#yoi fan fic rec
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monstersinthecosmos · 1 year ago
but now the cosmos crawls with monsters
KACY. 30s. She/They.
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This blog contains adult content, please do not follow if you are a minor.
hi friends! I'm Kacy, I write fanfiction! I like ducks and heavy metal! I mostly use this space to talk about The Vampire Chronicles, but I also like Sheith, and horror films, and kink theory! I am an asexual porn writer and I'm obsessed with Marius!
AO3 - I am monstersinthecosmos on AO3, I write porn about VC, Sheith, and sometimes YOI!
Bsky - kacycarr on bsky - you will find mostly Sheithing here!
Ko-Fi - feel free to buy me a coffee if you like my fics! I have some fics available for purchase in digital download and paperback! I will also invite you to check out projects I created & co-mod called @vamptember (vampire prompts during the month of September!) and @priapus-at-the-gate (the VC Kink Meme!) VC STUFF!
I mostly use this space to talk about VC since the fandom is either dead or toxic as fuck on other platforms. I've been into VC since like THE YEAR 2000 LOL. I had fics that got taken down in the FFnet purge! Ancient! Marius is my favorite character and I'm more partial to Marius subplots/timelines. I'm also really into the Devil's Minion and Trinity Gate! I'm super into whatever the fuck was going on with Marius & Daniel! I could talk about Armand all fucking day! Pandora is my hero! Please expect posts about these things! I didn't love the AMC adaptation so I don't talk about it very often, because I try to focus on stuff I enjoy. ♡ TAGS
#stuff i wrote - IT'S FOR STUFF I WROTE. contains fics and discussion of fics. if they're very short they might only be on Tumblr and not on AO3.
#deep ass thoughts about vampires - my meta tag, sorry I came up with the name while I was stoned back in 2016 and I'm too lazy to change it :)
#trauma hole theory - if you want even DEEPER ass thoughts about vampires, this is where I park thoughts related to "do vampires have neuroplasticity?" and "would therapy even work on them?" #asexual vc - I don't really shut the fuck up about vampires being asexual so if you wanna hear about it CLICK HERE
#simple italian perv - MISC SMUTTY THOUGHTS to keep the rent low lol if you're new here I don't want you to get the wrong idea about me
#the skateboard of shakespeare - I visited Tulane last year and documented a ton of info from the Anne Rice collection! I use this tag when I share! #vampire chronicles- for book stuff!
#vampire pajama party on amc - this is my tag for the AMC show; I'm not a big fan of it so please feel free to mute if you don't want to see salt posts. (I have a second, even saltier tag called #the rolin jonestown massacre if you want to mute that one as well!)
#devils minion girlies - STILL WORKING HARD TO POPULATE THIS TAG but if you like thinking about Armand & Daniel as lesbians please see this tag. #unethical marius - I've been really obsessed lately with thinking about an AU where Marius is an unethical therapist LOLLL please feel free to peruse or mute as needed. #vampire music - I have like a ND relationship to music and I love sharing it even if no one else cares and taste is subjective but if you ever want vampirey music recs they will be here :D #fandom lolitics - I try not to share too much discourse & drama but it's here if you want to mute it! #vcficfriday - when I have time & remember to I like to share fics I've read on Fridays!!!! Please feel free to use this tag in your own blog as well, to build up fic writers!
I THINK THAT COVERS IT, FELLAS, please be kind to each other and don't be shy to send me asks if you have any questions!
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spazzcat · 1 year ago
Spazzcat's (Incomplete) YOI Fic Rec List
@alexseanchai said yes please, so now you all get to hear me ramble about the YOI fics I've been reading! I may do another one in the future since I'm still working through the archive but for now, these are the ones I've enjoyed and hope you will too! Note: Unless specified otherwise, all these are completed works.
Until my Feet Bleed and my Heart Aches by Reiya
Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki
’   A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries. Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: Several, plot-critical Additional notes: This is the first installment of the Rivals series, which probably everyone in the fandom has heard of but I can't not include it. The sequel, Of Bright Stars and Burning Hearts, covers the story from Victor's POV. An absolute banger of a series, and a real treat to reread as well as read for the first time after learning what was happening on the other side of the conversations. Expect lots and lots of miscommunication and heavy emotions throughout.
2. Stargazer by Fahye
"No, see, we've all been trained a certain way. The training system is traditional; it's centuries old. Nobody taught you. You ballist like it's got nothing to do with war at all." A sleepy, extraordinary smile crawls over Victor's face. "Nobody else does it like that. That's why we're going to win."
Wordcount: 23k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: To paraphrase the author's notes, this is a sports AU of a sports canon, where the sport is a made-up sci-fi sport played by royalty. It sounds absolutely insane, I know, but trust me, the world-building is perfectly executed to tell you everything you need to know without getting bogged down with unnecessary exposition. Has an Otayuri-centric sequel.
3. Dear Mama by Ferrero13
In which Victor writes letters to his mother, who is fifty percent of his rationality and self-control.
Wordcount: 30k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Epistolary format following canon from the perspective of Victor writing back and forth with his mother. Just a very cute and funny insight into Victor's head and heart.
4. How the Mighty Fall (In Love) by braveten
Every Victor Nikiforov fan has three things in common.
1. They have unrealistic expectations for romance. 2. They mark their calendars with the dates of his newest book releases and the premieres of his latest movie adaptations. 3. They either passionately hate or love his greatest rival, a mysterious author whose pseudonym is only two letters: “KY.”
Wordcount: 30k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Authors AU, just an all-around fun read of meeting, falling, and some hilarious mix-ups and mistakes along the way.
5. My Fun Fact Is: by stillmadaboutpetra
Yuuri fails to mention to his new non-skater friends who he is or who his husband is. Or that he even has a husband.
Wordcount: 6k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: The identity reveal trope is one of my favourites, and this is my favourite fic out of those.
