#you could have prevented it honeybuns
Armand & “accidentally” fucking his life up, a thesis:
- he invites Lestat to the Paris cult knowing full well Lestat is gonna flounce in all liberated in a slutty waistcoat and tempt everyone away
- he’s tired of leading the Paris theater nerds so he lets Louis undermine his authority by not having a bedtime or whatever
………Are you ready for the kicker?
- he allows Daniel “Divorce Causer” Molloy into his home to interview Louis again knowing. FULL WELL. That Daniel is going sniff out the lies and get Louis to break up with him.
!!!!!!! Planting lipgloss in your car so your gf will break up with you type behavior. “I could not prevent it” bitchass I love you so much
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tiredfox64 · 4 months
Hi!!!! I loved your bi-han x chubby reader stories and wanted to make a request please!
I was hoping to request a Smoke x chubby reader where the reader is a baker of Madam Bo's and is the sweetheart of the village and Insecure about her body. The rest would be up to you. Please and thank you!
Sweet Honeybuns
Prior notes: Mhm mhm I like this. Good energy. Love when I get to project myself. I love that man I just know he would love to cuddle a woman like me
Pairing: Tomas x Chubby Baker! Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: I'm sorry if you start craving my b
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Oh, that face. That beautiful face of yours. Those gorgeous eyes that he could get lost in. Those adorable cheeks that he would love to caress and kiss. That lovely, plump body of yours. The way your hips move hypnotizes him. You move throughout the bakery part of the tea house swiftly, trying to put more cakes in the display window. Your hair was put up nicely to prevent it from blocking your view and getting in your face. Your pretty, well-kept fingers were wrapped around the whisk as you began to beat the egg whites before adding the other ingredients in to make the perfect meringue. Tomas already knew you were making your meringue cookies since you make them every Wednesday. He loves your meringue cookies, they’re as sweet as you. He loves everything you make. Oh heavens, he loves you.
“Tomas!” Kuai Liang yelled right into Tomas’ ear.
Tomas was spooked at first before he started to blush hard. He was caught in the act again. He was caught staring at you with that lovesick expression. Elbow resting on the table, chin resting on his hand, the generic lovesick boy pose. We can’t forget about that dopey smile. It’s a shock that he wasn’t swinging his feet. Kuai Liang knew what was going on. Everybody in the Shirai Ryu knew. If they go to the tea house at least once with Tomas they get to see him go into that daze again. Every single time it’s like clockwork.
“You should ask her out soon. It won’t do you good if you continue to keep your feelings in.” Kuai Liang suggested.
Tomas immediately nodded his head no. He really, really, REALLY likes you. But he’s afraid that you will reject him. It’s a normal fear. He thinks you are out of his league. You’re just too sweet. You probably already have a line of men ready to be your boyfriend. You’ve already captured the hearts of many with your baking. With the addition of your kind personality, you’re basically as sweet as the cannoli you make.  You’re a sweetheart in everyone’s eyes. To the men and women, young and old. Everybody must want a chance with you. They must all be as desperate as Tomas is.
Though there were few who were interested in you, you had your heart set on one man. Your heart was set on Tomas. He was so kind to you and he brought you so much joy to your week. He took the time to talk to you. It didn’t matter what there was always something to talk about. It would go on for so long that Madame Bo would have to yell at you to get back to work and she would scold Tomas for distracting you. Though she found it cute how you two were so lost in conversation. She encouraged you to establish a relationship with him but you always said you can’t, you just can’t.
Truth be told you so badly wanted to ask Tomas out but you were afraid of many things. You were afraid of rejection, fair enough. You were afraid of making things awkward between you two and that you would see him less after that, that’s also fair. Lastly, you were afraid that he wouldn’t like you because you are…chubby.
Now hold on just a sec, that’s not fair to you.
Yes, you were worried he wouldn’t like a girl like you cause of your body type. You looked at yourself negatively. You treated your stretchmarks as if they were a curse. You believe cellulite is unnatural. You think you need a thigh gap to get his attention. You feel like your belly will scare him away.
Oh poppycock! Excuse my language. But what you think, and I’m saying this because I care about you, is bullshit. Imma prove your sweet ass wrong.
You saw Tomas coming your way. He gave you a quick wave and you gave him a smile. Gosh, his heart might explode after seeing that.
“There’s my favorite man. What can I get you for today?”
Yup, his heart just exploded. He loves that you call him your favorite man. He’s not just another customer to you and that makes him feel special.
“Can’t I come up to talk to my favorite lady without having to buy anything?” He teased. Now your heart was exploding. He is smooth when he isn’t trying.
“I would allow you to do that but you know how Madame Bo gets when I stop working.”
“Fine, I’ll bite. Do you have anything special this week that you can offer to your favorite man?”
“Well we have coconut cream pie, flan, conchas, baklava, peach cobbler, liu shao bao, bublania, tiramisú,” on and on you went.
That’s something else he likes about you. You have desserts from all around the world. But damn does it make it hard to decide what to buy from you. He lowered his head as he struggled to pick something from you. Pick for him, the man is struggling.
“How about I get you some flan? I think you will like it.” You walked over to the display window, pulled out the flan you recently made and cut him a big slice.
You brought him the plate with that delicious, syrupy goodness on it. You scooped him a piece of it and tried to feed it to Tomas. You looked so adorable to him at that moment. Looking up at him with doe eyes while waiting for him to open his mouth. He opened up and ate the bit of flan that was on the spoon. The creamy custard was practically melting in his mouth with the caramel top hitting his tongue soon after. He just found his new favorite dessert.
“I love you.”
“I mean I love it!”
Tomas stumbled over his words. He meant the first thing he said but also didn’t mean to say it in that moment. The goodness of the flan messed with his mind and made his heart swell with love for you. You know what they say: the fastest way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. You already captured his heart a long time ago but this instance made his heart become caged by you. You will never release it even though you never knew you had it before.
He asked you how much it was but you told him it’s on the house since he was so handsome. You sly dog, flirting with him effortlessly while he was already spiraling. You left him blushing while walking back to his table. The moment he sat and placed his plate down he rested his head on the table. It’s over for him. He’s so madly in love with you. You got him so bad he forgot to make an effort to ask you out while he was up there. Kuai Liang started patting his back. Brother needs to support his brother.
It was near closing time. Most customers have left and almost all the waitresses were gone. Finally, some peace. You decided you deserve a treat after baking all day and serving customers. Time to munch on the mistake pile. The pile of slightly burnt cookies, lopsided muffins, and double-glazed bear claws.
You only really eat when most people are gone. If you give yourself a treat, even just a bite of a banana muffin, others think it’s typical of you. It’s tiring to hear people compliment your desserts only to immediately say you should slow down on eating them yourselves. You barely ever eat your own work since you have to save it for the customers. You know it’s unhealthy to make it a habit of eating your mistakes which is why you balance it out with healthy and balanced meals. You eat well actually. Yet some people think you intentionally make mistakes just so you can eat. How could people be so ignorant and rude when all you ever do is give. You give and give and they appreciate it but they still have something to say.
Whatever, you’re alone. You started nibbling on some cookies, enjoying yourself for a bit before turning around and seeing Tomas was near the counter. You immediately hid the cookie behind your back like a guilty child.
“Oh, I thought you would have gone home already.” You said.
“I would have but Kuai Liang said I had to do something or else he wouldn’t let me leave.” Tomas chuckled awkwardly as if it were a joke but it was serious. Kuai Liang would not let Tomas come home until he confessed to you.
“I hope I didn’t disturb you. You can keep eating your cookie if you want.”
You were hesitant to do so. You just nodded your head while putting the cookie away. Tomas got worried that he had upset you. He didn’t mean to be rude even though he did no wrong. He leaped over the counter to get closer to you and apologize.
“I’m sorry if I upset you—”
“No, no, it’s alright. I just…don’t like eating in front of people.” Your voice got quiet near the end.
“Oh, I’m guessing you get anxious?” He asked.
“No, I just…don’t like when people comment on my weight when I eat. I don’t want you thinking I'm a slob or something.”
That hurt Tomas to hear. He didn’t know people were making backhanded comments towards you. Now that he thinks about it even when he has stayed at the tea house for a long while he never saw you eat in front of anyone. He was hoping that you weren’t starving yourself throughout the day just to prevent people from making comments about your weight.
“I hope you don’t think you are one because you’re not. I could never think of you like that. How could I think something so negatively to a girl that I want as,” He paused for a second before finally having the balls to say it, “my girlfriend.”
You looked at him in shock. His girlfriend? You? Did you accidentally take a bite out of your “special” cookie because you can’t believe what you just heard.
“Me? Why me?” You asked.
“Why you? Why not you? You’re incredibly sweet and hardworking. I’ve never seen so many loving eyes on one girl before. Everything you say to me makes me want you even more. I was afraid a lot of people had their eyes on you and I was afraid I would lose you to someone else. That’s why Kuai Liang told me to confess now. I just really want you in my life. You’re the only girl who has made my heart feel like this—this tingly feeling that reappears every time I see you.”
His words were so genuine you found it difficult to disagree or fight back on anything. His eyes were practically twinkling as he looked at you, waiting for a response. He was nervous that you would actually reject him. He was picking at his nails and he was biting his lip slightly.
“You mean, you still want to date me even though I’m,” you pointed to your chubby belly.
Yeah, so what?
Don’t break his heart. If you do, you end up breaking your heart as well. It’s as clear as the night sky that Tomas really wanted you to be his girlfriend. It didn’t matter your size. He wants to love you and cherish you. He wants to kiss and caress you all night long. Do us all a favor and accept his lovin. It will do you both good. You know you want it.
“Well, you got me there. I can’t argue with that. I guess you just earned yourself a girlfriend and some double-glazed bear claws.” You smiled widely.
Tomas was beyond happy. He immediately hugged you and started to kiss you all over your face. Gosh, your skin was so soft against his lips. He could do this for hours. But you’re right, he did earn himself some bear claws.
You both sat around, eating your mistake baked goods together. You both were all smiles. There was a warm feeling that resonated with you. This has got to be the best day ever. Well if it wasn’t for Madame Bo slapping the back of Tomas’ head and yelling at him to leave already and stop eating the sweets. He booked it out of there while laughing, promising to return tomorrow.
Ain’t he just the sweetest?
After notes: Halfway through I ate a coconut cream pie to get motivation. I don't even like coconut but it hit! I feel like a jackass for making flan the favorite dessert in this fic. Idk why I'm not sending subliminal messages to make y'all want it. Ah whatever. Adiós!
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noisester · 5 months
Oh, hello. You didn't expect anything to come out of the sticker outside of the major thread going on, did you? That funny joke that was made eons ago that technically became canon to the Tumblr RPC, but it wasn't purely added for comic relief.
The thing about being a sticker is that you're physically and mentally merged with the wearer, leaving you little room to act individually except for perhaps a few wacky instances where the opportunity arises. Even if visually it looked like a singular Noise was doing the work, the truth is there were actually two of them on the field.
Theodore could feel it all: the terror, the fear, the pain coursing through their veins. It's all he could do in a state where he could only speak his own mind subconsciously. It wasn't the sort of pain you could recover from after one quick scene transition because you were gifted an absurd amount of cartoon resilience, it was a realistic type of pain any average person could be subjected to; a pain he hadn't felt in a long, long time-- mere moments after his employment with Pizzahead, technically, even if his convenient plot amnesia prevented him from getting the full picture.
The scream they let out in unison... It was unique, it could be described in a multitude of ways. It truly was the authentic shriek of a horrified, wounded man you wouldn't believe came from The Noise of all creatures. Call him stubborn for jumping into a fight he could scarcely win but... At least he boosted their odds and kept the both of them standing, if only for a little longer than what a Noise could withstand solo. If they had to give that beast a 2 for 1 deal and suffer together... so be it. His girlfriend--...
...Noisette. She must be going through hell right now, spectating what was essentially the two of them on the verge of being absorbed. She was upset at the idea of staying behind and having to watch them get hurt and possibly disappear from a TV screen, and it's... happening. In front of her eyes. The paintball gun was their key to delay the worst case scenario, but...
Hazel. Honeybun. He's so sorry. He didn't want to drag you around and get you hurt. He really is stupid. He should've spent more time with you. He was caught up with the Tower, NTV... All of it. You didn't deserve any of this. You deserved better. You--
For the duration of the scene, the sticker remained still.
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invisibleraven · 10 months
Haunted Holidays
December 4: Scarf <-AO3 link
When Emily Benoit was a child, she was always fascinated by how her grandmother was able to take some yarn and needles to make all manner of things; hats, sweaters, dish cloths, socks, and a multitude of scarves.
“Do you want to learn mon petit chou?” she asked, and Emily nodded yes.
From then on, everytime they drove out to visit her grandparents, Emily learned to knit. Simple things at first; the stitches, how the thickness of the needles made a difference, as well as the different quality of yarns.
She started with the dish cloths, a square of yarn with a border that was suitable for cleaning jobs and not much else. But they were easy, and she could do one in the time the car drive to her grandparents took, or the length of a movie, her needles clicking and clacking along as she watched. Her parents came to put up with the sound, even if her papa complained every so often.
As she grew older, she took on more complicated knits; sweaters-though her grandmother cautioned her to never make one for any romantic partner lest they were married first, apparently there was some curse associated with that. So Emily made herself one-a red knit sweater with little flecks of black that made her look like a fuzzy strawberry, but she adored it all the same. A cream cardigan for her mother, a shawl for her grandmother, a vest for her grandfather, a hat for her father.
After her grandmother passed, Emily put down her needles for a spell, feeling like it wasn’t the same not having her there to trade patterns with, but eventually she resumed knitting, a beautiful quilt out of the last skein of yarn her grandmother gave her. It sat on the foot of her bed until Luke was born, then it moved to his crib, and he took it with him when he moved out.
Luke had no interest in knitting himself, but he always adored anything his mother made him-even if she would never understand his love of beanies when they lived in California.
Then Luke told her she was going to become a grandmother herself. He and his husband Reggie had decided to adopt, and Luke shyly asked if she would knit a blanket for their new bundle of joy? Emily was, of course, thrilled by the idea.
So when Kurt Johnny Patterson was brought home, it was in the mint green blanket his grandmother made for him. And two years later when their surrogate gave them Shania Joan, she too got an Emily Patterson blanket.
Emily loved spoiling her grandkids with knitted goods-had even taught Reggie a few simple patterns, though he was pretty hopeless at it, his enthusiasm was adorable. He did manage to make a decent dish cloth or two, and Emily used them until they unraveled with pride.
This year though, she figured she would make the whole family scarves-they had declared they were going to a ski lodge for the holidays, so the kids got to experience snow for once. Emily and Mitch were invited of course, and she delighted in having a White Christmas like she had as a child.
Only when she lifted her needles, her fingers were cramped and achy-arthritis was a pain, and it prevented her from doing much knitting these days. She scowled at the yarn, which is how Shania and Kurt found her after raiding her cupboards of all her cookies.
“Whatcha doing Gran-Gran?” Kurt asked.
