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fanfictiondreamscape · 2 years ago
“I’m Not Jealous, I Swear!”
Request: may i request a drabble with yuri plisetsky? reader is a skater from Japan, about the same skill level as him, and they're already in a relationship. can you do something with reader being jealous? i apologize my wording is terrible
Title: “I’m Not Jealous, I Swear!”
Genre: a lil mix of angsty, fluffy, and romantic (if you squint, in some cases). plus some tiny comedy cuz yoi antics- 
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky X GN!Reader
Notes: So, this was pushed back for the longest time, but it’s done now and I hope it’s to your liking! I apologize that it took me as long as it did to finish it, but college dealings, work, my birthday, and a ton of other personal crap came along and decided to knock me square on my ass. 
That said, it’s done now and ready to read! I really do hope you like it, and I also really appreciate the request itself! (And don’t worry about the wording, I understood it perfectly!)
Below the cut!
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You and Yurio were connected at the hip when possible. 
Though you hailed from different countries, you both managed to convene and get to know each other over the years and the multiple competitions. Though you were both in the same age groups each time, you both never really interacted until the time Yuri had come from Russia. 
You and Yuuri were the only officially registered Japanese figure skaters, and you had seen the whole fiasco with Victor and Yuuri. The drunken dancing, the absolute lack of awareness for personal space, and the extreme secondhand embarassment. 
And the eye contact you made with the blonde Russian boy. 
The words that Yuuri spoke directly to the face of the renowned figure skater rang true, apparently. Especially when you were met with the face of said figure skater and Yuuri, red-faced. 
The rink was no different, as you were skating beside the taller silver-head and the raven-ette was stuck behind the walls. You shared a very surface level conversation with the world-renowned award winning figure skater, as well, but mostly kept to yourself until you left the rink. 
That is, until you went to see about going to the rink with the two the following morning. 
You dropped by the hot springs early in the morning, seeing as the sun had barely even started to rise yet. Dead tired, but determined, you met with Yuuri’s family and were provided a breakfast fit for a god by his mother. 
Footsteps were heard through the walls, and expecting no one else besides Victor or Yuuri himself, you kept eating. 
And the rest was history. 
Yurio and yourself never failed to appreciate and improve the others abilities throughout the experience of the two Russian skaters residing in your home. 
Even after he lost to Yuuri in the small competition that was held, you and Yuri made a promise to keep in contact. And keep in contact you did. 
Facetime calls, text messages, funny pictures from Instagram, and videos and songs for the upcoming Grand Prix resulted in the two of you developing a bond that people could only dream of finding in their life at any point. 
When you both finally met again, you being trailed by Victor and Yuuri (who also happened to be attached at the hip), you and Yuri immediately made a b-line for the other. 
Anyone around the two of you could clearly see (or at least confidently infer) that the two of you were dating. And dating you were.
As soon as competitions and practices were done for the day, you and Yurio agreed to meet up at a popular restaurant. Upon hearing of the plan, Victor had decided to take Yuuri there and join you two. 
“Victor, I was kind of...well, hoping that Yurio and I could dine together. Alone. In peace.” You punctuated your words with sharp looks at the tall skater-turned-coach. 
“Of course, however-”
“No, Victor, I’m saying that Yuri and want to be alone. On a-” You gulped, this would be the first one you’ve had with him in months. 
Victor sent a knowing look your way, watching as your body tensed up. Fidgeting with your hands was all he needed to see to solidify what he was thinking. 
“Alright, alright! Yuuri and I will go someplace else, then, yeah?” And, alas, the plan was set.
You met with Yuri - or at least planned to - at 7 PM. Stood beside the door in your most flattering semi-formal wear and warm jacket, you pulled your phone out to text him. 
‘are you almost here?’
Exiting your messages, you slipped your phone into the pocket it resided in previously and wrapped your arms around yourself to keep your body as warm as you could in the winter weather. 
Yawning, you kept an eye out for your blonde boyfriend, watching the streetlights to see if his slight frame would pop out from the shadows. 
Peeking around a corner, you noticed him walking along the sidewalk, but he was accompanied by someone. Someone that was not you. Someone that was getting a little too touchy - something that both you and Yuri had to agree on. 
The girl had ears on her head, leading you to assume that she was one of his more forward fangirls. Practically hanging off his arm, she had hearts for eyes and Yuri looked like he was fighting the urge to throw up at the mere sight of her. 
By the time he was within earshot, you could hear her gushing about the area and the sights within it, which ones would be best for him to see, causing you to flare red. 
People around you would have seen steam bursting out of your ears if it were possible. 
“There you are! I was getting worried about you,” you shouted, speedwalking to meet the boy and the brat midway. “Did something happen?” 
Yuri sent a semi-panicked, semi-annoyed glance to the fan to his side. “Crossed paths with a fan on the way here.” His eye twitched as he ripped his arm from her grasp as easily as he could. “Sorry about that.” 
You, in a moment of impulse, grasped his arm and hugged him close to your body. “It’s all good, seeing as you’re okay, darling. Should we get a table now?” 
Yuri went red, as did the girl that trailed him, and you just snuggled yourself into his side. He blinked, lost, before stuttering out and low answer. “Yeah, sounds good.” 
The girl huffed and stormed off, glaring at you when she’d peer over her shoulder when sulking away. You just sent her a smug grin, mouthing the words ‘He’s mine’. 
It took him a solid ten minutes to regain his composure, which happened to hit him when the both of you were already seated in the restaurant. Your jacket was off, and you had your phone laid to the side of the table, waving your hands in his face. 
“Are you there?” 
Blinking himself to reality, he spoke. “What just happened?”
You raised an eyebrow, turning away and pursing your lips. “Nothing much. Scared your fan off for you, though.” 
You diverted your attention to a really attractive neon sign at the corner of the room and got flustered. Yuri narrowed his eyes. “Mhm, sure, of course. Totally weren’t jealous, were we? You just helped to get her off my back?” 
