#you can’t even IMAGINE the depths to which these freaks will go
just-rogi · 1 year
Sometimes I think people are too mean to middle schoolers because I work with them all day every day and really for the most part they are kind and funny and genuinely wonderful human beings experiencing massive changes and people are often too quick to write them all off as stupid kids… and it hurts because they really deserve to be treated like people with agency … and other times I’m like… oh.. these are not human children.. they are actually evil monsters for real
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alyakthedorklord · 1 year
Bat Poker Face Training
Dick, Steph, Cass, Tim, and Jason all crammed into someones room, with a kidnapped Duke sitting awkwardly with them, kinda scared.
Duke: “Uh… what’s going on?”
Steph, completely blank faced and standing ominously in the corner: “It has come to our attention that you require training.”
Duke: “Bruce is already teaching me really well-“
Jason, also blank faced: “That’s bat training. This is robin training.”
Cass, carefully but without a single emotion: “Sibling training.”
Dick, face just as blank as all his other siblings: “It’s much more fun.”
Duke, freaked out by the empty faces: “Am I being hazed?”
Jason: “Eh, maybe. Scared?
Tim, not giving Duke a second to reply: “Yes, he is. It’s written all over his face. And while its okay to be scared, sometimes hiding your true emotions in the field is a matter of life, death, and secret identities.”
Dick: “You’re going to be flustered. Humiliated. Terrified. Angry. Relieved. Your vigilante ID dragged through the mud in front of you as a civilian. Someone worried about your civilian ID and you need to keep them away.“
Tim: “Not just as a Bat, but a Wayne. Some dinosaur at a gala is going to say the most out of pocket thing you’ve ever heard in your life and you’ve just got to stand there.”
Duke: “So that’s the reason you’re doing the creepy thing?”
Steph: “Yes Duke. You need to have a poker face that Even Superman can’t break. That even a Fifth-dimensional Imp can’t crack! And that is the purpose of our training tonight!”
Duke, getting the program now: “Okay. I’m ready.”
Jason, allowing a creepy grin to slide over his face: “Don’t be so sure. Because what we are about to show you… it has broken Batman.”
Dick: “Damian is too innocent to see it, which is why he isn’t here.”
Steph: “If you can handle this, you can handle anything.”
Tim, tapping on his computer, chanting under his breath: “the horrors, the horrors, the horrors…”
Duke, terrified of what Tim is about to pull up, on the edge of his seat wondering what on earth can shake the Bat of Gotham, what the family considers too awful for thier arguably LEAST innocent member to see, what vile images he’s about to be shown…
Tap. The screen lights up white.
Duke: “No.”
Jason, grin widening: “We’ll be reading this aloud, for your entertainment.”
Duke, trembling and inching towards the door: “No.”
Steph, vice grip on Duke’s arm: “There’s no escaping it, Signal. This is your mission- to stay completely pokerfaced through Real Person Fanfiction of us- the Batfamily. And co, of course.”
Duke, sobbing: “Please, why… why would you do this to yourselves… oh god, is that… is that… is that Kate with Bruce? She’s a lesbian! And his cousin!”
Steph: “They don’t know that, Duke. They know nothing. And the depths of a human imagination is comparable to the depths of the ocean… there’s some weird shit down there.”
Tim, without a single emotion on his face, least of all mercy: “I had to sit through Young Justice fawning over Dick and Bruce. Do you know what they said? About my own father figure? Right in front of my salad? I was lucky I was wearing a mask. I cried, and I cried in silence. They knew NOTHING, because I showed nothing. This is what you must achieve.”
Jason: “I’ve had to listen to criminals talk about what they’d do to the ‘Prince of Gotham’ and not twitch. I’ve had to listen to both goons and civilians play fuck marry kill with our vigilante identities and not move a muscle. I know this feels like overkill, but trust me, it’s not.”
Dick: “Don’t worry, we’ll keep it mostly PG. Tim? Begin with the wildly out of character and aggressively heteronormative Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman love triangle. Then maybe we’ll work our way up to slash readers and…” shudders in horror, “…batcest.”
Duke: “NOOOOOOOO!!!”
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melswifeasf · 1 year
i saw your request for asks so i thought i’d try, if anything makes you uncomfortable/is weird to write then change it ofc and thank you if you do write it :) 
okay so i really love pissed off sam and was thinking about this: reader and sam are together but are keeping it a secret bc sam wants to (reader isn’t extremely happy about it but okay with it), reader goes with tara to this party from the beginning of scream vi and when sam comes to get both tara and reader back home, she sees someone flirting with reader but can’t do anything about it which pisses her off, reader shuts the flirting down but sam is still pissed, once they are alone reader tries to talk to sam and calm her down with a hug and sam lets her but then kisses reader and turns it into sex and leaves a pretty obvious hickey and tells reader not to cover it up
Marks (nsfw)
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: you’re Sam’s secret, it’s not your choice but you’ll deal. until Sam realizes being her secret means there’s nothing holding others back from chasing you.
Warnings: (18+) MDNI smut, breath play.
notes: i love jealous Sam. also let’s act like they aren’t attacked by ghostface after the party for the sake of this imagine. this might be kind of mid cause i’m not that used to writing smut yet but i hope you still enjoyed it:)
(not proofread)
(word count: 3433)
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this was never part of the plan. being in a secret relationship was never really your choice. you felt like her dirty secret but you loved her so you couldn’t find it in you to say no. she had to told you she didn’t want others to know the second things began getting serious. you understood why, her ex boyfriend turned out to be a psychotic freak who wanted to kill her and her sister because she was the daughter of a famous serial killer.
you were Chads friend in high school, he was on the football team and you were a cheerleader so it was easy to be mixed in with the same people. he was nice in your opinion, you found it funny that his name was literally Chad but he was always nice. thus started the friendship between you two and you slowly became part of their friend circle, you were a year older than them but even after you graduated you stuck around. you wanted to take a gap year between high school and college to figure out what you wanted to do for the rest of your life.
that meant you were there when the ghostface situation happened. that when you met Sam, you instantly thought she was beautiful. you’d heard stories about her from Chad and Tara but never in depth, it was a sensitive topic for the young Carpenter girl.
you had even been there when they were all attacked. you didn’t want to go to the party at first, it felt insensitive but Chad and Mindy had told you it’s what Wes would’ve wanted to you decided why not.
you regretted that pretty quickly.
you’d been stabbed twice, once in the stomach and the other in the back when you had been trying to attack Amber. it was shortly after that you and Sam began getting closer. she had thanked you for staying and not running when you had the chance.
unlike Chad and Mindy, she didn’t see you as her little sisters friend, she hadn’t seen you grow up and she had just met you so she didn’t feel guilty to think you were rather attractive. being in cheer since you were a kid helped your body become more toned and Sam found no shame in checking you out whenever you were alone. she knew you had a crush on her, you weren’t exactly subtle, not that you even wanted to be. you were never the type to hide your feelings. it was on a random Friday night that those feelings really came to light, you had called her to come over so you could tell her how you really felt. one thing led to another and you hooked up. that continued up until you moved to New York when she finally asked you to be her girlfriend.
you always thought she wanted to keep it a secret for various reasons. one, you were Tara’s friend and four years younger than her. secondly, she wasn’t ready to have an open relationship after the shitty one she had before. so you accepted what you got and moved on.
once you all moved to New York you decided to go to college like the other three teens. at first you were going to room with a girl who was in a band meaning she would be up late practicing or writing music which was horrid. Tara had been the one to offer you to move in, you immediately turned to Sam but she quickly said it was a good idea. you’d be helping with the rent so she used that as her excuse. they only had three rooms and Quinn already lived with them so you slept in the living room (of course you’d sneak into Sam’s room once everyone was asleep and sneak back out in the morning) until you got enough money to get your own apartment. Mindy had said she’d be willing to move in with you during her sophomore year and you figured a couple more months of an uncomfortable couch couldn’t hurt. besides, sometimes Tara would offer her room as well.
loud music blasted around the house as young adults were talking to one another in small groups. you were talking to a girl who was getting a little too flirty in your opinion. you didn’t want to be there, you wanted to be with Sam out on a dinner date or at the movies - really anything as long as it was with her and you were out of her small room. but she had therapy so when Tara invited you to go out you didn’t have any excuse to say no.
you were dressed in one of your old cheer uniforms. it was basic but you didn’t care much for the party and you weren’t going to go out to buy a costume.
you listened to the brunette beside you talk about her high school years. truly you weren’t actively listening but you didn’t want to be rude by shutting her out or walking away. the brunette was cute, sure, but she wasn’t Sam Carpenter and you weren’t interested. she didn’t seem to be taking the hint though.
Mindy and Anika stood from their spot on the couch as they saw Tara about to walk away with some frat guy up to his room. you tried to move away from the brunette but she was still talking and you figured Mindy would be getting Chad which meant they did not need your help. you tried to seem like you were listening up until Chad approached you guys and aimed for the stairs where Tara was about to leave with the guy she met.
“hey partner” you heard Chad say. “Tara’s good down here”
you saw the douche glance at Tara and take a step down, “i’m sorry what? i didn’t catch that”
Chad chuckled, “uh, yeah. you did”
“Chad” Tara said quickly and walked down the steps until she’s up close to him, “it’s fine. i want to”
the dark haired boy mimicked Tara, “see Chad? she wants to” he said and turned grabbing Tara’s arm roughly to drag her up the stairs “come on”
“get your fucking hands off her” Chad was quick to grab the asshole and drop him down the steps making him bump into a stranger.
you quickly pulled away from the girl and walked up to Mindy as Chad and whatever his name is, began to shove each other roughly.
suddenly your girlfriend appears making them both stop to look at her. “guys. i’m sorry to interrupt i’m just gonna tase you in the balls real quick” you gasped in both surprise and awe. “don’t ever lay hands on my sister”
god she was hot.
you were finally standing near them and heard the asshole on the floor curse at Sam making you roll your eyes. what wasn’t so amusing though was Taras voice earning everyone’s attention, “Sam. are you fucking kidding me? you’re stalking me now” the younger Carpenter said and stormed off.
you sighed and watched your girlfriend look at her sister worriedly. you were so busy trying to make sure Sam was okay you didn’t realize the girl that had been latched into you the this whole time walk up to you with a flirt smile. shit.
“so,” she said flipping her hair to one side, “can i maybe get your number?” she asked with a smile that probably would’ve worked on you if you weren’t completely enamored with someone already.
you cleared your throat now noticing Mindy and Anika looking at you in slight confusion. you just hadn’t realized Sam was watching the whole interaction as well. “im sorry,” you said with an apologetic smile, “if i gave you the wrong signals but im not looking for anything right now”
the brunette didn’t seem offended or she didn’t show it and simply smiled before taking her leave. you felt a sense of relief wash over you, you weren’t sure what you would’ve done if she didn’t take your rejection so lightly.
your thoughts were cut off by a voice, “holy shit. it’s that psycho girl” a random guy said making you glance at Sam, there were people with their phones out recording everything causing the girl to shake her head and walk away. you, Mindy and Anika immediately followed.
you weren’t sure if Sam saw someone ask for your number so you made yourself invisible throughout the whole walk to the apartment. you didn’t say anything when Tara blew up on her and you tried to hold yourself back when some bitch threw their drink on Sam.
when you guys got back to the apartment the door of Sams rooms slammed shut with the girl on the other side. you sighed softly as Quinn got out of her room with a questioning look but as soon as she saw everyone’s face she knew what had happened. you saw Tara quickly follow her sisters actions minus the door slamming.
you took your time before going to Sam’s room, waiting until everyone was doing their own thing and finally opening the door and closing it behind you. there the raven haired girl was, an obvious pissed off look on her face as she sat on her bed looking into space. you sighed softly and approached her.
“im sorry” you said although your not sure why. you couldn’t help that another person was flirting with you, although you were sorry that people were shitty and there was nothing you could do about it.
Sam doesn’t respond making you frown, you knew this was all extremely upsetting. you couldn’t imagine being in her position, already having to suffer something so traumatic and then having to hear people say that it was all her fault and she was the real murderer. instead of saying anything else you sit on the bed beside your girlfriend and wrap your arms around her. she stiffens at first but slowly relaxes into your touch, her own arms wrapping around your waist.
“i love you” the words leave your lips like a breath of fresh air.
“i love you too” Sam responded in a slight murmur, her lips pressed against your neck. a smile appeared on your lips at the feeling. you expected the moment to be short and sweet but instead you began to feel her press open mouthed kisses from her shoulder up to her neck.
a breathy whimper escape you, “Sam” you said and tangled your hands in her hair, “everyone’s outside. they might hear” you said in a hushed tone and glanced at the closed door.
but the older girls lips didn’t leave your skin and slowly her kisses began to grow sloppier and rougher, her lips nipping and sucking at your skin which your sure will leave a mark.
“fuck Sam. i’m serious, we said no hickeys” you said trying to push the girl off of you.
“why? are you trying to hide the fact that your mine?” she said in a low tone. you could tell she was still pissed.
you rolled your eyes, “seriously? your the one who wants to keep us a secret”
Sam raised her head from your neck, “maybe it’s time we change that” she said and brought her lips down onto yours in a rough kiss. her action was swift and quick not giving you the chance to even think about her words.
her hands roamed your body until they were on your thighs where she began to squeeze roughly. the feeling of her lips alone were enough to turn you on. her lips were rough and hungry, her tongue invading your mouth without giving you a chance to return the intensity of it.
you wanted more, needed to feel her hands on you in more ways than just one so you moved your body to straddle her but she quickly stopped you. “no” she said and pulled away completely. “stand up” she demanded.
you were slightly confused at first but the look on her face made you hold back any questions as you followed her orders. soon you felt her warm body pressed against your back. you understood pretty quickly why she wanted you like this as you stared at your own reflection. there was a body length mirror in front of you.
“you look so pretty in this” she whispered softly into your shoulder as she pressed small kisses on it. even though her words were sweet you knew that wouldn’t last long.
her hands moved up your body and under your shirt to cup your breasts, she squeezed them roughly making your legs press together. you just needed her to fuck you. it seemed as if she had read your mind as her right hand left your shirt and moved down your body until she reached your skirt. her hand maneuvered under your skirt making you shiver. she grabbed your panties and roughly pulled them down your legs surely leaving a mark on your thighs by the roughness of her touch.
“why are you so wet baby?” she whispered as she began to rub your clit with two fingers. a soft moan left your lips making you bite your lip quickly after, you didn’t want anyone else in the apartment to know what you were doing. “did that bitch turn you on? huh?” she asked aggressively and both her hand on your chest as well as the one rubbing you matched her tone.
you shook your head to the best of your ability, “no, no baby.” Sam chuckled darkly.
“who makes you this wet?”
“you. always you” that seemed to please her and she slowly entered you with two fingers instantly making you moan louder than you should have. you right hand slapped against your mouth to contain your moans but that seemed to piss Sam off even more.
she slapped your arm making it fall beside you again. her pace was rough and fast and your knees were beginning to give in but you tried your best to stand upright. the pleasure was so intense your eyes were closed but every so often you would blink them open and see your girlfriend leaving hickeys on your neck with one hand in your shirt twisting your nipples and the other up your skirt. it only made you wetter and the allude sounds echoing throughout the room was proof of that.
“baby fuck” you whimpered and tangled your hand in the girls hair as you pressed her into your neck, this felt too good for her to stop.
“you like that?” she whispered and added another finger. you nodded quickly.
“cause your all mine baby. only i can make you feel this way. not that bitch at the party. me” you frantically nodded your head at every word that left her lips.
“only yours baby. only you make me feel this good” your answer pleased her even more as she began to curl her fingers inside of you making you see stars. the feeling was too intense and you weren’t sure how much longer you could last.
“such a pretty little slut” she whispered and softly bit your shoulder. tears were beginning to form in your eyes by the intensity of it and by how hard you were trying to keep yourself standing.
“please don’t stop” you whimpered desperately making Sam chuckle. her hand left your shirt and trailed your chest until she reached your neck. an excitement began to build in your chest at the anticipation of what was coming next. her hand squeezed your neck making you open your eyes.
your cheeks were flushed, your forehead glistening with sweat and the veins on Sams hand were beginning to show as she choked you.
“that’s it. open your eyes, watch how pathetic you look when i fuck you” your face was hot from both the humiliating words leaving your girlfriends lips as well as the sensation of your oxygen being controlled. she had complete and utter control of you then and there, her hand only letting a small amount of oxygen inside of your lungs every couple of seconds before she squeezed even more. you were beginning to grow lightheaded. you wouldn’t be surprised if she left a hand print on your neck from the aggressiveness.
it was too much for you. “i’m gonna cum” you choked out to the best of your ability.
Sam shook her head, “tell me who owns you”
you moaned and threw you head back onto her shoulder as her thumb began to circle your clit slowly. she was making this incredibly hard. you weren’t sure if you could stop yourself from letting go.
“you. you own me. i’m yours and only yours” you quickly said a lot clearer than you had before considering she’d loosen her grip.
Sam had a pleased smile on her lips at your response, “come for me baby” she finally said making your body unravel at once. your hand slapped against Sams arm and you squeezed tightly as the other pulled at her hair. your legs began to shake and Sam tried to hold you up with her body.
her name was thrown out into the room breathily and your eyes squeezed shut. her fingers continued to pump inside you slowly as she helped you come down from your high.
her hand competent left your neck and she wrapped it around your waist to keep you standing. once you felt like you had riches the ground again you began to whimper as Sams fingers were still inside of you.
“sensitive” you whispered and she quickly pulled out of you. slowly she helped you walk backwards until you reached the bed. she sat down and shortly after she pulled your front toward her and down onto her lap.
you were blissed out as you laid your head on her shoulder.
“i love you beautiful” she said gently and rubbed small circles on your back. even with the state you were in, a small smile formed on your lips at her words. she was always so sweet to you.
“i love you too” you murdered.
“are you okay? did i hurt you?” she asked pushing your body softly so you’d look at her and you pushed your head up so you were making eyes contact with her.
“im okay. i promise” you guys stayed like that for a little while, just basking in each others presence.
until you couldn’t stop yourself from bringing up the elephant in the room. “you reek like Cherry coke” you admitted with a soft smile.
