#you are most likely to also have hay fever.
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hayfeverinjection · 2 years ago
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dahliakbs · 11 months ago
Batfam x Doppleganger! Reader (Part 1)
Synopsis: You secretly live with them but one terrible fever made you blow your cover
Masterlist , Part 2
Living with them was easy.
You'd been there long enough to have studied their mannerisms and speech patterns. Like the way they talked, how they would fidget or how they'd react in certain circumstances.
Like Bruce.
He was one if the easiest to impersonate. He barely spoke, always held a stoic expression and never really was seen around the manor.
Most of the time you'd use his likeness to go wherever you wanted and no one questioned you since... who would question Bruce Wayne?
Dick however was a little tough to do.
What you've gathered from your little study is that Richard was always trying to mold himself into what he thought the person needed to see him as and frankly speaking it was tiring.
Often times using his likeness meant you'd have to put up with his siblings crap to an almost extreme extent and you really couldn't hold out any longer when situations like that happened.
He was also a form that you couldn't use very often since most of the time he'd be in Blüdhaven.
Tim was your go to in any situation since he was either out on CEO business or cooped up in his room.
You'd related to his character alot since being in a house full of vigilantes always meant that you'd have to be alert in most situations if you didn't want to be caught. Which meant that you'd developed a serious case of insomnia.
Whenever they found you as Tim they'd leave you be because most of the time you'd be passed out on a couch or laying in one of the many comfortable beds around the manor.
They knew Tim needed his sleep so they never stuck around long enough to question why he wasn't in his room.
Damian was one form you'd refused to take on.
Most of the time he needed to be at school. Which meant that you could never walk around the house without being questioned as to why you weren't currently at home.
Like that one time Alfred caught you stealing food in the kitchen on a weekday and nearly sent you to school along with the real Damian.
On other occasions you'd never be able to fully keep up his persona and sometimes let a couple things slip.
Like that one time you'd done something uncharacteristically out of place. Like actually laughing at Dick's jokes, something Damian would never do.
Unlike the rest of his siblings Jason was completely out of the question. He was never in the manor and whenever he was he would always be scrutinized for causing trouble do walking around as him would be very inconvenient.
Now you'd never thought the day would come when you'd actually be caught.
You were so alert and vigilant, always making sure to not overstep or do anything that would rise suspicion but sadly that just wasn't enough.
It was a particularly harsh time of year for you, hay fever had kicked in.
Your throat was itchy, you were sneezing left and right and you were all alone the cold damp attic of the manor.
Usually around this time of year you needed to stay low-key, always hiding in the attic and making sure no one saw you.
Being sick would always mess with your ability.
Anytime you tried impersonating anyone it would always turn out weird or in some situations grotesque.
Multiple fingers would sprout onto each hand, random eyeballs would generate in peculiar parts of your body and sometimes you'd generate the wrong amount of hair all over your body. Ending up looking like a character straight out of a big foot.
Sometimes different body parts wouldn't finish generating or would be missing entirely.
Like the stump of your arm would be missing but you'd still have a hand connected to your shoulder.
Maybe you'd generate something more tame like the wrong eye color or your own physical features would show through. (Like freckles, stretch marks or beauty marks)
All in all it was horrible.
So when you realized that your stash of food for the month had run out so quickly you dreaded having to take up on one if their forms.
But alas you had to.
This time you'd taken on the form of Tim Drake, maybe they'd leave you alone if they thought you were their sleep deprived brother.
Sadly the transformation didn't turn out right.
Your eyes were the wrong shade if blue, your nose sitting a bit lower down in your fad and you'd generated several more fingers than necessary.
Even though you'd generated Tim's face your own features somehow shined through leaving a weird mixture of your features and his clashing together.
Seeing yourself like that nearly made you bring up whatever junk food you'd eaten earlier but you'd have to pull through.
Quickly you hopped down from the misplaced wooden board in their ceiling and made your way through the manor. Maybe you'd be lucky to find no one home.
Making your way down to the kitchen was fairly easy which was odd since it was a weekend which meant almost everyone would be home but you disregarded that and instead focused on grabbing things from the pantry.
You'd been so engrossed in your actions that you didn't notice the figure creeping up behind you.
They just stared at you as you continued taking stuff from the pantry.They seem paralyzed at what they were seeing.
When you finally turned around to exit the kitchen you'd frozen immediately.
You didn't know what to say.
The figure in front of you who you'd come to realize was Tim Drake himself had caught you.
You'd tried to stay silent and not move, wondering if you stood completely still would you just disappear in his eyes but sadly the sneeze that was bubbling in your chest said otherwise.
The sneeze causing you to shift painfully between the many forms you'd taken on before finally switching back to your normal self.
Well you just significantly screwed yourself.
Before the situation could get any worse you made the first move, choosing to slide past his frozen figure and bolt back to the attic.
Knowing Tim you wouldn't have enough time to get out of here before he'd alerted everyone of your presence in the manor.
Meanwhile in the bat cave
"Guys, I just ran into myself...grabbing food from the kitchen" Tim slowly descended the stairs with a confused expression settling on his tired face.
"You sure you didn't just start hallucinating?" Damian asked.
"No he's right, look at this" Bruce motioned towards the monitor. It seems that he'd been surfing the security camera footage while you'd chosen to look for food.
A video of you hastily walking through the hallways earlier played on the screen.
The fine details of your figure could be seen in the monitor, like the multiple fingers hanging off your palm and the severely different face that resembled Tim to an extent.
Then the monitor switched to another video of you standing in the kitchen, your body was swaying dangerously from side to side as you tried to reach their pantry. It seems you were more sick than you yourself were aware of.
A couple seconds later Tim came into the kitchen followed by you turning around and switching between different members of the family before settling on to what seems to be your real form.
"That's unnerving" Damian commented.
"I know right they had like nine fingers" Tin shuddered at the sight of your hands before noticing Dick quickly leaving the room.
"Where are you going?" He asked.
"To meet our new roommate"
"Shouldn't we get to know them first before you allow then to live here permanently" Tim asked only to be ignored by Dick's quick moving form.
"Shouldn't you be stopping him" Tim turned back to Bruce.
"With father's history I doubt he'd mind adding them to the family" Damian stated.
So I guess welcome to the family?
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corviiids · 1 year ago
questions to answer about your tav that have nothing to do with baldur's gate at all and are dubiously set in some ambiguously modern period
(you can also answer these questions about unrelated non-baldur's gate OCs if you want because it is a free world that we live in)
what smiley face would they use the most if they had a phone
regular morning beverage (and snack) order
how lactose intolerant are they and if they were lactose intolerant would this stop them from consuming lactose products
if they went to a modern day university what would they get their bachelor's in and do they enjoy it
instrument they wish they could play but can't
hobby or interest they are most embarrassed about
do they watch free-to-air tv
do they collect anything and what is it
do they prefer sweet or savoury foods
what are they allergic to
story of their first kiss (if applicable)
if they were at a corporate or school-sanctioned group bonding event and someone asked them to say one fun fact about themself what workplace appropriate fact would they choose
signature perfume (you can name a real perfume or just name some fragrance notes)
how late do they leave their gift shopping before birthdays / christmas / any other event where gift-giving is required
what mundane human job would they have in modern society to pay the bills and do they like it
given a bag of fruit-flavoured candies which fruit flavour of candy is their favourite and which one do they vehemently dislike
pick a random mild injury illness or miscellaneous ailment for them to consistently or periodically struggle with (e.g. bad knee, hay fever, bad acne). or don't
everyday task they must do but struggle with or simply hate
their top 3 songs on repeat
preferred adhesive item for general use (e.g. gluestick, sticky tape, blu tack)
do they use duolingo and what's their longest streak
social media platform of choice, if any
what material do they prefer for their coasters
how do they close their emails
how do they address groups of people in group chats or in person
favourite farm animal. (has to be an animal found on a farm)
name a toxic trait of theirs that is really just a beige flag at best
movie snack, if applicable
if you dared them on the spot to get a tattoo and they're not allowed to think about it what would be the first thing that came to their mind
if you met them, you the human person reading this, would you get along
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mochinomnoms · 1 year ago
A Floral Inconvenience
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You came into Twisted Wonderland with nothing but the clothes on your back, a literally fiery cat, and an immune system not conditioned to handle the foreign antibodies in the air, earth, or water. It was honestly a miracle that you hadn’t caught some sort of incurable disease, probably because most diseases here required magical output to survive, like plants and water. You weren’t immune to your own feelings though, and magical disease and illnesses have a funny way of adapting themselves to their potential host. It was then that you found yourself prepared for springtime hay fever and allergies, after all pollen was pollen no matter where you were at. What was unexpected, and thus not prepared for, was the disease known as hanahaki, or the flower sickness. Long ago, there existed a family of mages that lived in a small mountain village deep within a jungle that was established by a family of mages. The family protected their village with fantastical and magical abilities, each unique and extraordinary as generation from generation grew. One of those mages, the Flower Bride, had the ability to grow a magnificent array of flora with just the wave of her hand! Flor de mayo, jacarandas, figs and vines all made their home with the Flower Bride. She had a heart so full of feelings, love for her home, family, and her beloved, of course, that her very emotions affected how dazzling those blooms were. The Flower Bride then decided that others should be able to demonstrate their love in the same beauteous display as she did: after all, who wouldn’t want their love developing into only the most lovely blooms? As such, hanahaki was born. Some see it was a blessing, a push, an opportunity for one to confront their feelings. It’s a realization that what they’re feeling is indeed true, the type of love that can only be achieved in fairytales. Others saw it as an inconvenience: after all, sometimes it just wasn’t the right time to confess your love, or they’d be coughing up petals mid-speech, kind of annoying honestly. Yet the sickness would continue until they acknowledge their feelings, the love died down, or it became a chronic illness. Officially dubbed hanahaki by researchers in the East, the disease was also referred to as the flower sickness, being twitterpated, and sometimes even the lovesick florae by the general population. The most commonly afflicted persons fit into two categories: the positively, without a doubt, enamored sort, the twitterpated or lovesick sort of folk. Or, they were the kind to bury their feelings deep deep down and just one day die. It wasn’t unique to any singular species either. It had adapted to afflict humans, beastmen, and even merfolk. Why, not even fae were immune despite their natural immunity to magical disease. Really, it shouldn’t have been any surprise that the emotionally stunted students of Night Raven College would be prime targets for their own bout of hanahaki.
