#you can tell i didn't give a damn about coloring this lmao
hermit-frog · 3 months
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genericpuff · 7 months
I'm sorry, but this should come as a shock to absolutely no one.
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Just a little bit of 'insider info' (and by 'insider' I mean I was a part of the beta testing crew a few years ago) Webtoons has been messing with AI tools for years. You can literally play test that very same AI tool that I beta-tested here:
Mind you, this is just an AI Painter, similar to the Clip Studio Colorize tool, but it goes to show where WT's priorities are headed. I should mention, btw, that this tool is incredibly useless for anyone not creating a Korean-style webtoon, like you can deadass tell it was trained exclusively on the imports because it can't handle any skin tone outside of white (trying to use darker colors just translates as "shadows" to the program, meaning it'll just cast some fugly ass shadows over a white-toned character no matter how hard you try) and you just know the AI wouldn't know what to do with itself if you gave it an art style that didn't exactly match with the provided samples lmao
And let's be real, can we really expect the company that regularly exploits, underpays, and overworks its creators to give a damn about the ethical concerns of AI? They're gonna take the path of least resistance to make the most money possible.
So the fact that we're now seeing AI comics popping up on Webtoons left and right - and now, an actual "Webtoon AI" branding label - should come as zero shock to anyone. Webtoons is about quantity over quality and so AI is the natural progression of that.
So yeah, if you were looking for any sign to check out other platforms outside of Webtoons, this is it. Here are some of my own recommendations:
ComicFury - Independently run, zero ads, zero subscription costs (though I def recommend supporting them on Patreon if you're able), full control over site appearance, optional hosting for only the cost of the domain name, and best of all, strictly anti-AI. Not allowed, not even with proper labelling or disclosure. Full offense to the tech bro hacks, eat shit.
GlobalComix - Very polished hosting site that offers loads of monetization tools for creators without any exclusive contracts or subscriptions needed. They do offer a subscription program, but that's purely for reading the comics on the site that are exclusively behind paywalls. Not strictly anti-AI but does require in their ToS that AI comics be properly labelled and disclosed, whether they're made partially or fully with AI, to ensure transparency for readers who want to avoid AI comics.
Neocities - If you want to create your own site the good ole' fashioned way (i.e. HTML / CSS) this is the place. Independently run, offers a subscription plan for people who want more storage and bandwidth but it only costs $5/month so it's very inexpensive, and even without that subscription cost you won't have to deal with ads or corporate management bullshit.
Be safe out there pals, don't be afraid to set out into the unknown if it means protecting your work and keeping your control as a creator. Know your rights, know your power.
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lowkeyremi · 1 year
How they react when you "bro/bruh" them ft Eren, Connie, Levi, Jean.
I saw this tiktok where this girl called her bf bro and he gave her the meanest side eye lmao
CW: Language (obvi), mostly just fluff tho
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His big ass feet where near your face. You're pretty sure this clown is trying to gain your attention and it's working. Your eyes glance over at his feet again, then back to the instagram reel you were watching. Eren could hear the reels too because you have your volume all the way up.
In your peripheral you could see those toes wiggling, "Bruh, stop it."
Eren pauses, then looks you right in your eyes, emerald green meets (ur eye color) eyes, "who's 'bruh?' You know my name is Eren."
He's met with silence followed by a giggle and roll of your eyes, "then maybe I'm not talking to you. Mind your business Eren, 'Bruh' and I are trying to have a conversation."
"I'll beat his ass." Eren mutters and shoves his foot in your face. You squirm and shriek. Your efforts are useless though, his foot is right on your face.
"I'm about to beat your ass, if you don't get your big clown foot out of my face." Your words are mumbled... cuz of the foot.
"Huh? Can't hear you baby, speak u- AH." He retracts his foot and covers his face, which is turning red by the way. "You still scream like a little girl!" Eren watched as you clutched your stomach, the laughter you let out was loud and contagious, soon eren's laughing.
"I screamed because you bit my fucking foot!" He said in fits of laughter, he was half frowning, trying to be upset but it wasn't working.
"Listen here, bruh. I didn't even bite that hard." Eren's off the couch in seconds and he picks you up by your feet. You're upside down, screaming no less. "Put me down! I have a boyfriend!!"
You feel Eren's sharp canines on your foot, he bites hard.
Your scream is mixed with shortened laughter, you can't help it, "unhand me you weirdo."
He smirks but you can't see it, "if you say so." Eren releases your feet and you drop to the ground. Eren hears the thump of your head hitting the hard floor.
"Owww Eren, fuck you." You whine holding your head.
"You said to let go." His smile is malicious and undeniably huge.
"I hate you." Your pout grows and your head is throbbing.
"I love you too," he kisses your head where he dropped you.
"Yeah, seriously. I would never let anyone talk to me like that." You say to your friend over the phone. You've been talking to her for maybe two hours? She's your bestie after all. Connie sneaks into the kitchen while you're finishing up lunch to take a little sample.
He grabs a biscuit off of the pan and tries to sneak out. Yeah he's on the shorter side, but he's bulky. So, you see him try to get away.
"Bro, stop! I just got those out." Connie pauses, stands to full height, with bread in his mouth.
"I'll call you back, yeah.. it's Connie." She hangs up and you set your phone down. Connie watches as you place your hand on your hip.
"Two minutes, all you had to do was wait two minutes." The small smile on your lips gives him everything he needs to know. You're not mad, but you're trying to be and failing.
"Sorry, Mami." He leaves the kitchen with a big smile on his face.
A few days have passes since then and it's been pretty normal up until today.
Connie didn't do the dishes...
"Constance Springer, get up and come do these dishes." There was strictness in your voice, he froze up for a second before relaxing.
"Bro stop! I'm playing my game." He mimicked your voice from the other day.
"Excuse you? I'm not your bro." You scoff.
"Mami, I was copying you, you called me 'bro' the other day. I was just kidding. I'll go do the dishes right now." His voice is soft as he turns of his game. He walks over to you and kisses you all over your face.
"Damn right you better do those dishes." Once again he can tell you're not mad.. but you're trying to be.
"Love you, pretty." He smiles.
"I guess I love your bald-headed ass, too." He gasps dramatically when you cross your arms.
The hot chocolate you have isn't doing it, the chill still gets to you. Even with the fireplace going, you're still so cold. Your heater is broken and Levi waited until the last second to fix it. Winter has made its way into your little town and it is not kind. The winds have kept you inside, wishing that spring would come around even though winter just barely started.
You wanted to hire someone to come fix it, but your husband told you he was capable. Plus there are probably many people in the same situation as you who don't have a very capable Levi to fix their heater.
His words not yours. Right as you take a sip of your hot chocolate, the door opens to reveal Levi in his black parka. "I fixed it, come look outside, it's snowing."
You turn around to face him. "Bro, are you serious? I am not going out there." Levi hears you scoff and settle back into the couch.
"Who the hell is your "bro"? I didn't marry my fucking sister, hell I don't even have one. So don't call me bro." There's no real heat behind his words. He always gets like that when you call him bro.
"Calm the fuck down, it's an expression. We'll go outside later but you're literally shivering. I'll make you some hot chocolate. Go turn the heater on." You stand up, shivering yourself. Those trained eyes watch as you walk over to him and give him a quick peck on the lips.
"I think I deserve more than that for fixing the heater." He grabs your wrist.
"Um, no you don't. It doesn't count when you wait last fucking second to do it. If you want a real kiss, this house better be warm in the next hour." You yank your wrist out of his soft grip and walk to the kitchen to grab a mug for Levi.
"Fucking stupid." He mumbled.
"I heard that you dumbass." You yell from the kitchen, a silent chuckle following in pursuit.
"Good for you, idiot. I love you." The last part was mumbled softly.
"I love you too, my grumpy husband."
"Dude I can't," he clicks his tongue, you're in his lap, snuggling him. "I told you already that I'm hanging out with my girlfriend today."
You can slightly hear Connie over the phone sighing and trying to come up with an excuse to get Jean out.
"We literally went out for food yesterday, shut up." Jean sighs, squeezing your thigh with a weary smile. You nod back because he remembered his promise 'Tomorrow baby I promise, we'll spend some time together.'
"Whatever man, I was gonna tell you mi madre is making her famous mofongo and I know you like that so I just wanted to let you know." Connie says this knowing he has your boyfriend in a tight spot.
"What?! Why didn't you say so? Save me some dude, but I can't come." Jean is holding strong.
You sigh deeply, "Bruh.. you know what? Go ahead, I don't care."
"No, I'm staying with you." He argues, "and don't bruh me, it's baby or my love to you."
"Okay, bro." Jean glares at you and you two have an intense staring contest for like three minutes.
"I win!" You smile.
"Just bring your girl, my mom loves her. Problem solved." Connie's tone says it all, he thinks it's the obvious answer.
"You don't understand. I promised her alone time, I'm always dragging her around everywhere." Jean tries to cuddle you and you get up off the couch to walk away.
Within a second his phone is on the couch and he moves to pick you up bridal style. "A promise is a promise, wanna watch a movie?"
"I want mofongo, so you better go and get some and bring it back." You say rolling your eyes and hopping out of his arms.