Sam laughed as you pulled away to look at her once more, “you don’t like it?” she raised a brow teasingly.
“absolutely not” you laughed. “come on. shower. i don’t want you smelling like coke when we’re sleeping”
she chuckled softly and patted your thigh to signal you to stand. you did so with slightly shaky legs but your girlfriend was quick to place her hands on your waist to level you.
once you told her you’d be okay she pulled away and went to her dresser to get clothes.
you fixed your appearance a bit as well, you’d make the offer to shower with her but you’re sure everyone else was still in the apartment and you needed to leave Sams room before it got suspicious.
you turned your body to look in the mirror, your intention was to fix your hair and makeup but instead your eyes were focused on the huge mark on your neck.
“Sam, what the fuck” you whisper yelled and flipped your hair to the side of your neck as you turned toward her. she looked at you questioningly until she realized what you meant. she smiled.
“what? it’s about time people know your mine” she shrugged as if it’s no big deal.
“that’s great babe. really. but you didn’t have to give me five fucking hickeys the size of my neck in the progress!” you exclaimed.
Sam chuckled with a slight shrug. “they’re cute” she said simply and walked into her bathroom.
she’d be the death of you. you’re sure of it.
turns out all you needed was a little jealousy for her to tell everyone about you. as soon you walked out everyone noticed the hickeys on your neck and when they asked what the hell happened, Sam simply pecked your lips and sat on the couch as if it were no big deal.
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kimbappykidding · 9 months
Imagine you and Chanyeol acting like a couple but neither of you being confident enough to actually ask the other out
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Chanyeol was just nice to everyone. That's what you must've told your fellow Red Velvet members a thousand times. Irene would always shoot you a look while Wendy would outright argue with you. They'd all tried to get you to confess your feelings to Chanyeol but you were terrified to. If he was going to like someone in your company it wasn't you. You were the same age as Irene and considering she was the most beautiful girl on the planet that was hard to compete with. Or he'd surely ask Joy who was gorgeous and tall like him. Or Seulgi who had those stunning sultry eyes. You just didn't get why he'd look at your beautiful members and choose you. Wendy would hit you every time you said but in your mind it was true. Chanyeol had a similar experience. His members constantly told him to hurry up and ask you out. Every time Lay called his first question was "are you dating Y/n yet?" and it drove him crazy. He knew the two of you were close but that didn't mean you liked him. In truth, he was a little intimidated by you. You were one of the smartest idols he knew and the way you spoke was so eloquent and perfect but you could also transform from bookworm to sensational performer in seconds and he respected that so much. You were so complex and multi-dimensional and he was just ordinary in his mind. So he felt out of his depth, surely you'd prefer someone like D.O. or Suho. Someone intelligent and sophisticated but Chanyeol jumped anytime a stage confetti cannon went off. At the next award show your group was in attendance and so was Exo which was exciting because your groups were rarely at the same event especially nowadays. You were looking forward to a laid-back night just enjoying performances when Irene, who was meant to MC, became too sick to go on. She could barely stand up straight so was out of the question and you all began debating who should do it but there was only one plausible option. "Y/n you'll have to go" Irene said and you froze. "But I can't! If they're expecting you sending me out is bound to upset them". Irene rolled her eyes and Wendy punched you. "Y/n you are beautiful and they will be happy to have you there. Now go get ready...go!" she said using her leader voice and it was hard to argue when she used that. So you went to get ready but were so nervous it only took you about 10 minutes. You couldn't sit still long and so the stylist declared your hair done. Luckily you'd already had your makeup done so now you just had to wait. You were freaking out so decided to go speak to Chanyeol who was also a host. Exo always stayed at the same dressing room so you made your way there in auto-pilot. Xiumin opened the door and smiled "hey Y/n! You look great!". You smiled back "thanks is Chanyeol here? I've got to step in as MC and I'm freaking out". Xiumin nodded "of course! Come in" and he led you inside calling for Chanyeol.
That’s when you spotted the beautiful man and despite everything, your heart still sped up a little just from seeing him. 
Chanyeol turned and stopped as he saw you. "Woah" he said "Y/n you look insanely good" he gaped and you smiled but he could tell it didn't meet your eyes. "Y/n what's wrong?" he asked. You sighed "I've got to fill in for Irene because she's ill and I'm panicking big time". Chanyeol nodded "sit down and breathe. It's okay, you're not alone. I'll be with you to help every step of the way". "You will?" you asked and he nodded "yeah I'll go see the director now and make sure we're paired together. You'll be absolutely fine". You nodded feeling a little better but still weren't 100%, "What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked and you sighed "everyone is going to be so disappointed, they're expecting someone beautiful like Irene and they get..." you trailed off ashamed to even finish your sentence. Chanyeol was silent for a few seconds before he spoke. "Y/n that's ridiculous. You know that right?". You shrugged and Chanyeol took your hand "Y/n look at me". You didn't want to, scared you'd cry and ruin your makeup but Chanyeol gently squeezed your hand and you looked at him. "Y/n you're just as worthy as anyone else. Looks and appearances don't change that and it's irrelevant but you're just as stunning as Irene. More so in my opinion". You shook your head "now you're just going overboard" but Chanyeol shook his head "I'm not" and his expression was deadly serious. You stared at Chanyeol in shock and he gently brushed away a tear from your cheek. You shivered at his touch and sighed "I should head back to makeup and see if I've done any damage. Thank you for this...I feel better knowing you'll be there. Thank you for everything Chanyeol". He nodded "you never have to thank me, I'm always here for you" and he hugged you. You lingered in the hug just enjoying the feeling of being safe before pulling away. "I'll come find you before it starts?" Chanyeol asked and you nodded, thanked him again and left. As soon as the door shut his members went suspiciously quiet. "Come on then out with it" Chanyeol called "I'm ready for the onslaught of teasing" but the members shook their heads. "No that was really...sweet" Baekhyun said. "Really?" Chanyeol asked and D.O. nodded "yeah you were really there for her and were so kind to her". Chen nodded "well done Chanyeol". Suho paused "can I ask...have you considered you might be a bit more than that? That you could possibly be in love with Y/n?". Chanyeol's mind went blank at the meaning of those words but he knew instantly what the answer was. He blushed and Suho shook his head "sorry that was a personal question. Ignore me. I agree with the guys you were wonderful with her" and everyone carried on like Suho hadn't asked that question and like Chanyeols's response hadn't answered it. Chanyeol stuck to his word and appeared at your door before they called you. "Hey" he smiled as soon as he saw you "you ready Y/n?". You nodded "let me just check my hair once more". "It looks nice" Chanyeol told you and you blushed "okay...then I'm ready. Guys I'm leaving:". "Good luck!" everyone called. "You look great together!" Yeri added mischievously and you glared. "Just ignore her" Seulgi said "but you do both look beautiful" she smiled. Chanyeol blushed "thank you" and you smiled at how cute he looked. As you made your way backstage Chanyeol explained how he'd sorted it all with the director. "You're a lifesaver" you commented and he smiled "it's nothing, if you need anything during the show or get panicked just tap your little finger twice against your card and I'll cut in, okay?". You smiled "you thought of a secret signal?".  Chanyeol nodded "why? Do you think it's dumb?". You shook your head "no I love it!". Chanyeol smiled "great" and you both arrived. You gave your names and they told you to get ready to go live and get suited up with microphones. You did as they said and right before it went live Chanyeol squeezed your hand "you're gonna be great Y/n" and he said it with such sincerity you believe it. "So how was it?" Seulgi asked catching you after the show and you smiled "actually not so bad. I mean I did have Chanyeol beside me so I kind of had it easy but it was fun. I enjoyed chatting to the idols and the presenting felt...way better than I expected". Your members all cheered including Irene. "I'm so proud of you!" she cried flinging herself in your arms and you paused "thanks...are you okay?". Seulgi frowned "she had a lot of medicine and it's beginning to set in. I'm taking her home but wanted to check on you first. Would you like to come with us." "Or you can come to the after party with us" Joy cried posing with Wendy and Yeri. She looked so silly it made you laugh and you nodded "I kind of feel like celebrating so yeah I'd like to go". "Chanyeol was so sweet" you told Joy, Wendy and Yeri making them smile. "He's always sweet with you" Joy said and you nodded "I know but tonight was something else...he gave this whole speech to me earlier in front of all his members and it was weird. My exs were always afraid to say anything emotional in front of their friends but Chanyeol...he's different". "He is pretty special" Wendy agreed and Yeri smiled "special enough for you to finally tell him how you feel?". You blushed but didn't dismiss it automatically as you usually did. This made the girls very excited and you couldn't help but smile "let's just see how it goes. I don't want to force it but if something happens naturally then yeah...yeah I might”. Meanwhile the Exo boys were already at the afterparty."So...you and Y/n had great chemistry tonight" Lay said and Chanyeol smiled "you think?". The boys nodded and Xiumin passed him a phone "the fans think so too, they know you're friendly and loved tonight". Chanyeol flicked through a few clips of the two of you together before laughing "is that really how I look at her?". "YES!" Baekhyun cried and the boys laughed. "I never knew that" Chanyeol said "I thought I had a better poker face". "No it's terrible" D.O. said "but if it's any consolation she also looks at you like that". "She does?" Chanyeol asked and he re-watched the videos focusing on how you watched him. He blushed when he saw it was true and paused "you might have a point". "Enough of a point to go ask her out?" Sehun asked "Y/n's just walked in". Chanyeol turned to see you, Yeri, Wendy and Joy enter together. He suddenly felt very flustered because sure you looked at him like that but did you actually want him? All his worries about you being too clever for him came rushing back and he felt anxiously impulsive. Did he go for it or didn't he? The second you were open to something natural happening with Chanyeol, Wendy, Yeri and Joy decided they would make something natural happen. As soon as you walked in Joy bought your favourite shot and they did their best to keep your energy and mood up. Pretty soon you were having a brilliant night and had been dancing for a few songs when a tall handsome man appeared in front of you. "Mind if I join in?" Chanyeol asked and you nodded "of course!" and danced together having fun. You'd had enough alcohol to make you feel buzzed and felt fully at ease despite how great Chanyeol looked or how your heart fluttered. When the song turned to more of a ballad you laughed at the look on Chanyeol's face and gently put his arms around you. "Here, we can slow dance, if you want?". "Yeah I want to!" Chanyeol agreed and you swayed together. "You did amazing tonight” Chanyeol said smiling down at you and you blushed. "Well if I did it was only because of you" You replied "I got through it because you were beside me". Chanyeol blushed "I'm pleased I have that effect, that I can be useful to someone like you". "Someone like me?" You asked confused and Chanyeol paused "I just meant you're so intelligent and put together that I'm pleased I could help you in any way. That I could support you...not that I wanted you to struggle of course!". You smiled "I get what you're saying Chanyeol and you're so sweet. You've always been so kind to me even from the start". Chanyeol chuckled "yeah I have always had a soft spot for you" making you blush "you have?". He nodded "yeah the guys always mention it. How i'll say no to something they ask me to do but if you ask I say yes. They call it favouritism but I call it common sense. Of course I prefer you to them". You blushed "I feel honoured and don't know what I did to deserve such lovely treatment". "You were you" Chanyeol shrugged "simple as that". You went to speak and then trailed off "I don't know what to say...". "You don't have to say anything" Chanyeol replied and he looked at you with those big beautiful eyes until you decided enough was enough. "Actually I do know what to say...I like you Chanyeol, as more than a friend and I want you". "You do?" Chanyeol asked, his big eyes going even bigger and you nodded "yes". "I want you too and always have" Chanyeol admitted and kissed you. The girls were dancing nearby and Yeri spotted you first. She gasped and yanked Joy's arm "look! It worked!" she cried and Joy and Wendy turned to see the two of you wrapped up together. "Yes!" they cried and the three girls did a victory dance leaping around together which made the Exo members look over and also gasp. They began to cheer and you both broke apart at the noise. Chanyeol motioned for them to shut up but they just cheered louder making everyone look over at you. You were both blushing but Chanyeol hadn't let go of your hand. "Come on" you said leading him away and he followed you out into the crisp night air. You both laughed at the situation and how goofy your members were before going quiet realising what just happened. "So you really want me?" Chanyeol asked and you nodded "yes". "Even though I'm not...as clever as you'd like". "As clever as I'd like?" you asked and Chanyeol nodded "yeah you're way smarter than me so thanks for looking past that I guess". "Chanyeol there was nothing to look past! I don't care what your IQ is the main thing I care about is that you're a nice person and you are! Plus you're not stupid, there's a lot I admire about you including your brain". Chanyeol was surprised at that but pleased so his smile returned "and what are these other parts of my body you admire about me?" he asked coming closer. "I never said they were body parts" you argued and he smiled "no but your eyes did" making you blush. "Dammit!" you said pretending to be angry and Chaneyol laughed tilting your chin up so he could kiss you. It was a lot softer and sweeter outside just the two of you and it felt perfect...until you were interrupted again. "Hey Chen you were right!" Sehun cried before pausing as you both pulled apart and looked at him. "Don't stop on our account!" Baekhyun cried "get it Chanyeol" and Chanyeol shook his head at him. "So this is cute" Kai smiled and you both blushed. "I finally told her how I feel...or more accurately Y/n told me and I followed" Chanyeol admitted. "Knew it!" Xiumin cried and he patted Suho "pay up". "You bet on this?" you asked and they nodded "yeah who would break first" and several other members exchanged money too. "Unbelievable!" Chanyeol said and you both laughed. "We'll leave you alone now" Suho said "unless you want a ride back home with us?". You paused not sure how quickly you wanted to move but Chanyeol sensed this and smiled "thanks but I think we're going to hang out for a bit" and he waved the guys off. You spent all night together but not in the typical way. You found a late-night bowling alley and played a few games together. Chanyeol gave you some tips which was really just an excuse for him to wrap his arms around you which you both knew but neither of you minded. Then you played in the arcade until the early hours of the morning. Chanyeol dropped you off at your place feeling invigorated even after getting zero hours sleep. He walked you to the door and was just about to kiss you when the door opened and Irene appeared. She blinked as she spotted Chanyeol and flushed "oh sorry we're the two of you...I was just happy you were home. Carry on" and she closed the door. You blushed thoroughly embarrassed but Chanyeol found it hilarious. "Suho's the same with us, that's probably why they get along so well". You nodded "yeah that makes sense, see you are smart" and Chanyeol blushed adorably. "You're so cute" you said and reached up to kiss him. You only intended it as a peck but Chanyeol wasn't letting that good an opportunity pass and when you were still outside 10 minutes later Irene appeared "Y/n bring him inside if you're going to do that, what will the neighbours think?" making you both burst out laughing. Irene was deadly serious even as you and Chanyeol wiped tears from your eyes. "It's okay don't worry I'm leaving" Chanyeol said and Irene nodded taking your hand as if to stop you going with him. "I'll text you" Chanyeol said and Irene nodded "I should hope so" making you both smile. You knocked her arm and Irene sighed "sorry Chanyeol just our Y/n's special and I want to see her treated right". Chanyeol smiled "don't worry, I intend nothing else" and after saying goodbye to you both he walked away. "You'll probably want to rest after being out all night" Irene said "but I could make you some breakfast or something if you're hungry?". "No I'm good, I'm going to drink some water and I promise I'll go to bed soon" you said and Irene nodded "make sure you do" and patted your shoulder. You sat on the window with a glass in your hand and watched the beautiful sunrise but to be fair anything would've looked beautiful to you that morning...because Chanyeol was yours. As if summoned a text lit up your phone from Chanyeol himself asking if you were free this evening for dinner. You smiled and let yourself enjoy this moment. You'd earned it.
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co-mixed · 4 months
X-Men '97: Beyond Expectations
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Let’s be honest, who was ready for this? 
Personally, I didn’t have many expectations. I knew it was X-men and I knew I’d love it probably no matter what. I had a fear it might be a little too clean and knowing full well what the comics are, making it child-appropriate wasn’t an ideal option. Should I even say the words “pleasantly surprised” at this point? They don’t cover it. 
X-Men ‘97 did something that’s been missing ever since the MCU started. It built the X-men fan community back up, brought in new fans, encouraged people to take a look at the X-titles again. We finally get to namedrop our favorite mutants, share ridiculous facts from their past, and yes, remember things like X-Men Evolution and Wolverine and the X-men. But then the show also showed us how heavily emotional and deep cartoons can be. 
Okay, enough vague statements, and no more avoiding spoilers.
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The show really relies on the previously established lore with Charles being taken off-world to Shi’ar and the X-men left under Scott’s leadership. Or so he thinks. Right off the bat in the first episode, we get an epic X-fight like we’ve never seen and a cliffhanger with Magneto showing up. Not much of a shocker and yet, we’ve never seen the movies dare to do that (or anything that strays too far from Phoenix). Whenever that happens, Magneto trying to abandon his murdery radical ways, it always comes down to his clash with Charles. They really manage to make their decades-long disagreement everybody else’s problem. X-men usually pay the price. 
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This time though, you finally see the creators working with the comics. We get so many storylines adapted in the span of 10 episodes, it’s unbelievable. That actually does follow the tradition set up by TAS. Only it’s been years, hence more stories and newer, harsher ones. 
To be honest, I never even imagined Genosha being adapted. Not just because it’s a heavy arc but because it’s just so obvious: when you mention Genosha you state the fact. We know what their goal is. It’s removing any ambiguity and allowing no misinterpretations of what the X-men are really and have always been about. So it’s a statement for sure. And I couldn’t be happier they finally made it. Correction, I could be happier if they hadn’t killed off Gambit. We’ll get back to that. 
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So yeah, we got Genosha, OZT, Inferno, and Lifedeath (aside from minor elements and arcs I can’t particularly point out at the moment). So this show went to the depth of what makes X-men X-men, they took the personal arcs like Lifedeath or Inferno, the ones that focused on character journeys, and really showed us who the people are behind these stories. That’s mostly  Claremont’s legacy since both stories were from his era and it was his thing to take mutants through their personal hell. Bot arcs were compressed, of course, but the essence remained the same. Which, again is the only goal of an adaptation anyway. So some metaphors had to be sacrificed but ultimately, they just give you a chance to relive it through comics if you’re into it.