“I was going to try to knit us all scarves for our trip, but my fingers aren’t cooperating, my little bumblebee,” she explained.
“Can you teach us how to do it?’ Shania asked, giving her a big smile, showing off her missing front teeth, half her words whistling as a result.
“Of course I can honeybun,” Emily assured her. So just as her grandmother taught her, she showed the children how to pearl, to stitch, how to add and drop rows with ease. Letting them pick their own yarn and that for their fathers, even her and Mitch.
In the end the scarves were a bit uneven and lumpy-but Emily vowed she would wear hers until it wore out. And she did-but by that time Shania and Kurt were much better, and made entirely new ones to replace it.
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woody-dave · 1 year
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Hi, everyone, I know that the story was stopped once and for all, but let me show you and tell you what could have happened next if I hadn't abandoned this topic. (I will tell you briefly) (Ask questions if there is something unclear) 1 After Senpai found out the secret and understood the motivation of what they are doing now, and they need to deal with all the questions that torment them, where did the ruby of time come from? Who controls the ruby of time and so on. And in the course of their journey, they will find out until the moment that they will have to get to the island where there is a secret laboratory. 2 But there is one problem, that it was necessary to get here, and Senpai with the Spirit had a plan and they created a powerful technique with which they managed to get to the base. 3 And the fact is that the story of the Spirit in the first part is not considered a continuation and is not connected with it in any way. So in this Senpai and Spirit try to fix the events of another universe. 4 And when Senpai and the Spirit entered the portal, they see a meeting between Carl and Woody, and a deadly battle was unleashed between them, but the fact is that an invisible barrier prevents them and Senpai and the Spirit try to get into that arena. 5 And Carl will tell that because he lost his parents due to old age and he wanted to revive them, but he went too far and he went crazy. And Senpai said he was crazy and he would kill unhappy people just like that. And there will be a battle between Senpai and the Spirit against Carl, and at this time Woody will be lying on the field with a lost arm. And as a result, Senpai and the Spirit will lose. 6 But it's not that simple! Senpai and Spirit join forces to defeat Karl, and they almost succeeded, but Karl used his strength to the maximum. 7 But Woody used a shard of the positive energy of the ruby of time and he recovered and attacked Carl, protecting our heroes. And in the end, he sacrificed himself so that Karl would not come to life again by throwing himself together with him into the lava. After that, Senpai and the Spirit did not expect this and lost consciousness. A bright light shone on them and they saw the bright light of the sun and they were lying on the lawn and they were standing at Woody's grave in which they left a flower and said: Rest in peace hero, the world will remember you. Thank you for reading, it was the longest work. @lightgriffinsect @bloopstill @y010isaghost @shippin-my-sanses @hoodiehydra @honeysworld25 @taterswithranch @ihateleviack @star-the-honeybun @deepfriedaphobes
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novankenn · 1 year
Slightly Unhinged (990 Words)
Cardin: Get OFF, Psycho!
Cardin bellowed as he removed his hands from Jaune’s waist and very roughly shoved her off his lap. His eyes grew wide as he realized where he had actually grabbed her to complete the action.
Jaune: (Hissing in anger as she cradled her C-cup breasts) That HURT, Cardin. That REALLY HURT!
Cardin tried to scramble to his feet, and breathed a small sigh of relief when Russel and Dove stepped between him and the blond, while Sky reached down and assisted him to his feet. She rose to her feet with seamless grace, her blue eyes blazing with fury.
Jaune: (Snarling as her slender fingers curl like claws) Get out of my way, twinckledick and tweedleprick. My hubby needs me.
Russel: Listen cu…
Russel was cut off by a stiff, and on target, kick to his groin that was strong enough to lift him to the balls of his feet. Even as his aura tried to mitigate the damage, the pain caused his eyes to roll back into his head, and he dropped like a sack.
Dove: You bitch!
Dove yelled as he made a grab for her. Only to yelp and then scream in agony as she drove the heel of her boot into his foot before grabbing him by the family jewels and twisting hard.
Jaune: I said. Get. Out. Of. My. Way.
Dove whimpered and dropped to his knees, pressing his hands to his groin as Jaune stepped past him. Her head tilted slightly, and she gave Cardin a smile, that he definitely found not comforting, but totally disturbing. She growled as Sky moved between her and her target.
Sky: I just want to talk. (Sky raised his hands in a non-threatening gesture.) Maybe get everyone to calm down, so we can make…
Jaune: If you want to help, get the FUCK out of my way, so I can get busy with the daddy of my babies!
Sky: RUN!
Sky shouted over his shoulder as he made a lunge for the blond girl. Cardin needn’t be told twice, and he booked it, even as he heard Sky curse in pain, followed by repeated dull thumps. Cardin resisted looking back as he headed straight for the doors.
Jaune: Honeybun! Wait! Come back! (her voice switching from vicious to sickly sweet) I’m not angry! I just want to have cuddles with my hubby-to-be!
Cardin’s heart slammed in his chest, threatening to break his ribs, as he closed on the door, as her voice closed in on him. He swore he could feel her breath on his neck, and sighed when he heard Jaune cursing up a storm.
Jaune: Let go of me, you dyke!
Coco: We’ll TALK later, Cardin! And now, Missy, time for you to get your panties unknotted!
RWBY and (J)NPR were frozen in utter disbelief and shock, at what was being said and what was happening. The brain power needed to process it all, overwhelming them to the point they nearly forgot to breath. They watch wide-eyed as Jaune the weakest first year, ever, suddenly, seamlessly, viciously and violently reduce three of four members of team CRDL to whimpering wrecks.
(J)NPR and RWBY were conflicted on so many levels. Deep inside, they were relishing Cardin’s suffering, the more humane part was hoping he would escape, and another part was railing against all thought as the notion of Jaune suddenly being a girl, and a girl with the hots for Cardin was just… no… HELL NO!
Coco: Somebody, get your ass over here and HELP!
Coco cried out as she struggled to keep her hands locked about Jaune’s body, luckily pinning her arms to her sides, however that didn’t help prevent the numerous heel kicks to Coco’s exposed shins, or the grinding of pillar heels into the tops of her feet.
Jaune: Let me go! Honeybun needs me! (Jaune screeched as she flailed about.) He needs to seed my womb and breed me!
Coco: You need a fucking cold shower! OW! Stop biting!
Jaune’s screamed out statement caused a rather disturbing image to appear in many people’s minds. An imaged they caused some to faint in shock, and more than a few others to vomit upon the floor. Nora blinked, shook her head and then walked off, talking about needing to find some bleach. Ren quickly took after her, as he suppressed the memories of this incident. His priority preventing Nora from actually getting her hands on said bleach.
The entirety of team RWBY mechanically sat down on their side of the table, and as one attempted to brain themselves into unconsciousness. Only for Pyrrha to drag Yang to her feet, and towards Coco and the frothing female that was calling herself Jaune.
Yang: P-money?
Yang stumbled, trying to get her feet under her, as Pyrrha dragged her forward by the arm at almost a jog.
Pyrrha: We need to help Coco. We need to help Jaune.
Coco was starting to feel her aura and strength wane. She was noted for being one if not the strongest of the second years at Beacon, but right now she was being tested to the limit. Trying to hold on to the blond spitfire was like trying to control a rabid grimm honey badger, not that Coco had ever done such a thing. She just felt the comparison was reasonable. Jaune for her part was not going to let her man get away, because of jealous bitches. She stomped, kicked, clawed, pinched, bit and even threw the odd headbutt. It wasn’t doing much overall damage, but Coco could feel her aura continuously dwindling. Her sunglasses free eyes, the trademark item becoming the first causality of a Jaune headbutt; caught sight of Nikos and Xiao Long coming her way, and if it wasn’t for her need to keep Jaune in control, she would have let out a sigh of relief.
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chatonnoir · 2 years
i really like how you gush over the prevalance of romance in ML. I hate how people say thats a negative in how the show focuses "too much on romance and not on the agreste plot", or that the ships are taking over the plot. like fam, its suppose to be having such a huge seat at the front
Thank you for the message honeybun and yes ML is about emotions and the platonic and romantic love between its characters and it's beautiful and we love to see it!!!!
The way self-proclaimed feminists will rag on ML being so focused on the cute shoujo romance as being "unfeminist," as if romance enjoyed by teenage girls isn't one of the things that grownass men love to ridicule more than anything else, is one of the most tragically hilarious bits of irony about ML "critics." Like yes you're sooo right girl, turn ML in to some grimdark hbo bullshit that men would take more seriously instead of a "silly teenage girls cartoon," how very feminist 😶
Nowadays I often purposefully make a point of bringing up the fact that I love the romance genre/kdramas/shoujo/etc. in conversations with men as a sort of test and guess what? 10 out of 10 times the immediate reflexive action is to scoff and be like "seriously?" and make fun of how stupid or cringe that is. Why is that? Why was the conversation totally normal and fun when we were talking about whatever stupid bloody shounen action or sports anime that they liked, but I bring up "girly" anime and suddenly its so stupid and cringe? Luckily I went in to those interactions expecting that reaction and have a talent for making men feel stupid so they backtrack real fast but I feel bad for any girl they might've subjected to the same bullshit who was made to feel stupid and ashamed of her interests. And when men DO like any of that "cringe" girly/romance stuff?? They feel the need to overexplain or be defensive or make excuses about it. This is just the widespread norm.
And ML "critics" have a bad habit of conflating their personal tastes with objective criticism. You don't care for shipping and romance? Fine, you do you. But ML is ABOUT the love story, so do yourself a favor and stop watching the show if you’re just going to keep acting like that fact is a flaw in and of itself. This is what happens when they're only used to a certain type of popular media, i.e. media that is approved by said adult men. Shoujo and similar types of Power of Love girl-oriented media were always niche and no one knew or cared about them outside of the specific target demographic because girls would gladly watch "boys' shows" but god forbid a boy ever touches a "girls show." Hell, that’s literally why Tangled had to be called “Tangled” rather than “Rapunzel” so they could get boys to watch without it being dismissed as a “girly princess movie.” Same with Miraculous technically officially being called “Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Chat Noir” instead of “Miraculous Ladybug,” even though the latter name is what was on all the concept material, because boys and girls are all down to watch something like Spider-Man but boys aren’t likely to watch a superhero cartoon titled after a girl hero unless the creators put the male hero in the title as well to prevent it from being labelled as a “girl’s show.”  ML is ABOUT the main ship and people don't know how to deal with that, they're not used to romance being anything other than a C or D or Z plot in something that's not branded as a romance novel or "chick flick"
If you're so interested in the Agreste plot and care less about shipping go watch Sam Raimi's Spider-Man for Harry Osborn or whatever. Oh speaking of which, for the people who whine about caring more about the Agreste plot over the angst it introduces to Marinette & Adrien’s relationship and how Marinette is being “forced” in to a story that’s “not about her”/”girlbossing her way in to the Agreste plot” and say Adrien should be the protag and how he’s “””clearly written more like a main character than Marinette is””” etc. etc.: So this character, Harry Osborn, the “red bug hero’s best friend who has a dead mother named Emily and a rich asshole mentally unstable supervillain father whom he doesn’t know is a supervillain and whom he wishes he got love and approval of,” who Adrien’s story was very unsubtly based off of? Not only was he not the protagonist or even a love interest, he dies in every version of the story! And even this story, which was not a love story and was in a superhero action series aimed at boys, put the majority of its focus on how the identity reveal of the rich supervillain father affected and put a strain on the best friendship/platonic love between his son and the red bug hero lmao.
It's almost like relationships and platonic and romantic love are deeply human experiences and thus interesting and moving to explore in stories and that maybe focusing on love and character relationships in a story isn't a bad or shallow thing 🤪
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scoops-ahoy-fics · 2 years
I have a request for dustin where they met at camp and they started dating and she is the next target of vecna and but she survives can the song for that is her favorite is party all the time by eddie murphy
party all the time || dustin henderson x reader oneshot
my girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time!
reader: gender neutral
characters: dustin henderson (minor characters: steve harrington, max mayfield, robin buckley, nancy wheeler, and lucas sinclair)
genre: a mix of heavy angst and fluff
spoiler warning?: if you haven't finished season four, do not read.
severe trigger warning: topics of death, panic attacks, and verbal abuse
notes: @pwin098 i love this prompt!! honestly i think this may be one of the best things ive ever written, im pretty mf proud of this lmao. but here you go! i really hope you enjoy! <3
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As the clock chimed, you thought your heart was going to stop. You were sitting on Dustin's couch, his mom out of town for spring break. It was supposed to be a fun get together, but then Vecna started attacking. You knew all about it, you were all trying to prevent it, but you felt a bit hopeless to it all.
And when the clock chimed four times, you knew you were next.
You jumped up, looking around the room for a clock, but you didn't see one. Carefully, you opened the door to see one sitting on the front porch. You stomach sank, tears filling your eyes as they actually opened. Your mind was manipulated. Vecna was attacking.
Panic filled you from head to toe. Looking to your side, you found a worried Dustin, gently cupping your face. “Honeybun, please ... please tell me that wasn't ... you're okay, right? Please just ... please tell me you're okay ..”
You buried your head in Dustin's chest and held onto him as though your life depended on it. You were on the verge of tears, and you could hear his heartbeat. He wasn't doing so well himself. He took you to the couch and held you for a little while as he tried to figure out what was going to happen now.
Max was supposed to get attacked today, if the team's hypothesis is correct. That means you're going to be attacked tomorrow. Nancy and Robin were already interrogating Victor Kreel, and Steve, Lucas, and Max were at Max's trailer. Dustin had asked to drop you guys off at home to get some supplies.
As Steve picked you two back up and you revealed what had happened, everybody was stunned. The anxiety that had creeped in because of Max only deepened. You were next, and you were terrified.
Your mind was racing. Should you write letters like Max did? Should you start saying your final goodbyes? What would the world look like without you?
Dustin rested his hand on yours, pressing a gentle kiss onto your cheek. “Sweet pea, you're gonna be okay, I promise we're gonna get you back to normal,” he whispered into your ear, although a small part of you doubted it.
You gently laid your head on Dustin's shoulder, closing your eyes. “Whatever you say, Dusty-bun.”
The car was quiet as you all watched Max talked to Billy's grave. Until Steve knew something was wrong. Dustin grabbed the walkie talkie, screaming into it to Robin and Nance, as they screamed back. Music.
It all happened to fast, Lucas grabbing her walkman, playing Running Up That Hill. You all were crying, screaming, hoping. Terrified.
Then, she was back on the ground, wrapped in Lucas's arms. Relief cascaded among you all for the time being, there was a way out. Everything might be okay.
So you all headed back to Dustin's house, deciding to make that the hideout. It's been a long day, you needed rest. Dustin and Lucas were taking shifts watching you and Max, making sure nothing was going to happen to either of you. You stayed snuggled into Dustin's chest the whole night, hanging onto him for dear life.
