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whycraft · 1 year ago
I really heavily revised the first chapter of my yhs/ts fic where grian stays in tokyo, canada that i wrote four years ago
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solargeist · 27 days ago
Kid Xelqua in a little baby School Uniform and my life is yours
baby school uniform.......... i immediately thought of the japanese one with the little yellow bucket hat ? its adorable
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ruler-of-the-universe-boy · 2 years ago
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People who give yhs grian wings for only angst are doing it wrong you gotta do this /j
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canacandies · 9 months ago
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Just a guy and his book boyfriend
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the-toast-to-be · 5 months ago
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Cute bisexual gf with gross disgusting dirty rat straight bf (Photo snagged from @_kirbychips on twt)
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ends-chronicles · 7 months ago
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thumbnails give us so many little details that its insane...
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yhs-and-ts-ruined-me · 2 years ago
Me watching new grian fans learning about how grian was in a minecraft rp series (i cant stop it its a canon event)
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thatstoomanysausages · 1 year ago
Something, something, TCD Scar and THS Grian having bad times whenever they see a gun, BOOM💥💥💥💥 TRAUMA BONDING
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stormandstuff · 1 year ago
So.. Like. Song for an insane!Grian or evil-watcher!grian au..?
‘Insane’ by Black Gryph0n and Baasik. (It’s a Hazbin Hotel song)
Like, the start is pretty much Scar introducing the evil boi.
‘Dearly beloved for your entertainment, it’s my pleasure to hell’s Hermitcraft’s latest arrival ’
The start could be Grian’s intro to Hermitcraft S6, although he is instead tricking the Hermits into thinking he’s innocent and lost. (Totally not a Watcher or heavily unstable individual)
‘Hello it’s nice to meet you! Can you tell me where I am?’
‘I don’t know how I got here. But I think I’m starting to understand’
‘I don’t belong among the angels. And baby that’s fine with me’ - Watchers?? He broke away or is trying to convince the hermits that he’s good? Or he’s accepting that he has twisted morals in terms of just simply being insane?
He could be explaining things to Scar, especially if they’re in league. With Scar being the one introducing him, and the one he gets linked to in Double life.
‘The thing I did up there were highschool’ YHS/TS - Casually being a murderer whilst a teenager. He almost definitely would have gone insane after that kind of childhood.
Saying that people just got in his way. (Maybe Evo and the Watchers?)
‘I promise honey I can feel your pain’ - Double life Desert Duo. Do I need to say more?
‘Haven’t been the same since I expired’ - End of TS (endless void) or EVO (casual kidnapping) or even just the end of Third Life when he was the last one standing.
All of these could have easily driven C!Grian to insanity/hunger for power.
‘And now I have the power to bathe all of you in entertaining fire’ - He controls and enjoys the life games in this AU. He uses his Watcher powers to be entertained by the suffering of the other players.
Him talking about recognising someone as a previous old pal - could be so many different people. Sam? Taurtis? Mumbo? Scar? The EVO gang? All of them??
‘Tell me do you demons players bleed?’ - AU Grian is obsessed over the Life games and all his other death inspired or causing games. (TAG, Demise, etc)
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bunnyboilovessookie · 23 days ago
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got to the part of tokyo soul where lizzie comes in so i had to draw her
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boatem-probler · 5 months ago
Cthulhu Returns as a Soccer Dad, in... Tokyo Soul!
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / You Are Here!
Last Time on Tokyo Soul...
"So yeah, these are definitely gonna come out slower from now on." -- Me, a Fool
Yeah I have no excuse. But! With this big batch of episodes down, the finale is so close I can smell it. It smells like something witty I'll think of later.
This report contains mentions of: Blood, Violence, Death, Guns Medical Malpractice, Allusions to Sexual Harassment/Assault
So Let's Get Back To It...
Episode 36 – A NEW FRIEND!!
Sam and Grian are on Taurtis’s computer, looking at his search history. He’s been searching for hair growth formulas.
Doughboy has been cooking parts of himself and distributing them to people.