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But then they hit us with big events like Genosha and OZT. They absolutely go as epic as any movie, because remember how you felt after ep.5? If you’re anything like me, you were devastated and if you’re a Gambit fan, you were shocked too. And this is one of the things that they didn’t just put aside and ignore, something that movies never focused on: the emotions. Throughout the show, the characters say several times that they’re a family. But we actually see that in the friendship between Storm and Jean (which come on, it’s been a long freaking time coming!), or Morph and Wolverine (that one resembles Wolverine’s friendship with Nightcrawler in the comics). But then in the love and drama between Scott and Jean (and Madelyne! And Logan! And probably Emma one day!), Storm and Forge, or Rogue and Gambit (and Magneto!).
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Love and friendship - the genuine connections that make you care about the characters and how someone’s death or disappearance or even inner turmoil affects you. We see these things through their reactions, so for them to feel true, we have to see those connections. And here we finally do. Just like we do in the comics. I hope the eventual movie screenwriters keep that in mind because that’s the only way to build an X-men story, brick by brick. 
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Look at the way Roro and Jean are cheering each other on, with mind and weather, and then when Phoenix shows up. 
X-men are a superhero soap opera and we all know that. And ffs let’s never again pretend like it isn’t. 
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The politics. Now if you’re one of those “keep the politics away from my comics/movies/cartoons” types, X-men are not for you. X-men ‘97 even more so, because this show is all politics. I mean hello, Genosha? OZT? Bastion, sentinels, hate groups? We are even finally calling out Shi’ar! Which I love. We’ve been looking at them through ally glasses since more often than not they play on the side of the X-men. But really, in terms of intergalactic politics, they are no better than Kree or Skrulls (not the cozy ones from the MCU). They can get pretty mean. In one of his finer moments, mainly because it allowed him to rest comfortably on his high horse, Charles points that out. Even explains the short and easy-to-understand version of what being an empire means. But as he does that, unfortunately, Genosha is under attack. 
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We give him shit for ditching his family like that but really, he just relied on his pal Magneto to keep it together. And he would’ve too, had his gloved hand not been forced by the likes of Val, Trask, and the evil droid that is Bastion. 
Here’s where X-men ‘97 do the absolute most – they mix and match stories, piling them on to absolutely overwhelm the heroes. To keep everyone preoccupied and focused on their piece of the drama cake to sneak in a shuttering final forte chord. 
And Genosha ain’t even that. 
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Let me be corny for a moment there, but it’s probably one of THE moments for every fan, when after episode 5 we were warned that the best is yet to come. And we kept asking how? How do you top that? And we saw today (5.15.) because holy shit, this show raised the bar. 
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We got teamwork. Really, one of the perfect elements of this show is the characters’ powers. The limitless force with which they jump into a battle. We knew it at “Give them the forecast” really. Because we’ve never before seen Storm at the height of her power, with all she can and has done in the comics. Right then and there we knew what we were in for. But then, the rest of that, or any other fight sequence was everything you could hope for. There wasn’t a single one you would wanna miss. Powers depicted as they were always meant to and amazing teamwork. That was one of the best elements borrowed from the recent comics. Recent because while they’ve been working as a team since forever, it was Krakoa that really emphasized how powerful mutant circuits can be.
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Thanks to that, we got to see a showcase of creative use of abilities. Beast using his knowledge to his advantage, Morph using their power to turn into everyone who’s anyone - I mean they gave us so many little fun cameos, even though every time you had to take a double look and ask wait, Warren’s here? Psylocke showed up? Or ehhh Hulk? That’s very X-men. The characters have fun with their powers too, with the team landing in the first episode or Ororo flying around when she got her powers back (this ain’t about Forge :D). And then there are devastating displays of power like Gambit charging the Wild Sentinel (still not over it) or Magneto turning off the lights. Of course, in any battle you have to keep things interesting, which is why they don’t just let the heroes use their ultimate ability from the get-go and be done with the whole thing. The baddies also have to surprise you with being harder and harder to defeat.
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Speaking of surprises, the fact that all the stories have been stitched together like a quilt makes every turn unexpected. I mean you can predict some things and chances are, the better you remember the comics, the more things you can get right. But what’s the fun in that? They don’t simply adapt arcs, they add and remove crucial elements that make it into something new. And that new is always unpredictable. Like take Genosha - Bastion was behind it instead of Cassandra. While Charles was in space, she wasn’t after him, the Shi’ar politicians, however, were. Or the whole ordeal with Maddie - Scott didn’t stand a chance there. Really, no matter how you spin that story, he can’t get out of it looking good. But they did their best and it worked. 
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Then again, these are the things that make adaptations work and this is what the MCU is so good with. Civil War was hella different from the comics and it’s still a fan favorite. 
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And as if all that was somehow not enough, the show is so quotable. It has all those little callbacks to previous episodes or TAS or even the movies, clever writing, and beautiful lines that stay with you for weeks and probably even forever. All the things about chosen family – tell me you didn’t tear up or straight up cry because that’s pretty much what I did. And yeah the first time you’re watching to find out what happens. The second — you really live through all the emotions. Along with the characters because they so do live them.  
There is so much X-men lore. You can read them like obsessed (which I often do) and still have so many stories to go through. Anyway, X-Men ‘97 finally flipped the page from the stories we know well and picked a new evil, building a new arc with him at the center. 
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And then, the details in general. How well the animation is done and how tiny elements you notice help them build the narrative. I’ve been thinking about it since the first episode when I saw the look between Storm and Rogue before the team landed. In that one look, they agreed on a landing strategy they probably trained time and time again in the Danger Room. Similarly, the sneaky sideyes and looks, just pay attention to them when you rewatch (and I know you will), cause the details just make the whole experience even better. All reactions are awesome in this show like Ororo hearing about Forge’s disastrous neutralizer technology and calling an epic thunder. That’s pretty much how the characters stop being 2d even when all they are meant to be is 2d.
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Did I mention the soundtrack? Pretty much a masterpiece, right? It feels epic and grandiose and in many ways, it’s because of the music. It’s obvious things it’s still so easy to simply forget to mention it. You pay attention to the story and the visuals but they are tied together by the sound. And it’s most noticeable in the Wolverine/Nightcrawler fight with Prime Sentinels or when Ororo flies around, or when Cable, Jean, and Scott jump into that epic family fight. Breathtaking. 
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A big part of this show is about family. The kind that supports you and stands by you. You know, the opposite of Nina DaCosta! It’s always touching too because no other team is like that. You don’t get this benefit of the doubt with the Avengers and FF are actually related. You only get that with the X-Men if you’re willing to share the dream. 
I’m not going into the dream though, been there, done that. But I do want to talk about the finale. 
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As many have predicted, we did get a cliffhanger. As if we wouldn’t have come back, pah-lease! But we’re obviously back to Apocalypse and this time he’s gonna mess up with several timelines at once. Now what exactly are we getting - I wouldn’t dare theorize. All I can think about right now is… okay, we’re probably getting some resurrections, some Stryfe, and once again, I’m hoping for New Mutants (even though the only new face I spotted was Dust and she’s from an entirely different team.)
Also, we see a wider universe: Cap and Iron Man, Black Panther (where again did Storm end up ;)), Cloak and Dagger, Daredevil, Strange, Fantastic Four, Spider-Man. If we ever have crossovers… 
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Still, it’s been amazing and it’s now forever with us. 
I might be biased, no, I am most certainly biased but it’s the best animated show I have ever seen and I am ecstatic that it’s about the team I’ve loved my entire life.
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railroad-migraine · 2 years
Bells Hells with a g!n reader who’s a warlock and their patron is a dnd version of Cthulhu (can’t remember what they’re actually called in dnd, think it’s Deep Ones or something?) anyway the party assumes it’s an abusive, manipulative relationship that the reader got tricked into but actually the reader was totally willing and consensual and their patron genuinely values them and is really protective over them whenever they get into fights? Tysm and keep up the good writing, bye!
Sure thing darling! Took a while but it's finally here :)
~ Poet
Warlock!Reader's patron is actually a good guy
Ashton 💙
Hey, if they're cool, we're cool. But if that calamari-looking ass backstabs you, they'll have to answer to me. Got it?
One of the most chill in the group about the whole situation, is happy as long as you're happy and the patron treats you decently with the respect you deserve
Remains a little suspicious though, just in case, both for your sake and their own. It just means that if the patron ever decides to betray or double cross you, Ash will be ready to give them a good swing of his hammer
Wants so badly to play a round or ten of What The Fuck Is Up With That with them. Can you imagine what sort of ancient lore Ash could coax out of them that even you never knew? It'd definitely be in the run for the most interesting night out at the tavern
Chetney 💙
Is freaked when you show him the ancient texts and drawings of your patron. It's, unfortunately, a Big Nope from the bloodhunter
No matter how epic or kind or well meaning they may be, no matter how cool or respectful or enthusiastic they are about woodwork, Chetney will always feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand up with a violent shudder whenever you mention your patron's name
Hides behind yours or Fearne's leg should your patron ever manifest a physical form on Exandrian soil instead of a projected vision. The big bad wolf tries his best to appear macho but it mostly backfires when they make eye contact with him and he timidly waves back
Dorian 💙
... Just please don't let them go poking around my deepest and darkest desires in the depths of my mind, thanks.
Hasn't had the best experiences in the past with creepy gods (cough the Spider Queen cough) so he stays a little skeptical. Does not want anymore uninvited voices in his head planting doubts and corruption, which is totally valid really
As long as everything is consensual and consistently not evil between you two, he won't have too much trouble adjusting to your patron's initially terrifying appearance. Their actions and good deeds will speak louder than their looks
Is pleasantly surprised by their polite manners when he eventually meets them in person, especially when they compliment his bardic talent. They've never heard such noble music before and Dorian can't help but feel a lil bit in awe of that
Fearne 💙
Your god seem like a sweet lil-big guy, to be completely honest :D
Your patron is strange and otherworldly - and this sort of reminds her of powerful creatures that hide and can be found in the darker parts of the feywild. She is not afraid in the slightest when you try convince the group that they are benevolent. No one should be judged on their appearance, not even scary cosmic beings
Refers to your patron as your grandparent a lot, like they're a goofy friend who gives you presents and tokens. She likes that you both interact like you're friends instead of just business partners
Little Mister especially seems to gravitate to them for some reason, sniffing the ends of their robes (and chewing on them). Fearne is grateful when they chuckle deeply in amusement at her monkey's actions instead of just smiting him
Fresh Cut Grass 💙
The whole religion and god thing still stumps me from time to time - I'd like to hear their take on it!
They are especially curious about whatever the pact you made to your patron involved. It differs from magic user to magic user how they get their powers, and yours seems like an unusual case where both parties benefit from the relationship
Would love to do a therapy sesh with your patron and really dig into their millennium's worth of experiences
Likes that your patron doesn't poke or prod or comment on him being an aeormaton or a 'unique wonder' or anything like that. Your patron is old. They've seen weirder things than him. FCG thinks it's nice not having to explain what he is for the umpteenth time
Imogen 💙
Well alright then. As long as there's no shady business goin' on behind the scenes, I can't really judge. I trust you.
You're your own person. She can't stop you from making deals or exchanges with otherworldly beings. She can only hope that their intentions with you are truly as good as you promise
The whole situation with Laudna and Delilah seemed a lot more toxic and urgent to be dealt with compared to what you have with your patron. You don't feel drained or upset or stressed after communing with them, which in itself is a big green flag
Surprised to find out that she can sometimes hear your patron's thoughts bleed into your own when she delves a little deeper into your mind (with your consent, of course). There's a real, genuine bond there, a pleasant addition to your consciousness instead of a cruel hitchhiker
Laudna 💙
Who knew eldritch beings could be so charming? ... And handsome!
She gets good vibes from weird and often misunderstood scary things - they remind her a little of herself. She's less suspicious compared to the rest of the group
Laudna is just pleased that you have a healthy relationship with your patron. It's a rare thing to come by in this selfish world, and it's refreshing to know that one of her friends is being looked after by their source of power
She twirls locks of hair around her finger and bats her eyelashes when you introduce her to your patron when they finally reveal themselves. Not phased in the slightest when their voice rumbles in language that only you seem to understand - she asks politely that you translate her friendly flirtations on her behalf
Orym 💙
Ohh boy. That's not intimidating or concerning at all. Heh.
Scared, but does a good job at not showing it. He's athletic and swift and strong when he needs to be, but he is also small and mortal - everything that your patron is not. It's intimidating, to say the least, but he tries to stay as neutral as he can manage
He wants to trust your judgement, so he keeps his reservations to himself. Makes a point to give subtle side eyes to your patron whenever they take a physical form during rare visits to visit you in person though. Just in case
Orym, being the good man that he is, acts very civil and appreciative for the help that they've provided you and the party in tough battles. He druidcrafts a dainty flower crown for them as a simple token of understanding
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areax · 1 year
laika bg3 lore dump (BG3 SPOILERS)
keeping with her source material (homebrew campaign) her patron is cthulhu bc i was like oh i love cosmic horror lets get a little funny with it— [discovers that i, erika, was born in lovecraft’s town] ah shit. which fits perfectly into bg3’s story as well because of the. you know. mind flayers. but her backstory is still pretty much the same: she grew up in an isolated village, wanted to learn forbidden magicks, accidentally contacted cthulhu, he was like hey girl hasten my return to this realm and i will give you power beyond imagining also you WILL have to serve me for 1000 years in the dreaming city after you die btw. and she was like yeah i can do that, he did a whole the color out of space thing where everyone in her village was turned to white ash except her… whoopsie.
and then as in her og lore he would give her an assignment every few years to go kill someone whose death would make the world worse on a structural level not just a personal one so like. a noble who would have pushed for reforms, a worker who would have become a union leader, a scholar who would have had a scientific breakthrough and in the mean time laika made the most of her warlock power by searching for a way to defeat death because if there’s one thing she loves it’s weaseling her way out of consequences for her actions and also she wants to live forever.
also in her og lore her patron (and another being just like him) were connected to mind flayers even though the exact nature of that connection was never made clear (like did they create them? do all mind flayers in this universe serve one of these great old ones?) with the implication that this is what laika would eventually become when she serves her 1000 years after death
HOWEVER, in the bg3 canon ive decided that cthulhu is some variation on a highly advanced elder brain from another universe of existence (and not just another plane like the astral plane or hell or something, i mean an entirely different universe that is basically unconnected to the bg3 universe, one that’s outside of our own, but since cthulhu is so powerful in his home universe, he’s able to influence / contact the bg3verse) who wants to take over control of this universe or be born into it and wreck shit or whatever. who knows. he’s a great old one. who knows what he wants. point BEING that he has some kind of meaningful connection to the mind flayers in the bg3verse but the specifics of that ive not decided and may just leave ambiguous (is he the one who first created them aeons ago so that they would evolve into a species like his own and execute the grand design to bring about his own birth in the bg3verse? thats the main theory)
the thing is. how does he communicate with laika. and i think it honestly would be. really funny. if she already had a (mostly dead) parasite in her mind even before she got got by the mind flayers. and they were just like well this ones defective put another in there. so when everyone is freaking out about being infected shes like oh a mind flayer parasite? no problem 👍 this is normal to me. but having another one put in her skull suppresses her connection to her patron enough so that he can’t contact her, but she can still siphon off his power... so initially its in her best interest to KEEP the thing in her head and that adds much more depth to her choices later on of do i accept more of these parasites into me? do i become half-ilithid? do i try to take control of the brain? what will happen if i destroy all the parasites? will that mean that he has control over me again?
which opens up really interesting parallels between her... quest (kind of) and that of the other companions. do i become like my abuser to gain power over him? is what ive done in the name of my god justified? am i responsible for my actions when someone else was forcing my hand? can i give up my power in favor of what i know is right?
this also makes her dynamic w raphael really interesting bc he has like no interest in her soul whatsoever its like buying a shitty used car. this bitch is already sworn to 1000 years of service after she dies, i’ll have to wait that long for her soul? pfft dont waste my time!
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m1ckeyb3rry · 1 month
Ok cue my memory loss moment part 5 I can’t tell if I sent this reply in or not before so if this is a dupe I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE hsvshshs but anyways
OMG EVERYONE CHEER!!! Guys the moment is finally upon us…another mira banger about to drop….
LMAOO fwtkac was the gateway…once you start you can’t stop its just how the Karasu rabbit hole works! Bro hollyhock is actually so good…I can’t even put it into words properly but just the whole setting giving a new depth to a diff side of otoyas characters ugh so good
True!!! I’m ngl I’m a little surprised that for marketing sake they didn’t try to throw in some like popular character bait…maybe it’s because most of the actually popular bllkers are already out and as opposed to merch I guess book sales would be a bit diff? Like fans would buy to read even if their absolute faves aren’t in but yeah…the stories were fire though LMAO new appreciation for Barou fr
And IM ON IT o7 very happy to serve the miraverse and honestly it’s good for me too because if I wanna reference something quickly I can just go command f it or if I wanna read something fast I can just read my tl LMAO I also just like having my own TL/interpretations written down just for my reference too…which is part of the reason why I also ended up TLing Hioris too even though there was a TL already out! I remember reading the TLd version that got posted and some wording kinda threw me off so I was like let me just look at this myself…LOL Also I’m kinda a lore nerd so I wanna make sure I get to see any intricacies or in between the line messages that can get lost in translation! So yeah TLDR I will most definitely be here for tabieita LNs!!!
