#you couldn’t schedule instagram posts back then so i was tied to my phone CONSTANTLY
ripeteeth · 3 months
What did you do for work before you started somm training?
I’ve been working in food and hospitality for a long time! I’ve been a line cook and pastry cook, and then eventually transitioned away from being in the kitchen and wound up working as an in-house photographer and social media manager for a food/chef/hospitality PR firm, and then was an office manager for several years - first at a restaurant law firm and then branched out to the same thing at non-restaurant related places. I also worked at a bookstore throughout college and really loved that.
My ultimate goal is to have a vineyard.
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domesticblisss · 3 years
Nice to Meet You
Jay White x Female Reader Requested Prompt: “Hello! Thank you for opening requests. How about one with Jay White where he’s in New Japan and reader is in WWE and they end up following each other on ig or something and after awhile of messages and such they finally meet and get together? You can change things up if you want I just love the idea of 2 people from separate companies getting together lol ❤️ ” Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 1306 Warnings: Nothing, fluff as fuck with a tiny little bit of angst and some between the lines pinning and a little cursing. Summary: Mutual friends aren't enough for you to meet, but the internet is. A/N: Sorry it took me so long to post it, work has been crazy, then writer's block hit and when the inspirations finally got back to me, I had the shittiest week ever so I couldn't bring myself to write it. I hope it's at least a little bit good, and that my dear requester and you all like it. 💕
He always heard about her and she always heard about him. Only good things.
Shelley always gushed about how their styles were similar, Sabin went off countless times on how they should wrestle as a duo, and against each other, and Candice kept mentioning how they would look cute together.
But the friends in common weren't enough to make them meet each other and their hectic schedule never coincided. Soon, Jay shipped off to Japan full time and she finally got her NXT contract signed.
Jay was the one to take the first step. It was on a late saturday night, one of his few days off, when he finally decided to watch her debut match against Asuka after seeing it trending across social media and different news outlets.
She lost the match, but she gave the NXT Women’s Champion a run for her money. Hard kicks after hard kicks, asuka locks being countered several times, and the most incredibly performed top rope DDT he had ever seen. It was the hardest hitting women’s match he had seen in a while and he was amused with her talent, so amused he had to let the world know.
“@thisisfuryWWE nxt debut match was the best one I’ve seen in a long time. Can’t wait to see more of you 😉”
The message made her smile, the recognition from someone she always thought so highly of warming her heart.
“@JayWhiteNZ thank you! this means a lot coming from the #switchblade 🔪❤️”
With that came the mutual following on social media, then the likes, the casual comments turned into dm’s, turned into phone number exchanges, and soon, they didn’t know a life without each other.
Every day a “good morning” text would be sent by whoever woke up first and “sleep well” texts closed off the night. The time zone was messy, but they always found a way to talk to each other, losing count of how many nights were poorly slept and the amount of coffee they drank on the morning after.
Little “this made me think of you” messages were sent whenever a dog picture or a meme came their way, friends' dinner/lunch dates through FaceTime became a thing and every Instagram post got commented with an inside joke. Friends and fans started to notice the change in their relationship and soon their mentions were bombarded with speculating questions.
“Are you guys together?”
“When are the two of you getting married?”
“@thisisfuryWWE and @JayWhiteNZ get a fucking room already”
“I would if she was near me 🙄”
She was the one who took the second step. After a lot of talk with Candice, she finally realised her true feelings towards the kiwi. It wasn’t easy accepting them at first, she took longer to respond to his messages, the “good morning” texts were no more, and her answers were always short, until the fateful day where she completely stopped answering him.
→ I don’t know if I did something wrong, and I am so sorry if I did, but please talk to me.
She knew that ghosting him was wrong and that she needed to tell him the truth, even if her anxiety got the best of her.
The clock on her phone announced that it was 12:45pm, meaning it was almost 2 in the morning for him and that he probably had just gotten back from the monday tapings, tired and wanting to sleep. “Fuck it, he texted me. It’s now or never.”
He picked up on the third ring, his long, dyed black hair wet, sticking to his forehead, the droplets of water running down his chest.
“Hey! Sorry it took me a while to pick it up, I was just taking a shower. How are you?” He panted like he had just ran a marathon to pick up the phone. “I missed you.”
She had never seen him so vulnerable, the small tone of his voice shot a tinge of pain to her heart. “Can we talk? I need to talk to you.”
“Sure, just let me put some pants on.” Jay laughed.
He sat the phone down on the nightstand and she kept staring at the cream ceiling of his hotel room, thinking about everything and nothing at the same time.
“Is everything okay, I was worried about you.” Noises of shuffling fabric were noticeable in the background, paired with a string of curses after what she was pretty sure was him bumping his pinky on some furniture.
“Everything is fine. Is your toe still alive?”
“Yeah, yeah…”
She looked at him, really looked at him. The dark hair dryer, messy and no longer sticking to his forehead, probably the work of him aggressively running the towel over it. His fair skin pink after a hot shower, blue eyes shy, almost anxiety ridden with anticipation of what could happen next. She let out a modest smile, running the words she had thought about telling him countless times in her head.
“What is it, honey?”
“Jay, I- I need to tell you something. I don’t know how to say it but just let me finish first or I’ll die.”
He only nodded.
“I like you. Really, really like you. That’s why I’ve been off these past few days, I’ve been trying to understand my feelings and I ended up scaring myself because I’ve never felt this way for anyone.” she stopped for a few seconds, hands running over face and hair, taking a moment to breath. “Jay, I– fuck, I appreciate our friendship so, so much and I don’t want to ruin it, but I get it if this makes you uncomfortable and if you want to cut ties.”
