#you asked a simple question and i gave you a novel i'm so sorry
neocrias · 2 months
making out with NCT Dream
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warnings: slightly suggestive; some of the stories may be longer than others (we got a bit carried away lol sorry); reader insert; gn reader (mostly)
pairings: dream and reader
gender/aus: fluff; established relationships (or not); casual fling;
other units: 127 II wayv
You had enough of clubbing. You didn't even know why you had come in the first place. While all your friends already had a date and were dancing happily on the dance floor, you were waiting anxiously on the bar stool with a brightly colored drink in your hand that you sipped from time to time. Was it too stupid to want a fairytale prince to show up and save you from the situation you'd gotten yourself into?
— Do you always come here? — The line startled you, and you turned your stool to the side, ready to roll your eyes at whoever had the nerve to throw that old, lousy line at you. However, you're surprised when it's followed by an adorable giggle and the big shiny black eyes that stare at you when you turn to see the boy. — I'm sorry, I know that was terrible. 
He was beautiful. His insecure smile and low posture revealed that he seemed a little nervous about the interaction - and you found that adorable. He seemed completely harmless.
The boy introduced himself as Mark, and you also introduced yourself to him. He went on to ask a few simple questions, such as “did you come with your friends?” or “do you like the place?”, which didn't spark much of a conversation, but were enough to keep you talking. He shared some information about himself, and you began to notice that with each question he asked, Mark leaned a little closer to you. This made you think that perhaps he wasn't as innocent as you had thought, even if his posture still indicated a certain shyness.
This didn't disappoint you, however, since ever since you had caught sight of Mark's sparkling eyes and trembling lips, you knew you wanted to kiss him. And, after buying you a drink and continuing the gentle but warm conversation, you noticed that even with the close proximity between your body and Mark's, he seemed to have no intention of advancing on you in the way you wanted. Even with his lapses of confidence, leaning his arms lightly on the bar counter, or staring into your eyes without looking away with a look of admiration while you said trivial things, he gave no indication that he was going to go any further without your total acquiescence.
That's why, realizing how much Mark seemed to be asking for that kiss, you leaned in at the rare moment when he stopped talking and closed your eyes, moving closer. 
Even though he was shy, Mark understood what it meant - even too quickly - and was firm in holding the back of your neck and returning the kiss, slowly and almost torturously at first, only to become stronger and faster towards the end. Mark's free hand on the counter reached for yours and rested on top of it, giving it a gentle squeeze. Your heart almost exploded with the tenderness of the newly met boy at that moment, and you felt that this would be just the first of countless kisses between you and Mark. 
You were lying on the sofa, trying to finish one of the countless novels you'd ordered a month earlier while Renjun was painting for what seemed like hours. You actually wanted to spend this time with your boyfriend, but he hadn't been able to take a moment to do what he likes for so long that you didn't want to interrupt him, so you just waited.
However, the waiting became more and more difficult as the hours passed and he didn't finish, and you couldn't even read the book in your anxiety. Tired of waiting, you got up from the sofa, leaving the book behind, and walked over to your boyfriend who was sitting at the table.
You hugged him around the shoulders, putting your face in the crook of his neck and giving him several kisses that made him laugh with happiness. Renjun gently released the brush so as not to dirty the drawing and leaned his face back and wrapped his arms around your neck, keeping you in that position. You took advantage of this and left a chaste kiss on his lips, making him smile even more.
Suddenly he closed his eyes and frowned in confusion before asking: — Mary Jane, is that you?
— Oh, you're so funny! — You replied ironically. — You finished?
Renjun turned to face you, putting the painting aside. — I'm neglecting you, aren't I? — He asked with a sad smile. 
— No! — You were quick to deny it. — I just missed you.
He stood up, still holding each side of your hips, then brought one of his hands up to your face to push your bangs out of your face. Slowly, he brought their faces closer, brushing the tip of his nose against yours, before finally bringing their lips together in a tender, romantic kiss. Renjun has a way of making you feel loved.
— What do you want to do? — He asked.
— You can finish your drawing, Junnie, no problem.
— I'd rather kiss my beautiful girlfriend a lot more.
To disguise your happy smile, you bit your lower lip, wrapped your arms around his shoulders and ran your fingers through his soft brown hair. You kissed once more, deeply, and you felt him take small steps forward, leading you both towards the sofa.
You don't know how you got into this delicate situation and you don't know how you're going to get out of it without revealing your feelings. Jeno has been your best friend since you were four years old, you two practically grew up together, went to the same schools, had the same friends, liked the same things. With such closeness, it's no surprise that you fell in love with him. Jeno is beautiful, after all.
To disguise the fact that you were completely obsessed with him, you tended to be a little thicker than you would have liked, always cracking some stupid joke to pick on him. Sometimes you decided to take it to a more physical level, putting your foot in front of him to make him trip, or squeezing the water bottle to splash him in the face when he drank.
Jeno always returned the pranks. You understood each other like that. The problem was that I miscalculated all the negative endings that “play fighting” could lead to.
Jeno is strong, much stronger than you, thanks to the gym addiction he developed during his teenage years. It would be easy for him to knock you down or hurt you even if he didn't mean to, which is why he refused, but you kept pushing and provoking him until Jeno gave in.
Now the sight of the muscles tensing around you made you nervous. Jeno noticed your heavy eyes, he also noticed the little bites on your lips every time he pulled you slightly tighter. Your reactions were a confirmation of what he had suspected for some time and a relief for the conflicting feelings he felt.
Jeno has had a crush on you for a while and used to get jealous every time a guy hit on you. Fortunately, he was able to disguise his own feelings behind a facade of protection, when in reality he wanted to be the one to have you.
You tried to knock him down, but that only made Jeno's grip around your forearm increase, he pulled you closer then grabbed one of your legs knocking you to the ground. You let out a gasp of surprise, still half out of breath he knelt over you, one leg on either side of your hip, as you tried to push him off he grabbed both your arms, pinning them against the floor. Your eyes were wide open, your lips parted, you were breathing heavily and Jeno just wanted to kiss you until you were panting harder.
So he did.
He kissed you with a ferocity that made you let out a low moan of fright and relief, returning the kiss as if you depended on his lips to live. You wiggled your fingers, wishing you had something to hold on to, but Jeno didn't let go, not even when he moved his kisses down to your neck and shoulder. You were already confused and out of breath, but you weren't going to stop him.
Haechan is a teasing little pest, always having fun with your annoyance and when you make out it's no different. You don't know why you're still with him, but you have even less reason to stop.
This was the third time he'd approached you only to pull away when you tried to kiss him and it was wearing on your patience. You rolled your eyes and regretted following the boy to the empty balcony, leaving your euphoric friends playing Just Dance behind - at least there you'd only be bored and not completely annoyed by the boy in front of you.
— Oh — He cooed at you — poor kitty wanna kiss me so bad, don't you?
— Asshole! — You replied.
Haechan laughed out loud, throwing his head back as he wrapped his arms around your hips so that you wouldn't run away. — Don't be like that, pretty.
You turned your face away, not wanting to look at him and Haechan pouted, even though he knew you wouldn't see. It was really fun to annoy you, but now he had to think of a way to get you to stop being angry with him.
— You look beautiful when you're angry, you know that? — He asked. He held your chin, turning your face towards him, but you looked away. “Sulky”, he thought. — Hm? — he insisted once more, giving you several kisses in a row and a few more kisses on the cheek.
— You're ridiculous, you know that? — You snapped back, trying to stay nervous, but you couldn't stay angry with him for long. I guess that explains why you've been together for so long.
— You love it!
— Do I? — you asked and he arched an eyebrow as if daring you to lie to him. — Maybe I do.
Haechan smiled and finally kissed you. A real kiss, with tenderness and desire mixed just right. His hand is still holding your face, holding you in place so that you wouldn't escape.
Wanting to provoke him back, you bit his lower lip as soon as he started to pull away and pulled his hair back tightly. Haechan laughed out loud at your audacity and stared at you with heavy eyes. He pushed his tongue against the inside of your cheek and pulled your hair harder, making your head go back and you let go of his hair in surprise. 
— Why aren't you my girlfriend anyway?
— You never asked.
— Do you want to be my girlfriend? — Haechan asked instinctively, as if he'd been waiting for this opportunity for ages.
— I'll think about it.
You joked, but the teasing smile on your lips said everything Haechan needed to know. You were his, just as he was yours.
You regretted coming to this party the moment you got in the Uber, but you'd already spent too much money on the costume to stay at home now. That explains why you're looking for an empty place to hide from the mess of sweaty bodies crammed into the small living room.
— Why are you alone in this corner? Not enjoying the party? — A sweet voice interrupted your regret session, and you turned around to face a boy with a gentle smile and kind eyes.
You knew him well, Na Jaemin, the popular guy in your calculus class. Always giving nice smiles to classmates, teachers, janitors, always getting the best grades, doing the best in extracurricular activities - it's no surprise that he's so popular. What is a surprise is that he noticed you at all.
— Oh, I'm not very good at parties — You replied and automatically wanted to beat herself up for sounding so weird. He'd certainly stay away from you now.
— Poor little thing can't get along? — Jaemin cooed at you, finding your clumsiness funny.
You didn't realize Jaemin's real intentions and that made it all the more interesting for him, who was amused by your naivety. In his eyes you were such a pretty, shy, perfect little thing for him to destroy. In contrast, all you could think about was how nice he was to talk to you and hang out with you when he could have been enjoying the party.
Although amusing, Jaemin was getting tired of you not understanding the hints he was giving you, making it clear that he wanted to kiss you. Then, without you realizing it, he led you down the hallway to the bedrooms, where the guests had been warned not to enter - Jaemin didn't have to worry about being the master of the house.
Then he got closer, one step closer to you every minute. “Silly girl”, he thought as he noticed you walking backwards to create distance between the two of you, not understanding what he wanted. Impatiently, Jaemin circled his arm around your waist, pulling you against him.
He smiled mischievously when he saw your wide eyes and pressed your lips together. Your knee buckled with the hunger with which he kissed you and your eyes closed enjoying the moment, your hands instinctively going up to his shoulders and squeezing hard.
You sighed when he pushed you - gently - against the wall, your free arm supporting the weight of his body as he sprinkled your face, neck and lap with quick kisses and you sank your painted nails into the back of his neck.
Chenle Jeno, your best friend, invited you to watch his basketball game with the boys because that day there was going to be a get-together at the house of Chenle, one of Jeno's friends, after the game.
You hadn't met Chenle before, in fact, you'd only talked to Jaemin and Jisung for a short time before, so you were feeling overwhelmed by the idea of going to a party at the house of a guy you didn't know - but it was because Jeno asked you to.
In the end, it was pretty smooth, the boys were nice, especially Chenle.
He was charismatic, handsome and polite and you didn't avoid watching him during the match. You felt more attracted to him with every basket he made but, despite noticing the quick glances Chenle gave you, you didn't have the courage to approach him.
But he wasn't going to leave it at that, after all, he thought you were pretty the second he laid eyes on you and, after making sure that you and Jeno were nothing but good friends, he made his move.
— Nice of you to come — He said, taking a seat next to you on the wooden deck of the pool and offering you one of the glasses he was holding.  — Did you enjoy the game?
You agreed with a simple “uh huh” as you tasted the drink, it was vodka with energy drink, far from your favorite but fortunately he made sure it wasn't too strong. — You nailed it! — You complimented, turning her face towards him with a restrained smile.
— Yeah? — Chenle asked with a cocky smile, his eyes twinkling mischievously. He tilted his head slightly to one side before saying. — Good, because I decided that all my baskets would be for you as soon as I saw you arrive.
He smirked as soon as he saw you blink repeatedly and look away in embarrassment. He held your chin between his forefinger and thumb, turning your face back to his with a mischievous grin. Chenle noticed the way your eyes drifted down to his mouth, he noticed the way you nervously clamped your lower lip between your teeth, he really wanted to kiss you right then.
He brushed his thumb against your lip, making you release it, and leaned in, kissing you the way he wanted to. Chenle sneaked his hand down to the nape of your neck, tangling his fingers in your hair and pulling them slightly, making your head tilt in the direction he wanted.
Finally, Chenle bit his lip as soon as the kiss ended, but remained with his forehead pressed together and his eyes closed until you were forced apart by the incessant shouting and joking of the friends who had come to take you back to the party.
Jisung is a shy boy. In the few classes you attend together, he keeps quiet most of the time, when he's not sleeping at the back of the room. Anyone would think he was just a weirdo, but you know better, his silly, clumsy ways were just the surface of what he was really like - Jisung could be quite silly when he wanted to be.
You should be in your classical literature class right now, but Jisung managed to convince you to skip it, just like all the others. Honestly, you don't know if you're going to be able to pass this class with the amount of absences you've collected because of the upperclassman, but that's okay... Jisung always makes it worthwhile.
He was leaning against the red brick wall, his knees slightly bent to be closer to your height and his legs slightly open so that you could stand between them. Jisung was also holding your hand, playing with the delicate ring on your ring finger, amused at how small your hand was compared to his.
He smirked as he pulled you closer, making you stumble with the sudden movement and, to avoid falling on top of him, you rested your free hand against his shoulder.
— Have I mentioned how pretty you look in red? — He joked in a condescending voice, knowing full well what he was doing.
You rolled your eyes before answering: — You've been more creative, Jisung.
— Can't I compliment my girl anymore? 
— What do you want in return? — You replied without believing the lack of ulterior motives behind the boy's compliments.
— A kiss is enough — he smiled and pushed the tip of his tongue against your cheek before continuing — in thanks.
 You rolled your eyes again, but you wanted it as much as he did, so you let him press your body against his and press your lips together in a deep, slow kiss. Jisung's hands were around your hips, which kept your bodies glued together, sneaking up under the hem of your red T-shirt, leaving an icy trail that chilled your heated skin.
When he reached the curve of your waist, he gently scratched your skin, just to feel you shiver - he made a mental note to thank Chenle for this tip later - and in retaliation you tugged at the brown strands at the back of his neck. Jisung sighed, but that wasn't enough. He brought his hands up again, covering the cup of your bra with his big palms and gave it a shallow squeeze. In shock, you pushed yourself back, away from him - for your own safety and sanity.
— Just a kiss, huh? As if! — You complained, making the boy laugh.
— As if you didn't like it.
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unnoticed-poison · 1 year
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! ᴅᴀʀᴋ! ᴍᴀɴʜᴡᴀ/ᴍᴀɴʜᴜᴀ ᴠᴀʀɪᴏᴜꜱ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ 【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏 】
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【 𝕿𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖗 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟏 】
【 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝟐 】
Chapter 3 to 10 are posted on AO3, Wattpad and Quotev :3
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Read the trailer chapter before reading this one if you haven't (it's a mix between the story summary and a chap so you need to read it before this one)
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You just stared at the blue screen with a look of pure confusion and horror, not quite understanding the words the screen just said. "What?" you asked once again, still not fully comprehending the situation." run that by me again?"
You questioned while rubbing your temples as if to help you wake up from some crazy dream.
The system, whose name is Jin Xian, looked at you nervously before explaining once more.
You took a deep breath and tried not to lose it."So what you're saying is, there's a bug that's currently hiding in all the manhwas and novels I read for the last few years now and it's probably aiming to kill them all for some unknown reason?"
It hesitates before nodding slowly, "Yeah.. I guess you could put it that way"
"...And you want me to take care of it right?"
"...Y...Yes." It said awkwardly.
"And can I ask why you or whoever you work for haven't done anything about it until now?"
"We tried.." the system answered sadly, "But we just couldn't detect its exact location or even track down where it originally came from. There wasn't anything to pinpoint exactly. But then the people in charge decided that the best course of action was to let us deal with the situation ourselves while they search for another solution, so they decided to send the best world-hoppers to those worlds to try and stop it from spreading, those people are considered the best of the best, all their worlds missions were successful so far with a SSS ranking, of course only the higher ranking systems get those hosts while we low ranking ones have to look for temporary hosts with zero experience." it paused for a moment, before continuing, "So here we are"
It pouted as it said that sentence."Why do I always get stuck with the lowest rank?"
You raised an eyebrow at it." Because you're an idiot, you couldn't even get the right person to be your host, a simple task that should have been easy enough for systems of all rankings and you still failed, no wonder your rank is so low." you snapped in annoyance.
"...That... might be a tad harsh, miss..." it admitted sheepishly. it's been called a lot worse, especially recently, but it still hurt. it might be a robot but it has feelings ok?!
"So now that everything is clear, we need to start moving now! The more time we waste, the faster the bug will spread."
It was silent for a moment before you gave the cheerful Xian a small smile.
You stated with finality.
"...what?" the system replied in confusion." What do you mean no?"
"Look, as much as I want to meet the characters and go through the quests to get to the bug's location I can't, I have a life here and I'm guessing this mission of yours is gonna be pretty dangerous right?" you gave it a stern stare."So I'm sorry, but I like being alive and I'm not gonna risk it for some fantasy."
"But... but mis-" it attempted to explain, desperate to convince you, "You can't just-"it tried to speak, only to be cut off.
