#yn had good taste apparently
hobidyllic · 6 months
the mortifying experience of reading a horrible horrible fanfiction, with the worst reedition of yn ever created, and now serveral months later finding a really good song by a band that sounds ~familiar~
only for it to hit you that this was that yn’s favorite band that she was uncomfortably obsessed with
(the song is now ruined)
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sansaorgana · 3 months
hii 😊 can you please write benny x yn where she thinks he’s a player so she doesn’t want to give him a chance and go on a date with someone else and that drives him crazy and he does everything for her to see him differently, even asks kathy to put in a good word for him
hi! 💝 I know you sent it like 2 hours ago – I swear, I am not insane but I was itching so badly to write something about Benny that... it's already here 👀 as much as I adore the fics with innocent, sweet Readers – my Reader talks back 😇🤭 I hope it's fine 😘
[ I haven't abandoned the three requests from my inbox from the last time, I promise ]
requests for benny are open 🥺🎀
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Benny Cross was an insufferable guy. He was showing up at your diner nearly every day and always asking for the same thing with the same smug smile on his pretty full lips – and always getting your annoyed eye-rolls each time. Yeah, he was pretty and you wouldn’t deny that. And yeah, you could see why so many girls saw the appeal. Bad boys were in fashion now… Well, actually, where had they not been? But you didn’t want to end up as a girl in trouble. Perhaps you were just an ordinary waitress but you still didn’t want to ruin your life for a player. And you couldn’t understand why he wanted you so badly.
“I think it’s because you turned him down,” Kathy explained to you the other day. She was your friend and recently she had also been strangely associated with Benny’s motorbike gang – The Vandals. Ever since her breakup, you could not recognise her, honestly.
“I turned him down, exactly,” you emphasised. “Why can’t guys learn that no means no?” You sighed.
“Oh, please, it must feel… Flattering to be chased by a guy like Benny, right?” Kathy giggled and you looked away, trying not to reveal that yeah, she was right.
“Listen, I just don’t want to end up like my cousin. She had a one night stand with this bad boy at college and guess what? She had to drop out, now she’s a single baby mama and the guy? God only knows where. Some say he married another chick in Nevada,” you explained to Kathy.
“But you’re not in college,” she pointed out as her eyes widened and you just rolled your eyes.
Jesus, what was going on with her these days?
You couldn't know that it was Benny himself telling her to "spread the propaganda" so you'd be more willing to finally agree to go out with him. You couldn't know that you were driving this man crazy – driving him crazier than his motorbike. He would wake up at night all sweaty and all he could think about was you.
You were a tough cookie and you were a challenge – that was for sure. But Benny knew it was more than that. He already knew that his desire would not disappear after claiming you. In fact, it would only grow once he'd get a taste. He was serious about you and he was desperate for you to see it.
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When Marcus Lane asked you out, you were speechless. You were walking out of a flower store with a fresh bouquet to put on your grandfather’s grave and he whistled at you.
You turned around and raised an eyebrow at the guy leaning on his car. And God, what a car that was… A shiny, black Cadillac that made your eyes sparkle.
“Hi!” You waved at him. “You’re back from college,” you pointed out.
“Yeah,” he nodded at you and lit a cigarette. He offered you one but you shook your head. “Couldn’t wait to visit my neighbourhood. I’m staying with my ma until the end of summer,” he explained. “Then I got a job for myself in New York City,” he bragged so casually.
You had always thought he was full of himself and full of shit, too, but out of all the guys in your high school year he had been the one who would succeed most likely. Apparently, it was true. He was going places.
“And how’s Camilla?” You asked him.
“We broke up,” he winced. “What you doing tonight?”
You blinked a few times and fixed your skirt. Marcus Lane asking you out?
“Nothin’,” you answered and tilted your head.
“Wanna go and see a picture?” Marcus asked.
“Yeah!” You nodded, not even asking what picture.
“Still living with your ma?”
“Yeah,” you answered.
“I’ll pick you up at six,” he winked at you and you only nodded at him before walking away, not being able to hide a smile.
On your way back from the graveyard, you stopped by the laundry to tell Kathy the news but she didn’t look excited.
“He’s a knobhead, isn’t he? Always has been,” she shook her head.
“Wow, gee, thanks for being happy for me! You know he’s goin’ places and… He’s gonna be somebody,” you couldn’t help a grin.
“Don’t even start,” Kathy put her hands on her hips but you kept on a dreamy expression, so she snapped her fingers right in front of your face. “Guys like Marcus Lane do not date girls like us, wake up.”
“Why would he ask me out then?” You got defensive because your feelings and pride were hurt – mostly because you had a feeling Kathy was right.
“Because he’s back for the summer and bored? He saw you and thought he could play with you for a while before he leaves forever? Because he thinks a silly girl he remembers from high school might be an easy fuck for the summer?” Kathy asked and asked as your anxiety grew.
“Wow, thanks,” you got angry because you hated how right she could be. And sometimes you hated how honest she was instead of feeding your delusions. “I’m going out with him tonight and I’m not gonna sleep with him,” you told her before walking out to go back home and prepare for the night.
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You wore a red polka dot top and tight jeans for the date instead of a dress. Marcus didn’t comment but he looked a little disappointed and you could see that on his face. He kept staring at your thighs as he drove you to the cinema, which increased your anxiety that Kathy could had been right indeed… More than you had expected.
You went to see Bonnie and Clyde and after the movie, Marcus insisted on taking you to a club in the neighbourhood. It was one of those places you would never go to alone but with a man around, you felt safer. At least you should feel this way. But something about Marcus was not right. Why would a proper guy like him even want to take you to a club like that? Perhaps because he was seeing you as a girl like that. You didn’t disagree, though. The idea of getting free drinks was tempting.
“Looks like some of those dirty bums have a meeting here tonight,” he murmured to himself as you walked inside and you sighed at the sight of The Vandals themselves.
The whole place was full of cigarette smoke and it stank of sweat, leather and grease.
“I hate those punks,” Marcus winced. “Sit here, I’ll get us something to drink,” he winked at you as he sat you down by one of the tables and you nodded,
He walked away, without even asking you what you wanted. You looked around, feeling out of place and then you spotted him… Benny Cross by the pool table. You quickly looked the other way but he glanced in your direction and smirked.
You pretended to be very fascinated by the posters on the wall but he sat by the table next to yours and kept grinning at you with his flashy smile, his muscles all on display as he rested his arms on the chair’s backrest.
Seeing you there, it made his heart skip a beat. And those tight blue jeans, that red top... Benny was smug for a moment, thinking that you finally decided to hang out with him. He had been inviting you to this club many times before.
However, he quickly realised that you weren' there alone. And the guy you came with made him feel sick in his stomach. Not only because he looked like a typical piece of shit that would take advantage of a girl like you... But also because this guy represented everything that Benny was not. And it was making him feel insecure at the moment. Of course your standards were higher than a guy like him. That was one of the reasons why he liked you so much.
Still, he decided to play his little game and annoy you a little.
Marcus came back with two drinks in his hand and he looked Benny up and down before placing a drink in front of you.
“That punk bothering you?” He asked – quite bravely, you had to admit. But Benny remained the same as if he was a statue.
“For weeks now,” you chuckled and watched Marcus take a seat in front of you, still glancing angrily at Benny on your right. 
“Is he stupid or somethin’?” Marcus asked.
“It’s fine. Let’s just pretend he’s not here,” you shrugged your arms.
In fact, you enjoyed it. And you wanted to pretend to like Marcus more than you did so Benny would finally realise you were not interested.
Still… You couldn’t help an odd feeling of safety now when he was sitting next to you and some part of you didn’t want him to walk away and leave you alone with Marcus.
“So, what do you think about the movie?” Marcus asked and sipped on his drink as you sipped on yours. Benny raised an eyebrow at you.
“We were in the cinema to watch Bonnie and Clyde,” you informed him quickly as if he was in the audience and you were an actress in the theatre but he was late and you wanted him to catch on. He nodded his head like a little boy and Marcus gritted his teeth. “Well,” you addressed your date now as you fixed your hair nonchalantly. “I adored it. And Warren Beatty was beautiful as always.”
“I don’t like him,” Marcus commented. “And I didn’t like the movie much. My favourite part was when they got killed.”
“Why?” You asked. It was already getting difficult to pretend to like him. And Benny seemed to be interested by his answer too – he tilted his head.
“Because they were outlaws and a couple of twisted psychos!” Marcus got irritated – at Benny still being there and at you asking such silly questions with such obvious answers.
“Yeah, they were but there’s also some romanticism to it, don’t you think? That’s why they made a movie about them. And why did you even go to see a movie about people you despise so much?” You asked and sipped on your drink again.
“You can’t be serious. There’s nothing romantic about murdering people,” Marcus started sounding very patronising and you suddenly realised that Kathy had been right. So, so much. You were a silly girl in his eyes.
“Murdering – no. But the life they had. The love, the freedom on the road,” you tried to explain.
“You want freedom on the road? Ask one of those bums here to show you,” Marcus laughed with irony and he squinted his eyes at Benny. “What you still doing here, punk? How can I get it into your thick head that you’re not a part of this conversation? It’s my date,” he scoffed.
“It’s my girl,” Benny leaned back with a smug smile and your heart skipped a beat.
Usually, when he’d call you that, you would get angry. But now, when Marcus had been annoying you for the whole evening, you actually enjoyed that. Because Marcus’ face was priceless. He looked at you with disgust.
“Is this true?” He asked you. “What the hell is going on?”
But before you could answer, some drunk and loud biker entered the club loudly as he laughed out loud.
“Fuck, I’ve scratched some Cadillac in the front!” He announced and sat by the counter to order beer. You couldn’t help but chuckle at that and Marcus’ face went as red as tomato.
He stood up rapidly, gave you a furious look and then ran outside to check on his beloved car, surely. Not caring much about the fact he was leaving you alone with dangerous men swarming around.
“So…” Benny started lazily as he licked his lips before looking you up and down. “That’s your type?” He pointed his thumb at the door Marcus had just left through. “That why you didn’t want me to take you out?”
“Why did you do that?” You asked, genuinely and his face got serious now.
“I saw you sittin’ here all alone, for a moment I thought… You came here for me,” he admitted with a laugh. “Then I saw that guy and I thought to myself: Jesus, what an asshole. So, I wanted to watch,” he shrugged his arms and you couldn’t help but stare at the flexing muscles and all the tattoos.
“He’s a proper guy. Graduated from college and with a job waiting for him in New York City,” you explained.
“But you’re not a proper girl,” Benny pointed out with a grin and you suddenly got a flashback of Kathy telling you the same thing – that you were just a silly girl for Marcus, just an easy fuck for the summer… 
You stood up rapidly and Benny looked up with a confused look on his face but you ignored him and left the club, hoping Marcus was still there and you could explain to him that you weren’t Benny’s girl… Maybe he’d drive you home?
But Marcus wasn’t there anymore. The only vehicles in the parking lot were motorbikes. You sighed and started walking in the direction of the bus stop but the door opened behind you. You heard heavy footsteps and then the sound of lighting a cigarette. Turning around slightly, you spotted Benny following you.
“Just wanted to point out that proper girls don’t find Bonnie and Clyde romantic,” with a few big steps he was now walking next to you.
“It’s not the murdering aspect, gee, why do I have to explain it so many times?” You got irritated.
“I didn’t say anything ‘bout it. You said something about the freedom and the road. You ever been on the open road like that?” Benny asked and you already knew what he wanted to propose because he had been mentioning it many times before while flirting with you at the diner.
“Fine,” you rolled your eyes. “I need a ride home,” you admitted and bit on your lower lip. “And no, I’ve never been. On the open road, I mean,” you added, feeling your cheeks heating up.
Benny didn’t say anything, he only nodded before throwing his cigarette on the ground and walking away to jump on his motorbike. He started the engine and patiently waited for you to finally join him. Feeling the rush of adrenaline going through your body, you clumsily sat behind him and he made the engine roar like a lion – a very sexy sound, you had to admit – but he didn’t start driving. You realised he was giving you a signal to hold onto something before he would drive away. It was considerate of him, you had to admit. Other guys would just drive away and laugh at your squealing. But Benny wanted you to be safe and for the second time on that night you realised that he was making you feel safe. Safer than a proper guy like Marcus – for sure. And you just didn’t know what to do with this information.
You wrapped your arms around his waist, told him your address and that was when the engine roared again but this time he drove away.
And God, something broke inside of you that moment. It was as if your brain chemistry changed completely. The speed, the wind in your hair, the freedom – this odd feeling that he could take you anywhere like this and you would go with him… To the point that when you spotted him taking a turn that led to your street, you nearly felt disappointed that he wasn’t “kidnapping” you. Perhaps in this moment you understood your cousin even – why had it been so tempting to risk everything for a handsome bad boy.
Benny parked the motorbike in front of your house and you could already spot your mum standing by the window upstairs and looking out through the curtain. You chuckled at the realisation you would have to explain to her how your date with Marcus ended with a guy like Benny taking you home.
“Thanks,” you only said as you got off the bike, still clinging to his leather jacket to make sure you wouldn’t trip and fall. You were a little breathless after that ride.
“And? What do you think?” He asked as he raised an eyebrow.
“It was… Okay,” you grinned, not wanting to give him satisfaction.
“Why do you tease me so much?” Benny sighed.
He was done with playing for now. He just wanted to know the answer. Perhaps it would finally make him give up. Or perhaps it would educate him on the matter how to flirt with you better. Either way, he just wanted the truth.
“Why do you insist so much? I mean, I ain’t nothing special to chase me around for weeks,” you shrugged your arms. “And don’t get me wrong – or actually do get me wrong, the hell do I care? – but I don’t want to be just another number in your book, Benny,” you explained and Benny thought to himself that he wished you could see yourself through his eyes.
“You’re a whole book, kitty,” he winked at you and you couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Sometimes his flirting had this effect on you whether you liked it or not. “And I can’t wait to read it all,” he added, encouraged by your reaction.
“You can read?” You asked, teasingly.
“I’m full of surprises,” he smirked.
“That I see,” you laughed. “Um… I should go now… My ma’s watching us.”
“I can see,” Benny nodded and looked up at the window upstairs. He waved his hand and you grabbed him by his wrist to pull it down.
“Stop it!” You kept laughing at him and then you realised your face was only a few inches away from his as he was still sitting on his motorbike, ready to drive away any given moment.
A short moment of silence occurred between you two and you just kept staring into each other’s eyes as playful smiles disappeared from your faces. You swallowed thickly and fixed his jacket, not knowing what to do with your hands.
“You have a shift tomorrow?” He broke the silence.
“In the evening,” you nodded.
“So… See you?” Benny asked, unsurely.
“See you,” you smiled at him and he smiled back, relieved. “And hey, thanks for… For being there for me when I was with the… With the asshole,” you lowered your voice and took a step back to give him space now – finally.
“No need to thank me,” he shrugged his arms. “It’s just the thing I do, ain’t it?”
You furrowed your brows at those words.
“Protectin’ my girl,” he winked at you and the engine roared, making you take a few more steps back. And then he drove away – just like that.
Shaking your head and hugging your own self to feel warmer, you walked to the front door of your house, biting on your lip and not being able to help a chuckle.
Apparently, Benny had already decided that you were his girl. And, apparently – you enjoyed it.
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miumura · 10 months
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[ DAY NINE ] of the advent calendar !
( 🤍 ) SYNOPSIS . who knew taking a bus ride back home on a cold day could be romantic?
( 。♡˚ ) PAIRING . classmate!ni-ki x gn!reader
( 🤍 ) GENRE . fluff, classmates 2 lovers
( 。♡˚ ) WARNINGS . none ? ~~ WORD COUNT 0.8k+ ( 833 )
( 🤍 ) NOTE . HAPPY NIKI DAYYY 🤍🤍 the back 2 back bdays in dec okayyy 😍 LMAO ANYWAYS i love riks sm u dont understand . but yes yk i had to think of a cute kinda cliche fic idea for this !!! hope u enjoyyyy 🤍🤍
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"I have to go," Niki declared, catching Sunoo off guard as he put on his hat. Sunoo looked at him with confusion, and his confusion only deepened when Niki suddenly started running away. "Hey! I thought we were gonna—" Sunoo stopped mid-sentence, realizing Niki wouldn't hear him from where he was. Shaking his head, Sunoo continued on his own way home while Niki had places to be.
Rushing to the bus stop, Niki spotted you with reddened hands—apparently, you'd forgotten your gloves. The bus hadn't left yet, providing him with an opportunity to steal a few moments with you. Sneakily standing next to you, he nudged you a little, prompting you to look in his direction. With his head turned away, Niki pulled out a hot pack from his pocket, offering it to you.
