#you can totally tell I'm demi
laylawatermelon · 4 months
Y'know I just love a good friends to lovers type no matter the gender pairing.
Give me angst, love, familiarity, tension shifting.
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youremyonlyhope · 1 year
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rfswitchart · 6 months
Obligatory Huntlow post for ASIAS anniversary
So, I might as well do an anniversary post for Any Sport in a Storm, shouldn't I?
Pop quiz: When did Willow Park fall in love with the Golden Guard? There's a lot of answers you COULD say for this. Maybe she started realizing it when they were in the Human Realm. Maybe she realized when he grabbed her out of the sky or was in the detention pit with him.....
You COULD say that.... but you'd be wrong. She realized it the moment Hunter stood between the Entrails and Darius. "Wait, how do you know that?" you might ask. Simple. Because as a writer of 25 years and someone who has had many crushes and relationships... I know that kind of body language and tone of voice well.
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"After all, it will be 52 weeks until 'Caleb's' next day off..." Note the way she SAID that. Sly, coy, definite tongue in cheek. The way she's looking over her shoulder back towards him. I mean COME ON, there's a heart shaped cloud just above her head. Hearts being between the two of them is a big tell for that. It's called THEMING. "Ok, but that's just one moment..." Au contraire, did you think I'd come into this with one example? Remember, I WROTE THIS ALREADY. Now, pop quiz #2: Why did Hunter, who had only ever met Willow ONCE know the difference between the real and fake one?
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After all, there is no way he could have known that after just one encounter. You can not determine a person's entire personality based on a sole encounter, no matter how much of an impression it left on you. The answer, again, is simple...
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Because they had been talking over Penstagram since ASIAS. Probably took a while due to Hunter not being used to typing and stuff, but I cannot imagine they weren't talking since that night. It also explains why Willow trusted him so easily during the scout invasion of Hexside. Because it couldn't JUST be the breathing technique that swayed her. After all, Hunter had lied and betrayed her and her friends before.
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...Again with the hearts. THEMING! Anyway, even if we discredit ASIAS and Labyrinth Runners, or how she totally went to kill Kikimora for trying to hurt 'him' (and stopped when she could have hurt him) and ran after 'him' specifically when 'he' was captured (remember, it was Luz, she just THOUGHT it was Hunter) Fine, let's forget all that then...
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Because even if you discount those things, she definitely had a thing for him while they were trapped in the human realm. How do I know? Ok, time to teach you kids about flirting 101.
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"I'm gonna borrow that book when you're done with it! ;)" She's not saying "I want to read that" because she's curious about Cosmic Frontier. She is saying "I want to know more about your interests," and saying it with a tone that says "I want to turn this into a date if I can." Even before when she's taking a picture and shutting down Amity's snarking on Hunter's costume, her body language, her words, her tone. They are all suggesting there's more than just 'friendship' there. When it comes to flirting, it is not WHAT you say, it is HOW you say it.
Also, while I'm on the subject. Willow is canonically Pansexual, she is not Ace. Also, she is not Demi/aromantic, she is heavily guarded and has trust issues from years of bullying and nearly everyone looking down on her or using her as emotional support. I have the same problem for the same reasons, and I know for a fact I am not aro. I am guarded because I've been hurt before, same as Willow. Hunter is the only one who ISN'T like that.
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He doesn't see her as weak and frail, he doesn't rely on her for stuff, and he wouldn't be caught dead hurting her or looking down on her. That is HIS captain, and he'll be damned if he won't see her as anything short of incredible. And boy did he let her know that, more than once.
Anyways, sorry for rambling. Let's all appreciate these two amazing, powerful witches who really do compliment each other's lives.
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sparrowrye · 7 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, part 17
Synopsis: soulmate AU where you have the same mark on your body as your soulmate, and if your soulmate dies, you die too. Alastor needs to make sure that his soulmate is safe so he can continue his reign - whatever that takes. Though it looks like we have a couple secrets of our own.
Previous part
Part 17: meeting the overlords
"I'm sure you can all imagine why I called you here," Lucifer began. "Humans are starting to put together that Full mages are not from their world. As I've stated in previous meetings, we should be revealing ourselves, not waiting to be discovered."
I scanned the face of every Overlord at the table. They were all in their Demon form, some more terrifying than others. There were eighteen Overlords in total but each one had a second hand, putting the overall count at 36 individuals. 37 if you counted the King of Hell.
"A decade ago we had decided to wait some time before revealing ourselves," one of the Overlords said. She had long white horns and huge, white clawed hands. Her eyes were blood shot red. "Why the change of heart?"
My shoulders stiffened when I realized who sat two seats down from her. The man was wearing his pink hat and jacket. It was the owner of the fighting ring who drugged me. I couldn't tell where he was looking with his glasses covering most of his face.
"We were, but then someone went crazy on the surface." The man who spoke wore a navy blue suit and had a flatscreen TV for a face. His voice sounded familiar. "Tricking them with the whole illusion magic doesn't work when you massacre them with the 'illusion'."
"I do believe you were the one who broadcasted the whole thing, old friend," Alastor didn't hesitate. "What was it you said? You're all in for a real treat, tonight?"
"It was your choice to come out the way you did. I was just doing what I do best."
"I fail to see the problem when your broadcast barely had sight of me. We all know how unreliable it can be."
"How about all the people who escaped to tell the--"
"Regardless of how or why it happened, it did," Lucifer interrupted, "and we need to decide what the next steps will be. I'd like to hear from the surface Overlords about announcing ourselves to the surface."
"Now?!" someone yelled from the other end of the table.
"Yes, now," he answered firmly. "Thanks to Alastor's incident--" radio static caught in the Radio Demon's throat "--we'll need to reveal ourselves soon. We need to set our historic record straight and keep it that way."
A moment of silence fell over everyone's head. They looked between each other with various expressions, no one quite sure what to say next. I looked at the Demons standing behind them but most of them had blank stares, revealing nothing about their own thoughts.
"Why do we need to do anything if they're going to figure it out anyways?" someone finally asked.
A woman with large pigtails sitting beside the ring owner laughed. "Do you want to stay an Overlord on the surface? Humans are notorious for killing anything that poses a threat to them."
"We have to show that Demons are more than just humans with more-than-average magic," the TV added. "If we don't, they'll hunt us down for sport. There's more of them than there are of us by a large margin."
"Why are we worrying about being hunted? Humans with Slight magic are no match for Demons." The Overlord was a huge humanoid wolf with neon colors all over.
"Humans together under a common cause are a match for Demons," the woman in white said. "It's important to set a precedent before they realize they can outman us."
"How does thy propose to accomplish such a feat?" This Demon had two sets of bright green eyes and his cloak wrapped tightly around his body.
Demons started looking between Alastor and the TV.
"A television broadcast wouldn't be a bad idea," the TV man smiled.
"Aren't we expecting to reach the entire surface? You barely cover a continent as is," Alastor challenged.