Eventually, you and Dustin woke up before anyone else, aside from Lucas, who was on Max duty. Dustin gently took your hand, kissing your knuckles. “Good morning, my dearest,” he said with a goofy smile. “Wanna go upstairs? We can look through all the records and tapes in there, find something that might work for you today? If not, we can go buy something.”
You nodded gently, pressing a kiss against his cheek. “I love you so much,” you said with a soft giggle. You two went to his room, your hands intertwined as you sat on his bed.
“Let me get these records, but first!” Dustin said, planting a kiss onto your lips before happily walking over to the closet. He hauled a huge basket of records over to you, smiling happily. “Take you pick! I got quite the selection, I pride myself on liking most music,” he laughed softly, sitting beside you and watching you carefully.
You leaned against his shoulder as you looked through the records, your eyes lighting up a little bit. It was a single. Party All The Time by Eddie Murphy. You were a tiny bit embarrassed to say it, but you cleared your throat a little. “I think this one should work!”
Dustin let out a gentle laugh, not a judgemental one. “Never thought you'd be the type to like Eddie Murphy,” he teased.
Your face flushed, darkening a few shades. “Oh hush! I could out you to everyone downstairs about half of the stuff in here!” you retorted, a mischievous smile across your face.
He laughed, gently cupping your face. “It's so nice to see that gorgeous smile again,” he said happily. He kissed your lips tenderly, before pulling back and taking the record. “Alright, I'll put my record player and this ole thing in a duffle bag to carry around with us. We have to stay around an electrical outlet, no matter what we do,” he said, grabbing a bag and slipping the items into it.
Your face was as bright as could be, you loved when Dustin was romantic. It filled your stomach with butterflies, you couldn't believe you found each other. You certainly don't know what you'd do without him.
“I love you so much, Dustin. And every single thing you do for me, I appreciate it. I don't think I could ever say it enough,” you said softly, taking his hand and squeezing it.
He stared into your eyes before kissing your forehead. “Don't worry about it, sweetie. You're the love of my life, why wouldn't I do everything I can for you?”
That's when the door opened, Steve ruining the moment. Of course. “What did I say about going somewhere alone?! No! Out to the main room, now. Not takin' ANY chances here!” he said, his hands situated on his hips like an overprotective mother.
“Yes sir,” you both teased in unison, high-fiving before walking downstairs together. Soft, sweet moments like those almost make all of this worth it.
As you made it downstairs, you all decided to come up with a plan to hopefully infiltrate the upside down. With Max's information, you all learned a lot, but with each detail, you got more and more afraid. You couldn't avoid what was coming next, but you could stop it. Dustin was going to stop it, no matter what.
Gripping Dustin's hand tightly, you looked towards Max and attempted to ask questions about what you were to experience. “... was it hard to get out? Do you think ... do you think he'll try to make it harder for me to get out?”
Max looked off to the side, fiddling with the sleeve of her jacket. “I'm sorry to say it, but probably. That asshole is smart, he already knows that we figured out a way out. So he's probably got reinforcements. I'm not exactly looking forward to what he has in store for you.”
You laughed nervously, putting your head in your hands. “Oh that's absolutely fucking fantastic, am I right guys?” you groaned, your leg bouncing faster and faster until Dustin carefully rested his hand on your knee.
“Nothing's gonna happen, sweetheart. Nothing. Do you hear me? Noth-ing,” he said, attempting to make his point as clear as possible.
You stood up, tears filling your eyes. “What if it's not?! What if I die, what if my bones start cracking, and I'll never live to see the light of day again?! I won't get to see the future, I won't get to see our future! I'll be six foot deep in the fucking ground, if I can even fit into the casket, and then- then- then- ... you'd be so ... so sad, and- ... what if you don't move on? What if you just ... end up just as dead as I am? I-I can't let that happen, I-”
You broke. Your feelings were a bit more towards the surface than Max's. You were trying to hold it in, but sometimes it's healthy to break in a situation like this.
The whole room was silent aside from your sobs. Standing in the middle of the room, you held your face and attempted to wipe the tears from your face although they just kept coming. Why won't they stop?
Dustin was the first to move. He carefully stood up and rested his hand on your waist, the other taking one of your hands and intertwining your fingers. “You're strong, honey. I know you, and I know you can get out of this. You can doubt yourself all you want, but we won't. I'll try not to let you get hurt, but if you do, I'll stay right by your side. Please just ... believe me.”
The others were signalled out of the room by Steve, “Leave 'em be, let's get some breakfast.” You both shot him a thankful glance before returning to each other.
You hadn't even noticed Dustin's teary eyes. “'m sorry, I couldn't hold it in anymore ...” you buried your head into his chest, your arms right around his torso.
“I can't believe you're such a crybaby. Jeez, just fucking suck it up,” Dustin said to you, backing away. His eyes turned from a comforting gaze to a hateful glare. You never wanted anyone to look at you like that, especially not him.
“I-I'm sorry, forgive me, please- I'll be better-”
“No, I'm done with you. With everything about you. I took pity on you at camp. Who wanted to hang out with a random weirdo like you? And why would I fall in love with you? You're a fucking idiot, you know that?” he said, walking towards you and shoving his index finger into your chest. It hurt. It hurt so much, physically and mentally. Why would he say such things?
His fingers started to change, forming sharp knives that cut at your chest. You tried to run away, but you hit the back wall. Fear crawled all over your body, as his face contorted. His jaw was extended far, almost to the floor, as though it was jelly. The skin on his cheeks seemed to deteriorate, and his nose seemed to break. You hated horror movies like that, and that's when you realized.
It wasn't real. It was Vecna.
“It's okay, it's okay, you better not apologize, my dearest. Let's sit down, okay?” Dustin said with a gentle smile.
You didn't say anything.
Your arms slipped off of him as he stepped back, nothing in your eyes anymore.
“Baby ... oh fuck. Oh shit! EVERYBODY GET YOUR ASS IN HERE, WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!" Dustin screamed to the top of his lungs, his hands beginning to shake as he looked around for his duffle bag. He couldn't find it.
“What?! What is- fuck!” Steve said, looking at you before back at Dustin. “You know her favorite song, right?! Goddamnit- I didn't think it'd be this soon!”
“STOP SCREAMING!” Robin yelled back, a bit confused.
“It's behind the couch! Where you put it!” Nancy said in a softer tone, rolling her eyes at Dustin's dramatics.
Dustin practically jumped over the couch, grabbing the record player and shoving it towards the wall. He plugged it in before shakily resting the record against it. He put the needle on it, looking up at you.
“Please, honey, please be strong ...” he whispered to himself, tears falling from his eyes. Everyone waited tensely, surrounding your now floating body.
You were now tied against something, but you couldn't help but look around and see Chrissy and Fred's bodies tied against similar pillars. This was your final stop. Your final chance to get out.
“It's time to go, and you ready?” Vecna said, his hand slowly making it's way above your head.
Please just play the record Dustin, please ...
“Girl, I can't understand it, why you wanna hurt me,
After all the things I've done for you.”
Vecna looked at you for a moment, trying to speed up the process. You had to get out of his grip somehow, and the portal opening in front of you gave you motivation. You slammed your head against his, Vecna falling backwards and you restraints falling to the floor.
“I buy you champagne and roses and diamonds on your finger,
Diamonds on your finger,”
You ran for it, you were terrified. You've never ran this fast in your life. Your legs moved faster than your mind, and then all of the sudden, the were swept out from beneath your feet by Vecna's tentacles.
“Still you hang out all night, what am I to do?”
You began to punch at the tentacle, trying to get it to come loose. You then remembered something. A rock was in your pocket, and a pretty sharp one too. Dustin gave it to you at camp, saying that he couldn't get you anything better, but he wanted to give you something. It was a sweet memory, one that empowered you. You grabbed it out of your pocket and attempted to hack at the tentacle.
“My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time.
My girl wants to party all the time,
Party all the time.”
Eventually, you had cut yourself out of there, quickly pulling yourself out of the deep red ground below you and racing towards the portal. You saw Dustin, staring up at you and whispering to himself. The fear in his eyes stung in your heart, you wanted to hold him and tell him everything was okay. You had to get back to him.
“She parties all the time, party all the time,
She likes to party all the time, party all the time, party all the time.”
You practically threw yourself into the portal, almost hitting the floor before you felt Dustin's arms around you. You buried your head in his chest, sobbing harshly into it.
He held you close to his chest, pressing soft kisses against your forehead as he rubbed your back. “Take your time, sweetie, you're okay now ... nothing's gonna hurt you, not while we're around, honey ...”
“... okay Party All The Time? Really?” Steve laughed, attempting to lighten the mood.
You laughed softly, looking up at him and sniffing. “Y-Yeah, shut up! You gotta admit, it's amazing!” you laughed, basically sitting in Dustin's lap.
“Whatever you have to tell yourself. Are you alright? Do you need anything?” Steve said, sitting beside you and looking you over for any wounds.
“I think I'm okay, I just need to calm down ...” you mumbled softly, snuggling your head into Dustin's neck.
“That's my job, ladies and gentlemen!” Dustin said with a goofy smile, holding you close. You were in good hands, and you knew it. You were going to be okay, as long as Dusty-bun was around.
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wattpadscapcons · 3 years
I love your writing! Its so good! Also I was wondering if I could have toy bonnie,mangle and toy chica with a Partner who dresses in pastel goth clothing and really likes goth music? its fine if you don't want to though
Hey Honeybun! Welcome back! Ah the good old pastel goths. They're super pretty!
Toy Bonnie w/ Pastel Goth S/O
- The whole "creepy cute" theme confused him
- "How am I supposed to feel about this Y/N?" "I mean, you can tell me your opinion if you want to." "I'm not sure I have one about that look yet. I mean, I guess it's cute? I don't know much about the pastel goth style." "Ah but you are aware of pastels." "Well of course, pastel colors are why I get mistaken for a girl most of the time." "Yeah, I know hon, I'm sorry."
- Give him some time to actually look at you, and he'll learn he likes it
- If you explain how to fit the pastel goth theme, he'd might try to match with you
- That is until the manager notices and takes away his monster bows. Bonnie was aggravated about it
Toy Chica w/ Pastel Goth S/O
- While she doesn't really mind you dressing that way, she is going to be more protective
- She's had issues with parents having "wandering eyes" and your coworkers making remarks about your figure
- She's honestly worried that people will start being like that around you too, I mean, you look just perfect
- "I'm a little worried that your coworkers may harass you over your clothes." "What?" "Well I know that I myself get oversexualized due to the way I was designed. I mean no disrespect. I just think that people may take advantage of the fact that you dress that way." "I appreciate the concern, I really do, but I'll be fine. I've taken self-dense classes." "Oh thank god."
- Other than that, she likes the look on you
Mangle w/ Pastel Goth S/O
- Totally understands the look, they consider themselves at least partially pastel goth because of the the way they look
- "Hey Y/N, do you think I'm considered pastel goth?" "Well the theme includes pastel colors with a splash of black somewhere, so technically no, not exactly." "Could you get me a monster bow so we could match?" "Oh, you were wanting to match? Here you can wear my choker then." "Thanks Y/N!"
- Will bite the hand that tries to take the bow from them, and scare children from stealing it from them
- The manager has advised your co-workers and posted warnings in Mangle's room to refrain from trying to remove it as to prevent more injuries
- They like looking at it in a mirror a lot, since you aren't with them all day, it makes them feel calm just to have something of yours with them
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dokifluffs · 4 years
Lullaby | Semi Eita
Pairing: Y/N isn’t mentioned so dw about this part 
Genre: soft rainy day domestic Eita fluff 
Author’s Note: I’m torturing @makeusfreefromthisfandom​ because this final draft was made February 13 and now is when I’m finally posting this 
I highly recommend listening to this at 0.75 speed at the mark where it says “click play” in the imagine (so click on the gear or the ... in the top right or bottom right of your device and adjust playback speed) 
timeskip Semi but no spoilers to the haikyuu main story
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gif from @rivaillerose​ 
The wind howled viciously, making leaves fly all through the wind, blowing all the trees and branches sway harshly, making it look like they were leaning to the side
All the pale underside of the leaves were visible as the skies only got darker and darker despite it only being around noon
Power all throughout the neighborhood and nearby city was blown out about an hour ago with no signs of it coming back on anytime soon
The apartment was dimly lit and still, the only movement coming from Eita as he was leaned back on the velvety couch that sat two people just enough, a baggy light blue pullover basically draped over his body with black sweatpants that hugged his waist comfortably
A faint scent of a candle lit on the table as it’s aura flickered in the dim room yet the small flame was able to impact the ambiance of the room entirely with its presence
A messy stack of blank music sheets sat on the corner of the little coffee table beside him
His fingers strummed over the various chords, mixing them up to find just the right set
But for once, his mind was blank
He couldn’t think of any new lyrics, new chords
All he could think of was blank — a clean, empty slate in his mind
He sighed, stretching himself out as he stared at the ceiling, wishing inspiration could just come but it felt like he was anchored down to a block that prevented him from moving
A heavy boom rumbled all throughout the sky, followed by a big flash of lightning as
But thats when he heard her
Sad cries began to sound through the baby monitor on the coffee table
He sat himself up, leaning his guitar against the side of the couch as he walked down the hall toward the small nursery room the apartment could offer, his steps creaking just the slightest with every step
The small room was dimly lit, a star projector light casting the exquisite colors as the stars moved slowly across the ceilings and walls
“Hey, honeybun,” Semi’s voice was gentle as his heart melted into a puddle seeing his five month old baby girl
Her face squished and eyes squeezed shut
her little feet and fists curled up as she let her cries out
Her damp and wet chubby cheeks he was obsessed with
“What’s gotten you so upset?” He coped as leaned over the edge of the crib, carefully scooping her up into his embrace
Her minuscule hands wrapped around the loose fabric of the pullover to the best of her abilities
She cried resting her head on his shoulder, her small body shaking she cried
“Papa’s here~ no need to cry,” he sing song whispered as he swayed side to side, lightly patting her bad
“Papa’s here to dry those eyes, not letting the little stars disappear from them~” he gunned to a tune he made up
He continued his hums as he left the small room, bringing her to the living room where it was even darker now that a storm was being unleashed outside as the wind’s strength picked up
The little girl’s distressful cries turned into little coughs and sniffily whimpers as they died down now that she was being held, the low silky voice of her papa soothing her
Little hiccups sounded from her as he slipped onto the couch, leaning down comfortably into the position he was in, laying her down on his chest
“Aw, my little bun, it’s okay, shhh…”
He held her close like she was glass but in Rita’s eyes, he was holding such a precious star no universe could be blessed to have
She was his little star and he never wanted her shine to ever cease for a single moment
Not for anyone or anything
“Nap time, hon bun,” he whispered as he carefully reached to the side, picking up his guitar
He laid the instrument on his lap with his legs propped up on the other arm of the chair as he began to let his fingers strum
“Wise men say... only fools rush in...” his voice fit the song so perfectly as his fingers slowly waltzed on the strings of his guitar just enough so it could be heard in this little space
“But I can’t help, falling in love... with.. you..” the softest smile pulled at his lips as he adored his little girl laid still on him, her back slowly rising and falling
She laid still on
“Shall I stay.. would it be a sin... for I can’t help.. falling in love with you...”
he melted his lips to the top of her head as she finally rested for her nap to the music of her papa’s lullaby
He continued his music at a low volume as she slept on him soundly, his little girl had set him free, letting his inspiration soar as all he could think of was how much she meant to him
“For I... can’t help... falling in love... with.. you.”
