#yorkshin arc
themythofnarcissus · 2 years
one amusing detail i think was missing from the anime is how ridiculously big chrollo’s suit is in yorkshin arc, like, in the manga you can tell that he stole it, it looks like a trash bag on him. i think it’s really fitting too, to draw chrollo as skinny and awkward, considering that they’re thieves and before that they lived in poverty. absolute rat of a man
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queen-slayer-13 · 14 days
Kurapika in the Yorkshin City arc in '99 version just hits different.
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maagicmushies · 3 months
Nen Talks #3 Kurapika
Hey. You got a free hour or two to spare? If not, fuck off because we're talking about Kurapika's abilities, their symbolism and their connection to his story line and this will be a yap session because he is one of the most storied characters in the series with the highest number of abilities.
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So, I think for Kurapika it mostly makes sense to talk about how Nen abilities in chronological order, starting with the Dousing Chain. It's a silver chain with a ball at the end attached to his ring and while it is Kurapika's main chain for combat, the real interesting thing is that the name isn't just for show. Dousing Chain can be used to read maps and tell lies. We're already starting strong because Kurapika is someone who HATES being lied to or even having information withheld for him. All hunters are greedy to an extent, because to be a hunter means to constantly want something that you don't have. Kurapika is this with information, he (unintentionally) compromised the safety of his entire clan just because he wanted to experience more, learn more. The Dousing Chain is this hunger for knowledge taken to it's full form. You cannot lie to Kurapika, nor can you hide anything from him.
His next chain is the Chain Jail on his middle finger and no, I don't think that is a coincidence. It's a gesture brimming with spite and anger and how Kurapika binds the Phantom Troupe. There is more to say about Chain Jail, but it's better saved for a little later on. Next up is the Holy Chain, allowing Kurapika to heal himself or others. This one is almost purely subtext, but Kurapika has a lot of holy themes tied to him. He wears a monk's garb as his primary design for the Yorkshin arc and his primary adversary, Chrollo, has a lot of "anti-christ" theming going on with that evil bible, a cloak adorned with St. Peter's Cross and his twelve disciples. Kurapika is the holy soldier on a mission of righteousness while Chrollo is the embodiment of everything that Kurapika strives to avoid.
The turning point in Kurapika's abilities is the reveal of Emperor Time. It's not a chain, but instead a state he enters when his emotions reach a fever pitch and his eyes go scarlet. Instead of Kurapika being a Conjurer with 100% potential in conjuration with diminishing returns everywhere, it turns him into a specialist with 100% potential everywhere. This is the ability of someone who wants to do everything on their own. Hunter x Hunter's cast is initially set up like one of Togashi's previous works, Yu Yu Hakusho where everyone has their own strengths and no one can truly do anything on their own. However, Kurapika defies this, breaking away from everyone and trying to find any way to be his own team. It's not that he's selfish, it's just that this is HIS holy war and doesn't see the need to drag his friends into it. This aspect of Kurapika isn't just spiritually destructive, but physically destructive because late in the manga it is revealed that there is another restriction tied to Emperor Time. One second for the Emperor shaves off one second of Kurapika's life. As his search for his clan's eyes gets harder, he needs to use Emperor Time more and more. No one really knows how much time Kurapika has left. We just know that he has lost at least 6 years of what he would have had originally, and likely much more than that. After he completes his quest, that might be it. He might just fully burn out. Kurapika has acknowledged this possibility... and is mostly ok with it. Just like Gon and Killua (and his arch nemesis, Chrollo), he doesn't have a ton of self worth, that's what allows him to grab ahold to this great power in such a short time and leads well into the Judgement Chain on his pinkie. Judgement Chain forces someone into an oath with Kurapika and if the oath is broken, the chain which is wrapped around the heart will crush the heart, killing them instantly. I think the allusion to "pinkie promise" might be intentional? As said earlier, oaths and truths are a big thing to Kurapika, so this makes sense but the real tragic thing here is that Kurapika has used Judgement Chain on himself. In order to stop himself from going out of control on his revenge quest, he has made a Judgement Chain vow with himself to only use Chain Jail on Phantom Troupe members. Failure to acquiesce will kill him. Kurapika... still doesn't really know what will happen if he accidentally uses it on someone who isn't a troupe member. It's this lack of foresight and lack of self worth that keeps showing up for him, Kurapika just keeps digging down with no plan on how to get back up and seems to be resigned to the idea that he may never get back up.
