of all the stupid theories I had going for why the fuck you're an android, my most outrageous one is the right one. It was the only one that would make any of this bullshit make sense."
"Well, shit, Anderson. You really are an investigator. Next we'll learn how to write our names."
"Shut the fuck up, Reed." He handed the phone back to Gavin.
"Damn. Kamski's a fucking piece of shit, isn't he?"
"Yeah, and now that we're on the same page, you know why I can't let any of this get out. Eli's dug his fingers into places he shouldn't have and now we gotta deal with the consequences and all I want to do is just fucking live my life and have things go back to normal."
"You know I'm going to have to talk to him."
"What? Why the fuck do you need to do that?"
"Because I know what you're capable of, and you might've forged those documents."
"Anderson. I did not make it up."
"So? Give me a single reason I should trust you."
"You only have my word."
"Yeah, not good enough. You claim to be his half-brother? Let me talk to him."
NOTES: So that's the end of the snippet. This was cut because, I dunno, the dialogue didn't really feel that great, and it didn't feel like the buildup to the reveal didn't feel that... impactful so I scrapped it and opted to try for the other idea I had for the reveal. That idea is what ended up making it into the actual fic.
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killyourrdarlingss · 3 years
Sandwyrm: I'm lazy to log to chrome like last time so why don't you ALSO do Harry, Kim, Arthur, John, Markus, North (for kicks), Connor, and Hank? <3 And for laughs, Obi Wan????(im the star wars mutual now)
Will you're hallucinating I didn't send this ask to myself on behalf of a friend
BUT. let's get into this huh 😏 @sandwyrm
Send me characters and I'll tell you:
Harrier Dubois:
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
It heavily depends for Harry because I *love* some interpretations and some art/looks for him but shave his beard and I am GONE lmfao but he's very... me. Let's say.
Kim Kitsuragi:
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Hes not my type but his personality is great, I love him and I feel hes very very good at making people laugh with very minimal effort.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I WOULD MARRY THAT MAN IN A HEARTBEAT EVERYONE KNOWS THIS ,, He's my ace king and I adore him please I love him so much 😭
John Marston:
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
Hes not adorable or pretty, he's nasty, and I like that about him he's like... okay. I wanna style his hair or smth. He's nowhere neat level of Arthur, I have like 10 photos of John on my wall tho so ignore that ok
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
He's not my type personality wise, or like... vibes ? We have conflicting vibes but he is GORGEOUS do not get me wrong.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
I'm not sure the vibes are bad here but she's okay like I will not lie to you but also like the vibes yknow. It's about the vibes.
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
His fanart does him so much appreciation and I can admit that so easy like he's cute beautiful gorgeous and etc so please keep doing it for him. He's not my type though like we'd fight, I know this. Don't ask why or how it's the VIBES.
Hank Anderson:
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
He's cute, he's def my type we would get along so well I know this but he's just a cute dude ! Idk who knows. We can go eat a burger together
(For laughs)
Mr. HELLO THERE Obi-wan:
Not My Type | Alright | Cute | Adorable | Pretty | Gorgeous | LORD MERCY
He's VERY PRETTY.... can we go fight the uhh... rebels together or like darth Vader or something I swear I know star wars I do I SWEAR I don't wanna live in space though so it would never work.
Also I know death Vader is uh... that dude the 'I hate you' Mr. Anakin dude but I feel I could be friends w him idk I think him and Obi-wan were friends before everything happened I SWEAR I know things
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writeyouin · 4 years
Hey, absolutely adore your work! I'd love to see a very christmas-y fic with pre-deviant Connor in which the reader attempts to incite some kind of humanlike reaction from him with all the festivities--baking, gift-wrapping, all the fluffy little in-betweens, hehe. If you end up not getting to it somehow/don't have time or motivation, please don't worry about it! (and if ya could shoot me a message or sumthin to lemme know you got this, pls do! tumblr eats a lot of asks for me.)
Connor X Reader - Traditions
A/N – Hey, I hope you don’t mind that it’s not too long. It’s really little more than a drabble, but I think it turned out okay.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Connor stood in the hallway of your home, looking annoyed as he often did between deviancy cases. You knew if you left him, he would stay there all night, trying to figure out the connection between androids and RA9; it was a process he had gone through since he first came to stay with you. Granted, he was supposed to stay at the station between cases, but it seemed cruel to leave him there, so you had offered to let him stay with you. Connor, seeing the tactical advantage of staying with at least one partner, should there be a case after hours, had accepted your offer graciously.
