#yogyakarta pre wedding
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hanifcreative · 7 months ago
3 Aktivitas Menarik di Tebing Breksi Yogyakarta untuk Penggemar Foto Estetik
Tebing Breksi merupakan potensi alam yang mempesona bila dipandang. Maka sangat cocok bila diabadikan dalam bingkai kamera. Banyak aktivitas fotografi yang biasa dilakukan di sini. Seperti hunting foto alam maupun pre wedding. Baik dilakukan oleh fotografer amatir maupun profesional. Tak sedikit ditemukan, mereka yang menggemari selfie atau wefie dengan ponsel juga beraksi di sini.
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poetrafoto · 4 years ago
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(via Indoor Casual Pre Wedding Photoshoot Ideas at Affandi Museum Jogja for Maya+Ruli Prewedding Yogyakarta) 😍 Indoor Casual Pre Wedding Photoshoot Ideas at Affandi Museum Jogja for Maya+Ruli Prewedding Yogyakarta
#IndoorPrewedding #CasualPrewedding #PreweddingPhotoshoot #IndoorPreweddingPhotoshoot #CasualPreweddingPhotos #PreweddingIdeas #AffandiMuseum #Prewedding #PreweddingPhotos #PreweddingIndoor #PreweddingCasual #PreweddingJogja #PreweddingMuseum #PreweddingYogyakarta #JogjaPrewedding #YogyakartaPrewedding #CasualPreweddingPhotoshoot #IndoorPreweddingPhotos
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southeastasianists · 5 years ago
'Usually I can earn between Rp.300,000 and Rp.800,000 (A$31 to $83) a night, just for one performance. Nowadays, since I live with my sister and have no wages, I help in her warung to show my gratitude,’ says Singgih via Whatsapp. In addition to assisting at the roadside warung in Parung, West Java, Singgih also uses his Instagram account to help his sister sell her homemade rengginang, a kind of traditional cracker. The government’s restrictions on movement and activities in response to COVID-19 have been in place since April. Fortunately, Singgih’s sister’s warung has remained open, but for musicians and other arts industry workers like him, the story is one of uncertainty and a daily struggle to survive.
Singgih, 29, is originally from Grobogan in Central Java. After graduating from the prestigious Indonesian Institute of the Arts (Institut Seni Indonesia, ISI) in Surakarta, Singgih has worked as a pengrawit or gamelan musician in Jakarta. He says before COVID-19 art performances were held in Jakarta each Saturday and Sunday, day and night. But now, ‘during social restrictions, all my job offers have been canceled or postponed. Until when, I don’t know.’
The art of playing gamelan instruments is called karawitan. The term comes from the Javanese word rawit which means intricate or finely worked. According to scholars, the music also matches this description. It is argued that the gamelan orchestra uses a more complex system than western music. The music produced by the gamelan orchestra is built from elaborate components, including both loud and soft instruments. One of the soft instruments, which adds melodic layers, is the singers’ voices. Karawitan divide the singing parts into the male singing, called gerongan, and the female singing, called sindenan.
Prior to COVID-19, the Javanese arts, especially karawitan, were flourishing in Jakarta, where the majority of residents are Javanese, and there was high demand for traditional musical performance to accompany slametan (blessing events). For Javanese, slametan are held to celebrate weddings, birthdays, circumcisions, the inauguration of a new house or building and commemoration days, among other events. Those who can afford to will rent a full gamelan orchestra and karawitan group to play. At the top end of the price scale, hosts may hold a wayangan: a performance of Javanese shadow puppets accompanied by a large karawitan group.
Who are the musicians making up Jakarta’s gamelan ensembles? Most pengrawit and pesinden (female singers) come from Yogyakarta, Central Java and East Java. Some graduated from an SMKI (Sekolah Menengah Karawitan Indonesia, vocational high schools for traditional arts), others from ISI like Singgih. However, the majority of pengrawit and pesinden in Jakarta are in fact self-taught. ‘Graduating from ISI doesn’t guarantee that a person can play gamelan properly,’ says Warsiah, a 50-year-old pesinden who lives in Kramat Jati, East Jakarta. ‘It takes a lifetime of learning and commitment to be a skilled artist.’
Warsiah came to Jakarta from Wonogiri in Central Java when she was just 16. She first worked selling jamu (a traditional herbal beverage) and did not begin to learn karawitan until she was in her thirties. ‘The pengrawit who heard me singing for the first time told me that my voice matched with the sound of gamelan. I felt encouraged. That’s when I began to learn properly,’ said Warsiah. She regularly attended karawitan rehearsals in Tanjung Duren, Ciledug, and Bekasi. Five years after her first encounter with gamelan, she took her first job as a pesinden.
Warsinah explained that becoming a pesinden meant she was able to leave her job as jamu seller. ‘I remember – it was the 2000s and I was booked as a pesinden every Saturday and Sunday. Imagine this! In the morning I would sing in a slametan event. Then I would go to a wedding ceremony. At night I was hired to accompany wayangan performances. I no longer had time for my business,’ says Warsiah, laughing with joy.
Pesinden are paid more than pengrawit. In recent years, for one karawitan performance in Jakarta, Warsiah is paid between Rp.700,000 and Rp.1 million. When accompanying an all-night wayangan performance, Warsiah earns Rp.1 million. This is different in her hometown. ‘Ten years ago, in my village in Wonogiri, a pesinden could be paid Rp.150,000 even for accompanying a wayangan performance from dusk till dawn.’
