#yo joon sang
annmaximoff18 · 9 days
Y/N: Why would you give a knife to Jeok-bong?!
Mo-Tak: He said he felt unsafe!
Y/N: Well, now I feel unsafe!
Mo-Tak, reaching into his jacket: You want a knife?
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andaniellight · 13 days
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Do you understand the violence it took to become this gentle?
백설공주에게 죽음을 | Black Out (2024) - Ep. 6 // "I Will Tell this Story to the Sun Until You Remember that You are the Sun", Erin Slaughter // "Snow and Dirty Rain", Richard Siken // Nitya Prakash
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existingingrey · 6 days
He protecc
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He attac
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But most importantly he a snacc he give Goh Jeong Woo snacc
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drivingsideways · 2 years
SFD rewatch, episodes 1-5
One of the best first episodes of a series. Quickly and indelibly establishes the characterization of all the major players.
Love the kid actors, but mainly Lee Re as Boon-yi.
Piglet scene still as unacceptable as the first time. Come on.
Absolutely in love with the theatrical scene constructions, including how we meet Jeong do jeon (stealing a potato); the farce at Yi In geom's residence, Ddang-sae telling the story of "Viper", and the first time we see the Do Dang. I do love Jeong do-jeon inciting a riot (and Kim Myung-min's sexy sexy voice) but also? I think on the first watch and now, it felt a bit off. Mostly because the song becomes a swelling soundtrack over the scene- I wish they had just let it be Jeong do jeon's voice going hoarse and a few people singing it.
Got impatient with the segue into Gongmin's assassination, and at some points the name drops become tiresome. I know SFD was written for an audience familiar with these characters, and so this is on me, but having to pause every few minutes to look up wiki or bodashri's tumblr (seriously MVP of the SFD fandom) is not a great viewing experience for me.
Gil Tae mi -11/10 no notes, especially in that mango-yellow robe. Park Hyuk-kwon completely pussy out in this drama, playing twins who are polar opposites in everything except that they fight like ballet dancers.
Had to ffwd Yeon-hee's rape scene and aftermath. Yes, we get it, losing his mother and his lover are foundational to everything about Ddang-sae, but hoo boy, how about they'd...just not?
I just really, really enjoy Hong In-bang's villainy- his turn to it makes 50 times more sense to me that whatever is going on with that little psycho with his murder grove. [When he went on about justice preventing evil, my eyes rolled back in my head so hard. OKAY, you pathetic little meow-meow, if that works for you, I GUESS.]
Love that the writers re-used a line from TwDR- paraphrased, it's that "the people endure, while monarchies rise and fall". In TwDR, when Sejong says it to Jeong gi-joon, it's to refute his rather nihilistic view of the chaotic future where people are able to choose their own leaders; here Hong In bang uses it to justify raising taxes on an already overtaxed population. Writers nim, your minds.
Boon yi is THE BEST
Moo-hyul is a baby. Imagine watching the extremely boring Jo Jin-woong playing this character in 2011 and then waking up to Yoon Kyung-sang's adorable himbeaux portrayal in this.
Byun Yo-han is such a genuinely lovely actor; I just wish that Ddang-sae's whole trajectory wasn't unmitigated misery. It's harder on the rewatch because at least the first time I had hope. I think writer nims are fond of reminding us that being born poor , and consequently often powerless to resist constant degradation, is a lifelong curse that only a few escape- you see it in Kang Chae Yoon's fate as well- but I think Kang Chae yoon's fate felt like less of a punishment by capricious gods than Ddang-sae's.
Ok, but Byun Yo-han and that marketplace performance. LOVELY.
Ddang-sae's leaving Baek Yoon's dead body in the street like a prom invite for Sambong. (and then he went and left and actual note that says "whom do i kill next?") made me laugh. C'mon Sambong, take some time out from fulfilling your divine purpose to give this boy the railing he deserves. I feel like so many of both their problems would have been solved by this.
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agentcable · 8 months
Mouse (2021) Ep. 19 Recap
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Moo-Chi and Bong-Yi are getting closer to the truth. Meanwhile, Ba-Reum is searching for his aunt, the final missing puzzle piece. Sang, who is attempting to confirm Ba-Reum's alibi, discovers something suspicious at Ba-Reum's house.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
In Episode 19, a long-expected twist is revealed. Ba-Reum is actually the Head Hunter's son, and Yo-Han was innocent all along. Seo-Joon informs a shell-shocked Ji-Eun of this when she arrives at the hospital. The operation was performed by Seo-Joon to keep Ba-Reum alive.
Moo-Chi conducts a blood test and discovers important information. Ba-Reum wakes up and realizes that Bong-Yi has seen the scar on his arm. He tries to hug her, but she pulls away and leaves in shock.
Meanwhile, Hong-Joo goes to the hospital and finds that her mother is in critical condition. Fortunately, her baby is unharmed. Du-Seok brings the child back to her and apologizes on behalf of his wife, explaining that she is ill. After returning the baby, he walks back into the hospital. After ensuring her child's safety, Hong-Joo visits Seo-Joon in prison. He claims that she is more like him, and we see flashbacks of Hyun-Soo's captivity and escape from the Head Hunter. Hong-Joo promises to kill Seo-Joon for his actions, telling him that it will exceed all expectations. As she leaves, he chuckles.
Meanwhile, Ba-Reum visits his Aunt, who is shocked to see him. It was revealed that the woman who was thought to be Jae-Hoon's aunt was actually recruited by OZ. Her first assignment was to keep a watchful eye on Jae-Hoon and monitor his progress. Soo-Ho was originally assigned to this task, but he was replaced by her after he murdered Jae-Hoon's family. When Hoon-Suk visited Ba-Reum, she quit her job at OZ. She was hysterical because she didn't want Ba-Reum to harm her son, knowing what he was capable of. Ba-Reum was hit by a car while chasing Yo-Han on the night of Bong-Yi's grandmother's death. OZ was also involved. OZ played a crucial role in this by monitoring Yo-Han and preventing him from confessing the truth about Daniel Lee and Ba-Reum.
In the meantime, Detective Shin retrieved a laptop from Yo-Han's apartment. While waiting for forensics to access some files, Detective Lee returned to the station and saw Shin carrying the computer. Lee attempted to control Shin, but since his wife had just given birth, Shin refused to comply. Unfortunately, he is stabbed by a random person in the parking lot who takes his laptop and leaves the detective to bleed out and die. When Shin's body is discovered, Bong-Yi immediately suspects Ba-Reum. Moo-Chi also suspects him, but CCTV footage shows that Ba-Reum is in Jeju at the time of the murder, giving him an alibi. However, Detective Lee does not have an alibi. Bong-Yi is unaware of this and goes to Ba-Reum's apartment with the intention of stabbing him. Before she can do so someone comes up from behind and knockes her out.
Ba-Reum arrives at Choi Young-Shin's apartment with big news. Daniel Lee gave him this address, claiming that she's a "top predator". As she puts her bag on the table, Ba-Reum confronts her.
