#you can disagree ofc but like. you gotta admit. the game is pretty well made.
katzdxd · 1 year
I don't have the full amanda the adventurer game yet so I've only seen part of a playthrough of it and- holy shit I have some things to say already
the voice acting for amanda is AWESOME. she has so much emotion in her voice when she breaks character and I just wanna gives props to whoever had voice acted her because WOW.
I have MANY theories for what's going on in this game because oh my god it goes so much more into depth than the original and gives even more questions to what's going on
another thing with it going more in depth- I like how they've like actually given somewhat of layers to amanda now (because in the original she was only in character and occasionally angry) but now I feel like it gives more concrete personality to her and what's happening.
just. like. in general. this game started from a small game jam project I believe(?) and a joke about dora and it's gotten really good. this is what I mean when I say indie horror. not some horrible cashgrab with a badly written story, but an actual game with it's own unique interactive experience and good puzzles/codes to it. a game that constantly has you guessing and getting confused on the story, but in a good way where it isn't inconsistent.
throughout the updates of the game, too, they've given such an interesting plot. they put so much love into this game and it's obvious. the devs are having so much fun with this game and I'm here for it.
that's all I can think of to say right now, but once I see the rest of the game (or get to play it) I'll be back with more.
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