Grian and Sam convince Taurtis to do several very stupid things on the premise that they can cure hair loss.
Geode is having a yard sale of all the trash he’s collected. And also Taurtis’s school locker.
They go to the train station to pick up another one of Sam’s friends, this time from Canada. He and Suspicious Person (remember Suspicious Person? From way back in episode 1?) walk out of the walkway on fire. The train platform is also on fire. Apparently Sam’s friend, Nick, set the fire.
Sam sent Nick Taurtis’s school uniform in the mail.
Sam apparently met Nick in a My Little Pony chatroom, where Nick said he was 14. The boys express doubt about this, given that Nick has a very full beard.
Grian: “We’ve had worse friends.”
Sam: “We were just talking about sports, right guys?” Grian: “Uh huh, sports! Footballfootballfootballtennishockey. Golf.”
I’m obsessed with the way he says this.
The cashier at the convenience store is Hank Kingofthe Hill except his name is Frank Chill. Just. By the way.
Episode 37 – DRAGON BALL Z!!
They all go over to Geode’s yard sale. He is frolicking around in the trash with a knife. He has a “mask” that is just a severed Dom Clone head. Grian wants to buy Taurtis’s locker. Geode just hands him a whole bunch of raw chicken. Geode doesn’t exactly grasp the concept of “sale”.
Another one of those weird aliens from the special has landed in the soccer field, and he’s brought Minions. Yes, those ones.
The alien guy gives a whole Dramatic Alien Speech to the effect of: he heard about Taurtis defeating that other alien guy in the special, and he would now also like to fight Taurtis.
Grian: “On a completely unrelated note, has anyone got any bullets?”
Basically Grian REALLY hates Minions and would really like the opportunity to actually shoot some in real life.
Anime Alien charges up for a good long while, and then Taurtis One Punches him. Then all the Minions charge, so the boys end up killing most of them too.
Sam: “How did you get this powerful, Taurtis?” Taurtis: “I did a push-up yesterday!”
As is tradition, they take Nick to Get His Class Schedule. Sam tells him there’s a fatality rate to the procedure, which I’m not sure I remember anyone saying before so he may just be fibbing. No one died that Sam saw, anyway.
Oh dear. So, Señor Loro is not wearing a shirt, because Geode is wearing his Christmas sweater. It turns out that Geode did, in fact, steal it from him without his knowledge, and attempts to deny ever having it. Despite this, Geode and Señor Loro both profess to being best friends. Grian is skeptical of the idea that someone would steal their best friend’s clothes and go to school wearing them. Sam argues that Grian has done that before. You may be able to see where this is going.
Anyway, Nick and Señor Loro fight. Unfortunately, someone has stolen all of the schedules.
Also this episode has the “Sam is my dog” blooper at the end.
Chupa won the lottery for 5 cents, so he’s summoning Cthulhu again with a ritual meant to “gaze into time”. The ritual text is more old memes. Everyone makes Grian read it.
The whole class is transported to a room with blank white walls and a whole lot of bookshelves just kind of floating in various places. Igbar Cthulhu is there.
There’s also someone else who looks like a shadow with rainbow hair. Grian “wants whatever she’s smoking”.
Cthulhu has decided not to destroy humanity, and instead let Sam do it for him. Sam is “the cause of it all”. And also “the root of it all”.
Grian wants to know if he’ll ever get out of here. Cthulhu says it’s possible but not likely but also not really no.
Sam wants to know why they can still hear the school bell inside the weird room they’re in. Cthulhu says it’s a pocket space and they’re technically still in the classroom. Grian thinks this is bullshit and Cthulhu is just Saying Words.
Grian wants to know: “How do I kill Sam?” Cthulhu says: “You can’t.”
Also, the rainbow-hair shadow person is Nyarlathotep, the Crawling Chaos. Sam and Grian start bullying her.
They transport themselves back to the classroom, and Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep come with them, because they want a front row seat to the world’s destruction. Also, Grian is jealous that Sam gets to be a horseman of the apocalypse and he doesn’t.