Jay kept quiet, staring at her through the small screen, smile getting bigger and until it turned into full, hearty laughter.
“Jay, this is not funny. I’m not–“
“This is why you vanished? God, can’t you see I fucking love you too, you idiot?!”
Silence engulfed the pair again as they looked at each other, not believing what had finally happened. They exchanged smiles and lingering stares before continuing the conversation.
“I’m crazy about you, honey.”
“And how are we going to do this, Jay?��
“I am constantly going back home, you can come over when you have some free time. We will figure it out, baby.”
Three weeks of messages and video calls, three weeks of “I love yous” and “can’t wait to see you”, three of the longest weeks of their lives until they finally meet each other.
Jay opens instagram, her story bubble being the first one to show up. He clicks on it and is met with a picture of her in a red envelope dress and white converse, the same one he was wearing, and a caption that said “today is going to be a great day! ❤️🔪”.
🔥 reaction and a “see you in forty, love” reply sent, her phone vibrated in her purse just a few meters away from him. Little did he know she was waiting for him in the landing room, holding a small poster with “Mr. White” written and little switchblades drawn all over it.
She grew anxious as everyone but Jay left the plane, checking the time and if she was on the right gate constantly.
Five minutes passed, five minutes that felt like hours, and Jay finally came out, with sunglasses covering his eyes and his denim jacket in hand. He stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her, a smile growing on his face as she ran to him. He engulfed her in a tight hug, kissing her lips in small pecks that grew into one big slow kiss.
They touched foreheads after, smiling and laughing, not believing they were finally in each other’s arms.
“Hey, stranger.”
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babybirdgyeom · 5 years
blind dates and swimming pools | kim yugyeom
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Summary: You expected anyone to be the blind date that Mark set you up to - it could’ve been some creep, an actual nice person, or the love of your life. What you didn’t expect though was seeing your ex-boyfriend appearing in front of you. And what you expected even less was that you two still got along as good as always.
Word count: 5k
There’s smut but not really. Also, this is not proofread, I’m sorry.
The restaurant he chose was nice, an Italian one, with many different renaissance paintings on the wall, a cozy atmosphere, it had white stone walls and the lights were all dimmed yellow, big red candles on each of the wooden tables. You were waiting for him inside, wondering if it was too late to just turn around and leave.
You don’t know why you agreed when Mark told you he could arrange a blind date for you with his girlfriend’s cousin. Right now you didn’t even know his name nor what he does for a living. All you knew was that Mina was his cousin and that, according to Mark, he was one of the sweetest guys you’ll ever meet.
Mark knew you were getting lonely - since you came back from your semester abroad you didn’t go out on any dates even though you were a rather outgoing person, it just didn’t fit in your schedule and you had to admit that you were a bit scared of dating again, especially after such a long time. But after a while you really missed someone to hold you close at night or someone you could introduce to your friends as your boyfriend, you didn’t even dare to think about how long it has been since you had one of those. By now it must have been 18 months.
Slowly your heart started beating faster and the most ridiculous thoughts came to your mind - what if he stood you up? Or worse, what if he was a total douchebag? Or, what seemed to be your worst case scenario right now, what if you actually liked him? Could you allow yourself to fall in love again after your last boyfriend suddenly broke up with you through a text before blocking you?
Your eyes were glued to your phone while waiting for your blind date, scrolling through your instagram feed without really paying attention to what your friends were posting, that was the only way you could keep yourself calm while waiting for him. The waitress already walked you to the table reserved for the two of you, so now all you could do was hoping everything would go right.
“(Y/N)?”, an oddly familiar voice asked and before you looked up you already know who it belonged to. Kim Yugyeom, no one else than your ex-boyfriend who left you feeling hopeless after vanishing from your life without an explanation. An odd feeling of shock and anxiety was building up inside of you as you looked at him, as tall and handsome as ever. His black hair still fell perfectly, the dress-shirt he was wearing fit him perfectly, tugged into his usual pair of black skinny jeans that showed of his beautiful long legs so well - you hated that the first thought you had was how handsome he still was. What on earth was he doing here?
The first thing you did was looking at him in shock before you stood up, why you didn’t know, “Wh-”, you tried to say something but it got stuck in your throat.
“I think I’m actually your blind date for tonight.”, he said softly, a small, careful smile on his lips - you could hear worries in his voice, “I swear I didn’t know it would be you.”
For a second you felt dizzy - you constantly tried your best to avoid Yugyeom. Not because you still loved him and couldn’t bear to see him but because you had a very hard time getting over him and really hoped you would never be reminded of this time again. The two of you have been a couple for a year, a quite happy one you could say. At least that’s what you thought. You had some arguments and discussions here and then, about simple things like where to eat today or who paid but they were always light-hearted and the two of you laughed about them. Back then you were so in love with him, you almost forgot how intense it was until you saw his face right in front of you again. Never before have you felt safer in someone's arms or wanted to spend time and make memories as much as with him. In these twelve months you two traveled to Paris, kissed in front of the Eiffel tower, flew to your hometown so he could meet your parents who were immediately obsessed with the soft boy at your side, he took you out to the cutest dates - romantic candlelight dinners on the rooftop of high buildings, just you and him and the moon, surprising zoo dates, one time you even came home to him building a fort in your room to have a cute movie night. Your heart felt heavy whenever you thought of those memories, that’s why you constantly were distracting yourself from them - with such things as this blind date.
