#yippee plushie content
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(Minus Jax, of course. His character development is gonna have to clear some huge hurdles for me to unban him from my house.)
(Caine and Gummigoo are upstairs.)
Review notes below?
For the record, something I haven't seen anyone mention is that Gangle and Zooble both operate with Velcro (and elastic for Zooble). As a fangamer plush nerd, I was expecting magnets, but apparently not. (Not a complaint, just not what I was expecting.)
Gangle has a ton of Velcro spots (for holding her mask to her face, for putting her hands together, and even for letting her fold her leg. Zooble's wing and antennae have Velcro to hold them in place, and the limbs fit into their body due to stiff white elastic around the sockets.
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Also, Kinger's robe fluff is SO SOFT- I was NOT expecting to like it so much. I can't stop running my fingers through it.
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Very nice, glad to have them all in my collection! They're all such cool designs!
(My grandma is here, and she immediately went "Raggedy Ann?" when she saw Ragatha. Cross-generational appreciation here!)
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wh0re-in-the0ry · 10 months
I was going through my liked videos so
First dnd game with slime - maybe this is just your first game with him, first game ever, or maybe the first time meeting him. Its cute how excited he gets about it!
First request yippee :D
Comic Store Owner! Charlie x GN! Reader (Part 1 of 2)
I'm a bit rusty when it comes to my writing (especially xreaders), so constructive criticism is welcomed. The reader's pronouns are not mentioned besides you/your and the term "dude" is used once in a gender-neutral way ^^
((Also... I got carried away. I was planning on this to just be a quick drabble, but one thing led to another, and I decided to make it into two parts. The first part being the setup and the next part will be the actual game. Part two should be out by Sunday.))
Anyways, I hope you enjoy, Annon. :]
There's a small comic bookstore not too far from your job. It's a small joint but it's packed to the brim with anything and everything your little nerd heart needs: comics, minifigures, board games, off brand anime plushies, that cute guy who owns the place, DND handbooks, trading cards, it had it all.
You visit the store often after your shift; most times you don't even buy anything, you (and your wallet) were content with just looking around. It's a nice thing to do while you wait for the bus to finally arive. The guy behind the register, which you found out was named Charlie through small talk, never seemed to mind your wandering, the store was never that busy and "It's nice to have a familiar face stop by."
After an extremely exhausting day of work, you enter the comic store and come across a set of dice, they were bright shade green that sparkled in the light with deep purple numbers engraved in each of the faces. You stare at the tube of dice in front of you. They were so gorgeous, you just needed to buy them. Afterall, you deserve to treat yourself after today, right? Yeah- with a grin on your face you decide to actually buy something for yourself. After checking the price on the top of the tube and immediately put them back. They are defiantly pretty, but not $17.50 +tax pretty.
You sigh and continue exploring the store as usual. But no matter how many times you skim through the graphic novels, admire the signed posters, and browse through the keychains, you keep going back to the dice section. You start to fiddle with the tube of dice again. Maybe the price magically changed within the fifteen minutes you last checked- no, it's still basically 20 dollars, an hour of your work, used on dice you might not even use... but they look so nice, and they won't take up too much space... Uhg be real, Y/n. You know that they'll be sitting in your junk drawer and collecting dust unless you actually use them... and sure you have friends but none of them shown interest in games like DND. Hell- you've never even played DND yourself, where do you even start? How do you even start-
"Hey, Y/n. Ya need help with something?"
"Huh?" You lose your train of thought and turn to see Charlie next to you with his usual happy grin, "Oh uhh- I'm just looking around." You say before fumbling slightly when trying to put the dice back again.
Charlie glances at the tube in your hand and smiles, "I gotta say Y/n, you have pretty good taste when it comes to dice. I honestly would've kept them for myself if my collection wasn't so big."
"Oh- well uhh.. I'm actually not sure if I'm going to buy them..." You say feeling a little bit guilty.
"It's fine, Y/n. It's not like I'm not gonna force you to buy it."
"I know it's just that..." You sigh, "It's just that I don't want to buy dice if I already know I won't use them. I don't even know how to play DND... or anyone to do a campaign with."
"Well... you can always join the store's campaign." He proposes.
You turned to him a bit surprised, "The store has a campaign?"