Singgih also thinks that his earnings in Jakarta are comparatively good. ‘Imagine this,’ he says. ‘For accompanying an all-night wayangan performance in Central Java, I get Rp.250,000 – if the event is big and the puppeteers are well known. In Jakarta, for the same effort, I can get Rp.500,000 – that’s the minimum fee for pengrawit accompanying a wayangan in Jakarta! So, I just worked on weekends and I could rest on weekdays.’ PSBB
On 10 April, the Jakarta governor Anies Baswedan issued social distancing regulations for an initial period of two weeks. The large-scale social restrictions, or PSBB, were then extended into June. Violations of PSBB carry penalties, including for not wearing face masks in public spaces.
With restrictions on social and cultural activities, the possibility of being paid to perform on stage disappeared overnight. Even before the regulation was introduced, Singgih and Warsinah were already seeing many social and cultural events being canceled or postponed. In addition to performing, both also teach karawitan, earning an additional monthly salary, but during PSBB art studios and universities where they normally teach have also been closed. Soft instruments in the gamelan ensemble / Rahmadi Fajar Himawan
‘I am kind of grateful that all of this [PSBB] happened during Ramadan,’ Singgih reflected. Ramadan ran from 23 April to 23 May this year, and karawitan and wayangan performances are not usually held during this time. Some slametan, such as weddings, are never held during Ramadan out of respect for those who fast. ‘It’s like a coincidence, right?’ Making a living
In April, Joko Widodo announced that the annual mass exodus (mudik) during Ramadan was banned. This meant Warsiah and Singgih, like millions of other Jakartans not native to the city, were unable to celebrate Eid in their hometown. Normally at this time, with performances not allowed during Ramadan, they would return home and gather with family, and after Eid, go back immediately to Jakarta to take up opportunities for work. This year, unable to perform or return to their hometowns, musicians like Warsiah and Singgih have stayed in Jakarta where they are doing whatever they can do to survive.
Warsiah started making jamu again. She charges Rp.10,000 per bottle and promotes it through social media. ‘It’s not bad – it supports me,’ she says. Warsinah has a mushroom farm near her house in Kramat Jati and also an egg farm at her family home in Wonogiri. Though her farms are not large, she feels lucky to be able to support herself during PSBB. ‘But I can’t go to my hometown to celebrate Eid,’ she says.
Some, like Warsiah, make food or beverages or do sewing to make a living and they use social media such as Facebook or Whatsapp to promote their goods. Others like Singgih, rely on the support of their family and work in the family business.
In April, the Ministry of Education and Culture launched a program called Pendataan Pekerja Seni Terdampak COVID-19 (Register of Arts Workers Impacted by COVID-19). The ministry’s stated aim was to make an inventory of arts workers financially impacted by the pandemic. With the data collected, they would aim to distribute donations to those who had lost income. No specific amount of compensation was announced. A similar program was also launched by the City of Jakarta’s Department of Culture, called Pendataan Pekerja Seni di Jakarta yang Terdampak Secara Ekonomi Akibat COVID-19 (Register of Arts Workers in Jakarta Economically Impacted by COVID-19).
There are currently three options for government assistance for musicians like Warsinah and Singgih. Besides the compensation payments, the ministry aims to include musicians in existing social programs, namely Program Keluarga Harapan (Family Hope Program) or Kartu Prakerja (Pre-Employment Card). The ministry is also encouraging any arts workers ineligible for both those programs to perform through online platforms, including its own newly established Budayasaya. Although it is still early days, it does appear that artists who already have a high profile are making good use of online platforms like this. However, it is less clear if they will benefit performers and musicians like Warsinah and Singgih who are less well-known.
The Ministry of Culture and Education created the Budayasaya platform on Youtube, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, to broadcast arts performances.
As their incomes are less than the limit of Rp.10 million per month, Warsiah and Singgih hope they will be eligible for inclusion in these existing social safety net programs. However, there is another potential hurdle: to be classified as an arts worker, you must not have received income from non-arts-related work. Ironically, this may yet prevent musicians from receiving government assistance as they have needed to use their non-arts skills to survive this far.
On 26 May, the Ministry of Education and Culture finally distributed payments, called PL2B, to those arts workers deemed eligible who had registered back in April. Each successful applicant received Rp.1 million as a one-off payment upon completion of documents required by the ministry. The City of Jakarta’s Department of Culture distributed similar payments in early May.
Like more than 40,000 other arts workers who registered with the ministry by the deadline, Singgih put a great deal of hope in the government programs. I contacted him again in late May via WhatsApp to ask how his application went. He was not one of the lucky ones. His application for compensation was rejected. ‘But PSBB will end soon, right?’ he asked me hopefully. I asked him what he would do if PSBB was extended further. ‘Actually, I have no idea,’ he told me. ‘For now, I hope all of this is stopped immediately.’
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nabiladinta · 4 years ago
#8 Writing Challenge: The power of music
“Music is emotional, and so our listening often signals something deeply personal and private,” Pelly (2019) said.
It’s pretty true. It is like a natural antidote.
Artikel yang aku ulas untuk Antropologi Teknologi minggu ketiga yang berjudul “Big Mood Machine” sedikit banyak menginspirasi writing challenge ke #8 ini. Terimakasih Mas Indy, dosen terbaik sepanjang masa.
Buat seorang ‘nabiladinta’ the power of music ini sungguh nyata. Masa-masa merasakan pahit kelam manisnya hidup, musik beneran bisa jadi teman perjalanan yang jujur tanpa banyak protes dan menghujat. Musik seolah-olah mengerti, kalau ‘saling mendengarkan’ itu sesuatu yang seharusnya terjadi tanpa tedeng alih-alih. Jadi teman perjalanan paling setia selain motor di sela-sela malam dingin nan panjang di penghujung hari sembari ber-monolog ria di jalanan,
Musik sangat personal dan privat. Kalau boleh aku bilang, kita bisa secara cepat menciptakan private space meskipun di tengah kerumunan, sesederhana kita pasang earphone ke telinga. Dan hanya seolah-olah dunia berputar antara dirimu dan musik yang kamu putar dari playlist-mu. Lagu-lagu kesukaanmu, lagu-lagu yang menjadi sentilan pertama untuk diajak bersama melintas memori mungkin atau barangkali sekedar boosting-mood.