IM CRYING they’re gonna have to scroll through our manifestations and convos just to get to the chapter like imagine the link gets passed around and the first thing people read is us screaming about mariokart in yuki’s novel or anri getting done dirty (I clicked on the links just to see what they’d have to go through and oh my god chapter 2 LMFAOOO there’s like a whole minute of scrolling worth of convo before you even reach the LN part it’s so funny)
We’re truly just built different sorry this is exclusive content gatekept by the insanely long convos we have
-Karasu anon
HAHAH this time you did in fact send this in already 😭 but it’s okay i will delete the copy!! but no worries 😋
FINISHED ROUND ONE OF PROOFREADING!! heading to monaco for my mother’s birthday dinner soon hehe but once i’m back tn i will get on round two and hopefully i’ll be able to post it by tmrw!! lowkey idk how i feel about it but at least it’ll be out in the world after i’ve been talking abt it sm 😭
you came to my inbox and showed me the ways of karasuism and i’ve never looked back since 🙏🏻 jkjk but fr though i love writing him sm now he’s so good at the one sided pining thing which i loveee in a male lead 🤩 like YESSS be absolutely sick over this girl who doesn’t even know she likes you yet YESSS 🤤💖
hollyhock otoya is so fun i love him and i cannot WAIT to write more of him and y/n…idk if you’ve heard that one tik tok sound that’s like “you belong with me” from taylor swift and then it transitions into “you belong to me” from house of balloons / glass table girls from the weeknd but that’s literally hollyhock y/n + karasu’s dynamic vs her dynamic with otoya 😭😭😭 like with karasu it’s all sweet innocent besties (they are platonic soulmates coded eventually like they end up loving each other SOO MUCH but not romantically??) vs with otoya she’s literally like “i want you to belong to me” (exact quote from chapter 2: “you wanted this ninja to belong to you”) FHDKSJSJ man atp free otoya 😰🙏🏻 but he matches y/n’s freak so well he probably doesn’t even WANT to be freed
i feel like the people who would buy light novels would buy them no matter what + they probably thought barou would be popular enough to carry it?? who knows…agreed though the stories were all rlly good (well aryu’s was a little goofy but wtvr)
LMAOOO THAT’S WHAT I WAS THINKING people will be like “why are they freaking out over mario kart??” FJSJDJS but ykw if you want to read you have to go through the trials and tribulations of our massive convos 🤩 we are elite though…carrying the bllk fandom with our translations + fics 😋
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roydeezed · 1 year
Dungeon Meshi Thoughts 04
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It took a lot of will power because I wanted to come here and write things multiple times but I finally reached and finished Chapter 50. Which is what I wanted to do before writing another one of these. Somebody said on my last post that they couldn’t imagine stopping every once in a while to write down my thoughts and I have to say it’s really hard not to binge the whole thing. That’s usually how I consume most manga and comic books but trying it out this way has been pretty fulfilling. I also get a vicarious joy everytime I follow along with a friend's journey with One Piece so I thought this might provide similar entertainment to Dungeon Meshi fans. Especially the wrong guesses! So this round of thoughts is covering chapters 37-50. So, for my fiftieth post I’ll talk about Dungeon Meshi up till Chapter 50. I’ll go into more in-depth past the “Keep reading” so check it out!
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Wow! Everytime I think I know what’s going to happen I’m pleasantly surprised by how nuanced the actual events are. This whole ideological conflict between Shuro and Laios doesn’t devolve to a full on conflict, not if you don’t count their little catfight, but instead ends with a third option I hadn’t even considered, with Shuro planning on leaving the island. That’s such a great out to not having to resort to fighting someone or stooping to, as Shuro sees it, their level. And of course the narrative still keeps Shuro in the narrative through actual plot developments even after he makes up his mind but I’m getting ahead of myself. First of all, reading back on my past thoughts, I am so happy I predicted some of these things right! Like most of the case with the mad sorcerer. Thank you One Piece community for your insane-ass theories and break weeks. But that really speaks to how well this manga is laid out. A lot of the mistakes I made were in assuming this manga’s tone and not respecting that it could have such a nuanced plot and characters. 
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Let’s get going on a chronological recap/breakdown before I get distracted and lose my mind over how much I love Kabru. The answer is a lot and that will come at the end. Leaving off in Chapter 36, Laios had just told Shuro that they’d used dark magic to resurrect her, causing him to fly off the handle and point his blade at Laios. Kabru, being the little bastard(affectionate) that he is, highlights to Shuro that he would’ve done the exact same thing by exaggerating his side of things while at the same time showing Laios how serious his actions were. At the time I was reading this I wasn’t sure if Kabru had somehow luckily stumbled upon the right answer but now knowing him better, this shows his skill in social situations. This is the first major instance of him finding a third option and laying the groundwork for a peaceful solution and for everyone to also find their third option. I kind of see Kabru as synonymous with the number three. Third option and third prominent party leader after Laios and Shoru. I feel like it will be an important part of his character.
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After that tense exchange Chilchuck comes in to warn them about the impending attack and learns about Laios telling Shoru and loses it. I sympathize with Chilchuck so much. In a party of complete weirdos(again affectionate) he’s the only one with a level head. We’ve also only had Laios interacting with his fellow party members who understand him and put up with him so it wasn’t until he talked with Shoru, a person who actively despised him, that it was apparent how bad he is at social interactions and reading people. He is so much purer than I thought. He really is a monster loving freak. Bless his precious heart.
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He sees Falin’s new form and the first thing he thinks is how cool she is. He really does have his priorities straight. I can’t blame him though, she really does look super cool. 
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There’s also a great moment where Chilchuck makes Shoru and Laios command people. It’s such a great peek into the realism that’s pumped into this series as deciding on how commands are issued would be a vital part of dungeon fighting as you wouldn’t want conflicting orders. Here we also get Inutade trying to follow Shoru’s batshit insane order of holding down a griffon creature 5 times bigger than her without hurting it.  I love Inutade in all the small glimpses of her we get. She’s simply adorable and I hope we get more of her. But this moment also contributes to Shoru’s decision to leave as his conflict of interest gets so many people hurt and killed.
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I love how the author uses the battle to show off strong character moments such as Kabru’s no-nonsense policy towards monsters and his skill at killing humanoids or Chilchuck saving the younger halfling.
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Laios accepts the fact that though he loves monsters and he loves his sister, they still are monsters.
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But before he goes in for the kill, Falin shows a sign of sentience that prompts him to remember a third option just as he saves Kabru. As the sorcerer came the last time they killed the dragon there’s a chance that he would come again so they have to drive her back. But I feel like there’s going to come a moment of reckoning for Laios. Where he’ll have to firmly put a stake in the ground between monsters and not, and because this story might just do it, I worry that it will be with his sister. 
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They drive Falin away and revive everyone and Shoru comes to the decision that he’s gonna tell on them like a tattle tale. A snitch. A narc. We don’t like those here. Not with my boi Chilchuck around. But they also come to the conclusion that Falin’s soul was mixed in with the dragon's, making her a hybrid. And this is where Laios’s resolve to defeat the mad sorcerer becomes solidified. He’s been eating three meals a day, of course he’s serious now… fucking dork. I love my socially unaware boy. 
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I feel so bad though. Because he believed so earnestly that Shoru was his first real friend.
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And that’s why his friendship with Senshi feels so real, because even though they don’t dive deep into Senshi’s backstory until a little bit later they still have an inherent understanding of each other. 
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I get it though Shoru, it makes sense. 
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The detail of Soru proposing to Falin without dating or expressing his feelings was also a nice touch as it showed the disconnect between cultures, especially with Chilchuck educating the younger halfling on it. It’s little things like this that build out the world so organically. Kabru evaluates Laios and finds that he could probably defeat the mad sorcerer but wonders if he’d be able to make the hard decision to seal away the dungeon. And I think he would if he had to. We’ve seen time and time again, that when presented with a solid argument, Laios, as a leader, seriously considers it and even acts on it, like trying to go back to the surface or killing Monster Falin, only being stopped by new information and outside factors.
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We get a small glimpse of Kabru’s backstory and he eats monster to earn Laios’s trust. (MUST RESIST TALKING ABOUT KABRU UNTIL WE GET TO HIS PART). The party continues to lower floors and Laios casually lore drops and it makes me wonder what the chances are they can actually talk to the sorcerer. I’ll save that discussion for when they get pulled in by the citizens. But for now, we get a small little mystery where the characters get doppelgangers based on each other’s perception of them that Laios not only helps solve but he also resolves by once again being a dork. I can never say enough how much I love him. The  dopplegangers tell us a lot of fun things about each person’s perception but the thing I want to focus on is that Laios definitely sees Senshi as superhot. That’s all my peabrain can fixate on from this sequence. 
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We also meet our newest party member not soon after! I love Izutsumi. Honestly, I love all of the party members. They all feel essential and after they introduced or a new dynamic or piece of information is unveiled it leaves me wondering how I was getting along fine without it. But Izutsumi’s messiness paired with her being a picky eater is such a fun and adorable combo. And while each member sparked off of each other and came in conflict with each other Senshi always felt like an outsider. I thought it was because he wasn’t an original part of the group but it was really because no one would directly challenge him, usually only going through Laios. With Izutsumi joining we get these moments that make them both feel like they’re a part of the team as they clash but also have wholesome and adorable moments together.
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With increasing frequency I see Laios’s desire and willingness to turn animalistic and monstrous and I wonder if that payoff is that he himself turns into a monster or takes Falin’s place? Or is he only able to appreciate the difference between him and monsters because he’s a human. 
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I also appreciate this added depth we get into Marcille, that she’s afraid of seeing the ones she loves passing on before her. And I wonder if at the end of the dungeon she might not be the most dangerous one? We already saw she was willing to break rules to keep the ones she loves around, but with the sorcerer knowing about immortality it could tempt her. Even her wishing for his grimoire could be foreshadowing. It would be consistent with Marcille’s character arc and in the end might not even be a bad thing in context as this manga often has a habit of flipping the context on its head.
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Izutsumi becoming a part of the squad not only helped Senshi feel more cohesive but her combative nature also makes things more dynamic with every other member, including fighting with Chilchuck and Marcille and making up after the fact and in the process showing off all of their best qualities. Marseille’s explanation on why she’s capitulated to a lot of Laios’s weirder whims helps me understand her a lot better as well, as she sees denying opportunities as veering further from her goal, flipping the context from it being a loss of her beliefs into a strengthening of her conviction. 
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OKOKOK Kabru time! Through the guise of elven negotiations we learn a lot about Kabru. One of the main things that always stood out to me about him was that despite his age and apparent lack of skill fighting monsters, he was always shrewd. And seeing how the Elves storm in like magical FBI and take over dungeons without telling anyone what happens and the fact that he was raised by them, not only makes me believe that elves behave in a much more machiavellian way but that he learnt it all from them. It’s nurture not nature and his whole motivation is quite noble. He’s such an interesting character because he can go in so many directions now. He’s helping the progress of our party and could one day be a valuable advisor to Laios, someone who respects that, but could also just as equally succumb to the power and manipulate Laios. I don’t think he will now that I’ve seen his motivation but each scene with him is so interesting. He’s got the most bird’s eye view overview of the situation and I love how he collects his information. It scratches that very specific itch of characters that are like Light from Death Note but not complete d-bags, like Shiroe from Log Horizon. And so much of how Kabru has interacted with the world makes sense now. I can’t wait to see him outmaneuver the elves because they might actually be a match for him, being equally manipulative.
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Okay, I don’t know about yall but this visit into the village stuck in time seemed way off to me. A little too grimm’s fairy tales like if you know what I mean. So we know the jist already. Thistle, the mad sorcerer, was hired as a jester by Derghal’s dad. Raised alongside Derghal, he got them industry connects to become a magician and learnt magic, became mad and cast an immortality curse on the country. But being asked what drove him mad, Yaado, Derghal’s grandson says he doesn’t know. Feels a bit too clean to me. For a thousand years how can they be content not knowing. I feel like they know but are too ashamed to admit it because they drove him to madness. Then again, is it even madness? It’s love for Derghal for sure, but there could be more too. Why’s he only looking for Derghal after six years? Of course it could be that six years barely counts as time passed to Thistle but the clues feel too significant to ignore. Anyways, I wanted to bring it up before I continued, even though I don’t have a proper answer to what they could’ve done. 
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Next, we get another thing I’ve waited for, Senshi’s backstory! And some more information on Chilchuck. Before we dive into Senshi’s past I want to talk about Chilchuck. Since Senshi was basically a baby when he went into the dungeon, does that make Chilchuck comparatively the oldest as not only did the other halfling call him an elder at 29 years of age, but he also has a wife and child! That he can’t see for some reason. I can’t wait to see his tragic backstory. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that he’s always seemed the most guarded. It seemed like a really big leap of faith for Chilchuck to share about himself like that. 
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But then we learn about Senshi. He came into the dungeon when he was a kid and lost his whole party and believed he had eaten them because of the way things played out. It’s also why he avoided forming attachments. Laios eventually helps him figure out that he did not in fact canniablize his fellow dwarves and they walk away happily before becoming changed. But with this, the character who facilitated this entire premise, of cooking monsters you kill in a dungeon, also become the character we know the most about, knowing most of his motivations and reasons over the last ten years. It’s a really confident move and I’m curious to see how it affects the dynamics going forwards because it’s such a 180 from the past 48 chapter as we knew next to nothing about Senshi until now. One thing I do wonder is that if Senshi's desire to not have eaten his companions was so strong, could it have manilpualted the meat to make it seem like he did eat hippogriffs before? Because this time th meat was only transformed after being cut so the mushrooms could have changed it to dwarf meat to go along with Senshi's desires. It's probably not that dark but I couldn't help theorizing. With them having been changed by the mushrooms we’ve caught up with chapter 50 and I’ll leave it here as it’s getting quite long. See ya’ll next time!
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garciaasfluffypen · 1 year
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a kind of betrayal
prompt: continuation of new roommates and insane plans wc: 1.6k  ship: jennifer jareau x elle greenaway 
a/n: reads part 1 and two before this!! also, let me know if you want me to do s2 & 3 with our lovely ladies :) 
part 1 • part 2
after a long talk with elle about her mother, and a failed attempt at getting an extension on her term paper, jj found herself at a loss. she toyed with the necklace she had found sitting on her desk, deep in thought.  they were trying to save the lives of everyone on campus, and she couldn’t even do that and balance her school work. her father was going to have a field day with her.
“please tell me you’re having better luck with the mystical weapon situation.” jj turned to elle, who was reading out of the sumerian book she and tara had gotten from the library.
elle let out a sigh. “mm, not so much. ascalon, an enchanted spear that kills dragons but only if you’re a christian saint. the scepter of kerykeion will heal them. the holy hand grenade of antioch would be perfect for an influx of monstrous rabbits.”
“wait,” jj pulled something up on the computer screen, waiting for elle to look over. “what about this one? the blade of hastur, forged from the burnt bones of starspawn and meant to shatter all that oppose it…” she trailed off.
“that may or may not be sealed into the face of a cliff in an underwater cavern a thousand feet below sea level.” elle continued, a plan forming in her head.
“no. it’s sealed in the face of a cliff in an underwater cavern, a thousand feet below sea level. nobody could survive that, which is probably the point.”
“i could get it.”
jj’s eyes widened as she looked over to elle. “what?”
“the sword. i could get it. pressure depth and nitrogen narcosis aren’t really itches for a vampire.”
“that would be- i mean, you’d be risking your life. and if your mother found out she would…”
“yeah, well, my mother fed the only person i cared about to a monster and maybe i don’t feel like letting that happen again.”
“i mean, i know that you’re not just doing it for me but seriously…”
“don’t be an idiot, jennifer. of course i’m doing it for you.” elle noticed the necklace she was wearing and started to freak out. “where’d you get that necklace?”
“i found it here, i thought you left it for me-”
“get it off.”
elle reached for the necklace, hissing as it burned her hand the moment she made contact with it. before she knew it, jj was collapsing onto the bed, and elle was panicking. there was only one person who could be behind this. and she knew exactly who that person was.
“hello sweetheart,” jj- the dean- spoke, smiling sickenly sweet at elle. “i thought it was time we had a little talk.”
“what do you want, mother?”
“you didn’t come when i sent for you, i can’t imagine poor matt was at all unclear. he doesn’t quite have the brains for… delicacy.”
“if you’re going to kill me, why not just come yourself?” elle snarked, crossing her arms.
“kill you? when you think of the lengths i’ve gone to save you from your own foolishness?” a heartless chuckle fell from her lips. “i think you’re a practical girl and you’ll see that everything i do, i do for the best. that silly little creature couldn’t’ve loved you. the second she knew what you were, she spilled all your secrets like an idiot school child. she was a cockroach. a wretched, crawling thing just like poor jennifer. and you, my doll, are a diamond. stone can not love flesh.”
elle resisted the urge to spit in her face. “how could i ever trust you?”
“why don't i start us off with a gesture of good faith? matt has derek right now, and he’s just itching to help out.”
“i thought your hungry little night light wanted virgins.”
“oh, you’ve been reading barkley’s transcriptions. that man was obsessed. no, we just take girls because it's traditional. besides, the worlds just gonna grind them up anyway, so it’s almost a mercy. derek though, believes some idiot accident, perhaps depression over his lost sweetie.” she turned back to face elle. “so what’s it to be? shall we take the prom king here and leave you and the little moppet alone?”
elle sighed. “deal.”
“remember, she’s safe as long as you keep her from meddling. if either of you get in the way again, all bets are off. now be quick, catch!”
jj stared at the screen, the events that had previously conspired playing out in front of her. tears brimmed her eyes as she watched, her feelings and emotions getting the best of her as she tried to figure out what was going on. alex watched along with her, a whacked up tara sitting on the bed mumbling about going to the party that she and alex were preventing her from going to. as if on cue, elle walked into the room and alex turned around, a stake being pointed right at her.
“not one more step, bloodsucker.”
“what is this?”
elle looked to jj, who simply pressed play on her computer. “were you ever going to tell me? about derek? about the fact she possessed me and used me to hurt my friends? or was it just going to be ‘sorry babe, no sword no rescue, that’s just the way the world is’?”
“jj that’s not- she promised to leave us alone.”
“yeah, just so long as you let her kill my friends. you know, it’s not the sword. the sword would kill you and i get that. it’s that you just gave up. after everything, you didn’t even try.” with tears in her eyes, jj turned away. “go away, elle. go run and hide. we’re done.”
they had won, they had actually won. and elle was dead. elle was dead and it was all jennifer’s fault- if she hadn’t gone on that stupid adventure with tara and alex, she wouldn’t be sitting here all alone staring at elle’s side of the room and wishing she was there. jj missed elle, and it was something she had never thought she would miss her stupid remarks, and the hair in the shower drain. it had been approximately three days since they had won, and jj was going absolutely insane. an aftershock hit the building, and jj simply sighed, staring at her computer screen as she rode through it. as nice as it was having kate back, jj felt like there was a piece of her life that was missing now that elle wasn’t there. a weird emptiness that couldn’t be filled by another human, no matter how hard they tried.