An event to christen the creation of my blog! Please feel free to request or use for your own!
Requests Close 10/20/2023
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Anyone can use this event and prompts on their own blog! Tag me in so I can read all your stories!
This event will be for TWST on my end, others are free to use for whatever they'd like!
All request will be up to 2000+ words, with a max of 3 characters per request.
Chose up one prompt for each character and indicate if you want romantic or platonic. You can also indicate if you want fluff, hurt/comfort, suggestive, etc.
No NSFW for this event (on my end at least, everyone else go nuts)
Reader will default to gender-neutral unless asked otherwise
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Dialogue Prompts
“Why is your trash can full of flower petals? Are you secretly a botanist, or is there something you're not telling me?”
“So, I hear you've been coughing up daisies lately. Got any plans to enter the flower business?”
“You know you have it bad when you start sneezing petals every time your crush walks by. At least it's a colorful allergy!”
“I can't believe you're faking a cough just to get some attention. And you're using fake flowers for the petals? That's commitment!”
“I think the local florist is in love with me. Their shop is making a killing off my Hanahaki. Do you think they'll give me a discount?”
“You've got to stop sending secret admirer bouquets to yourself. The delivery guy is starting to think you have a dozen secret admirers.”
“I've heard of wearing your heart on your sleeve, but wearing petals in your hair is a whole new level of fashion statement.”
“I have a steady, loving partner. you on the other hand have a left hand and a sunflower cough.”
“Why'd I have to get a nose full of lilies? I'm allergic, this is so unfair.”
“You think with all the lavender on my head I could make my own syrup out of it?”
“No, I've been practicing my sleight of hand! Watch as I make a bouquet of tulips magically appear—ACK!”
“No, I haven't been growing marigolds out of my ass. Why would you even ask that?!”
“Here, your favorite flower! Hmm? Where'd I get them? Uh, I just found them, around…”
“I'd rather have the thorniest, pesticide ridden roses grow in my mouth before I'd ever admit having any sort of affection for them!”
“Sooo, are you gonna apologize for puking dahlias all over my breakfast?”
“I've never heard of a flower sickness, are you talking about seasonal allergies?”
“Look, even if confessing would let me get rid of the poppies, I'd rather not. Maybe I'll just learn how to make poppy seed muffins or something.”
“Is this normal here?” “Only for the emotionally unavailable folk.” “Ah, so it is.”
“Dude, are your freckles turning into baby's breath?” “AHH!”
“Aren't lotus flowers really good for your skin? Babeeey, I'm set for life—” “NOT WHEN THEY'RE GROWING OUT OF YOUR EARS!”
“Look, I care for you and want you to get laid, but imagine all the money we'd save on tea if you kept growing chamomile from your head.”
“Blehhhg…” “You know I always knew I'd be holding your hair back as you puked your stomach out at a party, I thought it be from the alcohol though, not flowers.”
“You know, some people pay a lot of money for Hanahaki bouquets, have you considered—OW! It was just a suggestion!”
“I'm so happy that you confessed first.” “Why?” “If I had to dig out another hydrangea petal from my teeth, I was gonna lose it.”
“Man, sunflowers have got to be the worst to be puking up.” “Nah man, it's roses and their thorns! They scrap up all up your gums, my dentist bill after was ridiculous!”
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🌸 a floral inconvenience masterlist 🌸
gardenias & peonies: silver x f!reader – #13
stargazer lilies: sebek zigvolt x f!reader – #5
dahlias; zinnias & cosmos: ruggie bucchi, trey clover, [separate] x gn!reader - #15, #1
teonanácatl mushrooms: jade leech x gn!reader - #18
lavender roses: floyd leech x gn!reader - #14
lavender: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader - #18
marigold: vil schoenheit, platonic!ace trappola x gn!reader - #7 & #12
blue hydrangeas: idia shroud x f!reader - #24
baby's breath & red roses: riddle rosehearts x f!reader - #14 & #19
amaryllis: lilia vanrouge x gn!reader - #1 [PENDING]
carnations: leona kingscholar x gn!reader - #18 [PENDING]
asters; purple hydrangeas: ace trappola, jamil viper [spearate] x gn!reader - #22, #24 [PENDING]
gerbera daisies: trey clover x gn!reader - #3 [PENDING]
orange poppies & water lilies: azul ashengrotto x gn!reader - #17 [PENDING]
sunflowers: jack howl x gn!reader - #8 [PENDING]
chrysanthemums: jamil viper x gn! reader - #1 [PENDING]
green roses: malleus draconia x gn!reader - #13 & #14 [PENDING]
pink poppies & cala lilies: jamil viper x gn!reader - #17 & #22 [PENDING]
sunflowers: leona kingscholar x f!reader - #8 [PENDING]
azaleas, cornflowers, & white roses: ace trappola, deuce space [poly] x gn! reader - #6, #3, & #22 [PENDING]
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skaruresonic · 5 months ago
The idea of Sonic being Maria’s reincarnation is fascinating to me, I must admit. Though it’s funny to think that she waited 35 years for it after her demise for Sonic to actually be born and then when he is, he’s opposing the cousin and he can’t enjoy Earth and its flowers fully like she also couldn’t because ALLERGIES lol. Comedy value too.
It is, isn't it? Again, I wouldn't push it as canon, but purely as a hypothetical for-shits-and-giggles kind of idea, it definitely is interesting to think about. Particularly with the parallels between Maria and Sonic:
1.) Both admire the genius of those closest to them (Tails and Gerald), 2.) Both are associated with the color blue, 3.) Both have a playful nature, 4.) Both like to race Shadow, 5.) Both are selfless, 6.) Both share immense strength of spirit. Other thoughts: 1.) Sonic can't swim (no pools on the ARK?) 2.) Sonic also seems to have something of an "you play tough, but I just know you'll do the right thing" attitude when it comes to recognizing Shadow's trauma in Battle. Kind of like how Maria recognizes that Shadow isn't the most personable guy around, but is still kind beneath his prickly exterior.
3.) Sonic's hay fever suggests a strong immune system. Overcompensation for Maria's weak one? xP
4.) It would be hilarious if it turned out Sonic continued stealing Eggman's thunder in his current incarnation.
5.) This is the most YMMV point and total fanfic lol, but maybe the spirit "chose" a hedgehog body in order to copy Shadow. Which would make the whole "faker" exchange extremely ironic on multiple levels.
6.) Sonic and Shadow threatening to throw down every time they clap eyes on each other becomes extra hilarious too.
Some people have said they aren't fully on-board with the idea because they fear it has the potential to erase or downplay Sonic's agency. While I sympathize with that anxiety, I also view the concept as something akin to transformation. Sonic may very well become someone or something different when he dies, like the blue wind in '06. Nothing is ever permanent.
(And to be quite frank, I kind of find the idea of Sonic being the literal second ULF that got ejected to Earth to be more convoluted than transmigration. You can accept hedgehogs being born as test tube babies, but you draw the line at reincarnation?) It's not that Maria literally is Sonic, but rather, her spirit has moved on and has become someone else. She no longer exists except as the embodiment of the things she loved most: the Earth, full of wonders and as "cool and blue" as Sonic, humanity, and freedom. (In that vein, I like the idea that Sonic helps Shadow move on from the grief of the death of his former life.)
Sonic is, however, at the end of the day, entirely his own person, even if his underlying "substance" is technically the same as Maria's. He would never want to look back, and maybe that's why he doesn't pick up on any subconscious cues about the ARK during his time there except to bid Shadow sayonara.
That is the whole gist driving the underlying idea. There's never gonna be some dramatic grand revelation where Shadow discovers the truth and angsts about it. Chances are Sonic would just laugh it off anyway.
Though it’s funny to think that she waited 35 years for it after her demise for Sonic to actually be born and then when he is,
Well yeah, the spirit had to make sure Sonic's buddies would be born at roughly around the same time. Adventure's no fun without friends.
You ever watch a revolving door and try to gauge when you should step inside? That's probably what happened. Can't go now. Maybe now? Oh crap, Eggman's gonna take over the world if I don't go now. xP
she’s opposing the cousin and he can’t enjoy Earth and its flowers fully like she also couldn’t because ALLERGIES lol. Comedy value too.
Can't have shit in this transmigration Chili's lol.
