#yippee finally got enough time to draw
nress · 7 months
Oops my hand slipped
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Alejandro, an exiled noble now working as a wandering merchant and Noah as a thief who inadvertently caused Alejandros exile???
Nah I just wanted to draw Noah with a cloak and a knife
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Also goatee version since i liked him clean shaven for some reason (pretend theres lore behind it)
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critterbitter · 8 months
I finally got all my brain ducks into enough of a row to send this! I just wanted to say that Tumblr recommended your art to me on a whim, and I am actually OBSESSED now lol. I had no prior investment in Submas or anything tangentially related to it prior to this (aside from liking Pokémon generally lol), but I couldn’t help but tear through everything you’ve drawn for these silly little rat children and I love them so much now!!! I wanna pick them up and shake him around like little action figures! The shenanigans and the heartfelt moments are just,, UGH so good! I have no words! Thank you for the food I am going FERAL over them <3
Your art is also high key goals for me now tbh. I absolutely ADORE your coloring and rendering style, and also they way you draw Pokémon in general?? Very animalistic but still recognizably Pokémon?? Literally galaxy brained. I’m going to SCREAM. I know you already posted a bit of your art process, but I’d love to know if you’ve got any rendering tips and/or how you get that clean but sketchy look. It looks so good I want to eat it lol.
(Also I really love the way you’ve been formatting Elesa’s dialog, with the extra lines around the letters. It really gives the vibe that her grasp on Galarian is currently shaky at best and idk, I like that you’ve managed to find a way to convey that over text. I think that’s pretty cool :D)
I SAW YOU REBLOG A WHOLE BUNCH AND IM,,, (throwing hearts at you)
Thank you so so much! I’m glad you love these terrible little guys wandering Unova just as much as I do, haha!
As a treat, lemme pull out some drafting for the mini illustrations. I usually start every snapshot with a run down of what I remember from the area, possible shenanigans encountered, and then a doodle of ideas to come.
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From there, it’s a SUPER rough sketch, followed by lineart and rough color, and then cleanup!
(More thumbs and their finals below!)
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At the end of the day, all my lines are VERY sketchy. I’m a lot stronger when it comes to mashing colors. That, and if you set your line layer from normal to multiply, the lines will always be automatically darker then whatever layer is placed underneath. It’s a trick used quite a bit for placing cel shadows in animation, but it’s useful for lineart in a pinch.
For colors, I like to stick to a limited pallet and branch out only after setting my primary colors. This entire series has been very experimental for me though, as you can probably tell.
As for the last bit— YES… YOU GET IT! As Elesa grows, the lines in her dialogue will start appearing less and less. It’s the little things that map the span of time for these guys.
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coleslawleviathan · 7 months
okay so. i challenged myself to try and draw some snakes and try to capture the features i want to stand out for them. i wanted to see if i could make them all look distinct but where its obvious they look extremely similar.
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heres the main lineup but i want to get into design elements for them as well as some personal headcanons.
FIRST! bibo.
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okay so. i'm going to toot my own horn here. i think his beard looks so fire and i did a good job. i imagine this design is around the portable ops era... not much else to say because most of the interesting stuff (at least to me) comes from the differences the others have from him.
V!!! I LOVE YOU V!!!!!!!!!!
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for venom snake, i made him look like big boss but Something's Off. in the game people often (notably huey and the boss' ai) don't recognize him as big boss for a few seconds. an imperfect replica because you cannot get that close with plastic surgery. i made the fat distribution on his neck a bit different from bibo's because i imagine the way that the human body configures itself is hard to change. if you noticed the little snake-tongue-shaped-hair-doohickeys, he is the only one with a slightly different shape. it's a genetic thing, you wouldn't get it. just thought that was silly. his hair texture is different, too. can u tell i like him a lot. also, my favorite detail might be his different nose shape. they never got bibo's nose right i guess. in mgsv, he actually has a bit of a downturned nose, and i honestly don't think i captured that enough.
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SNAVID! the most obvious difference here is his nose. he broke it as a kid lol. i love headcanons. there's not as much to say about him as with venom, but i can say that he is incredibly handsome and i like him. i think he is cute. was he free yesterday? if so i would like to have dinner yesterday with him yesterday. well... i will say that out of this specific lineup i think he looks the most like good old dad. which is awful and i feel bad for him.
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i gave him his canonical sharp nose and high cheekbones! i based a lot of his features off how he looked as a kid so he really has little shit vibes about him. he also has thinner eyebrows, and i headcanon that he does them himself lol. he has less sideburny sideburns than his brother. his eyelids are also smaller. he also does look kinda like kaz so its plausible that he tricked dave! yippee! i also like drawing his hair. its such a great hairstyle. it reminds me of a lion's mane.
N E WAYS... i hope you enjoyed me rambling about giving these goobers a more realistic design for future reference. i like talking about this kind of stuff. life is so much better without same face syndrome.
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ppenguinpperson · 10 months
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cardiomyocytes and connective tissue @nopanamaman
I’ve wanted to do a fic like this for some time now, a ‘thank you’ letter to PAFL and its community of sorts. I’m happy I finally got around to writing it:) 
I wasn’t sure whether I should do this or not, but, hey! It might make someone feel a bit better!! Or, reading the fic will. That’s enough reason, I think, and you don’t have to read this, of course, no matter who you are.
First of all, I want to talk about PAFL a bit.
The first PAFL song I listened to was PiP. I saw its thumbnail when listening to some other music youtube, and so, I listened to it. Oh boy am I glad I did:) I remember thinking how cool it is that someone's making songs for their OCs and that people are interested in them. I could see so much love for the characters in it. I was so happy when I discovered there were more songs like that!! This was around when Comfort Zone had first come out, a week or two after at most. That was two years ago. I’ve been obsessed ever since.
I love PAFL. I genuinely love that songs haven’t been coming out much lately. Like, there’s media that comes out weekly and sucks shit. I’m glad Ferry is taking their time with this!!! Even if all we get each year is one song, that’s cool, because the community is wonderful and we also get doodles and art and now patreon stuff.. yippee yay… !!! And even if we didn’t. who the fuck caressss!!!!! I love coming up with AUs and OCs and theorizing with my friends!!! the time between songs gives us time to do all that:)
The characters are so charming. Every member of the cast has been a fave of mine at some point or another. They’re all so, real! I love them! I love how they fuck up and I love how they get fucked over and I love how they get exploded and killed and shot and hugged and saved and helped!!! They’re human… might not make sense, but i rlly do like them…
It’s so neat looking back at older songs and seeing how stuff’s changed. The art style, the music, it’s all so nice to look back on. Even if I wasn’t there for it.
And don’t even get me started on the worldbuilding..  Everyone say thank you to Boris Strugackij and Arkadij Strugackij for making roadside picnic and inspiring Ferry to make this… so lovely and neat. wonderful. I have not read it myself, but I might, just to be able to make my own pafl OCs more swagger..
So. This fic.
I can’t mention two years ago without at least mentioning my depression.
I can’t remember most of last year, speaking truthfully. Parts of 2021 are also fuzzy. Depression and anxiety are terrible, would not recommend. This feels cheesy to say, but it does get better!!! Slowly, unsteadily, it gets better!!! I don’t mean for this part of the post to be a ‘feel bad for me’ thing at all. Do not. I am safe and healthy now and I couldn’t be happier to be here right now.
Is life good now?? Sorta, but what matters to me right now is, I’m happy!!! It feels so surreal. I never thought I’d be like this. A part of me wants to be angry, to get depressed again about how I could have been happy all this time. But I won’t!!! Because then I’d spiral and forget another year, and, I don’t want that!
Which is so cool!!! I can like, fucking, do stuff now!! I can throw away the bad thoughts, embrace the good ones, encourage myself!!! I do things!!! I go outside and goddd dude that’s so good!! I go outside!!!
I’m doing stuff! I’m drawing, writing, cleaning my room, taking care of myself!!! If I didn’t stay alive to enjoy these small joys, what am I even here for?? 
And I’m alive!!! I’m here!!! I made it, I’m here, writing this on 10th november, 2023, and I’m ALIVE!!!! How cool is that??? 
And yea, the world is shitty, it sucks ass, but, my friends don’t!!!:3 and that’s more than enough for me… SHOUT OUT TO MY FRIENDS!!! I LOVE YOU DUDES!!!
Moving on:
It doesn’t feel right to say that I’m here now only to PAFL. But, what I can say is that it’s been a wonderful crutch for me!! It’s been something to focus on, something silly, but also something I can relate to, and something that inspires me to make my own stuff! I’d most likely still be here, were it not for these silly songs.. but, not sure I’d be as alive as I am now! Unsure if my heart would feel right in my chest! And I wouldn’t have met my amazing friends!!!! Everyone here is so nice.
Dima may be a bit OOC in this fic, and that's because! This fic is based on my own experiences, which, i don’t think is bad…
I could talk here forever about how it gets better. Butttt to be quite honest I don’t wanna lol. I just wanna say, Thank you! to Parties are for Losers, for being cool. 
(Though I also wanna say, don’t put Ferry on a pedestal, they’re human, we all make mistakes, all that stuff.)
Ok time to go back to my manly Sergei ways and never talk about emotions ever again. or as anya would say: FUCK IT WE BALL!!!!!
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idontplaytrack · 13 days
Capri Donahue x fem! reader
Warnings: age regression, a bit of baby talk, fluff
Capri finally figures out why reader regresses.
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The morning started off great, as per usual actually. Time in classes seemed like it was passing by quickly, you could focus and you were in a good mood. You have most of your classes with Capri, your girlfriend, so that’s why you were happy. Usually, you two were separated for at least half the day. Thursdays were the only exception.
Eventually, it was time for lunch. You were pretty hungry so you were glad to have been let out of the previous class on time and managed to get your food quickly. While you sat down at a table, Capri excuses herself to go use the restroom. In the meantime, you ate your food while scrolling through your phone.