“hey, jj.” alex lightly knocked on the door, pushing it open slightly. “so um, something happened and i um, i just wanted to come prepare you so that you wouldn’t freak out. so derek and some of his zeta bros were throwing cherry bombs into the big pit under the lustic building and um… the found… um…”
as if on cue, emily walked in with a passed out elle in her arms. jj shot up from her bed, running over to her.
“okay so, we think she’s… i mean she seems dead, but she’s a vampire, right?”
“blood! she needs blood!”
jj ran over to where kate had left the soy milk container earlier that day, grabbing it and bringing it back over to elle. slowly and carefully she poured some blood into her mouth, barely noticing alex and emily slipping out of the room to give them their privacy. a few minutes later elle stirred, a groan falling from her lips. jj practically catapulted herself onto elle, barely registering the fact she had thrown herself onto an injured person. elle was back, and that’s all she could think about.
“are you hurt? it looks like you’re hurt. and i’m sorry i hugged you so hard that you're hurt.” jj looked at elle as she stood up. “it’s just that you were dead and-and now you’re not and i know that you’re probably going through a lot of stuff with your mom, it’s just that-”
elle cut jj off with a kiss, pushing herself as close to the young blonde as she possibly could. she held her close, pulling in every scent of her that she hadn’t had while she was knocked out in the pit. the two of them pulled apart for air before jj initiated the second kiss, this one filled with more emotion than the last. elle pulled away, smiling slightly at jj as she stared at her in disbelief.
“so, you’re a giant black cat huh?”
elle chuckled. “so i am.”
“how are you- are you okay? how are you alive?”
“well, that’s the thing about being a vampire. kinda hard to hurt me unless you put a steak through my heart.”
“let’s not joke about that.” jj let out an exasperated laugh. “i just got you back. i can’t lose you again.”
“oh?” elle’s eyebrow raised. “you can’t loose me, you say?”
“what happened to the hatred you had for me a week ago?” elle teased.
“we don’t have to talk about that.” jj hid her face in elle’s good shoulder, blush covering her cheeks. “we really don’t.”
“mmm we do eventually, but i’m okay with not talking about it for now.”
“oh my god i’m so mean, do you need blood? you probably need more blood.” jj detached herself from elle, running to the fridge. “i know we have more in here somewhere.”
elle couldn’t help but smirk. to think that the semester started with jj hating elle’s guts, and here they were, about to embark on… well, she wasn’t sure what she could call it yet but…
jj was hers.  
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r0b0tbrainr0t · 2 years
Transformers Fic prompts based on supernatural quotes
send me things in my asks (instructions at bottom of post) and I’ll write 150-500 words for you
Freedom is a rope, god wants you to hang yourself with it
Maybe I can be saved
What’s an angel without its wings
Fight the fairies!
Are you god?
[carrier]’s not a “thing”
You used to read to me when I was little
I’m not clean
You don’t get to be sorry!
We’re the ones you should be afraid of
You’re nothing to me
I will hunt you down and kill you
The [bot] with the [unmaker’s] blood
Nothing is worth loosing you
There is reason to hope
I got out or I thought I got out but then my family needed me and this is my life
I’m not scared of angels
I’ve been tortured by the [unmaker] himself
We have all heard of you, the prodigy. The boy king.
I just wanted you to be a kid a little while longer
There is so much evil in the world I feel like I could drown in it
This time it will be final
I’m angry. I’m mad at everything.
This isn’t your memory
Well then I ain’t gonna let him die alone
The fish have begun to anticipate me
Family don’t end with blood, boy.
For some, it’s God’s throne room. For others, it’s Eden. You two, I believe it’s the Cleveland Botanical Garden
You can go straight back to hell you ugly bitch!
Well come on. You a wimp?
I want a family, I want to be safe
I will never be powerless again
I truly cannot imagine the depth of your loss. This was your child. I can’t imagine the pain.
I thought they were perfect, but they were monsters
They were never alone
You say thank you. You say your sorry. You hope they are in a place without sadness or pain. You hope they are somewhere better. You say good bye
Since when is life about getting what you want?
My mom was my hero
I will miss her everyday of my life but she would not want this
No matter how good they are they always end up the same way
You know the worst thing I can think of? The very worst thing? Is for my children to be raised like I was.
That wasn’t fair and I couldn’t do it
I hate you and I love you. I forgive you
He’s a [pick what you want here*] he’s already cursed
Who do I have to kill to get some fries around here?
The king is dead long live the queen
But love is a weakness and I will never be weak again
I did not belong there! I was a freak
I can’t walk, I can’t fight, but I can do something
[insert what you want here*] are never kids, I never was
I’d tell you [bots] to stay out of trouble but what’s the point?
I’m kind of good, which sucks
You think this is righteous? What you’re feeling, it’s called doubt.
But I was raised on Tolkien* man where is all this?
But between you and me I’m a little worried about him
Well you’ve always got little old me
“No keggers” “I don’t have any friends.”
Good god! Never trust anyone!
Now tell me does the punishment fit the crime?
I’m an angel, you ass
I’ll integrate the cat
It always had to be you
My heart breaks for you
I just want it to be over
No. You made them to create lesser beings; to make you large, to make you lord!
Don’t you get it, heaven*, hell, this world. If it ever had a meaning that moment is past.
No one gives us the right, we take it
Oh I’m loyal, to them, to people.
You have no idea what I care about
I was a son, a brother, like you
Where do I even start to look for forgiveness?
Only humans* can feel real joy but also such profound pain
No one makes us do anything
I like… cocaine*
It was night and now it’s day
Accidents don’t happen accidentally
A testament to my unending mercy
We might as well blow coke* and jump on the bed
Teenage mutant ninja angel*
This isn’t her story! it’s mine!
I am being, she is nothingness
I wouldn’t expect you to understand, you are not a father.
There is nothing special about you, not then, not now.
They made their choice, they chose family
I’m old. Very old. So I invite you to contemplate how insignificant I find you.
Nothing lasts forever, well I do.
I loved you, brother
The word’s most evil skank and and a deadbeat god
Perfect like a marble statue. Cold. No choice, only obedience.
“There is no wrath! No [fill in what you want*]!” “But there’s still me!”
Fallen in every way imaginable
“I’m sorry,” “no you’re not, you don’t even know the feeling”
I was stationed in earth for 2000 years, just watching silent, invisible
The thing inside of you is unholy, it’s an abomination
There’s loyalty, forgiveness, love…
The father you love, you think this is what he wants?
No. I’m sorry. It’s time to think for yourself.
Let him do what he believes is right
If I didn’t hate you, I would love you
The fact remains I do not, will not, and have not ever loved anything ever
I’d wish you’d come with us
“Tell me why you abandoned me? Us?” “Because you disappoint me”
I understand the three beans but what’s the surprise?
I want my wife* back. Oh god, I want her back.
A mother always defends her children
A mother would never abandon her children
I lost my shoe
Hey assbutt!
Gay love can pierce the veil of death and save the day (I FUCKING WISH this wasn’t a cannon line in that show)
Go be gay for that poor dead intern!
I was drunk it was Comic-Con
He’s our kid
I’m busy you son of a bitch*, this better be important!
You’re not a talking dog
The killer stuffed dinosaur in love
Why do you keep talking about my shoulders?
I’m Batman
I need sleep, I love sleep
There’s no words in this newspaper
Are we about to shoot this teddy bear?
We’re teddy bear Doctors
He shattered my Shatner!*
That’s not holy water by the way
It’s him! It’s doctor sexy!
I tell you one thing, there is no way I’m kissing that damn frog
Of course it’s not UFOs it’s fairies!
Son, you are all kinds of messed up
It was a little glowing hot naked lady with nipples and she hit me
What makes dick so hard to beat?
Did they get to fifth base?
Don’t roofie me and call it romance
If you dig down deep it’s all dick
Dick made more dicks
What like it’s my first tatoo?
Princess Leia in a bikini, straddling a 20 sided die
“So you’re the man going around pretending to be their father*” “well someone ought to be,”
When the tent is a rockin don’t come a knockin!
Wait, there's no such thing as unicorns?
After we kill it we can go to disneyland
I hate that thing. I want one.
It doesn't matter what you are, only what you do
My greatest sin is how many times i have let you down
You don’t even look like a real ghost *gets attack with ghostly abilities*
Why do these people assume were gay
Demos i get, people are crazy
No not really, We have guns and we’ll find you
I kill monsters, that's who the hell i am!
“You’re afraid of my mother?” “i think so,”
“When we freaks die, where do we go? Not heaven, not hell…so?” “Lego land?”
I think you pissed off my sandwich
Maybe you should try plan D for dumbass
It’s lizard, it tastes like lizard
Bert and Ernie are gay
It’s called anime and it’s an art form
You’re like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies
I’m not gonna apologize for loving that fish
“It’s like there's light at the end of the tunnel,” “that’s hell fire”
take care of my unicorn
'insane' is kinda what we do
Dude, you were hallucinating sheep on the road
If you know evil’s out there, how can you not believe good’s out there too?
No drinking, no gambling, no premarital sex
they basically just outlawed 90 percent of your personality
Some people are just born tortured
Guess that’s why we all hold onto life so hard… even the dead. We’re all just scared of the unknown
Rebel a little bit… in a healthy, non-satanic way
Killing things that need killing is kind of our job. Last I checked, taking pleasure in that is not a crime.
Why do I have to be some kind of hero?
We going to fight or make out, ’cause I’m getting some real mixed signals here
I think the world’s gonna end bloody. But it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin’
Always knew I’d find the source of all evil at a vegan bakery.
Nobody gets that angry unless they’re talking about their own family
Wow, you get a trophy in Stockholm Syndrome
Of course, you should be afraid of the dark! You know what’s out there!
I lost everything for nothing
Don’t make things needlessly complicated as you humans tend to do
If you’re gonna make an omelet, sometimes you have to break some spines
god has a beard
these kids today, with their texting and murder
stop smelling the dead guy
this isn't wallstreet* this is [instert your choice of evil], and we have a little something called integrity
you breed with the mouth of a goat
*butt naked standing in the middle of a drive through lane* father?
*lady in red playing while slow dancing with an alien looking traumatized*
"what are you stoned?" "generally, yeah"
*cupid crying in the corner* should someone maybe go and talk to him?
congratulations [name] and [name] you are both offically virgins
no one in the history of torture's been tortured with the torture like the torture you'll be tortured with
*looks out into the kitchen* I'm gonna get my gun
I need to know everything you know about sex. go.
do we need a cat? doesn't this place feel one species short
on my car, he showed up naked covered in bees
"why do you just assume im not gonna be helpful?" "because you're a dick-wad" "but i'm your dick-wad"
"is that where I messed up?!?!?!?!??" "Sir this is a radio shed...."
"I can't believe you were going to kill me" "you're a zombie" "I'm a tax payer!"
I shot god
it's about a mime that's secretly a cockroach
is ketchup a vegetable?
"how many times have you torn into my head and washed it clean?" "frankly, too damn many"
do you want me to do the whole airplane thing with the spoon?
"he's not the brightest bulb but he's so...firm" "please stop talking"
so the demons were too polite?
you're gonna do that thing where you just shut the hell up forever
*watches a play about their own traumatic childhood as preformed by catholic middle school girls*
this drink doesn't look so bad *downs the whole thing* *in a strained voice* I was wrong
real men don't drink out of cups this small
I got it at the hot topical
the ones you can't save, you need to forget about them
The internet is more than just naked people. You do know that?
You’re changing the world, and I want to be a part of it.
My people skills are rusty
People Don’t Just Disappear, [name]. Other People Just Stop Looking For Them
We’ve got work to do
We make our own future
Give me the baby before I snap your neck
Just a couple hours ago, I killed Death. I'm pretty much open for anything
So you're having a midlife crisis?
The universe is trying to tell us something we both/all should already know. We're stronger together than apart
We're far from perfect, but we are good
I see light at the end of this tunnel... And if you come with me, I can take you to it
I was nine years old. He was supposed to say, "Don't be afraid of the dark".
Alright it's time for plan B. We're getting on that plane
What? That I don't turn evil? That I don't turn into some kind of killer?
Well, they weren't evil people, you know. A lot of them were good, just something happened to 'em. Something they couldn't control
Dude, it was more than a sprain. All right? And it was a friggin' demon, but –
Were you ever nice?
There is not much difference between madness and devotion
I so miss being an atheist
What are you looking at? Still learning all you can about the world?
Nice try but hell no!
So...how you been feeling? On edge? Pent-up? Unfulfilled?
It's not like anyone gave me a handbook on how to be a werewolf
This doesn't make us square. If I see you again…
Our family's not cursed. We just...had our dark spots
If you’re going to have faith, you can’t just have it when miracles happen, you have to have it when they don’t
[name], the only thing you would have ended was your life
You don’t have to be ruled by fate. You can choose freedom
I'm extremely old, I think I'm entitled
[name/names] may be a bit rough around the edges, but they're the best [people] I've ever known. And they're my friends
A [fill in]’s memorial complete with monster. [name] would’ve appreciated that
I learned that from the pizza man
We could have been better Gods
What's in that bottle? Delusion?
There’s a new sheriff in town
Pardon me, but I have spent the last "year" as a multidimensional wavelength of celestial intent
Once, there was only dark. If you ask me, the light’s winning
People don't come here for the truth, they come for good news
They do know we're brothers, right?
She was the love of my life; how many times do I gotta kill her?
You think I’m a magician? I may be able to read thoughts and sense energies in a room, but I can’t just pull facts out of thin air
If we make it out of here alive, we are so breaking up
That was just a sad, pathetic, cry for attention
I know you can't. And you do too
You love the job
Oh, right, right, I forgot. You were actually into this stuff, weren't you? I mean, you had like a deck of cards and a wand?
Well, get some doughnuts while you're out
Like Greek myth siren? The Odyssey?
He's like a crappy little credit-card-counting criminal prodigy Rain Man
Let me guess. You're lead dog now, but you would just love my full cooperation
You did it. I-I mean, it was a little touch and go there for a while, but you did it
Drifting serial killers do that
There is a demon in you and you're going to your safety school!
Oh my god! These guys are psychopaths!
no matter what shape you’re in, the bottom line is, you’re family
This sad doomed little world, it needs you.
it needs every last [fill in] it can get
Are you under the impression that family is supposed to make you feel good?
We start and end with family
Getting my ass kicked by those Juggalos was therapeutic
Shut up and drink your beer*
You’re going to wipe out a whole town for one little witch.
Sounds like you’re compensating for something
If it’s my last day on earth I don’t want it to be socially awkward
Power doesn’t control you, you control it.
i can’t. I’m dead
it’s shaped like a papaya
The mustache alone…
I got to start carrying paper clips
with the barbarian queen painted on the side
where did he get coconuts?
with three Exclamation points
boob job?
define "semi functioning"
do not use the words ‘hole in the floor’
So we got a goat dude with the name of a pirate
you don’t want to go fighting ghosts without health insurance
from the neck down, is he smooth like a Ken doll?
I mean we do have the son of Satan living down the hall
i’m the stapler queen
you’re mother Theresa with a neck beard
his blood is glittery?
you crap margaritas
mommy the giant is crying
I don’t miss digestion
three days ago I wasn’t even alive
are perp might just be a giant fly with low self-esteem
wands and swords at dawn
Put on some pants
I think I got asthma
three hearts, the two spleens, the seven nipples
I could steal them from their cages, the monkeys
you’re bidding the moon?
what the hell is kale?
they’re unhappy because the rabbit is fake
lots of dudes wear cowboy hats
*just in general you can fill in any human thing like hands with servos and god with primus for transformers
** you can pick to change the pronouns in any quote
***if you have a supernatural quote not on the list you can comment it and I’ll see if I feel comfortable to add it to the list for you to be able to request
Instructions for asks and I will only be doing this via my asks so if you comment I’m not doing it.
I’m not doing OC or reader shipping but cannon characters from different continuities are okay
A) give me the number of the quote so it can be considered completed
B) give me the quote itself with any changes you want to it such as making he into she or replacing god or the devil with primus and unicron
C) what character/characters you want it to focus on
D) which continuity do you want it written in
ii) I’ve seen all of prime, the bay movies, rescue bots, some of rescue bots academy, most of TFA, season 2 and 3 of cyberverse, have a rough of idea of the goings on in the mtmte comics but haven’t gotten in too deep.
E) you can add little head cannons like for example seekers learn to fly by getting yeeted by their creators but nothing that changes the story too much
ii) please keep the number of head cannons to 3 or less
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thermodynamiclawyer · 2 years
HAIII👋👋👋FELLOW PV ENJOYER I just wanna say I LOVE UR ART SM🥺🥺the way u draw pv is SOSOSOSOSO COOL N FUNKY I LOVE IT SMMM I usually don’t follow accounts that post purecacao not becauz i hate the ship it’s just not really my thing (also becauz my besties fav ancient is lily and we like making aus together a lot so it’s just easier 2 slam our faves together HSHSHD) but but BUT!! u are the EXEPCTION i just cannot resist ur pv art swagger. it is too pretty it is TOO MUCH OF. A LOT OF GOOD THINGS I DON’T WANNA MAKE A HUGE LIST RN BUTBUT ur gonna get spammed with notifs from me in a second becauz im going through ur pv tag and reblogging ur art of him. I actually saw ur art a lot earlier but. i didnt interact with it idk why I just didn’t feel like writing out a ton of tag compliment essays that day and then I just continued to put it off,, the wonders of having the disorder(s? I just recently got on meds for add but I’m not actually properly diagnosed yet) (also I’m autistic so disorders plural I think) I literallt have no other excuse for not interacting with ur art sooner other than. executive dysfunction sucks and also becauz I wasn’t sure if u were the type of real and TRUE!! purecacao shipper 2 still think lily is shippable or were one of the kinds of people to demonize lily insanely a lot. I had 2 unfollow some1 before becauz they made an extremely negative post about lily that made me kindof uncomfy but. seeing as u also ship hollylily(valid btw) I think it’s time I finally follow u becauz. I love ALL UR ART SM!!!! and I wanna eat it stuff it into my mouth like a chipmunk and run away with it forever it is so. ur style is soooososo unique but in such a visibly appealing way it boggles my MIND when people manage 2 make such unique art styles look SOSO GOOD especially since the only way I was able 2 make my art look okay was 2 make it look. less unique idk. no clue what spawned me 2 ramble on for this long idk I just. think ur art is cool okay. I see ur pv art and my eyes light up n go shiny like big sparkly anime eyes the way u draw is just so. sosososoososo. so. insert every compliment physically possible here I can’t possibly stress this enough just. art. pretty. and I’m envious that ur not even that much older than me I hope that. my improvement speeds up in the next 2-3 years it would b really cool if my art was just as cool as urs when I’m 19. idk. end of ask I’ve gone on for too long I’m sorry I hope u don’t mind. whatever this is ig
this means so much to me holy shit i’m so happy you like my art. and i’m very happy ur a lily enjoyer too!!! i totally agree with you, people demonize her way too much (probably because she “gets in the way” of ppls “gay ships” WHICH I HATE THAT EXCUSE). i still ship purelily, i like to imagine it as a relationship they had in the past. i’m not gonna ignore what they have in canon cuz it’s obvious they loved each other!!! (i’m not gonna freak out when i see other ships with the characters i like LOL). i still love lily and i want her to be happy, she has an incredible amount of depth to her character. she’s not heartless, but she’s not a shy damsel in distress like how other people depict her as well. she’s flawed and incredibly multidimensional, and i hope i have the opportunity to show that more often :D that makes me happy to hear you’re still open to other artists that ship different (normal) things, i hope you enjoy what i draw in the future as well!! i love the ancients a lot and i love other ancients-fans as well!!!
