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0the-ghosts0 · 1 month ago
Keegan again :3
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liffy-feelin-jiffy · 1 year ago
S5 Headcanons Part 2!
Also SkullAmiGorai mention hehehoohoo
Real name is Jacklyn, but they typically go by Jack
Got the ‘tism, and most definitely has ADHD
Half sharkling. Bro doesn’t have a tail, but he’s got some fins peaking out behind his back and some razor sharp teeth. Munch munch munch. Their eyes are also a little weird looking too
Shady is his cousin btw. They keep in touch sometimes but they’re not that close
Omnigender, uses he/they/bro pronouns. They started using “bro” as a neopronoun for shits and giggles at one point until it kinda just became an actual neopronoun for him because they like it
Also Omnisexual and panromantic. Why is everyone so attractive??? Despite that, he’s still somewhere on the ace spectrum. Bro has more of a “look but don’t touch” philosophy—until their first time hits and they become a little more casual about it
Tall. Scrawny as hell. Eat a sandwich, bloke
Makes the most lewd jokes out of the group. Bro even grosses Aloha out sometimes-
Mask: “I need her to bend me over the stove and spank me with a spatula-“
Very congested voice. That’s hay fever. He gets it from his father, who got it from his father, and so on
“Nice argument, unfortunately I am at your front door with a blunt object” — debating online about which character should be invited into smash bros
I know his bitch ass kins that motherfucker Sal from Sally Face
He also had to have kinned Soul from Soul Eater once
Favorite video game would have to be portal 2. He’d like the plot, the story, and bro would love Glad0s to pieces 10/10 villain, she’s a mood. They also like RPGs, plenty of which he’s download off of an itch.io knockoff
This fool STANKS. Like, bro smells like cheap cologne and 50 day old stale pizza. Take a bath
The rest of the S5 and Mask’s family have definitely tried to give him a bath before. They failed 😞 /j
Just kidding, Mask showers once for two whole days. Sometimes they’ll go for three days
Has multiple socials. Bro doesn’t post much other than some random funny videos they catch of the boys doing stupid shit and cackling at them when they get hurt in the most ridiculous ways
Is actually depressed. Bro was acting like an edgy teen back when they were 14, but as they got older they did actually start developing depression. Bro isn’t suicidal or anything, or at least they don’t actively seek to harm themselves, but bro has this kind of… Depressive symptom where they would just have a lack of care for if they like got killed all of a sudden, even almost hoping it would happen. Instead of being all mopey and sad and crying themselves to sleep at night, Mask is really just in a numb state. They just don’t care about anything. They still pull through because of all their family and friends, and bro knows that leaving those people in his life wouldn’t do any good.
Bro gained his depression from his mom suddenly passing away when he was 18. She died in a horrible car crash. They were even the first to find out because he accidentally stumbled across the scene. It wasn’t too far from where they lived. Thankfully, Mask is seeing a therapist, but he’s having trouble opening up still.
Acts like a cat. Loves to cuddle, really lazy with their movements and mannerisms, and love bites. Nibbles on your hand like a creature
Plays the chello. At first he started playing because he thought that the low pitch of the chords were edgy, lmao, but then the sound of it felt soothing and it ended up growing on him. Bro plays it whenever he’s stressed out over something or if he just needs a moment to clear his mind. It helps them think better, too. He’ll play for you if he feels like it or if you ask nicely, but he’s usually shy about it.
Crusty gamer, but they have a quite an attractive face hiding underneath. Aloha dramatically passed out when he saw Mask’s true face, like, got damn didn’t know you were so pretty
Mask doesn’t really like to take his mask off in general. At first it was so bro could look scary and intimidating when bro was younger (and because of hay fever of course), but now it’s because they value their privacy—and hay fever still. Plus, they find comfort in their anonymity. They typically keep it off when they’re at home or at a trusted friends house
Aloha’s octoling roommate, Lilith, creeped the shit of him when they first met, even though they were kinda similar in how they acted. Bro was just really off put by her gigantic size and build, and the fact that she was missing an eye and had previously been part of the Octarian army—as an army captain no less—oooh bro had the heebie jeebies! They actually ended up becoming friends after they just trauma dumped to each other one night during one of Aloha’s parties. There were tears and ugly sobs involved. Now? Don’t tell anyone, but Mask thinks she’s fine as hell (they like their women buff).