Tags (let me know if you wanna be tagged for all my haikyuu posts): @makeusfreefromthisfandom​ @yams046  @mazey-chan  @sunboikyo00  @kara-grayson04  @fortheloveofbakugo @tsumtsumsemi @1-800-wholesome @yamagucci @realityisoftendisapointing @plantisnotplant @pink-panda-pancakes @differentballooncollection @osamusamusamu@therainroguefanfiction @euphorihan @turquoiselace @macaronnv  @oxmaddy @mrkoala4prsdnt @curiouslilbeast @plantisnotplant@therestless101 @abcdaichi @oyasenpai @kaaidalupita @lovinnoya @wisepandaslimeland @killuaking @kattykurr @bbymilkbread @tsumtsumland @suunikimchi @woah-there-cowboy-or-cowgirl @amandahh626 @nabisonyeo94 @wntrmn @dai-tsukki-desu @peteunderoos @ohyoumakemelive @aka-a-shii @shinhiromi @wompwomphq @lollypop-lam @isentsworld @blue-melody @u-wakatoshii @moondriplets @lovinnoya @yuueisteria @humanitysbiggestsimp @cjphoenix135 @inarizaki-captain @closetfurrytsukishima @chibichab @kageyama-i-want-tobiors @kuroosbixh @lavearchives @sweet-sour-devil-ish @daichis-kitty @creepyproxies @itsmarziapei @skyh20 @yehetstudies @that-chick212 @proherotheflamehashira @celestair @katiea03 @omg-haikyuu @chesirekittycat @ilovecheese08​
~~~~~ Thanks for reading! Masterlist for more! Please do not repost anywhere else!
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Never Again || Thomas Shelby x reader
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credits to @saralou23​ for the gif
Anon requested/summary: “can I request a fic where the reader is found unconscious or faints in the shop or something and tommy freaks out? I just find protective tommy so ❤️💓💟!! Thank you, your writing is absolutely INCREDIBLE” (Thank you so much honeybun, you’re making me blush, pls, forgive me for being late ❤️)
Warnings: swearing, bossy Tommy, basically Tommy freaking out and being overprotective, me always loving him with all of my mangled soul
Author’s notes:
I hope you are okay darlings, I love you, please stay safe ♡
I’m so sorry for being this late, I have no excuses, forgive me. Also the end sucks, but I’m struggling with my writing lately, so, sorry again.
I love protective Thomas so much, he’s an ass, but he’s a softie, and I’m gonna lose my mind some day.
Behind each one of these works there are sleepless nights and something really close to multiple mental breakdowns, so, please, take a minute to send me a message about it, I need actual actual feedbacks to understand how to improve my skills and grow ♡
If you want to be added to my tag list, please, directly message me
I’m Italian, English isn’t my first language, so I apologize for every possible mistake I made. Also, please, help me improve my writing by telling me if there’s something wrong
Birmingham’s gelid air hit your sensitive skin with no mercy as soon as your red mary-janes crossed the doorway of the Garrison, only to disgracefully sink into the greyish muddy loam in which the whole of Small Heath seemed to be covered.
Your fingers felt like rigid appendages burdening your already wearied arms, while you tried your best to wrap them around your coat’s edges, in a disperate effort to keep that warm tissue on your bulging clavicles left exposed by the woollen dress you were wearing. No matter how many heavy clothes you decided to put on, that implacable cold still succeeded in making you feel constantly out of forces, debilitated to the core; it had always been that way, since you were nothing more than a little girl obliged to spend one every two months confined in your bedroom, afflicted by incredibly high fever and sometimes even bronchitis.
Truth was that your body had never got used to England’s humid weather, yet, even though you poor healt had previously put you in danger, for your sake, thanks to the enormous progresses made by medicine in the past fifteen years, it was now easy to fight against the ruthless chill of those endless winters. Plus, since the earliest days of your attendence, your wardrobe had been perpetually refreshed with high-quality pieces perfectly in step with the times, for your fiancée had been literally covering you in furs and duvets of all kinds, concerned as he was that you could’ve eventually caught another bad fever, whose deathly consequences he had already experienced on his own thick skin. And for no reason in the world he would’ve even risked to lose you too.
So, as everybody could’ve easily predicted, Thomas was perennially paying attention to your wellbeing: the most famous specialists from inside and outside the United Kingdom had come directly to your country house; if one thing could be taken for granted, it was that your medications would always be settled on your side cabinet, together with a glass of fresh water, every day and every night; and, come hell or high water, he would accompany you during your routine visits to the hospital, even when it meant leaving all of his business without any prior warning.
Needless to say, you were perfectly able to do those things on your own -pheraps except for getting a crowd of world renowned doctors in your living room- and you sure as hell had tried to persuade him that there was no need at all for being so preoccupied all the time; still, he was Tommy Shelby, he simply couldn’t help it. 
The concern for his loved ones’ lives kept stealing his sleep, even on those nights when there was no trace of imminent dangers on the horizon, it kept excoriating the insides of his drained brains, to the point that, more than once, you’d had to sleep alone in your immense king-size bed or reach for him in his study, curling up on one of his uncomfortable armchairs, ready to appease his fears as best you could. In short, for as much as you needed him to relax, you were still able to understand his protective behavior, against which, as a matter of fact, no one could do much; thus you at least tried not to give him more reasons to be worried by paying some extra attention to all those small things you could solve without Tommy even knowing about it. Regularly taking your iron tablets, for example. Nonetheless, it had now been already a week since the Peaky Blinders had started a brand new business involving in effect every metalworking factory in and around Birmingham, and the whole family, you and Tom included, had been so turbulently tied up with work to let every other thought and need slither on the back burner. As a direct consequence, your doctor’s latest prescription was unfortunately left lying on the bottom of your drawer, that being the fourth day in a row you’d spent without taking those pills, and, even though everything appeared to be going well until then, that one Thursday morning your period eventually came and stroke the fatal blow, having you feel so faint and aching that, all of a sudden, the few metres separating your side of the street from the betting shop seemed to implausibly dilate right under your blurred vision, a vexing sense of nausea assaulting your empty stomach led you to lean against a lamppost, your skin still crawling beneath all those heavy tissues.  Dizziness and lethargy almost took over your sore mind, before you shook your head with an abrupt move in a bid to dispel those unpleasent sensations; clients would’ve arrived in less than a hour, Esme had taken John’s kids on a brief fieldtrip, Michael was already in his office, the boys were making their usual rounds of the mills, Finn and Isaiah were dealing with a couple folks in need back at the Garrison and Polly was nowhere in sight, which made you the only available blinder for the opening and, with Friday’s race approaching, there was no way the box-office could remain shut. Hence, more determined than ever, you chocked down the knot forming in your throat due to queasiness and just forced youself to put one foot in front of the other onto the dusty road, until you reached the shop door, not without the risk of tripping over multiple times in the process. Your frozen fingers clutched to the small side-wall now carring all of your weight, whilst your lungs tried to let in as much air as possible. And it worked, each plodding breath seemed to fight your sickness, also your heartbeat was gradually slowing down, thus you shut your eyelids and continued to inhale deeply for a full minute, before your trembilng hand managed to finally turn the key in the lock, giving you free access to the place. 
However, the small click produced by the latch closing again did not live to reach your ears, for they were already brimful of ominous hisses, in a scant moment a bulk of hypnotic grey worms prevented you from seeing anything else, they relentlessly squirmed in front of your dilated pupils, that repulsing view sending brutal shooks straight to your clenched stomach, again. And, before you even had a chance to realize what was going on, your brain completely blacked out.
                                                    ~ ~ ~
Words would not be sufficient to describe the fright taking over Arthur’s features the second your inert silhouette entered his line of sight. Just returned from their daily patrol, he had indeed noticed a small crowd waiting outside the office, cursing and fussing because of the lacked opening, and that alone had been weird enough for him to punch and kick his way up to the entrance, profanities spilling from his mustached mouth every time somebody’s elbow digged into his ribcage, inducing him to hit back so to stand his ground, only to eventually find himself powerless in front of that ghastly scene. It took him a while to recover from the shock, yet the eldest Shelby eventually regained control of his limbs and moved towards your shape with a single step.
“Polly! Pol, come here, for God’s sake!” Those hoarse yells filled the room, reverberating through the brickwalls, so loud that they could’ve been heard from the other side of the city, Arthur fell on his knees right beside you, gently placing a hand under your nape in order to lift your head. Blind panic streaming in his veins kept him for thinking clearly, he didn’t know what to do, thus he simply shook you from your shoulders, hoping in vain to see your eyes fly back open, but your neck just bent backwards.
“Where the hell is that bloody woman when I need her?!” he grunted those words in between his teeth while tigthening his grip on you, then his chest raised in a sharp move: “Jesus Christ, Polly!” He shouted once more, this time conveying all of his breath and blood towards his larynx, his abrasive voice shriveled and insisted on the last letters of his aunt’s name, until swift strides frantically hit the creaking steps, announcing Polly’s arrive. Her eyes struggled to remain open, her left palm was pressed against her forehead in a silly attempt to soothe the tremendous headache resulted from the previous night’s booze, she didn’t even have the time to put proper clothing on, since her mad niece was apparentely going berserk. “You, son of a bastard-” cursed words died underneath her tongue when she understood what was going on, soon her feet took on a life of their own, as they picked up their peace, leading her next to your body now held in Arthur’s arms.
“She’s freezing, Pol, she’s a fucking chunk of ice!” Hiccoughs shattered his worried cries, he almost whined, shifting his gaze from yours to Polly’s face over and over again, she, on the other hand, used the whole lenght of her right arm to clear in one smooth motion the closest desk. “Quick, lay her here” The deafening noise produced by those items colliding with the pavement barely grazed her hears, whilst she nodded to herself in the effort to impose some order on her obfuscated head, searching for a prompt solution that was late in coming, to the point that Finn beat it to the draw and stormed in, pointing a loaded gun to each corner of the room with fear in his cerulean irises. “What the hell’s going on?” That hysterical question echoed through the place, even though the young boy was finding it hard to get his breath, due to the crazy run he had made to reach the shop immediately after hearing that insane screaming. Nonetheless, in the space of an instant, he saw you as well and fell utterly silent, violent dismay caught him off guard, his wide eyes hesitated on your motionless figure; all of a sudden he didn’t know what to think, nor he could get the thought of your death out of his brains.
“My God, she’s as pale as death” Finn let his mind talk through that throttled murmur, regretting it right away, for silty goosebumps crawled on his skin under the pungent pressure of his brother’s instantaneous lethal glare. “Don’t talk shit, kid! Just fucking go and get Tom!”
The redhead didn’t waste any time, he somehow managed to recollect his guts and steadily disappeared behind the door previously left open. While struggling for air and internally searching for the right words to say in front of Thomas, Finn covered the whole distance between the office and the Garrison. Labored gasps coming out of his slightly parted lips in louder groans as he slammed the heavy pub’s doors open, using only his strongest shoulder; both Harry and Isaiah watched him run towards the back room where Tommy was going through the books, they did not dare spill a word and, after all, the boy didn’t even look in their direction, such was his concentration. Still, once he reached the place, all of a sudden his tongue felt dry, his well-organised speech faded away.
“Finn?! What’s wrong?” Tom’s icy eyes were now staring at him through his round glasses, the paper he’d been reading was instantly dropped, although his tone remained steady. “Y-you need to come, now! She... she’s-” A frown formed upon Tommy’s marble face at his little brother’s furious rambling, something wasn’t right, that was crystal clear, yet he wasn’t able to keep up with those hasty and stuttered sentences, so he approached him, putting both his hands on Finn’s shoulders in order to give him a little shove and maybe get some decent information. “Breathe, kid, and tell me what’s going on” That deep, adamant tone somehow sounded scarier than usual roaring inside the boy’s head, hence anxiety definitively won him over, gaining complete control of his mouth too. “It’s Y/n! I don’t fucking know, Tom, s-she looks dead!” All at once, time and space seemed to collapse around him, one single second dilated, covering the space of a whole lifetime beyond his vacant blue irises now fixed on an undetermined spot of the white wall behind Finn’s back.   A gruesome, yet familiar sensation raided his petrified body, it felt like having a beast’s fangs gnawing his throat off, lacerating his flesh to the bone, he could sense every little laceration, his chest being plundered, till even his sable heart was eradicated and then mauled. A strangled wheeze barely lived through his plump lips, that being the only sound he uttered, then his black pupils shrinked and immediately twitched, nailing his sibiling’s gaze. Without receiving an order from his brain, his fists violently gripped Finn’s jacket at the height of his biceps, bringing him a span away from his gnashed teeth with a sharp pull. “Where?” He snarled liked a rabid dog, striking, if possible, geater terror in the young man who struggled to spit an almost inaudible “The shop”, before being shoved against the doorframe as Tommy dodged him and rushed out.
                                                     ~ ~ ~
Polly held the bottle of her almond parfume she’d just put under your nostrils as if her life depended on it, Arthur’s rough palm, instead, began to pat your pasty cheek. “C’mon, love, wake up! Don’t play games, c’mon!” The dorsum of that same hand now poking the left side of your face, and then going back to the other, at incredible speed. You started to feel your face again when his nudges grew in intensity, until he was practically slapping you; soon a tremendous metallic taste invaded your mouth, or rather, you finally sensed it, whilst your eyelids battled against gravity to get back up. Arthur noticed it, he detected that brief flinch and it felt like being pampered with a fresh breeze after days of unsustainable heat. “Oh, fuck, I think I’m having a stroke” His tone held extreme urgency as he grasped for air, tugging with two fingers at his shirt collar; sure, he was great at knocking people off, maybe the best, yet, unfortunately, after that he’d never tried to bring somenody back with the living.