"Yeah! On Saturdays the shop hosts a DND session from 11:00 to 1:30," Charlie pulls out a mini flier about the sessions from his cargo short's pocket, "We just started this campaign a few weeks ago, it's totally beginner friendly and all you need is a character sheet, some dice, and something to write with."
You think for a moment. Saturdays are your only day off from work and you usually like to sleep in until at least noon on those days. But then again where else would you have a chance to try out DND and you should be going outside the house more often... Besides, having an excuse to hang out with Charlie doesn't sound too bad at all. You smile at Charlie, "You know what? Yeah! My schedule is free on Saturdays so I'm down."
Charlie's eyes light up like you've never seen before, and his smiles grows wider, "Wait really? That's perfect! Everyone else in the campaign are new to0 and I'm sure that you guys will get along great and and- Hey how about I help make your character so we can jump right in on Saturday?"
"W-wait you mean like right now?" You asked slightly startled by the boost of energy Charlie has.
Charlie flushes slightly once he realizes how excited he's getting and tries to calm down, "Y-yeah. I mean... it is a pretty slow day for the store, and we'll have more time to actually play if we make your character now rather than the start of the session...What do ya say?"
"Well- uhh sure. That sounds pretty fun."
Charlie's blush dies down and he's back to his usual happy self, "Great! Follow me." With a friendly smile Charlie takes your hand and leads you to the store. You can feel your face heat up slightly from the contact. His are only slightly bigger than yours but they were from the semi-firm grip he held you could tell they were strong, and they were softer than you'd imagine. It would've been a great moment if your hands weren't so sweaty from nerves, hopefully he doesn't notice. "Here we are. Sorry, it's kinda cramped," Charlie says as he lets go of your hand and opens the door for you.
Once you snap out of your fixation on your two's hands you enter the room. It was a pretty big room; it was almost as big as the storefront, but most of that room seemed to be taken up by storage boxes, promotional cardboard cutouts, older furniture, and holiday decorations. It was cluttered but there was enough room for the decent sized table with four chairs on each long side and one chair for the head of the table. "Is this where you hold your sessions?" You ask as you carefully try to navigate the room.
"Yeah," he says while scratching the back of his neck, sounding somewhat embarrassed, "Sorry about the mess, I just moved into an apartment closer to here and the new place didn't come with much storage..."
"Don't worry about it. It's really not that ba-!!" As you tried to reassure Charlie, you somehow managed to slip on a scrapped flier and almost fell backward onto the cold tile floor.
"Woah hey!!-"Charlie quickly catches you by the waist to help you regain your balance, "Hey, are you okay!?"
You can feel your face heat up from his firm grab before awkwardly leaving his grasp. "Yeah- uhh I'm fine," you say with an embarrassed chuckle before sitting in the closest chair to you, "Soo... where do we start?"
Charlie reaches for a box under the table and pulls out a printed-out character sheet and the fifth edition handbook, "Let's start off with your character's race. Do you know what you want to be," he asks while flipping the pages to show you all the different species you could be.
"I... uhhh well-" You were overwhelmed by the sheer number of options you had. There were so many, and you didn't have a decent understanding of what most of them even were. Should you just stick with human to make things easier? But where's the fun in that? Maybe an elf? You know what an elf is for sure. Oh god- you can't keep Charlie waiting... Just pick something already- ANYTHING.
You feel a hand on your shoulder and brake out of your trance once you look up at Charlie, "Hey, do you need help choosing?" His voice is slightly mellow and calmer than usual, you feel yourself shake off the nerves.
You nod, "Yeah, sorry. There's just so many to choose from and I'm not too familiar with most of them..."
"That's fine," He gives you a small smile, "How about I give you a mini explanation for each race and you just tell me if you hear something you like?" You smile back and give him a nod. That doesn't sound that bad, not bad at all.
You nod along to Charlie's explanations and stats on elves, humans, halflings, and such but none of them seem to catch your interest. That's until he gets to the tiefling, a demon looking thing that aren't inherently evil but can be a wee bit dubious. You didn't even need the explanation on it, the moment you heard the name of it you knew exactly what you were going to do.
"I got it! I'll be Teeth, the tiefling, collector of teeth!" You look over at Charlie who seemed surprised by the sudden exclamation. Shit- that's probably a stupid idea. He probably thinks you're weird or something. Oh god, what do you do now? FU-
Your panicking was cut off by the sound of Charlie's laughter. "Dude, that's perfect-! I don't know how I never thought of that."
