#yk what only way i could describe it is like a video game
plasky · 10 months
How do I talk to cool people on here because they are so unimaginably cool and my coolness levels aren't at a high enough level to talk to them
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i-loves-2dguys · 1 year
Obey Me OC Headcanons (Part 1)
Author’s Note: So to start my Obey Me fanfics, I’m gonna write out this headcanon in order to describe how well I would get along with each character. I’m not including Thirteen, Mephistopheles or Raphael cuz idk em that well-
But also the fanfics will be “x Reader” cuz I want y’all to feel included <3 (sorry if the personality doesn’t match tho)
Two parts cuz it’s so long-
Part 2
At first, it was hard to communicate with him due to his coldness
But after a bit, we start talking more by discussing about the brothers
We get along for the most part, except for when I get involved in pranks and mishaps with the brothers
As someone who tends to get good grades, I feel like I would avoid so many lectures from him 😎
Only lectures I would get is getting proper sleep and eating properly
Visits him from time to time while he works to make sure he’s taking care of himself too (no hypocrisy will be allowed)
Helps discipline the brothers in a more peaceful way
Will try to convince him to do the same
Oldest sibling 🤝
Gives him motivational messages so that he can have a nice day
Moon 🌙 x Moon 🌙
Instantly connect due to his fun personality
Cuz he’s Mammon ofc
Actually lets him have Grimm but on the condition that he spends it properly and gives a lil kiss
We hang out a lot for studying, shopping, eating at a restaurant, etc
Flirts with him and compliments him just to see him blush 🤭
A little surprised that he has a crush on me, but it’s so obvious too
Defends him from his brothers and comforts him with affirmations afterwards 🙏
Loves to see his hands and feel them (I love his jewelry covered hands so much)
Collects every magazine with a photo of him
Simps as much as he simps (simp synchronization)
Goes to the casino with him just to make sure his debt doesn’t increase that much
I would let him be my first fr
Best friends to lovers 🫶
You’re weird? IM WEIRD TOO :D
He’s a lil emo at first but I just gotta act my weirdest and bam! Status is now fellow weirdo
Shares memes and references
Gaming nights are very often cuz yes 👍
Spends a lot of time with him cuz 1: I’m an introvert and 2: he’s so lonely 🥺
Cleans his room sometimes just to help his mental health
Helps him find any rare items
Cosplay together :D
Pays at least half of what Mammon owes him
Compliments him at least once a day to help heal his insecurities 🫶
Kisses his cheek often to show my love for him
Weirdo couple ✨ (but in a not cringe way)
I see his sin as a part of him and not ALL of him
He has much more to offer and I wanna remind him that 😔
Plus I have anger issues too-
Yk I always wanted to read books but I didn’t know which ones to read
I would probably ask Satan to recommend some as a way to get closer to him 🤭
Helps him find cats and gets them close enough to pet them
They might start a lil book club where they discuss the same book they’re reading or decide which one is better
Cleans his hoard of books from time to time and leaves a lil map to help him find em easily
Hopeless romantics 🤝
Cat cafe dates :)
We write each other poems >:)
Poetic rizz duo 😎
It was instant connection due to love for fashion and slaying 💅
I want some makeup advice cuz I’m still a noob at it
Would def also ask for a skin care routine
Paint my nails too? 🥺
Shopping :D (cuz why not? we’re rich)
I mostly see him platonically, but he can kiss me :)
We have fashion shows so we can see what outfits we would slay in ✨
Would go clubbing with him if I felt really sociable
Is involved in his fan club
Two pretty best friends 🫶
My himbo <3
I love to eat as much as he eats 🤝
And he wouldn’t make me feel bad about it :)
I think our constant running into the kitchen would make us pals
I can’t cook much but I definitely can bake a lot
A bunch of restaurant dates
We could make mukbang videos fr 🤭
Helps him work out
Works out with him too sometimes
Have snacks in my bag just for him 🙏
Gentle giant x their protector
I trusted you smh 😒
I personally headcanon a fight with him after I come back to life
But then we’re good :)
He’s a demon so what can you do?
Also very adorable 😊
I would happily nap with him since I’m tired 24/7 😴
As a touch starved person, I would appreciate the cuddles
Enemies to friends to lovers? 🧐
Note: I ran out of ideas towards the end but yk this is an introduction after all! I don’t know how many people will read this but thank you if you <3 I’ll be back again when I finish making an official fanfic so until then cya!