"This mission needs someone intelligent and dedicated, and I assure you I'm neither of these things." You continued to reason, ignoring the obvious pleading tone of your companion. You chuckled, giving the poor thing a comforting smile before continuing."tell you what, I'll pretend that all that happened today was a terrific fever dream and you'll go and look for an actual host that suits you, how about that?"
"Goodbye~! Have a good hunt!" you said as you grabbed it and throw it out the window and closed it shut."I wish you luck!" the room fell into silence again, only the whirring sound of the air conditioning filling the room.
You sighed in relief." Finally." you said, ready to forget the shit that just happened.
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that, my dear host." a cold voice sounded from behind you as a chill run down your spine.
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Didn't expect to actually write a chapter after the trailer one but oh well hope you like it 🌻
I posted this on Wattpad too and might post it on AO3 as well.
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personne-writes · 1 year
Dad material
Part 6 - Reading level
(word count: 2k)
Michelangelo hasn’t learnt to read the traditional way, what with being a mutant turtle growing up in the sewers and everything. 
Of course, reading is something Splinter has taught them, along with many other basic skills. Not as soon as humans or Yokais do, maybe. And probably not as thoroughly as to understand the complex mechanisms of linguistics or to write academic papers. Still fast and good enough for them to be able to keep up with their cherished comics over their teenage years, though - and to never fall behind with charts and reports now. 
Michelangelo wouldn’t say his reading skills are lacking in any way, but he’ll admit that when it comes to knowing what a normal kid’s learning curve should look like, he doesn’t really have any timeframe to rely on. 
So, he doesn’t know if it’s normal for an eleven-years-old boy born in the midst of an apocalypse to be reading The Fellowship of the Ring. 
He doesn’t know, but when he sees Casey Junior frowning down on the voluminous novel, he can’t help but think it feels a little much. 
“Hey, Leo," he starts as he plops into a seat next to his brother in the conference room, "quick question. Do you know who the English language teacher is?”
“What?” Leonardo mutters, not looking up from the schematics he's studying. 
Mikey drops his chin into his hands, elbows braced on the table. “You know, at the kids’ school. Who’s the teacher?”
“Why?” his brother asks absentmindedly. 
“Because I think they might be asking kids to read stuff way above their level.”
Leonardo probably reaches the conclusion that he can't navigate this conversation while focusing on his plans, because he drops them on the table and turns to him. “Mikey. What are you talking about?”
Mikey shifts in his seat. "I just saw Junior reading this big ass book, and it bugged me because I can't remember him reading anything other than comics, right? So I asked him what it was, and it's the fucking Fellowship of the Ring. Can you believe that?"
Leo blinks. “How… is that a problem?”
“The Lord of the Rings, Leo!" Mikey huffs, throwing his hands in the air. "It’s like, a trillion pages long, and it’s so boring at first, what were they even thinking? I tried to read it and couldn’t make it past page 50, and by then I was fifteen and I was a total fan of the movies already -"
"Casey's seen the movies, too," Leo informs him, expression slightly confused. 
Mikey gives a dramatic sigh. 
"My point is, starting off with this? At eleven?? That’s just gonna discourage the kids. Teaching is all about giving them the will to read. What twisted, sadistic teacher would pick the freaking Lord of the Rings as a child's first real book?"
Leonardo blinks at him again.
And then again.
The absence of an answer is telling Mikey all he needs to know half a second before Leo's face splits up with a big, doofus smile. 
"I'm the one who gave him the book," he states, not sounding one bit sorry. 
Michelangelo stares at him, speechless, and that’s not something that happens often. 
Leonardo gives a quiet laugh. "As much as I find your lecture captivating, little brother, it's not that bad," he assures, putting his hands up like a peace offering. "The kid's clever, I'm sure he won't let himself be intimidated by a simple book. Besides, it's not like he has to read it, or anything - well, I’m glad that he does, but - Mike, you good, hermano?" 
Michelangelo tries to get a grip. It’s only half a success. “You could make him disgusted about reading forever,” he accuses. 
Leonardo rolls his eyes. “Come on, give me some credit. Like I said, I'm not forcing him to do anything. I won’t pressure him into reading something he doesn’t like. You know me, right?"  
That is a valid argument, Mikey has to admit. He still doesn’t feel too comfortable with taking that risk, though. “Hmm.”
“Aw, don’t make that face,” Leonardo cheers him up, grabbing his shoulder affectuously. “Give it some time, okay? Let him try. And if you still feel like it’s a bad idea in, what, a week? Then we’ll talk about it.”
Ah, making a deal without actually promising anything that might make him a disservice. Such a classic Leon move. 
Michelangelo sighs and nods. What choice does he have, either way? 
It doesn't take a week for Michelangelo to understand he has lost this battle.
There are multiple signs throughout the next few days - Junior hiding in a corner to read peacefully more often than not, body relaxed, expression focused; Junior dozing off when bored, gaze wandering around like he sees things with new eyes; Junior humming the Lord of the Rings movies' theme songs here and there when doing chores. Could fool anybody else, but Mikey knows what having an hyperfixation looks like. 
He's so happy for the kid. 
That's something he himself hasn't felt in a very long time, the thrill of discovering a story so captivating it takes you away from your day to day life, the delight of forgetting your worries and troubles into something bigger, smoother, more coherently crafted than reality. It's a comforting feeling, and he's happy Junior is getting the chance to experience it, even with all this chaos he is growing up in - even more so.  
"Well, well, well, would you look at that," Leonardo starts, coming to a stop next to Michelangelo as he's watching Junior animatedly explain some piece of lore to a poor kid who doesn't look all that interested. "Seems like it's Casey who's doing the traumatizing, after all." 
Mikey snorts. "Yeah, alright, that's a win for you."
"What was that? Sorry, Mikey, I don't speak loser," Leo pushes. 
Mikey elbows him goodnaturedly. "Hey, I'm saying you're right, that's like, the only thing you'd understand no matter the language."
"Damn right!" Leo smirks, and leaves it at that. Mikey should probably be surprised he isn't bragging about it more, but the way his brother looks at Casey Junior tells him his mind isn't completely focused on the conversation. 
He gets it. If he's being honest with himself, Mikey knows he sometimes has that look, too. 
He glances back and forth between Casey Junior still infodumping on his poor friend, and Leonardo proudly watching over his protégé. The positive energy radiating from them is enough that he resolves to bring Junior new books, too, each time he has the opportunity. 
And so he does for the next few weeks. 
Between the novels Leonardo brings back from scouting missions and the books Michelangelo manages to get from people owing him favors, Casey Junior slowly but surely builds his own personal library, safely stored in a carton under his bed. 
The kid reads about anything they can find. He beams each time he receives something new, and by the time they get to ask him about the latest addition to the collection, he's already read it two times at least. 
So it really shouldn’t come as a surprise that one day, Casey Senior comes for their throats. 
Michelangelo and Leonardo are in the middle of the morning report with a few scouts. The authority in Cassandra’s voice has Leonardo’s body go still in a split second. 
Mikey raises a brow at him. “I was pretty sure she knew your actual name by now.”
“She only calls me that when she’s pissed,” Leo explains, eyes wide and panicked. 
“HAS ANYONE SEEN THE BLUE ONE?” Cassandra’s voice shouts again, and this time, Leonardo springs into motion. 
“Meeting adjourned!” he yelps to three very baffled scouting agents before clutching at the collar of Mikey’s cape. “Mike, hermano, you have to hide me -”
“You’re both there! Good.” 
Cassandra is standing in the doorway of the briefing room and Michelangelo doesn’t even have to squint to notice the menacing aura that surrounds her. 
She is furious.
“Heyyy, Cassie!” his brother tries in his cheesiest voice, an overcompensation for the nervousness tightening his whole body. “How’re we doing today, my gal? You look fabulous! Something new with your hair?”
Cassandra isn’t having his nonsense, and she makes it clear by stomping towards them with steps so heavy Mikey instinctively checks the concrete floor for footprints. 
He doesn’t have the slightest idea what’s going on, but it isn’t good. 
His mystic powers slowly lift him up into the air. 
“Oh, no, neither of you is escaping this,” Cassandra chuckles, low and dark, as she grabs both Mikey’s cloak and Leo’s scarf. Michelangelo is pretty sure she would’ve seized them by the ears, if they’d had any. 
By the corner of his eyes, he sees the three scouts leave the room as discreetly as they can.
“Escaping what?” he asks with an apprehensive smile, his toes a few inches above the ground.  
“What have you done to my son?” 
Leo and Mikey exchange a bewildered look. 
“Junior?” Leo immediately presses. “What’s the matter with him?” 
“The matter is he’s becoming a nerd!” Cassandra snaps, and Michelangelo flinches. Ah. That was bound to happen, at some point. 
“Are you talking about the books?” he asks as gently as he can. “Because if so, I really don’t see how -”
“He isn’t helping with chores anymore!” Casey Senior presses on, her glare sharp enough to make him go quiet. “He’s running off every time he can, hiding out of my sight more often than not, and when he does come out of whatever rabbit hole he’s spent his day into, he speaks about things I don’t know shit about.” Leonardo tries to take a step back, but she just holds onto his scarf tighter. “What. Have you. Done. To my. Son?”
Leonardo hisses, his scarf apparently pressing a little too much into his throat for comfort. “Casey,” he pleads, voice just a little hoarse, “I swear we mean well -”
“Kids gotta be kids, you know?” Mikey advocates. “You were a Lou Jitsu fan when we were teens, remember?”
“Of course I remember!” Cassandra shouts, but she is distracted enough to let go of them, and they both keep their distance, just in case she starts acting aggressive again. 
“There you go, then!” Mikey pushes, voice warm and soothing. “Every teenager needs something to keep the imagination busy. Don’t you think Junior needs it even more than we did when we were his age?”
Cassandra sighs, her shoulders slumping. She presses her fingers to her temples. “I know,” she says tiredly, “but I’m under the impression that nothing else interests him anymore. He doesn’t sound as excited about training as he did, and I’m getting worried about his sleep schedule.”
Something drops in Mikey’s stomach, and by the look on his brother’s face, he understands that he doesn’t like what he’s hearing, either. “Oh,” Leonardo says cautiously. “Well, no need to fret about his training, because he’s going as hard at it as he always has, but, uh…”
“But we could talk to him about not reading too late at night,” Mikey provides. 
“Yeah. That.”
With a half-smile, Casey Senior looks back up at them. “Mhm. I guess that would work better coming from you than it does coming from me.”
Leonardo huffs a laugh. “Cool uncles’ privilege, am I right?”
“It’s just a phase, you know,” Mikey adds. “He probably won’t be that much into reading for very long.”
“I wouldn’t bet food on that,” Cassandra grimaces, but there isn’t any more bite to it. “This kid is stubborn as hell.”
“Oh, jeez, wonder where that - you know what? It’s so obvious I don’t think I need to say it." Leonardo eyerolls at her with a smile before getting serious again. “I’m sorry, Cassie. For getting you worried.”
“That much is obvious, too, blue one,” Cassandra says as she bumps her fist into his good shoulder. “No big deal. I mean it. I’m glad you guys get along with him so well.”
She glances back and forth between them, and a rare, soft expression washes over her features. 
“He really loves you. Both of you.”
“Awww!” Michelangelo can’t help himself: he brings Cassandra and Leonardo into the tightest of hugs before they can register it. Leo protests a little, Casey protests a lot, but neither actually disengages, and that’s good enough for him. 
They don’t stay like this for long, though; Casey is quick to excuse herself and go back to whatever she was doing, Leo straightens himself up and calls the scouts back, and the day starts over again as if nothing had happened at all. 
Well, not exactly, Mikey corrects himself as he watches his brother resume the morning report where they had left it. There is a glint in his eyes now, an energy in his movements, an assurance in his voice that wasn’t quite there before. It’s a little amusing to him that the scout agents seem to notice, too. 
It’s a little funny, getting to witness the way Leonardo’s serious leader image in the Resistance is slowly being tinted by his mushy side. 
If anything, Michelangelo thinks it’s only doing him good. 
How long will it take before Leo realizes he’s acting like a proud dad, though? 
Dad Material is a collab with @leosmasktails 💙
Beginning - Previous - Next
Sooo what started as Tails doing a comic where Casey Jr bitches about the eagles in the Return of the King movie is now a collab about Leonardo becoming a surrogate father figure and getting lots of Dad Feels. Life is crazy y'all ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Comics are from @leosmasktails, ficlets are from me, and there's more on the way, lads, so stay tuned!
Oversight: 1 (comic) - 2 (comic & ficlet) - 3 (comic) - 4 (comic) - 5 (comic) - 6 (you're here) - 7 (next)
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tamelee · 11 months
Do u know what naruto and sasuke still do when it comes to their powers? Ive seen a video but im still confused. They have all elements and yinyang but they also lost that power i think sorry if its a long question but im just confused
Oh!! You should really ask someone else! Tbh I'm just as confused as you Nonee, (if not, a lot more) maybe someone has some sort of meta? Feel free to share- (I too would love to read it because I struggle with this the most in my story xD) Every time I try to figure out what exactly determines the categorization I get a headache-- it’s so confusing aaaaarrghh*incoherent noises* 
It’s not really what Hagoromo gave, but how it manifested within them that caused the ‘power-up’-specifics and what it was meant to do. The yin/yang sun/moon marks faded after they sealed miss alien and appeared again on Hagoromo. Therefore, they lose that... and then the difference is seen during VotE2.... sorta. But what it is exactly and what it means... beats me.... Hmm’ badly. It is confusing because Naruto still has a piece of all the TB’s within him so where exactly is the border anyway? And yeah, there's the elemental aspect of it too... In ‘the Last’ they retconned canon to oblivion for miss princess’ sake, Naruto can still fly and in Boruto Manga, Naruto uses power that was only possible because of Hagoromo to fight the aliens... at least according to fans, but idk. So...
Most discussions I've read quote the Naru-wiki, which partially relies on the databooks and filler material. A lot of info on power had to be filled in afterward to complete character sheets since most of the exposition is weaved through the story in snippets and often leaves a lot of room for inconsistency and interpretation. With that comes a lot of guesswork. Articles and books mention many things that were never even in the manga, and they add element natures to characters just because some novel said so (like Sakura using fire...). And if anyone can learn the basics from any element (like all Shinobi learning/using a simple earth-based Jutsu out of nowhere) then what does it even mean and why does your affinity matter then? Some commentary, both in the databooks and anime, is subjective and not particularly well-thought-out either.
There's also the anime where fillers make statements about kekei-genkai, Jutsu affinities, and elemental natures that often contradict each other, not to mention variables that aren't adequately covered. On top of all that, SJ actually made some articles about the yin/yang Six Paths' power, yet none of that info was ever stated in the story.
On one hand this makes sense... I’m glad we aren't infodumped during the story because that gets boring quickly and imo it takes away some of the fantasy aspects. We don’t need to know exactly how everything works in fiction, but on the other hand... this makes me wanna rip my hair out!
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aeghina · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @a-little-bit-of-ravioli
1. How many works do you have on A03?
31! Wow! Not even counting my FF.net and Spirit (portuguese site) fics too. I think adding them would be around 50? I know for sure I have much more than that in my drive.
2. What's your total A03 word count?
739.765 Whaaaaat? That's so many! And it's mostly the ones I write in english!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Inuyasha, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, My Hero Academia and Legend of Zelda, more specifically LU!
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
A Link in a chain . My first LU fic! My baby <3 Modern day, soulmate marking and platonic soulmates. The main focus is Wild getting to know them, then Legend accepting the others and finally Spirit joining them.
All Might said 'No'. This was a prompt for a MHA server and I had a lot of fun! All Might is the literal quirk, like a ghost protecting the Midoriyas.
Alpha and Omega. That was a challenge! In almost every way possible. Omegaverse, Toshinko
Merman. Also from a prompt. Merperson au, Toshinko.
Soul clock. Also from a prompt. Soulmate au where there's a clock counting down the time until you meet your soulmate. Toshinko and some platonic relationships mentioned too
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always! I love to receive comments. Even key-smashing make my day a lot better when I check the email
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably The Sacred Trees. It's more like a happy ending with heavy consequences. I live for happy ending, not sorry about that. They will suffer but they will be happy eventually.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of them? I'd dare say the happiest was Took You Long Enough, a Midlink reunion during LU and then afterwards. From the concluded, that's the happiest one but there's an even better one coming from a different fic not posted yet :D
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not recently, but I did in the Inuyasha and Katekyo fandom! I usually say a simple "thank you for your critique" because this usually throw people off enough that they leave me alone.
9. Do you write smut?
No! There's some heavily implied things, but nothing graphic or very descriptive (by very heavily, I'm counting the omegaverse fic too; I liked the concept but wanted something with less sex)
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not oftenly, but yes! The last one I wrote was a MHA and LU crossover when the brain was divided between them.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Once! The person copied one of my biggest series in portuguese, changed the name of the characters and some physical descriptions but it was basically the same. I asked them to put down, but had to dm some of the site's admin to make sure it was deleted.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! Once by a friend from the MHA fandom and they encouraged me a lot to write more in english and give it a try. I'm here now so thanks to her!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! It will never see the light of day though, but my bestie and I created a whole novel about a couple and how the wife slowly got mad and then killed him in the end.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Hmm, that's too hard! I have many favorites!
