#yo mika
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albaricomics · 9 months ago
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Who would've thought
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rennebright · 3 months ago
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Mika by yo_owl [Twitter/X] ※Illustration shared with permission from the artist. If you like this artwork please support the artist by visiting the source.
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randomkposts · 1 year ago
#my theory is that sins regenerating with yu yevon breaking down the final Aeons
#their minds I mean. to turn them into the next sin
#rebuilding that armor and each time he gets better at it while he is slowly turning into a parasite
#until all we see is that tick
#tbf those 5 were the ones that were sucessful
#that became high summoners
#previous summoners had gave up & turned back
# or killed on their journey
Tags by @moonlightlunalaa
Your theory about regenerating Sin makes sense. It would get easier to break down the armor over time, as Yu Yevon gets better at being a parasite.
There being only five summoners, makes less sense to me. I hope you don't mind if I ramble a bit. Or a lot, knowing me.
In part its a numbers reason, that bugs me. As I said before, there are 600 years between Gandolf and Yunalesca. And 170 years between Gandolf and Ohalland. The last two have a much shorter gap between them. This is all over 1000 year time period. While there is no trajactory to mesure the progress of the devouring of defences by the parasite ghost tick, and Sin likley gets stronger over the incarnations, thats still a lot of time for Sin to be rampaging and Spira to still have people left to grow up to be summoners.
Braska's calm was apparantly less then a year, which offers no time at all for the people of Spira to recover. Less then a year, thats time to sucessfully have a pregnancy, but no time to raise a child, or even sucessfully train as a summoner. I feel that has to be an unusually short calm, as for the poupluation to have still been alive, there has to have been a longer recovery time, and even at me trying to make a high estimate (20 years), and inflating Braska's to high of seven, we get 163 years spread out between 1000 years. If we go for something lower, like assuming 2, we get eight years of no sin, which is not enough time for recovery, especially spread out.
Yes, people of Spira live fast and expect to die young. Lulu is 22 in game, and already has a dead fiance. Rikku, at 15 would like to see Yuna settle down and get married, and does say that people tend to marry the first person they fall in love with. How old was Lulu when she got engaged I wonder?
Yuna trained from 15 to 17, and is said to be talanted, possibly implying that other people train longer. In contrast, Braska was a high summoner at 35. He fell in love and eloped at 27. Intrestingly, priests are said to often be summoners or former summoners which may possibly mean this might be his second pilgrimage attempt. Or perhaps, most priests are just good at the sending, which would make a lot of sense.
Speaking in the direction of Yevon, its leaders are covering a lot of things. Seymour is the minister of affairs, which oversees temples, rituals, and teachings of summoners. He has the authority to handle the records of sealed histories. Seymour hasn't held his position long (thankfully), but someone who has held his position a long time is Yo Mika. He has held the title of grand master for fifty years (he is 99). Assuming that the avrage person in Spiria has their first kid at 21, and and their kid continues the trend, he has "lived" past four, almost five generations of Spirians. Ruleing as grand Master for 50 years, he has ruled through Yunas time and her fathers time. How many of those years were spent alive is unkown, but in the live fast die young cycle of Spira, he was the equivalent of the Queen of England or whatever.
Critically, Yo Mika is indiffrent to Seymours partacide, and puts Yuna on trial for murder of a master, despite not doing a thing about Seymour's doing so. He's also a racist, and also cool with execution, as he tries to do to the party.
He's shown more then willing to lie and cover up truths in game and has had a rule of fifty years. What other truths has he been hiding. What other truths has Yevon been hiding?
There are a lot of ruins in Spira. Makes sense, after the thousands of years death spiral. Three known abandoned temples.
One is Remiem. Lost after Gandof's battle with Sin. Ok.
Baaj. An island attacked by Sin and left in ruins. In game it houses Anima, who is a new faith. She is Seymour's mother, who was exiled to Baaj with her son. Between her mysterious unnamed dying of something, and Nilihism, she decided that the best way to gain acceptance for her son of interracial marriage, was self sacrifice. Her husband aplroved. So she was apparantly a badass, and she served as a guardian to her ten year old son, and took him to Zanarkand, and became his fayth, where her kid balked on the plan. At age 25, he came back for her Fayth, and took it to the temple, where he sealed her.
Was there a Fayth there before? Maybe. After all, I assume Seymour learned to summon with someone else before summoning Mom. Aditionally, its not the first time a fayth has been moved.
Yojimbo:- "Centries earlier, the Yojimbo Fayth was stolen from an Unkown temple, and taken to a cave to impede summoners journey's"
So she's probably not Baaj temple's lost summon if we assume Seymour had another summon, but with them we have the existance of at least two lost temples, and with them, missing histories. Maybe more summoner statues, crushed admist the ruin. Perhaps amongst the sealed records the minister of affairs has are controversial summoners the religion of Yevon decided were better left forgotten.