The final chain and the one I likely have the least to say about is the Steal Chain. It's his index finger. It basically sucks someone's aura out of their body and then gives that aura (and the ability carried within it) to an ally using Stealth Dolphin. Steal Chain holds a similar role to Chain Jail in Kurapika's characterization, this idea that some nen users are terrible people who need to be chained to hell, having all of their godly nen powers removed. Kurapika really likes this idea because he even uses Judgement Chain to impose this on Chrollo. It fits into that religious theming that keeps coming up with Kurapika, his mission is one of righteousness or at least that's how he sees it.
There are largely two forms of story telling done through nen in Hunter x Hunter. One form hints at a characters backstory and struggles and how they've evolved past it while the other hints at the core of who the character really is. Kurapika's skillset is a fantastic case of the latter, because you get such a vivid picture painted just by knowing what these does. His obsession with truths and oaths, his religious subtext with the troupe and his lack of self worth. It's all communicated through his chains and eyes and this is honestly a fantastic showcase of what a "main character" ability looks like for this series.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 month
What are your thoughts on the yorkshin arc? My main issue is the arc never really lingered on Kurapika's feelings that much. I honestly didn't feel much for it. We were shown how angry and vengeful he was, but we never really got to see or feel just how hurt Kurapika was over losing his family, friends and home.
Maybe it's my own perception problem. This may sound mean but Kurapika just seem to be this badass arrogant cold-blooded chain bastard. After killing Uvo, he remained stone-cold. He wasnt bothered. He doesnt feel guilty at all. Was he supposed to be like this in the manga?
I still like it overall but i kinda wish it was more emotionally compelling just as Chimera Ant Arc. Chimera arc was super long so it has it's highs and lows. But I would say the highs of Chimera ant are higher than Yorknew.
Hello anon!
I love the York Shin arc tbh :)
I think it is not fair to compare it to the CAA, though, because imo its role in the narrative is more similar to the Zoldyck short arc for Killua, the Celestial Arena's arc for Nen, Greed Island for Gon and the Election Arc for Leorio. These are all set up arcs, where you are not expected to see all the conflicts solved.
The zoldyck arc introduces the main family members and dynamics, but it does not solve them
The Celestial Arena introduces nen, but it doesn't show its most interesting powers or applications
Greed Island sets up Gon's flaws, but it does not really deconstruct them
The Election Arc sets up Leorio's arc and potential as a politician, but it ends with Leorio losing the elections
Similarly, York Shin doesn't solve Kurapika's arc, but simply introduces its major themes together with the Spiders. It is the current arc (the Succession War Arc), that is supposed to give Kurapika and the Spiders the major characters development. Exactly like the CAA does for Gon and Killua. Notice, for example, that it ends in an anti-climax (like many HXH arcs that postpone conflicts). There is no final showdown between Kurapika and Chrollo, really.
That said, I disagree with with your reading of Kurapika as stone-cold. I would say the arc actually makes clear he is going through a huge emotional turmoil. Here are some examples:
Kurapika gets angry at Uvo and Pakunoda because they refuse to betray their comrades. That is because they go against Kurapika's ideas of the spiders as inhuman monsters. Senritsu even comments on this by saying how deep down Kurapika is starting to have doubts about his revenge, as he sees the spiders as humans.
