#you don’t name yourself exy queen and get to be cis
that-vampire-loser · 1 year
I don’t believe a single fox is straight (except for maybe Dan but even she’s a toss up)
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genderfluidkevinday · 6 years
genderfluid kevin day headcanons bc i can do what i want and also i have the perfect url to spread my “please representation” propaganda. 
“how did you know?”
because in the quiet of nights when kevin is supposed to be asleep but he cant, not really, when his heart is still pounding from practice and every breath riko makes him terrified of being caught, he reads what he stole from the public library and it says sometimes people do not fit into the gender they were assigned and
because by sneaking searches on the internet when he can, kevin finds words. dangerous, un-raven-like words for how to love someone and how to be yourself. he finds words that mean you are not alone. 
because he wakes up one day and demands to be the queen of exy, to be seen as what he is. the best. more powerful than the king. (not entirely cisgender?)
because it feels right. 
because in the quiet between exy and family, kevin day has the time and the love to have the quiet understanding that this is who kevin day is. 
it’s kinda a shitty realization process to go through- kevin starts questioning in the ravens, then immediately goes “No TM !” and internalizes all those feelings 
kevin internalizes All the feelings, always ! compartmentalizing!
bisexuality? put it in a box!
gender identity? put it in a box!
feeling crushing inferiority? put it in a box!
mom died tragically? put it in a box!
ur dad isnt here? put it-
jesus fuck these headcanons were supposed to be happy and it got SO derailed 2 points in
post canon, kevin starts to become more comfortable w every aspect of himself, and finally takes the time to have a gender crisis
and then, immediately, decides it was all ridiculous and he was actually a cisgender all along !
he does the dumb thing i did. which is spend about a month going “lmao i’m cis but i wish i wasn’t, i don’t need a gender!” while badly ignoring his gender crisis
it’s renee who finally helps kevin out a little
kevin, dumbass: pfft, gender is stupid, but i’m cis so whatever! renee, nb lesbian icon: are you sure? kevin, having a crisis:
renee actually sends kevin a bunch of links to pages that have lots of words, and “what gender are you” quizes, and dumb memes about being trans/nonbinary and it shouldn’t help as much as it does. 
renee is the first person kevin quietly texts at like, 2 am, and goes, “uh, can you use they, i think?”
her response is, obviously, “of course!”
so they’re like, pretty sure they’re not cis, but they bounce around labels for about a week before they end up settling on genderfluid. 
sometimes kevin day is a boy, with loud opinions and soft hands. sometimes kevin day is a girl, with messy hair and a bright smile. sometimes kevin day is neither, with clumsy limbs and determined eyes
(however- kevin day can always outclass any striker on a court.) 
it just feels right, in a way nothing else did. 
theyre like,,, super nervous about coming out, like, they can’t even come up with the courage to tell their dad they’re bi, how the fuck are they gonna end up telling anyone else? solution! don’t.
except kevin is becoming more comfortable with every aspect of themself, and being casually bisexual around the foxes (nicky makes one too many jokes about kevin’s “”hetero guy crush”” on jeremy and they end up snapping “bitch i’m bi there’s nothing hetero about it.” and nicky is immediately like !!!!!!!!!!!!!) (but thats another post)
so kevin, with the growing comfort that yes, you can be non-heterosexual and non-cisgender and still be fucking amazing at exy, they start to come out
it’s a slow process because when they tried to do it all at once, they got tongue tied and just walked away without saying anything. so they end up doing it individually. 
allison first (because renee can be there and give support AND bc allison is also A Trans), and kevin whispers, “so, I’m genderfluid.”
allison, casually: what are your pronouns? kevin: she/her. i’m a girl today. allison, with all the softness of someone who has been there: do you want me to do your makeup? kevin, with all the softness of someone who’s new to this: maybe one day.
after allison is andrew+neil, because they spend so much time together at night practice it’s inevitable it comes up
and by that i mean kevin screams halfway through night practice “THIS IS GENDERFLUIDPHOBIA” because andrew keeps blocking her shots. 