Sam is now threatening to destroy the universe when his friends are mean to him. Grian tries to call his bluff. There is a very ominous sound of thunder, but nothing else really happens.
Dr. Nurse has apparently gotten tired of Grian bugging him about “learning” all the time, so he’s taking the class on a field trip inside an ambulance. They’re going to see a car crash!
They arrive at the car crash. There is a man covered in blood standing in front of a burning car. He’s actually mostly fine, but the guy he crashed into, on the other hand, appears to have been… decapitated. Death is beautiful, remarks Cthulhu.
Oh, apparently the other guy is not fine, his organs feel squishy. Dr. Nurse gives him CPR. He dies.
Dr. Nurse gets a report of screaming… at Kurokuma’s house. Kurokuma claims he was just listening to Screamo. They can hear the screams. Once again, no one pays any attention to Grian’s protests. He doesn’t protest very much.
Then they all rush off to help Doughboy open a jar of pickles. Grian is pretty ticked off.
They go back to school for lunch. Grian reveals he took something from Cthulhu’s pocket dimension called a “Sleeping Chaos Potion”. He’s contemplating drinking it. Sam, of all people, points out that it’s probably a bad idea to drink something called a Sleeping Chaos Potion, but he still ends up chanting “chug” alongside everyone else.
Grian drinks the potion, and starts taking damage. Cthulhu says he’ll be fine, there will just be some “lingering side effects”. “If you have dreams about the world exploding, let me know.” This surely won’t have consequences! (But really, as far as I’ve been able to glean there aren’t actually any consequences for this within the canon of Tokyo Soul. I, however, can think of plenty of consequences!)
Also I feel like it’s worth noting, it turns out that Geode milking Dom way back however many episodes ago must have been accomplished with some sort of mod, and not by just hitting him and quickly swapping a pre-prepared bucket of milk into Geode’s hotbar as I has assumed, because every time someone hits someone else while holding an empty bucket, said bucket becomes a bucket of milk named “[username of the person who was hit]’s Milk”. I just thought you should all know that, because I am completely baffled by the fact that they chose to do this and then leave the mod on the server instead of doing a much easier classic filmmaking trick, for what was supposed to be a one-off gag. Anyway. I just had to get that off my chest.
Anyway they’re in gym class and Cthulhu wants Sam to kill Invader. He kind of sounds like a dad at his kid’s soccer game, except instead of soccer it’s the destruction of Earth.
Another Anime Alien has landed on the track behind the school. Sam shoots him and he dies.
Okay so I’m now coming back to this after God knows how long and also after a Very Long Day so I am very tired. We will see how this affects the Energy.
Where were we. Ah, right, this was supposed to be Jerry’s gym class. He’s at a bit of a loss. Jerry is one of the most reasonable and responsible people in this show honestly. Like, he’s trying. No One Else in this school is trying.
Students: So, what do we do for gym class now? Jerry: "Uh. Play?"
Also one of the students falls in a hole and everyone else starts badgering them with the milk buckets and the fishing rods that sound like guns. What is with these people and just leaving weird shit on this server that isn’t supposed to be there? It does add to the Atmosphere, I’ll give it that.
Episode 40 – KILL THE MINION!
Professor Geode has claimed all the unused classrooms as His House. Well, specifically his Holiday Home. He also has a Shop. Grian points out that it’s all very clean for Geode. He finds this suspicious.
Geode has an indoor yard. With sheep. And a Minion. The sheep are also robots?
Geode’s plan for today’s class is to dissect the Minion. Also, Google Docs is still trying to autocorrect “Geode” to “God”.
Geode bloodily slices from the Minion: A Watermelon Slice. A Single Rose. The Minion Energy Core (he’ll save this for later). A Bucket Of Milk. Numerous Garbage Bags. A Potion Bottle Of Blood. More Cores. And A Skull. Sam speculates whether the skull means that the Minion ate a human alive, and then simply assumes it does mean that. Geode then kills the Minion.
Grian wonders if Geode has been learning what friendship is. Taurtis looks directly at the sun.
Taurtis: "Do you ever wonder if we’re alone in the universe?" Grian: "NO."