Oh- never mind, crisis averted. "Wait, really?"
"Yeah! It's amazing! Now how about we work on your class now?" After bouncing around some ideas and laughs, you and Charlie refine Teeth. Your little guy is a tween tiefling ranger who was raised in the woods by the animals. He protects the beast from poachers during the day and drinks to hide from his loneliness and stress at night... he also has a pet cat named tooth :D, You and Charlie just made Teeth, but you are already attached. This isn't just a character, this is your son, you're a parent now. Does that make Char- Nope. Keep it together and calm down. Just... enjoy the moment.
The two of you continue to chat the minutes fly by and they turn to hours and oh shit- its already 8:27??? "Oh god- I missed my bus. Well, I should start walking back before it gets too late," you say while folding your character sheet up in a square to fit into the smaller pocket in your bag.
Charlie glances at the window, "You know it's already pretty late. How about I drive you back to your place?"
Oh god yes! You got to say yes, Y/n. Say it! "I- uhh... I-I think I'll be fine." ...What the fuck is wrong with you, Y/n?
Charlie's smile falters a little, "Oh... You sure? It's pretty dark out."
Y/n you better accept the offer I swear to god- "Yeah you're right, it's probably better if you drive..." Okay never mind :). Charlie's smile comes back as he nods and grabs his keys. Once in the car the two of you keep chatting again about whatever comes to mind really. Movies, video games, dream for the future, everything seemed to be on the table, it just feels really easy to talk to him. It was only supposed to be a ten-minute drive but with all the wrong turns Charlie kept accidentally making, you two eventually make it to your apartment closer to thirty. "Thanks for the ride, Charlie. I'll see you on Saturday," you grab your bag as you said your goodbyes to your... friend.
"Yeah, I'll see you around..." Just as you were about to leave the car, you hear him call out to you, "Hey Y/n-"
You turn to him, "Yeah Charlie?"
"I uhh..." For a split second he hesitates before giving you a soft smile, "I just wanted to say I had fun tonight."
A warm feeling in your heart sets in as you smile back, "I had fun too."
For a moment it was just you two in comfortable silence before Charlie snaps back thanks to the harsh winds seeping into the vehicle, "You should probably get inside now, we don't want you catching something before your first session."
"Oh right-" You actually get out of the car this time and close the door shut, "Bye Charlie!" You wave as Charlie drives off; you can still feel that warm feeling in your chest even in the bitter cold. You go back into your small apartment with that grin still on your face and it stays on for a while. All night while you were getting ready for bed, that smile lingered as you replay tonight's events over and over again, your jaw almost starts horning from the sheer amount of time you grinned. You lay down in your bed and you finally let your mouth and brain relax. It takes a bit longer than usual, but you eventually fall asleep, feeling content. For the first time in a while, you are actually excited for what the near future has in store.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope y'all enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. I haven't written any fic since last year and it's my first time ever writing an xreader before. I had so much fun and I gotta thank annon for helping me rediscover how much I love writing.
I'm sorry that I didn't get to the DND part in the DND fic, my bad y'all. Part two will jump into the game. I'm about a quarter done with the second part so expect it to be completed by Sunday.
(Also, here's a fun fact: I just straight up used my DND character for Y/n's. He's a lil' guy and I love him <3 )
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beehivesystemsillys · 5 months
Hello! :3
First post, wanted to make a sorta intro!
We are an undiagnosed system, likely Osdd-1b, we don't experience amnesia! We are also Autistic and Adhd, among other things, and use things like tone tags and communication card/emojis. We are also a mobility aid (cane) user! Just some important lil side notes!
This is one of our main blogs (for personal reasons, we'd like to keep them separate and not share the other blog names, but alters go on other blogs and the system name is the same everywhere, so can't really stop that). This blog is made mostly for our system little and pet-regressor, so we'll mostly post/interact with content like that, but other alters may show up on here from time to time.
Due to severe social anxiety, we may not talk/post much, but who knows, maybe we will! :3
We'll try to stick to tagging posts appropriately so we'll use:
"#silly rambles" for posting abt/saying random stuff
"#[insert front tag/emoji] likes this post" for reblogs that certain alters rlly like or relate to
And we'll add more tags here when we make other posts and need a different tag for them.