It’s powerful.
Lagu-lagu tertentu secara otomatis melemparkan kita semua ke momen-momen yang mungkin udah nggak pernah singgah tapi keinget lagi sengaja atau nggak sengaja dengerin ini. Atau misal lagi kangen-kangennya sama seseorang, kalau aku, bisa gila dengerin lagunya sampai berkali-kali dalam jangkauan hari yang nggak sedikit. Sampai sengaja aku buat playlist di spotify. Saking kangennya.
“……each of these “moments” there is an animated trajectory of a typical ‘emotional journey’…..”
Lintasan animasi dan tipikal perjalanan emosi ini mengobrak-abrik imajinasi dan perasaan, mengetuk tanpa permisi. Untuk aku, ada beberapa momen yang amat sangat membekas dan sampai tua aku nggak akan pernah lupa sama lagu ini. Never.
Pertama, photograph – Ed Sheeran.
Nabila nggak akan pernah bosen, lagu ini menandakan salah satu momen besar di hidup seorang ‘aku’. Momen-momen semasa menjalani Indonesia-United States Youth Leadership Program. Rasanya sesak. Pertemuan sama temen-temen Amerika mungkin sulit diulang lagi, nyatanya sampai sekarang cuma satu yang masih bisa aku temui. Sisanya nihil, aku ucapkan di rentetan doa-doa panjang setiap harinya. End song ini sungguh cantik dan manis.
Kedua, dua lagu dalam satu paket.
Take me home country roads and Ryhmes and Reasons – John Denver
Bisa-bisa aku nangis semalaman, menggusar pikiran dan mengacak-acak hati seakan-akan dunia berhenti dan jahat. Malam terakhir tidur di rumah Italia. Lagu yag tadinya baik, jadi jahat seketika waktu aku harus balik ke negara sendiri. Kedua lagu ini selalu menemani hari-hari aku dan Mama Papa di rumah, di sela-sela makan siang dan mempersiapkan makan malam. Meskipun Papa sama sekali nggak bisa bahasa inggris, tapi John Denver jadi salah satu penyanyi favorit Papa Aurelio De Pellegrini. Juga jadi teman perjalanan yang aku putar berkali-kali di camper van sewaktu keliling Italia tengah sampai selatan selama 9 hari bareng mereka.
Take me home country roads, menyiratkan cerita lebih. Naasnya aku baru sadar di Italia. Lagu ini betul-betul tersurat menceritakan Blue Ridge Mountains dan Shenandoah River di West Virginia. Dua tempat yang memberikan ‘ruang’ sewaktu ke Amerika dulu. Tempat aku dan teman-teman berefleksi bareng sepasang suku Indian dan hidup tanpa teknologi di salah satu vila di pegunungan Shenandoah, bukan main-main kita juga tubbing di sungai jernih Shenandoah.
Country roads, take me home To the place I belong West Virginia, mountain mama Take me home, country roads All my memories gather 'round her
Please, bring all those memories back :(((
Ketiga, finchè la barca va – Orietta Berti
Aku bisa gila selama tiga hari, putar lagu ini berkali-kali sepulang dari kota cantik Siena. Lagu ini berkenalan sama aku atas sebuah ketidak sengajaan. Di Siena yang cantik, tepat di piazza nya ada sekolompok grup musik jalanan Italia yang secara nggak sengaja pula ada sepasang nona dan tuan manis yang lagi foto pre-wedding. Sebagai sebuah hadiah, grup musik ini nyanyiin lagu romantis finchè la barca va dan spontan semua orang yang ada di sekelilingnya joget, pasangan nona tuan tadi dansa dibalut gaun putih yang anggun dan jas hitam pengantin yang elegan.
Di tempat itu juga, atas sebuah restu semesta tanpa rencana aku dan Akbar ketemu Zikrina dan host family-nya. Bisa-bisanya setelah setengah bumi berevolusi terpisah. Exchange year is full of surprises you know!
Music helps us make a connection with others. Music can be a tool for coping and healing during difficult times. Music allows us to evaluate difficult emotions. Soothing, enjoyable music is a natural antidote to the restlessness and exhaustion that accompany frustrating circumstances.
Musik itu soal selera dan rasa, bukan soal kamu keren atau gaul, karena lagi-lagi ini soal rasa. Biarkan siapapun mendengarkan apapun. You do you, ini playlist-ku nabiladinta on spotify. Barangkali kapan-kapan kita bisa ngobrol dan berbagi playlist kesukaan. It's a memory <3
enjoy your natural antidote,
nabiladinta. Yogyakarta, 9-10 Oktober 2020
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jasa desain website keren MAGELANG 0822-3641-4210 digitalcreativeconsultant.com
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jasa desain website keren MAGELANG 0822-3641-4210 digitalcreativeconsultant.com
"""Website merupakan trobosan baru dalam menunjang bisnis atau usaha anda dalam mengembangkan sebuah usaha website merupakan salah satu jalan terbaik untuk mepromosikan usaha anda bahkan keseluruh dunia tidak Cuma itu sja website juga menunjang kinerja karena berkerja 24 jam dan memiliki cangkupan mendunia dengan begitu dapat mningkatkan image perusahaan dengan cepat. untuk membuat website yang baik memerlukan desain web, untuk membuat web desain juga membutuhkan seorang yang ahli di bidang tersebut kami digital creative consultant memberikan jasa web design, hanya dengan menghubungi kami digital creative consultant akan memberikan jasa desain website yang terbaik tentunya sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, kami akan memberikan jasa desain web dengan harga yang murah dan juga dengan kualitas terbaik karena kami sudah memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang ini.        Digital creative consultant merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang web developing yang telah memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam melakukan pengelolaan website perusahaan-perusahaan ternama.
