#you can ONLY get up to 500 a month and you can't get an increase unless u make more than 5000 a month
gorepill · 2 months
Im gonna have to change my kofi goal at the start of each mon th, since paypal is a bitch and has a limit.
also disclaimer for my tags; IM NOT IN A BAD MOOD AND I AM NOT PANICKING OR ANYTHING i just realized i was bitching abt shit iuHEURORWUEWIHRWE
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Vaderkin Creative Exchange 2024!
Hello and welcome! This is a gift exchange in four steps, organised by the Vaderkin Community (Vaderkin is a lightning rod discord) around Anakin | Vader's character, to increase interactions between writers and artists and give everyone some time to shine!
✒️ Step 1: Writers write prompts for artists, everyone get matched depending on sign up answers.
🎨 Step 2: Artists have one month to draw one or more works from the prompts they received.
✒️ Step 3: Arts reveal. Writers get assigned one or several art pieces and have two months to write a minimum 500 words story inspired from them.
🎨 Step 4: Fics reveal. Drawing festival, every artist can draw fanart over the new stories created from the event (and be reblogged by this tumblr for it).
Sign up here:
All works (art and fic) from tumblr will be reblogged by the Vader Community and all works (art and fic) from ao3 can be added to the event collection. For this, the works need to be tagged properly with "Vaderkin creative exchange 2024", as well as the tag "explicit" if it is explicit (smut, strong graphic violence) work.
Overall, it’s a typical gift exchange, only writers prompts will be in image rather than words, and everyone is strongly encouraged to have fun and try their hand at sketching during the ’drawing festival’.
Sign up opens: Marsh 28th, 2024
Sign up closes: April 27th, 2024
Artists receive prompts & giftee: May 4th, 2024 (as a little sw gift 😉)
Writers receive prompts & giftee: June 2nd-4th, 2024
Artists Submissions: June 4th, 2024
Writers Submissions: August 4th 2024
Drawing Festival: August 2024
Have fun!!
Rules and FAQ below the cut
- This is an Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader exchange. This character needs to be one of the main characters, or at least have a very strong presence in the artwork/story. Crossovers are accepted.
- Respect your Giftee's Do Not Want (DNW)
- Do not reveal who your Giftee is before the reveal date (June 4th for artists, August 4th for writers). If you have a question, ask as anon through the Giftee's Tumblr or ask one of the event mods (we will serve as intermediary).
- Do not repost your gift content (especially art!) Mind your giftee’s extra request for AI-scraping protection if there is any. If you can, use the ao3 gift function to link to their profile. Otherwise, mention in your work post that this is a gift, with a mention of your giftee username and a link towards their tumblr/ao3/otherwise page, if they gave one.
- Do not use AI to produce your gift, be it to produce the prompts or to produce your art / written work.
- Avoid character bashing, kinkshaming, and ship wars. If one fits in your DNW (ex: You absolutely do not want Obikin content), mention it politely. This is an event for everyone to have fun! The fandom is wide, and there is space for everyone.
If any of the above rules is not respected, mods reserve the right to ban you from this and any future Vaderkin Community events.
By participating in this exchange, you commit yourself to producing one art piece if you sign up as an artist, one written fic if you sign up as writer, or one artwork and one fic if you sign up as both. If you can't complete your work, you must warn one of the mods at least one week before the deadline.
Please don’t forget to comment on your gift, even a small ’thank you’ to the artist/writer is better than nothing and will make everyone very happy!
Can I draw a comic? Yes, a comic panel will be counted as an art piece.
Can I write a multi chapter story? Sure! Feel free to! But your first chapter must be able to pass as a one shot, and be finished by the writing deadline.
I missed the sign up deadline (27th April), can I still join? No, but you can still join during the Drawing Festival! The final event is open to everyone.
I only joined as an artist/writer but also wanted to participate as the other one. Same answer. The sign up closes in order for us to properly match everyone. But don’t hesitate to join and give gifts for the Drawing Festival!
Someone else also have the same writing prompt/art prompt/giftee as me, is this normal? Yes, this is how we balance the number difference between writers and artists. Prompt interpretation varies from person to person!
Can I do several art/fic works? Sure! In the case of art pieces, it will allow the writer to choose from which picture to draw inspiration from, like receiving several prompts, so several art pieces is highly encouraged!
I cannot finish my work in time, what do I do? Contact us ASAP and tell us your estimated delay. If you are an artist, keep in mind that your gifter cannot begin their writing work before your art piece is published.
I do not wish to participate anymore, what do I do? Contact us ASAP. Please try not to drop out right before the deadline, as we may have to create a work to replace yours.
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des8pudels8kern · 4 months
I have returned from vacation!
It's been so. Good.
Madeira is gorgeous. Everything is green and growing, with different kinds of plants, depending on which side of the island and elevation you are. Even on the mountain tops, the yellow broom was in full bloom. The weather is unpredictable, but almost always a flavour of moderate. All of our tour guides made a point to explain that Madeira doesn't have one climate, but is a patchwork of micro-climates, so you can drive through one tunnel/over one ridge and suddenly it goes from windy, cloudy 19°C to calm, sunny 24°C (and the sun is strong - always wear sunscreen). The sea is gorgeous and you can see it from almost everywhere, albeit there are few opportunities to go for a swim as the coast is mostly cliffs and rocks.
We spent most of our time staying at a place in Funchal and doing organised tours and trips out of the city. Funchal itself has a bus system that makes it easy to get around town without a car. We did do a lot of walking, but you appreciate having an alternative to cover a distance of not even two kilometres by bus when it comes with a difference in height of 500 metres. Outside of Funchal... well, there are several bus companies, covering different parts of the island, but these overland buses only run a handful of times a day and most of the bus stops and schedules are impossible to find online. If you don't want to, or can't, rent a car, doing tours our of Funchal is by far your best option to see Madeira. We finished our vacation with two days in a smaller town up North, and, while ending with a few slow, chill days worked well for us, we were very limited in our options and actually had to use taxis.
Food has been a mixed bag for me. There is so much fresh produce growing all over the island, and the fruit is delicious, but restaurants and the ever-present snack bars focus almost exclusively on meat and fish. Funchal at least offers plenty of options for vegetarians, but even there I couldn't find a place with Madeiran vegetable dishes. I assume it's the same trend as everywhere else: The traditional vegetable dishes are/were poor people food and got sidelined with increased wealth. Either way, I was lucky to be a flexitarian who can eat bolo do caco or a chicken or ham sandwich rather than a proper vegetarian.
The Madeirans do like to drink. Poncha (Aguardente de Cana (white sugarcane rum), sugar, and fruit is everywhere, especially in the original Pescador (with lemon; the perfect drink to keep the fishermen warm at sea and ply them with Vitamin C to ward of scurvy) and Regional (lemon and orange; sweeter than Pescador for those soft city folks), plus Madeira wine, local beer, a very nice, refreshing local apple cider, and all kinds of different liquors, rums, and I even found Madeiran gin for my collection.
Also, I really want to go back (and ideally at a time when I've not been struggling with health problems for months prior and can do proper hikes). Usually, after a big vacation, I do a mental check mark next to that destination and start dreaming about where to go next time, but, yeah, Madeira is definitely worth a second visit.
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ourdreamsareneon · 10 months
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Me and my flatmate are LGBT people with chronic illness, and adorable pet cats. Because of our mental disorders and physical illness we have both been unable to work as much over the past couple months. This timing couldn't be worse as our landlords are increasing our rent by $300 NZD a month at the start of next year (up to $3,000 NZD total)
Although we are both hard workers with good jobs, this increase is too much for us to afford with the cost of living crisis and with the new conservative government coming in, it will only get worse. We are already living paycheck to paycheck and barely scraping by. Due to this, we will be rushed to move out and find a new home within our budget. With minimal savings, we will use any funds donated on bond/rent in advance (est. $2,700), moving costs (est. $500 but hopefully less if we can move close by.)