"I advance more with every passing day. It would take less than a month to have a reach all over the surface. Something that can be accomplished if your highness provides proper resources." He nodded his head to Lucifer.
"Yet I've been broadcasting to the entire surface for centuries," Alastor said. "Since the Great Collapse, radio has been the only reliable source of communication."
"Who would believe the word of a Demon who's been tormenting them for hundreds of years?" he snapped back. "People can see a Demon for themselves instead of taking your word."
"Television can be fabricated."
"A radio host can lie."
"They're both important," Lucifer interjected, "and having both can solidify what we're trying to do. Vox, I can provide the resources you need to expand. Alastor, you'll wait for my word before you broadcast." The Radio Demon's eyes narrowed in response.
"What exactly are we broadcasting?" Vox asked, seemingly bored now. He scratched at his bright blue claws. "Humans know Demons as Full mages. Are we merely changing our name?"
"Humans," Lucifer explained, "use the term Full mages to mean anyone who can control more than just the basic elements. But Full mage Humans and Demons are two different species."
"What is the difference?" the neon wolf asked. I was surprised to notice a collection of nods from the rest of the Overlords. How much of their own history did they not know?
"The main difference is that we have control over Existence magic. So dark, chrono, and cosmo magic. Humans have no control over such magic. Demons can control various advance magic, even bending and expanding it, such as technology magic." He gestured to Vox, who casted a smirk in Alastor's direction. "Humans can control very few advance magic. The most I've seen a Human control is four. Demons have access to all, though many of you know it's best to pick a few to master."
"You don't expect to share this information with Humans, do you?" the woman in white questioned. "Giving up such crucial information could lead to our ultimate downfall."
"You're right," Lucifer agreed, "That would give them too much information about us. But we need them to be aware of the difference between Human Full mages and Demons. Aside from appearances of course." He looked down the eighteen frightening faces.
"I say we tell them we can control everything," Pigtails suggested. Well, more like declared. "They'll never know. If we scare them into thinking we can master any and all elements of life, they couldn't imagine fighting against something so powerful. And appearances would just confirm it."
"What happens if they develop the technology to rival our power?" the woman in white asked.
"I don't think you'd be around to see that day," Pigtails shot at her, "And besides, we'll just keep them from getting to that point. They're all about advertising their new inventions. Riding of it and its inventor is easy."
"Thou would be foolish to not prepare for thy future." The man dressed in black with neon eyes spoke before the woman could.
Lucifer nodded. "It's something to be concerned about, but it's something to discuss only after we've revealed ourselves."
"Sooo." Vox ran his long claw across the table so it made a screeching noise. I clenched my jaw and dampened the noise. "We're telling the Humans that we can control any and every element. What happens if they get angry?"
"Surface Overlords have been up there for quite some time." Lucifer crossed his arms. "How would you handle an uprising?"
"Same way as down here," the ring owner beside Vox answered, "Fear, manipulation, and manpower."
"I would advise surface Overlords to maintain and increase this manpower." Lucifer stood from his chair. "I will contact all of you when we are ready to reveal ourselves. As for you two," he looked to Alastor and Vox, "we will speak privately about what exactly you will be broadcasting. This meeting is over."
Everyone filed out of the room within minutes. Rosie casted a smile and a small wave in my direction as she left. As she did, another woman walked in. She wore an all red suite and had long, gorgeous blonde hair. She was followed by a shorter woman who had a lot of silver hair and large red X over her eye.
The pair quickly made their way over to me, the blonde energetically introducing herself as Charlie Morningstar, daughter of Lucifer. I was speaking to Princess of Hell.
"Are you really Alastor's soulmate?" She got really close to my face. Alastor casted a glance over his shoulder at me.
"Uh, yeah."
"I can't believe it! I never thought he would have one."
"Doesn't everyone get a soulmate?"
"Demons never had soulmates until they could go to the surface. Once the portal opened they started to get them, so a lot of the old Overlords don't have one." She spoke so fast it was taking an extra effort to comprehend it all.
"Oh, I didn't know that."
"It's pretty cool if you think about it. But you have to tell me what it's like being his soulmate. Ever since I met him he's always bragged about not being chained down to a soulmate."
"Oh uh..." How do you answer a question like that? I noticed Alastor had cocked his head a little to hear better. How was he paying attention to both his conversation and this one at the same time? "He's uh...how long have you known him?"
"Well I've personally known him for only about a century, now."
"Oh. Uh...and how long have you known of him?"
"He's been a nuisance for everyone for centuries," the other girl mused.
"Interesting." I played off my sudden realization.
"So what's he like?" Charlie pressed. "He's always going on about everything just being entertainment and not getting attached to anyone."
"Oh, well, he hasn't really changed then. I didn't think I had one either, quite honestly."
"Were you really a ring fighter?" the other girl abruptly asked.
"I was," I answered. "Why do you ask?"
"It was just really cool to watch you fight. I saw the whole thing online. You were amazing!"
"Oh." My face grew warm. "Uh, I really didn't do well."
"Sure you did. Were you taught how to fight or did you learn it from the rings?"
"I learnt it."
"How many rings did you take down?" Charlie asked.
"I think seven? But I didn't really take them down. They started back up a week later." I folded my arms together, drawing in on myself.
"Oh, I'm sorry." Charlie put a hand on my shoulder. I looked between it and her, surprised at how friendly she was being toward me. "I know a thing or two about failure."
"It's okay Vaggie."
"What do you mean?" I gently pushed.
"I tried saving my people awhile back and it didn't really work out. I tried to redeem sinners and Demons so they could go to Heaven but...it kinda fell through."
"How come?" I turned to face her completely.
"Well, it was going alright but then the portal to the surface opened. And what was the point of being redeemed when they could relive life on the surface?"
"Oh, that's really bad timing." I was trying to wrap my head around the fact that there was a Heaven and Hell in the first place, and that the Princess of Hell was telling me she was centuries old. She seemed more like my age.
"Yeah. But I figured I would wait and try again in a different way. Reimagine it!" Her eyes widened and she looked like a little kid with a gloriously bad idea.
"I think you totally should," I agreed. "What's the harm in trying again?"
"Exxxactly!" Her smile widened even more. "And you shouldn't give up taking down those fighting rings. Who knows what kind of Demon children are stuck in them? You're the only one giving any of them hope."
My mind started to wander. "Yeah...I guess so."
"We've got to keep in touch." Charlie pulled out her phone.
"Oh, I don't have one," I said nervously.
"Pfft, of course not," Vaggie sent a glare into Alastor's back, "Someone's still in the dark age."
"Yeah, well, Husker is the only one who's got a phone. And it's a pretty old one too."
"We'll connect through him then. I already have his number in my contacts."
"You already know him?"
The two of them laughed. "He and Alastor were a part of my hotel before it went under."
I nodded slowly. Alastor was in a heated discussion with Vox and Lucifer. They were all sending shots back and forth at each other, only Alastor remained in his seat while the other two were on their feet and pointing fingers.