Blinding light rended your shrouded eyes, everything appeared blurred to the point that you couldn’t distinguish Polly’s features, although she was right beside you; nor your hearing was working, since the loud thud produced by the wooden door hitting the brickwall, and then your name barked by your fiancée’s coarse voice, sounded muffled to your ears. With a superhuman effort you succeeded in tilting your face towards the entrance, you recognized the navy-blue suit Thomas had chosen to wear earlier in the moring, still those nebulous images reached your brains with extreme delay, it was like watching vague movie scenes stream in slow motion. Your eyelids blinked as if a plumbeous burden was anchored to them, each flutter seemed to last a full minute, so that you perceived Tom coming to you in multiple shattered motions, while he kept calling you. The moment Tommy furiously jostled against Arthur, in order to take his place by the desk, you gradually went back to see and hear clearly, now being able to seize pure dread sailing those mesmerizing ocean eyes. “Thank goodness, y/n” His big palms envelopped both your cheeks, slightly squeezing them as he lift your neck, revealing all of his hidden delicacy that you, and you only, were able to bring out. “Y/n, love, talk to me” That order came out like a prayer, his voice betraying him once too often, his fingers shaking with worry, while one of his hands held your chin and the other went to caress your locks. Those loving strokes brushed against your skin, slowly infusing a little warmth into your gelid body, he touched you with the unbearable fear of watching you pass away in between his arms, having him struggle to breathe properly. “Do you hear me?” a single, salty drop fell from his long eyelashes and poured your lower lip, you heard his voice crack, distorting, until it became nothing more than a faint whine: “Please, love, talk to me” When his forehead pressed against yours, he finally gave in to the tears that had been held back with drastic ostination, shutting his eyes for a few instants he allowed brutal sobs to trounce his already aching chest. However, that moment of raw weakness was soon restrained, so that you returned to stare into his blue irises. Then, a small grin crossed your pale mouth and, even though your throat felt like gasoline on fire, preventing you from pronouncing a single syllable, you managed to guide your tiny hand to cup his sharp cheekbone. A burning kiss was pressed on its dorsum, before Tommy completely leant into your touch, giving you a look halfway between relief and disperation, he covered your hand with his own, holding it tight. “You’re okay, you’re safe” Those soft murmurs escaped his lips, probably aimed to placate the axphyziating terror still intoxicating his veins. Indeed, as hard as it was to conceive for everybody in that room, although you were the one just recovering from a sudden collapse, Tommy was now the one trembling like a fallen leaf, his arms rested on each side of your shape, sustaining his weight, as he barely stood on his own two feet. Slowly, you regained the necessary strenght to lift your bust, leading him to flutter in your direction, promptly enlacing his forearms around your waist in order to support your movements. “Hold onto me, darling, take it slow” His raspy voice was still unsteady and full of concern, he was holding his breath out of fear, gazing at you with wide eyes and tightening the grip on your hips as if to make sure that you wouldn’t vanish in his palms. You, on the other hand, gave him a rassuring smile, caressing his face mutliple times and placing a brief kiss on his mouth. “I’m fine, Tommy, I’m here with you” you eventually spoke close to his ear so to keep that conversation between the two of you “Let go, my love, I’m here” Your lips accidentally brushed against his forehead once he listened to you and abandoned himself to your tender embrace, gradually drowning into your soft chest while his arms clung on to your figure, his fingertips almost piercing the thick material of your dress as your cheek covered his head, totally annihilating the distance. “Don’t you ever do that to me again. Never again”.
tag list: @spidey-pal​, @shadow-of-wonder​, @stassaurus​​, @peachlle​, @livvtheangel​, @myjbphase​, @namelesslosers, @crazyonesarethebest​, @vxxn128​, @keithseabrook27​, @spaghettirogers​​, @writingstudent​​, @hp-hogwartsexpress , @eggingamazinglove​, @geeksareunique​, @cailoleaf​, @simonsbluee​ , @hereforsmutandfluff​, @starxtt​, @jenepleurepasbaby​, @staygold-bebold​, @marvelschriss​, @captivatedbycillianmurphy​
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
Genshin Impact Prompt List
Made by yostresswritinggirl
Public Domain Post again! I made this because I realized that I haven't seen a drabble list that's compliant to the game's universe, however some of these lines can also be generalized! I will NOT write for this, I just made this for everyone who wants to try it out, and it was really fun to make! List is 103 lines long, go wild!
"You knew we were going to Dragonspine, now your ass is freezing."
"The milelith won't like this."
"The Knights of Favonius won't like this."
"The Fatui would have liked this."
"Is there perhaps a discount in Wangsheng Funeral Parlor?"
"Sir/Ma'am, I'm gonna need to see your gliding license."
"The statue looks kinda hot."
"Where can I buy Fatui wear?"
"Where can I buy Abyss Mage wear?"
"It hurts I know, but have you eaten a raw Jueyen chili before?"
"Paimon is being stupid again."
"I don't think the Ruin Guard wants to be friends."
"In terms of Mora, we have Childe."
"They're turning you into a furry, it's concerning."
"Let me ask the stars— the stars said no."
"If we throw hard enough, we can probably hit Celestia."
"This is the sixth time I saw you fell off Barbatos' statue and it's getting concerning."
"You're telling me this feather will make me powerful?"
"It's been three months, when will you stop challenging the Oceanid?"
"That's pretty high, you think I'll die from that height?"
"Come on now, they're just taking a break..."
"Pick a god and start praying."
"I'd know that hair from anywhere!"
"So, about that economic crisis..."
"Hey, have you been to that 'perfume shop' before?"
"I actually don't drink tea."
"Does coffee even exist here?"
"Timmie's birds make the best Sweet Madame!"
"Olah!" [Hello in Hilichurlian]
"Hm, I wanna adopt one of those." "THOSE can kill you, by the way."
"Woah, cool weapon, can I have it?"
"Sir/Ma'am, this is strictly a no diving zone."
"I haven't seen green grass in ages..."
"Please answer honestly, is this genocide?"
"Never thought flower-picking would end up like this."
"This commission is not worth the mora it offers."
"There are no explicit laws against it, but this feels weirdly illegal."
"I don't think Katheryne wants to give me any more commissions."
"Nothing like a delicious Hilichurl camp-cooked meal!"
"So you're homeless?"
"Does being chased by guards count me in as a criminal?"
"This sign can't stop me, I don't understand Teyvat language!"
"I think I'm too stupid for this puzzle."
"How many artifacts do I have to get before I'm considered part of the Treasure Hoarders?"
"I need me a pocket Barbara."
"I know that cough from anywhere, that's definitely ____!"
"That bastard." "Yeah but which one?" "THE bastard."
"You know it actually doesn't taste that bad— *proceeds to vomit*"
"Since when was the last time you took a shower?"
"I'm pretty sure this is crossing borderline masochist territory."
"I don't like the sight of red snow."
"I don't think this is part of the prophecy."
"You ever look at something and think, how much Mora would that cost?"
"There's too many pretty wo/men around here."
"You have no idea how books can cause murder in this continent."
"You need a break, we all need a break, please take a break."
"My subordinates aren't home." "I'm on my way."
"May all the seven archons forgive me for what I'm about to do."
"I don't really know what's happening, but if it involves you, it's probably not good."
"You wouldn't want to anger the God of Contracts now, would you?"
"I'm gonna need a shot of fire-water for this..."
"You're telling me THIS is edible?"
"You're telling me S/HE'S not sus?!"
"You are dripping hella suspicious energy, maam/sir."
"God, I wanna be manhandled."
"I'm gonna climb that."
"Please don't climb that."
"I want to come out of this alive, thanks."
"You're too hot to be single, what is this sorcery?"
"You can't say aesthetic to everything."
"I'm from another world, these laws don't apply to me!"
"I'd appreciate it if you don't scream honeybun in public."
"Think of what _____ would say!" "They'd probably say I don't care."
"Would being an atheist prevent me from receiving a Vision?"
"Ewww, a (weapon) user?"
"I'm gonna need you to do social distancing, about 100 meters away from me."
"Where's a restraining order when you need one?"
"Ohh." "Ohh?" "Rock." "Rock?" "Shiny rock."
"I would like to dedicate this song to my dearest friend." *screams*
"Awwe, you scared them away." "I think you did that yourself."
"I can hear them, the Gods." "What do they say?" "That you need to shut up."
"I wonder how it's like to be eaten whole by a slime."
"I don't think bandages is an appropriate date attire."
"There's this annoying pain at my side. My right side. Right next to me. This pain right here."
"How can one be THIS broke?"
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but s/he's right for once."
"This nation sucks, I'm leaving."
"You can't arrest me, this is the City of Freedom!"
"I can't even pick a meal myself and now you're making me choose between these hot wo/men?!"
"In my world, we call this a not-poggers moment."
"I never knew fishing could be competitive."
"You're too cold for your Vision."
"You're too hot for your Vision."
"Ugh, why can't this happen on a Sunday?"
"Which innocent bystander did you steal this from?"
"This team needs a power cheer."
"I'm so mad, I'd fight gods!"
"That Hilichurl is looking at me not nicely."
"THIS is why you're under MY supervision."
"There's a thing called ignorance and you're abusing the heck outta it."
"No amount of painkillers can relieve me from the headache that is you."
"And you said we're just here to PICK flowers."
"I know where this is going, and it's going somewhere I don't like."
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fruitcoops · 4 years
okay so: coops and jily do the couple fear pong challenge (couple vs couple fear pong by cut for reference)?? pleaseee - m
Anon, you definitely read my mind with this. I’ve had this idea in the works for almost a month and I’m so glad you suggested it!! Sweater Weather credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for alcohol (beer)
“Are you ready to lose?” James asked as he set up a few lines of red Solo cups.
“Try me,” Remus shot back with a grin. Their respective partners shared an exasperated look.
“Hello, hockey fans, and welcome to Fear Pong! I’m your host, Marlene McKinnon.” Marlene set an armful of beer bottles on the ping pong table and began filling each team’s cups halfway.
“I’m Lily Potter, and this is my husband James.” Lily waved to the camera and stole one of Marlene’s bottles to take a sip. “Ugh. It’s like wheat-flavored moonshine.”
“I think she takes it as a challenge to find the worst alcohol,” Remus mused. “I’m Remus Lupin, the best winger on the Lions.”
“Shut it, Loops.”
“Bite me, Pots.”
“And I’m Sirius Black, the team captain,” Sirius said. “As you can see, this is going to get out of hand very fast.”
Marlene leaned on the table, looking between them with a grave expression. “The rules are simple. If you throw the ball and it lands in a cup, you have to do the dare on the coaster or drink the beer. The team who drinks all their cups first, loses. We’ll do the deadliest of games to decide who goes first: rock, paper, scissors. Choose your champions.”
Sirius and James moved to the front of the table. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
“Shit,” Sirius muttered as James’ paper defeated his rock.
James grinned as he headed back to his place. “I can already taste victory.” Lily took careful aim, and the ball landed perfectly in the center of their cups. “That’s my wife, everybody!”
Remus rolled his eyes and picked up the coaster. “Leave five hickeys on your teammate. Your opponent chooses where. Aw, man, everyone’s going to see them at practice.”
James raised an eyebrow. “Are you going to chicken out and drink?”
His jaw ticked. “Where.”
“One on his cheek, the rest on his neck.”
Sirius leaned down with a heavy sigh and Remus worked a hickey onto his cheek, pulling away with a soft pop and appraising it. “Not bad. Four more?”
“Four more.”
It took less than a minute for the rest of the marks to appear in a light lilac color. Remus licked his lips and picked up the ball. “Those are such weak hickeys!” James protested. “Come on, Loops, you’re better than that.”
“And yet they’re already done.” He picked up the ball and readied it. “Tragic.”
A few droplets of beer splashed out of the cup and Lily lit up when she read the dare. “Switch outfits with your partner. Oh, baby, you’re going to look gorgeous!”
“Do we get a screen or something?” James asked as Lily began unzipping the back of her dress. Two camera crew members came over with a large blanket and they stepped behind it; after a couple minutes of rustling, Lily emerged in her husband’s too-big sweatshirt with the cuffs of his jeans rolled up.
“Do you need a hand with the zipper?” she asked with a light laugh.
“Got it. Oh, wow, I look hot.” James came into view and Sirius held a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter. The floral dress fell to his mid-thigh and the low neckline exposed quite a bit of his chest. He swayed back and forth, making the skirt twirl slightly. “Very breathy.”
“Alright, handsome, your turn.” Lily handed him the ball and he shot it—it bounced off the rim and Remus whooped.
“I can already taste victory,” he mimicked in a terrible Boston accent; James threw the backup ball at him and it smacked him in the forehead. “Ow!”
Unfortunately, Sirius’ throw also went wide, ending up down Lily’s baggy shirt. “Hang on, it’s in my cleavage. Nice aim, Cap.” She dug around for a moment as Sirius flushed, then emerged with the ball, giving it an elegant toss.
“Damn it,” Sirius muttered as he took the coaster. “Make out with your teammate for a minute, but one of you can’t move their lips or tongue. Again with the kissing? Really? Can’t we just switch clothes and call it a day?”
“Come on down to the front, pardner.” Marlene said with a false Southern twang, patting the backs of the two folding chairs she had set up. “Get your smooch on.”
“I can’t move my face, right?” Remus asked as he sat down across from Sirius. Marlene shook her head.
“Get it, Cap!” Lily cheered as he reached out to cup Remus’ jaw in his hands.
Sirius had to turn away and laugh for a second, rolling his shoulders out. “Okay, ready?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be. Why do you look like you’re gearing up for a game?” Sirius flicked him on the thigh and Remus pressed his lips together, still smiling slightly.
He started soft, placing slow kisses all over Remus’ mouth. “It says ‘make out’, Cap, come on!” James complained. “If that’s your idea of making out, you need to apologize to your fiancé.”
Remus raised his eyebrows and Sirius huffed a sigh, leaning back in for a proper kiss with a significant increase in tongue. Lily whooped and Remus’ shoulders began to shake with suppressed laughter—Sirius moved his hands to down to steady him as the timer continued counting.
“Ten seconds!” Marlene warned. The final buzzer went off and Sirius pulled away, wiping at his lips.
“That felt so weird,” Remus said as he dried his mouth off with his sleeve and tugged Sirius in by his wrist. “C’mere.”
Sirius bent down for a quick kiss before they walked back to their side. “Alright, our turn.”
“I get to throw it this time.”
“What? Why?”
Remus took the ball out of his hand and kissed his cheek. “I say this with all the love in the world, but you suck at beer pong. So does Pots, if that makes you feel better.” His shot spun around the rim of a cup before falling in with a clatter.
“Take an article of clothing off for every sexual partner you’ve had,” James read. “Aw, come on, I’m only wearing a dress and none of you want to see me naked.”
“You’re not wearing underwear?” Sirius looked mildly alarmed.
“I’ve had more than two partners, dude.”
Lily shrugged. “I’m not about to protest seeing you naked.”
“I would!” Remus and Sirius chorused with equal measures of horror. James rolled his eyes and downed the cup.
“James, you have to throw it,” Marlene interrupted as he handed the ball to Lily. “You need to switch each time.”
“Shit,” Lily muttered, giving it back. “Don’t fuck this up for us, honeybun.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” He took careful aim, tossed it, and landed a perfect shot in one of the cups without a coaster. Sirius and Remus groaned as Lily cheered. “Hell yeah!”
Remus drank the beer as Sirius lined up the ball; it sailed through the air and bounced off two cups before sinking into the third. They high-fived with both hands while Lily took the dare out. “Call your parents and tell them you’re pregnant—oh, we can’t do this.”
“Why?” Remus snorted. “You’ve already done it once.”
“I would break my mother’s heart if she found out it was a prank.” James shook his head and passed Lily the cup. “I would get the lecture of a lifetime.”
“Can you imagine pranking poor Effie with fake grandbabies?” Lily asked as she drank.