There is absolutely no pressure to donate anything, your thoughts and prayers during this tough time is enough if you cannot give. These are rough times for everyone, and we are all struggling, but it's important to stick together and persist against all odds.
As we live in Aotearoa (New Zealand) we can't use Go Fund Me so I have two other options:
Buy me a coffee @ ourdreamsareneon
I don't have much to offer in return other than undying gratitude, but maybe my 10+ years of service to the niché fandoms on Tumblr can prove my worth lol
Thank you <3
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eyedelater · 2 years
hi! just wanted to say i love reading your gk analysis posts. im really bad at analysis personally so they really help me! plus it's nice to have info all organized in one place like your tsukikoi flavored posts :-)
just wondering, where do you access the jp manga raws? there are some lines i'm curious about looking at the original text of myself but can't seem to find the raws
thank you so much! personally, i can't understand my own thoughts and feelings about works of fiction without writing them out into grammatically correct prose and then editing them 500 times. i'm very happy if at least 1 other person enjoys reading them afterward.
as for the second part, a couple things:
first of all, if you want, you can let me know about any lines you're curious about and i'll go get them for you.
but anyway, to actually get the raws, if you go here:
and click on any volume you want and then scroll down and click the second box that says デジタル and then scroll down further and it'll show you a list of a million vendors from which you can buy that ebook. the easiest one might be amazon.co.jp, but you'll have to make a separate account, because an amazon.com account won't work.
i was reading the official VIZ translation of GK through their website, which charges you $3 a month to read up to 100 translated manga chapters a day, which is insane if you consider that buying one volume of a manga is like $13 for like 10 chapters. so you could read like 3000 chapters a month if you're a maniac. but i haven't been able to find any similar deal for the manga in japanese, which is what i had been hoping for... though it seems the ebooks in japanese are more like 570 yen per volume, which is closer to $4.50, which is a lot less than $13.
and if you happen to, for example, not that i would know, have trouble figuring out how to get a japanese ebook seller to accept your american credit card... there is another option that i'll tell you about if you DM me.
i'm not aware of the raws in their entirety, volume version, being posted browsable on any manga websites; only bits and pieces of the magazine version. i'm reluctant to link directly anywhere lest it increase the odds of it getting taken down.
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msvorderofoperations · 2 months
Been a bit since I posted just straight information about what I have going on. And shockingly, things have gotten worse!
Some backstory so you don't have to go through the tags of 50 different posts to find out what the hell is going on. I am living in a storage space in my sister's townhouse. It has a mattress, my clothes, and my computer. And basically nothing else. This was only meant to be temporary, but every other opportunity I have looked into has fallen through. Thus I have been stuck here for almost 8 months. Additionally, because of my sister's complete failure as a mother, I'm having to relive all of my childhood trauma on the daily as she constantly screams at her kids. Also, because my sister decided to live in bumfuck nowhere, I'm 40 kilometres from all of my health resources, and my girlfriend. And given that I have intense long-COVID and the nearest bus stop is a kilometre away, this makes leaving both incredibly difficult and absolutely necessary at times.
So that's the baseline of the living hell I have been through. Initially, my sister only wanted $100 a month for utilities used, and I was expected to pay for my own food. A month goes by and she says that because she had to upgrade her bandwidth cap on the internet (which she never told me about any limits) at the cost of an additional $20 a month. Obviously, this necessitated increasing my payments to $500 a month. I don't fight it because it's still lower than what I would be paying elsewhere.
Fast forward to today. I am in dire fucking straights emotionally. I am doing everything I can to keep my head above water, and I am STRUGGLING. So as I go upstairs to make lunch, she asks me if I can do another $100 a month. She gives me some explanation that because her asshole of a partner can't find enough work, and so it then falls to me to make up the shortfall. For reasons. I literally cannot work right now, and the money that I have to live off each month is from disability, which does not get yearly increases for inflation (or anything else for that matter). This is not tenable if I am going to actually have enough funds to pay for a deposit and movers when it comes time to move. After the fact I checked and she legally can't ask for more since she already increased my rent this year, and the maximum she *could* raise it by is 3.5%, not the 20% she is asking for. I try to explain this to her, but that's not a good enough answer to her mind. I then explain that I am not in good headspace to be talking about this, and she then just keeps asking "Well, when will you be?!" and I don't have a fucking answer because HOW THE FUCK CAN I?!
I am doing everything I can to establish a boundary, but she will not let up. And then she starts ranting about how my living downstairs by myself and interfacing with her family as little as possible is somehow responsible for destabilizing the household. And how I can't expect to live in the real world like this. All this is simply because she thinks I'm not looking for a new space. When in reality I am literally doing everything I physically can. I have been working with two social workers at two separate agencies, have friends looking out for me, I have an ongoing account with the registry responsible for subsidized housing, I am looking (when I can) on facebook marketplace, craigslist, and kijiji. And that last one is especially onerous because I have so much fucking trauma around housing at this point that it is a severe trigger for my depression and anxiety. And simply because I do not keep her appraised of every single thing I do (some of which I literally can't because it's not safe to discuss specifics with her) she thinks I am doing literal NOTHING. It's around here that I say that I will simplify things and move in with my mom. Which...if I'm being real is my absolute, last-resort, break-glass-in-case-of-emergency, things-cannot-get-any-worse solution.
Needless to say, this whole conversation has put me in a spiral. I am freaking the fuck out, and she still maintains that she is in the right to do this. I convey to her in the most unambiguous terms that I cannot have this discussion any longer. I have been having suicidal ideation for some time, and this shit is putting me in a place where I can no longer trust myself to be safe. She keeps on rolling along saying that she is working so hard to break the cycle of abuse our parents engaged in, and I can't possibly understand the stress she is under. And I tell her that I recognize that she has been dealt a shit hand too (though most of that was due to her own fucking stupid-ass decisions, but I leave that part out), which is why I keep to myself to not add any more stress. And then she recognizes (FINALLY) that she's repeating some of the treatment my parents doled onto but her and me, but me especially. Because at one point when I was still a teen I had to make one of my parents mortgage payments because they couldn't find the money that month. I tell her that's at least part of why I'm reacting so intensely. And then she starts crying.
At this point I realize that my breathing has become extremely uneven and shaky. But I am not crying. It dawns on me that I am about to go into an anxiety attack. And sure enough! And it is by far the worst one I have ever had in my life. Despite having problems of lethargy from long COVID, my body somehow found the energy reserves to be in a full on hyperventilating panic, with intense full-body spasms and screams (which have never happened to me before) for OVER AN HOUR. I know that's how long it lasted because that's how long it took for the ambulance to arrive. By the time it did, I was somewhat able to assert control. I was still in a very bad way, but I was able to calm my breathing and tamp down on the spasms.
The ambulance takes off, and all I can manage of the ten minute ride over is stare into the middle distance and numbly answer some of the questions the EMT asks. I reach the hospital, trying not to freak out about the fact that I was going into the emergency ward without a mask, among other things. And after getting me signed in they just...left me there. I was put in a waiting room with a bench that was bolted to the floor, and had nothing on any of the walls. After about 20 minutes of that, they took me to where I was to be "treated". Another waiting room, because all of the rooms were full, as were all of the beds in the hallways. I got left in a chair, and they took my vitals again for some reason, and then had to wait another long stretch by myself. And as you might imagine, being in as dark as a place I was, the solitude did not help any. I will spare details in this moment, but suffice to say I really don't think I was best served by doing this.