Your nose scrunched up. “Yes, that’s right. That’s why.” You crossed your arms and sat proudly in your seat, lips still pursed and attention still away from the blonde. 
“You know you always avoid eye contact and act all haughty when you lie, right?” His smirk burned itself into your memory and flashed behind your eyes despite the fact that you weren’t able to see it at the moment. 
“I- I do not.”
“That was another lie.” 
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
“No, it wasn’t.” 
“Sure it wasn’t.”
The air around you two turned playful. 
With his voice dropped, Yuri leaned into you as you remained firm in your stance. “You also know that you are absolutely adorable when you’re flustered, too, right?” 
You deflated and, if his eyes weren’t deceiving him, the tips of your ears were starting to flush. “Here? Really?” Your eyes were wide. 
“Finally got your attention.” He smiled, small but meaningful, and continued. “You aren’t going to lose me to some shameless fan, okay? You’re my one and only, alright?” 
Nibbling your bottom lip, you nodded slightly. “I know, it’s just that she was getting handsy and it was getting late and you were getting uncomfortable....”
“That’s true, but that wasn’t why you cuddled me in street, was it?” he taunted, the tone of his voice light, airy, and teasing. 
“I swear, I wasn’t jealous!” 
“I’ll believe that when pigs fly. Anyway, what did you want to eat tonight? My treat.” 
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rinxnix · 3 years ago
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Dear @haikyu-yoixreader,
Hey, thank you so much for reblogging this work of mine, it’s very appreciated! Hope you have a nice day/night! 🥰
Sincerely, Nixxy ♡
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hugs edition pt. 2 | a hundred words (s.)
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[———haikyuu characters version———]
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hugging while straddling the partner
You didn’t bat an eye when he turned your chair towards his direction, not even when he grabbed your hands that were busy with your phone to situate himself on your lap, his long legs stretched on either side of you.
“Oi, pay attention to me.” He leaned his forehead to yours, closing his eyes. “Come on.”
You leaned away, which, though he tried to hide, made him startled. 
“What now?” You asked.
He grabbed your arms to encircle it on his neck and leaned his forehead to yours once again. “I’m sorry… will you talk to me now, please?”
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Kuroo, Tsukishima, Atsumu, masterlist
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ao3feed-victuuri · 7 years ago
Yuri on Ice One Shots
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M4dFD1
by vktrnkfrv
A collection of YOIxreader stories. Mainly Yuri, Yuuri or Victor. Requests are open.
Words: 954, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, Multi
Characters: Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Otabek Altin, Yakov Feltsman, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Reader, You
Relationships: Yuri Plisetsky/Reader, Victor Nikiforov/Reader, Yuri Katsuki/Reader, Everyone/Reader, Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin & Yuri Plisetsky, Katsuki Yuuri & Yuri Plisetsky
Additional Tags: Reader-Insert
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2M4dFD1
0 notes
fanfictiondreamscape · 2 years ago
When You Tower Over Your Boyfriend
Request: Can I please request a imagine with Yuri Plisetsky where he has a girlfriend that is taller than him (put don't tease him about that) and she loves to pamper him?
Title: When You Tower Over Your Boyfriend
Genre: mega fluff. seriously. if your teeth haven't rotted by the end of this, then you're lying
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x Fem!Reader
Notes: This is so cute, istg- I'm just imagining Yuri doing things to grab his girl's attention and there's so much room for comedy. I love it! 
(I would also like to mention that this gave me a really well-needed break from homework because it’s kind of overwhelming and this was really sweet-) 
Either way, this is probably gonna come out a little later than I would like it to. I apologize for that, but I hope you enjoy it either way! I tried to incorporate multiple points for comedy to come intact as well as a few in which it could be calmer.
Below the cut!
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let’s cover the basics here: 
1. he wouldn’t really care about how tall you are. like at all. 
(at most, it’s an afterthought)
2. even if he did, he finds your height attractive. 
3. that, and the fact that you avoid doing anything that many others have tried to do regarding his height. 
(i imagine you being somewhere between 5′11″ and 6′5″)
(like seriously taller than him) 
yurio knows that he is far from the tallest, he really does
and it doesn’t help being reminded of it by people that tower over him constantly 
the short jokes get overwhelming sometimes, though
(half of the people that crack these jokes don’t make it out without being scared either way-) 
so, while your height won’t matter too much to him, what others view it as might
in fact, i can see him freaking out about small things that he can’t reach
he wants to help you, but he wants to do so by being a little cliche
(mostly due to that being about all he knows about romance and dating, but i digress) 
the roses and candies and fancy dates are typical, but then there’s the domestic stuff
and the romantic idea of reaching above your girlfriend and grabbing something that she’s too short to reach
or even laying your head on theirs
leaning down to give them a forehead kiss....
in this case, he starts cussing like a mad man since he can’t really do that
it is only slightly endearing
(you’ve had to keep him calm on multiple occassions)
it isn’t like these things don’t happen, but the roles are reversed. 
you are the one grabbing the items
you are the one that lays your head on top of his
you are the one that has to lean down to give him a forehead kiss
to the people around you, it’s slightly comical
(and realistically, it appears that way) 
but no matter, you see it as it is: he’s your boyfriend, and you wanna be sweet to him
in fact, your height has become quite the helpful thing on more than one occassion
so, it may be obvious, but you go to every single one of his competitions and most of his practices 
(within reason, of course) 
we saw how he gets when he practices.
we saw how he pushes, and pushes, and pushes, and keeps pushing until he can’t anymore. 
and we also saw how much the people around him either continued to enable him overworking himself or ignored it (almost) completely
and there are the days where he needs a little ego boost
that’s where you come in
your height  is very obvious in the crowds, even through the blinding lights and reflections of ice
you’re the one person that sits as close as you can and still manage to stand up and cheer the loudest for him
(we love a supportive partner!!!) 