“The guilt would eat me alive,” Sirius agreed. Lily lined up for another shot. “Miss, miss, miss, miss—fuck.”
“Call a friend and ask for a threesome.” Remus’ eyebrows shot up and he looked at Sirius. “As much as I want to win this game, there’s no way we’re doing that.”
“Hell no, I’m the captain. That’s an abuse of power or something.” Sirius drained the cup and set it aside, moving so Remus could get a better angle for his throw. It landed in one of the cups they had already hit and Lily cursed as she drank again.
“Marley, we need to have a talk about your alcohol.”
“I want you guys to know that I specifically asked for the shittiest beer they had that would get people drunk real quick,” Marlene said off screen. “It comes from a place of love.”
They traded three more shots back and forth, each one bouncing off the table or threatening to take someone’s eye out before James got a lucky shot. “I thought you said he was bad at this!” Sirius protested as he took the dare out.
“I thought he was!” Remus defended. “What do we have to do?”
“Let them paint us with glue and pour glitter on us.”
“Alright, let’s do it.”
“Shirts off, unless you want to ruin them,” Marlene said as she carted two containers of glue and some small buckets of glitter out. Remus and Sirius obliged, then stood on the clear tarp she had laid out. “Pots, Lils, go nuts.”
“This is the best day of my life,” James said gleefully as he took a paintbrush and began drawing a wobbly smiley face on Sirius’ torso.
“It’s so drippy.” Sirius let out a long exhale and bounced on his toes as James added polka dots and squiggles all over the place.
“What are you writing?” Remus asked as Lily began touching up her work. “Are those words?”
“Maybe. Glitter time!” Without further ado, she dug her hand into the bucket and threw a handful at Remus’ chest. It exploded in a small poof and only some of it stuck; he wrinkled his nose.
“It’s in my mouth.”
“Gay rights—oh shit that’s cold!” Sirius yelped, batting James away. “Just do the glitter already!”
“Don’t rush an artist!” Nevertheless, James went over and shook about half the bucket onto Sirius.
He spat out a mouthful of sparkles and glared. “Look me in the eyes and tell me that was necessary.”
“Whatever you want, David Bowie.”
“He looks more like Freddie Mercury to me,” Lily mused as she continued sprinkling glitter over Remus, revealing her name written in careful cursive. “This is going to be such a pain to wash off, you two.”
“Really? I hadn’t noticed.” Remus shook his hair out and a small waterfall of glitter fell out onto the tarp.
“Back to your stations, everyone!” Marlene called.
The game only got rowdier after that as each team did everything in their power to prevent dares, ranging from shaking the table to sneezing loudly each time someone squared up for a shot. Remus finally sank one and nearly smacked Sirius in the face with his celebratory fist pump as Lily groaned.
“Let the opponent pour ice water down your pants.” James frowned and looked to the camera crew. “I’m not wearing any pants.”
“You’re wearing underwear,” Marlene pointed out. His eyes went wide as she came out with two bowls of ice water and handed them to Sirius and Remus, whose smiles were downright maniacal.
“I really hope you’re done having kids,” Sirius said as James turned around. “On three. One, two—”
Both of them shouted in shock; Remus burst out laughing as Sirius shook the final few ice cubes into James’ underwear. “That was not three!” Lily tugged at her pantlegs and ice cascaded out, darkening the fabric along the way. “Aw, it looks like I peed myself.”
James braced his hands on the table and leaned forward, taking deep, slow breaths. “I can’t feel my balls,” he managed. “Holy fuck, that’s so weird.”
“It’s like a punch bowl down there.” Lily grimaced and picked up the ping pong ball. “I hope you two are ready for payback.”
Her throw was immaculate, despite both Sirius and Remus blowing on it as it arced over the table. “This is terribly convenient,” Remus said. “Wear a childbirth simulator for fifteen seconds each.”
“Fifteen seconds?” Lily swung around to the camera in disbelief. “I was in labor for four hours!”
“You’re also way stronger than we are,” Remus laughed as Sirius helped Marlene drag a beanbag out onto the glittery tarp.
“Who’s up first?” she asked.
“Sirius,” Lily said without hesitating. “He kicked off my labor, he gets to know what it felt like.”
“Do I get any choice in this?” Sirius asked, though he was already laying down and brushing glitter off his torso to make room for the sensors. Lily took the remote and pressed a few buttons. “Should I apologize now or—shit! Shit, shit, mon dieu, c’est horrible, s’il vous plait, owwwww.”
His hand collided with Remus’ and he grabbed it, squeezing it tight as James watched, wide-eyed, from the sidelines. “Baby, you’re going to break my hand,” Remus wheezed.
Marlene’s timer went off and Sirius scrambled to tear the sticky pads off, practically throwing himself off the beanbag. “That was hell. Lily, don’t ever feel like you need to have children again.”
Remus swallowed thickly as he took Sirius’ place, settling back into the cushions. “Hold my hand?”
“Please don’t break my fingers.”
Remus’ knee jerked up on reflex as soon as Lily turned it on and he yelled, eyes flaring wide with surprise. “Motherfucker! Ohhhh my god this is what death feels like. This is what death feels like, I hate I hate it Sirius Black do not let go of my hand.”
“Four hours,” Lily said mildly as he gritted his teeth and Sirius winced at his grip.
The cheerful jingling of the timer made Remus nearly sob with relief; he peeled the sensors off his skin and immediately went over to hug Lily. “You are the most incredible person I know. Please never make us do that again.”
“You chose to do it, Glitter Boy,” she laughed, giving him a playful shove after returning the hug. “Fire away, Cap.”
James had to drink, then Remus, then Lily, and after her shot went wide, Sirius landed a miracle throw. “Let the opposing team shave your head,” James read. He looked up at them and narrowed his eyes. “Touch my hair and I’ll end you.”
“We only have two left,” Lily warned as he took the cup and drank it. “And only one has a dare.”
“I’m not going to sacrifice my hair to win bragging rights.”
His next shot was a laser throw that nearly knocked over the cup it landed in. Sirius’ shoulders slumped when he took the coaster. “Let the opponent smash a pie in your face.”
“Could be worse.” Remus shrugged. “I’m glad I didn’t wear my nice pants today.”
“These chairs are going to live in my nightmares,” he said as they returned to the tarp. Lily and James carefully took the whipped-cream pies from the camera crew.
“Woah, what’s that?!” Lily shouted all of a sudden. Remus startled, turning to look at her, only to get a full pie slammed directly into his face. James didn’t hesitate—he really put his hips into it, and some whipped cream splattered back onto the table.
“Moisturizing is very important,” he said, rubbing the pie in slow circles around Sirius’ face until almost all of it was coating his skin. “Sugar scrubs are all the rage.”
“Do I look exfoliated, sweetheart?” Sirius asked, turning in Remus’ general direction.
“If I could see anything right now, I would say no.” Remus wiped his eyes off and flicked the cream at Lily, who quickly stepped backwards. Sirius leaned over and licked Remus’ cheek, laughing, until Remus grabbed Lily’s mostly-empty pie tin and shoved it in his face.
“I deserved that,” he said, voice muffled by aluminum and filling.
The video cut for a moment, and when it returned, the four of them were pie-free and back at the table. The game had clearly continued off-camera, because each team only had one cup left. Their cheeks were significantly more flushed than before.
“Just out of curiosity,” Marlene cut in as Sirius picked up the ball. “On a scale of 1-10, how drunk do you think you are right now?”
Lily made a face. “Maybe, like, a four?”
“Three,” James said.
“Yeah, three.” Sirius hiccupped at the end of his sentence, clearly startling himself. “…three and a half.”
“I’ll have to agree with the collective,” Remus said. “Not anywhere close to drunk drunk, because it’s shitty beer, but pleasantly buzzed. Take the average of everyone else and that’s…about three and a third? The math is skewed if Sirius goes with three and a half instead. I dunno.”
There was a beat of quiet before James shook his head. “Only you would do tipsy math to calculate how drunk you are instead of guesstimating like the rest of us. Fuckin’ nerd.”
“Fuck off, you can’t even do addition.”
Sirius threw the ping pong ball before the argument could get any more heated and it bounced off the table, hitting James right on the cheek. “Oops.”
“Hey!” It was James’ turn to throw next, and he deliberately aimed for Sirius’ face—Sirius ducked and it flew past him, hitting something off screen with a clatter. “Sorry!”
“Ha! That’s what you get.”
Remus rolled his eyes and took the ball; it went into James and Lily’s final cup despite their defense tactics. “Ah, shit,” Lily muttered as she picked up the coaster. “Pour beer into your partner’s mouth using only your feet. J, do you trust me with this?”
“I love you, but no.”
“That’s fair. To the tarp!”
Remus and Sirius watched with far too much glee as Lily laid down and Marlene put a fresh beer cup between the soles of James’ feet. “Ready?” he asked her. She nodded and opened her mouth as he began slowly tilting it.
“Chug! Chug! Chug!” Remus and Sirius chanted from the sidelines. About halfway through, the cheap plastic cup folded and rolled out of James’ grip, bouncing off Lily’s nose and falling to the floor.
She sat up quickly, checking her hair as the last of the liquid formed a puddle on the tarp. “Is it in my hair?”
All three men squinted at her. “Nope,” James said after a moment. “All good. Did we complete the dare?”
Marlene made an ‘ehh’ noise as she tossed them a towel to mop up the spill. “You didn’t finish the cup…”
“The coaster said nothing about finishing!” Sirius protested. “They did what they were asked.”
“Babe, we want them to lose,” Remus muttered.
Sirius winced. “Right. My bad.”
Both Remus and Lily heaved a sigh as they went back to their positions. It was Lily’s throw next—neither of them tried to prevent the inevitable and the resignation on their faces when the ball landed with a gentle plop aged them by ten years. Remus slid the coaster out. “Huh. Not bad. Let the opponent give you both three-minute makeovers.”
“Dibs on Remus,” Lily said immediately. He looked rather flattered by that and Sirius groaned.
“Pots, I don’t trust you with makeup.”
“Smart boy. Get over here and let me make you handsome.” James grinned and took the container of makeup supplies from Marlene, patting the two chairs at the front. “Lils, I don’t know what half this stuff is.”
“That just makes it more fun!” she said cheerfully as Remus sat down and she rummaged through the various bottles and brushes. “If we only have three minutes, I think we should do something simple and pretty. The glitter is really going to make it better.”
“Three minutes is so much time!” James laughed. Both Marlene and Lily gave him incredulous looks. “No?”
“Honey, it takes me twenty minutes to do a full face of makeup in the morning.”
“Time starts…now!” Marlene tapped her phone and Lily uncapped a dark pencil; Remus leaned away from her as she neared his face with it.
“What is that?”
“Please don’t blind me.”
Lily scoffed. “Have a little faith, Loops.”
James on the other hand, grabbed some mascara and began shakily applying it to Sirius’ lashes. “This is surprisingly difficult. How do I know if it’s working?”
“Usually you can see the color transfer over.”
“My eyelashes are already black,” Sirius said, wincing as James jabbed the side of his nose. “Watch it.”
“They’re also really long,” Lily said as she continued drawing a steady line along Remus’ lids. “Mascara might not do very much for the lucky bastard.”
“It’s not my fault I have long eyelashes!” Sirius protested as James moved on to the second eye.
“Do you have any idea how many women would kill do have those?”
“Ten seconds!” Marlene called. Lily swore under her breath and began putting the finishing touches on the second eye. “And…done!”
“I don’t know about you guys, but I feel hot as hell,” Remus laughed, batting his eyes at the camera. Marlene handed him a mirror and his eyebrows rose. “Thank you, Lily, I look so fancy.”
“My eyes are sticking together.” Sirius grimaced and blinked a few times so the clumpy mascara would settle. He looked over at Remus and went still.
“You—hmm.” He paused for a second. “You look really nice. Very punk rock.”
Remus smiled. “Thanks. Some of your glitter stuck to the mascara, so you’re very sparkly right now.”
“Re, you have light eyes, which helped a bit,” Lily explained as she tossed the eyeliner and mascara into the makeup container. “Contrasting colors always pop better, and everyone looks sexy in eyeliner.”
“I wore it for Halloween last year and it was awesome,” James said, heading back to the table.
“Final throws!” Marlene called. All four of them looked over in surprise. “Did you all forget the point of the game? Loser is whoever drinks their cup first.”
Remus turned Sirius by his shoulders and looked deep into his eyes. “Please, please don’t miss this throw.”
“As if I’m letting James fucking Potter beat us in beer pong,” Sirius scoffed, kissing his forehead before lining up for the shot; it bounced off the rim and dropped right in. The room exploded into noise as Marlene blew the victory airhorn and Remus and Sirius began jumping up and down, yelling incoherently. James and Lily both groaned as he drank their last cup.
“Do we get a prize?” Remus asked.
“Bragging rights,” Marlene said as she took their empty cups. “I might have some Lions merch—”
Four hasty ‘no thank you’s answered and she laughed, shaking her head.
“Alright, sign us off!”
“Thanks for watching, Lions! I’m Sirius Black—”
“I’m Remus Lupin.”
“I’m Lily Potter.”
“And I’m James Potter.”
Marlene popped into view one more time. “Quick disclaimer: we do have a designated driver waiting today. Remember to like and subscribe for more Lion Pride content!”
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ketsxeki · 4 years
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anonymous asked: hey can i get a scenario of pregame gonta where he is on a date with his S/O, but when his eyes are off them, a creep goes to flirt with s/o and when things goes too far, gonta punches the dude?
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a/n: this is gonna be good! hope you enjoy!
title: knight in shining armor 
pairing(s): pregame!gonta gokuhara x reader
post type: one shot
premise: gonta only took his eyes off of you for a moment and all hell breaks loose as a result 
warning(s): harassment, creep trying to hurt reader
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Getting ice cream in the summertime was a weekend ritual for you and your high school sweetheart, Gonta Gokuhara. You basked under the shade of the ice cream stand’s umbrella and happily licked the ice cream cone, “Mmmm! So good!” you exclaimed, enjoying the flavor of your ice cream.
“Glad you like it,” hummed Gonta, as he finished his scoop of rocky road. You smiled brightly at your boyfriend, “Ice cream is always a good treat for these hot days!” before finishing up your ice cream.
“You want more?” your boyfriend asked.
“Yes, please!” you exclaimed. 
Gonta nodded and approached the ice cream stand, ordering you another scoop of mint chocolate chip. You didn’t know how you lucked out with such an amazing boyfriend. 
“Hey cutie~” a voice cooed to you creepily. You looked up and locked eyes with the epitome of a pretty boy. His sly smile and predatory eyes sent shivers down your spine, “What’s a pretty thing like you doing out here alone?”
“Just wanting for my boyfriend to come back with my ice cream,” you put emphasis on the word ‘boyfriend’ and flashed the creep a strained smile.
“Oh, honey, I’m sure you can do better!” laughed the pretty boy, “Name’s Tobio. Can I have yours?”
“Yeah, it’s-” you leaned in close to Tobio, “-take a hint, I’m not interested.”