Eventually I was given a more thorough questionnaire about my medical history and what happened today. By that point I was through the worst of it, but explaining things in detail still got me crying pretty badly. Then more waiting until a doctor was able to give me a once-over. He rushed me through checking my breathing (seriously, I don't think he was there for more than a minute) and told me that physically I had nothing wrong with me and I was technically free to go. Most of what happened afterwards was administrative stuff, and is not really worth getting into.
But yeah. I'm here now writing this after taking a cab back to my sister's place (for now). I don't really have an end goal with this post. I don't have a GoFundMe or other donation links, because that is not going to a tenable long-term solution, and I'm not going to ask for anything. Well, if you happen to know anybody in the Greater Vancouver Regional District that needs a roommate, let me know I suppose. But I know that's a fucking long shot. Mostly I just needed to get this all down somewhere. Hell, I know that my personal posts don't really get notes, and I know that this is a brick of a post to get through even before the emotional content of it. This is how I want to cope in this moment, is all I suppose.
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thatspiritualbabe · 5 months
Should You Purchase Spiritual Coaching?
My recommendations/tips, My experience
I was someone who debated about getting coaching for the longest time and now that I have I wanted to share my opinions and experiences. If you're like me and have been thinking about it for awhile and still unsure I'm hoping this will serve as a guide of things to consider.
How much time have you invested into your manifestation so far?
So many people are quick to give up on their manifestation after only a few weeks or months. It can take time to see results, as you have years of limiting beliefs you need to unlearn. Give yourself some time. Reassess where you're at 6 months, 1 year, 2 years. You don't necessarily need a coach but if you're really struggling after a lengthy period of time a coach may be able to help identify your pitfalls and point you in the right direction. It's also possible you can be doing everything right, it's just taking time for results to physically show up in your reality (while movement is occurring behind the scenes). In my experience, it took 2 years for me to manifest my specific person (SP), but he told me he had been missing me for awhile.
Do your research to make sure you find a coach that suits your needs.
For example, if you are really into Law of Assumption you wouldn't want to pick a Law of Attraction coach. Some coaches are really into using spells, chakras, and crystals to bring your desires to fruition, while others are into using affirmations, visualization, and scripting. What techniques are you willing/not willing to try?
For me personally, I had been manifesting my SP since 2020. I got him in 2022. I successfully manifested him to contact me after 2 years of no contact. I successfully manifested him to finally confess his feelings for me. However, I ran into issues when it became apparent my specific person was also my twin flame. Anyone who has experienced a twin flame relationship knows there is a lot of push/pull, highs/lows regardless of your self concept or limiting beliefs. So I decided I needed a coach with knowledge of both manifestation and twin flames.
What are you trying to manifest? Does your coach have a success story of their own?
Be weary of coaches who claim they can help you manifest an SP if they have no experience consciously manifesting an SP of their own. I mention the SP example a lot because that seems to be what people most commonly try to manifest, but this can also apply to career, finances, friends, health, etc.
Be weary of coaches who increase their prices without adding value to their coaching packages.
For example, some coaches who charged $50 for their services in 2020 when manifestation was just starting to become mainstream now charge over $500 for the same exact service. Everyone has a different price they are willing to invest into bringing their desires to fruition so it's a personal decision. Manifestation and spirituality are very real, but many coaches are quick to take advantage of it for their own gain.
How much will this coach allow you to delve into circumstances?
Yes, circumstances don't matter when it comes to achieving the end result. However, I personally believe if you are limited to a number of characters or not allowed to discuss your circumstances at all the coaching may not be 100% beneficial. How can your coach help you identify your pitfalls if you don't have the opportunity to explain what you tried and what successes and setbacks you may have experienced in relation to what you're manifesting ? You already know I love to talk lol so I asked my coach prior to signing up if I had a limit to how much I could write, which I did not. :)
Understand there are no guarantees.
Your coach can't bring your desires to you. You still need to put in the work to bring your desires to fruition.
Understand your coach may change your perspective for better or for worse.
What resonates today may not resonate 3 months, 6 months, a year from now. I gained a lot of insight from my coaching. I learned a lot about twin flames, about self concept, about myself. All in all I had a great experience, but over time some advice my coach gave me resonated less with time, and that's okay. Part of your spiritual journey is being able to grow, adapt, and evolve. :)
So that is my take on spiritual coaching. I hope this made sense and helps you on your own spiritual journey. If you made it this far, please consider liking, following, and sharing. I'm still new to this and I appreciate all of the support I've gotten so far. Even if I reach one person, I'm happy to be helping that one person and making a difference. <3
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realestatesbd · 7 months
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paypant · 11 months
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Jesus and we have a report and it is about this area and it's about tonight and what's going on there are several people who are being arrested even though things are starting to work and they understand they need to do something different and they will shortly but they are also going to be rebels and there are things that they're going to have to do and and so on and they know it but really they're being arrested for what they did today at the waterfront and it was pitiful and they're making them getting angry and stuff like that I always said what we wanted to say and we don't know about taking over the project putting pips in there and stuff might not work as the foundation is probably not sufficient and they don't want to do it if it's not going to work and there's a percent failure possibility but my son says it really depends on what the public is thinking as well Max and others and the max don't like it and the others don't like it but these people insist it stays up and the foundation is thickened but it's not really thick and the great beams about 4 ft deep and they're not really that deep I mean they're only 2 ft by 4 ft and they probably won't hold us superstructure if you support them in the point loads and that has to happen so either way you look at it it's going to break when it drops out here people don't want to catastrophe and several places around here are going to drop in so it's going to happen all over the world too and we're gearing up to fix all that and we're going to start getting contracts and rip the hotel out and pull thing and restaurants that should not be open and Gators should not be open these people these places are still holes and they're nasty at night bugs come in it's gross okay you don't want to eat there we saw 50 cockroaches at night at Gators and in the kitchen and then 500 we're outside eating something it was garbage and somebody sprayed them no so that's what it's like there.
Yesterday was a banner day tons of warlock on it today as well
Out of the 400 shows that were around yesterday there are now 200 that are fired and they're going through the ranks and their people
That was the 3400 government workers in Charlotte county there were 300 that were fired and they're down to 3100 and they passed their goal and met their goal and they're getting rid of people associated and them who can't stand it
I was 20% of government workers and what it was last month hopefully a couple days ago now it's down to 10% and they met their goal and their chasing them out or other of those who can't handle it
It was 30% last week for a private workers of what it was last month and today it went down to 15% and they met their goal and they're going after people who can't stand it
The evacuation is continuing it is reached 30% in the afternoon and it's calmed down to 20%. That's still a very fast rate many areas are empty of morlock completely they brought their stuff out and that's it and a lot of it is remaining half of it they have to leave they're being attacked and here in western hemisphere there being attacked at their bases and basis of operations and areas and cities it is being saturated by soldiers and ordinance and they're seeking them out wherever they are the evacuation has already increased it is backup to about 28% soon 30 and possibly more and that's per hour of areas and you would think the empty but it goes up that way and stays that way for half an hour then it slows down but really at this rate it's going to be out of here fairly soon and the entertainment centers will be staffed by Max and foreigners and they don't see how they can lose them so they want them in all of them and the circumstances and a huge circus bar and Hera has all sense of drinks and the sales area will be next door there's going to be huge sales and cars and trucks bikes all sorts of stuff they invented and new stuff from Ford Chevy GM Chrysler Audi BMW all of our stuff will be there shortly and the second one third is almost out and we're going to start on the third third and that's the last portion and it is huge and just like the others and it has all new stuff of course just like the others and John Riva Lord is getting ahead of it we can't really access that area the robot is a question stuff and but once we do we're going to start sending them out but really in the second third doing half of his and we can start sending them all he needs to do is write a check so we can ask him where and how many and we'll tell him how much and he can get cashier's check from the bank what's funny is he's saying okay and that's normal for him now so we're going to do that and we won't accept the check until he gets the stuff. It's going on now and it's really huge that the evacuation is on and it's massive there's giant numbers and they're huge numbers of people leaving Florida we're down to a small number of 20,000 octillion and right now it's at 15,000 Octillion. And globally percentage of warlock versus the populace is down to about 2.5% and things cooled off but the evacuation right now in about an hour it will be 2.3% and over the night there are several things happening they're loading they have the eight points loaded with about 500,000 octillion and that is about 1/8 of a percent for tonight they say they're going to load it with about 5 million and that would be half a percentage 2% to about 1.7 and then they will also be losing at the bases and we think they'll lose about 0.3 and that will drop them to 1.4 and more they're fighting over ships and they're fighting over big ships and that might be 1.2 and finally the evacuation would continue dropping them to around 0.8% and that is when the evacuation will go at a rapid rate and it becomes much more dangerous and that's what they're waiting for to try and recoup stuff and they want to take over businesses and such when that happens in areas which sounds crazy but that's what it's like and that's what the nukes are in the movies and it's coming up pretty quick.