"Maybe give it a break and meet another time?" Charlie quickly walked over. She put a hand on her father's shoulder.
"Charlie is right, per usual." Alastor half bowed his head to her.
"Of course she is," Lucifer crossed his arms. I didn't realize how short he was until Charlie stood next to him. She was my height and yet he was shorter than her shoulders.
"Come dear," Alastor said to me as he stood, "let us go home. This has been quite a productive meeting." It sounded more sarcastic than anything. Vox tried to say something but he was glitching all over. I was shocked I didn't see any smoke coming from his television head.
Charlie and Vaggie both waved as we left. I was close on Alastor's heels until we left the palace. I took the opportunity to look around at Hell. Everything was red but it looked like a normal city. The only give away was its inhuman inhabitants.
Alastor wrapped a hand around my shoulders as we teleported back to the house. I was shocked at the temperature difference. The night had been warm when we left but now the wind was like an icy chill that went right through my bones. Alastor walked ahead but I didn't follow.
"Alastor," I called. He stopped and looked over his shoulder. "I um...I'd like...I'd like you to teach me magic, again."
"Why's that?"
I wasn't expecting him to ask why. He's been pushing my training so much, why wouldn't he want me to accept it? I struggled for a response and he let the air hang silent for several moments.
"Because that's how I want the next hundred years to go," I finally said. It was true, to an extent, but I had other reasons for wanting it. Reasons I didn't want him to know.
His eyes narrowed, as if trying to detect the lie. He smiled wide so his yellow teeth showed. "A wise choice, my dear."
Author's Note:
Lots of dialogue and information but much needed! Looks like things are going to start turning around for us. Feel free to ask questions or leave any comments. I love interacting with you all!
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Hi I have a request! Can you write a female demisexual protagonist discussing with her friend (any gender) about her sudden attraction to the villain (male)? I've had this idea for a while and I want to see your take on it!
"So, like." The protagonist dumped their bag on the library table without preamble. "Demisexuality is when you're only sexually attracted to people you have a close emotional bond with, right?"
"That is the definition you gave me when you came out, yes." Shaan snagged the coffee from across the table, taking a sip. "You're the expert."
"Does anger and hatred count as a close emotional bond?"
Shaan paused. Her gaze flicked up. She very slowly put the coffee back down.
The protagonist sighed, and flopped into a chair, carding her fingers through her hair. Her cheeks still felt hot and flustered from seeing Him, capital infernal letter required.
"Ah," Shaan said, looking her up and down.
"Don't 'ah' me. And don't smile. This is terrible!"
"There's no accounting for taste, it's true."
"It's not funny. He is the worst. Do you know what he did today? Do you?"
"Something nefarious?"
"He complimented me!"
"The monster."
The protagonist jabbed a warning finger at Shaan's dry tone. "He's trying to throw me off my game. It won't work."
"I suppose hate sex is a thing. You could get him out of your system that way."
The protagonist perked up, lifting her head from her hands. "Do you think that will work?"
Shaan raised her eyebrows.
The protagonist groaned, shoulders sagging. "Kill me."
There was a beat of silence between them.
"...okay. so, not to put words in your mouth, and feelings in your heart," Shaan said, "but as the outside observer here...you don't actually hate him, right? I can't tell how much you're being dramatic and how much you actually think that's true. Because you don't act like you hate him."
The protagonist stared. "He's a villain."
"Sure. He's also saved your life like five times."
"I wouldn't have needed saving in the first place if he wasn't a villain."
The protagonist buried her face in her hands again, memories flashing through her head. His hand on her arm, steadying her. His eyes bright with emotion. The fact that, for all of his villainy, he had always, always, always listened to her wishes. Okay. Maybe she didn't totally hate him, but he definitely made her mad. He was infuriating.
"Also," she mumbled, "just because he's not a bastard 100% of the time, still doesn't mean I should want to sleep with him!"
"Okay. But it also doesn't make you a bad person if you do want to sleep with him."
The protagonist stilled. She swallowed.
"Sure," Shaan said, "there's such a thing as falling for the wrong person. But the emotion isn't what decides anything. Just because you want to sleep with him, doesn't mean you have to. Also, for the record, even if you did, it still doesn't have to be a moral statement. Or a commitment." She paused. Her head tilted. "Except, I guess, for the fact that you're already attached. Emotionally compromised. Being...demi and all."
"Thanks, Shaan."
"I don't know what you want me to say! Oh no. Don't do it. He's gorgeous. I'd do it."
"I'm just saying. You could do worse."
"Than a villain."
"Than a guy who obviously thinks the world of you."
"...he does?"
"Again. He's saved your life five times, as the most obvious example of this. You really hadn't noticed?"
The protagonist blinked.
"Wow," Shaan said. "Okay. Sorry."
The protagonist's cheeks were burning again. She exhaled a calming breath. She needed to think, it seems.
"Look," Shaan said, and touched her hand. "You don't have to decide or do anything about it. That point stands. Does that help?"
"I'd really much rather hate him."
"I know."
"This is so inconvenient."
"Love be like that sometimes."
"We're not using the L word!"
Shaan put her hands together in a prayer position, to beg apology.
The protagonist huffed, then began to laugh in spite of herself, shaking her head. "Thanks," she said, when she could breathe again.
Shaan smiled, a little gentler, and squeezed her hand.
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
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Just doodling something related to this post and ofc there's narilamb in the au who do you think I am
Narinder's kits all turn out to be daughters. Aym and Baal are his only sons and I love that for them, but anyway. Lemme ramble about them bc I /gen love them?
Ari is the eldest of Narinder's kits. She was ~9 (I think in the post I originally quoted 15 years but I'm changing it to ~10 bc it's a nice solid number) when their village was attacked and her second dad died, and she looks sweet but is a total troublemaker. She loves pranks, looks for loopholes to exploit so often weasels her way out of trouble, and is the de facto leader of the siblings. Total extrovert. She's the one who goes "oh father said we can't go to the Old Faith lands but he said nothing about inviting their people to dinner :)"
Elloi is the second eldest, and was ~6 when their village was attacked. She looks a bit like a rebel but is actually the most well behaved of the three eldest kits, not because she wants to be but just because she's super chill and laid back and honestly, acting out and causing trouble is more energy than it's worth. She isn't a natural born leader like her older sister, but she is a great listener and a great source of advice. Definitely an introvert. She does not trust the Bishops and Lamb when they come to the village; her trust is hard won.
Minuit is the third oldest/middle child, and was still just a baby when the village was attacked. So that thing about Nari protecting the kits (and a good portion of the village) during the attack? Yeah he did that while holding a literal baby. Papa bear mode ACTIVATED fr fr. She's still young and is in that stage of life where she's discovering she can actually just choose to disobey her dad, and the worst thing he will do is ground her. And, as a baby introvert/ambivert, this is just fine for her. She loves to read. Stories are her bread and butter, and she LOVES songs that tell a story. Absolutely adores it. Btw her name I said fuck it, I can name a kit Minuit if I want. She will one day be, magically, the strongest between her, Elloi and Ari. (Mercy and Hope will be stronger but ya know)
The three kits above, being the kits of an ex-god, are demi-gods but have no idea. All they know is their magic is just quite a bit stronger than the other villagers' and assume (correctly) that it's bc of Narinder. Now, what each of their magic is I am undecided. I am thinking about it......