"It'll be quick, 15 minutes. I'll see if his mom has to-go boxes." He says kissing your forehead.
"Okay be safe, bro." His face turns into a pout, "Stop that."
"I'll think about it bro."
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irisintheafterglow · 9 months
Hey!! Can you write some fluff hcs of katsuki taking you to prom? Thank u so much! 🥰
AAAAAA YES I CAN I LOVE THISSS fun fact i didn't get to go to senior prom because i got sick on the day of :(( but i love any excuse to wear a fancy dress !!!
cw: swearing, implied fem!reader but no she/her pronouns or descriptions, this got super long because i got carried away oops :)) hope you like this!
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated <3
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alright let's be honest if y'all don't already know each other, there's no way he's asking first
he'll think you're super pretty but be too proud to break the tough guy facade and make a move first
buuutttt if you're already kinda in with the bakusquad then it's a little easier for him to ask
and by ask i mean just tell you that you're going to prom with him
you're sitting next to him in the common room doing homework and he just goes
"go to prom with me."
"go to prom with me, 'cause who the fuck else you gonna go with."
"you're a royal asshole, you know that?" and then you pack up your stuff and go back to your dorm and he's like wait shit fuck that's not how that was supposed to go fUCK
so then the next day he's like "go to prom with me."
"are you fucking serious-"
and this man never says please so you decide to give him a shot
you've thought he was attractive since your first year but didn't think he would be interested
and then, when you became friends, it seemed abundantly clear that he was too busy training and going on missions to have a relationship
when really he's just terrified of losing you if you don't reciprocate his feelings
so after much convincing from the rest of his friends, he mustered up the courage to ask you tell you to go to prom with him
you already know he was in the group chat after the first attempt to ask you going like
"guys i fucked up"
"bakubro what did you do"
"i told them to go to prom with me and they walked away"
"i think you're leaving out a crucial part of the story"
"ok and i said no one else would go with them"
if you don't already have a dress, he's going dress shopping with you
sits in the waiting area of the fitting room holding a stack of glittery fabrics and doesn't give one (1) fuck about it
definitely the type to whistle under his breath when you walk out in ~the dress~
he has no idea what the fuck he's doing so he's a little,,,,abrasive when it comes to shopping with you
"you need shoes? let's get you some new fucking shoes, then."
"that color is hideous. choose something else because you're too good-looking for shit like that."
"d'you think this color would look good with my eyes? no? damn, harsh crowd."
on the night of prom he's 20 minutes early to pick you up
so he just sits on the floor of your dorm in his suit with his arm propped up on his knee while he watches you finish your makeup
he's mentally taking note of the products you use and the colors you like so if you ever ran out, he could get them for you
you come out of the bathroom and ask him how you look and he genuinely feels like he's suffocating because he can't breathe
after like 30 seconds of staring he just
is attached to you at the hip for the remainder of the night
i'm not kidding
his arm is around your waist at all times unless you go to the bathroom or he goes to grab a drink
brags about how good you look at any chance he gets
"yeah, see that dress? i helped pick that out, assholes," he says with a shit-eating grin and the rest of his friends are like 👍ok bro
they know how big of a crush he's had on you so they're amused by how smug he is now
if you force him onto the floor to slow dance he forgets all sense of rhythm
keeps stepping on your feet
tells you to move even though he's stiffer than a wooden board
has no idea where to put his hands and can't look you in the eyes without turning bright pink
you kiss him on the cheek and he fucking freezes LMAO
turns over his shoulder and sees his friends with their phone cameras out like paparazzi (he doesn't mind)
asks you out properly at the end of the night and it's not just a command
instead of "get lunch with me sometime" it's
"get lunch with me sometime? if you wanna, you don't need to if you don't want to-"
and then you kiss him! to make him shut up! and he's a feely mess for the next three days straight until he sees you again
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Issa Party
First Lady of Private Garden Instagram AU
Requested by: my boo @hoodharlow 💕
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Liked by jackharlow, druski2funny, urbanwyatt, normani, saweetie, taylorrooks, claybornharlow, and 2,372,947 others
y/ninsta: hi :)
saweetie: long time, no see. where you been at bitch?! jessicakelce: I second that because your ass just disappeared off the face of the earth traviskelce: jess? you literally saw her less than twenty four hours ago jessicakelce: well it feels like longer! urbanwyatt: she got them apple bottom jeans! quiiso: boots with the fur! yungskylark: the whole club was looking at herrrrr! y/ninsta: I've been around lol normani: jackharlow didn't get you pregnant again yet? jackharlow: normani working on it y/ninsta: normani I think absolutely the fuck NOT blancahood: oohh yellow is your color mamas 😍 saweetie: snapback game goes CRAZY theestallion: triplets WHERE?! jackandy/naremyparents: the queen has graced us with her presence urbandjack25: I could just eat her UP jackharlow: urbandjack25 YOU GET ME y/ninsta: lmaooooo 😭
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Liked by jackharlow, blancahood, brandisimmons, yungskylark, traviskelce, saweetie, and 3,180,771 others
y/ninsta: now I know yall have heard about magic city, but what about latto city?
jackharlow: sooo you giving out lap dances or nah? y/ninsta: jackharlow for you and only you. got something real special too 😜 dualipa: y/ninsta what about me? pretty please with a cherry on top? jackandy/nupdates: oh lord here we go jackharlow: dualipa you are literally the pest that doesn't go away and y/ninsta does it involve clothes?
y/ninsta: jackharlow of course it doesn't, don't ask silly questions!
saweetie: lemme get a couple of stacks to throw at you sza: me too, I support this vision druski2funny: latto city sound like you have a fish fry going on in the back for customers lilnasx: druski2funny your dusty ass would say something like that urbanwyatt: fry mine extra hard please! softtcurse: and don't forget the hot sauce! normani: but we know that's too spicy for jackharlow cozane: my man probably thinks ketchup is spicy jackharlow: now why the hell do yall always come for me on this damn app and I can literally never be at peace? dualipa: jackharlow you brought it on yourself y/ninsta: druski2funny I got fish plate dinners, chicken plate dinners, you name it and I probably got it blancahood: I always forget how good she can cook jaysontatum: imma have to slide down there so I can get a plate y/ninsta: jayson! I didn't forget what you did! jaysontatum: I thought all was forgiven?! I gave him back! jackharlow: not them fighting over me like I'm a piece of meat y/ninsta: jackharlow but you so cute bae, I can't help it 😍 claybornharlow: y/ninsta I mean he's okay...... jackharlow: claybornharlow don't you muthafuckin start claybornharlow: jackharlow 😉 jackharlow: y/ninsta I'll make sure to leave enough room for dessert y/ninsta: jackharlow I didn't make any? jackharlow: y/ninsta I know you didn't y/ninsta: jackharlow smush, I don't get it lilnasx: y/ninsta YOU ARE THE DESSERT MA'AM y/ninsta: lilnasx oh that makes sense lol
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Liked by jackharlow, saweetie, brandisimmons, urbanwyatt, sza, quiiso, shloob_, and 1,273,997 others
y/ninsta: late night runs and spending time with my favorite person in the entire world is absolutely priceless 🥹💕
Likeeee this man is EVERYTHING to me
jackharlow: 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈 y/ninsta: jackharlow stop acting like I don't tell you this every day lmao jackharlow: y/ninsta but I never get tired of hearing it saweetie: here they mushy asses go blancahood: I love yall, but yall make me sick at the same time lmao jessicakelce: blancahood I see no lies lol urbanwyatt: I literally called it when we were younger that they would be married yungskylark: jackharlow would be lowkey drooling while staring at y/ninsta jackharlow: yungskylark I WOULD NOT! quiiso: and spoil the hell out of her and wonder why her ass acts the way she does now lol jackandy/naremyparents: these two make my heart flutter, true love really does exist y/ninsta: jackandy/naremyparents ehhh I tolerate him jackharlow: y/ninsta oh? so you were just tolerating me earlier as I rearranged your guts and had you damn near ready to scream the safe word? do I have that correct? saweetie: OH druski2funny: what's the safe word?!?! theestallion: yall some nasty ass muthafuckas sza: theestallion??? please shut the hell up because I KNOW your ass isn't talking about someone being nasty lmao lilnasx: hold on, where are yall kids?!?! jackharlow: lilnasx they're around here somewhere lmao y/ninsta: jackharlow lmaooo they gave you a run for your money today jackharlow: y/ninsta nah I only got 2 now, autumn belongs to you and only you y/ninsta: she wasn't even that bad! jackharlow: y/ninsta speak for yourself. I don't even drink anymore, but that child had me wanting to take all the shots in the world y/ninsta: 😭😭😭😭
Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, dualipa, brandisimmons, generationnow, jackandy/naremyparents, theshaderoom, and 4,183,949 others
y/ninsta: I told Saweetie, "get the balloons, we gone throw her a surprise" 😜