This is a potential comedy gold mine. The Commander is ranting and raving about how Maria was slaughtered in the ARK raid, meanwhile Shadow glances over to Sonic, who's hopping from foot to foot like "I just wanna throw hands" xP
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coirinthyurilo · 6 months ago
Headcanon and explanation about Will's plague powers and how dangerous he can actually be, even if it's watered down.
Okay. So I get it. Will is the son of Apollo, and he's pretty OP in a sense. He can heal people, and that's like. Technically the most important thing in the Demi-god world. Due to the amount of injuries you can have.
You need a healer on bay. But Will is not only just a healer. He actually has plague powers as proven in TSATS. Able to give hay fever to a primordial that even Zeus fears? If your hink about it. If Will's plague powers weren't that powerful. Nyx wouldn't even have registered that she had gotten sick. But she did?
I doubt even a primordial goddess can even get sick. So imagine her shock when she realized she got sick all because some boy who was made from the sun gave him sickness in one of his domains.
And imagine that much power to even AFFECT Nyx? To a Demi-god or a simple fragile, can die at any-given circumstance, MORTAL. They'd probably have the worst known disease that not even mankind has even registered to know yet.
And I like to think. That as he grows his healing over time so does his plague powers. They're two sides of the same coin. Like they develop at the same time in the same way. Every time Will heals, it adds more power to his healing. With his plague powers it does the same.
That's also probably why he was able to make Nyx sick. Because if he had just found out about his plague powers wouldn't it be really weak at first?
So there. That's my explanation on it.
Now for the headcanon.
I like to think that in a future war or so, when Will is shoved to the edge, seeing multiple die at once. He just wants it to stop. He wants the war to stop. He NEEDS the war to stop. Especially when he finds Nico fatally injured.
And because of that desire and need for that to happen. The only thing his brain processes a logical answer. Is death. If the enemy is dead. The war will end sooner and no one that he cares about will continue dying.
So imagine seeing Will Solace walk into the middle of a battle. Many lay dead at his feet and there's an entire army in front of him. Out of pure fucking anger, he let's out piercing supersonic whistle that catches them off guard. And once they drop their swords to cover their ears.
Will takes a breath.
One single exhale leaves him. And green smoke erupts from his throat, like a poisonous gas. It didn't seem to bother then at all at first, it didn't even smell..?
And it looks pretty harmless, until people start to have burns and rashes, eyes turning red, as their legs give in, their Asaphogus shuts tight and they have the trouble to even breath. And they die. They die and they fall.
And the so called healer. Has once made an entire army sicker. That's how scary Will's powers can be if developed to the FULLEST of it's potential.
There's even a head canon I thought on how Will can drain people's life force and take it for himself to use and resotre his power to heal once he runs out of energy. That would be such a weird and cool concept.
Imagine some guy uses another person's life force and transfers that life force to you so can survive instead? What an eerie and such a terrifying thing to see and think about.
Especially when the harmless healer can most likely be fatal. It's just that no one has ever made snap. 🤷‍♀️
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year ago
Achillea millefolium
Known as: Allheal, angel flower, arrowroot, bloodwort, cammok, carpenter's weed, death flower, devil's mustard, Devil's nettle, eerie, field hops, gearwe, green arrow, herbe militaris, hundred leaved grass, knight's milfoil, noble yarrow, nosebleed plant, plumajilo, seven year's love, snake's grass, soldiers thousand seal., squirrel tail, stanch grass, tansy, thousand-leaf, thousand weed, woundwort, yarrowway & yerw
Related plants: Is a member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold, mugwort & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat and Cultivation: This hardy plant is native to temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere in Asia, Europe & North America
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-9
Harvest: Harvest yarrow when the blooms only when they have fully opened. It should be cut right above the leaf node to encourage the plant to potentially flower again. Many choose to harvest the flowers in the late morning when the dew has dried before so that the plant is not stressed by the extreme heat. Hot, dry spells right before bloom seems to be ideal for producing the most fragrant leaves.
Growing tips: Plant in an area that receives full sun to encourage compact growth and many flowers about 1-2 feet apart. In partial sun or shade, yarrow tends to grow leggy. Yarrow performs best in well-drained soil. It thrives in hot, dry conditions; it will not tolerate constantly wet soil. Loamy soil is recommended, but yarrow can also be grown in clay soil as long as it does not always stay saturated with water. While this plant is technically considered invasive only in noncultivated settings, common yarrow still needs to be planted in an area where you don't mind proliferation. 
Medicinal information: Yarrow has a history of being used for fever, common cold, hay fever, absence of menstruation, dysentery, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal (GI) tract discomfort, and to induce sweating. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache. Yarrow is applied to the skin to stop bleeding from hemorrhoids; for wounds; and as a sitz bath for painful, lower pelvic, cramp-like conditions in women. Some people chew the fresh leaves to relieve toothache.
Cautions: Yarrow is commonly consumed in foods, but yarrow products that contain a chemical called thujone might not be safe because it is poisonous in large doses. Yarrow is not recommended for use during pregnancy or chestfeeding as it causes risks of miscarriage. Yarrow might slow blood clotting. In theory, taking yarrow might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders. In some people, it also might cause skin irritation & is toxic to cats & dogs.
Magickal properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus
Element: Air & Water
Deities: Achilles, Aphrodite, Cernunnos, Faeries, Oshun & Yemaya
Magickal uses:
• Add the flowers to a satchet or dream pillow to encourage prophetic dreams
• Hang a bundle above your bed on your honeymoon night to ensure lasting love for 7 years
• Place across your thresholds or plant near doorwaysto prevent negative energies & influences from entering your home
• Burn as an incense before or during divination to increase psychic abilities
• Wear as an amulet to attract love, friendships & give courage
• Place yarrow under your pillow & if you dreamt of your love, it was a positive omen. If you had a bad dream, or dreamt of other people, it wasn’t
• Combine with mugwort as tea to drink before divination to increase psychic powers
• Put near yourself while practicing divination to increase your psychic abilities
• In spells, use to re-establish contact with long-lost friends or relatives & attract their attention
• Braid into your hair to tap into inner wisdom
• The I-Ching divination was originally performed with dried yarrow stems
• Wash crystals& crystal balls with a yarrow rinse to bring about clarity of vision
• Drink yarrow tea & a cinnamon stick to  release hidden truths
• Place on a coffin or grave to help the spirit cross over/ let go
•For powerful protection, pick yarrow flowers and charge them in the sun. Once charged, take the flowers and sprinkle them outside your home to prevent negative influences and energies away from entering your home
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
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devil-doll13 · 2 years ago
Some House of Wax/Sinclair Brothers Headcanons I’ve had in my head that I’ve already shared w the server but… The rest of the world deserves to know.
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Related to gif, Vincent is the ‘medical expert’ of the house solely because he’s the one who knows the human body/first aid the best. I mean, in the movie we see him stitching up those wounds on what’s-his-face pretty neatly, right? This is also part of the reason why he automatically reaches for Bo during this scene.
Given his birth date was sniffed out by fans before me (1970) and this man looks like he’s a cosplayer sometimes, I truly believe Bo idolised Elvis Presley as a kid, and maybe a bit as an adult as well. He still enjoys listening to rock n’ roll from that era when he’s in a good mood. When he’s in a bad mood, or doing his business™️ in his sex dungeon/basement, that’s when the Marilyn Manson comes on.
All of them have had an alt phase of some sort. For Vincent it was goth, for Bo it was rivethead/industrial rock and for Lester it was grunge.
Les is also down bad fucking horrendous for alt people in general. Yes, he has magazines stuffed down his sofa, yes, they used to be Bo’s.
Bo is allergic to nuts. He also gets really nasty hay fever. I also think possibly him having sensory issues/picky eater could’ve led to meltdowns as we see in the opening. And really, it’s the 1970s/80s do you expect his parents to understand or sympathise?
In contrast, Lester has the constitution of a Greek god somehow and has probably eaten some absolutely vile shit as a kid.
I know most people interpret Vince as sweet and shy but… While I do think he’s more measured and withdrawn compared to Bo, I also think being the ‘favourite’ in terms of being Trudy’s little art prodigy contributed to a sort of spoilt brattiness esp as a kid. (Exhibit A: The ‘Bo Sux’ fridge art in the opening) As an adult, there’s still a sense of entitlement to him. What I’m saying is that he’s an insufferable art nerd lol. He definitely isn’t toothless and his arguments with Bo aren’t necessarily one-sided, he’s just capable of ignoring him when he wants to; he’s used to his twin, after all. While I do think he’s capable of being soft, don’t forget this man killed a woman in cold blood and recorded it. I also think he can get snippy enough during arguments to combat Bo’s generally sharp tongue.
Speaking of which, everyone in the (surviving) family knows ASL. It’s necessary when communicating with Vincent.
Again with how prolific a killer Vincent is, I suspect he may be the one who does the most murder out of all of them. Bo is the handsome ‘face’ of Ambrose, and Vincent is right under the seedy underbelly with a knife, ready to spill guts (and then sew it up again once he’s got them in the workshop). Lester is similar to Bo in that he mostly just guides people toward the town, but I do think he gets his own notions sometimes.
From a more x reader perspective, Bo strikes me as a man who’s most charming when he’s not trying to be. Of course he can put on an act for victims/tourists, but those are just empty words, y’know? Also, has a kinda cheesy side.