Now for the twins- Mercy and Hope (named by Lamb). They're shittens :) But they look very much like sheep (with floofy cat-like tails and Mercy has cat ears) so ye. They... don't exist at the point in the AU discussed in that post, but they exist in the future (more likely than not after Minuit is an adult, possibly far enough in the future that she's already stopped aging). They both inherit Narinder's third eye, unlike the older three, bc they're baby gods rather than just demigods and Narinder's third eye was a result of his godhood. Mercy is a few minutes older than Hope, definitely no symbolism there ofc, and they're super sweet. Absolute angels. Please ignore the fact that they will 100% sacrifice you to the shadows if given a reason. The first three kits of Nari's have pretty much nothing to do with the Lamb's cult beyond visiting their father (and eventually younger siblings) and step-parent and aunt and uncles and... idk what the gender neutral term is but Shamura, and maybe cousins after Narinder returns to the cult, but Mercy and Hope are raised inside the cult with all the trimmings that come with it <3
Oh, and have this random doodle. What's he so sad about? Idk maybe the fact he lost his partner a good ~60 years earlier than he expected to but ya know-
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Anyway damn Nari you're all leg huh, lucky Lamb eventually /J /J but maybe....
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totaldrama-showdowns · 7 months
Submissions for Most Transgender that didn’t make it into the bracket!
Duncan (2)
Idfk transmasc Duncan who also happens to be misogynistic is hilarious to me and makes him such a better character
Sammy (2)
How to make poorly-developed characters infinitely more interesting: transgenders them. That is a nonbinary egg
Demi-girl. fuck it, gives her cool gender juice
Crimson (2)
transmasc crimson
She's got that transfem swag. to me
DJ (2)
nomebinary. he likes lemonade
dj is so transgender in all ways but ive recently become rather fond of transfem dj. people keep telling her to man up and she's like huh? :(
Mal (2)
agender. He's been he/it
Yeah I know I just submitted svetlana but mal is also trans...
Wayne (2)
Raj (2)
gay AND trans because i said so
Geoff (2)
He is canonically dickless. (That one moment in X-Treme Torture where they did not censor between his legs despite him lacking pants). Also he’s totally the type to display his top surgery scars proudly.
katie and sadie (2)
changing their names to be similar to eachother. its cute.
cody (2)
t4t coderra please please please
he's got toy cringe
Chase (2)
ripper do you think I'm transgender
he's rep for trans guys who are assholes!!!
Justin (2)
nobody will get it but me but trans girl justin please...
Intern Girl / That one intern that wayne helped (2)
Mike (2)
Tyler (2)
T4T LYLER SEE MY VISION..... he could go any way for me i love transmasc tylers i love transfem tylers....... i love you tyler
Jen (2)
You know Bulletproof heart... yeah Johnny/Jenny
she just gives transbian
Staci (2)
She's got that "just started transitioning" haircut
actually her great great great great great great grandparent invented gender. mhm. yah.
Junior (2)
i like to think the reason dwayne sr is all "man men manly men" is because he's trying to bond with his recently out son and supporting him in his transition. he's just being weird about it
She’s just an egg!!
Emma (2023)
Wanna know why we got another Emma after ridonculous race? It’s because TD Emma named herself after RR Emma during her transition
nonbiney swaggr
transfem ennui
Chris McLean
Trans rights, sure, but Chris supports trans wrongs
the mtf creature ever
all of them
none of these fuckers are cis
both shawn and dave together
maybe its just all the fanart but they really bring out each others transmascness
she is just so non-binary to me
Ripaxel can also be yaoi
Blaieneley (is that how u spell it??)
divorced trans swag
i can see it
Gwen's face
Gwen is trans therefore the boat "Gwen's face" is also trans. In this essay I will
he has fucking voice dysphopria
cant grow his own fucking wizard beard
stupid lesbian
he transitioned just to rival chris
i need to give him a redeeming feature
Emma tdr
transfem swag
milf and also trans. the whole package
that is just a trans woman in stem
she'z cute
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alterkishi · 5 months
some interesting Not exactly a hero trivia that i found (after about like 40+ replays of the game)
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in CIU (Charlie in underworld) NEAH was very minorly mentioned and snuck in as an easter egg! although only appeared like once during Hayden's chapter when Eugene uses his computer, it's still amusing
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the names that Hayden's parents chose directly references Chief (Ash) and Riley himself (yes oliver's just there too, don't mind the chaotic kid)
CIU aside, time for the actual game trivia (it might be pretty long!):
Riley's dialogue actually changes depending on your M.I.P points, the game will tell you how high/low your MIP is by saying whether Riley has time to relax or not (and alternatively, whether he's okay or not), this is only a gimmick in case 5 for some reason, and there are A LOT more dialogues scattered around other than these screenshots i captured
these extra dialogues also give you extra or less MIP points depending how high/low it is
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for the next one i thought they hardcoded it but...
it is ACTUALLY possible to obtain 2 SMAKs masks! you can obtain one from the sewer route in case 2 and Chris gives you another one in case 4. however the game will still registers it as 1 mask for the last case, i'm assuming they didn't anticipate it or they didn't want to make another alternative route, which i mean makes sense considering the unique total 9 endings-
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Chief misspelled the Sayden police station (prob multiple times) i'm pretty sure this was unintentional but it's still hilarious that even chief herself can't spell the police station's name correctly
i also have a theory that Sayden might be a reference to Hayden from underworld office. but that's unconfirmed
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that's all the trivia for now, i tried to get chief's route A ending WITHOUT seeing the video flare sends, but i haven't gotten much luck unfortunately
it's also possible to obtain Demi route A ending when you always disagree with her and vice versa for Zoe route A where you disagree with him all the time, that's bcuz the MIP points serve as a balancing mechanic and ultimately decides the endings and not much of the progress you make throughout the story
anyway that's all the trivia that i'm sure a lot of you may not know about, i might find more but it's a story game so it won't be easy dissecting everything that most won't see
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offside-the-lines · 7 months
Is it Love, Actually? | Ryan Graves
Summary: Mia and Ryan try to prove a point when watching Love Actually. It's just not the point they were trying to prove.
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This was written for @wyattjohnston's Lowkey Lovefest 2k24. The prompt used: “Are you about to monologue your feelings for me?” Pairing: Ryan Graves x Fem!OC (Childhood best friend/Roommate) Word count: 1.5k Warnings: things get a little steamy but doesn't venture into explicit. I'm sorry if you like Love, Actually; our OC and dearest author does not. a/n: Thanks to Demi for making this fun event and also requesting this duo. Thanks to @imperatorrrrr for being my ideation co-pilot. Requests (open) | Masterlist & Who I Write For | Join My Taglist
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“Okay, no,” Mia screeches, throwing popcorn at the TV, “No! Pause— Pause it!”