He completely loses its cool and basically runs after them recklessly in a way that makes him easy to find. He is 100% ready to give in to his anger and to foolishly die in a 1 vs 3 fight. The only reason he survives is that Gon and Killua let themselves get caught.
In general, Kurapika is shown clearly suicidal, as he feels that without the Spiders he has no real reason to live. He even says so, which is why Gon telling him to look for his comrades' eyes helps him.
In the end, he temporally gives up his revenge to save Gon and Killua because he realizes that saving his friends that are still alive is better than avenging his dead ones. We even get a little foreshadowing of Pairo there.
Finally, Kurapika is so consumed by everything he literally sleeps for days and everyone is worried sick for him
So, his behavior is not really something I would call cold. Quite the opposite really. He is angry and desperate and at the same time the person he hates the most is really himself. So, he is sacrificing his life and his sense of self in a revenge, which will only lead to his death. I have written more about his arc here, if you are interested.
In short, I understand you expecting a more emotional narrative, but York Shin is not a climatic arc and in general Togashi's style tends to show in subtext much more than saying :) I am expecting more emotional outburst in the current arc, though, even if so far it is incredibly complex and a lot of time is given to explaining everyone's strategy.
Thank you for the ask!
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rayclubs · 3 months
The thing about the Chimera Ant arc is, people call it the most heartbreaking and dark but more named protagonists die in Yorkshin. Gon is hurt badly but recovers afterwards, Knov is traumatized but lives with it, a bunch of people are injured but they all survive. Even Kaito lives. Sure, a whole bunch of ants die, but there was hardly a different outcome to be expected. I'm sure nobody was waiting for Leor or Cheetu to learn kindness. Hell, even if they did, they're not, like, the Phantom Troupe level of endearing, they're practically side characters.
Netero dies, and I'm sure someone was emotionally attached to him, but I know I wasn't. It's sad, yeah, but it's cool to watch too, and he goes out with a bang (ha!), so it can be counted as a triumphant moment.
The royal guards die, but, again, was there really any other outcome for them? I was half-expecting Youpi to gain self-awareness and fuck off into the sunset but ah well, it's not as though I was rooting for him. Pitou was doomed from the start, and Pouf, well, I want to put Pouf through the meat grinder, wings and all.
I think the Chimera Arc goes hard not because it's dark and gritty but because it's a masterful lesson in suspense. I'm only slightly exaggerating when I tell you I was shitting my goddamn pants when Knuckle went to punch Youpi and nearly #gotkilled, or every time Meleoron ran out of air, or when Knov snuck into the palace, or when Palm saw Pitou's En, or when Shoot was fighting, or when Youpi told Knuckle to remove Hakoware (dunno what the thing itself is called in English, it's PPS in the Russian subs so I call it Pipis. Anyway) or when I thought Morel was going to fucking die for some reason?
Like, okay, I first watched HxH years ago, when I was a kid, and while I remembered a decent amount of things, I sure didn't remember everything. So when I started the Chimera Ant arc on rewatch, I remembered two things about Morel: I loved him and he fucking died??? I don't know where I got that from, I watched it through and through, Alluka's arc and all, yet I was convinced he was doomed. There was maybe an inkling of suspicion in my mind because I couldn't remember why I loved him so much, but then the Colt and Reina scene happened and I was like. Oh. Ohhh. So my memory IS right on this. Fast-forward to his fight with Leor and I'm screaming at my screen thinking this is it, I remember this, this is where he dies, I'm like 99% sure. And what do you know? Bitch made it out unscathed. Holy shit.
Anyhow, the Chimera Ant arc goes hard because the author understands plot armor and deliberately endears to the audience a cast of characters who aren't wearing it. You don't fear for Killua's life because Killua has plot armor, you know he's not gonna die, it's the rules. You know who isn't immune to being repatriated to the Underworld? Fucking nearly everyone else.
