#yoi yurio x reader
“I’m Not Jealous, I Swear!”
Request: may i request a drabble with yuri plisetsky? reader is a skater from Japan, about the same skill level as him, and they're already in a relationship. can you do something with reader being jealous? i apologize my wording is terrible
Title: “I’m Not Jealous, I Swear!”
Genre: a lil mix of angsty, fluffy, and romantic (if you squint, in some cases). plus some tiny comedy cuz yoi antics- 
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky X GN!Reader
Notes: So, this was pushed back for the longest time, but it’s done now and I hope it’s to your liking! I apologize that it took me as long as it did to finish it, but college dealings, work, my birthday, and a ton of other personal crap came along and decided to knock me square on my ass. 
That said, it’s done now and ready to read! I really do hope you like it, and I also really appreciate the request itself! (And don’t worry about the wording, I understood it perfectly!)
Below the cut!
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You and Yurio were connected at the hip when possible. 
Though you hailed from different countries, you both managed to convene and get to know each other over the years and the multiple competitions. Though you were both in the same age groups each time, you both never really interacted until the time Yuri had come from Russia. 
You and Yuuri were the only officially registered Japanese figure skaters, and you had seen the whole fiasco with Victor and Yuuri. The drunken dancing, the absolute lack of awareness for personal space, and the extreme secondhand embarassment. 
And the eye contact you made with the blonde Russian boy. 
The words that Yuuri spoke directly to the face of the renowned figure skater rang true, apparently. Especially when you were met with the face of said figure skater and Yuuri, red-faced. 
The rink was no different, as you were skating beside the taller silver-head and the raven-ette was stuck behind the walls. You shared a very surface level conversation with the world-renowned award winning figure skater, as well, but mostly kept to yourself until you left the rink. 
That is, until you went to see about going to the rink with the two the following morning. 
You dropped by the hot springs early in the morning, seeing as the sun had barely even started to rise yet. Dead tired, but determined, you met with Yuuri’s family and were provided a breakfast fit for a god by his mother. 
Footsteps were heard through the walls, and expecting no one else besides Victor or Yuuri himself, you kept eating. 
And the rest was history. 
Yurio and yourself never failed to appreciate and improve the others abilities throughout the experience of the two Russian skaters residing in your home. 
Even after he lost to Yuuri in the small competition that was held, you and Yuri made a promise to keep in contact. And keep in contact you did. 
Facetime calls, text messages, funny pictures from Instagram, and videos and songs for the upcoming Grand Prix resulted in the two of you developing a bond that people could only dream of finding in their life at any point. 
When you both finally met again, you being trailed by Victor and Yuuri (who also happened to be attached at the hip), you and Yuri immediately made a b-line for the other. 
Anyone around the two of you could clearly see (or at least confidently infer) that the two of you were dating. And dating you were.
As soon as competitions and practices were done for the day, you and Yurio agreed to meet up at a popular restaurant. Upon hearing of the plan, Victor had decided to take Yuuri there and join you two. 
“Victor, I was kind of...well, hoping that Yurio and I could dine together. Alone. In peace.” You punctuated your words with sharp looks at the tall skater-turned-coach. 
“Of course, however-”
“No, Victor, I’m saying that Yuri and want to be alone. On a-” You gulped, this would be the first one you’ve had with him in months. 
Victor sent a knowing look your way, watching as your body tensed up. Fidgeting with your hands was all he needed to see to solidify what he was thinking. 
“Alright, alright! Yuuri and I will go someplace else, then, yeah?” And, alas, the plan was set.
You met with Yuri - or at least planned to - at 7 PM. Stood beside the door in your most flattering semi-formal wear and warm jacket, you pulled your phone out to text him. 
‘are you almost here?’
Exiting your messages, you slipped your phone into the pocket it resided in previously and wrapped your arms around yourself to keep your body as warm as you could in the winter weather. 
Yawning, you kept an eye out for your blonde boyfriend, watching the streetlights to see if his slight frame would pop out from the shadows. 
Peeking around a corner, you noticed him walking along the sidewalk, but he was accompanied by someone. Someone that was not you. Someone that was getting a little too touchy - something that both you and Yuri had to agree on. 
The girl had ears on her head, leading you to assume that she was one of his more forward fangirls. Practically hanging off his arm, she had hearts for eyes and Yuri looked like he was fighting the urge to throw up at the mere sight of her. 
By the time he was within earshot, you could hear her gushing about the area and the sights within it, which ones would be best for him to see, causing you to flare red. 
People around you would have seen steam bursting out of your ears if it were possible. 
“There you are! I was getting worried about you,” you shouted, speedwalking to meet the boy and the brat midway. “Did something happen?” 
Yuri sent a semi-panicked, semi-annoyed glance to the fan to his side. “Crossed paths with a fan on the way here.” His eye twitched as he ripped his arm from her grasp as easily as he could. “Sorry about that.” 
You, in a moment of impulse, grasped his arm and hugged him close to your body. “It’s all good, seeing as you’re okay, darling. Should we get a table now?” 
Yuri went red, as did the girl that trailed him, and you just snuggled yourself into his side. He blinked, lost, before stuttering out and low answer. “Yeah, sounds good.” 
The girl huffed and stormed off, glaring at you when she’d peer over her shoulder when sulking away. You just sent her a smug grin, mouthing the words ‘He’s mine’. 
It took him a solid ten minutes to regain his composure, which happened to hit him when the both of you were already seated in the restaurant. Your jacket was off, and you had your phone laid to the side of the table, waving your hands in his face. 
“Are you there?” 
Blinking himself to reality, he spoke. “What just happened?”
You raised an eyebrow, turning away and pursing your lips. “Nothing much. Scared your fan off for you, though.” 
You diverted your attention to a really attractive neon sign at the corner of the room and got flustered. Yuri narrowed his eyes. “Mhm, sure, of course. Totally weren’t jealous, were we? You just helped to get her off my back?” 
Your nose scrunched up. “Yes, that’s right. That’s why.” You crossed your arms and sat proudly in your seat, lips still pursed and attention still away from the blonde. 
“You know you always avoid eye contact and act all haughty when you lie, right?” His smirk burned itself into your memory and flashed behind your eyes despite the fact that you weren’t able to see it at the moment. 
“I- I do not.”
“That was another lie.” 
“Was not.”
“Was too.”
“No, it wasn’t.” 
“Sure it wasn’t.”
The air around you two turned playful. 
With his voice dropped, Yuri leaned into you as you remained firm in your stance. “You also know that you are absolutely adorable when you’re flustered, too, right?” 
You deflated and, if his eyes weren’t deceiving him, the tips of your ears were starting to flush. “Here? Really?” Your eyes were wide. 
“Finally got your attention.” He smiled, small but meaningful, and continued. “You aren’t going to lose me to some shameless fan, okay? You’re my one and only, alright?” 