Several other things are happening.
We're going to post and going to the other subjects
Thor Freya
Zues Hera it's a good idea to separate War stuff out and keep topic separate
I'm going to try and do that but it's very difficult
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eliasahmed1 · 2 years
Ideal time to install solar panels to avoid rising electricity prices
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It keeps inflation at bay: Prices for residential electricity increased by almost 24% between 2012 and 2022, and it is anticipated that they will continue to rise! Going solar protects you from volatile price spikes caused by electricity sources like oil, coal, and natural gas.
Almost every American is thinking about inflation right now. Everything from gas to groceries to rent is going up in price. We have a solution for you if you're wondering how to shield your wallet from price increases on a regular basis: control how much you pay for electricity.
We spend hundreds of dollars on electricity each month, and the price of energy is only going up because of things like inflation, climate change, international relations, and other factors. However, there is a way to lock in a price for electricity for the next 20 years, preventing your monthly costs from rising and potentially saving you up to $30,000 (or $3,500 if you rent).
So, how do you exert power? Go solar. We'll show you how and why you can't afford to delay getting started on solar energy savings in this article. Tenants, remain tuned, we have sunlight based choices for you as well.)
Solar power is an excellent investment.
When you put in a solar system for your home, you'll save a lot of money (think tens of thousands) because you'll get free power for the system's entire 25+ years of life. You can also protect yourself from future price increases in electricity by investing now in a solar energy system and locking in the price you pay for electricity. The accessibility of alluring sun powered credit choices implies a great many people introduce sun oriented with no money expense on the expense of sun based and begin saving right away.
Solar is one of the best investments you can make because the panels on your roof generate more electricity over their lifetime than they cost to install.
Solar is a better investment than other traditional investments, like the S&P 500, for the following five reasons:
1.The return on investment (ROI) is high: The majority of investments are risky or have low returns; Solar is a high-return, low-risk investment that typically comes with a warranty of 25 years.
2.Returns are certain: Your solar returns will only increase as long as the sun shines; you won't have to worry about things like a global pandemic or a volatile market affecting your investment.
3.It's free of tax: not at all like conventional ventures, sunlight-based gains come from month to month reserve funds, not income, so they aren't available.
4.It keeps inflation at bay: Prices for residential electricity increased by nearly 24% between 2012 and 2022, and it is anticipated that they will continue to rise! Going sun oriented protects you from unstable cost spikes from power sources like gaseous petrol, coal, and oil.
5.It raises the value of your home: Your solar system will, on average, increase your home's value by 4.1%, assuming you pay for it with cash or a loan.
No Need for a Roof!
It's possible that you won't be able to install solar panels in your home if you rent, live in a condo, or live near tall, shady trees. However, any electric utility customer can save money on their electricity bills by signing up for large, local solar farms—think of the huge fields of solar panels along the highway—that generate and distribute electricity to the grid through programs known as community solar. Anyone can join and begin saving if there are farms nearby—no roof is required.
There are numerous benefits to community solar; here are a few of our favorites:
It is free, easy to sign up for, and easy to cancel. It saves you 5 to 15 percent annually on electricity. It supports local renewable energy and green jobs. It is great for renters and homeowners. Community solar won't protect you from inflation like a rooftop solar system would, but it will still let you save about 10 percent annually. Additionally, there are no cancellation fees and it is simple to sign up (find an open project in your area).
No money? No issue.
We can understand your concern: solar panels are pricey, right? You're basically on the right track, yet recall, sun powered chargers will make more worth in energy than they cost, so you will save over the existence of the framework. Installing solar panels on your property and paying for them upfront in cash will save you the most money in the long run because you won't have to pay interest or fees on a loan. Nonetheless, there are a lot of approaches sun powered without doling out a huge number of dollars right away, permitting you to begin saving money on the very beginning!
You can take advantage of incentives like the federal solar tax credit, which allows you to deduct 26% of the cost of your system, as well as local or state incentives, if you install solar with a loan with no down payment. With competitive interest rates, 5-, 10-, or 15-year terms, and no down payment, numerous lenders now offer loan options. You will often be able to save money right away because your loan payment will be lower than your current electric bill. And once your loan is paid off, you might not have to pay your electric bill for years!
Join a community solar project Did we mention that joining a community solar project is free? In order to meet deadlines set by state and local legislators, community solar providers may pay you to join their project. This option, which isn't available everywhere yet but is starting to be offered in more states, is great for homeowners and renters alike.
What amount might you at some point save with sun based?
If you sign up for community solar or install solar panels on your property, how much money will you actually save? In the event that you spend $150 per month on electricity and your system meets all of your needs, here is an example breakdown:
Compare your options to maximize your return on investment.
You should get estimates and compare your options, just like you would with any major purchase. Energy Sage is a free marketplace where you can get personalized quotes from vetted installers, estimate your property's solar potential, and save 20% without sharing your phone number. Sign up for Energy Sage to get free estimates and talk to independent energy advisors who can guide you through the solar journey. Since the 26% tax credit will be reduced to 22% at the end of the year, now is the best time to save the most money.
Energy Sage will help you get the most out of your savings, so you can put that money toward more exciting things like a car or a vacation or save for the future. Additionally, if you use an app like Mint, you can keep track of how much you spend on electricity each month to ensure that going solar will result in savings in the long run.
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niemalsmaedchen · 2 years
Investigating Why Cannabis Prices are Plunging in Canada
The continued drop in retail marijuana prices in Michigan is good for customers but bad for business.
Profit margins are expected to narrow even further, at least in the short term, as a surplus of newly harvested marijuana enters both the legal and illicit markets during "croptober," harvest season for outdoor farms. Croptober caused a $30 month-to-month drop in price per ounce in 2020 and a $13 drop in 2021.
Marijuana is an outlier in an economy that is experiencing significant inflation - grocery prices have been up 13% in the last year.
Marijuana industry insiders point to a growing glut of marijuana being produced by businesses licensed to grow nearly 1.5 million plants at any given time in a state where only about 200 of 1,773 communities have chosen to allow recreational sales.
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"That's what's causing the race to the bottom," said Harry Barash, who runs the 8,000-member Michigan Cannabiz Professionals Facebook page and works as a cannabis industry specialist for the NAI Farbman real estate firm in Southfield. "If you can't get your price per pound down to an economically viable level, you'd better have a much higher quality product to compete."