Tobio narrowed his eyes at you and chuckled, “Aw, honeybun, don’t be like that!” 
“Leave me alone, okay?” you sounded frustrated, just wanting Gonta to come back already so you two could leave with your ice cream. 
Yet, Tobio couldn’t take a hint, as he backed you into a wall and pressed his body against yours. His hands hovered dangerously close to your chest, you could feel your blood run cold.
“No more Mr. Nice Guy,” spat Tobio, grabbing your cheeks harshly.
You blinked in surprise, everything around you speeding up. What unfolded followed as so: Gonta punched the living daylights out of the creep, beating Tobio to a bloody pulp. This alerted bystanders and a few interfered to prevent Gonta from getting a second degree murder charge. With Gonta restrained, Tobio made his escape and crawled back to whatever hell hole he came out of.
“(Y/N)!” Gonta exclaimed, running to your side after he was released. You embraced your boyfriend tightly and he asked, “Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“I’m okay..” you sighed, holding Gonta close, “Especially thanks to you.”
“Of course,” he whispered with a small smile, “I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to my bugaboo.”
You smiled, you had faith in Gonta that he would protect you.. no matter what.
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alittletournesol · 4 years
Kingdom Of Jinju - Bonus 2 : The Sparring Gods
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Bonus 2 : “The Sparring Gods”
Or how two sleepy parents have to imagine a nice story to explain to their three four old daughter why storms are so loud and scary.
Kibum loves summer. He loves the way everything outside seems to shine with the brightest colours, the way his skin gets kissed by the sun’s warmth all day long. Summer means more trips to the river down the palace to enjoy the cold water, and more breaks spent under the huge weeping willow with his loved ones. There’s nothing wrong with summer, it even brings to his mind a few memories of the strolls he used to take with his sister in their hometown’s streets, running away from the manor’s coldness to embrace what they called real life.
Summer days seem to repeat themselves in this pattern he adores, putting him in a good mood as soon as he wakes up to the rays of sunlight piercing through the curtain of the royal quarters’ window. Minho was always asking for this same curtain to be closed during the night because of his need for enough darkness to sleep ; thus, it’s with great joy that every morning, the Prince leaves the bed to pull the fabric and let the sun bathe his naked body. The rest of the day would find him attend to his duties with a smile enlightening his features more than the sun would ever, while making sure most of the aforesaid duties happen outside.
Nothing was wrong with summer.
Or maybe there was this little, insignificant thing that shook him awake in the middle of the night.
Kibum could still hear the fading sound of thunder as he rubs his eye. The temperature has been  particularly heavy that day, so a storm naturally occurs now that the night has come. The heat was still tangible in the quarters, but it rarely bothers the man in his sleep ; unlike the loud noise of the sky.
“The first storm of the season.” A husky voice murmurs, catching his attention and making him raise his head from his pillow to look at the strong body lying next to his.
Minho has never been a heavy sleeper, even less since the assassination attempt that happened a few years before. The Prince smiles, bringing his hand closer to his husband’s sleepy face to caress his cheek while the latter shifts on the mattress to lie on his side, facing the other man.
“Yes, a belated one.” Kibum whispers, running his fingers through his own untied hair to free his face from any will strand. “You can go back to sleep, it’s still early in the night. The storm shouldn’t be long.”
“Hmm… Come here.”
Without opening his eyes, the King stretches his arm to invite his husband, the latter not wasting a single second as he comes closer. Minho’s skin is, as always, deliciously warm and it isn’t even a bother during summer nights. He still smells like soap from the bath he took a few hours before, but Kibum can distinguish the musky scent of sleep in his neck when he buries his nose there. They remain embraced like this, waiting to be in Morpheus’ arms again while the sound of storm is still present, shaking the quarters from time to time.
The silence between two claps of thunder feel like a pleasant break and both men relish it for as long as it lasts. They don’t keep count of the claps, too tired for that, but their ears twitch just as they’re about to fall asleep ; their door handle is moving, the creaking sound loud in the silence of the room.
Minho opens his eyes first, immediately alerted as his arm slides under the bolster to reach the sword he keeps hiding there. He doesn’t move, even when Kibum places his own hand on his wrist to prevent him from doing something without thinking. The black haired man props himself up on his elbow to look at the handle over the King’s body. It’s still moving and seems to struggle, making the man frown and sit up.
His husband looks at him and frowns in return, turning his upper body just enough to be able to see the door and keep his hand on his weapon.
“Listen.” Kibum whispers, raising his forefinger as he hears something from behind the door.
A cry.
As if he got hit, Minho stands up and jumps in the first pair of pants he finds before rushing to the door. Opening it, he discovers his daughter perched on tiptoes, one of her small hands still raised as she was trying to pull the handle, the other one strongly holding a plushie against her small body. Her cheeks are wet with tears and fear is easily noticeable in her eyes.
“Oh no, my little honeybun…” The King immediately crouches and opens his arms, the little girl running between them while sobbing. “There, there, come with daddy.”
The man stands up, holding Sooyun safe in his arms while he closes the door with his foot. The princess is trembling against him, her sobs slowly reducing thanks to the presence of her father but still audible. Her face is buried in Minho’s shoulder and her tiny arms circle his neck with her plushie hanging on his back, not planning to let go at the moment.
“It’s the storm outside, right, sweet pea ?” The King keeps talking with a soft tone, going back to bed and lying on his side with his daughter still holding onto him. “It was loud and it woke you up ?”
“Scared…” Sooyun cries and sniffs. “Nanny didn’t wake up…”
“Nothing can wake Nanny up, she snores louder than the storm.” Kibum smiles as he softly strokes his daughter’s back. “You ran here all by yourself ?”
“Hmm… the door was stuck but daddy opened it for me.”
“Ah, what a strong daddy he is, isn’t he ? Let’s get you some water to chase the fear away, how does this sound ?”
The little girl eventually raises her head to look at her other father behind her and she nods. Water it is then. The Prince leans on to press his lips against her temple before getting up — Minho notices his husband also got dressed with his night shirt while he wasn’t looking. The latter walks to the coffee table near the empty fireplace and pours some fresh water from the jug to a small cup. There also is a plate filled with cherries and he hesitates a bit before taking a handful of them.
When he goes back to the royal bed, Minho is lying on his side with their daughter sitting before him, leaning against his torso like a backrest. The man is gently wiping her cheeks with his thumb while talking to her, softly, his voice not louder than a whisper. Outside, the storm is still resounding and Sooyun gets startled every time thunder claps, but her fathers’ presence somehow eases her fear.
“Here, sweetheart.” Kibum sits on the bed close to the other two and gives the cup to his daughter who quickly starts drinking. “Slowly, or you will spill it.”
“Can I have some ?” The other dad wonders as he props himself up on an elbow, and he laughs when the little girl moves to prevent him from taking her cup. “Come on, it’s too big for you !”
“It is not, look.”
All fear disappears from Sooyun’s eyes, replaced with a glint of pride as she brings the cup back to her small lips and empties it within a minute. She exhales deeply once she’s done and offers a wide smile to her pouting father.
“But I was thirsty too…” Minho starts whining.
“Oh please Gods help me.” His husband sighs before cutting a cherry’s stem and shoving the fruit in the other man’s mouth. “There, you baby.”
“Daddy is a baby~” The princess repeats, tears replaced with laughter.
“The biggest baby ever.” Kibum smiles, handing another cherry to his daughter. “Have one too, but don’t swallow it whole, alright ?”
Sooyun nods and takes the fruit, looking at it and making it turn between her fingers before she eventually eats it. Her fathers look at her, all smiling despite the tiredness. She’s turning five years old after this summer but she can already express herself like she’s two years older ; Minho’s mother says it’s thanks to the way her parents always spoke to her with full sentences, not just random cute sounds and cooing.
Thunder claps once more, though it’s now further away and less noisy, and the little girl turns her head towards the window.
“Don’t be scared, the storm is going away now.” Minho says, pushing a strand of hair behind her small ear.
“Is it ? But why did it come here ?” Sooyun asks as she looks back at her fathers. “It was scary…”
“Oh, well… it’s because… how to say it…”
“You see how sometimes, uncle Jinki and his soldiers fight with their swords in the yard ?” Kibum intervenes when seeing his husband struggling with a way too realistic explanation, and the little girl nods. “It is called sparring.”
“Exactly. And sometimes, the Gods spar too. But it’s very loud.”
“Why is it loud ?”
“Because they are very very very tall, taller than us.” The King takes over. “So their swords are bigger too, they make more noise.”
“Are they fighting ? Are they angry like when daddy gets hurt and then daddy says big words at him ?”
Minho can’t help but laugh while Kibum scratches the back of his head with embarrassment. It’s true that the latter struggles to speak politely when the so called King comes back from a simple training with a cute here and a bruise there… and sometimes, he forgets he’s holding his daughter at the same moment he’s cursing at his husband with words full of imagery.
“You don’t have to be angry to spar, sweetheart.” The Prince replies. “Sometimes it’s just training. And when you hear the loud noise, it’s called thunder. It’s when the swords hit each other very hard.”
“But why do they fight at night ? Why don’t they wait for us to be awake ?”
So many questions from such a little mouth make Minho laugh more, until the other man slaps his arm.
“Answer your daughter’s questions instead of laughing.” Kibum says. “Why are the Gods fighting at night, Minho ?”
“Ah, well… it’s because…” The King thinks for a moment before clicking his fingers. “It’s because there is no night in their world !”
“No night ? They don’t sleep ?” Sooyun frowns, not noticing how the Prince is pinching the top of his nose behind her. “They’re not tired ?”
“No, no, they don’t sleep. They’re Gods, sweet pea. And in their world, it’s always day time because they have many, many things to do. See how your dads are busy all day ? The Gods are even busier.”
“Oh… so they don’t know we are sleeping right now ?”
“They don’t know, or maybe they don’t care, we can’t know what the Gods think. But when they train or fight, they’re so strong that it gets really loud when their swords hit each other. And do you want to know something ? When the Goddess of Light fights, her sword makes light, and this light is so bright that it tears the sky apart when she hits another sword.”
“Really ?”
“Really ! Come with me, let’s see if it’s her fighting tonight.”
Kibum fondly smiles, watching Minho stand up and carry the little girl on his arm to walk to the window ; he’s even more excited than her about his own made-up story, it’s incredible. Now the Prince just hopes there is lightning as well as thunder, so their daughter doesn’t get disappointed and upset.
“Okay, let’s wait a bit.” The King says. “Look at the sky.”
“But it’s too dark, where is the moon ?” Sooyun asks.
“It’s hiding behind the clouds, it’s afraid when the Gods spar. Don’t worry, if the Goddess of Light is here, you will see it.”
Minho holds the girl standing on the window’s ledge and turned his head to look at his husband, the latter shaking his head with a smile as he makes the bed again. They wait like this for a few minutes and Sooyun starts losing patience. She’s about to whine when the dark sky suddenly lights up on a certain spot ; it’s really quick and she jumps with surprise, her father’s grip strong around her body.
“Did you see it ?” He asks. “The light that tore the sky apart ?”
“Yes ! It was quick !” The little girl enthusiastically says before she gets startled by thunder. “Ah !”
“It’s alright, it’s alright. It’s the other God who hits back.”
“Do you think she will win ?”
“The Goddess of Light ? Do you want her to win ?”
“Yes, Sooyun.” The Prince speaks in as he comes closer to them. “We can never know who wins, so it’s you who will decide.”
“Then it’s the Goddess, because she’s stronger ! That’s what uncle Jonghyun said.”
“Oh, did he ?”
“Yes, he said that women fight better than men but that men are jealous so they don’t let women fight.”
“I see.”
Both Minho and Kibum look at each other, silently agreeing to have a little talk with their friend one of these days.
“Uncle Jinki disagrees.” Sooyun keeps talking. “He says uncle Jonghyun is just saying this to annoy him because he fought with a woman and lost.”
“Your uncles seem to talk a lot.” The King says while walking back to his bed, the Prince following him close.
“Daddy, is it true that uncle Jinki fought with a woman and lost ?”
“Did he say it was true ?”
“No, he just kicked uncle Jonghyun with his foot.”
“Somehow I can picture that. And no, uncle Jinki didn’t lose to a woman, because there is only one person he loses to.”
“Who ?”
“Daddy you’re lying.”
“What ?! You ask uncle tomorrow !”
“Yes, yes, tomorrow, not tonight by screaming.” Kibum hushes them both. “Now come to bed, both of you, it’s still night and we should get some sleep.”
Just like the big kid he is, Minho sticks his tongue out at his own daughter, who complains to her other father. The Prince just has to stare at both of them and they immediately lie in bed, Sooyun taking her place between her parents. It takes a moment for her to calm down after such an intense conversation, but sleep eventually gets the best of her and she rolls to her side, cuddling up to Kibum and asking for him.
The latter smiles and slowly strokes her hair, lulling her to sleep with this simple gesture. It’s only when her calm breathing turns into a soft snoring that both men allow themselves to rest. The Prince stretches his hand on the mattress, over her daughter’s body, and the King takes it to press a kiss to his palm. With their fingers interlaced and one last smile, they eventually go back to sleep, hoping that the little princess won’t wake up to early…
“And when the Goddess of Light fights and she hits the other God, there is light in the sky.” Sooyun says. “And it’s like the sky gets a scratch.”
“Oh, I see.” Jinki nods. “So the Gods fighting, huh… and you believed that ?”
“No, but don’t tell dads. They will get sad.”
“Mum’s the word. One day I will tell you the truth, but for now you’re still too little.”
The General hides a smile as he walks between rows of soldiers training in partnerships, holding an umbrella above the princess’ head… the latter sitting on his shoulders. It has become quite a routine for the little girl to come to him when he was working outside, and even if he used to tell her to go back to a safe place, he now considers she’s old enough to at least stay by his side if he’s careful. For sure, his recruits had looked at him with a weird stare the first time, but they’re used to it by now and even go along with her when she play the second General.
“Park, you will never beat Jung if you keep placing your feet that way.” Jinki stops in front of a duo, using his own foot to pull the soldier’s ankle. “There, this is your standing foot, don’t forget about it.”
“Uncle, he is laughing.” Sooyun says when the soldier named Jung smirks at his opponent being scolded.
“Ah, is he ? How many push-ups should he do as a punishment then, your Majesty ?”
“Hmm… Six !”
“That’s a lot. Do you think you will survive, Jung ?”
“I’ll do my best, Sir !”
The young soldier salutes and positions himself, doing the first two push-ups easily and pretending to struggle for the next one. Sooyun is counting out loud, not seeing how the General and soldiers around them are holding their laughter back as their fellow fakes whines and even lets himself fall before he finishes the last push-up.
“I’m a disgrace, Sir !” He says, going on his knees to fully bow. “Six was too hard for a bad soldier like I am !”
“Only the best soldiers can manage six push-ups in a row, Jung.” Jinki says, his voice clear though it’s difficult to remain serious in this situation. “What do you think, your Majesty ?”
“He can go, he is pretty.”
“Oh, is he now ? Jung, you’re pretty, now get up and train.”