Ryan looks over at her, eyebrow cocked. She’s kneeling on the couch facing him, arms gesticulating wildly.
“What the fuck, Ryan? That is so fucked up! That is supposed to be his best friend’s wife! Who does that?”
She can tell he’s fighting down a laugh; his lips are pressed together in a thin line, but his eyes are telling her he’s amused. 
“Ryan!!!” she whines, “I’m serious. This is an affront to art.”
“I’m not sure romcoms count as art,” Ryan offers.
“Okay, not the point. But like, why do people think this movie is romantic at all? This guy is so fucking creepy. He records the creepiest fucking footage of her at her wedding. Like, is that for his spank bank? Why did he do that? And then this!” She points dramatically at the frozen image of Mark and Juliet kissing. “Why is she into this? It’s so fucked up! Have they ever even talked to each other? Or does he just think she’s hot? And why is she rewarding this? At no point has she even seemed like she was into him. And like, fuck the other guy— Peter?— I guess?”
She groans loudly before flopping back onto the couch and grabbing another handful of popcorn from the bowl in Ryan’s lap.
“You know, we don’t have to watch this, Mia,” he chuckles.
“I know,” she grumbles through her mouthful of popcorn, “Mama didn’t raise no quitter, though. So you’re just going to have to open another bottle of wine and sit through my complaints.”
Ryan snorts, shaking his head, “I mean, devil’s advocate, two people can totally have a meaningless kiss, though.”
She shoots back up and glares at him, “Ryan, you can’t possibly believe that.”
“I mean, I don’t. But, like, a kiss doesn’t have to mean something,” he shrugs.
She turns to face him, unimpressed. “So you’re telling me that there’s no difference between this—” she kisses him on the cheek— “and this?” She kisses him on the lips, just the lightest brush of her lips against his. 
Mia feels him freeze next to her, and she pulls away so fast she almost falls off the couch. He reaches out and catches her before she can hurt herself. They stay locked, his hands gripping her arms, frozen a foot apart from each other. She feels like all the oxygen has been sucked out of the room; if she could look away from him, she would check to make sure that the clock is still ticking and the world is still moving.
“I’m sorry, Ry, I have no idea why I did that,” she mumbles. Her head suddenly feels like it’s swimming in the four glasses of wine she’s had.
He seems to snap awake at that moment and he lets out a short laugh, his long hair shaking as he tips his head back. “Oh, come on, Mimi, it’s not like we didn’t play spin the bottle all the time in high school.”
She snorts, her shoulders loosening a little, “Yeah, true.”
His hands are still holding her forearms; she notices how his fingers wrap over much of the exposed skin there. She suddenly feels very warm.
“To answer your question, no, there really isn’t,” he says, the corner of his lips tugging up into a smile, “However, there’s a huge difference between this—” he places another soft peck on her lips— “and this.” 
This time, he leans in closer, a large hand moving to the back of her neck to pull her towards him; his eyes flicker between her gaze and her lips. It makes her swallow reflexively in anticipation. He pauses when they are less than an inch apart, noses brushing, giving her an opportunity to pull away. 
She closes her eyes and feels the moment they touch. Ryan’s lips capture hers with purpose this time, and she can’t help but let her lips part slightly under the pressure. She feels a jolt of electricity in the places their bodies meet as his tongue brushes against her bottom lip. The moment she lets him in, the hot glide of their tongues becomes overwhelming; he lets out a small, choked groan that makes the breath catch in her throat.
She forces herself to pull away before she can do something stupid like climb into his lap. She leans back and places a smile on her face. Her eyes only flicker once to his lips, glistening wet and inviting.
“I guess you’re right,” she laughs stiffly, the sound ringing hollow in her ears, “You’re definitely a better kisser than you were in high school.”
That startles a laugh out of him, his face relaxing into a small smile. “Yeah, I’ve had a lot of practice since then,” he says with a wink.
“Ew, TMI,” she forces herself to joke, rolling her eyes and slapping his chest cheekily, even while something molten hot blossoms across her entire body. She settles back into her place on their couch sans wine glass. She’s probably had enough to drink today. 
He puts his arm back around her shoulders, cuddling in closely, before putting the movie back on. They finish the rest of Love Actually largely in silence, only interrupted by some snorts and huffs. She’s unable to focus on the terrible movie anyway; her attention can’t stop sliding to the feeling of his body against hers instead.
Mia remains deep in her thoughts, even as they go to their respective rooms and get ready for bed. She is distracted as she brushes her teeth and changes into her pajamas. 
Alone in her room, she still can’t stop thinking about that kiss. It’s frustrating because Ryan’s not wrong. They have kissed before. Many times in high school: spin the bottle, truth or dare, 7 minutes in heaven. It was never particularly good; it was more of an awkward mess than anything else. She had never felt that jolt of heat roll through her body before. What does it mean?
It could mean nothing; it probably means nothing. Ryan’s her best friend. They have been best friends since they were eight years old. She knows that it could be good, so good. Everyone always thought they were a couple, but they always joked about their terrible sexual chemistry. No sparks, unfortunately, they always said.
What if they were wrong? Do they owe it to themselves to find out?
Does she love him? She looks at herself in the mirror and cannot bring herself to say no. 
The Dutch courage still in her veins decides for her. 
As soon as Mia opens her bedroom door, she sees Ryan at the end of the hall. She knows instantly that he is thinking the same thing. People always joked about their telepathy. Best friends since third grade, they would always shrug.
What if it could be more? What if they did spark? What if? What if? What if?
She had to know. Just do it.
So, Mia runs and leaps into his arms. He lets out a grunt of surprise but catches her easily, his broad hands resting on her upper thigh as she wraps her legs around his waist. She buries her hands in his hair and kisses him without a second of hesitation.
The second kiss is impossibly better than the first. Their mouths tangle in a wet dance as they pull each other closer still. This time, it starts at the top of her head, engulfing her body in a molten wave of desire as it seeps into every corner of her body. Soon, she can feel the dull throb between her thighs.
She uses her hands, buried in his hair, to pull away from the kiss.
“Ryan,” she whispers.
“We should probably talk about this,” he frowns, his voice rough with desire. 
“Are you about to monologue your feelings for me?” she counters.
“I don’t really see myself monologuing, but I can try if you want me to,” he murmurs, chuckling lightly.
“Yeah, whatever, you can monologue after,” she peppers kisses across his cheek before taunting in his ear, “But first, I need you to fuck me.”
“Fuck,” he exhales like the air has been punched out of his lungs.
Mia leans back. “That’s the idea. Good, you’re catching up,” she laughs brightly before tugging on Ryan’s hair again. “Come on. Bed. Let’s go.”
“I should’ve known you’d try to be bossy in bed,” he muttered, no real heat behind his words.
“You’ll have to make me shut up then,” she challenges petulantly.