Nibbling your bottom lip, you nodded slightly. “I know, it’s just that she was getting handsy and it was getting late and you were getting uncomfortable....”
“That’s true, but that wasn’t why you cuddled me in street, was it?” he taunted, the tone of his voice light, airy, and teasing. 
“I swear, I wasn’t jealous!” 
“I’ll believe that when pigs fly. Anyway, what did you want to eat tonight? My treat.” 
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blitz3--0 · 1 year
Hello Im Blitz! I use He/It/Xey pronouns and please respect and use them or just leave. I'm a minor who is an artist and writer! I have my own world that I create and will post about here.
What I will write
Oc's x CC, Oc x Oc, Cc x Cc
GN! Readers that includes Trans and Nb readers as well. If your a cis woman please fuck off you have 80-85% of fanfics.
Fandoms I Will Write
MW2 (141, Los Vaqueros, König, Horangi Oc's)
Haikyuu (Karasuno, Aba Josai, Nekoma all aged up)
JJK (Gojo, Nanami, Itadori, Nobara, Megumi, Mai + Mei, Panda, Inumaki, all aged up)
YOI (Viktor, Yuri, Yurio, Otabek)
OHSHC (Kyoya, Tamaki, Haruhi, Mori, Honey, all aged up)
Penumbra Podcast (Juno Steel, Peter Nureyev, more as I get more into the Series)
Spider verse (Miguel, Gwen, Miles, Peter.B)
TMA (John, Martin, Tim, Sasha, Elias, Peter Lucas, Micheal Shelly, Oliver Banks, Georgie, Basira, Melanie, Daisy, Breekon +Hope)
Doctor Who (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, Rose, Donna, Clara, Martha, Jack Harkness, Amy)
What I Will Not Write
Self unaliving
Period stuff
Fandoms I Won't Write
WTNV(haven't seen enough)
I will add more as time goes on
I Will Refuse Any And All Requests That I Feel Uncomfortable And Disagree With Spamming Requests Will Get You Blocked Please Be Respectful As I Am A Full Time Student With Extracurricular Activities. Thank You!
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Yuri on Ice Incorrect Quotes
Yurio: Am I a boy? Am I a girl? It doesn't matter. I'm going to burn your house down.
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mari-rosa-skiess · 3 years
omg i love your writing sm😳❤️ I JUST REALIZED THAT IM THE SAME AGE IF YURIO AGH ITS A GREAT DAY TO BE 15😩👌 also, may i request yurio who meets the reader in japan (like he met her maybe after viktor chooses his program) and she's a skateboarder so like she accidentally skates into him! i feel like it'd be really innteresting to see an ice skater and a skater together as a couple haha (bonus if she's won national skateboarding competitions😎) have a great day and remember to stay hydrated!❤️
yes !!! i love this idea !! i went on a hiatus again, so sorry it’s VERY late, i hope it’s worth it though LOL
i’m personally not a skater, so i’m sorry if this isn’t accurate to how people skate :(
Warnings: None I believe, just some swearing!
Pronouns: she/her
Words: 1.5k
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You always enjoyed skateboarding. It was your favorite activity since you’ve been younger. It was kind of the way you were able to let stress go and have fun, especially since you are in your mid-teens. Things get rough at age 15, but there’s always skating there to help you.
You were skating down the streets one day in Japan, your (h/c) hair was flowing in the strong breeze since it was a significantly colder day, it was winter after all. There was snow on the ground, but only on the side of the roads and sidewalks, but it was all pretty melted.
You closed your eyes for a second because it felt like the wind was making your eyes shrivel up, but a few seconds later, you fell to the ground with a small ‘hmph’ leaving your lips.
You opened your eyes to see a shortish boy standing up, he looked pissed to say the very least.
“WHY WEREN’T YOU WATCHING WHERE YOU WERE GOING?!” the blond feminine boy screamed.
You stood up and dusted off your clothes, for some small pebbles and dirt got on you when you fell.
“I could say that same about you,” you crossed your arms, raising an eyebrow.
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN!? YOU’RE THE ONE WHO RAN STRAIGHT INTO ME!” He screamed, although it was kind of difficult to understand him because of his thick Russian accent, especially because he was screaming.
“Well, you could’ve simply stepped out of the way when you saw me skating towards you, you could’ve simply stepped aside when I was like four yards away,” You pointed out.
“It seems you also were not paying attention to your surroundings,” you spoke in a snarky tone, smirking.
He went to say something else to defend himself, but he was dumbfounded, not to mention exhausted from the strenuous training from figure skating.
“You’re lucky I’m not in the mood to argue today,” he sighed, picking up his bag he had dropped.
“Yeah, whatever you say,” you replied, dropping down your skateboard.
After you got a closer look at his face, you realized he seemed familiar. You’ve seen him somewhere, but you’re not sure where. Maybe in a store? No, that couldn’t be it.
“Where are you going?” you asked him, slowly skating by him while he walked.
“Figure skating practice, Viktor doesn’t like it when I’m late,” he softly said.
“What’s it to you?” he added, slightly raising his voice.
“I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere,” you stared at him blankly, but still paying enough attention to the control you have on your skateboard so you don’t lose balance and topple over.
“You’ve probably seen me on TV, I won Grand Prix gold,” he stated.
“Oh, Yuri Plisetsky, that’s where I’ve heard of you,”
Yuri blushed at how you said his name, it sounded so beautiful the way you said it, almost as beautiful as he found the rest of you. It didn’t take him long to notice your features after he cooled down from his baby tantrum.
He just looked away and went quiet, not saying anything else. After a few minutes, you guys arrived at the rink. Viktor was waiting by the door.
You picked up your skateboard and just held it since there was no reason for you to just stand by it.
“Yurio, you know how I feel about you being late,” the tall man with silver hair stated in a slightly annoyed tone.
“Yeah, whatever,” he mumbled under his breath.
Viktor’s eyes flickered to you and a grin appeared on his face.
“Oh, I see, you were out with your girlfriend! Why didn’t you tell me you have a girlfriend?” Viktor excitedly exclaimed.
Yuri’s face turned red, so did yours.
“No, we just met a few minutes ago,” you shook your head.
“Yeah, this bitch carelessly bumped into me and knocked me over,” Yuri crossed his arms.
“Bitch?!” you asked.
“Okay! I see I was wrong,” Viktor nervously chuckled.
“Why don’t you guys say bye to each other then you can meet me inside, Yurio?” Viktor suggested.
“Okay, fine,”
Viktor said goodbye to you before walking back in the rink, going to get his skates on before Yuri walked in.
“Well, hopefully we don’t cross paths again,” you said irritated, dropping your skateboard back down.
Yuri let out a sigh.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled.
Yuri was surprised by himself. He never apologizes for anything, it’s just part of his personality to be a dick, but here he is, apologizing!
“What was that?” you asked, turning your head.
“I’m sorry,” he spoke up.
“I didn’t mean it, I’m just a dickhead, you’re not a bitch,” Yuri looked down, blushing.