“Yes sir !”
“But he’s not pretty like uncle. Right, uncle ?” The girl says as the General starts walking again.
“Right. Uncle is the prettiest.”
Jinki smiles for real this time, ignoring how his own recruits are beaming whenever their Princess compliments or punish them — she’s so strict !
A whole hour goes by like this, Sooyun eventually asking to walk alone and holding Jinki’s hand all along. At some point, they’re back to their starting point juste at the moment Jonghyun enters the palace’s yard with a few scrolls under his arm. The little girl screams and let go of the soldier’s hand to run to her blonde uncle ; the latter catches her on the way with only one arm — he trained a lot — and laughs as he kisses her cheek.
“Were you tormenting uncle’s soldiers again ?” The teacher teases her. “You’re the real General.”
“Uncle said you’re coming to teach me, is it true ?” The princess asks, clapping her hands. “He said you can teach me to count more so the soldiers can do more push-ups !”
“Oh no, do you want them to die ? How many did you ask them to do today ?”
“Six ! But I know seven and eight and nine and ten, so I was nice.”
“The nicest. What about counting to twenty now ? It’s like taking the ten numbers and add ten more.”
“Is that a lot of push-ups ?”
“Even uncle Jinki can’t do twenty push-ups.”
“Don’t tell her lies.” The General reaches them with his arms crossed on his chest. “I can do hundreds of push-ups.”
“What is hundreds ?” Sooyun asks.
“Way too many numbers, don’t listen to him.”
Jonghyun laughs and smiles at his boyfriend while the latter discreetly places his hand on his back as a greeting. He pretends to give him a report of everything the princess and him have done this morning, the little girl nodding to everything.
“That’s a lot of work for one single morning !” The blond man gasps. “So I’m stealing you for a break, your little Majesty. Let’s go gather some cherries and head to lunch, how does that sound ?”
“Sounds good !” Sooyun exclaims. “Oh, but I forgot to ask a question to uncle.”
“I’m all ears.” Jinki says, approaching his ear when the little girl beckons to him.
“Is it true that you don’t win fights against dad ?”
“Did he tell you that ?”
“It’s not true. And you wanna hear another secret ?”
“Yes !”
“He doesn’t win against your other dad.”
“Really ?!”
“Really. But that’s our secret, alright ?”
Jonghyun rolls his eyes and puts Sooyun down, asking her to go look for Heechul while he’s talking with the General. Once she’s out of sight, he gives a disapproving stare to his partner.
“What ?” Jinki shrugs.
“You’re rising her up against Minho.” The teacher states.
“I’m just saying the truth, what is wrong with it ? Not my fault if the truth hurts his Highness.”
“You’re unbelievable.”
“Sure, love. What did you want to talk about ?”
“Tonight when your shift ends, let’s go to the river together. I’ll bring dinner.”
“This sounds really nice. Don’t go in the water without me.”
“I can swim now, thanks to you, so I’m not risking anything. I’ll be waiting so don’t be late.”
Casting a glance at their surroundings, Jonghyun steals a quick kiss from the General and pats his cheek before leaving to join the princess. As expected, she finds her on the gardener’s shoulders, trying to catch the highest cherries on the pretext that they’re shinier. The teacher fondly laughs and looks up when he hears a whistle.
Leaning on their quarters’ window ledge, Minho and Kibum quietly wave at him. No need to wonder what they were up to since there is no trace of clothes on their upper bodies… Jonghyun smiles and nods towards them, before he goes to Heechul’s rescue when a certain girl wants to stand on his shoulders.
From above, the King and Prince laugh, making sure not to be heard, and go back to their bedroom. This is something they can never worry about, their daughter is always in good hands and for sure she will always be… well, unless Minho learns that his own childhood friend damages his fatherly reputation on a daily basis.
Hope you liked it!
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shawol9196 · 5 years
Off-Air (Oneshot; Jongho; ~2.2k)
When Jinki drives Jonghyun home from the radio station meeting, he learns a little more about his off-air life than he’s expecting. 
“So why do you dislike that Choi guy so much?” one of the other DJs asks as Jinki sits down next to Jonghyun. 
It’s weird for them to all be here together: a huge gathering of DJs and radio staff all gathered into a tiny bar. But Jinki’s excited for a night out without having to be on interacting-with-consumers behavior, so he figures he’ll let it unfold as it will. 
Jonghyun takes a sip of whatever soju concoction he’d ordered before looking over. 
“Well first off he’s my number one competitor for my time slot.”
“You know you don’t own the hours of 12-2am, right?” Jinki teases.
Jonghyun glares and Jinki isn’t sure if it’s at the comment or the interruption. “Second, it’s annoying to have listeners calling in to talk about another DJ while you’re DJing, if you didn’t know. His music is too broad in genre. Like I get it’s a show of soundtracks but I’m not and never will be emotionally ready to switch from “My Heart Will Go On” right into “Footloose.” Also he’s too damn tall.”
Jinki nearly spits out his drink at the last item in the list. The other DJ had wandered off halfway through the spiel, but now Jinki’s interest was piqued. 
“Too tall?”
“He’s 6’2” and that’s too tall.”
“And that matters...?”
“Jinki I know you’re my boss and you know I cherish you in that way and also in a friendly way but you’re too tall to understand my feelings about people who are too tall. Your complete averageness in terms of height prevents you from understanding the full plight I speak of.”
“First off I’m the show producer not your boss. Second of all I’m only two inches taller than you, tops. I thought you had to be under 5’4” to complain about height. Third, how do you know his exact height?” 
Jonghyun ignores his comments in favor of finishing his drink. As silence falls between them, Jinki finds himself reminiscing of the now locally famous Choi-Kim radio rivalry. 
“Hello, is this purple dusk radio?”
“Yes it is. I’m DJ Jonghyun and you’re lucky caller number 4!”
“Oh my goodness!”
“What’s your name?”
“I’ve got the prize package right here for you, Miyoung, all ready to go, I just need you to do one thing for me alright? Just tell me one thing you enjoy about purple dusk radio.”
“Well, to be honest, normally I listen to silver screen on channel 99...but I just happened to tune in to this station for the first time tonight and it really fits in with my music taste.”
“So what I’m hearing is purple dusk has a better selection than silver screen does?”
“It fits better with my likes, yes.”
“Well congratulations, Miyoung, you won! Just promise me you’ll stay tuned in to the better midnight show, okay?”
Jinki listens as the girl on the phone starts squealing in excitement and Jonghyun signs off for the commercial break. Once the “ON AIR” sign is deluminated, Jinki laughs at Jonghyun’s little victory wiggle. 
“Did you hear that, Jinki? We saved another poor soul from having to listen to silver screen!”
Jinki jumps at the feeling of a hand on his shoulder. It’s Kim Kibum, producer for silver screen. The rivalry between DJs didn’t extend to them -- mostly due to graduating from the same college program. 
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all.”
“You looked pretty far away there for a second, I’m not interrupting anything, am I?”
“No, not at all. I was just remembering an old show.”
Kibum slides into the seat that previously held Jonghyun. 
“Any particular show? I mean you’ve only been on this show for six years now.” 
“A particular one but for no particular reason.”
The conversation is interrupted by the bartender appearing. Jinki waits for Kibum to order, turning around to glance around the restaurant for Jonghyun. He finds him at another table with a few other DJs from their station. 
“Minho’s got a significant other but he won’t tell me about them.” Kibum huffs once he gets his beer. 
“If he won’t tell you about them how do you know he has one?”
“I overheard him on the phone and ‘I love you, honeybun’ doesn’t seem like something you’d say to everyone, now does it? Also he has a new ring, one of those ones that leaves an impression of a heart when you take it off.”
“Kibum, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; you make a great producer but you would’ve been a great detective.”
Kibum laughs before sipping his beer. 
“So how are things at PYQK, besides the fact that Minho won’t share all the naughty details of his love life with you?”
“I never said I wanted the naughty details; even some sweet vagues would be nice. The station’s doing well. And at PYXQ?”
“Basically the same. Why doesn’t Minho ever come to these, besides the fact that Jonghyun’s here?”
Kibum scoffs as he puts down his beer. “He goes to work out after the show finishes like some kind of weirdo.”
“To each his own, I guess.” Jinki goes to take a sip of his drink, but pauses. “Weird question that I’ll explain the context of afterwards, but how tall is he?”
“Who? Minho? Bit over 6’ I’d say. Why?”
“Someone was asking Jonghyun why he doesn’t like Minho and one of the reasons was he’s too tall, but he said a very specific height, which I thought was a bit odd.”
“I think Jonghyun may be trying to get in on that sort of experience,” Kibum says with a giggle, pointing to where Jonghyun’s begun standing on a barstool and thanking people for coming to the party that he absolutely did not partake in planning. 
“Oh jeez...I’ll see you later, dude.”
Jinki makes his way over to Jonghyun quick as he can; persuading him to come down off the stool isn’t easy but eventually he manages. 
“I just wanted to make sure that everyone could see me!” Jonghyun explains with a hiccup as Jinki pulls him out towards the parking lot. 
“Where are we going?” Jonghyun slurs, clutching Jinki’s arm to help steady himself.
“I’m going to drop you off at your house since you’re in no condition to drive.”
“How do you know that?” 
Jinki gives him a stern look and continues guiding Jonghyun to his car. It takes Jonghyun a few minutes to remember his address to punch into the GPS but soon enough they’re on their way. 
It surprises Jinki to realize he’s never been to Jonghyun’s house. The latter had visited him many times for holiday parties and garden dinners but not once in the four years they’ve worked together on purple dusk had he ever gone to -- or been invited to -- Jonghyun’s place. The house isn’t that big, but it has a pretty little garden in front and there’s something charming about it that seems perfectly Jonghyun. As they walk up the driveway, Jonghyun seems to perk up and Jinki is somewhat relieved to see a light through the living room window. 
“My house!”
“Well I’m glad you recognize it.”
Just as quickly as it appeared, the perky feeling dissipates and Jonghyun stops in his tracks. 
“I don’t have people over at my house.”
“I just want to make sure you can get in, I’ll leave right after okay?”
“I...don’t want...can’t let people know about him.”
“About who?”
“Come on, I just want to make sure you can get in.”
Begrudgingly he starts walking again, searching his pockets for his keys. Eventually he finds them but after four attempts to unlock the door it's clear he’s too drunk for such a delicate operation. Just as Jinki goes to offer to try, the door opens. 
If Jonghyun revealed himself to be an alien at this very moment, it wouldn’t surprise him more than seeing Choi Minho standing in Jonghyun’s doorway. 
“Oh, hello, Jinki. I...wasn’t expecting anyone to be with him.”
“I wasn’t expecting anyone to be here either, least of all you.”
It takes Jonghyun a moment to process that the door is open but once he does he immediately wraps himself around Minho, seemingly forgetting about Jinki’s existence.
“Baby I had fun at the party and I missed you.”
Minho’s cheeks turn pink as Jinki’s jaw drops to the floor. 
“Do you...why don’t you come in for a bit so we can talk?”
“I...if that’s fine with Jjong I’d like that.”
It takes a few minutes of fussing and denied kisses for Minho to send Jonghyun off to shower. He joins Jinki in the living room after a moment, sitting opposite him. 
“Don’t the two of you hate each other?” Jinki asks before Minho has a chance to say anything. 
An odd smile crosses Minho’s face. “Only publicly. We’re very affectionate at home, as you can see.”
“How long have...”
“Have we been together?”
“I was going to say be friendly but yeah that’s also included in the question I guess.”
“We met in college, partnered for a project in a journalism elective.”
“Really. Did you get unpartnered for bad behavior or something?”
“No, actually-”
Minho’s interrupted by Jonghyun unceremoniously plopping on the couch with the highest amount of dramatic flair he can muster, still oblivious to Jinki’s continued presence. He’s snuggled up to Minho and asleep before he can even react. As confused as Jinki is, it’s a warming sight.
“As I was saying, we actually got along really well. Got bonus points on the project for being cooperative. We got into the habit of hanging out and things just...kinda went from there. We’ve been living here since I graduated. Sleepy here inherited it from his grandparents.”
“So wait...why the rivalry? Like we all legitimately thought that you two hate each other.”
Minho chuckles, but Jinki can’t tell if it's in amusement or in sadness. 
“It was his idea, oddly enough. I don’t know if you remember the predecessor to silver screen, but it was... to put it kinder than Kibum would, it was a mess. So when I got hired, it was made very clear that if I didn’t make it successful, I would get fired, Yunho -- the producer that pitched it -- would probably get fired, and the station would basically have to resort to playing ads and royalty free spa music during that slot. Jjong had already got purple dusk comfortable by that point so he was trying to give me pointers and things. It didn’t really help though; Kibum always said it wasn’t my hosting that was driving people away, it was the bad taste left from the old show. Obviously he couldn’t just give me a shoutout, being on different stations at the same time and all, so he came up with hyping the competition. I always thought that we should’ve included you guys on it, but he said it’d make it feel manufactured if you all knew and also tried to play it up.”
“Oh, so that’s why I’ve had to hear Kibum complain about not knowing about your love life for two years now.” Jinki teases. 
“Oh man, he’s got you hooked in on that too? I swear I can’t make a personal call at the station without at least 4 people scooting as close as they think they can get away with to eavesdrop.”
“If it makes you feel better, he was just as inquisitive about when I started dating my now-wife back in college.”
“I am not surprised in the least.”
An awkward silence falls between the two as Jonghyun starts to snore and Jinki struggles to process.
“It was hard to get used to the act, when we first started it. We’d both come home all apologetic -- ‘I know I said you sound grating but your tone was so nice today’ or ‘I’m sorry I was so mean today, but how can you not be mean when the theme of the show is noir films’, that kind of thing. Now it’s just a bit of a game. I always listen to the podcast recording when I go to the gym and come home telling him he’s recycled insults.”
Jinki chuckles and checks his phone. There’s a few messages from Kibum, asking him where he’s headed off to and if he took Jonghyun home. 
“I suppose you should probably be heading home now. I know we live the night life already but I’m sure your wife would appreciate you coming home before the sun.” Minho says as he tries to wiggle his way out of Jonghyun’s grasp. 
“You’re probably right. We don’t have the luxury of the same working hours like some people do.”
They walk to the door and Jinki half expects Jonghyun to wake up, but he doesn’t. 
“Thanks for bringing him home. While it is amusing that such a lightweight enjoys gatherings so much, I do worry about him getting home in one piece.”
“Oh it’s no trouble. Even if it was, this dramatic turn of events made it worth it. Good luck with your show tomorrow and surviving Sherlock Holmes- I mean Kibum’s investigations.”
Minho cracks a smile and nods a thank you, waiting til Jinki gets into his car to close the front door. Through the living room window he can see him carrying Jonghyun to bed. His phone pings again, Kibum continuing to be nosy. For a brief moment he thinks to share the news with Kibum but instead closes his phone and heads home. What Jonghyun and Minho do in their off-air time really isn’t any of his concern; plus, he’d grown fond of Kibum’s investigations being thwarted. 
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