He believes Michigan's marijuana industry is headed in the same direction as beer and liquor, with customers being offered low-cost products produced by massive deep-pocketed manufacturers alongside specialty, "top-shelf" liquors bottled in smaller quantities at higher prices.
He claimed that it is already present in some ways. "I'd guess 60% to 70% is bottom shelf, 10% is mid-shelf, and 20% is top shelf."
According to the most recent Michigan Cannabis Regulatory Agency (CRA) data from September, the average retail price for an ounce of marijuana - enough to pack a pipe 56 times - was around $110.
This represents a 73% decrease from the $393 per ounce cannabis flower cost in September 2020 and a 46% decrease from the $204 per ounce marijuana retail price a year ago.
It's not uncommon to find even lower prices if you browse the shelves or online menus of most dispensaries. Ounces of marijuana with names like Vanilla Gorilla, Cheesequake, and many other high-THC strains can be had for $100 or less.
While prices are falling, total sales are increasing. The state reported a record $195 million in recreational sales in September, a pace that, if maintained, will approach $2.5 billion over the next year when medical marijuana sales are factored in.
Michigan marijuana prices, on average
In Michigan, the average retail price for an ounce of marijuana has dropped dramatically in the last two years. Here is the monthly average price for recreational and medical marijuana.
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How much will prices fall?
Barash believes marijuana pricing has not reached rock bottom and that there is still room for prices to fall. MLive spoke with retailers who said the wholesale price per pound of marijuana flower, which was nearly $3,500 two years ago, is now between $1,000 and $1,500. An ounce of marijuana costs about $62.50 wholesale at $1,000.
"The standard for many indoor grow to produce flowers for around $500 per pound," said Barash. "There is really that much room for a producer to make money."
An ounce of marijuana costs about $31.25 at the cost of $500 per pound.
According to Barash, falling prices make growing marijuana less appealing, which leads to less production and price stabilization, as seen in other states with older markets, such as Washington and Oregon.
"Based on today's entry cost, it takes a lot longer to recoup your investment, which really makes it not such a great business model," Barash explained. "Washington and Oregon have already passed through the bottom and are on the rise."
"Those markets are now much more stable." We're right on their tail. It'll get worse. Then it'll probably get a little better and stabilize."
Despite lower revenue, there has not been a surge in the number of businesses exiting the market.
Terrapin, a Grand Rapids-based grow and processing operation that opened a 35,000-square-foot facility in 2020 and was eventually licensed to grow up to 10,000 plants, is one casualty. The Detroit Free Press reported in July of this year that the company was operating with a skeleton crew after laying off nearly 42% of its workforce. The business is now closed, and the licenses are no longer valid.
Lume, one of the state's largest retail chains, closed four stores in July but said plans to open retail locations in three new cities were still on track.
"There have been a lot of layoffs in the industry," Barash said, "and a lot of consolidation." People are attempting to figure out how to cut costs."
Barry Goodman, the owner of Freddie's, a retail location, seven-acre grow, and processing facility in Clio, believes the market has reached the bottom.
Growers are currently lowering their prices to compete, according to him. He claims that there are too many growers and not enough retailers to sell it. But that could change soon.
"Detroit, for example, is going to opt-in with 60 recreational licenses," said Goodman, who also owns the Goodman Acker personal injury law firm in Southfield. "That will consume some of the surpluses that are lowering the price."
"And then other cities across the state will enter the market." They're seeing that it's actually a benefit because there's more money for public safety, there's less crime, and the curb appeal is upscale. They have the appearance of Starbucks or jewelry stores."
Since 2020, Detroit's plan to allow recreational sales has been upheld in court after multiple lawsuits accused the program of unfairly favoring long-term Detroit residents. The city now anticipates that retail marijuana licenses will be issued in 2023.
According to Goodman, other marijuana business owners he talks with agree that "we bottomed out."
"I think the price will go up 30% by spring when more dispensaries open," he predicts. "So, instead of $1,000 or $1,200 (per pound), I'm thinking $1,200 to $1,800, depending on the quality."
Aside from the visible market forces, an unlicensed marijuana market exerts price pressure through competition that is nearly impossible to quantify. According to an Anderson Economic Group study published in 2021, only one-third of all marijuana purchases are made through licensed commercial sales.
"There are a million different people doing illegal outdoor crops," Goodman said. "I believe law enforcement would be helpful in addressing this issue, but they do not appear to be involved in illegal growth."
However, there are signs that law enforcement and regulators are stepping up efforts to eliminate illegal marijuana from both the illicit and licensed markets.
The CRA fined and suspended a Detroit medical marijuana retailer this month after an inspector discovered untagged marijuana in backpacks and duffel bags at the shop in May 2021, and state police raided a Grand Traverse County cannabis farm and CBD shop on suspicion of operating as an unlicensed marijuana business.
During the CRA's quarterly meeting in September, numerous industry insiders called for stricter enforcement.
Allison Arnold of Cannabis Attorneys of Michigan stated at the meeting that there are not nearly enough growers in the licensed market to supply the amount of marijuana distillate available on shelves, implying that some of it come from black-market sources.
"Illicit sales remain the main way Michiganders get their cannabis," and "there is also a growing number of licensed cannabis operators providing the illicit or untested product," Shelly Edgerton said in a statement issued by the MCMA following the quarterly meeting. "We can help address these two pressing issues by cracking down on the illicit market and ramping up enforcement statewide."
Despite issues, Barash said the industry "isn't going anywhere."
"The Michigan market is likely going to mature at a $3 billion industry, is what the CRA tells us, but it's definitely going to go through a lot of corrections and adjustments," he said. "People are going to have to continue to evolve, pivot, and get creative to be efficient because we all know the profit margins are not what they used to be."
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saudade-mayari · 3 years
💜 Happy 500 Luna! Can I please have Kakashi x Reader + some night bliss scenario? You know, that moment when you both can't sleep at 3am, and it's just... Peaceful and safe (sfw or not - I'll leave it to you 😌). I'm so proud of you, you're an amazing author, you deserve all love. I hope we'll see your 1k milestone soon ♥️
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3am Midnight Bliss
♡ Warnings: Kakashi x fem!reader, domestic fluffs, suggestive content and nsfw on the last part, 18+ content, minors please dni
The nightfall’s calming and peaceful dim light shining across the windows of his apartment was hypnotizing, the moon was full and shown with a brilliance between the tall evergreens and slow rising of buildings in Konoha. It was all good, almost perfect if you could say so. The reconstruction of Konoha had come better than expected, his hard work of being the base pillar of the Land of Fire and ensuring that the village will enter a new state of technology was all worth it. His restless nights of meeting various investors, councilmen, and fellow Kages totally paid its price, truly a diligent man.
Your eyes opened wide by the sudden actions of Kakashi, the way he wrapped his arms around you is filled with longing and passion. It’s been a while since he actually stayed in his own house, been a while since both of you had laid each other down and talk about life. Indeed being the Hokage took all his time but you understand, he may not ‘love’ the responsibility of being the supreme leader of the Land of Fire but never did Kakashi once slacked off or put the village in a tight situation. He loves the village and the people and he’s willing to protect it at all cost. That’s one thing you are sure about. You wrapped your small arms around his body while your legs clinging to his hips, finally noticing you are also awake.
“Can’t sleep?” You muttered between his arms. Kakashi’s eyes somehow glittered in happiness, missing your touch and your voice whenever he’s out on serious Kage works. He gave out a not-so-tired nod then kissed your head while giving you another tight hug. You smiled between his arms, it felt peaceful. It’s not what you and Kakashi had grown up with. You are both 2-war veterans and seeing every corner of the world in a peaceful state is almost a dream for him.