You stretched, feeling tired after the long day at work. You and Connor had just left Hank at the park, after a long discussion involving the fates of the two Traci’s at the Eden club. Quite frankly, after such a case, wherein Connor had spared the life of the androids, letting them escape, you had begun to question his own deviancy. Given time, you thought he might become more human than most people you knew, but would he be prepared for that day? If he did turn deviant, you wanted him to know that you would be there for him, but how did one broach such a sensitive subject with the deviant hunter himself?
“Hey Connor, you alright?” You asked, motioning to his yellow blinking LED.
“My systems are fully functional, if that is what you mean,” He answered mechanically.
“It’s not. I just meant- Well, today was rough and-”
“Need I remind you Detective I do not have human emotions.”
“Right,” You deadpanned, not believing it for a second. “You know, off duty, you can just call me (Y/N).”
“Would that make you more comfortable?”
Connor nodded curtly, “Then I shall only use your rank at work, (Y/N).”
“Great…” You walked further inside, wondering how to best help Connor realise that he was turning just as much deviant as the other androids. Whether he was affected by the earlier case or not, he followed you for the first time since he had become your temporary roommate. He took note of your interests based on what he found in your home, from the books that lined the shelves to the pictures that adorned the walls.
You flicked on the radio, which usually helped you think, happy to find that your station was playing through the classic Christmas songs.
“So,” You started, “What do you think of between cases? Other than RA9 and further deviancy, I mean.”
“Well,” Connor considered momentarily, “I wonder how I can make Lieutenant Anderson more cooperative with me.”
“Hmm? You won’t need to worry about that after tonight. You really earned his respect out there.”
“Really? How could you tell?”
“Because, you didn’t shoot.”
Connor’s brow furrowed confusedly, “But we failed our case.”
“By protecting a life,” You insisted.
“That was an android, (Y/N). Just like me, it wasn’t alive.”
You sighed, turning away from Connor to enter your bedroom. He did not follow, sensing he had disappointed you with his answer. You gathered a few supplies from your wardrobe, bringing them out with you and laying them out on the living room floor, all the while wondering how you could teach Connor that not taking the shot was far braver than anything else he could have done at the Eden club.
Wishing to ensure your cooperation in future cases, Connor tried to pick up the conversation in a way that might please you. “What do you think about between cases?” He asked.
“I think about a lot of different things,” You said, distractedly.
“What are you thinking about right now?”
“The holidays.”
Connor looked at you, as if waiting for an elaboration.
“Okay, well, I’m wondering if my family will like the gifts I’ve picked out, and if they’ll complain the wrapping isn’t neat enough again. I’m hoping we’ll get a lot of good snow this year, and thinking about making gingerbread men for Mr Cormaci down the road; ever since his husband died, he’s all alone and I could use the biscuits to invite him up on Christmas. After all, nobody should be left alone on the holidays, especially not an eighty-year-old man. So, like I said, I think about a lot of things.”
“I’m not doing anything right now,” Connor commented. “Perhaps I can help you wrap your gifts.”
You considered the proposal for a moment, and then a bright idea hit you. Maybe if you could show Connor the joy of joining in Christmas festivities, he would have something of a human reaction which would help him if he later deviated.
“Okay, sure, I guess I could use the help.”
And so, Connor joined you on the floor, wrapping the presents that were put before him. The two of you were complete opposites. Where Connor worked in silence, making sure every present was impossibly neat, you sang every Christmas song loudly, making a mess and often getting the tape stuck to your fingers.
As soon as that was done, you asked him to join you to bake. You helped him with every step, mostly so you could keep a close eye on him and see if he would show any human emotion. All it would take was the tiniest hint of a smile, a few hummed notes of one of the Christmas songs, maybe even some further curiosity about your own traditions, but he remained stubbornly closed off to you.
With that, you incited the next round of your Christmas game, asking him to help decorate the apartment for the holidays.
“Isn’t it a little late in the night for that?” Connor asked.
“Hmm? I suppose, but I doubt I’ll be able to sleep for a while, so we may as well do it now, unless you don’t want to,” You said, ignoring the tiredness that tugged at your mind, begging you to sleep.