All of your luck and happiness came to an end though when you got the text from Yugyeom one day. You read it so often, it’ll always be stuck in your head.
‘Y/n, I love you so much but I feel like I’ll never be good enough for you. I think it’s for the best if we end it now before things get ugly one day. Thank you so much for this amazing time with you and all of the beautiful memories I’ll never forget. Maybe I’ll see you one day and we can laugh about it. I’m so sorry.’
Well, today certainly wasn’t the day you could laugh about it just yet. “I think I’ll go, Yugyeom, I’m sorry.”, you said, giving him an apologetic smile, grabbing your handbag and getting ready to leave, avoiding his eyes that were glued to your every move, “It’s nice to see you but this”, you gestured with your hands between him and you, “seems like an uncomfortable blind date.”
“Stay. Just for a drink. I know it’s awkward and I owe you an apology but don’t run away like I did.”, his voice was nothing more than a mumble and he seemed to be very unconfident but he wanted to try at least.
You suddenly stopped your rushed movement, his words hitting you like a knife. It was good seeing him, he still looked like a Disney Prince and you would love to hear that apology but doubt was winning over you. If he wanted to explain himself he had enough time, why now? But as soon as you looked into his eyes, they looked so soft and genuinely excited to see you, you knew you’d stay.
A heavy sigh was heard from your side followed by a, “Okay, sure.” as you sat down. A part of you wanted to hear what he had to say. When he left you, you were angry mainly, how could he just do that after a year of dating?
He sat down opposite off you, the small table you were sitting on had roses in a vase on it and the candles made his skin look like it was glowing. “I didn’t even know you are Mina’s cousin.”, you said, breaking the silence between you two. If you were doing this you at least wanted the atmosphere to be less tense, you knew Yugyeom, it shouldn’t have to be awkward between you.
He gave you a shy smile, “Oh, she’s not exactly. Her mother is married to my uncle now, that’s why you didn’t get to meet her back then.” 
That made sense, you knew Yugyeom’s family and you never saw her before. “Good for your uncle.”, a genuine smile appeared on your lips as you thought of his uncle, he always was your favorite, “The world really is small, huh? Suddenly your cousin is dating my best friend, without us knowing.”
Something in Yugyeom overcame him for a moment and he just followed his urge to hold your hand - so without thinking twice about it, you suddenly felt his big hand on top of yours, sending shivers down your spine. You looked up at him confused to see he was already looking at you - Yugyeom was the best guy you could’ve got, a soft dork with his heart in the right place. “If you’re uncomfortable you have to tell me, okay?”, he said to which you nodded in response, waiting for him to continue, “I’m happy to see you actually.”
“Me too, Yugi.”, you told him and you meant it. He started to smile, a real one, a bigger one now.  The two of you were interrupted by the waitress and somehow Yugyeom just automatically ordered for the two of you, leaving you a bit impressed - you wouldn’t have thought he’d still know what your go-to meal was.
“Oh, can we please have two glasses of wine, please?”, he asked the waitress before turning to you, “red or white?”
“I’d like a red one, please.”
Within a few minutes, you both were clinking glasses and having some small talk. “I can’t believe we’re sitting here, Yugyeom.”, you said after taking a sip, laughing to yourself. You truly couldn’t believe it but you thought that if you two were here already you could also just spend a nice evening together. 
“I’m happy we are though. Even though I agree that it is also not what I expected tonight when Mark and Mina told me they know this girl that would just be perfect for me. If only they’d know.”, he joined your laughter and it was nice seeing him happy.
“I can’t wait to tell Mark you’re actually that guy I told him about before. He’ll probably kill you.”, you said, knowing that Mark was never a fan of the ex-boyfriend you told him about when you two became friends.
“He has every right to.”, Yugyeom said, his voice more serious now, “I fucked up, (y/n).”
You were having fun with him so you really wanted to avoid talking about the break-up, “This talk can wait. I got promised a nice blind date, so do your best.”, you said playfully, not wanting to sound hurt - you were hurt, no question, seeing him again didn’t make it easier. But for now you just wanted to keep up with him, “Your hair is longer now, huh? It suits you.”
“You think so? Bambam constantly teases me about it, I’m close to cutting it off actually.”, he said, rolling his eyes but you couldn’t help than smile at the mention of his best friend.
“Bambam!”, you said excited, “How has he been? Still after Lisa?”, you asked wondering what the tall boy was up to - the two of you always got along really good. He was basically Yugyeom’s soulmate and seeing them together was always very enjoyable. Two idiots having the time of their life, laughing about every- and anything.
“You bet. I don’t think he’ll ever give up.”, Yugyeom shook his head amused, “He swears that one day she’ll finally realize she’s been in love with him all along.”
“That poor soul.”, you laughed, taking another sip of your wine, “Tell me about the others, how are Jaebum and Maria?”
Yugyeom’s eyes widened, trying not to laugh out loud, “Oh, you really haven’t talked to any of them, huh? They broke up a month after us.”
Your jaw dropped, a shocked expression on your face, “No way! I thought they were going to get married, no joke.”
It went on like this for the dinner, basically you and Yugyeom caught up with each other’s life's, he asked about your family, your semester abroad, you told him about your graduation next month and he told you about how he started to work in a retirement home besides university to make some money, he was so happy talking about all the old people he met there, it was nice seeing him talk about something so passionate.