6. Written in the Stars by pheonixwaller
Yuri Katsuki is a scientist aboard a deep space research vessel. Their mission is to chart and study a black hole, but when there's an accident Yuri is forced to abandon ship. Alone and adrift he can only watch as his husband, Phichit, and all their friends are killed. Then, with rescue likely years away, he goes into stasis. Victor Nikiforov is the young captain of an exploration vessel. Known for his charisma it is his job to make first contact and establish friendly relationships with other space-faring societies. But his curiosity is piqued when his crew detects an old distress signal, and finds a lone survivor from a ship lost nearly a hundred years before.
Wordcount: 90k Sex scenes: yes, not plot-essential Additional notes: Far future sci-fi, be prepared for character deaths right at the beginning and grief/mourning throughout. Really well-thought-out sci-fi experience with romance as part of the plot but not the entire focus.
7. Tale of a Sleeping Prince by phoenixwaller
In a world where soulmates exist, but may not be alive at the same time, those born first become "sleepers." They go into self-induced hibernation that can last centuries until their soulmate is of age, and close physical distance. At the age of 12 Yuri Katsuki sees a photo of the living legend, the oldest known sleeper, Victor Nikiforov. It sets in motion a desire to get close to the other man by training to be a caretaker. Eventually he finds himself in Saint Petersburg Russia, ready to work as close to the sleeping man, but as he approaches the Living Legend awakens.
Wordcount: 16k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: I am weak for soulmate AUs and this is a really unique one supported by fantastic worldbuilding.
8. Trust Me, I'm an Alchemist by metisket
In which Yuri Plisetsky began life with the name Edward Elric, and this has made the world of figure skating a significantly stranger and more alarming place. “Are you saying you lived a life of crime before you began skating?” “I’m gonna have to check the statute of limitations on a couple things and get back to you on that.”
Wordcount: 55k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Crossover with FMA, but knowledge of that canon needed to understand this should be minimal, I think. Focuses on Yurio and is one of the most hilarious fics I have ever read in my life, if you only read one fic from this list let it be this one, you won't regret it.
9. Empty Ice by phoenixwaller
Yuri Katsuki is considering retiring from competitive figure skating after coming in sixth at his first Grand Prix Final, but an accident only days after the final leaves his idol, Victor Nikiforov, in a coma. Grief stricken, Yuri decides to dedicate his season to the fallen skater and throws himself into the sport. He puts everything on the line for three final competitions. Then, dreams shattered, he retires. Adrift, grieving, and unsure of his place in the world Yuri turns to photography and quickly becomes known as one of the best figure skating photographers at competitions. It is this that leads him to the one thing that lends a sense of catharsis: recreating famous photographs of Victor, except in empty ice rinks. However, soon strange artifacts start to appear in his photos, and a presence calling itself Victor attaches itself to him. Yuri is left to wonder if he is going insane or if he's being haunted, and whether the strange artifacts in the photos are at all connected to the comatose skater.
Wordcount: 78k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Mind the tags, but trust me, it's worth the weird.
10. Miliy by fangirlandiknowit
Viktor finds himself in a sticky situation – referring to more than the mess in his pants after watching his favorite camboy’s show. In other words, how do you tell a camboy with a celebrity crush on Viktor Nikiforov that you are, in fact, the very man you role play with him as? The answer - you don't.
Wordcount: 66k Sex scenes: several, plot-important Additional notes: Lots of sex scenes (it's a camboy AU, what do you expect) but still manages to pack in an impressive amount of plot, drama, and feels.
11. Lessons in Love by fangirlandiknowit
All Viktor wants is for his son to be happy - and if that means spending countless hours at the ice rink, a million more in the ballet studio, and devotedly cheering for Katsuki Yuuri at every competition he enters, then that is precisely what he'll do. He just didn't expect to become a fan, too. (He didn't expect to fall in love.)
Wordcount: 180k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Broke: fake dating. Woke: Pining so hard everyone around you is convinced you're already dating. Strikes a great balance between a Victor who takes the important things in his life very seriously and a Victor who is a complete disaster when Yuuri's around. Very sweet, very funny, however you may have to suspend your disbelief regarding the physical and mental development of a ten-year-old.
12. No Storm Can Venture There (orphaned fic)
General Viktor Nikiforov stands, hands in his pockets, facing the man he so desperately needs on his side. "We've got four Jaegers and we're missing a pilot," he states. Pauses. The silence stretches, pulled at both ends by both stubborn wills. Finally- "You know I won't," former Ranger Yuuri Katsuki starts, turning his gaze aside, standing, shoulders tense, "can't." Viktor closes the distance. "Of course you don't think you can when you've been hiding from the possibility."
Wordcount: 180k Sex scenes: Otayuri glimpsed only briefly Additional notes: Going in, this fic starts off seeming like a beat-for-beat Pacific Rim rewrite with YOI characters. If you give it a chance, however, it is very much not, and goes further and further away as the story progresses. Very much a wild ride.
13. you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be by roserelease
More than anything, Yuuri wants to impress his cosplay role model Viktor Nikiforov, aka Nike Cosplay. But after a horrible start to a convention weekend, he panics and backs out at the last second to meet his idol. Normally this would be fine, except Yuuri discovers too late that there's a little Viktor related secret inside the con vlog his best friend filmed over the course of the weekend for him... It's fine, he thinks. Embarrassing, but not the end of the world. And it's not like Viktor himself will ever see the con vlog, so why worry? (Except for when one fateful, lonely night, Viktor does.)
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: yes Additional tags: Be very mindful of the tags, while being a very positive story overall this one does touch on some heavy subjects and the second installment in the series even more so. Fourth installment is in progress and last updated Jan 15, 2024 at time of writing.
14. empty spaces between stars by astudyinrose
Victor gets just as drunk as Yuuri at the Sochi Banquet, and they disappear together after the dance-offs. They wake up the morning after with rings on their fingers, and pictures of them kissing after getting married the night before are all over the tabloids
 but neither of them remembers a thing. They decide to stay married for a while for the sake of Victor's sponsorships, and in exchange, Victor coaches Yuuri through nationals

Wordcount: 225k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Be mindful of the tags again for this one, otherwise a nice juicy slowburn of relationship development.