At your insistence, Connor complied with your request, helping you unpack the decorations you had pulled out a few days prior, placing them wherever you instructed him to. He remained stony-faced as he dressed the tree, even when you let him put the topper on, an honour you didn’t give to just anyone. It seemed that your plan to spread humanity through Christmas cheer was completely useless. You wondered if you could come up with a better plan in the future but thought it might have to wait until morning; perhaps sleep would provide you with a dream that might help.
After saying goodnight to Connor, you excused yourself, leaving him to go into stasis in the hallway as you always did. Instead of going into stasis however, Connor stood staring at the tree that he had helped decorate. The slowly blinking lights felt relaxing to watch. They were so small and delicate, not at all like the harsh glaring lights of the city; for some reason, the thought made him smile. Connor supposed that was his integration software, but how could it be when there was nobody around that he needed to integrate with.
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It had been a year since you had last got Connor to partake in some Christmas traditions, and a lot had changed since then. Instead of living with you, he had stayed with Hank for a while before moving into his own place. He had been reinstated to the DPD where the three of you worked on more than just android related cases. Best of all however was the way Connor now regularly showed real human emotion on a daily basis; he had earned that freedom after everything he had been through.
Connor sat at the table of his own apartment, wrapping your present whilst happily listening to Christmas music. He couldn’t wait till you tore open the green parcel to find a first edition of your favourite book; it was one of the last remaining copies, since books had went paperless now. Given time, he hoped he might live to see a day where the two of you might be a couple. He longed to sit with you resting lazily on top of him, reading the book together as a couple. For now, that was only a Christmas wish, but given time, he was sure it would come true. After all, without you, Connor was sure he would have never deviated in the first place.
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princebugs · 5 years
stolen dance. (reed900)
small note before this begins--- this oneshot is based off of some art made by @jude-shotto !!! pls go follow them theyre amazing
"Fucking--- shit," Squinted eyes gaze into his dust-ridden reflection before him, his phalanges evidently not nimble enough for this simple task he had to complete; tying a tie. Perhaps he was skilled in this in another life of his, but ever since he was a young kid, he was never able to finish any sort of tie. Whether it be a regular ass tie, or a bowtie--- tying that shit? Not Gavin's thing; he would just force his father to tie it, when his dad was still in the house, that is.
Cue another long-winded groan, and he gives up. The tie had gotten all sorts of messed up during the actual wedding, due to him having to lift it up to wipe away the tears dripping down his cheeks. Weddings were emotional, alright? Tina could barely get through her vows to North, and Gavin felt too many emotions at once--- anger at her for leaving Gavin so easily (not in the romantic way, he didn't like her like that), sadness for seeing her go away into her new life, and happiness for seeing his best friend finally finding someone that cared about her so dearly.
Nonetheless, it left a bitter taste in his mouth. Jealousy.
When the fuck was it gonna be Gavin's turn, huh?!
He threw the abandoned, wrinkled tie behind him, not really caring to see where it landed, and he points to himself in the mirror. "You, Gavin Reed, are a fuckin' delight to be around. You will find someone eventually. And, your ass looks GREAT in these pants, so don't go in there and look all depressed. You're gonna walk into that stupid dance-floor, immediately sit the fuck down at the bar, drink champagne, and hope for the best--- because Gavin Reed isn't a desperate man!"
A proud grin stretches across his visage, confidence washing over all of his insecurities as he turns around to leave the bathroom--- of course, taking a quick look at his ass along the way.
You're damn right it looks good.
He straightens out his suit jacket on the way out, before noticing that someone was in the bathroom stall directly behind where he did his little pep talk. Freezing in his tracks, the air is silent in the room for several moments.
"...I'll give you twenty bucks after this if you don't tell everyone about me talking about my ass."
Done and done with that, he walks out of the bathroom.
A brief exhalation, and still meandering with a new surge of confidence, his hues breeze over the area, searching for a very specific lady of the hour--- he wasn't letting her go on that honeymoon without stealing a dance from her, duh. That's just how they rolled, ever since highschool prom.
His train of thought is broken by someone speaking to him, and he inclines his cranium to the side to catch a glance of who wished to partake in a conversation with him--- oh. Connor, and Hank.