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findstenicht · 1 year
15 questions for 5 mutuals
Rule: You have to answer truthfully and you have to tag 5 mutuals in your post.
I was tagged by @apoloniaspiegelgold, thank you!! <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
nope! although my dad used to claim that i was named after some slavic actress/model/wife-of-Some-Guy whose name i always forget
2. When was the last time you cried? Why?
the weekend before the last, just your average sunday afternoon mental breakdown
3. Do you believe in Soulmates? 
sort of, but also not really? i do believe that there are certain people who are supposed to be in your life at certain times but that doesnt necessarily mean "forever"
4. Do you drink liquor? 
rarely - im not opposed to it, i just dont often do things where there's alcohol involved
5. What do you usually daydream about?
listen. i have a very specific daydream universe that i always come back to but. you know how you sometimes read a story and can pretty much guess what's wrong with the author? describing my daydreams would be like that except you wouldnt have to guess at all, it'd be the most on-the-nose thing you've ever seen. might as well just post a list of everything that ever went wrong in my life and it'd be less embarrassing
6. First thing you notice about other people?
their voice!! (i mean obviously lots of times you see people before you hear them, but i dont really notice anything more specific than a general impression about appearances at first glance, yk?)
7. What's your favorite quote from a TV show/movie/book?
does a poem count? cause the only thing i can think of is "Es gibt keine Schuld. Es gibt nur den Ablauf der Zeit." from tucholsky's poem aus, which i havent stopped thinking about since i read it nine years ago (and for which i still havent found an english translation, sorry!)
8. Some of your pet peeves?
absolutely hate when people overexplain stuff to me that i know, that you could reasonably assume i know, and that i've told you i know. i know a lot of times people mean well (which is why i wont get actively mad at anyone), but if i already told you i know about something, you really dont have to explain it to me like it's brand new information. (looking at all the guys who heard about my field of study and then went on to describe the most basic sociological concepts to me)
9. Where’s the next place on your travel bucket list and why?
ireland!! i have no specific plans but i've wanted to go to ireland ever since i was a kid and saw the photos my parents took on their trip to ireland in the 90s
10. Where were you born? 
in a small town in northern germany :)
11. What are your hobbies?
nothing exciting tbh - video games, talking to friends, going for walks, and writing (<- i say, barely having written anything in months)
12. What's the best joke you've ever heard?
bold of you to assume i can remember jokes
13. What’s your love language? 
words of affirmation all the way - if i love you in any way, you will hear about it. thats both a threat and a promise.
14. Topics you never get tired of to talk about.
dragon age, what i'd vaguely describe as online media literacy, and social movements (especially far right movements, which i know sounds weird, but for some reason the FR became my main academic interest)
15. What would be the title if your life were a movie? 
not sure if it'd actually fit, but a couple years ago i scribbled down the phrase "the grand stupidity of the general state of things" and ive just been waiting to use that as a title for anything ever since; so yeah sure, why not, title for a movie about my life!
also im gonna cheat here and only tag @78669 (only if you want to ofc!!) bc i love my mutuals but never talk to them and i dont want to annoy them :( (obviously everyone feel free to just consider themselves tagged, if you want to do this!)
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jaekaicx · 3 years
Director's cut ask game: ⭐ for Push and Pull?
(decided to just say “fuck it” and do all of ch 1)
k so throughout the fic i wanted have this hazy vibe to it. like that fog over your mind whenever ur dreaming or youve just woken up, yk? also, that feeling of not rly knowing whats going on in a dream but also just going with whatevers happening.
looking back now i probably shouldve added a bit more indication whenever i was describing a flash rather than the dream, but i think it works how it is? either way its kinda late to change it so whatever
With a shaking hand, they reached out for Anne’s, but they hesitated. It only took a moment before he pulled back.
not much with this line, i just like it. hints to some lingering guilt and self loathing w marcy thinking he doesnt deserve annes help, even w something so small as picking him up.
then theres the bit with marcy second guessing themself and the description of dread, and honestly its just a bunch of self projection.
They had no clue where it all came from. It was as if they spoke the words right as they popped into their head.
something something this being a dreamworld thing so they dont really have a mental filter so he just speaks his mind
“Sort of. Only, I knew where the feeling was coming from, what caused it. Like, when Hop Pop betrayed me.”
ok, it probably wouldve made more sense to bring up sasha instead of hop pop, but i didnt want to detract from anne and marcys relationship by bringing up sasha. plus, hp and mars kind of work better as a comparison, since both of them tried to keep anne in amphibia because of what they thought was best, and in a sense put their own feelings before hers. of course hop pops intentions were a bit less selfish, but the comparison is still there.
