#yos birb
myriad--starlings · 8 months
I'm doing better than I have in over a year and I just had a great appointment with my PCP and got everything I needed.
throws up screams wails howls has a panic attack puts my head through a wall explodes
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iiceberg · 2 years
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dirk-hardpec · 7 months
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kiwibirb1 · 11 months
I like going through my posts and adding new tags that I think of.
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buzzingskyspy · 1 year
Tag dump here
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daily-heavy-tf2 · 1 month
can yo draw Heavy with Archimedes? :]] Little birb
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Day 27 👊
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Sleepover gone wrong on noesss
Writing underneath
It had all started so well. Simple plan. Simple. Plan.
Step one: become unpossesed
Step two: sleepover
Step three: pie
Step four: wait for mom to go to sleep then get out the ouja board and play fun sleepover games!!!!! Thats how it works!!!! Kris would know!! They've had plenty of sleepovers with Azzy, Noelle and
Step five: have fun and go sleep. (Kris would NOT be sharing everyone else has to sleep somewhere else)
That was the plan!!
It had started of so well. Kris had entered the room and Susie and Berdly, well did what They always did. Argue. It was friendly though!! They always do that it was normal. Noelle suggested truth or dare (a classic) and it was going well!! Bonding!! With friends!!! Kris had missed this. They had missed having so many people in their life, shouting amd screaming, having fun until they were too loud and Toriel had come into their room and remind them to be a little quieter. They had missed laughing and being "sneaky", talking about the most random things and playing little games. They had missed the noise and the warmth of the ones close to you just simply being there. Kris had finally resolved everything with Noelle Berdly and Susie. Until they just made that shit go crashing down.
One thing had led to another. Berdly truthed susie to tell something. Susie got defensive. Things got heated. They both lashed out. Noelle tried to diffuse the situation. Berdly said something. Noelle got pissed. Berdly said something. It struck a nerve. Kris saw red.
The whole room had stared at Kris in shock. Kris's eyes widened. No. No. They didn't mean that they didn't mean tha- Berdly rushed out. Eyes suspiciously shiny. There were only three of them left. Kris, Noelle and Susie. All of them could only stare dumbly at eachother. Shit SHIT. Kris CAN'T go back to before they CAN'T they CAN'T. Panic rose. Kris had just made up with Berdly and they immediately ruined it. Kris went after Berdly, determined to make things right again.
Except ...
Kris stood at the doorway, frozen. How do they do this? Their breathing got funny. WWAD What would Asriel do? He was good at this sort of thing wasn't he? But.. Asriel wasn't there. Only an idiot human and a crying bird on the footsteps. Kris thought about what to say. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it .you're my friend. I love you. Kris flushed no they could NOT say that don't be an idiot. No they had to say what they were sorry about right? Like uh: Im sorry i-
"are you just gonna stand there"
Kris flinched. Berdly sighed and continued looking away form Kris.
"I'm sorry" Kris could only say.
Berdly ignored them. Kris sat down on the steps next to Berdly.
"I didn't mean it" Kris looked down, avoiding eye contact.
"It's not true"
There was a silence.
"But what if it is" Berdly's voice cracked. Kris looked up in shock.
"What if I am" Berdly burried his face in his wings
" I AM a forgettable little bluebird and when I die no one will care because I have done nothing in life and I'm not exceptional at all and I was so mean and I -"
"What do you mean no?"
"Berdly I was being a dumb shit who got mad and took things too far you ARE NOT foegettable you ARE exceptional and if you died I would be really sad and track down your murderer and kill them and you're my friend and i love yo-" shit shit shit shit.
Berdly faced Kris.
"What did you just say"
"If you died I would be sad and kill your murderer"
"No after that"
"You're my friend??"
"No the one after that"
"That was it"
"I'm not??"
Berdly laughed. Kris could not help but grin a little at the sight. Suddenly they stiffened the birb hugged them tightly.
"I love you too kris"
Suddenly there were two idiots crying that night.
156 notes · View notes
toournextadventure · 2 years
everyone but her pt.14
Summary: Spring break is over, and so are the careless days. School is back and you're avoiding Wednesday. Everyone knows it and she just wants to know why. Why won't you tell her?
Word Count: 6.6k Warnings: hints at child abuse, violence, injuries, blood, swearing, Birb has no filter Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (everyone but her Masterlist) Taglist: @extinctspino @basichextechml @cfvgbhndun-new-blog @jinxscatbomb @awolfcsworld @n0p35 @suzhiman @gengen64 @eclipsesmoonshine14 @asters-abditory @alexkolax @thenextdawn @cacciatricediartemide @cozwaenot @the-night-owl-blr @natashasapphic @parkersmyth @alilbitlesbian @irish-piece-of-trash @rainbow-love4ever @audigay @bakugounuggets
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“Thank you again for bringing me here,” you said as you grabbed your duffel bag from Lurch.
The hospital was, thankfully, not too busy thanks to everyone heading home after the holidays. Not that you would ever openly explain it, but it was the exact reason you preferred going on Sundays. Whether by luck or the grace of god, the Addamses didn’t question when you had asked them to make a short detour to DHMC, and they still weren’t asking questions.
“Will you be able to get back to Nevermore?” Morticia asked. Her hand felt warm on your shoulder; it was nice.
“I’ll just fly,” you said simply. “My bag isn’t too heavy.”
“Very well, dear,” Morticia said with a smile before giving your shoulder a squeeze and stepping back.
“A hug for the road, then.” You didn’t have any time to think before Gomez enveloped you in his arms.
It’s prefacing pain, your mind told you as he continued to hold you tight. It’s a hug, your heart argued, just a hug. And you wanted to lift your arms and hug him back because he had been so kind the entire week. He had taught you, respected you, enjoyed having you around. But you couldn’t. You couldn’t fight all those years of staying away, and you couldn’t hug him back and the sting of tears made its home behind your eyes.
He pulled away with a smile and was quickly replaced by Pugsley. This one, you thought, I can handle this one. It was just like a hug from Alex, at least that’s what you told yourself. Your arms felt like lead until finally they wrapped around Pugsley’s shoulders to hug him back.
“Thanks for making my sister happy,” he whispered loud enough for only you to hear.
