#yoshikage kira headcanons
passioneflora · 2 years
curious about kira’s stance on nailbiters
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jojostylesposts · 3 months
Yoshikage Kira hcs ≽^•༚• ྀི≼
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- well obvious hand obsession?!
- Manicures are a 100% on him. He will treat you like a princess to mantain those gorgeous hands of yours fresh and soft 24/7
- From expensive creams to spas
- Rings rings rings
- Expect lots of rings as gifts
- Expensive rings and expesive bracelets but those wont be the only things wrapped around your tiny little hands…just saying
- Would deff choose your nail color since he likes basic pearly glazed nails… his personal preference
- He imagines those hands of yours, soft long silky fingers wrapped around his…
- You would be in his head while he’s at work…naughty thoughts for sure
- Daily hand massages just for you
- Would do daily house tasks just so you don’t damage your precious hands
- Mans a man of routine and private by nature
- He’s quite secretive about his true identity and activities but won’t hurt you…unless you fuck up?? He’s still a villan..just saying
- Thinks about you all the time…in a more obssessive way I would say
- Kira’s quite straight foward and can sound bit harsh sometimes
- Mostly vanilla in bed since he prioritizes organization and presicion, but it can vary if you act like a brat enough and challenge him just to push him out of his comfort zone
- Very controlling for sure since he’s so obssessed with presicion
- Lunch dates together after work is part of the routine
- His kisses are soft, reserved and calculated
- Would suck and lick your fingers during sexy time for sureeee
- Oh, and add a littleslap too that will drive him crazy
- Again, please push him out of his comfort zone if you’re risky enough (who knows how he will act)
- Pull him by the tie and see what happens… spice it up
- Challenging him and pushing him may lead to a rougher side of him
- Definetly loves when you tie his tie just to observe how your fingers twist and fold the fabric
- Quite a narcissist. He may prioritize himself in bed and his desires mostly
- Overall, he would be very attentative towards you, since you are his new obsession, definetly an experience
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conellu · 1 year
Sleeping Together (literally) Headcanons
Vinegar Doppio/Reader
Kira Yoshikage/Reader
Rohan Kishibe/Reader
Sleeping headcanons for doppio, kira, and rohan. Nothing sexual, no pronouns for reader, Diavolo mentioned once for Doppio, no killing mention for Kira, and Rohan isn’t as much of a dickhead as he could be
also posted on my AO3
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-human space heater, so much so that you have to sleep in the least amount of clothes possible -he will cuddle you and you cannot escape this -when he comes home late he wraps as much of his body as he can around you -sweats A LOT if he has blankets on -nightmares?  you bet.  please hold him. -will nuzzle his nose into your neck and place small kisses there -if you’re both going to sleep at the same time (which is rare), he wants to lay face to face and stroke your face gently -never there in the morning, sometimes leaves you lil notes with doodles, sometimes leaves you a voicemail, all depends on how urgent Boss is -needs to have white noise on at the very least, prefers to have soft music playing though -snores often, not very loudly
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-dude is a fucking rock when he’s sleeping -doesn’t move, doesn’t snore (unless he’s sick) -will not go to sleep cuddling you but does not put up a fight if you curl up on his side (please do this, he enjoys the closeness secretly, especially if you snuggle up near him like a cat) -often goes to bed at the same time as you, very rarely do you not fall asleep together -you guys also wake up together, no extra cuddle time sorry -if you’re sick and have to stay in bed, he writes out a quick note and places it on the nightstand along with water and medicine -prefers little to no sound at night, white noise is the most he wants -will have Killer Queen curl up near you if he’s busy in another room and you’re already laying down -doesn’t mind small kisses before bed
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-very rarely does he fall asleep at the same time as you, your sleep schedules (do not fight him on this, he will make you go to bed) -does cuddle you, arm around your waist and as close to you as possible -does not move after he falls asleep, poor boy is too exhausted -if you move he rolls over and that’s about it, feel free to be his big spoon when you return (he loves this) -is cold, please do not steal his blankets -do not mention the cuddles outside of the bedroom, he will deny it or say that you make him -does snore, sometimes loudly -does not care if there’s noise or not, when he’s falling asleep he’s falling sleep -would prefer if you guys were on the same sleep schedule but he’s aware that’s just not possible
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soupbabe · 6 months
Yoshikage Kira with a Shy! Child! Reader Headcanons
Anon asked: Hello!! I stumbled across your blog and I hope it's chill to request something with Yoshikage Kira and child!reader? Possibly Hayato's younger quiet sibling! At first they were scared and looked like they were 'suspicious' of him but it didn't take long for them to be extremely attached to him- they would only talk to him, follow him around a lot, hold onto him, etc etc! idk the thought of this menace being a dad.. sounds oddly nice ;u; I hope this is okay!!