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yandere-sins · 3 years
Hi, Sorry if this is a bother, can I request Yandere Beelzebub and a Breeding Kink? If not, you can pick anything you want to write, I love this boy so much, I’ll take anything, and you write him so cute and achingly smothering 💖
Hope you like it, I think I found a way to make it more Beel! Thanks for requesting ^^
Rated Lemon!
»»———————— ♡ ————————««    
Of all the things you could have said to him. Of all the jokes you could have made. Of all words to choose from.
Why did you say this?!
“I can’t eat that much! It’s not like I’m pregnant.”
You laughed it off as if it was funny, but Beel didn’t laugh with you. In fact, you had never seen him this serious before as he stared at you for a long time, contemplating your words before getting up and closing the tilted windows shut, pulling the curtains close, and checking if the door was locked for privacy. The chuckles soon got stuck in your throat as he stalked back to you, your body instinctively knowing better than to remain in the same spot, but it was too late to crouch away over the ground as he picked you up by the armpits and threw you down onto the bed.
For the longest time, you had imagined yourself safe with him. Even if he seemed downright needy for your attention lately, would drag you off to his room whenever he had the chance, and hog you all to himself, it never crossed your mind that sweet, gluttonous Beel was dangerous. Even if you two had history, he still seemed as sweet and precious as he always was, making more than sure you were well-fed and cared for, loved even. In his presence, you could forget about the tedious work for RAD and the constant bickering from your ‘roommates’ and just escape your every-day-life for a while. Watch some good movies, have some food, tell him about your worries without having him overanalyze your problems.
It was comfortable.
So you never expected him to snap like this.
“I think I understand it now,” he mumbled as he pulled off his shirt, exposing the muscular build underneath, truly a sight for gods. Beel climbed on top of you, letting his ever-so-hungry eyes wander over your body as if he was estimating your capabilities. A moment of silence fell over you two as he stared deep into your eyes, your reflection in his showing confusion and... fear. 
“I didn’t consider that your stomach is too small if you are eating only for yourself.”
 Even if you had corrected him about his assumption at that moment, you had doubts he would have listened to you anymore.
Of all the brothers, you never had envisioned Beel to be sexually active or even having a clue about what to do in this type of situation. It was your fault that you dismissed hundreds of years of being alive for nothing since he only ever ate or hung out with his brothers. But having him press you down into the mattress assertively, your head in his palm, and ramming his cock into you like a bull, you had your doubts that he was as innocent as you believed him to be.
The relationship you two had before had been strictly friendly; you wouldn’t have thought to bring it to this level. Sure, he had licked some whipped cream off the corner of your mouth before or let his arm hang between your legs, absent-mindedly stroking your thigh, but you had always brushed it off as harmless affections and teases. Perhaps you had been wrong. Maybe Beel saw you two as something very different than you were, and you had ignored his longing gazes and attempts to close in the distance between your mouths for much too long.
But that giant, gritty mess pounding into you from behind was nothing remotely close to harmless.
Your mind was in a weird state of worry. One where pleasure had long overtaken most of the coherent thoughts and concerns you had about sex. The last two orgasms had already burned most of your resistance, making your limbs soft and your body compliant to what Beelzebub was doing with you. Not like there was any chance to struggle your way out to begin with, Beel’s strength coming in handy when pinning you down and destroying any attempt of pushing him away and fighting your way out. From the moment he put his tip against your entrance, his whole demeanor had changed. Suddenly he wasn’t the sweet and somewhat indifferent glutton you were used to having around. Now he was serious, focused, and determined, and you didn’t know how to deal with this side of him as well as the endless waves of pleasure rocking through you undisturbed.
Beelzebub didn’t need your help in fucking you senseless, luckily - you wouldn’t have been able to assist him anymore - one less worry on your mind. No matter how much you had wanted to resist, your body had long melted into the pleasure and desire he spread in you. Perhaps, your body knew more than you. Knew what all this was about. But all you could focus on was the tight grip around your waist, pulling you back and forth in the rhythm of Beel pumping into you and the thick cock spreading and filling you up. 
The way he managed to hammer it into you intensely and pull it out slowly, but to the point you felt every vein on his shaft, gave you goosebumps. Every time Beel backed away, you found yourself hoping he’d come back for more, and every time he slammed into you, you wondered when it would finally push you both over the edge.
You didn’t even want to think about the mess you’d be the next day. The aching, pain, and discomfort this would bring you. All you hoped for was that he wouldn’t lose a sense of himself and actually bite out a piece of flesh on you in his trance-like fucking. 
No one - not even you yourself - had ever stretched you out so much, explored that deep. No one ever had a taste of you the same way Beel did. And with the way he treated you, you weren’t just a sample to him - you were the whole damn platter of delicacies! No matter how much he worked you to achieve his goal of filling you with white, sticky cum, your body was covered in teeth marks and hickeys, and you found out that was more of his love language than words - which he kept sparse - would ever be. 
Still, by the way Beel was groaning and biting back the sounds stuck in his throat, you had no doubts how he was feeling about it all. The sweat of your bodies combined with the pool of fluids between your legs, the sound of your hips colliding over and over enough to fill the room with instead of pesky words. No matter what he’d have said, it wouldn’t have justified or made his actions better. It would only help soothe whatever anxiety you had. But with the frenzy he was in, all you could do was hope that you were special to him nonetheless.
You had expected that at some point, your body would loosen up, adjust to the size of his cock and accommodate him properly. Still, every push, again and again, felt like a tight squeeze and ignited another flame of passion in your depths. You were ready to be done. Ready to receive the seed he had wanted to plant inside of you all this time, prepared to...
Oh, no.
Finally, it dawned on you, your eyes widening as your strength returned back into your body with the clarity of mind you had suddenly. Instantly, you tried to turn and push away from the demon using you like a cheap fleshlight, but while you seemed to regain some sense while experiencing your body being prepared to use it for breeding, Beel wasn’t that far. 
“Stop!” you yelled, only for your voice to be caught in a loud moan as Beel pressed deep inside you.
You didn’t want to be pregnant! It had been a freaking joke to stop him from overfeeding you again that night. If anything, you were perfectly fine not bearing children, and you weren’t even sure if your body was ready for it either. Sure, Beel was a demon and must have his way to inseminate you if he so desired, but that was the furthest thing on your mind!
“You’re not wearing a condom!” you tried to reason with him as you felt his pace quicken, perhaps stirred by your sudden movement, encouraged to end it while you still hadn’t been able to escape him. Of course, it was futile, Beel growling a low, “Yes...” before gripping your outstretched wrist tightly, pulling you back into his hips roughly and moaning loudly. 
Nothing could have prepared you for yet another wave of electric shocks as you orgasmed, body shivering and making you gasp lustily, the tip of his cock deeper inside you than ever. The position really did make the difference, but you felt your brain fry with this orgasm, causing you to collapse into the soft pillows the moment Beel let go of your wrist. Had he not caught you with his hands on your hips again, you would have slipped off him, messy and completely out of it, like a fulfilled little slut. But this wasn’t over yet.
“That was the whole point,” he muttered with ragged breath. Your body got pulled along as he sat back, pulling you into his lap and crossing his arms over your torso. He didn’t even need to push you down, gravity doing him a favor with pressing you down on his cock. You felt your still convulsing walls spread for him again, making space despite feeling sore and used. But Beel was the one to make sure you’d reach the very base of his shaft for good measures, giving you the final push from below until there was no more inch to dig into you. “We’re doing this for you,” he reminded you, but you were too dazed to understand anything of what he was talking about. Part of you wished for no more orgasm, and the other hoped he’d sent you back to heaven with each push that brought his cock deeper inside you.
Spreading your legs over his, Beel tugged your arms behind your back, using them to pull you back every time you almost slid off him. You wanted it to stop. You wanted him to fuck you deeper. You wished it would end now. But you hoped it would never end. Until the moment you could feel the hot, slimy mess he left inside of you, making your toes curl and your mouth mewl in the desperation that was orgasm number four, you never stopped wondering what you were doing with Beel, letting him fucking impregnate on his own decision. 
Who gave him the right to do it, and who gave him the right to be so good at it?
His teeth sunk into your shoulder one more time as he orgasmed, his whole body rocking and trying to go even deeper than he already was, spreading out his semen over every inch inside of you so it would carry far and wide. Your body wasn’t ready for any of this, but it felt so good, so right, to be taken by this demon friend of yours, naturally even. The pleasure was addicting, and you could feel yourself growing to like it as it made you forget even your own name.
It didn’t even bother you when Beel finally let you off, your body slumping onto the mattress as if you were a lifeless sack of potatoes. This man was a monster. A monster you had ignored for far too long, setting it off with just a silly comment of yours. Big, muscular arms snaked under yours, holding your hands while his body settled on top of you, completely smashing you beneath him.
“You think that’s enough?” he asked, mumbling the words into your ear. “Will that make you pregnant? Do you want to have some more food now?”
Even if you wanted to reply, all you could do was let out jumbled groans from your throat. Eyes unable to focus, as were your thoughts, you stared off into the distance. The next thing you felt was the hot feeling of something dripping out of you, and you wished this to be the end of the ordeal. Part of you still wanted to believe that he genuinely, innocently thought this would make life better for you. Help you to enjoy all that he enjoyed in the same amounts Beel was able to consume. You still wanted to believe in the sweet boy that would let you cuddle when you had a nightmare and not tell anyone about it the following day. Believe that he wasn’t aware of what he was really doing.
But his following words completely destroyed that image of him for you forever.
“You know I’ll take good care of it,” he mumbled, and you felt one of his hands wander down your body, fingertips probing against your entrance. “I’ll make sure you and the baby eat enough, and we can have all our meals together from now on, so staying with me will be the best for you two.”
His fingers disappeared inside of you knuckle-deep, making you moan out loudly as they stirred up your insides. “I’ll do my best to be a good dad, too,” he announced, pushing himself up again and giving your lungs back the space to breathe. “So you...”
Only now did you feel a long, stiff shaft between your asscheeks. 
Something you wouldn’t have expected to appear after what went down just now. Your eyes widened as you felt it travel lower again, the two fingers getting pulled out slowly, replaced by the tip of his cock.
“... make sure to do your best too,” Beel mumbled, licking his lips before pushing his entire length back in your still wet hole, letting out a loud groan of pleasure on his part.
“Let’s build our future together, okay?”
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babygirlgiles · 3 years
The more I think abt Hannibal in his il Mostro di Firenzi era (and even before that, through all of his young adult years really), the more I want to know abt him. The version of Hannibal we meet in Baltimore is well-established and self-assured, sometimes to a fault. By that point Hannibal understands himself, or at least confidently believes that he does, and has carefully curated which parts of himself he displays to the outside world. But there must have been a time before that, when he was still trying to figure out what to incorporate into his outward persona, and that must have been a process (as much as I imagine he would deny it) of trial and error. He’s insanely observant, of course, and I imagine a lot of how he decides to behave/present himself is based not just on his own sense of morals and principles, but also on how he’s observed people reacting to each other and from that, a kind of pragmatism of “if I act this way people will do xyz for me”. And like, as much as Hannibal’s lifestyle and mannerisms can be… pretty outlandish, you got admit the guy is good at getting what he wants, especially in social situations. But anyway, what I’m trying to say is that no matter how good he is at choosing social behaviors based on his observations, it’s never guaranteed. By the time he meets Will, he clearly has a pretty good sense of how people will react to him, and can orchestrate situations partly by anticipating how people will read him and his behavior (hence why Will, who’s behavior he can’t anticipate reliably, is a shock and revelation to him). But what was the process of that learning, of refining the mannerisms and styles that garnered the responses he wants?
(And just as a side note abt, not something I’ve thought abt in depth, but I imagine that’s part of why Hannibal hates rudeness so much. Like ofc the distaste for discourtesy, blah blah blah, but also that rudeness deviates from the social script Hannibal is reading from and as a control freak that would drive him up the wall).
I also wanna know abt Hannibal’s failed tableaus from that period of his life too because I feel like there just has to be some!! by the time Will meets him, they’re intricate and masterful but also that’s after decades, years and years, of practice putting these tableaus together. He’s an insane perfectionist and must obviously extensively plan and research, but also there are just something that are impossible to predict or plan for!! And especially in his early years of making the tableaus in his Il Mostro period, there must have been mistakes as he was perfecting his methods and techniques, of the displays but also the killings themselves, like things must have gone topsy turvy at least once or twice. I can just imagine something in a tableau not going his way, something just won’t sit right or keeps falling or whatever, and he just decides to scrap the whole thing, pack everything up, and take it home, because he’s so intensely meticulous that having something he thought would work not actually work would probably drive him insane.
Also he can be so impulsive, even as an older adult when he’s got himself together and carefully constructed his life, so as a young man in his twenties? Which is not exactly an era of life that’s renowned for impulse control? And especially because Hannibal is mostly shown to be impulsive when things aren’t going his way? Impulsiveness must have been so much more of a prominent character trait for him back then, considering what we see what he does have it a lot more under control, especially as he’s fine tuning out how he wants to present himself to the world and perfecting his tableaus.
And the last reason why I’m so fascinated by the concept of young Hannibal is bc that one picture we see of him is very hot. I want to know more abt him is bc young Hannibal was very, very sexy.
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Sorry for the late review but seeing Dear Evan Hansen as a movie was so freaking exciting and I was in the “THIS IS THE BEST THING THAT HAS EVER HAPPENED TO ME EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS SO PERFECT” mood.
But after taking a few days to reflect and get out of that hyped mood I am ready to roast as much as praise so let’s get into it 
Also I actually had planned to take notes as I was watching it so I don’t forget what to share on my review but I was too busy eating my chocolate and crying so this is what you get
Warning: It’s a bit long and I’ll make a “keep reading” for the parts with spoilers so don’t worry! 
Okay first of all movie Connor was my least favorite Connor and it’s not because of Colton Ryan, I love him so very much.
The thing is that in the musical Connor was kind of like an iceberg. He gave off the vibe that there was more to him beneath the surface that you can’t quite see. In the book, they elaborated that (by introducing Miguel) and showed us what Connor’s really like underneath. But it felt like in the movie they took that from him and he was just more stereotypical, all the depth of his character was kind of gone and I didn’t like it. (Again, it’s just how the movie made me feel. I just didn’t get the same energy from Connor that I always do) 
And Kaitlyn Dever, she was EXACTLY how I imagined Zoe Murphy. I literally have nothing to say, she was simply outstanding and has an amazing voice. 
And I already knew Nik Dodani was going to be an amazing Jared from his former role in Atypical. (Zahid and Jared together would be unstoppable and the most chaotic duo) 
His Jared was definitely different than the musical, but not in a bad way. My only disappointment about him was not seeing him more in the movie. Which I really want to scream more about but can’t without spoiling a few things so I’m going to save my ranting for the part with spoilers. 
I think all the adults (Heidi, Cynthia and Larry) were amazing and so well-done. I just wish Larry wasn’t Connor’s step dad because it adds up to my first point,  stereotypicality. Problems between children and their step parents are more likely to be seen. Larry and Connor’s relationship was a great example of how every father-son can’t connect or can have trouble connecting with each other. Larry didn’t have to become a step father for that purpose. 
And “Good For You”. It was a song that definitely shouldn’t have been cut. With how the events were unfolding and the dynamic of the movie, it would fit in perfectly and I really felt its absence. 
And for Ben Platt, his performance was beyond amazing as always, he also made me cry several times, no surprises there. And the whole age situation didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. Like he didn’t completely blend in, but he also didn’t stand out at a disturbing level. 
AMANDLA STENBERG- How did I come this far without mentioning her she was literally one of my favorites. Alana’s personality was also a bit different than the musical but by all means not in a bad way. I actually liked the changes and the song they gave to her.
I’m only a little pissed about how Jared didn’t get treated the same way as Alana. Alana wasn’t just the smart girl just like Jared wasn’t just the funny guy. They enhanced Alana’s backstory and gave her a song to explain her character better. WHY ON EARTH DIDN’T JARED GET THE SAME THINGS WE WILL NEVER KNOW. (okay maybe I’m more than a little pissed) 
Overall, the events mostly followed the musical and the songs were mostly the same as the musical, it was all so similar and yet so different at the same time. 
It was quite an ~experience~ 
If you’ve read this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read my ranting and let me know what you think!
And now, even more rambling, but with spoilers! 
I was so happy to see they included the part from the book where Evan tried to get to know the real Connor and read his favorite books.
After seeing that, I was really hopeful Miguel would come too, but he didn’t. And I truly don’t understand why. They could have made Miguel the guy who sent Evan the video of Connor. They also could have added the line from the book to the email where Miguel said:
“Connor, he was just... I’ve never met someone like that. That innocent. That pure. Sometimes I think maybe he was too pure... for all this.”