Oh, Jerry has stolen Geode’s TV. Now I know I just said Jerry is one of the more reasonable characters but I fucking love Jerry and Dom’s TV Saga so he can steal as many TVs as he wants.
Sam remembers that Taurtis technically won a spaceship that morning, so they go over to the soccer field and break into it. The ship pranks them with a fake self destruct sequence, and then the boys accidentally take off for Planet Canada.
And then it’s…… the end of the day, but not the end of the episode? But it seems like it’s still the end of the recording session because they’re now making an excuse for why Grian isn’t there and going off to do some whole other plot? And I’ve decided this is too confusing for this late at night so I’m calling it here for now.
Okay I’m back. Let’s see… Taurtis’s hair is growing back in weird patches because he’s been using a suspicious hair growth serum, Grian got left in Canada and Sam blames Taurtis because the spaceship is technically his.
Taurtis: "He’ll be fine, he’s with Nick- oh, God, you’re right." Sam: "He’s screwed, dude!"
Regardless, Sam has decided that he wants to be a superhero too.
They go downstairs, where the house is covered in “totally not stolen” appliances. Like, not just TVs, there’s also ovens, landline phones, refrigerators, an entire streetlight, and Taurtis’s locker. Apparently this was Jerry and Doughboy’s doing.
Dom seems to be dressed up as some superhero I haven’t heard of. Oh, he’s Rorschach from Watchman apparently.
Some sort of robot appears and says it has come for the “bald one”. It’s here to kill Taurtis before he becomes too strong. It was also sent by someone called “The Steampunker”.
Sam and Taurtis tell the robot to shut up while they argue about which one of them should be the sidekick. The robot starts speaking in binary and then attacks Taurtis, who kills it. Sam and Taurtis continue their argument.
Sam says he’s “contacted” some superheroes and takes Taurtis to meet them. Also, Alex Minecraft is just, like, There and walking around. Wait, there’s some Steves too, a weirdly high amount of people just don’t have custom skins on in this recording session apparently.
They meet up with Sam’s superheroes at a coffee shop. There are also two Inconspicuous Bald Men at the coffee shop. Oh also one of the “superheroes” is Old Kurokuma, currently under the name “Kuma the Lion”.
The other superhero is called Captain Radiator or Luke, I assume he’s meant to be a reference to something but I have no idea what. But he’s wearing a yellow hazmat suit.
Sam wants his superhero name to be “The Strongest in All the Universe and the Leader of All”.
Kurokuma is still a creep.
Sam: "Okay, well my superpower, is… that… Taurtis! He- he neeed me. In the time of need."
Sam is also still insisting that he can destroy the universe because Cthulhu said so. Taurtis continues to doubt this.
Sam is given a superhero outfit. It is a rabbit costume.
Taurtis: "How do you defeat people like that? Do you like, jump on their head like Mario?" Sam: "I kill them with cuteness! And this 50-caliber sniper rifle."
Ah, the Inconspicuous Bald Men are holding up the superstore.
Episode 42 – SUPER VILLAINS!
They attempt to enter the superstore from the roof, but Taurtis misses the jump and gets trapped in an alleyway, so they all just agree to meet him at the front of the store.
Captain Radiator takes off his mask and gives everyone in the store radiation poisoning. It is unclear what this actually accomplishes.
Also, The Steampunker has appeared outside the superstore. He’s captured Invader and wants the heroes to meet him in a warehouse at midnight. The heroes just go there immediately.
Then they spend a Good Five Minutes trying to think of a superhero team name.
Captain Radiator tries to give the robots radiation poisoning, but fails, because they’re robots.
Oh also Invader is just kind of dangling above a vat of goo that supposedly will turn her into a robot. She doesn’t seem particularly distressed or anything though.
Taurtis volunteers to take Invader’s place because he thinks being a robot would be cool. Sam thinks this will put Taurtis under the Steampunker’s control, so they should kill him first. The Steampunker says the robot goo won’t work if he’s dead. Sam decides this means he can take the Steampunker’s place after they kill him and then he’ll be the one to control Robot Taurtis. Taurtis says he’d rather be controlled by the Steampunker.