Thoughts you knew were dangerous came creeping up - you and Yugyeom were getting along as good as always, it felt like coming home after a long, rough time. Considering the fact that the shy and soft boy was not so shy talking to you let you know that he definitely felt as comfortable as you. When you met him for the first time you were immediately attracted to the broad and tall guy.
Time flew and without noticing your food and three glasses of wine for each of you were empty and the waitress was bringing you your bill. “Are you paying together or separate?”, she asked Yugyeom.
“Together.”, he said, getting out his card.
“No way, I can pay for myself.”, you said, warning him - you hated when he paid for you. It always has been like this when you were dating and now that he was your ex-boyfriend it certainly didn’t change.
He let out a heavy sigh but you could see a smile hidden in the corner of his lips, “Don’t. We discussed this often enough.” 
He was right, the amount of time this was a discussion between the two of you was almost embarrassing but it was something different now - the boy opposite of you was not your boyfriend anymore. “Whatever, you pay then.”, you shrugged, deciding that after leaving you like this he could pay once.
“Sooooo-”, he said a bit awkward as you two were standing outside, his eyes glued to his shoes, “Should I bring you home?”
No. You didn’t want to part ways yet, it’s the last thing you wanted to do. This evening was nice and if you left now who knows if you’d see him again anytime soon? But then, on the other hand, you didn’t want him to be uncomfortable. In the end, he might have been just nice and didn’t want to hurt your feelings when he saw you in the restaurant.
“I had fun, Yugi.”, you said, avoiding his question and hoping for a good reaction from him.
“Yugi.”, he repeated, more like mumbled to himself with a grin on his face, “No one has called me Yugi in such a long time.”
He looked up into the dark night sky, watching the stars, “I had fun too, (y/n). Would it be rude to invite you for another drink somewhere? Maybe a coffee?”
It was cute how he immediately blushed as he asked you, still not daring to look at you - at least until you stepped right next to him, linking your arm with his. “Let’s go then.”, you said and he looked at you with eyes wide open.
The two of you were walking slowly, talking about the beautiful buildings, on your way to the cafe Yugyeom suggested, and about everything else that came to your mind. The atmosphere was relaxed, maybe even a little romantic, walking under the stars with a beautiful man by your side that was so tall that you had to look up to if you wanted to see his face, the city was lit with only a few dimmed street lights and the air was chilly but still warm, making you feel awake. 
“I think it’s funny that they tried to set us up.”, he said, looking down to you, scrunching his nose to look cute, “My heart stopped beating when I saw you sitting on the table. All I could think of was I had to make you stay somehow.”
You both arrived in front of the cafe by now. “I’m happy I stayed.”, you admitted before walking into the cute little cafe. You and Yugyeom were almost the only ones there. 
As you sat down he looked at you, his expression seemed to be a bit worried. Before you could ask what was wrong he already started, “Can you let me apologize now?”, he asked shyly.
You nodded, knowing that sooner or later the two of you had to talk about it - at least if you planned to stay in contact after this night. Even though you didn’t want to be reminded of your broken heart, Yugyeom was right. It was time to get it over with. As you were waiting for him your mood suddenly dropped. The two of you got along so good tonight, just as good as you always did. Why did he ever leave considering how the two of you have felt for each other. You were sure he had genuine feelings for you, even after he left. For months you asked yourself why he left, knowing you wouldn’t get an answer, until day after day you started to care less and less, getting over it in a slow process. You were afraid that he’d ruin all your process within just one evening.
“To be honest, I don’t even know anymore why I did what I did. I was stupid, afraid of hurting. And I was a kid, I didn’t know how to deal with it so I just decided to leave as quick as possible, like ripping off a bandaid. I knew if I did it any other way I couldn’t have done it.”, he looked deep into your eyes while explaining the situation to you - you had many emotions while listening to him. Mostly you felt uneasy though. After you had time to think about it back then you already assumed he left because of something like that, he was right, you were just kids back then and Yugyeom was always a bit insecure.
“I understand that.”, you said, not able to hide the sadness in your voice, “Still, I wish I got an explanation earlier. Or at least not over a text in the middle of the night.”
He nodded, taking your hand that was currently resting on the table. “If I could, I would undo it all. I know I can’t and this means nothing but you should know that I am very aware that I fucked up. If it makes you feel any better, I regretted it like nothing else ever before.”, he said, trying to cheer you up and it worked for a bit as you scoffed. 
“Not a lot, but a bit.”, you admitted, “It was hard for me to get over it. I really liked you, Yugyeom. I thought we were in it for the long run.”
He nodded, closing his eyes for a second, biting his lip as he was thinking of what to say, “We would have been. I was too young to understand that.”
The two of you were interrupted by the barista, asking you for your order. He ordered two hot chocolates for both of you and the last piece of peach tart they had at this late hour.
Before he got the chance to continue talking to you, you took the opportunity to tell him what you truly thought about all this.
“It’s been one and a half years. I’m more than willing to leave all of that behind, Yugyeom. I don’t want it to be awkward when we see each other, you know?”
“Friends?”, he asked you. 
“Let’s try that.”, you chuckled, knowing that you probably couldn’t be friends with him. After just seeing him for a few hours you were already swooning over him again, you didn’t believe that you’d actually manage to be something like just friends with him, but for now, friends seemed fine.
After the barista brought you your order your phone was ringing suddenly. You let out a laugh as you showed Yugyeom who was facetiming you at midnight. No one else than Mina. 
“Give it to me. I’ll answer it.”, he said amused, “She’ll scream.”