When Capri returned, she wasn’t alone. She was giggling along with Darby— her best friend. “I’m back.” Capri pecks you on your cheek and sits down next to you. “Darby can join us, right?”
You blinked, smiling at them both, “Sure.”
Wasn’t she always sitting with Alex? Where was he today?
Eh. You shrugged, looking at your lunch tray as you poked at the food and ate. You swallowed your feelings and let lunch go on as per normal, chatting with them and all, chiming in whenever you felt like it. You didn’t hate Darby, you hated that you got jealous over the most little things. You despised that. When lunch was over, you left the cafeteria just a little quicker than they did. It wasn’t unusual for you to do that— sometimes. You liked getting to class on time, or early even. Though typically, you went everywhere with Capri, including arriving to classes together.
You were aware you had the issue with jealousy. You even knew what caused it all to begin— thanks to a childhood where you constantly had to earn or fight for any bit of attention. But, as much as you tried to stop yourself from spiralling whenever you felt that feeling start sitting on your shoulders like a heavy weight. It slowed you down, literally slowed you down. And you began to lose focus— whatever your teachers or anyone else said after that sounded like gibberish. You felt a little sleepy after having lunch, so then you were cranky— like you wanted to cry. Then, you wanted a hug from Capri. But she wasn’t in this class. You’d only see her in your next and last class of the day. You stared at your phone, then looked to the front at your teacher. Your hand itches to grab your phone, you wanted to talk to Capri, tell her you wanted a hug. But you also feel yourself start to feel unlike your usual self. Your head emptied itself soon enough, and you rested your chin on your folded arms for the remainder of this class, but looked right at the front so your teacher couldn’t fault you for not paying attention. You managed to get by, now making your way to your last class— Bio. You sat down at your bench, that you now shared with Darby since three days ago when Mrs. Milton decided to ‘shake things up’ for a project by drawing names out of a box. So thanks to that, you were paired up with Darby while Capri was paired up with James. Her ex boyfriend. Yippee.
Your bench? It was right in front of Capri’s, so you could hear her chatting and giggling with James, all throughout the class, word for word. She barely looked at you once. You looked at her over your shoulder and sulked before you turned back around. She saw that, she saw you. You caught her smirking, then chuckling. “You alright?” Darby asks while leaning closer. You shook your head. You were never this direct unless you were regressed. It was starting to happen and you were fighting it. You couldn’t let it happen now. You were in public. Darby knew it was unusual for you to say no so straightforwardly. Therefore, she was worried. You seemed fine and all, but of course, who could tell right now? You hoped they couldn’t tell that your ‘grown up mind’ was slowly but surely drifting away. You stared down at your feet when you saw Darby turning around. “Baby?” Capri leaned forward, “What’s wrong?”
You pursed your lips together, not wanting to talk, knowing that you would sound different. So you just ignored her, Capri fought a sigh and let you just sit there. Seeing this interaction, Darby didn’t push you to do a lot right now for the project. With her guidance, you thankfully got through the class just fine. Once Mrs. Milton said the class could be dismissed, you grabbed your bag and bolted out of the classroom. Capri could barely catch up with you. “y/n.” She caught up with you, grabbing your wrist. You didn’t reply, just yanked your hand away and continued walking out of school. Capri wasn’t having it. She sat you down somehow, and tried to talk. But you flat out refused. She sighs, “Baby, talk to me, please.”
You breathed shakily, “Wanna go home.”
Capri’s hand on your knee froze, she squints at you, thinking. Why were you talking like that? Barely coherent and barely complete sentences.
Capri ultimately decided the school wasn’t the right place to have a conversation if you were already so obviously upset— among other things. You sat in the front with her and she made your your seatbelt was buckled before she started to drive. It was a quiet journey to her house, you’d dozed off rather quickly. She didn’t have the heart to wake you, but did anyway since she didn’t want you to be sitting in the car to sleep. She would very much rather have you sleeping properly on her bed than here.
“Hey.” She says, shaking you carefully. Your eyes fluttered open as you stirred in your sleep.
“We’re at my house.” She continues while your eyes fully opened up. You only nodded, then she unbuckled your seatbelt for you so you could get out. Capri was getting a little frustrated with the fact that you hadn’t said much of anything to her for the last hour or so. But she didn’t really show it, you couldn’t tell she was annoyed. Something was going on, and she wanted to know what to do so she could help you. Capri goes up to her room and you were right behind her, like a little kid clinging onto their parent.
Capri’s heart fluttered, feeling you hold onto her hand so tightly, her frustration died down, fully replaced by worry now.
You drop your backpack onto the floor at the foot of her bed. “Come here, baby.” She sits you down on her lap, “How are you feeling? What’s wrong, why’ve you been keeping to yourself all day?”
“I don’t know.” You blinked profusely, “I don’t feel like myself, I feel like my mind’s switched off.”
Judging by the way you were clinging onto her like your life depended on it, you had seconds before you officially slipped into that headspace.
She cups your chin, tilting your face so you were looking at her. “You’ve got to let me know next time, lovey.”
You exhaled shakily, tears slipping from your face. Why were you even upset? Why were you regressed? You don’t know and can’t remember why. Capri knew you tended to regress sometimes, so she knew how to take care of you. But your triggers were still unclear to her— and yourself honestly. Because once you were in that headspace, you don’t know anything else. You just knew that you wanted Capri. You wanted Capri to cuddle with you and kiss you, watch cartoons with you and share some snacks.
She knew she wasn’t going to get an answer out of you right now, so her caregiver mode kicked in and took over. You shifted yourself and wrapped your arms around her neck, your head was resting on her shoulder.
“Aw, does my baby want hugs?” She teased, chuckling over her words.
“Yes.” You nodded, sniffling pitifully.
“Are you okay?” She asks quietly, “What do you want to do, baby?” Tears were still streaming down your face as you kept quiet.
“Hey.” She rubs your back, “Don’t cry, don’t cry. You’re okay.”
Like a reflex, you cried harder, just babbling incoherently as she shushed you and rubbed soothing circles on your back. “I don’t like you talking to James.” She managed to make out those words.
Jealousy. Now she knew one trigger.
“He told me funny jokes, so I laughed. He doesn’t like me like that anymore, angel.” She whispered, carrying you off her lap. Capri held your face in her hands, squeezing your cheeks, “Don’t cry, hm? What can I do to make you feel better?”
You were now taking some deep breaths to regulate your own emotions, lips pouty and eyes wide and glossy. Just…looking at her. Capri puckered her lips and kisses you on your lips, then slowly, peppering soft fleeting kisses all over your face. So much so that you started giggling. Just what she wanted to hear. She laughs, squishing your cheeks again, a cheekily smile on her face. “I think you still need a visit from the tickle monster.”
You squealed, she didn't care and just tickled you to make you laugh harder. You were screeching and squirming on her bed beneath her, your hair all over your face now, obstructing your sight. “Stop, stop, stoooop.” You squealed, laughing heartily.
“Okay, okay.” Capri laughs, laying down next to you, a hand on your abdomen. Your breathing slowly evens out. “What do you want to do, buttercup? You wanna play with your toys?”
You rolled over onto your side. “Can we go to the playground?”
She hums, “The playground? Of course we can. Are you hungry? If you are, we should eat something before we go.”
She’d noticed that you didn’t have quite as much to eat at lunch at school.
“I’m not.” You told her.
“After we get back, we’re having dinner, alright?” She coaxed. You nodded, “Okay.” Lips still pouty— she loved it. You were so cute.
“Good girl, come on let’s go.” She smiled, chuckling to herself and pressing a kiss to your forehead. She held her hand out so you could grab it and get out of bed. Before taking a walk to the playground nearby, she got you changed into something that was easier for you to move around in.
Once at the playground, you climbed on and started to just run around and slid down the slide. “Baby, be careful!” She shrieked, watching you carefully.
She followed you on the side of the playground structure, making sure you weren’t going to trip and fall and get hurt. “Don’t run, please.” She quiets down, stopping you in your tracks easily, “I don’t want you to run. You might fall and that’s gonna be an ouchie.”
You looked at her in thought, but gave in and agreed. She smiled, satisfied and let go of your wrists.
You two didn’t stay for long, because after about half an hour, a couple other kids showed up. You didn’t see it but their parents gave Capri and most importantly, you, weird looks. She convinced you to leave before you heard anything they were going to say. “Let’s go, okay, buttercup? It’s time for dinner. Don’t want you to go hungry, lovey.”
“Aw.” You frowned, “Okay.”
“We’ll come back very soon, okay? I promise.”
“‘Kay.” You agreed, “I want nuggies.”
“Sure, babe. I’ll make you some chicken nuggets.”
You were clinging and leaning onto her, but she let you, clearly. “Tired?”
“No.” You muttered, “I want a hug.”
Rubbing your back, she gave that a thought and gave in, picking you up with ease and walking the rest of the way home like this.
“Do you wanna eat first or shower first, angel?” You two were back in her room again. You couldn’t answer her, seemingly frustrated about something. She figured it was the sticky, sweaty feeling. “Okay.” She decided, “I’m gonna give you a quick shower first.” Stroking your cheek with her thumb, she added on, “Give me a minute, I’ll pop those nuggets in the oven so they’ll be ready when you’re all nice and clean, okay?”
You didn’t say anything and just held onto her arm, following her around to the kitchen, the fridge, the oven. Then, around her room to gather you a fresh set of clothes and towel.
You were cranky given how uncomfortable being sweaty felt, but Capri made do, successfully giving you a shower then got you dried and dressed. “There we go.” She beamed, holding your face by a hand under your chin, “Let’s go eat, baby.”
The day came to a close with you both having dinner in front of the TV watching your favourite Disney movie, Lilo & Stitch which you insisted on watching even though Capri said no— she knew you’d cry, and you did when it came to the scene where Stitch walked out of Lilo’s room.