"Thank you," you smiled, taking the hot pack from him. He simply nodded, and both of you turned a shade of red, and it wasn't just because of the chilly weather.
A slight awkwardness lingered between you both, but it dissipated as the bus finally arrived. Leading the way, you approached the bus entrance, with Niki following right behind you.
Finding seats on the bus, you and Niki ended up in the same row, side by side. The awkwardness from earlier lingered, but there was an undeniable cuteness to it.
As you settled into your seat, Niki hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to speak. "Uh, YN, do you mind if I sit next to you?"
“Oh I don’t mind—here,” quickly removing your bag off the empty seat, a small smile played on your face as you nodded.
He grinned in return, his enthusiasm evident. "Thanks,” Then, with a touch of shyness, he added, "But, uh, can I sit in the window seat?"
Chuckling at the request, you gestured toward the window. "Of course, have it." Rising from his seat, Niki offered a quiet expression of gratitude and slid into the seat, smiling at you as he tapped the empty chair beside him. Responding to the unspoken invitation, you swiftly took your place, feeling a gentle touch between your legs due to the limited space on the seats.
Despite the subtle physical contact, you couldn't help but smile, a hint of red tinting your cheeks at the unexpected closeness.
At one point, you noticed a familiar tune playing softly on Niki’s phone. It happened to be a song you both liked, and without a word, Niki pulled out his earphones and handed you one side, sharing the music.
You glanced at him with a playful smile, placing it into the left side of your ear. "Oh, you like this song too?"
Niki chuckled. "Yeah, it's a good one. Thought we could listen to it together as we wait for our stop.”
“That sounds nice,” and you two continued to listen along. With such similar music tastes, you two just had to exchange phone numbers so that you can send song recommendations anytime. You two were getting closer than you thought.
But as the bus neared Niki's stop, he reluctantly pulled the earphone out, giving you a warm smile. "I have to get off here. It was really nice sharing this with you."
"Goodbye—oh, hold on." As Niki rose to leave, the realization dawned on you that you still had his hot pack. Getting up from your seat quickly, you retrieved it from your pocket, you offered, "Here—"
"No, you can keep it," Niki declined, gently placing your hand, hot pack and all, back into your pocket. "I've got an extra—that one was just for you," he smiled, knowingly bending the truth, knowing that was his only hot pack. But, perhaps, he hopes you'd think of him later because of this gesture.
You returned the smile. "Thank you. Will I see you tomorrow?"
"You bet."
With a friendly goodbye, Niki exited the bus, leaving you in the now vacated window seat. Seizing the opportunity, you moved to the window seat, looking out at the passing scenery. The atmosphere inside the bus felt a bit different without him, but you welcomed the solitude.
As the bus moved along, you noticed a slight fog forming on the window. Absentmindedly, you drew a smiley face on the glass, only to realize there was already a message etched there. Through the mist, you saw something: “me + you = date?”
Right next to the message, there were blurry hearts, already slightly erased due to the fog. Since when did he have the time to write such a sweet confession in the most unique way possible? Were you that focused into the conversation with him that you didn’t bother looking around your surroundings?
Either way, your heart skipped a beat as you read the unexpected message. Blushing, you couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth that lingered even after the fog on the window had cleared.
With a smile, you took out your phone, contemplating what to text Niki. It wasn't going to be just another song recommendation; you had something else in mind.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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searenbound · 4 months
Based on this post it was really fun to explore the concepts in this one
If you liked it please consider leaving a small tip through my cash app I'm trying to save up for nail tech classes and every little bit helps
Warnings: non-con/dub-con, reader is bullied briefly at the beginning, oral(female receiving), afab reader with she/her pronouns, vaginal fingering and penetration, omegaverse
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x reader
“H-hey! Stop!” (Yn) yelled, knowing her pleas would fall on uncaring ears as the pack of girls shoved into someone’s room.
“Oh stop crying! We’ll let you out soon, probably”
She could practically hear the dismissive shrug and cruel smirk the leader of that little click likely gave.
“I guess that depends on how long Bakugou’s workout takes, you know how Alphas are! It'll probably only be an hour, maybe two? Hope he believes you when you tell him you weren't trying to steal from him!” they laughed, jamming the door shut and leaving (Yn) alone with nothing but her thoughts in the seemingly empty, strong-smelling room.
What did she do to deserve this? Whatever it was it couldn’t possibly warrant anything like this!
She was just a simple Omega, just trying to get a good education so she could get a good job, what did she do wrong to earn such scornful treatment?
Why di—
“The hell are you doing here?”
A heavy, labored, and husky voice sounded from behind her. She froze, her own voice trapped in her throat as she turned towards it to find the Alpha in question rising from his bed. His face flushed and hard to read as he observed her.
He knows her, well sort of? She's in a few of his classes. Always sticking to the corners of the room hoping no one noticed her, but he had.
He took note of every detail, head to toe, from the way her hair fell and complimented her face to the way she walked with a little sway in her hips.
He had wanted to talk to her at least once before his rut had started, but he never got the chance, and now that choice had been taken from them both.
“I uh, I don't know? I got s-shoved in here a-and.…” she stammered and rambled, getting his attention again.
But he couldn't focus on her words though. Her strawberries and cream scent was too sweet and distracting for him to ignore. In a desperate attempt to stave off his growing lust for the oblivious Omega, he tried to subtly palm himself quietly but he groaned at the contact making her jump.
He sounded pained, and her Omega instincts kicked in and brought her to his side quickly to see what was wrong and if she could help.
It was the biggest mistake she could have made. As soon as she was near, she could smell the scent of a frantic, rutting Alpha. It quickly became apparent the type of danger she was in quickly, but not as quick as Bakugou was.
He, in a matter of seconds, had torn through her clothes. Too far gone to ask any more questions or explain himself, too out of it to even notice her fearful begging for him to reconsider his actions.
All he could hear was that pleading tone and god was it easy to imagine that pretty voice begging him to breed her. A pretty little sound that made his knot twitch and ache. God, he needs to breed her.
He has to, needs to so badly, he couldn't stop himself when she smelled so danm good. He was going to breed her, but first, he had to make sure she was ready for him.
He shuddered at the thought, pinning her hips to his bed before laving his tongue over her sex, trying to put a taste to the sugary scent. This was the pussy he’d own. The one his Omega was in possession of. His, all his and he’ll make sure she knows it.
It didn’t matter that he’d never introduced himself properly to her, there’s plenty of time to know his mate better after this.
She tried to get him to stop. Squirming in his grip and tugging at his hair in a futile attempt to get him away from her, as she whimpered “Please, don’t”.
Only to be interrupted by a growl and a finger pushed into her already sopping wet cunt.
In his lust-altered state, her actions seemed like she was just impatient. Her plea was easily written off as her trying to beg him not to be a tease.
“Fucking god, you’re so damn wet, you want it bad don’t you?” he groans adding a second finger, and it must have sounded like some sort of sick taunt to her. His fingers thrusting and rubbing against her inner walls, unwanted and unwavering, but pleasurable in a way that felt like the deepest betrayal.
Her body was welcoming his actions and he seemed to be enjoying his perverse power over her. His lips pressed against her clit, kissing it before sucking and licking on the sensitive little bundle of nerves.
Pushing her closer to the edge of ecstasy. Closers to the cliff’s edge that she didn’t think she’d survive if she fell from it. It’d leave her broken, useless, and unable to fight his advances, but could she fight this anyway?
He seemed to have no problem overpowering her, seemed unbothered by her begging and feeble attempts to tug him off of her.
Should she just accept her fate? Should she just let herself fall apart and be his toy for the time being?
Her body felt hot and the little bit of internal thread he’s been toying with tangled, knotted, and pulled tighter and tighter until it snapped with a sobbing cry and blanking mind.
She clung tightly to him, not bothering to fight him when he kissed her and lined his thick cock with her entrance. Too far gone to even think about fighting this.
“P-please, at least be gentle with me, I um… I’ve never—”
“You’re still a virgin?” he cut her off, the gravity of their situation finally settling in his mind and he would have backed off. Apologizing profusely for how he behaved, how he let himself be taken by his rut.
She was probably waiting until she was more established to find herself a mate, and in a moment of selfish desperation he almost ruined her. He really did want to back off and let her go but…
“I— d-don’t you want me?”
But her instincts had kicked in and his hesitation must have read as rejection because she looked hurt.
Why did it hurt? She hadn’t wanted this, she didn’t want this!
But it hurts, it hurts so bad, tears started to prick up at her lashes.
Her body was going into heat because of him, and now he doesn’t want her?!
She was being rejected! She was being refused as an Omega and it hurts so much! Why would he be so cruel?
In reality, he doesn’t know what he was meant to do, he was no good at this.
No good at consoling words or gentleness, but he was good at expressing himself through his actions.
So he silenced her with one smooth roll of his hips, sinking into her until he was buried to the hilt.
Forcing back his growl and letting out a deep rumble of a purr in an attempt to assure her she would be safe sharing this first with him. He was determined to stay in control of his body through this, to touch her the way she wanted him to.
He was determined to force himself to be gentle, to slow his thrusts and take his time with her and…
Oh fuck.
He swallowed thickly, his pace quickening slightly. He didn’t know if he could keep this gentle facade for her if she wouldn’t even put up a fight against him. She’s being too accepting, too cute for him not to ruin thoroughly.
“I-it feels good! Feels— aha!”
Fuck it.
He took up the ruthless pace he was much more accustomed to and moved a hand to play roughly with her clit and a growl slipped out passed his lips. He couldn’t hold back after all, no, it was more like he just wouldn’t anymore.
He was allowing himself to get drunk off her whimpers and moans, taking pleasure from her blank and dazed expression as she practically crumbled under him.
“Are you, fuckin’ hell, you going to cum already?” He breathed against her ear, groaning at the resulting shiver that wreaked her body.
“You’re clenching around me so tightly, you wanted me to fuck you senseless like this, huh? Wanted to cum my knot, didn’t you?”. He grunted and she couldn’t find the words to respond.
She hadn’t wanted this at first, but now? She didn’t want to want this, but her legs wrapped themselves around his waist, and her nails clawed into his back of their own accord, her mouth ran without hesitation or thought.
“Please! Want it so bad! I want your knot Alpha!”.
She cried out and was silenced with a kiss and the overwhelming sensation of being pushed past the edge and stuck in that blissful free fall as he knotted her.
They stayed tied for what felt like hours before he could safely pull out. In truth it was only minutes, but the conversation they needed to have afterward made the wait unbearable.
Only for it to be as simple as explaining how she ended up trapped in with him, and a promise that he’ll never stop working to earn her forgiveness for this. Because no, it doesn’t matter how this happened or ended, he still did something awful to her and he won’t forgive himself until he’s made sure she’s living a happy fulfilling life with him.
The first step is tearing the heads off her soon-to-be former bullies.
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livingformintyoongi · 5 months
hello author!!! been loving your work!!!
my request is : enemies to lovers yoongi / oc
They could be former classmates, always fighting for being the class #1. Been rivals through college, and now ended up working for the same company. They get teemed up for the same project and end up working late at the company building (they could be at yoongi's office) .yn and him start bikering about some dumb shit, tension builds up and they fuck on top of his work desk (bj, back shots?, doggy? fucking raw?)
thank you in advanceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Work night
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a/n: Thank you for loving my works and for making the request 💕💕, I wrote this with the most depressing songs I could find from Taylor's ttpd album, I hope the effect was anything but depressing. I used the name of the oc I have for Yoongi because in the request it says it's Yoongi/oc, I hope you don't mind :( in any case it only says her name two or three times. warnings: doggystyle, back shot, unprotected sex, bj (m receiving), fucking raw, hair pulling, wc: 3.6k
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"Move away" you whispered once your boss got out of the elevator. Noticing that Yoongi had no intention of moving from your side, you nudged him with your elbow.
"What's your problem?" he turned to look at you, rubbing his arm awkwardly. He didn't understand why you had just hit him so hard.
"What's your problem?" you said while stressing the "your", looking at Yoongi with a frown, "You have the whole elevator to stand on to wait for your floor, why are you sticking to my side?" you snorted, crossing your arms over your chest and trying to count to 10 so you wouldn't throw yourself on top of him and pull at his hair until you pulled out a large lock.  
"There were more people here, I had no choice" he rolled his eyes, setting his briefcase on the floor and shaking out his hair. He was aware that next to you there were always fights, but he figured that, if your boss gave this project to both of them, you would be considerably less. 
"There's the rub, Min, there were people here, there aren't any more, they left, so keep your distance," you looked at the red number above the door indicating which floor they were on. Only three more and they would finally arrive at Yoongi's office. You didn't know why it had to be his, but you preferred it that way, yours was a total mess.
"You are so annoying."
"Look who's talking" you pulled out your cell phone, not wanting to put up with Yoongi anymore. You checked your messages and calls, everything was empty, except for a message from your granny asking you not to skip any meals.
"What? Your boyfriend didn't text you "good luck at your job" this morning?" whispered Yoongi teasingly, looking at your cell phone out of the corner of his eye. He lightly squeezed his briefcase when he saw the name you had for your boyfriend.
"We broke up a few weeks ago" you stowed your cell phone in the back pocket of your pants, your gaze fixed on the elevator door. "Apparently his parents didn't like the idea of someone like me dating him."
"And he dumped you because of that?" he frowned slightly, staring at your profile. You looked more depressed than usual, but he was sure it was due to work stress, not some jerk you had to put up with for almost a year and a half, "How stupid, I can tell you have bad taste in everything."
"Excuse me?" you turned your head in his direction, frowning as you saw him flash you that cocky grin he gave you every time he wanted to annoy you
"Honey, that wouldn't happen to you if you had a more critical eye and dated real men."
"And what's a real man to you?" you raised your eyebrows, knowing he'd say something stupid that you'd then hang on to make his life miserable. That's how you've spent the last thirteen years living it.
"A real man wouldn't leave you waiting for his message for hours, he would remember that your birthday is November twenty-fifth, he would know that you love desserts and hate too bitter food, he would be aware that you love the color red and hate the color gray because it depresses you" with every word he gave he would get one step closer to you, and, with every step he took towards you, you backed away, "if he were a real man, he wouldn't give a shit what his parents said because he would love you enough to leave them and fight for you, because he would know that he would be worth it just to have a life by your side," you bumped into the elevator wall, shrinking in place the moment Yoongi rested his forearm on the side of your face. "Tell me, Chaeyoung, was he able to do any of all that?".
"Why did you get so close?" you swallowed saliva, staring into Yoongi's eyes. For some reason, you felt like you were incapable of looking at anything other than them. 
"Why are you avoiding my question?" he whispered in front of your face, close enough to almost brush your noses.
"I'm not-" the sound of the elevator doors opening threw you completely out of focus. You pushed Yoongi away and quickly stepped out, fixing your hair awkwardly, "Let's go to your office, I'm tired, I want to finish this quickly."
"Fine" he sighed in response, stepping out of the elevator and walking to his office. "Did you bring the papers?".
"Yes" you mumbled, walking behind him. Your gaze was fixed on his back, and you couldn't help but think about how he knew so many things about you. Yes, you had known each other for thirteen years, but you only spoke to each other to argue, there literally wasn't a conversation where one of you hadn't raised your voice to the other. 
"Okay, let's get this over with as soon as possible," he said as he opened the door to his office, waiting for you to enter.
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You stared at your laptop screen for a few seconds, trying to clear your head without letting sleep take over. You had been working for more than ten hours, your head was starting to hurt and your stomach was twisting because of the hunger you felt. There were only a few details left to finish, so you thought it might be a good idea to take a coffee break.
You looked at Yoongi, who seemed to be too focused on reading the papers you had brought earlier to pay any attention to you. You brought your thumbnail to your mouth, biting it lightly. Would it be okay for you to go get a cup of coffee when he's still working on the project? 
"Stop biting your nail" he muttered with his eyes still fixed on the papers.
You rolled your eyes, getting up from the red velvet chair in his office and walking to the door. 
"Where are you going?" Yoongi's view rises just enough to see your back stop in front of the glass door that separated his office from the hallway.
"Do you mind?" you turn to see him, raising your eyebrows. The situation earlier had made you completely forget that the idiot standing in front of you was Min fucking Yoongi, the same one who made your life miserable in school, the same one who chose the same career as you, and the same one who had gotten a job at the same fucking company.
"Yes, I need to know where you're going because this is a job that belongs to both of us," he rose from his chair, both hands resting on his impeccably neat and clean desk. You hated that he kept everything in order, it reminded you of how disorganized you were in your daily life. "I'm not doing your part for free."