HxH is also very good at making the protagonist not the protagonist. Gon really shines during the Hunter Exam or the Greed Island arcs, but the main character of the Yorkshin arc is Kurapika, and the main character of Alluka's arc is Killua, and the main character of the Chimera Ant arc is... Well, there's a discussion to be had about this, but I think it's Knuckle. He has that anime protag rizz, y'know? He has a rival-slash-foil in Shoot, he has a mentor figure in Morel, his ability is treated as a trump card for the longest time, he stays on the battlefield nearly untill the end, he's the protag, and, very notably, he's a protag who is NOT wearing plot armor. That's why the arc hits hard. That's why everybody thinks it's the darkest. It's a narrative trick.
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zs-art · 6 months
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pixel art studies Day 3 👾
. tiny Illumi & Hisoka sprites 🤏 but recolored to their 2011 anime palette (YorkShin arc)
. traced off screenshots of gameplay videos of "Hunter x Hunter Minna Tomodachi Daisakusen!!" (GBA) tho i kinda got lost trying to look at each pixel 😵‍💫
. i thought it'd be easier since i don't have to add much details but in this style literally every pixel matters- the learning continues...
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thehuntyhunties · 1 month
a fun fact about me. is that in 2015-16 when I first got into hxh, I was hit by the Obsession so hard that I made a full killugon playlist for EVERY arc in the anime. And looking back on them as a more practiced fanmix maker today, most of them. are Just Okay. (like... they're barely in the Yorkshin arc but it's also the arc where their codependency well and truly begins so it is CRITICAL to their dynamic? and that's?? a really weird needle to thread musically???). However the ant arc playlist is fire and the election arc is pretty alright actually. And someday i SHOULD finally share those two. Until the killugon demons take over my body again and then I can finally use the fervor of Blorbo Possession to remake the whole project but better this time.
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misdre · 3 months
feels so refreshing to be rewatching hxh 2011 at this point, especially the yorkshin arc, back in the day it was saturated as fuck by both comparisons to the old anime and also fandom opinions that still haunt me, like friends who vocally disliked the main boys,,
idk if i even have any mutuals/followers from those times anymore but memories about very specific kinds of people are crawling back to me lmao
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argiasekai · 4 months
I just finished HunterxHunter (both anime and manga)!
Here is my ranking of the HxH arcs:
1-Yorkshin city
2-Chimera Ant
3-Hunter Exam
4-Heavens Arena
5-Greed Island
6-Election arc
7-Zoldyck Family
Dark Continent....?
I did not write the Dark Continent on the list, because you know... it's technically not over.
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mademoiselle-cookie · 27 days
Moriarty the Patriot Vol. 7
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I remind you before starting that the manga is called "Moriarty the Patriot" and that it sells itself as an smart manga with worked strategies on a complex political background. It is normal to have expectations.
I didn't mention it in my previous post.
What the
is this?
The only important female character… became a man?
I won't dwell on the narrative reasons for this choice (Irene is a master of disguise and technically no longer exists. Changing her gender is pointless). But having the only female representative in the cast become a man? Weren't there enough of them already?
And no, my problem is not that Bond is trans (?) or genderqueer (?). It's the fact that the author chose Irene to be. Why not one of the MANY male characters and have him transition into a woman? Then there would be two (2).
There are none left at all now. Those who remain are either victims or tertiary characters.
(I will use 'they' for Bond for the rest of the reviews because I am confused by this bizarre choice)
Sherlock or Moriarty's Ally
I've complained that Sherlock's side is either buffoons or incompetents or both, while Moriarty's is made up of very competent people.
Irene and Bond are proof of this.
Irene is a moron and needs others to help her out of the troubles she created herself.
Bond is intelligent and resourceful, capable of forming "intelligent" (more on that later) and effective plans in the heat of the moment.
All it took was switching to Moriarty's camp to become proficient in fact. Miracle cure. Trainers hate him!
It's mind-blowing how there is no subtlety.