“Shh, hey. Hey, it’s okay, baby. It’s okay. It’s just a movie, it’s not real.” Capri cajoled, both arms wrapped around you and holding you close. Your head was on her chest, face looking away from the TV and pressed up against her chest. She stroked your hair as you cried, thanking her lucky stars that you’d already finished your food otherwise she’d have another problem of you possibly choking. She skips ahead in the movie, setting the remote control back down.
“Do you wanna take a nappy?” She asks, pressing a kiss to the side of your head.
“Right here.” You hiccuped, snuggling closer to her as your hand rests on her chest on the other side, tracing the fabric mindlessly.
“You wanna nap here?” She chuckled, “Okay, baby. Not a problem, hm? You get all the snuggles you want.”
You gazed up at her, lips puckered, she giggled, “Oh, my baby wants a kiss?”
You nodded sleepily, eyes barely open already.
“Please?” You sulked.
“Aw.” She bit back a laugh, “Okay, okay.” Pecking you on the lips, and then a few more times on your face just to hear your laughter.
“Yaaay.” You replied, eyes fluttering shut thanks to her company and the soothing motions of her hand going up and down your back.
Capri smiled to herself watching you quiet down and succumb to sleep. Once you were out for long enough, she carried you to her room and tucked you in to spare you a backache when you woke up.
Well, eventually, she climbed into bed with you after putting your dirty clothes in the hamper feeling herself in need of a little bit of a nap too. She held you close again, it helped her relax too knowing that you were right there with her. That was all you needed now. She knew she needed to talk to you about a few things, but that could wait until you were up for it later on.
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🏷️Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartandstuff @pda128
Ended up being longer than I expected🫣 I’ll also be doing fics with this theme for the rest of the characters that I’ve not written for yet :)
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echotunes · 2 months
Flowers and Frights
pinch hit for @kaije224 for @mcyt-summer-of-yuri!! here's bagina taking a walk in a field of flowers yippee <3 with no incidents whatsoever
“This place is so pretty,” Tina marvels.
“Yeah!” Bagi grins, feline ears flicking. “Yeah, I thought it was cool, I thought you would like to see.”
They’re in a field of flowers, a meadow of colours stretching in all directions, further than Tina can see. She doesn’t even know what some of these flowers are! But they’re all pretty, and Bagi decided to take her here, and that’s so, so cool… There’s a bird singing somewhere, and sometimes a light breeze stirs the high grass. The scent of flowers is everywhere. It’s… peaceful. It’s nice.
And it’s not a date. It’s not! Bagi just asked Tina to go for a walk together. In this beautiful place that just so happens to be very far away from Spawn, so it’s unlikely they’ll run into anyone else. Just the two of them. But it’s not a date. Because neither of them said it was a date. And a date would be, like, a commitment, kind of! And this isn’t that. Not yet.
(Not that Tina doesn’t want to go on a date with her! She’d love to go on a date! But if this were a date, then that would involve thinking about the fact that Bagi doesn’t know about all of Tina’s… stuff, yet. Like the whole… demon thing. Stuff that she should probably really be aware of before they start moving towards any sort of relationship with each other, because that’s kind of important info.
But it’s fine! Tina will get to it, eventually. Once she’s got it all figured out herself. And has a way to tell Bagi about it. But since this isn’t a date, it’s okay! It’s just a walk. A beautiful walk, even. And—)
“Which way do you wanna go?” Bagi asks, startling Tina out of her thoughts.
Tina blinks. “Um! Uh…” She spins around. “I mean, do you wanna… go… in any direction? In particular?” They’re all the same, right? Is Bagi expecting her to decide? Is it rude of Tina to be asking Bagi for her opinion if Bagi already asked her for hers? Oh, she’s terrible at this, oh no.
“I don’t mind!” Bagi shrugs. “Ah… we can go this way!” She starts off in a random direction, sweeping her coat around her as she goes.
…Almost immediately, before Tina can even begin to catch up, Bagi steps into an unseen hole in the ground, yelping as she flails. Tina stops herself from sighing dreamily (because Bagi is the coolest person she’s ever met, but come on, that’s just cute), and instead laughs as she hurries forward to offer her her arm, and Bagi takes it to pull herself upright with an awkward little smile that Tina easily returns.
They walk for a little while – Tina mostly lets Bagi ramble, about the clues about the Federation and the mysteries of the island she’s been investigating recently (really, she’s so smart, how does she do it) and just about what she did yesterday, and Tina tells her about her own day in turn, and tries not to get too distracted by how much this feels like it could be a date. Because it’s not one. She’s established that.
And then—Tina doesn’t know how, maybe they just got distracted, maybe she was too intent on listening to Bagi and looking at the flowers to notice – but Bagi lets out a yelp of half-pain, half-surprise, and when Tina whirls around to look, there’s a zombie in a golden helmet right behind them, and it’s sunk its teeth into the shoulder of Bagi’s coat.
Bagi swears at it, something in Portuguese that Tina doesn’t understand and she doesn’t have time to look at her translator for, but she gets the gist of it well enough as she’s fumbling for her sword. She finally finds it (stupid not to have left it in her hotbar, why isn’t she being more careful, that’s so risky) and draws it in a flash; but before she can do anything, Bagi is whirling around, and then there’s a loud clang and the zombie is crumpling to the ground.
Adrenaline coursing through her veins, Tina thrusts the sword downwards, plunging it into the zombie’s chest – “leave her alone!” – and then the zombie is dissolving in a puff of smoke, leaving nothing but a pile of rotten flesh and a golden helmet, now dented with the vague shape of a frying pan, behind.
“Oh my god.” Now that Tina has time to look at her properly, she sees Bagi’s tail is bristled, white fur standing on end and making it look all puffy; and her ears were leaned back, though now they relax as the danger has passed, and Bagi takes a deep breath. “That—oh my god.”
She doubles over, and for a moment, Tina is worried that Bagi is injured somehow, and is going to need help; but then she straightens back up, or at least tries to, and Tina can see that she’s bent over with silent laughter, gasping for breath, so she lets herself relax.
“That was—oh my god, Tina—” Bagi is audibly giggling now, and Tina lets herself join in – because the way Bagi’s tail is all puffed up is kind of funny now that the adrenaline shock is over, and it was just a zombie, and it’s all okay, it’s fine, it’s okay.
“It was just a zombie.” Bagi pauses to wipes a tear of laughter from her eye. “That’s so embarrassing, what the hell. Thank you for saving me, Tina.”
“I didn’t do that much,” Tina protests, though something inside her is glowing at the praise. “I mean, you saved yourself, really, I just, like, finished it off.” The moment is replaying in her mind now – what if Bagi thinks it’s weird what she hissed at the zombie before killing it? She was just acting on instinct, her instinct to protect the people she loves because she has to be a good demon, but…
Wow, Tina is a mess today. Gosh. Being alone with Bagi will do that to her, she guesses.
“Thank you anyway.” Bagi grins, and fixes her frying pan back to her belt. “Let’s keep going?”
“Yeah!” Tina smiles, and now that the moment is over, she’s feeling a lot less nervous – so maybe it is okay. “Yeah, okay.”
Bagi holds out her hand, and Tina has to stop herself from actually squeaking out loud, because oh gosh, okay, okay, okay—
“Okay!” she bursts out, and Bagi laughs, and Tina inches her hand forward far enough to slip her fingers between hers, and then Bagi is pulling her along through the flowers, and this is so—so overwhelming, but in the best way, and Tina feels a little giddy as they go. She’s so lucky. Even if this isn't a date. Definitely not.
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milktian · 4 months
WuWa spoilers under the cut!! I just finished I think the first act? I just need to get this off my chest. There's still a lil more but ill probs edit this when i finish that yippee
EDIT: so there wasn't a lil more they just stick your character in a chair and when you get out quest over. Lil weird but alright.
So. The story itself is intriguing - the exposition dumps really weren't great tho like my eyes kept glazing over but i think I got the general gist. It isn't the strongest start, but I can only hope it gets better from here cause i still really really enjoyed myself.
I'm not sure if I was meant to do Lingyang's quest earlier + meet Yuanwu earlier cause they just kinda,,, showed up in the final stretches and like i've never met them in the story before. It was a lil jarring
Havoc Rover.
One-winged Angel Rover..... i want to wait until enough time has come out but you know i'm drawing that. I do need to get a handle on his playstyle though im so used to spectro rover jfdnjkhdilk
The Threnodian (?) Puppet (??) boss was literally so cool i can already see WuWa's enemy designs being in my top top favourite of enemies designs and I am not even kidding. It was so like,,,,, cool and freaky and oufjdjsglfk gushing about them. I wish there was a way to see that model somewhere like in an archive but im begging i wanna look at it when im not fighting for my life.
Also side note: the fighting in general, combined with enemy designs weirdly reminds me of the dark souls games??? Like to me it feels like it smooshed genshin + dark souls together and y'know what, i needed that. Ik it's stupid to compare it to dark souls just cause it has a dodge + parry mechanic and the enemies, but i don't know how my brain works dude. it just does that
Also the domain was sick as shit im so ill rn. You can't use cameras in the domains i think (rip) so this was the only one i got. I also hope they have the cutscene on yt or something cause there's like one frame which is gonna replace my argenti wallpaper (sorry bb)
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The new area - Norfolk Barrens - also looked super cool. I adore wuwa's environmental design. I've only been through it during the story, but I'm excited to explore. Once I'm free of story and quest stuff, I'm gonna go on my 100% everything spree like in genshin lmao
I'm tempted to pull for Jiyan but I kinda wanna save? he is super fun but I'm trying to be more like,,,, ig reserved when it comes to pulling in case there's someone who I prefer later on. I wanna focus on building lingyang + Havoc Rover for now. I don't care too much about the meta but i still wanna survive in combat yknow
despite the bugs and stuff i've encountered, im having a super fun time and can't wait to see where it goes!!
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my-little-loverboy · 7 months
I had to restart his save since it got corrupted- which means it’s time for a new ref!!
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I’ve committed to the fact that this man dresses like an 80s dad in any modern au.