Anyway, I think they eventually decide they want to kill the Steampunker after all, because Taurtis decides he wants to fight on the edge of the goo vat (because it’d be cool)... and the Steampunker punches him into the goo.
Episode 43 – KILL ME!
Taurtis breaks out of the vat and kills the Steampunker (he tried to let Sam kill him, but Sam failed). Then they try to get Invader down, but accidentally drop her into the vat. And it seems like her face is melting off, so Sam et al. run out of the warehouse like cowards.
Cthulhu shows up to tell Sam how proud he is of him for killing more people and melting a girl’s face off. Nyarlathotep gives everyone Mountain Dew. Cthulhu insults Taurtis’s hair, so Taurtis tries to punch him, it doesn’t work, and Cthulhu electrocutes him with a bolt of lightning.
Sam and Taurtis break into someone’s house and sneak out the back door, so Kurokuma doesn’t find out where they live. It doesn’t work, because they forgot they live with three other people who have no idea what the fuck they’re trying to do.
Dom, Jerry, and Doughboy are just living their best TV stealing lives and I support them.
Once AGAIN they are starting a new day in the middle of an episode and it’s really throwing me off my rhythm!!
Anyway. Taurtis has changed out of his One Punch Man outfit, and he’s in the kitchen angrily trying to make breakfast because, according to him, someone sent him a letter saying that if he didn’t make food, he’d be “fired”. I think it’s implied that Sam sent this letter, and that Taurtis knows this, and that Sam knows Taurtis knows this? But who honestly fucking knows with Sam.
Grian walks in! Apparently he’s “just been in orbit for a while”. He’s very confused about why there are so many appliances in the house. He also acquired his own spaceship somehow, and parked it on the roof.
Is it more interesting if the spaceship simply fell out of orbit directly above “Tokyo”/navigated there on its own automatically, implying that there is some supernatural force keeping Grian trapped there, or if Grian decided to go back there himself? Discuss. I could go either way, honestly, although I would like to find a way to have both, ideally.
Oh, apparently the context behind “Taurtis angrily making food or else he’ll be fired” is that it was something CC!Sam decided he wanted to do like right before filming the scene. “And then you can poison my food or something.” The more you know!
Thank God this episode doesn’t end in the middle of anything honestly.
Grian Trauma Count!
Deaths Witnessed:
Anime alien
Lots of minions
He didn’t actually witness the death, but he did see the decapitated body, so, Car Crash Victim Number the First
Car Crash Victim Number the Second
Grian seems pretty sure whoever was in Kurokuma’s basement died
Anime Alien The Second
Listen he had to get that second spaceship somehow
Injuries Sustained:
Basically anytime the guns come out I assume he gets shot a few times
Traumatic Events:
Subjected to another one of Sam’s shady friends
A somewhat all-powerful evil being tells him that Sam is going to destroy the world, there’s no way out of this town for him, and he can’t even kill Sam about it
Sleeping Chaos Potion (even if there are no consequences in the canon series, it did still definitely hurt)
Look, he didn’t seem all that shaken up by the Minion Dissection, but I think it should still count
Got left in Canada. Again.
Next Time... Grian Pushes Someone Into A Big Hole
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solargeist · 2 months ago
you’ve finally given me the motivation to watch yhs 🙏
know any suffering I receive is on you /j
lmao LMAO UHM ok so YHS is much different from Evo so I’ll give you a heads up ! Here’s the trigger warnings for YHS 😭
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skunk-floof · 1 year ago
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My designs for the YHS trio during Tokyo soul
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canacandies · 6 months ago
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What do you call a dog with no fur ? Chili bean potato!‼️‼️‼️
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Grian mentioned that he definitely didn't contact Cthulhu to get Mumbo back in his latest Hermitcraft episode and I lost my mind tbh. Man just called up Igbar like "I miss him so bad" or something idk
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orionsces · 2 years ago
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grian + taurtis being silly <3
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