Team Behavior
I may be biased, but abandoning Bond in the middle of a dangerous situation without telling them anything and yelling at them for being lost is stupid.
Did anyone give them a brief rundown on what to do in the event of an unexpected situation? Communication is super important for teamwork, even if it's just to say: "Do what you can to make yourself useful, we won't wait for you."
Yes, teams can act without needing to talk to each other, but it requires experience. You have to know the other and how they think.
So not something that we expect from the new person that no one knows and for whom it's the first mission.
And they don't know that they were working solo, so they're not used to teamwork?
Because in the end, Bon knew what to do AFTER talking to Moran, who explained their way of doing things.
Bond's Plan
I'm nitpicking because I don't know much about robberies. But since the bank uses electricity, why not just shoot the source instead of the individual bulbs? It takes less time, no one is likely to see them, and the chances of the burglars panicking and shooting into the crowd are lower (did anyone think that armed and violent guys could start shit?)
Another thing. Maybe it's okay at the time, but giving the credit to the only - idiot - cop that everyone saw get knocked out in the beginning (the thief who did it did scream his accomplishment) is kind of a crappy idea. The robbers thought to cover the hostages' eyes (good point btw), so they probably made sure the cop didn't bother them. So they know he wasn't the one who arrested them. The burglary case will probably make the newspapers, no one is afraid that one of the robbers will say that the cop is not the hero? What if a hostage puts two and two together?
Besides, no one is surprised that there were several shots but no injuries, even after the lights were turned off?
Rather than using the cannon's flame to see, why wouldn't Bond just memorize the location of the thieves and beat the crap out of them? Or they would have gotten used to the darkness before the lights went out, being able to see their opponents, when the latter wouldn't see anything because of the change in brightness? Like Gon and Killua in the Yorkshin City arc in Hunter X Hunter. That would have been more badass.
Of course, it's a plan put together quickly, it's impossible for it to be perfect. But I wouldn't have said anything if the characters didn't say it was a "thunderous plan". No, it was imperfect, found with limited means by the urgency, and not even the best one that could be found, which with a bit of luck, the panic and agitation will be enough to not attract Sherlock's attention.
(But how cool would it be if Sherlock still suspected something but recognizing Irene's touch, would decide not to go further. It would remind us that he is intelligent and that he is an adversary/threat/rival for Moriarty)
Moriarty's past
So everyone knows about the Moriartys' past? Even Bond who's been around for… a few days or weeks max?
At this point, it's not trust anymore, it's stupidity.
In a secret organization, the leader(s) don't reveal their entire lives to their subordinates, it's just the basics.
Was it even necessary for them to know that?
I think the author wants the main character to be both mysterious and enigmatic, but at the same time endearing and close to his men like a found family exceptional and open and blah blah blah… In short, they have all the qualities, even when they contradict each other.
Attacking defenseless beings
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And him?
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They knew the nobleman was going to kill someone, they did nothing to save him.
He was just a drunk (and overweight) guy, he had done nothing wrong and didn't deserve to die.
Jacques the Ripper
Moriarty's plan is ridiculous. A quick list of thoughts:
Why a fifth victim? The fake Jacques could have just appeared with a knife and covered in blood. No need for THREE new 'victims'. How "kind" to take already autopsied bodies to avoid disemboweling them, only to stab another one in vain?
Doesn't anyone find it strange that the murderer who was keeping a low profile suddenly reveals himself and then flees for a long time (he doesn't even try to hide) without killing anyone despite his weapon and his clear desire to murder? Doesn't anyone find it surprising that the guns slip out of the pursuers' hands on their own?
The speech is ridiculous. It sounds like an adult trying to scare a toddler. It can vaguely come across as the police and such because of the panic but:
It's not said, so that's not why the speech is effective.
After a while, the panic subsides and we can think. The plan is supposed to last long enough for this to happen.
The reader. We're not panicked or agitated, we're still in a position to use our neurons.