"And I don't need you to do it" you snorted, approaching him firmly. You were sick of his shitty behavior. "I will come back here and finish that fucking report without your help, do you understand?".
Yoongi was silent for a few seconds, rounding his desk and standing in front of you, "You're always so rude, shouldn't you watch your vocabulary at work?".
Your legs trembled slightly at having him stand in front of you, but you did your best to keep him from noticing. You took a couple more steps toward him, wanting him to feel just as intimidated as you had felt in the elevator. Your stomach did a flip as you remembered how close he had been to you.
"We're off the clock, so I don't have the need to mind my vocabulary" you whispered, keeping your gaze locked on Yoongi's. You weren't sure what you wanted to gain from this, but what you wanted to gain, you wanted. 
"Being off the clock allows you to treat your coworkers like this?" you noticed how his eyes lowered to stop on your lips.
You tried to ignore that, but it was tricky when you were so close to him, when you could smell his perfume, feel his breath crash against yours. You seriously tried to be strong and control your biological urges, but he wasn't helping.
"Shut the fuck up" you pressed your index finger into his chest with the intention of pushing him back. To your surprise, the instant your finger touched his chest, his hand grabbed your wrist hard enough to stop you without hurting you. 
"I was hoping you'd say that," he gave you the sexiest shit-eating grin you could have ever seen in your life, only to, seconds later, tug on your arm and kiss you.
You weren't sure what surprised you more, the fact that he kissed you, or the fact that you kissed him back almost instantly, clinging to his neck with your arms while he did the same with your waist. You'd like to say that you never imagined this would happen, that you never subconsciously (and consciously) dreamed about how Yoongi's lips would feel on yours, but if you said that you'd be lying to yourself, because, shit, the amount of times you'd dreamed about something like this were too many.
If your mouth wasn't too busy sucking on Yoongi's bottom lip, you'd probably ask him if the same thing had happened to him and that's why he was now kissing you like his life depended on it. It's not like you were going to complain anyway.
Yoongi's hands were quick to unbutton your shirt as his tongue enjoyed exploring and licking every corner of your mouth it could reach. You decided to focus on stroking and pulling his hair until he moaned from the burning in his head. You could become addicted to the hoarse sound of his moans.
"Shit, did you wear a lace bra to come to work?" he whispered against your lips, focusing his gaze on your breasts wrapped in red lace fabric. In fact, it was your favorite outfit.
"It's just that it was the only clean one" you followed his gaze, looking at your breasts, "my dryer went bad and it's difficult to get them dry in the middle of winter".
"Bless your dryer" he began to form a path of kisses starting at your jaw and ending at your shoulder. Your shirt by this point was already lying somewhere in the room, and it really wasn't something you cared too much about. 
You tilted your head to the side, closing your eyes and enjoying the sensations of Yoongi's wet kisses against your skin. His veiny hands soon stopped on your tits, giving gentle squeezes on the fabric. You shivered as you felt his cool fingers on your barely covered nipples.
"Is your mouth as good at sucking cock as it is at insulting me?" he whispered close to your ear, caressing the curve of your ass with one hand and your breasts with the other. 
"Just so you know, I'm pretty good at giving blowjobs" you said between gasps, pulling on his hair as you felt his teeth bury themselves on your skin.
A shiver ran down your back as you heard the sound of his belt clacking against the floor. 
"Don't say it, show it" he unzipped his pants, but without removing them completely. He slipped a hand inside his boxers so he could pull out his cock. You almost gagged at the sight of it.
You didn't expect it to be so big.
"What's that face?" he cocked his head slightly, trying to meet your gaze.
"It's the same face you've always seen" you muttered, grabbing your hair and forming a bun with your hands. It was bigger than you were used to, but that wasn't going to stop you from doing a good job. This was more for your pride than to satisfy him.
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Yoongi never imagined he would end up having you kneeling in front of him, grabbing your hair so it wouldn't stick to your face, touching his cock with your fingertips, seeing it as if it was the first time you'd ever seen one. Yes, that sight was something Yoongi had only allowed himself to imagine since he first saw you, but to make that vision a reality thirteen years later? He wasn't sure what he had done to have this luck, but he was truly grateful.
"Well, at least now I understand why you were throwing so many flowers at yourself" you whispered, licking his cleft with the tip of your tongue. "Your cock is nice" you looked at Yoongi, running your hand up the length of his member, stopping at his head to draw circles over his cleft.
He wasn't sure what kind of response you wanted to those comments, he wouldn't have been able to respond to them anyway, at least not in this position. 
You left a trail of kisses from the head to the base of his cock only to return upward with a long lick. You smiled proudly as you heard him sigh heavily. It was only until you reached the tip of his member again that you decided to take him into your mouth.
Yoongi almost choked as he noticed that you got it all the way in in one go.
"Shit, Chaeyoung" he moaned, reaching down his hand to grab your hair between his fingers.
You hummed still with him inside your mouth, eliciting another hoarse moan from him. 
You tried to keep a slow pace, not because you couldn't do it faster, but because you seriously thought that's what he wanted. To you Yoongi was always a lazy person, someone who always seemed to move slow, so it made the most sense that he would be that way in sex too.
You knew you were wrong when his grip on your hair became firmer, leaving your head static as he took it upon himself to grind his hips against your mouth. 
"Fuck, you were right, your mouth feels so good," he said huskily, letting his head fall back, his hips grinding faster and harder against your face.
By this point it was impossible for your eyes not to release a tear or two and a trickle of saliva to escape your lips. This man was a brute, you thought to yourself. Somehow that turned you on even more.
Yoongi's brow furrowed as he felt your throat quiver at your soft moans. This felt so much better than any wet dream he'd had in the past with you. He couldn't help but look down to see how you looked sucking his cock. If he had had a camera handy he would have taken a picture of you. This was the first time he had ever seen you cry, and while it's likely that in another context he would have even felt sorry for you, right now all he could think about was how badly he wanted to ravage you like this every chance he got.
You raised your hands, clinging to Yoongi's hips as you closed your eyes and tried not to think about how deep he was thrusting into your mouth. You had to bury your fingernails in his pants when he thrust too hard. You would have a terrible pain in your jaw after that.
After giving you that lunge he let go of your hair and pulled his cock out of your mouth, allowing you to breathe easy. You brought your hand to your throat, rubbing it gently, it hurt a little, but it was totally worth it. 
"Come here" Yoongi said, lifting you up easily and leaning you against the desk. He caressed your still clothed hips, pausing for a few seconds to contemplate your back, the shape of your body, the line of your lingerie. He wanted to taste every nook and cranny. He was determined to taste every little bit of skin in front of him, even if it took weeks. "I like your back" he whispered, bringing his hand up to touch your lower back.
"Thank you" you murmured, turning your head so you could see him, "now would you, I don't know, shut your fucking mouth and do something with me? You owe me."
"You always ruin the moment" he rolled his eyes, unbuttoning your pants and pulling them down. He couldn't help but take your buttocks in his hands, squeezing them lightly. They looked good with the red lace over them. For a second he thought maybe red would be his new favorite color.
His fingers dug in between the lace, seeking your entrance. He almost moaned as he felt how wet you were. He always thought you'd be someone sensitive in bed, but he never thought you'd get like this just from giving him a blowjob.
"You're so wet" he whispered, collecting your juices with his fingers and slipping it back into your pussy. He smiled as he heard you squeal. "And so sensitive, are you sure you can handle my cock?".
He didn't wait for an answer from you, he simply placed the head of his member over your entrance, moving it up and down, barely opening your pussy, all with the intention of teasing you. 
You moaned helplessly as you noticed he had no intention of fucking you. To your luck that was quickly fixed. You held onto the table and, just as his cock brushed your entrance, you pushed your hips back. You had to bury your fingernails in your palms to keep from letting out a scream. You were aware that his cock wasn't even halfway in yet, but it still felt so big.
"Shit, you seriously are a desperate bitch" he growled under his breath, resting his hand on your lower back. He was already inside, what else could he do but fuck you?
 You screamed as Yoongi pushed his entire member inside you, causing your hips to crash against the desk and one of your heels to fall to the floor. Just as he did when you gave him the blowjob, Yoongi didn't go with games. He rested his chest against your back, hugging your waist so he could give himself momentum and make his lunges harder and deeper.
"Yoongi" you gasped, resting your forehead against the wood of his desk. This man had no mercy, and you were beginning to wonder if he was trying to get even for all the bad times you put him through in the past. 
He just hid his face in your neck, leaving wet kisses down your bare skin. His cock stirred slightly inside you as he heard his name leave your lips. He had waited for this moment for so many years.  
As if that were possible, his onslaught grew faster, hitting all the right spots to make you gasp and moan uncontrollably. Your whole body trembled as his cock hit your G-spot with too much force. This time you couldn't hold back the scream that wanted to escape your lips.  
"What was that?" he said in a mocking voice, hitting the same spot again, this time harder. He didn't expect you to tighten around him as he did so. "God, you're so tight, so wet."  
You let your weight fall onto the desk, closing your eyes and keeping your mouth open so you could moan freely. Little tears were leaking from your eyes from the intense pleasure you were feeling. Yoongi made you feel so full, he knew so well where to touch, at what pace to go. You loved how fast he learned to read you.  
"Stop pounding there" you said between moans, trying to keep the knot in your belly from loosening, not so soon at least. "I don't want to come yet."  
Yoongi left a mark near your shoulder, pushing your hair aside to get a better look at it. It felt so good to finally mark you as his. "It’s okay, babe, do it, we have plenty of time to indulge in a long sex session."  
The idea that the two of you would repeat tonight made you quite excited, much more excited than you'd like to say out loud. To your bad luck, your brain didn't seem to want to grasp that idea, leaving your body to show how much you had liked the idea, letting the knot in your center untie and you came on Yoongi's cock with a loud moan. 
Yoongi almost lost his mind watching you decompensate under him, but he was still aware enough of the situation to cum inside you. He quickly pulled out of your pussy, masturbating at the same pace he had kept while he had been fucking you, letting his release fall onto your back, sending shivers down your spine.   
You took a moment to regulate your breathing before you turned to look at Yoongi, "There better not be cum in my hair."  
"Stop whining" he whispered, bending down to your face level and leaving a soft kiss on your lips. "Better get up and get dressed, let's take the stuff to my place and finish the job there, so you can take the opportunity to clean your back well." He fixed his pants and grabbed your clothes from the floor, "In the drawer there are some tissues, give me one, I'll clean your back."  
"Ugh, it feels strange that you treat me decently" you laughed under your breath, fixing your underwear as you took the tissues he asked for.  
"You should get used to it" he pulled one out, gently running it down your back, trying not to get any trace of his seed on you.  
"I will" you smiled, closing your eyes at Yoongi's touch on your back, and almost melted as you felt his lips kiss your head.  
Yes, you were definitely willing to get used to this.
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erajoie07 · 9 months
Irresistible : Jack Reacher (2022) x fem reader
Warning: straight up blowjob and sex.
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Italics - flashback
When I stayed over at his apartment during that unpredictable weather in the summer capital of the country and offered me a cup of matcha and new clothes, there was a plan I didn’t know that Reacher had.
“Keep this up and maybe this thing between will work out.”
Reacher smiles softly and adjusted the black jacket, “That’s the plan and I don’t want you to leave for someone else.”
That bastard saw a huge opportunity in the weather of the capital and offered me to stay at his home.
“They want to go to the park. The kids want to ride bikes.” Reacher begins the morning closing the door behind him walking to YN typing on the laptop. He sighs, “I thought no work during the holidays.” He changes her expression
“Just replying to messages in the group chat. Apparently they want to go a resort but I can’t ‘cause I’m here.” Reacher kisses the top of her head resting his stubble on her cheek. Clicking the escape button, he sees their picture together in Diplomat Hotel from two years ago.
“I want to go to Diplomat Hotel again.” YN says
Reacher hums, his lips touching the softness of her cheek as they make their way down her slender neck. His fingertips reach the strap of her tube top. “What are you doing?” Fully understanding his need
“I want you, sweetheart.”
“What do you want me to do?”
Reacher spins her chair around to face him and his throbbing cock in his pants. YN plays with him grazing her long nails on his ragged jeans testing his limit. When it comes to the need to satisfy the body, they know not to slack further from giving the wanted pleasure. But YN being YN will ultimately pop Reacher’s veins. Reacher’s eyes twitch.
“You know what I fucking want, sweetheart, and I want it now.”
YN reaches for his jeans and unzips it, “You know what your nieces tell about you?” She inches close, pulling her chair toward him. She pulls his huge, aching cock from its confines glancing at a stiff Reacher whose eyes grow darker each second. YN grips his cock tightly stifling his breath. “Upon entry through the door you look like you could already kidnap a child.”
He groans, rumbling off his chest, when I swirled my tongue over its head over and over before my glossy lips wraps around the head making my way down his thick and long length down my throat until a point makes my eyes water. I perceived him as long even if lips touch my fist gripping the base of his cock. I moaned due to his length tasting the pleasure and salty-sweet of him. Finding the confidence to take his cock, swirling my tongue around his head and shaft, and bobbing my head on his length. My pussy is tingling, clenching as I push my thighs together to soothe the need, but it couldn’t because I rub myself off to satiate the need. Deeper I go than before, Reacher’s hand combs through my hair and grips into it, hitching his already unsteady breath. My chokes fill the room but it did not deter me from reaching deeper down his length.
“Sweetheart, you’re so good…sucking my cock like that.” O! How that makes me delirious!
I shoot my blurry eyes on him and saw the deep satisfaction and pleasure coating his face, etching every part. He tips his head back and his breath is unsteady, shallow. His muscles flex as I move on his cock. The grip of his hand becomes stronger than I thought. I increased my pace and the work of my hands on his delicate balls. His pleasure lies in me to give and he gives a signal
“Fuck, sweetheart,”
He pulls my head to halt and he shoots his sweet and warm load in my mouth down. Had enough, he pulls my head away
“Open,” he says
I open my mouth to reveal his cum on my warm walls.
“Swallow it, sweetheart.”
And I did.
Reacher fixes YN's messy hair, styling it back to where it was. “That was some good blowjob. You alright?”
YN nods. Her underwear is drenched.
“Now I gotta take care of that pussy. Get on the bed, sweetheart.” He commands strong, getting her immediately on her feet. This is Reacher, he takes great care of who he loves like his girlfriend most especially when they are in bed and talking about sex.
YN lies on the bed and attempts to remove her shorts when he stops her, “No, I'll do it. Just be a good, little princess. Let me take care of you.” Reacher gets in between her thighs and removes her shorts. Wearing a colored cotton underwear that shows him that wretched stain of pleasure from giving him a good head. He pads his thumb over the wet and sticky residue, pushing it close to her slit. “Reacher-” her breath hitches. Reacher without any more delay removes it off her and keeps it inside his pocket.
“What did you do?” Her voice still soft despite the surprise in it.
“That's mine to keep since you keep taking things from me."
YN inches, “Is it my fault? It seems like you want to put your clothes in my baskets.”
A look of hurt ego displays in his face. “Well what if I put my underwear in it, would you keep it?” He says half-jokingly, sliding the head of his cock on her wet slit.
“My bra is missing.”
He smirks, slowly pushing the tip on her entrance, “Fuck, sweetheart, this pussy is tight.”
She can feel his thickness in her warm walls. When Reaches pushes it to the hilt, it hit all the right spots, groaning to the tightness.
“You're so fucking big, Reacher. Go on,"
Reacher starts slow, sliding his cock in and out of her pussy.
“Oh! Reacher~” she moans softly, whimpering the more he thrusts.
Reacher pushes himself forward, sniffing the scent on the crook of her neck as he reaches deeper and thrusts faster. YN hooks her legs around his torso. Her moans fill the room, spilling profanities. YN is soft when she is in these intimate moments so she won't be able to hold back what comes out her pretty mouth.
“Reacher, o! Reacher! You're so fucking good~”
She wraps her arms around his neck, “Baby, please, slow down,”
That only fuels Reacher as his pace increase further that makes her cling tighter around him, placing her pleasure on him. “O! Reacher!” Her words are cut off. She tips her head back and feels her orgasm rip through, creaming his cock and forming a ring on the base. He slows down just as her orgasm slowly fades.
Reacher pulls away and pushes the tip of his nose on hers, steadying their breaths. Reacher pulls out and plops on his side of the bed. He pushes her to lay on her side and he wraps his arm around her waist and his other arm above her head.
“I love you, Reacher.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
They may rethink if they wish to follow through the park.
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harrysmimi · 1 year
Cheeky Monkey
Synopsis: YN's got a good surprise for Harry (600+ WC)
Ps. It's based on this ask
Series Masterlist | More of my work
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It was one of those days when YN and Harry stayed home but did their own things.