15. The Coin, The Stone, & The Rose by Silver_Scribbles
Crown Prince Viktor Nikiforov once had the world at his fingertips; he was rich and powerful and handsome, and he had everything his heart desired. Now, he is a Beast, imprisoned by an Enchantress' spell; hiding away from the world in the never-ending winter of his shame. Katsuki Yuuri is . . . odd, to say the least. Beautiful, but odd. While the rest of the villagers put one foot firmly in front of the other, Yuuri would rather loose himself to his dancing and his daydreams; always wishing for something more than his provincial life. Each is captive to circumstances beyond their control; trapped by unbreakable spells and impossible dreams. However, an unlikely meeting is about to change everything. Hope makes a final play for their salvation as the sands of time run out; but as Yuuri and Viktor learn to find themselves in one another, they also make discoveries that they're completely unprepared for . . . some wondrous, some wretched . . . and some treacherous enough to permanently tear them apart. For who could ever learn to love a Beast?
Wordcount: 270k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: While the first chapter is a well-executed tribute to disney's Beauty and the Beast, this is very much its own story that takes some of the basic elements and creates something entirely new and suited to the characters. Be advised that as the story progresses it does get a bit darker and heavier in some ways that aren't tagged for such as blackmail, forced marriage, and violence, but it does end happily.
16. The Rules for Lovers by ADreamingSongbird
Prince Yuuri Katsuki has a duty to his country, above all else (his desires, his dreams, and his happiness included), and he knows this alliance will help to ensure the safety of his people. That’s the only reason he accepts Prince Nikiforov’s hand in marriage. The pleasant surprise, of course, is the part where they fall in love along the way. The unpleasant one, well
 That’s a long story.
Wordcount: 325k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Fascinating AU mixing not just royalty but magic, with a background world that diverged from our own. Does take the realities of court politics and political intrigue seriously and gets fairly dark at points, so approach with some caution.
17. Let Me Fall For You by HuntressFirefall
Victor Nikiforov was on his way to becoming a Living Legend in the sport of figure skating. After hitting his stride and winning back-to-back World Championships, the sport's biggest star was the overwhelming favorite to win gold in his third Olympics on home ice in Sochi, Russia. But when Yuri Katsuki pulls off the upset victory in Sochi at the young age of 21 and takes the gold, Victor begins to see his world and the people in it in a very different light -- and it turns out they see him differently as well. No longer knowing who he can rely on and finding he didn't know those close to him as well as he thought, when his skating career falters Victor makes a shocking choice that turns his world upside down in ways he did -- and didn't -- expect.
Wordcount: 400k Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: Takes a very serious look at the pressures of high-level skating and the consequences of that. The heavy emotions lead to the ending being satisfying beyond belief.
18. The Nature of Things by Zombubble
Lonely, tired, and stuck in Detroit for two months due to competitions, Viktor Nikiforov decides he's staying. He's not sure what he expects to find, but it's certainly not love, and he certainly doesn't expect it to come in the form of the World's Cutest Barista. But when the pressure of his career threatens to strain his burgeoning relationship, and long-held secrets come into the light, he finds his love tested in ways he'd never anticipated, with life-changing results.
Wordcount: 465k Sex scenes: None that I can recall Additional notes: What starts off looking like a meet-cute with skater!Victor and barista!Yuuri turns far more complex and serious when Yuuri turns out to be secret royalty. Long, emotion-heavy, and just touching on some of the darker facets of court reality.
19. All Our Yesterdays by Kitsunebi_UK
York, England, 2120: Yuuri Katsuki is a dime-a-dozen techie, spending his days doing routine repairs at the university. He hangs out with his friend Phichit, goes for a drink, watches holograms. It’s an existence – but is it a life? Crowood Castle, Yorkshire, 1392: As the son of a baron, Sir Victor Nikiforov makes judgements where lives hang in the balance. As a knight, he must sometimes end them. It’s what he was born to do – but what of the heavy burden on his soul? Death is all too commonplace, while life and love remain elusive. When a brilliant scientist goes rogue, journeying to the Middle Ages with the world’s first time machine, Yuuri is stunned to be called on as the last hope of preventing her from changing history. After an abrupt departure, he lands at Crowood Castle disguised as an enemy of the Nikiforovs, Sir Justin le Savage – and will need to act the part if he is to survive. It’s a tall order for someone who can barely tell the back end of a horse from the front. But if Ailis, in her own disguise, discovers who he is, his mission will end in a blaze of laser-gun fire. He must not give his real identity away, even to the beguiling knight he’s falling in love with

Wordcount: 1.02 million Sex scenes: yes Additional notes: A wild ride from start to finish, with truly exceptional attention to detail in creating a believable future and a realistic past, plus some scarily believable worldbuilding for the time periods in between. Expect period-typical violence for all eras that come into play. Does get downright heartbreaking near the end, but hang in there, they do get their happy ending, I promise.
20. Equivalent Exchange by writingfromtheshadows
Without the Katsuki line to protect and maintain the laws of magic, Great Mages have become so few and far between that many believe the age of magic is coming to an end. However, when he comes across a young man weaving tales with figures of fire, Viktor begins to wonder if magic is truly dead, or if it lives on in the body of the storyteller with warm brown eyes.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Wonderfully constructed fantasy setting, intriguing magic system, and an intense plot bringing it all together.
21. When the World Stops... by Miled
When an injury sidelines Viktor from competing as a skater, Yakov encourages him to take up coaching even if he kind of sucks at it. On the other hand, Yuuri is absolutely devastated that he can no longer strive to compete with his inspiration. Instead of giving it up, he dedicates one last season to honoring Viktor's career...but then Viktor takes notice.
Wordcount: 200k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: Just a really interesting what if possibility!