jackharlow: imma need you to bring your ass here NEOW druski2funny: aye! run me my wing stop discount! urbanwyatt: druski2funny bruh... the latto meal is only 20 something dollars lilnasx: druski2funny if you broke just say that smh y/ninsta: druski2funny not you asking me for another discount over top of the one I just gave you and jackharlow BEHAVE jackharlow: y/ninsta how can I behave when my wife looks like this? EXPLAIN y/ninsta: jackharlow lmaoooo you are a hot ass mess claybornharlow: produced by little baby 🥰 y/ninsta: claybornharlow nothing but magic happens when those Harlow's hit the studio jackharlow: y/ninsta I'm just tryna hit your guts, but I get it y/ninsta: JACKMAN, PLEASE quiiso: I swear you cannot take his ass anywhere when it comes to her jackharlow: y/ninsta what? what I say? blancahood: jackharlow and this is why you have three children jackharlow: blancahood I dropped them off at my parent's house so they're their problem maggieharlow: jackharlow and I will make you come and get them normani: oh lord smh jackharlow: maggieharlow next week? lilnasx: lmaoooo not him saying next week y/ninsta: jackharlow what am I going to do with you?! jackharlow: y/ninsta nothing because you're stuck with me 🥰
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, taylorrooks, generationnow, hollywoodunlocked, saweetie, and 2,382,941 others
y/ninsta: the face your husband makes when he had asked you if you wanted Starbucks and you said no, but now twenty minutes later you want some and are trying to steal his lmao he is so sick of me 😭😭
blancahood: he had better given you some of his too otherwise I'm sending panchito jackharlow: blancahood why the fuck are you so got damn violent? of course I shared it with her because SHE GAVE ME NO CHOICE. she was literally perched in my lap until I gave her some. traviskelce: jackharlow happy wife, happy life. just smile and nod and swipe your credit card jessicakelce: traviskelce ooh I taught you well, babe! blancahood: jackharlow me and panchito stay ready for when you step a toe outta line urbanwyatt: lmaoooo and y/ninsta kept eyeing jackharlow's drink until finally she was like 'babe, can I have some?' and jack of course was like 'now didn't I just ask your spoiled ass if you wanted one?' 😭😭 saweetie: urbanwyatt lmaoooo sounds just like them jackharlow: AND SHE DRANK 75% OF IT AND IS GOING TO LOOK AT ME LIKE I'M CRAZY TALKING ABOUT BABY WHY DID YOU DRINK IT ALL FROM ME? sza: and at that point, jackharlow chose violence lmaoooo y/ninsta: jackharlow I love you smushhhhhh jackharlow: y/ninsta you about to buy me another one when we land y/ninsta: jackharlow or you can face fuck me, your choice yungskylark: every day we stray further and further away from our savior smh jackharlow: y/ninsta OH, well don't mind if I do 😏😏😏😏 jessicakelce: just nasty as all hell smh urbanwyatt: pregnancy announcement in 3...2....1.... y/ninsta: URBAN HENRY DON'T YOU DARE WISH THAT UPON ME urbanwyatt: y/ninsta it is literally only a matter of time lmao druski2funny: I give her 24 hours y/ninsta: druski2funny and that's why your ass can't even afford my meal at wing stop smh druski2funny: y/ninsta I got your baby daddy to pay for it 🥰 y/ninsta: druski2funny 🙄🙄🙄
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ebonysplendor · 7 months
The Science of Staying Awake Review 👁️
TL;DR: Sleep is often for the weak, but having, what is likely but claims not to be, a hallucination being violently in love with you is something that is not for the weak. Apparently, it's not for the living either...
Game Link: https://viscereye.itch.io/the-science-of-staying-awake
Notable Features: Gender Neutral MC, Unnamed MC (referred as "You"), Yandere LI, Choice-heavy storyline Spiciness: 0/5 -- Not exactly wholesome because violence but no option to buss it open so no spice LI Red Flags: 1.7/5 -- Physically abusive, Crosses boundaries...other than that, he be's a touch starved boi who just wants cuddles
Wanna know more? Well, let's get into it!
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Before I say anything, I just want you to read this:
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Let me tell you, I had no idea how accurate that description was until I played it. That is a damned accurate description, and quite frankly, the only way to describe the experience that this was.
Anyways, I had ran across it when going through my game files, and I was like "Oh yeah! This game exists!" and decided to write a review on this one. I played this game many moons ago, and frankly, I don't see many people talking about or referencing this one; I honestly feel like more people should know about it, because there is a game to be played here. I mean, how many people are actually going to run across this review, I have no idea, but shit, hopefully it'll get a few extra downloads, because as "cheesy" as it may look, this was actually a pretty damn good game!
Honestly (and respectfully) speaking, you know how you look at a game, and you're like "This is probably going to be bad, but I'm curious"? From looking at the backgrounds they used, the description itself, and how they described the game as "cheesy" and a "creepypasta fanfic", I honestly thought this was supposed to be one of those "intentionally bad but funny as hell" games for jokes, but...yeah, no. If it was meant to be that way, I didn't get that at all.
I'll explain more in the actual review portion, but I'm going to go ahead and cut to the chase. As always, I give you the disclaimer that -- and those that have been vibing with me since the start of all of this already know -- I'm going to tell you as much as possible about the game without ruining the game itself.
Just as a side note, I think I do say that verbatim every time I write a review -- between that, "so boom", and the whole "drink water, don't be dumb" thing lol. I might switch it up one day, but that's honestly how I talk in real life. Like, can you not tell that I type the way that I speak? I mean, if it was something for college or work or something, yeah, I'm going to code switch, obvi, but for stuff like this? I'm pretty much talkin' to y'all like y'all are the squad because...well, y'all are lol.
Anyways! Enough chitchat, let's get summarizing.
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So, boom (lmao ya see?).
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We're in class, and we're tired as fook. Like, it's not even that "Damn, this class is boring" type of tired; it's that "I deadass haven't slept in 2 days, and I'm starting to hear colors and see sounds" type of tired. That "Ayo, why does this hard ass desk feel mad comfortable all of a sudden" type of tired. That plain and simple "a bitch is TIDE not tired" type of tired. Anyways, we recognize this as a current problem, and we know that we've gotta do something about it. Expeditiously. So, we hit up the vending machine, get something to wake us up a little, and then head on home.
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When I say that it took everything to get up those stairs and to our bedroom...listen.
Like, as soon as we got through the door, we dropped that backpack to the floor, and we dive -- you hear me, dive -- into that bed. Now, with the way that we were feeling, dreamland should've been immediate. To be real with you, we were probably asleep by the time we were mid-air, but like, when we landed, we landed on something, and this something -- or rather someone -- goes "Ow". Like huuuuuuuh?
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Again: Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuh? Fuck you mean, "Ow?" Like who the hell is yooooooooou?!
No, like, we literally ask who he -- ...it? --- is, because clearly, he was not here when we left, let alone just chilling in our bed, but he's just super casual about it, like, "Oh! I'm Vance!". Like, oh, right, Vance; that suddenly makes this whole situation totally normal and nothing to worry about -- as if that were even slightly true.
Here's the thing though, oddly enough, it actually is kind've true. See, we're not scared of him as a...whatever he is, but something about him is just...not right; something is very clearly off. Like, when he had introduced himself, he had shook our hand, and we immediately got this mad intense feeling of dread that we couldn't describe, and something about it just kind've made us feel like we were, quite literally, spiraling into insanity.
Naturally, we pull ourselves away from him and step back -- that spiraling feeling and anxiety is instantly gone. As you've probably guessed, it didn't take us long to put together that it's not good for this "Vance" creature to be too close in proximity, let alone anywhere near us.
He kind've picks up on this, and he's adamant that he's not going to hurt us. Still, we try to explain to him that, while we're not really threatened by him, we get this weirdly intense feeling whenever he's nearby, and he essentially needs to stay a little more than an arm's length away at all times; frankly, the further away, the better. Well...
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He didn't take that well, and now, we feel threatened by him.
I hadn't mentioned this before, but Vance was already pretty upset that we wouldn't really let him come near us, let alone cuddle with him, but now he's extra pissed because we're essentially rejecting him altogether, even though he's, quite literally, driving us insane.
So, now that he's like this, we've got to get the hell out of there because, now, we aren't sure if he's still on the whole "I'm not going to hurt you" energy like before. That being said, we completely bolt, and he's like "Nah, bring that ass here, boi". Panic. Big panic time.
So, we do. We run off, but it does no good, because he finds us.
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Granted, he doesn't know exactly where we are, but it doesn't matter because we're completely cornered. What are we going to do?
Well, let me rephrase that I know what I'm going to do; better yet, I know what I did. Now you guys on the other hand? Lol, I'll guess you'll have to play it for yourself to see what y'all are going to do.
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I had honestly forgotten how good this game was until I had replayed it to grab some screenshots and to get a refresher on what actually went down. I'm not even kidding about that. My love for the game had literally re-sparked, and I can't believe that I forgot how good it was. If you've read my past reviews, you know that I mentioned at one point that I become an absolute slut for a choice-heavy game -- this is a choice heavy game and a damned good one. Speaking of choice-heavy...
Just to get off topic very slightly, you know what was crazy? When I went to replay it, apparently, I had done something different than when I had first played though the game and lmaoooooo, do you know that I had ended up finding THREE more endings? Wanna know something even crazier? One of them was a secret ending that I didn't even realize that I had gotten to!