It's the most amazing thing they both agree on. They're bonding but not at the same time.
Just just sat on the sofa with his guitar, practicing and finding new melodies. And YN was just around the house doing her thing on her day off.
Harry is really amazed now she cleans everything so ferociously he's just did and make it better. He still doesn't know what he does wrong that he misses few spots whilst dusting or vacuuming or mopping.
But today she was in kitchen making something she saw on Instagram. He heard the blender go off a couple of times, a few utensils clinging. She made a quick run to their bedroom and ran back in kitchen. Which made him confused at to what she's doing.
Whatever she's upto, he's sure, he'll get something to eat or drink. She's far more better at cooking than he is.
Just a few moments later, she was hopping her way out of the kitchen with a pan in her hands like an excited bunny. "Look what I just made!" She sang placing the pan on the coffee tablem
It was a brownie. Nothing new she's made.
"No, baked oats." She corrected him, "apparently it's supposed to taste like brownie. Also, also, also..." She hopped her way back into kitchen and back out. "I made us some strawberry milkshakes!" She set the tray down beside her baked oats which had two spoons on there as well. He placed his guitar away.
"Isn't this supposed breakfast food baby?" He chuckled as she plopped down next to him, hand him his mug which was visibly smaller than hers, "why is mine smaller than yours?"
"It is breakfast food but who cares!" She exclaimed picking up the spoon and ignoring his second question completely, "it's like a little bit hot so be careful."
"You're weird sometimes." He shook his head but picked up the spoon to try some of the baked oats.
That's all she's going to eat for next month for meals if she likes it, he knows that. And it was chocolate, which she's obsessed with. It was surprisingly good. Not too sweet and it is healthy, also surprisingly.
"Oh my god, this is so good!" She exclaimed, "it's too sweet right?"
"It's perfect, baby, great job!" He gave her a high five.
"Thank you thank you." She smiled proudly, picking up her mug of milkshake which reminded him to try his.
"This is amazing!" He surprisingly liked it more, "I'm gonna need the recipe for--" the mug caught his attention. It was new. At least he's never seen it before. There was something written on it in messy handwriting.
"You make me smile and also super horny."
He chuckled, "you cheeky monkey!" He placed his mug down and tackled her on the sofa.
"You're tickling me!" She laughed squirming inside and she somehow found herself now pinned onto cushion, she can't move.
"I make you super horny?" He asked.
"Mhmm." She nodded proudly.
"Well isn't that nice? Wouldn't want you not horny." He leaned in closer and closer, just inches away from her mouth. His hand on her hip creeping upwards where he tickled her even more.
"Stop stop stop!" She laughed.
"They said romance is dead."
"Not between us." She corrected him, still giggling from tickle attack. "Now will you kiss me?"
"Hmm," he nodded and leaned down to press softest kiss on the apple of her cheek, which had blushing and nose scrunched up. "Is that enough?"
She glared at him, "move." She pushed him off her and sat up straight. Just for him to pin her down to the sofa again and button his mouth on hers hard.
"There!" He placed another kiss, but softly. "I love you."
"I love you." She lifted her head up to kiss his chin quickly.
They ate the entire little baking pan of sweet goodness and made love on the sofa, s typical day at home it was.
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jistagrams · 10 months
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johnny suh x reader
warnings: fluff, kinda smut?, mdni !!, male oral, reader was described as “just a hole”, lmk if i missed any
a/n: accidentally deleted the request that asked for more johnny content 😭😭
“johnny” you huffed out, already getting ready to yell at the much taller figure in the other room. He had forgot to put down the toilet seat. once again. “yes hun?” he strolled in, a smile apparent on his face. you pointed to the toilet, “didn’t I tell u to put it down after? is there a loose screw in there?” you cocked your head to the side, giving him a nasty glare.
Johnny pouted and moved to put it down, you got out of his way, backing up to the sink. “sorry yn.. just forgot about it” he genuinely apologized. He knew you got ticked off easily, even with these small things but to you, it was a huge deal. why can’t he put it down? Is he dumb? Does his arms not work? you sighed and rubbed your forehead, trying to ignore the small headache. you walk out mumbling a “thanks” and walked to the cabinet that held all the medicine, grabbing some aspirin and taking it without any water. he came up from behind you and held you from your waist, placing his head on your shoulder, “you mad at me?” He smiled at you, “no, just a little annoyed??” in all honesty, you have no idea what you feel right now. One moment your mad the next your okay, confusing right? well johnny doesn’t mind, he can handle it. “That’s okay hun, let’s go back to the room, yeah?” You nodded at his words, walking inside your shared bedroom, laying on the bed soon after. He cuddled up right next to you. kissing your neck and holding you by the waist as you threw the blanket on the both of you. “your so beautiful, makes me kinda mad” he joked, giggling after. you joined in the laughter, “your handsome, kinda makes me mad too” you said the same, he hummed and continued to kiss your jaw and neck, johnny was never the type to force you to do anything, always wanting to go at your pace. Never saying he was horny or that he wanted you now, only saying things like that when it felt right. Of course you guys have had sex before but he would rarely say he wanted to fuck, always letting you say something first (unless he was horny like a mf) so when he said “I’m horny” it took you off guard, obviously you’ve heard him say things like that but he always sugar coated it like, “oh baby… would you want to..you know?” he was just sweet like that, and he definitely tasted sweet, so why would you pass up something as good as this? “then let’s fuck” you deadpanned. it was like a whole new him when you said those 3 words, who knew a man with such patience could be holding you down on his dick, not letting you go up for air. forcing you to breathe through your nose, “fuck yn, been waiting to go rough for so long, always so sweet and caring with you.. fuck wait just like that” he moaned and slurred his words, holding onto your hair as he used your mouth like it was just a hole, bobbing your head up and down on his lengthy shaft. “gonna cum, don’t spill anything or else” he spoke in a way you wanted to hear forever, fuck. did you like this new him?
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wonysugar · 1 year
it’s so over for me…. ch. 7
starbies~~ (half written)
a/n: I’M SO SORRY FOR BASICALLY POSTING THIS CHAPTER NOW😭i originally wanted to post it yesterday but thenvoekfke i passed out,,, so sorry. so uhm?? next chapter coming out later today<33 thank you
other, late a/n but uhm this was written wayy before the whole boycott situation.. so uhm don’t go to starbucks!! isofm!yn and isofm!ning are also boycotting as we speak so BE LIKE THEM! free palestine :]
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running into ning today wasn’t something you had originally planned, since, you know, you barely even go to starbucks in the first place. today was just some sort of craving you randomly got while doing your assignments.
you approached her, laying gentle taps on her shoulder, causing her to turn around. her resting bitch face immediately turning into a wide grin upon seeing you. you were flattered, in a way. you never really doubted your guys’ friendship, but you didn’t except such an enthusiastic reaction from her.
“oh. my. god. y/n!!! it’s so great seeing you!” she exclaimed, grabbing you by the arm and jumping up and down which earned very intense stares from the other customers there with you, and despite not usually wanting to draw any attention, you didn’t really give a fuck about it, you still quietly greeted her back, wearing a bright smile.
she offered to pay for your drink, to which you hesitantly accepted, despite her being very financially stable for a college student. plus, you never really go to starbucks, so, after reluctantly accepting, you told her to get you whatever she thought was good. she proceeded to order some sort of thing that sounded like a cryptic harry potter spell, to which the barista apparently immediately understood.
you acquired your order minutes before she did, so you took the chance to settle at the closest table. it didn’t take long for her to sit down facing you, her hand holding a bag containing a chocolate chip cookie with her pinkie and somehow managing to grab ahold of some unknown drink. her other hand holding what seemed to be a… pumpkin spice latte..? you weren’t too experienced, but pretty much everyone knew what a pumpkin spice latte was.
“i didn’t peg you for a white girl, ning.” you said, jokingly squinting your eyes at her as she rolls hers.
“oh shut upp.. that one isn’t even for me,” she vaguely motions at the ‘forbidden’ drink, “aeri asked me to get it for her.” she clarified, your eyebrows unconsciously lifting themselves up. aeri, huh.
whatever, you didn’t care about her. you never did, so why were you so.. immediately uptight at the thought of her?? quickly, you switched the topic of the conversation and focused on talking about other things. the exams coming up, future hangout plans, both of your friend groups.
“oh yeah, i forgot to tell you, by the way, there was like this one private account on twitter that dmed me, and they were like?? asking to kiss me or whatever and it happened the same day you guys went apeshit and like.. apologized about it yesterday.” you quickly took a sip from your very good drink, kept note that ning had incredibly good taste, then carried on, “the apology in question was mostly just them being an ass, so. that was weird!” you giggled.
upon looking at her expression, you noticed that she didn’t seem to find it as humorous as you did. instead, she looked like she was trying to force out a fake giggle, but couldn’t.
“girl, you good?”
“no yeah. i am. i’m great, even.” she cleared her throat, taking comically large sips of her drink, basically finishing all of it in one go. what the fuck?
you stared at her dead-panned, you knew her, you knew that looking at her that way would eventually get her to say what’s on her mind.
and you were correct in thinking that!
“ughh okay don’t tell anyone i told you this and under no circumstances do you tell this to aeri but… okay so we-got-really-drunk-and-high-and-she’s-the-one-that-sent-you-those-messages-and-the-account-she-used-was-her-private-one—“
she then stared at you, apparently expectant of something. the only thing that you could do at that moment was pull out your phone and open up twitter.
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nogenderbee · 2 years
Could I request the brothers calling them the hottest demon they've ever seen while others are watching?
Omg yes! It was actually pretty funny to write! You can tell I love Levi here- anyway I hope you enjoy <3
Calling brothers hottest demon you had seen
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⊱ we all already know that Lucifer's ego is massive so if you want to make it even bigger, go on and he'll be so full of himself for the rest of the day
⊱ and oh boy do it in front of his brothers and they all ehem Satan and Belphies ehem will give you stares saying "what did you just did-?!"
⊱ it doesn't matter if you tell him that in private or in front od his brothers
"Thank you, I really appreciate that you think so as well."
⊱ and then he gives you one of the cockiest smiles of his
"So subtle..."
"You don't have to be jealous, Satan."
"Me? Jealous of you? Pfft, never!"
⊱ Satan IS jealous, he just won't admit it, he won't give his older brother that damn satisfaction after all
⊱ Lucifer on the other hand is more confident for at least the next week thanks to this and if he can, he gladly will remind his brothers how you called him
⊱ but he'll compliment you as well, after all you deserve it after boosting his ego so much
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⊱ Mammon always called himself 'THE Mammon' so you thought that he'll just brush it off like it's nothing
⊱ and while that's a little true he also already has a weak spot for you and you're saying things like that in front of his brothers
⊱ he still tries to act like it's nothing even tho his face says completely otherwise
⊱ it just goes double for him when you say it in front of his brothers and not in private
"O-Of course I am! I AM 'The Mammon' after all! People say that to me all the time!"
"It would he more convincing if your face wasn't so red and if you wouldn't stutter so much..."
"Sh-Shaddup Asmo!"
⊱ now he calls himself 'THE hottest demon Mammon' around you and his brothers to mark that you called him that and no one else
⊱ he becomes a little more clingy towards you then he's usually and his only excuse is that you probably want to hang out with the 'the hottest demon' anyway
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⊱ it's obvious if you know Levi at least a little bit that if you call him the hottest demon, he'll get REALLY emberrassed
⊱ and if you call him like that in front of his brothers, his face will literally burn
⊱ but you apparently decide to do it either way- can't blame you honestly
⊱ similar to Mammon except it doesn't go double for him, it goes triple for him is that how you say it?
"W-Wha-Whaaaat?!!?!!!! Y-You can't just say stuff like that out of the blue!"
⊱ and don't even expect to see him in the nearest month, he has to process what just happened and once he does, he needs to get over it so count next 3 months for that
"Okay, that's it. My introvert heart can't take it! I'll just go to my room... I'll need like a week- no, a month- or 3 months!"
⊱ you really didn't knew he could run this fast as he did now... and by the look on his brothers faces, neither did them
⊱ it's not like he doesn't enjoy being called like that, he just thinks you're either making dun of him or saying it all out of pity
⊱ you better go to his room to calmly explain and erasure him and he may leave a little earlier than he planned
⊱ he still becomes a blushing mess any time he or someone makes him remember it, but as the time passes he starts liking it even if he still goes red like crazy
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⊱ you may think that Satan wouldn't he moved by compliment like that but you're so wrong
⊱ you better say it to him in front of Lucifer or else he'll definitely make you repeat it just to shove it into his face
⊱ he actually blushes a little but does his best to hide it with some politeness
"I- *ekhem* Thank you very much. It's good to know you have a good taste."
⊱ he definitely will mention it every time the eldest brother of his will let his ego show way too much
"You must have a hight ego calling yourself like that even tho YN clearly called ME the hottest demon they had seen. An I wrong, YN?"
⊱ definitely wants you to repeat it as much as you can especially in front of certain demon and often will ask your i to to agree with his words
⊱ he'll also tease you about what you called him if that will put a blush on your face
⊱ whenever he's pisses at someone that he's already in his demon form and person before him is regretting their whole life, just remember him what you called him and he may let them run
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⊱ you could already guess that Asmo won't be emberrassed, quite the opposite actually and you were absolutely right
⊱ when you do it in front of his brothers, everyone in the room knows that he won't shut up about it for at least next month
⊱ after those words left your mouth, be ready for him to spoil you with cuddles and kisses all around your face
"Oh my, you're so sweet darling! Of course I heard it s lot already but I'm stilo happy to hear it from your lips~!"
"Asmo! Whatcha think ya doing?!"
"Spoiling then with affection they deserve, obviously!"
⊱ he's going to be even more affectionate with you than usual for at least next 3 months
⊱ he'll definitely post some selfies with you, putting in description something like 'my sweet human just called me the hottest demon they had seen~ <3'
⊱ be ready that he'll always try to get your attention every time he can and just let me tell you that he can get a little grumpy if he won't attention he needs in the very moment
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⊱ Beel is probably the hardest one to guess but he does get slightly emberrassed
⊱ he doesn't really mind if you tell him this in private or in front of his brothers, his reaction would still be the same
⊱ when you said it, you catched him a little of guard so it took him a little bit of time to process what just happened but it doesn't last long
"...Thank you! Oh, do you want to try one of the cupcakes I'm eating right now?"
⊱ definitely offers you some of his food, he's eating right now or will take you out to some restaurant as thanks
⊱ he won't mention it again to any of his brothers since he doesn't want to make them feel worse or anything but that doesn't mean that he doesn't care
⊱ it still puts a big smile on his face whenever he remembers it or you say it again
⊱ he often wants to spend more time with you whenever he remembers it or after you said it, so expect to have tall demon following you like a puppy
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⊱ you thought that Belphie won't care so you brushed it off at first, but once the thought of saying it in front of his brothers came to your mind, you decided to realize it
⊱ surprisingly his reaction isn't as different if you would say it in private
⊱ when words leave your mouth tho, be prepared that he'll just mumble thanks and then excuse himself that he's tired
"Thanks... I'm tired now, I will go to my room and take a nap. YN, do you want to go with me?"
⊱ he often asks you if you want to take a nap with him so it's not that strange to you but he definitely won't turn his head towards you because if he did, you'd see his blushing face
⊱ when you somehow see his face and point it out, he'll say that it's just hot here and you should go to attic since there's a little bit colder
⊱ oh, what's that? You want to leave the bed in the morning? Too bad because he doesn't. You're staying in here for at least a day or untill someone reminds him that humans also need to eat
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mingiswow · 1 year
Boyfriend | Ahn Hyejin
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Pairing: Hwasa x fem!reader
Words: ~ 4.1k
Genre: smut, mutual pinning, friends to strangers to lovers, a little angst
Content Warning: smut, mentions of alcohol and food consumption, hwasa and reader are both stupid, ridiculous amount of pet names
Smut warning: unprotected sex (stds exist kiddos), oral, fingering, finger sucking, scissoring, multiple orgasms, Hwasa first time with another woman
⚠ English is not my native language, so pardon me if there are any mistakes. And you can always tell me what’s wrong.
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a/n: thx so much anon for the request and sorry it took me forever to write. I was inspired by one of my favorite songs from last year so I hope you enjoy it <3
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It was painful. It truly was. Everytime you were around each other and you could do nothing but look at her. Admire her. To feel that painful sting of jealousy that you were so used to by now. Every Time her velvety and soothing voice spoke the words that you didn’t want to hear.