Probably Zelink. LoZ is my old new obsession, it always go back and forth between the games as they are released or as I play again and the animes I'm watching. BotW and TotK gave me so much shipping material I'll be happily reading it until the next game is released.
A close second would be Kyoya/Chrome from KHR. I just love their dynamic, specially when they help each other to grow (and Mukuro being a gremlin jealous older sibling, that's the cherry on top)
15. What's the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
A fanfic for the Grand Chase game when I played it. Ryan almost dies when they cross a desert, Ronan is sent to another world and needs to complete some quests to do that (he's my fav alright? I just needed a reason to send him to another world and do quests by himself, maybe question his faith and all that). I wrote maybe 30k? The idea is lovely and taunts me from a distance but I've never come back to writing it
16. What are your writing strengths?
A very good question... I'd say creating AUs. I love world building and leaving small details that have significance for the story later, I think I do an okay job at balacing dialogue and descriptions. My beta says I'm good at leaving crumbles in the story to solve the problem in the end too
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Punctuation in any language! Ugh, I just love commas sooooo much!
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
English punctuation doesn't make much sense for me until now! I'm relying heavily on the corrector and trying to read more to see if I can absorb the info.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
I'm very self indulgent when writing so I like most of them. I'd say the longest time favorite in portuguese is Librarian, a Toshinko fic where Inko is the hero and Toshinori is a librarian she meets because her son is a book geek. In english is A Link in a chain.
Wow, that was a lot! Alright, lemme tag @musical-chan , @arecaceae175 and anyone else interested in doing! :D
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mistydeyes · 1 year
hi! i hope you are having a really nice day 🫶🏻
i love how you do the pairings and i was wondering if i could get one with our cod boys!
i’m a girl (she/her) and my mbti is isfj. i don’t really consider myself as shy or timid, but i truly prefer the calmness. i’m getting into the stem’s camp, and i like reading, baking, going to the gym and overall that kind of simple hobbies!
with regard to the physical, i’m 1’66 cm (i think is about 5’5) with a slim body. i have fair skin, my hair is armpit-lenght, very straight and light brown, as my eyes. i like clothes with comfortable materials, soft colors and floral prints, also lace, kind of a romantic yet simple style!
i tend to be attracted to gentle, sweet guys who make you feel safe and protected if you know what i mean (sorry if this sounds weird 😭) i’m not a loner at all, yet i prefer the comfortable presence of someone i care for rather than small talk
thank you for reading, your writing is awesome and you are always so accurate! again, i hope you have a wonderful day ♡
Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (a/n hi anon thank you for submitting and for your kind words :) hope you have a wonderful day as well)
How you met: Civilian "Alright here we go, Garrick," Kyle said to himself in an attempt to get himself into a positive mindset. Despite being young, handsome, and having a great sense of style (which itself is questionable because he always wears the same hat), he lacked someone to write letters and come home to. So he accepted the offer for a blind date from a close friend at the Metro Department. But now he was nervously standing at the hostess stand, as he looked at you. You were even more beautiful than in the pictures, your light brown hair and eyes perfectly added an air of comfort to your appearance. He also noted the delicate floral dress you wore and how the blue details made you look like a Victorian tea set. "She's over there, like I said sir," the hostess said which pulled him out of his gaze. He was planning on standing like that for a few more moments until you looked up from the menu and excitedly waved him over.
"Sorry I was late," he said as he sat down and tried to preserve the nice dining set in front of him. "It's no worries, I wasn't here long," you said politely, "have you been here before?" "No I haven't, let's see if anything is good," he replied and scanned the menu. Not that Kyle didn't appreciate the pleasantries but he wondered if that's all the date would be. However, as the night continued on, you both spent hours talking to each other and sharing your similar interests. From the same favorite books to gym routines, he was happy he had accepted the blind date offer. By the end of it, he walked a way with a lipstick kiss on his cheek and a promise for a second date.
A peek into your relationship: As you opened your eyes to the morning sunlight, you felt the strong arm of your boyfriend on your chest. You peeled him off of you as he woke up with a smile. "Good morning, love," he said softly in a bit of a deeper voice due to the early morning hours. "Morning," you replied and gave him a gentle kiss. Even on leave, you and Kyle fell into a routine of making a healthy breakfast, going to the gym, and then enjoying the afternoon at book cafes or museums. However, this morning all you wanted to do was spend a lazy day in bed. "Ready for the gym?" he asked as he began to get up but you tugged his arm back to you. "How about we break the routine today?" you smiled and he looked at you as you devised a plan. "I'm thinking breakfast in bed and maybe a good novel?" you offered and you watched as the thought for a moment. "But what about-" "Forget the gym, Kyle, let's just enjoy each other's presence for a little while," with that statement and your pleading eyes, he settled back next to you. "A lazy day it is, my love," he replied before kissing your forehead gently, "I'll make us breakfast, soon enough."
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Living as an Extra in an Omegaverse novel
Chapter 66
"This is the weekend allowance payment document."
Lee Jin-ho opened the file and gave a signal to hurry and sign. Shin Tae-oh smiled and picked up the fountain pen at the silent threat that he would go home right now otherwise.
While signing the document, Lee Jin-ho pointed to the fountain pen.
"It looks the same as what the secretary uses."
Shin Tae-oh glanced at his own fountain pen.
"I heard you received it as a gift. Does the boss have one too?"
Despite Lee Jin-ho's persistent question, Shin Tae-oh handed over the document without answering.
"Anything else?"
"No, that's all."
What did a fountain pen matter when they were giving out allowances? It was just as trivial as a whim. Lee Jin-ho responded faithfully, tucking the file under his arm.
"Sounds good."
Shin Tae-oh, who had finished organizing his tasks, looked at the person quietly sitting in the corner with a refreshed face.
"Shall we start now?"
In response to Shin Tae-oh's words, which were aimed at refreshing the surroundings, Moon Ha-jun, the Chauffeur Secretary sitting across from him, lowered his head.
[TL note: Chauffeur- driver for rich or important people.]
"Without any intention to deny it, please."
Evidence had emerged pointing to him as the one who anonymously posted on the bulletin board using an IP address, and CCTV footage showed him watching over Shin Tae-oh and Se-hyeon. It was now the time to hear the explanation from Moon Ha-jun's own mouth about what had happened.
That was the special reason why Shin Tae-oh had come to the office on the weekend.
"I'm sorry. I didn't intend for it to happen, but due to circumstances..."
Moon Ha-jun brought up the mistake as if he had been waiting. His voice was low and submissive, but it was better not to provoke Shin Tae-oh's feelings.
"Because I didn't reveal that you're the boss, so it's okay, I thought..."
“Did you think that the relationship between me and Ahn Se-hyeon was real, so you posted this with less guilt?”
Seeing that Moon Ha-jun was struggling to find his words, Shin Tae-oh took charge of the situation and summarized it for him.
"That's right, isn't it?"
Moon Ha-jun quickly nodded, emphasizing that he didn't do it with ill intentions. Lee Jin-ho, who had been observing, shook his head as he understood.
"He doesn't grasp the situation."
Lee Jin-ho's soft voice unfortunately didn't reach Moon Ha-jun.
"He simply thought it was a scandal."
Shin Tae-oh said with a smile, causing Moon Ha-jun to look crestfallen.
"It may not be exactly like that, but..."
"Then the consequences that follow will also be handled by Secretary Moon."
"What? What does that mean?"
Moon Ha-jun raised his head, unable to comprehend, but he was taken aback by Shin Tae-oh's serious and unsmiling gaze. The boss who had been easygoing and smiled a lot was no longer the same.
"What Secretary Moon did is just the beginning. Do you happen to know? It might lead to something close to a crime."
"Well, I don't know about that. I just..."
"Can you be sure?"
Shin Tae-oh asked, seeing Moon Ha-jun's bewildered expression. It was a calm inquiry like usual, but with his cold gaze, Moon Ha-jun clasped his trembling hands. His heart raced with unease, feeling like it wouldn't end with a simple recommendation for resignation.
"Director H-Ha Jin-seong instructed me to do it. I..."
"I already know that."
When Moon Ha-jun didn't immediately understand, Shin Tae-oh stood up from his seat and approached him. Moon Ha-jun shrank back under Shin Tae-oh's imposing gaze.
"If you don't want everything to be turned upside down, you should move."
"You followed someone else's orders, so now you should follow mine."
The previous conversation seemed almost meaningless, as if it was nothing more than empty talk. I had a strong premonition that the outcome would be determined by just one response I gave this time.
A gentle smile appeared on Yoo Jin-hyeon's face as he greeted Se-hyeon.
"I'm sorry for reaching out to you suddenly."
"No. Rather, I really liked Se-hyeon’s thoughtful questions.”
Yoo Jin-hyeon gritted his teeth and smiled again, thinking, “There are so many people who act as they please these days.”
"Come this way."
Yoo Jin-hyeon stood up from his seat, gesturing towards the opposite side.
"Would you like some coffee or tea? What would you prefer?"
"No, thank you. I brought it myself."
Se-hyeon took out two bottles from his bag.
"I prepared beverages instead of coffee since I heard you don't drink it much."
He placed the bottle of coffee he had bought as his share on the table. Impressed by Se-hyeon's thoughtfulness, Yoo Jin-hyeon remained silent for a moment before picking up the bottle.
"Thank you."
"It's nothing special."
Se-hyeon insisted that it was no big deal and opened his own coffee. After taking just one sip and setting it aside, Yoo Jin-hyeon wondered if he had actually opened the lid not for the sake of conversation.
"What would you like to ask me?"
"If it's not too intrusive, may I ask about the boss?"
Yoo Jin-hyeon mentioned Shin Tae-oh for confirmation but seemed to struggle to find an immediate response. He fell silent.
"It's not difficult to tell you, but I'm struggling with what to say."
"Anything would be fine. I would like to know about the boss when he was young."
Yoo Jin-hyeon hesitated for a moment, letting out a sigh. When he was young...
"Tae-oh was exceptional. He came from a good family, had good looks, and excelled academically. On top of that, his personality was great, so he was a perfect guy."
Se-hyeon nodded in agreement upon hearing that he was popular for being good-looking, having a good family background, excelling academically, and being good at jokes. Shin Tae-oh was still flawless in every aspect.
"Since everyone wanted to be friends with someone like him, I approached him first."
Even now, I receive numerous meeting requests to meet Shin Tae-oh, with my studio acting as a middleman.
"We became close friends and had a great time. Oh, back then, I got along well with Jin-seong too."
Se-hyeon concealed his reaction when Yoo Jin-hyeon mentioned Jin-seong's name. If he wanted to get to know Shin Tae-oh well, Jin-seong had told him to approach Yoo Jin-hyeon. Even though it wasn't mentioned, the natural mention of his name caused a slight wavering in Se-hyeon.
"We had a great time together. Everything was good. Oh, right."
As Yoo Jin-hyeon continued speaking, Se-hyeon noticed a change in his voice and focused on him.
"I had a feeling that even though we had a great time, there were moments when things felt a bit off."
"Off in what way?"
Se-hyeon asked for clarification, and Yoo Jin-hyeon nodded.
"Yes. Usually, when we were having fun and made plans to meet, it seemed like something would come up or he would have some reason for not being able to meet."
Yoo Jin-hyeon spoke in a slightly complaining tone, and Se-hyeon couldn't immediately understand.
"That's why, even though I get along with Tae-oh, I never felt a strong sense of closeness. At first, I thought it was just my own perception, but Jin-seong mentioned that he wouldn't stay around Shin Tae-oh for long."
As Yoo Jin-hyeon complained, Se-hyeon recalled the conversation between Shin Tae-oh and Ha Jin-seong. They had exchanged hurtful words, implying that Se-hyeon wouldn't stay by Shin Tae-oh's side for long. Shin Tae-oh, unable to brush off Ha Jin-seong's provocation as a mere joke, seemed visibly affected by those words.
That meant Yoo Jin-hyeon's statement might not be a mere thought.
"Then are you the closest to the boss?"
"I'm just at the level of contacting and maintaining a relationship. Tae-oh doesn't really create those special connections."
Yoo Jin-hyeon waved his hand as if to indicate that it wasn't him.
"I've never seen him develop a deep relationship with anyone so far. He doesn't have a steady partner he meets consistently... This might not be my place to say."
Yoo Jin-hyeon added with a somewhat awkward tone, realizing that Shin Tae-oh had always been alone because no one reciprocated his advances.
Moreover, the person he was interested in now was Ahn Se-hyeon, who had just caught Shin Tae-oh's attention.
While Yoo Jin-hyeon was being cautious, Se-hyeon began to grasp the overall picture.
Shin Tae-oh, Yoo Jin-hyeon, Ha Jin-seong... and even Ha Min-hyeok.
I thought about the Shin Tae-oh who existed in this world, not the original Shin Tae-oh that I knew. I imagined Shin Tae-oh with complex facets.
It wasn't Shin Tae-oh's purpose to be rejected by Yoo Jin-ha or to laugh and congratulate Ha Min-hyuk and Yoo Jin-ha's love. If what Ha Jin-seong said was true, then Shin Tae-oh might have lived like that since he was young, perhaps his whole life...
["Can you give yourself to me alone? Can you treat me as if I am the protagonist of this world?"]
I wondered why he acted that way when he asked me to only look at him.
Even without trying to understand the feeling that the world doesn't revolve around me, I knew it well. Because I lived such a life.
Why didn't I realize it?
The confession he playfully presented to me. Shin Tae-oh's sincerity was clearly embedded in that confession.
Yet, I approached it lightly, contemplating how I could reject him without getting hurt. But no way could happen.
Anyone would get hurt when rejected. Let alone if it was Shin Tae-oh, I couldn't just laugh it off and move on. Especially not for Shin Tae-oh, who had never become someone particularly special to anyone.
‘I came here for no reason.’
I shouldn't have asked Yoo Jin-hyeon about Shin Tae-oh.
"Se-hyeon, are you okay? Your face looks pale."
Se-hyeon couldn't utter empty words assuring Yoo Jin-hyeon that everything was fine. He became tangled and confused inside, fully realizing the weight of Shin Tae-oh's confession.
Se-hyeon was sitting at his desk when he saw Shin Tae-oh approaching. He stood up, greeted him, and immediately followed him for a briefing.
"...That concludes today's briefing."
Se-hyeon took a deep breath and put down his tablet. He treated Shin Tae-oh in a professional manner, as if all the time they had spent together over the weekend was just a dream.
That was the only way he could handle Shin Tae-oh at the moment.
Realizing the gravity of his confession and the significant impact his words could have, Se-hyeon couldn't reveal his personal thoughts any further.
He decided to take some time to gather his thoughts before responding.
"Is there anything else?"
"Would it be alright if I just received one pending document?"
There was a specific document that required approval. It was due to the urgent request from the planning team, emphasizing the need for quick approval. When I mentioned it, Shin Tae-oh readily nodded his head.
As he examined the content of the document before signing it, I noticed something.
Shin Tae-oh had taken out a fountain pen for the signature.
I also had the same fountain pen, so it wasn't difficult to recognize it.
"It's a gift from Yoo Jin-ha."
Without realizing it, I ended up asking Shin Tae-oh a personal question. I immediately realized that I should never have done that, seeing the corner of his mouth twitching upward.
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10. Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
You know, i actually never really thought of this until now, what was the process like for you to create Ayame as a pretty nice partner for Tanjirou? I think it can be pretty hard to create a couple that is balanced so that they are not toxic nor unrealistically perfect. Since in canon its Kanao who is paired with Tanjirou, still Ayame seamlessly blends in to become more like canon character than an oc because of the relationship dynamics she has with other in fits other than Tanjirou.
Anyways I asked this because im a raging Tanyame simp, if thats not already glaringly obvious heh
i'm a tanyame simp, you're a tanyame simp... suffice to say, anyone who's followed fits this long is probably, in some way and form, a tanyame simp. except for those who are genyame simps. i’m still sorry about that.
10. Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
in all honesty, i've always had a soft spot for main characters in shounen mangas. the ones that spring to mind off the top of my head are naruto from, well, naruto, kaneki ken from tokyo ghoul, midoriya izuku from bnha... i've just always been drawn to the characters that mangakas point to and go "this is the good guy. this is who i want you to root for all the time" and i'm like yeah sure okay. i've also always loved ocs, because sometimes you just see a moment in a show and go "but what if there was someone else at that moment who does what i want to do for them?"
ayame is a lot like that, i think. tanjirou's story is just so, so tragic. he takes on too much, he shoulders the weight of the sky on his shoulders and he's always expected to be the strong one. there's no one on his side, he's so alone and no one can really, truly understand what he's going through. more than that... i just wanted him to not be so alone. if i could, i'd pull him into a big ole bear hug and squeeze the breath outta his lungs.
i guess the simple answer to this question is: i like tanjirou, so i want to give him some comfort.
the complicated answer would be... well. romance was never the focus of kny. sometimes, it didn't even feel like character interaction, beyond the first half of the manga, was all that important. i get it! when you're serialised in a manga, some things have to fall to the wayside so you can advance the plot. there are only so many pages you have to tell your story in and make sure people will keep wanting to read it. in fits, i get a chance to expand on things, pull from extras in the anime and also the light novels - after all, everyone is already kinda invested in canon. it's up to me to make people be interested in ayame and what she can bring. i've read a lot of wonderful ocs in my time as a reader, so it's nice when people feel something for ayame ^^ i'm also,,,,,,, a total romance fiend. i love reading romance fics, but even better when they're character/oc. sometimes we get to see the character treat the oc differently, sometimes we see them treat the oc totally in-character and sometimes the tender moments just make you breathe a sigh of relief and go aaaaaaaaaaa.
tanyame, i think, is a lot like all of that at once, i guess. i want to give tanjirou comfort. at the same time, i think i’d like it if he gave ayame some comfort too.