Seriously though, now Mask is practically head over heels for that woman. It’s odd because he was never the romantic type despite having some sort of interest in a lot of people, yet never really having an interest to chase for a relationship until she came along and they got used to each other… Further more so, she was someone who calmed him out of a panic attack. It’s why he never wants to admit it, because not only does he get all defensive when people bring it up due to being afraid of her finding out and potentially beating his ass over it—exaggeratingly, or just having to face the reality that she simply may not be interested in them, but bro also half believes that what he’s feeling is just a simple little crush. Besides, that “hochi mama” is a little too out of his league… or so he thinks.
Hangs out with Bobble, even though her smile used to erk him to the end of the world. He also likes hanging out with Goggles, too. The both of them treat Mask nicely and bought him a game that he really wanted for their birthday, so now Mask feels like he’s indebted to them (that’s what he says, but bro just likes hanging out with them)
They were real chill when Army came out as an inktoling—bro also came out as a sharkling at the time, too, kinda to ease the tension and be like “ain’t nothing special bro look at me.” He was also the first to find out about Army having a crush on Goggles and he tried to hook ��em up on a few dates just for shits and giggles, and sort of to see what would happen. Bro did feel happy when they got together, feeling proud of themselves, but then they got flabbergasted when the two of them also got with Rider and Skull— “Wait, did I miss a few chapters? What the hell”
His real name is Sloan
Walking embodiment of autism. Adhd is hiding in him somewhere, too
Also gay. Unlike Rider, he’s more open about it—or chill at least
He’s a kraken squid, one of the strongest and biggest species in the inkling and octoling genuses. Being a kraken squid not only gives him more animalistic traits in the way he acts, like being territorial and prone to snapping his teeth and growling, but he also has bones. Krakens are one of the only ones, besides leviathans and some sharklings, to have bones in the cephalopod class
That being said, he’s broken an arm at one point. He mentions it every so often like it was a fever dream and people look at him alarmingly because the way he broke his arm sounds absolutely agonizing
Besides the E-liter, he also likes using the krak on splat roller every so often. They see me rolliiiiin
Likes to wear goth punk style, either that or more casual punk rock. He’s not the kind of person to overdue himself: just give him a band tea, some torn pants and some skull pant chains and he’s good to go
Gives the most bombastic side eye
He says he tone deaf when he sings, but he can actually sing pretty good. It’s really soothing, though it can also be rough depending on which style he’s in the mood for. He’s just really shy about his singing and uses it as an excuse not to sing. You gotta bully him into doing it (don’t do that tho, not nice) He can also rap pretty good, too. And he’s really good with the bass guitar and regular guitar
Has really beautiful tanned skin, because he stands out in the sun all day holding his e-liter in matches and he’s Scalican and knows Coralish (Splatoon pun of Mexican and Spanish) he’s got a bunch of tan lines, too
But what if he had a southern accent? 👀 (I WANNA BE A COWBOY BABYYYY)
He’s been wearing his skull bandana for the longest to hide his sharp ass teeth to try to avoid people from getting spooked of him. Well, the skull on his bandana didn’t really help all that much, but he actually kinda liked the style because he felt intimidating for another reason other his real teeth.