you’re also the one to help him when he is sent on errands
but the best thing to come from your height are the cuddles
especially after a long day of skating and working and existing
when he’s dead tired (and frankly unwilling to deal with people), he goes to you
whether you’re at his place or not, he goes to you. 
even if you’re working, can you guess where he’s gonna go? 
your height is probably one of the best things to him, especially during those moments
when you dote on him is when he straight up melts
(it’s even funnier in public) 
one time that he was e c s t a t i c that you were there was right after he broke down on the ice during his free skate program 
he goes through, does everything peachy, then falls
he gets back up, of course, and does the remainder of the program flawlessly
but then he breaks down on the ice
(we all know what i’m talking about)
(i know that’s a fact) 
you want to run to the kiss and cry as soon as you can
you want to cradle him as soon as you can
but he’s stuck on the ice for a while after and you can’t catch him until he’s completely done, gold medal and all
running to reach him, you find him in his costume with the medal draped around his neck
the hug hit him immediately and you started to spew concerns left and right
“what happened out there?”
“are you okay?”
“did you get hurt?”
he was on the verge of tears for the third time that day 
as per usual, your head was resting on top of his 
and even though the public (and other skaters) were able to see everything, he hugged you back
(but so were you, so koala hugs were returned with koala hugs) 
“i won the grand prix, (y/n), i won. i won gold.” 
“i know, baby, i saw! i’m so proud of you!”
aaaand cue the tears
yep, the famous ice tiger of russia was seen essentially bawling into his partner’s chest
a few of the skaters found it endearing, and frankly, very cute
but others were so zeroed in on the fact that you were so. much. taller. than him. 
“who is that? dude, they’re gigantic!”
“are they together? cute.”
yuri was more focused on you and making sure that you were okay after he was done crying.
“is you shirt stained?”
“yeah, but that’s whatever. you won! you’re okay, though? really?” 
the shorter blonde boy wiped the tear tracks away and smiled
an actual smile, too. 
the paparazzi would not get enough of it if they were to have seen it
hell, the skaters did, too
(phichit was taking pictures and victor was crying at the sight of you two) 
(it was on yuuri’s shoulder’s to reel them in) 
(that was a whole other mess)
yuri only broke from the hug when you leaned down to kiss his head
he was blushing
and the people around you both gushed. 
‘aww’ was the most common sound for a good minute or two 
and then yuri was made aware of the people around him
“what are you staring at?!”
you were laughing
yuri looked like a tomato
(and it only got worse when you wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your chin on top of his head) 
(but you knew that)
even redder, he shoos them all away 
but yeah
he loves that things like that are possible
he really wouldn’t care if you were shorter than him or the same height, but the fact that he can rest his head against your chest is extremely comforting. 
there are also some more...impulsive things your height can come in handy for
(read: piggyback rides and lifting him up to reach something when he is adamant that he can get it) 
at your place, the cupboards were higher up for you (and your family) so when yuri would come over to help you when you would be sick, well...
let’s just say that stools would be used until you were a-okay and willing to hold him up to grab the one cup that he knows you love 
or for movie nights!!!
the popcorn just so happens to be on the top shelf, and when he wants to hlep prep everything, you lift him onto your shoulders
(once the movie has been picked out, of course)
and again, when everything is prepped and ready
you haul him up onto his shoulders and encourage him to smack the top of doorways
he has a hold of the popcorn and grabs the doorframe each time
it was really refreshing to see him act his age and be a little immature sometimes
and this was a prime opportunity for it. 
but overall, he wouldn’t mind it much (if at all) 
he sees your height as a good thing, actually
even better seeing as you don’t view him as a ‘pipsqueak’ as some say about him
it works great for the both of you, really
even when you aren’t feeling too hot, the cuddling really helps 
(he even sometimes acts as the big spoon when you need it) 
and the fun stuff that comes from the height difference is all the more better! 
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fanfictiondreamscape · 4 years ago
“It’s Just the Internet.”
Request: would you write a yuri pliset. imagine where his f!SO (streamer maybe) and he found her in a bad state (nothing physical mostly emotional) and he comforts her? 
Title: “It’s Just the Internet.”
Genre: mostly angst - i can’t lie, a tiny portion of fluff, and a large amount of comfort
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x Fem!Reader
Notes: I’ve got more for you all! I think I’ve noticed a pattern amongst what you guys like from me, too, lol. Anyway, I tried to use what most streamers (and general internet personas) deal with from people on the internet - hate, stress, lack of privacy (as nasty as all of these are in everyday life). 
With that said, I will put a disclaimer here for anybody that feels uncomfortable with the aforementioned: This imagine deals with tense topics such as online bullying, unsavory body image, and chronic stress along with burnout. If you don’t feel comfortable reading about these things, I advise you now to read something else or proceed with caution. 
I feel like I should also mention that this semi-struck a chord with me, and it would have been great to have someone beside me in the moment, so part of this may be me projecting - either way, I hope you enjoy it! 
Below the cut! 
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‘omg, her hair. who’s gonna tell her’
‘i hate her voice, its too high like..why does she even stream.’
‘honestly, who decided to give her a platform? her personality sucks.’
Suck it in, suck it up, and start the stream.
‘Why tf is your hair so greasy? we get it, you’re a horrible person, you don’t have to have horrible hygiene.’
Suck it in, suck it up, and start the stream. 
Suck it in, suck it up, and start the stream. 
Suck it in.
‘lose some weight, you fat cow.’
Suck it up. 
‘why are you so lazy, get up already.’
Start the stream. 
I pressed the button after preparing my smile for the umpteenth time in the hour, and while I would have liked to cut the stream at all today, I can’t disappoint my fans. The ones that stay for the content, at least. 
I let my internal timer go off before I flipped the screen image to my face. 
“Hey, everyone!”
And so we begin. 