22. L'ultima volta by goodbye_blue
“Hey, Mila,” Viktor looked up at her, bleary-eyed. “You don’t know any theoretical physicists, do you?” “
No?” She replied hesitantly. Yakov had seen enough. “What the hell are you doing?!” He stormed, rounding the table. Oh no, he thought when he saw the video. His stomach sank a little. It was that Japanese skater, Katsuki. The dark horse who had just demolished the competition at Skate America.
Yuuri and Viktor find themselves years in the past, right at the start of the fateful season where they first met. Now, if only they could figure out whether they’ve come back alone.
Wordcount: 25k Sex scenes: none Additional notes: They're idiots, your honour.
23. eternity will be born from hope by vivi_writ3s
On the tail-end of being dropped by his junior coach mid-season, Yuuri Katsuki is hit by a car and realises the universe must have a sick pleasure in fucking him over. Or; Twenty-nine year old Yuuri wakes up in his seventeen-year old body and decides fuck it, if the universe decided to screw with him, he’s going to screw back.
IN PROGRESS Additional notes: This is the beginning of a rewrite of a fic by the same name and author that they decided to alter because they realized they went OOC for Victor's age in the story. The pre-rewite version is still up as the first fic in the series and is absolutely worth reading as is (there are several scenes I go back to regularly).
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yuri-on-ideas · 7 months ago
Would anybody be interested in an omegaverse Yuri on Ice story focused around the cast starring on a reality TV show? A scenario where long ago traditions of mating runs or alpha fight contests that were done away with generations ago have reappeared in a new and supposedly more civilized and modern form, something part dating show and part competition where there is a hunt to decide partners each week and then further challenges throughout the week to prove their suitability as partners. I haven't fully decided how eliminations would work, but I think this could be a fun and lesser done approach to omegaverse tropes, the old school "the whole cast in the same house" fic, and reality TV and a fun way to draw out and involve even the more minor Yuri on Ice characters and possibly engage in a few crackships in the middle while setting up Victuuri and any side ships.
The whole purpose of this new side blog is to gauge interest in and brainstorm with other fans about different ideas that popped into my head during my last YOI rewatch so please engage! Ask questions, give things you want to see, or even just say that you would like to see it so I know it's worth pursuing. Heck, you can even rec fics if it's been done before so I can see other interpretations
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snorlaxlovesme · 3 months ago
Tag game! What are you top 10 fandoms of all time? Name them and then tag ten more people. Feel free to write as much or as little about why you like them! I'll start. (thanks for tagging me, Howl! @howlingmoonrise)
Soul Eater - I 100% would not be the writer I am today without the Soul Eater fandom. Back in like 2013-2015 I was having the time of my life online because every day I was either writing for a prompt or reading a fic of a prompt I sent someone else. Everybody in that fandom was so supportive and sweet, I truly do miss those days because that community introduced me to how much FUN a fandom could be.
Yuri on Ice - There's truly nothing more fun than being a part of a fandom for an ORIGINAL anime, with no previously published source material. I just recently re-watched YOI with my sister and while it's obviously a stunning show on its own, I kept trying to describe to her the fandom experience after each episode dropped and I couldn't properly encapsulate how unhinged things were in a way that would make sense to her. Truly a you-hand-to-be-there kind of Moment, and I'm glad I was. Like, where were you when the last minute of episode 10 dropped? WHO were you, afterwards? Words cannot describe.
Link Click - Truly I don't know where you've been for the past year if you've somehow missed how insane I am (and everyone else is) about this show. I have been writing an essay in my head for the past WEEK that I really need to type out one of these day because the structure of season 2 is the most psychotic storytelling I've ever seen. And AGAIN, an original show with no source material!! This is fandom at its PEAK!! Especially since since, unlike YOI, this is show has MYSTERIES to be solved, mysteries that you actually CAN unravel if you watch the show closely enough. Nothing more delicious to a fandom than that. I'm going to be a maniac December 27th. This is your chance to unfollow me now.
The Raven Cycle - I'm not like, a booktok or bookstagram or booktube person because I unfortunately don't read as much as I'd like, but the aforementioned sister is, and I've asked her "I know a lot of these influencers are normally reading current books, but have any of them read TRC?" and the answer threw me off so much? Because she said yes, a few of the people she followed HAD read The Raven Boys, but maybe of them didn't finish it and thought it sucked!! Imagine!! Now when I started reading TRC I already had a lot stacked in its favor: I had read Shiver by Stief and loved it, so I knew that her novels often had slow starts; half my dash was reading them and you know how it is when mutuals start reccing a thing; and finally, one of the best friends wanted to read them and suggested we start together. So I personally never had a problem getting into them, but from an outsider's perspective I can see how it's honestly a hard sell. And honestly? A big part of why these books REMAIN so close to my heard is because of the fandom. I have made so many friends because of TRC, talented amazing friends, writers and artists and just general lovers of the books.
Pokemon- Idk man. Being a Pokemon fan is a way of life, at this point. It's so intrinsically intwined with my daily life in so many ways. If you haven't experience the pure bliss of Pokemon fanfiction I'm not really sure what to tell you. I you weren't there on that fateful day on 11/11/22 to watch Ash Ketchum become a World Champion in real time I REALLY don't know what to tell you. Most of you were probably there for Pokemon Go, at least at the beginning. Remember how for a single summer it felt like world peace had been achieved? Pokemon did that. Me and @supreme-sauteer spent like 6 months of this year playing Pokedoku every single day.
Avatar: The Last Airbender - I was reluctant to include this on my list purely because Legend of Korra was like my first real fandom and it was one of the most toxic environments to have as one's jumping off point. There was absolutely no decorum there, people would harass Bryke AND each other on the daily and the ship wars were brutal. But despite it all, I do have many found memories of it too, and the ATLA renaissance of 2020 was a good time for all because of all the good meta content that came out of it. Plus I listen to the Braving the Elements Podcast host by Janet Varney and Dante Basco, and the cabbageheads there are really fun people who love engaging with the show in really thoughtful ways.