He’s naturally strong as hell and tall as a skyscraper because he’s a kraken squid, and he’s been like that since he turned 14. It’s because of that lots of people are always intimidated by him, even when he tries to prove he’s docile (Kind of a discrimination thing he’s gotta deal with everyday 😞). But deep down he’s a gentle giant. Really trustworthy man, too. He also has sharp claws; they’re very pretty
Got into a few fist fights, some double sided and… one sided, between him and some drink tampering shmucks Aloha would catch at his parties or at his parents’ bar. He’s never started a fight, but he has sure as hell finished them all
He’s kinda insecure about handling kids and hatchlings. He loves them to death, but because of his giant, intimidating feature, he knows he’d be prone to accidentally freaking younglings out. It also has to do with the fact that his hatchling cousin started crying really hard the millisecond Skull tried to hold them in his arms one time back when he was like 12; He still hasn’t gotten over it. It’s kinda ironic though, because despite his intimidating form, lots of younglings and hatchlings actually really like him right off the bat. It’s probably because he’s actually really patient and good with kids in general. He’d play with them, keep them out of trouble, and just knows what they’d need on a whim. He’s your go-to babysitter kind of guy
His favorite pastries are cannolis and paninis, his favorite cakes are cheesecakes, and his favorite candy would be all three flavors of chocolate. He had a crisis when he had to choose one team during the chocolate splatfest
Really territorial about his food. He growls if you get near him while he’s eating food, especially sweets. Not only that, but he’s even worse when he’s with a significant other. He’ll straight up snarl at you if he feels like you’re bothering them. He’d even snap his teeth like a dog at you. Leave him alone to cuddle with his boyfriens >:(
He does also growl and snarl when he senses danger, if he’s pissed off, or if he just wants to be left alone in general. He’s got a low, deep growl that can pierce your soul. It’s some freaky shit. It makes for a good warning to not cross him, cuz he will fuck you up bad.
He also purrs a lot, and LOUDLY. He loves to purr, it’s his own way of showing affection. He also likes to nibble, whether it be on your hands, neck, ear, anywhere. He’ll also play bite and it‘s so ticklish. He’s like a doggy 💜💜💜
He had a crush on Mask once, back when they played in Inkopolis Plaza, but it was mostly because bro was so affectionate with him. Mask was actually his gay awakening before he decided that he liked imagining Mask as more of a friend. Mask also made for a great wingman, anyways.
Skull fell for Goggles the same reason he fell for Mask, because he was so nice and affectionate with him—even though he flashed him to the public in the square (you had to be there). He was also intrigued by him because he admired how Goggles faced him so determinedly, even after Goggles lost against him. He was the first person who wasn’t afraid of Skull right off the bat, and that really did confuse him for a really long time
There’s also Rider; He got the feels for Rider after he faced up against Emperor, admiring Rider for his fierce determination as well as his rather noble leadership to his team, which put Skull and the rest of the S4’s abilities to shame after their embarrassing defeat… It was when he realized that did he finally begin to realize he had a type—and that he was poly. You could also say their pep talk they had before Rider faced Emperor’s team had played a part in it. They also got closer during the ranked battle championship arc.
As for Army, well, he and Army bonded when he found out Army was an inktoling. Skull kinda related to him, as he was also seen as different from other inklings in society because of his large and intimidating structure—though Army didn’t really have to face that, but he was shamed for who he was by his grandad so that was something he and Skull had somewhat in common. He was also there to comfort Army when he was going through it with his grandad getting arrested and everything. He even offered him a place to stay if he needed, even when Army assured that Goggles’ parents were happy to have him around. He’s also really grateful for the fact that Army always makes sure to be his reminder for a bunch of things and also keeps him from getting lost, and his curry is YUM YUM YUM (proof that good food makes even the bad bitches fold)
He and Aloha’s friend, Lilith started out a bit rocky, but then they grew to have a mutual trust in each other. They also ended up becoming friends after Lilith heard him singing and started singing along (they’re both shy about singing)
Weekly ink rifle meet up with Headphones and Half Rim. Eventually they started inviting N-Pacer! It’s just when they spend the day doing friend stuff, cuz theyre friends now :)
Real name is Roe
Is BRI’ISH. Heavy British accent boi; “oi my names Rida’ ”
Dude is so tone deaf. But he can keep a beat pretty well. He’s tried to play the drums at one point, but he hasn’t played in a while. He has to have his drum set hiding in his house somewhere
Socially detached. He was taken advantage by other kids a lot when he was younger, and those memories never left him. He’s also had a few issues growing up, too, especially without his dad.