The wind started to pick up, and the crashing of the waves grew louder. He flinched at the specs of sea water flying into their face.
The wind whipped at Anne’s hair and clothes as she glared down at him. The sky had grown darker with clouds, blocking out the sun.
Thunder boomed somewhere in the distance.
they were practically yelling over the waves and the wind.
just something im kinda proud of thinking of, ngl. i tried to parallel annes anger with the weather around them slowly worsening and a storm picking up. plus its kind of a build up to the huge wave at the end. it can also be taken as the sort of “paradise” beach thing falling apart, no longer shielding marcy from the terrible things that happened. not much else, just a minor detail im a bit proud of
A giant shadow fell over him.
this line was kinda subtle, but just thought id mention that this was supposed to be a reference to andrias towering over marcy in the episode. kinda unrelated, but i liked the imagery with those scenes with andrias looming over marcy as they tried so hard to justify their actions.
honestly i kinda struggled a bit trying to find the right words to end off anne’s whole outburst. i was kind of on a roll with everything she was tearing at marcy with, and i wasnt sure how to stop it. i did know that i wanted to bring back the stab, and i wanted the giant wave to come in, i just couldnt find a way to lead up to all of it exactly. hopefully it worked out in the end
and then the drowning and void sequence. idk i was just rly fond the idea of juxtaposing being drowned out by the roars of those you wronged and being lost in a silent void with nothing to hear but your own heart beating. i remember a youtube video i watched a couple years back where this guy tried to see how long he could last in a soundproof room, and he mentioned going kinda crazy in the silence. and then theres the ending, where i was kinda alluding to a sort of nightmare loop that marcy was going through.
i purposefully kept it vague on whether the nightmares were being fabricated by the night in order to manipulate marcy, or if they were the result of marcys own mind tormenting himself over everything that happened. im pretty sure this was before nightmar was confirmed in the trailer, so i wanted to keep it vague so that it would still hold up in canon if marcy didnt end up being possessed.
and uh yeah thats abt it.
(ask me to rant abt my fics)
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dark-naruto · 5 years
Hi!! ❤️❤️ I was wondering what your top Naruto fics are?? Doesn’t have to be sns (though that’s the best), I just really crave some fanfic 😭 thank you!!
i’m SO SORRY this took me so long to complete; i know i said it might take a while but i still never meant for it to take THIS long;;; i’ve been really busy lately and when i actually get some free time i just don’t have any mental energy left😫 ANYWAY, this is by no means an exhaustive list of my faves, but my memory’s p terrible, so this is the best i could do😭 I’M SURE there are many excellent fics that i just couldn’t recall on the spot, but I TRIED😣 listed in no particular order:
40m² by winterdesu: rating: mature; words: 11,544; post-war cohabitation; nar & sask emotionally support each other, cook together, and grow a balcony-full of houseplants. a smidgen of angst.
Scores, Settled by hanakage: rated: M; words: 8,908; bartender naruto, ad-exec sasuke. sasuke goes to the bar naruto works at during the world cup to research an ad campaign he’s working on. naruto shares his love of football w him and stuff… idk it’s rly cute i’m bad at summaries just read it lol
Advantage: Us by sirona: rating: Teen And Up Audiences, words: 30,947; tennis au; the boys meet when they’re kids at a tennis camp and then go on to compete against each other at Wimbledon when they’re older! idk if u can tell but i looove sports aus, even though i know NOTHING about any sport lol. there’s a short vignette that follows this fic, Home is where you are, rated Mature.
bleary by upottery: rating: Explicit; words: 2,813; this one’s basically a pwp, but w a looot of emotions and intimacy and j u s t 😌 it’s v soft n good and i love it. ninjaverse!
Spacey ramen and the idiotic two by taeggukswitch (rooxynroll): rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 10,950; idiots in spaaaaace! nar is a pilot and sasuke’s a programmer, they meet when they’re paired up for an exploration trip. as one of the author’s tags says, ‘they’re intelligent af but also share one brain cell’ and this is extremely correct. it’s just a v cute and enjoyable read! 
prairie town by applecrumbledore: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 8,698; sasuke’s a research scientist who moves to a small town; his car breaks down and he meets hunky local mechanic naruto. i’m sooo bad at summaries lmao, but this is super soft and sweet and i read it whenever i’m feeling down as i consider it to be a p reliable cure for depression! 