The many ticking seconds, minutes, and eventually hours invaded my head - but I couldn’t crack. I can’t give them the satisfaction of seeing what up and coming nasty comment can do to my psyche. I can’t let them think they can win. 
Still, I can barely function with their words haunting me. 
The stream ended after almost four hours, and as I sent my goodbye to the viewers, I could feel my chest start to tighten and my eyes start to burn. My heart was beating at what felt like a million miles per hour, my whole body was trembling, and I could swear that I was about to pass out. 
I slid the chair I was in back from my desk and ran to the bathroom. Considering the time I started the stream and the time now, it had to be around 3 or 4 pm. With that in mind, more people would be flocking to the highlights or my personal Instagram. If they were going to flock over, then there is bound to be more from them.
I’m never gonna get past this, am I? 
Tears were streaming down my face, hot and haunting. I was, quite literally, a mess on the bathroom floor. I had gone through what I could manage in regards to tissues, but as it got harder to maintain my balance, I cradled myself in my arms and curled into a ball. 
I was beginning to hyperventilate, so I forced myself to take deep breaths. I have no idea how long it took, but as my breath slowed down and I stopped crying. I was still in a ball, but I had loosened up a little bit and decided to distract myself with some work. 
I hesitantly stood up, stumbling on my legs for a second, and wiped my tear-stained cheeks. With a sigh and a sniffle, I shuffled to my office again and opened up my editing software. 
Even if people don’t like me, the people that do deserve something done well to make up for where I fail to do well. I may not be a very good gamer, but I will flex my editing skills and do what I can with what footage I have. 
I quickly got to work, and though I got caught off guard by my performance in the recorded footage, I pushed through and slammed a zoom-in during a pause right before I ended up throwing my headphones onto my desk. I wasn’t doing well at all during the gameplay, but I have to try and make it seem like I did well. 
Time seemed to pass by quicker when I wasn’t focusing on anything else except what makes my day better - a cup of coffee, editing software, and lo-fi music in the background. 
That was, until I had to upload the next video on the queue. It was an indie horror game, and knowing how scared I can get, I was already anticipating what was going to come up in the comments. I didn’t want to fathom it, but my mind races sometimes...
‘scared? no wonder you suck at horror games, you’re already trash at regular games.’
‘Dear god, you suck. How did you even manage to make it that far in the game?’
My breath was gonna get caught again, I could tell. I considered postponing the upload to tomorrow, but again - the fans that actually did care looked forward to this. 
Or did they just watch to get their kicks and the good comments are ironic? 
No, no, no, no, no - dammit, no! They mean it, they really mean it, they love to watch you - upload the video!
I almost pressed the upload button, but I stopped myself as my index finger was just a second away from clicking. I can’t do it today, I really can’t, seriously. If I end up doing this, I’m only gonna hole myself up more. If I do that, then my content is gonna much more horrid than it already is, and if that happens- 
“Babe, I’m home!” 
Time stopped, and only then was I aware of how shaken I was. Trembling, sweating, and my eyes were getting glassy again. Of course, it had to happen again. 
“Babe, are you in your - (Y/N), baby? What is it?”
Yurio saw me. He saw me. This is the one thing that would, could, and should have been avoided. Now he’s gonna freak out, and knowing his anger, go off on social media and start up a shitstorm. 
“(Y/N), look at me. (Y/N).”
I felt his nimble fingers lightly brush my shoulder. He had made contact with the chair I was seated in and turned it around, making eye contact with me before I directed my eyes down. “...What is it, Yuri?”
He glared at me before kneeling and, yet again, making eye contact with me. “What’s going on, darling?”
I sniffled and he waited, quiet and patient, as I slowly cracked. More tears fell down my face, I curled into myself even more, and my hands started trembling violently. Yurio’s eyes went wide and he grasped my hands in his as quickly as he could. 
“Darling, come on. Come here, don’t talk, okay? We can lay down on the bed, and you can relax, okay?” His blue-green eyes were focused on my face. “You can tell me later if you want, but right now, you need to take a break.” 
He guided me from my spot and moved with me despite how slow and sluggish I was. Short, sweet, reassuring words were uttered into my ears breathlessly yet urgent as we both made it to our shared room. 
The blankets felt like clouds when I laid down on them, yet I failed to focus on the comfort and instead focus on holding onto Yurio’s form. It was just muscular enough to provide comfort even if he was very thin. 
I shuffled into his chest, the both of us being splayed out on the bed as gently as possible. Little jostling around followed after we were settled. 
Yurio wrapped his arms around my body and started rubbing my back - it would be romantic had I not been a bawling mess, but I will take what I can since I need the comfort right now (as much as I may hate to admit it). 
“(Y/N), darling, I’m right here. I’ll always be here. Now, please, get some rest,” he pleaded, voice soft yet commanding. I sniffled once again and nodded, continuing to get closer to the blonde. 
I stopped crying eventually, but I wasn’t quite able to tell how long it had been. All I can recall is finishing my crying session and falling asleep. 
The faded light of the sun peeking through the transparent curtains shook me from my slumber, and upon feeling the other side of the bed empty, I became fully awake. 
“Yurio?” I lifted my tired body from the sheets and left the bed, leaving the room to find him. A large yawn overtook me before I started to search the house. 
I had been through the living area, the workout/dance room in the basement, and the bathrooms on all three floors before I found him. He was standing in the backyard, seemingly having just left the kitchen, and we shouting into his cell. He was most definitely livid.
I sighed, proceeding to take a deep breath before turning around and reaching for the refrigerator. If there was water anywhere, I’d love to find it, especially after last night. 
My mood dropped at the thought of it, but before I could dwell on it any longer, I heard a door slam and Yurio walk in while muttering profanities under his breath. He slammed his phone on the kitchen island before sighing and resting his elbows on the marble. 
I paused my movement, looking over my shoulder at him. “What’s going on with you today, huh?”
Yurio clicked his tongue, turning from the island and facing me. He was still a little bitter, but he visibly softened up a little bit when he met my eyes. “It’s nothing, just some publicity bullshit that I’m trying to work out.”