Water is such a big part of the game, but where is an aeon for Siren, or Leviathan?
But to get back on the main track, I know that there are a lot of failed summoners, by death or retirement, but there is also a lot of history that is forgotton, both through the distruction of Sin, and deliberately on the part of Yevon, thst I feel more summoners would make a lot of sense.
While I am thinking about final fantasy X
How long does a calm last?
Every fanfiction has their own take on it. And while the game does indicate Calms are varients, I think numbers like a year or two (or shorter), are unrealistic.
Lady Yunalesca defeated the first Sin 1000 years before Yunas in game journey.
Gandof, the first Summoner after Yunalesca came 600 years after her. Gandof also accomplished other great deeds, like Qactuars entrapment apparantly. So 400 years pre- game. I have to wonder what Sin was up to? Did he have Annual attacks? Are all other parts of the world destroyed besides Spirian Islands? Hard what at that official history. So while probably Sin has probably done a hell of a number on the Spiran poupluation, I don't know that how Spira is still standing if Sin is half as destructive as it was in game. FFX your world is sad and beautiful, but your lore makes me want to kick things sometimes. And this is one of them. Probably not what I should do at 2am, but yolo.
Possible theories include but are not limited to- Sin has gotten faster over the years in travel time to sow more destruction.
-Sin has recovered from the calm faster over time, like a virus learning resistance to antibody.
-Sin conqured other worlds occasionally coming back to cause Havoc on Spira.
-Summoners with the strength to seal Sin have had their leinages die out.
-Jecht personally got into a pissing match with his son, and the destruction seen in game was an unusually high ammount?
In order for Spira to still be standing, the poupluation has to have time to recover. And it takes 15 years for someone to be somewhat of an adult. Sort of. And we have to assume that summoners are not grown on trees, and that it takes more then just changing your job class to be an effective one. At least 2-3 years. In other words, training. Apparantly his Calm was short lived, in whatever the hell that Means in Calm timelines.
High summoner Ohalland came 230 years before Yuna. The blitzball playing priest. It doesn't specify the length of his calm, but apparantly he was only the third.
The numbers make me baffled, ok. Theres 170 years between them, assuming the numbers are accurate. 170 years between High summoners second and third. 600 between the first and second.
This does not make a lot of sense of the Calm is two years. Two years is not a lot of time to recover the poupluation after being struck by the uncaring fists of death and destruction.
Yocun was 100 years before game. She was the Crusader High summoner. She had a sword, and is apparantly the first female summoner since the original. Her Guardian is a warrior Monk!
Then 13 years before the game, Sin killed Braskas wife, and So Braska went back to the temples to get summoner training after all his priest training. So now theres a 90 year gap.
But I'm still in disbelif over the only five High Summoners Over 1000 years period, and the intensity of the gaps. Like Sir, I'm no mathmatician, but your numbers are insane. Absoloute hard what. If any Sin is capable of disintigration like at Mushroom rock, and even without that drownings seem to be frequent given its tropics, what has the rate of death been over those thousand years? Not just direct death from monster attack, but death from messing up the landscape, or killing the people needed to bring in harvest and support the poupluations. The property it destorys, people crused in homes, breathless in the merciless ocean?
Summomers do not have a high sucess rate, with both dead summoners, and ones who give up encountered on the journey. Lulu has been a guardian to both an ex-summoner, and a Dead one.
So I think that, while high summoner is not a roll anyone should be able to fulfill, I think that its sensible for there to be more then five High Summoners before Yuna. Let Takumi and Kaya, Katara and Sakura, Dimitri and Lambert have been summoners in the time before Yuna. Make some OC High summoners. I've just expanded the summoner count to nine, and even with those numbers it still feels pretty unbelivable.
Like, lets give the Years of Calm an unlikly number of 20 years. 9x20 =180. Lets give Gandof 10, beacuse actually his was apparantly short. 170. And give Braska 7, as thats when Yuna joined training (3 years before start). 163. Thats 837 years of Sin rampaging. Or 900 with the original at 20 years.
And thats paced throughout the 1000 years.
Lets go to 10 years for 3, 5 for Gan, 7 for Braska. Thats 42 years of Calm. 17 within a 100 year time period.
If Sin is something that builds up the longer it is active, then that period of 600 years before Gandof became a summoner is boggling. What is Sin doing? Spawning Jenova?
Even if we give Yunalesca and Ohalland 25 years of Calm, for ridiclously long, Braska 7, Yocun 15, and Gandof 10 thats still less then 100 years for recovery, paced out over 1000 years. Just what in the world is missing in the history between what was covered up in the church, and what is lost to time known only to the fadeing ruins? Other summoners, so my bet goes. Swallowed by church propaganda and time.