You didn’t even have time to think about the depth of his words before he pulled away with a closed-mouth smile. He was sweet. Every part of him reminded you more and more of Alex, or even a younger Nicky. You wanted to protect him with every part of your being.
Stop being so sappy.
“Let me know if those guys try anything again,” you said just as quietly so Wednesday couldn’t hear. He smiled.
“Tell your brother I said hi,” was all he said in reply.
Wednesday stepped forward next; you didn’t get a hug, but that was alright. You weren’t expecting one. She gave you a look that trailed over your face almost as if she was looking for something. As unusual as it was to admit to yourself, it felt almost as if she cared. As if she liked you.
She kissed you! Your mind screamed at you. She must like you a little bit! But a kiss didn’t necessarily mean anything, right? It hadn’t meant anything with your ex, why would it mean something with Wednesday? You wanted it to mean something, by god you did, but what if you were wrong?
“Don’t be late,” Wednesday at last. “I’m not checking on you in the morning.”
“I won’t be late,” you reiterated.
Everyone told you their goodbyes one final time before getting in the car and finishing the drive to Nevermore. You stood on the sidewalk and watched until the car was out of sight. Their absence settled in your chest almost instantly, but you pushed it down, grabbed your bag, and started your way into the hospital.
“Welcome back, doll,” Nurse Jackie said when you passed the desk. “Were you on a trip?”
“Spring break at Wednesday’s place,” you answered. “Has he behaved?”
“A good spring break, I see.” You tilted your head at her words, but when she touched a spot on her neck and raised her brow, you felt your entire face heat up. Nurse Jackie just laughed and gestured her head to Nicky’s door. “He’s been good.”
“Sup, dickwad,” you called out as you tossed your duffel into the corner of the room and plopped down in the chair beside Nicky’s bed. “Nurse Jackie said you’ve been a pain in the ass.”
“I did not,” Nurse Jackie said quickly from her desk across the hall, causing you to laugh to yourself.
“Wanna hear about the crime I committed over spring break?” You asked, finally reclining back and putting your feet up on the bed. The heart monitor spiked twice. “Too bad, I’m telling you anyway.”
From across the hall, Jackie listens as you recount your spring break to Nicky. It was always nice to hear you laughing and joking around. Not once did you ever get a response, but it brought a lighter atmosphere to the ICU. Of course there were the days you would succumb to the situation and there would be nothing but silence coming from the room, but days like today? Those were the days that made things a little easier.
Every now and then one of the nurses would go in to check on you and make sure neither you nor Nicky needed anything, and you would have them talking and laughing for hours on end if they didn’t excuse themselves. They had learned after the first few months that it was your coping mechanism. You simply distracted yourself and others from the situation at hand.
“Time to shave,” Jackie said as she finally walked into the room. You were still sitting with your feet up on the bed, flipping through the channels on the TV to no avail. “Wanna help?”
“Absolutely,” you said, tossing the remote onto the chair as you stood up. “I’m gonna make you look so goofy,” Jackie heard you mumble to Nicky.
She kept her own smile to herself as she got everything all set up. Honestly, it wasn’t the most professional of her to allow you to help, but she couldn’t help it. You had been present for most everything over the past three years, she (and all the other nurses, admittedly) could be forgiven for allowing you to help. There was something Jackie had remembered you telling her one night near the beginning of Nicky’s eternal stay in the ICU.
“It feels like I’m helping,” you had said after she had shown you how to turn and reposition him. “Like it’s not my fault.”
After that, you became an integral part of Nicky’s care whenever you visited. The initial guilt (at least outwardly) was gone, but you were still eager to help. Without prompting, you lathered the shaving cream and started putting it on Nicky’s face.
“Behave,” Jackie said sternly when she turned around and saw the… lewd image you were making with the shaving cream.
“Oh come on,” you huffed, “it’s not like he cares.” But nonetheless, you wiped the image away and went back to work.
Jackie handed you the razor once you were done and let you get to work. You always talked while you worked; she assumed it was a nervous habit of yours. Not once did you ever actually talk about your home life, but you would talk about school, or the friends you had, or even just whatever popped into your head. Jokes were common, disregard for your own feelings even more so.
After you had been released from DHMC, she had tried to get you to go to therapy. No, you weren’t her responsibility once you were discharged, but the hurt she could see on your face was too much for her to bear. She had helped take care of you for two months, she could be forgiven for being a tad protective. But after you had very quickly shut her down about the idea, she accepted that maybe that was just how you needed to go about things for now.
“Don’t shave shapes,” Jackie scolded you again. You froze and looked up at her with the same expression one would make if they had been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
“He told me this is what he wanted,” you attempted to argue.
“Oh?” Jackie inquired, and you nodded quickly. Too quickly. “He woke up for the first time in four years just to tell you he wanted a dog shaved in his beard?”
“... yes he did-”
“-shave it normally,” Jackie warned you again, “or I’m revoking helping privileges for a month.”
“You’re no fun anymore,” you groaned but did as you were asked. Albeit with a frown on your face, but that was an acceptable reaction.
“And you’re more trouble,” Jackie said, holding the cup out for you to clean the razor. “I think this Wednesday girl is a bad influence on you.”
“She is not,” you said softly with a smile. “If anything, I think I’m the bad influence.”
“I bet you are,” Jackie said, her voice barely covering the sound of the phone ringing at the desk.
You continued to shave Nicky’s face with expert precision, never leaving even the smallest hint of hair. When you weren’t so busy being the typical little sister that you so enjoyed being, it was clear how much you cared for him. The gentleness in your touch and the concentration and effort you put into taking care of him was more than enough proof.
In fact, Jackie was so focused on your focus that she hadn’t heard Angela step into the room. She only noticed when Angela cleared her throat and held up a sheet of paper. A sheet of paper with your last name on it.
“They called again,” Angela said.
“Who called again?” You asked, finishing up the last touches before looking up at both women.
Jackie didn’t want to tell you. She didn’t want to bring that name up when you were in such a good mood. But they had been calling for the past few weeks, and she knew you wouldn’t call them back unless necessary. They hadn’t told her what they wanted, but if they were calling this often then she could assume it was now considered necessary.