I raised an eyebrow, smirking just the slightest before shaking my head. “So that’s why you were in such a tizzy, huh?” I inquired, watching as he rolled his eyes and slinked towards me. He had me corner against the fridge as I maintained my eye contact. 
He kept his gaze focused on the cell in his hand, keeping a white-knuckle grip on the device. “I guess, yeah. I do need to ask you something, though,” he started. It made me nervous, but I decided to humor him. 
“Well, why the warning? Fire away.” 
“Is everything alright?” 
I hummed, shrugging and moving away from the appliance I had been leaning on. “Yeah, everything’s fine. Why? You worried?” 
Silence invaded the kitchen for a few seconds before Yurio pouted and grunted, turning away and murmuring, “Maybe....” I chuckled a little before reaching for the cupboard with mugs in it. 
My wrist was gently grabbed before I could get a hold of my favorite (Movie) mug. “Why don’t we go out for breakfast today? Practice was cancelled today and we haven’t spent much time together recently.”
If it were possible, I could swear that my eyes were sparkling. “Do you care where we go?”
“I was thinking (Your/Favorite/Breakfast/Place), since I know you love it.” He was trying so hard to be nonchalant, but he still gets flustered even years later. Cute!
“Yes!” was my enthusiastic response. “I’ll start getting ready if you’re down to leave in about fifteen minutes!” 
A smirk graced his features, and he gave a nod. I ran upstairs and started getting into what I felt comfortable wearing. 
He entered the room once I was done and threw a sweatshirt on - still with his oh-so-favorite leopard print on the panels - and held a nimble hand out for me. I held it, and we left for food. 
Breakfast went pretty well, but I had to stream again tonight. Three nights a week, sometimes a fourth when needed. Shit. 
We were almost home when the thought finally dawned on me. And this time. Yurio would be home the whole time. My eyes went wide at the thought, and had it not been for his grip on my hand, I would have absolutely broken. Again. 
“Hey, I was thinking about tonight. You have another stream scheduled, right?” 
“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Why’re you asking?” I inquired, looking at his eyes as they focused on the street signs. He never really asks, so this was odd to say the least. 
Clearing his throat, he suggested something that he’s never really suggested before. “Well, you got that new racing game, right? Why don’t we play together. 1 v. 1, boyfriend v. girlfriend?” 
That...actually didn’t sound half bad. Nobody really knew that we had been dating except for a select few people, and we had both been considering announcing it sometime, so this might be the best time. It may also be better for me mentally. 
But he’d still see the comments. 
That can’t happen. If it happens, I’m gonna get interrogated and Yurio’s gonna go ballistic on Twitter. If that happens, more hate is gonna come in and he’s gonna have so much bull to deal with from his manager. And that’s gonna fade into my streams, and then the comments will get even worse- 
“Babe? Hey, earth to (Y/n). Are you still in there?” 
I blinked a couple times, sniffling a bitt and nodding. “Yeah, yeah, I’m still here. And that sounds great! I’ll let you know when it starts, and get it set up.” 
He nodded, and we continued on our way to our home. When we arrived, I went to my office/game room and he went to the gym area in the basement (with the both of us announcing what we were doing, of course). 
I went to editing the stream from last night, cutting out what needed to be and editing what needed to be before finishing around two in the afternoon. I started to upload and went to getting the gaming setup prepared for tonight. 
My mind was still flooded with thoughts of what could happen tonight. So much could go wrong, in theory, but so much could go right, as well. People might lay off, but then again, it’s the internet - it couldn’t be helped, what with the utter chaos than can be released when someone decides to release it. 
I sighed, running my hands through my hair. The only two options that I have at the moment are to cancel the stream last minute and wait until tomorrow or go through with the stream and risk him noticing. Either way, Yuri would be suspicious and the people that actually care to watch my streams for myself and not to trash me would be disappointed. 
Damn decisions...just had to do this, didn’t you? 
With a deep breath in, I had finally decided to go through with the stream. Mods have tried to get people kicked and banned from the server, so I’m just gonna have to rely on them unless I want to cut it early when it gets too harsh. Anything yo make sure that Yuri doesn’t see it. 
I finished getting everything set up after I took a short breather, making sure that my sweatshirt and makeup were alright. I made sure to take extra time for it since Yuri was joining the stream and I wanted to avoid any of the comments as best as possible. Everything seemed to be in place, now all I needed to do was make sure that the video uploaded and the streaming screen was prepared. 
I checked the upload process and let it sit for a little while before opening Twitch and getting the recording program setup. Once that was done, I grabbed my usual controller and one for Yuri and laid them on my desk before leaving to grab a soda and relax for a bit until then - as best as I could, rather. 
With the can of (soda) in my hand, I stayed still by the fridge and continued thinking. I’d think it’d be a good idea to warn my mods and advise them to pay even closer attention, but as quickly as they move, there’s still Twitter and Instagram, even my channel uploads on YouTube. 
“Ugh, damn...this isn’t good....” Groaning, I turned away from the counter in front of me and looked at the mounted clock by the door. It was almost time to start the stream, meaning around a half hour beforehand. Great. 
Shaking my head, I tightened the grip I had on my soda. It was almost white-knuckle, but that was fine - it was a perfect parallel to my running thoughts right now. 
“You have to do it, the mods got it. They can keep it under control. That’s a fact. That’s the fact of the matter.”
“(Y/n), is everything alright?” 
Yuri shouting shook me from my stupor - seriously wish I could avoid it - and his footsteps made me turn to the doorway to the living area. “You’ve been in here a while.”
“Ah, yeah - I’m fine. The stream’s gonna start soon, so if you wanted to run through the setup with me, we can do it now,” came an offer from my mouth. Distractions, distractions, I suppose....
“If that would calm you down. You’re starting to strangle that can, there,” he stated - the beverage was beginning to flood the top. He was right, I really needed to loosen my grip. 