For more questions, here’s the ask game! You can also find other ask games here!
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ancientstone · 3 years
Have you watched the black butler musicials? If so, are they worth watching?
I have! If you can watch them then I recommend! Though personally I found the first two a bit forgettable, I constantly jump back and forth over whether Lycoris or Tango are my favourites!
As a brief rundown:
Musical 1: Kuroshitsuji - That Butler, Friendship
Original story focusing on a pair of original characters who come to England from Japan. Ciel and Sebastian don't really *do* much in this musical, apart from react and run around. I've not felt the need to go back and re-watch it. I don't remember much of the music tbh. Yuya Matsushita plays Sebastian - He's not my favourite actor for the role, but he does well.
Musical 2: Kuroshitsuji - The Most Beutiful DEATH in the World
Original story with original grim reaper characters (Alan and Eric, who are fan favourites who then went on to have cameos in the manga), with elements of the Jack the Ripper arc superimposed on top of it (Viscount Druitt, that *dress* scene). Better than the first. Not perfect, not the best writing in places either if memory serves me correct, but the music is decent ("black and white" and "checkmate" come from this musical). Yuya Matsushita plays Sebastian again in this. He also released the song "hallucination" (from the musical) as part of an album of his own music.
Musical 3: Kuroshitsuji: Lycoris that Blazes the Earth
The Jack the Ripper arc and the first to properly follow the manga. I feel like once the musicals picked up on the actual source material they really began to knuckle down on quality. The songs are killer (*dum dum tis*) and Akane Liv as Madam Red?? 100000/10, cry every time she sings. There are two versions of this musical, the 2014 version which has Yuya Matsushita as Sebastian (his last time in this role), and the 2015 version with Yuta Furukawa as Sebby. Furukawa is, in my opinion, the best version of Sebastian and he really nails it. Fun fact: the actor who plays Ciel stays the same in these two versions!
Musical 4: Kuroshitsuji: Noah's Ark Circus
Follows the....Well, Noah's Ark Circus arc!
Do I cry every time we get to the end and Joker's song? Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. Again, because it can sink it's teeth into the source material, the musical really thrives. The music is great (I personally prefer the songs in the second act of the show), the acting is great (omg, the actor to Doll KILLS ME every time), I love all the circus-elements incorporated into it. Baron Kelvin is creepy as heck. Yuta Furukawa kills it as usual. This is also Reo Uchikawa's first stint as Ciel as well, and he does a good job.
It is worth mentioning, because we can be critical of things we like, that Prince Soma and Agni appear in this musical, played by two Japanese actors. It's hard to tell by the stage lighting, but they have darkened their skin for the role.
Musical 5: Kuroshitsuji: Tango on the Campania
Follows the Campania/Luxury Liner arc.
The musical rushes a bit at the beginning, but considering all they have to get through, it's kinda understandable. The songs are great, in fact, they're some of my favourite in the entire kuro musical collection, and I love the way the opening song keeps coming back around. By the end it really feels like you've just *been* through something, y'know?
The flashback scene with Ciel (Reo Uchikawa again for the last time) and Sebastian (Yuta Furukawa's last go in the Sebastian role) are to die for! You know you've done a good job playing a part when Yana Toboso starts using your poses and mannerisms in the actual manga! I also love the way the bizarre dolls are used and choreographed around the stage, and how they do the last scene with Sebby and Ciel on the boat fighting off the hoard.
ALSO LIZZIE! The actress nails it, and her song is 10/10!
Musical 6: Kuroshitsuji: The Public School's Secret
Came out this year following the boarding school arc. Haven't seen it. Toshiki Tateishi plays Sebastian, and Eito Konishi plays Ciel.
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rcksmith · 3 years
The Agreement part.2 — Kaz Brekker
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Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader.
Warnings of series: Convenience/arranged marriage, swearing, mention of fight, mention of death, mention of desire, fluff, sensual, mention of post-traumatic stress.
Warnings of chapter: swearing.
Word count: 4k
A/N: I hope you guys like.💖
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are closet. Love you ❤️
— — — —
“What?!” Your exclamation came out louder than intended, and perhaps sharper than expected.
The salty sea breeze came through the window once more. The smell of salt and ocean invaded the room and for a second it felt like being in a ship's cabin at sea.
Kaz looked at you as if you were some child. Or someone deaf. But if he was swimming in acidic thoughts, he didn't say them.
"Think carefully." His voice was firm and explicit, the ones men use to convince women of something. “You want freedom, don't you? Live your life without having to fulfill a man's whims or your father's expectations. You wants to be able to snow on a ship without having a date to go back and make your own destiny. You want just needing to care what new adventure knocks on your door and what promise of wonders life awaits. It is not?"
How did he figure it out so well in such a short time? Was he too shrewd or were you too transparent?
You nodded, unable to say anything. Perhaps out of perplexity at how Kaz read you so easily. Or maybe the way he looked like an overpoweringly beautiful fallen angel in the moonlight.
“And the only way to do that is to get married.”
You frowned. “As I recall, Brekker, I came here just so I wouldn't have to get married.”
“And it's a stupid plan.” God, you wanted to kill him. “You asked me to have the Dregs take you to the harbor without your father's spies noticing. But it turns out your father's spies already know you're here.”
Your breath was lost somewhere between lungs and nose.
“Since you arrived, the noise from the Crow Club downstairs has become less shrill. And this is not typical criminal behavior. Either they have adopted good manners or someone they know they should fear has joined the Club.” Kaz sat more relaxed in the armchair behind his desk, his dark blue eyes locked on you. “I would bet on the second option.”
“So I came here for nothing?” You were starting to get angry at his beating around the bush. Because you knew it was manipulation. Brekker was laying the groundwork and you understood that.
“I did not say that. Turns out you can never get rid of your father. Not when he's a man with the purchasing power able to buy an entire country. There will always be someone who will recognize you, someone who will find you. And for the right price, the whole world is capable of being bribed. You would run away only to be chased by other spies, other people wanting the reward your father will give to whoever brings you back home.”
Very early on, you realized that Kaz Brekker was capable of crushing dreams as easily as crushing an insect. His destructive power was colossal and you saw all of your desires floating under his palm. Waiting just for him to brutally clench his fist and crush them.
But that's not what he did.
“You'll only get what you want if you follow his orders.” The breeze came through the window once more, ruffling her charcoal hair. “But if you can't defeat your enemies, change the rules of the game.”
“And is that where marriage to you comes in?”
“See it.” His body leaned very gently across the table towards you, it was a millimeter and ridiculous gesture, but it felt like him standing a breath away from you. “What you need is to get married. But marrying someone who doesn't give a damn about what you're going to do, and don’t have expectations of you. Someone who is not interested in home life, family life or Any other things you can offer other than money.”
Any other things you can offer. The night breeze this time was accompanied by an impure, almost obscene scene of the fallen angel in front of you on a bed of black duvets and caustic weather. A moment when the ends of his black hair brushed your forehead and your nose, moving back and forth as followed the rhythm of his hips and…
The sea breeze was gone, taking the obscene image with it and bringing back your common sense. For a second you wondered where that came from! You hadn't been in his presence for more than two hours and the entire compilation of what it was like Kaz Brekker, so far, had frightened you and attracted you in an absurdly dangerous way.
"And are that you came, I suppose." You hoped your voice couldn't give away your impure thoughts from seconds ago. “Do you want us to form an alliance where you receive my dowry and in return I am free from my father's demands and can do as I please with my freedom?"
“Alliance is a very strong term for what we are doing here.” He was succinct, “I would tell you to look at this as a business transaction. A marriage document is still just a piece of paper. And nothing else. Don't get carried away by sentimentalism. Things only have feelings if you want them to.”
Kaz was right, you knew that. For all your belief in true love and the many books romance novels you devoured, you still understood that a marriage could very well be seen as a business translation. It are a sad, cold way to see something so beautiful, but it still true.
“I have no interest in anything other than your dowry and you have no interest other than freedom. So what I'm proposing is something very sensible and objective. When we get married, your father will set you free, and you won't have any husband to please or any other crap. I don't want and don't expect anything from you, I don't care if you're sailing to Ravka or venturing on The Fold.”
“Do you want the money out of greed or despair?”
Kaz took a second to get a better look at you after that sneaky question. You had asked the correct question amid so many banalities and he realized that you were more cunning than you looked.
If he wanted to know your secrets, you also wanted to know his.
“A bit of both.” He was sincere.
“And what do you intend to do with my father's industries? Because you would win them too. And any misdirection could end up reducing my father's empire to nothing, and I don't want him to see the thing he loves most in ruins.”
Brekker heard the feelings in your voice. There was a hidden pang of hurt, but a lot of determination and honesty. You loved your father and understood him, even if you didn't agree with his principles. You had a fair and upright nature and were able to move mountains to get things done the way you thought was right. That was a red flag for Kaz. You were a good person. And he not.
He could never promise you things that go back to a good guy. But he could promise you honesty and justice. Kaz Brekker would never take something from someone the way it was taken from him so many years ago. He was a monster. But never in the same category as Pekka.
“I have no interest in having an empire doomed to fail.” His eyes were serious. “My motivation has always been greed. Why would I sink the company that is capable of making me such a rich man?”
He would have to be an idiot to let such a lucrative business go. And Kaz Brekker was anything but an idiot.
“Would you let me do anything I want?”
“I have no interest in what you don't or do.”
You hesitated for a second, as if remembering another detail. “My father doesn't believe in divorce, and even if he did, I would be pressured to remarry. Do you understand that we couldn't divorce?”
“I have no desire to marry again. And you might as well get other men you want without making a fuss, without your father finding out.” Always rational and objective. Without any inclination to the heart's desires. “There is no room in this world for feelings. Much less in this agreement. If you fall in love with someone you will have to be content with just relating to them, not getting married. And it seems like a small price to pay for so many benefits.”
It was the perfect plan. Did you know that. It was rational, objective and cunning. Something advantageous for both without costing too much. But why did you feel that something could go very wrong? You were a romantic person and you knew you could see things where they didn't exist. The truth was, you would have to leave your heart completely out of the picture.
Just a business transaction.
Brekker seemed to see a hint of hesitation in your eyes.
“It's very simple, Ms. Y/L/N.” That voice that gave you goose bumps hovered in front of you. “You marry me and you still have your freedom, because I don't give a damn about what you do after.”
“20 million from Kruges. Rich.” his eyes gleamed with a deep glow.
“And how do I know this isn't a trick?”
“I don't promise lies.” His firm face was serious “I won't give you happiness, Y/n. Much less love. Love doesn't exist in Kerch. But I will give you freedom, independence, a comfortable life that you are accustomed. And it seems to be much more than you have now.”
You knew you could be making a deal with the devil. Selling your soul to that man with the face of a fallen angel and the aura of Lucifer. But what choice did you have?
You couldn't go back if you sealed that deal. That man would be bound whit you, even by a piece of paper, for a lifetime. Was it worth the price? You didn't care for your father's press to want to be in the management and you had a lot more money than twenty million Kruges. What would you be missing? Your chance to marry one day whit someone you came to love? But if you came home without someone one day from now your father would marry you to a gargoyle. And the way out to flee no longer seemed a viable option.
Yes, it was worth it.
Seeming to see from the glint in your eyes that you've made a decision, Kaz Brekker, Bastard of the Barrel, reached out a leather-gloved hand toward you. His eyes sparkled with a mysterious spark, the scent of male cologne with a hint of danger lurking around the room. And for a moment, you felt a shiver go up your spine and the feeling that your life had just begun.
“Agree to marry me?” He said.
The feeling was that you were about to embark on the greatest adventure of your life. You didn't know what that little stunt with Kaz Brekker awaited you. But you would find out.
“Yes.” You took his hand in a firm, intense handshake that held a million secrets.
A satisfied, victorious smile came to his lips. And whenever Kaz gave him that expression, it felt like seeing the fallen angel that was the reason so many humans sinned. The clouds in the sky shifted, moving out of the moon's path and making the distilled rays of light shimmer more brightly. His black hair and white skin were graced with those bundles, and for a second his beauty was overwhelming.
You held your breath.
Brekker continued to say something, but you couldn't pay attention. Your heart began to race, the moonlight following in his footsteps as Kaz got up from his chair and went to fetch some papers from across the room. You couldn't tear your eyes away from him. His body was taller and thinner than you deduced when he was sitting down. Kaz had long, slender legs beneath black straight-cut pants, his chest was broad and his waist was narrow. For a second, you felt like running your hand over the contours of his body.
You shifted your attention forward abruptly. Focusing eyes on something else.
That was the curse of handsome men. They fooled women and made them daydream. With his underworld god beauty and mysterious aura with a touch of danger, Kaz Brekker was overwhelmingly attractive. And your blood reacted to that. Any woman would have reacted the same way.
“And we'll have to leave tomorrow morning…” he sat opposite you again.
“Sorry, what?”
You turned your attention to his words, not remembering half of what he said seconds ago. Kaz looked at you intently this time, squinting his eyes millimetrically, as if he was trying to guess which paths your mind had wandered in for the past two minutes.
“Your deadline is the day after tomorrow, isn't it?”
"Yes." You got back to the core of the problem once more. “The trip to my house takes a few hours. Half a day if it's raining.”
Kaz had his eyes on the papers in his hands, maybe they were maps or documents, but you didn't feel like craning your neck to see what it was. Leaning over to view the papers meant getting closer to Brekker, and two hours in his presence was enough for you to understand that nothing good would happen if you got any closer. Or maybe you didn't trust your own feelings and emotions.
“This will have to be done very discreetly.” He didn't look up from his papers. “If any rumors about our deal reach the wrong people, your father will hear about our plan. And that meant you will being forced to marry someone else, and me without my money. Does anyone know you're here because you planned to run away?”
You shook your head. “No. I didn't get to tell my friends. But now that the plan is different, I intend to tell a friend that…”
“You can't tell anyone.” Kaz lifted ocean blue eyes to you in an electrifying look that made you shiver.
“And what is supposed to say to my friends?” You felt a pang of indignation.
“That we are in love.”
This time, your breath was gone. The phrase was like pouring gasoline on an old, flammable woodpile. And you were afraid of what might be the match that would set off a fire.
Kaz noticed your reaction and was amused by it. “Just say some nonsense about falling in love with a criminal. It wouldn't be the first time a rich little girl has fallen in love with the bad guy, and I guarantee it won't be the last.”
“And you won't tell anyone about the truth too?” You wanted to change the focus you.
“I don't have to answer to anyone.”
This time you gave a smug smile and crossed your arms in an insolent gesture. “So everyone will think the infamous Kaz Brekker, Dirty Handes and Ketterdam's most dangerous gangster is in love with a rich little girl?”
Kaz narrowed his eyes at your teasing.
“It won't be the first time that the man with a bad temper and dangerous soul falls in love with the little girl. And I'm sure it won't be the last.” You said.
You were provocative, witty and stubborn. You would always hit at the same height and loved to show people that could very well play their game. Brekker unraveled this perfectly. You weren't the kind of woman who would be peaceful, serene, and calm. You wouldn't be like Inej. You would not take his orders and his taunts in silent, contained rage. You were intense. And that was a danger.
Why did he get the feeling you were so much more than he imagined?
“Let's go to your house tomorrow morning. Nine in the morning.” He changed the subject. “I'll go with you and we'll get married.”
"My father must be preparing everything by now." You sighed. “He takes his promises very seriously and I have no doubt that, when I returns, the ceremony scene will be set in the party garden.”
Partly you were relieved about it now. Planning a ceremony are intense and personal. You never really thought about getting married, but you always imagined that if one day it happened it would be the man of your dreams. And you didn't know if you would want to organize a fake wedding. There were certain things that were inevitable to keep the heart from breaking.
“Better yet, the faster the better.”
The two of you discussed some more details of the plan in the next few hours. It was agreed that Kaz would pick you up at nine from your hotel tomorrow, in an elegant hired carriage (which you obviously would be paying for) and the two of you would go to your house in Kerch. For all intents and for all people, the truth would be that the two of you were in love. It was such a typical cliché that it wouldn't be the least bit hard to believe.