Some other info:
We collectively go by many names, but mainly Bee and Moth. Our system name (we decided on this very recently) is the Beehive System or Beehive Mosaic (in reference to the way we view our plurality). We are also bodily a minor, so no funny business!(/silly but /srs)
The main alters that will be on here are:
Little—The system little/age-regressor.
Pronouns are: He/they/bub/plush/doodle/🍼/🧸/🫧/🔆/🩵
Uses masculine and neutral terms.
Signs off with 🍼
Pup—The system pet-regressor. Usually, puppy regressed, but sometimes other animals.
Pronouns are: He/it/they/pup/paw/kit/meow/woof/bark/wag/fluff/🐶/🐱/🐾
Uses masculine and neutral terms (or just animal terms).
Signs off with 🐾
Tism—The system's symptom holder? Unsure. Also, tbhcreaturekin sometimes. (Name seems very direct, but all of our alter names are like that. Want to clarify that we are all autistic, Tism just personifies our autistic traits and experiences them much more noticeably.)
Pronouns are: He/it/they/boing/bop/vwoop/bonk/stim/wag/yip/yippee/paw/thing/X3/🍬/🌈/🎉/♾️/🦈/🪸/🐠/🫧/🪼
Uses masculine and neutral terms.
Signs off with 🎉
Default—System host/gatekeeper and more. Basically always fronting.
Pronouns are: He/they/it and any neos/xenos
Uses mostly neutral terms, sometimes masculine terms, and rarely feminine terms.
Signs off with 👍
Those are the main ones, but others that may pop in are:
Scene Qween—Unsure what they do, but very silly and Scene. Has a couple of typing quirks that may be hard to read (Stuff l1k3 th1z).
Pronouns are: She/he/they/it/Rawr/XD/X3/:3/:D/X]/:]/X0/:0/xe/nyan/kandi/🌈/🎶/💜
Uses mainly neutral terms, but fine with any.
Signs off with 🎵
Neon—Also unsure what they do. They just sensory seek a lot (bright stuff, loud stuff, etc).
Pronouns are: They/it/neon/bright/glow/rainbow/💖/🩷/❤️/🧡/💛/💚/💙/🩵/💜/💫/⭐️/🛸/🦋/🪼/🫧/🩻/🎉/🎨/🚦/🌈/🍭/🛼
Uses neutral terms.
Signs off with 🌈
Plush—Fragment? Really loves plushies and collecting.
Pronouns are uncertain for now, so either they/them or just use their name.
Unsure on terms, use neutral for now.
Signs off with 🧸
Sunny—System Caretaker.
Pronouns are: She/they/sunshine/honey/fun/🔆/🌻 (Mainly she/her tho)
Uses feminine terms.
Signs off with ☀️
Toony—Unsure of role, but cartoonkin.
Pronouns are: He/it/they/boom/whizz/toon/cartoon/silly/boing/bonk/💥/✨️/🎉/❗️
Uses masculine and neutral terms.
Signs off with 💥
Weirdkin—Nonhuman alter? Weirdcore-creaturekin. Has typing quirk (l1k3 s0)
Pronouns are: It/thing/that thing/that/creature/odd/eye/tooth/👁/🦷/they/he
Uses mainly neutral and nonhuman terms, but is fine with masculine aswell.
Signs off with 👁
Anyways, that should cover most info but we may update/redo this later! Anyways, remember to be nice and have fun! :D
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honeyy-catt · 4 months
hiya !! my names honeycat but you can call me anything you want really!!
this is a sideblog for objectum things and other stuff i dont wanna post onto main!! mostly nsft stuff so i suppose this would be considered a nsft blog.
i use mirror + any pronouns but prefer he/it + a whole mess of neos that i probably wont list, but know you can use whatever neos you want!!
im an alterhuman!! i have a lot of 'types so i wont list them all but i feel most connected to cats, bugs, canines, blue jays and the sun :))
im objectum!! i have platonic, familial and sexual feelings for objects and am currently friends with benefits with my computer and one of my plushies and i have several objects that feel like family to me <33
this blog is mainly for me to just be weird and silly!! so keep in mind if you dont like the things i post about you dont have to stick around, i understand theyre kind of odd. i might post suggestive things but theyll all be tagged as such.
i dont have a dni really, its up to me to curate my own online experience and if i see something i dont like ill simply block. generally i wont block people unless i see them posting content that i think is harmful to me often, so most of you wont have to worry :))
i am very much taken and absolutely smitten with my (human) partner. im polyamorous but not looking for a new relationship right now.
honey hums: talking tag
baps u: tag for rbs
honey purrs: posts for anything talking about things i love
probably gonna add more but this is it for now yippee!!