Miraculous Ladybug - Listen I am not a part of this fandom anymore since I stopped watching near the end of season...four? Maybe? But that doesn't take away how nostalgic I am for the pure mania this fandom was in the early seasons. I have to give props to this fandom for the dedication they had to wrangling the episodes as they were released in French, English, Korean, etc to organize them and sub them properly so everyone could watch. And the FANWORK that came from this show!! It was such a delight. The memes week by week were hysterical, all the thousand ways you could ship TWO people was so much fun. The art and the fanfiction from Miraculous Ladybug is so unhinged and silly and passionate and I miss being a a part of it.
Big Brother - Most would not know this from my blog because I never talk about it here, but I am diehard Big Brother fan and have been since the beginning. 26 seasons and I've missed TWO. If you've ever talked to me at length during the summer I've probably ghosted you in the middle of a conversation because BB was on. It's the reality show that I truly think would break me mentally but I also fully believe I'd fucking win. Genuinely really want to be a houseguest one day. I watch a TON of analyses about Big Brother on Youtube and all of my family watches it. Every year we do a BB fantasy draft pick based off of contestants' initial interviews only. I've won the past 2 years in a row.
Jurassic Park franchise - We're getting into the weird ones now because I don't post about these on Tumblr despite the fact that they are my entire life. I am a diehard Jurassic Park fan and unfortunately a giant fan of the rest of the franchise despite the fact that most of the subsequent movies are garbage. But they are MY garbage, and I love them. And something that isn't garbage at all? Camp Cretaceous. One of the best shows ever created and SO much fun. But I'm involved in the fandom on the Youtube side of things because the Tumblr fans are a bunch of freaks only concerned with the ships.
Chaos Walking - A classic! The greatest novels of all time, if you haven't heard. This is the smallest fandom I've been a part of, and despite all my hopes and dreams of the movies expanding this trilogy's reach, it unfortunately had the opposite effect and had some people jumping ship because the movie really was THAT BAD. But that doesn't take away from the fondness I have for the fandom, and I expect in the upcoming years it will have an uptick again when the new trilogy comes out in 2026. You should unfollow me because of that, too, because I WILL lose my fucking mind. Did I mention they were the greatest novels of all time?
andd here's ten people to tag!
@flurrin @supreme-sauteer @kaen-ace-of-diamonds @cthulhu-with-a-fez @villainanders @ilarual @johnbottoms @ashxketchum @texasfave94 @mykingdomforapen
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eyes-of-mischief · 9 months ago
weekly fic recs | 56
fandoms: bnha, knb, tgcf, yoi
i've been looking sad (in all the nicest places) by dandelion_weed
Saturday finds Katsuki in front of Izuku's apartment, holding a box of expensive snacks for afternoon tea in one hand and Izuku’s goddamn poster in another. In his backpack are his change of clothes and toothbrush for the sleepover. He’s ready for war.
Bakugou Katsuki tries his hand at apologizing, being a better friend, and maneuvering both his life and growing feelings for Midoriya Izuku, and succeeds with extreme damage to his pride.
How to Make Bakugou Katsuki a Decent Human Being by drifloon
A how-to by Kirishima Eijirou.
(Kirishima decides to make Bakugou the guy Kirishima knows he can be. Everything else snowballs from there.)
Ignite the Ashes by IceEckos12
The Dragon is said to be one of the worst supervillains in history. His capture and subsequent incarceration was celebrated as a resounding victory for All Might.
Less well-known was that the Dragon had a son. His name is Midoriya Izuku, and he will spend the rest of his life trying to escape the shadow that his father cast.
With his mother's loving support and All Might's careful guidance, he will become a hero.
game face on by umeyori (orphan_account)
miragen boyband au
20 Things Kagami Taiga Hates / Dislikes / Is Slowly Getting Used To, About Living In Japan by Wine Dark Sea (aubreyli)
An alphabetized list of things Kagami Taiga has had to get used to after returning to Japan, which includes -- but is not limited to -- grocery shopping, exams, yaoi, and Kuroko Tetsuya: a love story, in 20 items.
No Water Is Enough by Boomchick
Once, the emperor of heaven saw that his troublesome successor had what he had always desired so dearly. To teach him a priceless lesson, he took it for himself.
Hua Cheng faithfully serves the god who saved him as a child— the one he has worshiped for 800 years— the one to whom he gifted his ashes: The Heavenly Emperor, Jun Wu.
Xie Lian just wants his beloved back, no matter what it costs him.
lay me gently in the cold dark earth by drifloon
Sometimes, Xie Lian wishes Hua Cheng would call him by his name, would shorten the distance between them. Sometimes, he wishes not to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of Xian Le nor the Flower Crown Martial God, but Hua Cheng will never let them stand on equal footing. Hua Cheng believes Xie Lian to be his god, so far above him he’s nigh untouchable, but Xie Lian knows the truth. Hua Cheng is the one whose power and strength shines through in each calculated movement, who has conquered every obstacle in his path, who is feared and revered across all three realms for his tenacity. Hua Cheng was born of blood and pain and sorrow, yet there is childish glee in the grins he shoots Xie Lian, and the way he takes Xie Lian’s hands contains genuine excitement at the prospect of existence.
Xie Lian is tired, and he is old, and he is weak. Every evening Hua Cheng is away, he digs a hole, and he keeps it a secret, because he knows Hua Cheng would recognise it for what it is.
We Stan Scrap Gege! by PaidSubscription
“San Lang
are you sure about this? Life on the road, storage units
it’s not glamorous. There’s junk and there’s gross fluids and roaches and raccoons and meth labs, and one time I got lead poisoning and- oh! Another time I accidentally got locked inside a unit with five families and loaded on a truck and then I think technically we were human trafficked-?” “Gege. I’m in this, all the way.”
Scrap Collector’s cancellation is inevitable.
Once, Xie Lian was the most popular face in reality TV. After the...incident, Xie Lian is banished to 2am cable, and turns to making a different kind of show: storage hunting.