It's okay!! Tbh a lot of my Kira stuff in my Masterlist is dad! Kira 😅😅 honestly I'm surprised I haven't written this before.
- Upon meeting you, Yoshikage would think you were kind of odd, but easily brushed you off.
- You were young, single digits, he didn't waste his time fretting over you as he did Hayato.
- Even if you did stick to your older brother's side all the time, Kira knew you were too young to fully grasp his theories
- But the bond between you and your "dad" grew during Kira's first few days of being Kosaku
- You noticed your dad being more outwardly affectionate, packing lunches, and sending you and Hayato off with a friendly goodbye
- It felt suspicious at first, you'd talk to Hayato about it every now n then, but it was hard to turn away from how nice your dad was being
- It was a pleasant change, and eventually you'd find yourself opening up to Kira.
- Every "what did you do at school today" was met with an actual response instead of a shrug, Kira and Shinobu would notice you smiling more
- Who knew that paying more attention to your kid could get them to come out of their shell 🤷
- While Yoshikage wanted and expected himself to be a better husband and father, he didn't expect his niceties to be reciprocated so quickly
- At first, he was annoyed. If he needed to go out and suppress his urges, he didn't want a kid hugging his leg and sobbing every time he left
- Give it a week and you'll get him to crack.
- He'll squeeze in extra time in his tight schedule to walk you to school and he'll pack you sweet notes in your lunch
- He still doesn't fully accept the idea that he loves you as if you were his kid, he thinks he came around to your "usefulness" to him. What's more normal than a dad that cares about his kid?
- Not to mention you report back to Hayato with nothing but good and normal things about him. Having you around eases suspension at all angles
- But y'know.. if he heard you were getting bullied he would kill for you. No doubt about it.
- Kira can't help but be that proud dad who's passive aggressively showing you off. He'd sign up for any school conferences just to brag about you
- He'd laugh at you hiding behind him or covering up his face, but he'll play it off and say that he's glad his child is so humble
- You being shy and silent didn't bother Yoshikage as much as it bothered Shinobu.
- He was a quiet kid too, and as long as you're keeping out of trouble, he doesn't see a problem with it
- In fact, he prefers it. He's happy he stole the identity of a man with two children that aren't over the top ankle biters, having you around gets him closer to the quiet life he's always dreamed of!
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What WOULD'VE happen if its the jofoes who saw a kid up skirting reader aka their darling?
I know they're villains and is very much cruel, but they wouldn't kill a child...right? (1-8, since the jofoes in P-9 haven't been revealed yet.)
Hmmm I could see a couple of instances of that happening, sadly (but I mean they are villains, but some are more restrained than others, perhaps more for image than anything)
Yandere! Part 1 (Pre Vampire) Dio - I could see this going with him yanking the brats hair and shoving them to the ground. It’s fairly easy for him to maintain his positive status to outsiders, so he could have something happen to them later (but I’d consider this the best outcome for that kid).
Yandere! Post Vampire Dio
Big chance this kid may die by being manipulated by Dio himself, he might decide to turn them/zombify them by apologizing and groveling (chance they could attack their own family). There’s also a chance the kid could just flat out be devoured by the other zombies, the blond wouldn’t even flinch at that. If he’s sorely out of patience he might kill/maim them himself, but it never would come to that. Keep in mind Dio was the type to turn a mother into a vampire and she ended up eating her own child.
Yandere! Kars
Absolutely no cares given about slaughtering a child, not even joking here. He only cares about you, not some slimy brat that decided to pull some nonsense on you. He’d probably lick you clean of the blood afterwards as well. No matter how mad or upset you got, would not make him anymore remorseful for the dead body strewn on the ground.