This plan doesn't work because it's brilliant, it works because the guys in Moriarty's side are Gary Sues.
And like in every Mary Sue movie, the others are complete morons.
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The real Jack is Moriarty's ultra-competent servant. The "Jack" case (which is the original for the rest of the world) are just imposters. While they used this name at random and it has nothing to do with him.
This horrible story that made headlines in real life and inspired so many works. Well, in fact, this name so well-known and iconic actually comes from an OC who was not evil. It is not a reinterpretation of the Jack the Ripper case, it is the Jack the Ripper case that stole this title from him.
Title he earned through his skills and badassness (his murders), but the murder of innocent prostitutes, that wasn't him. He has the positive sides of being Jack the Ripper but not the negative sides. He doesn't even seem traumatized by the acts that gave him this nickname.
It's starting to get long so I'll talk about it in the review of the next volume. But their treatment and the author's sexism is deplorable.
I'm just putting this out there.
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I'm not making this up, they're the ones who say it
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ao3feed-leopika · 1 month
Off The Deep End
Off The Deep End Link to fic: https://ift.tt/agnJBXH by PinkMittens A harrowing situation leads Kurapika to realize that while it’s hard to hurt people, it's harder to heal them. Words: 2912, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Hunter X Hunter Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Kurapika (Hunter X Hunter), Leorio Paladiknight, Gon Freecs, Killua Zoldyck Relationships: Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Pre-Relationship, idk where in the canon im putting this, Post-Yorkshin City | Yorknew City Arc (Hunter X Hunter), Near Death Experiences via AO3 works tagged 'Kurapika/Leorio Paladiknight' https://ift.tt/KdcFwa6 August 22, 2024 at 02:21PM
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zippers · 1 year
hxh 1999 yorkshin arc is THE best anime arc i have ever seen, it is the only anime (this arc specifically) i've rewatched more than once... in the sub. the dub is AWFUL!!!!!!!
but i want to listen to it while i clean... bad idea i know since it is beautiful animation and artistry... but it's that or fundie fridays and I don't want to stay up THAT late....
gosh maybe i will do a kurapika homage with my cousins tomorrow lolol, we are all three semi professional artists and I want to try out their art tablet!! and who better to fall back into drawing!!
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warlordarcher · 2 months
Considering Pokkle's quick fate in the serie, it's hard to think of a main verse for him, so before I start rp, I wanted to state a few verses:
- Prehxh: Basically the first time he tried to take the Hunter exam. This verse would go from when he started the exam for the first time, and the time before participating for the second time.
- Hunter Exam: The time included DURING the second attempt.
-Dreams: This verse includes the Yorkshin and Greed Island arcs, it is about his first experiences as Hunter.
- Survivor AU: Considering I'm a person who loves character development and long stories, this is probably a verse I'll use quite a bit: Whether the other muse/whatever character "pulled strings" so that Pokkle wouldn't go to NGL or had another outcome with the Chimeras, Pokkle survived and continues to pursue his dream as a Hunter.
-Hope: In this verse, I'll feigner dementia with the canon, Pokkle became a hunter and is pursuing his dreams. NGL never happened. It's also the verse suitable for crossovers since it's separated from the canon
I'll be writing them in detail later, but those are the main ideas.
If anyone wants to plot something with any of these verses, don't hesitate to talk to me.
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hunting-songs · 5 months
“WHAT?!?!” | Okay, this sounds absurdly hilarious. If it is setted in the Yorkshin arc, she will only find a switchblade. However, in the Succession Contest arc, he also carries a handgun (because of course, they are so calm and relaxed in the Black Whale that they have time and desire to succumb to their base instincts xD). Now, do we want it to become completely absurd? Why not unite everything? Then he would carry his full equipment: bokken, knives, shuriken, switchublade, handgun. To hell with logic.