Digital Creative Consultant juga melayani Jasa Digital Marketing, such as manajemen media sosial usaha dan iklan online Facebook Ads and Google Ads. Kami bisa juga memproduksi video dan foto kreatif seperti Pembuatan Video dan Foto Promosi Produk atau Usaha, Foto Pernikahan, Pre Wedding, Produk, dan Company Profile, bahkan video animasi. Biaya Biaya website mulai Rp 3.000.000. Untuk harga video, kami tawarkan mulai Rp 2.000.000. Hence, ongkos aplikasi mulai Rp 10.000.000. Similar dengan biaya tersebut, kami bisa memberikan layanan sesuai dengan ongkos yang sanggup anda keluarkan.
Untuk Jasa SEO, kami melayani penyebaran kata kunci terkait produk atau usaha anda di semua halaman Google dan ranking 1 Google. Kami juga melayani branding online. Biaya mulai 5.000.000 per bulan dengan kontrak minimal 6 bulan.
Kontak Hubungi Kami Segera dengan mengontak kami di WA/Call/SMS Center +62 822-3641-4210 atau klik https://wa.me/6282236414210. Anda akan dihubungkan dengan sales dari Digital Creative Consultant. Alamat website kami https://www.digitalcreativeconsultant.com.
In conclusion, alamat lengkap kami ada di Jalan Karanglo 35 A, Bumen, Purbayan, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Maybe anda silakan berkunjung untuk diskusi lebih lanjut. So, kami harap kita bisa bekerja sama, then kita kembangkan bisnis bersama. Buat yang di Suryatmajan, Danurejan, Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, silakan langsung berkunjung saja. """
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konsultanwebsiedcc1 · 5 years ago
jasa desain website keren PURWOREJO 0822-3641-4210 digitalcreativeconsultant.com
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jasa desain website keren PURWOREJO 0822-3641-4210 digitalcreativeconsultant.com
"Website merupakan trobosan baru dalam menunjang bisnis atau usaha anda dalam mengembangkan sebuah usaha website merupakan salah satu jalan terbaik untuk mepromosikan usaha anda bahkan keseluruh dunia tidak Cuma itu sja website juga menunjang kinerja karena berkerja 24 jam dan memiliki cangkupan mendunia dengan begitu dapat mningkatkan image perusahaan dengan cepat. untuk membuat website yang baik memerlukan desain web, untuk membuat web desain juga membutuhkan seorang yang ahli di bidang tersebut kami digital creative consultant memberikan jasa web design, hanya dengan menghubungi kami digital creative consultant akan memberikan jasa desain website yang terbaik tentunya sesuai dengan kebutuhan anda, kami akan memberikan jasa desain web dengan harga yang murah dan juga dengan kualitas terbaik karena kami sudah memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang ini.        Digital creative consultant merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang web developing yang telah memiliki banyak pengalaman dalam melakukan pengelolaan website perusahaan-perusahaan ternama. Digital Creative Consultant juga melayani Jasa Digital Marketing, such as manajemen media sosial usaha dan iklan online Facebook Ads and Google Ads. Kami bisa juga memproduksi video dan foto kreatif seperti Pembuatan Video dan Foto Promosi Produk atau Usaha, Foto Pernikahan, Pre Wedding, Produk, dan Company Profile, bahkan video animasi. Biaya Biaya website mulai Rp 3.000.000. Untuk harga video, kami tawarkan mulai Rp 2.000.000. Hence, ongkos aplikasi mulai Rp 10.000.000. Similar dengan biaya tersebut, kami bisa memberikan layanan sesuai dengan ongkos yang sanggup anda keluarkan. Untuk Jasa SEO, kami melayani penyebaran kata kunci terkait produk atau usaha anda di semua halaman Google dan ranking 1 Google. Kami juga melayani branding online. Biaya mulai 5.000.000 per bulan dengan kontrak minimal 6 bulan. Kontak Hubungi Kami Segera dengan mengontak kami di WA/Call/SMS Center +62 822-3641-4210 atau klik https://wa.me/6282236414210. Anda akan dihubungkan dengan sales dari Digital Creative Consultant. Alamat website kami https://www.digitalcreativeconsultant.com, konsultanwebsitedcc1.wordpress.com https://konsultanwebsitedcc1.blogspot.com/. In conclusion, alamat lengkap kami ada di Jalan Karanglo 35 A, Bumen, Purbayan, Kotagede, Yogyakarta. Maybe anda silakan berkunjung untuk diskusi lebih lanjut. So, kami harap kita bisa bekerja sama, then kita kembangkan bisnis bersama. Buat yang di Suryatmajan, Danurejan, Yogyakarta Yogyakarta, silakan langsung berkunjung saja. "
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zedecksiew · 6 years ago
Flaming Vaginas + Warrior Wives
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Been reading Peter Carey and Vincent Houben’s “Perempuan-perempuan Perkasa di Jawa Abad XVIII-XIX” (”Mighty Women In Java, 18th-19th Centuries”).
