#you bet i will have that shit as a pfp on every fucking social media
soniclion92 · 4 hours
Jonathan sluttily lighting a cigarette for Nancy, like if you agree
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shinydixon · 2 years
part 2
grace and mason are very close too, to the point she goes on dates with him and his gf but no vq is seen making a big deal out of that. it's funny how they suddenly respect the fact they have partners---jess and i don't know the name of mason's gf---but when it comes down to grace's own partner, they chose to drive him away from social media altogether. the disrespect they have towards her own personal life is so sad. they want her on their terms. they want to believe they're in a secret relationship when there's no evidence of that ever happening. it's impossible, it's literally impossible, for them to have gone unseen by the entire world when joe's life is exposed every single week in one way or another. he has been photographed alongside everyone but grace. there's no way someone took a picture of them together and decided NOT to share it. joe's filmed walking up and down the streets in london daily. posting news/pics of him to social media is a good way to earn some clout and we know that the people who leak photos or stalk celebrities wouldn't bat an eye before posting a grace/joe pic if they had the chance. 
and to finish this, i need to vent about two things:
one is grace herself. it's fucking weird she interacts with vanquinns. there's a chance she thinks it's just a nickname since that fanexpo account called the name 'clever'. there's a chance she thinks it's harmless like when we say we want more 'jomie' content. i'll never know for sure. but she has seen what the hardcore vanquinns can do. she's been tagged in posts and we know she sees it. i understand they're her biggest fanbase to date. she never had a fandom just for herself like this. i understand she needs to tiptoe around them because they're the ones getting her through during this no acting period. they're the ones watching her streams on the off chance she mentions joe in some way or another even if they don't even like playing video games. and i even understand being smug and petty about knowing joe personally and trying to rub that in the face of her haters. i do get it. if i was being attacked like she was, i'd lash out too. hell, i'd probably get cancelled 'cause i have no patience for bullshit and i would've told everyone to go suck it. but there is a limit and she's gone over that limit a few times. i'm betting joe has no idea what she posts on tumblr, has no idea how problematic she can be.
and finally, even if this is controversial, some quinnies need to understand joe is her friend. i'm a steddie fan, i'm a quinnie too, but denying he really cares about her is a stretch. choosing to believe he must be secretly annoyed with her or that he's just being polite is a delusion as well. he's her friend. and i bet he's feeling protective now that she disclosed everything that's been happening on her life. and that's a GOOD thing. i love that joe is like this. i love that he cares, that he goes the extra mile to try and cheer her up, not just her but all of his friends. he's a good man, he's got a big heart. that man is so sweet that even after being doxxed and stalked throughout italy, he still said 'some parts are weird' when talking about his sudden fame. he had all the right in the world to cuss and lash out but he still opted to see the good in everything. joe loves. that's not an unfinished sentence. he loves. with all that he has, he loves and he chooses love whenever he can because that's how he is.
and now i won't ever talk about this shit again. thanks for letting me vent.

I want to remind you that when Grace was together with Mason and his gf, people were saying she was with Joe, even though it was proven that he was with Ollo, Agathe and other people 💀
After the Paris con she hanged out with Casper, Raphael and elodie; no sign of Joe or Jamie and yet they kept saying they were together.
Finally, she posted pictures with Ash, a picture that became her fb pfp (not mentioning the previous one said "my kiwi❤️" and this I know thanks to twitter lol) and they kept calling him her best friend.
Why I'm saying all of this? I'm saying this to say once again, that it's useless to try and reason with them, they'll always make up excuses.
About her interacting with vq I can't say why, only thing I can think about is that she doesn't know that most of them use vq as something romantic.
And finally, I agree, people have to understand that they're friends, so of course Joe talked about the harassment, however, I still think it was inappropriate to ask.
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userastarion · 3 years
tumblr tag game
tagged by @lillnasx <3 thank u nico!!
1. Why did you choose your url?
i was obsessing over shadow and bone and i wanted a jesper fahey url but the only one i got wasn’t as nice so i went with this one lol. also it won the url poll i did
2. Any side blogs?
yeeehaaa: @elliewillaims - dark fandom; @chekov - pale/bw fandom; @gotaskyful - aesthetic/nonfandom; @klgharrah - writing; @thebucky - various resources i compile, like themes/templates/tutorials/etc
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
started in jan. 2011, left for most of 2017-2020, came back last summer bc the pastabake made me bored and miss connecting with folks online!
4. Do you have a queue tag?
yep! #queue good? referring to the way sam would check up on bucky in tfatws (”you good?”)
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
my friend and i were both making every social media account possible in 8th grade, basically
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i would fucking die for jesper fahey
7. Why did you choose your header?
i wanted to theme it around loki and then he went all ~dramatic~ in pompeii and i thought the whole “nothing matters! we’re all going to die!” was really funny so i made it my header lol
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
the shitpost about creation ideas i finally deleted bc the notifications were OVERWHELMING (but i reblogged it first), which currently has 133k
9. How many mutuals do you have?
i think it’s around like 120?
10. How many followers do you have?
786 :) the shitpost brought a lot of people to my blog lmao
11. How many people do you follow?
341! could definitely use some more 😅
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
yes many but now i’m wary bc of the one that took off lol
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
TOO MUCH!! too much. i open the app. i close the app. i open it again. i close it. i open tumblr on my laptop. i open it on my phone. i realize it’s open in both places and sit and stew in my life choices.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
i have not! 
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
most likely i'll scroll past bc i’ve seen too many of the pointless ones that it’s like the boy who cried wolf at this point
16. Do you like tag games?
yeah!!! even though i just did like 2-3 weeks’ worth of them bc i was hella behind i think they’re cute <3
17. Do you like ask games?
i love ask games!!!
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
last time i said anyone with followers in the tens of thousands and i think i’ll hold to that, as well as the fact that no one’s really “famous” on tumblr anymore. maybe well-known as creators (or even shitposters lol) but i’m not sure people have the incredibly massive followings they used to back in ye olden days
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i have a love so intense for every single one of my mutuals i bet they wouldn’t even know what hit em if i said so.... but no crushes
god i have no clue who to tag for this so uhhhh here’s some no-pressure tags: @buckybarne @magsbane @milesgmorales @sirtadcooper @malyeoretsev @yelenabeluva @janesfoster @phantomviola @themarshalstale @magnusedom feel free to ignore ♥
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