Tries very hard to read as the ideal paladin, good morals, strong sense of justice n what have you. He is unfortunately full of trauma and identity issues, fear of his god is a HUGE THING and breaking his oath accidentally is a perpetual anxiety too.
I’ve also decided he has the shittiest, patchy ass beard. Usually he’s clean shaven bc he doesn’t like having facial hair but he’s not quite adept enough with a dagger to shave with one and tries exactly once to shave (failing miserably, much to Astarion’s entertainment) before giving up until act 3 when he buys himself a new razor.
I really should draw him holding the blood of lathander more but that mf is agonizing to draw man there are, so many layers to it.
I finally remembered to draw his glasses on his ref, yippee.
I’m making him an actual dnd character sheet so I’ll probably attach that once it’s done
I’m side tracked I’m supposed to be talking about his lore huh
Anyway, tw for abandoment (passing mention) emotional abuse, death (of a parent + en masse,) mental illness that’s being ignored, chronic pain and illness (also being ignored until he can’t)
His actual like- lore lore is below the break.
Born in the underdark, his mom fucked off with him bc the underdark isn’t a great place to live generally speaking, and she had the means. His dad decided last minute to stay in the underdark.
Taken in by the temple of lathander in elturel bc his mother was chronically ill and not expecting or able to be making this kind of journey on her own with a very small child. Ended up being moved from the temple to a hospital after it was determined that she probably wasn’t getting better.
Charlie ended up being mostly raised by the temple, went to school there and was taught how to read and write + basic math. But spent most of his free time working to pay for his mother’s (and soon his own) medication.
Turns out the of the myriad of issues his mother delt with (migraines, persistent nausea and dizziness, chronic joint issues) were genetic, so by time he hit puberty he was working his ass off to pay for it.
You may ask me “cake, didn’t that aggravate his joint issues?” Yes. Badly. He was not given any other options, the fact that they were alive at all was a godsend (I use the word godsend intentionally, he believes, strongly, that lathander is keeping him alive for some reason beyond his understanding, that is the root of his devotion.)
Did you order mommy issues? Hope so bc he has them in spades. You can only be hear your dying mom say she regrets saving you life as a literal toddler so many times before it starts fucking you up, and she said it (and other delightful(/sarc) things) plenty in the months leading up to when she died.
Shortly after her death, and suddenly needing to work way less (his medication was significantly cheaper than his mothers) he devoted himself to the temple, and was eventually approached bc some kids he went to school with to see if he wanted to join their little class thing. The temple liked to train their folks in groups of 4, in hopes of building strong teams should they choose to stay together.
He agreed, and found out that the temple would pay for his medication in exchange for dedicating himself fully to his training and his studies (and occasionally them using him as a scout, being small, naturally stealthy, and decently quick had its advantages.)
Took his oath with one of the other people he was trained alongside when he was 17, and they were collectively sent to continue their training at the nearby Fort Morninglord.
Things were solid, until he was sent along with a group of seniors to Baldurs Gate as a sort of test to see how he would do on a longer mission before officially joining the Order of the Aster.
He did well, all things considered. Unfortunately between him leaving and returning is when Fort Morninglord got eaten by the shadowfell for some reason. (That’s a canon event btw)
So, with all his friends presumably dead, maybe worse, and all his shit left inside a heavily guarded, very cursed fort. He did the reasonable thing, and fucked right off.
He ended up joining one of the seniors he went to Baldur’s Gate with in going to Waterdeep, while they didn’t particularly need another paladin. The temple of lathander in Waterdeep accepted them both until they were able to find stable employment.
Charlie mainly did small jobs for merchants, working as a guard for high value stuff, moving cargo on/off boats, mostly physical labour. It didn’t pay particularly well, but he could afford a little room above a tavern, and his medication.
That’s where he was, and how he lived for almost 130 years until he got wormed.
May or may not be blindly devoted to Lathander bc of… all that. literally any bad thing to occur to him is swiftly written off as a test of his faith, surprising to damn near everyone he is not one for converting people. (He definitely reads like he would though, it’s the theology special interest, there are few gods he won’t speak extensively on. He just defaults to lathander)
Fr though? Having trouble finding a god to worship? Ask him, he will give you an answer or more accurately- a list.
Yknow when you sprinkle random facts into your characters to make them less flat? Yeah my man collects maps, particularly outdated ones.
The only reason he’s not fucked post-worm is bc it fends off the worst of his usual symptoms. He has conflicted feelings about it (on one hand, being able to put honey in his coffee and not feel like his brain is exploding is nice, on the other, what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck.)
Post game he is left in a… state. He’s gotten used to life with less pain and is absolutely bedridden for a WHILE bc suddenly he’s being hit with his usual pain n symptoms but he’s not used to it anymore so it’s absolutely destroying him.
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zaacoy · 2 years
It's 3 am!! You know what that means!!! Delusional tang posting time let's gooo yippee!!!!!!
Said I'd dump S4 Tang thoughts here a week ago and then I just kinda. didn't. oopsies, but I can start now!!
S4 Spoilers below the cut, you have been warned!!!
AUTHOR'S NOTE OF SORTS AFTER WRITING THIS: WOW IS THIS LONG. I got a little too silly and put too many thoughts down at once oops, prepare to be reading for a good minute you have been warned (twice!!) aughdhsj
My thoughts are so disorganized rn prepare for a rollercoaster of whatever my brain spits out!!
First. Ep 4 intro.
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Good to see that Tang still can never have a nice landing unlike everybody else
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I can't. I cannot. convey in words how incredibly funny this scene is to me. I can't sit through it and not laugh or start kicking my feet it's just THAT good. They had Z E R O business doing this to him, this scene had absolutely NO REASON to be THIS chaotic but they?? did it anyway????? jgkngm???? I love this show sm
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He's so pretty in this specific lighting I need to draw him like this soon or I will explode wowowee
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That's such a funny reaction, no more energy just. Whatever. Eat me I guess I don't care just start cooking so pigsy can come back please. He is so funny
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weapon. just straight up bonk him into a demon like a plank of wood
Actually now that I think about it why? Did nobody untie him??? they found him and just left him like that?? Neither of them ever untied him if memory serves I'm pretty sure pigsy did it while he was cooking. ???
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"To get crammin' APPARENTLY! HMPF!"
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"Oh, haha! I'M the dinner! Excellent."
Good to see Tang's sass and saltiness never leaves, they should let him be sarcastic and talk back more often
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Done with all of your bs glares at you glares at you glares at you glares at y
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What comes around goes around!!! Their dynamic is fun wahoo
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He noms very happily!!! omnomnom (he deserves it at this point mans DESPERATELY needs a break)
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THEY DID NOT HAVE TO CALL HIM OIT LIKE THAT DHDHJS PLEASE????? JAJJS The little sad noises he makes as he gets torn into, little guy behavior tbh
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"-stop gorging yourself on our rations!" "I'm sorry! It's just I'm stressed okay!?"
STRESS-EATER CONFIRMED!!!!!!!!! YOU AND ME BOTH BUDDY. No wonder he married a cook, wonder if in college everytime Tang was mega stressed about finals or a big deadline coming up (the latter could be true later when he's out of college and had a job too) if pigsy, assuming he had the time, would just make a meal for him. They probably wouldn't be able to spend much time together in that situation so making him something when he knows Tang is stressed seems like a realistic thing for Pigsy to do in order to subtly show he's there for support when need be. Tang pays that kindness forward by actually paying his tab for once coughs
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"HEY! I so to am perfect!" (S1)
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"hmmmm, if I wasn't so cool and relaxed all the time I'd be reeeeeally worried about the consequences of this" (S1)
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"I know my issue is my self confidence" (S4)
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(Can't find a way to make it a gif) Tang: so ""relaxed"" in his current situation that he is shaking hard enough to vibrate in place, coupled with the look of completely calm and collected and ""coolness"". (S4)
Does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night chan- gets shot
ACTUALLY THo S4 fleshed him out as a character so much, especially when we compare him to how he started all the way back in S1. Beforehand in earlier seasons everything was mostly stable for him. Same places, same people, consistent comfort, it gave him some sense of security that could have made his "calm and relaxed" demeanor viable back then. But now that everythings been thrown up and ruined by powers out of Tang's control, his bubble of safety no longer stands. We begin to see it in season 3 with lady bone demon's attacks + macaque's continued interference. Tang seems a lot more on edge near the latter half of season 3 then he had been all of the rest of the show and there's definitely WAY more panic present as one bad thing after another unfolds, notably when he is quite literally moved to tears as he's forced to forge the samadhi fire. It does kind of consistently crop up during other prior conflicts too but much more mildly and on a more temporary scale. Now, seemingly not long after the lbd incident as mk evidently still hasn't pushed past lbd all that well, his entire framework of stability is practically smashed into pieces. He's stuck in a scroll, he loses track of all of his friends for a while, there is no comfortable safe space for him anymore(a book can probably only realistically tell you so much about a setting, probably not enough to evoke the same familiarity that his house or pigsy's shop does), he literally almost gets eaten, there's ANOTHER massively powerful divine being threatening the safety of his loved ones along with his own, and on top of it all he can't get his powers (which are evidently in DIRE need right now) to work half the time. He had built a dependency on the routine of mundane life beforehand and S4 completely shatters that routine and subsequent stability. It's no wonder why we begin to see him crack, it make sense why we're just now seeing the actual depths of his lack of confidence and his anxiety. This has always been a problem more likely than not, he was able to cope before, or at least hide it, but he can't now. His inability to use his powers properly inevitably worsens the problem. He needs to use his powers but he cant. He needs to be useful, he has to be, but he just can't no matter how long or how hard he tries. Every odd is against him, it's getting to him and it shows. I love how lmk doesn't try to hero-speech it's way out of every character's doubts. I love how they let him break down several times throughout season 4, I love how they let him show emotional weakness not as a plot obstacle that can be ✨✨completely overcome with the power of believing in yourself!! And friends!!! And flashy magic!!! Yayyyyy!!!✨✨ but as a fundamental part of Tang that he just has to work around and deal with it. They obviously can't get too in depth into it (and probably never will) because a. This is a kid show made by Lego, and b. Because he's, y'know, not the main character, but the attention they did bring to it is nice.