“Alright, I forgive you...I think,” you said, questioning your own words.
“I’ll see you around,” you spoke.
“Wait, what’s your name?” Yuri asked you.
“Oh, right, it’s (Y/N),” you smiled.
He was shocked that you even had a beautiful name.
“Okay, see you later,” he flashed a small smile before walking into the skating rink.
You skated off, actually feeling good about having a new friend. You did find him cute though, and you were sure he’s sweet when he’s not mad. You kind of mentally beat up yourself for not getting his number, but hopefully, there will be other opportunities.
It’s been a few days since you bumped into Yuri, and you still thought about him occasionally, as did he. You decided to skate by the rink to see if he was there. Since he couldn’t drive, there was no way to really know if he was there unless you looked in.
The place was rented out, so if it was closed, the doors would probably be locked.
You picked up your skateboard and walked over to the door and pulled on the handle. A small smile appeared on your face when it opened. You walked inside and heard music playing.
You didn’t want anyone to see you because you didn’t want anyone to think you were creepy, so you kneeled down by the part of the skating rink wall that didn’t have a window and watched through the window part.
Yuri was elegantly skating around the rink, his routine already seemed flawless - to you at least - you weren’t used to seeing many people figure skate. He actually didn’t look annoyed for once, but he did look sweaty.
Very sweaty.
You looked down and noticed your skateboard started rolling away from you. You silently cursed under your breath before trying to grab it without making any noise. You ended up grabbing it, but you accidentally launched it because you lost grip of it while you were trying to set it up against the wall.
It made a loud clattering noise before rolling and hitting the wall. Since the room was so big, it echoed and caused Yuri to mess up his routine.
Viktor facepalmed and turned off the music.
“It was great until that noise distracted you...what even was that?” Viktor asked, looking around.
Viktor and Yuri both skated over to the exit of the rink and stepped out, looking around the lobby. You were hoping they wouldn’t see you despite you being literally four feet away from them. 
Viktor saw you and you flashed a nervous smile before standing up.
“Yurio, you got a visitor,” Viktor spoke before walking back onto the rink.
Yuri looked over at you and he surprisingly wasn’t mad.
“Sorry for messing up your routine,” you apologized, looking really nervous.
“Oh... it’s just slightly annoying, I can always redo it,” he blushed.
“It was really good before I distracted you though,” you smiled.
“Oh, thanks,” his face reddened.
A few seconds of silence passed before Viktor walked back off the rink.
“Yurio, take a short break,” he said.
Yuri nodded before taking off his skates while still standing.
“Do you know where your board went?” he asked.
You looked around on the floor before spotting it, you walked over and picked it up.
“Why do you skate so much?” Yuri asked.
“I- Uh- It’s a hobby, and I’m also a competitive skater...with skateboarding, obviously,” you nervously said.
“That actually sounds interesting,” Yuri spoke.
“That’s surprising coming from you,” you smiled.
“What do you mean?” he asked confused.
“I mean, you are a dick,” you smirked and crossed your arms.
He rolled his eyes with a small frown.
“Joking!” you exclaimed, giggling.
“Anyway, we should hang out sometime if you’re up to you,” you smiled at the blond.
His face went back to the red shade it was previously at.
“A-Alright,” he stammered.
You pulled a small slip of paper out of your pocket that you wrote your number down on pre-hand in case you ran into him.
“Here’s my number, I’m free most of the time, just text me,” you smiled at him.
He took the slip of paper from your hand and put it into his pocket.
“Alright,” he smiled.
“I’ll let you get back to what you were doing, see you around!” you exclaimed with a smile while waving as you walked out.
“Bye!” he shouted.
Let’s just say, he did text you a lot when he got home.
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ms-illusions · 4 years
hi yuri on ice fandom, will you accept my enby yuri plisetsky headcanon?
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bangtan-madi · 4 years
Never have done this before but I see you write for Yuri!!! On ice so here we go. Can I have a Yurio P. who likes the younger sister of Victor. Since the reader is the younger sister, she has a lot of fans and Yurio tends to get jealous. So can I have a scene where he is clingy to the reader but doesn’t state why? Fluffy Yurio?
It took a few years after debuting as a senior and winning gold at the Grand Prix Final for Yurio to admit he had feelings for you.
Delving into his emotional side has never been his strong suit, but when it came to you, you made him feel all kinds of ways. He felt joy, fear, adoration, and jealousy all at once. But he'd never let you know that, not in the many years you'd known each other.
Because you were [Y/n] Nikiforova, Victor's cherished baby sister.
While you were still a couple years Yurio's senior, you were much closer to his age than your big brother Victor. The man doted on you like you were the sun, moon, and stars. As did the rest of the figure skating world. You were adored by all of his colleagues and friends, including Victor's fiance Yuri Katsuki--who you adored as a brother. You and Chris gossiped and giggled every time you met, Phitchit was your so-called "Instagram husband," and there were few people that could go head-to-head with JJ in energy levels and come out on top.
While you could barely stand on your own two feet on the ice, never having found the talent like Victor had, you were brilliant in your own ways. You were a travel writer and had a strong social media presence. The world loved you, and you'd gained quite the following on Twitter, Instagram, and just about everywhere else. You even had your own YouTube channel.
But it wasn't just who you were related to that made you popular. You had a wicked sense of humor, one that was a bit dark and sarcastic. You also had amazing taste in music, and that was one of the first things you and Yurio bonded over all those years ago. Like your brother, you could be a bit flighty, but you always meant well and loved with your entire being.
This, and more, had Yurio falling head over heels for you. Those feelings only got harder to ignore as he aged, growing into a young adult in tandem with you.
One of those feelings was jealousy. Not only were you very affectionate towards the other senior skaters--Chris, Phitchit, and Yuri especially--you were extremely popular online. The majority of your following was female, but you had a strong male fanbase as well. Everywhere you went, people knew you by name. Since you were often at his skate practices or competitions, Yurio got to see it all up close.
One particular day, after a free-skate event, Yurio was heading off the ice when he saw you surrounded by a small group of fans in the corridor blocking his exit. You were signing autographs and giggling with the girls, smiling charmingly at the boys. It was innocent enough, but it was just enough to make Yurio scoff and remove his skates in a hurry.
"Something got you all hot and bothered, Yurochka?"
Yurio ignored his coach and stormed over to you. You turned and saw him coming, offering a friendly grin as he approached.
"Yurio, hi--!"
Yurio grabs your hand, linking his arm with yours as he begins to retreat back to the private, skater-only areas of the coliseum.
"Sorry, but [Y/n] has plans tonight. Das vadanya!"
You turned, waved to your fans, then turns back to Yurio. You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face at his scowl and protective grasp. You leaned your head onto his shoulder and chuckled.
"You're awfully clingy tonight. Any particular reason why?"
Yurio merely scoffed again.
"No, why would there be?"
"Just wondering is all. You seem bothered, maybe even a little..."