Connor was wearing suspenders along with his bowtie (stupid phckin' neat android who could tie a tie--), and his jacket was placed on a chair just a few feet away from them. His hair was done as it usually was; slicked back except for a few baby hairs. His smile was as bright as ever. "Gavin! We were wondering when you would come out of there. I queried to Hank that you might have had a bad lunch, and were possibly disposing of i--"
"Connor, stop that shit," Hank interrupts before Gavin gets the chance to, and Gavin almost laughs at his appearance. Listen, it's not everyday that you see Hank Motherfuckin' Anderson dressed up nicely, and Gavin actually has to cover his mouth to stifle his laughter. He didn't catch sight of him beforehand, so he was just seeing this--- this monkey suit of his.
He couldn't deny that it did look good on the Lieutenant, but nonetheless, it was fuckin' hilarious. "So, Hank, did you borrow that suit from your grandpa, because it looks just a lil' dusty riiiight--"
"Don't even touch me, Reed. Don't even think about it," Hank's coarse voice states, causing Gavin to retract his palm from almost wiping off the other male's shoulder. Gavin snickers anyways.
"Sorry, sorry. I'll bug you about that shit later, after the wedding," He actually has a tone of genuine joy, his childish smirk turning into a bright grin.
Connor beams at that. "Wow, Detective! You actually... don't look pissed off for once. I'm quite impressed."
His cerulean irises roll in slight irritation, but he keeps smiling. "Listen, today's a good day for me, alright? My best friend got married, for fuck's sake--- speaking of Tina, where is the secondary bride? I need to get my dance from her real quick before I dash outta this place. It smells like my nana in here."
"Don't tell North that," Markus joins in on the conversation, looking as pristine as ever with his tuxedo (suit jacket abandoned), and his sapphire-and-emerald optics practically sparkling in the light. Gavin almost blushes. Almost.
There may have been a possibility that Gavin used to have a minor, MINOR, crush on Markus. Who could blame him? Look at the guy--- he was too pretty. If Gavin was the president during the revolution, he would've let the androids live free just because he would have gotten entranced in everything that is... Markus.
He gave up on that MINOR crush soon enough, and now they were just mutual friends.
"Oh, shit--- she isn't around here, is she? North'll kill me if she heard that," Gavin glances around himself, emitting a sigh of relief. North was the one who planned the majority of the wedding occasion, and if she heard any complaint about it, she wouldn't hesitate to snap a certain-coffee-infused-relatively-short-detective's neck. Phew. "Coast is clear, y'all."
"Tina and North are actually sitting down right over there," Markus turned around to point over towards the newly-wedded couple before continuing, "be careful what you say, of course. North could still commit a murder tonight." Markus chuckles, but Gavin gulps.
"Alright, see ya, losers," The human begins his sauntering over towards Tina, ignoring any possible looks that were given his way (he was hoping it was merely because he put just a little extra sway in his step to catch people's attention), and then tapping Tina's shoulder once he made it there.
"North? Mind if I snatch away your wife for a dance?" Gavin bit down on the inside of his right cheek, extremely nervous about merely asking her that. He had met North beforehand, of course--- he was just very afraid of her. She didn't generally like humans, besides her partner, and he didn't generally like androids; it was a match made in HELL.
Surprisingly, North smiled softly, gesturing for Tina to go ahead and stand up. "Go ahead, I'm sure she needs as much time with her best friend as she can get."
"Sweet. C'mon, Tina," Finally taking off his jacket and placing it around an empty chair near his current area, as well as pushing up his sleeves, he then holds a palm out for her to take, and Tina laughs.
"Dude, are you taking me for a waltz, or something? Don't be so fancy," Tina, that beautiful bitch, giggled before giving her wife a kiss on the cheek, then taking Gavin's hand. "This doesn't make me any less gay, you know that, right?"
Gavin stuck his tongue out in disgust, a little 'bleugh' sound emitting from him, "Gross, man. Plus, you're totally not my type," he says as he leads her to the dancefloor. People are already dancing there, but once they see the grey-black vest of Gavin, and the sleek black dress of Tina, they move out of the way. Perks of being the best man and one of the brides, eh?
"Yeah," Tina began, peeking behind Gavin's shoulder as they swayed around to the rhythm, their hips shaking at a leisurely pace, "in fact, didn't your type just walk right through that door?"
His eyebrows furrow momentarily, his head turning to look behind him, and---
keep reading on ao3!!!
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