And after a while, you two could already show yourself to the world as a couple who barely saw each other. Rich society was full of them: marriage with coldness and distance, where the man has his bets and lovers and the woman her travels and her jewelry. Your father would surely understand and leave you alone. After all, he had gotten a son-in-law to inherit his empire. A young son-in-law with blood for business who would make your father extremely satisfied. However, now the two of you had to look like a couple in love. And the reality of the situation was a secret that only the two of you would take with you to the tomb.
But, that night it was difficult for you to sleep. Anxiety, restlessness and fear gnawed at you like cunning mice, rolling you from side to side in bed, whispering in your ears millions of futures where everything could go wrong. Where not even Kaz Brekker's plans could free you from the clutches of one of your father's suitors.
When the clock struck seven in the morning, you jumped out of bed with unsettling, restless energy. You didn't like feeling helpless and waiting for Brekker to show up was exactly the definition of a princess in trouble. You had to do something.
- -
“What do you mean to get married?!” Jesper choked on his breakfast, and Nina nearly spit out all her orange juice.
Kaz rolled his eyes and continued sorting through the documents on the large round table. He was going to be gone for a few days at most and needed the people he trusted most to take care of business while he was gone. There were a lot of robberies to do and Kaz spent the night crafting and modifying plans for options where he wasn't involved. He had made a list of what needed to be checked at ports and what needed to be resupplied at Crow clube.
The plan was to marry you when they arrived in Kerch and return to Crow Club the next day. Kaz knew he would have to bring you, the two of you would have to stay together until your dowry was delivered to him. After that you could go on any adventure you wanted.
But dealing with the Crows was being more exasperating than Kaz could have expected.
"I didn't even know you had a girlfriend!" Wylan was in shock.
"Nobody knew!" Nina and Inej had their chins on the floor. Matthias was the only one who didn't seem to care so much.
"I didn't know the affairs of my private life were your business." Kaz didn't look up from the papers he kept in folders for the stupid ones.
"But you never said anything." Inej said.
"It was the intention."
"It's with Y/n, isn't it?" Jesper had bright eyes and a gleeful gambling smile stretched across his lips.
Kaz looked up at the boy with chocolate creamy skin, and his eyes narrowed slightly.
“She spent hours in yours office last night.”
"Oh my Santis!" Inej, Nina and Wylan exclaimed at once, eyes wide.
"The daughter of the richest man in Kerch." Wylan said.
"YOUR DOG!" Jesper clapped Kaz on the shoulder with an open palm, a loud laugh echoing and joy filling his voice.
Kaz suppressed the urge to look at the spot where Jesper had touched him. It had been years since he'd gotten over the most brutal aversion to touch, when the mere thought of getting close to someone made him tingle and dizzy with imminent fainting. At 28 years old, Kaz Brekker had proven to be greater than the demons and weaknesses that haunted him, wanting to see his downfall. A man who wanted to defeat Pekka could have no weaknesses. And he prided himself on almost have none of them.
However, offhand gestures made him look at the spot where he had been touched. The sensation brought was not unbearable or nauseating, but strange. And when the situation was skin to skin in a touch that caught him off guard, the feeling was unpleasant. Like a splinter under the skin.
It was easier with people Kaz felt comfortable with, but it wasn't something he cared about. He forced himself to overcome the most brutal aversion just to be a man without weaknesses, no chance of being defeated in a torture, no chance of being defeated by a faint. No for to touch someon.
“I thought you didn't know her in person when I warned you yesterday.” Inej tried to contain her little smile.
“It was the intention. You guys forgot the definition of secret…”
"Boss." One of the employees had entered that exclusive room. "There's someone here wanting to talk to you, Sir." He looked apprehensive.
Kaz frowned. The crow club had no movement at eight in the morning.
"Who is?"
"I think…"
"Will you please let me through!" The female voice sounded outside the room.
Jesper and the rest of the gang were wide-eyed, mouths opening in amusement and bewilderment. Kaz was catatonic. What the fucking hell were you doing there?!
"What do you mean I can't talk to your boss?!" And you continued. “I spoke to him yesterday...Don't give me these arguments, my dad tells his employees to tell people exactly that...I swear if you touch out about me again I will...”
"Fucking hell!" Kaz came out from behind the counter, crossing the living room and opening the door.
He came face to with that scene. A short girl who argued with a bouncer who was triple her height and size. Kaz knew the man was arrogant and macho, and had probably nudged your temper. He would have been amused by the scene if he wasn't abgry that you didn't follow his explicit rules.
“Ray.” Kaz glanced at the bouncer, a steady gaze that made the brute immediately back away from you.
You even gave the man an angry look before heading towards Kaz.
"What are you doing here?!" He whispered angrily.
"I couldn't wait." You wiggled your fingers, a tic of anxiety. “I could barely sleep. It was lucky I didn't show up at six in the morning.”
“That's not excuses. We have a schedule!"
“But I couldn't wait!" You whispered too. “It's visseral. I can't just sit there and wait!”
What an insufferable creature!
"Well, you'll have to learn because…!"
"What are you two whispering back there? “ Jesper's voice interrupted the discussion in whispers.
The two of you turned to the troupe standing in the doorway of the Crow room. Playful, mischievous smiles were plastered across their faces, and you felt your cheeks blush. Kaz and you looked at each other, and in that second of silent complicity, the two of you finally stepped into the roles of partners in crime.
Tagged: @aleksanderwh0r3 @thedelusionreaderbitch @hi-there-x @mell-bell @glowingatdawn @subjecta13-thefangirl @itsnotquimey @thatchampagnebitch @lamoursansfin @lostysworld @s3xymoonman @is-it-really-a-secret
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punderfulowl · 3 years
Top 10 Anime (That I've Seen) in 2020
Well now, it has certainly been awhile. I'm currently sitting at eight months too late for posting this, but, y'know, something something life happens. More accurately, I already made this list, but wanted to try out what response I'd get from Reddit. Turns out, they're not as cool as you guys!
Anyways, as the title states, this is not a list of my favorite anime that came out during 2020, but instead my favorite anime that I just so happen to see during that year. While it's fun to have an end of the year retrospective, I find that having a list in this format not only adds variety, but also helps bring attention to anime that might have been lost in the shuffle in previous years (I also don't have enough time to stay caught up in seasonal releases).
Honorable mentions:
Aggretsuko S3, My Hero Academia S4, Today's Menu For the Emiya Family, Interspecies Reviewers (yes, really), and I Couldn't Become a Hero So I Reluctantly Decided to Get a Job
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10. Maid-Sama (2010)
In hindsight, I find it a bit funny that I wanted to watch something wholesome to kick off 2020. Anyway, Maid-Sama is about a high school girl that is also a no nonsense Class President and she kind of has to be at a school where, until recently, was an all boys school. While she kills it in academics and is good at shutting down any shenanigans from the male student body, her financial situation isn't the greatest and has to balance a job at a maid cafe along with her school-related responsibilities. She does her best to hide her employment there to keep up appearances, but is one day found out by one of the boys who happens to be a big flirt and, yeah, hijinks ensue. While this anime doesn't have too many surprises, our main leads bounce off each other well enough to keep me entertained. Nothing I haven't seen already in other anime Rom-Coms, but I think it has more than earned its place at the start of this list.
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9. Haganai NEXT (2013)
It's a personal rule of mine when making these lists that I don't include sequels of shows that were in previous lists. While I DID see the first season of Haganai a couple of years ago, it didn't quite make it into the top ten at that time. Because of that, it meets the criteria for this year's list. While I found the characters were just as charming here as I did during the first season, the development of their relationships really took off. It's a shame that it will most likely not get a third season, but I'm happy with what ride this show gave me. But hey! At least I can read the light novels/manga to continue the story! Wait, nevermind, the Haganai fans on Reddit are saying that's a bad idea.
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8. Engaged to the Unidentified (2014)
Based off of a Four Panel joke manga, Engaged to the Unidentified tells the story of a girl in high school suddenly getting some life changing news. As it turns out, her grandfather made an arranged engagement with her and the son of a family he knew. Next thing she knows, the boy in question, as well as his little sister, moves into her family's house! While the boy is unassuming at first, there may be more to him and his family than he lets on. Plain and simple, this anime has charmed me. There's a decent amount of drama and mystery despite the source material and I applaud it! Even though this also doesn't have much new to offer, even to the point where I would compare this to Maid-Sama, what made me pick this at the 8th spot were the color choices and animation quality. Give this a shot if you can!
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7. Grimoire of Zero (2017)
It's a fantasy/adventure story starring a loli sorcerer and a huge, anthropomorphic white tiger man. I honestly can't say anything else. I won't be able to do it justice. That first sentence should intrigue you a lease a little bit. Read it, again. Please check it out. It's an underrated gem that no one is talking about.
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6. ID: Invaded (2020)
Hey, here's something recent! Unfortunately, this is also not something I can say much about. There may not be too many deep characters and the secret bad guy isn't hard to figure out, but BOY is this anime cool! The best way to describe this series is that it's like the movie Inception, but instead of brain heists, it's brain murder mysteries.
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5. Carole and Tuesday (2019)
A runaway rich girl has a fated meeting with an orphan and they decide to make music together...oh, this also takes place Mars. Joking aside, this show was something special with its music (a new song almost every episode no less), interesting setting (freaking Mars, dude), and endearing main cast. Shoot, the music itself would be top 3, maybe number 1, but what bogs it down is the show's second half. I can easily see myself watching this again someday, and maybe my opinion will lighten up, but for now, 5 is a dang good spot.
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4. Fate/Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front - Babylonia (2019)
Part of me hesitates placing this high up on list due to this show being animated, fan service spectacle for Fate fans. However, that hesitation is overshadowed by the fact that I am a Fate fan myself and I can do whatever I want with this list. Even if you're not a Fate fan or play FGO, if you enjoy some solid fight animation, this is worth a look.
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3. K-On S1 (2009)
I'll admit it, I might regret not watching the second season then putting the series on the list as a whole, but this how I've been doing these lists and I'm such a creature of habit. There's not much I can say about K-On that hasn't already been said. By itself it's an anime classic and one of Kyo-ani's biggest properties. It's a sweet and wholesome watch, but be sure to have some insulin within reach.
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2. Princess Principal (2017)
Imagine you're working with a team of programmers trying to make a mobile game then all of a sudden someone asks to make a show out of it. You know, a show with different character motivations, plot, twist and turns and all that? Most might say that's just a shameless, shallow cash grab, but it turns out okay for Princess Principal. Sure, most might summarize this anime as, "cute girls doing espionage things," but with its cast, visuals, and interesting alternative timeline, it works! Apparently there's a new season or movie in the works and I am all for it!
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1. Beastars (2019)
I was not expecting this to be number one, but with much deliberation (with myself obviously) this feels right. It tells a pretty unique story while showing itself to be the exception to the rule when it comes to 3D anime.....it being that it's actually good. While I acknowledge that shows like K-On are classics and deserves to be number one on many different lists, it didn't line up with my personal criteria like Beastars did. My biggest deciding factor is: Now that I've watched this, do I want more? It's true that while I'm excited to start K-On S2, Beastars intrigues me more and ever since season two was announced, I'm looking forward to that more.
Sorry again for this list being so late, but at least the silver lining is that the next end of the year list is about four months away (in theory)!
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h0tch-r0cket · 3 years
Infatuation (18+) {a.h.} : chapter 5
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summary: you needed a job. aaron hotchner needed a babysitter. the rest was inevitable.
word count: 5.5K
warnings: explicit language, drinking alcohol, smoking, building tension : )
table of contents
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"Y/N?" Jack called out from the kitchen of the Hotchner home. You had picked him up from school, like always, and he was working on his homework as soon as possible.
"What's going on, Jack?" you asked as you placed your finger in between the pages of your copy of The Centaur which you brought with you to keep you occupied.
"I need help with my math," he said softly.
You put your bookmark in the novel and headed into where the little Hotchner was awaiting your help. You sat down across from him and glanced down at the papers that were sprawled out in front of him. "What do you need help with?"
"Well, Ms. Kingston showed us today how to add and subtract with three digit numbers like 100 and all that stuff. I get confused when you have to borrow from one of the other numbers when you subtract," he said as he tapped the pencil on the table, a habit you noticed Aaron did as well when he was working on his own work.
"Alright, let me take a look here," you said as you grabbed the paper from him.
After a few minutes of explaining the way you go about subtracting the numbers to Jack, he got it pretty quickly. "Thanks, Y/N!"
You ruffled his hair as you stood up from the table. "You got it. If you need me, I'm just going to be in the living room, okay?"
"Okay," he said as he moved on to the next parts of his worksheet.
You settled back onto the couch, bringing your knees up to your chest as you read the novel. You were just reaching one of your favorite parts, your attention glued to the pages in front of you. It was the part where George, the father of the story, had spent his very last dollar to bring home a sandwich for his wife even though he and his son were stranded for the night because their car broke down. There was something about the sentiment, the idea that he would give up his very last dollar, that always warmed your heart.
Just as you finished up the chapter you were on, the small pitter patter of feet coming into the living room interrupted you continuing on with your reading. You looked up from the book to see Jack coming towards you, taking hard steps as he walked.
He plopped down on the couch next to you and let out a low sigh. "What's the matter, kiddo?" you asked as you placed the book neatly on your lap.
"I want dad to come home already," he said quietly as he swung his legs against the side of the couch.
"I know you do, Jack. But hey, he should be here soon. Want to watch a movie in the meantime?" You weren't sure what else to do for him. It was the first time that Jack had ever expressed that sentiment to you.
He nodded his head lightly, not saying anything to actually answer your question verbally. "Alright. As long as you finished your homework," you told him. He simply nodded yet again, his face more somber than normal.
You tried to figure out why he had the sudden mood change from when you picked him up from the bus. You thought maybe he was just tired or perhaps he wasn't feeling good. You knew that most kids always wanted their parents around when they were sick.
As the different possibilities ran through your head as you looked for a movie that the two of you had yet to watch, Jack's small voice piped up from next to you. "Y/N?"
You turned your head to look at him to already be met with his gaze. "Yeah Jack?"
"Can I sit with you?" he asked softly.
You nodded your head and straightened yourself up more on the couch so he could sit on your lap. As he quickly scooted into your lap, your copy of The Centaur fell underneath the couch.
"Sorry Y/N. I'll pick it up," Jack said as he went to reach down and grab it. You pulled him back up towards you and let his back rest against your frontside.
"It's alright. I'll get it later. Pick out a movie to watch," you told him. You passed him the TV remote and let him scroll through the different family movies, hoping that he would find something to occupy his thoughts until Aaron got home from his lectures.
As much as he tried, Aaron Hotchner could not focus on the lecture that he was giving in his class. As he sat at his office desk at the university, he flipped through his notes which to anyone else other than him would not have made any sense at all with the way that the thoughts were not cohesive and the exhaustive amounts of abbreviations that littered the pages.
He planned the day's lecture to be about Orpheus and Eurydice, lovers tragically torn apart, but he couldn't gather his thoughts cohesively to provide his students with what he deemed to be the proper lesson.
His thoughts were foggy. Jarbled. He thought he would have shaken the thought of the way your hands touched the day prior. But it was all he found himself thinking about. He wasn't quite sure why. It was a simple accident.
A simple accident that made him want to rethink the way he had been so closed off with you. The way he was always curt. He craved more, despite the fact that he knew he shouldn't pursue anything with you.
He rubbed his temples, sighing in defeat. At that point, the lecture was going to be what it was going to be.
Aaron gathered all of his things in his satchel and headed down to the auditorium before his students filed in. He shed himself of his suit jacket, leaving him in a baby blue dress shirt and tan slacks. He organized his notes yet again and placed them in order on the podium that was in the center of the room.
His students filed in soon after, a chorus of Good afternoon, Professor Hotchner, How are you Professor Hotchner? coming from them.
Aaron gave everyone a few minutes to settle in before glancing at his watch for the time. He clapped his hands together once loudly to get the attention of the class. The side conversations slowly died down, only a few soft murmurs being heard through the crowd.
"Alright folks. Let's settle in. I know today is Friday and you all are eager to get out of here so I'll try to make this as quick and easy as possible," he said, projecting his voice so that everyone could hear him. "I'll run through attendance quickly and then we'll get started."
After taking attendance and marking the absentee students, Aaron grabbed the textbook for the class from out of his satchel. "If you all could open to page 265 that would be absolutely fantastic." Synchronous opening of textbooks and flipping of pages filled the auditorium as the students quickly followed Aaron's instructions.
He began to walk in front of the room, arms crossed over his chest as he glanced out into the sea of students. "Now, does anyone have any ideas as to what the story of Orpheus and Eurydice is about?" He looked into the crowd, being met with blank stares, eyes glazing over, and even a few students nodding their heads back as they fought the calling of sleep during class.
Not one student raised their hand. He caught the students glancing at one another, hoping that someone, anyone, would have the answer. But there was no such luck.
Part of him wondered if you knew the story. You probably would know the tale like the back of your hand, being that you seemed to be meticulous with whatever it was that you set your mind to. He was curious to see just how much you knew about mythology.
He decided that the next time he saw you, he would try to find out just that.
Focus, he thought to himself.