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thasorns-archive · 4 years
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It’s been years, and he still hasn’t gotten the hang of it.
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olivierdemangeon · 4 years
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  Des dizaines de personnes vont être tuées par des troupes armées gouvernementales lors d’un massacre dans la ville de Gwangju en Corée du Sud au printemps 1980…
    “Hwaryeohan hyuga” (화려한 휴가), ou “May 18” pour la distribution internationale, est un film historique dramatique datant de 2007, réalisé par Kim Ji-hoon, à qui l’on doit également “The Tower” (2012). Les acteurs principaux sont Kim Sang-kyung, qu’on a pu voir dans “Montage” (2013), Ahn Sung-ki, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Divine Move” (2014), Lee Yo-won, qu’on a pu voir dans “Perfect Number” (2012), Lee Joon-gi, qu’on a pu voir dans “The King and the Clown” (2005), Park Chul-min, qu’on a pu voir dans “Perfect Proposal” (2015)”, Park Won-sang, qu’on a pu voir dans “Warriors of the Dawn” (2017), Song Jae-ho, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Spy: Undercover Operation” (2013), et Na Moon-hee, qu’on a pu voir dans “Cruel Winter Blues” (2006). Ce métrage est paru le 27 juillet 2007.
“May 18”, tout comme “26 Years” (2012) de Cho Geun-hyun, ainsi que “A Taxi Driver” (2017) de Jang Hoon, est basé sur l’histoire réelle du massacre de Gwangju, le 18 mai 1980. Dans le présent, l’histoire est plus centrée sur les faits eux-mêmes lorsque le général Chun Doo-hwan a tenté d’éliminer toute forme de rébellion en utilisant la force militaire. Le récit se concentre essentiellement sur Min-woo (Kim Sang-kyung), un chauffeur de taxi, qui mène une vie relativement paisible avec Jin-woo (Lee Joon-gi), son jeune frère, encore étudiant. Lorsque les soldats se déchaînent contre les citoyens, ces derniers décident de former une milice, bien déterminée à protéger leurs familles, Min-woo se retrouve au beau milieu de tout cela. Les choses vont basculer lorsque l’armée décide de tirer à balles réelles sur des manifestants, tuant des dizaines de citoyens. Ceux qui ont vu certains de leurs proches tomber sous les balles, forment un groupe de défense civique sous l’impulsion de Heung-soo (Ahn Sung-ki), un ancien officier de l’armée désormais à la retraite. Un ultimatum est adressé à ce groupe d’insurgés leur ordonnant de déposer les armes. Refusant de se soumettre tout en se retranchant dans les bâtiments de la mairie, l’assaut est donné par les militaires, ouvrant la voie à une bataille sanglante…
“May 18” est un film historique construit sur des événements réels. Le fameux soulèvement de Gwangju. Comme souvent dans l’histoire de nombreux pays, le mouvement est parti des étudiants qui ont commencé à manifester contre le gouvernement de l’époque. Bien que ce dernier ait imposé la loi martiale pour faire taire les contestations, les étudiants continuèrent leurs manifestations. L’État décide d’envoyer l’armée pour mater les contestataires. Sans qu’on ne sache réellement pourquoi et sur l’ordre de qui, les soldats se mirent à tirer sur la foule. Selon les différentes sources, le nombre de morts oscillerait entre 600 et 2.000. On rapporte différentes formes d’exactions de la part de forces gouvernementales. Des coups de bâtons, des coups de couteaux, des tirs, et même des viols. Les autorités ont défini les incidents comme une rébellion provoquée par des sympathisants communistes. Dix-sept années plus tard, en 1997, un cimetière national et une journée de commémoration ont été créés, accompagnés par des actions d’indemnisation des victimes.
L’histoire s’articule donc autour de Min-woo (Kim Sang-kyung), qui officie comme chauffeur de taxi. Il s’occupe de son jeune frère Jin-woo (Lee Joon-gi) depuis le décès de leurs parents. En outre, il est amoureux de Shin-ae (Lee Yo-won), jeune femme qui s’avère être la fille de son patron, Park Heung-soo (Ahn Sung-ki). Les deux tourtereaux construisent doucement leur relation quand l’armée débarque en frappant sur tout ce qui bouge. Alors qu’il adopte une attitude passive et non agressive, les choses vont basculer pour Min-woo lorsque son frère sera abattu sous ses yeux. Il va alors intégrer la rébellion et en être un des leaders, au côté de son patron, lui-même ancien militaire. Pendant ce temps, Shin-ae viendra en aide aux blessés au sein de l’équipe médicale.
Le scénario concocté par Na Hyun laisse suffisamment de place à l’action, mais c’est bien évidemment l’aspect dramatique qu’on retiendra le plus. Associé à la mise en scène de Kim Ji-hoon, le film démontre clairement l’impact psychologique du drame. Les manifestants ne s’attendaient clairement pas à se faire canarder de la sorte. Non contents d’avoir tiré sur la foule à l’instar d’un peloton d’exécution, les soldats donnèrent ensuite la charge, achevant les blessés et tirant dans le dos de la foule affolée. Bien que les images ne soient pas particulièrement sanglantes, la mise en images est tout de même choquante qu’en à l’attitude des militaires. Les 118 minutes du métrage se concluent par l’assaut final lorsque l’armée attaque l’hôtel de ville de Gwangju, où les dissidents avaient installé leur quartier général. Autant dire que peu parmi les personnages centraux survivront…
Les valeurs de production présentées pour ce “May 18” sont plus que satisfaisantes. La phonographie proposée par Lee Doo-nam permet aux spectateurs de se retrouver au cœur de la mêlée lorsque les militaires donnent l’assaut. Les décors sont réduits à quelques lieux symboliques de la ville, la mairie, l’hôpital, les locaux de la société de taxi dans laquelle le personnage principal travaille, le cinéma de la ville, et surtout, la rue principale de cette municipalité qui comptait 850.000 habitants à l’époque des faits. La bande originale signée Kim Seong-hyeon vient agréablement accompagner le récit, mettant l’accent sur les passages les plus tragiques de l’histoire. Le montage orchestré par Wang Sang-ik et Hahm Sung-won est bien équilibré entre les séquences dynamiques et les passages mettant en scène les interactions entre les personnages. Doté d’un budget de 10 millions de dollars, le film a rapporté près de 50 millions de dollars. En outre, le métrage a obtenu de nombreuses nominations, mais n’a malheureusement reçu aucune récompense, peut-être pour des raisons politiques, le sujet étant relativement sensible aujourd’hui encore.
En conclusion, “May 18” est un film rude disposant d’une histoire basée sur des faits réels et dramatiques, d’une intrigue captivante et d’un développement brutal. Le rythme est cohérent avec l’histoire, le récit est fluide et la narration est linéaire. La photographie est de bonne qualité, la bande musicale vient fortement souligner les passages les plus tragiques du récit et le montage est bien équilibré. La distribution offre de très bonnes prestations, mettant essentiellement en lumière l’impact dramatique rencontré par les personnages. L’ensemble est très percutant tout en proposant un éclairage sans fioritures d’un événement particulièrement abrupt de l’histoire récente de la Corée du Sud. Un film à découvrir pour son exposé authentique.