“It’s so different now.” He said, stroking every strand of hair that covers your face. You smiled, both of you are thinking the same thoughts. It was almost unbelievable. You kissed his chest.
“It really is. It’s so calming.” You answered while looking at his face. Appreciating his little beauty mark, his well-defined jaw, his fair skin, eyes, the scarred cheek that made him look so perfect, and the classic silver hair of Kakashi. “It’s all thanks to Naruto and the rest. I haven’t even done anything as their Hokage.” He answered. This rarely happens, pillow talks weren’t usually on Kakashi’s master plans and schedules since he became the Hokage. He needed rest and you always ensure he’ll get enough strength for the next day. It’s the very least you could do for him.
“You’re a great Hokage, love. You did a lot for the village even before you’ve become the Hokage. Don’t downgrade yourself too much.”
Kakashi hugged you tighter. Once again smelling the flowery scent that he had always love. His calming complex, his home. “Really? I think you’re just flattering me.” You gave out a small chuckle on his response, clearly joking but you know how low his confidence had become ever since he took the title of Sixth Hokage.
“You established many things already. Many things wouldn’t be possible if it weren’t you sitting on the chair as Sixth Hokage.” You assured him but Kakashi gave out a sigh. Despite the peace, there were still many things bothering him. You’ve been his wife for almost 3 years now and every single sigh and flickers on his eyes are so obvious to what’s bothering him. He was even amazed at how much you were able to read him as he does.
“Kakashi love… Tell me. What’s bothering you”
“I wish we were born a little later, Obito and Rin wouldn’t have to go through such pain. I feel so guilty living this kind of peace when they’re not here. Anymore. I don’t even deserve this.”
You sat down, stared at those dark orbs now filled with sadness and regret. You cupped his face to force him to look at you. Obito and Rin. The memoirs that always tattoed in our hearts. The very reason why Kakashi had turned out to be a great man is because of the ideals they all shared as a team.
“Kakashi. Do you think they’re going to be happy seeing you like that? You don’t regret marrying me aren’t you?”
“No. Of course not! I love you.”
You smiled at him then kissed the tip of his nose. “Then let’s live for them okay? And besides… You gotta live for another buddy this time.”
Kakashi stood up, gave you a reassuring smile then held your shoulders, slightly shocked by your sudden remarks. Seeing him on his tank top while his mask freely hanging on his neck and those unruly silver locks made you chuckle are completely far from the broad man they see on an everyday basis. Yep, the Sixth Hokage.
“y/n- Are you-”
Answering with a nod, tears started building up in his dark orbs. The feeling of love. Marriage and parenthood. It was almost unbelievable for Kakashi. His grip on your shoulders gradually tightened and started looking up at the room’s ceiling, clearly trying to suppress his tears from completely falling.
“We’ve been trying right…When did you-... I-”
“Three months. Sakura disclosed this morning. I was about to announce later but I think today’s the right moment to say..”
Kakashi did not take his time already, in a matter of time your lips suddenly crushed to his. It was not lust, not the type of hunger you usually do. It was different. Gratitude and Happiness. Love and warmth. It was so emotional.
You wrapped his arms around his neck to pull him closer, both of you were once again laid down on the soft mattress of the bed, slightly making the thick comforter out of place. Your foreheads and the tip of your noses are pressing to each other. Both of your tears are now falling, feeling extremely euphoric and everything in between.
“I love you. Let’s live for them and for our kid Kakashi.”
And before he entered his tongue to yours, Kakashi rubbed your belly then goes back to kissing your cheeks with tears still falling. He’s going to be a father. The one that scared him the most but little did he know the excitement of forming a family with you would be this emotional.
“I love you too, thank you for everything y/n.”
Kakashi never took his time removing your clothes but it was still steady and slow. His moves were delicate and careful. He could smell your arousal. He knew that you’re turned on. He parted your folds only to find that you’re core is invitingly wet. He massaged it carefully, looking at you while your lips part from the moans around the four corners of the room.
“Kakashi… I need you…”
“My wife is so needy, as you wish love.”
He placed his shaft at your entrance and nudged its way in. You gave out a pleasuring gasped as you tried to adjust to his overwhelming length. Once he was completely inside you, Kakashi started thrusting slow and steadily. Your hips met his every thrust, making you raise your legs to circle around his waist. This only allowed him to move into your body much closer. Kakashi had kept kissing you to prevent you from screaming. He knew that he wouldn't last long. He increased the pace and when he couldn't hold back any longer, he gave out soft grunts and moans alongside his climax. Praising how much lucky he is to have you as his wife. Before closing your eyes Kakashi passionately kissed your lips then held your 3 month belly.
“I can’t believe we’re going to be family y/n. I’ll do my best to be the father our little baby deserves.”
“We will, love. I know it.”
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baker-ginny · 4 years
Enslaved Real Estate - Why I Can't Stop and Why You Should Start off
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The All-Money-Down Technique So how does the all-money-down practice work by purchasing a home with cash? First of all, i can repeat that I really didn't have any cash, and yet I had a significant amount of equity from Terry's home plus several homes that I owned put together to give me a substantial hard cash down payment. Banks and mortgage companies alike will accept dollars from a home-equity line of credit as cash to purchase a home. Not less than they did in 1997 under the financial guidelines of your day. What you must remember about mortgages and providing credit is that the guidelines change constantly, so this technique I actually used in 1997 may or may not be able to be used someday. Whether it is or isn't able to be used again doesn't genuinely matter to me as I believe that there will always be a way to order real estate with limited money down sooner or later. There will always be a technique to acquire real estate but exactly how that will be done at some point I'm not completely sure. I began purchasing property in the Mayfair section of Philadelphia with the prices in the $30, 000 to $40, 000 per home price range. We'd purchase a home with three bedrooms and one bathroom about the second floor with a kitchen, dining room, and living room within the first floor and a basement. What we call a line home in Philadelphia would consist of a porch outside front and a backyard the width of the home. Most short period homes in Philadelphia are less than twenty-two feet big. For those of you who are not from Philadelphia and can't impression what a Philadelphia row home looks like, I suggest you watch your movie Rocky. Twenty-two homes on each side of the block will really test your ability to be a next door neighbor. Things that will usually cause an argument with your Philadelphia neighbors sometimes stem from parking, noise your children make, where you will leave your trash cans, parties, and the appearance of your townhouse. In 1998 my girlfriend and I moved throughout together and to the suburbs of Philadelphia called Warminster. After living on a street in Tacony, much like Rocky did, I really looked forward to having space between great home and my next-door neighbor. I told Terry not to even think about talking with the people who lived to your neighbors to us. I told her if one of them comes in excess of with a fruitcake I am going to take it and punt it as a football right into their backyard. I believe I was affected by Philadelphia row home syndrome. My new neighbors through Warminster turned out to be wonderful people, but it took me 20 months before I was willing to learn that. This means you just bought your row home for $35, 000 in Mayfair, and after $2000 in closing costs and also $5000 in repair costs, you find yourself a good tenant who would like to rent the home. After renting the home with a positive cash of $200 a month, you now have an outstanding debt involving $42, 000 on your home equity line of credit that will should be paid off. When purchasing the home, I did not get a property loan as I just purchased a home for cash as it will be said in the business. All monies I spent on this house hold were spent from the home-equity line of credit. The move now is to pay off your home-equity line of credit so you can go do it again. We have now go to a bank with your fixed-up property and tell a mortgage department that you want to do a cash-out refinancing of this real estate investment. It helps to explain that the neighborhood you purchase your property on should have a wider range of pricing as the neighborhood associated with Mayfair did in the mid-90s. The pricing of real estate in Mayfair is quite unusual as you would see a $3000 difference in home values from one block to the next. I thought this was important when doing a cash-out refinancing because it's rather easy for the bank to see that I just bought my place for $35, 000 regardless of the fact that I did many maintenance tasks. I could justify the fact that I've spent more money on my best home to fix it up, and by putting an important tenant in, it was now a profitable piece of realty from an investment standpoint. If I was lucky including I was many times over doing this system of purchasing properties in Mayfair and the appraiser would use homes the block or