I have. Accidently written a paragraph. Oops. uhhhh tldr: They did a good job portraying Tang's internal struggles through S4 while not invalidating his character and behavior from previous seasons. When you kick the rug out from someone's feet and then throw them off a 400ft cliff into a pit full of spikes they're going to be at least a little bit terrified out of their mind and are probably going to understandably show weakness somewhere along the way, I'm glad Lego takes a moment to explore that with Tang at least a little bit.
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Mentioned this earlier on twt but the death grip he maintains on his staff when he gets really scared is a nice touch. He has a history throughout all 4 seasons of latching onto objects or people when he's distressed, a small but fun character detail!
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"ahh I'm sorry I'm just- I'm having a melt down and I have no idea what's going on and I just-!"
In line with what I ranted on about for an entire essay earlier- explicit mention of a meltdown! It's quick and short but the fact that they called it a meltdown at all is impressive, this is the first time I can remember a show calling one as such. A meltdown in response to a seeming extended lack of security and a disconnect between Tang and what's going on around him is realistic too, I think at least. The scene right after this when the gang (mostly sandy) does their best to bring Tang back down to earth for a moment was nice, they're such a supportive friend group I love this little found family
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I had more to say and I will probably say those later!! For now this is it, it is almost 6 am I should really go to bed augahh
Remember!!!!: live, laugh, tang lego monkie kid. GOODNIGHT!!
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galactic-feelins · 1 month
Finally got back into a drawing mood and my apple pencil went ahead and died on me! Yippee? So it's traditional pencil on notecards time until that's fixed <3
For now I figured I should at least share some of my thoughts lately, if not for people that are interested then at least as a reminder I'm not dead on this blog yet!
So I've talked vaguely about the 4-way crossover that's somehow become a 5-way, but I really wanted to get a reference chart for the gang and give basic summaries and stuff about each of the characters involved. Unfortunately with digital no longer an option that's probably going to take a bit. For now I'm gonna talk about the local Phantom in the mix.
Danny Fenton in the crossover crew is the same as the one in my Clueless au (that's what I'm calling it for now until I have a better name for it) because it's easier for me to keep track of that way and also it's more interesting to me. This au is not quite an everybody knows au, but not quite canon-adjacent either. Everyone knows SOMETHING but not enough for the whole picture, often jumping to conclusions that are detrimental at best. Due to other circumstances as I've decided, it's also a ghost king au, which is the catalyst to him joining the crossover crew to skirt those responsibilities entirely.
What I have so far is that Sam and Tucker know due to being present for the portal accident, while Jazz finds out about Phantom in the same way she does in canon. Danny's mom is the most noteworthy discovery as she comes home just late enough to see Phantom transform without him noticing, thus coming to the conclusion that her son is missing and Phantom stole his place for unknown reasons. Other classmates find out through individual circumstances and keep silent out of worry, either believing they're seeing things that aren't real or believing that saying anything would inadvertently kill their classmate. Ghosts find out through their own means, but after the king Dark incident things get messy.
After defeating Pariah Dark in a 1 on 1 duel and stealing the crown, the title of king gets a little... muddled. He did not kill Pariah, only sealing him away for presumedly eternity, but he also quite literally stole the crown from him in a duel to the death. From that point on it seems the crown itself is drawn to Phantom, and the moment the rest of the ghost zone catches wind of Phantom as the king to be, Amity Park's peace is thoroughly out the window. By the time Danny's aware of what he's done it's far too late, as he wakes up one morning he finds the crown sitting right next to his bed as if placed as a warning, and that's the first he ever hears of this issue at all.
Anyway so I can draw small snippets of ideas on note cards (which is what I'm doing tonight apparently) but I can't get anything big and lengthy for a bit! I do have some ideas for different designs and ghosts to have show up, some new some old, but maybe that's for a different post
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lavalampstealer · 1 year
give me your roxana or anna head canons
Yippee more headcanons! :D Most of these aren’t gonna be for the actual canon, more for Cyan’s story/version of events
Hcs below cut for length
- So she was an engineer for the Agency, right? Well, as a predecessor to her robots, she worked on robotic limbs to see if they would allow Agents to continue their work without having to retire due to injury (you see where this is going). She designed and made Cyan’s Mark I and Mark II legs and their Mark I arm (Mark I leg during ieytd 2, it was damaged after Rising Phoenix so they got an updated/improved replacement alongside their arm). She offered to make one for Handler since his leg injury is what pulled him out of fieldwork but he politely and somewhat panickedly refused
- She and Handler were close friends, he often came to her workshop to talk to her when he didn’t have any agents out in the field (he esp had more free time after Phoenix was temporarily put out of commission following the aftermath of the DE Incident). In fact, they met when she visited an unconscious Phoenix’s hospital room to take measurements for their leg, and he would drop by under the guise of checking on her progress
- she heard so much about Phoenix and how many times they escaped death that she became motivated to finally start the Big Project that she had been planning: Project Robot Replacement. She had already been using kinesium as a power source for the prosthetics, so combining her experience, knowledge, and her own ideas, she began to work on a robot that could fully replace human agents
- Her color is teal, which is different than Cyan’s, well, cyan. It leans a tad towards green on the color wheel while Cyan’s is a straight blue (when I get around to drawing her I’ll show what I mean)
- she didn’t suffer a fatal wound from the gunshot in First Class, but it was enough to where Cyan requested an Agency medteam meet them at her train stop (it was the least they could do and from what little interaction they had, they quite liked her)
- Her color would be like a dark wine red, a tiny bit like a pink. Before she defected, she was a slightly brighter shade and was closer to a maroon
I’ll have to replay First Class and see if I come up with any others for Anna. I’ll admit, it wasn’t my favorite mission, but that’s just because I was dumb and couldn’t figure out Handler’s clues
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boiledbasil · 5 days
✨the art Process ✨
pretty much all the random thoughts I have while drawing (aka I'm drawing knightkasa rn and tumblr is my only escape)
...alright I've got a good idea, let's get sketching-
hehe fun art HOLY SHIT IT'S BEEN AN HOUR ooh wait hold on I found random song
alright I got a...sketch... for the pose ig oh wait fuck now the legs are off lemme just fix that
shit I made the head too big
fuck it's too small
fuck now it's in the wrong position
is that shoulder right... WHY DID I MAKE HIM LOOK LIKE THAT-
damn I've been legit been doing the shrimp posture for like 2 hours and I only have a pose half done lmao
fuck the pose I'ma work on literally everything else cus I'm lazy
dang there are a LOT off details on this outfit... guess i'm drawing all of it
shit I think that belt was supposed to be smaller... uh oh wait it's supposed to be higher as well
*bangs head against table 3 times*
I just realized the arm looks off again... fuck now i gotta fix it
how...do you draw eyes...
aww this random fanart I just found did something similar and it looks way better I wanna kms rn /p
wow... a mini sketch is finally done... wow this looks like shit
the details doesn't rly fit my art style... but it looks so ugly without them... T-T
maybe i should just restart lmao hahahahahhahah
wait how do you draw faces-
should I colour this later.... nah fuck no
I've been drawing to draw this mouth for like 5 minutes why do I do this to myself
maybe if I add a highlight to the eyes it'll shine bright enough that it covers all my mistakes
what if I just like close his eyes
damn that legs chonky as hellllllll
wow the entire body doesn't fit the art style of the face yippee
and now the clothes look off. yay.
how do folds work??? what if i like bend it here- nope nevermind that just made it 10x worse
how much detail do i put on the hair...? wow nope more detail it legit looks like a damn blob
okay nevermind it looks more like shit now
fuck drawing I'm just gonna go eat or something
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lostacelonnie · 1 year
Hey no worries i have to interact with people i dont wanna all the time & have to take a moment & not be like that myself. Oh shit its school time already? Maybe some will know but the beauty is that eventually you reach a point where nobody will who you dont want to so fuck it we ball on that one. Lakeside beaches are also very good i think mt fuji in japan has some like. Lakeside beaches that offer a good view of it & i wanna see that. Im not sure what the definition of fancier english words is here but mostly you dont need them in my experience anyways. Even specific words have workarounds. Ah so making it easier & more generic but not going into the details like they used to. Thats a shame especially with how confusing english can get. I went one town over a week or two ago & it was 108 F, or 42 c i had to convert that, at like 8 at night i was dying. Totally fair sometimes knowing when to hold off is best & its nice to enjoy stuff later for certain things. Turned out i had enough for 2 ten pulls but kafka came home on the first so my luck got burned for a bit i think. Cant wait to use her. The story is interesting but ive been having. So much fun diving in fontaine i ignored the story for a whole day. Good luck on your gear maxing & eventual ender dragon fight! Ah yes a tough choice. That i guess boils down to how much you like your family. So good luck on that decision as well! Oh please do! I found a purple that should work with my hair just need to use it when i have time. I would like to grind more but it kills my phone battery. Oh i got sampo too but i dont think i need to worry about building yet. So no artifact grind for me. The aeons are conceptually really cool & i cant wait for more simulated universe. When i get back to it. So many side quests. My brain is a sponge for fish facts mostly. Its weird. Like antarctic sponges are theorized to live so long because the low temperature & high pressure slow their aging dramatically
thanks ahdfkjg i appreciate it. it is indeed school time already! i start in just under a week but the beginning of the school year is pushed back this year bc september 1st is on a friday so its starting on the 4th instead! yippee! and yeah defo but luckily the people who already know, that being my mother and a couple friends, are very chill about it so even More fuck it we ball. yeah im pretty sure it does but not completely certain. speaking of which maybe ill go see mt fuji if i end up traveling more when older. and well its hard to explain shdfj i mostly mean like, rarer words used, for example, in poetry, or more specific words, lets say the parts of a ship- which, yes, i DO know the basic ones, but theres a couple that i only know the polish equivalent of [for example, a dziób is called a prow! i had to look that up!]. but yeah it doesnt really hinder my day to day understanding of the language, its just occasionally mildly annoying. and yeah it is like that but oh well. GOOD LORD 42C????? id just Perish. the moment it starts getting uncomfortable for me is like 27c [80f]. yeah ill see What Life Brings!! and oh congrats!!! tbh i didnt really have the energy to play star rail recently sjdnflgk but at least i converted that time into actually drawing so id say its for the better. and oh cool!!! im back in warsaw so ill probably check it out any day now sjdkfjm if im not too busy with rain world that is. god i love rain world. and thank you!!!! its extremely funny bc while ive liked minecraft for YEARS now i never actually ended up beating the game cos i have an unfortunate tendency to abandon saves.... but ill try to finally do it. beat the fake gamer allegations. i do actually like my family, or at least my mother since im not really close with my half siblings [all adults, also 2 outta 3 dont moved out of poland] or the rest [live like half the country away] so yeah i still have to think about it. anyway, dye update: i actually managed to do it! finally. thank god. and oh i feel you, my phone was dying bc of memory so i play on pc now. best decision of my life tbh. YEAHHH im so curious about them...... SWARM DISASTER GAME MODE SOON THO....... AND EPIC thats so cool!!! i love hearing fish facts knowing damn well im Not going to remember anything
0 notes
goron-king-darunia · 2 years
Annon-Guy: The Super Mario Bros. Movie Teaser Trailer.