Now mind you (lol you know the story is about to get a lil' spicy when that's said)! I had already unlocked like...if I remember right, like, 14 endings at this point, so when I found these other endings -- again, by total accident because, at this point, damn the review! I'm legit replaying the game for me, now -- I was now sitting at a grand total of 17 endings. So, now, I'm like "Ayo, what the hell?". Like, my mind is blown, because I was so sure that I had found all of the endings and completed the game. Remember, I hadn't touched or thought about this game in literal months because I was that confident that I had finished it. So, it's like, how many endings are there if I'm still managing to find more?
Naturally, I sprint to the dev's game page to conduct research on this burning question, and I am reading everything that there is to offer, but there was nothing. No "hey, this game has x amount of endings", no walkthrough map, no nothing. Did that stop me, though? Nah, because surely someone had experienced something similar to what I just had and was also like "Damn, how many endings are there...?". Lmaooooo well, I was right. You know what the answer is?
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19. There are nineteen endings in this game.
I already knew the answer, but I go back to count the amount of endings that I have; there's 17. I dig into the game files for some more hints, and I find two icons (you'll know what I mean when you play it) that I've never seen before. Oh, okay. So, it's confirmed, but let me make sure that I've got the details straight:
Are you seriously telling me that, not only had I incorrectly assumed that I had all of the endings and finished the game because I had gotten all of the achievements, but the fact that I found three other endings -- again, by accident! -- doesn't even matter because I'm still missing two more because there's NINETEEN ENDINGS total?!
Wild. Chaotic even, and you're damn right that I'm here for it all. I LOVE that there are so many endings. I love even more that I have other endings to look for because I'm totally in love with this game all over again. Even though, lol, it was the deadpan, nonchalant "19" from the dev for me. The dev said "I said what I said, and what about it?". We love to see it.
Anyways, I'm a huge advocate for this game. If you've got some time, definitely give it a try. I highly recommended, and Vance is a pretty sweet dude, if you can find that side of him, I mean. Also, just for a very light spoiler but not really, the real ending was so sweet to me. Like something about it, it just...I don't know. It was just a warm feeling that washed over me when I had read it, and I was just like "That was actually really cute?" Bittersweet, even. Like, ugh, I am honestly really pushing for more people to play this game. It was genuinely so good, and I hope that the dev comes out with more visual novels. I truly forgot how in love with this game I was until I replayed it. This has, highkey, been a great experience.
Anywho, it's time that I stop my rambling and end it here. If you'd like to give this game a go for yourself and discover all 🌟nineteen🌟 endings -- which I highly recommend that you do -- a link to the game is at the very bottom of this post as well as at the very top. Hell, I'll even put the link right here so you can get to it quicker. If you're feeling extra motivated, visit the dev's page and post a comment telling them how great of a job they did and give them that extra validation to let them know "Hey! You're pretty good at what you do! You should keep doing the thing!". I didn't see where you could donate to them, but assuming I just missed it, remember that monetary validation is always helpful as well.
That's all from me though! Drink water, don't be dumb, and hope to see you around~!
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The Science of Staying Awake
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ika-archieves · 2 months
what happened?
short ver: my twitter art acc fucked up mental health so nuked it, i am rebranding and it will be 18+ but i'm unsure about this acc's future (either soft block minors or move to a new acc). new vibes will drop when i feel better. also new fursonas yipee yay
long ver under the cut
idk if anyone noticed that my twitter is...basically gone now. like gone gone and i'd feel bad about not telling why it's deactivated.
basically it's been a mental burden to me lately. even though i'm not happy with the yarasa2k alias, the twitter account just hit me like a dodgeball of depression every time i logged in, it was especially bad there. and i had this bad habit of feeling like a content creator instead of an artist because i'd notice my post would flop hard if i took breaks and my sweet time, which is BAD for the mindset let's say considering i only managed to get 1300 followers across almost 6 years wow, that's a lot of people for sure but what's the point if i feel like only 10-15 people are seeing it. i want to take my sweet time, draw something i'd actually get inspired by, look at the drawing and go "whoa i want to make this a poster" i want to give y'all a juicy piece which leads me to another point.
i...don't want to appeal to children. i know my style is on the cuter side with bright colors and squishy faces but i am an adult and i want to talk about mature shit god damn it. that doesn't mean i'm gonna be a pron artist or whatever but i don't want to limit myself, i want to throw a hot woman or two occasionally idfk, i swear a lot so that should say smth LMAO. i want to not nuke this acc for archiving reasons (twitter sucks at that so i didn't mind nuking that one) and i can make this acc either retired or soft block every minor oomfie i have idk yet, would love some suggestions.
i am going through rebranding where i made brand new fursonas without any "fusing the past 2 fursonas" bs, two to be specific. so far i love drawing them considering i now take my time in pieces i can't wait to introduce yall but i am still on the mental break where i just take a breather and draw whatever i want. once i feel better i will come back with a brand new twitter acc. i won't change usernames til that account is born so you won't know :P my other ocs will stay for now theyre neat. maybe i'll do the projects i've been slacking on since they take a while to make (like a 3d model or an animation). i post them in friend discord servers rn :3
when will i come back? i dunno, when i feel better and ready i suppose. for now im on a hiatus on every site but i will be lurking bc i love looking at art raaaaaaaaagh. and my comfort lads. cya later skaters
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meowierz · 4 months
Brothers In Arms!! SAMS AU
So Brothers in Arms won the poll!! Excuse any mistakes here, I'm on tablet with HORRID auto correct! Ill do my best to explain the AU!!
Basically, its an AU where Eclipse cares...to an extent. I made this up a LONG time ago, when Solar Flare was still alive so brace yourselves.
When Eclipse made Bloodmoon, he didn't want to just kill him because Eclipse still acknowledged that he was a weird robot being like him. Plus, he's the one who programmed him like that so it isn't Bloodmoons's fault. Eclipse thought that BM would be perfect for offensive and defensive but mainly it.
So, Eclipse made a new robot who would be better at getting into people's heads and simply less violent! Aka, Lunar! Of course, since he was made solely off of Eclipses nice thoughts, Lunar was way too childish. So, he also wasn't very obedient. But, Lunar of course had other uses so he didn't just discard of him either.
Finally, Solar Flare comes in. He's obedient, wow!! But, he's very monotone and acts like an actual robot which erm...is a bit nice. Well, whatever he's asked of he will do unless it directly harms his brothers. This will lead to him giving out secrets because "tf is sun gonna do? give us glitter glue?"
So, this is set during the Lunar and Eclipse Show ARC. Moon and Sun only know about Lunar because BM and Solar Flare are laying low. No KC or Earth YET, the wholesome stuff has to play out first. Yes, there will be drama but most posts abt this AU will be funny and/or adorable!! So, lemme explain everyone!!
Eclipse - Eclipse takes on an older brother role, since he is the oldest erm. He mainly acts like he doesn't care what they do, who they do it with, and what happens to them unless it directly affects him. But, he cares a lot (a bit too much since he's overprotective smh). He may groan and complain but he'll help with anything and everything his siblings needs. Random fact? Sure! He loves hugs but refuses them every time he's asked for one, bros tryna be an alpha male.
Bloodmoon - The twins are really hyper and full of energy but they try toning it down with their siblings. Just don't hit them too much. He's not overprotective like Eclipse, he'll probably forget about their siblings problem once a butterfly flys towards them BUT if the problem is in their face then all hell will break loose. Fun Fact? Okay!! He loves watching HTF, its a show he watches when he craves blood but isn't in the position to get it.
Lunar - Since this is past Lunar, he loves annoying his siblings. Especially Bloodmoon since he gives a bigger reaction. Even though he's a middle child, he acts like the youngest lmao. He loves playing games, watching TV, and just hanging out with his siblings in general! Goofy fact? Sure! Whenever Lunar has nightmares, he automatically goes to Eclipse. Tears and all (eclipse never gets sleep 😭🙏)
Solar Flare - He's very nonchalant and unbothered. He does care, he just doesn't know how to show it. Not to be confused with Eclipse. There's s differences between not WANTING to show it and not knowing HOW to show it. But, Solar Flare can get a bit quirky and annoy his siblings back. Because of his RBF and his robotic voice, anything out his mouth is always believed. So, he'll lie about teeny things randomly. "Hey, did you know that the sky can change color?" And they'll run to the sky to stare at it for an hour. Ofc, Solar Flare can't tell bigger lies than that lmao. Silly Fact? Okay! He has to wear glasses but never does because he knows damn well his siblings will bully him.
That's it for now!! Again, excuse any spelling and grammar mistakes unless its truly nonsense. I'm on a shit device RN 😭🙏
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blackstarchanx3new · 11 months
Creations AU FNAF 4, But I obnoxiously over explain it 2
Pages 30-59
The sad story of Cody and his miserable life.
I know for a fact some of these pages were lined don't remember if they colored any by @akdrawsandwrites thanks AK. ^w^
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More NPC dialogue.