Yandere! Part 3 DIO
You’d more than likely be held captive in the mansion he’s in, within Egypt so this happening is unlikely. But in the unlikely event something like this happens, he’ll state how brazenly stupid such a move was. Unless he can use the kid in someway, he really doesn’t care what happens to them. So he might “punish” the kid as he sees it fit or have a stand user take care of them.
Yandere! Yoshikage Kira
As long as this kid didn’t see his rather “unusual” indulgences in the past, he doesn’t see a need to murder them right there, though I could see him consider it internally, where the kid wouldn’t be seen. He’s absolutely miffed however, and does grab their hand in a painful way though. Gives them the nastiest glare and reprimand there is, and the kid probably runs off heavily unsettled.
Yandere! Diavolo
Doppio is likely the one to take care of this of course, not that Diavolo he himself isn’t miffed. This probably just makes him consider to keep you locked away somewhere permanently. (This probably happens shortly after this little thing). Doppio makes sure to get it through this kids head, with the harshest grip known to man, that you don’t go doing that to anyone. Let alone anyone he or his boss likes.
Yandere! Enrico Pucci
His reaction is interesting, he is irritated perhaps even a bit visibly by this child’s behavior. He can’t let this kid get away with deciding to upskirt his darling either. He also is a priest image wise, so he has that to consider when punishing this adolescent person. He still has a firm grip on them and decides to take them aside and talk. He’ll face away from you while doing so, and moments later the kid is suddenly apologizing. You can’t tell if Pucci has an uncanny knack for speaking with people or if it’s something else. (It’s likely both).
Yandere! Funny Valentine
He’ll stop this kid almost immediately and there’s a sound of a smack to the back of the head. A stern look and a small speech about respect, Funny Valentine somehow manages to make the kid shame with those words. He wouldn’t let the kid run either and would personally escort them back home to their parents. As busy as he is as a president something childish like that won’t be overlooked by him. There’s a brief dark look in his eye, he can pull the strings to make things happen, he just doesn’t feel the need to expend them here. He does ask you to follow him closer for now on, (maybe an extra guard but he finds it more efficient to be the one to protect you)
Yandere! Toru
He certainly doesn’t appreciate it, and somehow they end up tripping or have some little mishap happen. Yet there’s a bit of a hum in his voice when he tells them he shouldn’t be doing such a thing to people. Any anger or frustration that gets thrown off at Toru, he nonchalantly brushes off. Suggesting the kid apologize, and nothing more will come of it. But there is a stern veiled threat in there somewhere that makes the kid decide to walk off.
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yoshhii · 9 months
some yandere vampire kira hcs
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vampire!kira who became completely and obsessively fascinated with you from the moment he laid his eyes on you (and your hands). your mere presence would consume his thoughts.
vampire!kira who would meticulously observe every detail of your life, learning your daily routine, favorite places, and even your friends and family, all from the shadows.
vampire!kira who would take his role as your “protector” to an extreme level, eliminating anyone he perceives as a threat to you, even if they're innocent.
vampire!kira who will leave anonymous love letters or cryptic messages, to let you know that you’re always on his mind.
vampire!kira who would go to great lengths to steal moments alone with you, often showing up unexpectedly or using his stand, killer queen, to create opportunities.
vampire!kira would maintain a calm, collected facade around you, but his inner yandere nature would emerge when he believes someone is trying to take you away.
vampire!kira would leave presents, sometimes with dangerous surprises, as symbols of his affection, hoping to see your reaction to his "thoughtfulness."
vampire!kira who would use his charisma and charm to manipulate those around the you, ensuring that you stay isolated and dependent on him.
vampire!kira who doesn’t like any attention you give to others, whether intentional or not, would trigger intense jealousy and potentially violent outbursts from him.
vampire!kira who doesn’t want to hurt you, so he goes and kills other women to drink their blood instead.
vampire!kira who might see you as the key to eternal life, aiming to turn you into a vampire so you can be together forever, in his twisted view of "forever love."
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mrmillipede · 5 months
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Maybe you should leave.
AAAAAAUGHAGAGHHHH throws my Kira analog horror drawing at you and scuttles back under my rock
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scared-crow229 · 7 months
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Hey, I drew Kira8 in Burmese 80' clothing.