Starring Chris Pratt (Star-Lord) as Mario and Jack Black (Po) as Bowser.
GKD here! Jack Back is a treasure but I'm kind of tired of Chris Pratt getting cast as EVERYTHING. He was fine as Starlord. Not sure how I feel about him being cast for everything else since then. I get it. He's a big name lots of people will recognize, and ultimately it's the parents that choose movies so drawing in parents with big names helps. And I get that they weren't trying to do the whole "Walking Italian Stereotype" with the heavy accent but... given how little Mario talks in the games, what little we DO hear is always that squeaky little "Ha! Wah! Wahoo! Yippee! Okie Dokie! Let's-a go!" That's iconic, for better or for worse. The only other accent I really associate with Mario is thanks to a childhood of the Super Mario Brother's Super Show. Lou Albano's thick Brooklyn accent and wild hair are, like, the only alternative to the dopey, squeaky, cartoony Italian of the games' Marios. Hell, that's what made that whole meme that came and went like a flash in a pan WORK. From what little I heard, Chris Pratt isn't absolutely abyssmal as Mario, but he barely speaks in the trailer, and I'm honestly expecting mediocrity so the mediocre bit I got wasn't exactly unexpected. I think the movie has a chance at being passable, and I'll probably give it a watch when I have time. But I'm honestly just kind of bitter about the whole "Put celebrities that don't really fit the roles into movies instead of casting new talent that fits better or paying more for someone who both fits the role AND is famous. I saw someone did a photoshop edit of Tom Holland as Link for a hypothetical live action Zelda film and I cringed. The idea that we don't have to cast real actors anymore or seek out new talent when we can just hire the biggest names for voice work or CG on whatever features we need for the actor and cast whoever's popular really kills me. It means there's never any new talent so the same 5 people can just phone in every performance because they're so famous that it doesn't matter if they're good for the role or not, they're just guaranteed work through their name recognition. It means getting dated CG that's going to look bad in 5 years where it's very obvious someone's worn a face rig for the whole movie so they could put someone else's features on or where they had to digitally erase something because the actor got an injury and the film was on a time crunch so they sent the final footage to the CG team on the last day before release and went "Hey, Famous McGee has a 3 inch scar across his cheek in this shot and makeup didn't cover it enough, can you go in frame by frame and photoshop that out? And also change the lighting and do 12 other edits to the footage? We won't give you a raise ever and no benefits okay thanks bye!" Like, it's entirely possible that I'm just very bitter and old, but I honestly hate the way the film industry is going. Same 10 actors in everything, jukebox musicals or generic tracks, pile all the work on the CG people because they're the only ones without a union and can't negotiate for better labor conditions that would put them on par with practical effects and makeup teams which they're largely being used to replace for cheap. Actors who can't sing getting autotuned instead of dubbed because "people would notice that's not their voice because they've been in every movie for the last century." Honestly, I don't blame Chris Pratt for taking the role or Illumination for hiring him. That's just business. I blame the capitalist monster and the ever increasing demand for profit that pushes out creativity and risky decisions necessary for art in favor of "safe" business decisions that mathematically guarantee making returns on investment and generating profit. We have, what, 5 big studios that own everything in the world of animation right now? They're all pretty cushy on their piles of money to the point that if any competition shows up to challenge them, they can just sue them out of existence or buy them up. (Disney is the biggest example but others have done it too.) Honestly, Pixar is one of the last good studios and even that's iffy. They're largely allowed to do whatever because they're the Stephen King of animation. Given enough time and money, they'll make good stuff every time. But even then that's kind of shaky ground now because they're under The Mouse so they've honestly been tasked with playing things safe most of the time and just BARELY putting anything worthwhile in movies anymore. IDK, I'm sure it's partly nostalgia goggles, but honestly I do think it's primarily that animation isn't treated as art anymore. It's just a "genre of movie" to corporate executives, and all they want is quippy humor and flashy colors to get kids in seats so they can make back all the pennies they gave to the CG team to make the movie passable. They don't care if the movies are good, they care if they can get people to pay for a ticket. And big names sell tickets. And I kind of hate that. (Jack Black gets a pass because he's a genuinely funny guy and clearly put charisma into his role.) Also Toad made me cringe because like. Yeah. That's just how humor in movies is done now, huh? Gotta have at least one loud "joke" for the trailer that doesn't actually say anything about the world or the plot so we can clip it out of context and really sell people on the fact that this movie is supposed to be "funny." IDK, maybe it's deliberately bad marketing. But it still makes me cringe.
0 notes
whump-only · 3 years
meal time -- Golden (vamp whump)
Part 2 of my mini vampire-whump series. Wherein Pollen tries out this whole feeding a vampire thing. 
tw: captivity, starvation/hunger, light gore (description of prior injury), it/its as pronouns, manhandling, reference to broken bones, suffocation/drowning, knives + cut skin, and who can forget blood
“Come on, vampy. Breakfast,” Pollen called. Or, he guessed, this was technically its dinner. Since, nocturnal, right?
The thing didn’t stir under its blanket. With a little jolt of concern and hope, Pollen wondered if the shock of having its legs broken just straight up killed it. Pollen placed the dog bowl down on the ground, with the cube of cow’s blood sliding around the bottom, already a small pool of it melted. 
With one hand Pollen pinned it down, putting his weight into it. This elicited a moan so at least it wasn’t dead. Yippee. He pulled down the blanket, revealing its thick matted hair and the iron straps that held its muzzle in place. This also meant it was on its stomach, which was good. Its bound hands must be pinned below it. 
Pollen fiddled with the key for what felt like far too long until the lock holding the muzzle shut dropped open. He pocketed the lock but hesitated to pull the muzzle away from its face, what if it tried to bite? But he couldn’t leave it like this… Pollen held its hair with one hand and yanked the muzzle off with the other, then swiftly scrambled up and away. 
His worry was for nothing, because it didn’t react at all, except to groan. The bottom of its face looked all discolored and part of it was torn open and oozing blood or something.
Pollen grimaced. With his foot he shifted the bowl closer so it was right near the vampire’s head. He then bounded up the stairs and slammed the door shut. 
When Pollen returned that night, the vampire was curled up away from the bowl, again tucked entirely under the blanket. Pollen checked and the cube had melted, leaving the bowl nearly full of the dark liquid. 
It didn’t drink any? Pollen wondered. He stared at the bowl for a while, then finally decided to dump the old stuff and put in a new cube of frozen cow blood. Again, he pushed the bowl so that it was right near where he assumed the hiding vampire’s head was. 
“Come on. Food. Drink,” he encouraged, tapping its back with his toe. 
It growled from under the blanket.
Pollen left hastily. 
The next night Pollen managed a few hours of sleep but still woke and lay awake for hours before getting up to check on the vampire. 
He felt a sense of relief at seeing that creature right where he left it. But the bowl was also exactly where he left it, untouched. 
Was it too sick to eat? That was really possible considering its almost catatonic state. Pollen figured it’d only get even weaker if it didn’t eat soon. It was strange that Hyde hadn’t mentioned this… His skin crawled from the thought of Hyde blaming him for killing his little pet. 
Perhaps the vampire just needed to smell the blood or taste it to be… inspired. 
Pollen pulled its blanket down off its head, careful to draw his hands away quickly. It growled and squeezed its eyes shut angrily. It was still unmuzzled and now under closer observation, Pollen could see its mouth was all blistered and the sides were torn open, half scabbed and still open. 
Pollen gagged. Trying not to look directly at it, he cupped a bit of the cow’s blood in his hands then splashed it onto the vampire’s face. 
The vampire huffed in surprise and opened its eyes ever so slightly. Pollen didn’t think he imagined its nose twitching a bit and it swallowing, though it was hard to tell under the dim yellow light. 
“Come on. Smells good right? Drink, it’s right there,” Pollen encouraged. 
The vampire stared at him for a beat before closing its eyes again. 
“Hey!” Pollen said, and splashed a bit more onto it. 
It scrunched its nose and looked him over with one eye before defiantly closing it again. 
“Fuck,” Pollen sighed, then turned to climb the stairs. “So stubborn…”
Pollen closed the basement door behind himself. Right there, on the counter in front of him, lay the vampire’s muzzle that he’d dropped there after taking it off. 
Pollen tried to walk past it. Twice. Finally after rocking on his heels he snatched it up and flipped it over. 
A silver bit. Designed to pressed into the mouth, burning lips and tongue. 
Pollen chuckled emptily. That would do it. 