"A little what?"
You shook your head and wrapped your arm through his, grabbing his hand with your other.
"Maybe a little jealous?"
Yurio didn't reply, but a hint of a blush spread across his cheeks. You catch sight of it before the Russian male shakes his head so that his blond hair covers that side of his face.
"Don't be ridiculous."
Leaning up, you press a brief kiss to his hair and watch as the blush underneath deepens to a magenta.
"Of course not."
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thesunshinebunny · 5 years
Can I ask for stranger to lovers headcanons with Yuri Plisetsky? I’m a sucker for the Little Tiger and I need every content I can have
Sorry for the waiting, these two months I was burning head with final test from college. Let’s go straight to the point, go, go, GOOOO* * ** Both were professional skaters in different tracks, and with so much stress and strain on your shoulders, you didn’t have time to inquire into the existence of the other* You went to Russia to practice a few months with your new coach, months that became years* You met at 17, Yuri winning his second Grand Prix and your track being remodeled, which left no alternative but to go to the professional track in Moscow* It wasn’t until you bump into each other practicing that you know the other * “Hey, look where the fuck you’re going” * “Why do not you better have a little more care, oxygenated blonde” * Yes, their relationship didn’t start that well * And when you found out that Yuri was your competition … things went from bad to worse* And with worse I mean sabotage of practice, but not so serious to the point of generating injuries * Yuri had a fascination for hiding your water bottle or towel after practice * You, on the other hand, to hide his skates * There was a time when both had the same idea of ​​stealing the bags the other’s training bag, with their clothes inside * Let’s say, when you noticed the change, both of you wore the other’s clothes * You both laugh until no tomorrow * And that’s! how your friendship begins* The two of you go to the other’s presentations, without discussion * You like to annoy him by sitting next to the Yuri’s angels and screaming with them * Once you threw a cat headband and it ended up hitting his head * The received outside the track was not very pleasant * But you got to put on the headband when he was concentrated looking at his score * He, on the other hand, usually waits for you outside the court and gives you a simple (f/c) tulip or sometimes a fluffy toy * It depends on his mood that your gifts may be thrown on the track near you, so it’s you who get hold of it* Long nights studying competitors routines * Grab a blanket, ice cream and a notebook, with long night I mean loooong * You both also check the errors of your own routines * A third opinion never hurts* Selfies, selfies, selfies and selfies * Selfie before training * Selfie before stay awake all night * Selfie before competing * Selfie after competing * Selfie waiting for the results * Selfie when you win the gold * Selfie when Yuri wins the gold* Shopping * Either to find the perfect suit for a routine or to look for useless things that you doub you’ll get to use * Speaking of suits, Yuri thought he had reached shangri la when he saw you leave the dressing room in a red dress, with v-neckline in pink details, completely bare back and black stones adorning the skirt * He reminded the suit of his Allegro Apassionatto in b minor routine * You may or may not have done it on purpose* Your 18th birthday fell right in one of the Grand Prix Final competitions (let’s pretend that happened that way) and there was no better celebration than skating and reaching gold * It couldn’t be a better gift * Nevermind, I spoke too soon* It was when they gave you the medal that Yuri was thrown into the track, the judges were angry but the audience was surprised, patiently waiting with you for what he was going to do next* He wanted to give you a long speech, shit, he even had papers prepared in case he forgot to say something, but it seemed he had forgotten how to talk * So, straight to the point * He kissed you in front the eyes of everyone and proclaimed to be your boyfriend on world television * You couldn’t be happier on your birthday
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cosmios-aesthetics · 6 years
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Aesthetic for Yuri Plisetsky from Yuri on Ice.
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midnightrellik · 6 years
Teach me Yuri P x reader
Hello can I have a scenario with Yurio and his s/o that wants to learn to skate? Thank you and your other writing is super cute.
It was just another day. A plain ass, boring day. No competitions, no practise, no friends to hang out with as they were all busy and nothing more to do than watch Yuri skate to cure his own boredom.
You stood off to the side, leaning against the wall separating you from the ice just on the other side. You had never learned how to skate, being too afraid to step on the ice seeing as how you believed you’d fall flat on your arse. Of course you wanted to learn, no doubt about that but seeing as your boyfriend was a figure skater, you feared embarrassing yourself in front of him.
However, seeing how bored you were, and seeing that Yuri didn’t seem very indifferent, you finally decided that today was the day. “Hey Yuri!" you called to the blonde, catching his attention as he skated over to you.
"What is it?” He asked, raising a brow at you seeing as you didn’t usually interrupt him while he was skating. “Well… I was wondering if you could teach me how to skate,” you answered, earning a slightly odd look from the male. Of course you couldn’t blame him, seeing as this is the first time you had asked.
“You want me to teach you how to skate?” He asked again to which you nodded your head in confirmation. You really wanted to learn now seeing as then you could finally skate with him. “Alright, go get some skates and I’ll show you how to lace them first,” he said, making a smile plant itself onto your face before you ran off to get yourself some skates.
Soon enough, your shoes were replaced with ice skates and you were carefully stepping onto the ice, grabbing onto the rail as you did to keep balanced. Yuri got back onto the ice with you and extended a hand to you for you to take. “Come on, you’re never going to learn latched onto the wall like that,” he said, sounding annoyed but you knew otherwise. Biting your lip, you hesitantly reached out to take his hand only for him to move back, just out of reach. You would have to release the rail completely in order to take his hand.
Giving him a slightly dirty look, he simply smirked lightly and moved his hand a little to signal you to come and take it. You took a deep breath, letting it out again slowly before carefully letting go of the railing and moving towards him to take his hand. However, in this split second, you lost your footing and found yourself about to fall only for two hands to grab yours, pulling you to a chest. He had caught you. “You’re such a clutz,” he teased making you pout and look away.
With your hands in his now, he waited a few seconds before slowly beginning to skate backwards to get you going. You of course, panicked a little bit but soon calmed down when you realised it wasn’t as bad as you originally thought. Yuri soon picked up the pace, a small smile appearing on his face making one appear on yours. A small giggle of excitement came from your throat until your hands were suddenly released.
“Yuri! Yuri no, I can’t do this alone yet!” You practically shrieked, doing your best to keep your balance. “Just continue doing what you were before, you’ll be fine,” he assured and believe it or not, but you were. You were a tad bit wobbly, and still uncertain of yourself but otherwise, you were beginning to enjoy yourself. You slowly and carefully began to pick up the pace and Yuri began skating beside you, grinning at the sight of you doing the thing he loved.
That was before you lost your footing again. You soon found yourself on your arse as you originally suspected with Yuri laughing as he turned around to get back to you. You rubbed your lower back as he came back to you and offered you a hand up. “You did pretty well for a first timer,” he complimented as you took his hand. He went to pull you up but instead, you pulled him down. He landed on his hands and knees over you, one knee between your legs. “Thanks..” you said with a soft giggle before pressing your lips against his, making the blonde teen blush.