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unhappytimeleaper · 10 months
This is part of my just random blurbs I post on the servers I’m on but no one understands so I’m forcing it on all of you.
Truly unedited thoughts. Gender neutral reader; no age is mentioned but the idea is reader is around Kei age.
This blog is 17+ please have your age in your bio or tagged; any ageless blog and below the age asked for will be blocked at the end of the week.
No warnings outside of yes, it is vague but it is still yandere and possible spoilers for part 8 of Jojo
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Kira himself was weird. At least hard to deal with, his narcissistic nature and OCD being one side that you could manage, within small doses, but the other being his naturally cold demeanor made it much harder. Somehow, you did manage to keep some form of a friendship. It was always hard when you would bring things up, and he would brush it off or tell you to just cut them out. You had him; why waste your time with others. Correction, you occasionally had him; you knew he was fond of his own personal time and interests, plus sometimes you just need a break from his personality. Sure, it made him a little more grumpy when you called this out, but amends usually were made quickly, and you'd fall back into your routine with each other. In his own weird way, Kira knew she was more fond of you than pretty much any other person outside of his family, even if it was hard to tell. Something you probably only ever learn from his sister after his disappearance.
Josefumi always felt abandoned and left out less you were around. You checked in on him in conversations, invited him to plans, walked alongside him, and overall did your best to consistently remind him that he had value. Was it wrong for him to be sort of selfish when it came to you and how much you seem to want to be with him? It meant something special to have you around, even if only as a friend, and it wasn't like with Sakunami. Josefumi was, after all, who you always turned to as a close friend when Kira and you were doing your own thing. Although his brutally violence fighting was something you shouldn't forget, or could really as the aftermath of some of them had been burned into your mind, he overall was a kind and caring young man you admired a lot and took pride in being friends with. It wasn't hard to see his crush, a very apparent one, but nothing could ever come from it as soon as he up and vanished.
Enter Josuke, or Gappy, nicknamed by his two front teeth. An odd fellow who appeared from nowhere with what seemed no memories. Not to say he wasn't smart, but he lacked a sense of self and the world around him. And despite this. Not knowing who he is, who anyone is really, he notes there is something strange about you. Not in a bad way, but like your fates are connected. That he cares for you even if he doesn't remember who you are. And despite everything, those feelings from both Kira and Josefumi only seem to be brought more and more to the front as you spend time. There is no memory of who you were to them; they are all separate people after all, but the care he has seems deeply burned into his soul. Something he doesn't want to lose, no matter what it takes.
You knew this wasn't them even as you learn and piece together this was the two friends you had lost. Gappy was someone new, and you couldn't push the life you had in the past with "them" onto him. It crushes you to be around him at times, you admit to yourself. The loss of both Kira and Josefumi was devastating; after all, even with the troubling nature they both could have, you did care for them as friends. And Gappy himself wasn't bad; he had many good traits and was fun to be around, but it's not like he could fill the hole in your heart. But even with the distance you tried to put in, acknowledging to him it's nothing he did or didn't do, you just needed space. Time. One day, maybe things would heal more, and you'd be able to truly befriend the new boy.
Distance isn't possible, though; the feelings of Kira and Josefumi, even without memories of who they are, are ingrained in a way he can't understand or explain. Like an invisible string connecting those they held dear to each of his fingers, he can't see what makes them special; he just feels it to his core. And he can't let it slip away, let you slip away when you hold the secrets to his past and to the weird drumming of his heart. Please, just stay a little longer? His drive is relentless, and while he can play cute to keep you around if what it takes, he does have other means he'd be willing to try if you keep pushing him away.
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Yandere Yoshikage Kira headcanon
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Kira is a stright, possessive and worshipping simp yandere.
He just wanted a peaceful life.
But then he saw you…
Or actually he saw your hand.
They were something really beautiful.
The reaction was the same as when he saw the Mona Lisa for the first time.
At first, Kira was just thinking of murdering you and stealing your hand.
But something stopped him.
It was a really strange feeling.
At first Kira thought it was because he didn't want your hands to rot.
They were so beautiful.
So the second best option is to kidnap you and make sure no one knows his secret.
This makes it easier for him to sleep peacefully at night.
Kira has certain rules that he expects you to follow.