I know everyone has Jonesy as Lester’s dog but… I think she’s really Vincent’s. In the movie, she’s always seen with Vin or in the house of wax itself, it’s only when he dies that she goes to Lester. I actually think Les is a cat person (tell me he wouldn’t actually encourage their hunting habits for his own personal collection…) while Vin is a dog person. Also, hot take I think Bo loves snakes and reptiles.
Given that the House of Wax and Ambrose itself is a big ol’ art project, and we’ve seen the state of the church (permanently in the middle of dead ass crusty Trudy’s funeral) I think there may be a sort of difficulty letting go of their past in the brothers, maybe some hoarding as well (I mean we haven’t even seen some of the other houses in Ambrose but this is just speculation). We get the sense that Ambrose is a place where time stands still, forever, until its conservationists finally die. Idk I’m talking out my ass here
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hezekiahwakely · 11 months ago
After spending literally multiple days and nights listening to hours of new music, here are my thoughts on what the Protocol playlists might tell us about the characters. I'm gonna break it down by large themes and I'm putting it under a read more bc I don't know how to not ramble about this. its SO MUCH
Gwendolyn Bouchard 👁️
Hers is the most self-explanatory. Girlboss is girlbossing and paying for it. But I did pick up several nuances.
Gwen is: Cold, power-hungry, and ambitious (you should see me in a crown, Are You Satisfied?, Severance theme). Suffering from her own hubris (Oh No!, Gasoline). Resentful and envious, especially about family, wealth, and power (Family Jewels, 24 hours, Warriors). Touching the dark and being supernaturally influenced (Mr. Bonzo theme, Evil Eye, We Don't Talk About Bruno, Making Love to the Dead).
Special mention to the 'daddy's money' reference in 24 hours.
Samama Khalid 😶‍🌫️
Sam makes ridiculously long playlists, like me, so this entry is gonna be long, but the emotional vibes were pretty easy to pick out once I got through it.
Sam is: Straight chillin' to some lo-fi beats, desi hip hop, and melodic bops (literally too many to list but, Remind Me, Forgive the Mess, 93 'Til Infinity, Magpie, Fire Sale, Iniesta Flow, I Guess, Prarthana, Hai Hai, etc., etc.). Rebellious (The Adults Are Talking, Reptilia). Bonded with someone (Halo Flip, soulboy). Yearning, romantic, and playful (Girl Like You, Mr. Sandman, New House, Meteor, You Only Live Once, Be Your Girl, Dear Jean, Say The Word, My Girl/Hey Girl, Smiley, The Real Sugar). Reminiscing about a break-up (Oui, Afterparty Lover, Last Nite, Stick Season, Turn off the Lights, Jessie (i miss you), WONDERING, Afterthought, I Love You, I'm Trying). Full of regrets, pain, and melancholy bitterness (Seasons, Can't Call It, Let It Go, nightmares, Pretty Insane, different tomorrow..., Cigarette Daydreams, CABIN FEVER, Self destruct, Go Back, Stuck Here With Me, Bliss City). Alienated, yet wanting to be alone (uh-oh) (Creep, Alone, Stone cold., Paint it, Black).
Special shout-out to all the implications about the old Sam/Alice relationship. And I'm especially worried by the potential meanings of Downside Up, Let It Go, Go Back, and Stuck Here With Me.
Also, interesting that there's a lyric-free track just called 'drained' at the end of his playlist. I'm sure that's fine.
Alice Dyer 🌀
Oh my girl. What is going on with you. She has impeccable and predictable taste, at least. But... then there's the Ominous Implications again...
Alice is: Rebellious, anarchic, and irreverent (Underclass Hero, Toxicity, Tribute, Buddy Holly, Dragostea din tei, Feel Good Inc., Piss Off, Rebel Rebel, Ghost Town, Brimful of Asha, Surrender, Uncle Walter, United States of Whatever). Blasting high-confidence power anthems (Material Girl, Therefore I Am, Jump, Bad Reputation, The Middle). Depressed behind a mask of high energy and false cheeriness (SugarCrash!, Mad World, Bathroom Floor). Yearning after someone's love (A.M. 180, Zombie Love Song, Nearer Than Heaven, Save Tonight, Ms. California, Because I Love You, Fell In Love With A Girl, Take Me Out). Reminiscing about a break-up (Ciao!, Built This Way, Kidz 'N' Stuff, FRIENDS, Free Fallin', Not In Love, Who Knew, Song for the Dumped, When It All Falls Apart, Laid, Complicated). Feeling crazy and overwhelmed (uh-oh) (Basket Case, In Too Deep, Bonkers, I'm A Robot, Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds, 19-2000, Wonderland, High, Undone, Cosmic Castaway). Creeped out and brushing up against the supernatural (Walking On Air, The Blue Wrath, Pet Sematary).
Oooh. Oh, the implications. The Sam/Alice break-up. The potential for feelings that remain. I HAVE to know what happened between them.
Also, here are some select lines from five Alice songs presented without comment: "Yeah, I'm a zombie, baby," "I'm a robot, I'm a robot/I don't have any feeling in my heart," "I don't wanna be buried in a Pet Sematary/I don't want to live my life again," "Take me down, six underground/The ground beneath your feet," "Walking like a zombie, like a zombie."
I'm sure that's all fine.
Celia Ripley 🕸️
The most mysterious new member of the OIAR, her music choices are appropriately enigmatic. The Vibes make me excited to see what she's hiding under the surface.
Celia is: Raring for a fight (Seven Nation Army, Rumble, know your place, Run from Me). Fed up with the system (Blood//Water, Run You). Bold, sexy, headstrong, and self-confident (Creature, Took A Trip, River, Do It For Me, Aerials, Uber). Struggling against supernatural influence, feeling trapped and helpless (Mama! There's a Spider in My Room, Where Is My Mind?, I Feel Like I'm Drowning, Closer, Space Dementia, Rain)
So we've all but confirmed the theory that she's from the OG Archives timeline and that she has continuing ties to the Web from passing through Hill Top Road. I think we have hints here that she's manipulating the others, but I also think there are signs that she's fighting her own battle against an evil trying to take her. There also seems to be an overarching theme of water in many of her songs for some reason 🤔
I can't wait to get more of Celia. Even if she is lying, I'm rooting for her (<hoping this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass)
In conclusion, I love them all already your honor, and I want to thank the cast for putting such loving care into crafting these for us. Thank you for such great food to feed our wild theorizing.
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felixcloud6288 · 3 months ago
Dungeon Meshi Chapter 33
The party engages in some much needed shenanigans while Shuro and Kabru slowly make their way toward them.
It's been two days since chapter 30. At this point, Kabru and Shuro are probably about to enter the fifth floor if nothing has held them up. Since it's a large party, it probably takes longer to actually move.
Everything that's happened to Marcille has really caught up to her. The orc medicine put her in a state where she can move, but not much else. She's likely anemic because of the blood magic, drained of mana, probably pulled a muscle or two from how she tried to keep the walls from crushing them, and she might have some damaged ribs when everyone fell on her.
Her new hairstyle lacks any of the intricate designs and braids she normally has. She just tied it all into a ponytail. She probably doesn't have the physical ability to manage anything more than that without collapsing from pain and exhaustion.
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I really do like how the story doesn't hold your hand and explain every thing someone is doing at a given moment. It took me a reread to notice that Chilchuck was trying to climb the wall prior to that wyvern flying by and he took off his shoes to do it.
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What was he doing here? Was he hoping he could squeeze himself close enough to the wall that the wyvern wouldn't notice him? Also, does the pattern of his jacket coincidentally match the brick wall or is that intentional?
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Laios isn't doing much better either. The place Falin punched him still hurts.
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Zon's sister made the warg wave bye-bye.
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I'm pretty sure Senshi's never really interacted with non-dwarfs before the story. Most of his early interactions with Marcille can be chalked up to systemic racism against elves, but everything with Laios and Chilchuck is because he doesn't know better. Namari also doesn't know how to estimate age for the shorter-lived races.
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Why does everyone's mental impression of Laios always make him look deranged.
This winged lion has ram horns.
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Maybe there are multiple winged lions in the ancient kingdom's mythos and the hornless one is a guardian of the living while the horned lion is the guardian of the dead?
When the dryad pollen started spreading around, Laios tried using the cloth of his shirt to cover his nose.
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Is this what hay fever is like? I've never had it before.
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Senshi, you have an axe. Why did you have to use Kensuke?
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The male-looking dryads are female and the female-looking dryads are male.
I need to know more about how dryads work. One thing I noticed is they're all attached to vines hanging from the tree. And that vine is always extending to just beyond the panels.
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So first question I have is are dryads the flowers of the tree or are they flowers of a separate vine species? Second question is could you kill a dryad by cutting that vine?
And the fruit just creates even more questions.
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Flowers turn into fruits after pollination so the fruits are either the heads of the dryad flowers, or these are different faces that formed inside the dryad flowers and were left after the body withered away. We also saw a bud which will become a flower. Now I just need to know what the seeds look like and how they spread. Maybe the flowers also manually spread the seeds?
Senshi's beard got injured during that fight.
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I'm sure the fruit faces change their expressions and that one didn't like Marcille eating out of it.
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Yes! Good! Marcille is making Laios learn healing magic. Class Upgrade! Laios is going from Warrior to Paladin!
Senshi's racial insensitivity is just ignorance, but he really needs to understand stuff about other races so he can stop doing accidental racism.