Yes, just another day indeed.
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When You Tower Over Your Boyfriend
Request: Can I please request a imagine with Yuri Plisetsky where he has a girlfriend that is taller than him (put don't tease him about that) and she loves to pamper him?
Title: When You Tower Over Your Boyfriend
Genre: mega fluff. seriously. if your teeth haven't rotted by the end of this, then you're lying
Pairing: Yuri Plisetsky x Fem!Reader
Notes: This is so cute, istg- I'm just imagining Yuri doing things to grab his girl's attention and there's so much room for comedy. I love it! 
(I would also like to mention that this gave me a really well-needed break from homework because it’s kind of overwhelming and this was really sweet-) 
Either way, this is probably gonna come out a little later than I would like it to. I apologize for that, but I hope you enjoy it either way! I tried to incorporate multiple points for comedy to come intact as well as a few in which it could be calmer.
Below the cut!
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let’s cover the basics here: 
1. he wouldn’t really care about how tall you are. like at all. 
(at most, it’s an afterthought)
2. even if he did, he finds your height attractive. 
3. that, and the fact that you avoid doing anything that many others have tried to do regarding his height. 
(i imagine you being somewhere between 5′11″ and 6′5″)
(like seriously taller than him) 
yurio knows that he is far from the tallest, he really does
and it doesn’t help being reminded of it by people that tower over him constantly 
the short jokes get overwhelming sometimes, though
(half of the people that crack these jokes don’t make it out without being scared either way-) 
so, while your height won’t matter too much to him, what others view it as might
in fact, i can see him freaking out about small things that he can’t reach
he wants to help you, but he wants to do so by being a little cliche
(mostly due to that being about all he knows about romance and dating, but i digress) 
the roses and candies and fancy dates are typical, but then there’s the domestic stuff
and the romantic idea of reaching above your girlfriend and grabbing something that she’s too short to reach
or even laying your head on theirs
leaning down to give them a forehead kiss....
in this case, he starts cussing like a mad man since he can’t really do that
it is only slightly endearing
(you’ve had to keep him calm on multiple occassions)
it isn’t like these things don’t happen, but the roles are reversed. 
you are the one grabbing the items
you are the one that lays your head on top of his
you are the one that has to lean down to give him a forehead kiss
to the people around you, it’s slightly comical
(and realistically, it appears that way) 
but no matter, you see it as it is: he’s your boyfriend, and you wanna be sweet to him
in fact, your height has become quite the helpful thing on more than one occassion
so, it may be obvious, but you go to every single one of his competitions and most of his practices 
(within reason, of course) 
we saw how he gets when he practices.
we saw how he pushes, and pushes, and pushes, and keeps pushing until he can’t anymore. 
and we also saw how much the people around him either continued to enable him overworking himself or ignored it (almost) completely
and there are the days where he needs a little ego boost
that’s where you come in
your height  is very obvious in the crowds, even through the blinding lights and reflections of ice
you’re the one person that sits as close as you can and still manage to stand up and cheer the loudest for him
(we love a supportive partner!!!) 
you’re also the one to help him when he is sent on errands
but the best thing to come from your height are the cuddles
especially after a long day of skating and working and existing
when he’s dead tired (and frankly unwilling to deal with people), he goes to you
whether you’re at his place or not, he goes to you. 
even if you’re working, can you guess where he’s gonna go? 
your height is probably one of the best things to him, especially during those moments
when you dote on him is when he straight up melts
(it’s even funnier in public) 
one time that he was e c s t a t i c that you were there was right after he broke down on the ice during his free skate program 
he goes through, does everything peachy, then falls
he gets back up, of course, and does the remainder of the program flawlessly
but then he breaks down on the ice
(we all know what i’m talking about)
(i know that’s a fact) 
you want to run to the kiss and cry as soon as you can
you want to cradle him as soon as you can
but he’s stuck on the ice for a while after and you can’t catch him until he’s completely done, gold medal and all
running to reach him, you find him in his costume with the medal draped around his neck
the hug hit him immediately and you started to spew concerns left and right
“what happened out there?”
“are you okay?”
“did you get hurt?”
he was on the verge of tears for the third time that day 
as per usual, your head was resting on top of his 
and even though the public (and other skaters) were able to see everything, he hugged you back
(but so were you, so koala hugs were returned with koala hugs) 
“i won the grand prix, (y/n), i won. i won gold.” 
“i know, baby, i saw! i’m so proud of you!”
aaaand cue the tears
yep, the famous ice tiger of russia was seen essentially bawling into his partner’s chest
a few of the skaters found it endearing, and frankly, very cute
but others were so zeroed in on the fact that you were so. much. taller. than him. 
“who is that? dude, they’re gigantic!”
“are they together? cute.”
yuri was more focused on you and making sure that you were okay after he was done crying.
“is you shirt stained?”
“yeah, but that’s whatever. you won! you’re okay, though? really?” 
the shorter blonde boy wiped the tear tracks away and smiled
an actual smile, too. 
the paparazzi would not get enough of it if they were to have seen it
hell, the skaters did, too
(phichit was taking pictures and victor was crying at the sight of you two) 
(it was on yuuri’s shoulder’s to reel them in) 
(that was a whole other mess)
yuri only broke from the hug when you leaned down to kiss his head
he was blushing
and the people around you both gushed. 
‘aww’ was the most common sound for a good minute or two 
and then yuri was made aware of the people around him
“what are you staring at?!”
you were laughing
yuri looked like a tomato
(and it only got worse when you wrapped your arms around his torso and laid your chin on top of his head) 
(but you knew that)
even redder, he shoos them all away 
but yeah
he loves that things like that are possible
he really wouldn’t care if you were shorter than him or the same height, but the fact that he can rest his head against your chest is extremely comforting. 
there are also some more...impulsive things your height can come in handy for
(read: piggyback rides and lifting him up to reach something when he is adamant that he can get it) 
at your place, the cupboards were higher up for you (and your family) so when yuri would come over to help you when you would be sick, well...
let’s just say that stools would be used until you were a-okay and willing to hold him up to grab the one cup that he knows you love 
or for movie nights!!!
the popcorn just so happens to be on the top shelf, and when he wants to hlep prep everything, you lift him onto your shoulders
(once the movie has been picked out, of course)
and again, when everything is prepped and ready
you haul him up onto his shoulders and encourage him to smack the top of doorways
he has a hold of the popcorn and grabs the doorframe each time
it was really refreshing to see him act his age and be a little immature sometimes
and this was a prime opportunity for it. 
but overall, he wouldn’t mind it much (if at all) 
he sees your height as a good thing, actually
even better seeing as you don’t view him as a ‘pipsqueak’ as some say about him
it works great for the both of you, really
even when you aren’t feeling too hot, the cuddling really helps 
(he even sometimes acts as the big spoon when you need it) 
and the fun stuff that comes from the height difference is all the more better! 