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    MAY 18 (2007) ★★★★☆ Des dizaines de personnes vont être tuées par des troupes armées gouvernementales lors d'un massacre dans la ville de Gwangju en Corée du Sud au printemps 1980...
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demonwifey · 3 years
Actually the picture of beetlejuice in that post from the Korean production isn't the main actor for Beetlejuice (Jung Sung Hwa), that's an understudy- Yu Joon Sang!
Yo, thanks for correcting me! I thought I saw two different pictures and I figured one of them was an understudy. This is for everyone else to know too! Here’s the picture I found on Instagram:
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So the man on the top left is an understudy!
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cbk-ed · 3 years
[file #220308] - by bkps megng
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[name] 조병규 - Cho Byeong Kyu [DOB] 1996.04.23 [debut date] 2015.04.27 [blood type] A [MBTI] ENFP, INFP, INTJ (x)
2020.12.31, SBS Drama Awards 2020, Best Rookie Award winner (x) 2021.12.19, Asia Model Awards 2021, Rising Star Award winner (x)
(please inform me if any link doesn't work. thank you.)
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상업영화 / commercial movies
2022, 죽어도 다시 한번 [전우석] (x) even if I die, I do once again [jeon woo seok] 
2021, 이 안에 외계인이 있다 [도건태] full.kr there is an alien here [do geon tae]
2019, 우상 [구요한] full.en cut.kr idol [goo yo han]
2019, 걸캅스 [강한솔, 막내 형사] full.en cut.kr girl cops [kang han sol, the youngest detective] 
2018, 소녀의 세계 [고우철] full.en cut.kr fantasy of the girls [go woo cheol] 
2016, 목숨 건 연애 [설록환] full.en cut.en life risking romance [sul rok hwan, young]
독립영화 / independent movies
2022, 스쿨 카스트 [?] (x) school cast [?]
2022, 밀레니얼 킬러 [정식] (x) millennial killer [jeong sik] 
2021, 김공주들 [병규] (x) killing kim gong joo [himself]
2021, 히키코모리는 안녕하십니까 [기우] (teaser.en) hikikomori, hello [ki woo] 
2020, 하드코어 로맨스 [김행남] serieson teaser.en hardcore romance [kim haeng nam] 
2020, 스페셜 엔딩 [전수원] serieson teaser.en special ending [jeon su won] 
2019, 나이트 버드 [?] (x) night birds [?] 
2017, 그럴 수 밖에 없었다 [성광] full.kr (x) I had no other choice [song kwang] 
2017, 김희선 [최동훈] serieson full.kr teaser kim hee sun [choi dong hoon] 
2017, 똑똑똑 [연우] (not found) knock, knock, knock [yeon woo]
2017, 잇챠 [병규] (not found) let's go [himself]
2016, 오늘 만난 슈팅스타 [무주] teaser.kr (x) shooting star [moo joo]
2016, 비밀 [박지수] purplay full.kr teaser.kr (x) secret [park ji soo]
2016, 아가페 [송태우] full.kr teaser.en (x) agape [song tae woo]
2016, 춘천행 [김태수] moviebloc (x) train to chuncheon [kim tae soo]
2016, 시네마 게임 썸 [상식] (not found) cinema game “some” [sang sik]
2016, 인터체인지 [이준석] full.kr interchange [lee jun seok]
2016, 학교전쟁 [병규] full.en trailer.kr school battle [himself]
2017, 빵셔틀의 반란 [중앙초 야구부 에이스] full.kr revolution of bread delivery boys  [the ace of joongang elementary school baseball team]
2017, 렛 미 아웃 [?] full.kr let me out [?]
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TV 드라마 / tv dramas
TBA, 찌질의 역사 [서민기] (x) history of losers [seo min ki]
2020, 경이로운 소문 [소문] netflix full.en making the uncanny counter [so mun] 
2019, 스토브리그 [한재희] netflix full.en making hot stove league [han jae hee] 
2019, 아스달 연대기 [사트닉] 10-11-12-16.en cut.en arthdal chronicles [sateunik] 
2019, 사이코메트리 그녀석 [강성모] full.en cut.en making he is psychometric [kang seong mo, young] 
2018, 스카이캐슬 [차기준] full.en cut.en making SKY castle [cha ki joon, the 2nd twin] 
2018, 시간 [김복규] full.en time [kim bok gyu] 
2018, 라디오 로맨스 [고훈정] netflix full.en cut.kr radio romance [go hoon jung] 
2017, 돈꽃 [강필주] full.en cut.kr money flower [kang pil joo, young] 
2017, 란제리 소녀시대 [이봉수] full.en girls' generation 1979 [lee bong soo, jung hee's twin] 
2017, 청춘시대 2 [조충환] 3-5-7-8-14.en cut.kr age of youth 2 [jo chung hwan, ji won's junior] 
2017, 7일의 왕비 [백석희] full.en cut.kr queen for seven days [baek seok hee, young] 
2016, 더 케이투 [알바] netflix 08.en cut.kr the K2 [himself, the part-timer] 
2016, 뷰티풀 마인드 [계정수] full.en cut.kr beautiful mind [gye jeong su, jin sung's brother] 
2016, 그래, 그런거야 [환자] 28.en cut.en yeah, that's how it is [himself, the patient] 
2015, 라이더스: 내일을 잡아라 [김민중] 7-8-9-10.en riders: catch tomorrow [kim min joong] 
2015, 후아유: 학교 2015 [조병규] netflix full.en cut who are you: school 2015 [himself]
웹드라마 / web dramas
2018, 독고 리와인드 [김종일] full.en cut.en bts dokgo rewind [kim jong il]
2018, 음주가무 시즌2 [유감우] full.kr (archive) drink, sing and dance 2 [yoo gam woo] 
2017, 사이:비트윈 [조병규] full.en cut.kr between [himself] 
2017, 서울은 처음이라서 [조병규] full.kr my first time in seoul [himself] 
2017, 신감독의 슬기로운 사생활 [조병구] full.en the sensible life of director shin [cho byeong ku] 
2017, 사랑쓰다 [병규] full.en to write love [himself] 
2017, 음주가무 [유감우] full.kr (archive) drink, sing and dance [yoo gam woo]
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2017, 식사 [존] (x) meal [john]
2016, LOVESTART [조병규] lovestart [himself]
2016, 로미오와 줄리엣 [김수로 프로젝트] romeo and juliet [kim su ro project]
2015, 갈매기 [뜨레쁠레프] (x) the seagull [treplev]
2014, 오셀로 [이아고] (x) othello [iago]
2013, 맹진사댁 경사 [미연] the sergeant of maengjin's house [miyeon]
2013, 햄릿 [햄릿] hamlet [hamlet]
2012, 올모스트 메인 [LENDALL] almost maine [lendall]
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2016, 레미제라블 [마리우스] les misérables [marius]
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2015, 《1994년 어느 늦은 밤》, 임형주 (full cut) one late night in 1994, lim hyung joo
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2021.03.01, (02* at 0:54, 1:06, 2:06) 독립만세 [2회] hurrah for independence [ep.2] (*) all I could find is a 3-minute video with most of his scenes cutㅠㅠ
2021.02.13 ~ 2021.02.20, (80-81-82) 놀면 뭐하니? [80회~82회] how do you play? [ep.80~82]
2021.02.13, (147) 도레미 마켓 [147회] amazing saturday [ep.147]
2021.02.07, (00) 경이로운 귀환 the uncanny return 
2021.01.22, (01) 범인은 바로 너! 시즌3 [1회] - 특별출연 busted! 3 [ep.1] - special appearance
2021.01.09, (75 at 22:20) 놀면 뭐하니? [75회] how do you play? [ep.75]
2020.11.28, (257) 아는 형님 [257회] knowing bros [ep.257]
2020.03.15, (494) 런닝맨 [494회] running man [ep.494]
2020.02.12, (145 at 29:36) 본격연예 한밤 [145회] new late night e news [ep.145]
2020.01.31, (331) 나 혼자 산다 [331회] I live alone [ep.331]
2019.12.06, (323 at 00:50, 14:27) 나 혼자 산다 [323회] - 특별 출연 I live alone [ep.323] - special appearance 
2019.08.03 ~ 2020.05.30, (00) (my playlist) 자연스럽게 [1회~6회, 8회~12회, 20회, 26회, 36회~43회] naturally [ep.1~6, 8~12, 20, 26, 36~43] 
2019.05.17, (294) 나 혼자 산다 [294회] I live alone [ep.294] 
2019.03.26, (102 at 13:07) 본격연예 한밤 [102회] new late night e news [ep.102] 
2019.01.31 ~ 2019.02.07, (17-18) 해피투게더 시즌4 [17회~18회] happy together 4 [ep. 17~18]
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annmaximoff18 · 10 days
Y/N: Can we take a break?