“Marcus and Kristi want you to call them back,” Angela said when it was clear Jackie wouldn’t. “Today.”
The fear on your face was enough for both women to figure out what was going on, at least at the moment. Neither of them knew much, just that your parents paid the bills and Nicky’s life support stayed on. You had never explained, and they had never asked. Your reactions were enough of an answer.
“Oh,” you finally said, and you set the razor down before picking your phone up with slow, methodical movements. It was as if you had been replaced by a robot. “Okay.”
“Do you want some privacy?” Jackie asked. She gestured with her head for Angela to leave; she did.
“It’s okay,” you said, your voice sounding detached from your body while you fell down in the chair, “you can stay.”
You put the shaking phone up to your ear and stared into the distance as it rang. Jackie did her best not to eavesdrop, but she couldn’t help it. When you said “hi” in the smallest voice she had ever heard, she couldn’t stop herself. Your eyes were glazed over and your breathing was coming in short pants.
She didn’t have to be a nurse to see you were hurting.
The voices on the other end of the phone continued as your head turned to face Nicky. A single tear fell when you closed your eyes, squeezing them shut and biting your bottom lip so hard Jackie could see the single bead of blood that sprung from the skin.
“Yes sir,” you said. Was that how you sounded as a child? Had you always been so afraid? “Goodbye.”
You sat there in silence, only the occasional sniffle cutting through. With what Jackie assumed to be a great effort, you opened your eyes and looked at Nicky. She knew that look. And she certainly knew the look that came after, with your jaw set and a determination in your eyes.
“They’re not cutting it off,” you said through clenched teeth.
But Jackie could still hear the fear underneath the rage.
Wednesday was mad at you. She was mad at you for giving her emotional whiplash when she didn’t even like emotions to begin with. It was inevitable that you would return to a routine when back at Nevermore, but this? This was almost painful, and she didn’t know how to handle it.
Maybe it was her fault for assuming you would still wish to hold her hand under the table, or come to her room at night to bother her with more of your rambling. To have you sit by her in class and in the quad, to offer to paint Thing’s nails while she was writing.
But no. No, you were only ever with Yoko or on your own. During class you would sit by Yoko without even a glance in Wednesday’s direction, and it was impossible for her to not see you two talking nonstop. You walked with Yoko to classes, around campus, during meals.
Wednesday wouldn’t deny, she had questioned Enid and Divina about it. After all, Yoko was their girlfriend too, did they not find it suspicious? Not even a little? But Divina promised it wasn’t like that, you two had just been friends for longer than any of them had even been at Nevermore. You were both like two peas in a pod.
In a surprising twist, Wednesday believed it.
“Wednesday, just relax,” Enid huffed as she sat down across the table. Yoko and Divina were quick to follow suit. “Unless you don’t trust Eugene now.”
She gave Enid a quick glare before turning back to see you sitting beside Eugene. It was impossible to tell what you were both talking about and she wanted nothing more than to go over and hear for herself. From the look on your face it wasn’t a pleasant conversation, but Eugene was insisting.
At least that’s what it looked like.
With a sigh, you said something to Eugene that made him smile before he got up and ran off. You shook your head and stood up next. Wednesday half-expected you to leave the quad as you had been doing for the past week. Her heart raced when you walked in her direction, sitting down directly beside her with a grunt.
“The matching hickeys are cute,” Yoko said once you were settled.
“Ha ha ha,” you mocked with a quick kick; judging by Yoko’s reaction, you hit your mark. “Fuck off.”
“You ready for the full moon tonight?” Enid asked. “Because I’m not.”
“Why not?” You asked indignantly. “It’s not like you’re going to wolf out- ouch.” You instantly leaned down to rub your knee. “Sorry,” you said when Yoko gave you a, quite admittedly, vicious look. “That was rude.”
“It’s okay,” Enid said even though her smile had fallen slightly, “you didn’t mean it.”
“Isn’t it your date night?” You asked, eyes darting between Enid and Wednesday.
“Yes,” Wednesday answered. Why wouldn’t you actually look at her?
“Any exciting plans?” Divina chimed in.
“Probably just a movie,” Enid said. “She agreed to watch one of mine if I watch one of hers.”
“Well isn’t that cute,” you teased. And finally, for probably the first time since she had left you at the hospital, you smiled. “Don’t eat too much popcorn, that shit gets expensive.”
“Oh don’t worry, we have it all planned out,” Enid said, immediately going into a long-winded explanation of the night.
But Wednesday wasn’t listening to Enid; she was focused on how your leg was suddenly close to hers again and, for the first time in a week, she could feel your warmth again. She had missed it, embarrassingly so. It made her dead heart beat and she wanted more of it.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered into her ear while Enid continued to talk.
“Why?” Wednesday asked back, turning just enough to look at you. She wished she hadn’t when she noticed how close you were.
“For avoiding you,” you said simply. “Can I make it up over coffee on Saturday?”
Say no, her head told her. You had just openly admitted to avoiding her for the week, after everything that had happened during spring break. All the progress you had both made (at least she felt she had made progress) and then you could still avoid her so easily? No, she wasn’t sure she wanted you to make it up to her.
But she wanted you. Of that she was sure.
The corner of your mouth twitched with the barest hint of a smile that you could muster without the other three noticing. It almost made her want to smile in return. She’s making you weak, her mind told her. But she wasn’t entirely convinced she cared when you finally reached over and grabbed her hand-
-that electric jolt went up her arm once again, lodging itself like a bullet in the back of her skull.
“Eugene run!” You yelled.
The full moon shining down through the trees.
A vicious growl.
“Hey.” Your voice cut through the vision loud and clear, pulling Wednesday out with a gasp. “I gotchu.”
Your hands felt warm even through her uniform. The grip you had on her thigh was grounding, and for a moment it was as if the vision hadn’t even happened. It was just your hands on her and your eyes looking so very hypnotizing.
Okay. Her visions definitely impaired her ability to look at you neutrally.
“You good?” You asked.
“Yes,” Wednesday managed to get out past that lump in her throat. “Coffee sounds good.”
She hoped you would move along with the conversation as she was trying to. The sound of that scream - had it been yours? - was echoing in her head and she wanted it gone. Wanted you to get rid of it for her. You interlocked your fingers with hers and nodded with a small smile.