His father left him and his mom before he and his siblings were even born. He doesn’t even have a good idea as to what he looks like since his mom took down every photo in the house that he was in since he left them. His mom refuses to ever mention him, and if Rider ever does she’s quick to change the subject. All he knows is that he inherited his father’s voice, and he and Platinum inherited his nose and lips. Rider never knew why he left. But truth be told, he doesn’t care no more, he’s got so many more people to worry about nowadays
Coming back to edit this part: He has a twin sister and a twin brother btw. He’s one of three triplets. His sister’s real name’s Rinet (it’s Renet but it’s just spelled differently) and his twin brother’s name is Ryan. Rinet’s nickname is Platinum while Ryan is Rockin’. Platinum wears the white inky rider and she mains the golden aerospray, while Cooler wears the Rockin’ leather jacket and mains the Golden Enperry Dualies. Rinet’s kinda an asshole but she’s a pretty fun friend to have around. Ryan is more laid back and a “go with the flow” kinda guy, but literally he doesn’t care about a lot of stuff. Rider and them all used to be on the same team until he got sick of Rinet’s shit because he thought she was such a snooty player and decided to go his own way while Rinet left with Ryan. Eventually, Rider found his own team that he has now. Every so often, if one of his teammates get sick or unavailable, Platinum will automatically fills in for them, and if not her, then it’ll be Rockin’ .
Platinum doesn’t play turf war or ranked battles that much. She’s mostly seen doing Grizzco shifts to try to help her and Rider’s mom pay the bills and get their mom closer to retirement; it’s also to save up money for college. Rockin’ and Rider wish she would quit someday, as they don’t trust Grizzco industries and their “policies” and work environment. Rider doesn’t admit it, but he worries about her a whole lot. Rockin’ does his best to keep an eye on her, mostly by tagging along with her in salmon runs as joint workers.
He’s pretty skilled with the E-Liter. He likes to stick with the no-scope; inspired by Headphones, in purpose of keeping an eye on his team.
He and Wireglasses weren’t related. They did grow up in the same neighborhood as kids, before Wireglasses moved to Splatsville with his parents. It made Rider kinda sad because they were actually good friends, one of the only real friends he ever really had before blue team. When they met again after he went to Splatsville, they gave each other a big ol hug.
His ass does NOT like Emperor. Emperor doesn’t like him either, except it’s more that he just doesn’t vibe with him, meanwhile Rider just LOATHES him to pieces. Certified hater. If they’re both in the same room, Rider will go out of his way to stand in the opposite side of the room just to be as far away from “that fancy ass whiteboy” as possible. It’s so ridiculously funny and more so when you remember that all of team blue are good friends with Emperor so it really ruffles Rider’s feathers. Emperor honestly doesn’t know why he’s like this, but only Rider remembers him from their elementary days…
He has nothing against Prince, tho. If the S4 say he’s cool, then he’s cool.
He actually somewhat cares for Prince just a little bit after hearing how Emperor used to tease him a lot as a kid so he just uses that as another reason not to like the pompous bastard.
His mom is… She’s not perfect, to say the least. Who is, though? I mean, Sheena really did struggle to cope when he boyfriend abandoned her when she fell pregnant, with triplets no less. She absolutely refuses to drown her sorrows in alcohol and drugs, I implore her for that, but she was still incredibly depressed even when her kids came into the world. She was slightly neglectful during their first few years, and her parents didn’t bother to help her with them because she left them to be with her boyfriend, but they didn’t bother regaining contact even when she was struggling. Sheena got better eventually, especially after she started gaining more friends in the neighborhood who helped co-parent. Eventually she was able to get back on her feet and become the kind of parent she wanted to be for her three kids. Since then, she became a lot more energetic and bombastic, she had that cool aunt personality while juggling around two kids at the same time. She loves her babies to death, and she thinks it’s funny to kind of embarrass them in public all the time by giving them kisses all over their faces and head and giving them right hugs. Yes, it’s embarrassing, but Platinum, Rockin’ and Rider know that life would be a lot more duller without their mother around. 💚🤍🖤 (not me indulging in motorcycle mama 😭)
His mom’s part of a biker gang, and she has the nickname Rose because she wears a pink leather jacket that she got custom made. She’s got a sweet, red Road-King in the garage. She keeps saying that she’s gonna get Rider a black Road King someday when he’s old enough. Rider honestly doubts it, but don’t underestimate his mother’s determination to keep her word.