If you don't he will be really angry.
And as time passes, Kira will fall in love with you as a person as well.
Which is even worse.
Escape is impossible.
He is not afraid to hurt you when necessary.
Good luck living with him.
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JJBA Villain House:What Languages Do They Speak?
During their time,they picked up a lot of languages.
Dio:English,Arabic and Italian.He can speak some Japanese so that he can speak to Kira.
Kars:He can speak and understand all languages.
Kira:Japanese,some English and he’s trying to learn Italian to speak to Diavolo (and to figure out what Dio says about him in Italian)
Diavolo:Italian,some Spanish and some English.He tried learning Japanese but couldn’t be bothered.
Doppio:Italian,English and Japanese.He WAS bothered to learn it.
Pucci:English,Japanese,Italian and he wants to expand his knowledge.
Valentine:English.He’s a devote American and thinks it’s superior.
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yuritord · 1 year
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god i love him so much <3 my beloved
warning for mentions of breeding kinks!
he 100% expects you to be a stay at home spouse.
he doesn’t want to mess up his schedule and routine by having to worry about if you’ll be home for dinner or not!
he tries to hide his… odd. habits from you
he still goes out of his way to pamper you and your hands
nail polish, lotions, manicure sets- he makes sure you’re stocked.
he loves you. so much.
absolutely the jealous type
if you want kids, he’s.. surprisingly excited?
he’ll tell you directly how bad he wants you to carry his children
he gets a bit.. extra. about it
he even takes time off work to care for you!
actually, if you’re even the smallest bit sick, he’ll stay home from work.
he always needs to make sure you’re doing okay, even though he loves your hands he likes it a bit more when there’s a living body attached to them instead of. nothing
he goes BALLS to the WALLS for holidays
he gets you the most expensive gifts, no matter how many times you tell him it’s unnecessary
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rzyraffek · 11 months
I recently started JJBA and I'm finishing Part 2 soon, but I literally fell in love with Baron Zeppeli from Part 1 and I was wondering if you could write some relationship/dating headcanons for him? I understand if you don't feel comfortable writing for him though since he's a bit older but decided to ask anyway <3
GUYS I DIDNT i didnt die yet i just had eee eee eee break from writing? I guess
ANYWAYS I am back and I give another jjba headcanons. Also yeah my dude is old but o my god he is a something else
Sfw, no spoilers, they/them pronouns
Another jojo dating headcanons (mostly zeppeli)
Baron Zeppeli
Dude 100% plays scrabbles and monopoly.
Gives s/o his hat when its raining
Gives Speedwagon and Jonathan dating tips (speedwagon doesn't belive him that he acually has a partner tbh)
Is looking for serious relationship
Tries to teach them hamon🥰
Invites them for fancy dinners when he has break from whooping vampires
Once ordered spicy chicken wings to flex that he can eat it without getting hot (he failed)
Takes s/o on trips with speedwagon and Jonathan too! Imagine this guy telling some dope ass stories from his life next to campfire or something
Has better hairline than whole britan population
Wants to have matching outfits
Cooks nice food😊 and when he makes sandwiches for himself he always makes one or two for s/o
Mikitaka Hazekura (aliem👽)
Dude is so pure. When he found out that he likes s/o he went to josuke for advice. This guy 10₩% pranked him, like "yeah yeah mikitaka humans totally bite eachother when they feel love" or something dumb
So expect him acting a bit weird (at least he has an exuse, he is an aliem)
My bro will turn into cat, if he finds out that s/o is a cat person😭
Eats anything s/o gives him, unless they tell him that its not food. At least he won't complain if s/o is a bad cook. My man ate napkin im sure your overcooked pasta isn't worse than that
Plase comb his hair, he will fall asleep
Dude purrs and does animal noises
Drank nail polish once
Bites them when happy
If s/o is very flexible and can do some crazy stuff (splits for example) my dude will br convinced that they broke a spine or something
Will turn into anything if s/o asks him
Kira Yoshikage
Dude gets nervous when yall sleep in the same bed
Definitely a cat person so if s/o hates cats? Break up 100%
He looks like germ freak, everything needs to be shining clean
Buys them hand creams, moisturisers, massages, ect. He REALLY likes hands you all (no way)
Wants to get married
Really doesn't want them to be a stand user, doesn't want to risk them panicking bcs there's huge naked cat in living room.