This time, it’s Ryan who leans in close, growling in her ear, “Oh, baby, I plan to. You can count on it.” He drops her on the bed with a smirk. “And then we can talk after— if you still can, that is.”
It makes every single cell in her body light up in a way no one else has ever done before, and she just knows that this is right— meant to be.
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enixamyram · 17 days
Had a friend sleep round and we decided to binge watch Blood of Zeus. Here are my thoughts:
Overall, it was good. The animation was a little weird at times (it was like realistic animation but with a touch of comedy movement thrown in every now and then that just didn't fit or their lips moved a little too stiffly when speaking) but it still had some great designs for the characters and creatures.
The story itself was a bit of hit and miss. I liked the general plot and most of the little character moments that happened in between but felt Heron was a pretty boring and unnecessary main character. I feel like we could have done the whole story with one of Zeus' canon sons being the lead (either a god or demi god, it could have worked either way). I also realized that a lot of the things I really didn't enjoy from the show was usually the Hollywood-Cliches/Tropes that were added on. Things clearly done to hype the drama but that either weren't needed or didn't fit with the characters. And I'm not sure if it's because I've read a lot of the Greek Myths and I'm mixing it with these characters but I often found myself siding more with the bad guys than the supposed heroes. Like yeah, Hera's totally psycho but at the same time, good for her telling Zeus to go eff himself!
Speaking of characters: Ares. Let me start by saying I don't actually mind changing up the stories and interpreting the characters in different ways. I think it makes it interesting and different. But it has to be for a good enough reason like a serious plot point or important character development. Ares, in this, is not only totally out of character (he's the one of the few God who was against any form of sexual assault) but he's annoyingly pointless. I literally described him to my friend as an "annoying bully jock" and then saw someone else on here also described him as a "typical jock". Throughout the show, he isn't there to do anything but be an asshole and give the "bastards" a hard time so we can see just how much better they are in comparrison. Again, I don't mind changing things up but it feels very much like people still just think: Ares=God of War, war=fighting, fighting=bad, bad=evil. That's such a juvenile thought process but it's all anyone ever does for him in media. (And you know what, on another moaning note. I hated Ares outfit. Not necessarily the outfit but certainly the color. Puting him in all black because, again, black=bad, just looked awful to me. It sucked and it's the one things in the show that really got on my nerves throughout.)
I will watch season 3 when it comes out, but I don't think it's a show I'll be eager to rewatch anytime soon.
And I'll add here: If anyone has any book/movie/TV show recs about Greek God's and Mythology, please recommend. I am still very much addicted to that subject right now.
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chaikachi · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you had any favorite headcanons (made by you, or thought of by somebody else) about RoseGarden? There's a lot of things one can come up with for this sort of pairing, so I'm really curious about them.
I've seen some posts from others in passing, but can't tell you any one place to look for them specifically. I do invite anyone that sees this post to share any they have though!! As for me... ough where to start aha. oh wait an easy one
Bro literally said "woah" when he first met her and is Aware of just how Down Bad he's been this entire time. He's fine with it never being reciprocated though and doesn't want to pressure here. A very selfless love. Whereas I expect Ruby to get back from Total Trauma Island to a series of small "oh." moments that build up to a much bigger:
I like to think Ruby is demi-aroace. I can see her realization being an 'oh i have been a little bit in love with him this whole time' situation, but she just didn't realize because - like all her other feelings up to that point - she had been suppressing them. OR she looks back, acknowledges how much she's always cared for him and has a sort of "if it was ever going to be anyone, it was going to be you" moment. And in the face of all her loneliness and fear and grief she decides to 'trust love' and be a little bit selfish about this one thing.
aka just as Ruby chose adventure and adventure chose Oscar, Ruby chooses to love Oscar on purpose while he is sitting there like "I never had a choice but to love you. Okay this is getting long and less narratively focused so i'm gonna put it under a read more:
I like to think that Oscar doesn't stay a 'morning person' and instead becomes reallll grumpy if you wake him up too early, which Ruby does often cause she's always been an early riser. Meanwhile if Oscar manages to get Ruby to sleep for 'five more minutes', she turns into the grumpy one.
While still travelling together or working as huntsmen, Oscar always carries around some grab and go snacks that he knows Ruby likes cause she can sometimes forget to eat and giving her food is one of his love languages.
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Speaking of 'love languages', I know the system has some ~questionable~ origins, but I do like to think Ruby is more of a "physical touch & words of affirmation" girlie as opposed to Oscar who is more "acts of service & gift giving". They're about even when it comes to quality time together. Are happy to be very engaged in whatever activity they've chosen or just like enjoying the other's company while they're both doing their own things.
Sparring is one of their favourite things to do together, but they are also known to dance (slow or silly) in the kitchen while they're waiting for baked goods to come out of the oven.
Oscar isn't a fan of dogs after the Hound incident and Ruby isn't big on cats after the Ever After, so they either don't get pets or choose something a bit more adventurous. Like a bunny or a lizard. Maybe chickens.
Oscar is very affectionate once they're properly in a relationship and he doesn't have to hide how he feels, but the two of them are never 'loud' about it. It's always been a quiet, subtle, natural thing. Very balanced and good communication. Patience and understanding whenever the other needs it. And they almost never fight... until either of them is about to do something dangerous and Protection Mode is activated, in which case all bets are off.
This is all I can come up with for now. Thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble abt RG and for your patience in how long it took me to answer. And again to anyone that would like to share their headcanons, please do so!!
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eyesxxyou · 10 months
Cute but quickly turns to nsfw!
Hobie would make his person a jacket like his for their style if they might not be punk or if it is punk he makes it like his. But it still has your beliefs in the jacket which is probably similar to hobie’s. As hobie wouldn’t date someone who doesn’t believe his beliefs, it’s obvious why he wouldn’t. So on the jacket would also probably be stuff of hobie and you on there or put in it that’s hid. Like nicknames, photos, inside things between the two of y’all or he would probably spray paint you on government property to piss off President Osborn. (Using president osborn from the comics but still point stands) Or he’d teach you how to play his guitar or something. Honestly he’d be into what you’ve liked that whole year or really payed mind into that year and give you it. Then he’ll give you another present when you aren’t around friends or family or anyone. And that present is probably around 8 inches possible, being tied up with his belts as cuffs for your hands as he makes you his pretty overstimulated thing. That or your present to him could be really sweet in front of people then overstimulating him with a strap, then using more toys on him as you ride him while he can’t properly make out a sentence or say anything. He will just be moaning your name which he can barely do as he’s been edged and stimulated so much till he finally gets his orgasm. And even when he does yall just keep going till he has no cum left. He can’t tell if he should thank Santa for this years Christmas’s or not…
Like your present to him in front of people could be tons of pins, band T-shirts, tickets for a band he likes, a new jacket he could decorate (with pins, spikes, and patches you give him) or smth like that! Or maybe a guitar, since that man uses his guitar as a weapon it might break. So you can give him another guitar or or even guitar strings or smth. Then overstimulation when yall are by yourself together. Mhmm and you could think of this with ftm hobie as well which isn’t a bad thought (I love ftm hobie!)