Pollen trudged down the stairs. Unsurprisingly the vampire was under its blanket. Its bowl was full. 
“Come on, vamp. You’re gonna starve,” he complained. Pollen knew these things were resilient but they still needed food, right? 
Pollen tried to push the still-blanketed vampire onto its back but it resisted, making a low sound, not quite a growl. Pollen put a little more weight into his foot, until he was able to fully pin the creature on its back. 
With his boot Pollen tapped the lump of blanket until he thought he found where its bound hands were, and then by stepping down, pinned its hands into its chest. Pollen held his breath and ripped down the blanket, revealing the vampire’s glowering stare and what looked like a scowl behind its ripped lips. 
“I hate you too,” Pollen informed it, then grabbed its bowl.
Pollen tipped the bowl, aiming the cow’s blood at the creatures mouth. But the vampire kept its mouth firmly shut so the liquid splattered all over its face and chest. 
“God damn it,” Pollen muttered. Was it doing this on purpose? A little protest? 
Pollen stepped away to strategize. He could wait the creature out, eventually it would get hungry enough and drink. Right? But what if it didn’t? Maybe it’d had enough and was trying to kill itself. Could he could force it to open its mouth long enough to poor the liquid down? That would be hard. He didn’t want to touch its face. Did vampires even like cow’s blood? 
Pollen placed the bowl on the ground, by now the cow’s blood was nearly all gone, poured out and wasted. But there was a good inch left.
Pollen got a firm grip on the vampire’s hair. It winced a bit, before he even pulled.
Pollen took a deep breath and lifted the vampire’s head and smashed it into the bowl. The vampire immediately started to thrash and cough and wail. Pollen lifted its head above the blood for two seconds, letting it gasp for air, then pressed its face down into the bowl again. He continued like this four or five more times before releasing it.
Its whole face was covered in the watery blood, but it looked more like it’d gone for a swim than for a meal. It took shuddering breaths for a while, then as if declaring itself finished, pulled the blanket back over its head. 
Pollen checked the bowl. It was pretty much empty but most of the blood had probably been splashed out instead of swallowed. Pollen decided that was enough for the day. 
Pollen returned the next morning, ready with a fresh bowl of melted cow’s blood. 
The vampire whimpered as Pollen made his way down the steps, clearly less indifferent than before. 
“Don’t cry at me. Are you gonna eat today? Hm?” Pollen asked it, and set the bowl down by its head. 
The vampire didn’t move to drink so Pollen ripped away its blanket and took it by its hair again. It made a long, sad whine. 
“I know. But I can’t let you turn to dust on my watch,” Pollen explained, then dunked the vampire’s head into the bowl, trying to keep its mouth under and nose above the liquid. 
Like last time the vampire thrashed and growled. Pollen lifted its head and it seemed to cough blood back into the bowl before Pollen pushed it under again. Dunk. Breathe. Dunk. Breathe. 
It didn’t seem like the blood was actually going anywhere except the floor. Pollen dropped the thing’s head to the side of the bowl and sighed. It was hopeless. 
Maybe he could threaten it. Pollen got up and inspected the toolbox that Hyde had left. Many of the tools felt untouchable, too gruesome to consider, and the rest were useless. There was a little pocket knife… Pollen flicked it open. 
The vampire had closed its eyes again. Pollen pointed the knife at it, accusingly. “If you don’t drink everything in that bowl, I’m gonna cut you!” he announced, testing out the words. 
The vampire huffed without opening its eyes. Pollen doubted the vampire would even understand why it was being hurt, if Pollen really started cutting it. How absurd this must all be for a creature like that. To wake up one day in this nightmare. Pollen felt his resolve draining. “Shit.”
Pollen looked at his reflection in the blade of the pocket knife. The thought that entered his mind was so absurd that he laughed out loud. 
And yet… Pollen chewed his lip. He couldn’t be this soft. It was a vampire. Human blood was off limits. Didn’t Hyde say that? Right? Pollen wasn’t sure. 
Maybe a little bit of human blood would make it less… sick. Less depressed too. 
Pollen rolled his eyes at how much of a pushover he was for this. He’d never tell Hyde. 
Pollen crouched over the bowl that still had the cow’s blood. He took a few deep breaths then lightly pressed the blade into the pad of his pinkie finger. He hissed as it sliced open the skin but just as quickly the pain faded to a throb. A bead of blood welled up and slid off his finger, into the bowl, one drop of human’s blood lost in an ocean of cow’s blood. Plink. 
Pollen glanced at the vampire and his heart skipped a beat. It was staring directly at him, eyes alert and wide. Its irises were an undeniably beautiful color. Gold was rare for vampires. 
Pollen grinned in triumph even though his heart thrummed in his chest from its hungry attention. “Yeah, you can smell it right? You want this?”
The vampire’s nose twitched a bit, as if to confirm. 
Two more drops landed in the bowl. Plip. Plip. He’d really captured its attention now. It really was a beastly thing, so hungry for human blood. 
Pollen pressed his thumb just below the cut, pushing out a few more drops of blood. Plip. Plip plip plip. Plip. It seemed the vampire breathed a little faster, imperceptibly strained toward the bowl. But it made no moves, no sound. 
Pollen stuck his hurt pinkie into his mouth and stood up. He nudged the bowl toward the vampire, until the bowl touched the thing’s forehead. 
“Come on. I know you’re tempted,” he whispered. 
The vampire’s nose still twitched but it somehow still didn’t move. 
Pollen took a seat on the bottom stair. They were both out of each other’s reach. 
The vampire glanced at him, sizing him up, then the bowl, and Pollen thought he could see the gears churning in its brain. 
Finally, it shifted. Pollen held his breath as it laboriously got up on its elbows and lifted its head. It gave the blood a sniff and at last, lowered its mouth to the liquid and took free swallows. It even licked the bottom of the bowl. 
Pollen waited until it was finished before getting up. It startled, shooting Pollen a glare. 
But Pollen was just amused. “Good job today, Goldie,” he said, remembering Hyde’s nickname for it. 
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turtle-steverogers · 5 years
Government Affiliated Love Affairs
idk @fuck-your-fandoms suggested this and i vibed with it so yeee here we are
soulmate au! kinda!
ship: ralbert
warnings: none i dont think, but if i missed something lemme know
word count: 2600 ish
editing: eh kinda idk
“Well, this is stupid.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, pal.”
Race sighs, looking down at his hands as he fiddles with the cup sleeve of his grande americano.  
It was common knowledge that the “Formulated Love Act of 2023” was not the most foolproof of laws passed by the government in the past 5 years (not that anything the government did anymore was foolproof, but he’ll digress), but Race couldn’t help but at least appreciate that it wasn’t trying to push any heteronormative bullshit.  
That didn’t make this asshole any more bearable.
Granted, the notion of solving the ‘loneliness epidemic’ (which apparently was a thing and was causing the US enough damn trouble that the government fucking stepped in) through means of systematic soulmates was sweet.  Everyone gets a match based off a stupid fucking questionaire they completed when they were 21, like “oh, you can drink now! Here’s a shot of vodka and also your future partner is gonna be determined by this thick ass packet, go ahead and fill that out, no pressure!” And by the time you’re 25, a soulmate’s been hand picked for you.  By law, you’re required to marry them within a year of meeting, and then you’re set to live your life happily ever after. 
It was nice in theory.  But in practice?  Not so much.
Then again, wasn’t the government usually like that?
Race wished he had some whiskey to pour into his americano like those edgy movie characters.  Or Jack Kelly.  Jack Kelly did that sometimes.
When he’d gotten the email a week ago with his soulmate’s information and their established ‘meet-up arrangements’- which were really just fancy words for ‘forced date, have fun’- Race had been tentatively hopeful that maybe he’d be one of the rare cases.  The ones you read about on Buzzfeed where it really is love at first sight and maybe those few, poor FBI Agents who were stuck with the ‘Pairing Process’ had done something right for once.  
The ounce of a Disney fan within him had even entertained the thought of some miraculous meeting, where sparks fly and eyelashes are batted and smiles are exchanged.
But no.  Instead, Race is sitting at some random Starbucks in the middle of Manhattan with an obnoxious (and upsettingly pretty) redhead, who’s first words to him were, “I fucking hate coffee, I’m gonna get tea.”  To which Race had tried to cover his scowl, but failed miserably.
He hated tea snobs.  Don’t get him wrong, he enjoys tea as much as the next 25 year old guy, but those dudes who fucking made a point to openly despise coffee in favor of tea like some sort of pompous jerk?  Yeah, they killed his boner.
Race toys around with his coffee cup for another moment, before the silence gets too thick and he breaks, “Albert, right?” he asks, because even though it’s been a good half hour since they’d met up, the guy still hasn’t properly introduced himself.    
It had said Albert’s name and age in the email last Saturday, but come on.  It’s basic human decency to at least offer your name and maybe a handshake.
Albert scrunches his nose, taking a long sip from his iced peach green tea lemonade.  Fucking asshole.
“Yeah,” He says.  He sounds bitter and uninviting.  Race tries not to shrink in his seat, “And you’re Antonio.”
“Race,” Race interjects.
Albert’s eyebrows draw together, “Race?  What the fuck kinda-”
“It’s a nickname, just-” Race scrubs a hand down his face, “Just, don’t question it, but it’s Race, got it?”
Albert leers at him, “Fine.”
The silence settles over them once more, except this time, they’re maintaining eye contact.  Albert looks like he’s trying to size him up and Race’s neck prickles uncomfortably.
I mean, seriously, this is the guy Race has to marry?  Yippee fucking ki yay.
“Listen,” Race says slowly, “This- I mean,” he blows out a breath, starting over, “I hate to break it to you, but we’re stuck together and you’ve gotta move in by,” he pauses, checking the date on his phone, “Wednesday, so we could either work something out or suffer.”
Albert’s glare doesn’t falter, “I’ll suffer.”
Race sighs again.
“And down the hall here is my room and that,” Race gestures to the door opposite his room, Albert trailing behind him, “Is yours.”