andrew flips her off.
neil asks if thats an actual term.
kevin says to fuck off and keep practicing.
next is wymack. 
oh boy. 
so kevin isn’t even sure how to be a good son- she has no idea how to go about being a good daughter. she has no clue how to be a good child. 
she doesn’t know if wymack even wants that.
but she goes to him after practice and he snaps, “what is it?” in a voice thats maybe a little less gruff than usual
and she says, “i’m genderfluid.”
he stares at her for a while.
she continues, “i’m a girl today, actually, and i just thought you should know.”
wymack asks, “you’ll tell me when it changes, right?”
kevin nods and leaves. 
its a start.
telling jean feels like a really big deal, but in hindsight its about fifteen minutes of bad puns that follow an awkwardly worded coming out. 
kevin: so like... guys right jean: yes? kevin: what if... i wasn’t one jean: are you trying to come out to me? kevin: is it working?
the rest of the monsters follows after that- aaron obviously doesnt understand, but he doesnt say anything rude. (he looks into it later). nicky, immediately, takes a supportive role.
nicky: I’M GONNA STAPLE A GENDERFLUID FLAG TO MY FACE THATS HOW MUCH I SUPPORT YOU kevin, softly: please don’t how would you play exy.
matt and dan get a less official coming out, because kevin isn’t sure how to be friends with them at all. but they manage a “so, i’m not a guy, actually, i’m genderfluid, and right now i don’t have a gender.”
dan gives them a set of pronoun bracelets for their birthday and matt gives them a book about the history of the nonbinary community and yeah, maybe this is how to be friends.
the baby foxes don’t get to find out. kevin doesn’t trust them as much, and isn’t ready to be... out out. 
kevin has absolutely no desire to change their name, at all.
kevin: why would i change my name i’m an ICON.
WAIT i lied,,, they change their middle name to kayleigh. 
the first time kevin gets invited to a girls night, she cries
its a surprise, which is hard to plan- girls nights are always on tuesdays, so they have to wait for a tuesday where kevin is free and feels like a girl
renee casually mentions that they have a history book that kevin might like, so she should come pick it up
and then in the dorm, dan and allison are setting up a movie and popcorn and renee is getting her nails painted. dan waves kevin over and tells her to pick a movie, allison tells her to pick out a nail polish, and renee actually does have a history book for her.
kevin finally accepts a make over from allison. 
she cries like five times that night and tries to brush it off as nothing but... kevin can finally exist in a space, and feel welcome, and also feel... wanted.
it’s a good feeling
kevin, wearing a crop top with the genderfluid flag on it, painting renee’s nails as they watch the trojans game: lmao can you imagine thinking i was cis? what was i thinking? i was so dumb lol.  renee, sweetly: no it was a perfectly normal reaction to being raised in a cisnormative society, and i’m very proud of you for figuring out that it wasn’t right for you kevin: dammit renee why do you have to be so kind and supportive just let me make jokes about my moron-ness in PEACE 
kevin day is the fucking QUEEN of exy !!!!!!! she’s better than you and you know it. 
each and every day kevin day hears misogonistic comments towards female exy players and each and every day kevin day wants to scream B I T C H in their face
he wanted to do this even before he figured out he was genderfluid bc kevin day drank respect women juice before realizing he was also drinking sometimes i am women juice
kevin actually 100% hates dresses a lot bc they can never find any that are a good texture and its Sensory Hell, and also you cant play exy in them?? what the fuck??? 
they end up liking crop tops and short shorts, and a few kinds of makeup, but skirts and dresses are dumb and itchy actually 
kevin goes on an impassioned rant about this at LEAST once a month
you know that really good feeling when you wake up one day and you realize you’re happier knowing who you are and maybe it’s rough and maybe it’s not perfect but you get to know who you are and your friends respect and love you for who you are and you start to realize you love knowing you too????????
kevin day is genderfluid and this is my hill to die on thank you and good night
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