Mo-Tak:Do you think the bad guys will give you a break?
Y/N: Is that a yes?
Y/N: Oh come on, we can kiss
Mo-Tak:Okay, we have fifteen minutes.
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tintagliat · 4 years
Sageuk(Historical) Kdrama Recommendations
Here are some of my favorites-
The Crowned Clown 
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Joseon is in a state of disorder due to uprisings and a power struggle surrounding King.To avoid assassination, a clown named Ha Sun is brought to the palace to take the place of King Lee Hun. Ha Sun looks almost identical to King Lee Hun.
Cast:Yeo Jin-goo,Kim Sang-kyung,Lee Se-young/My rating:10/10 Amazing plot, cinematography and acting just an overall great drama.(No. of episodes:16)                                                                                                                                                          
My Country: The New Age
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During the transitional period between the end of the Goryeo dynasty and the beginning of the Joseon dynasty, two friends become enemies following a misunderstanding. They try to protect their country, and the people they love, their own way.
Cast:Yang Se-jong,Woo Do-hwan,Kim Seol-hyun,Jang Hyuk/My rating:8.5/10 I’ll be honest the main reason I started watching this show was for the cast, but I was pleasantly surprised, if you like stories with political intrigue and complex characters then this ones for you.(No. of episodes:16)
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During the United States expedition to Joseon  in 1871, a boy from Joseon boards an American warship and goes to America. As an adult, he returns to his home country as an American soldier stationed in the country.
Cast:Lee Byung-hun,Kim Tae-ri,Yoo Yeon-seok,Kim Min-jung,Byun Yo-han/My rating:9/10 Fell in love with the characters and this drama had one of the best bromances I've ever seen.(No. of episodes:24)                                                                               
The Tale of Nokdu
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Set in the Joseon dynasty, the series is about a man who disguises as a woman to enter a mysterious women-only village; and a young woman who does not want to become a gisaeng.
Cast:Jang Dong-yoon,Kim So-hyun,Kang Tae-oh,Jung Joon-ho/My rating:8.5/10 This drama was a hidden gem for me, I would highly recommend this drama as it broke many stereotypes and barriers such as a man dressing up as a woman ,not to mention all the strong female characters, it has an interesting plot too that will keep you hooked.(No. of episodes:32)
Hymn of Death
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Kim Woo-Jin is a stage drama writer while Korea is under Japanese occupation. He is already married, but he falls in love with Yun Sim-Deok.Yun Sim-Deok is the first Korean soprano.Based on the true story of Kim Woo-Jin and Yun Sim-Deok.
Cast:Lee Jong-suk,Shin Hye-sun/My raiting:9.5/10 A short binge worthy show, with impressive cinematography oh and before you start the show word of advice, get your tissues ready.(No.of episodes:6)
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shield-and-sword · 3 years
Street Woman Fighter First Impressions
It's been a hot minute since I've done one of these. I'll probably do this for the whole show, which I haven't done for any of the survival shows I've been watching so far. I might do one for Girls Planet 999 but we'll see.
I'm not super familiar with South Korea's dance scene but I definitely recognize a fair amount of the dancers which was great for me, less names to try to remember lol. I'll do a quick first impression then do another post on the actual content of the episode.
La Chica seem fun, I definitely recognize them as Chungha's dancers and choreographers but I didn't really know any individual names other than Rian. They definitely have a more western/sexy feel to them with like a hint of trashiness (the good kind, if that makes sense lol).
YGX are dressed very YG. I follow YGX on insta so a lot of them are familiar and I remember Yeri from Dancing High so that was nice. They're definitely a young trendy team full of that YG swag. Also I didn't realize Lee Jung was part of Just Jerk, I knew the crew was mixed gender but I didn't recognize her.
Coca N Butter... haaa. So back in the day I was a big Purplow fan so I definitely know them but after the crew broke up I didn't really follow them on the internet as much but I knew that they made a new crew and that Zsun was doing some solo stuff. The vibe is just Girls hip-hop. They're the girl crush type for sure.
Hook, I only know Aiki to be honest. I loved her on World of Dance and I've seen her insta reels but I don't really know what kind of style the crew is going for other than hip-hop, maybe. I definitely feel that Aiki and her kids vibes because her students just seem super young but we'll see.
Holy Bang has my girl, Honey J. She's the initial reason I got into Purplow. I've loved watching her dance ever since I first saw her dancing with Jay Park then we got to see her during Hit the Stage and she even judged an episode of Dancing High. I'm just so into her. I feel a little bad because I don't remember her crew members names even though I know all their faces. It's mostly because I'm more of a fan of Honey J than I am of the crew itself.
Prowdmon again I only know their main players, Monika and Lip J. I'm more familiar with Lip J because I was in a phase and fell into a youtube rabbit hole of waacking videos. Monika definitely has like a cool mom or cool teacher vibe. The crew definitely has that we can do whatever genre vibe to them.
WayB is the one crew I know nothing about at all. Like sure I saw the articles about No:ze but that's about it. They're another young crew so I'm guessing they also have a trendy vibe but again, not super familiar with them.