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A Scene: Our Muses are eagerly stripping each other and are clearly about to bone, but they keep getting interrupted by finding carefully concealed weapons in each others clothing. They keep unholstering, revealing and unstrapping increasingly ridiculous amounts of hidden guns | knives and other weapons as the clothes come off- It starts killing the mood.
Send “ANOTHER?!?!” for your Muse (Sended the Ask) to find another weapon on my Muse (Reciever) !
Send “WHAT?!?!” for my Muse (Reciever) to find another weapon on your Muse (Sended the Ask) !
Senritsu had waited for the knock on her hotelrooms door since the head of the family she had been send to serve as a walking-lying-detector for in the last few weeks, had met with Light Nostrade in the Hotel to discuss further collaborations.
Senritsu had waited for the knock on her hotelrooms door since she had saw her friends standing behind Light Nostrade and during the negotiations Basho had winked at her friendly, barely noticeable, still with a heartbeat calm and honestly happy about seeing his friend again.
Senritsu had waited for the knock on her hotelrooms door since she had spend the rest of the day in a small, dark room without windows to lie after lie after lie after lie.
Senritsu had waited for the knock on her hotelrooms door since she had heard Kurapikas heartbeat carried in a walking tempo up the stairs up to the floor the room was on.
The woman had stopped the hot water running in her hotelrooms brathrooms tub when she had heard the other before her rooms door and she was laughing happily, almost relieved the moment she finally heard that knock she had waited for the whole day.
"Come in-",the musician hummed and took Kurapikas hands into her smaller ones, for a second, just for a second, here was the coolness of chains beneath her fingertips cold like the icy weather outside numbing her fingers, but the second passed as fast as it came and than there was only Kurapikas warm hands: "-I had spend all day listening to liars in a of cold sweat stinking, tiny room." She pulled him gently into her room and the noise of the door falling closed in their backs was barely hearable, almost not there at all over the melody of Kurapikas heartbeat that she had missed so much: "Help me wash off the smell and then tell me all the history -facts you know about specifically this city, so I can listen for once to someone not lying, yes?" The damp from the hot bathwater already sneaked through the open bathroomdoor into the small hotelroom, muffling their voices and every noise like a blanket.
"How are you?", was barely hearable over the rustling of Senritsus blouse beeing pulled over her head. "Did you slept well?" the woman hummed against the others lips soft like a breath when she helped to slip off Kurapikas blazer. "How are the others do-?" The blazer fell with a much too heavy noise on the carpet of the hotelroom and Senritsu flinched like a by a sudden noise startled mouse. Blinking with eyes as big as plates she peered past the mans face down to the blazer under which she could now see the metal of the handgun shimmering on the low eveninglight falling inside the small room. "...Alright. I should not be suprised.", Senritsu muttered to herself and ran a small hand through Kurapikas hair gently; she had pulled him down enough to kiss him and balanced backwards on the far tip of her toes towards the bathroom where the tub was waiting for them.
The one hand that had rested on the mans hip helped to pull a switchblade from one of his pockets to just place it on the near table with a metallic noise that Senritsu did not bothered to listen to, when he was so much more important.
Her small fingers nimbly opned the buttons of the mans shirt, feeling his hand warm and gentle and teasingly move down to the clasps of her bustier on her back. Whatever she wanted to say was drowned by the sudden loud "THUNK" of two shuriken falling out of Kurapikas halfopned shirt on the carpet. Senritsu almost jump back so the weapons would not fall on her toes and she would have just stumbled over backwards if it would not have been for Kurapikas hand on her back. The woman blinked down on the floor, a confused smile curling around her stark frontteeth: "...okay, No, I am not asking questions."
Humming a sweet song Senritsu pulled Kurapika back down to her, listening to the rustling of her bustier pulled off her arms and falling on the floor, listening to the melody of his lips running over her forehead, her cheek, her nose down to her lips, listening to the orechestra of noises that were the change of sounds when they finally reached the bathroom and the tiles beneath made their hectic steps echo loudly.