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tryingohsoveryhard · 6 years
Not What You Meant To Say
Yuri P. Part 2                                                                                                          A second part of the yuri p. thing that I’m doing. I finally have a title for this (I suck at making titles btw). I thought that this should have come out a lot sooner but, I have no clue what to write. Without further ado the story. 
Part 1
Warning(s): Angst,
Words: 1031
Yuri.P x Reader
     You thought that what Mila had done was sweet but, it still didn't stop you from wanting to cry again. You felt helpless you couldn't do anything to stop Yuri from hating you but, you had to try something you knew it.  Yuri would normally give the silent treatment for about a week but, then again he wasn't as mas those times as he was right now. You thought about it for a little while longer but nothing came t your mind. You thought that you could think later so you got on the ice and started to practice. It wasn't the best you had ever done but not the worst either. You didn't know what to think you knew it meant something to you but, normally when stuff happened it didn't affect your performance. You just continue to skate though you could feel that anyone watching would see that you weren't giving it your all.
     You got off the ice once Mila started to practice you didn't want to be in the way. You couldn't  clear your head with skating now so you thought it would be best to go for a walk. This time letting Yakov know where you were going. He understood even though he gave you a time limit. You had been outside for about 5 to 10 minutes when you hear it a call "Y/N!" when you hear it you know instantly who it is  'Victor' you thought.  "Y/N!" this time you turned around "Hey, Victor," you beamed. He was on his bike witch meant Yuri couldn't be far behind him. "What are you doing out here aren't you supposed to be practicing?" he said tilting his head stopping the bike directly in front of you.  "I just needed to clear my head," you said looking at the ground. Looking back up you asked, "What are you doing out?" "Oh, I'm just 'running' with Yuri," he said. Then you heard puffing in the distance 'Yuri' you thought. The perfect guy to talk to yes, Victor was a great guy but, you knew him and he would probably just tell you to talk to Yuri(o). You saw Yuri and saw a great opportunity that came with him.
     "Yuri! Look who I bumped into," Victor smiled brightly at the puffing yuri that was gradually getting closer. "Oh, Y/N what are you doing out here," He talked leaning over his knee catching his breath "Just taking time to think about stuff," you said not feeling like repeating what you said to Victor. This is the part that one of them would normally start asking questions but, they didn't which was a bit confusing. 'They knew me' you thought why weren't they asking question nothing got into you. "Oh, I get it," Victor beamed "You do?" you questioned almost sarcastically you weren't about to let them know that you needed help just wasn't like you. "Of course you and Yurio finally talked about that kiss," he said nudging you in the side 'Yep that's Victor'. You didn't know why you would you think for a second that Yuri(o) would talk to them about it. With that all thoughts of talking with Yuri faded away sure he could help but, you hoped not to have to explain again. "Yep we sure did," you cringed "I wonder if Yuri talked to Otabek yet?" Yuri said and your face instantly lit up. 'That was it' you knew Yuri would have to talk with his only other friend (that he would admit to being friends with). You ran off after that leaving the boys to just wonder what happened.
     When you got back to skating rink Yakov wanted you to practice for the final time before everyone went home. You knew there was no getting out of it so you did. It didn't take long and Yakov could see the change in your demeanor which meant your performance was a lot better. He didn't say anything after the routine witch let you know that you could go but, you did say bye to everyone first to make sure it was okay. When you got home you were almost giddy that you could get some actual help. You, Yuri(o), and Otabek had a chat that you had all made. You were friend with Otabek yes you meet through Yuri(o) he might have help at first but, you found things to talk about. You knew that he would help so, with that thought in mind you called him. It ringed once. Twice. A third time. The fourth time then the fifth. You being desperate to talk to him you called again. This time there was one ring then the second then you heard a voice "Hello?" it sounded groggy "Otabek? That's you right?" you rushed. "Yeah, it's me what do you need Y/N," "You haven't talked to Yuri lately have you?" you asked sheepishly. "Yes, why is he not answering his phone?" another groggy answer "Did he tell you what happened. (also I'm sorry if I  woke you)" you heard a hum on the other line signaling that he knew what you wanted to talk about. "Well what should I do?" you answered passing around your house "I don't know he seemed really upset. I haven't seen him like that. Have you talked with him?". "Argh! How did I know that you would say that? But, I can't go talk to him he won't let me get close to him." you must have sounded exhausted like you have thought about all of this. "Corner him." Otabek said nonchalantly "I will help you get everything but, we are gonna need someone else," "Are you sure Otabek what it makes it worse?" you knew it wouldn't ut, worry got the best of you. "You know just as well as I do that's not how Yuri works," you smiled at what he said know you he hung up know that you were onboard.
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toraashi · 7 years
the emotion; yuri plisetsky
BEFORE YOU READ: don't chastise me for making him "ooc", because I don’t think I did. I wanted to write a story revolving around longing, and I was trying to capture what he would be like after realizing that he was in love. He's such an interesting character to write for, and one of his key traits is that is feels such intense emotions. He doesn't care for a lot of people, but the people he does, he cares for a ton, so I think that if he ever fell in love, he'd be head over heels, like he wouldn't be able to think straight in their presence at first. Of course, he's still our Yura, so he's a tsundere lil shit, but he'd feel incredibly soft around his significant other, I think. Listen while you read: www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_CfRx…
  Longing.   She never missed a competition of his, not if she was deathly sick, not if she had snapped her ankle (which happened once after she had been attempting one of his routines). He had taken it for granted, her diligence, and was finally suffering the consequences of it. She had hit some bad traffic, and would likely miss his routine, and for once, he couldn't pull himself together. She had been an anchor to him, his lighthouse, and like one would take the air they breathe for granted, he didn't realize what he had until he'd lost it.   "What?! You're not going to be here?"   "I'm trying! I can't control tourism! It's not like I want to miss it."   "Haaa? Sure, because that's the truth."   He regretted abruptly hanging up the phone, he regretted blaming her for something she couldn't control, and now his nerves were everywhere, his pulse thumping erratically.   "Yuri. Take deep breathes. It's okay. Be confident in yourself." He didn't want his coaches' petty reassurances, in this moment, he was absolutely sure that all that would soothe his nerves would be her sweet, lulling voice. He hadn't really noticed how relaxing and lovely it was until he didn't have it, and like most things taken for granted, he missed it more than ever. He itched to take out his phone and ring her up one last time for some mild relief, but his pride put up iron walls that were impossible to get past.   Unless you were her.   His heart always whispered the most appalling things, he had figured, and now it was aching in it's cage of bone so much, he found it hard to breathe. The beautiful, elegant tiger hated that her absence was affecting him this much, and in order to keep his head, he swore he would give her hell for making it that way. He'd start by grabbing her collar and staring into her iridescent hues, and then he'd... then he'd-   He couldn't shake the image of her melancholy, ashamed face, and that's when he knew that in that situation, he'd tug her into his arms and hold her like she was going to disappear at any second. God, he despised how weak she'd made him, the only person he'd admit to caring for was his grandfather, not some silly girl who made his heart soar like a fledgling bird just kicked out of the nest. Gripping the edge of the rink, he growled in his throat, his cheeks hot with the realization.   He was catastrophically in love with her.   And like dark clouds heavy with rain, his emotions tumbled out all at once, but before he could do something about it, the announcer called for him to enter the ice.   Frantically, as if he would die, his alluring turquoise eyes scanned the audience, around him, everywhere, but the one face he yearned for was missing. Kicking the ice, he finally skated to the center, his mind in shambles, so much so, he almost missed the start of the music.   "Russian Yuri Plisetsky, age 17 is making a strong comeback after his stunning senior debut where he dominated the Grand Prix, taking home a shiny gold medal. He is skating to..." The world seemed to collapse around him, and he couldn't remember the last time he had been this panicked during a competition.   All he could think of was her dazzling smile and how he couldn't think straight without it, how her eyes glimmered when he successfully executed a jump, be it a single toe-loop or a quadruple flip, she always was supportive, her cheeks rosy pink with adrenaline. He glided into a spread eagle, suddenly leaping into a triple axel, his landing disappointingly shaky.   Damnit.   "Yura!" The voice was like a melody, and it stood out amongst the screams of support echoing from the audience. She was here, she didn't leave him.   He vowed to not get distracted, but he couldn't stop thinking about all the things he had to say to her. Mind racing, he finished the performance with vigor, pushing his emotions into his now confident routine.   Quadruple Salchow   Triple Toe-Loop   The jump combination was flawless, and he swelled with pride. He would show her his best skating, if not before, then now, when he had missed her presence more than anything.   When he finished, there she was, like an angel descended from heaven, ephemeral and utterly perfect. The distance between him and her across the ice felt like light years, and he had never felt longing like he did right now. The warmth of her body, the gentleness of her arms were euphoric, and for once after a performance, he felt at peace with the result no matter what the score was.