And people would be like, “that doesn’t sound like the Connor that was described throughout the movie”, “who the fuck is this guy anyway”, “how does he know Connor so well” 
And they would be like, “oh, so you want to know more? we have a book that explains it all! why don’t you buy it?” 
See, quite simple and beneficial for everyone. 
Other than the fact that it was missing Miguel, I loved the ending, seeing that video of Connor really made me tear up. 
Moving on, let’s talk about JARED KLEINMAN/KALWANI 
Why did they cut the heated argument between the two family best friends? 
Where was “FUCK YOU EVAN, ASSHOLE” ??? 
I mean at least Jared didn’t disappear completely like he did in the musical but also they literally hugged and took a graduation photo at the end like nothing happened. A little apology scene wouldn’t have hurt anyone. And a little song for Jared wouldn’t have hurt anyone too. 
Moving on, let’s talk about two little changes before I finally shut up. 
First one is when Connor said, “That’s the saddest fucking shit I've ever heard.” After that scene I thought maybe none of the characters are cursing but then Zoe said “No fucking way!” or something like that. So why didn’t they let Connor curse? 
And the second one is when Zoe came to Evan’s house and they didn’t make out on her dead brother’s bed. 10/10 arrangement.
Again, if you’ve read this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read my ranting and let me know what you think! 
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marginalmadness · 4 years
Summer Nights 4/4
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Pairing: Rabbit!Hybrid Jungkook x Y/N
Rating: Explicit
Genre: Hybrid!Fantasy, Romance, Fluff, Slowburn
Synopsis: A freak weather anomaly leads to a chance encounter with a rabbit-hybrid, and your kind nature results in you gaining a small, fluffy lodger, who questions your taste in television shows. It’s won’t be for long…will it?
Warnings/Tags: Heat/Mating cycles, Light Dom/Sub dynamics as part of JK’s heat, Marking, needy/possessive behaviour, edging, sex, oral (female receiving), an almost obscene amount of cum in this chapter, cumplay, biting, breeding talk, 
Author’s Note: And finally we get to the good-good. This chapter grew in the editing, much like Endymion did by like 1/3rd, so there’s extra porn in here from what I originally wrote lol. I’m always afraid it’s going to get boring or repetitive but @johobi​ loved it and that’s good enough for me, and I hope you all enjoy it too! Thank you for coming on this journey with me, and for your patience and understanding as I blue-balled you for three weeks  💜 I also quote one of my favourite TV shows in this chapter, first one to find it gets a free commission!
Previous Chapters: Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Tags: @kookiebunny97​ @mintyrae​ @skswriting​ @jjkgumdxop @unicornbabylover​
Word Count: 7K
Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction for entertainment purposes only. The events depicted here are entirely of my own imagining, and have no basis on actual people or events.
Summer Nights: Chapter Four
“I—w-want… you—” you stutter, and his hand slips from your hair to grip your chin between his thumb and forefinger.
“Say it,” he growls.
“Inside me.”
Your chest heaves. Your walls clench around nothing as you imagine how good he’s going to feel thrusting into you. It’s hard to ignore the wetness sliding from you.
“Good girl.” Jungkook smiles, letting go of your chin.
He sits back on his haunches, grabbing you by the knee and sliding one arm under the small of your back to pull you onto his lap as he moves. You shudder as he wraps your legs around his slim, sculpted waist. His firm, warm hand slides up your thigh towards your entrance, thumb stroking over your clit once—twice—before he takes himself in hand and presses the head of his cock into your heat.
You lean up on your elbows, threading your fingers into his hair to pull him down into a demanding kiss. You tease his lips with the tip of your tongue, licking your way inside and he more than happily opens up for you. You slide your lithe tongue against his, both of you smiling into the kiss before you pull back, pecking his nose and rubbing it with your own. “I want you inside me,” you whisper, forehead pressed to his, eyes tightly screwed closed.
“Baby, look at me.” Jungkook’s voice is soft but gruff; it’s a command. You force your eyes to open, blinking up into the dark, tumultuous depths that peer back at you. His eyes are alight with passion and lust, and something underneath it all that takes your breath away.
“I want you inside of me, Koo.” You nod, trying to express all the affection, longing and trust you feel for him in one gaze.
Jungkook slides into you easily, yet torturously slow. You gasp at the intrusion, wet enough that there’s no resistance or pain. It’s just sweet pleasure as he stretches you, pressing and pulsing against your walls.
“Oh my go—” you gasp, falling backwards and clawing at his forearms. “You’re so—” His cock feels amazing; not too long, but the girth—holy shit, the girth. He’s perfect. A flushed, bulbous head tops a thick shaft that thickens even further towards the base. The deeper he pushes into you, the more he stretches you. His large hand struggles to wrap around its root, and now it’s buried deep, deep inside you. Jungkook stretches you enough that you feel every vein, every throb, every press of his thick tip against that spot inside you.
He pulls out just as slowly, the only sound in the room the laboured sound of your breathing and the slick sounds of him moving within you. Jungkook holds the tip of himself inside you, waiting for something, and as soon as your eyes flick up to his, he thrusts. Hard.
Again and again and again and again, all you can do is hold on, nails digging into his skin. You suddenly have a full appreciation for the phrase fucking like bunnies, because he is pounding into you so hard and fast you can feel your juices being forced out by his cock. Can feel them coating Jungkook’s thighs, making them slick and sticky, but he doesn’t seem to care. Your orgasm builds rapidly, liquid warmth spreading outward from your core, down your legs, up your spine. The hairs at the nape of your neck tingle; you’re so close. 
And suddenly your pussy is being filled.
“Darling—ah—!” Jungkook cries as scorching hot liquid coats your walls. He collapses to your chest, huffing and growling against it as he continues to roll his hips, emptying himself deep inside you. You frown, upset at another missed orgasm, when Jungkook delicately moves you onto the mattress.
He looms over you, breathing heavily, the same predatory look in his eyes as before. You glance down to where you’re still connected, legs still wrapped around his waist, and you realise he’s still hard despite the fact he just came.
“Oh,” you whisper, eyes wide. You glance back up at him. As soon as you do, Jungkook is kissing you. A bruising kiss, biting and nibbling his way into your mouth, teeth tugging at your lower lip until you gasp and his tongue slides in.
It distracts you enough that you don’t notice the way he manipulates your legs, hooking them over his elbows until you’re exposed and spread wide before him. Jungkook pulls out, only to slam back into you with no time to adjust. The room fills with wet, obscene sounds. When you realise he’s fucking you through his own cum, heat rushes to your face. Your pussy must be an absolute mess. The depravity of it makes you lift your arms to conceal your blush.
“Don’t do that. I want to see,” Jungkook demands, settling back on his knees and repositioning your legs over his shoulders. He pulls your arms away from your face so he can lace your fingers together. The warmth of him helps you feel grounded. “Don’t hide yourself from me.” He squeezes your hands as he slams into you again, his dark eyes trained on your face. “Don’t ever hide yourself from me, please.”
“O-okay,” you gasp breathlessly as Jungkook pounds into you. “I pr-promise.” The grip on your hands gives him leverage to pull you into his thrusts, the angle and subtle curve of his cock perfect for hammering your g-spot. Each thrust makes you spasm, makes you lose control of the muscles in your thighs. You whine incessantly. Jungkook laughs as you lose yourself to pleasure, laying kisses and gentle nibbles on your ankle. Within minutes he’s coming again, grunting as he spills into you. Your cunt is starting to feel too full. A strange feeling indeed. You’re still yet to have an orgasm and you’re so damn close, so sensitive, that tears prickle your eyes.
Jungkook leans forward, staying inside you, staying hard. He tugs your legs around his waist and starts up a punishing, rolling grind, at odds with the gentleness with which he kisses the tears gathering on your lashes.
Finally, finally, finally.
The pressure against your clit, the thickness of his cock against your walls as his hips undulate; it’s too much. You cling to him as you explode around him, digging your nails into his muscled back.
“Jungkookie, I’m gonna—” you mewl, burying your face in his neck as you shake apart. Every muscle in your body trembles and twitches as electricity runs through it, crackling under your skin. You’ve been edged for so long, kept on the knifepoint of desperation, and now you’re free-falling. Your cunt tightens violently around Jungkook’s cock, grasping it, milking it until he’s growling. He gives you one last slam before emptying himself inside you for the third time. His cock pulses endlessly, coating your walls with ropes of sticky hot seed.
Cautiously, Jungkook slides out of you, cock finally flaccid. The heat in his eyes has diminished to an affectionate glow. Your sweet baby Koo is back for now. Your pussy feels overfull, like it’s ready to burst. You reach down to stroke your stomach and you swear you can feel his abundant cum bulging inside you, even though you know you can’t. Jungkook’s hand covers yours and he hums, flopping happily beside you. His fingers slide lower, over your mound and around your vulva, cupping it delicately. As though to keep everything inside.
“You’re so good for me,” Jungkook mumbles into your hair. “Taking me so well. Gonna breed you so good.” His tone is somewhere between a sigh and a growl and it makes you shiver in pleasure to hear him so possessive of you. “You’d look so beautiful, full and round with my kits.” He lays soft kisses against your temple, rubbing it with his nose.
You snuggle close to him, hands trailing up his chest to carefully cup his face and pull him down to you, demanding a proper kiss. You pull apart and he nudges you with his nose. “You feeling okay?” Jungkook asks softly. 
You nod, sucking his bottom lip into your mouth again. “I feel really full,” you whisper against his chin shyly before nipping it with your teeth.
“Full?” Jungkook asks, amused, and you continue to nod as your teeth work their way up his jaw.
“Full of you. I could—” You bite your lip, burying your face in his chest, hiding though your face burns.
“Could what?” His voice deepens. “I asked you not to do that.” There’s a rumble in his chest. And then his fingers are threading into your hair, pulling your head backwards so he can look at you as you speak. You can’t defy him. Don’t want to defy him.
“I could feel you filling me up, then pushing it out,” you whisper, your cheeks flushing in shame. Or arousal. Maybe both. “I could feel how slick and sticky it was as it spilled out of me and down my thighs and over yours. It felt messy.” 
Jungkook’s breath grows heavier, coming out in heavy pants. “Fuck,” he swears. “Fuck, I need to look.” He moves, shuffling around the nest until he’s kneeling between your legs, pushing them apart and spreading you open to him. “It’s everywhere.” His eyes roam over your core, the backs of your thighs. “Oh, shit. You smell amazing, love.” Jungkook falls forward, nuzzling his face into the juncture of your thigh and sniffing deeply. His voice grows rough. “Like both of us and sex and I’m getting hard again just from the scent. Fuck. Let me clean you up. Hold your legs for me, baby.” He shuffles even further back, getting into that comfortable loaf shape he loves so much. You grab your legs just behind the knees and whimper softly as he starts laying soft kisses and licks across the backs of your thighs. Nipping and sucking red marks into them. You watch the top of his head work between your legs, breath catching with the occasional glimpse of eye contact, as he intently watches your reaction.
When Jungkook is satisfied with the job he’s made of your thighs and you’re a squirming, whimpering mess, he hones in on your pussy. It pulses and contracts around nothing in its arousal, begging to be filled, his cum trickling toward the cleft of your ass. He separates your folds with his thumbs, exposing your deepest parts to him and giving you one last, heated look before he’s teasing your opening with his tongue. He pushes it in as deep as it will go, digging his seed out of you and swallowing it with a growl of satisfaction. With the flat of his tongue, he gives you a long, firm lick, dragging it over the flushed and swollen area. You flinch and cry out.
“What’s wrong?” Jungkook asks, eyes wide in panic.
“It’s too much… hurts,” you whine, wiggling your hips. “S-sensitive after you being so rough and filling me up.”
“I’m sorry,” he pouts.  His lips, shiny with both your juices, stretch into a wide grin. “You sounded like you were enjoying it at the time.” Jungkook quirks an eyebrow at you. “I’ll be gentle, I promise.” He pecks a kiss to the top of your pubic bone, trailing down to lay more at the soft crease of your thigh. His lips are soft and sticky, and so is his tongue when it arrives at your abused pussy. Jungkook dutifully cleans the mess created from your previous rounds, taking his time as though the act were some holy sacrament and it was his duty to carry it out. He alternates from side to side, between kisses and nose rubs, licks and gentle sucks against your skin. Jungkook performs this ritual thoroughly along your thighs and core, until there’s only one thing left. The thing he wanted all along.
The time Jungkook spends worshiping your pussy makes you feral. When he finally, gently dips his tongue into your cunt - just the tip - to tease you, you mewl, clutching at his head. Your fingers tangle into his soft brunette locks as he tongues at his reservoir of cum.
“P-please, Bun. Please don’t tease me,” you cry as your hips wind against the sheets. Jungkook swallows and growls against your open core, immediately diving back in, gentleness forgotten. He attacks your pussy like a man starved, his agile tongue probing and lapping, dragging his seed from you for consumption. Jungkook moans into your cunt like you are the finest delicacy he’s ever sampled. The vibrations send you spiraling, and before you know it you’re coming again. This time in his mouth. “Oh, God!”
Your hips buck wildly, your hands as fists in his hair. You grind your core against his face until your combined juices are flooding his mouth. Jungkook holds you steady, strong as he is, arms wrapped tightly around your waist, holding you in place so all you can do is arch your back and strain against the mattress. Your hips fight against Jungkook’s hold to rise of their own accord.
You come harder than you’ve ever come before and yet Jungkook’s tongue continues to lave against you, lips sucking with abandon. He’s like a wild animal; taking everything you have and demanding more. Every muscle in your body is taut and your slick paints his mouth and chin. But Jungkook is still not done. He licks and sucks, licks and sucks, pulling pleasured pain from you, dark eyes watching you smugly as you shatter on his tongue. You tremble, twitch in ways that are beyond your control as aftershocks run through you. You desperately seek respite but Jungkook is entranced by your messy cunt. 
“Mmmm. So beautiful, so sweet,” he murmurs, his licks becoming softer, if just as agonising. The flat of his tongue laps a broad stripe up your slit, only to flick your clit with the tip. You fight to push him off, no words available to you, no air in your lungs. Tears run down your face at the intensity of your orgasm and once you realise you’re not strong enough to push him off, you change tactics, pulling him towards you instead of away.
“Jungkooooooook, nonononono, it’s too much. Bun, please,” you cry, shudder and shake. You tug desperately on his hair.
It works.
Jungkook growls and stalks up your body, every inch of him thrumming with erotic purpose. Your fingers never leave his hair, pulling him to you, guiding him to where you want him.
The lower half of his face is shiny with your juices.
You want to taste him.
You want to taste yourself on him.
As soon as he’s level with you, he drops to his forearms and kisses you. Forces his tongue between your lips, demanding entrance, which you willingly give. Immediately your mouth is flooded with bitter, salty-sweet liquid. He pushes it into your mouth, sharing your mixed essences and you moan as his tongue fights with yours, your mouths full of each other on a carnal, intimate level. You enjoy the taste of both of you to an embarrassing level; it feels so forbidden, so taboo, and your cheeks burn with equal shame and arousal. You swallow everything he gives you, moving your lips to lick and suck at his chin, cleaning him of your own slick. The sound he makes is almost a purr as your clean-up progresses to the underside of his jaw. You’re so focused on pulling happy noises from him you don’t even notice when he wraps your legs around his hips. 
Until he slams into you in one, forceful thrust.
“Urgh, love, you’re so perfect. Taking me so easily,” Jungkook grunts. “I’m going to fill you u-up again.” Your hands move from his hair to hook under his arms, clinging to his shoulders, nails clawing into his back as the intensity overtakes you. You’re wrapped around him as much as you possibly can be, whimpering and shuddering in pleasure. Your poor, swollen pussy clenches around his thick girth, trying to cling to him, keep him inside you, claim him as he pounds into you mercilessly.
His pace is ruthless. The sound of skin on skin echoes in the room, drowning out your harsh panting. You feel your skin prickling, heating up with every slap of his hips as they hit the back of your thighs. Jungkook watches you as he fucks you, his gaze more intense than it’s been all night. All you can do is hold onto him, mouth open wordlessly, unable to vocalise much beyond unintelligible moans. It’s a struggle to breathe when he’s fucking you so, his cock stretching you deliciously, making you lose your mind.
Jungkook huffs out a small laugh. “Breathe, darling.” His long, floppy ears hang about his face, brushing your cheeks as he thrusts. 
It’s then that you recall something he previously said. 
Deviously, you trail a hand from his shoulders to his back, dragging your nails down his flawless, golden skin; just hard enough to leave gentle, red trails. Jungkook shudders, arching his back as he fucks you. Your real prize is the fluffy tail. The one he told you not to touch unless you were in the nest. Your fingers dig into the soft tuft of fur at the base of his spine, scratching gently like you would his ears.
The effect is immediate.
“Fuck,” Jungkook hisses from between his teeth, hips stuttering in their movements. He’s coming inside you again, sudden and unexpectedly. You giggle and continue playing, trailing your fingers through his tail, swirling the soft fur around your knuckles. You smile up at him as he practically vibrates. He comes for an obscenely long time, shuddering all the while.
“Found your weak spot, Bun,” you whisper. Like it’s some big secret.
Jungkook leans down, kissing you roughly, all swollen lips and nipping teeth. “You taste so fucking good with my cum in you. I want to eat you all day, all night. Breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’ll tie you to the bed. My tongue belongs in your pussy.” A hand finds its way into your hair, tightening its grip, pulling your head back. Exposing your neck to him. “The only thing you’re ever going to ride again is my face. Understand?” His voice is a deep, rumbling growl. You squeak out your agreement as his mouth attacks your throat. 
Your ambiguous consent isn’t good enough for Jungkook. 
You have no idea how, but he starts fucking you harder, piling more force behind each thrust, tilting his hips just right to hit that spot inside you as he pistons in and out. “I said, ‘Do. You. Understand?’”
“Ooh—uh—fuh—Kookie—!”  you wail helplessly, your throat raw as you struggle to drag enough air into your lungs. Pleasure builds threateningly between your legs. That's when he strikes. Jungkook thrusts, deep and hard, angling himself to grind against your clit as he winds his hips in a slow, sinuous roll, like waves on the ocean. His mouth attaches to your neck, teeth sinking in deep. He bites and licks and sucks; marking you. The pain is sweet, sends electricity surging to your pussy, making it explode. You can feel yourself tighten around him and Jungkook growls against your neck, pulsing inside you as he comes again.