Also totally unrelated but I love the thought of demi-romantic hobie and asexual hobie (demiromantic is a thing on the aro-spectrum and I’m totally not saying it because Im Demi-romantic. That and agender hobie since I can hear hobie be like ‘gender doesn’t exist’ man ultimately probably wouldn’t care. Since agenders believe they have no gender. And demiromantics only feel romantic attraction if they have a strong emotional connection, I feel like hobie actually knowing someone is important to him. He also wants people to have a strong bond and understand him and his actions that man probably has autism or adhd or both! I could go on guys it’s unhealthy please I’m going to stop now)
I- I don't know what to say. I loved every part of this.
And I know what demi romantic is! I'm so happy to find someone else who does, I used to identify that way before I realized I was just aroace!
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leiafett · 6 months
After finishing Trials of Apollo and the Sun and the Star I just had to (also this is totally something Apollo would do and force his step mom to sing with)
To the tune of ‘Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells your Story’
Hera/Juno only:
Every other Hero of Olympus gets to grow old.
Every other Hero of Olympus’ story gets told.
And when you're gone, who remembers your name?
Who keeps your spark?
Who tells your story?
Who tells your story?
Who tells your story?
Apollo/Lester Only:
I regain my spot in the sky.
I stop wasting time on tears;
I live forever once more, yet it’s not enough. (Apollo)
I interview every Hero who fought by your side (He tells our story)
I try to make sense of your thousands of drawings you really did plan like you were running out of time.
I rely on Reyna
While she’s alive we tell your story.
She’s buried in New Rome near you. When I needed her most, she was right on time.
And I'm still not through
I ask myself, what would you do if you had more time
Our Father, in his “kindness”
He gives me what you always wanted
He gives me more time
I raise funds in Mt. Olympus for the Minor Gods Monuments
(He tells our story)
I remember what it’s like to be Human.
You could have done so much more if you only had time
And when my time is up, have I done enough?
Will they tell your story?
Oh, can I show you what I'm proudest of?
(The orphanage)
I established the first Demi-god orphanage in New York City
(The orphanage)
I help to raise hundreds of Heroes
I get to see them growing up
(The orphanage)
In their eyes I see you, Jason Grace
I see you every time
And when my time is up
Have I done enough?
Will they tell your story?
Oh, I can't wait to see you again
It's only a matter of time
Will they tell your story? (Time)
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story? (Time)
Will they tell your story? (Time)
Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?
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sparrowrye · 25 days
Reader's Opinion - Demi Demon
I. Want. Your. Opinion.
I'm not sure how many other author's do this but I want to do it. Now's your chance to tell me exactly how you felt about this story.
The form is an anonymous google form but if you don't like clicking scary links, the questions are at the very bottom and you can submit an anonymous 'ask' on here. I'll copy your answers and delete it afterwards. OR, you can always just 'ask' or message me your genuine thoughts. The questions are just ways I'm tailoring your answers.
Don't sugarcoat anything. I want to become a published author and I believe fanfiction is a way to play around and develop experience/skill for writing and storytelling. So I’m asking all of you to return the favor and submit this form to tell me your thoughts (good and bad) on Demi Demon.
There's a decent amount of questions, so set aside some time for yourself to think about it before answering. This form will always be here and available in my pinned post. I would say this form could take about 10ish minutes to answer? But I would be eternally grateful if you went in depth on all the questions <3
If there's anything I didn't put on the form that you'd like me to know, just send me a message or anonymous ask :)
Questions for ANONYMOUS ASK
What were some things you enjoyed about this story?
What were some things I could have done better?
What scene or chapter stuck out to you the most? Why?
Were there any points where you lost interest or were bored?
Was there anything you found confusing? Was the story difficult or easy to follow?
Was the ending satisfying? Why or why not?
What do you want to see in the next Alastor x Reader story? (writing style, chapter length/style, characters, background info, etc.)
On a scale of 1-5, how likely are you to refer Demi Demon to a friend? (whether they enjoy hazbin or not; 1 being no recommendation and 5 being TOTALLY WOULD)
Last and most importantly: why did you keep reading? 
Any additional thoughts, notes, or opinions? 
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He Can't Get This
Chapter 1
♡Set in Supernatural S14 Ep14. I recommend rewatching the ep or the crime scene bit ;)♡
"That baby cop, he liked you." 
Dean Winchester slammed the door of the impala closed and reached to start her, his jaw tense and lips slightly drawn as he turned the key. 
Castiel tilted his head towards the hunter from his passenger seat, a little lost. "I'm sorry, what?" He shifted a little, adjusting his coat as Dean put the car in reverse, voice blunt but unassuming.
They'd just figured out that the Gorgon couldn't sense Castiel and Jack with his eyeball premonitions, for lack of a better description (most likely because they weren't human) So Cas and Jack would have to lead the attack when they tracked down the gorgon again. Whatever Dean had said made no sense to the angel. 
Cas' voice was that consistent gruff lull and his hair was stuck up at a little part in the back. Dean practiced restraint for the instinct to reach out and smooth it. 
"Mr. Twunk over there," He retorted, throwing a half hazard gesture towards the crime scene. Cas squinted through the windshield and saw a vaguely familiar blond head of hair popping out of a patrol car. The young officer they had spoken to earlier.
"Probably fresh out of academy too." Dean added, his tone short and irritated as he intrigued Cas' full attention, who furrowed his brows and leaned up in his seat.
"Oh, come on," Dean shot Cas a look, "he totally creamed his pants when you pulled the whole 'deep commanding voice thing', he went stiff as a board, don't tell me you didn't notice." He let a soft huff out of the corner of his mouth, his pink lips upturned in a small smirk, though still betrayed by his wound-tight words as he glanced from the road to Castiel. 
"I was more focused on the demi god and his victims, Dean." Castiel explained slowly. 
"Yeah, sure, not the young guy you got all hot and bothered." 
Cas squinted at Dean suspiciously, "Is this merely about your dislike for police officers, Dean? Or is it something else?" He questioned.
Dean forced out a laugh, "It's not anything Cas, just an observation." 
"That seems... untrue."
"Yeah." Dean chided, "And what are you gonna do about it?" 
Castiel's patience had run thin. "Dean..." he tested firmly. 
A blush crept up behind Dean's collar and he gripped onto baby's steering wheel, adjusting his seating, "I just didn't like the way he looked at you, okay, sue me." He threw his hands up for a breif moment before returning them to the sleek black wheel.
Cas titled his head, the line of his jaw catching a fragment of the afternoon sun as they passed by storefronts with big glass windows. "How did he look at me?" 
"Like he wanted you to bend him over and fuck him into next week." 
"Like how you look at me." 
Cas' voice was wet gravel. 