In FNAF 4 game: There's an oddity with the NPC with a green shirt and brown hair, he has a STRIKING appearance to one of the "bullies" older brother's friends. But the one in the green shirt in the game has blonde hair. Idk if they're meant to be the same character and the sprite was just bonked up or what. FNAF color pallets being consistent is NOT something this series is known for lmfao.
I made these two characters brothers and modified his dialogue to suit that he knows Cody by "Josh's brother". Either way this character should know this kid's name lmfao.
The party coming up is apparently Cody's. The last NPC is debated to be the character "Susie" from the games....I color picked and this girl looks black to me. (Susie is white with styled blonde hair) Like they both have bows and wear pink so MAYBE it was meant to be her but idk. This was the design I went with. Retconning design and inconsistent colors in FNAF again: Is not new.
Susie is used as a character in another place in Creations anyway and it wouldn't line up timeline wise. (This makes an animatic with her as the Chica we meet in Mike's story outdated and incorrect but there's LOTS of ideas in the animatics that were abandoned going over all of them would take hours lmfao.)
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Exposure therapy, I say as a joke.
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You might have noticed an itty bitty detail of Josh getting set off every time Cody starts shouting. Bro does not handle that shit well.
Yeet the child again, damn it Josh you gotta kick that habit.
Josh's main response to dealing with Cody: Lock him somewhere where he doesn't have to deal wit him.
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Oh dear. This looks familiar.
Creations readers and FNAF players alike know where this shit is going.
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HI MIKE! ❤️ Yes that's Mike without his dyed hair lol.
Reasonably avoiding confrontation but uh, to the determent of others oof.
Dude proceeds to never stop throwing himself in danger later so I guess he decided to slam to the other side of the two extremes lmao.
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Well that explains Cody's creepy ass stalker crush on Mike.
He didn't really SPECIFY he recognized Mike verbally when talking to him in the main comic but here we get conformation he for sure did.
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Again Cody/Golden Freddy doesn't consider himself a 1 to 1 with the original Cody. Rather just a robot with the kid's memories/soul.
They don't feel like his memories.
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Lol. Cody and his Para-social relationship with Mike Schmidt.
We can tell this genuinely amuses him as his eyes aren't red.
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Hah he says something to the same affect in thee FNAF 1 Arc...with a lot more body horror involved.
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"It was just a prank bro"
Daddy's gonna make it all better.
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Cody stop that. We've talked about how the faces you make are unsightly.
Also Puppet. She's here.
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People didn't really GET Cody's reality bending abilities: So he explains it pretty plainly here.
He's powerful as hell. X'D
Basically the most OP character in Creations much like the cannon Golden Freddy.
So I'll give ya some writing advice: If you're gonna make an OP character, just make them lazy as fuck.
Easiest way to nerf them: Make them just not care about fighting. X'D
Cody's got a mixture of laziness, apathy and fear of daddy to keep him from being helpful much in the plot.
Because if he wasn't he'd clap Afton in 2 seconds and that'd be no fun. So he's a coward lmao.
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He was gonna snap that bitches neck while he slept. And not a single one of us would have blamed him. UwU
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Casually hides in his brother's closet XDDD
Also I pointed it out before but Josh's room is Michael's room in main story.
Cody's cowardess is on full display: He bent to NOT killing Josh when he realized how badly Josh was coping with his brother's death.
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Just like his daddy!~
Jokes aside this is my fave page in FNAF 4. It was lined by AK. I drew the sketch
I like, never draw the nightmares but the ended up so good here. Props to Ak for translating the sketches real well.
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This is another instance of what I mean when I say there's no real good "Starting" place for the Creations AU.
This is smth that happens in Sister Location, but I feel Josh's character is more interesting with this context.
Buuuut this scene makes no sense. Aaaaand FNAF 4 shows more chronological events.
Honestly whenever I get around to doing "Spring Bonnie's friends" I'd argue that is the best place to start chronologically but we'll see.
Anyway Cody saving his dumbass brother is so funny to me.
It's also really sad to think that he saved Josh because he knew how much Josh HATED the idea of dying in a springlock suit. Cody shows empathy quite often, especially towards Mike but this extends to helping Josh too.
His little "Now who's the cry baby?" is just the icing on the cake. XD
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So Josh IS dead...?
Kind of?
His "remnant" is just kinda all over the place.
Will pick up in part 3 since PAGE LIMITS.
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omnidemidisaster · 2 years
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Kevin x Goth Girl Reader
Request!!! CW: Cigarettes/Smoking. Also I know the request never said anything about Goth reader, I still like that opposites dynamic so. Also I love bratty bitch reader LMAO.
Y/f/c = Your favorite color
"Black Licorice"
Y/n sat on the curb in front of the Candy Club, smoking a cigarette and watching cars drive past. You constantly heard the Candy Club bell ring, so once you heard it again you didn't pay any mind.
"Uhm, Mam, can you not smoke right here? Dear lord its giving me a headache" A certain Candy Club member said, an annoyed tone lace with their words.
"Sorry Kev, but I don't think I wanna move" You spat at Kevin, turning around to face him. Kevin sighed heavily. "Mam please, this is the third time this week"
You smirked and tapped a bit of ash off the cigarette. "Well how about you make me" You teased. Kevin rolled his eyes, wishing that he wasn't in this conversation in the first place.
"Fine, what do you want?" He asked. You thought about it. He was confused, expecting something typical like free candy or something. Nope. He wasn't expecting what came out your lips.
"I want your number" You said. Kevin stepped back a little in surprise. "My number?" He asked, extremely confused. "Yea. Give me your number and I'll stop smoking here"
Kevin stood there for a few seconds. He sighed and walked into the store to find a sheet of paper. He took a piece of candy, opened the candy wrapper and popped the candy in his mouth.
Instead of trashing the wrapper, he grabbed a pen, laid the tiny paper wrapper put and wrote his number. He walked back out, seeing you still sitting there, awaiting him.
He handed you the wrapper begrudgingly. You smirked and put the number in your jacket pocket. You stood up, patted the dirt off your clothes.
"Thanks Candy Man" You teased, putting extra emphasis on Candy Man. You started to walk away, leaving Kevin just standing in the dark.
A week later
Kevin waited at the counter, humming a tune to himself. The bell alerted him, causing him to look over. He was met with a familiar face.
"Hey Candy Man"
Kevin cursed under his breath. "What are you doing here?" He asked, a bit of anger laced in his tone. "I said I would stop smoking here, never said I would stop coming here" You said, walking around the store.
Kevin sighed. He watched you as you looked at the candy in the store. He couldn't help but just look at you. He thought it was just to stare daggers at you, but something about you made him want to look at you.
Its just out of annoyance, right? I mean look at your stupid jacket with those cool looking patches. And that pretty (y/f/c) dyed hair didn't look good on you. And your makeup looks too pretty on you.
He didn't think you were pretty, right? He couldn't have. You were the annoying bitch who smoked and asked for something just to leave.
All of a sudden a clank against the glass caused him to wake up from his random day dream. "Uhh Candy Man? You good?" You asked, laughing a bit at him.
"Shut up" He mumbled, scanning the items. You laughed and pulled out your phone. You scrolled mindlessly, unaware of Kevin looking over. He saw you were texting a friend and something told him to read.
"Yooo I'm at the candy store. Want anything?"
"Sure, they got red hots? Also ain't that the same place you met that guy?"
"Who Kevin?
"Yeah. Hes pretty cute tbh"
"Didn't he tell you off LMAO"
"Shut up lol. Man idc I've had worse thrown at me"
"Dont remind me"
"Your so sensitive bro that happened to ME"
His eyes reread the sentence "Hes pretty cute". So thats what you thought of him.
He pushed the bag of candy to you, causing you to look up at him. He took another look at you again. Dark and (y/f/c) dyed hair, dark makeup that compliments your face, your charming eyes.
Gothic beauty. That goth beauty thought him, a socially anxious college kid who works at a damn candy store, was cute.
That jolted him out his head. "You've been staring more often. What's with you hm? Weirdo" You teased, grabbing the bag and handing over a wad of cash. He reached for it, your hands bumping together.
Your hand was softer and smaller than his. Kevin tried not to think about it while counting the cash and getting change. Kevin wanted to say something to you. No matter how hard he thought though, he didn't think of anything.
"Yo, candy man, when do you clock out?" You asked, looking at your painted nails. "Uh- 1 am...Why?" He questioned. "Was thinking maybe we could go get some burgers and shakes from Burger Queen when you clock out"
His eyes widened. Why are you asking him out? Didn't you just jab at him a second ago? "Uhm...Like a...Like a uhm.." You snickered at him. "Like a date. Not the most romantic but hey I don't get a good paycheck till next week"
He stuttered before blurting out "YES", startling the hell out of you. His hands clapped over his mouth. "S-Sorry" He said, mumbling into his hands.
You laughed at his reaction. "Its 12:06 right now, want me to stay til you get out?" You asked. "If...if you want" Kevin mumbled. "Then Ima sit right here with ya"
You looked for an empty place on the ground where you would be out the way. Kevin noticed you looking around for a seat. He went to the back and brought out a milk crate. Sure it isn't the most comfortable but it was better than the floor.
You sat down on the crate, getting comfortable. You were going to stay for nearly an hour, might as well get comfortable.