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magicmindless · 10 months ago
A HC List but it’s just Chuck
For that one anon who also asked for him along with Taylor
- Laidback, charming personality, but can also bite with dry sarcasm
- Despite the title as a “ladies man” he’s very bisexual
- Has a lot of dating experience. His first date ever was with a girl back in middle school, though they only lasted for about a month and a half, but stayed friends for a while. He’s also dated other guys and girls
- He had a complicated home life growing up. It’s like the awkward middle where he wasn’t exactly abused but his parents tried and kinda failed being good parents. He doesn’t talk much to them anymore
- Was a business major in college (boooooooo/j)
- He doesn’t consider doing modeling as a serious job long-term. He only does it to pay off his tuition, plus it gives him some body image issues
- Despite the downsides, modeling isn’t so bad. He’s learned some decent styling skills, mainly for summer looks which is why he’s always wear Hawaiian shirts
- Not a huge fan of winter because he finds the season harder to style for. He’s not a fan of layers
- Had a phase where he plunked his eyebrows very thin, to the point where you couldn’t see them. He still plucks his eyebrows but only to shape them
- Is very sensitive to colognes, perfumes and essential oils. He can’t wear any or he’ll start sneezing and coughing a lot. He refuses any jobs which require him to wear it and stays FAR away from Cherrisa and her stand
- Also gets hay fever during spring. Since Taylor has zero allergies whatsoever he likes to remind Chuck of his “skill issue”
- He can be rather… interesting when he’s drunk. If you thought he was blunt before, well, just wait til he has a bottle. Yet he’s very euphoric despite being so mean when he’s drunk
- His main plan was to open his own bar/night club since he’s pretty good at mixing cocktails, and he still wants to whenever he gets bored of his wingeria job
- He claims himself as “the straight man” between him and Taylor but the truth is he’s not any better. They both share exactly one brain cell together. They stoopid
- Has been lended a lot of designer brand clothes from previous modeling gigs he has done though he rarely wears them since he thinks they’re tacky
- Owns way too many stainless steel water bottles. He has a whole cabinet dedicated to them, but at least he’s never dehydrated
- Was an avid smoker when he was a teen. He still occasionally smokes or vapes but does it a lot less, and if he does it’s not around Taylor because he doesn’t approve of it
- Always smells like wing sauce because of his wingeria job, and the type depends on whichever sauce people order the most, though he usually smells citrusy
- His puka shell accessories were gifts from Nevada when he offered to model jewelry made by her to advertise her business
- He and Taylor both have a memory of watching a cartoon series when they were both super young called “Freezing Pointe”. Neither remember the channel but remembered how much the main duo resembled them in current day. Yet, whenever they anyone else about it, they have no idea what they’re talking about and searching on the internet never brought any results either. It’s like they’re the only 2 in the world who know about it…
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pwettylouis · 2 years ago
Hay Fever - Eddie Brock x Reader
Eddie Brock x Reader
You’re sick in bed, and while your boyfriend takes good care of you, his pest isn’t so nice to be around.
Reader is sick, venom is a terror, old old imagine from my wattpad, i think that’s all lmk if i missed any.
romantic Eddie x reader ! platonic Venom x reader !
Your head rested on Eddie's chest as he leaned against the head board. You hadn't been feeling very good, a runny nose and a dizzy head, so Eddie decided to stay home.
Much to your distaste, that meant you were also stuck with Venom. It's not that you didn't like Venom, you could tolerate him on most days, today was not one of them.
"What's wrong? Is she dying? OH! When you die, can I eat you?" Venom cheered. Of course he'd still annoy you during your suffering.
"Eddie please put your parasite away for one day!" Your words made Venom grunt and turn to Eddie.
"She call me a parasite, Eddie." He bared his teeth. "I shouldn't be called a parasite."
"She doesn't feel good, how about you two just leave each other alone for the rest of the day." He looked to both of you, your eye brow furrowed as you glared at the Symbiote.
After spending a few hours in bed, you had drifted off to sleep. You woke up a few hours later in a coughing fit.
Reaching to your side to feel for Eddie, you realized he wasn't there. Letting out a groan, you turn to lay on your side, seeing a surprising sight in the door way.
An unconscious Eddie, with Venom poking out of his neck, holding a glass of water. You eyebrows furrowed as they walked to you.
Venom held the glass of water out to you, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "What did you do to it?"
"Nothing. You are important to Eddie, who is important to me. If i want to continue living, then I can't eat you."
"So if I wasn't dating Eddie, then you'd eat me?" That was comforting to know.
"No, i've grown fond of you too."
posting old images until I can get myself back into writing, but i do have a lot of ideas that i hope will be out soon
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yonemurishiroku · 2 years ago
Sorry I found it hysterical that TSATS felt the need to give Will 'dark' plague powers after going on and on about his sun powers because we literally had an entire book about how dangerous and violent and destructive the sun can be. That was definitely a theme in The Burning Maze. When Nico's upset the air around him freezes and when Will gets upset it should get uncomfortably hot to the point where his touch burns. Normally he can calm people down by making them feel like standing in the sunshine on a nice day but he can also make it sweltering and stifling. If Nico feels too dead to the living then Will should feel too alive to the dead. Will doesn't mean to make Nico uncomfortable with his light- but it often means there's no longer any shadows for Nico to fall back on; there's nowhere for him to hide or reach out to for comfort.
I mean. Yeah it's great that Rick went for the "opposite but actually complement" and I like Plague!Will as the next person but like. There could be more to the originial Dark & Light dynamic - which happens to be the one major thing about them.
Especially considering the fact that - as you've mentioned - part of it has already been established. Gosh Rick needs to keep notes of his canon materials. There're also abundant materials to work with, as well! Those you sent^^^ for example. Brilliant representation. I'd take it anyway.
I guess Rick thought Plague is a somewhat resemblance of Nico's Death-thing so it'd be a figure of their Death vs Life dynamic. And in a way, it is! I'm just disappointed that we could have had so much more, you know?
Among Apollo's children, we have Kayla as the archer, Austin as the musician, and Will as a healer. We have yet to have any child with his Driver of the Sun Chariot status - which, as it is, turns out to have the most potentials to be downright destructive if you play your cards right (I mean. look at Hyperion).
Though, in hindsight, I suppose we might be a little bit delusional to put Will in that Sun category. I'm not sure. Rick plans to have Will as the healer - who inherits Apollo's healing talents, not a fighter who supposedly embraces his Sunny side, so maybe that's why our ideas don't align.
(Also? Forever salty that Will's plague power is brushed away like it's nothing. The guy gave the primordial of Night hay fever for Tartarus' sake. Srsly the next step should be wrapping him up to avoid spreading and treating him like a biology terrorist)
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never-goingtopostanything · 5 months ago
what I think the just dancers allergies are
Wanderlust is allergic to capsaicin (the chemical that makes things spicy) he loves spicy food so he is dependent on antihistamines.
Wanderlust is also allergic to lavender, his mum loves lavender so she was heartbroken when they found out cause she needed to throw all her lavender plants and scented things out because when Wanderlust was told not to do something he went and did it.
Sara has hay fever, she can't breathe if the pollen levels are medium or higher, she needs to get an injection during the spring and summer so she can go outside and even then she is constantly affected by the pollen.
Sara is also allergic to dogs, that doesn't stop her from having one. She is also allergic to peanuts.
Brezziana is the only one who doesn't have any allergies. The others are constantly giving her dirty looks when she is eating or doing something they can't. She claims to have skipped that part on the character creation menu, and the others didn't realise they could do that.
Jack is allergic to summer fruits flavouring, but not the actual fruits, he doesn't know why or how.
He's also allergic to pineapples, oranges, anesthesia and aloe vera. He is in constant annoyance because he can't use aloe Vera to help deal with skin irritation like most people would. He finds surgeries annoying because there will without a doubt be a joke about knocking him out with chair for it and he started to hate that joke after the third time.
Mihaly is allergic to tinsel, they learned about this when they put tinsel on their head as a child and ended up with an awful rash and swelling, (this actually happened to me when I was in primary school.), now they refuse to go anywhere near tinsel. Brezziana found this hilarious when she found out about this, she was also the first person to believe them about being allergic to tinsel without seeing them breakout after touching it.
They also have a chlorine allergy (not really an allergy but I'm counting it since you see an allergy expert for treatment and take antihistamines to stop the reaction).
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ath3nasgard3n · 5 months ago
Know What I Want - Johnson x Fem!OC (Part 1)
Summary: None of the pinups Johnson loved ever loved him back. So when the bombastic and unapologetically cocky lead singer of the Bang-A-Rang's most popular jazz troupe, whose stage act is just as raunchy and ten times more explosive than that of the pinups, relentlessly pursues him, he has his reasons to be cautious. Little does he know that genuine love and a touch of insecurity lies beneath the singer's tantalizing surface.
Overview: Fem jazz singer OC, slight angst, mainly just worldbuilding in this first part, shameless self-insert, OC has a gay best friend, etc etc.