“She’ll think we’re going to get married.”, you said as you handed him the phone, “Her poor soul has no idea.”
Before Yugyeom got the chance to say something, Mina was already talking. “(Y/n). I can’t believe you didn’t ca-”
“Hi Mina, can I help you?”, Yugyeom said, a grin on his face as he left Mina speechless.
“It’s midnight! Bring her home. Did you kidnap her?”, she said, sounding complety shocked.
Both of you let out a laugh, “No, we’re actually in the cafe around the corner of your apartment.”
“Shit.”, she mumbled to herself before turning around in her room, screaming over to her boyfriend, “Mark! They are going to fuck. They are still out.”
You snatched your phone back from Yugyeom, facing Mina now, “Will you shut up? We’re in a public place.”
“Everybody needs to know.”, Mina said, a triumphing grin on her face, “Mark and me are the matchmakers out there.”
You scoffed, “If you did good research you’d actually know that we’ve not only known each other for some time, but also dated.”
Now she was left completely speechless, realizing who Yugyeom actually was to you. 
“Wait. He’s the guy?”, Mark asked from the back, “And you two are still out? Old love doesn’t die, huh?”
You chuckled, “Oh, shut up. We’ll enjoy our evening now, okay? Talk to you later.”
And with that you hung up on your best friends, not really caring about them in this moment. 
“Mark will give me so much shit tomorrow.”, Yugyeom said, sighing. 
Laughing you agreed, “Probably, yes. But that doesn’t matter right now. I’m in the mood to do something stupid if I am honest.”
Your ex-boyfriend gave you a mischevious smile, always down for doing stupid shit, “Any ideas?”
That’s one of the things you used to love the most about Yugyeom. He was never trying to stop you, instead, he joined you whenever you had a spontaneous and probably very idiotic idea. One time the two of you drove across the whole country in the middle of the night just to look at some stars from the highest point of your city. And today, you had another one of those spontaneous late night ideas.
“Wanna go for a swim? It’s still warm outside.”, you suggested, knowing everyone else would immediately tell you you were crazy but not Yugyeom. His eyes sparkled as you asked him, a grin on his face. Both of you knew the owner of the local swimming pool, so even if you’d get caught it would be absolutely no problem. Basically, it had no downsides at all.
“That would be foolish. It’s late. It’s actually not that warm outside. We have no clothes to change into.”, he stated the facts, explaining why it was a bad idea.
“So we’re doing it?”, you asked him, eating the last piece of the tart in front of you.
“Absolutely.”, he gave you a small wink before going to the counter to pay for your drinks. 
As the two of you left the place, a rush of adrenaline was rushing over you. The pool was only a five minute walk away and you were more than excited to go for a swim with Yugyeom. You couldn’t even explain why it was making you feel so excited since you knew you wouldn’t get in trouble anyway. Just the thought of the two of you doing something together again, that only the two of you could be doing was making you feel happy.
“Nothing compares to that.”, he said, laughing, “It’s been way too long since someone did something exciting with me.”
It was nice knowing that Yugyeom seemed to be just as excited as you were. As the two of you stood in front of the gate he immediately went down on his knees so you could use him as a ladder to climb over it. He didn’t need any help since he was tall enough to just simply climb over himself.
So, there you were, just you and your ex-boyfriend in the middle of the night, all alone, ready to go for a swim. As you looked up at him, he was already looking at you, both of you asking yourself the same question but no one daring to say it out loud.
“Uhm.”, Yugyeom started awkwardly, running his hands through his hair, “Should we, you know.. Maybe take our clothes off? Not that we need to but if we go home in wet clothes we might get sick. But I don’t care, I can also just get sick.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle at his awkward rambling. Not answering his question you simply started to strip down in front of him, not breaking eye contact. First your jacket, then your shirt. As you stood in front of him in your bra and your pants he was staring at your breasts as if he’s never seen them before.
“I’d rather stay healthy.”, you simply stated and within seconds Yugyeom was joining you, also stripping down until the two of you were only left in your underwear.
“Shit.”, he said shivering as the two of you were standing in front of the water, “You sure won’t freeze to de-”
You didn’t let him finish his sentence but instead, you took his wrist, making him jump into the water right with you. The cold water hit you, making you gasp but feeling amazing. Yugyeom was right beside you, a smirk on his lips, as he started to swim towards the middle of the pool, barely able to stand in it. You had to keep yourself over water because if Yugyeom already had trouble standing in it, you had no chance. 
He laid on top of the water, balancing his body so he wouldn’t drown. You did the same, just laying there with him, looking at the starry night sky. 
“I missed this.”, he said with a genuine tone in his voice, “I haven’t felt this good in a long time.”
You looked at him, relaxing in the water and you felt yourself becoming needy. It was wrong probably to want him, after all, that happened but you tried to bury your feelings for long enough, you were tired of that.
“Hey, Yugyeom?”, you said, making him look at you.
“Yes?”, he asked you, not lying on top of the water anymore but instead being right in front of you.
Without giving yourself the time to overthink you came closer, burying your hand in his hair as your lips brushed over his, barely touching them.
“If I’m asking you to not break my heart again would you promise it?”
His eyes were locked with yours and the expression in them was serious, listening to every word carefully.