Kevin was now suddenly wanting his shift to end quicker than usual.
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mayday-jd · 10 months
it's here....
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I am watching all the trolls movie in one sitting while taking a break between each one to really process the colorful trip I'm about to go on
so obviously the first question I'd ask myself would be was trolls (2016) good?? and the answer is yeah it's pretty fun but not that it's fantastic more like smth I'd put on if I got bored and wanted to watch a silly movie with songs and bright fucking characters
so I'd give it a 7/10 maybe
now onto some notes and silly remarks shall we?
• the movie starts with a scrapbooking montage/flashback where it's basically explains that bergens eat trolls to feel happy because they're miserable creatures that don't sing, dance or hug
and when the flashback actually starts we literally see gristle (who has NEVER eaten a troll) FUCKING SMILE LIKE??
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"daddy omg it's trollstice I'm so excited!! 🥹"
tell me this boy is not buzzing with fucking joy rn look me dead in the eyes and tell me that
and yeah ik that what's said in the intro probably isn't all meant literally cuz when poppy and branch arrive to bergen town all the ppl there start singing clint eastwood by gorillaz (which was fucking hilarious LMAO)
• bridget and gristle are SO FUCKING ADORABLE LIKE LOOK AT THEM
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they don't know they're destined to fall in love but bridget's sure as hell already in love with gristle lol
they're honestly so sweet and happy tgt I wish they explode I hate them sm (they're everything to me)
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I can't believe they pulled a cinderella and I didn't hate it the entire time cuz ngl bridget is that girl she just doesn't know it
speaking of bridget....
• I love gristle duh he's so dumb and adorable and stupid and a literal man child but in an endearing way that somehow works
but bridget?? she truly means everything to me
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she's just so miserable and sad in this movie it's awful to see so ty poppy for helping my girl out cuz goddamn was she in a horrible place yeesh...
I also could not get a ss of her with poppy but the besties??? the sisters?? the girls ever?? yeah they're like all that matters to me like that scene where bridget is set to ruin her life so poppy and the other trolls can escape cuz she showed her what true happiness was?? did not tear up at all 😎
• since I'm talking about bergens rn might as well say that I think the chef was a pretty damn good villain in this move
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her motivations are clear, she has a consistent shitty personality and I don't find her that goofy or anything when she's carrying out her plan she's believable as an antagonist
her wanting to steal the throne and become queen kinda does make sense since she was banned from the town and developing a hatred/resentment for the same ppl that threw you away makes sense
and by "ppl" I mean the king aka the one on the throne so yeah she now wants to be queen and kill gristle lol
and since I'm talking about antagonists here let me talk about the biggest SNAKE in the room
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ariaisabitch · 2 years
S3 ep3
alright we're off to an intimidating start. Andrew's proposing and her face is not very convincing.
She's gonna say no. Oh god. Please don't. NOOO SHES SAYING NO. Ffs.
"Not forever" girl that fucking hurts. Holy shit. and she's smiling. Ok maybe her and Baurtise are meant to be. Nvm.
"Too calm and collected" ?? You mean, he has his life together? NOT THE EYE DROPS BROOOO that's sad
"I didn't think i could care for someone that would bring me to tears" This man just dropping deep shit left and right.
"Why are we so goofy?" that gave me an ick
Dude is it bad that I wanna skip this? LMAO I'm so judgmental. I'm also just eating a sandwich while watching and typing this, so i've gotten mushed cheese on my phone now.
she's so hot
this is such a cute montage
what is in his pocket wait hold up it's colorful
that ring is very extra. love that
Dude. Who came up with the ring thing? Like who decided that's how people propose now?
Omg his fuckin face. This is very awkward m. Ok maybe not anymore. This man is so precious. Can we give him a giant ass hug?
Did this bitch just pout at me? Sorry, I shouldn't call her a bitch that's mean.
Why do I just hate everyone this season? LOL
Dude the relief she felt when he said he was getting on one knee. That's amazing. Ok, this is kinda sweet.
Dude, my mind switches so easily LOLLL
Ohhh.. yay... Nancy and Bartise...My favorite couple. Dude his voice annoys me so much and idek why.
Nancy's lil dance was so cute.
"i'm not the prettiest one in the crowd" Girl, if you don't look in the damn mirror.
She's so short. I thought she was a lot taller for some reason.
Do they just like pick out the rings before the show or something? Or do they tell the producers what ring they want when they're about to propose.
Matt and Colleen. Alright. I feel neutral about them rn.
"My profile is a big insecurity" *camera shows her profile*
Awwww that was such a cute meeting. Both of their reactions and the kiss. Alright, fine. I'm easing up to them.
Dude did every guy say "Got something for you" when they showed the ring?
This resort is gorgeous, my god.
Alexa and Brennon seem more like good friends ngl.
Dude i just completely zoned out for the whole colleen and matt thing. They're cuddling outside, that's so cute. I wanna be held like that, bro. Did you see him rubbing her head like that? omg
Ok back to Alexa and Brennon. That tree is gorgeous on so many levels. They seem so awkward, im sorry. I have to say it. Like emotionally, yes they're great. But they seem very disconnected, physically. Could just be me. idk.
oh... yay... Cole... He makes me so uncomfortable. Ok nvm THIS is awkward.
Where's SK? I don't gaf about Bartise. Future Mrs bathing suit is kinda iconic. That's a tiny ass bath for two people tho.
This girl is talking about unclogging toilets while in a tub with a man. This girl.... THE SCRUBBER??
Sk now? SK? YEAAAAA SK AND RAVENNN. Her eyes are gorgeous. I just have a crush on Raven. Why's she got makeup on when laying down in the bed? WHY IS THERE JUST A SHOT OF HER FEET EW GET THAT SHIT OFF
SK is such a sweetheart omg.
Back to Colleen. She's just wrapped around him.. like damn. Alright then. Ngl this season is really boring me.
Why does Cole seem so standoffish now? Huh? And he's calling her standoffish? I'm so confused with these two. They're so tense.
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~How they react to a reward Kiss~ *first part* This is long lmao (I was going to do poking checks part 2 but this happened)
Scout was helping you finish the task soldier told you to do. The task was to deliver some crates to the storage house. That day he finished his takes early so he was able to help you!
And of course, he made this also a game! Ok! s/o new game! You always seem to have new ideas huh? Well of course babe! SO! The game is you are going to pick up a crate randomly! And then we are going till med bay! Ok! AND THEN~ whoever wins gets a reward from the loser! ok?
This was particularly interesting since was based on luck. All the crates had different things inside which could change the weight. Some have pillows inside some have heavy's extremely heavy dumbbells inside. SO even though scout is faster this definitely had a chance for you to win!
Ok, pick one random box! Hmm, this one! *puts a black marker on to mark yours* I will pick this one! *puts a red marker on it* Ok are you ready? YES! READY SET... G O !!!!
You picked yours up and it was pretty light...!!! It was a crate full of pyro's crayons and colored pencils! YES! Scout picked up his and... OOF. Scout instantly tell that it was full of medical-related books! DAMN IT!
The race was going pretty good! You were ahead by a little and scout was right behind you!!! A...Almost there!!!! See ya babe~! !!!! Wait no wait! No can do toots! *dashes* Nooooooo
Scout is the winner~~~~!!! Scout was puffing his chest out and doing a happy dance! *you just laying on the floor breathlessly* Nooooo Little fast boy has one hehe! HELL YEAH!
So s/o! hm? what's my reward? ...? Oh right! (ehehe) Scout! yea? You're reward is...!!!
*smooch* ...WAIT WHAT!? *scout is just absolutely shocked* the reward is a reward kiss! !!!!
Scout's chest began to bubble...bubbling absolutely pure happiness! S/o~! *hugs s/o tight* Y-you like the reward? HELL YEAH! It felt special! Normal ones are good but this one felt extra special! hehe *both giggle and look deep into their eye*
*sound of door opening* WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING!!!! (medic) I MESSED UP BECAUSE OF HOW FUCKING LOUD YOU TWO ARE! uh-oh. LEAVE NOWWWWW!!! We gotta go, babe! *hold s/o hand and runs off in a distance* Let's do this again babe! Yeah! BUT~Maybe not near med bay next time! hehe of course of course!
Soldier (he loves reward kiss just sayin)
Soldier was on a roll with winning! It was the 9th time soldier has won the battle! That is what soldier calls a proud soldier!
It was the 10th time now! The administrator and Miss Pauling announced that if their team won this. They would get a special reward and some extra cash! The whole team was fired up!
Since soldier was the leader even though it didn't seem like it but soldier felt some pressure. Soldier was pretty nervous but he felt his heart burn with soon-to-be victory!
And...He WON! Their team won!!!! He felt so proud! As soon as he won he looked for you! CUPCAKE!!!!! CUPCAKEE!!!! Yes yes I am here! Cupcake!! We won!! Victory is ours!!!! AHAHAHAH! Congrats soldier! I and America are proud of you :) *soldier almost melts* Anyway cupcake! We have to go meet the team! They would be worried if the leader is gone!! *holds s/o and almost leaves* Oh um wait soldier! What's wrong cupcake? *s/o blushes a little* C-can you lend an ear for a moment? *gasp* A SECRET!? *immediately comes down to s/o's level* *smooch on cheek* !!!?!?!?!?!? I-I want to give you a reward kiss... *soldier just explodes flustered* I- HERE IS A REWARD KISS FOR YOU TOO!!!!! *bonus reward big smooch* *both giggle*
S/o. Yes? I LOVE BOTH AMERICA AND YOU SO MUCH! I love you to soldier!