two away and come back with an value determination of $45, 000. Back then there were programs allowing the investor to purchase a home for 10 percent down or placed in as equity doing a 90 percent cash through refinance giving me back roughly $40, 500. Employing this technique allowed me to get back most of the money Document put down on the property. I basically paid just $1, 500 down for this new home. Why did all the mortgage companies and the appraisers keep giving me the actual numbers I wanted? I assume because they wanted the business. I would primarily tell the bank I need this to come in at $45, 000 or I am just keeping it financed while is. They always seemed to give me what I want within reason. This whole process took three to four many months during which time I may have saved a few thousand cash. Between the money I saved from my job plus my investments and cash out refinancing, I had replenished most or all of my funds from my home-equity line of credit that was now almost back to zero to begin doing this again. And that is exactly what I intended to do. I employed this system to purchase four to six homes a year utilizing the same money purchasing home after home after home over and over again. In reality, any technique is a no-money down or little money downward technique. At the time maybe I had $60, 000 in attainable funds to use to buy homes off of my HELOC, i really would buy a home and then replenish the money. It was an awesome technique that was legal, and I could see my want being a real estate investor full-time coming to an eventual real truth even though I wasn't there yet. During the years as a result of 1995 to 2002, the real estate market in Philadelphia made gradual increases of maybe 6 percent because each year went on. I began to track my net worthwhile that was 100 percent equity, meaning I had no other forms from investments to look at when calculating my net worth. By and large, the first five years of my real estate career will not go well because of the bad decisions I made selecting buildings and the decline in the market. Furthermore, my lack of understanding and experience in repairs made it a rough. The actual five years of my real estate career that I just simply finished explaining didn't make much money either. That i supported myself primarily through my career as a salesperson, but I could definitely see the writing on the wall who down the road real estate was going to be my full-time gig. Real estate Professionals of America I own an office building that includes a real estate company as a tenant called Realty Professionals about America. The company has a terrific plan where a new professional receives 75 percent of the commission and the broker becomes only 25 percent. If you don't know it, this is a pretty good put up, especially for a new real estate agent. The company also offers a 5 per-cent sponsorship fee to the agent who sponsors them regarding every deal they do. If you bring an individual who's going to be a realtor in to the company that you have sponsored, the broker will probably you a 5 percent sponsorship out of the broker's end so the new realtor you sponsored can still earn seventy-five percent commissions. In addition to the above, Realty Professionals of U . s offers to increase the realtor's commission by 5 percentage point after achieving cumulative commission benchmarks, up to a maximum connected with 90 percent. Once a commission benchmark is come to, an agent's commission rate is only decreased if fees in the following year do not reach a lower baseline amount of money. I currently keep 85 percent of all my deals' commissions; plus I receive sponsorship checks of 5 percent from the commissions that the agents I sponsored receive. If you'd like to learn more about being sponsored into Realty Professionals for America's wonderful plan, please call me directly within 267-988-2000. Getting My Real Estate License One of the things that I did in the summer of 2005 after leaving my full-time job was to make plans to get my real estate permit. Getting my real estate license was something I always was going to do but never seemed to have the time to do it. I'm certain you've heard that excuse a thousand times. People normally say that they're going to do something soon as they find the moments to do it, but they never seem to find the time, do individuals? I try not to let myself make excuses for things. So I've made up my mind before I ever in your life left my full-time job that one of the first matters I would do was to get my real estate license. I just enrolled in a school called the American Real Estate Initiate for a two-week full-time program to obtain my license selling real estate in the state of Pennsylvania. Two terrific individuals with a world of experience taught the class, as well as I enjoyed the time I spent there. Immediately after handing in the course at the American Real Estate Institute, I booked the next available day offered by the state to take the state exam. My teachers' advice to take the exam immediately after the particular class turned out to be an excellent suggestion. I passed the assessment with flying colors and have used my license often times since to buy real estate and reduce the expenses. If you are likely to be a full-time real estate investor or a commercial real estate real estate investor, then you almost have to get a license. While I know a few people who don't believe this, I'm convinced it's the only technique. I worked on one deal at $3 million from where the commission to the buyer's real estate agent was $75, 000. By your time my broker took a share, I stormed with $63, 000 commission on that deal only. With the average cost per year of being a realtor running with regards to $1200 per year, this one deal alone would've paid for the real estate license for fifty-three years. Not to mention all the other fringe benefits like having access to the multiple listing service offered too many realty in this country. While there are other ways to get access to typically the multiple listing services or another program similar to the software, a real estate license is a great way to go. Some of the negatives My spouse and i hear over and over again about having your real estate license is the news that you have to disclose that you are realtor when buying a home for anybody who is representing yourself. Maybe I'm missing something, but When i don't see this as a negative at all. If you're proficient in the art of negotiation, it's just another hurdle you will have to deal with. I suppose you could end up in a lawsuit where a court in law could assume because you are realtor you should know each one of these things. I don't spend my life worrying about the zillion ways I can be sued any more than I concern yourself with getting hit by a car every time I cross the road. The Addict From his first investment property through 20 years ago to his relentless search for the next a lot every day, Falcone is a nonstop real estate investment machine! Get Passionate Sometimes addiction is a very good thing. In this book Phil Falcone, the ultimate real estate addict, will show you how to achieve remarkable success as a real estate investor: • Delve into the details regarding actual deals he negotiated and learn why his / her methods were so effective • Discover why his or her residential to commercial real estate strategy will create greatest wealth • Learn how he used apparent liabilities (OCD, insomnia, and workaholic behavior) to help him achieve the goals • Explore why he can't stop purchasing real estate, and how you can start controlling your own financial destiny through real estate
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grassthealmighty · 4 years
Addicted to Real Estate - Why I Can't Stop and Why You Should Start
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So how does any all-money-down technique work by purchasing a home with dollars? First of all, let me repeat that I really didn't have any specific cash, but I had a significant amount of equity from Terry's home and several homes that I owned put together to give my family a substantial cash down payment. Banks and mortgage companies equally will accept money from a home-equity line of credit as cash purchasing a home. At least they did in 1997 under the personal guidelines of the day. What you must remember about home loans and lending is that the guidelines change constantly, so this technique I used in 1997 may or may not be qualified to be used in the future. Whether it is or isn't able to be used once more doesn't really matter to me as I believe that there will always be a way to buy real estate with limited money down gradually. There will always be a technique to acquire real estate but exactly how which is to be done in the future I'm not completely sure. I developed purchasing homes in the Mayfair section of Philadelphia with the rates in the $30, 000 to $40, 000 per place price range. I would purchase a home with three bedrooms and the other bathroom on the second floor with a kitchen, dining room, and also living room on the first floor and a basement. What we label a row home in Philadelphia would consist of a fabulous porch out front and a backyard the width of the property. Most row homes in Philadelphia are less than twenty-two feet wide. For those of you who are not from Philadelphia plus can't picture what a Philadelphia row home looks like, It's best to watch the movie Rocky. Twenty-two homes on each one side of every block will really test your capacity to be a neighbor. Things that will usually cause an argument with your Philadelphia neighbors often stem from parking, noise your children produce, where you leave your trash cans, parties, and then the appearance of your home. In 1998 my girlfriend and I actually moved in together and to the suburbs of Philadelphia called Warminster. After living on a street in Tacony, much like Rocky did, I really looked forward to having place between my home and my