After their disaster of a first date last Saturday, Race had relented and cleaned out his office, turning it into a guest room and moving his desk and file cabinets into his own room.  It was a tight squeeze into his relatively small space, but he wasn’t about to share a room with Albert.  But he was a nice person and wasn’t gonna condemn him to the couch, either.  So, guest room it is.
Albert hefts his box of belongings higher into his arms, shrugging his right shoulder to adjust the duffle bag on his back before inching into his room.
“Thanks, I guess,” He calls bluntly behind him before kicking the door closed, leaving Race standing dumbly on the other end.
Race blinks.  Then, blinks again.
“Man, fuck you!” He calls in a sudden surge of anger.  He hadn’t done a damn thing to Albert, what fucking right did he have to hate him?  He didn’t even give him a chance!
“Nah.”  Albert calls back.
“I didn’t mean it like that you fucking ass- you know what?  Nevermind.”  He storms into his own room, slamming the door shut behind him.
Later that night, Race is curled up in front of the TV, cradling a bowl of Panang curry and watching some random documentary about koalas.  He spoons some fried tofu into his mouth, frontwardly considering getting a koala, because they’re fucking adorable, and distantly wondering if Albert was ever going to come out of his room.  
He hadn’t heard from him all afternoon and the only indication that he was still in the house had been the distinct sound of a toe being stubbed, followed by a loud, ‘fuck me!’, which Race didn’t laugh at.  He didn’t.
His question is answered a moment later when Albert’s door creaks open down the hall and he pads into the living room.  Race can feel him lingering in the doorway, watching him, and he groans a little, placing his spoon back into his bowl and muting the television.
“What,” he says, turning to face Albert, who looks sheepish for a moment before replacing the scowl on his face.
“Nothing, just-” he purses his lips and glances towards the kitchen.
Race softens a little, “Are you hungry?  I didn’t know your order, but I got you some pad thai, 
‘cause it’s pretty standard…it’s in the fridge if you want it.”
Albert looks back at him, a strange look on his face, “You got me something?”
Race shrugs, “yeah?”
“Even after I-” Albert shakes his head, “Thanks.” 
Race watches as he seems to go through some internal conflict before stalking off towards the kitchen.  A moment later, the microwave starts up.  
“Alrighty,” Race mumbles to himself, unmuting the television and picking his spoon back up.  
A couple more minutes pass with the remote sounds of Albert putzing around in the kitchen and the narrator’s accented voice droning on.  It feels weird to have someone else in the house, but Race shrugs it off.  He never loved having roommates, but it was no different than his college days, really.  Even though he couldn’t just forget Albert after the year was over.  He had to marry the damn guy.
He’s surprised when Albert comes back into the living room and even more shocked when the other end of the couch dips.  Glancing over, he finds Albert sitting with his legs tucked underneath him, twirling rice noodles around his fork and staring fixedly at the TV.  He forces himself to relax and finish his curry.
They don’t say anything and eventually, Race lets his guard down a little.  An indiscernible amount of time passes and the program turns to a show about domesticated hedgehogs and how to care for them.  
Race feels himself nodding off, and he’s about to let sleep take him over completely when he feels his bowl being lifted out of his hands.  He cracks open an eye in time to see Albert get up and clear their dishes.
He comes back a moment later and looks mildly startled to see Race awake.
“I thought you were out out,” he says, and Race notes that the hostility that’s been ever present since they met is curiously absent.
“I woke up when you took our stuff,” Race admits.
Albert hums and sits back down on the couch, clicking off the TV and bracing his forearms on his knees.  He looks like he might want to say something, so Race waits patiently.
“Look,” Albert starts, sounding a little strained, “I’m sorry for how I’ve been acting.  I’m not trying to justify my behavior, but this whole,” he gestures a little wildly, “soulmate thing freaks me out and I kinda panicked over it and totally took it out on you even though it’s not in any way your fault and,” he lets out a humorless chuckle, finally looking at Race, “I’m sorry.  Really.”
Race offers him a tired, but reassuring smile, “Listen, bud, I’m like half asleep so only, like, a fraction of this conversation is getting comprehended, but it’s okay.  I mean, you were an asshole, but I get it.  This whole system is fucked.”
Albert laughs for real and Race finds that he likes it.  Just a little.  He can appreciate a nice laugh, okay?
“Sure is,” Albert agrees.
There’s a pause, but it’s not as charged as before.
“Where did the nickname ‘Race’ come from?”
“Uhhh,” Race yawns, stretching, “I dunno, my little sister always called me that and it stuck?”
Race props his head up on his hand, sleepily watching Albert fidget.  Albert seems to sense him staring, because he looks at him again, offering a small smile.
“You’re tired,” he points out uselessly, “you should sleep.”
Race nods, standing, “Yeah, I think I’m gonna,” he starts towards his room, “You should, too.”
Albert salutes him, “I will.”
“Goodnight, Al.”
“‘Night, Race.”
After their little impromptu apology session, things change between Race and Albert.
They hang out more, heading into the city to browse through museums and stroll aimlessly through Central Park.  Albert brings Race to a planetarium and Race, in turn, takes him to an ABT performance at Lincoln Center.  It’s nice, Race finds, and his initial opinion of Albert is rapidly changing into something entirely different and ten times more positive.
He discovers that Albert’s favorite ice cream flavor is stracciatella, even though it’s hard to find in the States.  Albert tells him that he graduated from Pratt with a film degree and dreams to one day participate in the Sundance Film Festival.
In turn, Race confesses that even though he grew up dancing and always thought he’d be a professional dancer, culinary school had ended up being his calling.  
Little things about Albert start to filter into Race’s awareness.  Like the way he quirks one side of his mouth a little higher than the other when he laughs, or how he scrunches his nose a little and furrows his eyebrows when he’s filming.  He’s got that kind of charming, self-deprecating humor, where he’s always cracking jokes, but only at his own expense, making him approachable and likable.  When he’s telling stories, his voice always pitches a little different, captivating whoever’s listening.  But when someone else is talking, he gives his full, unwavering attention.  
It makes Race feel interesting and important.  Like what he has to say matters.
It’s a sunny Friday and the two of them are sitting in a small sandwich shop in Brooklyn.  Albert is retelling some ridiculous story about how he got a cab driver to bring him to a veterinarian for free, because he found an injured pigeon.  His meatball sub is long since forgotten and Race notices that he has a little sauce on his cheek.
He’s just about to reach out to wipe it off when he realizes it.
He’s kind of in love with Albert Dasilva.
Huh.  Crazy.
“Hey, so I was thinking we could go try out that new bubble tea place over on 14th?”
Race lifts his head from his pillow, blinking blearily at where Albert’s leaning against his doorframe.  It’s Saturday and they’d spent the night previous in some club getting spectacularly drunk and naturally, Race is hungover as shit.  But Albert doesn’t get hungover, the motherfucker.
He scrubs a hand down his face and Albert watches with a smirk as he struggles to sit up.
“Yeah,” Race says, “Yeah, I’m down, just,” he rolls his stiff neck, wincing as it cracks, “gimme a few minutes to freshen up.”
“No prob,” Albert says, sidling out of the room, “We can grab greasy breakfast for you somewhere as well!”
“You’re a saint!” Race calls back.
A half hour later, they’re bumping shoulders as they venture through The Village, keeping an eye on Albert’s google maps as they look for ‘Bubbleology’, the new fangled cafe Jack and Katherine had been insisting they try.
“So, the Air and Space Museum in DC is having an exhibit on Mars next weekend and I was thinking we could pop down to see it?” 
Albert perks up, looking away from his phone to give Race an excited smile, “Really?  Wait, how did you know about that and I didn’t?”
Race blushes a little, shoving his hands in his pockets, “It’s your birthday coming up, so I was looking for things to do and...yeah.”
“Aww,” Albert nudges him, but Race can see him flush, “That’s sweet, I’d love to- shit, Race, careful!”
Race gasps, freezing as a car speeds towards him.  The only unfrozen part of his mind is screaming that the crosswalk says they can walk, so why isn’t that car fucking stopping and-
He feels a hand grip his bicep, yanking him back towards the sidewalk and all cognition slams back into him as he and Albert fall onto the pavement.
“-Fucking ASSHOLE, watch it!” Albert’s screaming uselessly after the car, but Race isn’t registering it.  Not completely anyway.
He takes a moment to assess himself, breathing deeply as he becomes increasingly aware that he almost fucking died, but he didn’t thanks to Albert.
Albert looks down when Race tugs on his sleeve, “Are you okay?  Jesus, that was- mmph.”
Race pulls him down, crashing their lips together.  For a moment, Albert’s frozen against him, then he relaxes into the kiss, reaching up a hand to cradle Race’s jaw.  They kiss for a while, until Race remembers that they’re quite literally sitting in the middle of a sidewalk and pulls away.  
Albert opens his eyes, looking slightly dazed, “Whoa.”
Race bites his lip, suddenly unsure, “Sorry?”
“No,” Albert’s eyes widen, “No, don’t apologize, that- no, that was okay.”
“Yes,” Albert says, hoisting Race to his feet and pulling him in for another kiss, “Very okay.”
When they break apart again, they’re both laughing, foreheads resting against one anothers.
“Hey,” Race whispers, waiting until Albert’s eyes meet his to continue, “I like you.”
Albert rolls his eyes, but it’s fond, “I like you, too, dumbass.  Maybe those FBI guys actually were onto something.”
Race smiles, goofy and genuine, “Yeah, maybe.”
They stand there for another moment, enjoying each other’s embrace.  Then, Albert steps away abruptly, grabbing Race’s hand and pulling him down the street.
“C’mon, I still want bubble tea.”
It’s Race’s turn to roll his eyes, “Idiot.”
“Yeah, butcha love me.”
“You got me there.”
do we want a part 2 with fluffy dating stuff/wedding?
lemme know!
thanks for reading, chiefs
hmu to be added to my tag
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