“Shit! Um, yeah, thanks. Let’s-let’s head up there now, then.” 
The two of us trailed beside each other as we walked up the steps, him and I glancing at the other as we did so. Sometimes, though extremely short, we’d look at the photos framed on the wall. Some were even pics with Victor and Yuuri, a few being in Russia despite them living in Japan. 
It only took a good thirty seconds to get to my setup and get settled. I gave a general rundown of the console, not like Yuri needed it considering we would play games with each other on both of our off days, but the rundown of the stream came to be a little more difficult. 
“So, the waiting screen will pop up....”
A nod and understanding look. 
“And a timer will be set up on said screen.”
“Mhm, yeah.”
“When that counts down, I’ll open and introduce myself again, and then you, followed by the game that we’ll be playing.” 
“Got it.”
“While waiting, though,” I hesitated. I was going to tell him about the deal with the comments, but on second thought, I probably shouldn’t- 
“’While waiting’ what? Is there something else I should be aware of?” came the questioning from the blonde sat in my spare chair. 
I cleared my throat, rubbed my hands together, and straightened my back up. “While waiting, comments will come up from the chat. Anything that isn’t permitted on my channel, though, gets deleted and the commenter gets monitored.” 
He nodded, staring at me. It seemed almost skeptical.
“So, please try to ignore them as best as you can. The mods have it under control, I promise,” I finished. He straightened his posture, his slightly taller frame engulfing mine in a hug. I tensed up a little bit - this didn’t happen often. 
“Got it, darling. Are we ready to start?” He pulled from the hug, gesturing to the setup with his head. I gulped, nodded, turned on some music, and began the stream.
The waiting screen came up, the music in the back ground playing on the video recording, and I finalized the set up.  I already spotted a few hate comments pop up, but they were quickly deleted. The mods were really on their game already. Which meant that I had to take the oh-so common deep breath and begin.
After about fifteen minutes of making sure that people were coming in and that we had everything we needed for the stream itself, I turned the music down and the video on. 
“Hey, hey, hey, everyone! Sorry about that wait, just had to make sure that everything was ready,” I began, shrugging and trying to match the upbeat demeanor that I tried to maintain for the crowd. “But, today, I have a guest with me! Does anybody know about figure skating? Well, I have my, um -” I choked a little on my words “- my boyfriend, Yuri Plisetsky.” 
He popped up on the screen behind me, and I knew now that things were out of my control. 
The chat flooded with shock - this was the first time that I had announced that I was dating someone, much less world-renowned figure skater Yuri Plisetsky. This was to be expected. With the shock, though, came the common hate comments. 
They came in quicker than usual, and as much as the mods tried to keep them down and deleted, a fair amount were still left as more and more chats came. 
‘why is HE with a dumb bitch like HER. he can do so much better.’
‘How much does anyone wanna bet that she bribed him into joining the stream for clout?’
‘desperation can be really awful, huh’
I almost cried, but I choked them back and continued as he introduced himself.
“Well, with that taken care of,” cue the nudge from him as he sat in the seat beside me, “we were gonna play racing games - particularly Mario Kart.” 
I skimmed the chat to see some people making exclamations about the games. 
“I’ll win. I always do,” Yuri said. It was cocky, which was normal. I laughed, loudly.
“Nope. Remember last time? That was sweet.” 
“Hey! You pushed me off the couch and I dropped the controller, cheater!”
And so we began. 
Choosing characters, maps, and actually playing rounds upon rounds upon rounds was fun. For a moment, I wasn’t worried about what people were saying as I was so focused on beating him. 
It wasn’t until I fell off the ramp right before I was about to turn for the final lap, and landed in 6th place that I noticed the chat. 
‘she even sucks at playing this. loser.’
I could feel my heart start to race. Still, I pushed through. Made my voice higher and more performative, stiffened my shoulders and acted through it. 
All the while, Yurio was laughing. It made sense, and I know that this is only a normal occurrence - hell, I do it to him, too - but it left me a little uneasy. There was a sense of almost saccharine familiarity to it, though, and that let me calm down a little bit.
“What the hell are you laughing for, huh? This same thing happened to you last time, big shot.”
“Yeah, sure - I still won,” he snarked. I rolled my eyes and set up for the next round.
The comments continued to flood in as we played more and more rounds, coming close to placing extreme bets just to make sure that either one of us could get the upper hand. We didn’t, but the good side of the chat got a luagh out of that. 
All the while, instead of the usual hate comments, they only escalated.
‘you fucking suck, kys now and save the ice tiger the burden.’
‘dont just delete oyur account, delete your loife you fucking clout chaser.’
Tears were gonna come, I knew it. They had never gotten to this point before, and holy shit, did it hurt. It hurt bad. Even worse than usual. 
I caved in the middle of the match before deciding to slam Yurio in the side and glare. We both knew what that cue meant, whether or not it was anger or something else. 
He almost stared into my soul when he saw my eyes getting glassy. I leaned in to his ear and whispered, “I’m gonna be a few minutes, okay? I’ll be right back. Please let the chat know.”
And with that, I pushed my chair back and shuffled out of the room and back to the bathroom to wear out my panic attack. I didn’t want to know what was being said, but this wasn’t the first time that I had to leave during streams - sometimes it was for a drink or food, others to use the bathroom. Either way, I’m still at a loss - I’m still a target. 
I went back in to a semi-silent chat and a Yurio who was scrolling through his phone and checking the chat, responding accordingly. I don’t know if he saw any comments, but whatever - I’m cutting the stream short anyway and handing this off to a friend to edit. 
I can’t watch this, but I can tell that there will be some pretty good highlights. 
I went to bed that night shaking, after having told Yurio he could crash and sending the saved file to said friend. 
Nightmares plagued me that night. Ideas of Yuri leaving me for someone better, fans reaching through the screen and reaching for my neck, even some chasing me down and cornering me enough to point, laugh, and injure me excessively. 