“If you can trust me once more I won’t break it.”, he assured you, his hand now resting on your hip as your legs wrapped around his waist and your lips came in contact with his, kissing him hungrily, not wanting to break the kiss at all. His wet skin on yours felt sinfully good and you didn’t want him to ever stop holding you up like that. Slowly, he was walking the two of you over to the edge of the pool without breaking the kiss, pressing you against it while his hands were running all over your body. You let out a deep groan as he broke from the kiss to wander down to your jaw and then to your neck, licking and kissing your sweet spot.
His free hand was playing with the back of your bra, taking it off in an instant.
“I didn’t expect this night to end like this.”, he said smirking.
“I hope all of our nights can end similar to this from now on.”, you told him before he continued to kiss you, promising you that this definitely wouldn’t be the last time.
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ddaenqu · 5 years
Short and Sweet
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Update Me Drabble - This is set before the events in Update Me
pairings: fanboy!jimin x idol!reader
themes: Non-idol Verse AU, Reverse Idol AU, Fanboy AU, Fluff, Angst,
tags: possessive behavior, obsessive behavior, overprotective behavior, unhealthy behavior, toxic behavior, sasaeng behavior, stalking
a/n: oh baby, this is for the love of my life, min (@jooniescupcakes). thank you for being my friend and happy birthday!!!! i love you so much :((( and would’ve stopped writing if it weren’t for you, my first friend on here that’s stuck w me during my weird 2am talks. you’re so sweet n cute n adorable and i only wish the best for you. i hope you enjoy this! just something i thought would be cute for update!jimin, especially since around the time you wanted a drabble with him. and i’m also freaking out because i don’t know whether i scheduled to post this when it’s july 22nd for you, or if it’s still the 21st, like i’m having such a trouble, so i’m sorry if i get it wrong :(((
Jimin absolutely hated it here.
The constant chattering filling the small room, feet that hit hard on the poor wooden floor, the constant buzz of energy that sounded like a white noise throughout the room, and the sweat that clung to the walls and skin of everyone.
He didn’t want to be here, as he always hates being at the dance studio, but today—especially—he did not want anything to do with this place.
Jimin looked around the room, beads of sweat forming at his forehead and then his legs aching, throbbing uncomfortably that he was always shifting his leg to get rid of the odd tremor in it.
Everyone was white and black to him, their faces blended into the same, their words and voices sounded like plain mockery when they spoke to him, their eyes downcast as if they bored with life, and he knew for a fact they were. They lived their lives in ignorance, he thought in spite, looking back at his phone, showing an event on the calendar with an event in capitalized words.
Just looking at it made his heart thump in an immense amount of infatuation, butterflies fluttering at the pit of his stomach, his body screaming with energy burning at his breaths, slow to comprehend a sudden rush of excitement that came and went.
Didn’t they know what today was? How important today was? Who in their right mind thought that having a lesson today would be fine?
They were obviously fucking stupid.
Usually, he’d be at home, retweeting, replying, and liking everything of yours, over and over. A cake, your favorite type, and flavor, sitting nicely in his fridge with newly bought wine sitting atop his counter with a nice ribbon he bought—in your favorite color—tied around it.
Instead, he was sitting in his dance studio, covered in, his words: grease. With people he didn’t like, neither did he have newly bought wine or a pretty cake sitting in his fridge, he doesn’t have anything.
Jimin already feels useless as it is, but now that he’s consistently messing up on the dances—he’s close to ditching or making up some half-assed excuse to get out of here.
He clicked his tongue, brushing his hair out of his face, and clicked on Twitter, hoping to lessen his sour mood.
Looking through to see all of your fan accounts, most in English, some in Japanese or Korean (that’s as far as he could understand). He can somewhat notice they were all making a mess of themselves over you, noting certain words like “I love you” in English. He couldn’t blame them though.
It was your birthday after all.
His holiday.
The one day he feels complete as if he’s celebrating something with you, being with you, knowing you’re going to be having an Instagram live, responding to birthday wishes—you’re going to be there—for him.
At one point, he thinks it’s unfair how everyone gets to celebrate it too. He wants to feel special when he congratulates you personally through a private message, email, even fan mail that he’s made sure to send in accordance to your time zone.
Although, you never reply, never text of it, or utter a word about it. He knows you must’ve read it. You had to.
You loved your fans. You love him.
He scrolls further and further through his feed, through tags that were related to you or your birthday, constantly switching through different social media’s just to look at photos you’ve posted hours ago, only to look at your face—your perfect smile that radiated everything. Everything he wants to have at this moment.
It’s a constant reminder, seeing your captions in English, never in his language, or you, rarely being able to tour, and when you do, it’s never Korea.
He detests it.
Couldn’t you learn Korean for him? It’s hard, he could understand that at least, but with his help, you could easily learn it. That way you could always understand his posts, his love and adoration for you, you could be with him and only him.
Life would be so much easier if you were with him.
A shy smile reaches his lips, only imagining what you would look like if he ever had to chance to meet you. He’d imagined you’d be shocked, that’s a given, but you would be happy.
The things he would do for you on your birthday. An unhealthy amount of dates to the park, the restaurants, the beach. Lavishing you with gifts he could only imagine were the best of the best, diamonds, gold—anything you looked at with interest, it’s there—and his hand, intertwined with yours, tight enough to leave marks.
The dance instructor walks to the front of the room, already ruining his mood. Jimin dreads their heavy steps and their obnoxious clapping to collect the students, to prepare them for another onslaught of useless dancing. The songs weren’t nearly as good and fun as yours, maybe he’ll have a talk with the instructor to change it.
“Five-minute warmup,” they state blandly, then going on to busy themselves with something or someone else, Jimin didn’t care.
Of course, he still listens.