Realization (In a Drunken Haze) by playitagain: rating: Mature; words: 25,509; major warnings for alcoholism/alcohol abuse, so if that’s something that really bothers you, you should maybe avoid this one! personally, i think this is the most realistic depiction of alcoholism & recovery i’ve ever read in a fanfic- so often, even when it’s pretty clear that one of the characters has a drinking problem, it’s never really addressed, or even if it is, there isn’t a realistic portrayal of the recovery process. like, the character will just fall in love and then miraculously get over their problem and then it’s happily ever after. and while having a caring, supportive partner can be an essential part of recovery, love isn’t a magical cure, yk? ANYWAY, nar’s an english professor working toward his phd, sasuke is a student (not in any of nar’s classes) working on his master’s degree. iirc, sasuke’s age was ever specified, but i don’t THINK it’s implied that there’s any more than a few (maybe 2 or 3?) years difference between them, so no ugly a/ge g//ap business going on here. nar’s in steadfast denial throughout most of the fic that he’s an alcoholic, but with sasuke’s support, he finally starts on the (sometimes bumpy) road to recovery.
What about you? by cambion: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 14,974; nar’s two best friends both come out to him, forcing him to get introspective about the exact nature of his feelings for sasuke. this one’s ninjaverse, with sasuke AND team taka back in konoha, and idk it’s just v gooood…
here comes the sun (and his kid, and a whole lot of love) by moonwatcher: rating: Explicit; words: 34,808; modern, single parent au. this one does have past ss and nh, but they’re really almost never mentioned so even if that’s typically a disqualifier for you, you still might enjoy this one. sas n nar meet at a pta meeting at their kids’ school, where nar is also a teacher. there are a looot of cute sasuke & sarada moments in this, some cute nar & boruto moments as well (no himawari in this fic tho; both guys each have only one kid), and some gooood mutual pining. it’s just really sweet and cute and i liked it a lot!!
Tough Love by Rasengan22: rated T; words: 5,729; this one’s p angsty compared to most of the other recs on this list; sasuke’s suffering from PTSD and depression following a car accident, and he’s isolating himself and having difficulty leaving his house as a result. he’s successfully managed to push most of his friends away, however naruto proves to be incredibly persistent and won’t give up trying to help him. as someone who is struggling with a lot of the same issues that sasuke is, this one hit home really hard for me. i just WISH i had a naruto who refused to give up on me;;;;
Change by stammi_vicinora: rating: mature; words: 18,378; naruto convinces sasuke to take an unprecedented day off from work, and sasuke uses his free day learning to relax and unwind a bit w his bf. this one’s just really fluffy and sweet!!!
All things of dearest value hang on slender strings by sirona: rating: Mature; words: 15,713; hokage naruto and anbu captain sasuke. during a particularly hot summer in konoha, naruto plans a beach festival for all the villagers. this one’s really fun and cute, and it may already be on virtually every fic rec list ever made, but it’s one of my faves so i still have to include it!!
Love Is Blind by OfFansAndFlames: rating: Teen And Up Audiences; words: 992; after an accident causes him to lose his vision, sasuke plays it pretty safe for the first couple of years, until naruto convinces him to put his trust in him and take a risk: by going for a ride with him on the back of his motorcycle. this one’s short & sweet, and i just loooove the element of taking a leap of faith with someone you feel safe & comfortable with to do something that’s seemed impossible to you for so long. it reminds me that with the right support, you can do things that have seemed beyond your capabilities and find a new appreciation for life! ❤
the hard-knock life of a walmart cashier by geminiuchiha: rating: General Audiences; words: 26,650; nart & sask are college students and co-workers at walmart in this one, and it’s just!! rly funny and cute!!! i know i’ve described p much every fic so far as cute sdjslfjdssd but that’s my favorite kind of fic, so !!! mutual pining ftw!!