Pathetic. That was the word that could better describe you and Hwasa's relationship with each other. Not because the relationship itself was pathetic but because you were clearly head over heels for each other. Everyone knew that. Everyone saw. But you. You had your questions once in a while but soon were put in the back of the last drawer of your brain and forgotten. Because how could she like you back? How would a woman like Hyejin like someone like you? She was truly a Greek goddess walking among the mere fool mortals.
Not only that, she never gave any reason for you to think she liked you. Or women to be honest. She always told you and her other friends the difficulties of finding herself a decent boyfriend, a decent man. She always complained about the dates she’d go with these insufferable men in hopes to find something. “Not love, because that’s too deep for some of them” is what she would say.
And that was exactly what she was talking about. Her last date with this apparently nice looking guy who was a vet doctor and seemed to treat her nicely. Just the thought of Hyejin enjoying a date that was not with you made you anxious. Made you bite the inside of your cheek so much that you could feel the metallic taste in the tip of your tongue.
While she gushed about how he was such a gentleman, her eyes twinkling with a new found crush, you left the room to go to the kitchen to grab more alcohol. You needed to intoxicate your brain and forget about those stupid one sided feelings. Even more so now that she seemed to be interested in this guy.
A deep breath left your mouth, a stupid trial to exhale all the pent up frustration and jealousy.
“How long will you be holding a grudge against your feelings?” The voice scared you but you knew it was Yongsun, the only one you thought it knew about your silly crush.
You had no answer. As always. She was always right when it came to yours and Hwasa’s feelings but you’d never admit that to her. So you just shrugged.
“Yn… you’ll lose her if you keep hiding behind this facade of a good friend”
“First of all, it’s not a facade, I am a good friend that just happens to have feelings for her. And second, I can’t lose something I never had” your voice lowered towards the end of the sentence. You never had her. And never will. It was chosen already. “I have to forget her, Sun, I do. Before it’s too late” the can in your hand was finally opened and you took a big gulp of the bitter drink.
“And how do you plan to do that?” Your friend asked, taking the beer from your hand and drinking it too.
“I think…” you sighed, the weight of the decision, heavy on your shoulders, “I’ll take some time apart from her. It’ll be better for me if I don’t see her, especially now that she’s going out with this Seongyong dude”
“I know it’s not the best and mature idea, I am aware. It’s just… it’s the best for me. If I don’t see her then I won’t feel things” the older one sighed, she knew she had no true power over your decision, you’ve made up your mind.
“Ok, I don’t agree but I respect your decision” she took a few steps to leave the kitchen but turned around “just don’t after me when this didn’t work because I’ll be the bitch to say I’ve told you” and with that she left the kitchen.
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After the party you started avoiding Hyejin and the rest of your friends, finding excuses to never go to the parties and gatherings. You even missed Hyejin’s birthday party, something that hasn't happened for the past at least 5 years. But it was for the best. You saw the pictures of the party and your heart shrunk and broke into tiny pieces when you saw her having fun with her now boyfriend.
Did staying away from her helped? Not at all. You kept stalking her social media. Entering her account everyday to see what she had posted. Watching her stories on Instagram. You were just torturing yourself at that point. But that was another thing you’d never admit to yourself.
It was a warm summer night, the city seemed even more alive than ever. And you could hear the movement from your apartment. It made you feel sad that you were alone at your apartment again.
You were about to prepare to go to bed and watch some movie before sleeping when the doorbell rang.
She was the last person you expected to see behind that door when you opened.
“H-Hyejin? What… Are you okay?” You asked when you saw how drunk she looked. Her cheeks red, eyes semi closed, mouth slightly opened and her heels on her hands.
“No, I’m not” she answered, words wobbly with alcohol as she entered your house without even asking. Not that she needed to anyways.
You could smell the alcohol starting to evaporate from her sweat, the scent being borderline nauseating.
“How much have you drunk?” You asked, going after her. She threw herself on your couch.
“Why do you care?” The words were thrown at you like knives. And you deserved it.
“I always care”
“If you really cared you wouldn’t disappear from my life” she lifted her body, trembling a bit but managing to stand on her feet. “If you really cared you’d go to my birthday party, you’d cherish me and our friends, you wouldn’t just lie to us” she kept hitting your chest with the point of her index finger. She only did that when she was drunk and wanted to make a point.
You sighed and closed your eyes. You couldn’t deny any of those words. She was right. Absolutely right.
“I do care and that’s exactly why I stopped seeing you. Because I care too much” she crossed her arms like she was a mad little kid. “I cared too much to see you all being happy while I was in misery watching you”
“That’s bullshit! Since when are you in misery?” Her voice started to get louder. The alcohol getting the best of her usually controlled demeanor. “Your life is great, you have you dream job, you have your own apartment, you have friends, since when t-“
“I don’t have you”
“If course you have me, I’m your friend”
“I hate that word! I don’t want to be your friend, Hyejin, I want more!” You screamed, tears pricking your eyes. That’s not how you wanted to say these things. God! You didn’t even want to say these things. “Fuck! I… did you know how fucking painful was to hear you gush about your boyfriend with the girls when I was there? Listening and just wishing to be him. To be the one you gushed about? Did you know how painful it was to me to be in love with one of my best friends for years and have to see you suffer from all the jerks and I couldn’t do anything because I was just your friend? How mind and soul eating was the thought that I could be the predatory queer friend if I ever approached you because you don’t like girls and I never wanted to step over your boundaries?” Hyejin was in shock. That was the best word to describe the way she was.
Her arms were limp beside her body, eyes watching you with no expression besides surprise, no words leaving her mouth. You would be surprised if she wasn’t breathing as well.
You waited for an answer but she just closed her eyes and fell on the couch again, sleeping. You sighed. She was too drunk to even keep herself awake. She wasn’t even going to remember this conversation by the next day. Which you assumed was the best for the both of you.
You grabbed her bridal style and took her to your bed, putting her to sleep there while you slept on the couch. If it happened from her to remember anything you said, you didn’t want her to be uncomfortable by your side on the bed.
Laying on the couch, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath while trying to soothe your aching heart and racing mind.
You didn’t even know how or when you fell asleep. But you woke up with Hyejin’s velvety voice calling you. At the beginning you thought it was a dream but when you opened your eyes you saw her squatting by your side, hand on your shoulder and a shy smile on her face. She managed to look the prettiest she ever looked to you.
“Sorry to wake you up”
“It��s everything okay?” You asked while sitting on the couch to talk to her.
“We need to talk” you nodded and she sat by your side. You waited for her to say something. Hyejin took a deep breath in and turned to look at you. “I’m sorry” it took you a while to respond, not really knowing what to say.
“It’s alright, it’s not like I haven’t dealt with you drunk before” you gave a little chuckle but she shook her head.
“It’s… it’s not about that. I’m sorry that I made you suffer” she looked at the ground, picking the little loose skins on the fingers.
“It’s not your fault, Jinnie, I didn’t say anything either. It’s not like you should know” you grabbed her chin to make her look at you. “Besides, I never wanted to ruin our friendship, you are too important for me”
“What if I want you to ruin it?” You watched her, a little bit shocked by her statement.
“What what?”
“What do you mean? I’m… I am a little lost here” Hyejin gave her little giggle that you loved so much and moved a few centimeters closer to you.
To say your heart became a thousand marching bands in your chest was being very nice because your heart was about to come out of your throat and jump into her own.
Her hands grabbed yours and brought them to her chest, right in the middle, feeling her thumping heart.
“I never told you anything either because it took me a while to realize that what I felt for you was more than friendship. Sorry I had to make you feel like that to make me pay attention to my own feelings” you nodded. “I thought that was because I enjoyed your friendship, your attention on me. I guess I always knew you liked me… I just… never accepted myself”
“I know how it feels” you said and smiled. You took your hand out of her chest and held her face, feeling her give in to the touch and slightly lean her face into your hands. “Please tell me this is not a dream” you whispered, more to yourself than anything else but she heard.
Hwasa smiled and closed the distance between your faces and kissed your lips. It was simple, just a longer peck but it was enough to make the sleeping butterflies in your stomach wake up.
“Does that answer your question?” The woman smirked, almost as she was playing with you. Which wasn’t a lie.
“Not yet, I think I need more evidence” you entered her little game and this time was your turn to kiss her.
Opposite of her, you didn’t go for the peck. No. You went for the kiss. The real one. Both of your hands held her face in place as you leaned forward to touch her lips with yours, your body slightly towering her, making her feel the warmth coming from you. She felt safe, welcomed, and, more than anything, she felt… excited.
You’ve been dreaming about this kiss for the past years of your life, you had to take your chance if she ever felt like giving up. But Hyejin was far too gone to give up, your lips felt like heaven to her. The way you knew exactly how to kiss her, how she liked, how she deserved. She could feel all your love and feelings boiling in that little touch of lips.
It didn’t take long for you to feel confident enough to open your mouth more and invade her mouth with your tongue. Which she gladly welcomed, a sigh mixed with a low moan leaving her mouth as you did. One of your hands went to her waist, grabbing the skin between your fingers, making sure she was not going to run away, while the other held the back of her neck, pulling her head closer towards your own. Her hands, that were holding your arms, put themselves on top of your thighs, caressing them on top of your sweatpants.
Everything was getting more intense, getting more heated. Both of you could feel it. And all you hoped was that she wasn’t going to stop you because the heat in between your legs was getting annoying.
Your body started to move on top of her, leaning down and taking hers to lay down on the sofa with you. The kiss never breaking, only intensifying from the pent up need from both of you.
“Yn…” Hyejin moaned your name in the middle of the kiss and you could die happily right then and there. The way your name sounded painful coming from her mouth as if the air she needed to say was being pulled from her lungs. “Please” her voice, usually strong, velvety and deep, was whiny, above a whisper. You lowered your kisses from her mouth to her neck, kissing, sucking and biting the soft skin there. “More, please… I… more” you smiled on her skin, enjoying the effect you had on her. The wait was worth it.
“What is it, Princess? I need you to be more specific to me” you kept your assault on her neck and you could see by your rear view that her legs rubbed together.
“I need more, yn… I… I don’t know… I-I just need something. Touch me please” in a blow of confidence she grabbed one of your hands and put it between her legs and you feel the fabric of her panties under her skirt already starting to get damp.
“Fuck” you whispered feeling the wetness as you slid your fingers up and she left a low moan. “You’re going to be the death of me”
“Just please fuck me before you die” she said without thinking much of her words, making you chuckle and her to blush.
You left your position on top of her, earning a whine, before grabbing her bridal style to take her back to your bed.
“Honey, if I’m going to fuck I’m fucking you right” you said before laying her back on the bed.
You pulled her skirt and underwear down, lower half naked. Hyejin, the woman of your dreams was half naked on your bed, pussy dripping wet waiting for you to fuck her like she deserved. Without losing any more time, you snaked in between her legs, putting them on top of your shoulders as you got face to face with her glistening pussy.
You looked at her face one more time to ask for her consent but you didn’t even have to do it because she was nodding eagerly before grabbing you by your hair and pulling you to shove your head on her pussy.
Her smell was divine, her wetness welcoming your mouth like her own welcomed before during the kiss. Your tongue licked a long fat stripe from her hole to her clit, earning the most obscene moan you’ve even imagined coming from her, which made you even more eager. She tasted as sweet as you imagined in your most perverted dreams. She tasted, smelled perfection. She was perfection.
Your licks and sucks were being distributed equally on her clit to her hole. You used the tip of your tongue to write your and her name on her clit, her legs trying to close on your head as she kept rubbing her pussy on your face, not being able to keep quiet. It was too much. She never felt anything like that. Was it because it was you? Was it because you were good? Or was it because nobody ever ate her like she deserved? Maybe all the answers were right. All she knew was that you were devouring her like you were starving and she was enjoying every single second of it.
You were slowly edging her, playing with her clit until the knot in her stomach started to tighten until you left the nub to go tongue-fuck her hole, your skilled muscle entering her as deep as it could, the sour taste of her wetness being welcomed on your tongue as you felt like tou were using drugs. You were completely high by her, by her taste, her smell, her body. Everything. You were becoming addicted to the vice grip she held your hair, burning your scalp, but you couldn’t care less.
You kept going with your mouth from clit to vagina until she was coming on your tongue, a trembling mess on your shoulders, sweet moans of your name leaving her lips as you kept licking and sucking her clit until she rode her orgasm. When she was getting back to her senses and thinking it was over, you pushed your middle finger inside her. Her tight warm wall welcoming your digit.
“Yn… fuck… please… I’m so sensitive” she whined, trying to close her legs again but stopped her.
“Oh, baby, I know. But we just started” she widened her eyes looking at you. “I know these men never fucked you right, but I’m here to make up for you, ok? Just don’t think too much. Relax and let me take care of you” she nodded, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
You left your position in between her legs and took your finger from inside of her just to take the rest of her clothes off so she was fully naked. Beads of sweat adorning her soft and tan skin, eyes dark with pleasure, chest rising up and down with the action. She never looked so pretty. You wished you could take a picture of this moment to keep forever.
You kissed her lips again, making her taste herself in your tongue, which she gladly did. If it was anyone else she’d think it was gross, but it was you. And she learned rather quickly that you could do anything with and to her that she’d thank you.
While you were kissing she entered two fingers inside of her cunt, a moan getting trapped inside of your mouth as you swallowed it. Your hand started to move, slowly at first, making her feel used to the intrusion but soon she was asking for more. Begging. You went faster, wrist snapping fast and hard, fingers curling and opening inside of her hole, finding the soft spongy spot inside, making her eyes roll back and back arch up. She was getting closer again and you could tell. Walls hugging your digits.
Your other hand went to her mouth, prodding the tip of the index and middle fingers on her lips. Hyejin understood the movement and opened her mouth, taking both fingers in her mouth and sucking them, hands holding your forearm as she sucked your fingers like her life depended on it.
“Such a good girl, you like having something on your mouth, don’t you?” She nodded, moaning around your fingers and her walls squeezed your other ones. You smirked at that but decided that you probably would have other opportunities to mess with her. “Can you cum for me again, baby?” She nodded eagerly. “Then come again. Wet my fingers like you did with my face” she moaned against your fingers again and you increased the speed of your fingers on her pussy.
It didn’t take much for her to come undone again on your fingers, juices leaving her pussy as she almost screamed around the fingers on her mouth. Her legs trembled even more this time and you could see she was getting too sensitive. But you needed to release as well. You knew this was her first experience with another woman so you decided not to overwhelm her and make her go down on you. Besides, you hoped you’d have chances to teach her how to do it.
You help her ride her orgasm before leaving the bed to stand up and take your own clothes off. Something inside of you suddenly got shy to be naked in front of her but as soon as you saw the way she drank your naked form, you left all the shyness behind and got on top of her again.
You kissed her lips again, her hands going to squeeze the soft skin of your ass as she kissed you more eagerly than before. It was wet and messy, all tongue and teeth. You noticed how she started to rub her core on the thigh it was inside her legs, searching for friction.
“Two orgasms and you’re still rutting against my thigh?” She got shy and blushed, eyes looking at you like a puppy. “Tell me, baby. What do you need? You want to cum again?” She nodded and squeezed your ass again, making you giggle at her attitude. “It’s your lucky day because I can make you cum as many times as you want” you lowered yourself to whisper on her ear “that’s the perks of dating women, we can last longer than any men could ever imagine and make you cum until you ask for me to stop” Hyejin left a little moan leave her lips as she imagined fucking you until she couldn’t walk.
You grabbed her body, laying her even more on the bed and opened her legs. You put yourself in between her legs, making your pussies touch each other. She moaned with just the feeling of your hot wet pussy in contact with hers, head thrown back. You chuckled and started to move, genitals rubbing together. The friction making you moan as well. You were not such a big fan of scissoring but somehow it felt so good with her. The way your juices were mixing with each other made the movements comfortable and enjoyable. Once in a while your clits would touch each other, earning loud moans from both of you.
Hyejin started to move herself, making your pussies touch even more and rub each other like a vice. Her long nails squeezing the skin of your thighs making you moan in a delicious pain mixed with pleasure. And it didn’t took long for her to cum again, clit rubbing against you even faster to ride the high. You came soon after her, your juices mixed dripping down your skin.
You left your place on the bed to grab a wet cloth so you could clean her sweaty and sticky body, taking special care with her sensitive area. After cleaning her you went to clean yourself and grab a cup of water for her.
Hwasa drank the water in a swig making you chuckle at her thirstiness.
“What are you laughing at? That’s all your fault?” She sassed at you. You feigned offense, putting your hand on your chest and opening your mouth
“My fault? You were the one who asked for it, remember?” She blushed and turned her back to you. You giggled at her. “But today was just a taste of what you can get”
“A taste? Can you go beyond?” She glared at you, eyes widened with the thought of you being able to go for even longer.