WANT has one of my favourite 1million choreographers, Choi Hyojin. I love her, she's badass and sexy but she can do something soft emotional like contemporary dance as well. From what I know this crew was made for the show (correct me if I'm wrong). I recognize Emma and Moana, but I didn't know their names until I read their name tags on the show. Then there's Chaeyeon... Girl, I applaud your bravery. It's definitely different going from being an idol to focusing on just dancing and even though she's participated in a lot of survivals the atmosphere on this show is way different. I hope she grows a lot because I've been a fan since her Kpop star days.
Let's move on to the judges. What I found really funny was that the comments that were critical of the judge lineup were almost exactly the same as the comments for the World of Dance judges back when season 1 aired. People were essentially saying they need professional dancers as judges. The makeup of the judging panel is essentially the same as World of Dance as well, with Boa as the main superstar judge (Jennifer Lopez), Hwang Sang Hoon as the professional dancer judge (Derek Hough) and Taeyong as the artist with dance experience (Ne-yo). I don't mind this judge line-up, this is essentially a show for the public so if they focus the judging too much on dance technicalities the audience might not be as interested because not all of them are gonna be dancers or hardcore dance fans. I do wish they had a more structured judging criteria though, but that's my issue with all korean survival shows. I think Taeyong could've been replaced by a more experienced judge though. Taemin or Kai could've been good, or maybe Bae Young Joon, but she's a new mom so she's busy.
Anyway this show is gonna be fun since I love dance programs. I'll do a review post in a couple of days after I've finished my assignment. I might group episode 1 and 2 together.
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Geunyang geunyang neoui gippeumeuro
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Summary-Namjoon sings a song to Jimin, and proposes to him.
TW-Light mention of past alcoholism, anorexia and depression. It’s not a lot, but I wanted to say this just in case.
Namjoon was nervous, his hand ghosting over the pocket in which he had kept the ring box.
Tonight, on the rooftop of the Sky Bar in Seoul, he was going to propose to Park Jimin, his fellow bandmate and boyfriend of three and a half years.
Right now, Jimin was at the balcony of the Sky Bar, looking at the beautiful view of Seoul that the bar had to offer. He had a drink in his hand, and Namjoon knew that would be his only one. Jimin had a past with alcohol, and although he was in a better place, Namjoon knew that Jimin still kept cautious around it.
“Back from the washroom?” his boyfriend asked. Namjoon resisted the urge to just stare into his eyes. “Yeah.” he’d lied. He never went to the washroom, he just gathered his nerves together outside the entrance to the bar.
“Thank you for doing this” Jimin said, his voice a little more than a whisper as he stared at the view. Namjoon loved seeing Jimin like this, calm, serene and captivated. 
“For doing what?”
“This. I know you’ve been busy with the upcoming album, Joon, and in our lives, dates aren’t really that simple. And you know how much I like the view of Seoul from a height.” Jimin looked at him, and Namjoon guessed that he was touched by his gesture. Since neither of them were out to the public yet, they had to block off areas so that they could have date without risking their relationships, and letting their moments be seen by fans or Dispatch.
“I’d do anything for you, Jimin.” the two lovers stared at each other with love in their eyes before Namjoon leaned in and captured their lips in a chaste kiss.
 “Seoul’s so pretty in the nighttime.” Namjoon remarked. No matter how many times either of them-or even the rest of their band-saw this view, it always captivated them the same way it had the first time.
“Well, so are you.” Jimin couldn’t help but add the cheesy line. Both of them laughed, in a way that only they could make each other.
Namjoon quickly finished off his beer. It was time. He went through all the things that the other boys had told him when he expressed his wish to propose to his lover. 
“Sing a song” was something that all of them had in common. Although the song had varied. from Jungkook suggesting “Smithereens” by Twenty One Pilots (there were too many high notes), to Jin’s suggestion of “Falling in Love With You”(too cheesy), to Hobi and Tae’s mixed suggestion of “Dear Future Husband” by Meghan Trainor(Just NO). In the end, they picked on a song that had a special meaning to both Namjoon and Jimin.
“I modeun geon uyeoni anya” he started singing. Despite his insecurities in his singing voice, Jimin had reassured Namjoon that he’d always love his voice. “ Geunyang geunyang naui neukkimeuro “ Jimin looked at him in surprise before he picked up on the song.
Serendipity, the song that Jimin sand on the Love Yourself:Answer album. The song that Namjoon had written for Jimin in order to convey that he had feelings for him. The song that played when they said their first “I love you’s”.
“On sesangi eojewan dalla “ Jimin sang, in a voice that wasn’t his typical soprano, rather it was his natural voice. “ Geunyang geunyang neoui gippeumeuro “ 
They both continued the song together, alternating every two lines. Although it was impromptu (at least for Jimin, whereas Namjoon had practised in front of Yoongi and Jungkook for two hours), they fell into a natural rhythm, as if they always burst into song at random moments. 
This was their magic. They way they could always work together seamlessly, like parts of a machine.
After the impromptu duet ended, Namjoon wrapped Jimin into a back hug, which Jimin gladly accepted.
Taking a deep breath, Namjoon started the speech that he’d written while Jimin thought he was working on the album.
“Jimin-ah, when I met you, it was in the BigHit building. I don’t think anyone knew what we were going to become. We were just two boys who thought we were straight. You were, shy, insecure, and a kind-hearted soul that most people never saw because they just tried to hurt you. I was, well, I was Rap Monster, with that ugly foil perm which for some reason, made Jungkook respect me.” Jimin laughed at the mention of Namjoon’s former stage name and persona. Namjoon didn’t blame him. It was very funny.
“Honestly, the most special thing about us is the flow we have with each other. From the first moment we met, we just..clicked. It was in a way that we didn’t with anyone else. It always took me time to build a connection with someone. Yet, with you, I felt it at an instant. Saying this, Namjoon moved, so that he was standing besides Jimin and facing him. Jimin was facing him too, tears starting to pool in his eyes.
“Namjoon..are you...? Jimin whispered, his voice shaky.
“Please let me do this” he hurried out, pressing his forehead against Jimin’s. The latter nodded, giggling as he pressed his lips against Namjoon’s. “Okay, I’ll let you.”
“I remember when we were practicing for the Blood Sweat and Tears comeback, and you passed out because you weren’t eating. I remember my panic; I remember wishing I could fix it, and make you realize that you are perfect the way you are, Jimin, because you might have flaws, but it’s the flaws that make you perfect. It was then I realized that I loved you, and that I wasn’t straight.” Tears start slipping from Jimin’s eyes, and Namjoon quickly wipes them away.
“Don’t cry, Jagiya.” he whispers. Jimin just nods.
“ Feburary 14th, 2017. We were shooting for Not Today, and in the dressing rooms of that set was where we shared our first kiss. It was a dare from Tae, and I thought that it was a joke to you too. And you thought it was just a dare to me. We both remember the date, so I have a feeling it was more than that. I couldn’t sleep that night, because all I could think of was you, and how I wished it was real. Six months later, I wrote Serendipity, and shared the demo to you. It was about you. And then I remember that I was feeling down, I wasn’t thinking the best thoughts about myself, and you manned up and said that I was perfect the way I was, and that you wished Serendipity was about you. You were ready to leave and go to Jungkook so that you could cry about how the band dynamics would get ruined thanks to your ‘selfishness’. And then I told you that it was about you. We shared our first kiss that night.”