But in his final season, he suddenly acquires a new producer: a Youtube star named San Lang. And San Lang- along with his legion of fans- is determined to save the show.
No Less Unthinkable by rageprufrock
In which Katsuki Yuuri fights a losing battle with chronic anxiety, the quadruple Salchow, and his own judgment four drinks in — but wins the war.
(i'm) the boy you'd die for by jenmishe
v-nikiforov ✓
[Video: A short clip where Victor is laying dramatically on the couch with miserable expression. “Heartbreaker” by Marina and the Diamonds is playing.]
v-nikiforov✓ Am I the another one? (((
vitYASS victor,,,, honey,,,, i lvoe you so much,,,, but WHY are you like this.
red-blue-gay but??? does that mean that somebody has broken victor’s heart???? I DON'T UNDERSTAND
christophe-gc ✓ You’re ridiculous.
starsaregay But who recorded it?? Makkachin???
vityathebabe user @/starsaregay asking the real question.
--- The adventures of Yuuri "Heartbreaker" Katsuki, or: how Yuuri became known as a cold player full of himself who doesn't care about anyone. (Hint: it's an anxiety and obliviousness.)
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kaleidodreams · 5 months ago
Welcome to the madness fandom! This is a multi-fandom blog, but you're guaranteed to see at least 8-9 YOI reblogs daily (except when I'm celebrating Sailor Moon characters' birthdays), even more on characters' birthdays. I'm also a fanfic writer; you can find my stuff on AO3 under the name Heavenly_Pearl. While Otayuri is my main YOI ship, I also love Victuuri, and I'm a huge fan of rare pairings. (My latest WIP, Inconvenient Crush, is a pre-canon JJBek fic.) Oh, and my favorite characters are Yurio and Mila.
If you're looking for more fics to read, here's a link to my YOI rec list (which reminds me that it has been a while since I last updated it
hey there, yoi fandom!
i watched this show for the first time a few weeks ago, loved it, and am so far unable to stop thinking about it, so i thought i’d make a sideblog to post and reblog stuff about it :)
since i’m so new to a fandom that’s been here for a couple of years, what i’d really like to ask is
 firstly, who’s still here? i know that there’s definitely still a lot of yoi blogs on here — seeing @jewishvitya’s (i hope it’s ok to tag you ansvsjdgdj) posts is kind of what pushed me to finally watch this show in the first place :D —but most of the blogs i’ve stumbled upon either haven’t posted in a couple of years or are about different fandoms now. feel free to interact with this post if you post abt yoi, i’d love to have your stuff on my dash!
secondly, i wanted to ask if there’s any, like, canon stuff or iconic things i should know about it? i know of welcome to the madness and the ice adolescence teaser, but that’s it. are there any like, interviews or comics or other promotional content that you enjoyed seeing, or are a kind of ‘staple’ of the fandom, if that makes sense?
and lastly i just kind of wanted to know if there’s anything y’all recommend in terms of fanworks? it can be fics that are popular in the fandom or things that you’ve personally made or enjoyed! i really just want more stuff about these characters tbh. i don’t really mind any ships or characters, and am fine with all ratings, so like, go wild :)
 i may be stupid😭, but why does the fandom usually spell yuuri (k) with two ‘u’s, when the show usually doesn’t? i’m just curious about how/why this came about, i think i’m maybe missing smth
ahsjshdjdhd this is the only specific thing on this post but i’ve been thinking about the final episode a lot and i’ve been trying to find some kind of jj and yuuri fic that’s about the two of them and their weddings after the final, but also their feelings about where they placed, their similar breakdowns at the gpf etc. i haven’t really been able to find a fic like this on ao3 so if you know of one i’d love a link to it! :)
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otayuriweek23 · 4 years ago
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The weekend is upon us, and we’re looking for some Otayuri fanfics to enjoy 😊 Reply or reblog with your favorite piece! Share your own work or recommend someone else's, whatever makes you happy! (Pictured above is the mod ignoring their responsibilities as they read an awesome plot twist in their new favorite fic)
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yoificfinder · 4 years ago
Hi, I was wondering if you knew of fics where Yuuri is famous but Viktor isn't and he finds out or those where Viktor is a famous actor/model but doesn't know that Yuuri is the world champion for something. Thank you in advance. Also, I absolutely adore your blog. It has given me so much to read in this stress full time and I am really grateful.
Hello! I'm sorry I can't remember anything that fits your first request of famous Yuuri and non-famous Victor (and Victor didn't know at first) fics.
And this is the only fic I can think of where they're both famous/world champions (but Victor didn't know at first):
Leather and Lazy Mornings by @kiaronna [T, 4K]
“Hey,” says Yuri Plisetsky, “you do realize that guy you’re throwing your tack box at doesn’t work here, right?”
“What do you mean?” Viktor questions. “He always grooms Makkachin for me, if Yakov demands I do something else and I don’t have time.”
“Your horses are smarter than both of you put together.”
Where Viktor is the reigning champion of English showmanship, but mostly just has a crush on the cute guy he always sees around the stables.
Other recs are welcome!