Cooking and cleaning together>>>
Bullies children online
Bullies children on streets
Bullies children in any public spaces really
Hes weird, 100% licks s/o hands/fingers
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danothan · 9 months
bigender yoshikage kira hcs 🫶
- kira's view of gender is very binary. interesting that he has a standard for women is to be hairless, meanwhile he can't stand having body hair on himself. very interesting
- i don't think kira would have the vocabulary to know about his identity rn, and if he eventually did, he would treat it as in-depth research, almost like a hobby. morbid curiosity, he'd claim
- as an extension of that "hobby" mindset, i think using killer queen as an outlet for his femininity would act as a barrier in his mind to express himself without having to actually apply it to Himself (the gender euphoria of using she/her for killer queen bc kira wouldn’t admit to it otherwise)
- the most heterosexual lesbian you will ever meet…
- the idea of transphobic transgender kira is so funny to me knowing her other values. she won't remember your pronouns bc she will not care to refer to you in general, but even if she did, any pronouns besides he or she are “gramatically incorrect and/or superfluous.” okay multi-pronoun user
- would claim that he doesn't need external validation for his gender and that it's nobody's business, but it's rly due to internalized transphobia and his fear of sticking out that he doesn't leave the closet :(
- she has her moments though. maybe one day, she's painting her “girlfriend's" nails a lovely shade of purple when she realizes it goes with her suit. she applies the polish to her own nails to test the theory, and sure enough, it's a perfect match. she tries not to think about why it disappoints her to wipe it off before work
- in his mind, it was never a feeling of choosing one or the other but rather the feeling of being incomplete. kira is someone who rly values routine and balance, so i imagine that this applies to gender too, in that masculinity and feminity are two sides of the same coin to him. i don't think he would want to medically transition even if that were an option, but his gender expression is very much real and tangible to him, even in the most seemingly inperceptible ways
- i think that she started questioning after getting KQ but never felt the urge to seek out answers or dig deep into it once she started being able to give herself freedom of expression at home. it only became a problem when she had to hide as kosaku and was once again having to keep those parts of herself hidden (i'm sorry that this follows so many story beats of kira's murder activities, it's not meant to be a one-to-one parallel 😭 just a result of the freedom vs repression of canon circumstances)
- HOWEVER smth that diverges from canon is that i think there's a way around kira's gender expression now that he doesn't have to perform in secret but rather express himself through a different outlet once shinobu becomes part of the equation. kosaku tends to wear dark/dull-colored clothing whereas kira is more inclined towards coloful pastels. i think shinobu would pick up on this difference and start having them wear matching outfits, slowly making his closet more feminine. kira would freak out at first thinking it was some kind of test that he had slipped up on, but shinobu would only lean harder into it bc honestly she just wants to bond with her husbandwife over smth as simple as clothes. it's the first time kira's even been called pretty. he doesn't protest
- when kira gets used to having someone recognize and even encourage her gender expression, i think this would be when she starts being comfortable enough to talk abt it and recognize it as more than just a feeling. she and shinobu might even have a conversation (probably initiated by shinobu through unsubtle questions that kira was too embarrassed to dance around and would rather address head on)
- as big of a revelation as this is for kira, i don't think much would change. he still prefers to do things as they always were and doesn't rly feel like he misses out on much when he goes out in his suit and gets called masc terms; in fact, it's a comfortable familiarity. but every time he puts on the subtle perfume that shinobu got for him, well, that becomes a familiar type of comfort for him too
- shinobu: “no wonder kosaku was so repressed before, he's been so much more expressive now that she's come out of the closet ^__^”
- this is how we can make the babygirl kira agenda real.
bonus: @f0rvalaka’s genius addition
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the-brainrot-central · 8 months
FUCK IT - Yoshikage Kira Dyspraxia headcanons
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If no one else is gonna do it then GODDAMNIT I WILL!!!
Content warning: implied/mentioned child abuse
He’s an excellent cook—however, it took him a lot of painstaking effort to get there. I imagine his mother probably spent hours and hours as a kid teaching him how to do stuff (either that or just forcing him to make dinner with no instructions—-“you’re not stupid; figure it out), and he was probably yelled at and scolded a lot for messing up—forgetting steps, measuring things wrong, knocking shit over and getting flour and miscellaneous ingredients everywhere.