Word count: 1876
Notes: HIIIII I haven't published any fanfics since I was like 11 so I apologise if this is shite. I really wanted to flesh out the world that this character lives in so this first part is just a lot of that - I'm currently working on a part 2 that explores the depths of her relationship with Johnson a bit more. Hope you lot enjoy this!! xx
Diana Porter walked into the stuffy and crowded Bang-A-Rang, the Brawlers’ unofficial headquarters, at 5 o’clock sharp on a chilly Saturday evening. The biting cold of the winter’s nights was still clearly lingering, despite the sprouting roses and sudden cases of hay fever, as Diana rushed to get into the front door and shield herself from the cold. The loud music and abrasive wall of assorted voices and beer glasses slamming down on tables filled the air as her eyes adjusted to the usual harsh, bright-coloured lighting of the Bang-A-Rang. Smoothing her black mini dress down, she made a beeline to the front bar, the heels of her black Mary Janes hitting the hardwood floors with conviction.
“A Cosmopolitan, please.” She pulled a $10 bill out of her gold clutch, drumming her long crimson nails on the mahogany countertop. All she knew about tonight was that Moonlight Serenade were on at 7, the Bang-A-Rang’s booker had pulled some rocker outfit who were expected to be on at 8:30, and the Reveries were on at 10. Must be closing early for whatever reason, Diana thought to herself as the bartender handed her the pink glass filled to the brim with her favourite vice. Maybe they also secretly hate us for sandwiching some explosive rock gig between two jazz groups, she then thought. She held her glass up to her berry-stained lips before she heard a slick Cockney accent from behind her.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Lady Di herself,” Diana turned her head to reveal a scruffy black cat brandishing a fedora, a black tuxedo vest, and a uniquely thick pair of hipster frames that belonged to none other than Sonny Gordon, the Reveries’ double bassist. “When’d you get here?”
“Just now, Mr. Rollins,” they both chuckled as she gave his hand a firm shake, “How have you been?”
“Not too bad, just trying to make sure everyone’s sorted for tonight, you know?” He said gruffly to her as she nodded at him in understanding, remembering last week’s gig when their drummer, after drinking several double whiskeys two hours before the band’s set, decided to join a couple of the Phoenixes up the river without telling anyone. Sonny took a sip of his beer, his eyes briefly scanning the Bang-A-Rang to see if any of the other guys turned up before looking back at her, silently wishing for a change of subject.
“Well, give us a twirl, then!” he quipped as he took her hand and held it above her head. She threw her head back and laughed, doing a quick spin. “Going for a proper 60s mod look tonight, eh?”
“I was thinking Sabrina the Teenage Witch crossed with Carmella Soprano.” She responded.
“Yeah, no, that explains the tights. And the coat.”
The two turned back to face the bar and sip their drinks in a brief moment of silence, admiring the red backlights and assorted bottles of liquor. Checking her manicure for any chips before once again observing tonight’s Bang-A-Rang crowd, Diana piped back up. 
“Gawd, how are there so many Brawlers here already? Moonlight’s barely even set up yet.” The redhead gestured towards the sparse-looking centre stage, littered with a few amps and cords that were yet to be plugged into anything. Sonny turned back to Diana, looking scorned and a bit sheepish as he pulled a packet of Newports and a Zippo lighter out from his back pocket.
“Cop night.”
“Fark, now?” Diana whipped her head back around to him, gritting her teeth slightly, “Wasn’t that meant to be months ago?”
“‘Problems with funding’, Joel called it. As in, Matty fucked up because that puppy-eyed boy of his started freezing right up when some new copper pulled them over and a couple blokes from the state force got involved.”
“No way!”
“Yup. Had to wait for whatever legal bullshit to blow over before the Brawlers could host their little shindig,” Sonny explained as he brought a cigarette up to his lips and lit it.
“Wow, when’d all that happen? Johnson never said anything to me about all that…”
“Maybe a couple months ago?” Sonny took a drag from his cigarette. “You gotta stop hangin’ round with that one, you know.”
“You only say that because he scares you.”
“Hey, just because the man’s a doberman personified doesn’t mean I can’t criticise him otherwise.” Sonny frowned, his voice hushed. “He’s always away, Di. It’d kill ya.”
“Sound observation, Mum.” Diana joked and took the cigarette from Sonny’s fingers, flashing him a cheeky smile before bringing it up to her lips. She blew the smoke towards the front door. “What’s it to you anyway? It’s not like I got my panties all in a twist when the Les Paul guy left you behind exactly like I told you he would.”
Sonny finished his pint. “I suppose you’re right. It’s always those fucking guitarists, I tell you.”
“Ay, not Louis! He’s alright.”
“Yeah, righto. A gentleman and a scholar, Louis.” Sonny looked off somewhere behind Diana, with her eyes following his tracks to find the Reveries’ guitarist stood by the other end of the bar, toying with a pinup’s tassels and leering like nothing she had ever seen. She scoffed before the two Reveries broke out into giggles and facepalms. The fervour died down slightly. Diana let out a momentous sigh, looking off into nowhere in particular.
“Ah, fuck, I’m really gonna have to play it up for these cops tonight, huh?”
“I dunno? Just do what you usually do and then get the hell out of here.” Sonny caught the bartender’s attention, tapping his thick silver rings on the side of the pint glass with a quick ‘thanks, mate’ before getting a refill. “Unless, of course, you plan on seeing Johnson again.” His flowery emphasis on Johnson’s name earned an eye-roll from Diana before she spotted Louis once again from across the bar, gesturing for her and Sonny to come backstage. She nodded to him before grabbing her drink and turning back to Sonny.
“That’s enough from you, you East End prick. Grab your pint, from the looks of it we’re having a band meeting.”
“Yessir, Major Larrikin!” Sonny stiffened himself up like a soldier, to which the redhead scoffed at him and grabbed his arm to lead him to the back of the Bang-A-Rang.
Wafting through hordes of broad men in denim Brawlers’ jackets and tiny pinups done up to the nines, Diana held her Cosmopolitan up high and her head up higher, tossing her hair back and pulling her leopard-print fur coat further over her shoulder. She and Sonny eventually made their way through the rest of the crowd towards the back door, before Diana spotted Johnson at the Phoenix’s usual corner table, alone. His tall frame was laid out across the booth, a glass of whiskey in one hand and his usual cigarette in the other. Typically being the quiet, stoic backbone of the Phoenixes, there had been a recent shift in the tall brunette’s demeanour. Something almost imperceptible unless one knew what to look for, which Diana always did with him. 
Diana tapped Sonny on his shoulder and nodded over to Johnson with a quick ‘I’ll be there in five’, receiving an eye roll and a disgruntled ‘alright, then’ before he and Louis swung the back doors open. As they disappeared through the corridor, she smoothed her dress down and flicked some of her maroon locks back to the front of her head, turning back around and making her way towards Johnson’s table. When Johnson spotted Diana, she smiled at him sweetly before she sauntered over, retaining her confidence and usual brazenness as she sat down next to him in his booth, crossing one firetruck-red leg over the other.
“Hey there, doe eyes.”
Johnson took a slow sip of his whiskey, his eyes locked onto Diana’s with a newfound intensity. He leaned back, placing his glass down onto the table and nodding towards her, the corners of his mouth twitching up slightly.
Johnson's gaze flickered to hers, then to the floor, a slight flush creeping up his neck. He does not return her smile, nor does he comment on her overt flirtation. Instead, he dragged on his cigarette, the ember glowing as he inhaled deeply. His eyes darted back at her before his hand moved, gesturing to the chair across from him.
Diana looked back at Johnson, her expression clouded with confusion before she realised he was gesturing for her to sit across from him, not next to him. She closed her eyes and scoffed at him, clearly offended as she stood up and turned on a black heel to face him.
“The boys and I go on at 10.” Diana’s eyes shot daggers through Johnson’s. His gaze was languid, but not wholly uninterested. “Will you still be around by then?”
“Should be.” Johnson kept his cigarette pursed in between his lips as he spoke, inhaling deeply before taking it in between his fingers. “Matty’ll come around later.”
Diana hummed at his response. Her gaze was thick with bitterness and, ultimately, confusion, boring into Johnson’s unyielding expression. She let out another sigh, turning back around and making her way to the back doors, not wanting to expose herself to Johnson’s callousness again that night.
She had a show to put on, and if ignoring her second favourite vice would demonstrate her showmanship and dedication to her craft, then so be it.
By the time the clock hit 10, the Bang-A-Rang was teeming with deep blue uniforms and glittery dancers. The stench of booze and sweat clung to the hot air in the room as the Reveries took to the stage, warming up with a slow, bluesy rendition of “They Can’t Take That Away From Me”. Diana shed her leopard-print coat after the band’s first number, earning a few cheers and whistles from the crowd. Around half an hour into the set, somewhere in between “Too Darn Hot” and “I Wanna Be Loved By You”, she lowered herself down onto the edge of the stage in front of a table full of cops. Microphone in hand and four drinks deep, she slid a red polyester-clad leg right across the lap of a cop, taking his hat off the top of his head and placing it on her own before standing back up and flinging the hat over at him. As she brought herself back up onto the centre of the stage, she could’ve sworn she saw a pair of dark eyes piercing through its smokey sweat-soaked surrounds; piercing right through the singer’s sultry and impersonal demeanour. While she kept her image up for the rest of the Reveries’ set, she wondered how a man could act so cold to her and then, upon looking at her do her usual stage-act, immediately exude such intensity, such brooding… passion? Jealousy?
As she wrapped up a boisterous performance of “Blue Skies”, the band’s routine closing number, she pondered as she took her final bows with Sonny by her side. She wondered what Sonny would say to her if she told him all she had been thinking during the second half of their set. “Don’t be daft, Di.”