ETA - Other people's rec:
A Kiss With a Fist (Is Better Than None) by fromstarlighttodust
Unscripted by @theladyofravenclaw
Thanks for the rec, @werewolfflutist! ❀
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bullsfish · 5 years ago
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Art I made for @victuuriplease 's @viktuuriangstbang fic 'Strange as Angels' https://archiveofourown.org/works/21215690/chapters/50508512
+ a little extra surprise Victor for Amanda because I felt bad about excluding him from the art. XD
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fishyskates · 7 months ago
yoi fan fic rec! ty love this
okay in ACTUALLY Yuri!!! On Ice related-summer-olympics things, please accept this fic recommendation!!! it's one of the first ones I read back when I started reading a ton of YOI fic in like.... 2020? and I think about it SO CONSTANTLY. gymnast!Yuuri and skater!Viktor and falling in love across seasons and timezones and worlds <3
From the summary and author's note by thehandsingsweapon:
The gymnastics edition, in which Viktor is still a skater because he's too pretty on ice and I couldn't take it away from him. A story about how sometimes love comes slow and soft, and how hearts get bigger when they break. ... I also wanted to do a gymnastics story because there's more competition elements to play with; e.g. each character can have their time to shine on Vault, or Floor, or Rings *and* there's a team component, which means that over time characters like Georgi and Kenjirou also have a role to play that's important. For the purposes of the story, I’ve taken some liberties with ages, timelines, and the host cities of various events, including the Olympics themselves. Where these changes exist they are always for plotty-type purposes (or, if you prefer, because I like breaking things before I fix them, gosh). When the story starts, we're at the 2012 Summer Olympics, which are hosted in Tokyo. I've also made up SNS handles when I can't find them on the wiki because I am a lazy internet hag. Phichit and Yuuri are now the same age, and they are roommates at University of Michigan, where Cialdini is Head Coach. Leo, who is from Los Angeles, is one year younger, and an expected Michigan commit, because Cialdini’s one of his coaches via the Team USA system. The University of Oklahoma winds up playing a bit of a villainous role later on. Apologies to anyone who has strong feelings about either school or who has conflicting college loyalties; I attended neither and it's just for story purposes. Ahead of each chapter, I’ll be posting a timeline so you can see what's been happening for each character within the little YOF! world that I'm creating here.
it's SO SO GOOD y'all. literally cannot recommend this enough
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dead-exitium · 6 years ago
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And one more collaboration for @victuri-big-bang with @muttthecowcatridesagain ! Love her soulmate AU! Link to the story will be here in a sec! I had a lot of fun doing illustrations for this fic!
Now with a link to the story!
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hoshi-kawaii · 6 years ago
If anyone is willing to rec me some Viktuuri fan fics, I would appreciate it. I'm in the mood for laying in bed and reading fan fic tonight.
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aoooficrecs · 8 years ago
Fic Recs for still unfinished fics
Who doesn’t love to read a completed fic? Unfortunately sometimes it can take a while before those multi chapter fics get finished, doesn’t mean that they aren’t awesome and hey, waiting is half the fun? Here’s some of the ones I wait for practically on the edge of my seat if you wanna join in my misery:
Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Aid By: Haurvatat Words: 62860 Chapters: 25/? Summary: Frankly, the only person on Team Voltron with their shit relatively together is Hunk. Lance tries so hard, but... he can't help but feel there's a reason he never gets too far with that one, and maybe not 100% of it is Keith's fault. All it takes is one battle, one accident, one mistake, and one secret to make it all rise to the surface.
Black to Blue By: PuppetMaster55 Words: 38886 Chapters: 6/? Summary: Lance, the undisputed (no longer, since he finally got the team to stop questioning his position like a month ago) leader of Voltron finds himself in the absolute strangest scenario: being the Blue Paladin. Lance, still finding his place on team Voltron, wakes up to the weirdest world: one where he's the Black Paladin. OR, I take a universe where Lance was always the Black Paladin and have him swap bodies with canon Lance, throwing both sets of teams for a trip.
Watercast By: Fishwrites Words: 61956 Chapters: 7/? Summary: Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit! (AU where Avians (winged folk), Galra, humans and merfolk cohabit earth. Shiro and Keith are avian soldiers, Lance is the youngest son of a Queen, Hunk is also a merman and Pidge is still looking for her family.)
Blueprints By: UnderTheSilentStars Words: 41414 Chapters: 24/? Summary: "While soulmarks themselves were common, it was rare for someone to have anything other than the name of their other half...and Lance had a red paw print." Soulmark AU
Our Daddy is Sweet Like Sugar By: BTwrites Words: 10933 Chapters: 6/? Summary: Keith and Lance are struggling college students, Lance has the bright idea that they try to get a sugar daddy to fix their problems. It doesn't go as planned.
Beyond Bonding By: deecherrywolf Words: 31207 Chapters: 7/10 Summary: Lances gains the ability to see the spirit of the Blue Lion. Blue decides to take advantage of this new ability.
Fandom: Yuri On Ice
Re: Yuri Katsuki By: Ishxallxgood Words: 38931 Chapters: 32/? Summary: Phichit Chulanont is fiercely loyal to his best friend Yuri Katsuki. So when he randomly gets a direct message on Instagram from one v_nikiforov, it's only natural for Phichit to assume it's a prank. That is until he comes to realize it's not a prank. A story about how Phichit and Viktor bonded over their most favorite topic; Yuri Katsuki. Phichit knows all the things.
Turn Back the Clock By: IronScript Words: 27513 Chapters: 25/? Summary: When Yuuri and Viktor wake up over thirty years in the past, they don't know what to do. Does the other remember? Luckily that particular question is quickly answered and they can relax slightly, but what about afterwards? Viktor was brought back to right before his first Olympics, and Yuuri isn’t even old enough to compete in Seniors’! Then there's the fact that they're still very much in love, but a physical relationship would be illegal (and would gross them both out considering Yuuri's age), and they can't count on anyone to just trust them not to do anything age inappropriate. So maybe being long-distance (with as many in-person meetings as possible) would be better until Yuuri becomes a legal adult physically, never mind his actual age. But it's hard to behave and act naturally when you're forced to be apart from your husband of twenty years, especially during one of the most stressful parts of anyone's life, so Yuuri and Viktor have to distract themselves somehow, right?Right. And if everyone around them ends up completely confused and blindsided at their sudden changes (though admittedly they seem to have changed for the better), then so be it!
From A Random Playing Card By: Noitratoxin Words: 18006 Chapters: 12/? Summary: In training premier danseur, Katsuki Yuuri, under the guidance of Lilia Baranovskaya was asked to train the new generation of Russian figure skaters in ballet and found himself with a 4 year old Yuri Plisetsky, adopted son of the one Viktor Nikiforov, clinging to his legs demanding he comes home with him. Yuuri wasn’t sure if this was healthy for his sanity.