Pyro (sweetheartttt)
Pyro was looking for your accessory/keychain you lost! You lost it 2 days ago, and was feeling really down about it since it was important to you.
You already gave up on looking for it. You and pyro looked for HOURS! Yet that thing did not appear. Besides it rained the next day so you just thought for sure it was now gone.
BUT! Pyro did not give up! Their lovely lover shall not be sad!! Pyro knew how important that thing meant to you!! So they went searching! Pyro looked EXTRA carefully. Pyro was going to make s/o proud and happy >:)
*After serching for many many hours*
The sun was almost about to say goodbye and the moon was going to say hello to pyro. Hudda...
BUT! Pyro has not given up! Huddaaa!!!! *pyro then grabbed a flashlight that they borrowed from engi's workplace* mmph!
Something then sparkled in pyro's eyes. hudda? *looks closer* HUDDA!!!! Pyro found s/o's missing thing!
But...it was up on a tree...pyro didn't know exactly how but it happened.
Since pyro's knew they wouldn't be able to climb it *too slippery and just thin* HUDDA! *gets an axe out*
Yep, they began to chop the dang tree down :)
After pyro's epic tree-cutting moment, it fell down, and successfully got s/o's thing! Pyro soon ran to the base! MMPHHHH!!!
*arrives at the base, and heads to s/o! MMPHHHHHHHH! !!! pyro?! HUDDA! *hands the thing* *gasp* Pyro! mmph? You found it? *nods* But how! I thought we both gave up on it! Besides, it was probably long gone after the storm! mmphh! pyro... n?
*hugs pyro* Thank you so much! Thank you. *pyro freezes* *happiness explodes!* MMMPHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! *hugs tight and lifts s/o off the floor* woa! Pyro. mm? *head pat* mmph :)) *head boop* mmph :D *forehead kiss* MMPHH!! >:DDD *both of you just having an absolute happiness moment like in a fairy tale :) *
YES! I finally got this done!!!! Part 2...? YES! Do not worry hehe! Once I get this series done I will do the requests. Do not worry :)
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vannybarber · 4 years
The Prenup: Part Two
Summary: After four years of being together and finally being engaged, Chris wants you to sign a prenup.
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Chris Evans x Reader
Warnings: angst, swearing, chris getting his ass handed to him, a lot of pain.
Part One
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Walking down the isle, you grab everything that looks remotely pleasing in sight. After you left the house, you were just driving nowhere. Having to refill your tank because you wasted all the gas, the crackhead at the station kept singing Mambo Number 5 and it made you feel slightly better. Now you were in the convenience store spending your feelings away.
You get to the pain pills and grab some Aleve. Your head has been thumping for hours now. You see a pink box and knock a couple of those in the basket too just because they're pink. Whipping over to the candy isle, you grab multiple bags of Starburst jelly beans just to spite Chris because you know he loves them. Moments later, your basket it full and you head to the front.
Tipping the basket, you dump all the contents on the counter. The cashier gives you this look and you don't blame her. You had 3 bags of jellybeans, 5 random candy bars, 2 pink boxes you still can't read out, a blue Mountain Dew, a dog toy and some Doritos. Absolutely random. The cashier scans all the junk food, but when she gets to the pink boxes, she look up at you and at your left hand.
You're in a daze, so you don't see her looking at you. Your mind was all over the place and frankly, you didn't want to think about any of the latest events. Not the prenup. Not the engagement. Not Chris. Snapping into reality, you pay for your groceries and take all the bags and walk out the store.
On the drive to the hotel, you pass the park where you and Chris met. That didn't help with your predicament at all.
Dodger had gotten off his leash because he was so excited to finally have a home. You were with your niece. She is so obsessed with dogs and wanted to meet every one. Dodger spotted her and pounced on her, giving infinite kisses.
Chris was freaking out. His dog just pounced on a two year old child.
You, on the other hand, were laughing your ass off. Your niece wasn't complaining either because she kissed him back.
He apologized profusely and you guaranteed him it was okay. You guys hung out for the rest of the day and decided to go on another date, without the kids. One date lead to many others and soon enough you'd met his whole family, vice versa, and started living with him. It was unreal.
And here you are infront of a hotel, with no ring or engagement and your fianceé almost an hour away. Oh, how the tables have turned.
You get out and receive your room key. You head up to your room and set everything down. You were so tired and worn out. Getting comfortable in the bed, you knock out almost immediately.
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Meanwhile, back at your house, it's pure chaos.
"Chris do you realize what the fuck you just did?"
Scott is practically screaming at his brother, pacing around the room.
"Scott can you fucking chill? You're not helping the situation" Chris snapped back at him. Scott stops and stares at him like he's an idiot.
"We wouldn't be in this situation if it wasn't for your stupid choices. Tell him Ma!" He looks at her to back him up. Lisa stands up from her seat and walks over to Chris.
"Now Scott, Chris is a grown man. He can handle this situation, right honey?" Her hands are on both his shoulders, looking for him to respond.
"There you go. You always do this! You always baby him up whenever he's in trouble." He rolls his eyes. Lisa draws back from Chris.
"No, I do not. I let all of you sort out your own issues, with my advice of course. Shanna, Carly, do I baby your brother?" Chris throws his head back in annoyance.
"Um, yeah kinda.."
"Sometimes...Ma, but not all the time of course"
They say at the same time. They hated to admit it but when it came to Chris, she mostly got him out his problems. He's not used to solving them on his own. Lisa utters incoherent words in disbelief.
"That's not important right now. My fianceé just called off our engagement and I don't know where she is!" Chris interrupts, getting everyone back into focus.
"Technically she's not your fianceé if she called the engagement off, but it's whatever..." Scott mumbles with his hands up. Chris shoots him a 'fuck off look'.
"Well have you tried calling her?" Carly asks him.
"Yes, but she's not picking up. She can hold quite the grudge when it comes to her feelings." And he was right. You were very protective of your feelings and anything to harm that will be shut down ASAP.
"Well we just have to hope that she is trusting her better judgment and will come back, unlike someone in the room" Scott says sarcastically turning and sitting on the couch. Chris smacks his lips.
"Scott that's enough!" Lisa snaps.
"Well he deserves everything he's getting! He put himself in this situation. Now he doesn't have a wife and he's miserable. Could never be me."
Chris had enough. He moved quickly put his chair and into the bedroom, slamming the door shut. He sat at the edge of the bed and cried.
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You had finally woken up and check your phone.
26 missed calls | 63 messages.
You text Lisa and tell her you're fine. Closing the app, you look at your homescreen. It's a picture of Chris laying on your chest asleep. His lips are parted and you're grinning in the screen. He looks like an adorable puppy. You grab your charger out your bag and plug it up.
Remembering the stuff you bought, you grab the jellybeans and open them. Seeing the assortment of colors, you go straight for the red ones. Chris' favorite. You were gonna milk this to the bone. You reach in the bag and feel one of the pink boxes you bought. Still not knowing what it was, you pull it out and read it.
First Response Pregnancy
You bought a damn pregnancy test. 2 to be exact. You didn't know if you wanted to laugh or to smack yourself for wasting your money. Many thoughts went through your mind. Should you take the tests? Should you throw it away? What if you were pregnant? That last thought gave you shivers. Pregnant at a time like this? Were you even ready?
Looking down at the test, you decide to take it. Just for the hell of it. You knew you weren't gonna be pregnant because you take birth control. Not to mention you and Chris use condoms for extra measure. Nothing wrong with being safe.
You get up, pad to the bathroom and get down to business. You do all the steps and clean up after yourself. Now you just had to wait.
You were nervous as hell. You don't know why though. There isn't a chance you could be pregnant because you didn't allow there be one. You have been beyond careful. There would be zero possibility. Or so you thought.
After what felt like 5 minutes, your shakey hand grab the test and flip it over.
| |
You freeze and your eyes dart to the information section.
Not Pregnant- |
Pregnant- | |
You look back at the results. There were two lines. Absentmindedly, you shake your head and back up until your back hits the wall. You can't be pregnant. There's literally no freaking way. It's got to be false.
You grab the other test and take it. After 5 more minutes, you check it and there's two lines also. Now you were freaking the fuck out. Both tests are positive. You rush back in the room and dig through the bag for the other box. You grab it and take both tests at the same time. Don't ask.
After another 5 minutes, you stare at the back of the two tests. Moment of truth. You flip both the tests at the same time.
| | on each test.
This is where you fall on the floor in shock and fear. You were pregnant. With Chris' child. And you guys just had a huge fall out and you're all alone. You're not ready for a kid. Especially not now.
You bury your head in your hands and let the tears fall. How in the hell were you gonna tell him?