“Oh honey, you have no idea what I can do” you smirked at her, grabbing her chin between your fingers and softly kissing her lips. “But I can go slow with you, there are a lot of things for me to show and teach you” she smiled and nodded, giving you another kiss.
“And I can’t wait for you to teach me” she cuddled your waist and you couldn’t take the stupid smile out of your face.
She was going to be yours from then on.
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Masterlist | Requests and feedback
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pancakes4two · 2 years
SHE’S BAAAAAAAACK! obviously had to write another private!yn blurb since gucci invited devon to a harry show ❣️❣️❣️
MASTERLIST (read all the previous parts here!) | SEND ME A REQUEST
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Liked by harrysnewfinsta, yourbff and 19 others
yournewinstagram kinda wish he consulted me before inviting 20,000 people into our house
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harrysnewfinsta At least I didn’t invite them into our bedroom.
yournewinstagram don’t be so vulgar
yourbff omg y/n in the pit!
yournewinstagram what a surprise i know 🥺 but i loved it there was so much more room to dance & no one came up to me
yourbff awwww i love that for youuuuu
harrysnewfinsta She was a rockstar on that floor ⭐️
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Liked by yournewinstagram, paulithepsm and 12 others
harrysnewfinsta All dressed & ready for the last couple of shows at the Forum. Get ready LA x
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harrysnewfinsta Because.
harrysnewfinsta Why not.
paulithepsm Our favorite cowgirl ❤️
yournewinstagram can’t wait to throw it down backstage with you again pauli 💕💕💕💕
pillowpersonpp How’s the eye?
harrysnewfinsta Questionable.
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Liked by harrysnewfinsta, pillowpersonpp and 19 others
yournewinstagram guys his eye is fine he was just being dramatic
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harrysnewfinsta The verdict is in.
harrysnewfinsta You can’t SEE the rainbow. You can only TASTE it.
yournewinstagram hey h… hate to break it to you but i don’t think this comedy career is going to work out
harry_lambert Shame I didn’t get to yassify an eyepatch
yournewinstagram 😢 next time lamby
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harryleaked a fan spotted harry’s girlfriend at an invite-only event in LA this weekend. apparently he was invited to perform and she came to support since she’s already in the city for his residency.
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harryfan guys… we were doing so good on respecting their privacy……..
harryfan1 i lowkey thought they broke up 😭
harrystan she is one of us fr. she even bootscooted with us during TPWK ❤️
harryfan4 so did she say hi to fans? i’m confused
harrystan no we kinda just pretended like we didn’t know she was his gf and she seemed to appreciate that
harryfan3 awwww that’s so cute🥹 see how easy it is to just treat her like a normal human being
harryfan5 if y’all just act normal she’ll be more open to interacting with us. leaking more pics isn’t a good place to start LOL
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Liked by harrysnewfinsta and 11 others
yournewinstagram girlfriend reported for duty one last time 🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡🫡 thank u lloyd for capturing me at my happiest
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harrysnewfinsta How am I going to survive a month without you.
yournewinstagram stop it rn
yourbff your honor she’s absolutely slaying
harry_lambert I just love you so much
harrysnewfinsta What about me?
harry_lambert 🤷‍♂️
TAGLIST: @crazygirlinthisworld @grapejuice-rry @b-reads-things @s8tellite @michellekstyles @vrittivsanghavi
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klbwriting · 7 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 5: Dear Friend
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: violence, blood, stitches
Summary: Jason tries to take on more guys than he can handle and ends up bloody at YN's work
But if the while I think on thee, dear friend, All losses are restored and sorrows end. -Sonnet 30
Turns out five mobsters with pipes, was too many to beat up, even when you were once Robin. Jason hadn't gotten beat like this since he died and he was lucky they thought he was dead or he may have been back in the ground again, and he was pretty sure Dick wasn't going to pull him after these antics. He was supposed to be at home this Friday night while Dick attended some policeman's gala with Barbara, but no. Jason had decided to head to Crime Alley, see if he could help anyone. He didn't want to protect all of Gotham this time around, he wasn't fooled by Bruce's lofty promises of making a difference in this city, but he wanted to help this little piece of it, a piece that even Batman seemed to have forgotten. That was how he found himself facing down five of Sal Maroni's biggest minions.
They had been finishing taking protection money from a bodega down the street from his old apartment, leaving the shop with the bag full of money like they were in a 1950's mob movie when Jason had dropped in front of them, masked up and ready to fight. He got several good shots in on the large men, taking two of them down with broken femurs, but then one got behind him and walloped him in the shoulder blades with the pipe, then another got him in the face, cracking the mask and lacerating his cheek pretty bad. The metallic taste of blood filled his mouth as the third one still standing cracked the back of his head, taking him down to the ground. He wanted to get up, but flashbacks of getting up and then being beaten back down with a crowbar came to mind and he felt a panic attack coming on. The mobsters apparently thought it was the breathing of a dying man and took their injured buddies and ran. Jason lay on the street, hyperventilating, trying to bring himself out of his panicked stupor, for almost an hour. He stood, discarding the broken mask in a random dumpster before limping off, trying to figure out a place to go.
Turns out he would be found before he could think of someplace. He didn't even realize he was walking past Big Belly Burger until the door opened and he heard the most angelic sound in the history of the earth.
"Jason?" YN said from the doorway of the dimmed restaurant. He turned, looking at her with glassy eyes. He saw her eyes get wide and her mouth fell open in shock at what was probably a horrifying appearance. He knew his cheek was still leaking blood, probably needed stitches, and his head was killing him. Despite him looking like the last person you would want to invite into a place that served food YN came over, grabbing him under the arm and helping him inside. Once she had him seat at one of the tables she locked the doors again, and lowered the blinds for good measure. "Wait here, we have first aid supplies in the back." He watched her hurry off and managed to get half his mouth up in a pained smile. She was helping him again, God she was so nice.
"Thank you..." he managed out when she got back with a full tackle box of medical supplies. The voice sounded watery and the terrified look on her face tol him his mouth was probably leaking blood. She took a breath and got out some disinfectant and a needle and thread.
"Don't talk, I'm going to need to stitch your cheek, but honestly I have no idea how so this is going to be a huge botch and it will scar, is that ok with you?" she asked. Jason didn't see how he had any other choice, and honestly, he kind of missed having some scars. He nodded. "Do you need something to bite down on or anything?" He chuckled and winced. She wasn't taking a limb, but he appreciated her concerned none the less.
"Just do it," he said softly. She gave him a look that said 'I told you to shut up', before starting to sew him back together. It took a long time and he spent it watching her face. Her eyes concentrated, she was taking deep breaths in between humming various songs that he couldn't identify. He could see the storm behind the calm in her eyes, she was hanging on by a thread at the moment, hoping she wasn't fucking his face up for life. When she finally finished she put the extra thread and the needle down on the table and Jason saw tears start streaming from her eyes as she looked at her bloodied hands.
"I should get you cleaned up..." she said softly, ignoring the torrent running down her face as she helped him stand and walk to the small bathroom. She found some paper towels, wetting them and gently wiping at the blood drying on his face, making sure not to tear the fresh stitches. Then she looked at her hands, and his. Jason saw her hands shaking, all the worry and fear that came with someone showing up at your door bloody crashing down on her. He gently took her hands and washed them for her, getting every smear of blood off of them before he washed his own. He looked in the mirror then, finally seeing how bad the cut was. It was from the middle of his cheek all the way past the top of his ear, almost to the back of his head. He caught sight of YN behind him, looking at him in the mirror. He turned, not sure how else to express his thanks, so he hugged her, making sure his new wound was away from her face. She hugged him back, clinging to him.
"I'm sorry I scared you," he whispered, being very careful move his mouth only a little. She nodded into his chest. "Do you happen to have pain pills in that med kit?"
"Ya, come on, I should probably watch you for a couple hours too, make sure you don't fall asleep with that concussion," she said softly. Jason shook his head. "What isn't that what you're supposed to do?"
"No, if someone gets a concussion they can sleep, you just need to wake them up every so often, make sure they can answer questions," he said. She nodded as they sat down in a booth, him leaning his head against a pillar as she got him some pills and water. He took them, hoping the pain would ease soon, it was pounding in his head and face.
"Alright, so let me ask some questions then," she said, eyeing him suspiciously. He nodded, fair enough she would want to know why he had shown up bloody as fuck at her work when he lived all the way across the river. "What is your full name?"
"Jason Peter Todd," he answered easily. She nodded.
"Whens your birthday?"
"August 16th," he answered, then made a face. Was that still his birthday? Technically he had been pulled out of the pit, alive on June 12th, so what August still it? She made a face at him.
"Should we got to a hospital? Did you forget your birthday?" she asked. He shook his head.
"No, no, just realized that this year no one actually said happy birthday to me, wondering if it still counts," he said. Dick had forgotten until a week later. Jason did have to say, at least Alfred always had a cake for him to eat for breakfast on his birthday, he missed those cakes. He must have looked sad because he felt a hand on his.
"Why are you in Crime Alley again?" she asked. He sighed, she really just did not believe that he had lived here.
"For the third time, I lived here until I was 10, then I was adopted by a rich guy who had a penchant for charity cases," he explained. She asked what happened to his parents and he sighed. "My dad disappeared, could be dead for all I know, and probably is. He owed a lot of people money. And my mom was an addict, she OD'd and then I was on the street for a bit before my adoptive father found me."
"Do you live in Bludhaven with him?" she asked. He shook his head.
"No, we had a falling out last year, so I moved in with my older brother, his other adopted son," he said. She frowned. "What?"
"Are you Bruce Wayne's kid?" she asked. He sighed and nodded. "I can understand you falling out with him. He came to Gotham Academy once for a fundraiser thing and he was so rude, flashing cash everywhere, making a big scene and getting trashed. You are probably better off with your brother." Jason chuckled. Bruce had probably needed a cover story that night to explain where he was while Batman was out doing something. Dick had probably been in the suit that night. "Ok, so you grew up here, prove it, tell me something about Crime Alley only we locals know." Jason wracked his brain and then pulled out a memory he thought he had long wiped clean from his mind.
"The playground," he said. Her eyebrows rose at this statement. "The playground in the basement of the old mattress store. No one know who decided to put a playground down there, but I used to go there all the time as a kid when my mom was zoned out and my dad was off gambling. We all kept it secret from outsiders so that the cops wouldn't come and tear it down." She nodded.
"Ok, maybe you did grow up here," she said. "Where was that?" He wanted to say 'in your building' but she didn't know he had followed her home like an absolute creep that night so he told her where the address was, pretending to be surprised when she told him she lived there now. "So how did you end up with the bloody face?"
"I am trying to help out, I saw some of Sal Maroni's guys terrorizing a bodega, thought I could take'em, make'em give the money back to the owner," he said. She froze for just a moment and he thought maybe she knew the antics of those gangsters. "I just want this place to be safer for you." He didn't realize that was truly what was at the heart of this whole thing. Ever since he met her he had wanted to protect her, make sure she was safe no matter where she was.
"Jason, don't go getting yourself killed just to try and protect me," she whispered. He looked at her. He would die a thousand times to protect her. He gently took her hand and squeezed it. "Here, I really need to clean up this place and get home, give me your number, let's meet at the playground, run some lines or something, I'm sure you need help being a tortured Prince." Jason chuckled, she was wrong about that, he had no trouble being insane and seeing ghosts, was kind of his MO at this point, but they exchanged numbers and he helped her clean up the place, disinfecting everything before he went back home.
Dick had been pissed but Jason had lied and said the cut was from a fight at school, some jocks jumping him on his way home. He said he did the stitching himself, even though his stitches would have been perfect, he still got away with it saying he couldn't really remember how to do it right after the pit. Turns out being dead for awhile is a great excuse. Dick didn't quite believe him but just sent him to bed. When he got up to the loft and checked his phone there was already a text from YN.
Playground, Sunday, 8pm, I want to check your stitches, bring Hamlet and a skull
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okay i'm going to need a part 2 only if possible ofc of the taeyong drabbe
For you? Anything.
Spectral Lover [Pt. 2]
TW: Ghosts Genre: Romance Pairing: Lee Taeyong x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 0.8K
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Part 1]
Notes: Fuck it why not?  Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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You were always a huge believer in the supernatural. But you supported more of an idea that humans and ghosts coexist peacefully and, just like humans, there were the rogue few who stood out as "bad" entities.
So, when you moved into this new home and found out that it was apparently haunted, you were more excited than afraid. And so far, your excitement was well felt.
"Alright," you placed the contraption down in front of you while you sat cross-legged on the floor. It was essentially a laptop with its monitor on backward, and your hope is that it would help you communicate with your spectral roommate. "Mr. Ghost? If you're here with me right now, I made this device so we could communicate better."
Taeyong, of course, was always hanging around you, and was actually already seated in front of the keyboard. He looks at the device and whistles.
"According to what the movers said, you died back in the 19th century, so I don't expect you to know what this is," you muttered. You were right. "Basically, just type out what you want to say. Give it a shot," you invited him to do so, but Taeyong could see the doubt in your eyes. Hesitantly, he leans forward and looks over the keyboard, going through the rows of letters and symbols, before finally hovering his hand over it.
He was afraid.
Usually, when it came to material items, he couldn't actually touch them, but for whatever reason he was doing fine with moving objects around, this was a new development for him.
Then, when you sighed and slumped his shoulders, he pressed a key.
And your face lit up.
"No way..." your shock was clear and Taeyong was as excited as you. He quickly typed out something he'd been meaning to tell you for months now.
"Hi!" Your grin was angelic. "Oh, wow, I was afraid that this wouldn't have worked! Mr. Ghost, allow me to properly introduce myself, my name is (Y/N) (L/N)!"
My name is Taeyong Lee. As you said, I am who you usually refer to as 'Mr. Ghost.'
As Taeyong typed it, he muttered it to himself as well. How long has it been since he said his name?
"Taeyong, huh?" And how long has it been since he heard it? "I'm sorry for moving into your house, I'm sure you're very picky about who stays here."
You're fine, of all the newer owners, you're the only one who's respected me and this house.
"Is that so?" You read the monitor again. "I'm glad, I've heard many stories about you. Are they true?"
Unfortunately, yes. Though, all except one.
"Which is?"
I wasn't a hermit. I did have a partner.
"Oh, that's wonderful! This whole time I was sad that you were alone. Is that partner here in the house as well?"
In a way, yes.
"Amazing, together even after death," your voice was dreamy, and Taeyong melted into every word. "I'm assuming you were the one who helped me unpack?"
Yes, that was me.
"And I'm very thankful for that," you nodded, "were you also the one who switched out my dress that one night?" Taeyong chuckled. True, he loved you, but he knew he couldn't love you the way you deserved to be, so instead, he chose to help you find happiness another way, even if that meant he had to see someone else beside you.
Maybe, did your date like it?
"You have very good taste! He complimented me on it all night long." you chuckled.
Then, yes, it was me. I'm glad he liked it, I may be out of my time, but from the previous owners I've been able to keep up with the times.
"I think this is the start of something really cool, Mr. Lee!"
Please, just call me Taeyong.
"Taeyong it is, then! Thank you for speaking with me, I look forward to getting to know you better," you nodded. "If you ever have something to say, go ahead and use this machine, I think it'll be a good alternative than a ouija board."
And a much safer one as well.
"Exactly! Now, I do have to get to work, so I'll leave the house in your hands. Thanks, Taeyong!"
Of course, drive safely.
"Thank you!" And, you're gone, up the stairs to grab your things no doubt. Taeyong leaned back and watched you run up the stairs before whistling and turning back to the monitor. Then, he heard you run down the stairs and, as expected, a slight thud. "Ow! I'm okay!" You announced, and Taeyong couldn't hold back his laugh. Funny how things stay consistent over reincarnation. "Mr. Ghost? Are you laughing?!" Taeyong holds his tongue.
"Can you hear me, (Y/N)?" Taeyong shot up and near ran over to where you were, but you looked around the foyer for a sign of anything and, finally, you looked through him. You couldn't see him. "Oh... (Y/N)," he shakes his head.
"One day, we'll work on it, Taeyong," you nodded and adjusted your bag over your shoulder before leaving. Taeyong locked the door behind you.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
NCT Tag List: @cherrylovr @minjiville 
If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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soranihimawari · 1 year
A list of songs referenced can be found here:
Dogs days
Rhapsody in blue
Danny’s song
My funny Valentine
Doki Doki☆Morning
Word count: 3.4k
Pairing: (18-19yo) Geto Suguru x (19 yo)reader
Rating: GSF (Geto Suguru fluff)// friends -> lovers
Warnings: music tastes vary between reader & Geto; kisses->steamy make out session (half dressed reader & Geto)
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Becoming one with the wild fae was a tradition passed on from parent to child. The fact that your birth was kept a secret from the mortal plane for centuries comes as a surprise one morning. You’re traveling with a satchel filled with glass crafts you plan on selling to a few mortal women. Your wings flutter over your shoulders draping across your collarbone. Clothed in nothing but a long pair of pants and tunic you continue walking along the illuminated path.