It didn’t get rid of the screams completely. But it helped.
“I’ll kick your ass for this next time, Ottinger,” you said as you lagged further behind Eugene’s steady pace.
“It shouldn’t take long,” he told you, “I know exactly where they hide.”
“Well hurry up,” you grumbled, “it’s cold and something doesn’t feel right.”
Eugene knew you only really said those things when you meant them, at least to him. If you felt something was off, then it probably was. He certainly wouldn’t argue with you, that was for sure. So instead of looking for the extra bugs on his list, he made a beeline to the grouping of trees that he knew were infested.
The sound of your wings flapping lightly was almost the only thing he could hear, aside from the crunching of the twigs on the ground. He had told you that you could leave the harness off if you wanted, but he hadn’t actually expected you to. It was nice, really, he didn’t think he had ever truly seen them before now. Almost made him feel like you trusted him.
“Quit staring,” you said with a raised brow, “or you can bug hunt on your own.”
“Sorry,” Eugene said, but the small smile on your face eased his slight anxiety. “It’s just right over here.”
He didn’t wait for you to keep up before jogging over to the small copse of trees that he had painstakingly scouted out over the past few weeks. Without hesitation he got to work; he needed to be careful so he didn’t scare them away. The flashlight flickered once but steadied out, and he could finally get to looking.
“How was your spring break-”
“-Don’t start small talk,” you interrupted. “Just get your bugs, I’m getting goosebumps.”
Eugene turned his head to look at you and he would admit, your stance was giving him the creeps. When he was kneeling down you looked like a giant; a giant being with giant wings and an angry face. It was scary against the moonlight, and if he hadn’t known it was you, he probably would have panicked.
“Right,” he finally said, turning around to get back to his hunt.
You were making him nervous. He wouldn’t admit it to you because then you would think he wasn’t cool, but you were. Just towering over him and looking out into the woods. Almost like some kind of guardian angel, although he was pretty sure you would get mean if you needed to.
“Eugene, hurry up,” you said, your voice suddenly dropping to barely more than a whisper.
“I’ve almost got him, want to see?” Eugene asked.
“Absolutely not- wait, that’s kinda cool,” you said after turning around and leaning closer, squinting your eyes to try and see it better. “Ew,” you mumbled with a scrunch of your nose when the bug in question wiggled around until finally dropping into the collection cup with a little *splat*.
“Just one more and then we can go,” Eugene said, already looking for his other target.
The flashlight trailed over every inch of those trees, but he still couldn’t find the beetle. It should have been here, it was always here. Surely it wouldn’t have vanished, right? Bugs didn’t just do that, especially not in these woods. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, followed quickly by a chill running down his spine.
“The birds stopped singing,” you whispered.
With a turn of his head, he was met with your hand extended toward him. What did you want him to do with it? He reached out to take it - please don’t think I’m lame - and you instantly squeezed his hand in return. You pulled him to his feet and backed up, pushing him into the crowded copse of trees.
“Stay here,” you whispered as you turned around. “I’m gonna-”
-a growl echoed right by his head and your hand was ripped from his grip. He didn’t scream when he saw you hit the ground a few feet away. No, he didn’t make any sound at all, he just forced himself between the trees. Twigs dug into his back but he pushed deeper.
A clawed hand swiped through the trees and slashed the strap of his backpack. It fell to the ground with a thud, and the claws were gone. He hadn’t gotten a good look, but it had been furry and big and-
-and it was a full moon.
The claw shoved through the trees again, this time getting closer and he could almost feel them touching his skin. This time he did scream, and the clawed hand pulled back before a furry eye peered through the small gap in the trees.
A piercing whistle echoed through the air.
“Over here, asshole!” You shouted.
The wolf turned and charged off with a snarl. Don’t do it, all of his instincts told him, but Eugene ignored them and leaned out of the trees right as you were slammed into the bark beside him. You slumped lifelessly to the ground.
“Fuck,” you mumbled as you head fell back against the tree. Eugene could see the blood pouring from your nose.
“Aren’t you a boxer?” Eugene asked, quickly pulling you to your feet and trying his hardest not to notice the blood you dripped onto his shirt.
“I don’t think he’s gonna play by the rules,” you said. It sounded like your words were drowning before you could get them out.
From his spot behind you, Eugene could finally see the wolf. It was big. It was very big. A bit of blood coated his claws - was it yours? - and he looked mean. He could feel your arm pressing against his shoulder as you guided him further away from the danger.
“Eugene,” you said quietly, your eyes never leaving the wolf in front of you.
“Yeah?” He asked; his eyes were locked on the same thing.
“What?” He asked, finally tearing his eyes away to look up at you. You looked angry.
He wasn’t sure he wanted to. Not when the wolf was looking at you like you were his next meal, and you were looking at him like you wanted a total smackdown. But when your bloody hand pushed him back one more time, soft yet forceful, he listened. He turned and ran and didn’t look back.
Not even when he heard the snarl mix with your own shouting.
“Wednesday, you’re not paying attention.”
No. No she wasn’t. She couldn’t pay attention to the annoyingly happy movie Enid had picked out because something felt wrong. What it was, she couldn’t pinpoint exactly, but it was something. It was something in the air, or in her soul, or even just in her gut.
She didn’t know and it was infuriating.
“I know you had a vision during lunch,” Enid said. She paused the movie and turned until her legs were in Wednesday’s lap. “Was it about Y/N?”
Wednesday’s hand rested on Enid’s shin subconsciously - she hated that it was a subconscious reaction - and leaned back. She didn’t know if it was about you. The scream wasn’t clear enough to judge if it was yours or not. Oh god, she hoped it wasn’t yours.
“Would you feel better if we went to check it out?” Enid asked.
“Yes,” Wednesday said without hesitation.
“Then let’s go,” Enid said with her wolfy grin.
She stood up and grabbed Wednesday’s hand to pull her along, and off they went. It was past curfew so they had to be quiet, but it was easy enough to get out. The light from the full moon illuminated the woods in a way that was beautifully spooky. On any other night she would have loved to take you for a walk like this.
But not tonight.