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juneiper-art · 5 months ago
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Introducing my Rook... Mika. She's committed six felonies and is planning her seventh.
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rivalcobalt · 7 months ago
Genuinely what the fuck was Hiroyuki Sawano doing writing bangers for mediocre anime like ons and aldnoah.zero in like 2015
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sushis4kalyo · 2 years ago
Mika - Medley [Love Today / Grace Kelly / Yo-Yo / Happy Ending] 🎤
Eurovision 2022 - Interval Act
Il ne faut pas oublier que l'Eurovision 2022, c'était aussi Mika qui a réveillé tout le monde pendant l'interval act ! C'est que du bonheur pour les yeux et les oreilles !
Suite à ce post' je me suis improvisé un petit karaoké sur Grace Kelly. J'ai plus de voix mais je me suis éclatée !
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lovelyhan · 2 years ago
KAI! so proud of u :3 ik how hard u have been working and! so glad u have all that out of the way now
i have to retake one (1) course that culled like . 70% of the student population that took it this sem but it is what it is ㅠㅠ thank you for saying this bc i need all the validation i can get honestly LMFAO
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lyricsssdotin · 7 months ago
Rani Tu Mein Raja Lyrics
Singer:Mika Singh, Bhavya Pandit, Yo Yo Honey SinghAlbum:Son of Sardaar Dialogue:Waise aap naha-dho ka naa bilkul nahaye dhoye se lagte ho He he Chal jhoote Tu meri rani, main hoon tera rajaAaja meri baahon mein aajaHaan kar de mujhkoMain tere ghar le aaunga (Band baaja) Milan swayamvar aaj racha jaDil ke sheesh mehal mein aajaBin pheron ke byaah racha jaRani tu main rajaRani tu main…
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polycule-playoff · 11 months ago
Are there any images for the characters in The Book of Firsts? Or any fanart? The characters are:
Also, I'm struggling to find images for all of the characters in My School President. Would anyone more familiar with the show be able to share some screenshots of:
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paralien · 1 year ago
Hey, I accepted responsibility over 1 cat. why am i takong care of 3 cats w 0 communication from the owners of the other 2 cats?
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mika-the-shadowbeast · 1 year ago
"Who gave this creep my phone number?!?! He keeps harassing me!!"
"I've put my new phone number on Facebook. Because I can't be bothered to tell the people I want to know what it is now."
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whizzergoingmadd · 2 years ago
hes singing about dick again……
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rubys-domain · 2 years ago
i have zero motivation to build up my alt acc
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w00fwoof · 2 years ago
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lyricsssdotin · 8 months ago
Dama Dam Mast Kalandar Lyrics
Singer:Mika Singh, Yo Yo Honey SinghAlbum:Welcome Back Allah hoo.. Allah hoo.. Ho Lal meri pat rakhiyo bala Jhoole LaalanLal meri pat rakhiyo bala Jhoole LaalanSindhri da Sehvan da sakhi Shabaaz KalanderDuma dum mast Kalandar (Allah hoo..)Ali da pehla number (Allah hoo..)Duma dum mast Kalander (Allah hoo..)Sakhi Shabaaz Kalander.. (Allah hoo..) Ho naal tere main nachna hai jag nu bhula keNal…
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easyrevengc · 10 months ago
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se queda detenido unos segundos ante la repentina cercanía, inmerso en el rostro atractivo hasta que su amigo vuelve a hablar. incluso por unos segundos se olvida que ha dicho, pero por suerte tras despabilar logra recordar lo suficiente para devolver la jugarreta. ' pffft. ¿besarte? ¿yo a ti? ya te gustaría, oliver. admítelo. ' dice en su pequeño momento de atrevimiento, acercando su rostro un poco más cuando lo confronta y dedicándole una sonrisa satisfecha. ' ¿me invitarás a beber y a bailar? me parece una excelente idea, aunque te costará mucho más que eso para besarme~ ' canturrea, aún sin deshacer la distancia, desafiante.
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' ¿quieres qué te diga eso, cierto? ' alza su ceja, sonriendo ladinamente. ' quizá eres tú quien está pensando en mí de manera. ' alza sus cejas para molestarlo y ocupar sus palabras en su contra. ' siempre he creído que te gustaría besarme. ' sonrisa maliciosa se forma en sus labios por un momento y aprovecha para acercar su rostro a opuesto. ' te invitar�� a beber algo y después podríamos ir a… ' se queda por un momento pensando. ' ¿a bailar? o donde tu quieras. ' no tenía un sitio de preferencia. ' que dramático saliste. ' rueda sus ojos para reírse después. ' no te ignoraré. ' rueda sus ojos.
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