“It’s best to stay where the sunshine graces your shoulders,” wise words spoken to you from your father. He tightens the strings of a day cloak over before giving you a once over; your mother does the same as she hands you a list of items she needed you to purchase for the family apothecary shop.
Off you went on your short journey. It doesn’t take very long for you to come across the familiar village where the mortals who have grown accustomed to your kind have their market set up for the week. The town square is abuzz with buyers and merchants showcasing their goods like fresh produce as well as other meats from the butcher’s shop. You begin to read over your mother’s list as you pass one of the various florist vendor stalls.
“One loaf of sourdough, one dozen eggs, and one small wheel of sheep’s milk cheese,” you whisper.
An upturn of your lips causes you to mutter an amused, “two more books from Master Suguru’s shop.”
Beep. Beep. Beep. WAKE UP YN. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Your groggy body slowly stirs in an attempt to silence the annoying sound of your alarm clock. You blame your knuckleheaded roommate, whom you've known for the better half of the last five years, on a night you were knocking back a few bottles of cold sake changing your old alarm to this one. Yes, it was a quite dreadful sound of hearing Geto Suguru yelling your name at you and his best friend since high school, Gojo Satoru, did the god awful ‘beeps’.
Groaning once your hand flops over toward your night table, you abruptly silence your alarm, still with your eyes closed. Your queen-sized mattress has been draped in the pale sunlight of daybreak, yet you are still wrapped quite snugly in your blanket.
The dream you had had overnight was so vivid you might have enough memory to blindly type on your phone the major key points of your ‘dream day.’ Apparently dream jumping was an inherited trait your uncle might’ve completely introduced you to when you had turned nineteen last year.
Once you relock your phone, you toss your phone halfway across the empty side of your bed. You roll over with your back on the mattress and with a slight squint you stifle a yawn.
“Mm, too early,” your words make some sense as you rub the corners of your eyes.
Making a direct guess as to what time and day it was, you sit up and begin to make your way out of the comfort of your bed. You begin your morning routine complete with a five minute meditation and sun-salutation yoga poses, you make your way to the master bathroom in your flat. As you begin to disrobe, you turn the shower head on and step into the tub. The water and steady stream from the shower ease your warmed up muscles as you contemplate about the future. Perhaps the dream was a warning one, once you had hoped to share with a certain classmate. (The flat was gifted to you from your uncle as a belated birthday and graduation present last year.) As a housewarming celebration, you invited your classmates from the tech school you had transferred into in your first year–you all were taught to enhance the unnatural gifts you were given to give humanity a fighting chance against curses. You snicker in the shower as you finish lathering up your body only to rinse away the suds leaving behind a scent of wispy citrus flowers. When you wrap the towel around upper torso, you begin to dress yourself. You wonder what, if any, your subconscious will cause you to dream once more.
Over the course of the next five or so years, you had been dispatched on missions with Geto more times than you can count on both hands; there other times Gojo (along with Shoko) would accompany the both of you. However, as this time of peace certainly came, you had picked up on the increase in your heart rate when Geto would even look your way. Perhaps the missions were meant to draw you two closer, you think as you are disrobed and the warm water from the showerhead hits your shoulders. Maybe if life would treat you with a little luck today, you could confront the man with your ramblings of, ‘do you feel like i feel when we’re together?’
Halfway across the town, a young man was walking back into his dormitory after a morning sparring session with his best friend. The only other reason why Geto Suguru woke up this early was because he too had a haunting nightmare: a curse who would take advantage of the bodies of the dead and absorb their cursed energy to be weaponized was something even he in his dream could not put asunder. Regardless from the prophetic fall from grace themed dream, Geto proceeds to the showers of his dorm floor in hopes to see you in the dining hall after mid-morning classes conclude.
Thankfully he didn’t have to wait long. You had arrived maybe ten minutes prior while he was still preparing for your outing wearing jeans and a loose button down white shirt. There, stitched in the shirt pocket was a solar eclipse for the brand. Perhaps without prying into precognitive nature too much, you would’ve never guessed how an eclipse suited the young man in front of you.
Well, Geto did text you last night asking if you could hang out today. There was a resting period between missions and Gojo had to resolve some family issues, yet when you asked about Shoko, Geto rolls his shoulders saying she picked up more shifts at the local clinic.
“…so it’s just us two,” he says as he ties his licorice hair.
He does this maneuver with such precision where you can’t tell if he’s trying to flex his muscles or that’s just how he naturally chooses to tie his hair; the white undershirt strains against his body slightly while his uniform pants remained a bit tailored to his form. His shoes though are the same colored flats as yours (also a school issued pair, but were the most comfortable footwear each of you owned).
You observe him and you sort of chuckle at the face he makes when attempting to tie his hair in a bun.
“Y’ know I could braid it for you later,” you mention this, teasing him with a weird hand gesture.
Geto scoffs.
“You just can’t leave my poor bun in peace, huh?”
You teasingly smile before nudging his shoulder mentioning the old record store in the historic village will be opening up soon.
“Music heals the soul,” you repeat what your uncle said after he took you in. Considering you were a minor at the time and you moved to a larger city, your guardians thought it would be best to send you away for a little while after your first accidental curse exorcism.
Geto heard you and as you walk past an open window of the dorms, he takes a few seconds pause to admire the silhouette you created. Maybe this incessant firefly feeling in his stomach would settle by the time you both reached the town plaza where the record store was—but first, you both required some breakfast, hence you stop by a bakery for some milk bread and coffee.
The morning brings with it a strong sense of busyness: there are school children with their uniforms on running to catch the next bus, others are walking in a higher pace; some adults are talking loudly as they briskly walk past you trying to race against their work-clock; then there were the couples or families with either a pet or a young babe swaddled in a carrier going out on their morning errands.
Observing all these paths of life around you, you begin to feel a sense of unease. Leaves blow in the wind in the surrounding trees as Geto continues talking about how Gojo and Shoko want to go to the beach in the summer. You blindly agree as you try to knock out the shade making its way toward your friend’s back.
“Not today,” you mumble as you gently tap Geto’s shoulder.
“Obviously not today, yn,” he laughs. “Today is just a me and you day, right?”
He smiles at you so serenely it’s frightening. You don’t know why nor how just yet, but patience comes easy too once you enter the old record shop. It seems comprised of shining cardboard that would hide secrets in the vinyl records. There was a phonogram with an aptly labeled ‘DO NOT TOUCH’ sign on a table by the register.
The aisles were divided up first by genre, then by artist. A tradition since your first year when you discounted this shop was to choose the albums to listen to on the sample CROSBY record player toward the end of the store. You part ways with Geto right as you enter because today you are subconsciously drawn to the jazz aisle and pull the London philharmonic copy of ‘Rhapsody in Blue’, then you went to find a copy of Florence and the Machine’s album with ‘Dog Days are Over’ on it, and lastly a copy of ‘Danny’s Song’ by Loggins & Messina.
Ten minutes later, Geto approaches you with his three albums. A softer grin is plastered on his face when you are lingering near, like now. In his mind, he can recall his classmates Gojo and Shoko sort of teasing him about the glances he’d throw your way. One blissfully warm summer day, you were studying in the library, attempting to write a short essay on the history of dreams and dreamwalkers. All these books were scattered about the table and you’re furiously writing away to hardly notice Geto wandering about the library (a trick and trap set up by Gojo and followed by Shoko by lunch time). Geto hears you utter your next words under your breath, however as he wanders closer to you, he hears you clear as day:
“Sure, Gojo Satoru and Ieri Shoko get me in trouble and I have to write this damn essay to appease the principal…” your lips turn up into a mischievous smile. “O’course those two never realized I can see those curses they’re trying so hard to exorcize.”
You sit back when you hear another person collide with the bookcase, the yelp made you turn your head to lock eyes with a surprised (and yet embarrassed) Geto.
“You alright there?” you ask.
“Mm,” he was straining against the stubbed toe pain.
“...You sure? You don’t seem alright, umm…who are you again?”
Inhaling a deep breath and upon the exhale, Geto gives you a toothy grin as he approached your table.
“Geto. Geto Suguru,” he extends his hand to you.
“YLN, Yn,” you shake his hand.
Since that day, you decided to spend the rest of the afternoon speaking with one another thus forming another bond of friendship in the library of your school. Oh, and the paper you wrote (for extra credit) you received full marks. Not so bad for a dreamwalker, huh? You think to yourself as you rub the essay marks in front of Gojo’s nose. Geto chuckles as he looks between you and Gojo who teases you for being so wicked smart.
Flash forward to the present, in your hand Geto’s records remain. You find yourself smirking a bit as you hold a copy of My Funny Valentine by Chet Baker, Half-Breed from Cher, and a random a BabyMetal album. Raising a brow at the ever charming friend who just laughs when you grumble a ‘seriously?’ under your breath, you decide to give these records a listen.
A message was hidden in Geto’s choices for you: you being born into the subjugated world of dreamwalkers and sorceres made the Cher song more obvious (and when you heard the lyrics, you seemed ok with the choice since the insult was turned into a powerful statement piece); the rhythm of the Doki Doki ☆ Morning by BabyMetal made your heart beat race like you were running a marathon (you’re not one to be startled so early in the day); and when you finally hear the Chet Baker classic, you feel a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you see Geto looking off to the side past your shoulder. He looks quite shy and sort of folding into helpless devotion toward you; it’s a weird feeling. An odd one, when your hands brush and you take the initiative of lacing your fingers together.
“Funny Valentine, huh?” You tease.
He smirks. “I didn’t think I’d be able to confess otherwise.”
“Same here.”
“Is that why you snuck in ‘Danny’s Song?’ Y/N, you should have told me sooner.”
Your features are flushed with hints of apple pink as you try to pull away only to feel Geto’s hand hold your a little more firmly. You don’t need to overthink this development either since you see the sincerity in his countenance. The feeling is mutual.
Geto pulls you closer to him only to have wrapped an arm around your waist where you naturally brought your free hand to stretch across his broader shoulders. You both, under the tutelage of Chet Baker, begin to dance slowly around the near empty aisle of the record shop.
The song ends and when you stop your dancing, you realize how this morning’s dream lacked the soundtrack of love. Geto still holds you when you lean forward to rest your forehead against his.
“Is this alright?” your voice is barely above a whisper, yet he hears you.
Geto nods and a few strands of his hair fall from his well kept bun. He lets go of your hand only to caress your jaw. Your breathing is almost as shallow and non-existent as his.
“If I have a secret, will you promise not to tell?” he inquires.
You whisper a soft, “yes.”
Soft and curious lips are pursed against yours. You don’t freeze, yet time around you does. It is quick and deliberate and filled with warmth. Geto Suguru, the voice that calls your name to wake up, kisses you like he might not see you again. When he withdraws from you, you pout though he smiles.
“Pretty yn,” his thumb smooths over your cheek again.
“Suguru,” you warn him with an annoyed pout. “There’s people watching.”
“Then I suggest we head back to your place, hmm?” He pecks your nose before removing himself from you as he heads to the exit of the shop. Chet Baker and his famous single had ended minutes ago, yet you realize another song, ‘let love in’ from the goo goo dolls begins its chorus the moment you choose to chase your dear crush outside. Geto chuckles at you before pulling you back into his arms to have you settle in front of him as he peppers kisses down every ounce of exposed skin his lips can reach. You are clutching on to his forearms for balance, giddy at his display of affection.
When you arrive back to your flat, you unlock the door with determined ease, Geto follows you from behind only to lock the deadbolt. You both remove your shoes in haste to continue exploring how far you are willing to go tonight. You extend a hand to Geto, lifting him up from the small step of the genkan and like an obedient dog, he is loyal to his companion.
The moment Geto sees your familiar couch, he sits down, his thighs turn rigid against the fabric of his pants, thus creating a perfect seat for you when you decide to straddle him.
He smiles up at you as you adjust yourself and with a shuddering breath, he waits for you to settle down before the urge to kiss you senseless is lost to him. Your arms rests against either side of his head and with a look of finality, you pick up from where you left off on the sidewalk. How tantalizing slow are you when you initiate this kiss again; Geto doesn’t know where to place his hands other than your waist, yet he loses himself in the way you pry open his mouth with the muscle of your tongue. You taste his teeth when he makes this muddled groan; you don’t mean to make him fall further into the depths of his emotions for you, yet you do so effortlessly.
Geto learns quickly to reciprocate your emotions when he lets his hands travel higher to massage your scalp; he slightly tugs on your hair and the unabashed moan you let escape your lips gave him enough time to say, “you like that, huh?”
“Mm,” your eyes contain within them dilated pupils. You’re addicted to this state of being with him.
“So am I.”
Geto drops his hands from your hair the moment he lunges upward and forward to capture your lips again; this kiss is volatile and loud and messy. So messy, you untie his hair only to tangle it between your fingers the instant Geto leaves your lips only to kiss down your jawline, past your pulse point, nearly ripping the collar off of your shirt to leave a bite mark below your ear.
“Take this off for me,” he instructs, hands fiddling with your shirt.
“You first,” you challenge, biting his jugular in teasing fashion.
He snarls from the pain, yet when you soothe the ache left behind, he notices his shirt is already completely undone.
“My yn is so clever,” he says the moment he shimmies off his shirt to toss it aside.
You feel his white hot hands caress your lower back, the fabric caught against his pinching fingers. Your left hand presses against his pectoral for balance and stability a moment; you inhale slowly and exhale even slower when you notice his eyes flutter shut in front of you. There is a coolness to your touch he finds satisfying, yet his hands never truly leave your exposed hips nor lower back. Leaning back a bit, you let him remove your shirt as well, up and over your head. He sits back admiring your form only to spread his legs a little wider to accommodate your straddle position.
“Like what you see?” you tilt your head to one side.
“C’mere,” Geto impulsively beckons you forward only to have you settle above his hips the moment his back rests comfortably on the couch seats.
You’re still atop him, surprised by this development. His hair is spread wildly around his shoulders and in the height of this impassioned minute, you hyperfixate on a scar near his clavicle.
“What happened here?” you are curious with a hard pressed line on your lips.
“Ah, that,” Geto sort of chortles when your cool fingertips trace over the scar lithely. “That came from a mission before we met.”
You bent down to press a reassuring kiss there, the kind that would soothe a child, one that makes Geto move to have you lay there on top of him for a short while. He tells you stories of his missions with Gojo and sometimes Shoko is there too.
This is the Geto you know, the kind classmate who, despite the odds, is a fiercely proud defender and willing to help people regardless of monetary status. You stay comfortably wrapped in his embrace, talking about your adventure in dreamworlds. Your dream from this morning was forgotten up until you mentioned the name of the shopkeeper.
Geto gives you a surprised look. His onyx colored eyes blink at you while he caresses your exposed shoulder.
“You dream of me?”
“Of a previous life,” you reply. “I wouldn’t know if this Suguru from slumberland would woo a person like me.”
He chuckles at that.
“But this one,” his free hand holds your cheek firmly so your eyes reflect each other. “This one will always remember the friend who made me a fool.”
A swift pressed kiss before you nodded off to sleep side by side on your couch. Whispered words of lyrics from the day are swirling around both his and your consciousness until the evening breaks.
Perhaps being a dreamwalker and a sorcerer does have its perks, yet no one would have been prepared for the sorcerer to lose his wits when the days of dreaming ended.
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en-topia · 1 year
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word count: 3696
It was finally sports day. The day of sports. The day you dreaded the most out of any day of the entire year—more than finals week (but maybe that was only because you were academically smart).
Thanks to Yizhuo, your hair was done into two low pigtails to keep your hair back. You always complained how horrible you looked in a high ponytail and refused to keep your hair down during this event, so your friend, who is amazing with fashion and beauty, helped you out.
“You look cute!” She exclaimed as you stared in the mirror in disbelief.
“I look like a child.”
“Get over it. It’s cute. And you’re cute.” She winked at you as she put on her jacket.
The whole school was wearing either white or burgundy tracksuits (school colors) for sports day, and you happened to get burgundy while Yizhuo got white. Apparently it was Freshman and Juniors with white, and Sophomores and Seniors in burgundy.
You were already in your track suit, and it wasn’t the most flattering in your eyes. Your sleeves covered your hands, which was the only thing you liked about it. In all honesty, you didn’t even look bad, but you just made yourself believe that.