next-door neighbor. Document told Terry not to even think about talking with the individuals lived next door to us. I told her if one too comes over with a fruitcake I am going to take it and punt it like a football right into their backyard. I believe That i was suffering from Philadelphia row home syndrome. My fresh neighbors in Warminster turned out to be wonderful people, but it got me eighteen months before I was willing to learn about that. So you just bought your row home just for $35, 000 in Mayfair, and after $2000 sum it up costs and $5000 in repair costs, you find yourself a good quality tenant who wants to rent the home. After renting the home along with a positive cash flow of $200 a month, you now have an remarkable debt of $42, 000 on your home equity loan that will have to be paid off. When purchasing the home, I did not even get a mortgage as I just purchased a home for hard cash as it is said in the business. All monies I invested on this house were spent from the home-equity line of credit. Typically the move now is to pay off your home-equity line of credit so you can turn do it again. We now go to a bank with your fixed-up property as well as tell the mortgage department that you want to do a cash-out refinancing of your real estate investment. It helps to explain that the neighborhood you purchase your property in should have a wider range of pricing because neighborhood of Mayfair did in the mid-90s. The discounts of homes in Mayfair is quite unusual as you would certainly see a $3000 difference in home values from one discourage to the next. This was important when doing a cash-out refinancing for the reason that it's pretty easy for the bank to see that I just purchased my property for $35, 000 regardless of the fact that I did many repairs. I could justify the fact that I've spent a higher cost on my home to fix it up, and by simply putting a tenant in, it was now a worthwhile piece of real estate from an investment standpoint. If I was basically lucky like I was many times over doing this technique of purchasing homes in Mayfair and the appraiser would utilize homes a block or two away and come home with an appraisal of $45, 000. Back then there were services allowing an investor to purchase a home for 10 percent downward or left in as equity doing a 90 percentage point cash out refinance giving me back roughly $40, 500. Utilizing this technique allowed me to get back many of the money I put down on the property. I basically paid out just $1, 500 down for this new home. The reason did the mortgage companies and the appraisers keep presenting me the numbers I wanted? I assume because they wanted the work. I would only tell the bank I need this to come on at $45, 000 or I am just keeping the software financed as is. They always seemed to give me personally what I wanted within reason. This whole process had three to four months during which time I may have saved a handful of thousand dollars. Between the money I saved from your job and my investments and cash out re-financing, I had replenished most or all of my funds as a result of my home-equity line of credit that was now almost back to actually zero to begin the process again. And that is exactly what I intended to achieve. I used this system to purchase four to six homes a year employing the same money to purchase home after home after home frequently. In reality, the technique is a no-money down or bit money down technique. At the time maybe I had $60, 000 in available funds to use to buy homes off of a HELOC, so I would buy a home and then replenish the income. It was a terrific technique that was legal, and I could notice my dream of being a real estate investor full-time coming to a strong eventual reality even though I wasn't there yet. Within years from 1995 to 2002, the real estate current market in Philadelphia made gradual increases of maybe 6 percent as each year went on. I began to track our net worth that was 100 percent equity, meaning I had basically no other forms of investments to look at when calculating my netting worth. Generally speaking, the first five years of my properties career did not go well because of the bad decisions I just made purchasing buildings and the decline in the market. Furthermore, my personal lack of knowledge and experience in repairs made it an important rough. The second five years of my real estate work that I just finished explaining didn't make much dollars either. I supported myself primarily through my professional as a salesman, but I could definitely see the writing within the wall that down the road real estate was going to be my full-time gig. Realty Professionals of America I own the office building that has a real estate company as a tenant called Realty Professionals of America. The company has a terrific plan certainly where an new agent receives 75 percent of the commission as well as broker gets only 25 percent. If you don't know it, this is usually a pretty good deal, especially for a new real estate agent. The company also offers the 5 percent sponsorship fee to the agent who sponsors them on every deal they do. If you produce an individual who is a realtor in to the company that you have sponsored, the particular broker will pay you a 5 percent sponsorship out of the broker's end so that the new realtor you sponsored can however earn 75 percent commissions. In addition to the above, Realty Individuals of America offers to increase the realtor's commission through 5 percent after achieving cumulative commission benchmarks, up to a maximum of 90 percent. Once a commission standard is reached, an agent's commission rate is only smaller if commissions in the following year do not reach a lesser baseline amount. I currently keep 85 percent of most my deals' commissions; plus I receive sponsorship cheques of 5 percent from the commissions that the agents My spouse and i sponsored earn. If you'd like to learn more about being sponsored into Real estate Professionals of America's wonderful plan, please call others directly at 267-988-2000. Getting My Real Estate License The things that I did in the summer of 2005 after leaving behind my full-time job was to make plans to get great real estate license. Getting my real estate license was a thing I always wanted to do but never seemed to have the moments to do it. I'm sure you've heard that excuse a thousand conditions. People always say that they're going to do something soon like they find the time to do it, but they never seem to find the occasion, do they? I try not to let myself make excuses for anything. So I've made up my mind prior to I ever left my full-time job that one of your first things I would do was to get my realty license. I enrolled in a school called the American Real Estate Institute for a two-week full-time program to obtain my best license to sell real estate in the state of Pennsylvania. Couple of terrific guys with a world of experience taught typically the class, and I enjoyed the time I spent right now there. Immediately after completing the course at the American Real Estate Initiate, I booked the next available day offered by the state to try the state exam. My teachers' advice to take the test immediately after the class turned out to be an excellent suggestion. I handed down the exam with flying colors and have used the license many times since to buy real estate and reduce the prices. If you are going to be a full-time real estate investor or a business oriented real estate investor, then you almost have to get a license. Even while I know a few people who don't believe this, I'm convinced oahu is the only way. I worked on one deal at $3 million where the commission to the buyer's real estate agent was $75, 000. By the time my broker took a reveal, I walked with $63, 000 commission on who deal alone. With the average cost per year of being an agent running about $1200 per year, this one deal alone would have paid for my real estate license for fifty-three years. Including all the other fringe benefits like having access to the multiple listing service proposed too many realtors in this country. While there are other ways so you can get access to the multiple listing services or another plan similar to it, a real estate license is a great way to go. A few of the negatives I hear over and over again about having your real estate permit is the fact that you have to disclose that you are realtor when the purchase of a home if you're representing yourself. Maybe I'm missing one thing, but I don't see this as a negative in the slightest. If you're skilled in the art of negotiation, it's just another hurdle that you have to deal with. I suppose you could end up in a lawsuit the place where a court of law could assume because you are real estate agent you should know all these things. I don't spend my life having to worry about the million ways I can be sued any more compared with I worry about getting hit by a car every time When i cross the street. The Addict From his first investment decision property over 20 years ago to his relentless seek the next great deal every day, Falcone is a nonstop real estate investment equipment! Get Addicted Sometimes addiction is a very good thing. Through this book Phil Falcone, the ultimate real estate addict, will show you easy methods to achieve amazing success as a real estate investor: • Investigate the details of actual deals he negotiated and find out why his methods were so effective • Explore why his residential to commercial real estate strategy will probably create ultimate wealth • Learn how he used clear liabilities (OCD, insomnia, and workaholic behavior) to help your pet achieve his goals • Explore why he just can't stop investing in real estate, and how you can start controlling the financial destiny through real estate Frank, funny and interesting, Addicted to Real Estate will inspire any investor to achieve more significant levels of drive and success in the rewarding world regarding real estate.
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