It’s in Indonesian, and my Indonesian’s not great, so it is slow-going. Here are some bits, ineptly translated:
“Two examples of female figures from pre-colonial Javanese history who functioned as the foundations of dynasties and wellsprings of magic power are Ken Dedes -- Queen of Singosari and wife of the famous Ken Arok, King of Tumapel-Singosari -- in the early 13th Century; and Dewi Mundingsari -- second daughter of Raja Sigaluh of Pajajaran ...
“Both women were so ‘hot’ -- in magical terms -- that their vaginas burned with light, and only men of extraordinary mystic ability could wed them (Brandes 1897:35-49,53). According to the Pararaton (The Book of Kings) ... such ‘hot’ women are ardhanariswari -- the annointed among womankind.
“A man -- however poor or low in social status -- who could have a child with such a woman is destined to become a famous king (Schrieke 1957:72). This was why Ken Arok, who according to legend was a commoner -- even though he was said to have the blood of Vishnu -- became king of Tumapel-Singosari.
“The princess of Pajajaran, Dewi Mundingsari, in the Serat Sekondhar, was also so ‘hot’ no prince of Java could wed her. In the end the unfortunate princess was sold to the Dutch, with a dowry of three cannon -- three objects shaped like the male lingam. The mystic Baron Sukmul -- father of Jan Pieterszoon Coen, the Dutch-Javanese pioneer -- married her, founded a new kingdom (Batavia) in the port of Sunda Kelapa, and was considered a successor of Pajajaran ... 
“The significance of these women -- Ken Dedes and Dewi Mundingsari -- was their incredible spiritual strength. With this power they lent their husbands kingship, a royal legitimacy that could be inherited by progeny (Schrieke 1957:71-2). Meanwhile, the ability of the husbands who could tame these women’s extraordinary force -- as symbolised by their shining vaginas -- demonstrated how male power, otherwise harmful to the peace of the world, could be channeled into courses where it brought fecundity and harmony (Lind 1975:116-7).”
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“... Queen Kidul is the protector-goddess of Mataran and the mystic consort of its kings. In the Babad Tanah Jawi (Olthof 1941:78-9,140), both Panembahan Senopati (circa 1584-1613) and Sultan Agung (1613-46) were said to have left Parangtritis to meet the Queen in a spirit-filled palace under the sea. There they made love to her. This intimate and special relationship between the founders of Mataram and the Queen ushered a golden for that kingdom in the early 17th Century ... “In Surakarta, the most important dance honouring the Queen of the South Seas is the Bedoyo Ketawang, a classical dance that involves nine female dancers; these dancers must be young women of noble or royal descent. The choreography sketches a meeting between Queen Kidul and Senopati, and the Queen is praised, and given offerings of intricate batik cloth and her favourite foods (De Cock Wheatley 1929:208; Tirtaamidjaja 1967:31-61; Hadiwidjojo 1972:117-26; Hostetler 1982:127-42). When the dance is performed correctly -- when its dancers are ritually clean (not menstruating) and calm of heart -- the Queen manifests by entering the bodies of one of the dancers. In this trance state, that dancer is guided to the Proboyekso (the king’s private chambers), where she will make love to the king in a ritual that recalls Senopati’s mythic seduction of Queen Kidul. “According to Boow (1984:4), the king identifies which dancer is possessed, because he sees a greenish glow issue from her vagina -- a detail that reminds us of the symbolic “fiery cave” of a Ken Dedes or Pajajaran princess, as discussed previously.”
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“A special feature of south-central Javanese courts often cited by Dutch accounts is the number of women in them. Francois Valentijn (1666-1727) ... commenting about the Mataram palace in Kartasura in the early 18th Century, reports that over 10,000 women lived in the court’s environs ...
“When the king miyos (emerged) from the palace to meet with his subjects ... he was always flanked by a troop of all-women bodyguards. They were called abdi-Dalem Priyayi Manggung or prajurit keparak estri (or Langenkusumo troopers), and their number was drawn from district-level gentry.
“Variedly armed -- with shields, bows, poison-tipped arrows, spears, blowpipes, and rifles -- ten of their number were charged with bearing the royal regalia: drinking vessels, boxes for betel and perfumes, tobacco pipes, golden umbrellas and special clothing ... 
“Though the most beautiful princesses were chosen, often with much care (Ricklefs 1974a:304 note 42; Carey 1992:413 note 73), they rarely became concubines, and were often “gifted” to nobles as wives. As wives of court nobles, they were considered to be more fortunate than concubines, who cannot accept offers of marriage so long as the king still lives, and sometimes even after (Kumar 2008:6). According to Valentijn, the prajurit estri given thusly as wives looked “happy and proud” at the prospect, knowing that their princely husbands would never dare to mistreat them, lest they incur their liege-lord’s wrath (Kumar 2008:6, quoting Valentijn 1726:59-60).
“The expansion and training of the prajurit estri was something of an obsession for the second Sultan of Yogya. His mother, Ratu Ageng (ca. 1732-1803) ... served as the first commander of the sultanate’s “Srikandi Corp”, in the early days of the Yogyakarta court, post-November 1755 (Carey 2012:90). According to Javanese sources, there was much grumbling among the husbands and fathers of the realm at the end of the 18th Century, because so many young wives and daughters were conscripted into the prajurit estri  ...
“In the late 18th and early 19th Centuries, military-minded senior VOC officials expressed their wonder at the skill of these prajurit estri as mounted soldiers. Jan Greeve, Governor of Northeast Java (1743/4-1793, served 1787-91) ... was greeted at the Dutch Settlement in Mangkunegaran, where female soldiers fired salvos 'of such accuracy and regularity that we were amazed', ‘they fired their hand weapons [cavalry carbines] thrice with great accuracy ... followed by volleys of small arms [Javanese-made light artillery designed for cavalry use] arrayed by their sides ...’ (Kumar 2008:11-12). The skill of the “Srikandi Corp” at firearms stood in stark contrast to that of the male palace soldiery, who were notoriously ill-trained in long rifles and artillery (Carey 2012:9).