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mari-rosa-skiess · 4 years
headcanons of yuri p. being frustrated with female reader? (or lashing out on her by accident) which makes her feel insecure about herself? thank you! ur hc’s are so good!!! keep it up!
Thank you so much and yes! I’m so sorry this took me so long. Anywho, I hope it was worth the wait. :)
-Mari <3
Yoi masterlist
Yuri (Yurio) Plisetsky masterlist
Warnings: Swearing, Angst, Fluff
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- It’s not like he’d lash out on you for no reason
- The last thing he wants to do is make you upset, so he usually hides his anger and frustration
- However, he wasn’t having a good day in general
- He had a rough day at practice
- He landed a jump wrong and twisted his ankle, so he wasn’t too happy with himself or his shitty ankle
- He was also late to practice since he slept in
- His coach made him rehearse for an extra hour since he was late, so he didn’t even eat lunch
- Not to mention, he just wanted to go home and sleep but he already agreed to hang out with you the day prior and he didn’t want to cancel on you
- On his way home from practice, he tripped on a bump in the sidewalk and faceplanted into a puddle since it recently rained
- He had to go home and quickly change so he could be ready by the time you arrived
- He walked into his room and noticed his room was so much of a mess to the point where he could barely find any clothes so that just added onto his anger
- He luckily did find clothes and he was changed by the time you arrived
- “Hi, Yuri!” you exclaimed, walking into his room, closing the door behind you
- “Hello,” he grumbled, clearly in a bad mood
- “Someone’s unhappy, what happened?” you asked him.
- He just looked at you and didn’t answer
- “I know something happened,” you spoke
- “Why does it matter?” he snapped
- “Oh, sorry,” you frowned
- You went to sit beside him on his bed, but you accidentally knocked a glass of water off his nightstand
- You cringed as the glass shattered on the ground and water splashed all over the floor
- Usual, Yuri would just say it’s fine and quickly clean it up
- But since he was already in a shitty mood, the most simple thing set him off
- You’ve never seen a boy so angry over a glass of water
- “SERIOUSLY, HOW DUMB ARE YOU!?” he continued
- You just froze and looked at him, tears slowly came to your eyes
- He never normally says anything like that
- You just put your head down and tried not to listen to what he was saying
- You knew he didn’t mean it, but part of you believed the things he was saying
- You just looked up at him while tears fell down your cheeks
- When he realized you were crying, he felt terrible
- “F-Fine...I’ll just leave,” you hiccuped, turning around and walked towards his door
- He quickly grabbed your arm, stopping you from leaving
- You pivoted on your heal and faced him
- You’ve never seen such guilt and disgust in his face
- The disgust was from himself
- “(Y/N), I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean any of that,”
- Soft boy time
- He’d apologize over and over again
- And hug you a bunch
- He’d also want to cuddle for hours while continuing to apologize
- “Y-You’re right...I am dumb,” you sighed
- “No, I’m just an asshole, don’t listen to me when I say shit like that,” he said, hugging you tightly
- He can’t stand the fact of anyone hurting you
- So him hurting you hit him hard
- He was so upset with himself for such a long time
- He made sure that he didn’t let his anger take over anymore when he was around you
- He loves you and doesn’t want to make you feel bad about yourself
- “I love you, I’m so sorry,”
- “Yuri, it’s fine, you’ve apologized twenty-five times,”
- Forgive the baby, he didn’t mean to...
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Ice Tiger pt. 1 (Yurio x Reader)
 Btw in this you speak lots of languages so you can communicate
Your pov:
I stood there, hands on my knees, panting heavily. "How was that?!" I asked to my coach, Robbert, from across the ice. "Awesome (F/N)! You only missed one quad!" He praised me. I then skated over to him, a small smile on my face. And then it disappeared. "What are you doing? Do the routine again, but even better!" He said, causing me to groan and take my place again as the music started (music above). It was beautiful, somehow better than before. When it ended, Robbert was crying just from watching.
"Wow! That was perfect!!! You're done for today, get some rest." He announced once I got off the ice. I wiped the sweat off my face with the back of my hand and began unlacing my skates. "Thanks coach!" I replied when he walked over to me to tell me my schedule for the week. Robbert is the best coach, he works me hard but he still cares about me. He is one of the only people I show my emotions to. He's like a second father to me. I was snapped out of these thoughts when my mom tapped my shoulder saying it was time for dinner. We own an Ice rink  and live in a connected house. "Okay, be right up." I said, putting on my regular shoes and swiftly running upstairs to my family.
Timeskip to halfway through dinner
"So, (F/N), the Grand Prix Series is coming up! And now you're in the senior division!!! Are you excited?!" My dad asked. I nodded with a smile, "Yeah, my first competition is the 'Skate Canada Event'!" I said happily. "That's great! Sorry we can't come to you ever, but we can't leave the rink..." My mom explained with a frown. "It's okay, really mom! I prefer being alone so there are no distractions!" "Okay then..."