Tonight her mind was running through every possibility of her vision. Screaming, blood, howling. Surely the howling wouldn’t be Enid, she hadn’t even wolfed out yet and it would be quite the coincidence if it happened at that moment. She didn’t believe in coincidences. Surely there had to be some hint in her vision that would tell her something-
“-Look out!”
Was that Eugene?
“Move it!”
“That’s Y/N,” Enid said. A howl echoed through the trees.
I know! Wednesday thought as she started running toward the sound. I know it is! Why had you gone into the woods so late at night on a full moon? Why were you with Eugene? You were both so stupid, you were both supposed to be back at Nevermore-
What else? Pulling herself to a stop, Wednesday turned around to look at Enid. Or, what was Enid, but was now the beginning of a werewolf. With outstretched hands, Wednesday stepped closer - for comfort or support, she supposed - but quickly stopped herself as Enid finished her transformation.
Her first one.
What else could possibly happen?
Another scream echoed through the woods; much further than only moments ago. Enid’s wolf looked in that direction before sprinting off, leaving Wednesday behind. She stood there in resignation as she realised, no, she couldn’t keep up with a werewolf. So instead she grabbed Enid’s coat and started chasing after her.
She was going to quit questioning what else could go wrong.
Wednesday would know your voice anywhere. If it was the last thing she ever heard, she would know it was yours. And if you were this far in the woods then it meant you had seen the wolf and-
-she stopped in her tracks the moment she noticed the unusual angle of your wing.
You turned around to face her, and she wished you hadn’t. Truly she wished you would have stayed facing Enid because this… this wasn’t something she was comfortable with. She felt nauseated at the sight of you, battered and broken and babying your left leg while your right arm hung limply at your side.
“Where’s Eugene?” You asked. How was she supposed to know? “Have you seen him?” No, why would you be asking about him when you were clearly standing at death’s door.
You huffed.
“Go help Enid,” you said; it sounded much more like a demand.
And Wednesday stood there as you limped away behind her, your voice echoing through the woods as you screamed for Eugene. She should have been worried about Eugene too; she should have cared. But it was hard to do when she couldn’t stop seeing your broken body.
“Eugene!” You shouted - no, screamed - again, and Wednesday’s eyes squeezed shut because no, it was all too much. She could hear Enid’s whimpering and your screaming and she couldn’t quit picturing your blood and it was too much.
“Willa, did you see that?!” Enid shouted, and even though Wednesday couldn’t see it she felt Enid shaking her shoulders. “I did it! I finally did it!”
“Eugene!” You needed to quit screaming. You needed to quit or Wednesday swore she was going to collapse. She couldn’t hear your voice crack like that.
“You look faint,” Enid said, her hands squeezing Wednesday’s shoulders just a bit more. “Are you okay?” She sounded worried now. Could everyone please keep their emotions in check, this was too much.
Wednesday finally looked and, oh. Oh, Enid was still completely nude. Oh, Wednesday still had her jacket. Her eyes widened just enough to see clearly before pulling the coat tight around Enid’s shoulders. She whispered a “thanks” before grabbing it with her own hands to secure it in place.
“You dick,” you shouted, and Wednesday turned around just in time to see you skip-running to where Eugene had suddenly appeared. “Are you okay?”
“Yes, I’m okay,” Eugene said, but his words were muffled as your hands checked every inch of him.
Your bloody hands.
“You’re bleeding,” Eugene said as he grabbed your hands to stop them from moving.
“I’m fine,” you repeated, pulling away until you could lean back against a nearby tree. “Did you at least get the bugs?”
“They’re in my backpack,” Eugene answered as he held the torn backpack up.
“Good,” you sighed, “because we are never doing this again.”
It was a slow walk back to Nevermore. While Enid wasn’t injured, she was certainly exhausted and leaning on Wednesday for support. Beside her, you were practically falling over Eugene as you limped forward. The occasional grunts and groans from you went straight to Wednesday’s chest and she grew more concerned with each step.
Weems, of course, was waiting for all four of you when you finally made it back.
After everyone got checked out in the infirmary and the nurse had finally finished bandaging you up - “No flying, no boxing, no exceptions” - you had all been led to Weems’ office. The three of them were sitting outside while you were, admittedly, getting what Wednesday would consider to be the scolding of the century.
And she was absolutely eavesdropping.
"Who's decision was it?" Weems asked. "Which one of you decided it would be a wonderful night for a midnight stroll?"
"I did," you said. "I told Eugene he could hunt for his creepy crawlies if he came with me."
"And Misses Sinclair and Addams?" She pushed.
"I said they should spend date night with us," you said, "and I'd pay for their next date."
Wednesday heard Weems sigh.
"Do you understand how reckless that was?" Weems asked, her voice rising in volume. "How much danger you put everyone in?"
"It was just a walk-"
“On a full moon, no less!” Weems yelled. “You could have gotten all four of you injured. Or killed, for that matter.”
“Everyone is fine,” you argued back.
“What were you thinking?” Weems asked you, her voice taking on a completely different tone. Less angry.
“Clearly I wasn’t.” Wednesday could practically hear the eyeroll in your voice.
A sigh barely reached her ears before being followed by heels on the floor and the door opening. Weems stood there and looked at the three of them for a moment. Only a moment.
“Inside,” Weems ordered as she ushered them into the office where you were already sitting with your head in your remaining functional hand.
“It was my fault-”
“-I don’t care whose fault it was,” Weems interrupted Eugene, who shrunk into his oversized coat. “You all broke the rules and put yourselves in danger.”
“We’re sorry,” Enid said quickly. “It won’t happen again.”
“No it won’t,” Weems agreed. “Your three weeks of detention will ensure that.”
Enid and Eugene groaned and threw their heads back. Wednesday truthfully didn’t care, detention was the least of her worries, but you. You didn’t even seem phased by the punishment. No, you just shifted in the chair and scrunched your nose up as you tried to settle. Did you hurt terribly?
“Every day at 4pm sharp,” Weems continued. “My office.”
Everyone mumbled out acknowledgement of the punishment, but no one seemed over eager about such a thing.
“To your dorms,” Weems sighed. “Now.” You moved to push yourself up when Weems’ hand pushed you back down. “Except you.”