Sensei, Onegai Shimasu By: TheSilentOtaku Words: 20982 Chapters: 8/? Summary: Viktor figured he looked weird right now, sitting there, dumbstruck and clutching a napkin with the personal number of his child’s teacher scrawled across it—the same teacher who asked him out about forty-five minutes ago. He probably even looked more strange when he started smiling. The fic in which Viktor Nikiforov is a single father, Yuri Plisetsky is Viktor's six-year-old son with an obsession with tigers and crayons, and Yuuri Katsuki is the cute first grade teacher that Viktor can't seem to get out of his mind.
in skating we axel By: pictureperfectporcelain Words: 22205 Chapters: 21/? Summary: Phichit created group: “in skating we axel” (Or, the Yuri!! on Ice silly group chat fic that nobody asked for.)
Magic on Ice By: chibilysis (xyrilyn) Words: 35983 Chapters: 9/? Summary: Yuuri's first accidental magic took the form of a miniature snowstorm in his room. By the time his parents realised something was off, Yuuri's bedroom was one feet deep in magical snow. Yuuri was only five years old, at the time. Then, one day, upon returning home from school, he found an owl perched on the windowsill in his bedroom. It had brought him a letter. And the rest... was history. (( In which Katsuki Yuuri grows up in Hogwarts, gets involved in all sorts of shenanigans and eventually meets his quidditch idol, Victor Nikiforov - not necessarily in that order. ))
On ICE!!! By: Watermelonsmellinfellon Words: 15521 Chapters: 5/? Summary: The first time Katsuki Yuuri saw Victor Nikiforov perform, he realized he had a great desire to see figure skating in a video game. In fifteen years, his dream is realized. Little does he know that Victor's attention has been caught by the very game he unknowingly inspired. So ensues the cutest meeting ever and the relationship that follows.
Swimming With The Fishes By: instantpuppypaper Words: 33815 Chapters: 5/? Summary: Viktor, the 'King' of the seven seas; dangerous, pretty, and impossible to catch. Legends say even the ocean was in love with him, rescuing him and his crew when all seemed lost. How little do those legends know, for Viktor was the one in love. He had given his heart to the sea when he was just a child. A mermaid au with pirates, estranged princes, and attractive fish.
solo and pair By: calciseptine Words: 22880 Chapters: 9/? Summary: Yuuri keeps his mark hidden. Soulmate AU
Switched By: GhostsOnSaturn Words: 23942 Chapters: 7/? Summary: Soulmates AU where your consciousness occasionally swaps places with that of your soulmate for varying amounts of time. Katsuki Yuuri was just six years old when it first happened. He had been minding his own business, quite happily drawing an interesting rendition of a bird perched outside his window, and had blinked only to find himself somewhere completely different. He let out a shout of alarm - but it wasn’t his voice - and all of a sudden, feet that were far too big to be his slipped out from underneath him and he found himself lying on something very hard, and very cold.
You Can't Plan for Everything By: RivDeV Words: 123560 Chapters: 21/? Summary: Yuuri forgets that he has a scheduled heat coming up until it's just a couple weeks away. He scrambles to get everything ready in time, including deciding whether he'll spend it alone or with someone. Victor only wants to help.
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kingfisherunion · 7 years ago
Attention Yuri!!! on ICE fanfic authors!
Hi!  my name is K, and I am one of you.  But also, I’m starting a side project called
Podfic Radio Live!
It’s essentially a radio show, or a live-streamed podcast, in which a group of actors get together and do dramatic readings of YOI fanfics.  Cool, right?  god i sure hope so...
But we need your help to get started!  We are going to let you, the listeners, decide what fics we read!
Click the link below to submit a recommendation - recommended fics will be chosen at a later date by vote!
(but first please make sure your recommended fic meets the following criteria:)
The fic must be your own -or- you must have the author’s permission to have it read
Sorry, for now you can only recommend one (1) fic
Fics must be rated Mature or below.  We will not read fics with graphic sex scenes for the comfort of both the actors and the listeners.
Fics must be 10k words or fewer.  An hour of audio is about 9k words of written text, and even fewer than that when you factor in multiple character actors instead of a single narrator.  Streams may include more multiple short fics or one long one.
Please understand that archive warnings may factor into whether or not your fic is considered.  Once again, we want our program to be a comfortable experience for both the actors and the listeners.
I don’t have access to infinite actors or infinite microphones!  Please take number of characters into consideration.  An ensemble cast may not be considered, while a fic with 2-4 characters is a safe choice.
Ok, here’s that link!
8/20 Update!  Submissions are closed and voting is open from now until Monday, August 27th at 8pm EST.  This post explains how you vote
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anxiousamoeba · 4 years ago
Can never forget him or the moment in On Growing when baby Yura inherits this iconic sweater
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HOW COULD WE FORGET HIM. the most powerful. the cutest. the one with the iconic sweater, beautiful smile and tiny little gloves on the boy’s hand. how could we forget about our baby boy. we are deeply sorry. i hope yuuri can forgive us. 
it’s known that when you die and go to heaven you see this angel yuuri boy doing this exact ta-da pose and you’re allowed to rip in peace. it’s beautiful. angelic. perfect. i can’t look away. the meaning of my life/10
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pinytree · 7 years ago
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Dans le lit, le baiser (In The Bed, The Kiss)
“ Viktor was reminded absently of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec’s painting, The Bed.  He had heard somewhere that it had been painted to portray lovers because the Painter hadn’t felt love himself. So he had created this beautiful thing, the closest thing he could create to love. Two lovers who lay intimately experiencing the purest bliss in just each other’s presence. Maybe that’s what he was feeling right now. Pure bliss. 
 He felt like he was being sheltered against Yuuri’s skin, the world carrying on indifferent, and cold outside. He moved closer to him, kissing his neck softly. Yuuri let out a small huff of laughter, as he continued. " 
@evermoriver’s  Art Thief AU is my love and life (read here)
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