The sound of a the switchblade in the back of Kurapikas trouserspocket hitting the ground made Senritsu giggle into his mouth.
But it was his shirt that when finally slipped off fell down on the tiled floor with a wooden, hollow noise that was a very good proof for the bokken he had carried on the back of his shirt, that made Senritsu shriek in sudden laughter.
The metallic noise of the knife he had carried in a pocket on the inside of his shirt hitting the tiled ground, turned the giggle into a laughter between long, deep kisses.
A second later the woman pulled back her hands from the others shoulders and hastily clapped them before her mouth, laughing so loudly she needed all her body-control to not just fall backwards over the edge of the bathtube still with her leggings on. "ah-I-I am sorry-", the woman muttered between uncontrolably giggles and felt laughingtears run down her cheeks as hot as the damp of the bathwater hanging in the bathrooms air heavily. Whatever fear and tension had build up in the last few weeks in which she had worked as a walking-lying-detector fell off her shoulders like a too heavy coat and she just sat there, giggling lightly, softly, quietly, as if she was for the first time in weeks breathing freely: "I am sorry, its not funny, I am not laughing about you, but how do you even manage to carry so many-this is just ridicul-"
The laughter promptly stopped when she heard a faint, so faint, knocking on the door and her head snapped around in the direction of the open batroomsdoor oposite of the closed hotelrooms door like the head of a dog catching a certaine scenttrace.
[ @skarletchains ]
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milliondollarhoe · 3 years
The reason why I love hxh so much is that the anime shows class discrimination in every arc in its own way. Some may say its shown in CAA only or whatever but I feel, class discrimination started in the anime at least since the mention of meteor city. Not only class discrimination but it also shows misogyny in some way, how the examinees listened to male examiners carefully while the only female examiner was taken lightly and even made fun off but in the end her exam was the most difficult one to pass and failed almost everyone. But yes, Togashi did dwell into class discrimination more than anything in hxh. Phantom Troupe originated from Meteor city, a ragged place. They were the ones who made that place at least livable, remember the glimpse of chrollo's past? Where he was running in torn clothes around a pile of trash and nothing? Remember how phantom troupe was formed around a pile of trash? In CAA Meteor city had buildings, it was looking like a place that was at least livable, that is because of the crimes did by Phantom Troupe against Mafias, who are also criminals. If it weren't for their annihilation of the Kurta clan (which I am very very very sus about) they would've been considered robinhoods. The Hunter association is not at all "good" in fact as mentioned, Pariston has sent people for missions that are impossible, he is known to be responsible for the disappearance of many hunters. Hunter association is also affiliated to Mafias. Yet they are never seen in the bad light and Phantom Troupe are considered to be the most wanted criminals. The class discrimination is more clear in the CAA where Togashi used the Ant hierarchy to explain. A "king" is born to rule the world while others follow him without question. Mereum existence not only was a threat to the world but was also a threat to the Hunter association. In this case the Hunter Association can be considered as the other "king". Fighting for absolute domination. Hunter association that barely gave two flying fucks suddenly started caring about humanity. Because they would then lose power. Hxh characters are some of the most amazingly written characters out there. Gon is no typical shonen protagonist, who was always the "good" side in fact he is a gray character. He isn't good but he isn't bad either. Thats what makes Gon different. Killua used to be an assassin, that doesn't erase the past of his killings and his association with his family and the fact that one of the villains is his own Brother, again making him too a grey character. Leorio is the only supposed "good" main character but he is literally not shown in most of the arcs that is there. And there are "bad" characters too, for example Mafias, who too die or whatever. But here is what, Togashi making characters like Mafias and Leorio, he is not denying the fact that there is no absolute "good" or absolute "bad" but you don't see them often, they are rare. Humans aren't just supposed to be "good" or "bad", Humans are more than that, they are more than just "good" or "bad", no they are beyond those concepts and Togashi portrays it brilliantly.
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