It was awful. 
It wasn’t until I went to check my Twitter DMs to clear them that something caught my eye. 
@(y/n)sbae: @YuriPlisetsky on @y/ngamestreams ‘s stream last night went off on the chat  - he already proving the he deserves her. 
A video was linked in the tweet itself, and out of curiosity - what did he do when I was out of the room? - I clicked it. 
“Okay, (Y/n) is going to be gone for a few minutes. Not like a good portion of you would care, either way.”
Yuri was glaring at the chat that was coming up, even scoffing at some of the messages being sent in. 
‘good, the bitch is gone. you deserve better man.’ 
“To every person in the chat having enough time in their sorry lives to torture the woman that I love, I hope you rot. She doesn’t put herself through this hell almost seven days a week just for you lowlifes to put her down even more.
“And if you must say anything, prepare for me to come for your throat. I love her, and I’m not afraid to fall to protect her if need be.
“That said, get a pastime already. If you think she’s pathetic, you losers are leagues worse. Get a hobby, for fucks sake already - sending in comments for no reason other than to send in comments isn’t attractive, like babies like you seem to think you are.”
He got up close to the screen, face almost taking up the whole screen. 
“And finally, fuck you.”
He rounded his rant off with two middle fingers. 
My eyes went wide, but seeing the rest of the chat cheering him on made me feel much better.
‘Get it, man! fuck you haters!’
‘(your/ship/name) ftw’
‘you two really are meant for each other, it’s so cute!’
‘you two are great inspirations, really - and this is so sweet!’
I didn’t realize it until I saw a drop of liquid on my screen - I was crying. But it wasn’t the kind I was getting used to, no. It was happy tears. 
For the first time in a while, the tears I was crying weren’t from pain, or anxiety, or even fear - no. They were happy. And I was actually relieved. 
I dropped my phone on the nearest surface and ran to find Yurio, managing to almost trip over my feet and table legs to eventually reach him in the living room. A movie of some kind was playing - I could really care less what it was, my mind is elsewhere - but I dove for the couch and tackled him into a hug.
I was still crying, even getting his clothing wet, but he returned the gesture - albeit in a confused manner, even slightly worried. 
“What is this about, babe? Is something wrong?” Panic was laced in his tone, of course, but I broke away to look him in the eyes (as best as I could considering I was still sobbing). 
“Nothing’s wrong, Yuri. I just saw what you did on the stream last night when I was out,” I sputtered through deep breaths and sniffles. It was hard to talk, honestly, but he got the message. 
“Why didn’t you tell me about that? I could have handled it earlier, y’know?” The question was blunt, but I could tell that he was preoccupied with the comments.  I shuffled around and laid on his chest before taking a deep breath and calming down a little. 
“Gee, thanks - but if you really want to know, I didn’t want to worry you. They weren’t bad in the beginning, but after a couple months ago, they got so much worse....”
He sighed, putting a hand on my head and patting it gently. “Really, this could have been shut down, or I could have helped you...you really scared me, (Y/n).”
I curled into him more, smiling into his chest. “But you shut it down, didn’t you?”
“Yeah, yeah - now get some rest, okay? I’ve got some games that I want to play on stream with you again tonight.” 
The next day, after the stream had gone by (nearly) without a hitch and Twitter was updated accordingly - simply for the purpose of officially announcing that Yuri and I were dating and providing updates regarding the next upload.
Otherwise, it had taken some time for the aftermath to completely come to an end. The comments had come to an end, at least as best as they could, and it was later brought to my attention from yet another intriguing tag on a private account that I knew through Yuri. 
@russianiceprince12: you’re very welcome @y/ngamestreams & @icetigerofrussia for the warning 
Of course, Victor put him to the test. Why am I not surprised? 
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fanfictiondreamscape · 4 years ago
“You’re Beautiful.” (CW)
(Content warning; This deals with topics such as self-harm, EDs, and familial abuse. Do not read if this will be a hazard to you to do as such. If you choose to read this, discretion is advised. )
Remember, too, that if any of you that see this are dealing with something entailed (or even a different topic that is just as triggering), don’t hesitate to tell someone that you trust. There are people out there that care, and that don’t want you hurt or hurting, and that want to help you. You’re not alone.
E m e r g e n c y R e q u e s t: I think this counts as an emergency request but I’m not sure. Can I get a drabble with Yuri Plisetsky and an anor3xic, self-harm!ng s/o who has some seriously bad issues with her family (specifically her mother (narcissist) and sister (The golden child))? He’s been my comfort character for so long and things have started getting bad at home again. Thank you x
Title: “You’re Beautiful.” 
Genre: very angsty (ie: depressing and triggering), comforting towards the end
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x Fem!Reader
Notes: Okay, so seeing as this is an emergency request, I feel I should preface this by saying that I hope this will get you through. I have personally never dealt with some of what you requested, anon, but I want you to know that it gets better even if it sucks right now (as annoying as it may be to hear/read). I commend you for requesting and trusting me with this - I hope you feel a little better after reading, and that you enjoy this. 
Yuri is also one of my biggest comfort characters as well, and he has helped me come to terms with some of my own problems. I haven’t really found anyone else that has shared a similar sentiment in regards to him. Either way, I hope that he turns out well (characterization-wise) for you. 
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A movie covered the sound of the cell phone ringing from the coffee table in front of the couple. A fluffy leopard print blanket covered the both of you, cuddled together on the couch with your legs interconnected. 
Still there, it seemed as if only paying attention to the crappy comedy film playing on the TV was the only thing on the mind of (Y/n). Sadly, that thought was soon short-lived. 
brring...brring...brring... clunk
“What the?” raised Yuri, tone curious and a little perturbed. The girl beside him shrugged, bottom lip jutting out as she stared at the (f/c) phone case face down on the floor. 