Wednesday followed Eugene and Enid out of the office, looking back only once to see you staring off into the distance with glazed eyes. The red tint of blood was still staining the skin around your lips and eye and you looked… broken. You looked broken and Wednesday didn’t know what to do about it.
All she knew was it made her feel… sad. You made her feel sad.
“Go check on her,” Enid said for what must have been the seventh time since Wednesday had started writing. “You know you want to.”
“I want to finish my writing time,” Wednesday retorted as she started typing aimlessly on the typewriter. Again. It was turning more into a waste of time if nothing else.
“She’s practically been grounded,” Enid continued. “I’m sure she would love the company.”
Wednesday sighed and leaned back in her chair. Enid was right. She knew she was right. It had been a few days and no one had seen you except for class and detention. No extracurriculars, no outings, you hadn’t even been coming down for dinner. And she hated it because, though she wouldn’t admit it, she missed you.
“Fine,” Wednesday said with a sigh.
She didn’t bother even looking at Enid (who was still painting Thing’s nails) because she knew there would be a smirk being sent in her direction. No, she didn’t need that kind of ridicule. It was past curfew, but what was going to happen? Weems was going to give her more detention?
It was a quick walk to your dorm, but she stood in front of your door with her fist raised. Now that she was near you, almost alone with you, her heart was racing in her chest. It didn’t make sense, she had been alone with you plenty of times before, why was this any different?
But when you opened the door and jumped slightly, looking down at her with a black eye and that bandage on your cheek, she remembered why she was nervous. She wasn’t just alone with you, she was alone with an injured you. Could she touch you without hurting you? Would you be okay?
“What are you doing here?” You asked. Did you not want her there?
I’m here to see you, she thought, to make sure you’re okay. She wanted to make sure you were okay, and you were safe, and yes your heart was still beating. Yes you were still alive and not just some ghost everyone saw around campus.
“Move,” she said instead.
She caught the little smile on your face as you stepped aside and let her in. The door clicked closed behind her while her eyes roamed over your room. It looked different. Your usual nest was shifted further to the wall and pillows were shoved in the corner.
“You rearranged,” Wednesday said.
“Everything hurts,” you said with a half-shrug, “gotta sleep sitting up.”
“You need rest.”
“Yes, mother,” you said with a roll of your eyes. But Wednesday saw the flush to your neck.
She followed you to your nest and waited for you to get settled before following suit. But once she was close, she didn’t know what to do. Did she get closer to you? Or maybe you would like some space; you were damaged after all. That was obvious by the way your right arm and wing were practically strapped in place so you couldn’t move.
“Just come here,” you said, and Wednesday didn’t have time to brace herself before you grabbed her arm and gently pulled her into your side.
On instinct she held her arm out to brace herself, but when you let out a short groan she tried to back away. Your arm just pulled her closer, and she froze. She froze because now you were leaning against the wall and holding her as if your life depended on it. Her fingers could feel the bandage underneath your shirt and she hated it.
“Chill, Addams,” you said when, supposedly, you realised she was still tense. “We slept together at your house, it’s not a marriage proposal.”
Yes you had both slept together, but it was at her house and it hadn’t been after you had been mauled by a werewolf. There hadn’t been the same tension because it was different. In the time since then you had ignored her, avoided her, apologised, and tried to get yourself killed. Wednesday wasn’t one to allow herself to feel many emotions, but you were starting to make it difficult.
“I guess we need a rain check for Saturday’s coffee,” you said, bringing Wednesday out of her thoughts. Oh yes. You had wanted to make up for avoiding her.
“There will be more Saturdays,” Wednesday said and finally, she let herself lean her weight into your side.
She could hear your heartbeat in your chest. It was fast, but Wednesday had learned it was fairly usual for you. All that really mattered was that it was beating and it was strong and steady. There wasn’t much for her to worry about if your heart would just keep beating.
“Let’s get some sleep,” you muttered, and Wednesday looked up at your face. You did look exhausted. She supposed she should agree and let you sleep, although…
Do it.
With gentle fingers, Wednesday cupped your jaw and turned you to face her. Her eyes darted to your lips just once before pulling you down. It was effortless really, you instantly got the hint and leaned down to kiss her. She let you take the lead so she wouldn’t hurt you, but that didn’t stop the heat building in her chest.
You deepened the kiss, leaning down until Wednesday could wrap her hand around the back of your neck. There was a hunger behind your kiss; something Wednesday couldn’t quite place. But she could feel your pulse under your skin and just knew hers was racing along with it. You shifted and-
“-ouch,” you hissed, pulling back until your forehead was resting against hers.
“Are you okay?” Wednesday asked in a shameful display of concern. She blamed you and the kiss.
“Guess I can’t lift my right arm,” you said with a light chuckle. “Cockblocked by my own hubris.”
“What?” Wednesday asked, pulling back just enough to look you in the eye. You were blushing.
“Nothing,” you mumbled, very quickly leaning back and pulling Wednesday down with you. “Guess I’m just tired.”
“Sleep,” Wednesday said. She had meant to sound demanding, but her voice was far too soft. Too caring.
“Sleep with me,” you said even though you were already fading.
Wednesday didn’t have time to give you an answer before your eyes closed and your breathing evened out. She just watched you, felt the rise and fall of your chest beneath her fingers, the occasional brush of your good wing against her arm. And as you slept, her lips brushed against the itchy fabric of the bandage as she leaned up to leave a lingering kiss on your cheek.
She settled into your side once again and closed her eyes. It was too intimate, too close. But your warmth enveloped her and you subconsciously pulled her closer with your good arm. And just like that, Wednesday fell asleep and, for the first night since the full moon, her dreams were void of nightmares.
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silvertws · 2 months
The urge to make a silly goofy dead oc because funky Avicane Lore is very strong.
Like, if Heyhay in all their wisdom decided to make this a thing......... Surely... Surely it wouldn't be my fault if I ended up making the most gut wrenching, sad, heartbreaking guy/girl right..?
I definitely don't have ideas........
What no... I would never have ideas that are angst related what are you talking about...
*quickly hides my angsty posts*
See? I'm just wholesome! :D
Hear me out... Harpy Hare + Vast + a bunch of dead birbs... It'd be a cool animatic...