“Do you remember the first time we made out? It was in a party, and you and I were, fair to say, a bit tipsy. And then we probably would’ve gone further, if Jackson hadn’t caught us and then said that he would never invite us to his parties again if he had to see us like this all the time.” Jimin couldn’t help but laugh at the memory.
“I remember you froze up; apart from the band no one else knew of us. But we were okay. Jackson didn’t really care. I remember how nervous we were when we decided to come out to our parents. I thought you and I were going to pass out. And although it probably did take time for them to accept it, they most certainly have.”
“A few months ago, I asked your parents for permission to marry you, and they said yes. I even asked the boys in the band, and they all said yes, although Tae might not like me for the next couple of days. Even Bang PD said yes.”
“Jimin, you’ve been with me during all my highs and lows. From the time when I had depression, and you would motivate me to do something, to when we got a number 1 on the Billboard Charts in USA and I was so happy that I couldn’t even sleep. I want to wake up and go to sleep with you everyday. I want yo to hear all the bad, good and mediocre songs I write. I want to be there to wipe your tears when you cry, and laugh with you when you are happy. I want to spend starry nights on picnic blankets in the countryside with you. I want to see you learn English and see you learn new words and stumble across words you don’t know, but you’re okay with that because it helps you grow. I want to watch every movie you like, even if I don’t, because I love your smile, fuck that, I love everything about you, from your smile to your personality to your fucking flaws, because they make you the Jimin I love. I want to love you for the rest of our lives. And I want to know if you want to do all these things with me as well.”
Namjoon went down on one knee, tears starting to pool into his eyes. Jimin was crying right now, and Namjoon resisted the urge to wipe his tears away, because he hadn’t even asked the question yet. He pulled out the ring box, and Jimin lightly gasped.
“Park Jimin, will you do the honor of marrying me?” He opened the ring box. Inside was a rose gold band with a diamond in the middle. Simple, yet it was elegant.
“Yes, Namjoon. I would love to be your husband someday.” Jimin answered in a thick voice in flawless English. Jimin got down to knees and tightly hugged his boyfriend-no, fiancé- as they both cried into each other’s necks.
“Kim Namjoon, my fiancé.” Jimin muttered.
“You haven’t even worn the ring yet, pabo.” Namjoon joked. Jimin laughed, in a way only Namjoon could make him laugh. Namjoon slid the ring onto Jimin’s left ring finger. Jimin looked at the ring in awe.
“It’s beautiful, Joon. It’s like something I would buy for you.”
“Well, I am wearing a ring that you bought for me.” Namjoon had started wearing a ring, a symbol of his relationship with Jimin. And it was a hot topic of fan speculation, but Namjoon couldn’t care less. He kissed his husband-to-be with all the love that he had in him, and it registered in his mind that this was their first kiss as fiancés, and both of them tasted like the alcohol that they had.  
Jimin got up first, and then helped his boyfriend up, who, managed to trip while doing so, nearly causing both of them to fall. 
“Of course, your no-klutzyness charm could only last for so long.” Jimin joked. “I honestly thought you’d break the ring box.”
“Well, be glad I didn’t.” Namjoon playfully retorted. “Anyways, I’m pretty sure the boys will be downstairs by now, ready to pick us up.” He could already hear the others cheering for the two fiancés, alongside the inevitable question: ”So is it Kim Jimin or Park Namjoon?”
As they left the bar and headed to the lift, which was gratefully empty, Namjoon lightly kissed Jimin again. “In English, the word serendipity means ‘an unplanned, fortunate discovery.”
“I know, Joon. In case you forgot, I sang a song called ‘Serendipity’ for one of our albums.”
“I know that. I just wanted to say that our love is true serendipity. Neither of us really thought that we’d ever be in love, but yet, it’s the best thing that’s happened to me, to both of us, guessing by the way you cried when I proposed.”
“You mean so much to me. And every word you said, I want it too. And I’ll even watch all the movies you like, even if I don’t, because your happiness makes everything worth it.” The smile on Jimin’s face was worth more than a million dollars.
And then Namjoon knew, that even in this messed up world, there was still hope. And it was in his fiancé, his husband-to-be, Park Jimin.
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agentcable · 8 months
Mouse (2021) Ep. 7 Recap
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Yo-Han was shot and is currently in critical condition. Ba-Reum underwent brain surgery, which unfortunately resulted in memory loss. A year later, Moo-Chi joined a new team responsible for collecting and organizing criminal evidence, while Ba-Reum began working at a small precinct. On his first day, he discovered a dead body.
If you want to watch the series for yourself, stop reading! This post contains spoilers to the storyline.
Ji-Eun wakes up from a nightmare about her son taking after Seo-Joon, sweating profusely. Her employee found her wounded at home and took her to the hospital. She asks if it's because of Yo-Han, but Ji-Eun claims that he was only protecting her from self-harm and urgently calls him. However, he is unable to pick up the phone as he has just been host by Moo-Chi. Yo-Han sheds a single tear as he bleeds out next to Ba-Reum. Moo-Chi called for medical help and then demanded to know where Han-Kook was, but unfortunately Yo-Han lost consciousness before receiving an answer.
Upon hearing the breaking news, Hong-Joo attempted to enter the ER to see her boyfriend. She stopped struggling against the guards when she saw the horrific state Ba-Reum was in as he was wheeled in. News reporters speculate that the killer broke into Ba-Reum's home to silence the sole witness of Halmoni's death.
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Ba-Reum's frontal lobe was shattered and Yo-Han's organs were punctured. Both require surgery, and their conditions are critical. Moo-Chi finds a panicked Ji-Eun asking the nurses about Yo-Han's condition. When she sees him, she asks if he shot Yo-Han. He explaines that Ba-Reum's skull was crushed by the hammer that Yo-Han wielded, resulting in severe brain damage and a life-threatening condition. The detective storms off without acknowledging Hong-Joo, who was watching on the side. Ji-Eun slumps to the ground in disbelief.
Meanwhile, Seo-Joon sits in his cell and reads an article on his phone about whether murder is hereditary, using the Head Hunter as an example. He is living a comfortable life in there.
Moo-Chi returns to the station and discovers that Han-Kook was not found in Yo-Han's hosue. He is frustrated because he is certain that the child was moved when they searched his car. Later, an abandoned car is found, and traces of blood are discovered in the trunk, along with a secret compartment where Han-Kook was likely hidden. The police review CCTV footage and eventually find a lead: a building that was abandoned twenty years ago. Moo-Chi inspects the side of the building and finds burnt clothing, which Shin Sang identifies as belonging to the suitcase. Moo-Chi takes a piece of an envelope with a logo on it from his pocket.