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atomicc · 2 years
Actually yknow what this is a blogging website it's time 2 make a blog post.
It's a little sad 2 me how many scene/raver blogs have gone silent or deactivated over the years. My dash used 2 b FILLED with technicolor outfits and sparkledogs. Now I barely see any!! Where did everyone go? It's still the rawring 20s! I guess it's ok in my mind that it really was just a phase 4 some ppl (phases r an important part of self discovery!!) but I'm still here. So it's sad 2 see so many blogs I rlly liked just. Gone. Come back guyz u left ur kandi : (!!
Idk ppl used 2 talk 2 me a lot! I liked getting asks! And little messages!! It was fun! But I guess I also stopped posting my own content 4 awhile X(... I know I haven't posted art hardly at all since I moved but really just. Don't have the time or energy 2 do digital art... Which makes me sad too... Idk I'm tempted 2 just start posting old art I never uploaded here? Or maybe I should start posting my traditional sketches? What do u guys think??? Maybe both? Auhg! >___<"
Either way I wanna start posting again more frequently! I already have been I hope u guys have enjoyed my mental illness rambling I think it's fun. Yaay yippee!! WAHOOO!! Idk this is my funny little blog I think I'm allowed 2 have crazy ass posts about how I heard my plushie say something 2 me the other day. Tired of being normal it's roller coaster time 4 all of u.
Anyywaaay I love u I love u sooo much hugs and love!!! I'm probably gonna do some minor changes 2 my blog again and make a pinned post later? Idk I work again today so. *shrug* we'll see what kind of energy I got.
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royal-raccoon · 5 years
I was tagged (once again) by miss @pucciverse 😳😳😳 I get to overshare once again yippee
Nickname(s): Chrissie is my favourite one. But my amazing friends like using "crib" "sweetie" "Loser" "wimp" (you know who you are) "Crisp" "baby" "hun"
Gender: NB babey!!!
Sexuality: this is a Christian Minecraft server. I'm asexual djendjenej
Astrological sign: I do NOT understand SUN or MOON signs. My ZODIAC sign is VIRGO.
Hogwarts house: okay I have never read nor watched Harry potter but I think I'm a Hufflepuff. Badgers amirite. Edit I did the quiz with my friends a few days ago and huh ravenclaw
Favorite animal: UGH raccoons.... Make me weak....... I got a new raccoon plushy he's very soft and good.
Number of blankets: usually none because I don't like heat but when it's winter and I Yearn I use one blanket. But it's a thin one.
Where are you from: from that shitty place called Israel. Don't visit djsndjnddjnd
Dream trip: UGH to go to Japan.
When I started this account: my original account is from I THINK late 2015 early 2016. I forgot the password djendjenej. This one i started in march 2016.
Why I started this account: idk man I liked Miraculous Ladybug and wanted to see more content.
Thank you for tagging me this was a delight. Imma tag @hnnnnnnnm @mettacore @illmamnim @jerk-royalty @zumi-waa-moon @fadeout-againn
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Oh hey, I can just. Post pics of my plushies. Wild. Social media is amazing.
Shout out to Noonaneko on Etsy for this FANTASTIC boy who just came in the mail:
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Kiki... My best friend Kiki...
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She did a wonderful job designing my son, and he is very small and cute. Truly a wowzers moment.
(More pics below the cut)
Kinda silly how small he is compared to Ogerpon. She looks like she's patting his head!
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He is a bit bigger than the trainer mascot plush line tho.
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Hehe, varied scale plushies are funny.
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Gummigoo and Ragatha plushies!!!
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Gummigoo is squishier than everyone else, AS HE SHOULD BE! (My mom immediately went "He looks Australian". Yes mom, he's even got the accent!)
Ragatha... I feel like she could have been designed better? Her dress is bunched up on her funny no matter what I do, her collar likes to stick up (and I'm afraid to sew it down to the dress for the above reason), and I don't know how to feel about her hair strands being so thin in the back while her bangs in the front are bigger and more accurate. (Not to mention they're just twisted in the back? Some of the strands are already unravelling...)
Happy to have her, though, don't get me wrong, and I understand the yarn hair especially was probably complicated to describe to a plushie manufacturer that isn't used to it.
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