Ok... I may be making a bit of a storyboard... (I hate making them because they are so annoying and just UGH but yk)
One problem I encountered tho is not having like... The canon designs for some pretty important characters, like Giovanni with young Pietro and Virgil; the guys who yoinked Armor; Vast's parents (ik he looks like a lot like her 'dad' but still-) and their SISTER, we've heard so much stuff about her in the memories but haven't actually seen her much.
Also remembering what birds everyone is is kinda making me go crazy but ok.
This could also be a really cute Collab idea ngl.
I really want to actually use some fanon ocs for the dead bird kiddos/teens (cause Heyhay made the post regarding how training ends at 16 so like, I presume they can get turned into birds even after 8 yo?) but I don't want to actually ask anyone cause my motivation sucks, even tho I have the ideas, and have divided the song in parts where specific characters will show up, and have started the storyboard, I am pretty sure it will just be another project left to be dusty :((( and I really don't want that to happen cause it happens every time and I hate that :(((
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emilythedog661-tf2 · 4 months
Hello again!
Yo, Sniper has an owl and I headcanon that Doc loves every type of birb (not only doves)
Could you do smth about this? °^°
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Here you go
Medic is the Bird Whisper and all the birds are attracted to him, Sniper thinks it's adorable and he now wants to make his home a bird sanctuary for the pair when they retire
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catboymoments · 8 months
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brb-on-a-quest · 2 months
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 11 months
Since I'm a very "the curtains are blue for a reason" kinda person, I want to talk about potential symbolism in the couches of Ai Nan Desu Yo and I Love You! Does that sound weird? Maybe it is, but I think it's kinda fun!
CW Suicide, unhealthy relationships
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What first caught my eye is that the couch is (mostly) symmetrical, split right down the middle. Well, the pillows are symmetrical, not the... blanket? Yeah, blanket. Because it's symmetrical, it could be seen as a representation of Mahiru's relationship, with each side representing one of the lovers. Notice how it's yellow-orange, which can represent happiness and warmth, which fits.
[Ai Nan Desu Yo] Do you really think you know what love is? If you do, then let's just overheat together
What I then noticed is that the blanket thing is mostly on the left side (I'm using camera view for this post), which could be interpreted as meaning the partner on the left puts more effort into the relationship, 'gives more warmth'. Meaning the partner on the left would be Mahiru, who is implied to be showing way more affection than the boyfriend to the point of being overwhelming. For example, just looking at the size of the pieces of cake they give each other in I Love You.
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(Mahiru left, boyfriend right)
And this idea of 'Mahiru to the left, boyfriend to the right' is corroborated because that's how they're shown sitting in I Love You.
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... Well, the couch is slightly different. It's more detailed, possibly because I Love You gives a more realistic look at the complexities of their relationship (?), but it does seem like it's a reference, especially since the green pillows are still there.
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Although the green pillows are tattered when we see them in the Purple Background Dimension (<- why is this series so hard to talk about). Could this imply they're actually a representation of the lovers? It feels like this makes sense. Pillows are often filled with feathers, which are an important aspect of these two's symbolism (they're both in the bird cage -> they're both birbs). And it also fits with the "calling" scene, sort of.
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[Ai Nan Desu Yo] Ring ring, I'm calling you in the middle of the night Forcing you to wake up, and I say "Good Morning!" But I fall asleep before you, I really feel bad you know? We can both feel lonely sometimes, but wonder if you'll get angry soon I'm going to start relying on you if you're kind to me, so please forgive me, thanks!
We see her call her boyfriend while somewhat-tightly hugging the pillow which apparently represents him, and the lyrics imply she's calling at an inconvenient time. Mahiru has a lot of imagery of smothering and suffocating, as her love is too overwhelming for her boyfriend, which vaguely fits the first two images. In this case, she wants to talk to him at all times, which he likely doesn't appreciate, he gets angry with her being overbearing, they do what seems to be one of the "breakup rituals" mentioned in a later line. Still, she longingly holds onto the pillow, before breaking down when it's no longer in her hands. They always come back to each other, because they've probably become dangerously codependent (I think? <- My aromantic ass does not understand romantic relationships)
Does that sorta work? Maybe.
Then there's the scene where Mahiru jumps into the right side of the couch, possibly a representation of invading boundaries (again, overwhelming affection), and sends a bunch of feathers flying. The feathers are in the middle, because again, both the lovers are birds. And this makes sense, since Mahiru's love in a way was also hurting her by making her love someone who could not meet her emotional needs.
[I Love You] My love, it scored an own goal, destroyed my love and me with its weight
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(Also, I swear I remember Mahiru hugging a pillow here, but no, she grabs air. Mandela effect, ig)
The final thing to note is that Mahiru is sleeping on the right side of the couch before her boyfriend's suicide in Ai Nan Desu Yo, but she goes to sleep on the left after the suicide in I Love You.
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The former again possibly implying Mahiru's unwillingness to separate from her boyfriend, and her tendency to invade his boundaries, is part of what caused him to commit suicide. Meanwhile, the latter makes sense, as Mahiru is alone and thus has to stick to her side of the couch.
(I'm frankly not sure how this would work with the shinju theory, but to be fair Ai Nan Desu Yo's ending as a whole doesn't work perfectly with that theory anyways)
Uh... so it sorta works? If that's the case, we can look at the stuff around the couch to establish some further potential symbolism.
For one, the diamond pattern in the carpet. Diamonds in general represent love and all the aspects of healthy relationships, which doesn't seem like it should make sense until you realize most of Ai Nan shows an idealized version of the relationship, and the carpet isn't present in the more realistic I Love You. Though I have to disclaim I'm talking about diamond the gemstone, because the shape itself (lozenge) represents "a sown field and female fertility" which I don't think is exactly applicable. Mahiru and her boyfriend aren't farmers.
(As far as we know)
The phone could have really been on either side since it just represents communication, so it's probably on the right for the sake of the "calling" scene.
The potted plant on the left is something which needs taking care of to survive, which may represents Mahiru's unfulfilled desire for attention and matching love from her partner.