“You’re so perfect,” he groans, lips never leaving your skin as he shudders through his milking. Your orgasm lasts longer than any you’ve had before. You tremble against him for what seems like hours, his arms holding you steady as he continues to languidly fuck into you. He goes slow and deep, his cock never softening as he moves his mouth to a different part of your neck. You whimper when he switches sides, latching onto a patch of skin just below your ear that would be incredibly difficult to hide.
You feel like you’re having an out of body experience. As Jungkook rolls his hips into you, you continue to ride the high of your orgasm, your entire body weightless. Where he touches you, static electricity dances across your skin; everywhere his hands skim, everywhere his lips touch. He never lets up on your neck, sucking and licking and biting. You’re perfect, you’re perfect, you’re perfect he chants against your skin, working his way down your chest and leaving blooming bruises in his wake. Pleasure continues to wash over you, needlelike in intensity. Tears spill from your eyes; you want to cry out, to yell, but you can’t. Your mouth opens in a silent scream as you thrash against the bed, hands reaching out to grab at anything to ground you. Vaguely, you feel heat flood you again as Jungkook pumps you full of his seed once more.
“Ah!” he cries, somewhere between a sob and a sigh.
He shifts until he has you by the hips and resumes his thrusting without so much as a pause. You can scarcely believe it. His nose trails your midriff to your navel, bunny teeth nibbling the skin around your belly-button. A meandering flower path of vibrant bruises marks you from your neck downwards. Jungkook sits back, muscles rippling, pulling you flush to him. The feeling of floating finally abandons you, your entire body tingles and shivers like it’s been doused in ice water. All sensation rushes down to one singular place; between your legs. Jungkook slams his hips into you, hard and fast, hard and fast. He wraps an arm around your lower back, lifting you, suspending you in the air as he continues to fuck into you with a fury. Again and again. Unrelenting. Your arms flail, desperate for something to hold on to.
“I need to fill you. I need to breed you and you’re going to take everything I give you,” Jungkook grinds out, teeth gritted.
“Yes,” you gasp, forcing the words out. “Fill me. Breed me. I want it, want you,” you sob, covering your face. But Jungkook moves your arm, pinning it above your head, forcing the angle deeper. He stares at you as he fucks your cunt, challenging you. You’re desperate to look away, but you can’t. The intensity of his eyes, the set of his jaw, the sweat dripping down his face. All framed by long ears and damp curls.
It’s impossible to look away from him.
You reach up to pull him into a kiss. It’s open and messy; he’s using most of his focus to fuck you.
“Up, up, I want to be up,” you demand. The hand pinning your wrist to the mattress slides downward and secures your shoulders, lifting you onto his lap with ease. You wrap your arms around him, nuzzling his ears as he readjusts his hold on you to fuck up into you. The change in position provides constant friction to your clit. Your poor, engorged clit that’s been subjected to so much tonight. The curve of Jungkook's cock rubs against your front wall, caressing your similarly sensitive g-spot. His stunning display of strength to hold you up while fucking you makes your pussy clench and gush around his length. You know he’s fit; know he’s stronger than he lets on, but the fact he can lift you and throw you around like it’s nothing has you weak for him; makes you shudder in his arms. You kiss his ears which twitch and flick, and he returns in kind by nibbling along your shoulders, moaning thanks to your endeavours. You score his back with your nails, leaving more marks. Jungkook lifts his head and nudges you with his nose, biting at your bottom lip.
“Mark me,” he growls between thrusts.
“What?” you gasp, frowning in confusion. He can’t be serious. Marking is an incredibly personal thing. You understand Jungkook does it because he has urges; urges he can’t control. But you don’t. 
He’s choosing this.
“Do it properly, don’t tease.” Jungkook smirks, kissing you. “Mark me.” He tilts his head to the side, flicking his ear and hair out of the way. You look down, momentarily distracted by the way his abs contract and roll as he fucks you. But then your eyes travel up to land on his taut, sweat-covered neck. Leaning forward, you kiss it, licking and sucking something fierce. Jungkook starts to huff, sending hot puffs of air over your shoulder. His noises change, dwindle into more of a whimper, his hips stuttering the harder you press your teeth into his skin and hum. As you worship his neck with your tongue and teeth, you drag your nails up and down his back, leaving scratches in your wake, rather than just red marks.
Jungkook whines and grunts under your rough treatment; you can feel his cock throbbing inside you as he prepares to empty himself into you once again. You place your teeth against his neck and reach down around his waist to play with his cute, fluffy bunny tail. You twirl the fur around your fingers as you hum, the vibrations from your teeth travelling directly to Jungkook’s neck. And then you go for the kill. You dig in your nails and scratch, scratch, scratch as you bite down harder.
Jungkook malfunctions.
His body stops, going tense, every muscle taut and straining, trembling almost imperceptibly. You feel him release inside you, hot thick spurts of seed that fill you to the brim; that squash and spill out of you as he fucks you. His tremors become a violent shake, an internal quake that starts in his lower back and travels up through his arms. They clamp around you like tempered steel. The shuddering throws off his thrusts and ruins his rhythm until he can’t maintain it anymore. Jungkook convulses erratically, his cock dancing inside you in very interesting ways. The tremors travel down his legs, reaching his knees and making them weak.
“Gghh—haaah!” He cries out, half way between a groan and a yelp. As he falls backwards to the bed, he takes you with him.
Jungkook lays under you, quivering, his eyes closed and nose twitching. Long, floppy ears flutter against your face as he whimpers softly. You can feel his fingers flexing, twitching spontaneously against your back as his hold on you loosens. You hold your weight in your forearms  so as not to crush him in his vulnerable state. You lean over him, not knowing what to do. Jungkook just lays there, unmoving, nothing but involuntarily spasms. Did you break him?
“Bun?” you ask quietly, but he’s unresponsive, “Kookie? Jungkook?” You push yourself up into a sitting position as best you can with your legs trapped under him. His arms fall limply to his sides. 
You gasp when you realise he’s still hard inside of you.
Your eyes dart around. You bite your lip. Is this normal? Maybe you should have researched rabbit hybrid heats before you shared Jungkook’s. But just as you consider moving, his eyes slowly blink open until he’s looking at you from under heavy lids. Slowly he lifts his hands to skim over your thighs, and you shudder. Even after everything his hands feel incredible against your skin; you never want him to stop touching you.
Jungkook’s strength returns to him, his fingers digging into the flesh of your hips to hold you tightly. And then he’s rolling his hips, thrusting into you with renewed determination. Slowly at first, picking up speed, picking up force until he’s pounding up into your pussy at a pace so punishing he’s lifting you off the bed. You can feel how sticky, messy and wet your cunt is; can hear it over the heavy breathing in the room. You lean forward, placing your hands on his chest to steady yourself.
“Please Jungkookie, I need to cum. I need it. I need you,” you sob, nails digging into his chest as pleasure wracks through you.
His face doesn’t change, but his soft, kiss-swollen lips part slightly as he pants in effort. You bite your bottom lip as you watch him, your orgasm building, liquid heat accumulating in your core once again. Your fingers, slippery with sweat, catch on his nipple when you try to readjust your grip. Jungkook whines so you do it again experimentally, digging a nail into his nipple until his hips falter. You drag it across the stiff peak, catching on it and pulling hard. His breath comes in pants as his thrusts become more forceful, more erratic. It’s only seconds before heat explodes out around you, white noise ringing in your head as you come hard and fast. You bend forward, your mouth latching onto his nipple, the sudden touch of teeth pushing Jungkook over the edge. He releases into you again, so forcefully it pushes the previous offering out of your over-stuffed cunt. Cum seeps out around the base of his throbbing cock.
You lick and kiss the abused nipple as an apology. And as if by some miracle, Jungkook finally softens and slips out of you.
“Holy shit,” you sigh, resting your cheek against his chest, a finger idly wandering around the spit-slicked, peaked flesh. Jungkook giggles somewhat hysterically.
He flips you onto your back, pulling a pillow from the nest wall and pushing it under your hips to raise them. Noticing your shuddering, Jungkook grabs a blanket and throws it over you.  It’s a sweet gesture, but you’re not shivering because you’re cold. You’re shivering because he just fucked your brains out and you feel like a human water balloon while this full of cum. He curls up beside you, throwing an arm over your chest and reaching up to stroke your hair. His nose finds your ear to nuzzle. He hums happily throughout your afterglow, caressing your hair, nosing your jaw, chin, cheek and temple to scent you. Gentle, reassuring words of you’re so good and such a good mama for my kits filter through your ears. 
And in the comfort of his arms, utterly exhausted, you drift off to sleep.
_ _ _
You slowly wake from your doze when you feel something cold and damp on your legs. You sit yourself up with a shake of your head, trying to clear it. Jungkook kneels between your legs in his pajama bottoms, wiping you down with a damp cloth.
“Sorry, didn’t want to wake you,” he says, smiling shyly and wrinkling his nose.
“It’s’kay,” you groan, sitting up. Everywhere aches. “How are you feeling?” you ask.
“Better. There may be another wave later, but the worst should be over.” Jungkook looks around the room awkwardly. “I should—I mean…” he trails off, playing with his ears. “I said some things. I should explain myself.”
“Don’t worry, I know it was just your heat talking,” you reassure him with a smile, even if part of you wished he meant it. Jungkook stares at you, eyes large and round, mouth falling open into a perfect ‘o’. 
He nods. “Yeah, I—I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Bun mumbles, nibbling his bottom lip. He resumes the process of cleaning you and avoids your eyes.
“You didn’t. I don’t know if you noticed, but I played along.” You’re not sure what possesses you to say it, but you immediately regret it when his hand stills.
“I noticed,” Jungkook says with a glance at you, his neck flushing red. He coughs awkwardly before resuming his cleaning. “I made food; just a simple omelette,” he diverts, reaching out of the nest to grab the plate. A forkful of omelette is extended to you, to feed you. You smile fondly at him as you gladly accept the offering. You try not to read too much into it; he’s just taking care of you because it’s his heat and you’re his partner right now. You’re in his nest, too, and in his nest, it’s his instinct to take care of you.
You carefully watch his face, entranced by his focus. Entranced by how much care he takes in everything he does. Jungkook looks up and catches you staring. You burst into laughter, as does he.
“Why are you staring at me?” He chuckles, feeding you more omelette.
“You’re very handsome,” you tease easily. “I’d be an idiot not to.” Jungkook scoffs and you grab his face, looking at him seriously. “You’re the most handsome person I’ve ever seen.” 
“Even with the ears?” he asks derisively.
“Especially with the ears.” You smile, reaching up to scratch one. His leg twitches and kicks out. Jungkook grabs your wrist, pulling it away from his ear with a giggle.
“Stop it!” He’s smiling, eyes full of stars again and you lean forward to kiss him softly. He’s hesitant at first, but soon gets lost in it. “Is this still okay?” Jungkook whispers against your lips, pecking you tenderly.
“Jungkook, I—” You swallow. “I didn’t do this just because it was your heat. I helped you because—because I want you. I’ve wanted you for a while, I was just scared to admit it. Scared I’d be taking advantage of you.” Your heart is pounding; you’re pretty sure Jungkook can hear it, but the look on his face is nothing but shock, eyes wide as he stares at you.
“Really?” he asks when he finally finds his voice. “It wasn’t just—you took me in when you found me in the rain, looked after me. You’ve looked after me ever since. Are you saying this wasn’t just you taking care of me again?” His voice is quiet, unsure.
You shake your head, running your fingers through his hair. “No, not at all. You’re so— you’ve been so…” You mull the words over. “Yes you’re handsome and the sex was good—” Jungkook quirks an eyebrow, then pouts. “GREAT!” you correct, and Jungkook snorts and ducks his head. “But I also want you. I want you singing in the kitchen in the morning, dancing in it at night as you make dinner. I want to keep arguing with you about what we watch on TV. I really love coming home to you at the end of a long work day so I can argue with you about what to watch on TV.” You laugh. “I want to take care of you, like you take care of me. I want to know about you, your past, where you’re from. I want your good days and your bad. I want to talk about your day, I want to talk about the future—” You stop and lick your lips, moving your hands to cup his face. “I just wanna talk because I like the sound of your voice.”
Jungkook smiles wide, leaning in to kiss you before pulling back and leaning his forehead against yours. “Then I think I should tell you everything,” he sighs.
You pull back slightly, your thumbs coming to caress his soft cheeks and you lean in to kiss him again. “If you’re ready, I’m listening,” you whisper against his lips.
“You’re going to think I’m crazy,” he says, staring deep into your eyes.
“Crazier than someone who finds a stray hybrid on the street and adopts it?” you ask with a nudge. Jungkook chuckles giddily. “Maybe we’re the right kind of crazy for each other?” Something about the question makes him sober and he takes a deep, shuddering breath before he starts talking.
“I live in one of the villages on the outskirts of the city, almost everyone there is a rabbit-hybrid. A few other hybrids, a few mundanes, but not many,” Jungkook explains, shuffling so he can pull your back to his bare chest and wrap his arms around your waist. He rests his chin on your shoulder and continues. “Everyone my age, everyone I grew up with - they’re settling down, thinking about starting families if they haven’t already...” he trails off.
“Everyone? You seem awfully young to be worried about something like that.”
You feel him shrug, burying his face in the crook of your neck to hide a blush you can’t even see. “We like to mate early.” Something warm and dangerous blooms in your chest. “Anyway, everyone was finding their mate; all my friends had either found one or found someone they were planning to mate with and I couldn’t—there was no one I… I couldn’t find—” Jungkook stutters, breath coming out in little gasps against your shoulder. You turn in his hold, finding him staring at you, eyes wide. You lift a hand to gently thumb the soft fur of his long, floppy ear. “I’d shared a couple of my heats with others, but other than that I was alone. I was watching all my friends fall in love and be happy and I wanted that more than anything. But I couldn’t find anyone. I even spent my heat before this one alone. There was no one in my village I wanted to spend it with.”
“I’m sorry you felt so alone,” you say, wrapping your arms around him and hugging him tightly.
“I wished upon a shooting star.” Jungkook ducks his head, hiding his eyes from you. “I wanted to find my mate. I didn’t want to be alone anymore.”
“What?” you ask, pulling back to look at him. He glances up at you, hiding behind his ears.
“I told you I’d sound crazy.” Jungkook smiles coyly. “I was sitting on a hilltop near my village. I liked sitting out there at night; it’s far enough away from the city that you can see more stars. I liked to imagine what it would be like to sit out there with my mate someday. Then there was a bright streak across the sky, and I closed my eyes and wished—wished I was with my mate. I must have fallen asleep after that, because the next thing I knew I was waking up in my rabbit form, cold and wet and under a bush. I ran out of it and there you were.” Jungkook lifts his head to look at you now, eyes sparkling as they dance around your face, trying to interpret your reaction. But all you feel is shock.
“How did you get there?” you ask, confused.
“I have no idea, I just woke up and found myself unable to change back.” He shrugs, arms tightening around you.
“So you were stuck in your rabbit form?” 
Jungkook nods in confirmation. “At first. The first few weeks. I didn’t know what was wrong, and when you picked me up I froze; it’s rabbit instinct. I hoped I could run later, but then I realised it was for real - you were caring for me. I thought, maybe—” Jungkook swallows, licking his lips, a large, warm hand reaching up to cup your cheek. “Maybe my wish had been granted. The longer I stayed, the more scared I became that you’d make me leave if you knew I could transform back. I only did it once to contact my family, to let my brothers know I was okay. The storm really did scare me back in my sleep,though, and I thought you were going to send me away. When you let me stay—” Jungkook leans forward and brushes his lips against yours. “I was so happy. So, so happy.” He lets out a shaky breath.
“Wow,” you whisper, turning back around to melt into his embrace.
“Are you mad? Do you think I’m crazy?” Bun asks, a waver in his voice as he presses his lips to your shoulder.
“I—I don’t know. I’m conflicted,” you answer honestly. His arms tighten around your middle as he tries to keep his breathing steady.
“About?” It’s a whisper, his lips grazing your skin like he’s too scared to ask. Too scared to hear the answer.
“I know I should be mad that you chose to stay here when you could have left at any time. I mean, you basically lied to me. But I can also understand why you did it.” You cover his arms with yours. “You were desperately lonely, and something strange happened. You thought this—this miracle happened. You’d be crazy not to take advantage of it.” You turn in his hold, delicately brushing his hair out of his face. “It’s kind of endearing to find out the hybrid I’ve grown so fond of is actually a big, sappy romantic.” Jungkook buries his nose in the nape of your neck and if the sigh he lets out sounds more like a sob of relief, you don’t mention it. “You really think I could be your mate?” you ask, sliding your hand along his toned forearm and entwining your fingers with his.
“I think I made that wish on the hilltop and woke to find someone who is kind, intelligent, beautiful and funny.” You hear the smile in his voice as his lips make their way across your shoulder. “I love how you wear sweaters three sizes too big. Cry at horror movies. Smile when you think I’m not looking.” Jungkook punctuates each point with a kiss. “I keep imagining you in my clothes. I love how you sing and dance when you’re doing chores.”
“You like my singing?” you laugh. You’ve never been accused of being a good singer, and when you look over your shoulder at him, you realise you’re still not.
“I love your enthusiasm when you sing and dance,” Jungkook states diplomatically, eyes filled with mischief. He dips his head to kiss your shoulder.
“You have a beautiful enough voice for both of us,” you say with a smile, slumping so you’re looking up at him and he’s looking down at you.
“I could have met a million different people in the city, but out of everyone, I meet you. Someone I want to make my mate,” he says cautiously, and you squeeze his hand. “You’ll let me stay?”
“You can stay for as long as you like,” you whisper softly, running your fingers over his.
“What if I never want to leave?” Jungkook teases with a smile, and you smile back up at him. 
“Then I guess you should make yourself at home,” you say softly. “Take me to that hilltop one night?”
Jungkook leans down and kisses you; a kiss that tastes like love and feels like a promise. “Try and stop me,” he whispers, smiling. 
And making himself at home is exactly what he did.
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