He, slowly, goes to shut his phone off and toss it into his bag sitting in the corner of the room, obviously situated from the rest of the class’ bags. Until his phone vibrates and rings, a notification from Twitter once again. Your username popping up on the notification screen (he practically has all of your usernames ingrained into his brain, from every each app you use)
It’s a post. A thank you message.
It’s for him.
Jimin flushes with heat, his breathing becoming irregular the moment he opens it up, reading it over and over, and over. Eating up every word and letter you used, every smiley face, every emoji, everything. He doesn’t care at this point if his ears and face are red, sweat collecting at his neck—he doesn’t care at all.
He curls into himself in his awkward sitting position, his heart hurts and hurts. Muscles that were limp before, slack against the floor, were now building up with newfound energy.
Quickly, typing out a response to the thank you letter, knowing he will come back to it later and reply with something better than what everyone else is replying with under your post.
A simple “I love you” will suffice, for now, ending with a short and sweet, “Happy birthday :)”
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(thank you for reading! and send birthday wishes to @jooniescupcakes please, and go all out with praises 🧸❤️)
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werenzki · 7 years
Sidney Crosby #2
shalanos said: Could I request a Sidney Crosby imagine where he, and y/n, who works for the team, supposedly "hate" each other, and don't get along, but they both actually really like each other, and they don't confess that until they get into a huge argument, and they end up kissing? Thanks, love 💕
A/N: apologizing for the wait on requests has been my thing as of late, but hey i got to like all of them!!! so sorry but thanks for another request! i’ve been loving them :) hope you liked it!
Word Count: 2,078
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“Do you ever get day off?” Geno asked you as you were going through your purse to find your lipstick that was unfortunately wearing off between each video being recorded. You chuckled at the large Russian, who’s broken English always managed to put a smile on your face, but you were quick to shake your head in response. 
“I’m here just as much, if not more, than all you guys,” you stated while grabbing onto your lipstick. You used the reflection on your phone to reapply, making faces in order to get every part of your now dark pink lips.  
“You should get day off,” he said with a smile. 
“Tell my boss that,” you chuckled and took a seat beside him. 
“I will,” he nodded. You shook your head at him and then looked around the room. This next video being recorded was including another player, NHL most loved captain and ironically you’re least favourite. Sidney was currently on his phone in the corner of the room, laughing - which for some stupid reason made your stomach flutter - at something before seeing he was being watched and saying his goodbyes. 
“Sorry,” he muttered while walking around the cameras. 
You took a deep breath as Sidney sat down on the other side of you. Geno made a snide comment about Sidney talking to some girl, but Sidney shot him down and said it was his mom. Regardless, he had you behind schedule now. Little do these guys know, but you had a lot more to do that sit here and look pretty. You had several jobs, not to mention since you didn’t get many days off you were hoping to get out of here early and go grocery shopping before the store closed.
“Alright, so online there’s this video going around, it’s called the best friend versus boyfriend tag,” you exclaimed - both to the camera in front of the three of you, and to the two men sitting beside you. “But obviously neither of these guys are my boyfriends, but I’d say they were pretty good friends, right?” You asked, smiling at them both. 
“Yes,” Geno nodded with a smile. 
You turned to Sid, catching the little snort from him before he nodded and muttered, “sure,” 
It took everything inside of you to not roll your eyes at him, but instead turning back to the camera and keeping it professional. With a smile on your face, you explained the little game a little more. Basically you were going to ask pretty generic questions and the guys would have to guess what you’d answer them. Whoever got the most points won, proving they were the better best friend. And as they grabbed the white boards and felt markers that sat beside them, you had all your money on Geno. 
“Alright, first question,” you paused and gave them both a smile, “what’s my favourite colour?” 
You gave them a moment to write it down, Geno being first to turn his white board to face the camera and then Sidney lazily scribbled something down before turning his as well. Judging by his posture and his facial expression, he was not enjoying this already. A part of you was sort of happy to see him suffer so much from just having to do this video with you, but also a part of you was already upset with him. 
“Geno, what did you write?” You questioned, peeking at his board. 
“Pink,” he said out loud. 
“And Sidney,” you turned to see - surprisingly, the right answer on his board. 
“Red,” he shrugged. 
“One point for Sidney,” you said with a - very fake - smile. Geno muttered something, in Russian, which made you genuinely chuckle now. “Don’t worry, Geno, I’m sure you’ll get on the points board soon,” 
“Next question,” Sidney said, sounding eager to get on with the video. You couldn’t help but roll your eyes now, making a mental note to edit that out later. 
“Alright,” you licked your lips - the main reason your lipstick was constantly wearing off - and read out the next question you had written in your notes. “What’s my dogs name?” You asked, glancing at both the boys again. 
“I’m really supposed to know this?” Sidney asked, shaking his head but looking down at his white board. Geno had already written down his answer, meaning that you’ve obviously mentioned it and that Sidney should actually know it. You actually never shut up about your bulldog puppy, you were also always posting about him on your social media’s too. He’s even made it on the Penguins official Instagram page too. 
“Geno,” you smiled at him. 
“Duke,” he said while flipping over his white board. 
Sidney rolled his eyes and shook his head again, turning his board over to show that he had written down ‘Charlie’ in big letters. You chuckled and looked up at him. He gave you a settle glare in return. 
“See, Geno, already tied up,” you smiled at Sidney before turning back to look at your notes. 