That’s right. Don’t be daft.
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 1 year ago
S5 Headcanons Part 2!
Also SkullAmiGorai mention hehehoohoo
Real name is Jacklyn, but they typically go by Jack
Got the ‘tism, and most definitely has ADHD
Half sharkling. Bro doesn’t have a tail, but he’s got some fins peaking out behind his back and some razor sharp teeth. Munch munch munch. Their eyes are also a little weird looking too
Shady is his cousin btw. They keep in touch sometimes but they’re not that close
Omnigender, uses he/they/bro pronouns. They started using “bro” as a neopronoun for shits and giggles at one point until it kinda just became an actual neopronoun for him because they like it
Also Omnisexual and panromantic. Why is everyone so attractive??? Despite that, he’s still somewhere on the ace spectrum. Bro has more of a “look but don’t touch” philosophy—until their first time hits and they become a little more casual about it
Tall. Scrawny as hell. Eat a sandwich, bloke
Makes the most lewd jokes out of the group. Bro even grosses Aloha out sometimes-
Mask: “I need her to bend me over the stove and spank me with a spatula-“
Very congested voice. That’s hay fever. He gets it from his father, who got it from his father, and so on
“Nice argument, unfortunately I am at your front door with a blunt object” — debating online about which character should be invited into smash bros
I know his bitch ass kins that motherfucker Sal from Sally Face
He also had to have kinned Soul from Soul Eater once
Favorite video game would have to be portal 2. He’d like the plot, the story, and bro would love Glad0s to pieces 10/10 villain, she’s a mood. They also like RPGs, plenty of which he’s download off of an itch.io knockoff
This fool STANKS. Like, bro smells like cheap cologne and 50 day old stale pizza. Take a bath
The rest of the S5 and Mask’s family have definitely tried to give him a bath before. They failed 😞 /j
Just kidding, Mask showers once for two whole days. Sometimes they’ll go for three days
Has multiple socials. Bro doesn’t post much other than some random funny videos they catch of the boys doing stupid shit and cackling at them when they get hurt in the most ridiculous ways
Is actually depressed. Bro was acting like an edgy teen back when they were 14, but as they got older they did actually start developing depression. Bro isn’t suicidal or anything, or at least they don’t actively seek to harm themselves, but bro has this kind of… Depressive symptom where they would just have a lack of care for if they like got killed all of a sudden, even almost hoping it would happen. Instead of being all mopey and sad and crying themselves to sleep at night, Mask is really just in a numb state. They just don’t care about anything. They still pull through because of all their family and friends, and bro knows that leaving those people in his life wouldn’t do any good.
Bro gained his depression from his mom suddenly passing away when he was 18. She died in a horrible car crash. They were even the first to find out because he accidentally stumbled across the scene. It wasn’t too far from where they lived. Thankfully, Mask is seeing a therapist, but he’s having trouble opening up still.
Acts like a cat. Loves to cuddle, really lazy with their movements and mannerisms, and love bites. Nibbles on your hand like a creature
Plays the chello. At first he started playing because he thought that the low pitch of the chords were edgy, lmao, but then the sound of it felt soothing and it ended up growing on him. Bro plays it whenever he’s stressed out over something or if he just needs a moment to clear his mind. It helps them think better, too. He’ll play for you if he feels like it or if you ask nicely, but he’s usually shy about it.
Crusty gamer, but they have a quite an attractive face hiding underneath. Aloha dramatically passed out when he saw Mask’s true face, like, got damn didn’t know you were so pretty
Mask doesn’t really like to take his mask off in general. At first it was so bro could look scary and intimidating when bro was younger (and because of hay fever of course), but now it’s because they value their privacy—and hay fever still. Plus, they find comfort in their anonymity. They typically keep it off when they’re at home or at a trusted friends house
Aloha’s octoling roommate, Lilith, creeped the shit of him when they first met, even though they were kinda similar in how they acted. Bro was just really off put by her gigantic size and build, and the fact that she was missing an eye and had previously been part of the Octarian army—as an army captain no less—oooh bro had the heebie jeebies! They actually ended up becoming friends after they just trauma dumped to each other one night during one of Aloha’s parties. There were tears and ugly sobs involved. Now? Don’t tell anyone, but Mask thinks she’s fine as hell (they like their women buff).
Seriously though, now Mask is practically head over heels for that woman. It’s odd because he was never the romantic type despite having some sort of interest in a lot of people, yet never really having an interest to chase for a relationship until she came along and they got used to each other… Further more so, she was someone who calmed him out of a panic attack. It’s why he never wants to admit it, because not only does he get all defensive when people bring it up due to being afraid of her finding out and potentially beating his ass over it—exaggeratingly, or just having to face the reality that she simply may not be interested in them, but bro also half believes that what he’s feeling is just a simple little crush. Besides, that “hochi mama” is a little too out of his league… or so he thinks.
Hangs out with Bobble, even though her smile used to erk him to the end of the world. He also likes hanging out with Goggles, too. The both of them treat Mask nicely and bought him a game that he really wanted for their birthday, so now Mask feels like he’s indebted to them (that’s what he says, but bro just likes hanging out with them)
They were real chill when Army came out as an inktoling—bro also came out as a sharkling at the time, too, kinda to ease the tension and be like “ain’t nothing special bro look at me.” He was also the first to find out about Army having a crush on Goggles and he tried to hook ‘em up on a few dates just for shits and giggles, and sort of to see what would happen. Bro did feel happy when they got together, feeling proud of themselves, but then they got flabbergasted when the two of them also got with Rider and Skull— “Wait, did I miss a few chapters? What the hell”
His real name is Sloan
Walking embodiment of autism. Adhd is hiding in him somewhere, too
Also gay. Unlike Rider, he’s more open about it—or chill at least
He’s a kraken squid, one of the strongest and biggest species in the inkling and octoling genuses. Being a kraken squid not only gives him more animalistic traits in the way he acts, like being territorial and prone to snapping his teeth and growling, but he also has bones. Krakens are one of the only ones, besides leviathans and some sharklings, to have bones in the cephalopod class
That being said, he’s broken an arm at one point. He mentions it every so often like it was a fever dream and people look at him alarmingly because the way he broke his arm sounds absolutely agonizing
Besides the E-liter, he also likes using the krak on splat roller every so often. They see me rolliiiiin
Likes to wear goth punk style, either that or more casual punk rock. He’s not the kind of person to overdue himself: just give him a band tea, some torn pants and some skull pant chains and he’s good to go
Gives the most bombastic side eye
He says he tone deaf when he sings, but he can actually sing pretty good. It’s really soothing, though it can also be rough depending on which style he’s in the mood for. He’s just really shy about his singing and uses it as an excuse not to sing. You gotta bully him into doing it (don’t do that tho, not nice) He can also rap pretty good, too. And he’s really good with the bass guitar and regular guitar
Has really beautiful tanned skin, because he stands out in the sun all day holding his e-liter in matches and he’s Scalican and knows Coralish (Splatoon pun of Mexican and Spanish) he’s got a bunch of tan lines, too
But what if he had a southern accent? 👀 (I WANNA BE A COWBOY BABYYYY)
He’s been wearing his skull bandana for the longest to hide his sharp ass teeth to try to avoid people from getting spooked of him. Well, the skull on his bandana didn’t really help all that much, but he actually kinda liked the style because he felt intimidating for another reason other his real teeth.
He’s naturally strong as hell and tall as a skyscraper because he’s a kraken squid, and he’s been like that since he turned 14. It’s because of that lots of people are always intimidated by him, even when he tries to prove he’s docile (Kind of a discrimination thing he’s gotta deal with everyday 😞). But deep down he’s a gentle giant. Really trustworthy man, too. He also has sharp claws; they’re very pretty
Got into a few fist fights, some double sided and… one sided, between him and some drink tampering shmucks Aloha would catch at his parties or at his parents’ bar. He’s never started a fight, but he has sure as hell finished them all
He’s kinda insecure about handling kids and hatchlings. He loves them to death, but because of his giant, intimidating feature, he knows he’d be prone to accidentally freaking younglings out. It also has to do with the fact that his hatchling cousin started crying really hard the millisecond Skull tried to hold them in his arms one time back when he was like 12; He still hasn’t gotten over it. It’s kinda ironic though, because despite his intimidating form, lots of younglings and hatchlings actually really like him right off the bat. It’s probably because he’s actually really patient and good with kids in general. He’d play with them, keep them out of trouble, and just knows what they’d need on a whim. He’s your go-to babysitter kind of guy
His favorite pastries are cannolis and paninis, his favorite cakes are cheesecakes, and his favorite candy would be all three flavors of chocolate. He had a crisis when he had to choose one team during the chocolate splatfest
Really territorial about his food. He growls if you get near him while he’s eating food, especially sweets. Not only that, but he’s even worse when he’s with a significant other. He’ll straight up snarl at you if he feels like you’re bothering them. He’d even snap his teeth like a dog at you. Leave him alone to cuddle with his boyfriens >:(
He does also growl and snarl when he senses danger, if he’s pissed off, or if he just wants to be left alone in general. He’s got a low, deep growl that can pierce your soul. It’s some freaky shit. It makes for a good warning to not cross him, cuz he will fuck you up bad.