“It was probably (Friend’s/name). Gimme a second.” She pulled her legs from Yuri’s, proceeding to throw the blanket off her body and reach for the handheld device. With it in her hand, she pressed a button on the side of her phone, and upon seeing the notification in combination with the time, froze. It felt cold, and time almost froze. 
Of course, Yuri noticed the change in his girlfriend’s body language. Frankly, it worried him a lot. He was ready to ask what was going on - he really does care, though it may seem like he doesn’t - but (Y/n) was already flying for her shoes and was halfway out the door in a few seconds flat. 
Yuri ran for the (taller/shorter) girl, but despite his training, even he failed to catch up with her as she seemed to be leaving at breakneck speed. Left in disbelief, his eyebrows furrowed, he retreated inside his home and cleaned up the living area. 
(Y/n) was spotted by half the people in her neighborhood, yet she was still too fast for their questions. Her (long/short) (h/c) hair flew with the wind behind her, and as much as she wished she hadn’t ran, a time crunch was always her worst nightmare. 
By the time half past noon came, she was at her house and panting rapidly. Sweaty palms haunted her senses, and the overwhelming fear that came did nothing to ease her nerves. 
She shuffled through her pockets to find her house keys, finally finding the correct one and quickly unlocking the front door and slamming it shut as she ran inside. With her rapid pace, she made a b-line for her bedroom and started to remove her jacket and footwear. 
Her breathing had slowed a little bit, but by the time she was out of her dirty clothes and was in her pajamas, she had been laying on her bed. Her hair was spread against the old fabric of the pillows she was laid against, and as much as she fought to calm her heart rate, the only thing that was able to be eased was her sweating. 
Now, she was only preparing herself for the trip that would be coming in a short period of time. Frankly, the thought terrified her, but she was so used to it that she only had to bide her time by now. 
As she laid, she got even further into her own head. Leaving Yuri behind there without even a goodbye was brutal, even she knew that, but she would’ve been left worse off had she not ran as soon as she saw that missed call. 
Footsteps brought her out of her guilt-induced thought process. Heavy footsteps and clicking heels - not a good sign. She silently groaned into her hands, hoping on hope that whatever would be discussed would fly by. 
Wrong, wrong, so very wrong. 
“Hey! Get down here!” 
So she did, trying not to sweat uncontrollably as she did so. 
By the next day, the previous days events left (Y/n) shaken enough to ignore everyone that had tried to contact her. She tried to shut herself off, but seeing as her boyfriend wasn’t willing to accept that she wasn’t there to watch him practice, she was already on his checklist.
(Y/n) looked at the caller ID, flinching when she saw Yuri’s face. She slowly set her phone down, face up, and denied the call. 
Yuri waited, but it wasn’t returned. No second calls this time around, last night was a bit too sudden to warrant anything - he went straight to her house to address what happened. 
As (Y/n) laid there with her toes curled into her blanket, eyes puffy from a recent breakdown, a clinking sound coming from her left side shook her from her thoughts. A small shadow was sat by the edge of her transparent curtains. 
As much as her gut was telling her to ignore it, curiosity killed the cat, so she stood (albeit reluctantly) from her semi-comfortable bed and went to open the window. 
“Hey! (Y/n), open up!” 
That definitely wasn’t anyone she needed to run from. 
Speed overtook her being as she ran to the window and ripped the curtains open, shock settling on her face at the sight of Yuri holding a rock in his hand and rounding up to throw it. Shaking her head, she gestured to the side of her house and beckoned him up. 
He hopped inside (literally) and brushed any dirt off his pants, holding his arms out for a hug from the (shorter/taller) female. Huffing, she returned the hug and tightened her grip once the both of them relaxed a little bit. 
Tears started to escape her, and as she soaked his (shirt/hair), he only pulled her closer - not like they could get any closer. Patiently, and awkwardly, he led their forms to the bed and sat down without releasing her. 
A few more minutes passed by of her crying and him attempting to console her before she sniffled and lifted her head up, wiping any stray tears away. “Thanks, Yuri.”
“Mmm. Now, do you wanna tell me what’s bothering you?” 
She hesitated, of course, but she knew that he was persistent. That, and if she didn’t get this off her chest, she may do something that she doesn’t want to do. 
“It’s my...it’s my mom and sister. I work, and work, and work, and struggle through what they throw on me, but it’s never enough. I can’t even approach school or friendships without thinking that I’m going to get ridiculed or belittled because of what they’ve tried to pull on me.” 
She paused, catching her breath as a gentle, pale hand rested on the small of her back and started rubbing circles into it. 
“Last night, my sister had called and she always pitches a fit to my mother when I don’t answer. She came inside with her last night, and the both of them had taken anything that I valued away and hid it somewhere. I haven’t even been eating because of the things they’ve been saying to me, and last night, I tried to- I tried to s-slit my-” 
“Stop, you don’t have to say it.” He looked at her with love in his eyes, making eye contact with her (e/c) ones. Still maintaining a gentle grip, he lifted a hand to cup her cheek and swipe any fresh tears away. 
“She’s the golden child, isn’t she?”
(Y/n) nodded, sniffling and shuffling in her seated position. 
“Listen, they don’t know. You are beautiful despite your size, but if you haven’t been eating, I’m going to worry. That’s what you were worried about, right? Me finding out?”
Looking away, she gave a slight nod. 
“Darling, your scars don’t make you any less beautiful. Your weight doesn’t matter to me, and you are the smartest and strongest person I know. Your worth isn’t measured by your appearance, it’s your character that matters.”
Yuri raised a hand to the girl’s chin, tilting her head to make eye contact. “You are amazing, and they are blind idiots.” 
With another sniffle, (Y/n) smiled through her tear-stained cheeks and puffy eyes, and Yuri returned it. She laid her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around hers, the two just sitting in silence for a few minutes before (Y/n) raised a question. “Yuri, could you stay over tonight?”
“Yeah, Yakov was being annoying, anyway.” 
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