[Ai Nan Desu Yo] This is a claim of responsibility From the two of us with matching love
The lamp is odd because I can't tell where it's meant to be pointing, but thankfully it makes sense with all three possibilities. Since it's on the right, it may represent how much attention Mahiru is giving her boyfriend. But it seems pointed to the left, so it could represent Mahiru's desire for her boyfriend to pay attention to her. Or maybe it's pointing at the middle, because the video is focusing on the relationship. The beauty of symbolism is that, if something looks a bit odd, you can just make shit up as long as it doesn't contradict any of your other claims!
Anyways, am I onto something or am I going completely insane? Good question! But I wanted to share this so. Take care!
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robin-5-technically · 2 months
Yo Birb Boi. Saw some fluff balls near the bridge in Gotham Park. There's a sign near them that states not to let you know their there in what looks like Spoilers handwriting...........
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More fluff balls?
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fluffle-writes · 2 months
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Bittern bird for you
Lanky lads
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BSD + Pokemon Pt. 2 (Guild + Special Division + Extras)
Yo. I'm back. XD And I have moreeeee as well as some extra folks
Fitzgerald: Persian (Three words. Rich man vibes. Anyways.)
Louisa: Noctowl (Basic, I know, but it just feels fitting for her. Not to mention, the Pokemon twists its head 180 degrees to increase intellect, similar to Louisa able to use her ability to its fullest as long as she's alone in a private room. That, and owl, and she uses a quill to write. What's more to love? [sidenote, it's actually a pretty big birb, this birb's at least 5". *it's taller than me by an inch or two.*)
Margaret: Altaria (Margaret's ability is basically wind, Altaria might be the closest thing to something related to wind/the sky. And to be honest, I'm kinda proud of this one. I thought Margaret's was gonna be hard, but each time I keep thinking back to flying Pokemon, fluffy cloud birb came to mind and just "done. dusted. stop here, that one.")
Hawthorne: Aegislash (Not my best, once again. Given Hawthorne's ability and his person, I couldn't really find one best suited. Not to mention his ability is quite specific. So I had to go with the fact he could use his ability as bullets and a shield. Offense and defense? Why not change the bullet part to a sword? and boom, Aegislash.)
Twain: Swellow (At first I was gonna go with Talonflame, but then I saw Swellow. And then I keep running into more bird Pokemon. The only reason I stuck with Swellow was because [looks back at bulbapedia] yada yada yada- "It never misses its targets". Compliments his ability well.)
Steinbeck: Arboliva (Terrifying olive tree and the only one I could think of that could fit Steinbeck's ability. Siderant: I ran into these guys when I first played Pokemon Violet, and it was so ANNOYING. I hit it. It hits back. Harder. AND THEN IT SELFHEALS. "But Lavender, you could just run-" It was a trainer battle.)
Lovecraft: Tangrowth (Going with Lovecraft's... [looks at bsdwiki] uh- hm... non-ability, with him able to use his tentacles, Tangrowth does the same with their vines. And similar to the tentacles able to regenerate, Tangrowth losing their arms doesn't trouble them.)
Herman: Wailord (*Gestures at Moby Dick* Need I say more?)
Poe: Corvisquire ([ . . . ] Look it was either going to be a raccoon [Zigzagoon], a cat [none fit the "black cat" aesthetic except maybe Litten], or a bird [Corvisquire or Murkrow]. My guy already has Karl, he could be the Zigzagoon at default, and there are no Pokemon related to books hhhh, so he gets a bird.)
Lucy: Gothorita ([inhalesss] [exhalesss] My first choices was Banette. [looks at Q]. My second choise was Magearna. [looks further down this post]. Then I see Dollive. [Looks at Steinbeck's Arboliva]. Of all that I can manage through skimming serebii's national pokedex, I came across the Gothita line. At first, I felt bad that it was sort of a last ditch plan for Lucy, but looking at the two together, they sort of compliment each other? Maybe? And yes, Gothorita specifically.)
Special Division
Ango: Reuniclus (Just like Mori, I had trouble with this one, but in which aspect. His occupation or his ability. In the end, I grabbed a small aspect of his ability where it does quite the mental strain on him, and this Pokemon line [or rather the second evolution] has that brain aspect. Other than that, though, I have thought of Klefki [for some reason???], Munna/Musharna[what is with these pokemon-?], or just any psychic-type Pokemon.)
Tsujimura: Darkrai (Now I know what you're thinking. "WHY GIVE HER SOMETHING OVERPOWERED?" Well, not only is Tsujimura's ability Yesterday's Shadow Tag something similar when it comes to shadows and Darkrai *is* shadows, but the thought of it comes to the fact that she got her ability through her mother, just like Kyouka with Demon Snow. The idea of someone having such a powerful ability/Pokemon in their hands but is ultimately nerfed due to the fact they're inexperienced, or in Tsujimura's case, unable to control it.)
Taneda: Espeon (Don't know much about the man, but his ability lets him know the nature of another's ability upon its activation. So my guy rolls an active perception check. And of all that I've seen that could "sense intention" were either Raltz/Kirlia, Lucario, and Espeon. And I was tempted in choosing Espeon not by bias, but that they passively have perception check running [odd words there, friend-]. And ye owo)
Mushitarou: Phantump (Ignoing the Pokemon's pokedex and the implications of a Phantump coming to be, the little guy just keeps reminding me of Mushitarou's little ghost buddies of his Perfect Crime ability. So have the little guy. It he.)
Ayatsuji: Magearna (Yup, pulling these guys up. Again, I don't know much of the other light novels, but I knew enough by the fanwiki. And one thing in particular I noticed besides Ayatsuji being a detective was that he likes ball-jointed dolls. So, Magearna! And to be honest, this Pokemon was what I had in mind to give Lucy but... yeaaaahh that went well-)
Kyogoku: Ghastly (I went all out, 'cos I pulled up articles for this one. Not only is Kyogoku's ability "Possession Drop" said to be of a Yokai Possession, I went to see about Pokemon that are based off on Yokai. And it says here that Ghastly are based off from "Onibi" or just souls that turn into small flames that wander, detached from their bodies. And reading about Kyogoku, it makes sense. Oh, and that generally ghost-type Pokemon are capable in possessing people.)
Next up will likely be DOA and the Hunting Dogs with a few more extras weeeeeeee
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