Mirai Kissaten by fourangers: rating: General Audiences; words: 3,586; despite the fact that he doesn’t really like coffee, sasuke ended up becoming a regular at a coffee shop near his work. it might have something to do with the cute owner that always serves him when he stops by every evening on his way home. this is a really cute coffee shop au, super fluffy and sweet!
and, last but not least! 3 of my faves by kinomiakai:
A Night of Poor Choices by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 13,134; sasuke is convinced by his friends to go out to a bar with them to celebrate hitting an important financial milestone in a video game they’re developing. since the bar scene really wasn’t for him, he found himself wandering outside the club, where he meets a very cute dog leashed to a parking meter. a few minutes later, he meets the dog’s very cute owner… this one is just extremely cute!!! kurama’s an adorable stinker who’s far too smart for his own good n___n
Rebuilding by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 25,705; this one is ninjaverse, post-war, and i mean, it’s p much essential reading imo!! reading it was extremely healing for me, so if u (somehow) haven’t read it yet, i really can’t recommend it enough!! so so sooo good!!!!!
Enter Naruto by KinomiAkai: rating: Explicit; words: 112,230; sasuke and naruto are both college students in this, with sas studying creative writing and nar studying psychology. sasuke takes his professor’s advice and goes to a cafe looking for inspiration, where he ends up meeting naruto! this is another all-time fave!! i save re-reads for when i’m really depressed, bc it always makes me feel better;; it’s just… r e a l l y sweet and good 😌💗
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What did you dream about last night?  i either didn’t dream or i don’t remember
What is your favorite color? sunset orange, black, a specifc shade of seafoam blue
Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun?  honestly? i used to think the moon, because all the depressing poetry was about girls being the moon having a dark side and all that. but recently i’ve been thinking more the sun
Have you ever wished on a shooting star?  not that i remember
Name a movie that makes you genuinely laugh.  the breakfast club
When’s the last time you felt like you were floating?  when Leo came over once, he was washing dishes and had put his glasses down on the counter so obviously i had to steal them  and holy shit  that boy is so blind  i laid down on my bed and put on his glasses and just  stared at the ceiling and dissociated for an hour it was Wild
What do you enjoy daydreaming about most?  cuddling my babies of course
Do you believe in guardian angels?  i do!
What’s a smell that reminds you of home? freshly baked cookies, woodsmoke, Leo’s shampoo, my aunt’s perfume
What is something (or someone) you’re in love with? well, i’m legally required to say Leo and L  which is true but also baking and swimming and taking walks and being an idiot with the people i love
Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness. Literally Any Time I’m With Either Of My Babies it’s a little different with Leo because i’ve met him face to face, and cuddling with him is like nothing else, but when we’re all in a call together? there’s no better feeling in the world
Name a song that makes you feel ethereal. i think i’m falling for ya- Dathan (tik tok remix)
What’s your ideal summer aesthetic?  the sound of seagulls and waves on the beach, soft acoustic guitar, sunglasses and sandals, the feel of the sun on your face and a cool breeze blowing past
Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories. uhh :)
Talk about something exciting or good that happened to you this year. well it’s only a month into the year so you have to give me a break, but i’d have to say the best thing that’s happened this year was when Leo came over he’s actually really good with kids which i didn’t know played with my niece, it was adorable
Where do you feel most at home? my answers for these are the same every time this has got to be annoying The Babies
What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important? a ballerina necklace and a cat collar my grammy gave me the necklace before she died, and the cat collar was  my cat Trinity’s
Do you believe dreams have meanings or are they completely random? both
Do you believe in love at first sight? in a way? i don’t think you can romantically love someone the second you see them, but there are other kinds of love, yk? you could see someone’s smile, or the way they laugh, or even the way they dress and fall aesthetically or platonically in love. sometimes you see someone, and all you want to do is be their friend. or you see someone’s hair, or style and you fall in love with that
What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you? stick around while i’m in littlespace i mean i know part of it is that they don’t want to hurt me while i’m at my most sensitive and vulnerable, but Leo and L are so kind when i’m little and i am so grateful for them
Do you believe in mermaids? no XD
What do you like most about nature? when it feels Alive when the trees are swaying with the breeze and all you can hear is the rustle of leaves, that feeling
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign? pisces oh Absolutely
Are you more of a hopeless romantic or realist? hm both
What’s a song that gives off good vibes anytime you listen to it? young volcanoes- fall out boy
Do you usually remember your dreams? if there was something significant about them, or they were particularly bad nightmares, yeah
Have you ever written a love letter? kinda
Name a book you don’t mind reading over and over. finding me by Katheryn Cushman
Do you collect anything? And what are some hobbies you have? i collect quarters different states, different years i have like twenty bucks in quarters that i collect video games, coloring, doing this, etc.
What do you do to feel at peace? sing, listen to music, color, watch a cheesy movie or read a cheesy something, talk to Leo and L
thank you for the questions Kat!
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