He’s honestly in no rush, really. In fact he’s afraid of getting back on the motorcycles again. He used to ride around on the back of his mom’s motorcycle and be part of “the gang,” but he take on a hiatus after a car accident that had him fist bumping death’s hand before he ended up in the hospital for almost a week with a scar that’s never gonna leave. He hasn’t road with her since, but even he admits that he wants to get back on it someday.
He’s pretty smart with cars and with motorcycles, too. He learned it all from his mom. Why go to the car repair center when you can take it over to his house to get it checked on? Charges a fair price, too. Rockin’ and Platinum like to help out too, but they’re much more experienced in motorcycles since they both own one and take of their own.
His right eye is partially blind from where he got sanitized. He would’ve felt more insecure about it if it weren’t for his boyfriends assuring him that he’s such a handsome boy every single day since they each of them got together.
Yes, he is built like a brick house. He swings a large mass of metal around like a wiffle bat everyday out in the battlefield. What else did you expect?
He’s so easy to scare, it’s hilarious. You can come up from behind him and go “BOO!” And he’ll jump a little and just glare at you. But if he gets really scared, like if he’s in one of those haunted house attractions, hell literally shoot six feet in the air or he’ll start screaming and slowly start falling to the ground in slow motion. It’s even funnier because he’ll grab the nearest person he’s with and they’re both gonna eat shit together by falling or he’s gonna throw them over his shoulder and bull a skiddadle. No man left behind 🫡. Either that, or he’s just gonna run away so fast without saying anything; there was also this time he was playing basketball by himself in the evening and the lights suddenly went off and he SPED AWAY so fast you could hear the fear in his shoes when they squeaked. (That last part is based off a funny video I saw of a man running away when the streetlights went of). His ass does not like horror games, either
He has multiple pair of boots, and leather jackets.
He would absolutely wear the dreadlock hairstyle in Splatoon 3, he HAS too
He was very shocked to find out Army was an inktoling, but he had his full support. But NOTHING could prepare him for when he finally met Goggles’ parents and learned that theyre octolings too. He likes them a whole lot, they’re very nice to him and they became friends with his mom when they all met each other at one of Goggle and Rider’s meet-your-parents dinner date
Hey so uh sorry for those who come back every so often and find out the headcanons have changed. I should probably just make part 3’s and 4’s but I don’t feel like it.
And don’t look at me like that for also jumping on the oc x canon ship bandwagon with Mask. I just thought that they and Lilith would be silly sapphics together.
< Here’s the first part with Aloha and Army
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faeking-thorns-artblog · 5 months ago
Halloween mask i modified to be my fursona.
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I'm so proud of this !
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1-aussiedollar · 2 years ago
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atelolucid · 6 months ago
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Dancing under a red sky
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ericstrother · 2 years ago
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“What will you be wearing on casual Friday? It could be a deer skull mask.” Brought to you by the council for animal skull masks.
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messias2049br · 1 year ago
Nice tattoo ✔️💀😘
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wanderrealms · 2 years ago
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I keep finding cool stuff
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solosolace · 6 months ago
Fox bee Redesign
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wanted to draw something with fairy wings, remembered this guy i made a while back and thought 'i haven't made any art of him in a while' so ta-da
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thecoldcoffees · 8 months ago
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▶• ılıılıılıılıılıılı. 6:66
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ineedyoutostaybaby · 8 months ago
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zoey skullmask ♨️
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imhappyforyou · 8 months ago
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myownuniversech · 9 months ago
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ericstrother · 2 years ago
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Really enjoyed the photos I got of the deer skull mask I took back in the first year I moved to Santa Fe
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pacificartstore · 1 year ago
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annabijouterie · 1 year ago
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