You went through another six questions. Geno managed to get 4-out-of-6 right, while Sidney got no more points. The questions weren’t too hard, only one made sense that the two wouldn’t know the answer - you added it more to be silly than anything else. But honestly, you weren’t surprised at the final score between the two boys sitting beside you. As you signed off, giving the camera a wave before your camera man stopped recording, Geno was relaxing beside you - Sidney, on the other hand, jumped up after the video had ended. 
Honestly, you were so done with his behaviour. Geno looked up from his phone as Sidney exited the room, raising his eyebrows at his teammate’s sudden quick departure. You shook your head and stood up from your seat. Geno then turned his attention to you, eyebrows still raised as you excused yourself and walked off after Sidney.
“Sidney,” you called out after him. He stopped and turned around, looking straight at you with narrowed eyes and his lips in a thin line. The hallway was empty besides the two of you. The rest of the team would be in for practice any moment now though.
“What?” He asked, annoyance laced with the one word.
You took a deep breath and a few more steps towards him. “Look,” you began, “I am really getting tired of this,”
“Of what?” He questioned, his arms now crossed at his chest. 
“This,” you pointed at him, “I like my job, I really like it actually, but when you go and disrespect me day in and day out it makes it a lot harder than it should be. I’m so tired of you shutting me down during videos or even just ignoring my presents any time I’m in the same damn room as you. Nearly every other guy on the team has put in an effort to get to know me even a little, and when I started this job I expected the captain of the team to be the first to put in some freaking effort,” 
“Just because I don’t know your dogs name or that you grew up in Pittsburgh, that makes me a shitty person?” He questioned, eyebrows now drawn together in an angered look. 
“No, what makes you a shitty person is that way you act around me. Take me seriously, Sid, cause I’m not just going to go away anytime soon,” 
“No?” He was taunting you now.
“Not unless you be that shitty person and get me fired,” you said, putting out your daily fear between the two of you. As much as you tried to convince yourself Sidney didn’t have that power, he really did.
“You really think that little of me?” He asked.
“I really believe you’ve treated me that way, yes,” 
“Wow,” he breathed out and let his arms drop to his sides now. 
“Wow?” The anger had fueled up inside of you now. With your hands curled up into fists at your sides and your lips pushed together before they opened to say some more stupid things that could potentially get you fired. “This is what I’m saying! Why can’t you just talk to me normally? I’m really not that bad-”
To say you were caught off guard by what happened next would be such an understatement. Sidney took one step towards you, one hand making soft contact with your cheek while his lips made rough contact with yours. Your breath was taken away from you as Sidney’s lips touched yours. Then his other hand found your hip, suddenly making you release that one breath and move your lips against his. For a moment the two of you stood in that hallway and kissed. Your hands were no longer in fists at your sides, but instead resting on his chest while you kissed him. 
“Whoa,” the sudden voice made both you and Sidney pull back from each other in a bit of shock. Sidney turned around and you peeked around him to see Bryan Rust standing there with Olli Matta. They both looked just about as shocked as you and Sidney did. 
“Sorry,” Olli said and then chuckled. “Just unexpected,” 
“Totally,” Bryan agreed. Then they two of them walked past you guys and into the dressing room. This was about to be the talk of the team for who knows how long now. You let out a deep breath and looked anywhere but to the man standing beside you. The one that you were shouting at one second, then making out with the next. 
“Sorry,” Sidney said. 
His apology took you by surprise, causing you to look right at him now. He was licking his lips, you looked down at them to see the faint dark lip tint on them, which caused you to smile. As much as you probably didn’t want to admit it, you really enjoyed kissing him. 
“For, uh, for how I’ve been treating you,” Sidney said, “I just, uh, I’ve been trying to avoid... That,” he stated while motioning around your face - obviously referring to the kiss. 
“I see,” you nodded while rolling your lips into your mouth. “Care to elaborate on... That?” You asked, catching how you sounded like the usual reporter you were. 
Sidney chuckled, shaking his head slightly and looking down before looking back up at you through his lashes. “I’m not really sure,” he admitted. “I kind of like you,” 
“Well, I kind of like you too,” 
“Dating isn’t really easy for me,” he said. 
“Nothing’s easy, Sid,”
“Got that right,” he chuckled. You smiled then, the realization of just how much you liked this guy was settling in. The feeling had always sort of scratched the surface, but you managed to push it back with each eye roll he gave you or arrogant remark directed to you. But after that kiss, well that changed everything. 
“Sidney,” a loud voice boomed down the hallway. You both looked down to see the head coach peeking his head out of his office. He signalled for Sidney to come to him with a wave of two fingers. Sidney nodded to him but then turned back to you. 
“I’ll text you,”
“You don’t even have my number,” you stated. 
Sidney smiled and took a few steps backwards, “I’ll get it, trust me,” 
You chuckled and shook your head at him before he sent you a wink and then turned around to walk into the room he was beckoned into. Just then a few more guys from the team walked by, giving the two of you a weird look before walking past you and into the dressing room. They’d be caught up soon enough. You leaned back against the wall and took a moment to yourself, knowing that you had to walk into the dressing room sooner or later to gather your stuff and your camera man too. 
“Where Sid?” Geno smirked at you as you walked into the room. He was sitting with Rust and Latang, and had clearly been informed. You rolled your eyes and picked up your purse from where you had left it. “Should’ve kept that video idea for later, then would have been best friend versus boyfriend,” 
“Ha, ha,” you said before taking out your lipstick and reapplying your lipstick yet again. You now were just hoping Sid had wiped his lips before talking to the coach.
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