Clearing his head of you as much as possible, he rolled his sleeves up and walked to the whiteboard, uncapping the black Expo marker that laid next to it. "Orpheus," he said as the marker squeaked on the board as he wrote the name down, "is the son of Apollo and Calliope. Well, that is according to some accounts. Some people say that Orpheus had a different father," he clarified. Aaron turned his attention back to his students, pushing his glasses up on the bridge of his nose. "Can anyone at least remind me as to who those two figures are in mythology? Apollo and Calliope?"
A hand rose in the middle of the auditorium slowly. "Yes?" he said, letting the student know that they could answer the question.
"Well, Apollo is considered to be the god of poetry and music. Calliope on the other hand, was one of the nine muses. She was the muse of history," the girl answered.
Aaron shook his head, placing his hands on his hips and he continued to pace back and forth in the front of the room. "Close. Calliope is actually the muse of poetry. Clio was the muse of history," he explained. "But I'm sure you knew that, right Ms. Sinclair?" he said with a small smirk on his face.
The girl nodded and scribbled down some more notes in her notebook, frantic to capture each and every word that Aaron uttered throughout the rest of the lecture.
Aaron took a brief pause and scanned through the crowd yet again. When he noticed one of his students clearly scrolling on his phone rather than focusing on the lecture, he debated about whether or not he should say something. But when the student started to show his phone around to those near him, he knew he would have to address the obvious distraction from the lecture.
"Mr. McMillan, if your phone is more important than listening to the rest of this lecture, which does cover a large part of your final, please be my guest and take the rest of the day for yourself," Aaron said as he raised his hand towards the door, suggesting that the boy leave the auditorium. He watched as the boy's face turned a shade of pink as he slipped the phone into his pocket. Aaron mouthed a small thank you to the student and continued with the lecture.
"As I was saying, with the help of Ms. Sinclair, Orpheus is the son of Apollo and Calliope. Eurydice," he said as he wrote the next name down on the board and drew a line connecting the two names together, "on the other hand was a beautiful Spartan princess. She married Orpheus. He played her beautiful songs on his lyre, which is just a smaller version of a harp. Orpheus was an exceptional musician. But that makes sense considering who his parents were."
He leaned back against his desk, partially sitting on top of it. He crossed his feet and rested his hands on each side of him on the desk to hold himself up. "However, tragedy struck the young couple. Eurydice was bit by a snake and died. Orpheus was heartbroken. So much so that he only played the most somber and melancholy songs on his lyre. "
Aaron paused for a moment, letting his students jot down their notes onto their paper. "But that didn't discourage Orpheus from fighting for his true love."
Aaron pushed himself off the desk and started to pace again, rubbing his thumb against his pointer finger as he walked. "He was not willing to give up so easily. So, he came up with a plan."
He walked over to the whiteboard again and wrote the word Underworld on the board. "Now, what are some things you know about the Underworld?"
"It's Hades' domain," a student called out.
Aaron drew an arrow from the word and wrote Hades underneath it. "And Hades is?"
"Zeus' brother," the same student replied.
"Very good. What else do we know about this Underworld, the realm where the souls of the departed end up in Greek mythology?" Aaron probed.
"River Styx!" another student called out enthusiastically.
"Mhm." He added another line to the diagram and turned to face the student that answered. "What about the River Styx?"
"I don't know. I just know it's there," the student laughed.
"Fair enough," Aaron said with a small smile. "We'll be covering that within the next few lessons so I won't worry about drilling it into your heads for the time being. One thing that I do want to mention is Cerberus, the three headed dog that guards the entrance of the Underworld. That will be important for the rest of the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice."
Aaron paused yet again, settling back onto the top of the desk but this time he was fully seated on it, his legs dangling off the side. "Now, Orpheus, being heartbroken at the loss of his wife, came up with a plan. He decided to travel to the Underworld to try to regain his love."
"That's crazy. Who would want to go to that place? I mean, I get it he loved the girl but is that even possible?" a student asked.
"It was a wild plan, I will give you that. But Orpheus succeeded. He traveled to the Underworld and managed to strike a deal with Hades after playing his music for him. The ruler of the Underworld was so moved that he granted Orpheus his wish to bring Eurydice back to the land of the living. Hell, the stories even say that Cerberus, the ferocious guardian of the entrance of the Underworld, was howling in despair of the pain Orpheus' music suggested."
A hand rose amongst the crowd. Aaron took his glasses off, gently biting down on the end of the arm of them. He raised his eyebrows at the student, allowing them to speak.
"There's no way that he got her back that easily. Greek mythology seems to, for the most part, at least stem from some kind of tragedy," the student said, clearly not believing that the tale would end happily ever after.
Aaron took his glasses out of his mouth and shook them in the direction of the student. "Excellent observation, Mr. Roth. That brings us to the next part of our tale. Hades gave Orpheus a stipulation; his wife would be brought back to the land of the living as long as Orpheus did not look back at her while they were still in the Underworld."
He hopped off his desk and hooked his glasses onto the collar of his shirt as he continued with the lecture. "Orpheus made the journey back to the light, but he turned around too soon, full of excitement to be reunited with his wife. She vanished before his eyes and he was heartbroken yet again."
"So the moral of the story is to be patient and have trust in the situations that you find yourself in?" a voice called out.
"Precisely," Aaron said, his voice soft. He glanced down at his watch. "I think that's enough for today. For the next class, think of a time in your life where this story applies. A time where you were impatient and lost something that you worked so desperately hard to get. Class dismissed."
The students filed out of the room quickly, allowing Aaron to follow behind them with his satchel tucked under his arm, the same fervor coursing through his veins to get home. He wanted to see Jack.
He wanted to see you.
"Oh! You sank my battleship!" you hollered dramatically as Jack managed to get another one of your ships clear off the board.
"Yes!" he shouted, throwing his fist up in success.
You were happy to see him going back to his normal, happy self. Whatever was bothering him earlier had managed to subside by the time you were done watching The Lion King.
The familiar car alarm chirped in the driveway, causing loyal Buster to run to the door in anticipation to see his owner.
You felt almost the same degree of excitement flowing through your body. It was the first time you were seeing Aaron since his touch was embedded into your head. You were wondering if things would be different. If he would be different.
As the front door opened, Jack ran over to his father and wrapped his arms tightly around his waist. "Hey buddy," Aaron said with a small chuckle as he patted Jack's back.
"I missed you today," Jack said quietly as he looked up at his father.
"I miss you everyday," Aaron said with a smile. His gaze turned to you and he kept the smile plastered on his face. "How's it going, Y/N?"
"Pretty good. Jack just sunk my battleship...again," you joked, feigning annoyance.
Aaron's smile grew a bit wider, the dimples on his face making another appearance.
You couldn't help but smile at him. His smile was contagious and gorgeous. You felt like it was such a rare occasion that he smiled, even though he was smiling more often around you, that you always studied the way his face looked so you would never forget it.
Aaron headed into the kitchen with his things with Jack following close behind. You followed a few moments after, ready to gather your things and head home.
When you came into the kitchen, you saw Aaron place a hand on his hip as he looked down at Jack who held his hands together tightly in a pleading motion.
"Come on, Dad! It will be fun," Jack begged. He put on a big smile for his father, trying to convince him further to whatever idea he had planned.
"Alright, Jack. I wouldn't mind that. Ask her," Aaron said as he turned his attention towards you. You felt yourself get nervous, not sure as to what it was that Jack was about to ask you.
Jack took a step forward and planted himself in front of you as he looked up at you with big, puppy dog eyes. "Y/N, do you want to stay and have dinner with us?" Jack asked excitedly.
"Oh," you said with shock. Your stomach fluttered at the thought of actually staying and spending time with Aaron, even if Jack was still there. But the rational part of your head was yelling at you to leave. You already were thinking about Aaron too much and you were sure you would be even further doomed if you were subject to his charm and wit for the night. "Maybe another time, Jack. I think Esmé was planning on making a nice fancy dinner tonight."
"Please, Y/N," Jack pleaded. "Stay with us and eat." He held his hands firmly together again in a similar fashion to how he was begging his father to go along with the idea in the first place.
You clicked your tongue and scratched the back of your neck, unsure as to what other excuse you could come up with. "I don't want to intrude on the time you and your dad have together, buddy."
Aaron crossed his arms across his chest and you saw him raise his eyebrows for a quick second behind his glasses. "Stay, Y/N. I'm a pretty good cook," Aaron said with a smirk growing on his face.
You felt your stomach twist further into knots at the thought that one, Aaron wanted you to stay and two, that he was going to be cooking some sort of meal for you.
Aaron, on the other hand, felt desperate. He wanted—no, he needed you to stay. He wanted to learn everything there was about you. He wanted to know your passions, your fears. As his eyes searched yours, he saw the battle that was going on in your head as to whether or not you should stay or go.
He was hoping you couldn't see the way he crossed his fingers together subtly, a silent prayer that you would stay.
He didn't know what was coming over him. All he knew was that at that moment, he didn't want you to leave the house. He had tried to push you out of his head all day, but seeing you here at his house and your gorgeous smile, it was taking everything in his power to keep his composure as he felt himself succumbing to his desire to want to be close to you.
You weren't sure what it was but the way Aaron was staring at you, his eyes soft, it was as if he was subtly begging you to stay.
You knew you shouldn't. You already were feeling things that you never thought you would for the man. But a part of you was curious to try to figure out if he was feeling something similar.
"Alright, fine," you said defeated, throwing your hands up in the air. "I'll stay." Jack let out an excited yell before running back into the living room.
You could have sworn you saw Aaron exhale deeply once you came to your decision, as if he was relieved that you were actually staying. "But I'm telling you now Hotchner, if you're not as good a cook as you say you are, there will be hell to pay," you teased as you pointed your finger in his direction.
And to your surprise, Aaron laughed. He genuinely laughed. It was a sound that was pure music to your ears, something that you wished you could have turned back time to get it on a recording.
"I promise. I am a good cook," he said as he turned around and began to take out some different pots and pans.
You walked next to him and leaned up against the counter. "What exactly are you planning on making?"
He turned his gaze to you, a smug look growing on his face. "Well where's the fun in that? It's a surprise," he said quietly, leaning closer in your direction.
You caught a quick whiff of his cologne, the smell of cedar quickly filling your airspace. You bit down on your bottom lip, the closeness to him becoming almost too much to handle.
His warm honey eyes darted down to your lips and back up to your own eyes. He cleared his throat and stood back up straight, starting to pull some random ingredients out of the cabinet in front of him.
You shut your eyes for a second, disappointed by how quickly he stood away from you. "I'll be in the living room with Jack," you said. He nodded silently, making his rounds in the kitchen to cook.
As you made your way into the living room, you couldn't help but think about how close he was. You could have reached your hand out and stroked his cheek. You could have been putty melting in his hands.
Aaron watched you walk out of the kitchen, knowing that you wouldn't see his eyes raking across your body. Your perfume lingered in the space where you were in the kitchen, reminding Aaron just how close his face was to yours, how he could have pulled you by your cheeks to brush his lips against yours.
He wanted you. And he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold back.
"Oh my god," you sighed in content as you took a bite of the food Aaron prepared. He made fettuccine alfredo with chicken. All from scratch.
His eyes shot towards you as he heard the sound of satisfaction fall on your lips. He raised an eyebrow at you, taking a bite of the chicken that rested on his plate. "So, did I live up to your expectations?"
"Mhm," was all you could muster as you took another bite of the pasta.
You watched as Jack twirled the pasta around his fork. He popped it into his mouth and gave his dad a thumbs up. "It tastes good, Dad. I could eat the whole pot!"
"That's an awful lot of pasta," you joked as you took a small sip of the chardonnay that Aaron had poured for the two of you. He insisted it made the meal but you were wondering if it had different indications than what he led on.
"Yeah it is but I could eat it," Jack said. Aaron rolled his eyes jokingly at his son's active imagination.
A few minutes passed and you all were eating in content. This time, there was a much more comfortable silence that fell between you all, something that you could easily get used to.
"So, Y/N, what made you pick up an interest in Greek mythology?" Aaron asked, clearly ripping off the bandaid he had been gripping to all day. He had to know. He wanted to know more about you.
"I took a class in high school, actually. And from there, I've done most of my learning on my own. I don't know," you laughed softly.
God your laugh. Aaron would never get over hearing it. He took a sip of his wine and glanced at you over the rim of the glass, watching you absentmindedly twirl your fork around in the pasta.
"I just find it interesting that there's so many stories that they came up with and they all have some sort of deeper meaning to them."
Aaron nodded in agreement, finding himself entranced with your words. You were right of course. There were so many things those stories explained, like the natural world or even as something simple to not be selfish.
"That's why I like them so much. The interpretation of them all varies and you can learn so much," he added.
"I like the ones with Jason and the Astronauts," Jack interrupted. Small laughs from you and Aaron filled the space between you at Jack's mispronunciation.
"Argonauts," you and Aaron said at the same time, correcting the young Hotchner.
Jack scrunched his eyebrows in confusion. "What's the word?" he asked.
"Argonauts," Aaron repeated.
"Astronauts is cooler," Jack concluded as he took another bite of his chicken. "Can I be excused?"
Aaron glanced at his plate and pointed his fork in the direction of his son's food. "Eat another bite of chicken and you can be."
Jack scarfed down the chicken quickly and left the table.
Realization hit you rather quickly.
It was just you and Aaron. A tinge of pink fell across your face at the fact that you were alone with Aaron.
You cleared your throat and shifted in your seat, sitting up straighter. "So, how did your lecture go today?" you asked.
Aaron shrugged his shoulders and kept his gaze on his plate. "Could have gone better, I suppose."
"What did you talk about?" You took another drink of your wine and this time, it was you glancing at him over the rim of the glass.
"Orpheus and Eurydice."
"That's a good one. Heartbreaking in the end but I like the story of it all," you admitted.
Of course you knew it. Aaron figured you would. He wished you could have been in his class. You clearly knew so much about the subject matter and he was becoming impressed the more you spoke.
"It's definitely one of the sadder ones," he agreed.
You placed your fork down on your napkin, full from the delicious dinner you just ate. "I think it's one of the best representations of agape in Greek mythology that there is," you added, running your finger along the rim of your wine glass.
Aaron felt his nerves go wild.
How the hell did you know about that?
You certainly kept him on his toes.
"And you know about agape, the Greek word for the concept of self-sacrificing love. I have to say, Y/N, I really wasn't expecting you to be so well versed in the subject," he admitted. "But figures, a smart girl like you would go above and beyond to learn about whatever you set your mind to." He took another sip of his wine and his eyes were looking at you more intently.
You definitely felt your face blush at his words. You tried to keep your composure as best as possible, but how could you when he was being so fucking charming and looking at you the way he was?
"I am just full of surprises," you teased, making your voice almost a whisper.
You watched as Aaron licked his lips and raised his eyebrows. "You most certainly are," he agreed, his words coming out with an exhale. "Question for you though."
"What makes you think that the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice is full of agape?" he challenged.
You took a moment to try to cohesively get your thoughts together. Well, as best you could with the way Aaron was looking at you.
"Well for starters, the man literally went to the Underworld to try to get his wife back. It was an unheard of feat. And the fact that Orpheus was willing to do whatever it took to get her back just shows how much he couldn't live without her. How much he loved her."
Aaron nodded slowly, finishing the rest of his wine. "You make a good point there," he said after he swallowed the chardonnay.
You nodded in agreement. You couldn't believe that you were engaging in such a deep conversation with Aaron. But it felt so natural. So right.
You glanced at the clock, seeing that it was almost 9pm. "I think I better get going," you said quietly. You pushed yourself away from the table and placed your dishes in the sink.
When you turned around to go grab your things, you bumped into a solid mass.
He grunted lightly at the contact, a flicker of his smile dancing across his lips.
"Sorry," you said quickly as he looked down at you. You stared at him for a second, as he did to you, before pulling yourself out of your trance and stepping around him to grab your belongings.
"Not a problem," he said as he placed his and Jack's dishes in the sink. "Let me walk you out." You nodded silently and watched as he grabbed the pack of cigarettes off the counter.
He patted the bottom of the carton against his palm before taking one of the cigarettes out, resting it between his lips as he walked with you towards the door.
He opened the door for you and you turned to say your goodbyes.
As much as you truly didn't want to.
"Thank you for dinner," you said with a smile.
"Don't worry about it," he assured as he leaned against the doorframe, the cigarette bouncing between his lips with each word.
"Enjoy the rest of your weekend, Aaron."
"You too, Y/N."
You headed to your car, settling into the driver's seat quickly, your brain still reeling from the events of the night.
You glanced back towards the Hotchner home and saw Aaron still leaning against the door frame, the faint orange glow of the lit cigarette piercing through the darkness of the sky.
You pulled away from the house and headed back home, watching as the Hotchner home disappeared from your rear view mirror.
Once you got home, you opened the door and pressed your back against it, still shocked with the overwhelming feelings that were still in your stomach, your head. Everywhere.
Esmé turned her head around towards you from the couch. When she saw your shocked and speechless expression, a shit-eating grin grew rapidly on her face. "Spill...the...details...now," she demanded as you sat down next to her on the couch.