“ ... these warriors were not just for the parade ground, but possessed real fighting ability, as the English saw in their attack on the Yogya court on 20 June 1812. One of the unfortunates of that incident was a Scots lieutenant from an English regiment, Hector Maclean (ca. 1790-1812). He attempted to carry off a court princess as a spoil of war, but was stabbed for his troubles. (d’Almeida 1864, II:136-7; O’Donnell 1893:100; Carey 1992:414 note 78; Carey 2012:245).”
(From Gadis Buku, fine purveyor of Indonesian titles. Mun Kao spotted this at their table, at a book fair we were part of two weeks ago.)
(Image source:
https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Nyai_Roro_Kidul#/media/File:Kanjeng_Ratu_Kidul.jpg )
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turisiancom · 2 years ago
TURISIAN.com – Destinasi wisata Hutan Pinus Mangunan Bantul punya keindahan alam yang memesona dan bakal bikin kangen kalau Sobat Turisian sudah sekali mengunjunginya. Susana asri, sejuk dan tenang, jauh dari hiruk pikuk perkotaan. Sangat cocok banget buat bersantai menenangkan diri. Hutan Pinus Mangunan ini masuk ke dalam wilayah Desa Mangunan, Dlingo, Kabupaten Bantul, Yogyakarta. Perjalanan ke tempat ini sangat mudah karena jalanan sudah beraspal dan penerangan sudah cukup baik. Pada awalnya, sebelum jadi destinasi wisata yang populer seperti sekarang, hutan pinus inia adalah tanah yang tandus dan kering. Hingga akhirnya lahan 500 Ha ini ditanami aneka pepophonan seperti mahoni, akasia, merkusi, kayu putih, dan pinus. Pohon-pohon tersebut tumbuh subur dan area ini pun berkembang jadi tempat wisata. Sobat Turisian bisa datang kapan pun ke objek wisata Yogyakarta yang satu ini, sebab buka setiap hari. Lebih indah, datang di kala pagi hari saat udara dingin namun menyegarkan. Lengkap dengan balutan beningnya embun pagi. Pilihan waktu lainnya, berkunjung ketika sore hari. Sobat Turisian bisa menikmati suasana hutan yang syahdu dengan angin sepoi semilir menyentuh tubuh. Jamin deh kalian bakal rileks dan segar kembali, lepas dari rasa penat dari rutinitas. Oh ya, di Hutan Pinus Mangunan Bantul ini pun tersedia dua gardu pandang. Gardu pandang pertama tidak terlalu tinggi, di sini Sobat Turisian bisa melihat kawasan hutan pinus ini dari atas. Baca juga: Desa Wisata Gerbang Banyu Langit Bantul yang Nyaman Buat Wisata Keluarga Sementara untuk gardu pandang kedua, lokasinya lebih tinggi dan terdiri dari dua lantai. Dari titik kedua ini Sobat Turisian bisa menyaksikan sensasi pemandangan alam hutan pinus dan kawasan sekitarnya yang hijau dan indah. Di atas gardu kedua ini anginnya cukup kencang membuat semakin rileks. Spot Foto & Venue Event di Hutan Pinus Mangunan Bagi Sobat Turisian pecinta fotografi atau penggemar wisata selfie, Hutan Pinus Mangunan akan memanjakan diri kalian. Hampir setiap sudut hutan pinus ini bisa menjadi spot foto yang instagenic dan ciamik. Baik itu swafoto maupun foto berkonsep seperti pre wedding dan foto angkatan. Ada sejumlah spot foto di sini yang favorit pengunjung. Di antaranya panggung dan kursi kayu, spot segitiga akar, sarang burung, rumah pohon, spot tangan dewa, dan masih banyak lagi. Nah kalau sudah lelah berkeliling dan hunting foto, Sobat Turisian bisa beristirahat di bangku-bangku kayu lucu yang tersedia di objek wisata Bantul ini Tak hanya menyajikan spot foto, Wisata Hutan Pinus Mangunan ini pun sudah sering menjadi venue berbagai event. Panggung kayu yang unik dengan bangku-bangku kayu memanjang seperti amfiteater, sangat pas buat pagelaran seni. Jika Sobat Turisian ke spot ini dan kebetulan tidak ada acara, kalian bisa puas foto-foto cantik di situ. Harga Tiket & Fasilitas Hutan Pinus Mangunan Semua pesona dan aktivitas seru di objek wisata Yogyakarta ini bisa Sobat Turisian dengan hanya membayar tiket parkir. Untuk motor sebesar Rp 3000,- dan Rp 10.000,- untuk mobil. Baca juga: Jurang Tembelan Bantul Sajikan Pesona Alam yang Mantap Betul Wisata Hutan Pinus Mangunan ini juga sudah memiliki fasilitas yang lengkap. Seperti area parkir yang luas, toilet, musala, dan warung makanan. Lokasi ini juga sangat cocok sebagai lokasi outbond dan kegiatan outing lainnya.*
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thejavalaksaco · 3 years ago
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Opor Ayam @oxfordoutdoormarket Next week sees the return of Nasi Bali with Opor Ayam - white fragrant curry, with bone-in chicken plus a Chickpea & Potato version for our vegan customers. Rooted in pre-conquistador Nusantarian cuisine evidenced by the complete absence of red chillis and the copious amount of indigenous 'Merica' to add pungency this opulent dish is often part of a Javanese slematan and features on every Nasi Gudeg stall in Yogyakarta. Closely linked to the Malayan Kurma and South Indian குருமா its a dish from the Cosmic past that survives into the Cosmopolitan present. From Wednesday 20th October our Oxford Market stall will be open daily Weds thru' Saturday - see you all there! DM for reservations and Special Orders. #குருமா #oporayam #kurmaayam #yogyakarta #nasigudeg #oxfordmarket #indonesianfoodoxford #malaysianfooduk #tintindoodcourt https://www.instagram.com/p/CVFh6RmjO0Z/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mother-ofthebridedresses · 4 years ago
even wearing a veil that a family member wore in the past sequin dress for prom@^&*()
A veil is an important part of traditional wedding attire. It is one of the accessories that is often dropped in modern weddings, jsweddenladress20107 which makes it the perfect 'something old' to incorporate. Just by having a veil you are already drawing on a classical wedding tradition that has been around for generations. Give your veil even more meaning by purchasing one that's made with antique lace, from an era you admire, or even wearing a veil that a family member wore in the past sequin dress for prom. You can also style veil with some unique accessories like jewelry ?C so find some ideas and browse these jewelry pieces. I bought two identical white paper bags and filled one of them with all these items and passed it to her best friend (who happened to be an ex-colleague of mine) to hold on to, while I kept the other identical white paper bag. At the same time, Hanan was overseas for a modelling competition, and I was due to fly up with her parents to meet up with her once the competition was over. I brought one of the white paper bags, hidden in my luggage, overseas with me.