As you made your way to your class, you saw some students from the other class joining yours. You all had to wear the same color arms bands to distinguish teams, and of course you guys got bright pink. This color scheme was not fitting your taste nor did they even go together.
Heeseung saw you enter and quickly came over to give you an armband.
“Thank you,” you said, taking the arm band from him and going to find Jiung.
The poor boy was left hanging. He was hoping to have some conversation with you before the relay race, but you just walked away. Heeseung didn’t want to think too much into it, so he tried to forget it. But when he saw you walk up to Jiung and Taeyang, he started to doubt himself.
“Don’t tell me this color was you’re doing too,” you said to Jiung.
“I thought you liked pink?” He questioned, nervous at your calm attitude.
“I do. But with this combo? What were you thinking!”
“Well, sorry, president. Maybe you should’ve helped and got them instead!”
“I was busy.”
“None of your business.”
Jiung laughed as you crossed your arms. “Okay, kid.” He poked your cheek and flicked your right pigtail before leaving to give out more armbands.
You were about to start arguing with him again, but stopped when he rushed away. “Can you believe him?!” You asked to Taeyang who only chuckled lightly. “I don’t look like a kid do I?”
“Of course not…” He tried to contain his laughter, but of course you noticed.
You scoffed. “Why do I even call you guys my friends.”
Heeseung never pulled his eyes away from you ever since you left. He couldn’t help but doubt himself as you conversed with your friends. He knows he shouldn’t be jealous of Jiung, but he was. It wasn’t flirting for the two of you, but it looked like it to Heeseung. And it didn’t help with the way Taeyang was looking at you; and everyone knew how you two were together.
Heeseung wanted to be in their place badly.
After your class, as well as Heeseung’s class, gathered and got armbands, you all headed to the track to prepare for the race. You weren’t there for signups because you were helping with the set up in the gym, so you hoped you were on a good team; and by good team, you meant Heeseung’s team.
“If you don’t know your teams, the paper will be at our table!” Jiung shouted for everyone to hear.
You rushed over to the table, scanning the sheet for your name, but you found Heeseung’s first instead.
Moon Chaeyoung
Lee Heeseung
Yoon Keeho
Kim Minjeong
Your face dropped as you read it again another 3 times to make sure you were seeing it right. You shouldn’t be disappointed since you weren’t there to make decisions, but you were; you were hoping that he’d write your name down beside his after it seemed like he wanted to be on your team. But, it was over now.
Choi Taeyang
Ln Yn
Choi Jiung
Park Soo Ah
At least you had your friends. That’s all that matters. Besides, it’s just a race. It’s not like it’s going to determine your entire fate with Heeseung.
You made your way over to your group, sneaking a glance over at Heeseung’s. As always, he and Minjeong hit it off so perfectly. They should just be together. It annoyed you to death, but even you couldn’t deny that they looked good together.
“You ready?” Taeyang asked you, seeing how uneasy you looked.
You nodded. “Yeah..”
Your group would be racing after Heeseung’s, so you sat with your team, cheering them on. The race was going smooth at first, Keeho ran gracefully, but Taeyang and Jiung thought it was the most funniest thing in the world— watching him run was entertainment to them.
Minjeong went after Keeho, and she was pretty fast. However, just as she was about to pass the baton to Heeseung, she tripped over herself and was about to fall. Luckily for her, Heeseung was there to catch her, and she fell right into his arms. You could see them mumbling words to each other, and you could hear people around you giggling and whistling at Heeseung. You looked away from the race and down at the floor.
“I’m gonna go get water,” you announced.
“Water before a race isn’t good!” Taeyang tried to stop you from leaving.
“It’s just a little water.”
“Yn, do you want to throw up after you run?”
You stared down at your friend, finding him really annoying right now because all you wanted to do was leave. You were missing Heeseung run, and you didn’t want to be there for when he and Minjeong do a congratulatory hug.
“And who’s to say you won’t ditch us?” Jiung teased, pulling you down next to him. “Just ignore them,” he whispered that part to you so no one else heard. You knew exactly what he was talking about, and you were glad that he noticed.
After Heeseung’s lap, Minjeong tried jumping on him for a hug, but he quickly backed away and looked over to you to see if you were watching him. But you weren’t. You were looking down at the floor, kicking rocks to distract yourself from him. He was upset that you weren’t watching, and now he just thought that maybe you didn’t like him anymore.
Your team and his team switched places. Keeho threatened you guys to do well or else he would “do bad things” to you guys later, but everyone only rolled their eyes at his threat. You, however, didn’t acknowledge the team at all. If you did, you would have to face Heeseung and Minjeong together, and that’s not something you were up for.
You were second in the race just like Minjeong, which meant your times were going to be compared. All this comparison with Minjeong made you want to cry. You wanted to give up and let her win it all— to win the race, to win over Heeseung. You knew it was wrong to feel this way over your friend, but you couldn’t help how you felt.
After you ran and passed the baton to Jiung, you stood beside Taeyang and held onto his arm. His comfort was what you needed right now, and you really were trying hard to ignore those intrusive thoughts. Taeyang let you hold his arm; it’s not like it was anything abnormal.
Over at the steps where all the teams were waiting, Keeho felt the tension waving off of Heeseung. He side eyed the guy and saw him clenching his jaw. Then Keeho fully looked over at him.
“You okay?” He asked nervously.
“Fine.” Heeseung’s answer was quick and dry and Keeho tried to fight back a smile. He had a feeling on why Heeseung was getting upset, and he was going to tell you all about it later.
The race was finally over, and after adding up all the times, your class came in second. Despite not falling over like Minjeong, you still lost to her and her team. It upset you honestly, and it was stupid to you yet you were still annoyed.
You went back to class, taking off your sweater and tossing it onto your desk. You sat down and rested your head on top of your jacket, taking deep breaths to calm yourself down. Everyone thought you were going to the restroom, so no one bothered to follow you, luckily. You needed time to yourself to think about everything.
In all honesty, you just wanted everything to go back to the way things were before this school year started. You wished Heeseung never came back into your life and you wished Minjeong said something about him before you did. Maybe then you wouldn’t be feeling this way.
After taking some time to yourself, you headed to the gym which was where your next class sport was. It was couples yoga, and you didn’t want to participate. Balance was something you were never really good at, and it would only be frustrating for your partner.
When you entered the gym, you saw a bunch of boys surrounding Minjeong. It was probably because she was tiny and would be easy to lift, whereas you were nothing like her.
“Yn!” Someone shouted ahead of you, grabbing your attention.
Heeseung was jogging over to you, and you tried going to opposite direction to avoid him. This was the last thing you wanted.
“Can you be my partner?” He asked, making sure to stop you before anyone else could ask you.
You stared up at him blankly. Then looked over to Minjeong who seemed to be fawning over all the boys asking her. “Yeah. I can.”
“Great!” He had this wide smile on his face that made your heart flutter. And suddenly you were calming down just because of his smile and excitement to be your partner.
Heeseung made sure to grab your hand, letting everyone know he had a partner and that it was you. Jiung and Keeho were making googly eyes at you, but you ignored them because all that mattered was that Heeseung was actually holding your hand.
“I’m not that good at balancing,” you told him as he sat on the cushioned mat.
“That’s okay,” he smiled, grabbing your hands again to pull you down with him. “Just relax and I’ll help you.”
You nodded, feeling more assured being with him. Heeseung holding your hand and grabbing you to sit so closely with him brought butterflies to your stomach, and you hoped the blush on your face wasn’t evident.
“I’ve been trying to talk to you all day,” he confessed, looking down beside him at you. You met eyes with him, which made you nervous so you looked away.
“I didn’t know that…”
“Yeah… You seemed to be really busy, so I didn’t have a chance.”
“Did you need something?”
“Nope!” He smiled down at you again. “I just wanted to hear your voice.”
You felt like you were going to faint. How can he say something like that so shamelessly. Clearing your throat, you nodded and scooted away from him.
Now that you were sitting in front of him, you began to stretch to prepare for the yoga you two would be doing while also trying to calm down your heart that was beating 2 times too fast. Heeseung didn’t pay any mind to it, and you didn’t expect him too since you were just stretching, but you did notice his gaze falling somewhere else.
On the other side of the gym was Yunjin. She was partnered with Keeho for this sport, and they seemed to be getting along really well. Considering they were both English speakers, they clicked instantly.
You frowned slightly, noticing Heeseung couldn’t take his eyes off of them. Maybe you were too quick to assume he felt anything for you; he was probably being friendly and you were thinking too much in it.
“Do you miss her?” You suddenly asked, sitting criss crossed and facing Heeseung.
“Hmm?” He hummed, looking back in your direction. You weren’t sure if he didn’t hear or if he was asking for clarification, but either way, you didn’t get your answer because the teacher announced for everyone to get into positions.
Your mood instantly went down, but you were good at hiding it. And since you and Heeseung weren’t necessarily close, there was no way he’d be able to notice.
Heeseung laid flat on his back as you stood up. He held up his hands for you to grab, and lifted you up in the air on his feet. The pressure hurt your abdomen, but you weren’t going to tap out so soon and make him lose. Heeseung, however, looked at ease as if this was the most easy thing for him.
“What were you saying earlier?” He asked you, but you didn’t want to talk for a multitude of reasons. One being because the pressure on your abdomen wouldn’t allow it, and two because you were too upset at him.
“It was nothing,” you answered shortly.
However, Heeseung knew exactly what you said earlier; he just wanted to know if he heard you correctly. You weren’t wrong with your assumptions; Heeseung was looking at Yunjin earlier, but he wasn’t about to tell you that.
You surprisingly held up for longer than you expected. It was mostly thanks to Heeseung for holding you up, but you were shocked that your poor balance didn’t make you lose.
“We’re down to the two finalist!” Mrs. Choi spoke through the microphone. “Yoon Keeho with Huh Yunjin, and Lee Heeseung with Ln Yn.”
This obviously made Heeseung very flustered considering his legs almost gave out. You weren’t super heavy; light enough for Heeseung to hold you, but feeling his legs shaking beneath you made you feel bad. You looked up to find Keeho, and it didn’t look like he and Yunjin were backing down any time soon.
“You can let me down if it’s too much for you,” you said to Heeseung, but he shook his head.
“I got it,” he replied back.
You shut your eyes to hold back the deep sigh that you wanted to let out. Something was bothering Heeseung whether it was your weight on his legs or Yunjin and Keeho beating you guys, and you just wanted this to be over with.
You looked down at Heeseung. His eyes were closed and he was sweating, obviously conflicted with whatever was on his mind. Letting out a small sigh, you let go of his hands which woke him back up. You knew what this would’ve done, and you lost your balance. Heeseung quickly grabbed your shoulders and dropped you down lightly on him.
“And Keeho and Yunjin win!!” Mrs. Choi shouted. Everyone went to the two to congratulate them, but you and Heeseung stayed in this position for just a moment longer. The tension was very obvious between you two, and it made your heart skip a beat. Your body was touching his body. Close proximity. Faces nearly inches apart.
“Yn!” Jiung shouted, making you get off of Heeseung. “Why did you let go!”
You quickly stood up and walked over to your friend, leaving behind Heeseung who was watching you leave with a frown.
“My hands were getting sweaty,” you lied, walking further and further away from the boy.
Heeseung was disappointed in himself. He could’ve held you up longer, but you let go of him. You let go and he didn’t know why. Yes both of your hands were getting sweaty, but that was no excuse. It didn’t help with the fact that you left him behind so quickly. Heeseung didn’t know what to think.
“That was so freaking awkward,” you huffed out as you and Jiung sat on the bleachers.
“Why? Wasn’t it exciting!” He teased you by shoving your arm, but you just rolled your eyes playfully in response.
“He asked me to be his partner and then starts staring at Yunjin with these eyes… like… like he still likes her or something.” You dropped your head down. Even though you tried to play it off, you couldn’t deny being upset. “I think I was overthinking Heeseung’s actions towards me.”
“I don’t think you’re overthinking.” Jiung faced you, suddenly feeling the seriousness of the atmosphere. “What guy would fight some rando if he didn’t like you?”
“Well I would hope that my friends would,” you exaggerated, clearly indicating that Keeho or Jiung or even Taeyang should’ve done something about it. “But since no one was defending me then it’s the only right thing to do as a friend.”
“And what about his friends oddly suspicious tweets in response to whatever’s on his private?”
“I don’t know! That’s none of my business and I don’t want to get into that. Besides, it was all probably about Yunjin.”
Jiung sighed. “What if you just told him how you felt?”
“And get humiliated? Yeah, no thanks.”
“You never know! He could like you back, you know…”
“And what I know is that he doesn’t like me like that. He was staring at Yunjin with these longing eyes and if you saw it then you’d agree with me.”
“Well they’re not dating anymore… Maybe you could change his mind?”
“Maybe… or maybe I’ll just ignore it. I don’t have time for a boyfriend right now anyways.”
Every time you decided that you wanted to get over your feelings for Heeseung, he decided to do something to change it without knowing. For instance, after the race, he came up to you asking to be partners and says things that makes your heart beat too fast. And now he was approaching you again as you were making your way back to class.
You were in the process of taking out your pigtails, and he came up from behind you. He tapped your shoulder to get your attention as you walked, and you greeted him with a smile.
“Why’d you take them out?” He asked curiously, watching you shove the rubber bands in your pocket and fluffing out your hair.
“I look like a kid.”
“I thought they were cute.”
There he goes again saying things so shamelessly. Does he even know how this is affecting you?
“Thanks, but no thanks,” you laughed awkwardly.
Heeseung looked down at you, admiring you during this time because he wouldn’t be able to do it any other time. He liked how much you guys were able to hang out today, although he did wish you didn’t run away every time after you exchanged a few words.
“Do you want to grab something to eat at the food court?” He asked after hesitating for a bit. There were some classes hosting cafes and food joints for the break between sports, and this was a good time for him to ask.
Heeseung told himself that if you said no to this, then he’d give up and assume you’re just not interested in him.
But luckily for him… “Yeah,” you said surprisingly which made his chest fall from relief. “Let me just go get my jacket from class first.”
“No need,” he said quickly, taking this opportunity to be a gentleman. Heeseung took off his jacket and held it out for you to put your arms through. You gladly accepted and laughed a little at the size comparison. “Now you’ll be warmer.”
“Actually— all the extra space allows for more air to flow through which means more of the cold air is passing through. So really I—“
“Just shush,” he said teasingly with a smile, placing a finger on your lips to quiet you. Your cheeks instantly blushed and you fell silent, nodding at what he said and walking with him to the food court.
You and Heeseung grabbed grilled cheese sandwiches and sat at the cafe in class 3 to enjoy your meal. It was too cold outside to eat, and Heeseung knew better and led you to Jake’s class who was hosting the cafe.
Obviously since this was Jake’s class, he as well as all his friends were in there. They all stood behind the counter watching you and Heeseung converse and eat, laughing about who knows what.
“They got close pretty fast,” Jay pointed out.
“Right. Considering they’re not even in the same class,” said Sunghoon.
Jake only rolled his eyes. He couldn’t believe Heeseung was here right now eating lunch with you and letting you wear his jacket. He could’ve sworn that Heeseung said he didn’t have any feelings for you whatsoever, so what the hell was he doing here being all flirty with you?
“It’s my turn to rotate,” Jake suddenly said, taking off the apron and grabbing his track jacket.
“Already?” Jay questioned. “Good luck in the race!”
“Yeah, thanks.” Jake’s attitude was super dismissive and his friends noticed.
“Hey, Jake!” You exclaimed, getting his attention before he got to leave. “Where you going?”
“It’s my turn to run in the race,” he said dryly.
“Aw… Good luck! I’m rooting for you!”
Jake couldn’t help but smile at how cute you looked, shooting him a thumbs up and letting him leave for his race. Heeseung looked over at Jake, suddenly feeling uneasy and guilty for being here with you. He honestly didn’t know what he was doing. He was certain that he liked you before Jake, so there was no harm in doing this right?
For the rest of sports day, you and Heeseung hung out together. It got less awkward between the two of you, and you started to gain confidence again. You even forgot about the whole situation during yoga between Yunjin and Heeseung; that’s how much fun he was making you have.
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A/N: i’m so so sorry for not updating in so long but i hope this chapter makes up for it 😭 it took me like 2 weeks so i hope you guys enjoy it! ALSO, how’s everyone enjoying enhypen’s new comeback?!?!?! ITS SOOOOOO GOOD!!!! i’m so obsessed with it it’s fr been on repeat since it came out. what’s everyone’s favorite tracks also? i love all of them so much but there’s just something about sacrifice (eat me up) and chaconne!! i promise i’ll update again soon so please don’t forget me!
taglist: @hsgwrld @deafeningtyrantmilkshake @baekstans @run2min
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