As you were retelling the way you and Aaron had a few more moments that night, your phone dinged.
"Don't be a fool! Answer it!" Esmé hollered, smacking her hand gently on your leg.
Your heart fluttered when you saw the name of the person texting you.
                                                   Aaron Hotchner
-You left your book here. I found it under the couch when I was straightening up.
                                -Oh, I totally forgot about it! Sorry! I'll grab it on Monday.
-The Centaur, huh? You really are a bit of a nerd when it comes to mythology aren't you?
                                            -Maybe. But it's also just a good book in general.
-I'll have to give it a read then.
                    -I'm going to test you on it if you do read it, just so you're aware.
-I'll be counting on it.
-Goodnight, Y/N.
                                                                                            -Goodnight, Aaron.
You sighed loudly, trying to ignore Esmé who was staring at you with wide eyes. You clutched your phone tighter in your hand and turned to look at her.
"I'm in such deep shit," you admitted as you leaned back on the couch, resting your head on the headrest.
authors note:
i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! i also hope the lecture part wasn't too boring. i figured it was a good change of pace.
thanks for reading! i appreciate the support <3
see you next chapter!
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stingray-sins · 3 years
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Somewhere only we know...
Summary: It’s an alternate universe explained after Enrico Pucci’s second universe reboot. The hard day after the events in Egypt have triggered a return to "daily" student life in Japan with new things to discover.
Part I
Approximately two weeks had passed since that bizarre trip through the Middle East in a reduced number of days but the feeling of being present and active within that adventure was still latent, the chest would tighten every time the cold embraced the city for the night and although it did not compare at all to the extreme temperatures they experienced, the simple fact of not being fully stable still filled them with a feeling of bitterness, which they did not know how to express or speak openly.
Despite the great changes acquired, returning to everyday life became more difficult every day; Francesca faithfully awaited the arrival of Mr. Joestar through that great gateway to the Japanese home, despite the fact that the situation had presented itself in the best way when he first arrived, the feeling of receiving good news with his request to find her family kept her hopeful . Jotaro on the other hand seemed more reserved than he ever was, it is not easy to deal with the fact of carrying a huge responsibility on his back and even more exhausting was having to accept that he would carry him like a cross all his life. Every morning the same routine, hiding his face under his ruined cap, and leaving home without touching the lunch that her mother had lovingly prepared for him and living off the wretched cigarette until nightfall.
The large entrance door was opened with a bang, from it the man with his gray beard and bright emerald eyes peeked out, trying to argue with his not so fluent Japanese with the taxi driver, who was clearly trying to rip him off with a higher fare abroad.
─"Papa! "─Holly exclaimed, getting up and moving away from that traditional central table that led to the entrance while she ran to hug him as was family tradition. Joe, her youngest son, did not differ much from her mother's attitude since he was just as excited as he ran to his grandfather. Francesca, although she was just as excited to see the old but radiant Mr. Joestar, she only followed with her eyes and a smile, the day had arrived and her facial expression brought good news.
─"What a pleasure it is to be able to see you again, what has happened in my absence? I hope Joe continues to practice that sweet symphony that he taught me last time and 'Cesca working the language well" ─Old Joestar laughed, taking off his hat as he hugged his daughter back and felt like his youngest grandson hung from his arm like a little monkey, Without a doubt it was a very great happiness for him to see his daughter and grandson back up and as happy as ever.
─"It has been quite a change in this house and I cannot be more grateful to her company" ─the woman mentioned while holding her father's coat ─"There is no day that we don't laugh while we share the odd story or song verses... a little help here and a little help here, it is a joy to know that I am no longer the only woman at home."
─"Grandpa!" ─The dark-haired boy exclaimed as he climbed on top of the adult to tell him one or another feat obtained in those weeks ─" And I'm teaching her! Sometimes we sit on the edge of the terrace face to face, if she manages to answer me the phrase in Japanese she earns a mandarin... although she usually wins me when I have to answer her in Italian..."
Joseph listened attentively as he shook the boy's hair and proceeded to enter the house completely forgetting the Japanese traditions, Francesca had closed the grammar notebook for a moment although she could speak it quite well, writing was a disaster and those two weeks were they had made him more than eternal.
─"Hasn't Jotaro arrived at the house yet?" ─Joseph asked, sitting down at the low table while he took a look at ‘Cesca's embarrassing notebook and she stubbornly took it from him.
─"He should be here soon, you already know him... neither he says goodbye when he leaves or greets when he arrives but I suppose they are things of adolescent boys, right?" ─The blond-haired woman winked at Francesca, she simply sighed and then laughed as she lifted her shoulders as a symbol of "Men, who understands them."
A couple of hours passed until the door was heard opening slowly, Jotaro found it quite strange that the lights were still on in the middle of the night, he hoped to arrive when everyone was in their respective rooms so as not to start a conversation with anyone but when he entered he only found himself with his old Grandfather laughing quite loudly as he once again narrated the story of his hand to the ladies and the little one.
─"I think it's great that you have arrived, my grandson, we were waiting for you" ─Joseph announced, extending an arm to greet him properly and with a sigh he agreed to return the greeting. He was tired enough to hear his loud voice echo through the room but he looked up at the old man saying in a would-be voice. As those at the table were seated, Holly got up to answer the phone as usual every night to speak with her husband. Joe made a kind of tower with the tangerines that adorned it while Joseph placing his hands on the table intertwined his fingers announcing with a sincere smile.
─"In the following days, Kakyoin will be transferred to the central hospital in this city. The foundation has done everything possible and his parents were already notified immediately, the news was quite harsh for them and stronger for Noriaki himself, although they managed to rebuild and transplant most of his damaged organs, it is quite difficult to assume that he would not return. to walk never again."
Joseph paused for a moment in his speech, analyzing their faces when listening to him speak, it was undoubtedly quite amazing news at the same time, it was quite heartbreaking again, asking himself "He's alive, but at what cost?" Within the gazes of the two, the bright eyes were noticeable in both, Francesca rested her hands on the table expressing a full happiness when hearing the news, She no longer needed to control her body fluids, she wanted to express that happiness with pure tears and nobody went to stop her. Instead Jotaro tried to hide his happiness under that dark cap, but his smile was bigger than the desire to hide, Joseph knew for all his life that he should rethink Noriaki but he also knew that he would not be alone anymore.
─"Mr. Joestar..." ─Those soft words made him pop out his thoughts when he heard the voice of the minor with an air of questions on her face, they could be celebrating the impressive strength of resistance of the redhead but there were other doubts on the table that had not been clarified still. Francesca preferred not to look him in the eye when asking but her hands unconsciously touched Joseph's hands and he froze for a moment. ─"Have you known about the whereabouts of my family?"
There was only a silence in between, and Joseph's big hand placed it on the girl's purple hair to caress it gently while Francesca tried not to break at the moment by nodding. She getting up, she gently asked permission to go get some air, she had a broken smile which she directed at Holly who was returning to the room. Joseph shook his head and looked down again.
─"It's been difficult" ─the old man sighed while he still couldn't recognize how much longer the lie should continue ─"Jotaro, do you have a moment?"
They both got up because of this issue, he did not want to speak it so openly since the walls listen and he needed someone to trust what was tightening his heart the most at the time. They walked long enough and in silence until they reached a kind of pergola, the same one where he once played wrestling with his little grandson, being defeated with a great performance from him. Before he could speak Jotaro beat him to it.
─"How much longer do you plan to hide the truth from her, old man?" ─He looked up with determination, he was not going to hide more secrets than he was already hiding, although it was difficult for him to admit that a part of him avoided creating more ties with the girl simply because of the uncertainty of creating a bond that would disappear with time . At least that's what he was trying to show, which his mother didn't take five minutes to forge.
─"It has been my question every day Jotaro, and that is why I wanted to talk about it with you" ─he took a breath of air leaning on a nearby wooden pillar ─"The news is not fresh, after three days I contacted a family member from her to find out that it would not be an easy task to deal with her family. Her father... belongs to one of the most recognized mafias in southern Italy, the girl's surname is not at all common and therefore a sought-after surname. That day I introduced myself to the family member as a simple writer who wanted to have an interview with his father, who gave me a tour of Francesca's house pointing out the greatness of the home until we were in a beautiful and colorful garden where two graves were perched..."
─"Enough travel, what brings you here sir...?" -Said the rough voice of Salvatore Castiglier. ─"Joestar, Joseph Joestar" ─offering his hand to greet him cordially without receiving an answer. ─"Mr. Joestar, I was not in my plans to receive you but I see that you are carrying a photo of Mia Figlia with you and I wanted to ask you where she took that photo from." ─"I am a renowned writer in my hometown and in one of my trips to Africa, more specifically Egypt, I managed to capture a photo of this young woman which caught my attention for my next novel." ─He lied with charm in his words.─ ─"I'm sorry but that may not be possible, times have changed and my little girl is no longer in the land of the living, her soul rests next to her mother in that garden that attracted her attention so much." ─"I am very sorry for the news in advance but could I ask you..." ─"I do not usually answer questions that do not concern but your journey must have been long to get here; My daughter Francesca was sweet and naive, and that itself determined the end of her life. The lessons to my boys have always been clear: "there is nothing stronger than family blood, no one but your family will ensure your safety" but Francesca did not see it from that side, stubborn like herself, obstinate to obey my orders , clearly with her actions she deserves to be buried where she is."
Jotaro checked his pocket once more to find the pack of cigarettes but only found the packaging with a pair of colored lighters. The news was not good at all and just thinking about that answer he clenched his fists inside his pocket.
─"Since that day I have been keeping the news to myself, I have clearly dealt with bigger problems but not when I have at stake the fate of a fifteen-year-old girl" ─Joseph said as he sighed in relief, it was a sensitive issue and with the years of experience had learned to make decisions better thought out rather than lightly, or at least tried to make them less hasty ─"I have made a decision about it, I have noticed that in a short time 'Cesca has created a crucial bond with Holly... and her possibilities for personal development are more tied to my daughter than to a bastard who has that thought with her own blood..."
─"Old man, just answer me one thing" ─the boy's marked voice stopped the thoughts aloud of Joseph who looked up, clearing his gaze towards him ─"The reason why you left that place was..."
Joseph stared at his grandson for a long time but he only got a subtle smile as he opted for a calmer position, a position of acceptance in his final decision ─"Expulsion, more specifically, expulsion for causing a clean hit to the face of someone out of deserved." ─Jotaro lowered his gaze denoting a smile on his face, as he walked to the older man to place a hand on his shoulder and give him a couple of gentle strokes on him. ─“I couldn't have expected less from you."
Joseph placed a hand on the hand of his grandson while he smiled, he knew that within the legal framework the decision he had made was not the most appropriate but the most appropriate. He left the establishment while Jotaro sat on a nearby wooden bench taking out the last remaining cigar and placing it between his lips to light it.
─"How much more do you plan to hide behind the bush, woman?" ─he blurted out softly as he leaned back on the wooden pillar watching the smoke dissipate into the air.
─ ""Woman" is a very distant word for someone who from now on will live with you under the same roof" ─she was heard from the bush while she stood again while cleaning the occasional branch from her purple head.
─"How much did you hear about the conversation?"
─"Enough to be here and not want to close my eyes tonight" ─sighs the shorter one, walking to the entrance of the pergola, still had a tight chest but it was not to show vulnerable, she was simply trying to appear once again her tranquility to promote tranquility to the other. An awkward smile that faded when the taller made a space next to him for her to sit next to.
She took three steps to the small wooden bench and sat with nothing but looking forward, her posture was loose and her shoulders slumped, Jotaro simply had his eyes closed as he exhaled once more the cigarette smoke inside him, he felt that the minor's hand was holding her uniform sleeve tightly, she had clung without stopping to look forward and hiding her face between the hair strands that fell from her head, she raised her voice a bit broken.
─"Do you think they will ever deign to look for me again?" ─Her voice trembled, this time soft and nervous. She did not want to show it but tears had started to roll down her cheeks, wetting the wooden floor, yet he did not take his eyes off the front of her.
─"Who?" ─Jotaro asked removing the cigar from his mouth for a moment to deposit the ashes in a corner of the place.
─"My Family" ─it was difficult for her to pronounce the last word to the girl, and instinctively she pressed her right hand on her chest, feeling an inexplicable but at the same time painful emptiness inside her.
─"Your family? The only family that I know of yours is this one here and the one that awaits us in the central hospital of the city" ─The young woman stared at him in amazement, the older one could see the glassy eyes of the young woman, her nose and cheeks flushed from crying and her mouth shaking without making a sound, the young woman with purple hair looked forward again and leaned her back against the wall on the nearby wooden pillar, she released the black-haired uniform to place her hand on the bench but was drawn back to the hand the old one. The difference in size was quite a lot but she did not hesitate to squeeze her small hand in the same way.
─"I'm scared Jojo" ─Francesca finally announced with a nickname that had come from inside her thoughts, she had never expressed insecurity in front of something and all her life since she has remembered she has defended herself from life had always been the buffer for the others but at that moment she needed someone to be there for her.
─"Don't have to be, at least not anymore" ─Jotaro said inserting the cigar between his lips, from the outside he looked like a completely stone man but inside he was experiencing a sense of calm and serenity like never before─ "try not to think about it since you don't need it anymore 'Cesca."
Francesca looked up still with glassy eyes and she smiled sincerely after weeks, in all she was right, there was no need to feel fear when she was no longer alone. She stopped squeezing his hand for a moment but neither moved her from the place, they both closed their eyes enjoying the silence of the moment.
─"You're right Jojo, I shouldn't be anymore."
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amindofstone · 3 years
let me hold you for a bit
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a/n: And here we have another scenario I made up in my head before going to sleep just to make myself sad over basically something none existing. GREATTTTT!!! Anyways, while writing this I honestly got hella mad over the word swordsman. I googled it and found out that this is a neutral word and can be used for the male but also female gender. It's just like the word mankind. Like the fck?! Why is language so patriarchal?! I'm going to have a looooooong discussion with my professor about that... Anyways have fun and enjoy this little work of mine. ;)
Genre: anime image?
Character(s): Eustass "captain" Kid × Serena (reader)
Words: 2295
Spoiler(s): none
Info: For better reading keep in mind that the words in italic are either Kid's or readers train of thoughts. It is both written in italic but it is understandable on who's thoughts it is (Hopefully).
Warning(s): a bit of cursing and swearing, I guess. But nothing to be worried of. (+ grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I'm still improving in every aspect. (Please have mercy on that))
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. This took me a lot of time. So please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to the rightful owner @nan50ku (on Twitter). !!!
One and a half year ago he send his first mate to recruite her as a swordsman although some of his mates weren't really fond of his choice for a long time. So he took it upon himself to convince them to agree to his word. He might be the captain but he cherished his crew a lot although he never said nor really showed it because he is not the type of man who likes to openly show emotions since he considered it as weak.
So after a few days of long arguments between the stubborn captain and his first mate he was able to make him and his crew accept his decision to make the female fencer a part if their life and goal. Although the captain was really fond of her being the crew still took her presence on board with a lot of scepticism and caution since they barely knew anything about her. Not only took it the entire crew but also the woman itself a lot if time and patience to get used to their new environment. Lucky for her she was not the only female on board. There seemed to be another woman who was recruited by the pirates long ago. She however had nothing against her and welcomed her with open arms just like the captain who unlike her had more than just one reason to accept her with joy.
Days passed and she slowly started to open up more and socialise with the people on board more and more. Weeks passed and she laughed and fought side by side with them. Months passed and she shared memories of her childhood with the people off the Kid pirates and heared a few of theirs. But it was after a year with them when the woman Eustass Kid took in his crew with pure joy, told the people she grew fond of that her father was a important person at the revolutionary army and that she therefore was also a part of them. She thought that they might throw her out and get mad at her secrecy but nothing happened. In fact they were glad she told them something important as this. But most of all they were happy to see that the woman that kept quiet for so long opened up to them to this extent.
While they all thought nothing else of it and kept going as if nothing happened one person in particular seemed to grow angrier day by day. He locked himself up in his cabin or his workshop and only came out when it was necessary which got the crew worried more and more.
It was well known for his mates that their captain was a naturally reckless man but never over nothing. He was going mad at the most unnecessary and simple things. When they docked on islands Kid would usually celebrate, drink more and more. He wouldn't give a damn about anyone and would have a great time. But since he became quite temperamental and gloomy for no reason in particular he kept staying in his cabin. He would always give all of his crew mates a list of supplies and get back in his workshop and ignore his first mates question if he doesn't want to come out for a while. Even when he slammed the door shut behind him his first mate who was also his best friend would keep telling him that it was not okay for him to stop talking to his people. After all it was them that worked for him and respected him. But the only thing the blond man would get was a annoyed and angry "Fuck off!".
Now one and a half year later, after he recruited the female bold fencer, the crew would find him knocking on the door of her bedroom at least twice a week. And when she wouldn't be in her bedroom when he came he would simply enter and just wait for her inside, no matter how long it took her to come back to her room. Just like now.