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Joshua: Probably after everything had ended! In all honesty, Soh Fia and I achieved what we envisioned our wedding to be like ?C an event where we could mingle and meet with all our close friends and family in one same location. We were walking around the whole venue throughout the entire reception and wedding which shocked some people because they thought we were supposed to make a big march-in entrance royal wedding dresses. We preferred to maximised the time and catch up with everyone instead! However where is lalamira located, not all wedding or home Feng Shui taboos have truth in them, like the one on not wearing a pre-owned or secondhand wedding gown. 'It is okay to wear a pre-owned or secondhand wedding gown as long as you feel that it is the piece for you mother of the bride dresses that hide belly,' the team at Yuan Zhong Siu Feng Shui Consultancy reassures. 'After all, most brides choose to rent their gowns these days, which makes the gown they wear pre-owned anyway.' It's not enough to just choose the delicious dishes ?C you have to consider your guests' dietary restrictions too. A vegetarian aunt will not eat the best-tasting Wagyu beef in the world. Muslim guests will not touch non-halal food. Make sure you let your guests know that they can state their dietary restrictions when they RSVP. That way, you can arrange for alternative meals during your banquet.
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Peipei: Whenever people ask us, we tell them that Keat proposed on our trip to Yogyakarta, Indonesia, last June. He basically took out the ring in our hotel room and popped the question. It was nothing fanciful. I said, 'Yes,' we took some photos, and we went to sleep immediately so that we could catch our morning flight the next day! THE LOOK: Feminine & functional winter wear! The one thing I dislike most about contemporary winter gear is that it loses the art of dressing like a lady red carpet prom dresses. My puffy jacket from LL Bean is great for winter at its worst, but nothing beats a classic belted swing coat with a fur collar and matching hat, as seen above! You May Also Like: favorite styles and heels remain on the sidelines during ... Mermaid V-neck Mother of the Bride Dress With Beading Sequins Split Front Depending on your entire package also you can get very good ... Searching for a stunning wedding dresses or plus size prom ... Ball-Gown Sweetheart Organza Sleeveless Wedding Dresses
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salmanania · 8 years ago
Tragis, mau pre-wedding ke Yogyakarta Wiwit tewas diduga dibunuh
Salma Nania Tragis, mau pre-wedding ke Yogyakarta Wiwit tewas diduga dibunuh Artikel Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Tragis, mau pre-wedding ke Yogyakarta Wiwit tewas diduga dibunuh Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Tragis, mau pre-wedding ke Yogyakarta Wiwit tewas diduga dibunuh Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Tragis, mau pre-wedding ke Yogyakarta Wiwit tewas diduga dibunuh
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Alvian menambahkan bahwa berdasarkan hasil autopsi, diduga Wiwit meninggal antara Sabtu (6/5) malam hingga Minggu (7/5) dini hari. Wiwit diketahui tewas karena ada luka pukulan benda tumpul di belakang kepala. Tengkorak, ucap Alvian, pecah dan tangan kanan dalam kondisi patah terpuntir ke belakang. http://www.unikbaca.com
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annawong5 · 5 years ago
Sri Gethuk Waterfall, Bleberan Village, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta # Special Region of Yogyakarta - Indonesia
Sri Gethuk Waterfall, Bleberan Village, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta # Special Region of Yogyakarta – Indonesia
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Another trip to survey place for pre-wedding photos. Departure from 08:00 in the morning, then breakfast at Babi Guling Bima Kroda, after that we go to Playen which before we arrive to Wonosari, turn left. Our first destination is Air Terjun Sri Gethuk or Sri Gethuk Waterfall.