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Inside the building, they find Goatman branded snacks and a syringe vial. The area is sprayed down, revealing a cleaned pool of blood on the floor. A large search team combs the surrounding woods for any signs of Han-Kook's body.
The doctors held a briefing and announced that Yo-Han's surgery went well. However, Ba-Reum suffered from brain hemorrhaging, so they had to cut his operation short. Hong-Joo watched Yo-Han from a distance, feeling pained. She thought, "I pitied you for suffering because you were a murderer's son. I thought you were like me." She knew that he wouldn't receive salvation even after death for what he had done. The next day, Hong-Joo drove to a secluded area by a set of train tracks and entered an abandoned place. The dark room contains two operation tables that bring back unpleasant memories for Hong-Joo. She steadies herself and finds a shelf filled with dusty cassette tapes.
Recent events have caused the public sentiment to shift negatively, resulting in a staggering 40% drop in the president's approval ratings. It is questionable whether the ruling party will stay in power. An unknown sender has sent the president's chief of staff a package containing a cassette tape labeled "FPL, M16.395.ex".
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After the swelling in Ba-Reum's brain subsides, the doctors perform another operation on him. While the officers guarding Yo-Han leave their post to remove Han-Kook's hysterical mother, Bong-Yi sneaks into the ICU. She disconnects Yo-Han's breathing tubes and suffocates him with a pillow, thinking, "Ba-Reum oppa is dying; you have no right to live."
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Many flowers and notes are left for Ba-Reum as the entire nation prays for his recovery. Although the second surgery was successful, a third may be necessary depending on the patient's recovery. When it was announced that Yo-Han had passed away from septic shock, Hong-Joo received the news stoically, Ji-Eun sobbed mournfully, and Moo-Chi was angry that Yo-Han had not revealed Han-Kook's whereabouts before dying.
Ba-Reum remains unconscious for ten days, even after his third surgery. In hopes of helping him awaken, Bong-Yi places Eo Bong-Yi in the room to chirp. Moo-Chi finds Bong-Yi by Ba-Reum's side and takes her to an empty hospital bed, worried that she'll faint from exhaustion. Bong-Yi blames herself for what happened, but Moo-Chi reassures her that the surgeries went well and tells her not to feel guilty. Bong-Yi thanks Moo-Chi for coming in time to save Ba-Reum.
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Ba-Reum wakes up alone. By the time Bong-Yi returns, Eo Bong-Yi is gone. People are gathered outside the window, shocked at the state of the poor bird. Bong-Yi hugs Ba-Reum in relief when she realizes that he's awake. However, she only receives a blank stare.
The doctor checks up on Ba-Reum. He is able to answer general questions but gets stuck on his name and does not remember his aunt. The surgery temporarily affected his memory, and it may take a while to regain it. Bong-Yi is hurt that Ba-Reum views her as a stranger with his newly hardened gaze. A crowd of people gather outside the hospital to congratulate Ba-Reum when he gets discharged. His aunt brings him home, but even that feels unfamiliar to him. Ba-Reum is relieved to hear that his father was a kind and upright guy. However, he is frustrated that he cannot even remeber his own mother's death in an accident on a rainy day.
Team Leader Bok prepares Shin Sang and Moo-Chi for their disciplinary hearing. Shin Sang lies that he acted irrationally because Han-Kook reminded him of his nephew, as instructed. Despite Detective Park's help, who is on the disciplinary committee, Moo-Chi claims that he aimed to kill and should be investigated for murder. The committee clears him of misconduct because he saved Ba-Reum. Moo-Chi receives one year of probation with a six-month salary cut. Moo-Chi argues that he should be sent to jail for killing someone. Shin Sang accidentally elbows the commissioner in the face, giving him a bloddy nose while holding the detective back.
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In the days following, Hong-Joo has an abortion, and the police confirm that Yo-Han was the serial killer. With Dong-Goo's assistance, Ba-Reum relocates to be closer to his aunt. Dong-Goo borrows an old textbook and declares his intention to become a prison guard to work with Chi-Kook when he wakes up. Dong-Goo explains that the three of them were inseparable friends. Ba-Reum has flashes of memories from the night of the attack but dismisses them. Bong-Yi watched as the moving truck drove away. She remembered feeling safe and happy at Ba-Reum's place that night. Ba-Reum had left her a necklace with a card, promising to marry her when she comes of age. Bong-Yi ripped off the necklace and stuffed it in her pocket.
Kang Deok-Soo, a convicted sex offender, was released early after claiming diminished capacity. This decision has been met with strong oppositioon from the citizens of Moojin, with protesters calling for his execution. Moo-Chi, the one who initially arrested Deok-Soo, surveys the crowd gathered around the prison and is relieved that Bong-Yi is not among them. He warns Deok-Soo that any future criminal activity will result in his death. Deok-Soo agrees and promises to live in repentance for the rest of his life.
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One year later, there is loud campaigning outside Moo-Chi's place, serving as a reminder that presidential elections are just around the corner. He mutters that he will vote for whoever plans to execute those on death row. Soon after, he receives a call informing him of his new assignment not that his one-year probation is over.
Shin Sang's year in the boonies, due to elbowing the commissioner, is also coming to an end, and the detective is excited to rejoin the Violent Crimes Unit. Ba-Reum will assume his position and, on his first day at Pyeongan Precinct, a group of reporters will document the moment. Ba-Reum's reinstatement is a political maneuver by the current ruling party to improve their popularity before the elections. He is not yet fully recovered, so the higher-ups do not expect or want him to do any actual work.
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While patrolling with Shin Sang, Ba-Reum reveals that he has regained most of his memories but does not recall Moo-Chi. He removes markings from a vandalized poster of presidential candidate Shin Sung-Min and declares that he will vote for him since he appears to be the most sincere. This earns him a big bear hug from Shin Sang, who is Candidate Shin's son. Across the street, they witness a motorcyclist stealing a purse. Ba-Reum sprints past Shin Sang, who yells, "You'll shake your brain!" Ba-Reum chases the man into a stream and manages to hold him down. He discovers a corpse hdiden between the grass on the water bank. However, he barely reacts to it. As he takes in the details of her tied-up wrists and bruised face, he wonders, "What's this feeling?"
Moo-Chi has a new job managing and storing evidence under Detective Park. Despite being a troublemaker, Detective Park has taken him under his wing. When their team collects evidence on site, they are issued firearms. It is implied that Detective Park wants Moo-Chi to kill Seo-Joon, but he cannot do it himself because he has a wife to take care of.
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Upon arriving at the scene of the crime, Detective Kang initially labels it as a robbery gone wrong. However, Ba-Reum interjects, claiming that it only appears that way. Markings discovered in the mud confirm Ba-Reum's suspicions - somebody drove the corpse to the location and dragged it across the ground. Shin Sang believes that the victim must have known her killer, based on how her body was positioned face down. Ba-Reum disagrees with this point, which the detectives are not pleased to hear. However, Shin Sang silences him by explaining that he sustained a head injury and is speaking nonsensically.