Kid took a quick glance at the clock at the wall over her desk that was occupied by probably a dozen books for her researches. A smile spread over his red lips that turned into a small chuckle when he remembered how happy she got when he came back yesterday with a bunch of new books. When he told her that Killer included some novels to the already enormous pile of books they came back with her face light up. How can someone like reading that much. It's a waste of time when it's not informative. Kid who was sitting on her bed stood up and walked up to her desk and took a look at her notes of the task he gave her. With a little too much of a proud smile he leaned back and took her notebook in his hands and went through it to kill some time. Not long after, the door to the room he was sitting in was opened by its owner.
"Oh I'm sorry did you wait long?", a woman with two swords attached to her small waist entered with a genuine smile on her plum lips with the colour of a deep pink. "Not at all. I was going through your notes and I'm am surprised how much informations you found out in such a short period. It really was a good idea to get you to be a part of my crew.", said the red haired man without looking up from the book in his hands. He was taking his time reading because he didn't wanted to leave so soon. He wanted to have a reason to stay in her room with her without anyone else. He wanted her to himself all alone. But he never dared and will never dare to say it out loud.
He came to her again just like any other time since months now with the hope of her coming and sitting on his lap on her own. He wanted her to hold his face in her small and tender hands while caressing his cheeks in the painful slow pace she always did. He wanted to bury his face on her neck and breath in her scent that got him addicted. He felt small, he felt weak, he felt stupid when she was around. Because he knew that he was helplessly in love with a woman that was to good for him and would probably leave as soon as the no. 2 of the revolutionary army would order her over. The thought of a man that could get her to any place in the world got him angrier than necessary.
Kid pushed everything aside. All of his emotions and the need to hold her just to lean on her desk and take a pen and paper and work on her notes. Focus and ignore her you fool. He told himself off and tried his best to bury his need to take a look at her in the deepest corner of his heart. So it came that he was now working on her notes while every now and than asking her what she meant with a specific note or if the information that was given to her is trustworthy or not. A hour passed and Serena took a shower and changed into a pair of shorts and an oversized sweater she recently purchased. She was sitting in her bed and read a novel when she let out a quiet yawn. She put her book on her nightstand and got under her blanket just to realise that she wasn't alone. Her green orbs fell upon her captain that was silently doing her work. When was the last time he had eight hours of sleep? Can't he relax for a bit? Every time I see him he is either in his workshop or on sea. "Kid? Aren't to going to sleep or at least rest for a bit?"
A soft and gentle voice replaced the calm silence and made the red haired man's heart race while his body turned warm. He felt like he had a fever and was about to collapse when he heard the bed behind him shift. He didn't move a bit or said anything until he felt her soft hands on his shoulders. "You should go to bed. Rest a bit. You need a healthy dose of sleep and resting otherwise you won't be able to fight properly, you know?"
Kid said nothing. He didn't reply to her or move. "Kid? You alright?", and again he didn't gave a answer but closed his eyes and turned around just to sit her down on his lap. "Stay. Stay like that for a while. I know that you want me to leave and I will do so but for now just stay like that and let me hold you for a bit."
The usually loud and aggressive captain was holding onto the female fencer like a child while his face was buried between her shoulder and neck. The feared captain was slowly breathing in her scent and letting out a hardly audible whimper. But Serena heard it what made her shiver slightly out of shook. She carefully placed her hands on his face and made him look in her eyes but the stubborn man refused to do so. He kept his eyes closed and his jaw clenched out of anger towards himself. What the actual fuck am I doing?! What is wrong with me? Why is my fucking heart racing?! GOD, stop it!! The captains cheeks were softly caressed by the woman he sat on his lap. While doing so she waited for him to hopefully open his eyes and allow her a look into his onyx black eyes. She didn't want to push him to something he didn't wanted so she kept quiet and gave him time to relax. While doing so she place her forehead against his and hummed a soft melody that seemed familiar to the captain of the worst generation but he couldn't quite get why it was so familiar and comforting.
Still not opening his eyes Kid spoke in a low and quiet voice "Would you mind me sleeping next to you for tonight?", a smile grew on Serenas lips and made a chuckle follow. "How come you are able to speak so nice and so.. I don’t know... gentleman like? No, thats not it. Let's just say it was really really nice and respectfully said.", said the green eyed woman while leading him to her bed and tugging him in. "Don't make me regret my word choice. I can go back to cursing and insulting you in any minute, woman."
The laughter of Serena filled the comforting silence that lingered in the room. A laughter that made the heart of the man laying at the right of the bed jump in joy. "And there we have our rude captain back. I kinda missed your rudeness around me. It's kinda entertaining and funny. I mostly like to see you and Killer fight with him always stating facts and you just yelling around a bunch of angry - No's- like a child.", with a smile upon her lips she made a little fun of the man she loved to have close to her. She liked spending time with him. She loved it when he came to her to complain about a failed plan of his or that of his first mate. She really appreciated when he searched for her whenever he needed to calm down and get away form his responsibilities as the captain. And everytime she would drop anything and anyone just to give him all of her attention as long as she could help. But everytime she did so the tall and muscular man wondered why she acted that way towards him because he knew that he wasn't someone easy-going.
"You're really annoying. Everytime I come to see you, you make me regret it.", Kid rolled his eyes to show his annoyance to support his point while still wearing a tiny friendly smile on. Serena laid down and pulled her blanket up to her shoulder right before she placed a hand under her pillow and her other hand lovingly on her captains cheek. Kid closed his eyes and did exactly what he asked her for. Sleeping and laying next to her with the hope of being able to suppress his need to hold her tightly in his arms and to calm his racing heart. But sadly she only knew about his wish of just being allowed to sleep next to her. Carefully she went through his hair to help him sleep when he took her wrist and held her back from making any other move. "Woman, your annoying. Let me sleep in peace."
Serena was hurt and felt her heart aching more than any other day but she said nothing else beside apologising and taking her hand back. "Good night cap."
She slowly turned around with now her back facing the sleepy big figure of the man beside her. Out of all the men around the world her heart chose to love him. A reckless and unpredictable man. A man that does not hesitate to kill and destroy when he wanted or needed to. She, a woman with a loving and sweet personality. A woman who probably could marry a king or a Prince ended up loving a pirate, a criminal hated and feared by any person with a sense of sanity. I should have stayed with my father and never accepted this mission Sabo gave me. A tear fell down her cheek when she heard the man, who owned her heart and soul without even knowing, lightly snore.
And just like that another night passes for the two lovesick pirates without them knowing that their feelings were actually returned.
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haikyuuhopes · 4 years
Saturdays Belong to You - Kita Shinsuke x Reader
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He was a fresh breath of air - clean, crisp, and clear. Looking at the two-toned haired farmer brought you a sense of instant relief because your friend was consistent and breathtaking, even if he was currently staring at you in confusion. 
Once a week, your dear friend would visit. Every Saturday, on his way to Onigiri Miya to deliver fresh rice in bulk, Kita Shinsuke made time to visit you with a bag of rice and a listening ear. Every Saturday afternoon, without fail, without change of routine. He would be there: rain, sleet, snow, or shine. 
It meant the world that in the stress of your job and ever-changing world, you had one constant, and that was him. Gentle and thoughtfully, him. You could feel the weight of longing crush your chest as you know that Kita would one day make someone the best partner in the world, but for now, you'd appreciate him while he was your platonic constant. 
"Y/n-san, are you alright?" the calm voice of your former classmate asked gently. You felt the warmth of embarrassment rush to your cheeks as your shook yourself from staring at the man who'd stolen your heart back in your second year at Inarizaki.  
"I'm sorry, Kita. I'm fine, just zoned out again," bashful, you lowered your eyes from his golden ones that bore down like a gush of wind that would blow you away if you looked at him too long. 
"Is that so?" he questioned you, making you look up at the skeptical tone in his voice as he barely quirked a brow.
Huffing indignantly, his reasonable doubt made you forget the embarrassment of your long-term crush on the man to stare him down stubbornly. "And why do you sound so disbelieving, Kita?" you finished, petulantly pouting as if you were a child. 
But Kita was used to adults masquerading as petulant children, the Miya twins, but especially Atsumu, out-pouting you any day of the week. 
He could handle you.
Moving to sit beside you on the bench outside your home to be eye-level with you, he crossed his arms and leaned his body away, looking you over from head to toe. His gaze left a trail that raised bumps on your skin. 
"No, I don't think so." He uttered the simple sentence like a diagnosis - quick and to the point. 
You mimicked him crossing your own arms and leaned in, "Can you read my mind now? Is that how you could always check Suna and the twins?" you teased, but he quickly shook his head no. 
"Well, what was I thinking?" You asked with a raised brow and a slight smile, your previous embarrassment all forgotten. Kita had a gift for always bringing you to the present moment.
He shrugged sheepishly with a small smile, "I can't read minds, but I feel like you weren’t up to your normal daydreaming."
You laughed at the serious tone he used before shaking your head. "Okay," you teasingly trailed, not sure what to say. You were an adult who was still in love with their high school crush. 
"You don't believe me, but it's true," he paused, taking a thoughtful pause. "Every weekend, I look forward to your daydreams, y/n-san. You soften. Your eyes get bright before you tell me all about your dreams. I've listened to you gush about fantasy lands in your novels. You've agonized over the heartbreak in your dramas, but today you haven't. You seem different."
You gaped at him in disbelief. You knew he was observant, but you didn't realize he was paying that much attention to you. 
He sighed before shifting his weight and giving you a small smile that didn't meet his eyes, "You're under no obligation to tell me, but I hope you know you can trust me. I'm always here for you."
'Of course, he'd read me like a book,' you thought bitterly.
You tried to give him a big smile, but your earlier thoughts that one day he'd be someone else's partner particularly stung at the back of your eyes like jealous knives digging in one after another. You were conflicted, but you didn't want him leaving here thinking you didn’t trust him...
"Kita, I do trust you. I trust you more than anyone else," you smiled at him softly. Uncrossing your arms, you were hooked in by his concerned gaze intently focused on you. 
"I don't want to pressure you, y/n-san, but I'd love to be here for you if you'd let me," he replied gently and surely, his eyes resolute as if he could will your unnamed problem away.
You took a deep breath before centering yourself in his eyes so earnestly and intently, ready to listen and help you. 
You sighed, "You are constant, Kita. I look forward to Saturdays because you consistently never disappoint me, even after all these years." A small smile appeared on his face but whipped away at the sight of your eyes turning glassy from the sting of tears unshed, "But one day you won't be here. One day you'll be with your own family as you rest from your days spent in the fields. One day you'll miss Saturday, and it makes me sad." You finished looking down to blink away the tears. You wouldn't cry. “It might be silly to be sad about the future...” you trailed, pausing to take a breath. 
"No," you felt your chin tugged up as Kita brought your eyes back to his own. It was like looking at both a new person and the same handsome man you'd fallen in love with, as the intensity in his eyes is one you'd never seen before. 
"No?" You repeated, Kita's hand moving from your chin to your cheek at your question, gently caressing you with his warm hand. 
"No, you know that Saturdays belong to you..." he paused before firmly nodding to himself once. "Every day belongs to you, sweetheart."
With wide-eyes, you pressed your hand to the one holding your face before turning and pressing a gentle kiss to his calloused palm. 
With a deep flush, he leaned in and gave you a sweet kiss on your forehead. Lingering by his kiss that gave you butterflies, "I want to take care of you," he murmured softly. "May I take you on a date?"
Osamu had expected to catch up on the week with his former captain. Yet, the smile on his senpai’s face as he led you into Onigiri Miya by hand told him he had a world to catch up on. 
The questions would wait for now but if he took a snap to send to his brother and former teammates, well, he was treating you to your first date after all...
No one in the chat had seen Kita smile the way he was sitting with you on the same side of the booth hand-in-hand, but Osamu had a feeling it wouldn't be long before everyone saw his joy in person. 
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wonunuu · 4 years
𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙡𝙤𝙣𝙜 🎀 𝙟𝙤𝙨𝙝𝙪𝙖 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧
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Your feel your heart race and you breath getting heavier as you pace across your room, back and forth, while waiting for Joshua's call.
About an thirty minutes ago, you were sat on a chair in a corner in your room. On your right hand was a cup of apple juice, casually taking little sips as you read your book held by your other hand.
"I rolled up my sleeves and began to lather the shaving foam over his chin, all the way up to his ears. Then I hesitated, the blade over his chin. ‘Is this the moment to tell you i’ve only ever done legs before?’" You read your novel aloud out of boredom, acting as if you were the protagonist. After adjusting on your seat to feel more comfortable, you continue your book reading. "He closed his eyes, and settled back. I began to scrape gently at his skin with the blade, the silence brok-" DING. Your phone, placed on your desk across from you, buzzed. You placed your juice and book on the side, getting up to fetch your phone. You open it and you see that it's a text from Joshua.
joshua ?: just got home from work. i'll just take a short shower then i'll call you okay?
you: yeah! take your time :)
joshua ?: okay. talk to you soon hon 💜
you: yeah ttys!
'What if he asks about my voice? Will he find out?' Thoughts filled your head as you wait for his call. You plop yourself on your bed and go under your soft duvet with your phone still in hand. Trying to get comfortable, you place your pillows vertically against your headboard. Leaning back against the now soft headboard, thanks to your pillows, a sigh escapes your mouth. While you sit in that position for a good two minutes, you decide to switch. You put your pillows back in their proper place and layed down on your stomach with elbows on the pillow. You stayed like that for another two minutes, and as you were about to change your position, you hear your phone ring. You pick up your phone and answer. "Hello?" Silence. "Hello?" You repeat. Silence. "Joshua?"
"Oh! Sorry. It's just- I just feel happy to finally hear your voice after such a long time. I almost forgot what you sounded like." he replied through the phone. Relieved, you release a long breath that you have been holding in since he called. You were glad that he didn't notice the different tones between you and Minseo, but you also felt a pang guilt in your chest as lying to him was harder now that you developed feelings for him.
"How was work?" You started the conversation. "Tiring," he whines. "I usually go to the bar to sing, but there were a lot of people today, he needed some extra hands. You hear him let out a shirt grunt, guessing that he just plopped himself on his bed, like you did awhile ago. You get uo from your bed and head to your chair at the corner of your room, deagging your blanket with you.
"How was your day?" He asks you. His voice sounded hoarse, probably from his long day at work. "Nothing much. I didn't go out today. Lazy day, you know?" You repsponded with a giggle. You hear him let out a chuckle at your statement. "That's good. It's nice to have some lazy days sometimes." You nodded in agreement, but remembered that he couldn't see you so you gave him a 'mhmm'.
"We rarely talked like this before. You know, just simple and casual." He continued. "It's kind of refreshing if you know what I mean. We never really got a lot of time before to talk like this due to out busy schedule." Despite the long distance between you two, you can feel his longing and yearning for Minseo, and you can't help but feel bad. You try to change to the topic by asking him if he had eaten, which worked as he answered your question. He said he ate chicken at the bar and when he got home, he made himself some ramen. He asks you the same question, you replied. "Yeah! I had salad and some coke."
"Oh. Nice combination. Must've been real good!" He remarks, sarcastically, then letting out a laugh. Hearing his laugh also made you laugh, but the he suddenly gets quiet. You notice his silence, you immediately stop laughing. 'Shit.'
"Your laugh." he mutters, making your heart accelerate in fear of getting caught. "What about it?" You tittered, in attempt to hide your nervousness. "I don't think I've heard you laugh. You never made a sound while laughing before."
'Ah. So Minseo was one of those who laughed silently.' You thought.
"Actually, I feel insecure with my laugh. Hence why I've always prevented from making a sound when laughing." You lied, hoping that it was good enough and that he would buy it. "Insecure? You don't need to feel insecure about your laugh. I think it's the cutest laugh I've ever heard." He comments. You feel butterflies in your stomach at his compliment. "You're just saying that because I'm your girlfriend." You joked, biting your bottom lip as you figeted with your book from earlier. You hear him let out a laugh. "Maybe?" He played along, "No, I'm just kidding hon. From now on, laugh freely around me. I want to hear that pretty laugh of yours." He tells you. sincerely.
Your call with Joshua lasted for about four hours. It consisted of exchanging jokes, laughs, and a whole bunch of flirting. In those four hours, you learned a lot about him, just the simple general things, nothing too deep. You learned that he liked horror movies, and that he enjoyed drinking wine and eating cheese. He also said he preferred red over white wine, which you had to disagree because white is the superior wine. You also learned that he has a hobby of making bracelets and necklaces. You found that cute and endearing as you haven't met a person in their 20s who liked to make bracelets as a hobby, let alone admit to doing it. He said gives them to his family members and friends. He also said he would also make one for you if you like. You couldn't refuse, so you tell him your favourite colours and favourite flower-- he said he would use it as a 'charm'.
The four hour call with him felt magical, and made you fall for him deeper. Your fear of him leaving and shutting you out after finding out the truth increased. 'I'm sorry Joshua, I really am.'
⤷ you receive a text from a guy meant for the woman he once loved, unaware of the fact that she is already long gone. you decide to play along because well, you're bored.
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finally decided to pick my ass up and capitalize my text 😌 also sorry for the late update,, i was quite busy today 🤧
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