It’s a long way to go there. We entering Bleberan Village which cost IDR 2.000/pax. Then just follow the instruction…
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poetrafoto · 4 years ago
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(via Casual Indoor Pre Wedding Photoshoot Ideas at Affandi Museum Yogyakarta for Maya+Ruli Prewedding Jogjakarta) 😍 Casual Indoor Pre Wedding Photoshoot Ideas at Affandi Museum Yogyakarta for Maya+Ruli Prewedding Jogjakarta
#CasualPrewedding #IndoorPrewedding #PreweddingPhoto #PreweddingPhotos #PreweddingPhotoshoot #PreweddingIdeas #AffandiMuseum #PreweddingYogyakarta #PreweddingJogja #PreweddingJogjakarta #PreweddingYogya #MuseumAffandi #PreweddingMuseum #MuseumPrewedding #JogjaPrewedding #JogjakartaPrewedding #YogyakartaPrewedding #YogyaPrewedding #PreweddingCasual #PreweddingIndoor #CasualPreweddingPhotos #IndoorPreweddingPhotos #YogyakartaPreweddingPhotos #JogjaPreweddingPhotos #JogjakartaPreweddingPhotos #YogyaPreweddingPhotos #JogjaPreweddingPhotoshoot #YogyakartaPreweddingPhotoshoot #IndoorPreweddingPhotoshoot
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xploreaindonesia · 7 years ago
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Whether it is Africa’s Greatest Dessert or Latin America’s San Miguel de Allende, each of them will attract you with its distinctive exotica. You might wonder: will it be possible to indulge yourself in such opposite places at the same time? The answer is, yes, it is possible! It is well known as Parangkusumo Sand Dunes, a tourism spot where you can be part of fantastic atmosphere. This Yogyakarta’s mini Sahara is considered as the most unique natural phenomenon in South East Asia since the barchan-types sand dunes actually can never be formed due to the country’s climate. In Parangkusumo Sand Dunes, you can freely do people’s most favorite sport: sand boarding. Won’t it be wonderful to try dessert’s typical sport in a tropical country? Believe it or not, this site is also one of the best places for you to witness gorgeous sunset, do a pre-wedding photo session and experience new things with your friends and family. After that, you can easily get back to city central and have tasteful dinner, visit affordable traditional market, or enjoy impressive street performance all night long. But, believe us, you won't be able to clean your mind from the previous amusement. You should just visit xplorea.com to easily find the most convenient way in your beautiful excursion to Indonesia. Xplorea.com – Never Stop Xploring Indonesia. http://bit.ly/2maXetG
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konsultanwebsiedcc1 · 4 years ago
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jasa seo yogyakarta 0852-2548-7687
"Digital Creative Consultant juga melayani Jasa Digital Marketing, such as manajemen media sosial usaha dan iklan online Facebook Ads and Google Ads. Kami bisa juga memproduksi video dan foto kreatif seperti Pembuatan Video dan Foto Promosi Produk atau Usaha, Foto Pernikahan, Pre Wedding, Produk, dan Company Profile, bahkan video animasi. Biaya Biaya website mulai Rp 3.000.000. Untuk harga video, kami tawarkan mulai Rp 2.000.000. Hence, ongkos aplikasi mulai Rp 10.000.000. Similar dengan biaya tersebut, kami bisa memberikan layanan sesuai dengan ongkos yang sanggup anda keluarkan.
Untuk Jasa SEO, kami melayani penyebaran kata kunci terkait produk atau usaha anda di semua halaman Google dan ranking 1 Google. Kami juga melayani branding online. Biaya mulai 5.000.000 per bulan dengan kontrak minimal 6 bulan.
Kontak Hubungi Kami Segera dengan mengontak kami di WA/Call/SMS Center 0852-2548-7687. Anda akan dihubungkan dengan sales dari Digital Creative Consultant."
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secretcycle · 5 years ago
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Wedding Fotografer
Fotografer foto pernikahan pre wedding photo photographer indonesia by poetrafoto photography based in jogja yogyakarta for solo semarang surabaya jakarta bali bandung pekanbaru medan palangkaraya makassar etc poetrafoto photography is a professional photographer based in yogyakarta indonesia. First thing you should do before starting your own wedding photography business is to assist a professional wedding photographer.
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Get ready for remarkable photo shoot experience with us.
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Wedding fotografer. Learning the basics from a veteran photographer will help you avoid common mistakes. Wedding photography is a specialty in photography that is primarily focused on the photography of events and activities relating to weddingsit may include other types of portrait photography of the couple before the official wedding day such as a pre wedding engagement session photographs are later used for the couple wedding invitations. Fotografer pernikahan fotografer wedding foto pernikahan foto wedding foto pengantin indonesian wedding photographer indonesia fotografer wedding jogja fotografer yogyakarta semarang solo surabaya jakarta bandung bali pekanbaru jambi medan palangka.
Before you begin have an idea of style of wedding photography youre after and your estimated budget. The group covers digital printed media venue agency online store wedding exhibitions and honeymoon agency. Finding a professional photographer to capture all the intimate emotional moments as the day unfolds is arguably one of the most important elements during wedding planning.
Help me with some wedding photography tips please this is a regular question at dps so we put together these tips. Established in 2002 weddingku group is an indonesia leading wedding media and retail operator with more than 300000 community members. After the wedding day those photos and video are all thats left to help you remember the day.
On the official wedding day the photographers. Wedding photography videography. Just make it happen.
You should know the dos and donts of wedding photography before shooting any wedding. Wedding photography 21 tips for amateur wedding photographers. Im photographing my first wedding.
Dont let anyone tell you its worth skimping on wedding photography or videography. 17 inspirasi foto prewedding konsep foto prewedding ide foto prewedding hijab hijabers outdoor di pantai sepanjang wonosari gunung kidul jogjaemiadam pre wedding photos pre wedding hijab photography by poetrafoto fotografer prewedding jogja yogyakarta wedding photographer indonesia. We are thepotomoto photography an expert in pre wedding and wedding photography based in jakarta bali and available to travel cross border.
Help me with some wedding photography tips please this is a regular question at dps so we put together these tips.
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