Dean halted on the brakes, jolting them forward, scarlet blush deepening, "What, no! You.. you know that's not- and before you say a word about what we did that one time in lebanon that was different okay! I don't gawk at you all the time Cas."  
"Different how?" Cas challenged. 
The trafic light turned green and a car behind them honked impatiently, "Okay, geez," Dean muttered as they started moving. "Because... I was super horny and hadn't seen you in what, four months?" he continued, "And you're my best friend dude and you were looking particularly moody that day and yeah, maybe I'm just jealous and a little bitch." He sighed, defeated. 
Cas let out a low chuckle. 
"Oh shut up you smug fuck," Dean reached out and shoved a hand over Castiels face, his own now a particular shade of pink. 
Cas cleared his throat and picked up a level tone as Dean's hand fell away, "You know you can always ask to..."
"Oh yeah, I know," Dean interjected, "Just check in between hunts and saving the world and having Micheal locked up in my head and raising our kid to be like 'oh Cas,' I miss the feel of my skin against yours and how you make me act like a dumb teenager and that night in the cowboy hotel was the best of my life and I can't get you off my mind every time you leave. I got Sammy breathing down my neck constantly cause he knows and just wants to rub it in my face but I won't say anything because I refuse to talk about feelings with a sasquatch or like you know ever and I-." Dean's words started out sarcastic and ended with a desperate pout and Cas gave him a kind look, reaching to rest his hand gingerly on Dean’s thigh as the hunter let out a heavy exhale.  
Cas knew life was never easy, for any of them, but Dean was the most important thing to him, no matter how closed off or stubborn he could be. 
"So, you got jealous when a man looked at me with sexual intentions?"
"Cas, you're making me sound like a little bitch again." Dean huffed, the peachy blush crowding against his freckles a complete contrast with his deep manly tone and set, sloping jawline. 
"My apologies, Dean." Cas stated, his eyes soft, "I wanted to know what was going on, and that only works when you tell me." 
"I know, I know." Dean exhaled, "You know I'm not good at this stuff Cas, but I have missed you.. All this running around.. 'drives me crazy sometimes." Dean nodded his head down and looked up at the road through his eyelashes.
Cas silently noticed how after all these years Dean still seemed to physically shrink in on himself a little, anytime he showed vulnerability. Or rather, he wondered with disdain, who exactly had taught him this trait. The only time he seemed to release himself from those instincts is when he let Castiel have him in bed. And oh, how beautiful Dean was then. Bare and trembling under his hands. Never trying to be smaller.
"I've missed you too, Dean." He comforted, knowing no words could come to match how he felt being so often pulled from the man. He looked out the passenger window, watching the landscape slide by, "You know-" he thought aloud, an idea still churning in his mind, "Rowena still needs time to prepare the tracking spell.." He lowered his voice and gave Dean's thigh a gentle squeeze. 
Dean swallowed and tensed his hands around the steering wheel, seeming much more determined to get to where they were going. 
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ihatepannacotta · 4 months
I was just thinking about Russel x Winry the other day!! Kind of along the lines in a modern au of them agreeing to fake date in the hopes of getting Ed jealous (winry tried and failed multiple times to flirt, and ed does have his jealous tendencies, so the logic is that by seeming like she’s interested in a guy she knows ed Does Not Get Along With that the sort of protective jealousy would kick in, russel is totally willing especially if it means being able to hold something over ed). but then it doesn’t work. ed is a bit judgy in the sense of “really winry??? You’re into THAT guy??” but is otherwise in the “it’s her life, she can do what she wants” mindset. And then russel and winry realize that Oh, Oh no, I actually like you, what now??
Ed and ling (who are dating, up for interpretation on if Ed is gay, bi, pan, or demi) are just watching the relationship from the sidelines sipping at smoothies or something just watching russel and winry be absolute disasters trying to figure out how to date each other, not knowing that it’s fake dating that somehow ended up turning real dating.
Also, I think Al and fletcher would be cute!! Fletcher potentially thinking it’s some Romeo and Juliet level thing because their older brothers Don’t Get Along. Like, how does he tell his older brother he has a crush on his rival’s little brother?? (I am looser with my al ships than my ed ships, so like, up for debate on if it goes well for them or not? I ship al with winry, paninya, mei, and fletcher, so whatever works for whatever thought process I’m having at the current moment I guess)
But I only have vague ideas of characters from 03 and haven’t had the chance to analyze them yet past what wikis say they’re like and because it’s 03 the tringham brothers are like… NOWHERE in fma fanfic I’ve come across. I do know they’re like… a parallel of sorts to the Elric brothers with a few key differences.
I'm so happy!! We need more Winry x Russell propaganda, they would be so cute together 😭
And YES, I can see Russell being the stupid one who said "I have an idea" thinking it would be amazing and the best idea ever. "We should have a date" he said, very proudly of himself. Winry just watches him in silence for a long time, completely confused because she doesn't understand how that correlates with Ed in the slightest. When 5 minutes have passed in silence, Russell laughs awkwardly and explains the plan, and since they both began to share a neuron since they became friends, Winry tells him "YES! YOU'RE A GENIUS!"
But maybe while all the fake dating is being planned, Ling and Ed are not together yet (I mean, of course they have a crush on the other, but neither of them has taken the first step, they are just being awkward and dumb with the other) that's why Russell and Winry think one of them have a chance. And when they are ready to start the plan, Ling asks Ed for a date, but Winry is oblivious about that.
They start to be together all the time, and when the gang (Lan Fan, Paninya, Al, Ed, Ling and Mei) want to organize something, Winry says that she already had plans with a "friend". Ed looks clearly upset because this is the fifth time she did that, and angrily asks who this guy is who can't leave her alone for a second.
"You know him, remember Russell Tringham?"
"...You're fucking with me"
A week passed and Ed is still really really angry about that "relationship" and Ling is trying to calm him down, saying Winry is his friend and he should be happy she found someone, Ling reminds him that Winry was a little upset before she started dating this guy. So Ed reluctantly agrees he is right.
One day, Ling sees them and comes up with a plan to make Ed calmer and show him that Winry will be fine. He takes his boyfriend by the arm and drags him to where the other two are.
"We should all go out together. You know, a double date!"
Ed, Russell and Winry are shocked but for different reasons.
Ed, with a frown, thinks Ling is an idiot for coming up with that idea (although there's a bit of red in his face because Ling looks so pretty smiling ajhfkwbrksjfjs).
And on the other hand, Russell and Winry are panicking because the two of them were together?! since when?! How did this happen?!
The chaos begins. Ling and Ed were so confused during the date because Winry and Russell don't feel like a real couple?? They seem so awkward with the other and every time Ed or Ling asks them something about their relationship they look at each other with panic.
Dude, I really love that idea javdjwbdnsbjfhs
Talking about Al, I ship him with Mei jdjsjjfka but I think he and Fletcher would be amazing bff's! And Ed doesn't have a real problem with the younger one, but his big brother????? Omg someone kill him please.
I really enjoy your ask! Thank you so much, and sorry for being late with the answer!
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