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While organizing the boxes of evidence, Moo-Chi discovers a box from the Head Hunter case. His brother, Moo-Won, had also written a message wishing him a happy birthday and promising to protect him from anyone who bothers him. Inside, he finds a birthday present from his parents, including a locket with a family portrait and a loving note from his mom. Moo-Chi chokes up and slips the locket into his pocket.
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When Detective Park enters, Moo-Chi hides his tears and asks why they still have the evidence. Detective Park requested that the evidence from the Head Hunter case not be destroyed, as it provides valuable material for future investigations. The investigative research materials are compiled by their team of two. Although Moo-Chi complains about the team's small size, he has been unable to recruit additional members.
Ba-Reum visits Chi-Kook, who is still in a coma. Later, he meets Dong-Goo for dinner. Dong-Goo updates Ba-Reum on his first day working as a prison guard. Ba-Reum shares that he found a corpse today. However, their conversation is cut short when Dong-Goo's friends and fiancée join them. Dong-Goo is getting married and wishes Bong-Yi could attend. Unfortunately, she disappeared and Ba-Reum doesn't remember her. After a few drinks, Dong-Goo's friend drunkenly advises him against marrying his girlfriend, claiming that she will cheat on him to get a main acting role. Dong-Goo punches him in the face, and Ba-Reum gets caught in the crossfire while trying to intervene. Ba-Rem knocks out the "friend" with a single punch, then washes up in the restroom. At one point, he thinks he has a nosebleed, but it was just his imagination. Dong-Goo checks on him and wonders when he became so strong.
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Moo-Chi is annoyed when Detective Kang's team delivers an evidence box with missing items and instructs him to retrieve it himself. He looks into the meeting room where Detective Kang is consulting an expert on the knot used to tie the victim up. The knot is a mdified version of a quick-release knot called the Highwayman's hitch, which is often used by hikers. Detective Kang suggests investigating any mountaineering enthusiasts in the victim's life. Team Leader Bok noticed Moo-Chi spying on them. The detective grabbed the evidence and told them to sign it out if needed. On his way out, Moo-Chi overheard detectives discussing Ba-Reum's comment about the killer not being an acquaintance. He was happy that Ba-Reum had been reinstated and visited the Pyeongan Precinct the following day.
Moo-Chi almost runs over Ba-Reum, triggering memories of their first meeting. They hug each other, happy to see one another. Ba-Reum explains that when he remembers a person, their other memories return as well. He shares his thoughts on the recent case and shows photos of the victim, explaining that the loosely tied knot was used to give the victim false hope. The killer enjoyed watching her struggle before ultimately choking her to death. Moo-Chi comments that only a psychopath would kill in such a way. Ba-Reum decisively states that this was not the killer's first murder, as the crime scene was too clean. He has a feeling that if they do not catch the killer soon, another murder will occur. Moo-Chi notes that Ba-Reum seems different.
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Upon Moo-Chi's return to the station, he observes Detective Kang interrogating a co-worker of the victim, Kang Min-Joo. The suspect's tires match the markings, he owns hiking ropes, and his semen was found in Min-Joo's body. Moo-Chi laughs at himself for believing Ba-Reum, and Ba-Reum becomes worried knowing they caught the wrong person.
Moo-Chi reviews the evidence submitted for a different homicide case and notices that the victim's wrists show evidence of rope burn, but no rope was found on site. The detective dismisses Moo-Chi's observation, prompting Moo-Chi to investigate the crime scene himself. He searches thoroughly until he notices something peculiar about the clothesline. The dirty clothes are hung on the line with perfect spacing. Moo-Chi moves the shirt and discovers blood stains on the rope. He recreates the Highwayman's hitch and confirms Ba-Reum's suspicion that this is the work of a serial killer.
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He takes Ba-Reum to the crime scene and explains that the victim, Hong Na-Ri, had her face slammed against a mirror, resulting in broken front teeth and a cut forehead. It appears that the perpetrator was an acquaintance, as there were no signs of forced entry. While explaining, he becomes thirsty and takes a sip of milk from her fridge.
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The details of this case differ from Min-Joo's. Na-Ri was found lying on her side in her own home, whereas Min-joo was kidnapped and found face down. After carefully examining the scene. Ba-Reum is confident that the same person committed both crimes.
The murderer intentionally smashed Na-Ri's face into the mirror to watch her painful death. Signs of CPR were found, leading to the arrest of her husband as a suspect. Na-Ri and her husband lived separately and did not get along. Ba-Reum believes that the killer is the one who performed CPR, reviving her only to kill her again. The murderer is becoming increasingly violent and is experimenting with ways to enjoy the hunt. This suggests that the killer is a perfectionist. The speaker admits that he knows this because it is what he would do if he were the killer. Moo-Chi is initially skeptical, but becomes convinced when Ba-Reum accurately guesses that the killer likely used the clothesline to tie the victim's wrists and then put it back with the clothing evenly spaced.
Moo-Chi suggests that they catch the killer together, and he wants a second chance to end up in jail with Seo-Joon. However, Ba-Reum declines the offer since he needs to work at the precinct. Moo-Chi tells him that he doesn't have to show up to work. They leave without realizing that Hong-Joo was in the apartment all along, snooping around the crime scene.
Later, Moo-Chi experiences an upset stomach and reflects while on the toilet. He creates a knot out of toilet paper. Suddenly, he remembers seeing something similar from the Head Hunter evidence box. This knot was used on Detective Park's daughter. After Detective Park's outburst, the Head Hunter took both of his children from their home. His son, Hyun-Seok was hit by a car the next morning while trying to escape. The military was sent to search for his daughter, Hyun-Soo, but she wasn't found until five years later, buried deep underground. Although the DNA was a match, Detective Park finds it hard to believe. Therefore, he searches for the body to confirm the evidence.
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The expert confirmed that the know used on Hyun-Soo was tied by the same person who killed Min-Joo. However, the know was tied clumsily, as if a child had done it. Hong-Joo investigated the murders herself and went to the evidence storage to see the knot. She entered the room and searched through the evidence box, taking out the rope and inspecting it with her bare hands. Moo-Chi and Ba-Reum discuss that whoever taught Seo-Joon the knot or learned it from him would be a suspect. They decide to visit the prison. Ba-Reum notices that the box was angled differently than how he left it, but Moo-Chi dismisses his concerns.
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Seo-Joon refused to see Moo-Chi but accepted a visit from Ba-Reum. He insincerely apologized on Yo-Han's behalf and mentioned that they had met once before. Ba-Reum did not remember, and Seo-Joon commented that his surgery did not seem to go well. Ba-Reum showed Seo-Joon the rope used on Hyun-Soo and demanded to know about the knot. Seo-Joon claimed he had never used the knot before. Frustrated, Ba-Reum turned to leave. However, if Seo-Joon is telling the truth there is a chance that he did not murder Hyun-Soo. Seo-Joon intends to introduce Ba-Reum to a "friend" and produces a live mouse from his pocket. This triggers memories of a child in a yellow raincoat placing a mouse in the snake enclosure. Ba-Reum is shaken and does not comprehend the significance of this memory.
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