He was probably yelled at the worst when he’d forget that he was cooking dinner all together, getting distracted by another chore such as dishwashing that had been left undone and forgetting that he was cooking in the first place
However, after lots of suffering and yelling, he grew up to be an excellent cook—and he actually enjoys it believe it or not. He does not, however, enjoy accidentally cutting himself all the time and knocking shit over, which he still does frequently :(((
He was probably bullied a lot as a kid because he was quiet and really clumsy, and his dyspraxia really made him stick out. Because of this, he spent a lot of time trying to get better at normal people things, with some success
He never wears shoes with ties because they are a PAIN IN HIS ASS. He wears business slipons and, occasionally, if he finds himself wearing tie shoes he buys those special disability ties for them (with the plastic thingies on the end)
He tries not to drink because he very quickly finds himself unable to stand or walk very well even after just a moderate amount of alcohol. He’s very embarrassed when he has to find someone to lean on while they drag him back home
He manages to walk okay now, better than he did as a child, but often finds himself tripping and falling, much to his chagrin—it’s humiliating and he hates the attention he draws for his clumsiness
Weirdly enough, despite his other fine motor issues, he has incredible handwriting—once again, probably lots of drilling and scolding from his mother are to thank for that.
Was a really spacey and distractible kid—his teachers and parents used to rag him over it all the time. As an adult he still zones out sometimes, like when engaging in chores and whatnot. In fact, sometimes he might be distracted by something else while doing his laundry, for example, and he’ll come back to it an hour later to realize he didn’t even start the load 😭
He eats like twelve to twenty different foods, nothing else—has strong aversions to certain smells and textures
He manages to fold things neatly but it takes him a tremendous amount of time, more than he’d prefer—probably thirty minutes to fold like, ten articles of clothing. His mother often chastised him for taking so long to do chores as a kid but whenever he took a “normal” amount of time, she’d yell at him because it was done “sloppily” and improperly
Since he’s gotten killer queen, he’s been much less prone to accidents, since he has an extra buddy with speedy reflexes to help him out. For example, if he accidentally drops a mug Killer Queen catches it before it shatters.
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the-illiterate-pirate · 9 months
Well can't go wrong with the classics - got anything in mind for a weird guy making Kira realize he's bisexual? For the funsies. Preferably no serial killer bs, I'm merely a tired homosexual
Congrats on the thousand followers you deserve it 🎉🥳 🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉🥳🎉
~ @ufolvr
Hi Cebi!!! Thank yoou <33 I wasn't sure how to go along with this. I tried? But maybe I'm just not understanding something, sorry king
Celebration post
Gay(Bi) as hell Yoshikage HCs
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• Kira is a collected man, so while finding an interest in a man's hands instead of the latter confuses him, he stays calm to try and figure out why. It's just hands, obviously. You can't exactly gender those so he doesn't think much about it at first.
• Until he realizes it's not just the hands he's attracted to... your personality delights him, and Yoshikage finds himself yearning for your presence when he's alone.
• Yoshikage isn't exactly weird about being attracted to another man, and he'll tell you about his growing feelings the moment he realizes it isn't just skin deep attraction. It's 1999 in Morioh Japan, the world is a strange, changing, mysterious place. Tbh he's more upset about falling in love with someone for a change instead of a pair of sexy hands /j
• Ok so I'm running out of ideas for this exact request so please enjoy gay old man in love shenanigans if you can
• Prefers to stay inside the vila instead of going out. He can cook a mean breakfast/dinner
• Total malewife and loves to clean
• He's too old (33) for dating so most nights including sharing the couch while he finishing the newspapers sudoku and word cross
• But if he does take you out it's to a very nice restaurant for dinner and he makes sure you both look very pretty/handsome ❤️
• Not a fan of PDA so instead he just likes to hold hands <3 if he's feeling frisky he'll give your knuckles a kiss
• Office work is surprisingly stressful so he comes home and asks for shoulder/neck massages. He'll give you one if you ask
• Likes doing his before-sleep stretches w you
• Buys matching ties even if you won't wear them.
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