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@flattykawa1 @mayafatimakhan @attitude-times @shawn-youth @traceyaudette @fantasticinternetpizza @kyraroseficreblogs33 @radi0active-thoughts @youthought-iwasa-nicegirl @ohbarracuda @katelyneannxo @jennamarieee623 @nicochantez @craycraycraic @ilikeurdad @ppal3 @captainson-of-coul @joanne-stan @ilovetheeagles @cristinagronk16 @kelbabyblue @onyourgoddamnleft @jessyballet @misz-adrii @geminievans1 @saltyflowermakertaco @a-moment-captured @harrysthiccthighss @greatbatprofessordragon
i hope this part kept you guys' intrest like the first part😭 i felt the pressure today lmao
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if you're bolded, i couldn't tag you. i'll personally message you ❤ thank you guys for your support. it means so much to me 🤧
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nicoleheichou · 3 years
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Now All I See Is Color - chapter 6: ya think i did good?
♡ masterlist ♡ 《 previous | next 》
In a world where soulmates exist, it's uncommon for most people to find theirs. A lot of them going their whole lives never experiencing the world in color because they've never met their soulmate. But that all changes for y/n when she becomes MSBY Jackals player, Miya Atsumu's assistant. They're about to experience the world in color together. But what does that mean for y/n when both her and Atsumu are in committed relationships?
You're interrupted by your work phone, startling the both of you out of the little bubble you two had created. It really did feel like you were the only people in the ramen shop. You answer it and before you can even get out a greeting, she's telling you to hand the phone to Atsumu. He looks confused but takes it anyway.
"How's my fa---huh? Slow down. I'm not understanding what yer trying to say." You look up at him and notice his brows are furrowed. "I didn't think it would be a big deal. And why does it matter who I post on MY twitter?" He runs his free hand through his hair before bringing it down his face, letting out a sigh in the process. "Yeah okay. Shit. I know. I'll take care of it." You look at him concerned as he hands the phone back to you. "Everything okay?"
"I didn't think posting that picture of ya on my twitter would lead to people thinking I'm cheating on Mika. But my bet is if ya look at yer phone right now you'll have a bunch of notifications." You pull out your phone and sure enough, you have a bunch of texts from your various chats, notifications from twitter, and some missed phone calls. You let out a sigh not really wanting to be bothered by it right now. And glancing at the time on the screen you immediately jump out of your seat.
"Atsumu! The interview. We only have 15 minutes before we're supposed to be there." You had spent so much time talking to each other that you didn't realize just how late it had gotten. He slams some money on the table, before he grabs your hand and ushers you out the door. You get in his car and are already pulling up the directions to the station before he even pulls out of the parking space.
You make it with a couple minutes to spare, granted Atsumu was going a few miles over the speed limit, and by a few, it was actually a lot. You're shown into a room where you're told to wait until they call for him. You try to catch your breath, having to keep up with Atsumu and his long strides all the way from the car to the room you're in now was definitely a workout. You glance up at him and notice that his hair is a mess from rushing to get to the station on time coupled with the stress from the earlier call from his agent. "Stand still." He raises a brow at you but complies. You reach up to fix his hair, making sure that it's put back into place. "Thanks angel." You felt butterflies in your stomach at the nickname, which causes you to abruptly pull away. You shouldn't be feeling like this, you shouldn't be getting butterflies when another man calls you a nickname.
Before either of you can speak, you're interrupted by a knock on the door. One of the interns sticks their head in to let you both know that it's time. He motions for you to follow, which you do hesitantly. You stay behind the glass and you watch as he introduces himself to the host and slips on the headset, the 'on air' sign flickering on. You watch as the host asks him some questions, the same ones that you prepped him for, while listening to how Atsumu answers the questions.
"So before we let you go...we just have to know, man. I know this isn't sports related, but your last tweet. What was that about?" The radio host questions. You should have known they wouldn't stick to the script, you're shaking your head not wanting him to answer the question but he looks over at you with a smile, as if trying to reassure you.
"Am glad ya asked. My agent gave me an earful about it. As you can see--" He motions to you behind the glass, not like the listeners could see you, "She's my new assistant. I was having an off day so coach let me out early and we decided to kill some time by getting some food and getting to know each other. She's actually Suna Rintarou's girlfriend. Ya know, the middle blocker for EJP Raijin and one of my highschool teammates and closest friends. So we talked a lot about him. If yer listening to this Suna, I told her about ya know, that." You can't help but smile remembering what the blonde told you earlier about your boyfriend. "That's all there is to it, so am begging everyone, stop with the speculations. It's disrespectful to all parties involved." You can't help but nod in agreement even if you hadn't seen what they were saying about the both of you.
After a few more minutes, the interview finishes up and he comes bounding towards you. You can't help but chuckle at how excited he is. "How'd I do angel? Ya think I did good?" He reminded you of a dog just wanting approval from his owner, you can even picture a tail and ears on him. "You did. Thanks for clearing everything up Tsumu." He grins at the nickname you give him. You can't help but feel butterflies in your belly at the sight of his reaction. No. Stop. This isn't right. Your brain is telling you that the butterflies in your stomach aren't okay, but the fluttering of your heart says otherwise. Damn this soulmate bond.
a/n: more writing. sorry! idk how else I would have gotten this all across. lmao.
doesnt atsumu just give off golden retriever vibes? lmao.
next chapter is also written. but then it's all social media for a good while.
i hope you're all staying cool. and staying safe!
message or comment if you want to be on the taglist. and message me if y'all wanna talk. lol.
Taglist: @bakugouswh0r3 @youidiot91 @koffyee @kyomihann
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Apparently I'm in a mood to give commentary, y'all, so here we go
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[I made this meme, please be nice and don't repost it without giving credit 🥺🥺🥺]
I've seen a lot of episodes scattered throughout all the seasons so I'm currently in a full watch starting from the beginning. I'm currently on 2x13, an episode I've already seen but it's been awhile
It's the episode with that Frank dude. Didn't he have some girl he was in love with that was at the center of all his shit though?? I don't know, I can't remember, guess I'll find out as we go along
Oh damn, I didn't realize he'd been killing for that fucking long 💀💀
Same, man, same
(Totally off topic but Nebraska's just became one of my sycronicities and they're literally in Nebraska so that's fun 💀)
"YoU rEaLly ThInK wE hAvE a SeRiAl KiLlEr In OuR tOwN?" Bro, shut up, you're town isn't excluded from psychopaths and people with issues, anything can happen 💀💀
"Is it just me or are we not very welcome here?" Reid, you're so cute, ilysm
I could be completely wrong on that but oh well, lmao
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jane!!! Totally his girlfriend or whatever
Poor Garcia, she has to see so much gross shit :((
Oh yes, there is another connection
They all drive along the same highway
This Aflac commercial is so dumb, bro
Like the colors of that chess board though
That's such a nice diner. Poor lady, just finding out that she's been serving a sadistic serial killer milkshakes for all these years. I guarantee you've served more than just one at some point, honey, a side of the road trailer diner right by the highway like that
"Do YoU tHiNk I'm InSaNe?" No, bro, I KNOW you insane
Gideon's just like, "Bitch, do not play me right now, I know that you know that I know that you've tortured and killed dozens of people, and my knowledge makes me more dangerous than you 🙄😤"
Holy fuck
I don't wanna think about that, tbh
I vaguely recognize the police officer lady that took them to Jane but that might just be cause I've seen this episode before
Awww, young Jane was so pretty
She thought Frank was an alien 💀💀💀
He just basically said loners in so many other unnecessary words 💀
Yeah, Jason. What's the psychopath got in the bag, huh?
I recognize that dude with the shotgun, too, lmao
Another ad break, ugh
In other news, my cat came to visit on her way to the window
I don't care about ikea 😤
Oh, and we're back now
What's in the baaaaggggg
"We are all sons of bitches" Damn, bro, that's rude
Imagine if tickets were as big as heads
Last time I heard someone say "S.O.B." was in Supernatural, I think
"To get away with murder, you simply don't tell anyone" Yeah, I think we already know that, guys 💀
They've figured it out! Good job for being smart, guys!
I love Garcia and JJ's friendship 🤣🤣🤣
Just found out snapshot from progressive is not available in both California and North Carolina
They're like right across from each other on a map, that's the weirdest thing ever 💀💀
Dammit, I want a milkshake now, tbh
He wants his girly friiieeennndddd
Don't Frank and Jane both end up dead by the end of this episode
Oh great, he's artsy crafty
And we've now caught up to present times
The same happy chemicals that come in chocolate also come in peas, what 💀💀💀
Oh god, ew
Reid's face when he sees everything in the gross torture and murder room :(((
Awwww, he fell in wove
Yet another ad break 😩
And we're back for the final home stretch
Not the little kiddies :((
Awww, they're so made for each other
In their very own weird twisted way
"I cOuLdN't HaVe ThAt On My CoNsCiEnCe" Bro, nothing goes on your conscience to begin with 💀💀💀
"I'll kill myself"
"Call me first" 💀💀💀
Did he really just hike that entire 2 miles 💀💀
"We'll find them" He says, looking confidently into the distance.
"Sure, Jan." I whisper, from behind a bush.
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