He also purrs a lot, and LOUDLY. He loves to purr, it’s his own way of showing affection. He also likes to nibble, whether it be on your hands, neck, ear, anywhere. He’ll also play bite and it‘s so ticklish. He’s like a doggy 💜💜💜
He had a crush on Mask once, back when they played in Inkopolis Plaza, but it was mostly because bro was so affectionate with him. Mask was actually his gay awakening before he decided that he liked imagining Mask as more of a friend. Mask also made for a great wingman, anyways.
Skull fell for Goggles the same reason he fell for Mask, because he was so nice and affectionate with him—even though he flashed him to the public in the square (you had to be there). He was also intrigued by him because he admired how Goggles faced him so determinedly, even after Goggles lost against him. He was the first person who wasn’t afraid of Skull right off the bat, and that really did confuse him for a really long time
There’s also Rider; He got the feels for Rider after he faced up against Emperor, admiring Rider for his fierce determination as well as his rather noble leadership to his team, which put Skull and the rest of the S4’s abilities to shame after their embarrassing defeat… It was when he realized that did he finally begin to realize he had a type—and that he was poly. You could also say their pep talk they had before Rider faced Emperor’s team had played a part in it. They also got closer during the ranked battle championship arc.
As for Army, well, he and Army bonded when he found out Army was an inktoling. Skull kinda related to him, as he was also seen as different from other inklings in society because of his large and intimidating structure—though Army didn’t really have to face that, but he was shamed for who he was by his grandad so that was something he and Skull had somewhat in common. He was also there to comfort Army when he was going through it with his grandad getting arrested and everything. He even offered him a place to stay if he needed, even when Army assured that Goggles’ parents were happy to have him around. He’s also really grateful for the fact that Army always makes sure to be his reminder for a bunch of things and also keeps him from getting lost, and his curry is YUM YUM YUM (proof that good food makes even the bad bitches fold)
He and Aloha’s friend, Lilith started out a bit rocky, but then they grew to have a mutual trust in each other. They also ended up becoming friends after Lilith heard him singing and started singing along (they’re both shy about singing)
Weekly ink rifle meet up with Headphones and Half Rim. Eventually they started inviting N-Pacer! It’s just when they spend the day doing friend stuff, cuz theyre friends now :)
Real name is Roe
Is BRI’ISH. Heavy British accent boi; “oi my names Rida’ ”
Dude is so tone deaf. But he can keep a beat pretty well. He’s tried to play the drums at one point, but he hasn’t played in a while. He has to have his drum set hiding in his house somewhere
Socially detached. He was taken advantage by other kids a lot when he was younger, and those memories never left him. He’s also had a few issues growing up, too, especially without his dad.
His father left him and his mom before he and his siblings were even born. He doesn’t even have a good idea as to what he looks like since his mom took down every photo in the house that he was in since he left them. His mom refuses to ever mention him, and if Rider ever does she’s quick to change the subject. All he knows is that he inherited his father’s voice, and he and Platinum inherited his nose and lips. Rider never knew why he left. But truth be told, he doesn’t care no more, he’s got so many more people to worry about nowadays
Coming back to edit this part: He has a twin sister and a twin brother btw. He’s one of three triplets. His sister’s real name’s Rinet (it’s Renet but it’s just spelled differently) and his twin brother’s name is Ryan. Rinet’s nickname is Platinum while Ryan is Rockin’. Platinum wears the white inky rider and she mains the golden aerospray, while Cooler wears the Rockin’ leather jacket and mains the Golden Enperry Dualies. Rinet’s kinda an asshole but she’s a pretty fun friend to have around. Ryan is more laid back and a “go with the flow” kinda guy, but literally he doesn’t care about a lot of stuff. Rider and them all used to be on the same team until he got sick of Rinet’s shit because he thought she was such a snooty player and decided to go his own way while Rinet left with Ryan. Eventually, Rider found his own team that he has now. Every so often, if one of his teammates get sick or unavailable, Platinum will automatically fills in for them, and if not her, then it’ll be Rockin’ .
Platinum doesn’t play turf war or ranked battles that much. She’s mostly seen doing Grizzco shifts to try to help her and Rider’s mom pay the bills and get their mom closer to retirement; it’s also to save up money for college. Rockin’ and Rider wish she would quit someday, as they don’t trust Grizzco industries and their “policies” and work environment. Rider doesn’t admit it, but he worries about her a whole lot. Rockin’ does his best to keep an eye on her, mostly by tagging along with her in salmon runs as joint workers.
He’s pretty skilled with the E-Liter. He likes to stick with the no-scope; inspired by Headphones, in purpose of keeping an eye on his team.
He and Wireglasses weren’t related. They did grow up in the same neighborhood as kids, before Wireglasses moved to Splatsville with his parents. It made Rider kinda sad because they were actually good friends, one of the only real friends he ever really had before blue team. When they met again after he went to Splatsville, they gave each other a big ol hug.
His ass does NOT like Emperor. Emperor doesn’t like him either, except it’s more that he just doesn’t vibe with him, meanwhile Rider just LOATHES him to pieces. Certified hater. If they’re both in the same room, Rider will go out of his way to stand in the opposite side of the room just to be as far away from “that fancy ass whiteboy” as possible. It’s so ridiculously funny and more so when you remember that all of team blue are good friends with Emperor so it really ruffles Rider’s feathers. Emperor honestly doesn’t know why he’s like this, but only Rider remembers him from their elementary days…
He has nothing against Prince, tho. If the S4 say he’s cool, then he’s cool.
He actually somewhat cares for Prince just a little bit after hearing how Emperor used to tease him a lot as a kid so he just uses that as another reason not to like the pompous bastard.
His mom is… She’s not perfect, to say the least. Who is, though? I mean, Sheena really did struggle to cope when he boyfriend abandoned her when she fell pregnant, with triplets no less. She absolutely refuses to drown her sorrows in alcohol and drugs, I implore her for that, but she was still incredibly depressed even when her kids came into the world. She was slightly neglectful during their first few years, and her parents didn’t bother to help her with them because she left them to be with her boyfriend, but they didn’t bother regaining contact even when she was struggling. Sheena got better eventually, especially after she started gaining more friends in the neighborhood who helped co-parent. Eventually she was able to get back on her feet and become the kind of parent she wanted to be for her three kids. Since then, she became a lot more energetic and bombastic, she had that cool aunt personality while juggling around two kids at the same time. She loves her babies to death, and she thinks it’s funny to kind of embarrass them in public all the time by giving them kisses all over their faces and head and giving them right hugs. Yes, it’s embarrassing, but Platinum, Rockin’ and Rider know that life would be a lot more duller without their mother around. 💚🤍🖤 (not me indulging in motorcycle mama 😭)
His mom’s part of a biker gang, and she has the nickname Rose because she wears a pink leather jacket that she got custom made. She’s got a sweet, red Road-King in the garage. She keeps saying that she’s gonna get Rider a black Road King someday when he’s old enough. Rider honestly doubts it, but don’t underestimate his mother’s determination to keep her word.
He’s honestly in no rush, really. In fact he’s afraid of getting back on the motorcycles again. He used to ride around on the back of his mom’s motorcycle and be part of “the gang,” but he take on a hiatus after a car accident that had him fist bumping death’s hand before he ended up in the hospital for almost a week with a scar that’s never gonna leave. He hasn’t road with her since, but even he admits that he wants to get back on it someday.
He’s pretty smart with cars and with motorcycles, too. He learned it all from his mom. Why go to the car repair center when you can take it over to his house to get it checked on? Charges a fair price, too. Rockin’ and Platinum like to help out too, but they’re much more experienced in motorcycles since they both own one and take of their own.
His right eye is partially blind from where he got sanitized. He would’ve felt more insecure about it if it weren’t for his boyfriends assuring him that he’s such a handsome boy every single day since they each of them got together.
Yes, he is built like a brick house. He swings a large mass of metal around like a wiffle bat everyday out in the battlefield. What else did you expect?
He’s so easy to scare, it’s hilarious. You can come up from behind him and go “BOO!” And he’ll jump a little and just glare at you. But if he gets really scared, like if he’s in one of those haunted house attractions, hell literally shoot six feet in the air or he’ll start screaming and slowly start falling to the ground in slow motion. It’s even funnier because he’ll grab the nearest person he’s with and they’re both gonna eat shit together by falling or he’s gonna throw them over his shoulder and bull a skiddadle. No man left behind 🫡. Either that, or he’s just gonna run away so fast without saying anything; there was also this time he was playing basketball by himself in the evening and the lights suddenly went off and he SPED AWAY so fast you could hear the fear in his shoes when they squeaked. (That last part is based off a funny video I saw of a man running away when the streetlights went of). His ass does not like horror games, either
He has multiple pair of boots, and leather jackets.
He would absolutely wear the dreadlock hairstyle in Splatoon 3, he HAS too
He was very shocked to find out Army was an inktoling, but he had his full support. But NOTHING could prepare him for when he finally met Goggles’ parents and learned that theyre octolings too. He likes them a whole lot, they’re very nice to him and they became friends with his mom when they all met each other at one of Goggle and Rider’s meet-your-parents dinner date
Hey so uh sorry for those who come back every so often and find out the headcanons have changed. I should probably just make part 3’s and 4’s but I don’t feel like it.
And don’t look at me like that for also jumping on the oc x canon ship bandwagon with Mask. I just thought that they and Lilith would be silly sapphics together.
< Here’s the first part with Aloha and Army
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