#you are the awesomemest......
dollking081 · 6 months
ur so cool ur like if. ur like if uh. uhhhhhhhhhhhh uh UHM ur like if the . if th. if the coool was.
woag,,, you're so pink it's like if,,,, if uh,,,, if I uh mixed red and white paint and uh it uh made a uh colour,,,,,,
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thebigqueer · 3 years
op literally simps all the time but go off i guess 🙄🙄🙄
jk jk here's mine: op literally writes the awesomemest stuff all the time but go off i guess
you have a point but you did NOT have to call me out like 😭😭😭😭😭😭
also!!! thank you so much omg that means so much to me!!!! ily!!! <3333 ethan my beloved <3
send me an ask!
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Heyo ur a wonderful human bean ily + hope you're doing okay :D
Eh, I’m alive...
But thank you! you are the most awesomemest of human beans, so I hope your days are going well!! 🦦💗
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writingformadderton · 5 years
I would like to know 27, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25 and 26👀❤️
27: Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash?
I have. And I always turn my eyelashes into wishes. Sometimes I give them to my siblings so they can make the wish - Nati
I always wish on a star. I need all the positive energy the universe is willing to give me. I’ve actually never heard about wishing on an eyelash. I’ll have to try it sometime. - Miya
21: What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion?
A bit of warm sun, blue sky - Nati
Clear blue skies, a great amount of sun (nothing past 85 F unless there’s a pool around) - Miya
22: What upsets you most about the world?
How cruel and full of hate some people can be towards others - Nati
The hate, anger, unforgiving nature, and danger - Miya
23: Are you in love right now?
Yes I am 🥰🥰 - Nati
Absolutely 😘😘 - Miya
24: Do you have a crush? If so, talk about them!
I do have a crush. She’s a very beautiful girl, with stunning dark eyes, a sweet personality, and she is just the best. I love you angel eyes 🥰 - Nati
I have a crush and she’s the awesomemest girl I know. Beautiful brown hair, captivating eyes, shy and innocent. Wouldn’t want it any other way. I love you hunny bun 😘😘 - Miya
25: Do you have any pets? Talk about something sweet about them!
I don’t have pets. Just three younger siblings from age 9 to 15 if that counts 😂 - Nati
I used to have a dog that stayed at my dad’s house, but he ran away because he wasn’t being treated right by my siblings 😭 - Miya
26: Do you have a lucky number?
No I don’t. - Nati
I don’t think I do. - Miya
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ackleholics · 7 years
Yikes you ever heard of sarcasm? And lol the nun’s working with Lucifer
r u talking about the dean is straight post? literally their blog says ‘Dean Winchester is NOT BI!‘ but even if it was sarcasm my point still stands :P and yes she is and i hate it like... why the hell would u stick danneel, the most bestest and awesomemest person, with someone like mark pelligrino, who makes rape jokes on the daily and doesn’t deserve to be in our queens presence.
oh whale. here’s hoping it’s only for like, 10 seconds then she becomes part of TFW
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thebreadedguys · 7 years
-hugs- Thanks for understanding. Life has just been throwing everything it's got at me, and I just really needed to back away from Tumblr. You're the bestest! ;u;
((-bearhugs back- and you are the awesomemest uvu
i hope life backs off soon. ovo/ or else i’m goin over there and punching it to next tuesday))
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