Timeskip to day before competition
I was hiding behind a building, trying to hide from my crazy fans when a guy just a little bit taller than me bumped into me. "Watch where you're going!" I whisper shouted. "Shut it!" The strange boy shouted. "Shhhh! I'm trying to hide!" I  Whispered a little little louder this time. "You're not alone!" He said a little quieter. Just then, two groups of crazy fans rushed towards us. "Shit!" We both said simultaneously as we ran away from them, finally losing them. "Thank god..." I said under my breath. "Why did you run?" The boy said in disgust. "Half of those crazy fans were mine idiot, you're not the only one here to skate ." I said annoyed.
He stood there, dumbfounded for a moment before his eyes grew wide then quickly he was back to normal. "I'm (F/N) (L/N), fellow skater. I thought you would have realized that there were two groups of fans, Yuri." I said calmly while chuckling a little. "Tch, whatever (F/N), I knew who you were." He lied. "Okay sure ya did. Anyways, to apologies for 'jumping to conclusions', ya wanna go to this cafe I saw down the street? I mean, we might as well get along right?" I proposed, noticing him blush slightly. "Fine, but you're paying..." He mumbled. "Cool, lets go!" I replied. While we were walking we were both silent. 'he's kinda cute...' I thought to myself when we arrived, cheeks reddening.
We waited in line for ten minutes until it was our turn to order. "Hi! I'll have a(n) (Favorite drink) and (Favorite food)." "And I'll have a hot chocolate and a bear claw." We ordered quickly and sat by a window.
Timeskip to the end of lunch
"Here's my number Yuri, lets meet up again soon!" I said to him. "Sure (F/N), see ya tomorrow." Yuri smiled, which was surprising considering he was the 'Russian Punk'. I began walking back to the hotel when I realized we were walking the same way. "Hey Yuri, are you staying at the Embassy Suites too?" I wondered. "Yeah, why?" "We should go to the competition together!" I mentioned to him, wanting to spend more time with together, but I'm not sure why. "Okay!" He said immediately.
Once I arrived back at my room, I laid down on my bed, thinking about Yuri. 'Do I like him? I mean, it's only been a day since I met him..." I thought about that until I drifted off to sleep.
(A/N): Sorry if this was short, and if Yuri was too out of character! Either way I hope you enjoyed it!!! This is also a story on Wattpad 
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h-i-z-a-s-h-i · 7 years
7 com Yuri p. Please?
— Yuri, esse é o vigésimo abraço que você me dá hoje. — ela sorriu, seu namorado agia estranho a algum tempo. — Você está contando? — ele perguntou, beijando sua bochecha. — Isso te incomoda? — ele apertou os braços envolta de sua cintura. — Não… Mas é que… — É que…? — Você está estranho. — Estranho? — Yuri sorriu. Ele segurou o rosto de (s/n) entre suas mãos e se aproximou. Ela fechou os olhos quando sentiu a respiração dele em sua pele. — Você é minha, minha, só minha… Ao ouvir aquela frase, ela abriu os olhos. Ele não falava em tom brincalhão como nas formas anteriores. Havia tom de posse ali, quando como se ele se sentisse o “dono” de (s/n). — Y-Yuri, nós- — O que, minha princesa? — Acho que vou tomar um banho. — Vou com você. — Não eu- — Sim, não quero te deixar sozinha. — Mas eu- — (s/n), eu disse não. — ele sorriu. — Nunca vou te deixar sozinha, como já disse, você pertence a mim e eu decido quando te deixo. Estamos entendidos? O coração dela acelerou. Aonde aquilo ia chegar? — Diga: “sim, Yuri, eu entendi.” — Eu… eu entendi. — ela disse. — Perfeito. — ele abraçou-a mais uma vez. — Vou fazer tudo para garantir que ficaremos juntos para sempre.
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dokk-fukuro · 7 years
Agape III | Yuri Plisetsky x Shy!Reader
A/N: (f/n) - first name; (l/n) - last name; (y/c) - your country; (h/c) (h/l) - hair colour, hair length; (y/n) - nationality; (e/c) - eye colour
Girl woke up for a couple of hours before the show. Quickly bringing myself up and grabbing her suit case and skates, Yrétha and (f/n) went to the ice arena.
The costume is consistent with the time frame, when was the original "Toccata in d-minor" written. The costume was a stylized dress of the period XVII–XVIII centuries. It was made in dark colours — (f/n) believed that colors such as black and cherry, perfect for this composition.
Costumes (l/n) for these two programs were created in accordance with the sensations of her, in accordance with the emotions and feelings that emerged when listening to the songs.
Lullaby as the girl seemed to be tender, sensitive, sorrowful, therefore, the suit was appropriate for the composition. It was done in soft blue color, mesh material was light gray, which was located diagonally from the right side to the left, opening the abdomen.
While (f/n) was warming up backstage, she almost didn't look in to the performances of other contestants. She was busy with her case. Due to the fact that she is a person with low self-esteem, to collect her thoughts and feelings together and try not to panic was very difficult. That is why training and calming her nerves were spending a lot more time than others.
Minutes the performances of other contestants flew by like seconds. It's time for the young skater to get on the ice.
(e/c) distinctly heard the beating of her heart; pulsation in her temples distracted and clouded thoughts.
"(f/n) (l/n) from (y/c)" announced the commentator from the stands.
By staying in the middle of the ice arena, the girl closed her eyes. Heart pounding, but she sighed deeply, gathered her spirit, mentally giving it the promise to train harder, so that the coach won't worry for her ward.
The composition began, and (f/n) began to pick up speed for the first element — double toe loop.
Free style contained not so much jumping in itself, but (f/n) considered just as vital all of it.
Heart started beating wildly again, the panic was growing rapidly, like the leaven. It is a signal — someone from spectators intently watching (f/n). One question: who? Ice arena full of people. It was difficult to understand and calculate who stares, watching unblinking. Even so. It was simply impossible to figure it out!
"Calm down, (f/n), don't panic. Panic leads to mistakes," (f/n) said to herself, hoping it will help at least a hundredth, "you mustn't fail your coach, she's worried about you. You promised that you will be able to rise from your knees! Pull yourself together! Prove that they were wrong about you!"
For reflections, the skater did not even notice how the first part went smoothly on the second. Gaining speed, the girl again felt a quiet panic creeping back, which is to suppress it failed, and a double Salchow became single.
Meanwhile, on the podium.
"What are we even doing here?" the young man with blond hair was clearly not in the best mood, because instead of coming back to Russia, came together with his friend in Switzerland to watch the competition in women's singles skating.
"I just wanted to see an old friend" told the young man, by whose mercy the blonde was in Switzerland.
"Better if you would go without me here! Why have you dragged me here?" boy was outraged, but his neighbor to the right said nothing.
A young man of twenty-something still trying to find his old friend in the crowd, but it was not successful until...
— Here she is!
Guy stood up abruptly and took with him his friend.
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